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Fact Book 2007คำอธิบายFact Book 2007


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ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

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6ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

สรุปเหตุการณสำคัญในรอบป 2550 Major developments in 2007



• January 8: Market for Alternative Investment (mai) launched a comprehensive information center on mai-listed companies via its website, www.mai.or.th. The information center supports investor relations and helps investors acquire information to make effective decisions. All its services are free of charge.


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• March 16: Thailand Securities Institute (TSI) and The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) established the Thai Financial Planner Club. Fifteen institutes, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), commercial banks, securities companies, asset management firms and insurance companies, support the new club. The club was founded to promote financial planning as a profession, including career advancement, training to meet international standards, and fostering of demand for financial planning services. On September 26, this new club was registered as the Thai Financial Planners Association (TFPA). On November 8, the Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB), the owner of the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) license, offered TFPA associate membership. The new association has contracted TSI to produce six courses to train and produce financial planners. The first module was launched in January 2007. TSI plans to launch the second module in March 2008.

• March 19: To reduce duplication between SET and SEC, the exchange amended regulations affecting listed companies’ audit committees in regard to the independence of auditors and a firm’s internal audit, transactions which might involve conflicts of interest and information disclosure. These changes enhance the performance of audit committees by clarifying their roles and responsibilities and bringing them more into line with international standards.

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• March 21: The Exchange established the SET Research Institute to analyze economic events and policies affecting capital markets. This brings the Thai capital market into line with international standards in regard to research and analysis and, by providing reliable information, benefits investors and people interested in the market.


• April 1: SET launched the Automated Transfer System (ATS) to enable retail investors using cash accounts to automatically and conveniently pay for securities or receive cash from trades through their bank accounts. ATS eliminates the costs involved in check issuance and commuting to banks, incurs no additional cost to investors and makes clearing and settlement more efficient.


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• May 8: TSD introduced a new fund registration system called FAST (Fund Administrative System @ TSD). This new system will replace the existing one in 2008. FAST will support the needs of customers and can deal with more complicated types of funds. It is also easier to use and more cost-effective. TSD expects to launch this service in June 2008.

• May 23: SET participated in the “CLSA Corporate Access Forum” in Singapore. Appearing on the ASEAN and Vietnam exchanges panel, SET executives discussed developments in the Thai market, particularly the continuing support for improvements in corporate governance. On May 27 – June 3, SET together with its 12 leading listed companies joined the “Thailand Corporate Roadshow 2007” in Singapore, London, and New York. SET executives provided information on Thailand’s economic conditions and investment situation as well as the latest on developments of the domestic capital market so that institutional investors would be up-to-date on the Thai stock market’s objectives and direction. SET wanted all types of investors to know about the Thai economy’s strong fundamentals and about the exchange’s robust operating system that accommodates all transactions in the capital market and offers a wide range of financial products.

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• June 1: Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd. (TSD) announced plans to develop the securities borrowing and lending (SBL) business. TSD will develop a system that will serve both local and overseas clients by being connected to other related systems.The system will facilitate broker-investor transactions and help reduce costs of brokers since they will not have to develop the system themselves. As SBL transactions gain acceptance from investors as a portfolio and liquidity management tool, liquidity in the Thai market will increase. TSD expects to launch the SBL system in April 2008. Currently, TSD acts as a lender of last resort for securities settlement to reduce possible default risks, and is encouraging institutions to participate in the SBL market as securities lenders. TSD has been an intermediary providing an SBL system for securities depositors, providing a standard contract for these transactions and educating its members and related parties about the process.


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• June 22: Total Access Communication PCL (DTAC) became the Thai bourse’s first dual listing. It is now listed in both Singapore and Thailand. To be ready for future dual listing and to enhance competitiveness, on July 25 SET lifted ‘silent period’ trading restrictions for companies seeking a secondary listing on the Thai market. If a firm has complied with its primary bourse’s trading restrictions, it will not need to duplicate the process to list on the Thai exchange. Aside from initiating cross-border linkage with Singapore securities depositories to facilitate post-trade transactions and information, TSD has discussed similar links with the Taiwanese, Vietnamese and Swiss depositories.

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• June 25: SET supported the opening of an outlet of Siam City Securities Co., Ltd. to provide securities trading and investment services in the Siam City Bank’s Phuket branch. SET also set up the SET Corner and e-Learning at the outlet. Having securities outlets in commercial bank branches will help expand the country’s investor base. Cooperation between securities companies and commercial banks will benefit all parties because it will enable the bank’s customers to fully access the capital market, without the costs of opening a company branch office. The opening of Siam City Securities Co., Ltd. was the first outlet that SET had supported; by end-2007, there were a total of 27 trading outlets at various banks.



• July 29 - 31: SET and its four leading listed companies, including Bangkok Bank PCL (BBL), Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL (CPF) and Minor International PCL (MINT), and Thai Oil PCL (TOP) joined the trip to “International Roadshow in Japan” to present update information on the Thai economy, investment conditions and capital market development policy. Moreover, the Roadshow would give an opportunity to those listed companies that were representatives of interesting business group to present information to fund manager and institutions.


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• August 22: Mr. Pakorn Malakul Na Ayudhaya was appointed as SET’s thirteenth Chairman. He supports demutualization of the Thai capital market to strengthen its global competitiveness and the objectives of both the Thai Capital Master Plan II (2006-2010) and Strategies Plan (2007-2009). Important features of these plans include: Increasing the supply of securities to offer more alternatives to investors by lifting the quality of listed companies, supporting dual listing and providing innovative financial instruments; Increasing the demand for securities by developing the quality and variety of stocks and holding promotional roadshows; Improving clearing and settlement infrastructure by using effective and cost-efficient platforms to support cross-border trading; Developing organizational structures to enhance operations and global competitiveness; Protecting investors by ensuring accurate and punctual information disclosure and cooperating with related institutions to promote good corporate governance; Collaborating with organizations in the capital market to use existing infrastructure and resources to reduce costs and enhance effectiveness; Initiating linkages with regional capital markets to build alliances, increase competitiveness and position the Thai capital market as a pillar of national economic stability.


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• September 5: SET signed a Cooperation Agreement with FTSE Group, the global index provider, to develop a new series of equity indices, FTSE SET Index Series, a tradable instrument and benchmark for introducing new financial products. FTSE SET Large Cap is comprised of 30 stocks, which have high liquidity and free floats exceeding 15%. Five more indices will act as benchmarks - FTSE SET Mid-Cap, FTSE SET Small Cap, FTSE SET All-Share, FTSE SET Mid/Small Cap and FTSE SET Fledgling. All indices will be launched in April, 2008.

• September 6: Thailand’s first equity exchange-traded fund (ETF), ThaiDex SET50 ETF (TDEX), started trading on the bourse. This product provides an investment alternative combining features of securities and mutual funds, as it can be traded like stocks and is based on the SET50 Index. To promote the listing of equity ETFs and increase its appeal to

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investors, SET has required a market-maker to create liquidity and prevent price discounting. One Asset Management acts as the fund manager and KGI Securities PCL is the market-maker. KGI Securities PCL, Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) PCL, Thanachart Securities PCL, Bualuang Securities Co., Ltd. and Citigroup Securities Co., Ltd. are participating dealers in the fund

• September 25: TSD adjusted the repurchase (repo) fee from the current progressive rates to a flat rate of 0.015% per annum, with a minimum of THB 1,000.00 per month. To encourage use of the service, TSD members that have applied for and used the service by end-2008 will receive a 25% discount for six months. This will increase liquidity in the service, which acts as a liquidity management mechanism for financial institutions and the private sector, and is a popular portfolio management tool for foreign institutional investors.

• September 26: As part of bond market promotion, SET waived listing and trading fees for bonds until end-2008. These include the application, entrance and annual fees for listing and the trading fee of 0.005%.

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• September 26: The Exchange amended its disclosure requirements for mutual funds in line with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s criteria. The new requirements concern information disclosure in financial statements, connected transactions and the acquisition and disposal of assets. These changes do not affect the quality of information but will save costs, such as quarterly auditing expenses, to the benefit of unit holders and the funds themselves. After seeking approval from the SEC, the new requirements came into effect on November 12, 2007.


• October 1: SET reinstated the 10% front-end collateral requirement for local and foreign cash-account trading. Since 2005, the rule has not applied to accounts with a line of credit of less than THB 500,000, thus exempting those investors from having to pledge 10% as front-end collateral. This action required that cash-account investors must pledge at least 10% front-end collateral from their line of credit line before investing. The initiative supports market stability and thoughtful portfolio management

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• October 22: TSD offered post-trade services on its post-trade integration (PTI) system. The system automatically links equity depository, clearing and settlement and registrar operations, thus increasing efficiency by reducing time and cost. It is essential for the straight-through processing required for comprehensive cross-border trading.

• October 24: The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) introduced a requirement whereby investors trading on the internet and using either ‘cash balance’ or ‘credit balance’ accounts would pay a minimum brokerage fee of only 0.15% of trading value. This measure promotes internet trading and, together with the brokerage fee of 0.20% applying to other types of accounts, reduces risks to members and supports long-term investment. SET later (October 24) extended these requirements to end-2009. Similarly, the exchange extended, to end-2009, the transition period for the remuneration of marketing representatives in the incentive scheme, allowing securities firms to pay them no more than 27.50% of a company’s monthly brokerage revenue.

• October 29: SET50 Index Options started trading on Thailand Futures Exchange PCL (TFEX). It is TFEX’s second product, following the launch of SET50 Index Futures in 2006. This new product, as an alternative investment and effective risk management instrument, encourages trading in TFEX and SET and is an important development for the Thai capital market. In 2007, there were a total of 8,646 derivatives contracts traded, or a daily average of 206.

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• November 5: The Exchange issued an important regulation to expedite listing applications. Public companies and limited firms in the process of, or having a board resolution to, convert to public company status are now eligible for tax privileges. Interested firms must apply before December 31, 2007. The tax privileges provide a reduction in corporate income tax of 5% for firms listing on SET and 10% for those applying to mai. Firms must convert to public company status, meet the bourse’s listing rules and commence trading by December 31, 2008. As of December 2007, there were a total of 119 firms, which had applied for listing.

ธันวาคม •

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• December 14: The Exchange posted an SP (suspension) sign on PTT PCL (PTT) because the Supreme Administrative Court was about to deliver its judgment on the case of the corporatization of the Petroleum Authority of Thailand to PTT. On December 18, 2007, PTT reported the results of the case and the directions to be taken in compliance with the judgment. The company must transfer expropriated land, the rights over some private land and the gas pipelines located on these lands back to the state. However, the firm will have the right to lease back and use the gas pipelines for 30 years. SET lifted the SP sign on PTT shares from the second trading session of December 18, 2007.

As of January 31, 2008

• December 26:The SET Board of Governors resolved to establish the mai Matching Fund Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary, operating as a venture capitalist (VC) with an initial fund of THB 10 million, derived from an initial budget of THB 1,000 million approved in 2006. The fund will establish a committee to select businesses for investment. The new firm will be set up by Q1/2008 and begin investing in Q2/2008. The VC fund will target innovation, science and IT-related companies, which are important for Thailand’s competitiveness. These include industries such as food, automotive, software, microchips, textiles, tourism, healthcare and biotechnology.

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ภาพรวมตลาดทุนไทยและภาวะเศรษฐกิจท่ีเก่ียวของป 2550Thailand’s capital market and

related economic circumstances in 2007

Market capitalization

SET Index

mai Index

ดัชนีและมูลคาหลักทรัพยตามราคาตลาดIndexes and market capitalization














1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 20070









Source : SETSMARTRemark : SET and mai

Points THB billion

Equity markets

• SET market capitalization and SET Index up by 31% and 26%, respectively

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Index closed at 858.10 points at end-2007, an increase of 26% from 679.84 points at end-2006. The index’s highest point was 915.03 and its lowest was 616.75. SET’s total market capitalization climbed 31% to THB 6.64 trillion (about USD 192.11 billion) in 2007, from THB 5.08 trillion in 2006. The bourse’s total turnover was THB 4.19 trillion (USD 121.23 billion), a 6% increase from THB 3.96 trillion in the previous year. The daily average turnover of the main board was THB 17,097 million (USD 494.65 million).

