fai.lls m il

70L. 8./ h O.,8?. , ; a iiiP ' m m m ^ IML1 M idn W Blaze Entombs Pa- ; tients In Santo'Spirato, One ; ^ • ,o(; -Rome’s Most Anclant J . 'CljaritaWe-lnstltutions ( ; aiortioiii.: Jlxt'- — . . .. ■/ tiom .JoJ^BSa'airiV'todsy. Ool* , U px gT-ttB^pmnnat-Uolif a Ua -. ..i . . : e}BQpIe‘«acAiii;81x(Ma >m41m j u T 'i - j 'bfe^tw fisttariw a-tjio.bttnijaj J rnliv!;at 7?30 o'clock, ■ '' Innatio tti3r]om, foandlli^ bomo and ■= — — - » Mfuje tor aged'aud Infim ^wraon* « * ' S U n XiiuBdry/ ■— . Tlio flre broke out at niiilni;?ht la J tho IftUfldrj’. ' At flr*t 11 jccmcil injij; aUicoat, Imt U anrcnd rapidly to wanta contaialni; cbroalc suffurm or iaflrm patleata, wbo wefo ^oia*d-wltti-ponie. The (tirioks'of the su/ferori mliiRlod : wilhHho tTBckWoR of lUe flatats, ’KhlJo tho atm<<jfhero rapidly bc'caaie ilcnio wltu imoko. Hj N unn aua.doetors-eloarod tho bed* ridden from one vard, and <n tbe aext ward thrco of tlio pntientx.crawled out. Noighbori/.;; firemen rospondcd t« tlio seoDO bat nt tbo raomont of tho'arrival tho o1o«trle’ llght» were oxtin^l»hed - addiof; to tbe horror of .tho nituatlox I'f . Twont? Axe Burled. | | , _ As fJio imtaonBc wooden boami of , tlio hoapltal foil, thero was a heavy , i;nndlai; nolto nni] the pavement . collap*oJ, burying 20 of tbo chronic pntleats and rendering oceess to . UiB word* impoMiblc. ' CarBbiQC<!r#, royili ^ a rd » , nursw and doctors.niu'lo horole offorta to save tho patientJi, rLthing through tho Bmoko and flro imd brlaging oat 12, all of Nn whom, howoVor.- trere'. doad from luffo- ^ cation. Several of tho rucuo particj 8u; • w«r6^itijariod..vTbo'two-w#rdi wore do- ItjDycd.'lnit th*.flromoB'«ar«d.thc’otlL- « huUdlnipi. . 4- --------eiit«fi.bp’dia»,already have.beon,to- i_\:.'.l-«M rtdr'‘;B'nir'.othDr-'palJont« wore bumod bMly, and ono dangerously in- — ______ ':.f# Ancient Institution... Tho.liojpltal of Btinto Spirlto is *il- , ® uated on tho tnak of tbo' river Tiber, --n o t fnr from tho Vatican gronnds. It wa« founded by'Popo Innoeent III, iu tho twoh':‘j contury, enlarged by, Inno- eont IV in tho thirteenth aild rebuilt Ul under flUtui IT in the fifto6ntli. 11 Tho altar In tbo bonital'chspol was designed by Andrea Pidlad^o, and U , reputed t.. bo tbe only wvrlf-of this ortiit la Bomo. iM itr ID m ili ---Nebfaska-'Slierifr Saves-Wur> Is ; aef i$ijspect bs Race With ' s,r Man to Montana J,', .. — ' t j BUTTS, Nob, (j^W altor Sim- mooa, 24-yeax-om Montana man who thre* Uisea Heaped tbrealoadd— mob'vfolcoee when Sheriff fleeaao, ' wbo was tmaaporting bim to Orcg-___ ory, S. D., Irom Norlolt,- . -i coneealed bbn in baggage Id tbe~' rbaggaja' tar,-wn*. in the' Boyd , ___ - -flouatj^joil-horo ,today aipiiting -the onv^omrof the lavcitlRatlon g/, Into tho donth of Frank Panl.-au- 5 , . tonobllo dealer of Bponeor, Neb; [_, 'The body of Paul, Ua skull crunheJ , * in, was found in a ereek bod near L , Bristow Tuesday-night. , . • Sheriff Ileenan aald that a format »*'’ charge of murder la to bo lodged j.. againit Siromona today br-tomorrow. • U A blood covered hammer and a blood U| * . spattered, taipiuUn| llrom Paul's « r were found buried under n fow incho* . i of dirt ntar Fairfax, a D., Into ye«- - tctiay. '• A 'trip from Spenebh with Paul iand in his •.lutothobile for tho purpoao of W purchasing li'qoor haa beon udraltted bj: Simmons who ia reported as saving that ho loft Paul la eompany with one of the nllogfrl booUeggers, driving: away . , in Paul’i car whilo Paul accompanied .the other man. _______ r Plague of Locusts-^— S Sweeps Russ States ;;; n ----- — - - , . th( MOSCOW, (ff) — A-plogna of .-- wc I - locusts, promising greater deitruQi tlon than that of lait year. hu_' develnpel in tbo Caaeoms, Baka, le: Knban md tie'Crimea. It.Is aae- wl rlnim hbn' to South'Rusaia’s hopes 'pa , , for aoWojsfal crop* and the peas- ca nn'ts'^iave m bbllitod'to fight .tbe hs pest with gasoline. AlspUnea htr# \ to been uiM to drop polaoDOU bofflbl ' ha Ib tl^e .breedia; ueaa. of f u g ONLy ASSOC N J - FAI SONOrtATEGEBMANFi HiiNTING O l l N G Fi] N^W • YOBK, (fi>)-^,-rlts. Von EWkcnUayn,- only wn of the \ate : - Flold'Marthal Voa Falkeabayn for- , 1 IBM rJijnf of. jitaff of the Oerman— '--.J arriycd.'to'iniy/dn- Ihe'B cjd"'' I lit* to ;ro to work: * ■ ' l 'r Tabasco Gpvernor’s Frontera, Pillag MEXICO CITV, (/F^i-Tho town - of. Froatera, Tabasco, was entered c • yesterday by 3t»- rebels under . , j Joso. Segovia, did consider- able pillaging.until federal troopa^ -^3 from Villa Hermosa approached. , i I ■'"-■'rf'" i ss3e^5g=g^=agast Ciiy Is Engulfed Poiiidng from ] i^ al^ ^.tSO EiSs, Cal., WV^Rip- » tonn dn the banks of the I Coloritdn river, In tho eastern end a of Jli/pn-idc rounty, v u uader ,, | .-ifouf-jtttirof wnter from Iho over- "flow uf tlie river early today, oc- p rordlag to word brought here byV o ,1. M. Nreknd, prealdent of the s California Southern railroad. Ii IEW iP SiMG[l^ Hope, to Find Way to Halt theXo March of Sun Yat Sen’s In- I vading Troops . HONU KONO, (/PI — Negotia- - tions;ftr\' in progresa by thc.aouth_: ... ti I (Thina cuvemraent at Canton and ^ ti ' botli tUn portherii factious to pro- o veiit a ‘northward expedition by ’ p, the army of Sun Ynt Sen, head o( (, the Canton guvornmont. ‘v forcea Axe Massing. p The Bouthcrn goycmment'a main d nrnij-is miiving and concentrating on ® tho lioriler betweeil Kwoii^ ^ung and 1 Kla'ngni provliiro!)^ ncar.iho~lQira of nbo Ntimyuiig. /. , IIoi The rescnlly rcjxirted break lictwtuu con Sun-Yat rton nhd'Geuoml Chm Chlung* uioi M'iji, brad of tno «Utli-CW |ia forces,' aer la not'SBriouSi it'w as declaro'd In well coa Infortftcil ij«artet» Ts«fc.<'!.IiidleoiSoiiii nfl polnt'to J comiilete'aeUlemeht 1)0- nim tweon them in tfitf-ii'cnr future.-,* ' up. - . ------ r~■ ’' Bur TB'JOPB PASS^THEOUOH. Att TIEN je iN , (/p) — Cfeihli troop* bo* tha longing tP tho nrmy'of .aw r»l ““f Pcl*Fu nr* paaslng throu«h Tien TMn r»li in iarca i;umkers on their way to thu northern front to oiipoio tho nrmy of j Oeneml Chnng Tso-Lln. ni Luanchow. PDLicfiiiii I '• • . ^ StiU Opdrator and M oonsliioe'” ^^ PossoBsot' Oaaght In Oity Authorities Not '! _____ . 'pfo Burrell Tlffauy aud Cliorloa WiUls, wh'd 'pleaded guilty in probate court hero today to rharge-of illegal poMcs' sion of liquor,.were eaughtJaa^evonlni? in’ tho .noK.of'pollco offieera.jtfiOoF -J lowed . WiUIh from the Tiffany rcHf, Lt-, flilltf,’ 138 Vnn Buren alrecT, t'o'fii p^n; on_Thlrd nvenuo aouth nnd tlicn rrturn' ed to tho Tiffany placo to discover a device for the manufnclaro' ot home- ,iu- made whinkey. Willla, when overhaul- ed by tho po'ilce, gnvo up n parcel eon m. taining twu quart bottlca of tho moon- III shino. Approxinintely two (rallons .of Ul tho anme stuff was found in'and about thp-atill. . • - ' , -I1ND7BANKEE OWLTY. , rN E Z T ’ERCB, Tdaho, ypw A fter uk- - liberating flv«"Ii6uni''anil 15 miauteif, a jury lait night found flearge ll.-Wa- - terman, former prealdent of the KamlsN J State bank at KnmUh, Idaho, which failed in April, 1921, guilty of fnliify- ing report* of thn comlition of .the j bank to the titnto banking department. WattTmnn’B trial hwl been In prngrcu ilnco M v Tw rariTirs \ t - : W |S iL SERIES I . ^ wil Wild Night of Firing in Mar- cor rowbono Diitriot FoUowed S{ioot^g in Uomlng BELF.VST, (flV A wild night of fir- ing Irig iri'tho-^rnrrowbone diitrict of Bel- dct Jaat-wUh-poliw'wd. soJ^ers battling J. gunmen, wnw' -fellbwed.-.-hrr*fin1hct tht sEFotlng. t^ilfty-oTIhrrworBhg, pcbfflir W wero^nn their way to tho ahop>r. At bti least fo’ir men nro dead na a reault of In thCKfl dii'irderA and_ levcral others tal wounded,' hnmo aeriotitly. thi • T\'hlle )aat nlght'a firing raged out/ ' ] riJe of U.a'People'a ,hall,;a bnptlimal cd aervico wna progressing insldo an(l the whole'connicBatlon ffns thrown lnto n panic, sereral ^Tomen becoming hyateri- I cal. Tlio baptiim of. two. b ^ lo i which Ho had been begun in front-of-tbe'plat* the form, had to be finished in another nul hall whl<*h was aheltored frtm the rai etc of bullets.; •• , . itf ■■ OCIATBD PRESS NBW8 .LLS ___ ...................................... "sjr; TWIN FALt&IOABO. n FOR WORK IN AMERICA' Palkenhajln, wito now Is on^ . M years old. aald be wrved u , technical chief of ..Oerman air -i.fote6s-'iflj'rlag^h'o war. lie aaid bo W jlolng 'Inlo'the 'nu'fomo^Mle biisi- ; ne«a in America. '' ’s Troops Raid iging and Looting ^ e rebels are adherents of Oes< eral Carlos OrMn, tbe reb'elllona | , governor of Tabasco. Conditloas are ao disturbed in . - Tabasco that Minlater of War Btt' , hiho left for tbat regioa ^day, - ; e d by W a te r s 1 F lo o d e d R iv e r No loii of life had been.reportodp^ ' but muay familiea wera homeless > nnd :oniIdcmblo atoek had been . JoaL y • Ho toM ofrtfwing to'thtr'prlnci; * pa] hotel in the town In n boat and' of disembarking, at tho aecond stor}', vlicTo most of tho furnish- ings tiaj been storod. j, iffliW l ■ Co-operation'df Non-Union Coal i Producers Sought in Effort J; to Prevent Advances' . ■! m ----- T".. .. - a. WA8HlK0T0NrI>.'C.,' - tl -.rotarj' Heo.vcc.asked nnd-olrtalnod' ' today the npproval. df tho leading , operatora of non-union, bituminous ei eonl fields for a goremmont plan q of "getting tho coal luduatry, by t] 'voluntiirv action to put a stop" j point-'in incrmo of cnni prices/' ' j, during the period of tlic existing coal striko. ___ -----------’ p Tho~ptan' whieh was approved by d nbout .-10 opemtors, who mot w^th Ur. n Hoovrr' rails for the crcatlon •••.of-'a n fommittei) of, operaton w th govern- o ijtont _nti.l ronsumers' Tcpreaentatlvek ti sm-ing on it In cnch district where a coal is-beam produced, tbrough which nil Mdc-'s fof toaV-wUlJw -A , nimilar goperal commlltco wil be' set 1 up in.WusMngton nnd Mr. Hoover ns- ' Bures tho eoal operators that ho hnil t Attornov Oeneral Daugherty’s opinion ’ that sueh '‘fooperotivo action to re- duco nnd hold down coal priceii in the pnblle interest would bo legal." S a ? ' &uppUes--Adeq.Qat«. Prncticnlly all of the represontatlvck of larger jiroiluclng companies not nf- fectjd by.-ihr strike in tho territory cliBt of the Misdlsslppl- wero present when Mr. Hoover, saying that tho op- eratora brnl'been enllM for conferonco . nt the (llri'ctlon of Presidenniardlnc, r announced his plan. Most of tho oper- lators dcelored that tlie production alt- .Uation did not justify any grenf In- creases in prices as ample supplies'ex- isted. Net a Btrike MMinre. . "W o i.Ty here to consider only tho ■problem of diitrlbution and price in conl,” .Mr. floovcr said, after cnllln" the meotlng lo otfltr, “ nnd wlll not , discuss tho wnge or the striko situation. •"The i-ltuatlon is that Jn some dis- . itlets, flti>rllmtTon aod-eom.. - pcnuvo-liiildlhg pricesliavo aUvancoT «ttAMl#VJthlleJn. other .districts them . aro still iiMufflrlent orders reaehinc ” the operutors to keep their mines busy ., nnd to keep them opening new' pro- duction.” ^ _______ _ fl unm iyffiHT : pCipFIIBII: Twiff FaUs Buiness Men Ar- » range Ezonraion and tnnoh- ^ oon for Dr. Upham t —^ ' t Dr. A. ll.-Upham, prcsluent of th * e Universitjf.of Idaho, who is to deliver t the comtiienecmenl addrcua for lhr I Twin F:i:l* high school graduatlni- I closs p rl'iiy evening, will be tho guest « of honor n*- n businesa men’s luneheon e Friday 'OOun at the Hotel Pcrrino, for 1 whieh nrrnngcmenta were today com " pleted by the Twin Pnlls Clmmber of E Comnlerco;' ~ . AccQia;uu<lationa at the lunchcon f will bo timited, anil the chnmbcr of .1 coramerc-) adviaoa making of aarly rei- c errntionn. ^ A general invitation ;to r busineu men of tho cnm^nunlty Is ex- e tended. Dr. Upham will bo mot Friday morn- t ing nt Uupcrt by C. E.. Wright, preiii- c dept of fho chamber of commerce: M. 1 J. SweoVy and A. J. Penvcy. nnd ^y them..wlU’ bo.-bTffught. overland toTwii^ Ifalli, the Tmitodfielimhig'tho Hiiaaoa t btidge^ and Shoshono and Twin Falls, t In wn n^rnoen Dr..Uphjun will be 1 taken by'^-lniFalls citiiens on a trip j through tho west end of tho connty. c Dr. Upham has not heritoforo,visit* I cd thU-frciion' of tlOT'state. . ' ............. ... ' ' . ,'J : .ATTiaiPTfl JAIL BEHAK. 1 SALT LAKE , CITY, Utah, (/p>- c Harry Preuty, alias Dave Hall, held by 1 tho local police for Los Angeles, Cal., i nuthoritles who boievo him to bo aa j cteaped cotivkt, attempted to escape < itoja tbe. eltj.jail early today. t ' 8 PAPSk)NlWiNt‘ALi M il temmapAY, m ay is, 1032.- SUff liiEoyr ,F i|iiir Uiirlsing of People (TnSer'Man- date AssumK Form of Open Revolt— C harge Taxes Im- posed are Burden , ' I .. 'MiUiBUui. BTtli, ^ - rtstng j f tlie SfriAD peopla against - th* French, »ho occupy tho conn- ti7 ' tinder mandate baa spraad ' rapidly during the last fortnlibt > .thtonsfaout..s7riea, and adjoining/ I .states aid ia aasuioing the eharae-/' ' ter of open rebeliton. • ' Till' Syriana complain of heavy tax- ation and’ demaad the abrogation -of \ the Frcnc'n mandate and the right to I Impoxo their own taxes. Under Uartlal lav. ' Dnmaseua is under martial law. Th.' minltter of tbe Interior, haa resigned ns n protest. In the district of Garahliia, the rcvo- I lutlonorie»» fore«l -Preneh troopa t.» _ r ‘Vrilh'Jrnw ■.^rmit'Dolr-El'ZoK'' I A p p e a l , to America.,' ^ e rxccutlvo committee of'the con- f I Jederntiou of Syriu commltteoi on I Mny n iiiMre.iied cablcgrnm to Pn'B'l. Idont Ilar.Jini; which,sai^: -'-'Imiwrlal- ’t Ull nre mnklng mandnt(;,.peoi>1b-.cn- . slaved colonics,'' expreiafil tho-dctcr' mination ot Syria to refiiee tho man- date of.Friinec-.end:'asked for het|> ftf. - tho'Unltei'WiiUs t6 \Rre'53. ------- " Ask E i ^ 'a Withdrawal. Another Aessngo .was sont to the n councll-'ff'.'Hie league bf nations .nt U Oomh-a rtemhndlng .the wlihdrawal of tho'mnn.lnfe, to' Franeo nnd thnt the . French troops be removed from the.. countrj*. The councU of lhe leogue hns not yc» passed on the nucBlion,. but Geneva • dispatches yesterday, slated .thot Prnnco . Was pjpocteit'>tm-aslr-jpjroval ef; hgr I manclnte nt n inpeflng o rilie council on' July I'J, ns the”fifnsent of the Uni- > ted Stoles undoj' .certain conditions, t was expbitca. isittfirfr Brffffi : Piilillf; , , - • . : Findings as to. Quality of Ma- i! : terial Used Will.Not Cai|se; Spencer and Laubenhelm to Alter Original Views . r< 1 . ______ u Fred 0; Spencer, former streot eom ; mlisionor, and J. W. Uubenholm to- v ' dav ImuciI Ihe following itatement: I '^‘Speneer and Latibenheim hnvo nn ^ changes t>t rerisljinfc^o tnnlnr ln~tliF r EjSentoFIHuUenhebn navl'uf^flrtrtTJ^- , Tho report refened to--ls one jn s d t'' : tu-thu 'fifi'tnrr erty'adrtiinlsfra'tion in il ; the sprinif of 1021 on the eondltlon of cl . tho pavcMcnt a t tbat time, Tho In' Si vostlgatOTS, Spcncor nnd Lanbcnbcim, were not advised by tho admlnistra- Ifl . tion as to tho contract !)ioeelficationi> Y • for tho pavement at tho iHmo-fff mak- a. b g tho Tcport. ^ d tei^’rt had to do tl I prineipall.VTwlth- the crae.ks and ether . evldeneet cf imperfection in .the pavu- hi meat. ; . gi From Olfferent Aafles. i. it The orcasion for tho Issuonee of tho o . statement ef Spencer and Laubenhelm today, Is tho reported bfflef of offi- V cials of tho preaent city adminlstra< (I ,tion thnt result*, of an insncctloa ef « tho pavemeat made Tdcsday might > cause Spor.eer or Laubenhelm to revise a r their report in aome particulars. Thr P InapecUon Tuesday was mado by Mayor ll .> r. W. MeRoberts, Street Commissioner t J. .T. Pil's'crrim and members of the 1 J eonnrii,' lu company with Spencer and * t Laubenhciji and covercd practieally all nf the territor)' .referred to In'tbe f Slienfer-onubenheim report. Tfie In>i;)ection Tneaday did net eon- I eern Itself with the condition or (tuni- f itj- of thf pvement but was earrled - 'cut primiirily to determine whether I) qunnllties of mnterial uicd were In ne- . cordnntfe with Contract spKlfieatlona This n-ns th^ only, point In common, as . between tho inspection made by Spen . ce/and Laubenhelm and the one 'mndr . Tuesday. . . - • f Qiiaattty OtotkJ Out ' ' ' Measur-'ments taken en the InspeC’ . a tlfn Tces'iay IndicntcMhat, thero wna i I. no laek, under eontrnt sncjslficatlons, e In the qna’itlty of mattr(u usU in tlie p pavement, nnd thnt depths of base, to'p eoit'and skim coat wero as prbvideil • by the cont'raet:_^' | 'Tho Inipeetlon Tuesday' wns entcroi upon.wlth a view to iheddlng./urthcr ■ ' light'on <ho pavement sUuntioo and in - order Hint' tbo city offielals'might be y better advised In dealing with thti Var- ren Construction eompany, whieh la be- D ginning now a progrw of repair work » 00 the pavemont invelrlag aa estimat- ed expense of <80,000.. LL8C0UIVTY ................r— —I ----------TB-T,---------r-s p : Pet Hen Sings Her Thief to Jail and Her Way to Liberty Biddy Confirms Statomont of Hor Owner by Perching on Ann of Jnror . ---------- i ■ OMAHA, Neb., The happy I aong'of a contented pet hen aont I ^N^b Orady waa en trial in thr Boyd rounly district court charged with itealing chickens from .his nelgh- 1. bor, Andrew Lorenaen, living near f* Butte. Among-tho poultry said to ^ have b-'cn found and which. Loren- ion and hluap.-lo'slited belonged to them, was a hea. 1* Ae««'npBnlc^l by the distriet I ju«lK0» the.’jury.went to view tho : chlekeni at the couuty lall whore Lorenion’s son said the ii«n .would S ' to any one’s arm, if called,-. . d slqg.a.Mog. Juror Clino de- . rld^ 'to tT7~it with tha ^ I t that ^ thci jail ientQnKi~follewed. " r PinitSS Indictments in Fargo Bank Case \ C- . ------- if V ' PAROO. N. D., (yp) — Thirty. 0 flvo secret indictments against 13 ' n, indlvl'lntils'hnve been rcturDcd by p, tho special county grand jury In- I.' vcstiRnling the aff.ilrs of tho de- d fnnct Scondlnavlnu American bank {,, of JPargu. and tho relntlo'ii of tboso . ’- affairs with, the Bank of North ;l . Dakota, Oeorge Schaefer, nssiatant. ' state.ji'-'orney genrral, announced todnv. ^scBisis i UJNUll' S Divorcees Married Without De-1|; 'I cref Include Valentino, Mayo and Walthall : Ii' .r ' : de 'il LOS ANOELra. Cal, tfiV-ln- ' H' vesti|:r»ti°>* °f marriages of.-twn « <r . other prnmlnont motion picture act- 'if ~bra who took thia atcp, nfter ob- |. taining an interlocutory'decree of dlvoreo'nnd without waiting for a : final dccree.'ls under wny, in ad-' dition to the probe of the niarri- , _ ngo of Hodolpli Valeutloo, itVwas, ■ntui(iiihrc4 a t thp' district' attor- .' Doy's offieo here today. .Cirlude-lCaye and WtlthalL ...TTieae ,Jctor* nre Frank. Mayo and • ^ .C WPS married at Tlnjuano,.Mexlco, afte? ^ tho grttnt'nR of nn interlocutory dtf' r cree of divorce.bere. Tho bride ef the second mnrriago nt Ti*juaiia was Dag- mar. Oo-ln'vsky, daughter of. Dr. Leo’ pold.Oodovfky, noted plnnlat. -Frnuk SturgU, in jhnrge of the , d9partmont of'justlco bureau bere, said 1 ' that the investigation into tho Valet;- * tlno marriage waa prompted by reports ,a mndo to bU offlco that Vftlontlno’ Isai 'violated me Mann white slave act. Q ‘ W ill Question Bride. Vdenthio will, bo questioned hero by . fe<1ernl qffli:crs, it vaa stated at tbn feiTeral building and an effort will be ' made to interrogate the brido as soon ^ as aho ean bo reached at some point * \)oVwtcn here and New York, Iver ic- ported di-Ktinatlou. ' bl ~ _3Eii>B-ooE5-’^BTr— - - - *1' It - ‘rOB'XS'iJiJLra, cat..- (SV-W iiilfredj^ ill iluilnut,'!<nown professionally as Nata- >f cha Rombova, who was married last — H ' Saturday nt M exlcall,^wer Callfor- n, Jiia, tr>, llwlolph V a le n ti, film actor,' jj, a- Ifiat lilght boarded n train for Not u IS Yo'rk'ilt T’omonn, 30 miles east of here, - Ic- according to Information received by lo the I/IS Angelbs Exominor, tr . A num’ocr of peraona accompanlcd JJ »• her to the rnilroad station. In the M group, nceording to Pomona plcturo fans, was. Valontlrio. who bade hor on w 10 affectloncto fnrowcll.. "i m Jean Acker, film actreia, from; whom a ’1. Vnlentlnj obtained nil Interlocutorj* h' a. decree of divorco last January, and nf whoi'ar-^oriilng to judges of tho supe- Ci !jt rior court, remaina his legal wlfo until hi Ifl a'final I’crree Is entered,' Is scheduled ir to tell nhO'diitrict attorney what ihe I] sr knew* of the matter. j' er ' * Duke of Richmond is * in “New Poor” Class LON'HON. (/P) — Thr Duko of C '}■ nicbinond Is-.tho latest recruit to the rnnlt' ot Uip "new pooT.” He offers fnr snlo his estntca in Ab- erdeonfchire, including thb town of Hiintlv 'hnd six parishes- comprls- ing 06.000 acres of 400 farms and I> smnll ht-idings. Tin doke is ono ■■ 0 ? of the most prominent noblemen in 11 England. Ho Is a particular friond P • of Kfcig Qoorip.'' f' Freight Train Dumps I ii Its Cargo Into River' 3C - . --------- B ed ABDITORE. Mo„ (fl^-Two men v I we^e llltlfd nnd ,nno^Jicr probably a 8d fatally Injuiei.^W aflt. Leals-, h or ■ Sap ^nnf-isefi frolcht trnin plung- , 0 in ed’ thrrtocfi'the bridge over'BoggT •'0 Sio river near Sopher, about CO* miles -' east of hore at mldolfht. Ifut:.'. t >«- night, RcferdiDff. to word reeeived rk hero today. Rve cir* with tho It- englso u d tender dtept>«d from ao. embankment 26 feet hM^. gw I PBZ^ f IVB O B im . lili FOR 8 IN 1 Conference Prepares for Ad- joumment with Short; T to ■ Aflfeemenl .to-AhstaIn f w m - ' Aggression aBKOA. (ff) — 't h r - • H h t ' moaths’ nen-tansslea pact was .. nlopt*d nnanlmoualy »t « p ita w meetlni of the poUtlcU Ob-om- ^ Bisafofl'of the Oenok ^afgnnce- toflif. The jiaet wai not signed, bot vas adopted fn the fora of a 'resolntlon, eacli itaU pledgiai lu . self to respect i t Th6. final, plenary session of .thb eo' lire coDfcreaco was fixed for 0 o'clock Friday mcining and the gathering.. prelinbly Trill bo'coneludei] about noon, ' The Qritlah bave ordered a speela] train.for.curly toavrtrr^ nftornoon and tho othtr';aclcgatlon's' aro making plana for a ba»t^ departure. ' SEE NO HOPE. OENOA, {/Pl Sir Edward Orlgg'^ nimouui'cd un Itclialt 0; tho British ilelctiatlo'i this, nfternoon that further ndvlces had l«en received- frem tbe United lltatcs govornment and that it did not s*em llkelv tho United State*-; would paiticlpate da Tlio Hague moet- ing at Iciiit until the scope of the meeting nas better uhdontood.. BiOIBION IB BBBEBVED. OENO.Vr (/P) — Reuters'ioday sUtei . thnt a reily has booa recolved 'from the UoUs'l States with 'Teferooee to participation in the projected commis* , alon'at.Tlie Hague on Russian affabs^' saying tno Unltffd States reservjp*,Il».-' decision, pending n fnrtber Invctt^'--'- . tlqjt an>l '»n»tll tho situation \epomw-;', dearer. ' FEIilill: INflE» -Cq!aijiisjoners.at;:Hrice,,:l^ahii^ Fp-'Asi< Goyeinop for Guns'.ahd ■: ; Aiimi.unlt|on ^ SAW LAKE OlT.r, m -A ' ni- ' • port from'Price,'Utnli, t'oday stat- ' . ed that Governor Charles R. Ma- . I boy hai been asked by tho Carbon * ceunty commissioners for J500 rifles * tcn mnchino guns nnd 10,000 rounds - I of nmmunlUon., TJie declilon to' make th'^ renuc«t, It was stated, was made & few hours after Gov- , cmor Mnbey left tho district yes- , terday after investigating the , . trouble existing between cold op- , erators ond tho striking coal min- 1 • on. • ' w m U u DepotiBS. - Accnr.liiig to tbe roport, plans are to bo mode to rccruit 200 ipeclal doputy. . . iherlffs;...Tho-com>tTls4ioneni dumre r ^ n f^ K e “ sJtuation is fcTiie and_ that * w r bptwceit Amcricnns nrff^thb for- eign element formerly employ&d.ln •th-?' ' mines, might develop: As n ’eonse- . fiuencB of this belief they .havo_nskBl . ' tho state Dutherltles fnr tho nmmun'K, ^ tlon mentioned. : Order AUena Clsmned. The commlsslonen bave issued an . 1 enler for ovcry alieji to dijarm by.next - ] Monday. , ■ } Reports! received a t Prlee aad for- I warded here stated that SOO aliens have been ordered out of Bannyslde, 1 n m lnl^ ramp, and cautloaed to remain I- ilWMjX 1 OovcVnor Mabey, who waa question- .. cd here .upon., his return, said tbat be 1 had no cemment to mnko at present. I » ■Piil'SLEIlIlGll- , JSMNSCOilN Oarriofi AU Bat Soven poonties Out of 67 in Fennsyivasla . ‘ « Against Organization PirilABKLPHTAT (JP)~K steady Increaso In his lead over Attorney; " Orneral Oeorgo E. AUor'fer the repub- lican Tiomlnntlon for governor of Pennsylvania was maintained by Oif- ford Pinchot. - Betums from '75D2 dlstrieta-oot ot ' 7034 In Ibe state gave Pinchot' «S,S53 and Alter 401,511, i majority of 6M2. H for Plnehot. ' ’ ( ' OuUiae of Philadelphia aad Alio-, gheny iounty (Pittabnrgb), Pinehot’a, voto In the 7fi08 distrieta waa SZt,Slfl; aAlwit 100,037. for Alter. Tholatter; however, carttea PUIa<lelphta by 83,- , 0<8 and in Alleghim'y .he bafi a lead' of approxlmatdy ,W,000. Alter carried seven of 07 eotin^leli'la .', the state. . n>AH0V7SAZHBB.' - Tonight ■and Pri3*3t,.B*obably-;. showers,• cooler F riday.. ' . ^ , ,. . f. ---------

