factorii familiali Și tulburarea de conduitĂ la adolescent

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    Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1 25



    Radiana Marcu


    Tulburrile de conduit afecteaz adolescenii n planul dezvoltrii armonioase a personalitii, familia acestora, mediul colar i mediul social din carefac parte. Pentru a reduce efectele negative ale tulburrilor de conduit, este important s se intervin cel mai trziu n perioada de constituire a lor.Pentru ca intervenia s e ecient este important s nelegem mecanismul psihologic al formrii tulburrilor de conduit. Un model explicativ pe carel propunem are la baz concepia adlerian. Din punctul de vedere al acesteia, dezvoltarea normal i cea anormal depind de modul n care copilul seconfrunt cu sentimentul propriei inferioriti care este specic tuturor oamenilor. Dac factorii familiali i de mediu nu sunt corespunztori pentru odezvoltare armonioas a copilului, sentimentul propriei inferioriti se transform n complexe de inferioritate i de superioritate, care pot avea ca modde exteriorizare comportamente de model agresiv, specice tulburrilor de conduit.Cuvinte cheie: tulburri de conduit, psihologie individual, sentiment de inferioritate, interes social.


    Conduct disorders affect the harmonious development of teenagers personality, their family, school and social environment they belong to. To reduce thenegative effects of conduct disorders, it is important to intervene at latest in the period they are forming. For intervention to be effective, it is importantto understand the psychological mechanism of formation of conduct disorders. An explanatory model that we propose is based on Adlerian psychology.From this point of view, normal and abnormal development depends on the way the child faces the inferiority feeling common to all people. If familyand environmental factors are not adequate for a harmonious child development, the feeling of personal inferiority transforms itself in inferiority andsuperiority complexes, which might externalize through aggressive behaviors specic to conduct disorders.Key words: conduct disorders, individual psychology, inferiority feeling, social interest.

    Clinical Psychologist, psychotherapist - Adlerian psychotherapy and existentialanalysis and speech therapy Radiana Marcu individual psychology office, Arad,Revolution Avenue nr.37.,[email protected]

    Psiholog clinician, psihoterapeut - Psihoterapie adlerian, Analiz existenial iLogoterapie Cabinet Individual de Psihologie Radiana Marcu, Arad, b-dul Re-

    voluiei, [email protected]




    RADIANA MARCU Factorii familiali i tulburarea de conduit la adolescent din perspectiva psihologiei adleriene REFERAT GENERAL

    26 Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1


    n societatea actual ntlnim tot mai frecventtulburri de conduit la adolesceni, cu un impactnegativ, att la nivel personal i familial, ct i la nivel

    social. De-a lungul timpului acestea au fost abordatedin perspectiv biologic, psihologic, medical,social i chiar juridic. ntre acestea se nscriu imecanismele care conform psihologiei adleriene potduce la formarea tulburrii de conduit.

    n DSM IV TR (2003/2000), tulburarea deconduit este descris printr-un pattern persistenti repetitiv de comportament, prin care se ncalcdrepturile fundamentale ale altora i normele sociale.Adolescenii cu tulburare de conduit prezint

    deficite n abilitatea de a iniia, menine i dezvoltainteraciuni sociale eficiente (competena social) i nrecunoaterea, nelegerea i autoreglarea emoional(competena emoional). Aceste comportamentedisfuncionale i pattern-uri emoionale au impactnegativ asupra performanelor academice. Deasemenea, adolescenii respectivi prezint interaciunideficitare cu semenii, respingere sau chiar excluderesocial, ceea ce poate avea efecte adverse pe termenlung asupra funcionrii lor psihologice.

    Adler (1996/1966) subliniaz importana nele-gerii omului ca fiin social. Prima societate a copi-lului, n care acesta se formeaz ca fiin social, estefamilia (Dixon & Strano, 1989). Rezultatele interac-iunii copilului cu mediul familial includ convingeriledespre sine, convingerile despre lume i via, con-

    vingerile etice i patternurile de relaionare. Un rolaparte n motivarea i modelarea comportamentuluicopilului i adolescentului l are sentimentul de infe-rioritate. Fora motivaional pozitiv sau negativ asentimentului de inferioritate este modelat prin in-

    teresul social (Dixon & Strano, 1989). Prin urmare,n funcie de gradul n care s-a dezvoltat sentimentulde comuniune social n copilrie, unii adolesceni vordezvolta comportamente adaptative, n timp ce aliipot ajunge la tulburri de conduit.


    Din perspectiva psihologiei individuale, propusde Alfred Adler, omul este o fiin social, care i

    creeaz un stil de via n funcie de mediul familiali social n care triete, de potenialul pe care l arei de percepia subiectiv a slbiciunilor personale(Adler, 2009/ 1929). Psihicul este format n copilrie,iar patternurile de comportament conturate n aceast

    perioad rmn n mare parte constante la maturitate(Butler-Bowdon, 2007). Din acest motiv, copilria isocializarea primar din aceast perioad a vieii sunteseniale pentru conturarea adultului de mai trziu.

    Sintetiznd concepia lui Adler despre persona-litatea uman, putem spune c tendina natural aomului este tendina spre puterea personal i senti-mentul propriei identiti, la care se adaug adaptareala societate i contribuia la binele general (Adler, 1927).

    Pentru Adler diferena dintre normalitate i

    anormalitate este dat de capacitatea de adaptaresocial a persoanei. n acest scop este esenial interesulsocial vzut ca sentimentul de unitate cu ceilalioameni. Din acest punct de vedere o persoan cu odezvoltare psihic normal, caut succesul ntregiisocietii prin cooperarea cu ceilali, n timp ce opersoan cu o dezvoltare psihic dizarmonic va tindeexclusiv spre superioritatea personal. Interesul socialeste vzut de Adler ca fiind, potenial nrdcinat nfiecare persoan, dar el trebuie dezvoltat pentru acontribui la un stil de via util (Feist i Feist, 2005).Originea acestui sentiment se regsete n relaiamam-copil.

    Dezvoltarea normal i cea anormal depind demodul n care copilul se confrunt cu sentimentulpropriei inferioriti i neputine. nc de la vrstefoarte mici, copilul simte c nu se descurc singuri c trebuie s depind de altcineva pentru a-isatisface cele mai mrunte nevoi. n acelai timp cusentimentul de inferioritate copilului resimte i nevoiade apartenen,de acceptare i de recunoatere.

