faith in media & politics

Friday April 8 th 2011 Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University We Do, Do God Conference on “How Do We Communicate God in Public Life?”

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News & Politics

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A presentation of "How we communicate God in Public Life" and what role faith has in public life. Representations were made by leading bishops, politicians and news broadcasters. Emphasis was given on we can be confident in communicating faith values in secular societies with ethical principles and values as a common denominator.


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Friday April 8th 2011Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth


We Do, Do God

Conference on “How Do We Communicate

God in Public Life?”

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Shaping The World Around Us With Faith

Asad Khan,The Muslim Council of Britain

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3 Classifications of Humans: Oriental, Negroid, Caucasian

Creation: Common starting point

Aztec, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Mongolian,

Pompeii / Valley of Lot…

History & Civilisation(s)

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[I think therefore] “I am”…

Quest for Meaning…answers (who, why, where?)

Sense of Belonging….. to the Universe.

Rich & Diverse Heritage

Un-limited potential


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“I’m A Son of the East and a Father in the West”

Enlightened View

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Authentic Source Code for Life

“No Compulsion in Religion” (La Ikraha fideen)

“Know One Another” (Li Ta’arafu)

The Divine Codes

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Rational being

Struggle between intelligence and (carnal) desires

Weak / fretful: when in loss

Arrogant & ungrateful: in times of abundance

The Nature of Man

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Heart – feel reliance, trust, gratitude Tongue – testify the truth Limbs – conduct beneficial actions

Core Teachings: Unity of God, Prophet-hood, The Hereafter

What is Faith?

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“We created life and death in order to test which of you is the best in deeds.”

Final Testament, 67:1

Reconcile the Contradictions: - within ourselves and around us.


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1 Earth : 1 God : 1 Humanity

Same space – A Common Journey

“All the Prophets are brothers, though their maternal mothers are different, their religion is One.”

Great Values and Principles

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“Do unto others as you would have

done unto yourself”

First Principle

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“Love thy neighbour,love thy God”

Second Principle

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“Enjoin the Good, Forbid the Evil & Believe in God”

Third Principle

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To Live – Physical To Love – Emotional To Learn - Mental To Leave a Legacy - Spiritual

Honesty, Care & Humility Characteristics: Confidence & Empathy

Human Endowments

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The Ceaseless Pursuit of Happiness: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical, Social and Global


Individual Striving for Meaning & the Sense of Certainty

3 Axis of Existence Self Society God

“Shaping The World”

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Both Positive & Negative Forces Continuously Shape Us

Laws Norms Habits Beliefs Values Culture World-view Spheres of Influence and Reference

Environmental Forces

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Z (ionist) - AGENDA

I (slam0) - Phobia



Islam & The Media

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Press Releases

Right to Reply

Editorial Corrections/Retractions/Apologies


Libel Cases

MCB & The Media

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Responsible Broadcasting

Moral Propagation

Political (Self-Interest) vs. Ethical (Care)

“We Believe In - ”

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Real and Live Example Shared here (in progress of clarification – *illustrative purposes only* , compiled by a junior media officer)

Dear Sir,

On Nicky Campbell’s ‘You Call’ programme on Monday 4th April 2011, he had a guest on the show who made inflammatory remarks against the Muslim Council of Britain. The guest – Ahsan Ahmedi, said near to the end of the programme “We have to first counter these actions you know and it’s unfortunate and you know in this way, you know the government is also at fault. Not this particular government but certainly Tony Blair and his merry men when they took on the MCB as their bed partners and those who.. you know.. they never condemned the terrorist attacks [Nicky: Hmm (agreeing tone)] err.. and you know they were supporting anti-Semitism by not going to Holocaust remembrance day and things like that, and these are the people advising the government and this angered us you know at who they took to bed rather than those who are true proprietors of Islam I think in many ways. [Nicky: uh-hmmm]… And they were knighted (laughs) even more annoying””.Nicky Campbell completely disregarded this deliberate provocative maligning against the MCB and did not refute or correct the guest.

In relation to the words – ‘they never condemned the terrorist attacks’, this is completely false as our records show that we have, amongst other things, spoken out against terrorism. We actually released five Press releases condemning the attacks during 7/7, two on the day of the attack – one press release was alongside Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and we issued another Press release wholly condemning the act. On the same week, we issued a PR on Muslims praying for the victims of the atrocity during the Friday prayers. We also re-iterated our call for an Independent public inquiry nearly a year after the attack and released a press release on the anniversary of the attack alongside Churches Together in Britain and Ireland to show our support and solidarity against the perpetrators and at the same time remembering the victims and sending our deepest condolences to the families affected by the attack. Amongst these, we have issued many other press releases condemning terrorist attacks such as 9/11 and the killings of Christians in Pakistan.  

Nicky didn't distance himself from the comments made by Ahsan Ahmedi and this in turn confirms  that the BBC is in breech of the comments, as he didn't disassociate  himself or the BBC from the remarks, rather listened attentively and carried on with the programme.Right at the end, Mr Ahmedi made disparaging remarks towards one of MCB’s earlier Secretary Generals for being knighted. Again, he was allowed to say whatever he wanted whilst hundreds of people listened live.

Regarding the Holocaust Memorial days, though the MCB did not attend the first (few) days due to strong reasoning behind the decision, the MCB have decided to attend to show solidarity for the victims of the Holocaust. The last year’s Holocaust Memorial Day was attended by the Deputy Secretary General of the MCB.

We request our right of reply and would like our correction to be read out on the show and put on your website.

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Yours Sincerely, MEDIA OFFICEMuslim Council of Britain (MCB)

 MCB, PO Box 57330, London E1 2WJGeneral:  0845 26 26 786   Direct:  020 7429 4985 Fax: 020 7247 7079Web:  Email: [email protected]   

Twitter:   Youtube: The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is the UK's largest and most diverse Muslim umbrella organisation with over 500 affiliated national, regional and local organisations, mosques, charities and schools.

-* Illustrative Purposes Only *-

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President Obama: values espoused v. practical change

Al Jazeera: “voice for the voiceless” – instrument of change

2 Pertinent Examples

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Honest Self-Expression

Collective Appraisal


Respect & Understanding

Criteria for Public Relations

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Think it through for yourself Reason it: Observation & Reflection Break it Down (Analysis) Apply Best fit: does it fit Logic, Reason, Sense,

Evidence? Throw-out the Untruths and resolve the out-

liers Accept & confirm the truth whole-heartedly


Framework of Assessment

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Objectivity & Credibility


Independent verification

Slander / libel / defamation / blasphemy / exploitation

Propaganda (e.g. as in Israel/Libya): suppression of truth and in-accurate reporting.


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Positive Thought & Action

Propagate the Good: Not the false or ill.

The Journey

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“Be the change you want to see in the World” Ghandi

‘The task of the church (mosque, synagogue, temple, gurdwara) today is to gather fragments, make connections and discover landscapes for the soul.’

Mary Grey