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7 0 L . 8 . / h O .,8?. , ; a

i i i P' m m m ^

IM L1MidnW Blaze Entombs Pa- ;

tients In Santo'Spirato, One ; ^ • ,o(; -Rome’s Most Anclant J

. 'CljaritaWe-lnstltutions (

; ai or t i oi i i . : J l x t '- —. . .. ■/

tio m .J o J ^ B S a 'a ir iV 'to d s y . Ool* , U p x gT-t t B ^ p m n n a t- Uoli f a Ua - . . . i

. . : e}BQpIe‘«acA iii;81x(M a >m41m j u T ' i - j 'b f e ^ t w f i s t t a r i w a - t j i o . b t t n i j a j J

rn liv!;at 7?30 o 'clock, ■ ''

Innatio tti3r]om, fo a n d ll i^ bomo and ■= — — - » M fuje to r a g ed 'a u d In f im ^wraon* «

* ' S U n X iiuBdry/ ■—. Tlio flre broke out a t niiilni;?ht la J tho IftUfldrj’. ' A t f lr* t 11 jccmcil injij; aUicoat, Imt U anrcnd rap id ly to wanta contaialni; cbroalc su f fu r m or iaflrm patleata, wbo wefo ^oia*d-wltti-ponie.T he ( tir io k s 'o f th e su /fe ro ri mliiRlod

: w ilhH ho tTBckWoR of lUe fla ta ts , ’KhlJo tho atm<<jfhero rap id ly bc'caaie ilcnio w ltu imoko. Hj

N u n n aua.doetors-e loarod tho bed* ridden from one v a rd , and <n tb e aex t ward thrco of tlio pntientx.craw led out. Noighbori/.;; firemen rospondcd t« tlio seoDO b a t n t tbo raomont o f tho 'arrival th o o1o«trle’ llght» w ere oxtin^l»hed - addiof; to tbe horror o f .tho nitua tlox I ' f

. Tw ont? Axe Burled. | |, _ As fJio imtaonBc wooden boami of ,

tlio hoapltal foil, th e ro w as a heavy , i;nndlai; nolto nni] th e pavement . collap*oJ, burying 20 of tbo chronic pntleats and rendering oceess to .UiB word* impoMiblc. • 'CarBbiQC<!r#, royili ^ a r d » , nursw and

doctors.niu'lo horole offorta to save tho patientJi, rLthing through tho Bmoko and flro imd brlag ing o a t 12, all o f Nn whom, howoVor.- trere'. doad from luffo- ^ cation. Several o f tho ru cu o p a rtic j 8u;

• w «r6^itijariod..vTbo'two-w#rdi wore do-ItjD ycd.'lnit th*.flrom oB '«ar«d .thc’otlL- « huUdlnipi. .

4- --------e i i t« f i .b p ’dia»,already have.beon,to-i _ \ : . ' . l - « M r t d r '‘;B 'n ir '.o th D r- 'p a lJo n t« wore

bum od bM ly, and ono dangerously in- —


':.f# A ncient Institu tion ... Tho.liojpltal of Btinto Spirlto is *il- , ®

uated on tho tn a k of tbo' river Tiber,— - - n o t fn r from tho V atican gronnds. I t

wa« founded by 'P opo Innoeent I I I , iu tho tw oh':‘j contury, enlarged by, Inno- eont IV in tho th irteen th aild rebuilt Ul under f lU tui I T in th e fifto6ntli. 11

Tho a lta r In tbo b o n ita l'ch sp o l was designed by A ndrea Pidlad^o, and U

, reputed t.. bo tbe on ly w vrlf-of this o r t i i t la Bomo.

i M i t rI D m i l i

- - - N e b f a s k a - 'S l i e r i f r S a v e s - W u r > I s

; a e f i $ i j s p e c t b s R a c e W ith ' s ,r

Man to Montana J,', .. — ' t j

BUTTS, N ob , ( j ^ W a l t o r Sim- mooa, 24-yeax-om M ontana man who thre* Uisea H eaped tbrealoadd— mob'vfolcoee w hen S h e riff fleeaao, 'wbo was tm aaporting bim to Orcg-___ory, S . D., Irom N o rlo lt,- . - i coneealed bbn in baggage Id tbe~'

rb ag g a ja ' ta r,-w n * . in t h e ' Boyd , ___ - -f lo u a tj^ jo il -h o ro , today aipiiting

— -the onv^ om ro f th e lavcitlRatlon g/, In to tho donth o f F rank Panl.-au- 5 ,

. tonobllo dealer o f Bponeor, Neb; [_, 'T he body o f Pau l, U a skull crunheJ , *

in, was found in a ereek bod near L , Bristow Tuesday-n igh t. ,

. • Sheriff Ileenan aald th a t a format »*'’ charge of murder la to bo lodged j.. a g a in it Siromona today br-tomorrow. • U

A blood covered ham m er and a blood U| * . sp a tte red , taipiuU n| llrom P a u l's « r

were found buried under n fow incho*. i o f d ir t n ta r Fairfax , a D., In to ye«- -

tc tia y .'• A 't r ip f ro m Spenebh w ith Paul iand ■

in his •.lutothobile fo r tho purpoao of W purchasing li'qoor haa beon udraltted bj: Simmons who ia reported a s saving tha t ho lo ft Paul la eompany w ith one of th e nllogfrl booUeggers, driving: away .

, in P a u l’i car whilo P au l accompanied .the other man. ______ _

r Plague of Locusts-^— S Sweeps Russ States;;;

n ----- — - - , . th(MOSCOW, (ff) — A -p logna of .-- wc

I - locusts, promising g rea te r deitruQi tlon than th a t o f l a i t year. h u _ ' develnpel in tbo Caaeoms, Baka, le: K nban m d tie 'C rim ea . I t .I s a a e - wl rlnim h b n ' to S ou th 'R usaia ’s hopes 'pa

, , fo r aoWojsfal crop* and th e peas- ca nn'ts'^iave m b b ll ito d 'to figh t .tbe hs pest with gasoline. A lspUnea h tr # \ to been uiM to drop polaoDOU bofflbl ' ha Ib tl^e .b reed ia ; u e a a . ’ of

f u g ONLy ASSOC


HiiNTING O llN G Fi]N ^W • YOBK, (fi>)-^,-rlts. Von

EWkcnUayn,- only w n o f th e \a te :- F lo ld 'M arthal Voa Falkeabayn for- , 1

IBM rJijnf of. jitaff o f th e Oerman— '--.Ja rriycd.'to 'iniy/dn- I h e 'B c jd " ' ' I

lit* to ;ro to work: * ■ ' l 'r

Tabasco Gpvernor’s Frontera, Pillag

MEXICO CITV, (/F^i-Tho town- o f. F roa tera , Tabasco, was entered c• yesterday by 3t»- rebels under . , j

J o s o . Segovia, did consider­able p illag ing .un til federal troopa^ -^3 from V illa Hermosa approached. , i

I ■ '" -■ 'r f '" i s s 3 e ^ 5 g = g ^ = a g a s t

C i i y I s E n g u l f e d P o i i i d n g f r o m ]

i a l ^ ^ .tS O E iS s , Cal., W V^Rip- •» to n n dn the banks of the I

Coloritdn river, In tho eastern end ao f Jli/pn-idc rounty, v u uader ,, |

. - ifo u f- jtt t iro f w nter from Iho over-" f l o w uf tlie r iver early today, oc- p

ro rd lag to word brought here byV o,1. M. N reknd , prealdent o f the sCalifornia Southern railroad. Ii

IE W iP SiMG[l

H o p e , t o F i n d W a y t o H a l t t h e X o

M a r c h o f S u n Y a t S e n ’s I n - I

v a d in g T r o o p s .

HONU KONO, (/PI — Negotia-- tions;ftr\ ' in progresa by thc .aouth_ : ...ti I (Thina cuvem raent a t Canton and ti ' botli tUn portherii factious to pro- o

ve iit a ‘northw ard expedition by ’ p,the arm y of Sun Y nt Sen, head o( (,the Canton guvornmont. ‘ v

fo rcea Axe M assing. pThe Bouthcrn goycmment'a main d

n rn ij- is miiving and concentrating on ®tho lioriler betweeil Kwoii^ ^ u n g and 1Kla'ngni provliiro!)^ ncar.iho~ lQ ira of nboNtimyuiig. / . , IIoi

The rescn lly rcjxirted break lictwtuu conSun-Y at rton nhd'G euoml Chm Chlung* uioi M'iji, b rad o f tno «U tli-C W |ia forces,' aerla not'SBriouSi it 'w a s declaro'd In well coaInfortftcil ij«artet» Ts«fc.<'!.IiidleoiSoiiii nflp o ln t ' to J com iilete'aeU lem eht 1)0- nimtweon them in tfitf-ii'cnr future.-,* ' up.- . ------ r~■ ’' Bur

• TB'JOPB PASS^THEOUOH. AttT IE N j e i N , (/p) — Cfeihli troop* bo* tha

longing tP tho n rm y 'o f . a w r » l “ “fPcl*Fu nr* paaslng throu«h Tien TMn r»li in ia rca i;um kers on their way to thu northern fro n t to oiipoio tho nrmy of j Oeneml Chnng Tso-Lln. n i Luanchow.

PDLicfiiiii I'• • . ^

S t iU O p d r a t o r a n d M o o n s l i i o e '” ^

P o s s o B s o t ' O a a g h t I n O ity

A u t h o r i t i e s N o t '!_____ . 'pfo

B urrell T lffauy aud Cliorloa WiUls, wh'd 'p leaded guilty in probate court hero to d a y to rharge-of illegal poMcs' sion o f liquor,.w ere eaughtJaa^evonlni? in ’ tho .noK .of'pollco o f fie e ra .jtf iO o F - J lowed . WiUIh from the T iffany rcHf, Lt-, flilltf,’ 138 Vnn Buren alrecT, t'o'fii p ^ n ; on_Thlrd nvenuo aouth nnd tlicn r r tu rn ' ed to tho T iffany placo to discover a device for the m anufnclaro' o t home- ,iu- made whinkey. Willla, when overhaul- ed by tho po'ilce, gnvo up n parcel eon m . ta in ing tw u qua rt bottlca of tho moon- III shino. A pproxinintely two (rallons .of Ul tho anme s tu f f was found in 'and about thp-atill. . • • - ■ ' ,

■ -I1N D 7B A N K E E OWLTY. ,r N E Z T ’ERCB, Tdaho, y p w A fte r uk- - liberating flv«"Ii6uni''anil 15 miauteif, a ju ry la i t n ight found flearge ll.-W a- - term an, form er prealdent of the KamlsN J S tate bank a t KnmUh, Idaho, which failed in A pril, 1921, guilty o f fnliify- ing report* of thn comlition of .the j bank to th e titnto banking department. W attTm nn’B tr ia l hwl been In prngrcu ilnco M v Tw

rariTirs \ t- : W | S i L SERIES I

. • ^ wilW ild N i g h t o f F i r i n g in M a r - cor

r o w b o n o D i i t r i o t F o U o w e d S { i o o t ^ g i n U o m l n g

■ BELF.VST, ( f lV A wild n ight of fir- ing Irig iri'tho-^rnrrow bone d iitric t o f Bel- dct J a a t- w U h -p o liw 'w d . soJ^ers ba ttling J . gunmen, wnw' -fellbwed.-.-hrr* fin1hct th t sEFotlng. t^ ilf ty -oT Ih rrw orB hg , pcbfflir W wero^nn th e ir way to tho ahop>r. A t bti least fo’ir men nro dead na a reault o f In thCKfl dii'irderA and_ levcral others ta l wounded,' hnmo aeriotitly. thi• T\'hlle )aat n lg h t'a firing raged o u t/ ' ] r iJe o f U .a 'People 'a ,ha ll,;a bnptlimal cd aervico wna progressing insldo an(l the whole'connicBatlon ffns thrown lnto n panic, se re ra l ^Tomen becoming hyateri- I cal. Tlio bap tiim of. two. b ^ lo i which Ho had been begun in f ro n t-o f-tb e 'p la t* the form, had to be finished in another nul hall whl<*h was aheltored frtm the ra i etc of bu lle ts.; •• , . i t f



.LLS___ ......................................" s j r ;

TW IN F A L t& IO A B O . n

FOR WORK IN AMERICA'Palkenhajln, wito now Is o n ^ .

M years old. aald be w rved u , technical chief o f ..Oerman a ir -i.fote6s-'iflj'rlag^h'o war. l ie aaid bo

W jlo lng 'In lo 'th e 'nu'fomo^Mle biisi- ; ne«a in America. ' '

’s Troops Raid iging and Looting

^ e rebels are adherents o f Oes< eral Carlos OrMn, tbe reb'elllona |

, governor of Tabasco.Conditloas are ao disturbed in .

- Tabasco th a t Minlater o f W ar B tt ', h iho le ft fo r tb a t regioa d a y , - ;

e d b y W a t e r s

1 F l o o d e d R i v e r

No lo ii o f life had be en .reportodp^ ' bu t m uay familiea wera homeless > nnd :oniIdcmblo atoek had been . JoaL y• H o toM ofrtfw ing to 'th tr 'p rln c i; * pa] ho te l in the town In n boa t a n d ' o f disembarking, a t tho aecond stor}', vlicTo most o f tho fu rn ish ­ings t ia j been storod. j,

iffli W l ■C o - o p e r a t i o n 'd f N o n -U n io n C o a l i

P r o d u c e r s S o u g h t in E f f o r t J;

‘ t o P r e v e n t A d v a n c e s ' . ■!m

-----T".. .. - a.W A 8H lK 0T 0N rI> .'C .,' - tl

- .ro t a r j ' Heo.vcc.asked nnd-olrtalnod ' ' today th e npproval. df tho leading

, operatora of non-union, bitum inous ei eonl f ield s fo r a gorem m ont plan q o f " g e t t in g tho coal luduatry, by t]

'vo lun tiirv action to pu t a stop" j p o in t- 'in in c rm o of cnni p r ic e s / ' ' j, du ring the period of tlic existingcoal striko . ___ -----------’ pT ho~ptan ' whieh was approved by d

nbout .-10 opemtors, who mot w^th U r. n H oovrr' ra ils for th e crcatlon •••.of-'a n fommittei) of, operaton w th govern- o ijtont _ n ti.l ronsumers' Tcpreaentatlvek ti sm -ing on i t In cnch d istric t w here a coal is-b eam produced, tbrough which nil Mdc-'s f o f toaV-wUlJw -A ,nimilar goperal commlltco wil be ' set 1 up in.W usM ngton nnd Mr. H oover ns- ' Bures tho eoal operators th a t ho hnil t A ttornov Oeneral Daugherty’s opinion ’ th a t sueh ' ‘ fooperotivo action to re- duco nnd hold down coal priceii in the pnblle in te rest would bo le g a l."

S a ? ' &uppUes--Adeq.Qat«.Prncticnlly all of the represontatlvck

of larger jiroiluclng companies n o t nf- fec tjd b y .- ih r strike in tho territory cliBt o f the Misdlsslppl- wero present when M r. Hoover, saying th a t tho op- eratora brnl'been enllM for conferonco . n t the (llri'ctlon of P re s id e n n ia rd ln c , r announced his plan. Most of tho oper- •

la tors dcelored th a t tlie production alt- .U ation did not ju stify any g ren f In-

creases in prices as ample supplies'ex­isted.

N et a Btrike M M inre. ." W o i.Ty here to consider only tho

■problem o f d iitrlbution and price in conl,” .Mr. floovcr said, a fte r cnllln" th e m eotlng lo otfltr, “ nnd w lll n o t , discuss tho wnge or the striko situation.

•"T h e i-ltuatlon is th a t Jn some dis- . i t le ts , flti>rllmtTon aod-eom.. - pcnuvo-liiild lhg p rice sliav o aUvancoT « ttA M l#V JthlleJn . other .districts them . aro still iiM ufflrlent orders reaehinc ” the operutors to keep their mines busy ., nnd to keep them opening new ' pro- duction.” ^ _______ • _ flunmiyffiHT :pCipFIIBII:T w if f F a U s B u i n e s s M e n A r - »

r a n g e E z o n r a io n a n d t n n o h - ^ o o n f o r D r . U p h a m t

— ^ ' tDr. A . ll.-U pham , prcsluent o f th * e

U niversitjf.o f Idaho, who is to deliver t the comtiienecmenl addrcua fo r lh r I Tw in F:i:l* high school graduatlni- I closs p r l 'i i y evening, will be tho guest « o f honor n*- n businesa m en’s luneheon e F riday 'OOun a t the Hotel Pcrrino, fo r 1 whieh nrrnngcmenta were today com " pleted by t he T win Pnlls Clmmber of E Comnlerco;' ~ .

AccQia;uu<lationa a t the lunchcon f will bo timited, anil the chnmbcr of .1 coramerc-) adviaoa m aking o f aarly re i- c errntionn. A general invitation ;to r b usineu men of tho cnm^nunlty Is ex- e tended.

Dr. Upham will bo mot F riday morn- t ing n t Uupcrt by C. E .. W right, preiii- c dep t of fho chamber of commerce: M. 1 J . SweoVy and A. J . Penvcy. nnd ^ y them..wlU’ bo.-bTffught. overland toTw ii^ Ifa lli, th e T m itodfielim hig 'tho Hiiaaoa t btidge^ and Shoshono and T w in Falls, t In w n n ^ r n o e n D r..U phjun will be 1 taken b y '^ - ln iF a l l s c itiiens on a tr ip j through tho west end of tho connty. c

Dr. Upham has not herito foro ,v isit* I cd th U -frc iio n ' of tlOT'state. . '

............. ... ' ' . , ' J: .A T T ia iP T fl JA IL BEHAK. 1 SALT L A K E , CITY, U tah, ( /p > - c

H arry P reu ty , alias Dave Hall, held by 1tho local police fo r Los Angeles, Cal., inuthoritles who boievo him to bo aa j cteaped c o tivk t, attem pted to escape <i to j a tbe . e l t j . j a i l early today. t

'8P A P S k )N lW iN t‘ALi

M i lte m m a p A Y , m a y is , 1032.-

S U ffl i i E o y r

, F i | i i i rU ii r ls in g o f P e o p le (T n S e r 'M a n -

d a t e A s s u m K F o r m o f O p e n

R e v o lt— C h a r g e T a x e s Im ­

p o s e d a r e B u r d e n , '

I . . 'M iU iB U u i . BTtli,^ - rtstng j f tlie SfriAD peopla against -

th* French, » h o occupy tho conn- t i 7 ' tinder m andate baa spraad ' rapidly during the la s t fo rtn lib t >

.thtonsfaout..s7riea, and ad jo in ing / I

.sta tes a id ia aasuioing the eharae-/'' te r o f open rebeliton. • 'Till' Syriana complain of heavy ta x ­

ation and’ dem aad the abrogation -of \ the Frcnc'n m andate and the righ t to

I Impoxo the ir own taxes.U nder U a r tla l l a v .

' Dnmaseua is under m artial law. Th.' minltter o f tb e Interior, haa resigned ns n protest.

In the d is tric t o f Garahliia, the rcvo- I lutlonorie»» fo re « l -Preneh tr oopa t.» _ r ‘Vrilh'Jrnw ■.^rm it'D olr-E l'ZoK ''

I A p p e a l , to A m erica., '^ e rxccutlvo committee o f 'th e con- f

IJederntiou o f S y r iu commltteoi on I Mny n iiiMre.iied cablcgrnm to P n 'B 'l . Idont Ilar.Jini; w hich,sai^: -'-'Imiwrlal- ’t U ll nre m nklng mandnt(;,.peoi>1b-.cn- . slaved co lon ics ,'' expreiafil tho -dctcr' mination o t S y ria to refiiee tho man­date of.Friinec-.end:'asked for het|> f tf .

- th o 'U n lte i 'W iiU s t6 \R re '5 3 .-------"A sk E i ^ ' a W ithdrawal.

Another Aessngo .w as sont to the n councll-'ff'.'Hie league b f nations .nt U Oomh-a rtemhndlng .the wlihdrawal of tho'mnn.lnfe, to ' Franeo nnd th n t the

. French troops be removed from th e .. countrj*.■ The councU of lh e leogue hns not yc» passed on th e nucBlion,. bu t Geneva

• dispatches yesterday, sla ted .thot Prnnco . Was pjpoc teit '>t m-a s lr - jp jro v al e f ; hgr I manclnte n t n inpeflng o r i l i e council ■ on' Ju ly I'J, ns the”fifnsent o f the Uni-> ted Stoles undoj' .certain conditions, t was expbitca.

i s i t t f i r f rB r f f f f i

: Piilillf;, , — - • .