    Apariia sentimentului de inferioritate nate ncopil scopul de a fi mare, complet i puternic (Adler,1927). Pn atinge vrsta de 4-5 ani puterea creativa copilului, adic abilitatea de a-i contura libercomportamentul i de a-i crea propria personalitate,este dezvoltat ntr-o asemenea msur nct pot s-ifixeze un scop final personalizat (Feist i Feist, 2005).Chiar dac acest scop final nu este contientizatn mare msur, el ghideaz comportamentul iobiectivele persoanei. Ulterior, privind n urm

    obiectivele atinse i realizrile unei persoane, se poateobserva linia de micare spre scopul final.ntr-o lume n care toi ceilali par mai mari i



    REFERAT GENERAL RADIANA MARCU Factorii familiali i tulburarea de conduit la adolescent din perspectiva psihologiei adleriene

    Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1 27

    mai puternici, copilul ncearc s-i dezvolte putereapersonal pe calea cea mai uoar. Dezvoltareacopilului poate s ia, astfel, dou ci: (1) pe de o parteeste imitarea adulilor, a mijloacelor acestora pentru adeveni mai asertivi i mai puternici, (2) pe de alt parte,

    poate s apar manifestarea contient a slbiciunilorpentru a atrage atenia i ajutorul adulilor (Butler-Bowdon, 2007). Pe parcursul dezvoltrii, fiecarecopil caut modul cel mai potrivit de a compensaslbiciunile sale.

    Existena unui sentiment de inferioritate universaleste una dintre asumpiile de baz ale psihologieiadleriene. O alt asumpie se refer la faptul csentimentul de inferioritate, de insecuritate i deinsuficien trebuie depit, ceea ce-l constrnge

    pe individ la fixarea unui el n via i la realizareaacestuia. Aadar sentimentul de inferioritate devineo for motivaional, a crei valen pozitiv saunegativ depinde de ct de dezvoltat este interesulsocial al individului (Dixon & Strano, 1989).

    Dezvoltarea normal. O dezvoltare normalpresupune o compensare fireasc, atingerea unuiconfort ntre sentimentul de inferioritate, nevoiade apartenen i de a avea o semnificaie. n acestcaz copilul nu simte o nevoie exagerat de a ctigaputere n detrimentul celorlali i se poate adaptasocial. Astfel, pentru a depi inferioritatea pe carei-o percepe, copilul gsete diferite mijloace decompensare prin care ajunge s se descurce n situaiilede via i se accept pe sine cu neputinele pe care leare. Curajul, ambiia, voina sunt mijloace prin carecopilul, compenseaz deficienele pe care le are saui le percepe subiectiv, pentru a ajunge s se acceptepe sine, s fie apreciat de ceilali. Avnd susinereafamiliei, adunndu-i forele i mobilizndu-se,copilul i orienteaz direcia ctre dezvoltarea mai

    multor capaciti i valorizarea prin acte utile social.Dezvoltarea anormal. ncercrile psihicului dea elimina sentimentul de inferioritate vor conturantreaga via a persoanei. Uneori, ncercrile copiluluide a compensa sentimentul de inferioritate se vorrealiza n moduri exagerate. Se ajunge astfel, fie lacomplexul de inferioritate fie la cel de superioritate .

    Complexul de inferioritateeste dat de sentimentelede inferioritate exagerate, intensificate, personalizate(Kopp, 1982). Un sentiment de inferioritate exagerat

    al copilului se datoreaz unei discrepane marintre convingerile bazale despre sine (cum sunt ice pot s fac ), i idealul de sine (cum vreau s fiu

    i ce vreau s fac).O astfel de discrepan nu poatefi estompat prin mijloace de compensare obinuite,ceea ce descurajeaz copilul pn la comportamenteinutile sau distructive. Complexul de inferioritatereprezint manifestarea sentimentelor de inferioritate

    i poate s varieze n funcie de circumstane, fiindmai evident doar n anumite arii ale vieii persoanei.Astfel sentimentul de inferioritate exagerat se poateexprima prin trsturi de caracter, gesticulaie, inut,mod de gndire indus sau prin evitarea confruntriicu solicitrile vieii (Adler, 2010/ 1933).

    Nemulumit de propria persoan, simindu-se inferior i incapabil s i ating idealul de sine,percepnd viaa ca ostil, copilul va alege ntre douci de exprimare a complexului de inferioritate. Pe de

    o parte este retragerea copilul va fi ezitant i retrasi va evita pe ct posibil s se confrunte cu situaiilepentru care se simte incapabil. Prin urmare, un modde manifestare a complexului de inferioritate este prinneputin, retragere, izolare, victimizare, de fapt, de aatrage atenia asupra sa. Prin izolare, de exemplu, opersoan nu face pe nimeni s sufere, dar i ine ladistan pe ceilali, refuz s colaboreze, manifestndn acest mod un comportament inutil familiei isocietii.

    Pe de alt parte, sentimentul de inferioritateexagerat poate duce la apariia unor comportamentedisfuncionale (antisociale). Pe baza unei percepiideformate asupra sinelui, a celorlali i asupra lumii,copilul i dezvolt convingerea c lumea e ostili ceilali sunt mpotriva lui. Ei sunt contra tuturori toi sunt contra lor. (Adler, 1996/ 1966, p. 101).Prin intensitatea tririlor i convingerilor, copilul/adolescentul manifest probleme de delimitare fa deceilali: dificulti de apropiere, de a spune nu, abuzuri.

    Complexul de superioritate. Spre deosebire de

    sentimentul de inferioritate, care este general,sentimentul falsei superioriti este caracteristicdoar unor persoane. El reprezint fundamentulcomplexului de superioritate la care se poate ajungepe dou ci.

    Prima cale pornete de la discrepana mare ntreconvingerea de sine i idealul de sine, ceea ce genereaz,mai nti, un sentiment de inferioritate exagerat, carese va exterioriza printr-un complex de inferioritate.Neputnd accepta acest sentiment, i beneficiind

    uneori de un context familial favorizant, ei ajung s seautoamgeasc c sunt superiori celorlali.n scopul dovedirii superioritii lor vor face



    RADIANA MARCU Factorii familiali i tulburarea de conduit la adolescent din perspectiva psihologiei adleriene REFERAT GENERAL

    28 Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1

    Neputnd accepta acest sentiment, i beneficiinduneori de un context familial favorizant, ei ajung s seautoamgeasc c sunt superiori celorlali.

    n scopul dovedirii superioritii lor vor facelucruri care s arate c pot face ceea ce alii nu pot.