Market dividend yields fell from 4.23% in 2006 to 3.31% in 2007, while the market price-to-earnings ratio (market P/E ratio) rose to 12.63, from 8.10 in 2006.

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ภาพรวมตลาดทุนไทยและภาวะเศษฐกิจที่เกี่ยวของป 2550 21

Source : SETSMARTRemark : SET and mai

มูลคาการซื้อขายเฉลี่ยตอวันDaily average market turnover











THB million

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

• mai market capitalization and mai Index up by 75% and 41%, respectively

The Market for Alternative Investment (mai) Index closed at 272.37 points at end-2007, climbing 41% from the 193.43 points at end-2006. mai market capitalization swelled to THB 38,269 million (USD 1,107.20 million) in 2007, up 75% from 2006’s THB 21,810 million. mai’s total turnover soared to THB 83,043 million (USD 2,402.61 million), up by 203% on THB 27,414 million in 2006.

Market dividend yields fell slightly from 3.91% in 2006 to 3.22% in 2007, while the market P/E ratio increased to 12.35 at end-2007 from 9.26 at end-2006.

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• Thirteen new listings on SET and mai in 2007

In 2007, 13 companies joined the Thai exchanges seven on SET and six on mai raising the number of

SET listed companies to 475, and mai-listed firms to 48.

• Retail investors traded actively and the proportion of institutional investors rose

Local retail investors accounted for 54% of 2007’s total turnover, a slight drop from 55% in 2006. Foreign investors’ share of total turnover dipped slightly from 34% in 2006 to 32% in 2007, while that of local institutional investors rose from 11% in 2006 to 14% in 2007.

Both foreign and local institutional investors were net buyers by year-end. Their purchases amounted to THB 55,729 million (USD 1,612.36 million) and THB 2,165 million (USD 62.64 million), respectively. Meanwhile, retail investors were the only group of net sellers, with net sales of THB 57,894 million (USD 1,674.99 million).

จำนวนบริษัทจดทะเบียนเขาใหมNo. of newly listed companies

จำนวนบริษัทจดทะเบียนNo. of listed companies



























































จำนวนบริษัทจดทะเบียนเขาใหมNo. of newly listed companies

จำนวนบริษัทจดทะเบียนNo. of listed companies


ผูลงทุนตางประเทศForeign investors

ผูลงทุนภายในประเทศLocal investors

ผูลงทุนสถาบันLocal institutional investors












1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007



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ภาพรวมตลาดทุนไทยและภาวะเศษฐกิจที่เกี่ยวของป 2550 23


Bond market

• Value and trading turnover continued to grow

The outstanding value of bonds on the Bond Electronic Exchange (BEX) increased year-on-year (y-o-y) from THB 3.14 trillion to THB 3.83 trillion (USD 110.81 billion), a rise of 21%. These consisted of THB 3.44 trillion in government bonds and THB 0.39 trillion in corporate issues. The 2007 total trading turnover was THB 295,700 million (USD 8,555.25 million), made up of THB 295,422 million from institutions and THB 278 million from retail investors. This represented a remarkable 629% increase on 2006’s THB 40,555 million in total trading turnover, which consisted of THB 40,299 million from institutions and THB 256 million from retail investors.

ตลาดตราสารอนุพันธ •

Derivatives market

• SET50 Index Futures

Thailand’s derivatives market’s trading turnover continued to grow, with SET50 Index Futures’ trading volume rose from 198,737 contracts during April-December 2006, to 1,228,238 contracts over the whole of 2007. The daily average turnover was 5,013 contracts in 2007, up from the previous year’s 1,204.

• SET50 Index Options debut on Thai derivatives market

SET50 Index Options began trading on the derivatives market on October 29, 2007. Trading turnover was 8,646 contracts, equivalent to a daily average turnover of 206.

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• Global oil price increases

A series of global oil price increases negatively impacted the national economy, bringing higher production and operating costs, although some listed companies in the Exchange’s energy and utilities sector benefited. These firms accounted for the major part of SET’s market capitalization and their share prices climbed. Global oil price rises also generated concern about potentially higher inflation rates. Oil price increases negatively impacted the capital market, particularly affecting companies with a high dependence on oil for their production.

อัตราแลกเปลี่ยนบาทตอดอลลารสหรัฐฯ ป 2550THB/USD exchange rate in 2007









Mar Apr

May Jun







Source : www.bot.or.th

ดัชนีความเชื่อม่ันทางธุรกิจ (BSI) ป 2550Business Sentiment Index in 2007











Mar Apr

May Jun







Source : www.bot.or.th

ราคาน้ำมันดิบเบรนทในตลาดโลกป 2550Brent crude oil price in 2007












Mar Apr

May Jun







Source : Bloomberg

ดัชนีราคาหุนตลาดหลักทรัพยฯ และมูลคาหลักทรัพยตามราคาตลาดป 2550SET Index and market capitalization in 2007


พันลานบาทTHB billion












May Jun












9,000SET IndexMarket capitalization

ปจจัยท่ีกำหนดความเคลื่อนไหวในตลาดทุนป 2550 Key factors affecting the Thai capital market in 2007

• The Bank of Thailand (BOT)’s reserve requirement on capital inflows

The BOT’s announcement on December 18, 2006, mandating the implementation of a reserve requirement on short-term capital inflows, remained a major concern among investors and dampened investor confidence and market turnover in early-2007. The Thai exchanges’ total market capitalization fell from THB 5.47 trillion as of December 18, 2006 to THB 4.95 trillion as of January 31, 2007, although market movement later normalized.

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• Subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S.

The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, with its potential to induce a US and global economic slowdown and seriously impact Thai exports, became a key concern among investors. From July 27 to August 16, 2007, as several US funds reported huge losses and financial enterprises’ credit ratings were cut as a result of the crisis, the SET Index fell 15% or 133 points.

• Depreciating US dollar and foreign capital influx

Foreign investment flows into regional exchanges, attracted by the strong fundamentals of Asian economies, contributed to Thai capital market growth in 2007. Supported by a positive local economic and political outlook and the depreciating US dollar, the Thai baht and other Asian currencies appreciated. The baht reached a 10-year high against the US dollar at THB 33.04 on July 13, 2007.

• Uncertain local political conditions

Thailand’s uncertain political situation in 2007, including the dissolution of the previous ruling political party and the process of voting on a new constitution, dampened investor confidence. However, after the general election on December 23, 2007, the SET Index climbed 66 points over the final five trading days of the year.

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ดัชนีราคาหุนตลาดหลักทรัพยฯ และมูลคาการซื้อขายป 2550SET Index and trading value for 2007

ดัชนีตลาดหลักทรัพย (จุด)

SET Index (Points)

มูลคาการซื้อขาย (ลานบาท)

Value (THB million)


SET Index

มูลคาหลักทรัพยตามราคาตลาดป 2547 - 2550Market capitalization for 2004 - 2007

ตลาดหลักทรัพยแหงประเทศไทยThe Stock Exchange of Thailand

ตลาดหลักทรัพย เอ็ม เอ ไอMarket for Alternative Investment


THB million


THB million

ดัชนีราคาหุนตลาดหลักทรัพยฯ และมูลคาการซื้อขายป 2550SET Index and trading value for 2007



Local institutional investors



Foreign investors



Local investors


การซื้อขายหลักทรัพยจำแนกตามกลุมผูลงทุนป 2550Trading turnover by investor type in 2007

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อัตราเงินปนผลตอบแทนเฉลี่ย อัตราสวนราคาตอกำไรสุทธิเฉลี่ย และอัตราสวนราคาตลาดของหลักทรัพยตอมูลคาตามบัญชีเฉลี่ยป 2546 - 2550

Market dividend yields, market P/E ratios, market P/BV ratios for 2003 - 2007

1.651.91 2.002.00

2.71 3.314.23












Market P/BV ratioMarket P/E ratioMarket dividend yield (%)

สัดสวนการลงทุนในบริษัทจดทะเบียนท่ีบริษัท ไทยเอ็นวีดีอาร จำกัด ลงทุนในป 2549 - 2550Percentage of listed companies invested in by Thai NVDR Co., Ltd. in 2006 - 2007

As of Dec 31, 06 As of Dec 31, 07

จำนวนบริษัทจดทะเบียนที่บริษัท ไทยเอ็นดีวีอาร จำกัด ลงทุน

No. of listed companies invested in by the Thai NVDR = 514

จำนวนบริษัทจดทะเบียนที่บริษัท ไทยเอ็นดีวีอาร จำกัด ลงทุน

No. of listed companies invested in by the Thai NVDR = 519

99.23% 99.24%


ดัชนีผลตอบแทนรวมป 2549 - 2550Total Return Indexes for 2006 - 2007



















Jul 0
























Jul 0












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ปริมาณการซื้อขายและสถานะคงคางรายวันของ SET50 Index Futures ป 2550Daily turnover and open interest of SET50 Index Futures in 2007

ปริมาณ (สัญญา) Volume (Contracts)

สถานะคงคาง (สัญญา)Open interest (Contracts)


สถานะคงคางOpen interest












May Jun


Aug Oct













ปริมาณการซื้อขายและสถานะคงคางรายวันของ SET50 Index Options ป 2550Daily turnover and open interest of SET50 Index Options in 2007


สถานะคงคางOpen interest

ปริมาณ (สัญญา) Volume (Contracts)

สถานะคงคาง (สัญญา)Open interest (Contracts)

SET50 Index Optionsเริ่มซ้ือขายวันท่ี 29 ตุลาคม 2550

SET50 Index Optionsstarted trading on October 29, 2007.

สัดสวนมูลคาคงคางของตลาดตราสารหนี้ ณ 31 ธันวาคม 2550Percentage of outstanding value of securities in

Bond Electronic Exchange (BEX), as of December 31, 2007

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ตลาดหลักทรัพยแหงประเทศไทย (SET)

และตลาดหลักทรัพย เอ็ม เอ ไอ (mai)

หมวด 1 การซื้อขายหลักทรัพย (Securities trading)



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มูลคาตลาดรวม = ∑MiQ


Total market capitalization i = หลักทรัพย i (Securities i) n = จำนวนหลักทรัพยจดทะเบียน (Number of issues of listed securities) M

i = ราคาตลาดของหลักทรัพย i (Market price of securities i)

Qi = จำนวนหุนจดทะเบียนของหลักทรัพย i (Number of listed shares of securities i)

หมายเหตุ : หลักทรัพยที่ไมนำมารวมคำนวณ ไดแก หนวยลงทุน ใบสำคัญแสดงสิทธิอนุพันธ ใบแสดงสิทธิในผลประโยชนที่เกิดจากหลักทรัพยอางอิง (DR) (Excluding unit trusts, derivative warrants and depository receipts) ดัชนีราคาหุนตลาดหลักทรัพยฯ = มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญทุกหลักทรัพยใน SET ณ วันปจจุบัน

X 100 มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญทุกหลักทรัพยใน SET ณ วันฐาน (30 เมษายน 2518) SET Index = Current market capitalization of all SET-listed common stocks

X 100 Market capitalization of all SET-listed common stocks at base date (April 30, 1975) หมายเหตุ : กองทุนรวมอสงัหาริมทรัพยถูกนำมารวมในการคำนวณดวย (Including property funds) ดัชนี SET100 = มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญ 100 หลักทรัพย ณ วันปจจุบัน

X 1000 มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญ 100 หลักทรัพย ณ วันฐาน (30 เมษายน 2548) SET100 Index = Current market capitalization of 100 component common stocks