: F i n d in g s a s t o . Q u a l i ty o f M a - i!

: t e r i a l U s e d W i l l . N o t C a i | s e ;

S p e n c e r a n d L a u b e n h e l m to

A l te r O r i g in a l V ie w s . r<1 . ______ u‘ Fred 0; Spencer, former streo t eom ; mlisionor, and J . W. U ubenholm to- v ' dav ImuciI Ihe following ita tem ent:I '^‘ Speneer and Latibenheim hnvo nn ^

changes t>t rerisljinfc^o tnnlnr ln~tliF r EjSentoFIHuUenhebn n a v l'u f^ flr tr tT J^ - , Tho report re fe n e d to--ls one j n s d t ' ' : tu - th u 'fifi'tnrr erty'adrtiinlsfra 'tion in i l ; the sprinif o f 1021 on the eondltlon of cl . tho pavcMcnt a t tb a t time, Tho In' Si

vostlgatOTS, Spcncor nnd Lanbcnbcim, were no t advised by tho admlnistra- Ifl

. tion as to th o con tract !)ioeelficationi> Y• for tho pavem ent a t tho iHmo-fff mak- a.

b g tho Tcport. ^ d te i^’r t had to do tl

Iprineipall.VTwlth- th e crae.ks and e ther . evldeneet c f im perfection in .the pavu- hi meat. ; . gi

From O lffe ren t A afles. i. it The orcasion fo r tho Issuonee of tho o

. statem ent ef Spencer and Laubenhelm today, Is tho reported bfflef of offi- V cials o f tho preaent c ity adminlstra< (I ,tion thn t result*, o f an insncctloa e f « tho pavem eat made Tdcsday might

> cause Spor.eer o r Laubenhelm to revise a r the ir report in aome particulars. T hrP InapecUon T uesday was mado b y M ayor ll .> r . W. M eRoberts, S treet Commissioner t J . .T. Pil's'crrim and members o f th e 1 J eonnrii,' lu company w ith Spencer and * t Laubenhciji and covercd practieally all

nf the te rrito r) ' .referred to In 'tb e f Slienfer-onubenheim report.

Tfie In>i;)ection Tneaday did n e t eon- I eern Itself w ith th e condition or (tuni- f itj- of th f p v e m e n t b u t was earrled- 'cut primiirily to determine w hether I) qunnllties o f m nterial uicd were In ne- . cordnntfe w ith Contract spKlfieatlona

This n-ns th^ only, point In common, as . between tho inspection made by Spen . c e /a n d Laubenhelm and the one 'mndr . Tuesday. . . - • •f Q iiaattty O to tkJ O u t ' ' '

Measur-'ments taken en the InspeC’ . a tlfn Tces'iay Ind icn tcM ha t, thero wna i I. no laek, under e o n t rn t sncjslficatlons, e In the qna’itlty o f m a ttr (u u sU in tlie p pavement, nnd th n t depths o f base, to'p

e o i t 'a n d skim coat wero as prbvideil• by the cont'raet:_^' |

'T ho Inipeetlon Tuesday' wns en tcro i upon.w lth a view to ihedd lng ./u rthc r ■' ligh t'on <ho pavem ent sUuntioo and in

- order Hint' tbo c i ty o ffiela ls 'm igh t be y better advised In dealing w ith thti V ar-

ren Construction eompany, whieh la be- D ginning now a p ro g rw o f repair work » 00 the pavem ont inve lrlag aa estim at­

ed expense of <80,000..


................r — — I----------TB-T,---------r-s p :

Pet Hen Sings Her Thief to Jail and

Her Way to LibertyB i d d y C o n f i r m s S t a t o m o n t o f

H o r O w n e r b y P e r c h in g o n

A n n o f J n r o r . ----------

i ■ OMAHA, Neb., The happy I a ong 'o f a contented pet hen aont

I Nb• Orady waa en tria l in th r Boyd rounly d is tric t court charged w ith itealing chickens from .h is nelgh-

1. bor, Andrew Lorenaen, living near f* Butte. A m ong-tho poultry said to ^ have b-'cn found and which. Loren- ion and h lu a p .-lo 's lited belonged to them, was a hea.

1* Ae««'npBnlc^l by the distrie t I ju«lK0» the .’ju ry .w en t to view tho : chlekeni a t the couuty lall whore

L orenion’s son said the ii«n .would

S' to any one’s arm, i f called,-. . d s lq g .a .M o g . Juror Clino de- . r l d ^ 'to tT7~ it w ith tha ^ I t th a t thci ja i l ientQnKi~follewed. "

r PinitSS Indictments in Fargo Bank Case \

C- . ------- •if V ' PAROO. N. D., (yp) — T hirty .0 flvo secret indictments against 13 ' n ,

indlvl'ln tils'hnve been rcturDcd by p , tho special county grand ju ry In-

I.' vcstiRnling the aff.ilrs of tho de- d fnnct Scondlnavlnu American bank {,,

of JPargu. and tho relntlo'ii of tboso .’- a ffa irs w ith, the Bank of N orth ; l . Dakota, Oeorge Schaefer, n ss ia ta n t.

' sta te .ji '- 'o rney genrral, announced todnv.

^scBisis i U J N U l l 'S Divorcees Married Without De-1|; 'I cref Include Valentino, i«

Mayo and Walthall : Ii'.r ■ — ' : de'il LOS A N O E L ra. C a l, t f iV - ln - ' H'

vesti|:r»ti°>* ° f marriages o f.-tw n « <r . other prnmlnont motion picture act- 'if ~ b r a who took thia atcp, n f te r ob- |. ta in ing an in terlocutory 'decree of• d lvoreo 'nnd w ithout w aiting for a

: final dccree .'ls under wny, in ad-' d ition to the probe of the niarri- ,

_ ngo of Hodolpli Valeutloo, itVwas,■ ■ntui(iiihrc4 a t th p ' d is tr ic t ' a tto r- . '

Doy's offieo here today.’ .Cirlude-lCaye and W tlthalL

...TTieae ,Jc to r* nre Frank. Mayo and •^ .C

WPS m arried a t Tlnjuano,.Mexlco, a fte ? ^ tho grttnt'nR of nn interlocutory dtf'

rcree o f divorce.bere. Tho bride e f the second mnrriago nt Ti*juaiia was Dag- mar. Oo-ln'vsky, daughter of. Dr. Leo’ po ld.O odovfky, noted plnnlat.

-Frnuk SturgU, in jh n r g e of the , d 9partm ont o f'ju stlco bureau bere, said

1' th a t th e investigation into tho Valet;- * tlno m arriage waa prompted by reports ,a mndo to bU offlco th a t Vftlontlno’ Isai

'violated m e Mann w hite slave act.Q ‘ W ill Question Bride.

V denth io will, bo questioned hero by . fe<1ernl qffli:crs, i t vaa s ta ted a t tbn

feiTeral building and an e ffo rt will be ' made to in terrogate the brido as soon

as aho ean bo reached a t some point * \)oVwtcn here and New York, Iver ic ­ported di-Ktinatlou.

' bl

~ _ 3 E i i > B - o o E 5 - ’ B T r — - - - *1' I t - ‘rO B 'X S 'iJ iJL ra , cat..- (S V -W iiilf re d j^ ill iluilnut,'!<nown professionally as Nata- >f cha Rombova, who was married last — H' Saturday n t M e x lc a l l ,^ w e r Callfor- n, Jiia, tr>, llw lolph V a l e n t i , film actor,' jj, a- Ifiat lilght boarded n tra in fo r N o t u IS Y o'rk'ilt T’omonn, 30 miles east o f here, - Ic- according to Information received by lo the I/IS Angelbs Exominor, tr . A num’ocr o f peraona accompanlcd JJ »• her to the rnilroad station. In the M

group, nceording to Pomona plcturo fans, was. Valontlrio. who bade hor on w

10 affectloncto fnrow cll.. "im Jean Acker, film actreia, from; whom a ’1. V nlentlnj ob tained nil Interlocutorj* h' a . decree of divorco last January , and nf whoi'ar-^oriilng to judges o f tho supe- Ci !jt rior court, remaina his legal wlfo u n til hi Ifl a 'f in a l I’c rree Is entered,' Is scheduled i r to te ll n h O 'd ii tr ic t attorney w hat ihe I] s r knew* of th e m a tte r. j'e r ' *

Duke of Richmond is* in “New Poor” Class

LON'HON. (/P) — T hr Duko o f C '}■ nicbinond Is-.tho la test recru it to

th e rn n lt' o t Uip " n e w pooT.” H e offers fn r snlo his estntca in Ab- erdeonfchire, including thb town of H iintlv 'hnd six parishes- comprls- ing 06.000 acres of 400 farm s and I>

“ smnll ht-idings. T in doke is ono ■■ 0 ? of the most prom inent noblemen in 11

England. H o Is a particular friond P • of Kfcig Q oorip .'' f'

™ Freight Train Dumps Iii Its Cargo Into River'3C - . --------- Bed ABDITORE. Mo„ (fl^ -T w o men v

I we^e llltlfd nnd ,nno^Jicr probably a 8d fa ta lly I n j u i e i . ^ W a f l t . Leals-, h or ■ Sap ^nnf-isefi frolcht trnin plung- , 0 in ed’ th rrtocfi'th e bridge over'BoggT • '0 Sio riv e r near Sopher, about CO* miles -'

east o f hore a t m ldo lfh t. Ifu t:.'. t >«- n igh t, RcferdiDff. to word reeeived rk hero today. R v e c ir* w ith tho It- eng lso u d tender dtept>«d from

ao. em bankm ent 26 fee t hM^.

g wI P B Z ^ f IV B O B im .

l i l iFOR8IN 1

C o n f e r e n c e P r e p a r e s f o r A d -

j o u m m e n t w i t h S h o r t ; T t o ■

A f l f e e m e n l . t o - A h s t a I n f w m - '

A g g r e s s io n ”

a B K O A . (ff) — ' t h r - • H h t ' moaths’ n e n - t a n s s l e a pact was

.. n lopt*d nnanlmoualy » t « p i t a w m eetln i o f th e poUtlcU Ob-om- B isafofl'o f th e Oenok ^ a f g n n c e - to f lif . The j ia e t w a i no t signed, bo t v a s adopted fn th e f o r a o f a

'resolntlon, eacli i t a U p ledg ia i l u . se lf to respect i tTh6. final, p lenary session o f .thb eo'

lire coDfcreaco w as fixed for 0 o'c lock Friday m cining and the g a th e r in g . . prelinbly Trill bo'coneludei] about noon, '

The Qritlah bave ordered a speela] train .for.curly to a v rtrr^ nftornoon and tho othtr';aclcgatlon's' aro m aking plana for a ba»t^ departure.

' • SEE NO HOPE.OENOA, {/Pl S ir Edw ard O rlg g '^

nimouui'cd un Itclialt 0 ; tho British ilelctiatlo'i th is , nfternoon th a t fu rther ndvlces had l«en received- frem tbe U nited lltatcs govornm ent and th a t i t did not s*em llke lv tho United State*-; would paiticlpate da Tlio Hague moet- ing a t Iciiit un til th e scope o f the meeting nas b e tter uhdontood..

• B iO IB IO N IB BBBEBVED.OENO.Vr (/P) — R euters 'ioday sU te i

. thn t a re ily has booa recolved 'from the UoUs'l S tates w ith 'Teferooee to participation in th e projected commis* , a lon 'a t.T lie H ague on Russian a ffa b s^ ' saying tno Unltffd S ta te s reservjp*,Il».-' decision, pending n fn rtber In v c tt^ '- - '-

. tlqjt an>l '»n»tll tho s ituation \epom w -;', d earer. '


- C q ! a i j i i s j o n e r s . a t ; : H r i c e , , : l ^ a h i i ^

F p - 'A si< G o y e i n o p f o r G u n s '.a h d ■ :

; A iim i .u n l t |o n ^ “

S A W L A K E O lT .r, m - A ' ni- '• port from 'P rice ,'U tn li, t'oday sta t-

' . ed th a t G overnor Charles R. Ma- .I boy hai been a sked by tho Carbon* ceunty commissioners fo r J500 rifles* tcn mnchino guns nnd 10,000 rounds - I o f nmmunlUon., TJie declilon to '

make th'^ renuc«t, I t was stated, was made & few hours a fte r Gov-

, cm or Mnbey le f t tho d is tric t yes- , terday a fte r investiga ting the , . trouble existing betw een cold op- , erators ond tho s tr ik in g coal min- 1 • on . • '

w m U u DepotiBS. - Accnr.liiig to tb e roport, plans are to

bo mode to rcc ru it 200 ipeclal doputy. . . iherlffs;...Tho-com>tTls4ioneni d u m rer ^ n f ^ K e “ sJtuation is fcTiie and_ tha t* w r bptwceit Amcricnns nrff^thb for-■ eign element form erly employ&d.ln •th-?'' mines, m ight develop: As n ’eonse- .■ fiuencB of th is be lief they .havo_nskBl .■' tho sta te Dutherltles fn r tho nmmun'K, tlon mentioned.

: Order AUena C lsm ned.The commlsslonen bave issued an .

1 en ler fo r ovcry alieji to dijarm by .nex t - ] Monday. , ■} Reports! received a t Prlee a a d for- I warded here s ta ted th a t SOO aliens

have been ordered ou t of Bannyslde,1 n m ln l^ ramp, and cautloaed to remain I- ilWMjX1 OovcVnor M abey, who waa question- .. cd here .upon., his re tu rn , said tb a t be 1 had no cemment to m nko a t present.I » — ■

■Piil'SLEIlIlGll- , JSMNSCOilN

O a rr io fi A U B a t S o v e n p o o n t i e s O u t o f 6 7 i n F e n n s y i v a s l a . ‘« A g a i n s t O r g a n i z a t i o n

PirilABKLPHTAT (JP)~K steady Increaso In his lead over A ttorney;

" Orneral Oeorgo E . A U o r'fe r the repub­lican Tiomlnntlon fo r governor o f Pennsylvania w as m aintained by Oif­ford Pinchot. -

B etum s from '75D2 d ls trie ta -o o t o t ' 7034 In Ibe sta te gave P inchot' «S,S53

and Alter 401,511, i m ajority of 6M 2. H fo r Plnehot. ' ’ (' OuUiae o f Philadelph ia aad A lio-,

gheny iounty (P ittabn rgb ), P ineho t’a, voto In the 7fi08 distrie ta waa SZt,Slfl; aA lw it 100,037. fo r A lter. T h o la t te r ; however, carttea PUIa<lelphta b y 83,-

, 0<8 and in Alleghim'y .he bafi a lead' o f approxlm atdy ,W,000.

A lter carried seven of 07 eotin^leli'la .', the state. .

n> A H 0V 7S A Z H B B .'■ - Tonight ■ and P ri3*3t,.B *obably-;.

showers,• cooler F r id a y . . ' . ^, , . . f . ---------

^ v f w p : , - -

; jm e o f s I2‘ oEfEiii i i } !

IflSTEii•• either

F i e ld ’s D e l iv e r y P u z z le s ’ T w i n I 'iJ ,'.

F a U s L a d s , W h o W o b b l e ' In m t "

; D e f e n s iv e W o r k a t C r i t i c a l

■■ - T i m e s

, ' — [ahfad; , ' Tho CaMwell h igh «bo o l b u o b a ll placp

: Usiun defeated tho- Twin Fal!» h ljl i forcod . I sebool ba icbal hIbo ■ yctterday aftor- F ix k

ncwn a t Lincon field by the *coro of tboro ' 10 to 3, in a ;;ftm o'tha t v u foaturod bandei I by tho hard h ittin g o f tbo winner^> w ith n c n OD ba«ei. « ,

J o r jp v a n In n la p i t n u a< p re tty j r . . „ . I a (puno n t ono, ^ o d d w aaii to leo, i h i v .,i , ,

K oro up t(. tbo f i n t o f lho olgbth-be- p i„ ,j , ' Id;; 1 to 0 In ,fnvor of tho vUltora. In

• tbo oiRhth tbo lotal* cracked, allowing i : tbo Canyon county bovi to (pilber four: . ro n l. The n in th iB niar ihotred moro n t„ , ; 1 dliiolntfl<l play, tho Caldwell loan. , ' '

KorinR i w ru n i on threo bita a n l '

............. l i r o l lI ' r i o l d U P m l e r . ’ •I W aller Field, OQ tbo mound for"-tP‘c I/ykti

onomy, pltehed n clovcr gnmo, alloir- Lancoj■ i Ini; b u t rh j aeattered h its up to t h t rnllcr

; ..n inth Inning wheo n slnrile and tv o iKondI Lomers netted tho locali tlioir thrpp ilneloc

rum . Fluid haa na eajy di>llvcry w ith tho.th< . a InrRo nno rtm cn t of cur^■o balli, am i I Ik' »

' nbovo nil, he i i endowed w itb coolneii. down,• F ix , DiiJnBlay of tho local*, tw irled Afte

. j greit ba'I fo r aovon Innin;^, allowlDff ou t nt ; ; eiKht wtd<!)y M attered hit» and bu t one Flold 'i

J run . fcneoJ Tho Caldwell team n i a wIioIo ihowocl from i ; ! . th o f^ ra te it fielding exhibition leon nlr. bii j I on tho local flold a i fa r a i high lehool with a ! I baaeball ir ronecrned. -Lyko a t th ird —: atartled »ho fa c i w ith threo beautiful

I atojii, tak ing . them in like a blf; FAJffl 5 le a d e r . W ITH

- 1 K. Lonoil; who came here tooted &■ NEV I Mho. b e lt f i n t bnietnan In tho ita to , fb r tbi

; I nnd not having mfldo an error tbia year Ruth c lived up to bis reputntiou having^]-; {ho >'i

■ pntoDti lo h is c red it w ithout a ou Bal 1 blc. . ■ fo r fO)

,1 . . . . L « a c u t« r I i S tar. atatciaiL oncaitcr playod a beautiful ;^m o nl Rrnph

short R obbibg up flvo difficu lt chances Latidi« ' w ith narv a m isi. IIe-lp((d h ii team club o

in hltti;i{; ye iterday , po liii; -Dt]! .throe talolna I b its ou t c t four trips to tbo pla te, o m Commii (• ft twft. oae & ttip w . Batuidi1 K im , the Ilaw ailan seeond basem an Now

fo r tho v li l to n , althoDf^h m aklog two Hok i Ii ’ o r ro n , played a n e a t game and cracked Polo ' o n t tn o eli-an bSrMUu. w orld’i

F o r the home club tboro i n ’t much lo a ti i : i s th e t e a tn n U so ntUT (peak ing o< ftlTead?


\y ■ ■ ■; ■ . ^

' USIN l i k e n

m o d e r a t e l

s m a l l . T c

m u s t a s s i

!. ; , . M a n y a r e

■ , . , ' o f t h i s c c

■ , " , g r o w t h o f

■ . l a r g e s t a t e

" , p e t r o l e u m

, . . . ' s a t i s f a c t o r

. I J d r a i n a g e (

i ' . . , . C O N O i•' ThcBalanc^

' ’ ■ ' ■ '■...-------- - -• BavC

• A « t*

T H E CBolw Butte ChejTOin

. M b ^ u c i

: f w u ; g A ix a PAUL10 two terrif lo d o a t i by F ix ond Hamm ammond ever tbo righ t field f e n e e .. drovo Bobbles camo a t tbo wroog t in e , al- fenco w ins the visitor* to olio op ra n i on le li in U - th a t thouU h&vo been e u ; outN fo r Jb Two fnjit doublo p layi featured tho balls,- une, oa :h team m aking qac. <

Iffika E i i i r S tart. , CALD Coldweil i ta r te d itorinif in th o .f i r i t Iaw so oing whea Law ion, i l n t m an pp. £ . Ix) D^led'tbroDSh ih o r t.. E . Lowell sac- L anca fieed bun to locoad ,and ho leorcd Lyko, moment la te r when I« n ca itc r ili^glod I ln r tt , < c o u tc r . ' T h il cn'dod the scoring on Jen io i ther sido until'CaldwoH g o t 'b u sy in D ..L o 10 eighth. ■ Crom jitgRli'd Law son's Kim,>t roller lo tho th ird Itatlon , E. LoW' Fiold,I went oul. F ix to Hammond. Lan- a tc r doubled to the rigbt flold fcuce oring Law ion. Lyko linsied over t w t n cond, (icorlog Lflneaster. H u rtl, who ul itruck ou t twlco, k iiied one of n \x/n gri-i,ve balli over the rlgjit f ie l i TK,t,i. nre for n homer chasing L y k o .In p i_ icad o f him. Jam ison took FJx ’b xj, ’ * acp in Iho ho r o t this «npe, nnd « , reod Jen^tn to pop out to 0 . Jarm an. Trn_„. t w eat to riRht fiold, ond arrived oro in f!mo to make a bcnutlful obo- iBdcd :atcb ofl P . L ow cll'i line drive,

A c e u m ^ to FITS Bont. *narp<Tho niutli brought f lv t more run* ro»i for Caldwell. A i'tc ^ Jam iion Tota id tak.'u varu-of Kim*s cosy grounder *Ilarp< vid singled to le ft. L aw ion w ai la fo struck ien U .la tm au lot h ii roller g e t owny DDI him. E 'L o w ell h it ooo to Ju n i- p i r n ' a who throw Lowson out a t leconu.

Jarm an bootod L aneas ter 'i ground- aud nil l.and i wcro »afc, F ield scor- ;

g on tho threw to tho plate, f l T^TIK iw oli'w cnt to , third. Ih itiie r throw o.iifllJ Za)WcI{ icorliig. H its .'ke t'ri|nL'd to deep center, neoring Suroi Jlea lto^ L . Jarm an booted B u r t t ' i H u rtt Ilcr and Lykc icorcd. ITurtt itole ba io h :ond, .Tcnicn was pained, U. Lowell cn iter; iglod to ccn tir , scoring H urtt. On Lyke; 0 .throw td tbo plato Jonicn took too mond;

a load o ff nocond, nad waa run F a lli 4 wn, Crom to 0 . Jarm an. mond <A fter L ancaitcr hnd thrown Pntzicr E. Lo< t n t f in t , Cliff F ix slapped ooo or Field old's hook balls over tho righ t fiold pitehin aco for a hon\er, saving tho loenlu P i r in im 11 shutnut. Thom ott w hiffed thu runs a ■,.but Musioll pavo tho fau i n i t a ; t F ield : th a clean single to right. *^BIim’ ' umpire

I II - n ’-------■________ f Zlonko. • CO rain

J if l W IL L W EtO O U B BUTH [TH BEOOBD BBEAEJNQ OBOWD ji tTEW .YORK, yp) — AU nteparatloM BoVh r tbo ruturn of tho prodigals, Habr form i th ond Dob Meusel to tho llajsup or > N ow .Y ork American leaguo.'team 'Botu'r.lay hnvo been, mado except the loe.

• forra.i| application" fo r their rein- / ■tcioen^ whUh will bo » a d « by tolo- . m e ld jph fo CommlnlonictI K oneiaw IT. g /a n c ndi* a fte r Friday midnight, Ynnk-.v m b o ffi 'io li expect no hitch I n o b ' , oing tclcgraphle c o n firm a tlo o ^ o m piold nmUsioner L andis 'before game timo iuiday. ■ ' M n ij^ow York will wolcomo the two ur- ond go g iluggeri back to the gam c'w lth a n ing w lo Omilnds erowd equal to t h i gjo r id ’a . series attendance, all rwervod t l for ihe gamo baving been' (old j Iq i ••■IJ. . H l« t lo

I N E S S O R G A N I Z A T I O N S .

e m e n . A s l o n g a s t h e y r e n :

t e i y s u c c e s s f u l t h e i r r e s p o r

T o s u c c e e d i n a r e a l l y l a r j

s s u m e n e w - a n d b i g g e r r e !

i r e c o n t e n t t o r e m a i n s m a l l ,

c o m g ^ y h a s b e e n i d s n t i i

o f i t s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y — t h a t o f

a t a s w i t h a n a d e q u a t e s u p p l j

i m p r o d u c t s , a l w a y s u n i f o n r

t o r y . O u r s t a t i o n s e r v i c e i

e o f c r a n k - c a s e s .