    Din ncercrile repetate de a-i dovedi superioritateai a atrage atenia, aceti copii devin egocentrici. Deexemplu, copilul va supracompensa i va depuneeforturi exagerate pentru a-i depi deficienele sau

    va realiza aciuni mree, uluitoare (...) care depesccu mult msura obinuitului, fr a se sinchisi de ceiapropiai, i caut s-i asigure propria poziie (Adler,1996/ 1966, p. 100).

    n aceast situaie de supracompensare, fieprin exacerbarea lui trebuie s fiu vzut i s fiu

    important, fie prin actele sale deosebite, copilulajunge la complexul de superioritate. Astfel, fie printr-un egocentrism exagerat, fie printr-o imagine de sineextrem de pozitiv datorit realizrilor deosebite,copilul ajunge s aib sentimentul i credina ceste superior celorlali. Modaliti de exprimare acomplexului de superioritate pot s fie: impertinena,arogana, mndria, vanitatea, furia, preteniileexagerate, nerbdarea, ostentaia. Atunci cnd

    vanitatea adolescentului depete un anumit grad,devine periculoas, l poate constrnge la demersuriinutile, el pierde contactul cu realitatea, astfel nu mainelege relaiile interumane, se detaeaz total dendatoririle lui pentru coal, societate.

    Cea de a doua cale este cea direct, respectiv ceacare ocolete complexul de inferioritate. De aceastdat n contextul unui sentiment de inferioritategeneral, sub influena modelelor parentale i educaieiprimite, copilul poate avea o percepie de sine exagerat

    de pozitiv, c are o anumit inut care trebuie s-ldisting de ceilali. De exemplu, dac un copil estersfat i prinii i atribuie caliti pe care nu leare sau care sunt reduse i minimalizeaz greelilecopilului, oferindu-i o ncurajare nerealist, acestaajunge s cread c poate s fac lucruri pe care ceilalinu le pot face, i este cu adevrat superior celorlali.Scopul lui va fi de a-i menine superioritatea nraport cu ceilali, indiferent de aciunile prin caredemonstreaz acest lucru.

    Toate aceste rspunsuri la percepia subiectiv asentimentului de inferioritate i superioritate mergn paralel cu nevoia copilului de a avea sentimentulde apartenen, de a i se acorda atenie i de a aveasemnificaie.


    Factorii psihologici patogeni, care in de familiei care prezint un interes special pentru formareatulburrilor de conduit sunt numeroi.

    Figura 1. Dezvoltarea normal i anormal din perspectiva psihologiei individuale



    REFERAT GENERAL RADIANA MARCU Factorii familiali i tulburarea de conduit la adolescent din perspectiva psihologiei adleriene

    Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1 29

    Printre cei mai reprezentativi pot fi amintii:familia psihotraumatogen, educaia neadecvat,carena de interaciune afectiv precoce, separareaprecoce, abandonul, divorul, plasamentul familial,nfierea (Milea, 2006).

    Indiferent de perioada istoric i contextul socio-cultural, regsim acelai rol pe care l au prinii, ianume de a asigura dezvoltarea copiilor astfel ncts devin aduli competeni i responsabili i s fieadaptai social. ndeplinirea cu succes a acestui roldepinde de o multitudine de factori, printre care ceicare in de structura i funcionarea familiei, mediulsocio-cultural, respectiv nevoile de baz i celeparticulare ale fiecrui copil. De exemplu, factorii carein de structurarea i funcionarea familiei includ:

    Tipul familiei monoparental, extins, consensu-al, recompus, cu copil n plasament, cu copil nfi-at, cu un singur copil, cu mai muli copii, cu prinin vrst sau foarte tineri, cu prini cu afeciunifizice sau psihice.

    Poziia psihologic n familie pe care copilul oare n funcie de tipurile familie enumerate mai sus,respectiv n funcie de starea sa de sntate, ordineanaterii, numrul frailor i relaiile dintre ei (cazuriaparte constituind un biat ntre mai multe fete iinvers), rolul atribuit copilului de ctre prini.

    Relaiile din familie tonul emoional, atmosferadin familie, conflictul dintre prini i copii,respectiv dintre ceilali membri ai familiei.

    Particularitile membrilor familiei includem as-pecte ce in de atitudinea parental, capacitatea dea-i asuma rolul de printe, capacitatea de a primi ioferi iubire, de a-i cunoate copilul i a se raportala el adecvat vrstei i potenialului acestuia.

    Valorile familiei valorile promovate n familie,respectarea drepturilor, obligaiilor, meritelor i

    minusurilor membrilor. Un impact negativ asupradezvoltrii copilului o au valorile excesive, valorilecontradictorii ale membrilor familiei i valorilenesatisfctoare. Unele familii promoveaz valorineasumate de acetia, ceea ce creeaz o marecontradicie pentru copil.

    Modelele parentale exemplele personale de asu-mare responsabil a sarcinilor familiale, de munc,comportamentul social, disciplina, demnitatea. Co-pilul poate prelua comportamente antisociale din

    familie, n funcie de modelele pe care i le oferprinii.Bradley i Corwin (2005) au identificat ase

    sarcini reglatorii elementare pe care le au prinii nndeplinirea rolului lor. Primele trei, (1) ntreinerea/sigurana, (2) stimularea informaional i orientareapozitiv spre scopuri i (3) sprijinul n sensul de anelege i rspunde nevoilor emoionale ale copiilor

    i de a-i ghida spre o bun funcionare i adaptare lamediu. Aceste trei roluri deriv din nevoile umane debaz. Urmtoarele trei, (4) structurarea informaiilorn funcie de posibilitile i nevoile copilului, (5)supraveghereamediului i activitilor copilului pentrua-l proteja de unele influene negative i, (6) integrareasocial se adreseaz individualitii i complexitiicopilului. Prinii i ndeplinesc aceste roluri maimult sau mai puin bine. Acest lucru depinde defactorii psihopatogeni ai familiei enumerai mai sus.

    Studiile arat c, competenele sociale ale copiilor,adic abilitatea de a-i forma i menine relaii sociale,sunt corelate cu gradul de responsivitate al prinilor(Bradley i Corwin, 2005).

    De asemenea, tipul de ataament pe care i-lformeaz copilul fa de mam este important ndezvoltarea acestuia, dar efectele negative pot fidepite prin implicarea atent i responsabil aprinilor.

    Rolul prinilor n dezvoltarea interesului social.Pentru Adler, interesul social este un barometru alsntii mentale a persoanei. Prin conceptul deinteres social se nelege un sentiment al comuniuniisociale, adic sentimentul unitii cu ntreaga societate,creia i aparine. Prin aceast prism omul i vede peceilali ca egalii lui i are capacitatea de a le respectaindividualitatea i nevoile lor acionnd att n interespersonal, ct i n interesul celorlali.

