factors inside school


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Page 1: Factors Inside School
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Teachers have higher expectations of Asian children especially girls, as they are seen as well behaved and courteous

In contrast African-Caribbean pupils are seen as trouble makers, to the extent a London Development Agency Education Commission report said the relationship between African-Caribbean students and white teachers was one that shifted between ‘conflict and fear’

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African Caribbean males are more likely to form anti-school subcultures. Stuart Hall research has found African-Caribbean pupils tend to form a ‘culture of resistance’ to school

This resistance takes the shape of refusing to comply with school rules, arguing with teachers etc.

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This is because they say school simply prepares them for low-paid unskilled jobs

This has many echoes with Paul Willis’s work, especially as the African Caribbean boys are consciously turning away from complying as they recognise there are no equal opportunities.

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The Swann Report found only a small number of teachers were overtly racist

But the report did find some teachers preferred to spend additional time supporting white rather than African Caribbean pupils

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Bhatti (1999) found pupils said teachers deliberately ignored or never encouraged children from ethnic minorities; and were more likely to be told-off than their white counter-parts

The above could help create a self-fulfilling prophecy for some ethnic minorities. They are identified as being thick or troublesome, and so they act to the label they’ve been given.

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Another factor for low attainment is the ethnocentric curriculum

The curriculum taught in our schools is said by some to focus on the merits and strengths of the white majority and ignoring the ethnic minority

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For example blacks are portrayed in books as being primitive or subservient

Text books never recognise the history, art or music, effectively the culture of ethnic minorities

Therefore you could say the ‘hidden-curriculum’ in schools in England and Wales is one of white supremacy because it ignores the rich diversity other ethnic groups.

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By C Thompson [email protected]