[OCO IGasoline - Tlje

C ^ G O Y L E M O B M I L S

ov Oflow Coopon S m (i . T i v t a t U i m m J M t

m j* . Thtg m^^taoi t i a rv Cmllntnial StrtU

: C O N . T I N E N ' P A L O I L C CI UCelcndoCcfperttiM)0 , DENVER

L i L y N E ^ ; T W I N F a l

ammood picked .o&o to hla liU og , oad P i rovo tho pollott over the r ig b t fie ld cait^ meo fo r aso tiier homer, b e rd n g U u |.II in ihoad of h ia . HATperT^attinff n . „ jBttUoB, w hiffed oa thxeo p itehcd 0,5

. ■■ , ■ th a tBox f lto ia

ALDWELL7 - A B .II.H 4P O .A .E . Lt &w(00, rf. Z 1 1 -0 0 Uurl, L ow cil,,lb . 4 1 0 14 0 (. in tl aocastor, is . 6 2 3 1 4 0 |rko , 3 b . _____ _ 5 2 2 0 - 3 - O r r in r tt. If. ___ _ 8 2 1 2 0 Umion, c i . _____ _ 4 0 2 1 0 0, Lowell, c. ;_____ 6 0 « fl 3 0 f?“ 'im , 2b. ______ 4 0 2 2 5 a . s®l o l d , . p . ____ 4 1 1 0 1 o j ^

T o t a l i ___________4 1 1 0 14 2 7 1 5ffIN PAi(L6 — AB. E . H . PO. A. E , 1, .•om, 3b. _________ 4 0 0 0 1 ’, Jw m nn, n . ____ 4 0 3 5 1 1 x,,atzler, c . _______. .4 0 1 8 4 1Ix, p !rf . ________4 1 1 1 S 0lomotr, I f . _______ 4 0 0 1 0 o l T .unc ll, c f . _______4 1 1 1 1 O ' J rHmmond, lb . i 1 1 11 1rc , r f . ______ _L. . .2 0 1 0 0 2 ’ , " “,

Jorm an, 2 b . ____ 3 0 1 0 2 3 |imiaon, p. 1 0 0 0 2 0la rpor , -------J _^I,ixVh

T o t a l i______ ____ 34 3 - 9 27 17 ’lo rpor bn tted for Jam lion la n ln th | “ J*

^ ' S .Score, oy Innings:. J,n,iSLDWELL T otol(in( _______ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 S - IO -CaIt* ---------- 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 3 2—14 blo \iTIK F A L L S - , • Totnl*. w ltbin i ...... ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3— 3ila _____ J O I 0 1 3 0 2 3 — i> i o lSuram ary-S to len b a ie c E . Lowell ‘i r t t 1; M rriflco hiUs E . Low ellj two- • to h its ; 0 . Jarm on, D . Lowell, Lo<i-|“ i te r ; threo-bneo h iti : I/ancasto;, rke; home ru n i: H urtt, F ix , I lnn i.l D- )nd; le ft on b a ie c Caldwell C, Tw in jtho ' dll 4; doublo plnysi P u td o r to n a m -|N y o ind to Pu ttie r, I/inrn»tcr to Kim to;U ner

Lowell; struck out: by F ix «, by Imnd cld 0; briKO on balla: J a m l io n .J ; | tchlng record: S runs nnd 11 b its o f f i Hu r in 7 1-3 innlog*, o ff Jnm lion GjCrom ns ond S hita In 1 2-3 inn lng l, o ffi - . Bid 3 (uiis and 0 bils In 0 Inning^;! Fi: ip W i: Woolums on balls and strikes, .savot onko on baaes; t ln o o f gamo: 1 hour

m lnnlei. , ■ Th--------- Wool

NOTES o r IH B O A M ^ pl«y. Botb plUhtT* liow od b ig leaRap^“ ’’t ° m fo r loven innnlgo. |

Ontl thousand-rab id--fan# wattehcd J loeaU go down to defeat. '» ' [

Plold Aoa an oa«y dolWery. ond l») no chucker. .bu t bis snpport lav".*

' i t J••lold'a toam fioldi. ' . the h

a n » « )l roaa© » beoutlfol peg to lec- i g e tting L aneaitcr in tho f i n t in- Ig when he tried to. itre tch h l i sin- I in to a donbla |« in n i

_ Rr«wrim Lyke stopped two in the ineond. it looked good fo r lioglo*. | l a


■ e m i n s m a l l o r

D o n s i b i l i t i e s a r e

l a r g e w a y t h e y ,

r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . 4

a l l . T h e g r o w t h f

n t i c a l w i t h t h e ■

o f p r o v i d i n g s i x

p l y o f t h e f i n e s t U

i r m a n d a l w a y s

3 i n c l u d e a f r e e

POLARIN E yriie M e e t Motor 00


C O M P A N Y '

■‘ Poehls ' — ' j EO m tF i f l i ,

a ^ L a k a C l tT ' ' > M

- i f V A ' v y . i ' . v ’ .-'

,L I^. IDAHO, THXiBSDAPotx ier made a dandy «ateb o f L « c. ■ ■

o i te r 'i h igh fon l i s th« tbird.

Qerflld Ja n n an d<iahlcd to'^rlgfat^in Iio th ird w ith tw o o a ^ bn t tho b e l t ,Iiat F a ttie r could do waa w h iff out.

Lavell Jarm an m ^ o a n^ce atop o i lu r tt 's bot grounder over soeood oo m i I tho fourth iD nlnj. '

H i f iilS x l h li pOilUoi U ji. n i r o U ' imer, m aking a fine assist on J to - : m ’s roller along tbo f irs t baao line in j 10 fourth inning.

E . Lowoll mado a wonderful atop o f rom'ii smash in the f if th . I t m ay . ivo boon lucky bu t i f th a t la tb e easo 10 entire O ^dw ell team , is Idcky.

M naioli'a catcb o f E . Low ell's bard ner in tbe alxtb waa a bird.

L ancaster mado tbrco h lta yeaterday, id bU trip le In tbe sixth wont to tbo im Id tho le ft field . I t waa a bealthy., vat.

W ith L aneaiter on tb ird in th e . x th , Lyko stn iek out, P u tsie r mlaaod , le th ird ono and th rew to H am aond ,. anea*t« ttlod lo a eo to 'o a tho ph i) j I :id WOI nipped a t the plato w ith a , 'r fec t peir- I t was ft f a i t ^onblo play]Id wo,n a round of appUtlso.

Caldwell'camo-back w ith a fa s t dou- lO play in lU ba lf of Uvo alxth; when,Itb 0 - Jarm an on f i n l by rig h t o f a ngle, Pulxler h it to Kim. who towed I L ani'aitpr, wbo iii tu rn threw out 0 fa s t lunning Put*Ior. When thoy- !t Bob on a doublo piny it hna to bo ■ / , fnat jiiccu of work.

D. Lowell wna robbed of a donblo in 10 eighth when F ix , who had taken yo ’a p lnct In r ig h t field, ipoored h is . lor with nno han d .' F ix deserved tbo md he received from tho sl& d i.

H u rt t mndo a nicc runhlng cntch .of ■om'i long fly in. the eighth.

F ix ’* homer In tho la i t o f the ninth’,vod .the locals from being sh u fo u t .

Tho big leaguo timpfring of D art oolumi « a i a fea ture e f ye iterday '# ay. B w t l l n past m aiter in tho ^ t o f runuing a ball gamo.

Oernid Jarm an booitcd hls b a ttin g « •erage w ith threo out of four.

Tho team*"piny ngain today.

Bardnlov nnd Doug. I/)well will form ■ • c ba ttery for the v iii to n , while L. rmnn anil Pu trier will perform, for0 homo t < A m . __________

A dditional SporU Nowa on Pago 4)

WE W ILL rn n tra f t yoor wool; re t (»aMf ■ rn«h, advanee. Phono M l «irn nrr» 'BhN *p Co.—adv."

In l ie l i memory.—ftJv. ' i

7 " ' " I


/; H '

I il| R '

f r fin ^ <v t i g h w r

: 1


And'TheseAre ■ For Sum

. Colorfl'cre gay for Baiumcr, i ganilic.s thc>i filiow up to the bcs cs ,wo have just received leavo

' ■ color and style and attractivem Tho gin}^mm drosses are mad

aro trimmed with £inc lace. I sleeves and ns trimmings on tiio ^ j i o orRnndicB are trimmed : up in priish and pretty styles.

.TIicko dresses have been mar

~ Popular 1

W holi ^ T w in W ls

Countv’s Most Perfect I H l

■ ^Bahy?

Twin Falls Fir Baby Contest,

ThoFo are many pretty-babie All HWftotnnd cuuninK and denr. who is tho most perfcct? This' Saturday, May 27th, Tvhen Twi first Perfect Baby Show. Thor

. from every «ectiAn;of tho coimtj viiaon of l)r. B. H..Rouse nnd ol the babies will be weighed, metisi they think is the most perfect wi ns tlie moat perfect babv in Twi

. will bo second and third prizes (■ repBtcre^l aay .tim tijip \mtil M{

and “doH’ts " on the caro of hali entrants.- This little book.tella i cnse of illn(!.<»s, und hns other vt niotliers in the cnre of children.

Have You Entered

All Spring HatsA Kiilc that supersedes others,

remurkahle collection wcro pricc place. The sale com inguifti^o Henson offers a chance to 8ecur< little money. All spring pattern original price—AT EIALP PRIC of Summer Pattern Haja jnst in siilan straws, Crepo do Chino a comc nnd look them over.

Jack Tar ‘Middies and Dresses i

Children Have JuiTliii.sf Htiirdy, «irtwtatitial and '

middio drcwcH haVe just come in. flio convertible stylo, allowing yoi niiddios. DressoH are well tailon

•iu\d como'in different colbrs, in d fmin the small little girl to the liTlvirbeon innrked low in prico;

This I s The Home of J

.1 - ■ ■ - .

i N i n J '

* V '

e the Dresses mmer /r, and in giiighams and orr jest advantage. T h o d re ^ vo nothing to be desired in, eness.lado with side panels which

Lace is also used on the Uio bodice.' •d in self-colors arid !ma3e3,larked at— ' . , .


- ■liV* ^ '

'irst Perfect I, May 27th .bies in.Twin F a lb County.»nh But of all the babies, ils ^uesti^n will be settled 'win- Falls -will witncKs its liore will be Imbies entered nty, and- imder tho aaper*1 othor incdical aiithorities Misurod, and the one whom will receive tho firflt prize 'win* Fnlls (’ounty.^ Tliero !)s offerwl. .Babies can bc May-25th. llDipfuUrinta' \ l)ahies toII bo given to all la on diets, what to do in valuable'informatipnfoT

n.id Your Baby?

s Half Price ,rs, for all the hata in this '■icod Tfery low in tbo'fjrat ^oes a t the h e i^ t of tho :nrd a blgb-grade hat for sm hats, regardless of the JCE. Beautiful n(3w line in by ei^rcfis. th ey aro !

0 and N e t Yon shoald ' !-

^Togss fdr Misses and Fust Arrivedid well made middies and [ in. iliddies are made in ' you to havo two different lored and carefully styled ncludhig klmW. .All'sizcB j he misses’ size, an^»w cv'

-■ - V ‘ ,

( Jack Tar Togs ]. ■''

• f : ' ■

New Type C^net Abatjiions .Use of Bectrlcalf ower Line

' Coniiectlbhs.; O K O /IO , (ff)—A aoTT ty p e .o f radio

io«oIv5ji){ derlec Trithout iierial. d e c ' t r lc ^ power Udo conceetion, o r any u i l i t l c g . t p p a n tu i czeopt lOveral . . ' .y a r ^ o f n ir e ’..tacked on the b u k 'o f ' th e cAblnct.SrUeh. bonioa th e ie i. w u ‘Attnouiued tod»y by B.. F . U ieuncr,

' m d b MKineor.' ' '' 'iNleeptlon of sIkiuiIs ls ‘ ac? -

. oomplUhihl by a »uper lunpiiflor, w h lo^ v • to Mr. u ic k iae r, nsR olfieol

thci tis v a l about SO tlmM more than the o r d l n ^ tiiree tubo 'am plifier, reoder-

■ in i - ' i t fall? a« audible a^ aljfnal» rei -•eefved wlUi aerial katotuise.1: T be'rc - eeWing so t ia almplifled, bavloj[ 0Q\y i a buttoD to tu rn on tho power, geaer- a ted in- n’mall a t o r ^ . b a tterie s alto hoOMd.ln thT rfabl'net, and a dial on

■ irblcb tho wave leoRths nro marked.A fter a iiju itlng tbo one d ial to the

w»To le n jlb bn- wbieh tho operator w libes to leceU e, no e ther adiuatmonts ar« MVtuarj,

Tn a d n n o u t^ t lo n today, signals • from KY'V broadeasllnK stntloD, Chi-

eago, wore plainly received w ith tho l cabinet in an Inaide offlco o f a largo bclldiDg.

‘ ' I t would w ork ju s t ns well i f the cabinet wero burled . 0 fee t undrr g round ," Mr. U icssner said.

' r i f F B i i i i t

j B l l l l S E I I I T i S :

A ll P a r t i e s A g r e e T h a t M e a s o r e W il l D r a g T h r o n g h S n m m e r .

M o a th s i n W a s h in g t o n

W A8H IN9TO N , D. C .,-{ ff)-8ea ftt* ■ - ropiiblleani and deraorrata were In nr-

— eord todfi? on n t !o(u>t one po in t will. -Tcirnrd to Jbe ftdmlnlntmtion ta r i f f biil —tliftt 11 will be bpfor«‘ t!ie acnnte fo ' a long tim e. • '

FnnnM rotlcc wn* civen by Senntor ,■ L L odee o f MnMnehnsclla. .tho m ajo rlt/

lender, th a t i t wna tlic Intention .of thoRo In -rharge of .tho legislation to keep i t uniler cnniidcrntlon.pm ctrenlly fontlnumislv un til U irnji pnsicd, Irrc- appctive o f thn tim e rcqnlrod.-

The aointo hnd difficulty iluring thp early houra fu keeping a (juorum- for la a l 'n ip li t’a ac*>lon,'the f if lh th o t bad bw n licl‘1 n fter anndown for conaldcra-

• t b n of the tnrlff-w eiiaure. There wern aovpn mil rnlla. before n austaincil at-

•tendnnee of n bnro ma.iority eo61d- b j# . ^ 'b a d n n i -m ennllm n' the aergeant-at-

am is bad been direrted t<t " re tju e a t” tbe.prcAence of tho ftb(iontec».


P IT T S 3 0 R 0 n , Pft., (ff) - Chnrlpv " B f tb e " Adnnia, hero of Plttabiircli- Delrtilt w orld’s aeries pf dOOO nnd d w i of' m njnr lengue bajipbftll pUehers. e t pectfil lo celehrate bia fortieth Mrlli-. dny toilny by Inking tho tiiouu'I

♦ aiiiitnal h |’> ancient rivftta, tbe Oinnt-i.Tlie Unlic hna won Ifltl games anil loat 114 aineo 1B07. A ftor 15 years in tho world nf I’naeball, the perecntago In- bles allow tha t Adnms foilay atnndi, forth na one of tho best moundamen in the Xntinnol lengtie. His eontrol.,stlll

^ ia pe rfcft. and the patehera who gu belilnil the ba t report th a t the R abe ’ fa s t ball and curve are working to per-_ fectlon. ' ' '


■ N’otlco Is hereliy glvon tb n t on .iho 20th day of M ay. 1922. a t - 10 o'elnp’ a. m., a t ihe retldenco bf 0 . VT. Dnugh- orty , DlU'i Lnkea boulevard, mllo and one-linlf north from W ashtngton aplinol in the rl'.v anil county of Tw in F;il!* ami atata of Id ah o ,'th e re will bd of-

' fered for inlo aad sold to tho higheit bidder 'fo r cash, •pnynble u t the enn- summation of tho' iitle, ono black maro w eight about 155tt pounds w ith a thin ta il and cno bay more weight aboul 2400 pounds. 'Very good w ork team.

' D ated tl ia Sth day of M ay, 1022.‘ . 0 . W] DAUGHERTY.

In the ir memory.—adv.

■ rla ilT iC Dffffw froN O W S H O W IN O


W IT H ^ - •

T. Bo7 Baiaea, L i l i U « , L o ll. Wllaon. W «lt«r H e in

\ at'ii

/ ZaSa P lttc , T aQ r M uH iill, SylTl*\ . l Asbtoo. o t l f > £bfU a.'.A rtti& r J . H oyt, O h iriM jO sK Adolph* H o r ^ ,

Jo n ,'D as I

V T h e H « a te i t ,p » p p i< lr tr « t* -O oaedx .ls U o s th i t '

A Oood Two Ba«I 0( paOjr

a ad

"Acrossjitla Granti . I Canyon” ' ■

OOMSni m S A T e iT ^ A X“The Crimson Ctiallenge’L,

s u m s f 9 0 2 0 ^ iU L T O IT

A Ke o f T l

' if:

$ 1 3 .9 5 ^2 5 N e w S p r i n j

: . _ o n S a l (Fe, want to make this

event of importance in Wear Departm ent So ' 25 brand new spring dre what the cost, some of 1 come in this, week .and i retail up to $25.00, out at as the wraps, ?13.95. Th include brand new sport i de chine, crepe knit, cani

A goodly afwortinont of.Taffot cial interc.st will I Jg ^ ^ ii itc , g(H net drcssoK bouglit to ?btail to of an.v—

$ 1 3 ^J e r s e y S u

This event would-not bo comp mention tlie c.Kcoptionul values pi

■ fcring of.Jersey SiiitH, WchaveS •and 'Wired for 25 more ye.sterday Hkirt and jacket The jacket is t stylo. Colors nro na \T ^ro w n , Snit complete— '

$ 7 . 9 5

- -

■ / i . , A su

; ,A |4V' M >lot pass

Tp-W'■ ■

j I' / S *I i u I H 't e / S M fully wlk' Ii

1 '“f w seiwon'

/ /

y f k r ,$i3.{FRIDAY Arm


S z z S i

ia d y li m d i


Twin Palls, Idaho.


W H A ^

Don’t read this letter as y------We have bought from JoS'

from $15.00 fo $39.50 cost. The we have ever idiipped you, and

We WHDt you to go atter i punch.

. You can undepscll all con to advertise your store in the r

P u t‘in a window of theso ( They aro made of Stevenn

Veloui‘8..This will ho a groat evont 1

'The.Stripmcnt arrived aud i ‘_fioc8 noi HCcm possible that icc si

hccHs and wa»t/i a ticw rgpriiiff-u selection.

Oar share ofJhis bwj was i of capes and ivraps, liowcjiar thc

There is lota of talk ahout i hm/inij j)owcr. Let v s demonstn Hentaiiv'e is cxcflptional, out of t tomer who participates. •

Jitut Ur,o day6— Frida\j and

n g F r o c k s

l i e ^ i.;his coat event a n , , , , . ! k in the Ready-to-' ^

)0 we are putting / iresses, no m atter / )f them have just f d were bought to ^ ; a t the same price The showing will r t models of crepe anton crepe.ffetas. Perhaps of spe-. ', georgette, organdy and to .$25.M. Your choice

l u i t s -miplote if wo liid Jiiit 25 brandisprescntod by gur ot- red mid.give 25 of them in slock „„<iay. All wool iorsoy T ™is the popular tu.\odo ^n’n, fan aftd heather. ^P1

' from IG to

? _ ■■

s W i U b e P r a .

F o r ^

suit is so practical nowad vords, a good suit once in t ss this chance of buying a i£less.,:jp- '

roup I a n d IIof tweed mixtures and navy .*• triccotine.-' Therc„are..snU’? |jfiem timt sold np to $35.00. All Tlk lined, ' Every one of thom trion's stock, A few large aizes fiJ women— hv

} . 9 5 t o i l 8 . 5 0


' • . . . r


A o o o o V ^ S y TO-niAM

to We y I m ]IEAD THIS LETTl

^ "New;

A T I $ 2 5 .0 0 to $ 5 9 .5 0 V a l u e s a t S

ryiSu^ould ordinarily. Drop ovei oscph Durst 3,900 coata, \vraps, a ‘he avorago prico a t cost i« $^4.44. nd it is a timely cntliusiustic stim r tbe salo of this o;!clnnm]iiinry im

omjietition and pve your cuBtomer B most constructive niauner..0 garmenta with a price o ^ tliem a unas, NormandicH, SiuiwHhcenH, P(

it for your store.Very.tr

d the ahove letter doesn't overstn1 should he ahle to offer nuch a^tou t-VJtap should come do\cn lown car

s thirty-five garments. The large. Ihcre are at least icn vxveplional v t the saving tp the cUHlpmcrs.hecdi trdtcnow that this (juahtitij binj p f the ordinary,'and cf frets a true

ud Haturda}/.

J e r s e y J a c k e t s ,nd now Jersey Jackets, in the navy .green, have juHt comc in. For ih going to make a new low prico f( 5 just the thing to wear with the ne ^ppular for all outdoor wear. Siw to 42. • Choice of them for-—

$ 4 . 9 5

i c t i c a l l y t h e I

Y o u r S p r i n g

idays. One.may wear the) 1 two years and new coat?: a suit for we doubt t h a t ;

Group Illf^■ This group includes thi^fjprin]

J t^ r ic e s to ^ ; £ Ttfe inil|^^ials arei navy setg6 a triccotine. Aft nitoly tailored a: fully silk lined.. Each ono.a quali miit—

$ 2 5 . 0 0

r ONLY - NO]

fi:MAY18,‘1922 -, '

a »

ear E p o r tjTER;w York City, May lOth, 1922.

Bt S13.951

iverything and get this message.5, and capes. Tho price rango is 14. . This is tho most wonderfnl lot timulant for your business.' mercbaDdiso v ith an cnthnfiiastic

merH bargains that will cause them

m a t $13.95., Pondoras,' Twill, Triccotinw and

y. truly yours, ,


■state 'the matter at all. Truly it ttonnding values, .in y woman who early Friday morning to make her

fgcst part of the slioicin_^consist8 ll values in coats. ' jeduse of cither a tm e or imaginary \y put over bij our New York repre- rue saving for each and evefy cus-

5 0 G i n g h a i r

T h i s50 brand new gi:

......, in the newest spnnterday. They wer

X to $7.50. We have Wrap and Coat ev

W in our history .so tl p/ • -ham dresses will gt ^ ' ,You could not pos ® . home for twice the \ \ is this season’s mq u \ them is worth mon

An early selection

H , ■ $43^ C o u n t r yavy, brovni, Ono bf the iiiost pop• thifl-ovent wm. They are mado c0 fo r them ., .illo r th o « e n « o n ’s h j s

•l_ . . . I - . ' a r c welhng up to $19J5new 81 ing sucli iinaiititieB ^thnty

S ijca ra n g r gnnd S n tu rday you m nj

$ j

L a s t O p p o r t u

g S u i t

hem straight through the y ,tp for spring and fall.'^Yoi at you will ever buy such in

Group rVring’s - * I'nr the women 'who wan 39'.50. tho l)otter kind. Suita of i ^ ^ d materials and tailc1 and remarkable

this group. Suits in this uality formerly up to “■$59i60trf

ini (le!H—

$ 3 5 . 0 0


Iventa n c e

ic I i a

' ' 1 ■ '

i ■ I ,

ho 'cr • \ / •


^ $ 1 3 .9 1m D r e s s e s

s E v e n tgingham Wash dresses,' Ing models arrived yes- ere bought to retail up re decided to make the event a memorable one this whole lot Of ging- go'out a t one low price, jossibly make them at |ie money. Every dress no^el, and every one of , Dre than this sale price, m is desirable. Choice

L95I C l u b D r e s slopular Kellers of the spring sefl- .0 of JJi)tuny worsted flannel, ih riglitest colors.' Elsewhere thoy> 9J)0. Wc have bought tbem_ in t we may sell them a t a saving 'I get for flieni $10.95. Priday . iiay have them—

1 3 . 9 5

u n i t y I

3 year. In I A \ ou should 0 / j y j j ^ ' merchan-

Y ■ .' I ;

•ant a suit of | of tbc.Iinest .

ailoring, thoy \ _ V . bio 'valuoa in ' J 1 • is gron^ sold ^


----------— 1— 1--------- .

. 'A.-

I : i w i » t

I J . BaeebM....... | JQi TODAY'S GAMES I—

I E «d s i a ^ . B . ' a a ; ,I -D rootlyn „ ■ ____ ^ -1-'.:;___1 • „

Bt. L oaii _______________1 • • W « th .B a tte rie i: Vaaoo a ad DeB«rT7j P tf- 'O ro ii

t ic a and A in ig ttK .- ' ^ «

All o ther inuDca poitpoced baeaoM 01II< o f ta in and wot g ro ^ d a . wcntlio


{ . A m i i c ^ L « m < .) St. LouU, 3; Boiton, 4. ■ Dcclincj ' CloTelaDd, 4; N oir York, (J, (j,

■1 CbU w o l i PUIIUlolphl., 3. _ " „ i , i |v ,I Dotrolt'Woi!)ln((tOD, gcune called end «ctbaeli

ij jecondj ia in- . <np, r.! ■ --------- ' DcHvoiI ' U M o a a i - I tC fM to 101,i

’ ! Drooklyn,' 0; 8 t . L ottii, j i . vaiJed Boiton, 3 | Chicago, e. •Phlladolphla, 0; CIneinnatl, 1. 1-4

' NeVr;: Yojk-PitUbM gh, • poilponoil;

/ c o m i c

! ■ n n w : | 8 . . m . ___ __________ffi Il! B d t b k . ------------------ - .1 2 M- 0 “ S '. . ;

Battorica; Finncrnn aud J . A darai; vtincc S. Lewli, Kallio, T bunton, Blaeboldsr nnd ATifincon. Provl.

In 'jjue I■ ' Verson ___________ _ 4 8 2 Towa)

Snn IViWiiIico .. ............... 2 • '7 0 ,neculati: Battefj<Bi QUdcr, Dovio nud Ilau- u.iiin(r■ nah ; -SotH, Alton and Ycllo. . ,

*• —,. B . ^ S . 3*>irioiiownO aklnnd...........................— 2 , 4-'' M

: Lob AnjrcJpi ...............— _ T i 10 I- * j oq i .' Dntttriit^: A rlett, Brcoton nn j Koeli- shlnnl• lor; Cranciall und Baldwin. rIoBO wa

R. II. E, Jui- I-ortlnivl .......... ♦-------------r, s- :I.' B am m en to ___:...........4 la ' .i UHICi ; ' Bnttfric*;-M iddleton, WalborR, Frco *1.^3 . > r, man and E llio tt; I 'i t tc r j’ and Cook. C o rn - !; ' < '■ vcllow, I:) W IL L PB0BZ3 OHABOB THAT ' O n ti^ a M AT M EN BAflED T H m BOUT a white, ;1 CIIICAQO, (/P) — InvM tlgation of , jiyo— I' tho ehorKii th a t John I’csuk nnd Marlii Dnrloy .• Plcitinn’ did nol do the ir b c it in tboir 'I’jmotl■ wroitTlBK'ninteh T ueiday.niR ht will ibe ' ’yioj-p,

nyido tomorrow by tbo c ity a th lc tk ‘ po,^)i_•• Pe»ck np^ I 'lcstlna w ttr t-'M ed 3:13:07 to a drawi wbon tbo match• w a id c e l a r e d no ( o n l « ^ I t l i . t l io portla i oplnlotti-.i' iomo.in«nbfrn_vof lAo com- rcceint*. f m liilon.Jthat tho NbbrAik^n.dW nil no Hon-■ eould lo and -tha t PlDTtlaaHrni thc^- gticcn-• principal offender. ' innibi, 1

POXTEB E E O A m S TITLB. ' '! IDAHO PA LLS, Idaho, (flV H o n ry ------------(•P o tto r o f lilrie, Idaho, reg a in ed 'h is 1 ■ " \ ti t le of l l j 'l t heavywelRht champion o t I ; tho In tem oun ta in country w ith a de- {: cUidn over E d Shepherd of S alt Lake . j in a 12-iound American Lej^on beno- ({ f l l boxing card hero ln«t night. Pottor

K ored knockdowns In tbo laventh. I t o1t;hUi, ^nlntb, tcnl)i • nnd eleventh I i ronndi w ith Shepbord tak ing advant- I I age of lho counta. . . . .