    Interesul social i are originea n relaia mam-copil i se dezvolt n primii ani de via sub influenai modelul familiei. Fiecare printe are un rol n

    dezvoltarea interesului social al copilului.Din perspectiva psihologiei individuale, rolulmamei este de a dezvolta o relaie mam-copil, cares faciliteze cooperarea cu ceilali i maturizareainteresului social (Feist i Feist, 2006). Pentru aceasta,mama ar trebui s aib un sentiment de iubire sinceri adnc nrdcinat fa de copilul ei. Este importantca aceast iubire s fie centrat pe binele copilului, inu pe nevoia mamei de a a-i satisface sentimentulde superioritate c-i iubete copilul. Mama va

    facilita dezvoltarea interesului social, dac poates-i gestioneze propriile relaii afective, tiind sprimeasc i druiasc n acelai timp. Dac, ns, este



    RADIANA MARCU Factorii familiali i tulburarea de conduit la adolescent din perspectiva psihologiei adleriene REFERAT GENERAL

    30 Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1

    centrat preponderent pe copil, acesta va fi rsfat.Cnd mama este centrat mai degrab pe partenersau societate n defavoarea copilului, acesta se va simineglijat. n ambele situaii, ea va eua n dezvoltareainteresului social al copilului.

    Tatl, la rndul lui, trebuie s-i gestioneze emoiile,artndu-i afeciunea att fa de copil, ct i fa deceilali. Detaarea emoional i autoritarismul tatluimpiedic dezvoltarea interesului social al copilului.Dac tatl este detaat emoional, copilul se va simineglijat i va dezvolta un ataament parazitar fa demam, scopul lui devenind superioritatea personal.Dac tatl este autoritar i copilul l percepe tiranic,acesta va nva s tind spre puterea personal, fr aine cont de ceilali.

    Pentru o dezvoltare armonioas a copilului esteimportant familia complet i funcional. n cazulfamiliilor monoparentale, reconstituite, separate,consensuale, cu prini plecai la munc n strintate,copilului i lipsesc att unele modele, ct i condiiilepentru a-i contura armonios propria personalitate ide a depi sentimentul de inferioritate general.


    Tulburrile de conduit afecteaz adolescenii nplanul dezvoltrii armonioase a personalitii, familiaacestora, mediul colar i mediul social din care facparte. Din punctul de vedere al adolescenilor caremanifest tulburri de conduit, se poate ajunge la ofixare a acestor patternuri de comportament antisociali la dezvoltarea unei tulburri de personalitate.

    Familia este afectat prin prisma relaionrii

    defectuoase cu adolescentul, precum i cea aconsecinelor atitudinilor i comportamenteloracestuia. Un model comportamental deviant poateafecta, de asemenea, anturajul colar. Efectul asuprasocietii se resimte att imediat, prin victimelecomportamentelor deviante, ct i pe termen lungprin promovarea unor modele i valori negative,respectiv reducerea solidaritii sociale.

    Pentru a reduce efectele negative ale tulburrilorde conduit, este important s se intervin cel mai

    trziu n perioada de constituire a lor. Intervenia seadreseaz n primul rnd familiei, care am vzut care un rol esenial att n dezvoltarea personalitii

    adolescentului, precum i n profilaxia primar isecundar a tulburrilor de conduit.

    Pentru ca intervenia s fie eficient este importantca terapeutul s neleag mecanismul formriitulburrilor de conduit. Un model explicativ pe

    care l propunem are la baz perspectiva psihologieiindividuale asupra dezvoltrii anormale a vieiipsihice. Vom prezenta modul n care tulburrile deconduit se formeaz pornind de la sentimentul deinferioritate, sub influena factorilor de risc familialii a unui interes social redus.

    Sentimentul de inferioritate general poate generao linie de micare pozitiv sau negativ n funcie depercepia subiectiv asupra capacitii copilului de ase descurca singur i gradul de dezvoltare a interesului

    social. O importan deosebit n direcia pozitiv saunegativ pe care o ia dezvoltarea psihic a copilului oare educabilitatea acestuia i modalitile de educaieoferite de prini. Educabilitatea copilului depinde,pe de o parte de gradul i intensitatea sentimentuluide inferioritate, iar pe de alt parte de scopul final pecare i-l formeaz. Pot s apar o serie de dificultin disponibilitatea spre educare a copilului care sedatoreaz faptului c sunt devalorizai, dezavantajaide natur i adesea sunt umilii de ceilali, uneoripe nedrept. n astfel de cazuri pot aprea dezvoltridefectuoase.

    Pe de alt parte, pot aprea complicaii n educareacopilului datorit unor atitudini i aciuni aleprinilor: cerine exagerate, exprimarea nemulumiriiprinilor fa de potenialul copilului i a imaturitiiacestuia, neluarea n serios, tratarea copilului ca o

    jucrie, ridiculizarea, batjocura, privirea copilului caun bun ce trebuie pstrat sau dimpotriv, ca o povar,rceala afectiv, iritare, autoritate exagerat. Acetiasunt doar o parte din multitudinea factorilor familiali

    cu rol psihopatogen pentru dezvoltarea copilului. Eise pot ntlni, de cele mai multe ori, n asociere, ceeace agraveaz situaia.

    Pe fondul factorilor familiali cu rol psihopatogeni a unei educabiliti reduse, sentimentul deinferioritate general poate duce la dezvoltarea unortulburri de conduit, pe de o parte prin intermediulsentimentului de inferioritate exagerat, iar pe de altparte prin intermediul sentimentului superioritiifictive.

    Un sentiment de inferioritate exagerat poate sduc la manifestarea complexului de inferioritate ndou moduri: (1) retragerea din faa dificultilor prin



    REFERAT GENERAL RADIANA MARCU Factorii familiali i tulburarea de conduit la adolescent din perspectiva psihologiei adleriene

    Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1 31

    victimizare, neputin, izolri ostile, comportamentnevrotic, respectiv (2) reacii de natur agresiv,comportamente disfuncionale, antisociale (Figura 2).Manifestarea complexului de inferioritate printulburri de conduit ia forma unor comportamente

    antisociale: minciuna, furtul i actele agresive princare copilul/ adolescentul dorete s se fac valorizat.La baza acestor comportamente stau convingerile cel este inferior i nu are fora necesar s-i depeascslbiciunile i s se implice responsabil n sarcinilepe care le are. Astfel, se las atras cu uurin sprecomportamente problematice n grupuri, de obiceiinfracionale, unde simte c este vzut i c aparine.Ceilali oameni sunt vzui ca fiind, mpotrivasa.Un sentiment de inferioritate exagerat nu duce

    neaprat la comportamente neadecvate i antisociale.n condiiile n care familia i asigur copiluluiun climat emoional optim, adic i ofer atenie,implicare, valorizare, ncurajare, acesta nu va maiavea nevoie s supracompenseze prin comportamentesau aciuni exagerate discrepana resimit.