X 1000 Market capitalization of 100 component common stocks at base date (April 30, 2005) ดัชนี SET50 = มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญ 50 หลักทรัพย ณ วันปจจุบัน

X 1000 มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญ 50 หลักทรัพย ณ วันฐาน (16 สิงหาคม 2538) SET50 Index = Current market capitalization of 50 component common stocks

X 1000 Market capitalization of 50 component common stocks at base date (August 16, 1995) ดัชนีราคาหุน = มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญทุกหลักทรัพยใน mai ณ วันปจจุบัน

X 100 ตลาดหลักทรัพย เอ็ม เอ ไอ (mai) มูลคาตลาดรวมของหุนสามัญทุกหลักทรัพยใน mai ณ วันฐาน (2 กันยายน 2545) mai Index = Current market capitalization of all mai-listed common stocks

X 100 Market capitalization of all mai-listed common stocks at base date (September 2, 2002)

อัตราเงินปนผลตอบแทนของตลาด = ผลรวมเงินปนผลยึดตามรอบผลประกอบการประจำปลาสุด

X 100 ราคาตลาดของหุนสามัญ x (จำนวนหุนสามัญ-จำนวนหุนซ้ือคืน) Market dividend yield = Total dividend paid during the latest annual operating period

X 100 Market price of common stocks x (No. of listed common stocks-No. of treasury stocks) อตัราสวนราคาปดตอกำไรสุทธิของตลาด = ราคาตลาดของหุนสามัญจดทะเบียน x (จำนวนหุนสามัญ+จำนวนหุนบุริมสิทธิ-จำนวนหุนซ้ือคืน) ผลรวมกำไรสุทธิ 12 เดือนลาสุด Market P/E ratio = Market price of listed common stocks x (No. of listed common stocks+No. of preferred stocks-treasury stocks) Net earnings of the last 12-months of issuers of those stocks อัตราสวนราคาตอมูลคาตามบัญชีของตลาด = ราคาตลาดของหุนสามัญจดทะเบียน x (จำนวนหุนสามัญ+จำนวนหุนบุริมสิทธิ-จำนวนหุนซ้ือคืน) ผลรวมของสวนของผูถือหุนของบริษัท (รวมมูลคาหุนท่ีถือโดยบริษัทยอย) Market P/BV ratio = Market price of listed common stocks x (No. of listed common stocks+No of. preferred stocks-No. of treasury stocks) Equity of issuers of those common stocks (including equity held by subsidiaries)

ขอมูล ณ วันท่ี 31 ธันวาคม 2550 As of December 31, 2007

สูตรการคำนวณคาสถิติที่สำคัญ Calculation formulae



Page 32: Fact Book 2007


1) (SET) (mai) The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Market for Alternative Investment (mai)

1 : Section 1 : Securities trading

1.1 2550 :

Table 1.1 Monthly turnover in 2007 (summary)

Turnover Volume (Units)


Days Total Daily Average Total Daily Average High Low

( /Date) ( /Date)

. . Jan. 21 50,218,971,841 2,391,379,611 285,184.47 13,580.21 21,814.46 (9) 8,281.15 (31)

. . Feb. 20 45,391,250,566 2,269,562,528 256,241.84 12,812.09 26,006.90 (8) 4,726.86 (19)

. . Mar. 21 33,303,791,626 1,585,894,839 190,178.62 9,056.12 13,993.67 (1) 5,574.82 (29)

. . Apr. 18 28,613,819,186 1,589,656,621 175,532.31 9,751.79 17,220.84 (4) 4,809.41 (9)

. . May 20 47,961,026,227 2,398,051,311 305,207.75 15,260.39 19,867.08 (18) 9,661.16 (15)

. . Jun. 21 72,603,608,670 3,457,314,699 410,913.02 19,567.29 40,387.68 (1) 10,880.60 (14)

. . Jul. 21 112,103,038,878 5,338,239,947 668,412.39 31,829.16 46,927.82 (3) 18,802.18 (19)

. . Aug. 22 57,786,558,015 2,626,661,728 398,961.20 18,134.60 25,939.27 (1) 9,002.42 (28)

. . Sep. 20 36,770,684,518 1,838,534,226 313,418.68 15,670.93 25,509.28 (21) 8,884.90 (12)

. . Oct. 22 46,508,187,580 2,114,008,526 513,734.63 23,351.57 34,683.57 (16) 13,662.86 (22)

. . Nov. 22 43,320,040,529 1,969,092,751 402,683.00 18,303.77 27,549.91 (20) 12,126.53 (27)

. . Dec. 17 30,073,571,811 1,769,033,636 268,308.82 15,782.87 19,641.55 (7) 12,495.15 (27)

/ Total 245 604,654,549,447 2,467,977,753 4,188,776.73 17,097.05 46,927.82 (3) 4,726.86 (19)

( )

Turnover Volume (Units)


Days Total Daily Average Total Daily Average High Low

( /Date) ( /Date)

. . Jan. 21 923,525,055 43,977,384 2,430.72 115.75 183.35 (11) 50.90 (25)

. . Feb. 20 1,612,213,977 80,610,699 4,268.44 213.42 297.35 (19) 70.30 (1)

. . Mar. 21 2,552,569,413 121,550,924 5,869.28 279.49 660.77 (21) 100.92 (7)

. . Apr. 18 1,309,910,327 72,772,796 3,694.97 205.28 393.46 (26) 69.76 (17)

. . May 20 1,726,081,284 86,304,064 4,403.24 220.16 559.40 (9) 77.45 (30)

. . Jun. 21 2,346,620,772 111,743,846 4,954.92 235.95 700.75 (20) 74.04 (1)

. . Jul. 21 2,790,774,524 132,894,025 7,557.75 359.89 828.01 (20) 169.27 (6)

. . Aug. 22 3,426,123,594 155,732,891 8,002.03 363.73 945.12 (24) 173.13 (2)

. . Sep. 20 1,478,592,847 73,929,642 5,087.87 254.39 650.34 (28) 101.93 (18)

. . Oct. 22 2,275,912,842 103,450,584 13,850.04 629.55 1,065.74 (22) 290.74 (8)

. . Nov. 22 2,784,292,002 126,558,727 14,553.87 661.54 1,092.13 (6) 321.79 (5)

. . Dec. 17 1,975,287,579 116,193,387 8,370.05 492.36 823.38 (12) 245.77 (17)

/ Total 245 25,201,904,216 102,864,915 83,043.17 338.95 1,092.13(6) 50.90(25)



* / Including Transactions on Foreign Board

( )

Turnover Value (Mil. Baht)

/ mai

( )

Turnover Value (Mil. Baht)

( )


Page 33: Fact Book 2007

32ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

1.2 2550 : 1/

Table 1.2 Monthly turnover in 2007 (by security type) 1/


. . . . . . . . . . . .

Type of Securities Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.

2/ 489 489 490 491 492 491

Common Stocks

/Shares 35,999,830,862 35,325,579,378 26,692,054,800 24,146,646,701 35,437,074,970 49,730,297,435

/Mil. Baht 239,239.80 220,914.33 162,675.41 155,363.50 267,965.71 359,317.54

9 9 9 9 9 9

Unit Trusts

/Shares 565,504 660,973 1,543,992 614,204 806,804 3,029,939

/Mil. Baht 17.31 27.33 44.71 21.64 28.60 108.36

3/ 7 7 7 7 7 7

Unit Trusts

/Units 3,492,500 2,189,902 5,522,902 5,444,300 6,047,100 6,512,000

/Mil. Baht 30.82 19.12 48.22 47.53 54.77 61.36

81 80 77 76 75 74


/Units 13,427,242,679 9,623,063,612 6,255,418,223 4,107,073,432 12,087,877,904 22,410,526,703

/Mil. Baht 15,840.29 16,357.07 8,723.64 6,474.58 15,545.75 26,307.73

1 1 1 1 1 1

Depository Receipts

/Units 4,896,510 21,921,451 6,327,632 4,307,340 6,111,238 22,178,226

/Mil. Baht 43.56 197.17 59.40 41.10 59.28 242.69

/Total 587 586 584 584 584 582

/Units 49,436,028,055 44,973,415,316 32,960,867,549 28,264,085,977 47,537,918,016 72,172,544,303

/Mil. Baht 255,171.78 237,515.02 171,551.38 161,948.35 283,654.11 386,037.671/

/ Excluding transactions on Foreign Board2/

/ Including Property Fund3/

50 (TDEX) 6 2550 / The TDEX started its Trading on September 6,2007

/ mai

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Type of Securities Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.

43 43 43 43 44 44

Common Stocks

/Shares 853,897,511 1,515,569,931 2,478,026,082 1,292,266,527 1,668,716,020 1,451,194,165

/Mil. Baht 2,388.26 4,204.68 5,823.82 3,685.04 4,369.69 4,048.84

2 2 2 2 2 4

Depository Receipts

/Units 69,627,544 96,644,046 74,540,024 17,643,800 57,365,264 895,426,607

/Mil. Baht 42.46 63.75 45.45 9.92 33.55 906.07

/Total 45 45 45 45 46 48

/Units 923,525,055 1,612,213,977 2,552,566,106 1,309,910,327 1,726,081,284 2,346,620,772

/Mil. Baht 2,430.72 4,268.44 5,869.27 3,694.97 4,403.24 4,954.92

* / Excluding transactions on Foreign Board

Page 34: Fact Book 2007


. . . . . . . . . . . .

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total

491 492 490 490 492 491 491

82,136,171,461 37,123,075,933 24,866,614,195 34,969,310,956 35,413,512,733 23,926,260,858 445,766,430,282

594,627.76 353,291.10 274,857.95 466,943.81 371,474.92 244,073.66 3,710,745.49

10 10 10 10 10 10 10

5,111,721 940,261 702,849 1,137,298 1,191,860 10,387,025 26,692,430

187.13 29.93 22.98 48.75 37.54 275.59 849.87

7 7 8 8 8 8 8

8,112,500 11,733,900 197,586,349 324,468,170 363,508,091 191,480,100 1,126,097,814

79.38 110.09 1,183.53 2,134.87 2,317.46 1,192.23 7,279.38

73 72 71 74 73 71 71

29,368,477,802 20,235,124,977 11,476,067,124 10,897,344,825 7,297,018,466 5,717,907,930 152,903,143,677

40,185.74 25,023.69 19,428.40 18,227.42 11,315.98 9,380.32 212,810.61

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

20,780,276 12,718,500 15,856,591 13,580,910 3,144,158 2,818,222 134,641,054

260.88 160.67 220.31 202.16 44.75 37.31 1,569.28

582 582 580 583 584 581 581

111,538,653,760 57,383,593,571 36,556,827,108 46,205,842,159 43,078,375,308 29,848,854,135 599,957,005,257

635,340.89 378,615.48 295,713.17 487,557.01 385,190.65 254,959.11 3,933,254.62

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total

44 44 45 45 46 48 48

2,317,739,771 2,935,671,031 1,282,720,177 2,033,171,623 2,344,604,825 1,792,430,727 21,966,008,390

6,970.79 7,385.14 4,754.38 13,097.76 11,348.60 7,073.56 75,150.56

4 4 4 5 6 6 6

466,994,753 351,202,563 154,762,470 242,641,219 438,549,177 182,431,852 3,047,829,319

580.70 499.02 297.12 751.95 3,200.61 1,295.12 7,725.72

48 48 49 50 52 54 54

2,784,734,524 3,286,873,594 1,437,482,647 2,275,812,842 2,783,154,002 1,974,862,579 25,013,837,709

7,551.49 7,918.09 5,051.51 13,849.71 14,549.20 8,368.68 82,876.29

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34ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

1.3 2550 :

Table 1.3 Monthly turnover in 2007 (by trading board)


. . . . . . . . . . . .

Trading Board Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.