I f iu raaw term d f^vo iw ^iludy bejrin* Ij nlnK June 1st, Pau l "E. il-.KJtiley, pu- I• pll o f ]p-lmund J . Mycr^ Vcn; Yotkj City. For appointm ent ciJl C01J3.—art. I

In thflr, meraory.—adv.- 1 ^ — g

T W" ------ ^ ’ ' }

POW Di s t h e o f f i c i a l p i c t u r e s p H i

s h o w i n g t h e 9 1 s t , 8 9 t h ■ K h '

■ i o n s . : A u t h r a t i c i n e v e r y

. o f f i c i a l s t a m p . '

" E v e r y r e d - b l o o d e d A i

R I V E R . ” P r e s e n t e d b y a


; ■ ■ M a t i n e e s r i i ' l S i r . a n W ^ ,


IA IN P R I C E S 'B E C E D E • ,


latij^r O ^ t l o n ^ r » T ^ b I a to *' jro* lii*O rflp . tu te c o D ro p .in Op. .. j '-u g n

en loc B i d ^ J L c n u 'S o ^ . aa

JIIICAOO, (ffh -W ltb eool n n d ^ c l J ' S i i rtther provaillB^,. regarded .U likely g j)i„, Imiirovo Uio condltlon i'o f 4Jio-wiflter jg ' E tii ]> and tho aprlo^ crop . u well, tho * „ eat a a rk o t averaged a little lowor ^ g th i eo today during tho cnrty trading.;linei, bowevor, were cheeked by the t th a t Liverpool qoolatlona abowed ttivo flrmoeaa as compared with the j p.(,i bncka in priee hero yeitorday. (3>i- n gurr V rccclpta today totalled 170 e u i j ’ Ivories on U a y eontraets amountou .... ‘ 101,000 buaheU. The opening which „ iod from l-^C’loner to l-So adraneo, h J la y H .45 '1-2 and Ju ly 11.27 to ’ 1-4 was followed by a slight; upturn , th tU 'by iisnodctata genoral decline. Ililifi'cauiting delay to planting of n in , 1 tended to iteody the markot f o r 5 a aod ontl. A fter opening nneh'aag- ’ .;t» l-8c hlglior, Ju ly M 6-8c, tho corn , . ko t hardened a tr if le tnore and f l '1 un.dijrwoBt as Ugbt sag. . 15.a ls s ta rted l*8e o f f . to n tlko ad- ' m ., cc, Ju ly 40 to 40 l-8e thoa kep t

lne trJUi bog vaJuM. oward tbo end ’ of tho gpulon, p it :uIators becam e.rather s ^ e s s lv D l a , !• ,. > ng. Inercaied weakncas of'M ay af* ‘ed tho now erop dellveric(k.jIiSlio a ' • ,1 wns u iiM tllcl 1-8 to >--lc n c l lowoi'. Mny «1.41 3 4 to A-42 and Ju ly /B 1-8 to 1.20 3-8.lipping demand bero was slow. Tho ,; was caiy a t 1-8 td 3-8o a e t declino ,,I Ju ly 04 1.4c to 04 3-8e.. ‘‘*L* '

O tib Grain. ^ .C"*'IICAOO, W V -W heat, No. 2 n il,5; No. 2 har.i, tl.U to l.- |j. irn—N'o. 2 mixed, 02 1-lc; N'o, 2 ' , iw, 62 i-2 r. . 1Its— Ko. 2 white, 41 to -12 l-2e; .Vo.Kite, -10 to 42c.•c— Vomlunl.ir lo y -0 2 to 08c. Imotliy se cd -* l.5 0 t.i «il. jver n 't 'd—112 to $22.

■ i ta iM iJd —>?1J.40. Tho . Portland Llvoatock. juno B

r tland , Ore., (iP)--Cattl(>—.‘ tcndv; j jjg , p tl , 152.- ToTwU Igs—W eak; receipts, 294. ,„ U i cep— lio a b s, l l lawcc; ll, f l 2 to 13; medium 10 to 12; . 1 non «7 to 0; others unchanged. ___

K I N D E R ^ ](Froebel U ethod)


TBAOHEB: ALICE BKOTSSimmons O radoate, .Boston, (M u s .) , & 'l BL A nne’s French Aeademy, M arlboro, < Mnrie,* l ^ r o s h .Teacher In Hyannla Normal, and ’Kow Yc

PSO N B KO. 237-3.

; DOMT; IWJL ^ f I P S W

p K R .B ^ I

)E R RIV!iHotographed by the U. S. 2nd, 35th, 32tid, 2nd and li ry detail and bears the Ws

American citizen Should s r Twin Falls Post No. 7, Ari

--------- AT XBS---------


T a x P a i d — f f l l l i

S t a r t - 2 : 1 5 , 7 : 1 5 a n d 9 : 1 5

, - t a * x t « Hfc I M , I HOlIIi B E P o & r o r T H B o o N o rn O N .- ;- , a a t * B A i ik e f » ix tU f X i .a t U n r tu « t i . . .O P Uio s ta w o f L b H . f t t Uta cloN 9f OP l a M ' M i j A - l M * . ' - '

ESBQDBOES ,. BdwaiLoana and' 4lMotinta___ t16 flW 22Stoeks, bonds a d i w ar. . • G ay --. T anli ____ J l _____ ■ ia.0M.06 wif,S to « k '’ib £ ^ S ^ e g i l .-Be- ’ lone

servo. BaijJt l - l ______' 000.001 MMBanklnif h<feio, furn itn re pan

and V ix tu res '.;i_L .___ : •2,605.40 *C ln lm \ jndgmcnU , e tr.- ll,070.80i U niC a ib 'o n hand ................. . 87S.03 gale tDiio from b a n V r --------- 2,31p.2rfE * p e n m In excess of . '

e irn ln g s '_____________ 3,411.82 *2*^ 'O ther ..M cta ...................... 611.18

i v . t a l_________________ f e j f ;LIA B IL IT IE S “ 7 "

Capital stock .pald l a _ - l 25,000.00Surplus fu n d ,__________ ?,500.0U O f? ^Indlvidunl d tp e s lli nub-

joc t to chcck -________ 35,384.37 ComjuTime « r t l f le a te i o f de-

P«‘l> ................................ S '

Total deposit* ...... 3fl,BG4.37C aih icr’s checks ______ 1,413.03 BookBills payable. Including ,•obligations rcjJrcaent- ' . •

inu raoney borrowed-'. ■H rdl*:ounti _________ ■ 070.00 «d a ^O ther llabU ltle . ------- . 1,255-QO

Totnl ............ ...........„_ ..- |l l l ,f i2 0 .fi5.TE ( T IDAIIO, In t r o f Tw in P n llt:r« .A V ” LW. 0. Dickey, Jr .; cashier of the |5*

re nam fil bank , do solemnly awear ..llio nbove statem ent ia true to the ‘" '“ y 'o 'r.m v Iwo.wlcTlcft and belief.

W. c . DICKEY, J r . , CaihliT. W l - U t W i '

A , J , FD U .E I1, ' • * '’ "II. T. i iE r a M n e o x , w > " * '

Directors, nmo-ie iliKpribcd njid sworn to beforo me 12th dnv of Mny, 1922. o*

rertif>- thn t I nm NOT an offlccr — ^ ilrcrto r o f Ibl* l)ank.

r . D; N A S n , Notary Publie.

rominm paid for sweet cream. Oood loouion for large dairyman. Lln-

Produce Co.—adv.

M ill Della Larson of Waahlogton bpol teach ing a ta ff w ill.conduct

oight woeks E indergarten claaa, iltod to tw enty pupils.Tho course w U open Moaday, no 5.M iu L an o n wUl bo glad to con- rw U b paren ts aa to term s and do- la

PH O N E 434-J - T W IN PA LLS, ID A nO

, j\ r t i : n>od) ,


lOWir LBWBBB ^fi.B c:-

iro, (M aaa.). '

If Y ork a t ^ .

P . 0 . BOX KO, 884- ,

— .1


■ h


= 3 ' 1

■ ■ ' ' '

s . S i g n a l C o r p s ,

1 1 s t U . S . D i v i s - ■ ■'

S V a r D e p a r t m e n t

i s e e “ P O W D E R

A m e r i c a n L e g i o n ' ' ^


RE- ] | i r o f i l i - - ? 5 o a n d 5 0 c ^

- c-

^ O B O F SB H B Z IT 'B ' OP iS & L E S tA S B -.U K D B B BBCBEB Cona^ >p P o s B O L o n m s a k d .o b d b b pq I )P B A L B .. . -

w ard,D . Klnender, ' • pJiOhtllf,■ -va. . ' door'-i

y A. B a in and ' lU tlle U JU ll /h la h t , vife, ^'omei Bobb^ O x v o ld /A c e ty - <a obi one C o u p u y , a . eorporatloB,-: and tfotor U ereonillo Company^, .a eor j e * r i loratidn, , • 'Defendants.'

Jnder nnd b y vlrtilo'^ot a s Order o! , le and Deereo o f Pofecloaure^ lnn()d :-o f the D istrict-.Conrt of tJisiE lcr- h Judiirlal D iitr ie t o f the S tato or lho, in a o d 'fo r th e Connty o f Twin rf lls, dnted tbo 15th day of M ay, 1D2S, tbo .above en titled aetion, wherein

ward D .'K luender, tbo abovo named , In tlff, obtained a decree again it r A. Ball and H attlo L. Bail, bU fe, Jam Li R o ib , Oxireld Acetylene npanv, ft corporation, .and i b o ^ t o i rcantllo Coispany, & corporation, de- dan ti, on tho C th 'day o f Mfty,.1022; ..Ich in ia i decree was on tb e Stb day - May, 1922, recorded in Jndgm ent )k 7 , a l pago 3 2 7 ,1 nm twmnanded lell a ll tlm t eertain lo t, pleco o r par- of land sitnatod !n tho connty ol

in Fails, S ta to o f Idaho, and bonnd- and .dvierlbcd aa follows, to-w it: leginnlng a t n po in t tw enty-five ) feot so u th ’- fid tw enty-five (23:I oaat o f tbo no rthw eit com er sec- r tw enty-flvo (25), townahlp ten ) south, ranee eighteen (16) o u t of | Bolso M eridian, Twin Falla County,

I19; ttcDce cast ttLiee tiondrcd ty (330) fee t; th e n c e 'M u th tw o T. dred fiftyono and eight-tcntbs 1.8) f w t , tlience w est tbreo bun- .I th ir ty (330) fee t, thenco north hundfcti fiftyono (251) fee t to th e ■

i t of beginnlngj eontalning ono and . j-tentbs (1.0) acres, moto or Icis, as samo is p u tte d in thn officlnl pint Dlinaon Towoalto of record In tho '

A, E a g e r T o B e Of Gre

The Climax 0 o Oppt

I n t r o d u i

Silk a n d Woolen . Spi

F ea tu ring New Blousef

$6.50, $7.90,' $8.90, $9.9(Beantifnl new blouaoa to co-operate wit

tho new aport aklrta. Styllab ovetblbiue

. In canton erepea, crepo do chlnea, fl^ni^

silk, f iber m atoriala,. crepe k n it and all

comblnationa, scalloped around the aleovoi

beaded ond embroidered, in tbe b t c | t . ani

m o i^ n o p ^ r eolora. I n a ll alzoi. Priee

specia l_____ ;------WJiO, 17.90, » 0 0 , #8.&

E x tra S p ^ ia l OfferiiV a l u e s u p t o $ 1 1 .5 0 , t o c lo sc

m m le , i n - d a r k a n d a f c w J i g l i t c( l i c n d ^ . A l l f liz cs , m id a n un tiH if

' B o H iiro t o g o t o n e o f t h e s e e x c e )


f a j M ii7 J ?

S p o r t J a c k e t s

X o ,« p o r t o u t f i t ' i» c o m p le t e w i

K p o r t j a c k e t , i u e i t b e r , J e re c } ’ o r

c lo t l i , i n r o d , g r e e n , b r o w n , t n n , b l b r o w n . P r i c e d a p e d a l a t —

'$ 5 .9 3 ,: $9.90

Trade at the store


U 1m :o( tho O o u t7..'B«corder;o^ aaid omity a a l ’SljUfc.•Pablie soUeo la he teby given, th a t ■ ^ tt'.the Utfc. a ay o f Jn n o ,'j3 2 8 , a l t h e ow e f -S',b'«l«ek‘ (M onnlatn • ^l a e ) o f day,;.at.i the <eaat fron t 90f'-of Ui« # r a r t hd’n ie o f fUw County * t.T w ln F * a » j,B u to ' o f M»hb;.T wUi;I obedleaco.to aaid order h f sale and . ^ e of fo tee lo n ia , m II t&e above - • e a e r lb ^ p to p ^ r . t q 's a t ia f y p la in tiff 's Ktoflf; w l t t lataroab ith e rto a , . togother 'i th 'a ll coata th a t b a ro accned or IV tecm e , t« tho bigbeat bidder for

■ v ' ■'G u l t i v f l t c a t h e G <

C u t a t b e L

1 • S p r y w h e e l does as-• vatB^S in one hour.i

‘ withwheelhoefl. In lit is changed to a p mower that mokes I

' . . lawDJookiiJ^wcIJan- L ot 01 brinlaSprrw ltee l

■TOO « demoBitmtioa;

n ID A H O LEXTUC■' ------PHOKB 4K

T W lK P A IA fi,I3

S ^ S S S S S — S i

S to rJ r e a t e s f S e r v i c e T o Y o u A

: of Advantageous Sh portunities Is HereJ u c i n g t h e 1922 M o d e l s o f

5port S k W s J a t $7.90,!

E Never has any p« many .varietiei o f S;

’ tlio m o it 'd a ih lng of s ono of the now sk irts

BPORT SK IRTS - eropes. Qllk and flb t

, In, black and -white W hite serges w ith th

'c d 'p a iilcy , greeian oi oltlier plain o r pleato bu tton i and sido poel

I tie r ity lc i bavo over in iu rc i individuality.


).90I w ith y r i K a s b w p *

Ibnsei ' x L ■

k J l tI aUk ^


t .a n d I I*rleea I t i y l J J J ^ i j j j | l n i l T

19.00 |n jn i|i |l l-

irings in G eorgette Wailo s e o n t a t tho n i o s t a s t o n i s h i n g re d i t c o lo r s , b e a u t i f u l l y t r im m e d , e i t i t iH i/ il o p p o r t u n i t y j o i)u K 'lia s o v e i^ ic c e p tlo n a l v a lu o H a t ............. ................... ;

J u s t R e c eU 'O i l l i N ’S - S iV E A T E R B — 8

S t y l e , o f ^ f j j i u t la n d y a r n s i n fo i

m A j a d e , b r o w n , ' l ) la o k f tn d c p lo r co i

T lit i n e w e s t ' i n fi\vc*ntcrs n o w h

f >3 .4 9 , $3.9 8, . $5 .9 8 and 1;s S p e c i a l S l

■ w i t h o u t ll C o r S e t s

o r B r o a d - , . , F o u r d i s t i n c t ?(tyl(

I, b la c k a n d , w i t l i o l a s t i c i n s e r t ,• sir.oB. f i^ ic c d B p e ci£

- $ 1 .

r e t h a t s e l l s t h e BEST

Ihj-UwfoJ J’money o f / f i i ? .■ ■-.*■' ‘

D *tea thi* le th iMj o f May, 1922. ra . B . S H B M tA J f .^ b e r i / t . ' j .

By Bonn!#, H e r r i m t ^ ^ n t y j ; ' p

w A N t E b - i b i » « D S \ r:-

•.■Porto I,

OENTBAS '■■. : . / / ! K \ ■

rTOieIl ;r h e $ 1 ^ T r a c t o r : i o g a o d F r e i g h t E x t r a . '

G a i 'd e n a n d ' •*L a w n ■ .............. ■ -

a s - m u c h c b lb > : •• ■' ' ' ' •’ u r . a s f i v e r o e a ' \>/In tw o m ih u t e s B p o w e r , la w f i ' e s k e e p in g t h e ' ' ‘a n e a s y j o b . f , , ' 'M lroB odi^d itivo , • ■!

!U(Jfi'itJO, ■4 0 3 - ! - . ■

I, UJAHO ; .. .Bxeloilvo A fe a l . 1

A t A l l T i m e s , • "


i f '

J,5$9.90, i $ l l4 5pravloQs spring sponsored, ao

t. Sport Skirta. To naaemble 'Df sport coitnmcs is easy w ith ^ ' ir ts shown o t th is store. ^

S — O f w hite wool canton 'f lbbr mixed. Theao alao eome -to aport plalda and a triM a ■ ' aI th e now eat deslgna on color-i> and. Qrientnl atencU borders,satod offe« ta ,.w ith -Iarfo pearlpocketa add aaiaheL N o pret- 'vor.'beci ahown, no tw o allkoIty. All slzoA. P riced apeelai------ I l ~ - | 7 j 0 0 , . 19.00, 111.45

, ■

a is ts a t $5.00r e d u c t i o n i n w a i s t s e v e r n t h e r e m b r o i d e r e d , o r , ,, ^• e ty f iig h g r a d e ' w a i ^ . *


c e i v e d- S l i p - o v e r a n d T u x e d o

f a n c y w e a T c s , i n b u f f ,

c o m b i ih l t r d b s f a t^ m z < ^ ' ,7 h e r e . P r i c e d s p e c i a l

8 , $4 .4 9 ,1$7 ,5 0 'Showing of t s a t $1.25 't y le s , i n w h i t e a n d p in k , r t , K jio r t m 'odoL s,. in a l l ,; c i a l - T ,

51.255T for LESS. ' .

o n

V l i ' \ ^ " f V i f c a c c 8

■ ^ ^ ^ . " ^ a S a l e

Ono know8 tho popularity ' liiccs. Add to this the advan ago of specially lowered prio and you have boforo you a sa

y of most timely interest.

M '€ ^ c Y d ,- -A liY oWant

^ ^lIlFinc Val laces of .waahabl ^ {^d wearable coddness from th

g i^ t f f io n mills.

jmpo^ted Laces at 10 1 and 150

iFrom Belgium 'and Franc / come tlioBoprotty edges and ii

scrtions to m atch/ Dresses an Afderwear makcvlhtm necessi tica. V

Real Linen Cluny IS U25c Jd - ■'

Of real lineu threads, beauti ful foreitlier silk or cotton un denvear.

, Heavy laces, fine lacca, locei for all uses and purposes, \vid« and narrow, arc hero for yom

: summer wardrobe. ' ■

' Emerald LawnThis dainty slieer doth has n

\ Uke Uneu. Itfl forinfiinlladies’ drcKscs and undenve'a throe grades. Now prlccd 35c 55c^

Crffsta Mercelin BatuWc have a steady call for th

' ladies us© it exclusively for ui t ’s highly-mercerize^ and bo

iprcttv... Soc i t •• . .

[Re-aiocic Your Linen C . Siwtnier 'lsBere

Warin weather makes great ii the linen chwt iintfvdur advice now fbr immediate imd sum Comprehensivo assortments aff< fying solution, and prices are ( m bder^e.'

'P a j in ^ arid Billy Bli*E ve^ bile new, every one i

w hite and colors, somo of flower I t ’B tii\re to buy tUom now. 8c(

■ ones. '

jPrincess Slips,[ ICmbroidery trimmed alips. '

• tliat fit and wear. A nice eelect

Bloomers—All KinSome, awfully pretty ones in

cotton back cloths, at $1.25 and other bloomore in crepes ai'raessalino a t $1.00 to $1.50.

'' Children’s UndertBiWc havo stocked tho better k

mid well mado of good cloths oi fitting. . We cnn save you mon(

. childron’ft'underwear.

, “AnotJ

T W I N E r A i iL S :D a n v y >

le One Wek 'Whitesalt

The ;dr,es8,.blouse foB fresh in^y against th

es the, wearer on city. I plete a-cbllection m y

1 tho - . • ?Organdie Set

1 0 (And wo are hero with tl permanent finish organdie h ness ik most beautiful.'40 fo jts inch o i^ndiea, prici

£ , , ;/ NewFanciEx()ui8it(f iu its sheer, do

fQ dots, highly finished. Just.t aginable. To aee thcin is to

lUti-' 40 to 45 iucUes widyn. Also embroidored organdies i

Ratine'Is Vtaces__vide For wholo dresses, for jm four uiing ginghams and organdie

• and up. W h ite ^ d a beauti

vn . " ris many uses. ffantB* clothes,veW. Its in. Sheetir,35c,39ennd *

■ .. That extra i 1- edgg Wearwell

bleach. ' .• this. Many ____

,Agairi.^it’ . quality., vExtri and better weai

Nursed.Costm Made especi

nurses’ wear.,i ■ 40 inches in .^

shrunk. Manyl : it for house apt

1 Chest— 81x9QWearwei ■reIt inroads on 72x90 Wearwel ice is to buy fI,5Siummer use. -afford satis-\ The same ta ro oitmnely They are smoot

wear better. All Burkes ironed.:C protty, of ^ .ivered piisso. ^5 inch Pajama See tlie new garred pajah

derwear cloth, v *• , flesh, fine for , The Mnd -wear.lecbon. .

in silk fig*,25 to $2.25; Direct from tl I mi cotton pine Islands,

free of duty. G chemise in sets separate. All 1

rkind n^t broidered, many 9 and bettor ^loney on all made, of Very fi

-$2.50 to ?7.50.

tJier PfB o o

r^NWivS;‘# IN ^ F A L L 8 ^

, ; (. , . '-i y

eek, Begi]fe is Synonymous I)ise or skirt of white accei the-grMn of the.foliage, I ty. streets. If i t is white f 3 you could wish to select:

Season la Hereh the organdies. Nothing but C io in stock and its criq)y sheor- a

)riced...........60c, 85c, Mid.Sl.00 , '

Tcy Organdie s, dainty, nmaU sclf^hccks and q ist the prettiest whito goods im- J to waut them.

wide (or..;........-............ $1.25 yd. jics a t ........... ....... .......$2.00 yd.

' tlVery Popular

• jumper dresses and for trim- idies. Priced hero a t 75c yard K autlful range of colors. n

White G o o t

iing 59c , Duretta C a good tape A heavy 'ell, in pure suiting for i

dresses, o: ■ wear. 36 in

ubing 45c ' _BatinePluI ,Wearwell , , .i. ' ' , , - 7 That exitr ;tra smooth .on . . . ■. crepe, ;<iOmearing. ' white,' oreX. n, SI. hlue and pir tume Clothlecially for Printed'. It’s '36 to For gowi.^ id th and .pretty. Whiily ladies like flowers,iproris. , w hitejapl

well Sheets ■ Some ladii SS crepe for gotoell Sheets a good quali

a low price.

tape edge. YatiNtms ^ t t e , t h ^ . -T h efin es t A lltom and j^dies’orinf

40 inches w:

naClothS9ciaiha or un- Ideal Shee1, white and 36 inch w•of summer pieces 39c an

. - and cool, forI J derto^s. Jand Madewear Royal Engliith e Ehilip- At 25, 30 a 1, admitted, 36 inclf widt Gowns and sold these

ets or sold cloths so lor I hand em- part of our £ my a;il hand , like these fo ' fine cldths ities you ha\ iO. many seasor

o t h M e r c j ^ n t i


i !f 3inning ToiWith Summer Coolnlentuated by a touch of co !, the blue of the sky or sea i fabrics you seek, here you tfrom .

Fine Fancy VoilesOf fine thread beautiful white v and Ince effects. Thoy oro sellini pories ns well."

' . White SkirtiniEvery womau needs ouo or moro These goods of gnbiirdino and far and practical.

Fine White Silk SkirtJust the thing for men’s shirts waistH. I t’s 36 ijiclies 'wide, good the tiling nnd very reasonable.

Plain Dress VoUes 39tNothing will tnke the place of a fi new ones a t 39c yd. and uj) arc ex1

)ds F o r Ev(Cloth 39c Yd.7 twilled white r'ladies aprons, or children's inches wide. /

lisse Crepe 29c jP

tra^ood plisse -inches wide, ri Daintines rehid;'” yellow, ink: , ,

A co m b in ;

ed PlisSB 50c nmke.s them

wns it’s very r»r no reason lite with small ™i<o-

-■ • that irresisti!them women'

) Crepe 29c Yd. i«t« of gowna

lies prefer Jap rowns. T h is is ,Ility selling ati • I’retty patter

cerized damn

tsu Nainsook . >„r tws b st nainsook foSr i'™ assembi, ifants’clothes. wide, soft and lyard^p....$5.00


width a t two "“ “”‘1'.","' tn450c.S oso fti:;;^“ : ' . o r s u m m e r u n - dcrj- trimmed

! fineness.with low ned

lisk Longcloth crepe, nains " Don’t miss tl

I a n d oOc y a r d , event of the ,s<dth: We h a v e _______ _e fine long- „Dng they are a rslpre. Prices These ar for these qual- els in plaii aveh’t seen for Bighgavy ons. ' dy quality

e Front i l e " C o m p a n y

11 li J jl )morrowin e s s , , \

color stands o u t r e - - ieaj and distinguish- 'OU will find as com-—

Whies at 50c Yd. \ :t;e voilo in broken checks lling for dresses and dra-

for ylreings SSc „„iterworo wash skirls of white.•fancy weaves are protty

• . ' . p ,

irting $2M Yd. 'r ts ond Indies^ tmlored lod heavy goods. I t ’s iiist

:j2 il

39c to Yd.a fine soft Voilo. Thesee.\tra nice ond soft..' Itw oar

j e r y D a y i ]

I ' eoinch

, maslcl.