    Pe de alt parte, dac copilul are un interes socialridicat, chiar dac are un sentiment de inferioritateexagerat, comportamentul lui poate fi ndrumat spreceva util societii.

    i prin sentimentul superioritii personale icomplexul superioritii se poate dezvolta o tulburarede conduit. Astfel, dac copilul i creeaz o imagine

    de sine fals pozitiv, va lupta s o menin i s oimpun celorlali. Toate aciunile lui sunt ndreptatespre demonstrarea superioritii, funcionnd dup o

    logic personal.De exemplu, adolescentul crede c prin infraciuni

    i demonstreaz superioritatea fa de autoriti ic este n stare s-i nving pe ceilali. De exempluadolescentul crede c prin infraciuni i demonstreaz

    superioritatea fa de autoriti i c este n stare s-inving pe ceilali.Lipsa de interes social a adolescenilor cu tulburare

    de conduit face ca toate activitile lor s fieduntoare social, datorit faptului c sunt lai, lipsiide curaj, fr a fi contieni de acest lucru. Ei evit toatesarcinile obinuite ale vieii (obligaii legate de coal,familie, societate). Acest lucru face s fie inadaptaisocial. Ei funcioneaz dup un tipar psihotic, n careconteaz doar logica personal, nu i ceilali oameni.

    Dac manifestarea complexului de inferioritate faceca retragerea din sarcinile vieii s fie parial pentruc nu se simt n stare s le realizeze, n complexul desuperioritate, adolescenii le evit total pentru c nuau nici un interes s funcioneze ca ceilali.

    ntre copiii i adolesceni care dezvolt un stil devia dizarmonic, bazat pe complexul de inferioritatesau cel de superioritate, Adler identific trei tipologiin funcie de latura vieii psihice mai clar conturat:(1) centrai pe gndire, (2) centrai pe emoii i (3)centrai pe aciune. Predominant acetia din urm

    vor ajunge la acte antisociale, dup prerea lui Adler

    (2010/ 1933).Educaia primit din partea prinilor poatejuca un rol esenial, att n dezvoltarea, favorizarea

    Figura 2.Mecanismul formrii tulburrilor de conduit pornind de la sentimentul deinferioritate general



    RADIANA MARCU Factorii familiali i tulburarea de conduit la adolescent din perspectiva psihologiei adleriene REFERAT GENERAL

    32 Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia Martie 2013 vol. 16 nr. 1

    i meninerea tulburrii de conduit, precum ipentru intervenia primar i secundar. Existmai multe forme de educaie neadecvat, dintrecare vom prezenta cteva, care sunt importantepentru nelegerea tulburrilor de conduit: educaia

    hipoprotectiv, educaia hiperprotectiv i tipulcontradictor de educaie (Milea, 2006).Educaia hipoprotectiv poate s ia mai multe

    forme: (1) neglijarea copilului i lipsa asigurriicondiiilor materiale, emoionale, informaionale isociale necesare dezvoltrii, respectiv lipsa acordriiateniei necesare copilului i a timpului petrecut cuel, (2) exigenele nerealiste ale prinilor, care punpresiuni extreme asupra copilului, refuznd s-laccepte aa cum este sau (3) minimalizarea i negarea

    valorii copilului. n toate aceste situaii copilul se vasimi neadecvat i este foarte probabil s dezvolte unsentiment de inferioritate exagerat.

    Educaia hiperprotectoarepoate s fie permisiv(rsf) sau autoritar. n cazul educaiei hiperprotec-toare permisive copilul este rsfat n mod exagerat,este ludat fr justificare, i sunt minimalizate gree-lile i nu este lsat s-i ndeplineasc atribuiile, fiindobinuit ca altcineva s fac totul

    Acest copil va dezvolta un fals sentiment al proprieisuperioriti. O educaie hiperprotectiv autoritarpresupune o educaie perfecionist, cu manifestri denencredere a prinilor n capacitile copilului i ostrict supraveghere a tot ceea ce face copilul. Aceastform de educaie poate s duc fie la dezvoltarea unuisentiment de inferioritate exagerat i fixarea acestuiantr-un complex de inferioritate, fie la trecereasentimentului de inferioritate ntr-un sentiment alsuperioritii printr-un efort de supracompensarepentru a face fa exigenelor prinilor.

    Educaia contradictorie/ inconsecvent este

    ntlnit de obicei n situaiile n care exist stiluridiferite sau conflicte ntre membri familiei, sau atuncicnd copilul beneficiaz n timp de ngrijirea maimultor persoane. n ambele situaii copilul este derutatde stilurile educaionale, valorile i atitudinile diferitecare sunt promovate. De asemenea, relaia printe-copil sau copil-ngrijitor este deficitar. Sentimentulde inferioritate exagerat la care poate s ajung uncopil confruntat cu o educaie inconsecvent se poatefixa ntr-un complex de inferioritate sau poate duce la

    dezvoltarea unui fals sentiment de superioritate, carela rndul su se va manifesta printr-un complex desuperioritate.

    Sub influena factorilor familiali de risc i a uneieducaii neadecvate, a unor convingeri greite despresine, ceilali i lume, a unor convingeri etice eronate,precum i a unui interes social redus, sentimentulde inferioritate general se poate dezvolta ntr-un

    sentiment de inferioritate exagerat sau ntr-unsentiment fals al propriei superioriti, dup cumeste ilustrat n figura 2. Tot sub influena aceloraifactori, sentimentul de inferioritate exagerat,respectiv sentimentul falsei superioriti, pot duce laexteriorizarea prin comportamente disfuncionale,corespunztoare tulburrilor de conduit.


    Este important de menionat c nu toi copiiicare dezvolt sentimente de inferioritate exageratesau sentimentul propriei superioriti vor ajungela tulburri de conduit. Exist o serie de factoriprotectivi care pot fi utilizai pentru prevenireaapariiei tulburrilor de conduit sau pentru ointervenie eficient.

    Dup cum subliniaz Adler i ali autori dinpsihologia individual, interesul social crescut este unfactor adaptativ pentru integrarea social i realizareaunor comportamente utile social. Studiile dindomeniu arat c niveluri reduse ale interesului socialsunt relaionate cu comportamentul criminal (Feist iFeist, 2005). De asemenea, n cazul contravenienilorcu un interes social moderat acetia pot s beneficiezede diferite forme de psihoterapie.

    Educaia oferit de prini, pe lng faptul cpoate s duc la dezvoltarea interesului social, esteimportant pentru dezvoltarea armonioas a copiilor.Dup cum am vzut, o educaie neadecvat favorizeazo dezvoltare dizarmonic a copiilor. Prin urmare

    este important ca prinii i familia s fie ajutais neleag mecanismul psihologic al dezvoltriinormale/anormale a copilului, erorile fcute, attn scopul reducerii factorilor de risc familiali, ct ipentru a ti cum s dezvolte la copii sentimentul decomuniune social. Modelul propus de noi mai susofer o explicaie a mecanismului de constituire atulburrii de conduit din perspectiva psihologieiadleriene. Alte modele teoretice pot s ofere alteexplicaii i ci de intervenie.