/Main Board

/Transactions 2,155,771 2,096,966 1,639,691 1,293,017 2,111,901 2,776,365

/Units 47,497,460,300 43,900,814,600 31,612,819,000 26,386,736,200 44,567,318,400 70,018,967,200

/Mil. Baht 232,180.92 222,088.96 153,063.92 147,242.28 259,528.93 365,009.19

/Big Lot Board

/Transactions 962 726 743 714 890 1111

/Units 1,938,410,683 1,072,452,664 1,347,922,195 1,877,246,474 2,970,423,135 1,840,307,722

/Mil. Baht 22,985.97 15,419.68 18,477.58 14,702.19 24,118.01 20,694.87

/Odd Lot Board

/Transactions 5,068 4,612 3,534 3,520 6,166 7,083

/Units 157,072 148,052 126,354 103,303 176,481 211,791

/Mil. Baht 4.90 6.38 9.88 3.88 7.17 8.67

/Foreign Board

/Transactions 31,103 21,024 17,524 18,328 25,862 27,343

/Units 782,943,786 417,835,250 342,924,077 349,733,209 423,108,211 431,064,367

/Mil. Baht 30,012.69 18,726.83 18,627.23 13,583.96 21,553.65 24,875.35


/Transactions 2,192,904 2,123,328 1,661,492 1,315,579 2,144,819 2,811,902

/Units 50,218,971,841 45,391,250,566 33,303,791,626 28,613,819,186 47,961,026,227 72,290,551,080

/Mil. Baht 285,184.48 256,241.85 190,178.61 175,532.31 305,207.76 410,588.08

/ mai

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Trading Board Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun.

/Main Board

/Transactions 76,761 122,576 197,654 108,281 128,983 162,966

/Units 920,523,800 1,612,213,100 2,533,155,100 1,272,366,500 1,718,568,300 2,632,807,700

/Mil. Baht 2,424.26 4,268.43 5,755.63 3,609.47 4,384.06 5,221.03

/Big Lot Board

/Transactions 2 - 18 10 3 10

/Units 3,000,000 - 19,410,000 37,542,680 7,510,000 26,865,484

/Mil. Baht 6.45 0.00 113.63 85.49 19.17 58.81

/Odd Lot Board

/Transactions 82 76 73 63 186 254

/Units 1,255 877 1,006 1,147 2,984 5,178

/Mil. Baht 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01

/Foreign Board

/Transactions - - 3 - - -

/Units - - 3,307 - - -

/Mil. Baht - - 0.02 - - -


/Transactions 76,845 122,652 197,748 108,354 129,172 163,230

/Units 923,525,055 1,612,213,977 2,552,569,413 1,309,910,327 1,726,081,284 2,659,678,362

/Mil. Baht 2,430.72 4,268.43 5,869.28 3,694.96 4,403.24 5,279.85

Page 36: Fact Book 2007


. . . . . . . . . . . .

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total

3,835,380 2,709,063 1,948,957 2,485,832 2,496,941 1,743,797 27,293,681

109,785,868,400 56,165,319,200 35,118,871,700 45,409,249,700 41,050,147,650 27,977,680,900 579,491,253,250607,980.36 362,802.57 275,589.63 462,939.76 366,963.49 242,638.85 3,698,028.86

1,347 879 776 994 981 636 10,759

1,752,467,736 1,218,180,330 1,437,852,997 796,427,282 2,028,075,581 1,871,073,755 20,150,840,55427,343.88 15,807.41 20,116.98 24,606.82 18,219.29 12,314.34 234,807.02

9,724 3,371 3,570 5,979 5,399 3,501 61,527

317,624 94,041 102,411 165,177 152,077 99,480 1,853,86316.65 5.51 6.55 10.42 7.87 5.91 93.79

33,052 26,959 20,151 28,688 26,594 18,699 295,327

564,385,118 402,964,444 213,857,410 302,345,421 241,665,221 224,717,676 4,697,544,19033,071.51 20,345.71 17,705.51 26,177.62 17,492.35 13,349.72 255,522.13

3,879,503 2,740,272 1,973,454 2,521,493 2,529,915 1,766,633 27,661,294

112,103,038,878 57,786,558,015 36,770,684,518 46,508,187,580 43,320,040,529 30,073,571,811 604,341,491,857

668,412.40 398,961.20 313,418.67 513,734.62 402,683.00 268,308.82 4,188,451.80

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total

178,223 205,987 112,072 228,274 263,328 183,345 1,968,450

2,646,267,200 3,278,072,700 1,425,410,100 2,245,108,400 2,777,145,500 1,957,600,000 25,019,238,4007,342.23 7,829.31 5,013.24 13,742.47 14,522.72 8,277.02 82,389.87

15 5 6 11 2 20 102

138,465,446 47,800,000 12,072,000 30,700,000 6,000,000 17,260,200 346,625,810209.25 88.77 38.27 107.22 26.35 91.65 845.06

114 51 39 213 302 108 1,561

1,878 894 547 4,442 8,502 2,379 31,0890.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.13 0.02 0.21

3 15 11 1 23 4 60

6,040,000 100,250,000 41,110,200 100,000 1,138,000 425,000 149,066,5076.26 83.94 36.36 0.33 4.67 1.36 132.94

178,355 206,058 112,128 228,499 263,655 183,477 1,970,173

2,790,774,524 3,426,123,594 1,478,592,847 2,275,912,842 2,784,292,002 1,975,287,579 25,514,961,806

7,557.75 8,002.02 5,087.87 13,850.04 14,553.87 8,370.05 83,368.08

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36ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

1.4 2550 : 1/

Table 1.4 Monthly turnover in 2007 (by investor type)

/ Year 2/


Foreign Investors Institutions individual /Total

/Buy /Sell /Buy /Sell /Buy /Sell

/Mil.Baht /Mil. Baht /Mil.Baht /Mil.Baht /Mil.Baht /Mil.Baht /Mil.Baht

2550 / 2007 1,410,800.59 1,355,071.23 609,509.27 607,344.33 2,251,510.05 2,309,404.35 4,271,819.92

33.03% 31.72% 14.27% 14.22% 52.71% 54.06% 100.00%

. . Jan. 125,531.10 113,710.10 30,022.42 37,550.72 132,061.67 136,354.38 287,615.19

43.65% 39.54% 10.44% 13.06% 45.92% 47.41% 100.00%

. . Feb. 100,234.14 82,702.72 29,302.09 35,042.67 130,974.05 142,764.89 260,510.28

38.48% 31.75% 11.25% 13.45% 50.28% 54.80% 100.00%

. . Mar. 82,626.88 81,347.40 25,246.02 21,647.61 88,174.99 93,052.89 196,047.90

42.15% 41.49% 12.88% 11.04% 44.98% 47.46% 100.00%

. . Apr. 76,039.73 64,367.53 26,534.04 26,109.96 76,653.50 88,749.79 179,227.27

42.43% 35.91% 14.80% 14.57% 42.77% 49.52% 100.00%

. . May 126,061.76 101,772.75 41,509.65 47,621.35 142,039.58 160,216.89 309,610.99

40.72% 32.87% 13.41% 15.38% 45.88% 51.75% 100.00%

. . Jun. 155,053.45 124,152.06 52,932.11 56,995.28 207,882.37 234,720.59 415,867.94

37.28% 29.85% 12.73% 13.71% 49.99% 56.44% 100.00%

. . Jul. 212,469.81 182,228.57 83,379.71 91,522.88 380,120.63 402,218.70 675,970.15

31.43% 26.96% 12.33% 13.54% 56.23% 59.50% 100.00%

. . Aug. 102,422.34 137,723.62 64,218.32 53,372.64 240,322.57 215,866.97 406,963.23

25.17% 33.84% 15.78% 13.11% 59.05% 53.04% 100.00%

. . Sep. 97,127.38 93,909.77 48,076.69 46,372.65 173,302.48 178,224.13 318,506.55

30.49% 29.48% 15.09% 14.56% 54.41% 55.96% 100.00%

. . Oct. 160,806.19 146,969.87 81,438.69 85,218.33 285,339.79 295,396.47 527,584.67

30.48% 27.86% 15.44% 16.15% 54.08% 55.99% 100.00%

. . Nov. 100,448.60 138,569.44 79,272.68 68,807.08 237,515.59 209,860.35 417,236.87

24.07% 33.21% 19.00% 16.49% 56.93% 50.30% 100.00%

. . Dec. 71,979.22 87,617.41 47,576.84 37,083.16 157,122.82 151,978.31 276,678.88

26.02% 31.67% 17.20% 13.40% 56.79% 54.93% 100.00%1/

/ Including transactions of mai

2/ / Including institutional and individual investors

3/ . . . /

Including local securities companies, mutual funds, banks, finance firms, insurance companies, juridical entities and provident funds

/ Month

/ Local Investors

Page 38: Fact Book 2007


1.5 20 2550 *

Table 1.5 Top twenty most active member companies in 2007 *

Rank Member Companies ( )

Transaction Volume (Units) Mil. Baht % of Total

1 ( ) ( ) KIMENG 138,799,695,823 692,430.85 8.10

2 ( ) ASP 79,540,409,698 490,241.94 5.74

3 ( ) PHATRA 25,368,858,930 480,684.16 5.63

4 ( ) CS 17,427,676,596 446,541.25 5.23

5 SCBS 34,719,041,094 430,390.27 5.04

6 ( ) UBS 17,240,340,242 401,129.81 4.70

7 ( ) ( ) KGI 59,278,343,831 357,413.77 4.18

8 ( ) BLS 50,260,774,513 314,260.46 3.68

9 ( ) BFITSEC 79,238,911,125 299,763.60 3.51

10 ( ) AYS 24,069,863,882 299,121.84 3.50

11 ( ) TNS 52,625,431,179 297,939.89 3.49

12 ( ) ZMICO 65,508,105,144 260,887.94 3.05

13 ( ) CLSA 10,620,549,074 259,942.86 3.04

14 TSC 26,977,340,492 256,871.04 3.01

15 ( ) DBSV 37,796,525,735 242,399.50 2.84

16 ( ) JPM 12,616,782,231 238,763.17 2.79

17 ( ) TMBMACQ 17,863,096,023 227,876.57 2.67

18 ( ) ASL 55,866,561,420 211,073.48 2.47

19 ( ) CNS 30,668,225,843 209,690.10 2.45

20 ( ) ( ) PST 50,350,814,519 203,786.91 2.39

* / Including transactions of mai

/ Transaction Value

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1. / /


Table 1.6Monthly market P/E ratios / market P/BV ratios / market dividend yields in 2007

/ Mont

. . Jan. 7.88 ** 1.60 ** 4.37. . Feb. 8.87 1.65 4.44 *. . Mar. 9.18 1.62 4.41. . Apr. 9.65 1.68 4.25. . May 10.45 1.72 4.01. . Jun. 11.11 1.81 3.74. . Jul. 12.37 2.01 3.37

. . Aug. 11.75 1.89 3.56

. . Sep. 12.04 1.98 3.43. . Oct. 13.08 * 2.15 * 3.19 **. . Nov. 12.20 1.97 3.42. . Dec. 12.63 2.00 3.31

* / Highest Level of the year** / Lowest Level of the year


Market Dividend Yield (%)Market P/E Ratio Market P/BV Ratio

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1.7 / SET50 / SET100 /

/ 2550

Table 1.7 Monthly SET Indexes / SET50 Indexes / SET100 Indexes / mai Indexes / Industry group indexes for 2007

Month SET50 Index

High Date Low Date Close High Date Low Date Close

. . Jan. 660.71 (25) 616.75 (9) 654.04 462.52 (25) 428.73 (9) 456.89 . . Feb. 697.84 (14) 657.00 (1) 677.13 489.84 (12) 457.98 (1) 475.66 . . Mar. 680.60 (1) 669.04 (28) 673.71 477.85 (1) 467.67 (28) 471.93 . . Apr. 699.16 (30) 679.62 (2) 699.16 491.97 (30) 476.62 (2) 491.97 . . May 737.40 (30) 705.47 (2) 737.40 523.40 (30) 497.46 (2) 523.40 . . Jun. 777.68 (28) 726.60 (13) 776.79 553.36 (20) 513.30 (13) 550.01 . . Jul. 884.16 (26) 792.71 (2) 859.76 638.56 (26) 562.99 (2) 617.33