’ : Anotl iess Plus Service- chase. ity in Liberie square, bination pf, this sort t e m r u i em highly desirable, if D o n ’t 1 son other than for ccon- :e. Then, too, there is istible daintiness about len admire. Four big ' p ^ wns, chomiflo, petticoats1.50, $2.0 0 , $2.50. Fort]

^ - • , . ^ d a y a n (ind pink. I t’s wfiuder- -ierwear, «

ens a t aItems in a smooth mer- jjQ -p e r Cl

......... 'ular. 'IJs Big Whito Event we vvhatthi inbled at' tllcso prices f o r d s OH ftt mark doi\TiB tlmt m il p j-jc eg y . very attracUvo to pnr^' i big buy of brand now ow morket figures and , «• ; profit to tho manufac- ’ ourselves makes this an ' a n d k t great interest to Twin - s . 'I n each lot are gar- , ■^Ounc e trimmod and erabroi- .IHCh tO ncd, of dainty pattems e r s , W itl as. In the lot ato govms f i l l e t lac neck andjiigh neckj of linsook and cambric. i s this one underwcai-10 season. u r d a y J ____________:Z_'?1.50toi

oive^SSc and 50c ggare 50c to $1 tow- tion. Scilains and fancies, buffetsvy towels-of dan- matchity. " tions.

m ^ o o lt y ■

hiteGingha.ins 30c and u]

bpuro wliito gingham clotli '

jrCMCR for triinming and

srwcar,.............. .SOt to 65c

Pongee Lissee '50c yd.

indies wide, pongee silk •

h. It’s uiw fac^hirts, chil-

’k dothes imd miderwear.'

[■ars and i t ’s pretty.

:h Table Damask 59cy patterns in a th mercerized da-,'


n inch A lt Linen Cloth $5M : -

Dther special,..pur- . ' Pure linen 2 yda e, June bleach pat- •unning all around.

need straighten- No waste. . 1

TableLm enatio Per Cent Off. ^this sale only, Fri- v

md Saturday, any : our fine table lin-; a saving to you of ?' cent less than reg- , ..’I,If yoil appreciate ';his opportunity af- ^on our already low ' •you will h '^ y to-i ■ y-

lur supply. ' ,, , !

Rim m ed Doilies ^i Scarfs on Sale ;.nd’doilies, from 12 ' 0 46 inch table cov- ; ith’ inserts of fine lace. They dress the very , attractively. ' • ;

le Friday and'Sat- greatly reduced.

;o $2 dresses,for $1; • to $3.50 pieces for , 'j

Others in ,prppor- Scarfs for dressers,.: I ;s and . tables ,to . '

a t same reduc-

_____ _________________ ■

m m m m m r n m J . M

lu iie i overr ftfUfnoon cxecpt flunflty

BO T A. READ................ ........... PrMldent1 JOHN C. l lA R V a r .. . .............. ...

J 8wnfl'"ciftju' W l m t u ri A»rU 0. 1818. a t thu pMWrfloo « t Twin:■ FWli. Idaho, under tho ocl of March 3. ’ SUOSCRIPI'ION RATES

/ Oao year ...........'..................................W-Mi t m onthi ...............................................} I Buinthfl ..............................................ll.«S! . , I .tnotith ......... .......................... I -»0

1 MEMBER OP A8S0CIATKD PIIE88; Tlio AMOoUletl.PrtM In cxcJualvclr JW*

U U ^ (0 tlin u«o for rcpuhlleatlon o(*Alt • DAWB dl«piitcheii credlicd to It, or not oth>> «rwlA credliod In tt)lii pnper, nnd nlto ' thfl local newn publlslied’htrcln. All rlfliU i ■ -o f raiiubllcjitlon of BpcclAl dlipalchct

nre alno ruon 'eu .I ' ' fypl means AssocUted Prou;

! Ko reaponBltilllO- la oMuined for theC M of unioilclicd manuscripts, photo* m p h s or other contributed matter. Ar«

^ .U d c i .subnillted for publlcnilon will bo uaed or not a t tlio dlKrotlon or tlie ddU tor and no nuinuMrlnl will bo rotumod tmiosa nccompHnlefl by ncrewuiry t)0*l-

----------------------------1)1. Tbo Nowa Is n member of tho Audit l>t

D iim u or Circulations, .from whom fuU ^ iS tonnaW enM jocJreulallO T m y I» o b -tainod upon application. Detallod lnfnr> H

' n u d o n , supplied lijcally upon r« )uu i.

: . KA8TEHN nBPRE3E.»ITATrVES .,| > a « o rn B. David Co.. Inc., ITl MftdSon A»6., NowTorU: A. I t Kcftlor. m i lU r t.

y.l ford liulldlns, Chlcoco. r Mtj — cl

PO E taO H TBADB.■ A t tho MCCtinj; of lho Nntioiial For- m,

eiHa Tm-ic C oundl hclil sBVcml a»y» fo agw ill Phliniloliihla tho note aoundea

WAA one r.f. Tho J,GOO rtiiircicntntlvf ilctcjiati-* gu thoro aa'icinblcil roro|{nizrd, o f courio, tni tho barrlvrn .a t iircaont cxlatlnK lo thu yo aueccssfui vouduct o f loturunMnnnl trado . In tho nlin}H',.«f violently flus- ^ tna tin jr t'ielionB(>'rnlw , o f uncertain- gei (lc0 growing iu t 'o f tho rhuotlc i^nndl- bli Ooa of Kuiojir nnU of the lack of pur- •« chailnit v<i»n on thu parl o f forelRn buyers, bu t JonpUo tho ailvcMo condi- tlona, thl- varlou^ apoki’smcn cmphii- '

• t i t t d thu fnct tlm i ref ovory J a now dofinltoly undor wny.- Th« worW-wldu

flnforecnictil o f pconomy durlnic thu bo . . p aa t tw o yeara i* a l liiat producing l t i "B

intjvltabk* tin ' reiluetion ofth o prica 01 commoditlea. -

A t th e Kamo >imr It 1» freely mlnilt- cm tod-<hftt ilib dream of tho Infinite ex, an ponaiott of A m erica’s ' forclfrtl trftilo,

■ w ticJi wtii.procfntmb'd In Mffh aoundteg' tn fl c x a ^ fr a to d tjn i ia durinR tho full ni tIdo nf i‘iportin({;proiperity aomo thT0<) ha! years n m , was ruilcly .llipclfcd by thr ooliapMe of 1SI20. . Tn its atead therr

, h i i W t l iiiJwJfluted n roo ro j«o (l» t bu t ' . moro fr.M ll.I.'^H lni ‘ which env laa^^ “T, operntion* InrsiT thnn Ihoie'< jf 1013, iltM

b a t m iiillrr ,ll .« u lk o « i o ( IHH. . ;

• . . .. hln E P IT H B ts ’ XND A M E lttl lB S . •

' ■ JournuiUm in the rom in tir, pIoBciT iio: days of th.- far Wm I, when ovory edi- wh t« r wnit KiiinMiHi’i) to hnvi- hia privato

' Rravi-ynri!? wan no moro rcplcti: witli juneuUics und opithcta than nre tho |,ij.

. pages n f 'lh o CimKri’(i*ioniil Ui'cord. A aonntor .a lia n ''p r iv n tc c itiw n n " c r o o k ." Ajiuthnr Kpnator, behind the

b ln i c r o i ilin office, rail* Torso namc.i. j Tho prlviit'.' c itiw n comos hack with hln th o rom;>!iiiii‘nt<»^ stiitomont thn t on^

■ aenator in n “ rownrdly vnt;nbond” nnd ft “ d irty roprohatb” and the othor n “ blasph'cmfiu* nml b la tan t hillbilly .” bul Ho iiivit.’* one or hoth thi- w earers o f vut

th e (offtt tn r«Hif froHi l/e)ii)nl sonatorlol priv ili 'ce n u l m eet him • ^ b n e ' lif a ^

room .’--’- r, : .......... Rcl)The roii"litulioual protection thrown the

around n.omlu'r* of riinfjrcas in con- nectlon w iln rom arls mndo on tho flour •= : b jound , l ilt tlu-n ' nro tim? whon the privlk•^JO is greatly .ihmcd., H la n question «vhothor some of tho remark* m ailc w ilh referenco to persona who . ore hnndiiMpjH'd In replying would find oxpreaaidu I ' tim o ffjrla l did not feel th e proto ttion of his poaition.

Thero . an l.o mich a thioR lu Teflne- , m ant In I'ctbonni n ttnck. Former Prw-

. W ent is now exomiillfylnR tha t. fac t. In 1.1S nltncic on Si'nntor Rocd,

o f M issouri, P r . \Yil»on uses no term • th o t one ;;sntlemau comhntlnji Bnothcr

miRht no t u«o. A “ m arp lo t” _ia tW worat-fip l.an railed tho Mtwourlan/ Bul

I . a l l m nr|iJot-m eans is " “ Atie who Ly mcddlesomo in terference mars or fn ii- tra tca a I’raiR n." For 'In stance , Sena­to r I5eed- hns a dcsi/fn to roturn to the _

aenate. ‘ I

W i a t l s uaelcaa to you m.iy l« valu­able to (‘thera — ndvcrtii>e it In tho

,ela»alfled I'olomaa. _ •

S T O P ! L O O K ! U S T E N I

I f yon fo r » rail._____ ; g m n l n o o p t a i ^ o x y U ttlo Itom*

V th .b M a tlf iU lAVB ■Sd'ktmnd-.«DC« o f U n it, t u klDda o f ftc it, new houso o f 4 room* w ith w»- te r a sd lights, don’t faU to comi a ad b o k a t th is puco . l u a s u t fo r f a ll . Oall a t 290 T a a Buroo ( tfM t la y tfa w « f:« r 4 p. m. '

■T W IH F A L L S D fllL Y N EW S

T h e ■ J

I Big-Town , Round Up ”i ® r J

I Wm.MacLeodRaine; ™ 10I c ■ .‘ I>

llliutrationf by Ir*in M ytn01

' IL I 7 . , , .1— — — It■>. WP'V« kmM biM , ,

fConJInuod trom. WodoBtday's Itiac)

C H A W E R X IV . (Continuod) uiColln V liliforcl hnd been te ltln i cc

Clay lho Mt.iry of how n y o u n j cow- rapunclior luiii siiiitched Beatrice from tounder iJiu. hi»ofi« of a cbarjJIiiK a t w . It,n ia diiUKiiter uiuI the Arlzoooa Ila- aeifni-d w lttiout I'onimcnt. f'i. "I've a lw ays tbmiRlit I’d like to ex- ol

jilnln to th a t youliic man I d idn 't tnonn i;ito Insult him by O ffering money for lie saving lUta. l iy t yoo se« be didn'td v e mo DDy cbunce. J never did leam inIlls nam e.’' concIuiW the mlnlnfc nian. (a

“And o f 'cour»o_ we'd like him to yoknow tb a t w e npprcclate whot h e did wifor me.’’ Bcalrlco added. She looked lo a t Clnjr, and a pulae beat Id b e r aoftthroai. (i*

"I reckon be knowa th a t." LIndaayauggeated. "Tou o u a t 'o’ thought him r rmighty rude for to break aw ay like otiyou any h e did." . .. UJ»

“We couldn 't undet» land4t till after- 1w nrd.'’’Mr. B rom neld.had allpped him tna flfly'4]o>lRr bill and na lura lly hv re- coi aented It.". iJlas WliUford’a fnco hub-bled w ith remlnlncent m irth . Bhe Hhlooked a queatlnn a t d a y . “ W hut do bn^ou aupposc th a t Impudent young aral- Heawait did w ith the flftj^T’ " !'

" a o t tlrunk on Jt most llkuly.” wr"He fed It to his horae. Clarj- wnu Jea

furlouB.". ' Bhl"Ho w ould be,” .aald the caitleraan It ’

dryly. In uplte o f the beat Intentions to I ibo generous to h ls succeasful rival. ' ,"But 1 rcckon I know wby yoro (mind- suistand friend Jn chapa puJlei] auch a tbiplay. 'I n Arizona you m n 't square 1such th ings w ltb money. Su fnr na I rlecnn m ake ou t th e puncher didn’t do puanything to w rite bome nlxiut, hu t he ^didn't w nnt pay for It nnyhow." inj

"Of course, Bromfleld doesn't un- mu(Icmland the W eat," anid ' W bltford. Boi" i;w o u ld n 't like th a t young puncher ga'h a lf so.w oll i f he 'd tdken the money.'* sui

"He didn’t n ted to spoil u perfectly togood flfty-dollar tilll, though.’' a d p jtte d I Clay.

" r « , bo • did," denied Veatrtcn ot"T hat w os blti p ro test against Claren- hoidod!s m lajudgmcnt of'h lni. I ’ve nlways fellthought It perf<^tly aplendid In Its theInaolence. Somq day I’m go^ng to tell iB ihim toJ> ■ ' " a t

" It hnppened In your co ;iie r o f •A^ wllI m n , L lndsny. I f you ever lind ou t Ewho th e chop wns 1 wlah you'd Ict ua of.:know," W bltford snid. . rid

"I'll remember.” tak• I f yoiT young people nre going rid- Thi

IngT-" • potWc'il b e tter ge t stnrted. Q uite a

right, Dn«L W e're o^f. Clnrcndon will ,gij(probably call iip. Tel! bim I’ll bo In agonbout four-tlilrty .” sho

Sho pinched h e r fa ther’a enr, klased oerhim oh one ruddy cheek, thon on the whother, and Joined O a y n t tho door. h f i

They w ero f^enda ngnln, hnd been mofor alm ost hn lf an hour, oven thougli sellthoy hnd no t ye t been alone tnci-lhcr, an^but the lr friendsh ip w as to hold re8e^ earvntjons now. T heahodow of Clarendon counromflpld rode betw een tbcm . They' batwere n lit t le s il lt w ith cach o ther, not Iso .caaual a s tlioy hnd been. A coo- herRclou*ncs.s o f Hftx hnd obtruded Into "the old boyish cnmnrndorle. —

A fter a b risk Mintor Ihey driiw lliolr horaea togother fo r n wnlk.


The“Bt uine Gi The sai

- __ ... GiUetteThe Gil

HOO,^ neighw itk 3 n m l a e . , ' **1J wel

c m rrT E a A rE ;

: V NomefW, NOV. t3,

^ e2 >t' \ WCTTO ce Rgsw

No b la d e s like thfe g e n u in e

G ille tte B lad es

! , TWIN FALLS DAU. X ' - ' y :

OLY NEWS. TVVJtii FA.■j L i« i i l t£ .b w )w a h tL le «

rnonpiaces. : Bhe looked d iroctly :.« t him;, h e r Checks f lo a h b g .. '.“I . don't, .know how- you’re g o b r to ' forgive Ide, Clay. I 've been a w f ly sm all and prig­gish. ■ I ha to to th ink Tin nngeneroua. bu t tlm t’s J u it w hat I’ve b e e a "

" I^ t 'n forget It,” he sa id gently,"No, I don’t w an t to fo rget—not HU

rv e told yoti bow hum ble 1 feel today.I m lglit hnvo truated yon. W hy didn't IT I t would have been eaay for roe to havo takon your Kctio friend In o sd maiJe things r lsh t fo r he r. • That'a what I ought to ,havo done. But, In- atead o f tha t—Oh. I h a t^ m yself for the w ay I ncted."

H er troubled amlle, i r a v e a n d sweei, tmiched lilm closely. J t w as Jn hla horoscope thnt the spell o f th is young ninnn m ust lie open him.

H e p a t hla hand on h e rs a s I t reated OQ the pommel of th e sadd le and gaveII a alight p ressure .. 'T o n ’re a good

, acout, UT pardner."B ut It wna llon trlce 's w ay to atep

up to puiilslmiont nnd tnke w hnt was ; comlDR. Ail a liltlo girl, w hile a tm al- . raoat u bnby, abo had oneo w alked 'tip I to lyx jw w ber, eyefl llBshlng w ith splr- . It. ond pruQonnced'Judgm ent oo h e r

self. " I ’ve turn to be spanked. I brel:*' Claire’s doll nn' Tm glad o f 11. mean o l d ^ g . So tho re!" Now she waa not Kiilti^lo li-t llu- subject drop un til she had fre n i her aoul.

"No. Clny. I'vo b « n a poor sporta- iiinn, W ben my friend needed me I

, ffllJwJ him. I t h a rta me, becoDse—oh, yon know. W hen th e te s t camo J wnsn't Ihcro. One hatea to be a qult- lor.”

Ror htinilllly dixtreased him. thougli h t lovcil. tho H])lrlt of he r apology.

"It 's nil rlirlit. Iton. Don’t you wor- nr. All frlendM inlauoderstaad eaib

other, hnt the renl onea c lea r thloga up." ,

Ube hild nol yot told him tho whole tru th nnd sho ini-nni to m ake cleanCDDfeSSlOIl.

"I’vo beeu a mlsem ble U ttle fooL" Hhe stopped w ith u little c^ tch of the breath, Iinraed red. and plunged on. H er level eyea nevor flinched from hla^ "I've got to oul w ilb It, Clny. You w-on’t inlKundentaDd. I know, I was Jealous. I wnnted to keep you r frlend- ahlp to myaelf—<]ldn’t w unt to tdinre It w ith nnother girl. T b a t’a how mean I am."• A worm amllu Ul hbi facc. ’'I'vo suro ^enough found iny friend agnln tbla

llo r siiillo met bla. T hen , lest bor. rkTK full loo fu st belw ccn tbeio, she pu t he r horNo to a gallop.

As they niovi-d Into tht: pa rk a snort­ing autotnohllii |p»no<l nu st them wltb mulllor open. T he home upon wlilch Beutrlco rode w os n young one. It gavo Inalnnt nlgnnla c f nlnrm , went Hunlishlng on lls hind Icga, cnme down to nil fours, and boltod.

Bentrlce kopt he r head. Sho pu t her weight on tho rclna wUh a ll tho grip ot her tinaU, htrong hnnda/ Bttt fho ■ horse hiul tho. b it . l a lta teeth .. She felt heraolf helplesa, flying w ildly doivn the rond n t lncredlhlo F]ieed. Btiahes ilr il trees, the 'ree ling roud, a limousine, a mounted pollccmnn. a ll f low by~her- - w ith blurri'd detail.

sfie becamo nwnro of tho m pid thud of.hoofa liohlnd, o f n flguru bealde her riding knee to knoe, o f n brown hnnd Inking hold of tlie rein clin<o to the blL T he speed aluckened. T he horses pounded lo a biilt.

T h e 'g i r l foimd licnicJf trcmWlng. >Shc leoned buck In ii linzu of dizziness agalnsi an anu whicli circled her shoulder nnd w aist. Memory lenped ncroas the yours to th iit o ther time when siie bad rested in h ls nrm s. hla h e a r t beating agalnat hers. In tlm t moment o t deep undcrstonding of her­self, Bontrtce know th e tn ith beyond any tlo u h t. A 'new heaven and n new earth w ere w aiting fo r h e r, bn t she could no t en ter them.' F o r ahe hersi'lf bad elosod the gato and locked It fnal.

H la tow voice aootlietl and conifnrfed her.

■Tm all right," Kho told him,

(Continuod in F r id a y ’* Isauo.)


‘Brownie”—a geli- H GiUette ■> B- same fine genuine tte BladesGillette shave you don’t know w h a t a t m eans— ask yourlighborl

^Browniejille iiel A f m RAZOa.(».. Bart8M>UA A .

0 at all D eakn. 15, 1904 \ETT? \ ,

Ffifffi1. B

I I s a v i n g

' I ^ N o t

t ^ We have longf sinco nil popular, permtvnentl

p I J ’ . quality footI* n 008 trea tnon t bofor p ' \ These mrasQal qQoUl

r ' Store, have popnlarj

: " I o u r :


. K M. J . B . Cjitfce, u n sn ^n or, p o l i t y and a

’ M. J .B . Coffee, ^ r I lb. I J M. J . B. Coffee, p<r 6/lb,r M. J . B. Tioo T ea, \ 4 lb.

> \ M .J .B . Troe T o v lJ b - ,e i> J Bllla B ro^ B e i Can, 1 lb.

. L B lll^B roa.B «dC iU i, S l-2

I \ l » frRP.n*Tji

I \ itolled O nu, 9-lb. sackV ' Boiled O nts, Q uaker brand

I'oat Toaatles and Kellogg ‘ l a r ^ package; each —

' I Cream o f W heat, per paeki' ' Aunt Jem im a’s Foncako FI I “ 'I ' ------------------------------

I 1 O S A P ^ JT K

' I) One-half gallon puro m p ir Ono quart pure grapo julet

' 11) One p in t p u « jjrapo Julca' ' Lf Lemons, largo California,

( ) ■ BA O O N-LA ]

. . Suglir Cured B reak fast BJ piece), pound -----------------

Breakfaat Baeon, per lb. ./ I Sw ift’s Premium Hama, lb.

I I’uro Lard; 10-lb. not; eael, 1 Puro L arJ ; 5-lb. s o t; eaeh

.Y o u r sa tis fac tio n w ith a c&r * . y o u r sa tia fa c tio n w ith its

» -ap p ca ian ce i e c o n o m y , com i

T h e s e o re th e v ita l po in t* . - « t sa tis fa c tio n in e a c h oni o o sa tia iie d w i th 3ro u r c a r a i

C o n n d e r th e L1CHT-5K fre

I t is c asen tia lly . th e sa m e ' w h e n in lro d u c M . It w a s r w a s olT cred . A n d i t h a s mac a erv ice o f . l h o u ^ n d s a n d t

\ " a a n d s o f o w n e n . I tb d e p e t id i It« JL-head motor i s potvc

• flex ib le a n d freer'■ frfifrlfvibrr th a n a n y c a r a t . a n y w h e re i ts p rice .

Its g rac e fu llin e s a re e n h an c ed la s t in g Jin ish . C o w ] p a rld n ff li a n d th e c o w l v e n ti la to r n o t i a d d to ita .g 'ood loolcs b u t a re eaaary fo r c o m p le te eatiafaci

ro arin g . f t0 4 S i 3-. S*t

J. A. (Ban250 H


i t E v e r y t h

QOO l e a m e t l t h a t l o w p r i c e s a lo n e b

e n t ly . P e o p le m a s t k n o w t h e y c o n i

f o o d s , c l e a n l in e s s o f f o o d s , h o n e s t w

i f o r e p r i o o 's a v i n s i s a o o n s l d e r a t i o i

la l i t i e s , p n t f o r t h b y t h e m a n a g e m e :

t l a r i z e d o o r S A V I N a t tE T H O D o v e r


R ; 1 0 0 l f i . s a c k ' f i n e g r a m

2 5 l b . s a c k f i n e g r a r i u :

i—T n k 0H B E 8

sn^ttasca Id flav- ' Idaho Cream Cheeiad strength. Creamery Bilb. ean iS c Milk—Carnation, ,

/lb , caa —....... 11.90 per ean ---- --------- -I lb. « n d i--------- » M llk - iJ I b r o o J ib re a c h .------------ C7c /1 lb___________ M o ■ »1-2 Iba-------— f U O Bfcnkfaat Bacon; I

A M . Pienle hama, booel : ■■ 40o ' Bacon brlakota, pe:>rand, largo package, P u ritan hama, poun

• 25cllogg'a Com n o k e s , S— —- .......... l®o Cryatal W hito La'ui

, Crcrae Oil Toilot 8• Palmollvo T oile t Sc

Pnlmolivo Toilot R p p o juleo . ^ - Wc . B E 00M 8-

l^ulca ---------------- S9o Brooma; beat qualn li, dozen 35c c n c h ____________ _„ Old D utch G eanaej

. l a e d •— - • Sun B rito Cloanaor;at Bocon (by thu Matches, beat quali

\ - - s n ^ c ■a, l b . _____ _ 37e No. 1 Sbindard 811ceaeh — _____11.60 . ' N’o. li S tandard 811c

each ___ B9c No. 3 SUwd/ira Slie

III ) I ' II . I -TTIM

c a r d e p e n d a u p o n T h e LlCH T-SlX sta its p e rfo rm a n c e , ia m in im u m o f t e p

w m fo rt a n d p r ic e . lo w fu e l c o n s tm ip l

ta. A n d y o u m u s to n e i t y o u « I8 t o W o n e v e r h e a r d o

i r M O w h o le . n o l c q m lo i t e b l e lo

[ f r o m * l . . « ^ A . d .h o p r iee , $10 .n e c a r a s i t w a s . o f p ro p o rt io n toos r ig h t b e fo re i t i n d u d c s th e th ie f-jm a d e g o o d in th e whTch r e d u c e s th e>d thou* ’ t o t h eetidab le .- c e n t ; laiiotve:fol, in o n e -pi^ibration ■ ( I \ ' a n d outJ e re n e a r ' ^ | \ o th e r r d

ic e d b y a g r e d ic n tn g lig h ts ■ s ta n d in gn o t o n ly I - - \ \ I f o t 7 0 y«a re n ec > 'TW.prooftnnnniuioatock . q tia lity ^afaction . u c J ff io ? o to !S r ijto a S , a t I

; J ‘Pdumtwr /loadttrr, t l0 4 S i Coept-Tlca Stdm . tl7SQ . A a prie*, / .e .6 . factory.

a r r e t t A u t o S a l e s CoiI M l l o A v e n i ie N o r th P h o n e 5i

SDAY, MAY i s ; 1922

s t o r e s \ ^

■ 'e n e v e r m a k e a s t o r e

U l d e p e n d o n t h e s e l le r . >

t w e i g h t s , a n d o o n r t e - v

lio n . ( ■

m e n t b f e a c h S k ^ g ’s j

v e r s e v e r a l s t a t e s . . .