    Constatm c familia poate s constituie, pe deo parte un risc pentru dezvoltarea tulburrilor deconduit, i pe de alt parte un sprijin n dezvoltarea



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    armonioas a adolescenilor, respectiv n profilaxiasau recuperarea comportamentelor disfuncionale. Pelng importana pe care o are familia n profilaxiatulburrilor de conduit, este necesar s lum n

    considerare influene mult mai vaste la nivel social,cultural, educativ (Milea, 2009). Msurile profilacticen aceste cazuri considerm c trebuie s se axeze peeducarea interesului social.

    ** *


    In current society adolescent conduct disorders aremore and more frequent, with a negative impact ata personal, family and social level. In time, conductdisorders were analyzed from different perspectives:

    biological, psychological, medical, social and evenlegal. We can include here the mechanisms that,according to Adlerian psychology, could lead to theformation of conduct disorders.

    In DSM IV TR (2003/2000), conduct disorderis described as a persistent and repetitive pattern ofbehavior, through which other people's fundamentalrights and social norms are violated.Adolescents

    with conduct disorders have deficits in the abilityto initiate, maintain and develop effective social

    interaction (social competence) and in recognizing,understanding and emotional self-regulation(emotional competence). These dysfunctionalbehaviors and emotional patterns have a negativelyimpact in the academic performance. Also, theseteenagers have poor interactions with peers andrejection or social exclusion, which may have adverselong term effects on their psychological functioning.

    Adler (1996/1966) emphasizes the importanceof understanding humans a social being. The family

    represents the first community where the child isformed as a social being (Dixon & Strano, 1989). Theresult of childs interactions with the family environmentinclude beliefs about the himself; beliefs about the worldand life; ethic beliefs and relational patterns. A distinctrole in motivating and modeling the childs behavior isattributed to the feeling of inferiority. The positive ornegative motivational force of the feeling of inferiorityis modeled by social interest (Dixon & Strano, 1989).

    Therefore, depending on the degree to wich the feeling of

    social communion has been developed during childhood,some teenagers will develop adaptive behaviors, whileothers will get to conduct disorders.


    In tems of individual psychology, proposed byAlfred Adler, the man is a social being, who createsa lifestyle based on family and social environmentin which he lives, on his potentialities, and on thesubjective perspective of personal weaknesses (Adler,2009/ 1929). The psyche is formed in childhood, andthe behavioral patterns outlined during this timeremain largely constant at maturity (Butler-Bowdon,2007). This is the reason why childhood and primarysocialization during this time frame of life are essential

    for shaping the later adult.Summarizing Adlers conception of humanpersonality, we could say that the natural tendency ofman is striving for personal power and the feeling ofpersonal identity, in addition to adapting to societyand contributing to the general welfare (Adler, 1927).

    For Adler, the difference between normalityand abnormality is determined by a persons socialadaptability. For this purpose, social interest seen asthe feeling of unity with others is essential. From

    this point of view, a person with a normal mentaldevelopment seeks the success of the entire societythrough cooperation with others, while a person

    with a disharmonic mental development will striveexclusively toward personal superiority. Social interestis by Adler as being potentially rooted in every person,but it must be developed in order to contribute to auseful lifestyle (Feist i Feist, 2005). The origin of thisfeeling can be found in the mother-child relationship.

    Normal and abnormal development depend on

    the way the child is confronted with the feeling ofpersonal inferiority and his weakness. Since veryyoung, the child feels that he cannot manage by



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    himself and that he needs to depend on someone elseto satisfy the most basic needs. At the same time withthe inferiority feeling, the child also feels the need tobelong, to be accepted and to be recognized.

    The appearance of the inferiority feeling in

    childhood, gives rise to the goal of being big,complete and powerful (Adler, 1927). By the age of4-5 years, the creative power of the child, meaningthe ability to freely shape his own behavior andpersonality, is developed enough for the child to seta personalized final goal (Feist i Feist, 2005). Eventhough this final goal is not largely acknowledged,it still guides one persons behavior and objectives.Later, retrospectively analyzing the achievements ofa person, the movement line towards the final goal

    can be observed.In a world where everyone else seems to bebigger and stronger, the child tries to developpersonal power, the easiest way. Therefore, the childsdevelopment can take two paths: (1) on the one handis imitating adults and their ways of becoming moreassertive and powerful, (2) on the other way, consciousmanifestation of weaknesses might appear, in orderto get the adults attention and help (Butler-Bowdon,2007). During development, each child searches thebest way to compensate for its weaknesses.

    The existence of a universal feeling of inferiority isone of the basic assumptions of Adlerian psychology.Another assumption refers to the fact that the feelingof inferiority, insecurity and insufficiency needs tobe overpass, which it constrains the individual toset a life goal and to try to achieve it. Therefore, thefeeling of inferiority becomes a motivational force,

    whose positive or negative valence depends on thedevelopment of the individuals social interest (Dixon& Strano, 1989).

    Normal development. A normal developmentinvolves a natural compensation, the achievement of acomfortable balance between the feeling of inferiority,the need to belong and the need to be significant. Inthis case, the child does not feel the exaggerated needto gain power at the expense of others and can adaptsocially. Thus, to overcome the perceived inferiority,the child finds various ways to compensate in orderto handle life situations and to accepts himself andhis weaknesses. Courage, ambition, willpower are

    ways the child uses to compensate for the deficiencieshe has or he subjectively perceives to get to accepthimself, to be appreciated by others. Being supported

    by the family, gathering and mobilizing his forces,the child orients himself towards the developmentof more skills and the valorization through sociallyuseful activities.

    Abnormal development. The attempts of the

    psyche to eliminate the feeling of inferiority willshape the entire life of a person. Sometimes, the childsattempts to compensate the feeling of inferiority willtake place in exaggerated ways. Thus, one can get toan inferiority or superiority complex.

    The complex of inferiorityis given by the exaggeratedfeeling of inferiority, which are intensified andpersonalized (Kopp, 1982). A childs feeling ofinferiority is due to a large discrepancy betweenfundamental beliefs about themselves (how am I, and

    what can I do) and the ideal self (how I want to be,and what I want to do). Such a discrepancy cannotbe dimmed by usual means of compensation, whichdiscourages the child until he gets to unnecessaryor destructive behaviors. The complex of inferiorityrepresents the manifestation of the feelings ofinferiority, and may vary depending on circumstances,being evident only in certain areas of a persons life. Theexaggerated feeling of inferiority might be expressedby character traits, gestures, posture, thinking styleor avoiding confrontations with the demands of life(Adler, 2010/ 1933).