. . Aug. 837.73 (3) 750.69 (16) 813.21 599.53 (3) 532.05 (16) 586.31 . . Sep. 845.50 (28) 796.85 (10) 845.50 616.03 (28) 573.97 (10) 616.03 . . Oct. 915.03 (29) 848.95 (4) 907.28 681.82 (29) 617.30 (4) 672.79 . . Nov. 902.73 (1) 807.58 (21) 846.44 669.20 (1) 587.39 (21) 622.63 . . Dec. 858.10 (28) 791.71 (20) 858.10 630.73 (28) 575.75 (20) 630.73


High Date Low Date Close High Date Low Date Close

. . Jan. 1,005.22 (25) 933.35 (9) 993.62 187.06 (3) 175.61 (9) 185.54 . . Feb. 1,064.47 (12) 997.08 (1) 1,032.63 200.23 (21) 186.31 (1) 194.25 . . Mar. 1,037.78 (1) 1,016.25 (28) 1,024.43 197.87 (22) 190.62 (7) 193.85 . . Apr. 1,066.45 (30) 1,034.67 (2) 1,066.45 208.42 (30) 195.16 (2) 208.42 . . May 1,133.78 (30) 1,077.53 (2) 1,133.78 213.84 (21) 209.87 (2) 212.16 . . Jun. 1,200.60 (20) 1,113.80 (13) 1,195.47 229.29 (29) 207.75 (13) 229.29 . . Jul. 1,381.78 (26) 1,222.88 (2) 1,337.36 261.39 (31) 233.69 (2) 261.39

. . Aug. 1,299.17 (3) 1,153.35 (16) 1,267.09 263.20 (3) 238.57 (17) 251.37 . . Sep. 1,328.47 (28) 1,240.57 (10) 1,328.47 263.94 (28) 252.84 (7) 263.94 . . Oct. 1,459.64 (29) 1,331.69 (4) 1,443.25 306.64 (22) 269.02 (1) 294.88 . . Nov. 1,435.69 (1) 1,265.50 (21) 1,338.28 293.48 (2) 263.24 (21) 274.21 . . Dec. 1,355.47 (28) 1,240.53 (20) 1,355.47 272.37 (28) 261.87 (17) 272.37

Industry Group Index

Month High Date Low Date Close High Date Low Date Close

. . Jan. 114.45 (3) 109.34 (9) 111.36 83.33 (19) 81.73 (9) 83.29 . . Feb. 115.86 (22) 112.41 (1) 113.18 84.34 (23) 83.51 (20) 83.54 . . Mar. 112.41 (1) 110.55 (19) 111.32 83.34 (1) 81.31 (26) 81.44 . . Apr. 111.15 (30) 109.72 (9) 111.15 81.31 (17) 80.11 (20) 80.93 . . May 113.30 (22) 111.66 (15) 113.12 81.02 (11) 79.75 (22) 80.69 . . Jun. 122.12 (26) 114.07 (13) 121.30 85.70 (29) 81.25 (1) 85.70 . . Jul. 128.41 (25) 122.47 (18) 127.38 89.74 (10) 85.71 (27) 85.92

. . Aug. 124.75 (3) 115.43 (16) 121.37 85.39 (1) 82.92 (22) 84.40 . . Sep. 128.66 (27) 120.98 (11) 128.43 85.36 (13) 84.33 (3) 85.28 . . Oct. 134.30 (11) 127.54 (4) 133.68 86.52 (19) 85.05 (2) 86.25 . . Nov. 134.32 (2) 126.67 (28) 128.66 91.02 (30) 86.19 (6) 91.02 . . Dec. 131.07 (28) 125.40 (17) 131.07 90.91 (28) 88.03 (19) 90.91

Agro & Food Consumer Products


mai Index


SET100 Index

SET Index

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1.7 / SET50 / SET100 /

/ 2550

Table 1.7 Monthly SET Indexes / SET50 Indexes / SET100 Indexes / mai Indexes / Industry group indexes for 2007

Industry Group Index

Month High Date Low Date Close High Date Low Date Close

. . Jan. 82.52 (19) 73.74 (9) 81.24 66.51 (31) 61.96 (9) 66.51 . . Feb. 88.80 (14) 81.93 (1) 84.80 69.55 (22) 66.64 (1) 68.46 . . Mar. 86.99 (27) 84.37 (21) 86.31 69.65 (20) 67.67 (28) 68.15 . . Apr. 90.10 (4) 86.18 (27) 86.42 70.93 (30) 68.49 (2) 70.93 . . May 88.80 (30) 84.56 (10) 88.80 74.27 (30) 71.72 (3) 74.27 . . Jun. 96.36 (21) 87.86 (13) 95.39 77.04 (4) 72.22 (13) 76.88 . . Jul. 108.37 (24) 98.25 (2) 103.38 89.64 (24) 78.56 (3) 86.67

. . Aug. 100.56 (3) 89.35 (16) 98.34 86.44 (3) 77.37 (16) 84.17 . . Sep. 99.77 (26) 93.71 (18) 98.68 91.37 (21) 82.32 (7) 90.48 . . Oct. 105.31 (31) 97.03 (22) 105.31 93.67 (15) 89.13 (24) 92.24 . . Nov. 104.32 (1) 93.38 (22) 97.38 91.62 (2) 82.92 (22) 85.50 . . Dec. 97.00 (28) 91.15 (20) 97.00 88.62 (7) 82.96 (20) 87.76

Industry Group Index

Month High Date Low Date Close High Date Low Date Close

. . Jan. 64.36 (3) 60.24 (9) 63.66 120.32 (25) 111.13 (9) 117.89 . . Feb. 67.75 (14) 64.01 (1) 65.52 125.36 (12) 117.68 (1) 122.48 . . Mar. 65.94 (23) 64.70 (16) 65.36 122.95 (1) 118.76 (21) 121.10 . . Apr. 68.19 (5) 66.33 (2) 67.06 127.54 (30) 122.52 (2) 127.54 . . May 69.01 (18) 67.06 (9) 68.59 138.05 (30) 128.05 (2) 138.05 . . Jun. 73.72 (28) 68.37 (13) 73.70 147.42 (20) 136.02 (13) 145.78 . . Jul. 82.01 (26) 74.69 (2) 79.56 176.98 (26) 148.76 (2) 168.61

. . Aug. 78.00 (1) 69.15 (16) 74.07 163.03 (1) 146.41 (16) 163.02 . . Sep. 75.59 (28) 72.07 (18) 75.59 177.80 (28) 162.80 (10) 177.80 . . Oct. 79.34 (11) 74.10 (22) 76.61 217.12 (29) 174.39 (4) 208.07 . . Nov. 75.98 (1) 67.45 (22) 70.31 207.76 (1) 177.34 (21) 192.40 . . Dec. 70.61 (28) 66.84 (17) 70.61 193.95 (28) 171.71 (20) 193.95

Industry Group Index

Month High Date Low Date Close High Date Low Date Close

. . Jan. 103.76 (3) 97.78 (9) 102.03 75.72 (3) 72.11 (5) 74.05 . . Feb. 108.67 (21) 102.97 (1) 107.03 83.37 (12) 74.51 (1) 75.16 . . Mar. 108.63 (26) 106.50 (7) 107.13 75.83 (2) 72.22 (30) 72.22 . . Apr. 113.82 (30) 106.88 (2) 113.82 77.60 (30) 72.67 (2) 77.60 . . May 117.66 (22) 114.52 (2) 116.84 89.51 (16) 79.43 (2) 88.93 . . Jun. 120.43 (21) 115.70 (13) 119.73 91.04 (4) 84.70 (13) 90.54 . . Jul. 129.22 (26) 121.64 (2) 128.84 102.36 (24) 92.50 (2) 100.00

. . Aug. 126.50 (3) 112.96 (16) 119.77 98.60 (3) 87.06 (30) 89.65 . . Sep. 123.32 (28) 118.22 (13) 123.32 89.38 (3) 84.33 (20) 86.53 . . Oct. 126.41 (11) 120.69 (22) 120.89 93.26 (10) 86.88 (1) 87.60 . . Nov. 122.01 (2) 112.14 (22) 114.93 86.79 (2) 81.93 (21) 84.48 . . Dec. 119.49 (28) 112.02 (20) 119.49 88.19 (28) 82.36 (20) 88.19

Services Technology

Property & Construction Resources

Financials Industrials


Page 42: Fact Book 2007



No. Securities ( ) ( )

Vol (Shares) Val (Mil. Baht)

1 . 4,777,776,761 33,531.96

Land and Houses (LH) Property Development

2 . 3,830,298,473 6,245.35

Quality Houses (QH) Property Development

3 . 3,496,389,175 3,115.19

Bangkok Land (BLAND) Property Development

4 . 2,856,448,998 33,333.11

Krung Thai Bank (KTB) Banking

5 . 2,511,418,380 58,261.74

Bank of Ayudhya (BAY) Banking

6 . 1,740,207,037 12,388.97

True Corporation (TRUE) Information & Communication Technology

7 . 1,735,190,520 11,401.31

Italian-Thai Development (ITD) Property Development

8 . 1,689,689,300 1,743.13

Adkinson Securities (ASL) Finance and Securities

9 . 1,648,579,530 3,238.10

TMB Bank (TMB) Banking

10 . . . . 1,551,146,496 10,838.08

L.P.N. Development (LPN) Property Development

11 . 1,136,156,100 3,992.73

Unique Engineering and Construction Property Development

12 . 1,056,517,434 6,065.91

Asian Property Development (AP) Property Development

13 . 1,040,841,302 118,337.67

Bangkok Bank (BBL) Banking

14 . 1,018,259,802 73,753.39

Kasikornbank (KBANK) Banking

15 . 953,207,412 6,016.94

IRPC (IRPC) Energy & Utilities

16 . 946,557,700 234.40

Natural Park (N-PARK) Property Development

17 . 880,438,840 41,064.51

Thoresen Thai Agencies (TTA) Transportation & Logistics

18 . 878,866,130 965.51

Hemraj Land and Development (HEMRAJ) Property Development

19 . 842,103,373 8,128.04

CP All (CPALL) Commerce

20 . 839,899,894 15,213.33

Siam City (SCIB) Banking35,429,992,657 447,869.37

1.8 20 2550

/ Total

Sector of Underlying Securities

Table 1.8 Top twenty non-voting depository receipt (NVDR) turnovers for 2007

NVDR Turnover

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1.9 20 2550

Table 1.9 Top twenty securities held by Thai NVDR Co., Ltd. in 2007

( )

No. Volume (Shares) Percent of

Paid Up Capital


Raimon Land

Golden Land Property Development

. . .

L.P.N. Development

DELTA-W2 1,400 26.68

Warrant of Delta Electronics (Thailand)

Tisco Bank

Thoresen Thai Agencies

Warrant of Asia Plus Securities

Bangkok Bank


Land and Houses

Pranda Jewelry

Padaeng Industry


Noble Development

Warrant of Bank of Ayudhya

Bank of Ayudhya

Bangkok Land

Kiatnakin Bank

Asian Property Development

. .