■RICES , ’ i [ ‘

i n u l a t e d . . . . . : $ 7 2 5 S i

m l a t e d ..........., $ 1 S 0 | j

lESB—BUTTEB l> * ;

Him . . . Ib. soc , Kr B utter, lb. _______ 3Sc I ( pn, Sego and L lbby’a ; oil , 1

II, per eoao -------- - I U 5 ' ] [ '

MB ATS ( J ■in; 8-l&'lba., lb. 26c | fjjneleas, 8-10 Iba., lb. _ 2Sc W, per p o u n d ----------— J9c / N.o u n d___ ________ _ S6c_ v J

flOAPa - . nf)iia'undry Soap; 10 bora_ 49c j Ikt8 o o p ^ 3 b o ra ------------20c ( c ) (It Soap, 10 i o r a ______flOo i ft Soap, 3 bara — ----- - 25c * ( b)t S oap ,-10 bor?,-------- 79c ^ i f - ’ - j


]uoilty, medium weight; r A- -------------------- -------- 60c- U 7naer; can ...i— 10c /jklaorj ? ean i — ------- - 15c IS]ualUy; 0 b o x e a_____ 28e j ( '

•n n u iP F L z : Utj '

Sliced;. 2 c a a a ------------35cSliced; 2 c a n a ________46cSliced; 2 can a -------— 66c H

s ta n d s u p in a e rv ice w ith r e p a ir e x p e n se . T h is , w ilh . np tio D . m e a n a eM fafactory . * ^

a o f a l J C H r .S K t h a t w a »: to r id e in . •

S104 5 / . o . b , fac to ry , u o u t ^to its v a lu e . T h is p p c e e f- p ro o f tranam isa ton locli; t h e r a te o f th e f t in su ra n ce l e o w n e r 15 t o 2 0 p e r ' •

l a rg e p la te g laas w in a o w e -p ie c e r e a r c u rta in , in s id e 3U tside d o o r h a rid le s a n d ' re f in e m en ts .

y o u g e t th e p r ic e le ss ii\- e n t— p r e s t i g e a n d h ig h ling o f th e D Jalter—w h o ) y earti h a s b e e n b u ild in g ty v e h i c l e a - a n d se llin g ftt fa ir p r ice s . ^

Rooififvr. f I S r S /

! o r i i p a n y


I ■;

Daily ]A d v e r t i s e m e n t s u

S S s i i i ^ snmiiniiEiiu". - I ' - ' . ;■ . reedTed

Amoimt T^alB’, Ovor. Nino Mfli S t io K . lio n 'D o li^ , a Sligfht Bo- cxtuo'^oi

■ ...oreaBe from Laat Year PuMieiti«i - _ m n m ,

: D ES IMOINBS, L l . to ta l ofW.877,4^7.22 WM eontribn l«d-by U ria f glTew to iha b«noTolent. m lu lonaiy an* ^ ? j 'j i edtieaUoDAl a o M i of tiio P r e i b T ^ „ i “ 01 iureli,lii 'tlio ,T Ia lt»d .8U U i of A » w f "

pi.t«dVa’ii'b . i»i»rt.a lo tio O o n - ' V «r*l, A u e n ^ l r w tle h lopoai. In D m Molnei I f a / l6 . ThU U ^ d o o io o i# of ’ ‘o«“ Toa>

;ov#t tbo p rev iou i year. . , Thw e • o fficial figure# were eompilod 1“ “ ®*' b]T Central Boecivia;; AKOQcy of Iho .^ M b y tc r la n N ew -E ra M ovuacnt , HEAD‘

UnknoOTi rl... '■

You do co t ^ sit down to the known guests.

A re you equall; the meats you int Equally sure o f w ftxttn, w ha t they <

, ^ n s o r for them

Nowadays, fo] risk is n o t g re i

. '— Swift & Compa there is none.

Swift & Comp a re the result o f ; ence, o f careful

* efibrtW e n - ta i w i M i

^ ......T heir quality isV < I .h o i! ii^ to r.a lw ayatobo i — ^— — T h e consumer i Sw».«PremIura tected because, ta

care nsed by Swi ' Swift-s'food pro.

Swiff.Pr«Bhm. M y i r s p e c t e d t Bkoo.' employes and h

Sw«.aPraniiim inspection Stamp, SUcoiBran

T he w ord ."Prt

Prit " b o T o r sw itf. "suv..^ our pride and the

leaf* B ra n d years on th at hai ^ e L a r d .

J o w d S h o r t .n t a g .

SwiffaPremiomOleomargarioe. “ lected. cured,

: 'G ra N u . handledJiy w orkMargarine. - the same plide ii

BrookfiddBraQd th at w e do.I ^ l c S A O ^ f l .

lOnxifidd o a i t h n ^ a a k e iB a ^ . Strange or. unkno

Brookfield E u s . troduced into th<

S w i f t & C o m p E

" U. s. A.

USKIDS-/ ^ W I L U E , — - — •____ :

.......(.?“'WOS VAN ) . «V E S R M O S E > - i lO '“ ' “ ‘ '

Oir F ( “w m i e u *

M N m t : s ' D m Y ; i i t E \ v

MeWs'under this he'a<

. BOV imos.thtm for the firston^o - B y 8

' Bokri.of.H^o Uiniou'.reeolT- thSRi ,0J1,157.04, tia-inercoiB of 108,- ; Tlio Board of ?oYeI((n‘Miuioni 'o o lo ed ea,4«,mtHJ, * deetoaw of10/J. Tho Board of General Edu- ------. rocoived $764,103.03, an in- ■' ■'■ ■■ Vof >107,110.07. The Board oC «T»/>r lation nml eabbatb'School Work OTAUC- fla,««^80.60,>tt1aeren»o of 1.33. The Board of Church Erto< eeelved $170,85854, a dccrcaao of 3.73. LONDOaddiUoa,‘the'Preibytorlan New TiI B v o n S l K to t e d (13,MS.78, a “n o ' t f . ■ " b e a n " , Ielpta fotithe year oa the Jnter 'placed by I, World deficit were >38,800.47, a optly d«r iM of ♦405,«4^7 oTor the pie- .T,ur^5o< y®“ - ,• , ! Tho vnr

........ ’*■. ’the (fuard;thclr. menory.—adv, . trance, w(

- - * ■ . ■ - iicnto ang’LD‘ THE DAII/Y NBWa OTenluff cl

other, 40I . dor one nr: -■ with n g«

hii private• To.1«)- Jl

' « iu lil> nutrFoods ..srs. __ cnr *tnrt«

liiirlcd intll ' " I BIIP<;

i k your family to he table with, un- <

WI.nl \ ' »Mp tf> 111'

tally careful about • rtMnified i invite them to eat? ’ .

ifw heretheycom e iy are , w ho stands&m? 80’., 5 mi

lido Twin 1 barn, good

fo r tu n a te ly , the £r e a t . B u t w i th or rcnLou ipany’s p ro d u c ts L'‘'i«rri«

bio pcoploi will 1)0 in ' to ftldcy

m pany's p ro ^ c ts IVlof years o f experi-sful. conscientious ‘"t®®'’’ will COT.i.l

• property lu White, Plio

y isax o n s tan t& c-be depraded upon.'^ "ir u doubly-"i)ro- ' for sai

t, in addition to the a»° VeraSwift & .Companyriroducte a re care-1 by g o v e ^ e n t[ bear the federal iuprovrd mDp. . "ioBSAi

PalU, .lliln tliiir I.. Hwi

Premium*'on ham ' „t o th a t we~stakethe reputation ofham or bacon. , proved Ian<l

iu and buiiuct3 have been tans of you 5d, smoked, and Drkmen w ho take e in our products Automobile


1; . W.T. MoonSw ift’s products wanto

;e certain th at no ' "■ ' known food is in- . the family d ^ e I


■ Jo'i benchpany,

WANTEI RB, Auto ^ Wouth.

/ WANrr.T/ licit WOtKj

/■ VBicanliuiR" ^ ' ntei

'! ' ,«.UO.rlUib IEI nan,^54 N.. W H E M D

“ - “ - r \ 3 » n t i J S L U N W E -It

■ i rn s m o N ^ I w s ^ S r | S ^ - ^ J. AU M I S S n f i i s I , = ^USEN O N / ^ T

M f

' J^ \ '

s f r s . T W I N : F A ‘I X S , I D a

ad, O n e C e n t p i

y a c t u a l c o u n t , ’ f o i i r o u t o f

l e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h a v e

l i e O r r e n t i t h e p o s i t i o n y o

G E -D O O R “ B E A U ” F O R Si

H A S D IS A P P E A R E D m i______ F ifth ai

(JDO.V, doorkeepers o f f OQm th e a trn la y tbe atago-door P lan ti 0 1” ,{i extinct and faaa been ro- I by a ipeclM o f younjif tnan moredMcribod by tho A m erican terra ' FO lt I

:e-donr Jo h n n y ." • Kow'7flevnrniihod “ b e au ," nc ierd lng to —— ;

uardiaa o t .one London stage en. I v B 1I, wore a InrRO iill< h a t a t an thr«o-pl(ans1o, an e legant capo over h ii Duofold

3ir clothca and wjUted, il“bonqtiot cooking3 hand, 0 be-ribboncJ b o i in tho ‘ ^ ^ ' o

4old.knobbed ewagRcratick un- 810 arm, to p rcct h chorus girl and, P*“ » «“• % grapcfnl bow, to hftnd hor into IvBto hannara-cab. pQ jjay Jn rk doesn 't do tn n t. H o .ilt# ^

nitomobilo putflnR- n e lgarotto 31Jirn tlie o t W '^ t t v tvppcara he _______from llio ciJrIi: “ Como nn, oW. QET ( nii’vi! bpnn n. long tim o.” Thu jlcil Kci n t« tvitli n j r r k nnd th e girl in j i . ; 6 nt

into n iffit. ■mipMin fhpv nro morn leniiiblo. FOB B •rn,.tnnl-i^mmt)ii*«li(‘nffD rnnkps. from iir io'iM like moKt o ther p ln rc i theno T ro ll Da tliov’rp nwfullv du ll,” navi ono by , tho oper,.. .

} 1, „.is1r« t'f. vn>i~Tn7y h(* valuf. ..Ihfr* — ndvrr*i«f i l in th» ^n® “il.led ffilum nii...... ‘ 2-!—

----- --- FOB

S A U - R E A L E S T A T E

’ i MMe B U t e BALK O B RENTicrM or cnn bo d iv id e d ,into two p o R; miicH from Jcrom o o n 'n o r th - nion seedvin Inli* trnct; b ig eemont dniry -food hoime, 100 iharos o f w ater; FOB E0.1 a l/n lfa; balanee o tho r crop*; “ 0 " gra nd hogs furnislicd If ilesirod; buy Falrv lsir t_ou crop paymcnte; reaaonable time oxci w iir tako good paper o r property - _ •t im--mcnl for ualo; w n n fre lin - - F O it ooplet p o iW ^on immodiatoly, llootlor i

in T'vin I’Sfis Thuraday 3 p. m.dev night a t Hogerson Annex. ‘813. NcWon A. Pierce, ownor. gJ

1.VU— 100 acres choico Irrigated ' _ ro actca alfa lfa, 7 ciovor. 13 po- . J ^ \ ° (jll,500; eaiy terras, fl per ecnt;

T.ri» FiOl. i t .U o « r t •'«"■. ' '

B A L E -F ive toom m odern houio ' urniihed. flIO Tlilrd avo. W .In .03 Third «»c, E ._______________________________ o f Cnrry.SALE—S est 10 aerea, b a lf m i l e -------------

iity; plowed and seeded,'W 25 FOR B rtrm *. A tl w w . B . Q . B u to a , u v t. E.

1 ^ ! ! ^ . ________________ - y s nB A L B -'T Sve a«re«, M milt Henry.

4 a l ie lonth W u h lag to a aehool

SALE—A real bargain in well machine, pci north lide fatin. D r. Dwight, letle , 148

S A L B -F iv e acre tr<>rt In Twin FOB 8J .iiiU hle for ponltrr f a r * . Ar N . Plppli

t l ,V .IT E D W IS C E L L A N E O U S

;TED — Belloblo and capable red esRi to fnrm 240 acre* irr iga ted , lm- Phone 051 land, sowed for elover seed crop; . j jq j j j j 1 ..pnartiililty to .h .r o In ptof- , „ . i

b u ili a big bualness; w ilto de- f j , , pjimu your oxpericncc, tenns, ote. Ad- p a r the

I. 0 ., caro Now*. points. ’' ___________ -— aery fo r 1

4T E l>-T r»etor a n d - sta tionary )y N urter ropairlnff of a ll klnda. Lind berly,''Idi

ibile Co. - . - . ^ - ■-------------- --------------------------- ---- FOR atT E D ^L aw n. mowers to grind, u d acces »il fo r and doliTor. Phono CM. 224 Secoptloore. ---------- 2------------------------------------------------ ’ FO B 8,ITED—To eharo om ifrrant car M U toes. vor about April 15. Cijil 802W. p j,j ,

IT E D -^ , 5 o r -7 pasaonger nied y o B £ lh or trade. W aho H 4w . ft t o p . n ,n r y . bone 671.

!T r.I>-A buyor fo r n d ^ ,Ucr. adding machine, mechan-nch and viip. J o h n io n Auto rO B £IV. . ^ ' gallon. 1__ — Phono-IS.lT E D -8 foot show eaao. Call ________lo W recking Co., -140;Snd Ave. FOB 3

genuine I— ' i turo Co.

!rr.I>—Yoor tire* lo rep n ii; ____ ____orKj a t iow cit . prices. Idaho FOB 8i u i s Works, 132 Second nve. N. and leeoi-*• - --------- us if you:ITED—Bfl(t bny in u e d oar foi <]o not ni*b in hand. A d d rm J . B. Bree. ment Co-4 N. A rthnr, Poeatello. I la h o . ( tree t fro


^ V /W KMOW s r " ^ r n y .,

® i i_ i I * I. a »

l A H O y T H U R s i r A Y T M a Y :

>sifieiiper .word per ic) f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i n T w i ;

v e t o s e l l , t r a d e o y e x c h a n i

F o t r w a n t , o r t h e h e l p y o u 1

SALE-HISCELUNEOUSFORS;It SALE—nom e canned f ru it. 81*. j

av3. No. t o ^ n g ,

iB 8 A L B -" In d iT ld u # l" Tom ato S n T r:i OOe doeen a t Fairvlew roach, 1-2 K. a d ^ , aay tim e except Sun- DEE

J . U . epackmoB.____________ foundntl

11 B A L E -D uH OrplBBton tg lt .75c for 15. Phoao 616J8. . p o B I

^ S A L E a t 326. BeeouO ave. K.,•p le« good leather aet, nearly, new }ld and other furniture, d lih e isn dng ulep»ll«- __________ ' f Ob ' i

i SALE—R estaurant: fuliy equip-go jd location; pricod right. Soo *l-Cruven, Co., 123 Mali- E. } '0B 1

B S A L F ^O iro llm e of 6 rooM .J for rent. ISS J . t f e rw a St.

’ ” ■1 '____________________ r S i ’r ONE of theie « 5 C pcnrl hnn- »Kcoii K utter pocket knives, only «n t Dlamocd IlardwnrP. ' " ' ’f- ”- - - - ________ _ nnd sot I

[t SALE—Pnro seed bailey, raised trunk or jirlio stock. Thla i l Six Bow 535 3rd , llorley, tho varie ty rocommended

ho experiment stntion. Bobert :s. Phone, Buhl 324-B5.- ' WUliams_________ i_____________________ Compauy,i SALE— Round Onk Chief range,, nl. .'iisl .111 Addlion nve. Phoue •'•fO E -fi

• I .-- , vellen t^t!______________•• •— — -••' • p i r t - 'L cI i^ALE — Automatic clecltic *BrA ~ r; nlio 15 Plvmoutli Rork' he.m wo lo o itcri;, aleo ratined fru l '.

■ iX)R 8.I S A L E -300 sacks choico Ca- for youn, eerl potatoes. Phono 344. avc. W.

I B A L B-Solld Jonathan-apples, 121.00 : grade, SSe box (w ithout box), a t mood H iew ranch, 1-2 mile N. E . c ity , a n y ------------txcept Sundays. J . iL Spaekman. FO B 6A

— — — ..•* - —• ave. E ^ I t tiALE—A vncuimi cleaner,' f25. - r ™ ™ ir Kornituri* Co. pOR St S A L E -250 tou i hay in tbo ''T T T ^JT

ll mi. soutb, I eaul, 3-4 iouth.

; 8 A l ,E - K .l .o n b o li. bolk Do<-lllH, We wil neli you nny a noun t yur □

Wc havo kalsomin* bruihci fn.- >,,,,Lot u i lend a palntci to citlmnio »ork. Wo will save you mouey.

5. M oon'i ihop. FORDE

; fcALE or 'ie iv U e : rcK U letri bull. R. W. Qualli, 3-4 mi. oost

■ _____• Jnder Qri;B A L E -F u tn itu re . 32.’) Third

' ■■■ —SALE — ’m e to r . Dou J . I'X)B R

rcnsonnbli------------------ --------------------------- m ils Ban: BALE—Thor electrle w a s h in g -------------le, nsed very Uttlo. W. I . Oil- FO R ft 148 W ashington. ga ted Loi

. SALE—S tan e n W ineitp , yellow FOB !}pln, Orimes Golden, a earload, ligh t bou rir^t elass alfa lfa bay. Phone porch, cl

garago. !

SALE-<Pure bred Ubode Iiland FO B I(ggs fo r le ttin g ; erder early , avc. No. .050B. P .O . Box 754. , ■■______________________ ________ FO R RIB OBOWN ACOLIMATED nnr- 027.[oek lo donnast eondltion, readymtlng. Prom pt service. Wo pre- f he transportaU on to - a l l I & o § !“® ,1^ ''

W rite, phono or ia ll ,a L .N o r- ,01)r free priee catalogue. K imber- , ,

B IL E —B lcydei, trleyeles, tire . ceuorici. W erner's Repair Shop, “ ®“

8 A L E -f lp e d a l •elected seed IS. Varieties. Carmons and ftu^ ‘ ^ “ .V hone C50B. P . 0 . Box 76*.

aM -IW 3m alI safo. Don., J.‘ Main N.

■ • • _______________ ; FOKiF^TJC r a n g e s *130 value l«eepia*07.5fi a t Diamond H ardware Co f e a w n b l'

n S A L E ^ B a n T p I l n t ' i m por FOB H Hoose. pa in t $2.50 per gailon. a partaen l

fl. Moon’ s Shop. , 1 Fifth- st.

SALE—O ver-stuffed rockcr In ,0 leather, J2.'!. Uoosicr I ^ rn l- Ii

^_____________________1 _ S iO N E1 SALE 0 0 EX OH A N O E-M oit U jP l " I «ond.hnnd tarm toiplMieaU, Bof » w r« l To] OU h i 't - a n y fana Impiementa you * ' ; need, Idaho Udw. and Imple- ~Oo. ill the Foia Building a erm i ‘ ,® 1,0m K l,. ( ll .t l ra . I ' " ” ' ” ' '

r i U L I t i i c K f < ! XV m ' r K E E P .\

? . ■■ ^ ( IT S U CA't V

I m

i ^ Jinsertion, and Ww i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N e w i

a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m s f o i ’

IU n e e d — O N E C E N T p e r v

RSALE-MISCELUNEOUS _ _ JOR HALE OU T R A D E -F or a Pordin g car, a tonm of good Ihref-yoar- «ew ing .,nmro,i, ne igh t !50U pounds. i(r« . ------------

ih R loH hlo ii, EJoo, Idabo. N i S S '

EB SU P l’LIES , sefiioni, super* idntltini, im okcri, etc. Diamond d » u o C o , .................................. . .

0 b1 aS^.«..j Ptaw'toi' d o i . .'a l n lo * rn ioh , W E . elty,tim e except Sundays. J . U.i8pack*: NICe "

*• [rBitf*. ip:O B 'P A L E -P ln y cr piano, good »n

o n BALB - Hoosohold' jood l, k - ing b ird 's eyo maplo drCsser.and -r r t~ fonior, 2 bca\7 iron beds and f ’ ,* ig i and m a ttresso , 1 large rug w ith , , nftU to j* to inftlth, enomelcil oil . . er, clectric avrceper, jardiniers, pic- "I, taborot. All abovo goods nearlyi ■ .. Window drapes, ciectrie washer. sot sad irons. Could nie wardrobe k or othor good trunk ] a exchange, * „ p , yn l .d A v ., iJ: Phooo 31S.W, i„ |,

J8T value in .town on Shotwin-! ■ams I’nlnts. Dlnmond Hardwnro ' - [ , ■any. ,

nt«cQii4Jt{atfr-*260.D0.- .'Terms o n - ^ l> o u h l '•L o g o n Music Co. , , ,

.«>~V A L lIE 'O w yon” lJ n . / .m ly ' b X v T

. DliirminJ lla^dwnr.- Co, .-iTMi.f) |i,i

R 8 A L ^ - 0 i r T H ^ E ^ V \ y i ^ b « r ' -A 7 r 'i ' 'Oun„' p ig ix ir rhifkeift. oiri I 'il t.i 'I" t W. -I’*' ■■ l'r;----------------------------;---------------------iog Co.. 1,.00 LAWN MOWERti JIO,50. Din i - ’t : : ; ; — 1 H iriw aro Co. ' 9 L L 0---------------------- , ---------- -- _ ,upholstcriiI BAI.E—Sotting eggs. 02« F o u tili 'p re d Foif E ^P hone 1218W. .

R SALE-AUTOMOBILES l"T S i^---------— ----------------- ----------ing, see rITO—Fivo passenger Chevrolet fo r Second >v

perfcct eondltlon, elcctric sta rt-1— ,-------1vould consider realty . Address! F K E E - 1104, P osteffict. . . • ; j well equi;

K SA LEcrW . b » . . 0. . o t , pI b u tu n b i lo ciitd r .K , JobmOD.C o » p j f f . l aniiP '?

iRDS boughr ana lold at the Auto^ P fikiDs Co.. 140 Snd Ave, South.’ ------ -—0 a l. ■ • • WANT]B . . p E p . ' l S ' . i i r a p . . u , C .I P " " * " . ’ Qriader. 147 Second ave, N. “,

R RENT—M odern'houie for rent, nnble, good loeallon. In(|uiro Twin .Bank 4 Trust. Co. . . [l

R RENT—FurniViod uouio. Ir7i^ I ' i . Lan-Ii C y T T io a e MO. ' |

B ~ R E N T — Fum iahed suite fo'r. housekeeping, ' 8 rooms and m -

1, clectrio equipment in kitchen, JO H N W. t®. 845 8Ui Avo. N o .. Phone 283-J. T rust Im

B RENT—Houso n l 701 jThirJ a SHER li No. . Phono 203J11. ________

R R E N T -P urpuned room.TbToJ ^' ________________ 8WEBLE1

■R R E N T -T w o acres, close, ini ■»Ijikcn nvc. E rncit While. IJ3 Fall*, .<i

- V r : . * " . ____________________B ' SENT.—Two- -«o isT a--offU # ,,1 ;I. loqoire City Pharmaey. f n i s l 6

lA V fi POB~BENT d e i lr a b ir s h . — —home on Eighth ave.-N . i i . J . j---------7 “

loy, EJrst Nationnl ilank bMi:.; n i j P

B ilENT-*Two loom apsftnen ts nable, completely fo rn l ih e^ f«ir housekeeping. The O x f ^ 42K

W INDOWK ^ lE N T -E x tra olce'llghl hou-'‘ '»»* »o r a{ 'rooHi, with bath privli^t' - — ■Lible. 404_SecoB<l a v » ,_ B :.., • 8

B BENT—Three room furDiKhni t W D J ^ F n e n t, rcasoaabic; Bungalow A p ii Sbop,. St. and Second ave. K. paired .................... .. . prices, 1

.MONEY TO LOAN .INBY 'ro '* lO A N 'o r« ~ 4 « n dw»' ^ o n 'r a l : rspayable in sna il iK ta lln e a ttII repayment privlleae. Arthur t.

) News Is read vy the pem aneui

/ T p R E M l l t f r V m ^ ^(SEMHIU A I rKMCWn- j /

\ SE R nO N U M — /vl«V E l i y I f e e w im E j V / ]

■ ■ v :siuia

- “ B m n i . ,

PageWORTH ITIi w s . d a i l y , T e n a l l

'or rent, hou<..s tor rw ord — Phf.ni. ii.

M IS C E L L A W E O U S .

ESSMAKINO, plain and foajy g . , 132 W asbin^on t t . N o ..

£D A G E HAULED D A IL Y -M »)ls T m a fe r Co. Phono £00. '

EANINO rarpeii, m gil .Vava^oi.

M bEWINQ M A O H lN B 'e o J m - - .E . ' FheDfl 984.,, ■ . ..

J E .i ju le i riHiu i»r la a is n l t ; ipjc'a} uune. :iln a ix tb ava. N .