    Dissatisfied with his person, feeling inferior andunable to reach the ideal self, perceiving life as hostile,the child will choose between two ways of expressingthe complex of inferiority. On the one hand, there iswithdrawn the child will be hesitant and withdrawn,avoiding as much as possible to be confronted withthe situations he feels incapable with. Therefore,one way of manifesting the complex of inferiority ishelplessness, withdrawal, isolation, victimization, in

    fact, means to draw attention to him. For example,through isolation, a person does not hurt anybody,but she keeps others away, refusing to cooperate, thusmanifesting a useless behavior for family and society.

    On the other hand, the exaggerated feelingof inferiority can lead to dysfunctional behaviors(antisocial). Based on distorted perceptions of theself, others, and the world, the child develops theconviction that the world is hostile and the others areagainst him. They are against everyone and everyone

    is against them (Adler, 1996/ 1966, p. 101). Throughthe intensity of his feelings and beliefs, the child/adolescent shows boundary problems: difficulties in



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    getting close to people, to say no, or abuses.The complex of superiority. Unlike the feeling

    of inferiority, which is general, the feeling of falsesuperiority is characteristic only to certain people.

    Figure 1.Normal and abnormal developmentfrom the perspective of individual psychology

    This represents the foundation of the complex ofsuperiority that can be reached in two ways.

    The first way is based on the gap between thebeliefs about the self and the ideal self, which generatesat first an exaggerated feeling of inferiority,externalized later by a complex of inferiority. Beingunable to accept this feeling, and sometimes having afavorable family context, these people get to deceivethemselves as being superior to others.In order to prove their superiority, they will do thingsthrough which to show they can do what otherscannot. Through repeated attempts to prove theirsuperiority and to draw attention, these childrenbecome egocentric. For example, the child will over-

    compensate and will make exaggerated efforts toovercome his deficiencies or he will do amazing,great actions, that go way beyond the usual measure,

    without caring for the close ones, searching to ensuretheir own position (Adler, 1996/ 1966, p. 100).

    In this case of overcompensation, either by theexacerbated I have to be seen and to be importantor by his special acts, the child gets to the complexof superiority. Thus, either by an exaggeratedegocentrism, or by en extremely positive self image

    due to special achievements, the child gets to have thefeeling and the belief that he is superior to oters. Waysof expressing the feeling of superiority might

    include: impertinence, arrogance, pride, vanity, an-ger, exaggerated claims, impatience, and ostentation.

    When the adolescents vanity exceeds a certain level,it becomes dangerous; it might constrain him to use-less measures, loose the contact with reality, and thusto cannot understand human relationships, becomingtotally detached by his duties concerning school andsociety.

    The second way is the direct one, meaning it is theone avoiding the complex of inferiority. This time, inthe context of a general feeling of inferiority, underthe influence of parental models and of receivededucation, the child might have an overly positiveself-perception regarding a certain position that

    should distinguish him form others. For example, if achild is spoiled and his parents confer him qualities hedoes not have and they minimize the childs mistakesby unrealistic encouragements, the later comes tobelieve he can do things others cannot, and he reallyis superior to others. His goal will be to maintain thesuperiority over other, regardless the actions requiredto do this.

    All these answers to the subjective perception ofthe feeling of inferiority and superiority go in parallel

    with the childs need to feel he belong, has othersattention and is significant.





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    of the child, and not on mothers need to satisfy hersuperiority feeling of loving her child. The mother

    will facilitate the development of social interest if shecan manage her own emotional relationships, beingable to receive and give love at the same time. If she

    is mostly focused on the child, he will be spoiled.When the mother is rather focused on the partner orsociety in the detriment of the child, the later will feelneglected. In both situations, she will fail to developthe childs social interest.

    The father, in his turn, needs to manage hisemotions by showing his affection to the childas well as to others. The emotional detachmentand authoritarianism of the father prevents thedevelopment of the social interest of the child. If

    the father is emotionally detached, the child will feelneglected and he will develop a parasitic attachmentto the mother, his goal becoming the personalsuperiority. In the father is authoritarian and the childperceives him tyrannical, he will learn to strive forpersonal power, without considering others.

    The complete and functional family is importantfor a harmonious development of the child. In thecase of other types of family, with single parents,reconstituted, separated, consensual, with parents

    working abroad, the child misses both, the modelsand the conditions for harmoniously shaping hispersonality and to overcome the feeling of inferiority.


    Conduct disorders affect the harmoniousdevelopment of teenagers personality, their family,

    school and social environment they belong to. Fromthe point of view of the adolescents who experienceconduct disorders, they can get to strengtheningantisocial behavioral patterns and to the developmentof a personality disorder.

    The family is affected by poor relationships withthe teenager, as well as through the consequencesof his attitudes and behaviors. A deviant behavioralmodel can also affect the school environment. Theeffect on society is immediately felt both by the victims

    of deviant behaviors, and through the promotion ofnegative models and values and diminished socialsolidarity in long term.

    To reduce the negative effect of conduct disorder,it is important to intervene at the latest during theirformation. The intervention is primarily addressed tothe family, which we saw that plays as essential rolein the development of the adolescents personality, as

    well as in the primary and secondary prevention ofconduct disorders.In order for the intervention to be efficient, it

    is important for the therapist to understand theformation mechanism of conduct disorders. Anexplanatory model we propose is based on theperspective of individual psychology of normalhuman psychological development. We will show howconduct disorders are formed based on the feeling ofinferiority, under the influence of family risk factors

    and a reduced social interest.The general feeling of inferiority can generate apositive or negative movement line, depending on thesubjective perception of the childs capacity to handlehimself and the development of social interest. Ofparticular importance in the positive or negative childdevelopment is the degree the child can be educatedand the education modalities offered by the parents.How much the child can be educated depends on theone hand on the intensity of the feeling of inferiority,and on the other hand on the final goal set by thechild.

    It may appear a number of difficulties concerningthe availability of the children to be educated due to thefact that they are devalued, disadvantaged by nature,and often they are unjustly humiliated by others. Insuch cases it might appear a faulty development.

    On the other hand, there might be complicationsin the childs education because of parents attitudesand actions: exaggerated claims, expressing discontentconcerning the child potential and his immaturity,

    failure to take the child seriously, treating the childlike a toy, ridicule, mockery, regarding the child asa good that has to be kept or, contrary, as a burden,emotional coldness, irritation, exaggerated authority.