L.V. Technology

Property Development 1 RAIMON 1,309,802,795 47.80

34,887,130 15.98 Medium-Sized Enterprise

405,371,958 17.43 Property Development

91,028,796 17.45 Banking

3,175,721,812 17.85 Property Development

17.91 Warrant

1,028,038,859 17.89 Banking

18.63 Banking

83,424,900 18.28 Property Development

18.71 Mining

136,031,624 24.98 Banking

20.58 Property Development

79,826,525 20.17 Fashion

21.37 Banking

57,845,595 21.29 Energy & Utilities

23.42 Transportation & Logistics

103,589,858 21.83 Warrant


36.79 Property Development

499,250,410 33.83 Property Development










































SectorName of Securities

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1.10 2550 :

Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

/Common Stocks

/Agro & Food Industry

- /Agribusiness

( ) ASIAN 15,746,260 31.70 - 2.86 2.94 1.40 1.42 4.35

( ) CFRESH 168,520,435 400.06 0.01 2.26 2.78 1.78 1.82 39.28

( ) CHOTI 52,510 4.24 - 76.00 90.00 73.50 83.00 0.70

( ) CM 34,061,435 108.88 - 3.30 3.54 2.50 2.96 10.05

( ) CPF 3,107,317,979 15,023.89 0.37 4.90 5.70 4.36 4.60 41.32

( ) CPI 4,979,438 17.43 - 3.52 4.00 3.20 3.66 1.79

- ( ) ** D-MARK - - - - - - - -

( ) GFPT 25,758,003 331.29 0.01 11.60 14.80 10.70 12.30 20.54

( ) LEE 43,660,451 152.56 - 3.14 3.80 2.86 3.26 5.94

( ) PPC 31,846 0.34 - 16.00 16.00 7.05 13.00 0.11

( ) PRG 142,399 4.08 - 25.00 34.00 25.00 28.25 0.24

( ) RANCH 790,566 30.94 - 41.00 47.00 29.00 31.00 0.92

( ) SH 1,269,900,823 1,519.27 0.04 3.50 4.20 2.80 3.00 45.68

( ) SSF 50,730,406 128.69 - 2.40 2.94 2.00 2.20 18.79

( ) STA 73,576,751 1,036.34 0.03 12.50 15.40 12.10 12.70 36.79

( ) TAF 4,782,119 377.92 0.01 93.00 139.00 92.00 118.00 11.28

( ) TLUXE 81,250,488 228.13 0.01 3.16 3.32 2.04 2.08 25.28

( ) TRS 13,693,122 76.47 - 5.50 8.55 3.58 4.04 68.47

( ) ( ) TRUBB 21,940,038 516.46 0.01 16.20 30.00 14.10 15.90 80.48

( ) UPOIC 1,928,229 111.96 - 43.00 78.00 39.00 64.00 5.95

( ) UVAN 12,069,883 478.33 0.01 32.00 54.00 30.25 52.00 12.84

Total 20 / Issues 4,930,933,181 20,578.97 0.51

- /Food and Beverage

( ) ABICO - - - - - - - -

( ) APURE 7,062,330,042 16,493.03 0.41 2.14 4.28 1.01 2.54 2,521.61

( ) ** DAIDO - - - - - - - -

( ) F&D 1,273,408 13.75 - 6.65 10.00 6.40 6.50 10.19

( ) HTC 4,083,047 14.68 - 3.86 4.00 2.50 2.94 2.46

( ) KSL 158,582,345 1,755.55 0.04 9.50 14.90 8.90 12.90 10.23

( ) ( ) LST 754,058,391 1,842.52 0.05 1.72 3.26 1.64 2.40 91.96

( ) MALEE 22,985,336 199.57 - 6.40 10.60 6.00 8.00 32.84

( ) MINT 880,010,309 11,987.82 0.30 10.60 18.80 9.90 18.20 29.96

( ) OISHI 61,433,297 1,299.56 0.03 23.00 27.25 16.50 26.50 32.76

( ) PB 1,877,049 138.35 - 72.50 84.00 68.00 71.50 4.17

( ) ** POMPUI - - - - - - - -

( ) PR 460,841 48.41 - 105.00 114.00 100.00 104.00 3.84

( ) S&P 9,060,889 284.60 0.01 30.50 35.50 28.50 31.00 8.86

( ) SAICO 9,186,534 32.09 - 2.50 3.90 2.00 2.00 4.59

( ) SAUCE 817,202 84.53 - 99.00 126.00 96.50 120.00 2.27

( ) SFP 3,046,439 289.31 0.01 94.00 95.00 90.00 90.00 14.51

. ( ) SORKON 1,205,079 18.54 - 18.10 20.50 13.00 13.80 14.98

( ) SSC 44,586,313 836.24 0.02 19.20 20.80 17.40 18.40 16.81

( ) ( ) TC 629,871 8.55 - 15.80 16.00 12.60 13.00 1.91

Securities Name


( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


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1.10 2550 :

Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) TF 154,325 76.62 - 500.00 520.00 488.00 504.00 0.86

( ) ( ) TIPCO 124,795,983 921.16 0.02 6.70 9.00 6.10 7.20 25.87

( ) TUF 377,015,080 8,741.84 0.22 24.40 25.50 21.40 22.50 43.03

( ) TVO 162,481,223 2,115.32 0.05 7.90 16.10 7.85 13.50 31.61

( ) TWFP 753,437 57.68 - 66.50 83.00 65.00 79.50 7.93

( ) UFM 172,234 4.05 - 17.10 31.75 17.10 19.00 0.43

Total 24 / Issues 9,680,998,674 47,263.76 1.18 107.62

44 / Issues 14,611,931,855 67,842.72 1.69 107.62

Agro & Food Industry

/Consumer Products

- / Home & Office Products

( ) ( ) CEI 1,092,694,577 2,403.89 0.06 2.16 2.74 1.71 2.56 580.29

( ) DISTAR 816,510,880 556.30 0.01 0.69 0.86 0.43 0.46 202.48

. . . ( ) DTCI 3,855,206 38.24 - 6.10 12.80 5.70 7.50 38.55

( ) FANCY 164,808,260 346.78 0.01 2.16 2.62 1.67 1.96 35.07

( ) IFEC 19,968,495 133.85 - 4.60 8.50 4.26 7.70 48.97

( ) KYE 794,342 40.15 - 55.00 57.00 38.00 39.25 3.61

( ) MODERN 11,171,904 439.16 0.01 38.50 43.50 38.00 40.00 13.78

( ) OGC 1,414,484 65.99 - 50.00 55.00 42.00 51.50 6.63

( ) ROCK 108,796 1.78 - 20.00 22.00 12.40 14.00 1.09

( ) SIAM 587,599,725 2,671.48 0.07 5.10 5.65 3.34 4.22 99.07

( ) SITHAI 84,620,631 731.39 0.02 9.00 9.80 7.45 7.50 29.62

( ) SUN 45,506 0.28 - 5.85 9.10 4.00 5.00 0.45

Total 12 / Issues 2,783,592,806 7,429.31 0.18

- /Personal Products & Pharmaceuticals

( ) ( ) DSGT 40,541,114 251.70 0.01 5.00 8.35 4.46 6.50 13.51

( ) ( ) JCT 864,428 27.09 - 24.40 45.50 22.50 45.00 6.40

( ) OCC 374,330 3.87 - 11.50 12.00 9.00 9.00 0.62

( ) S & J 793,055 10.21 - 10.00 14.00 10.00 12.70 0.77

( ) STHAI 83,436,389 160.05 - 1.90 2.10 1.70 1.79 20.32

( ) TOG 678,586,788 2,393.71 0.06 2.12 4.60 2.00 3.88 169.65

Total 6 / Issues 804,596,104 2,846.62 0.07

- /Fashion

( ) AFC 1,288,799 6.29 - 5.00 5.70 3.10 4.34 2.83

( ) BATA 859,938 4.93 - 4.56 7.15 3.50 6.20 2.64

( ) BNC 72,345 0.23 - 2.94 4.54 2.50 2.64 0.55

( ) BTNC 33,808 0.47 - 13.90 19.00 10.00 10.50 0.28

( ) CPH 1,136,832 8.36 - 8.50 9.25 6.20 6.75 2.84

. . . ( ) CPL 845,393 14.03 - 14.00 18.50 12.30 13.50 3.20

( ) HT 193,108 22.71 - 53.00 195.00 53.00 194.00 1.93

. . . ( ) ICC 1,504,332 61.25 - 41.75 43.25 38.50 40.50 0.52

( ) ** LL - - - - - - - -

( ) ( ) LTX 1,918,510 60.33 - 34.00 37.00 26.00 27.75 3.70

( ) ( ) NC 678,702 2.19 - 2.52 4.50 2.30 4.48 4.54

( ) ** NPK - - - - - - - -

( ) PAF 110,561,735 327.67 0.01 3.02 3.56 1.73 1.79 20.47

( ) PG 1,636,956 26.20 - 15.80 17.00 14.00 15.50 1.71


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1.10 2550 :

Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) PRANDA 160,232,132 1,219.05 0.03 6.60 9.20 6.15 9.05 41.40

( ) SAWANG 359,922 3.81 - 10.50 12.80 9.35 10.40 1.50

( ) SUC 37,330,139 819.54 0.02 24.50 26.75 17.70 18.20 12.44

( ) TNL 689,585 12.44 - 17.30 20.90 15.00 19.00 0.57

( ) TPCORP 313,672 4.63 - 16.00 17.80 11.00 13.80 0.29

( ) TR 9,220,520 494.84 0.01 34.00 78.00 32.00 76.00 4.57

( ) TTI 99,854 2.96 - 33.50 35.50 19.50 25.00 0.20

( ) TTL 108,437 2.96 - 31.75 39.75 20.60 25.00 0.72

( ) TTTM 218,177 11.36 - 53.00 68.50 43.00 50.50 3.64

( ) UF 11,468,642 42.55 - 4.02 7.30 2.50 5.00 57.34

( ) UPF 115,246 3.36 - 35.00 39.75 25.00 27.25 1.54

( ) UT 9,399,308 29.63 - 4.08 6.45 3.60 5.45 20.89

( ) WACOAL 228,701 7.72 - 33.75 35.50 23.80 34.50 0.19

Total 25 / Issues 350,514,793 3,189.52 0.08 13.47

43 / Issues 3,938,703,703 13,465.45 0.34 13.47

Total Consumer Products


- /Banking

( ) ACL 1,580,900,083 8,919.36 0.22 4.26 6.50 3.74 4.78 148.26

( ) BAY 2,988,950,401 70,398.84 1.75 17.60 29.75 15.50 26.25 57.83

( ) BBL 1,416,514,540 163,093.93 4.06 105.00 137.00 93.50 118.00 74.21

( ) BT 877,657,085 2,891.94 0.07 4.80 5.05 1.30 1.36 41.70

( ) KBANK 1,831,741,718 134,481.50 3.35 59.00 91.50 51.50 87.00 76.74

( ) KK 352,947,670 10,531.63 0.26 26.50 36.00 25.25 28.25 68.07

( ) KTB 7,936,500,985 91,463.15 2.28 11.50 14.40 9.30 10.10 70.99

( ) SCB 1,772,346,439 128,413.27 3.20 56.00 96.50 49.00 86.50 93.45

( ) ( ) D SCBT - - - - - - - -

( ) SCIB 1,074,344,129 19,473.08 0.48 16.30 22.70 13.70 14.80 50.85

( ) TBANK 8,805,689 139.46 - 9.00 16.40 8.80 13.00 0.55

( ) TISCO 732,975,496 19,084.26 0.48 21.00 34.75 18.60 30.00 135.15

( ) TMB 11,342,273,341 22,076.43 0.55 2.54 2.68 1.40 1.46 68.59

Total 12 / Issues 31,915,957,576 670,966.86 16.71

- /Finance and Securities

( ) ( ) AEONTS 11,297,889 541.92 0.01 47.00 52.00 42.00 44.50 4.52

( ) ASK 5,869,850 28.94 - 5.15 5.35 4.00 5.00 2.55

( ) ASL 15,678,422,777 17,152.96 0.43 6.70 8.75 0.64 0.91 452.26

( ) ASP 6,477,260,556 23,553.81 0.59 2.72 4.58 2.28 3.76 319.86

( ) D AYAL 27,598,289 223.74 0.01 6.25 8.45 2.68 3.06 11.74

( ) BFIT 164,576,337 1,192.45 0.03 6.50 9.40 5.15 6.80 82.29

( ) BLS 964,750,267 21,003.72 0.52 10.40 30.00 9.40 26.50 535.97

( ) BSEC 3,034,885,090 10,973.29 0.27 2.68 5.10 2.18 3.96 379.36

( ) CNS 42,504,803 1,573.54 0.04 29.00 47.25 24.10 35.75 59.30

( ) ECL 548,915,238 375.46 0.01 0.66 0.78 0.50 0.52 133.88

( ) FNS 104,048,665 1,085.38 0.03 9.60 12.90 7.95 8.80 83.23

( ) GBX 5,376,373,624 9,350.79 0.23 1.71 2.16 1.18 1.50 503.16

( ) GL 17,059,871 190.29 - 9.90 15.20 8.40 14.50 37.91

( ) KCAR 49,926,788 301.78 0.01 5.25 7.00 4.50 6.15 19.97


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) ( ) KEST 1,774,384,717 41,217.34 1.03 16.50 29.25 14.20 25.50 320.95