> ,

n 0 N a 0 i ^ ~ W 0 R k E D r " e i t t r fm ade,o r maehlao mado. fh o & f

D . EBLLOOO, agont fo r Z«tl.I>'« A rtriiair ul u-k<l tu r sprar>

IKI.' ' «ll I'lit.ti, 1-, 0 . Bo*

t l ) |.s r ii . Auto W ieekln* /X-.-oii.l Hii.

.LQ! D0~NT~ F 0B (3E T ~ D li '*

n i t.i»ANH” »i.',i~‘*im lhly!"J«v.. ln«''iiLi; Inati,. ,\rlliuY I.. 9w i»

luhldi, \v f istU fv, ^uto Wresii. *“ I4(' yeriiDil avr. S'.

s’^ I'LA^e". 237 SbMhone .I li.iu'l rlo lhc .liiiu sh t ani) told ^

^ 'i^V iV K R rT alT T 'r'ciur ih#j» t*ir own repair w ork; "ainiM Q to

Pry th ii le rfic r. ,Aoio wrM h 14(1 Second ave. So.

" o u n 3 AMPl£ 9 of fu rn l tn r. tering materials before ordering.-'oif. ' 225 Second ave. So. Phon»

; ^ ’OUU FU RNITU BE npholitOT* e l>ed Fots. l>hooe 360W. ti$1 »vt. 80. • . ,

;E - p a tte ;7 sorvirtp. We bxva • iquippod battery service ttA tios Btaol’ charging o u tfit. Testing stilled w ater free. Idaho Anto •’ Co, I'hone 210.

P O S IT IO N W A U r t u ,

N T E D ^ P o a m o r ^ '’ A U ^ « m d , r. WiJl go N yw here. _C alH 27W .

l o s t

T—P air "of dark rlmroea .g la S e I )I to Nowa office._______________

x 6 f e .s j io n a l

S r a o m y s *

W. a B A H A U -U w y o r . Bank At t-uilding. Pboae P86-B.

it B. W IL SO N -L aw yer.

£ 'o 7 M m B - - I J o td boU dW ll’' -

LEY ai 6WSBLBT — A tto ra i ti ,w. Pracil«» la sH »oorta Twl*., ;<;Bbn.

W B B - I ^ '^ 'O f r i c e ^ B o o a i i III over Twio Falls Bank k I Uoi, Twlo Falls, Idaho.

M ESS d i m : -

d U S B '

o w Q IA S B -W tad ibUUU, tA iwork. Moon’s shop.’ Phona 6.

"sHOBM PAm nfo"" " ^ F A I i 8 " ^ 0 i B " b S u S to), 132 SliOihonc W e s t S b o H -n . ed while you wnit, n t pro-wai os, and all work gunranteed. ,

iK O N ~ S 0 B ~ r a b P . 340 Norta B. The qniek repair sbop. Work • a t pif-war prlrei. v-.-T . lltla*».).

TRANSFEB her" ' r a A N s r r a "o m c t a k t '

By tt r , O.’K m B l .

I /T ^ ^ tV/w A M t i r L j ^ f k E r o A u c i i w i )

l i '

! 'S R k , # P i S: ' A n n u a l C l a s s P l a y i s P r e s e n t e d

■ B e f o r e , A p p r e c l a l i v e . / l u d i -

T ' ' ' .e n c e F i l l i n g ' ^ y e r l n ^ T h e a - ;

t e r t o C w a c i l y : ’ '

MomboM o f tho T w in Fa]U • hlirli ' Bchool trr-uluatlDg prcMototl tho •caJoT c l » i plsy, " A Slroimou# U f e ,”

, te fo ro fltt npproclnHvo oiiiIIddco Wed- noidny rv i-n ln r tliot fiIlo<J t6o*Iiiver- ! Ing theat<’r to cniuwlly. ,• : i '

I 'it fa tls In the ' n t ih o f tlio p rovurl' I . - c i t o r furufahod tho thcmo for tho.hlffb- '

. I j ent«TthinlnB eomcjjr, throngh throo • ‘Aet*, tho tim e bfcln'g 'thu^itfisont 'a nd 'i

t i o placo thfl c e llcp j'fow n of BcrkP ' I ‘ 3er. 1

n ito plBy wn» pieientfld undor dlroc- .! t io n o f M iw JoiMihlnd A. Ja ek io n of '

Iho hlRh whoot p u llle Bpeiklng depart- I' ! . Jaan t, on 'i c h a w jo r* TroTo <' I ' p o n o n a to l h y tho ntudont p la to ra par*; ' l lc lp a tlr tj. .• . . I- ; . r “ . M am lnrt. o f CMt, - <

M onilcnt of ihe cM t ffcre Dudlsy ' ■ fljriin .a s Tom. H m lnR lon , football

onptnfni Cljfford Fix nn B criaa ld ; Dlack, his ehnm; Iiol>ort NieholBon.as

. Byron «u :rlng ton , Tom ’* fa th e r; Por* c i t P inncy a i Jim rii Itobcrti, a fre ih -

i m anj H art Vmj Illpor na William Ev ; : o r e tr JoniM , n i tr profcMot from Stan-

. fo rd ; Orville Logan as Dnn O avoannt iroB> lUe lllU ; Elmer VBnQ51iier' as

, ; ProprcM 'jr MnRCr, diroctor o f , thfl “ u y m ;” Christopher Homei, jw -N u* fratn, ({Ood,- l|ono»t, iHtollItfeut ^n p

. achool bov; Boy Woodlioflil ns Dawloy,. . a ro llcct'it! i n id ro j Bon an Ifm . WIr-

L illian LInd; ; a4 M 'lirian-.Dnvonfort; Mnrgnret Decbo

'BS Ruth Tlinriiton, Mrs. W l.tsins’ nlncfi; 'C rJ-stal OlDp’ieli ns Dutfic H arrinston ,

• Tom ’s sister from lilgh iwhnul! Ilnlcn ; >V9lfc n i Widow Nfniinlrc.

\ H iD j Down Paanant. j I n eoiinecUon with the prencntntloii

' ' o f tho ploy lovornl of tho cvonta . o f tlio jpTiduatlon opcnslou- w c to ^ r H n i l o n t, Incluilinir tlio p resdn fn tir trby Dflfti S ta r r , projiilcnt o r th e sonior class, to P ra n k rowpr*, presldpnl of (he junlinr «lass, o f /th o pcnnnnt hhndM '^dow n

f , from .ono {rrnduatliiK tins* toUts'»Tn«- A . cetsora sinco tho eatabllilimonV o f the

CtlBt™ liy-fhp rlnM 'of lO llJ .[ .I .' P rw on ta tlon of th e ({rnflaoll»K claim'

'■ g if t to the school, ft niDtiofi plciuro ,- ^ anparn l'i’- "'®" l>v'MftTliii« W are.

OtV^hpWtiA music -wns iu-/nlslipil by■ tho hlcli s^hool orHipstrft under dircc

tion o f r. T . nalnbridire.

P e a t l i s

h‘ Cbarlea W. Btraln.f - . wClinrlf^ 'V'. Striiln died this niornlnu

J — ' . n t ilOl 1-2 Third s tre e t w w i.from heart 1 f iU uw . Uwv'nsfa liud \>cen it\cnliflot^I fo r som" llitic in tlil' hiwiness w orld

w lllr th'o Tu-iii FftllH l*o^iltry and Ekc ! • company. H e Ivaves four children,, M rs. WiiUiim flrrihnoi of Twin Palls :

M ri. p . K Dillard of Borley; Paul 1 Stra in -.o f PnliL<uiil Herbert S tra in of 1 Omalin. 'I lie body Jia» been taken to : tho P. J . Grosimnn tindcrtnklng eatab

lishmeiit. Xo nrranpemonts fo r funeral j ^ serv ircs k UI I>p mmle until word is re- ( celvcd from relatives.

; . ^ O T O C B M E B ia .

' ----- • Hov. f*. W. Oeorg of I’ortland, Ore*; ROD, direc tor o f mlssiona ,>ivlll spoak a t, tho I ^ th f ta n church n t .S o 'c ln rk th is;;l ‘ --<voninfrr

The' Riivnl N’eighbors of America will hold th e lr rcfmlar inrotint; In (ho L 0 .

; 0 . P . ha il P rlday ovcninj;. May lo:

' <Tlii; W. C. T. XI. will '’ meot In tho• M ethodlit cJiorch parlora on* Friday,

K a y W . a C:!0 fl’e l f f c V T ^ ts . O.■ Brown Lawcru will hnvo charge o f tho

proirram nnd the subjcf.l ii "A m crl-- can iia tlou W orlt."

' G H aM A N T 'S D SB T IKO aSA BESB E R LIN , O'F) — Gcrmuiif.’a floatluR

dobt Increased between April 1 nnd May 10 by 10,CS.'>.000.003 mnrka and

' * ' now am onnts to 282,fi{)0,000,000 aaya *' tiie Allgemlono Zcltun;,'; today.

1. = . P B B B » E ^ j y Eof plano 'lcsM ns f l th D '| i n I y . t ^ w ork t i n t cnablea tho p r ira ta piano teacher, high aehool, eon-

, ecrvatorie i nnd collegium to work in p e rfcc t honaony ' w ith each other.

N o icachcr is p tn n ltted to teaeh tho Progressivo S o riu , od* ited by Qodowiky, who haa n o t

p a u e d a rlgid-exOmlnation by a n a tio n a l Board o f Exam inort. StndenU fla i ih lo s e ither tho high

, aehool, tho N o ra a l o r College ' - - . . J - . f riiinrg-^rr*61tfLmni«A4i< ;ih p .? n f- •_------ — "*tIonal Board of E iam inor8~ond

they Teceivo c o rtificatei aoi) di* ploraaa, natlona] i s character.

M any eollegei and coaaarrator- icf accep t iS u o eertU icate i and allow atndonts to go on. Stu* denta com pleting the h ^ h aehool e ourao 'a ro ablo to tran ipo ie, to ■writo m usic ia tw o, threo ftnd fe a r 'part counterpoint and to hannoaizc nselodlei; A fter com* ple tlng tho K o :^ a i ta i Collego'

! conrio r tn d cn ta .e aa w rite m u io U fiv e , »Ix an i^e ic b t p i ^ - -

T ech'n iqo^ phraalng ttna ' ijjter* pre ta tion .a n d ^ h iild r; , o f m u le ' o ra m ade n-. apeclalty. • Stimmar •

.w .o p ™ . . ,F o r l . n . l . n a

« . •■ ■ ■ - , .

S iH E IF ': iiE ira iiisS a lm o n B i v o r O o m p a n y W i l l *

S ' N o t Q u i t - P o l i o y P e n d i i f gO a t o m e o f S u i t j

' A ceordiAc.to (he statem ent of 0 . 0 Hnga,. Dt)I<ie, o f counsel for tho Salmon

30 R iver Camil conipuny, mnde in d istric t ; i r court n t Roperl, Wcdnosilay, no at* ]

tf'm pt will be mado b y th» eanol.'com* p an y in its f irs t delivery of irriga '

’ tlon wati*r fo r th is aeasoa to depart from tho irtllcy heretofore governlnc . ilcllvcry 'o f w ater on n pro ra ta , basli

jl, among lan'iiLoldora. . ho .'Thla; a ta tm p jit . , waa- m ado-in the )» proTTcsa i'f iifJHIijtenls beforo Jndgo T.

id. Bailey Loo In tho easo o f R. Olavln ;r.‘ and nthura n);(Llast iho Salmon Biver

’Cnnnl eoinjiaoy and othera, wherein np- \ rl- plication has bet'n-mado-for a eourt or* j * . ile r;restrh ln |n if ,tho isauanco of surplus00 canal ali)*k among landholders o f tho ■ 1,1 retained nrea o f the projcct and again it : ;P delivery ;of w aler upon any other than ‘

a pro r a ta Ijaals.-. le- . The hearing in tho cnsc waa contln* * of uod until Mpy 29. when, it I* oxpeeted, rt. It w ill bii-rraumod before Jndge I x e in

dU ttlc l t o r t t bfljo. ir« Thp m n il company wns repreaented ■, III thla iieoring nlso by J . B. Bothwell ' - o f Twin Pa lll , who hns boon reta ined {

_ IIS a tto rn o r fo r tho company, ”"A John W, O raham ,-Tw in IMlla, nnd * ~ A. A. Fraaler ore eounMc) tor Olavln ‘

nnd his nscorlatca. |

ill l a Uielr memory.—ndv. jV ............ — ■ —

fX E .More 8ilks arrivet

[ foliich are so popular.these beautiful silks <

>r ---------------------- ----------------1 ■— More Colored Pongees atYd. $1.85

*’ Wfl have in atock jg a ln tho Peri- -i-->rink]o, Plamo, Orchid, Silvor, W hir *

pool,. T ea B osa and Qold. P e r J yard _______________________ H .6S

■0 . ■ •

N O V E L T YT h e v o r j- ln t c 8t f a s M o n li

j u d c im d th t j c o lo r c o m b i H kirtH , c-ollnrK a n d c u f f ^ o t s ,

- N E W It , ■ o u r c o t to n g o

tl ,

; Dotted Swisses,,j Yard 69cI° Colored dotted Swiaaoa, In lavondor,

‘I malzo and pink. Tho ideal aummer

dreai fo r / o u r child. 7 a r d _ _ 600

, S u m m e r S c J ' Chad

4 w lm t o u r m a in a h tII ^ i i r , 8^ r o l t ? s - i n t c r c 8t

Jap Checked Crepes, Yard 49c

»* - V ° In blue, p lak and bU ek. Tho ideal

w ashing fab ric , 'w ill no t ih rlnk or fade. P o r y a r d ______ .......... .... I k

1 ~ S H O E

i\U{> 2 4 jM iirs o f t h e n o w n o v e l Holti a n d c u t o n a v e r y c o m f o r t

W h y d o t l i e p o o p lo o f T w in I liccau S Q o f t t i o g o o d U u n g s .8nl(: t l i e f iic tit t lm r e a r e a b o u t Ih e i r o m f o r t , a n d a r e a lw a y s c u t on to - d a t c ^ I c s . ■ t-

b a :W e ' w e r e f o r t u n a t e i n s e i

. ' l i n e o f t h e B r a d l e y E n i t t l n ; ; w o m e n - a n d ' c h i l d r e n . T a k o a o r d i n a r i l y ijo ll f o r $ 8 .7 5 a n d i jf lT 89c a n d r a n g e u p to $ 6 .9 5 .

I M P e;

l o c a i g r H V i i i ' g j , '

.U ^ ........... ' •.

VedargOM' O psntloa-^M rs. John B. A nlt, a t 'th e « o u n ty genera] ho ip ita l to-

’JU doy nndorwcnt a lu rg ical operation.

0 & « t Df W l t l T ^ l u r s . Marlon P . B e a t ty ttf-Buiw rti is tho g iieit o f her paninta, M r. and M ri. J . B . Conway

^ nml a litc r, Jflhp ». Oreen.

lon V li l t P a ^ ^ M r . and Mr*. Ohorlea I.I Ai M cl’hiw 'w ere in th e city f o r a brief

v is it n t tho homo o f Mrs. ’McPheo'a pareata , M>. iuid Mrs. U I. Benoit,

m* Thuradiiy'n 'iid TrlStty.- ;a . ■

O radtu tes on Plcnlft—Membera of tho high uhoo l grnduating closa, with fiuporintvnilfnt M. C. Mitchell and o ther mcinhcra of tho faculty , are siwndlnR the day a t Twin falls on-'the annual senior c lu s picnic.

B a a OB Pirowork*—Provisions o f the[,! c ity ordlnahcca prohlbitlnR use of fire-’>'■ works will he s tric tly onfdrced'occord-i.;I *0 a notlco liiu a ! today hy Chlot, o f Pollco Bvii J . Brown, w arning Twin,,® Palh! rcildonta a j ^ n s t fadulginif Inrfn pyrolce lin lri in conncctlon; w ith the

, coming celebration of .tho Fourth of

In- '■’J r o E a S S ^ M A P . ..

One electrie pl&no, mod le ts than a p,] year, itandard n a k f l , - ^ t l c * l l y now, „i| alao a largo O rehattra Plono, p layi in c j addition to j i o n o and mandolin, the fol*

lowing: b a u and inaro d n m i, vloUno, g j fluCe, v iola and triangla. W ill «all eith* .j„ o r ono fo r tfUanoe owing. 'ConTonlant

term s to reiponaible j n r t y ; W rite qoiek fo r particu lar! to W nio llda ted . Mnsie Company, 48 and CO M aln-8 trcot, Salt Loko C ity, U to l i .- o d r__________ .

ved yesterday—more of th xr. Its surprising how rei » embodying every eolor

More Canton Crepes 15 at Yd. $3.75'eri- Wo rocolved tho w hite, pearl grey,ilr* black, brown ondf'^navy , and theP e r quality i i exceptionally heavy, AL6S renl canton crepo for, yard~_ . I3.7S

R e c e i v e d . T h i s M o r n i n i

i f R A T I N E E)'n han desiji^Gd'in niatepinls hy tli< inbinationa Must he seen nn^ wi ta, otc, 'Per yard.;.......... ................

FABRICS THR1 goods seetion for the hot Hcanon n

36 Inch Beach Suiting in Plain Colors,

Yard 49cio r ' • •

L a x ^ d e r , go>d- and tho ne\r ihnde t®or of 'Alue'.— An •'cicopUonolly well JC95 made eloth fo r tho money. Yd., iOc ,

Sox arid Sport H< Idren and Grownahow window is displaying. . Stop

resting and you no doubt will mal

*> ~drgandies, Yard 59c 'A ll tho la tea t high colored (Ffg&odiei 1

loal now i a j to c k . Como in before Iho

beat eolora aro aold. Por y a rd l 60e v

E d e p a r ™ANNOUNCEM

^ Jnst a rrjv ^ j)n grey suodequai

slipper.1 ^ 5 5 ^ and widtlis.' T

cArly ........

ovelt>’ patent flapper, made of pa fortable last. Priced unren.'fonnblj

in Efills like onr Bh'oes?' Not said alwut thcm'-because of ihem, they ^ve serrice and t on ttie very newest and np* | S I

I T H I N G S U I 'securing tho ontiro sample line €

ing Mills, makerH of America’s 1 e advantage of "tliis opportutiity a id $9,50 aro ndw $4.95 and $6;25, 35. . ■ ,

T U e O R B A T S R ^

iPARTMENT St ;w i n r A L i ^ , p A i i o

usiiirgiTEiiESto- ' ' ' ' ' '

Oanal Oompany Snperintendent p . , Annonnoes Dates of Water

her ^ DoliverleBfoy

P . P . Ib tca , auperintfjndent o f Bol* tlea mon lilv o r Conal compony, odvisea tha t ’ic f w ater will bo availablo fo r .irrigation ®,’* uso XfonilJiv, May' S2,' on a ll p a rta of

tho p ro jec t exccpt the- Rogenoa and Araatcrdnm diatrieta acrved by the

of “X'' la tera l through wbleb w ater will ith bo avnilabt,’ on.tho T hnnday following. Uld iTho ic a e m lr . .htia been showing a oro tery ,*» ttifoc to ty -r* too^ g ftin thogoogo the sla n a iu g -y c A o n Io r a t-5 7 feot abov^

th e tnnne l f to r -w b t th g lv ts 112,000 acre feo t availablo storage. .

the ■■ --------ire- I f yon r property Is detirablo and 1* nl- advertiso.1 In the e lo u lf U d .! - yon ’U

find y o n r boyor. y

t ■ ........I Qltijaifiod

, a ( t o o l A t S r o g h u ^ l OAtlOh Of. W ANTED TO B E N T ^ ^ P o n iish o d

home, gooil loeaUon, Phono M7.

ao, LOST—a o ld fottntoln p«x Wedaei* 1th* jjt tf m orning; initial! D, K , Beturn

to 307 Sovrn th avo. No., o r call 170.

Jle W A N T B D -T w o e o n Nfl-'l.pototoeA, a lt John B. W hito, 3 H SeeoBd ave. So.

Phone 1027W. ________________

7 mthose high colored silks •ec^mble you may bug r in the rainbow.

12 MM. All Pure Silk Pongee, Yard $1.00

'0 The best poogte available in .tl io^ m a rk e t P o r y o r d ---------— ILOO6

n g

1 S U I T I N G Sthe yard, colore are gold, mus- will be admired. For dressos-,

...... ................ 98c

J U O U TJ now a t hand ^

r 40 Inch Novelty Summer Voiles,

Yard 45c .Wo roceivod somo now p a ttem i in

0 th ll splendid eloth for your nm * "*. mor d ro ss ,'a m o n g tt tbem a blaek

nnd w hito noT ol^ cheek,w hich ii B selling ropldly. P e r 4£o

l o s e f o r t h e -

n - u p st)p a few minutes next time jrou lake a most pleasing-selection,

36 Inch All Pure Lin­en SuitingrYard 98c

1 In row," gold, lavender nnd brown.An a ll puro linen in itin g for. thia price i l Buroly roaionoble, eipoclolly'

e when you oxomlno tho quality.Y o r d _____u-------------------------- OBo -

M f f i j N T;.M B N T O P N E W _A K B lV < U .B

onlngtnigbt’s expresfl the new inrler, paten t v ^ ’p, two-strap , We have these in all ^ iw s - The hard to fit shonld come "

......................................................... $ 8 .0 0

pateiil^MdLJisatbor, light welt bly low ......... ........ $6.75

I T S0 of tho nationally well known ; best-baililng suits for,.men,{ a n d savG - m o n e y . S u i t s t h a t '!5, iui(P the prices' come as low~

Store, Ltd.' P R O d R E S S IV t

- M . I, '


. ; tunna 'galo eonrfdeteS by’ th’o^va* __ tion A i^ at 123 Main So., ail dir.Bat>rp orday,-adT- , } .

lentT , I , _ _ *

Bol- ^ -that J \

' I \ '•a of , / I ■onJ •the \will . ,.r . \ \ Y • i

Es i>,000 \ I ' .

‘d l * \ y J B K I^ n m l oa>u y v / ^ n ^ n y j l W

‘/ / / I fDEERING McCORMICKturn p

L C A SEY -PA R K ER8o- Uasonio Boildin >~ll

T H E O R. I -— - I TODAr. fBIDJT j


« n h o £ H ^ . w

orith tbegmteftcaftof flar pbyt as«nnblw on the scrccnl Inctu

•iiniiEKce vnxw. l l o y d i;•'niWOOREItOQEKIS MADGE Dl miU-Y MARSIlAa CHABlfSM •EU'WJm MOTlNDa VBBNOl •aaOTODECLURE MflHHraB Sury from tieMiArr Pra c< CCffiff

Dut tdb tN cainrnivv

.........Tho One Hnndred Por 'A Pirat Hatior


Speolal Mnaioal Soog;

■ S

Friday and Sail1 pou n d O ldJM aste r/tl S O cco ffee l!::.................

1 pound. A rbuckles.C o ffe e .............. ............No. 2 'G alvan ized T u b .......Iv o ry Soap Flakes, " P e r p a cka g e .................2 cansB ro ken Sliced i^ineapj

R o c h d a ]• '4Free Deliveries Dallyi

C a l l ;

; Eastern CorFrom 'Sw:

W e W ilL C u t T h is F e . . . M o rr

The F ir s t E a s to n 'S te ;■ ( ■ — Pla?eY6,ut

E iiid a y -a n d ^ Ja tu n

" N o. 3 PaiL.„.>...,.-i(5<r. N o. 5 P a il........... 75c

N o. 10 P a il..... $U5.. A lso P u ll L in e M i lk \i

C om Fe C hickens—F ry m g -E A lso Com plete L in e

CENTRAL■ P H O N E 3 1 1 ^1 2 -Q U i

DAY,MAY18,1^ ~»f.'f Wai.kri , i . •Jat- r r -T ~ r r~ . . ;

. . J h th fltelfecmcry.—^ dy..,

_ T h e P n n t f o s e

T i e t s ^ tlfe C r e a ^E a s y ’to :turni;:ea8y

. " to w ash i sk im s clean, tb .the .las tid rop ; M o­to r pow e r and hand

, operated. . F o u r sizes;.

,, The n e j r f ^ p a fte r , good b re e d in i; is good L fe e d in g ./M a k e .; siu:e ■ o f a s u p p ly o f w ^ , n sweet, s k im m ilk fo jr Ip fth e y o u n ^ ^ o k ' I i b ^ ' “T is in g a P r i m r o « c. y C ream S epara to r. ’ I O u r book le t, “ The

Cow, th e M o th e r b f P rosp;e ii;s ,” :is “f r e e ; i :

C INTERNATIONAL P. 4 0 . . .!RIlttPtEMENTCO.I.TW a'Follii, Idato. . ,

i p i p r I W O R T ? I IH T IiD S in iB D ik .


ro m ja iE S * / \JEDEliAMY* i J •esMBiEDmi* / W ' Y K ^ g hJiONTJENT* / M \ W f \DBERUKQUZ* / J m tl ( ' \ibtrMm 'iv u r y ( ^

cuA T srj n c « nvw m c _AaiiivoanDfn^^Mwg

or Oont Perfect Fotoplay ‘ , ional. AttractionWOS OP THE DAY AND “ ' r MAGAZINE '

•; _

^ d a y S p e c i a l s

th a t good 30cI I E I j 5c ■

.L.:. .... . . . 74c

ip p le ......... ....... 55c ,lie S to rely on Grocerles'^d Meats > . '

► r r i - F e d S t e e rIw if t '& C o . . 'Fancy S teer S a tu rd ay ' irn in g ;ite e rC u t. in .T w in .F a lls lu r O rde r .N ow .-

r ( la y L £ « d : S p e c ia ls

C om pound

r No.S'Pail.......'.... 5flc '■c N o . 10’P a il ..... ,:..95c

: V e a l- ^ p r in g L a m b - Fed P o rk-R abbits— F re sh 'F ish oe F a n cy '^^egetables

L M A R K E TU A L IT Y ^ W ;e 'D e liv e r - -