    These are just some of the multitude of family factorswith a pathogen role in child development. Mostoften, they can be met together, which aggravates thesituation.

    On the background of family pathogen factorsand a reduce availability to be educated, the general

    feeling of inferiority can lead to the developmentof conduct disorders, on the one hand through theexaggerated feeling of inferiority, and on the other



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    hand through the feeling of false superiority.Un exaggerated feeling of inferiority can lead to

    the manifestation of the complex of inferiority intwo ways: (1) the withdrawal in face of difficulty, by

    victimization, helplessness, hostile isolation, neurotic

    behavior, or (2) aggressive reactions, dysfunctionaland antisocial behaviors (Figure 2).The manifestation of the complex of inferiority

    through conduct disorders can take the shape ofantisocial behaviors: lying, stealing, aggressive actsthrough which the child/ adolescent wish to be

    valorized. Underlying these behaviors are the beliefsthat he is inferior and he has not the necessary strengthto overcome his weaknesses and to responsiblyinvolve himself in his tasks. Thus, he allows to be

    easily attracted to problematic behaviors, usually inthe context of criminal groups, where he is seen andhe feels he belongs to. Other people are seen as beingagainst him.

    An exaggerated feeling of inferiority doesnot necessarily lead to inadequate and antisocialbehaviors. If the family ensures the child an adequateemotional climate, meaning it offers him attention,involvement, valorization, encouragement, he will notneed to overcompensate the felt discrepancy throughexaggerated behaviors or actions. On the other hand,if the child has an elevated social interest, even if hehas an exaggerated feeling of inferiority, his behavior

    will be directed toward something useful for thesociety.

    A conduct disorder can also be formed by thefeeling of personal superiority. Thus, if the child createsa false positive self-image, he will fight to maintainit and to impose it to others. All his actions will bedirected toward proving his superiority, functioningaccording to a personal logic. For example, the

    adolescent beliefs that through criminal actions hecan prove he is superior to the authorities and he iscapable to defeat others.

    The lack of social interest of the adolescents withconduct disorder makes all their social activities to besocially harmful, because they are cowards, lackingcourage, without being aware of it. They avoidall the usual life tasks (school obligations, family,and society). This makes them social misfits. Theyfunction after a psychotic pattern, where only personal

    logic is important, and not the other people. If themanifestation of the complex of inferiority makesthe withdrawal from life tasks to be partial because

    they cannot accomplish them, the teenagers with thecomplex of superiority totally avoid them becausethey are not interested to function like others.

    In the case of children and adolescents withdisharmonic life style, based on the complex of

    inferiority or superiority, Adler identifies three typesbased on more prone psychic aspect: (1) focused onthinking, (2) focused on emotions, and (3) focused onaction. Mostly, the later ones will get to antisocial acts,on Adlers opinion (Adler, 2010/ 1933).

    The education received from parents can playan essential role both in developing, promoting andmaintaining the conduct disorder, as well as forprimary and secondary intervention. There are severalforms of inadequate education, even though we will

    only present some of them, which are importantfor the understanding of conduct disorder: hypo-protective education, hyper-protective education, andcontradictory education (Milea, 2006).

    Hypo-protective education can take many forms:(1) child neglect and lack of ensuring material,emotional, informational and social conditionsnecessary for the childs development, and also thelack of necessary attention and time spent with thechild, (2) unrealistic demands of parents, that putextreme pressure on child by refusing to accept himas he is, or (3) minimizing and neglecting the valueof the child.

    In all these cases, the child will feel inadequate andmight develop an exaggerated feeling of inferiority.

    Hyper-protective education might be permissive(spoil) or authoritarian. In the case of permissivehyper-protective education, the child is exaggeratedlyspoiled, praised without justification, his mistakesare minimized, and he is not allowed to perform hisduties, being used with the fact that someone else will

    do everything instead. This child will develop a falsefeeling of personal superiority. An authoritarian hyper-protective education implies a perfectionist education,

    with parents mistrusting the childs abilities and a strictsupervision of everything the child does. This type ofeducation can lead to the development of an exaggeratedfeeling of inferiority and further, either to his fixation ina complex of inferiority, or his transformation in a feelingof superiority in an effort to overcompensate in order tomeet the parents demands.Contradictory/ inconsistent

    education is usually met in the cases where there arevarious styles or conflicts between family members,or when the child is cared for by numerous persons.



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    In both situations the child is confused by differ-ent educational styles, values and attitudes that are pro-moted. Also, the parent-child or child-caregiver is poor.

    The exaggerated feeling of inferiority a child can get towhen confronted with inconsequent education can befixed in a complex of inferiority or can lead to a falsefeeling of superiority, which in their turn will be mani-fested through a complex of superiority.

    Under the influence of family risk factors, inadequateeducation, some wrong beliefs about the self, others andthe world, of erroneous ethical beliefs, as well as a re-duced social interest, the general feeling of inferioritycan be developed in an exaggerated feeling of inferiorityor in a false feeling of superiority, as illustrated in figure2. Under the influence of the same factors, the feeling ofinferiority or the feeling offalse superiority can lead to the a manifestation in theform of dysfunctional behaviors, specific for conduct


    It is important to specify, that not all children withexaggerated feelings of inferiority or with the feelingof personal superiority will reach conduct disorder.

    There are several protective factors that can be used forthe prevention of conduct disorder or for an efficientintervention.As Adler and other authors from

    within the field of individual psychology emphasize,increased social interest is an adaptive factor for socialintegration and socially useful behaviors. Some studies

    show that reduced levels of social interest are relatedwith criminal behavior (Feist i Feist, 2005). Also, inthe case of offenders with moderated social interest,they can benefit from various forms of psychotherapy.

    The education offered by the parents, besides thatit can lead to the development of social interest, itis also important for the harmonious development ofchildren. As we have seen, an inadequate education

    favors a disharmonic development of children. Thus,it is important that parents and family are helped tounderstand the psychological mechanism of normal/abnormal development of the child, errors that havebeen made, both to reduce risk factors and to knowhow to develop in children the feeling of socialcommunion. The model we proposed above offersan explanation of the mechanism of the formationof conduct disorder from the perspective of Adlerianpsychology. Other models can offer other explanations

    and different interventions.We realize that the family can be, on the onehand, a risk factor for developing conduct disorders,and on the other hand, a support for the harmoniousdevelopment of adolescents, and also in the preventionand recovery of dysfunctional behaviors. In additionof the importance of family for preventing conductdisorders, it is necessary to consider much broaderinfluences at social, cultural and educational level(Milea, 2009). We consider that prophylactic measuresin such cases should focus on the education of social


    Figure 2. Te formation mechanism of conduct disorder based on the general feeling of inferiority



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