( ) ( ) KGI 7,156,254,483 19,829.96 0.49 1.54 3.36 1.35 2.78 359.29

( ) KTC 58,085,435 1,497.53 0.04 27.25 31.00 19.90 31.00 22.56

( ) MFC 4,157,410 68.38 - 17.10 17.90 13.80 13.90 3.46

( ) ML 2,732,904 5.28 - 1.48 2.42 1.47 1.90 0.69

( ) NVL 841,601,062 523.55 0.01 0.58 0.74 0.51 0.55 112.21

( ) PE 4,829,141,694 9,601.41 0.24 0.76 3.82 0.66 1.15 603.64

( ) PHATRA 595,922,678 22,121.10 0.55 29.50 53.00 24.00 34.25 279.12

( ) PL 178,141,204 517.73 0.01 2.52 3.30 2.36 3.28 39.82

( ) SCAN 80,896,913 518.85 0.01 2.96 8.50 2.96 4.82 134.83

( ) D SCBL 10,234,694 165.43 - 18.30 19.30 11.10 13.50 2.37

( ) SGF 1,254,558,645 464.63 0.01 0.43 0.48 0.24 0.26 212.14

( ) SICCO 355,138,352 1,518.81 0.04 4.54 4.90 3.30 3.36 59.45

( ) SSEC 1,031,623,739 1,587.21 0.04 1.26 1.99 1.05 1.39 161.90

( ) SYRUS 263,834,641 971.29 0.02 2.60 4.22 2.32 3.82 111.47

( ) TCAP 1,690,003,286 25,004.02 0.62 13.30 18.80 10.60 14.60 126.77

( ) THANI 93,425,107 89.65 - 0.91 1.04 0.80 0.82 14.02

( ) TK 75,786,817 357.38 0.01 3.60 6.00 3.30 4.30 15.16

( ) TNITY 198,497,008 1,365.29 0.03 4.80 8.80 4.22 7.10 113.07

( ) ( ) UOBKH 103,803,705 582.05 0.01 4.42 6.90 4.00 5.10 31.94

( ) US 4,041,610 24.85 - 5.30 7.90 4.50 5.65 2.39

( ) ZMICO 904,018,228 3,629.30 0.09 3.34 4.68 3.16 3.38 108.44

Total 34 / Issues 54,009,774,376 219,209.11 5.46

- /Insurance

( ) AYUD 28,034,315 487.48 0.01 15.50 21.40 15.00 21.30 11.21

( ) BKI 1,623,164 416.05 0.01 220.00 292.00 216.00 274.00 3.20

( ) BUI 286,239 3.25 - 12.20 14.40 10.00 10.30 1.43

( ) CHARAN 349,018 22.98 - 54.00 74.00 54.00 66.50 5.82

( ) DVS 59,007 8.96 - 138.00 190.00 138.00 178.00 0.49

( ) INSURE 1,006,917 33.79 - 15.00 65.00 15.00 65.00 10.07

( ) NKI 753,997 52.35 - 63.00 74.00 62.00 70.00 2.51

( ) NSI 52,699 0.92 - 22.20 22.20 13.00 13.50 0.38

( ) PHA 4,836,628 951.04 0.02 144.00 238.00 139.00 169.00 24.18

( ) SAFE 31,844 1.48 - 58.00 58.00 40.00 49.00 0.09

( ) SCNYL 985,896 94.91 - 75.00 230.00 70.00 180.00 1.48

( ) SCSMG 1,015,192 42.28 - 40.00 44.00 33.00 41.00 1.13

( ) SMK 1,331,565 61.55 - 39.00 58.00 38.25 56.50 6.66

( ) THRE 79,753,602 463.64 0.01 5.20 6.50 5.05 6.10 6.72

( ) TIC 398,573 6.80 - 16.80 18.50 16.00 17.20 2.10

( ) TIP 6,989,714 119.75 - 16.00 18.50 15.40 17.70 2.33

( ) TSI 2,761,022 26.27 - 10.60 12.00 9.00 10.50 8.90

( ) TVI 4,984,239 14.18 - 2.80 3.00 2.70 2.72 3.29

Total 18 / Issues 135,253,631 2,807.66 0.07 5.85

64 / Issues 86,060,985,583 892,983.63 22.23 5.85

Total Financials


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *



- /Petrochemicals & Chemicals

( ) ( ) D ATC 1,542,832,118 94,557.35 2.35 31.25 80.00 30.75 65.50 158.73

( ) GC 185,916,510 570.00 0.01 3.20 4.10 2.72 3.72 92.96

( ) IRP 306,753,033 2,692.36 0.07 7.20 11.30 6.90 10.80 22.19

( ) PATO 283,905 10.73 - 34.00 40.00 33.50 39.50 2.03

. ( ) PTTCH 632,652,581 71,157.80 1.77 70.50 139.00 67.50 124.00 42.38

( ) TCB 23,202,409 523.56 0.01 17.80 30.00 16.40 30.00 7.73

( ) TCCC 3,197,537 24.19 - 6.80 10.20 5.95 8.70 0.55

( ) TPA 832,659 58.84 - 70.50 79.50 62.00 64.50 6.85

( ) TPC 185,756,523 3,544.78 0.09 16.80 21.90 15.60 19.90 21.23

( ) UP 1,725,138 32.91 - 18.10 22.80 17.00 17.90 6.90

( ) VNT 53,530,338 428.07 0.01 7.50 9.25 6.05 7.85 4.52

( ) WG 3,032,822 133.59 - 45.00 47.00 41.00 45.00 16.99

( ) YCI 311,792 2.36 - 7.40 9.40 5.00 5.40 4.45

Total 12 / Issues 2,940,027,365 173,736.54 4.33

- /Packaging

. . ( ) AJ 164,380,111 487.11 0.01 2.90 3.30 2.64 2.72 45.72

( ) ALUCON 21,417 1.93 - 88.00 95.00 86.00 95.00 0.07

( ) CSC 40,698,126 572.85 0.01 11.10 15.60 10.50 14.50 78.27

( ) NEP 3,038,007,408 3,351.08 0.08 8.00 10.10 0.38 0.47 358.71

( ) ( ) NIPPON 208,226 3.81 - 17.00 25.00 15.80 24.30 1.71

( ) ( ) PTL 294,421,667 1,597.97 0.04 3.36 6.95 3.06 6.05 36.80

. ( ) SPACK 296,216,584 896.49 0.02 2.50 3.64 2.46 3.16 98.74

( ) TCOAT 234,905 3.19 - 12.30 17.00 12.00 13.90 2.24

( ) TFI 1,377,104,153 1,325.11 0.03 1.45 1.69 0.73 0.99 175.12

( ) THIP 1,034,912 24.29 - 22.80 27.50 20.20 26.75 12.94

( ) TMD 1,968,718 97.51 - 50.00 55.50 46.00 48.25 13.12

. . . ( ) TOPP 87,714 3.62 - 40.00 50.00 35.00 41.00 1.46

( ) TPP 8,152,009 63.99 - 9.90 10.20 5.00 7.60 21.74

Total 13 / Issues 5,222,535,950 8,428.95 0.21

- /Paper & Printing Materials

( ) AA 2,470,488 85.36 - 35.50 40.00 28.75 38.25 0.46

( ) TCP 40,124,799 581.12 0.01 13.70 15.00 13.40 14.60 11.20

( ) UTP 10,785,500 47.11 - 4.78 5.20 3.40 3.52 8.30

Total 3 / Issues 53,380,787 713.59 0.02

- /Automotive

( ) D AF 4,915,811 87.34 - 17.70 18.10 16.00 18.00 4.92

( ) AH 229,632,809 3,328.37 0.08 16.00 17.20 10.00 11.00 95.68

( ) BAT-3K 3,997,562 218.85 0.01 48.00 71.00 43.00 68.00 19.99

( ) CWT 24,735,622 86.92 - 3.34 4.06 2.62 2.72 53.89

( ) EASON 201,881,729 530.29 0.01 3.40 3.54 2.12 2.30 100.76

( ) ( ) GYT 31,432 11.30 - 420.00 428.00 300.00 360.00 0.42

( ) ( ) HFT 1,496,908 13.77 - 10.30 10.30 8.25 9.00 2.27

( ) IHL 138,110,096 3,303.88 0.08 16.90 49.00 9.20 9.50 216.23

( ) ( ) IRC 14,225,445 152.46 - 8.50 12.50 6.00 12.10 7.11

( ) SAT 341,551,608 3,980.60 0.10 10.90 15.60 7.45 14.80 113.85


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


. . . ( ) SECC 1,048,597,571 3,496.42 0.09 2.80 4.58 2.26 2.72 260.77

( ) SMC 170,184,408 291.52 0.01 1.60 1.95 1.20 1.24 72.25

( ) SPG 224,004 9.71 - 38.50 65.00 35.00 55.00 0.65

. . ( ) SPSU 13,309,212 76.97 - 5.70 7.20 4.30 6.80 8.42

( ) STANLY 14,011,022 2,050.34 0.05 170.00 170.00 131.00 154.00 18.29

. ( ) TKT 792,046,907 1,386.48 0.03 1.30 2.30 1.18 1.41 370.12

( ) TNPC 6,377,054 36.55 - 6.70 7.00 4.98 5.50 12.88

( ) TRU 89,032,108 303.35 0.01 3.82 3.94 2.60 2.70 17.75

( ) TSC 37,845,510 302.29 0.01 9.00 9.40 6.65 7.45 14.57

( ) YNP 385,617,714 1,841.84 0.05 4.86 6.05 3.28 3.82 120.51

Total 19 / Issues 3,517,824,532 21,509.24 0.54

- /Industrial Materials & Machinery

( ) AMC 891,057,667 3,331.49 0.08 6.05 6.35 1.91 2.22 195.34

( ) CITY 108,867,816 246.48 0.01 2.06 2.60 1.93 2.36 36.29

( ) CSP 741,811,864 1,828.09 0.05 2.50 2.76 1.60 1.74 148.36

( ) CTW 32,723,691 279.36 0.01 9.05 9.90 6.85 7.45 8.22

( ) ( ) FMT 344,106 9.08 - 24.60 33.75 21.00 24.00 0.72

( ) GSTEEL 7,362,765,404 6,641.56 0.17 0.89 1.06 0.69 0.73 66.33

( ) INOX 4,875,448,033 6,727.97 0.17 1.25 1.54 1.12 1.23 60.94

( ) KKC 6,788,908 16.19 - 3.64 5.40 1.84 2.22 1.62

( ) NSM 5,899,352,293 1,933.24 0.05 0.32 0.40 0.22 0.24 23.54

( ) PATKL 93,224,221 261.37 0.01 3.80 4.10 1.58 1.64 39.09

( ) PERM 729,946,709 886.36 0.02 1.11 1.50 0.83 0.99 145.99

( ) SMIT 416,467,258 900.04 0.02 1.81 2.48 1.77 2.08 78.58

( ) SNC 120,414,148 1,407.28 0.04 7.00 18.00 6.70 13.00 59.08

( ) SSI 2,640,595,165 2,700.40 0.07 1.00 1.19 0.81 0.81 20.16

( ) SSSC 16,139,045 567.18 0.01 33.75 39.25 28.00 29.75 33.62

( ) *** TCC 801,737,303 892.97 0.02 1.05 2.78 0.91 2.20 293.44

. . . ( ) TCJ 251,845,814 1,697.77 0.04 6.00 8.10 4.92 5.25 451.74

- ( ) TGPRO 1,009,566,345 1,232.79 0.03 2.08 2.08 0.73 0.79 302.29

( ) TMT 184,098,913 774.52 0.02 4.16 4.64 3.44 3.74 43.32

( ) TUCC 583,384,699 4,788.43 0.12 6.00 11.90 4.60 10.70 230.59

( ) ( ) TYCN 13,358,109 79.11 - 6.40 7.50 4.60 6.20 2.13

( ) VARO 1,036,798 7.05 - 8.05 8.65 5.50 6.00 1.23

Total 21 / Issues 26,780,974,309 37,208.76 0.93 42.52

68 / Issues 38,514,742,943 241,597.09 6.02 42.52

Total / Industrials

/ Property & Construction

- /Construction Materials

( ) BSBM 394,129,119 498.19 0.01 1.15 1.40 1.05 1.20 34.80

( ) CCP 554,005,214 921.60 0.02 1.34 2.08 1.28 1.39 178.71

( ) DCC 112,690,529 1,621.50 0.04 12.50 16.80 12.40 15.50 27.62

( ) DCON 5,741,512 14.54 - 2.92 3.00 2.22 2.40 2.87

( ) DRT 165,333,238 1,202.69 0.03 8.50 17.80 2.72 2.90 45.93

( ) EWC 842,777,607 7,003.82 0.17 5.25 11.60 3.90 8.20 842.78

( ) GEN 3,707,986,869 3,745.68 0.09 0.92 1.45 0.76 1.42 777.66

( ) KWH 323,197,683 594.39 0.01 1.83 2.38 1.20 1.32 107.75


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


. . . ( ) MCS 439,629,613 1,624.60 0.04 3.62 4.20 3.26 3.88 87.93

( ) PAP 30,222,229 264.66 0.01 7.90 11.10 6.55 6.90 22.90

( ) Q-CON 129,515,120 284.20 0.01 1.83 2.50 1.57 1.69 32.38

( ) RCI 62,655,235 116.49 - 1.79 2.12 1.08 1.24 19.94

( ) RICH 1,576,435,792 9,961.31 0.25 2.00 12.70 1.69 11.40 315.29

( ) SAM 3,672,640,572 14,646.69 0.36 20.90 20.90 1.73 1.97 432.08

( ) SCC 445,474,735 110,753.92 2.76 234.00 286.00 220.00 232.00 37.12

( ) SCCC 28,867,208 7,708.98 0.19 248.00 306.00 220.00 258.00 11.81

( ) SCP 20,813,061 188.21 - 9.00 10.20 6.50 7.00 69.38

( ) SINGHA 1,370,324,359 3,807.41 0.09 2.50 3.46 2.10 2.42 314.21

( ) STPI 621,205,505 2,554.08 0.06 3.70 9.20 2.80 8.85 248.48

( ) SUPER 585,280,609 691.20 0.02 1.00 1.40 0.82 0.87 195.09

( ) TASCO 45,253,764 1,274.34 0.03 25.50 32.50 22.80 26.50 29.77

( ) TCC 1,322,958,721 2,607.30 0.06 1.05 2.78 0.91 2.20 293.44

( ) TCMC 27,686,052 233.24 0.01 8.00 9.40 5.50 6.50 48.67

- ( ) TGCI 942,836,213 1,219.93 0.03 1.40 1.66 0.72 0.79 119.37

( ) TIW 473,401 31.62 - 69.50 73.00 54.50 57.00 7.89

( ) TPIPL 2,917,609,159 38,742.42 0.96 10.70 18.10 7.40 7.45 144.51

( ) ( ) TSTH 2,682,057,987 4,448.22 0.11 1.05 2.02 0.97 1.82 34.26

( ) TWP 65,095,229 1,257.03 0.03 17.80 22.40 15.50 17.40 241.09

( ) TYM 750,003,698 2,676.87 0.07 3.60 4.88 2.58 4.32 187.50

( ) UMI 516,991,094 658.34 0.02 1.00 1.52 0.72 0.80 108.16

( ) VNG 312,522,009 1,496.49 0.04 4.68 5.50 4.00 4.08 23.98

Total 31 / Issues 24,672,413,136 222,849.93 5.55

- /Property Development

( ) A 68,233,709 244.64 0.01 3.92 3.92 3.40 3.50 9.00

( ) AMATA 625,196,531 8,505.07 0.21 11.70 17.70 9.45 17.70 58.59

( ) AP 2,408,072,342 13,134.49 0.33 4.48 7.40 3.42 6.40 104.34

( ) ASCON 500,608,203 5,329.47 0.13 11.80 13.40 5.40 6.10 237.74

BKKCP 2,794,600 22.98 - 8.70 9.20 8.20 8.70 2.79

( ) BLAND 7,389,715,671 6,464.70 0.16 0.81 1.06 0.69 0.76 46.24

( ) BROCK 1,049,985,896 1,380.82 0.03 5.40 6.75 0.95 1.04 241.07

( ) CI 54,531,921 240.46 0.01 4.14 5.00 3.54 3.70 45.44

. ( ) CK 2,792,148,938 24,178.28 0.60 8.40 10.70 7.05 8.45 202.20

( ) ( ) CNT 433,766,554 1,222.93 0.03 2.50 3.32 1.98 2.14 108.13

( ) CPN 442,383,202 11,401.84 0.28 21.00 37.00 18.50 25.00 20.30

CPN CPNRF 220,285,365 2,178.43 0.05 9.80 10.60 8.95 9.05 20.18

( ) EMC 4,946,880,463 16,962.70 0.42 3.04 4.80 2.60 4.40 1,032.75

( ) ESTAR 713,710,702 292.23 0.01 0.38 0.52 0.32 0.35 16.11

( ) EVER 6,387,425,652 15,467.21 0.39 5.20 5.40 1.21 1.83 2,129.14

FUTUREPF 77,470,030 725.06 0.02 8.55 10.10 8.10 9.75 16.37

( ) GOLD 155,265,087 1,175.77 0.03 6.50 10.10 4.94 7.60 24.64

GOLDPF 5,513,800 54.86 - 10.10 10.10 9.80 9.80 2.68

( ) HEMRAJ 6,398,223,721 7,242.64 0.18 0.85 1.47 0.78 1.42 69.72

( ) ITD 5,498,585,835 33,984.26 0.85 5.00 9.10 4.10 8.25 131.12

JCP - - - - - - - -

. . ( ) KC 177,714,007 194.45 - 1.00 1.21 0.80 0.90 20.31


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) KMC 1,798,834,546 2,294.00 0.06 1.38 1.54 0.79 0.84 224.36

- ( ) KTECH 499,441,505 772.73 0.02 1.24 1.90 1.10 1.16 107.70

( ) KTP 755,068,053 2,388.56 0.06 2.22 3.72 1.90 2.44 343.21

( ) LALIN 175,366,576 750.87 0.02 4.18 5.20 3.22 3.28 21.26

( ) LH 5,951,675,842 41,989.79 1.05 6.00 8.30 5.10 7.50 69.13

. . . ( ) LPN 1,891,158,422 13,122.43 0.33 5.25 9.05 4.44 7.80 128.15

( ) MBK 36,600,474 2,085.69 0.05 55.50 70.50 52.00 70.00 19.40

( ) METRO 161,299,110 2,307.22 0.06 16.10 17.60 10.70 11.00 35.50

MIPF 3,293,900 34.82 - 10.20 12.00 10.20 10.20 1.73

( ) MJD 428,987,861 2,053.95 0.05 5.10 5.20 4.40 4.54 61.28

MJLF 8,933,000 87.73 - 10.00 10.10 9.00 9.70 3.88

( ) MK 437,929,499 1,118.40 0.03 2.58 2.86 2.24 2.32 50.53

- MNIT 759,700 7.75 - 10.50 11.10 10.00 10.40 0.57

( ) N-PARK 11,464,110,111 2,823.90 0.07 0.31 0.33 0.17 0.20 142.28

. . ( ) NCH 2,394,372,586 7,303.65 0.18 2.16 3.78 2.14 2.86 201.89

( ) NNCL 1,976,720,095 5,361.23 0.13 4.26 4.36 1.97 2.20 178.42

( ) NOBLE 180,856,249 874.27 0.02 4.60 5.75 4.00 4.20 39.62

( ) NWR 8,120,099,250 5,686.62 0.14 0.68 0.88 0.52 0.66 326.81

( ) ( ) PAE 4,548,198,993 6,382.47 0.16 1.62 2.14 0.91 1.75 791.68

( ) PF 304,948,884 1,099.36 0.03 3.58 4.24 2.84 3.98 38.73

( ) PLE 1,219,239,617 7,943.65 0.20 6.70 7.75 4.94 5.45 223.24

- ( ) POWER - - - - - - - -

( ) PREB 832,888,114 1,488.70 0.04 1.80 2.06 1.09 1.16 416.44

( ) PRECHA 141,419,537 348.02 0.01 1.94 2.98 1.84 2.00 105.22

( ) PRIN 398,792,160 1,328.90 0.03 3.60 4.40 2.74 3.20 43.52

( ) PS 571,653,820 4,022.46 0.10 5.60 9.20 4.64 8.40 26.28

( ) QH 9,589,767,061 15,172.72 0.38 1.09 2.26 0.97 2.12 131.99

QHPF 84,850,900 810.73 0.02 10.00 10.10 8.45 9.00 10.65

( ) RAIMON 701,934,114 798.21 0.02 1.20 1.32 0.80 0.94 33.20

( ) RASA 160,029,975 1,203.33 0.03 6.60 10.40 4.56 5.00 200.04

( ) ROJANA 438,528,527 6,334.08 0.16 14.10 19.30 10.00 17.30 63.52

( ) SAMCO 47,036,930 122.81 - 2.96 3.10 2.00 2.30 10.45

( ) SC 454,251,042 4,690.83 0.12 9.40 13.80 7.55 13.40 141.51

( ) SEAFCO 936,468,208 7,376.46 0.18 6.95 9.65 5.00 5.50 440.41

( ) SF 216,257,715 2,085.03 0.05 8.15 12.70 6.35 12.00 42.49

( ) SIRI 1,724,383,902 5,867.45 0.15 2.84 4.20 2.60 3.60 117.02

SIRIPF 9,630,000 96.87 - 9.60 10.30 9.50 10.20 11.13

( ) SPALI 2,901,012,131 10,767.98 0.27 3.34 4.50 3.10 3.70 182.18

SPF 403,201,215 3,547.64 0.09 9.35 10.10 6.90 8.85 42.44

- ( ) STEC 3,984,300,445 22,525.29 0.56 4.30 7.65 3.98 5.50 336.09

( ) SYNTEC 7,798,075,924 8,047.28 0.20 0.93 1.24 0.78 0.86 487.38

( ) TFD 236,526,313 241.37 0.01 0.93 1.26 0.89 1.02 37.10

TFUND 95,863,571 987.07 0.02 9.20 11.20 8.90 10.80 23.18

( ) TICON 232,662,834 4,370.24 0.11 18.10 22.20 15.90 20.70 35.86

1 TIF1 6,729,500 67.95 - 9.85 10.40 9.40 10.00 8.78

TU-PF 1,644,600 16.51 - 9.95 10.20 9.90 10.10 1.58

( ) TYONG 3,760,734,492 4,170.07 0.10 1.28 1.35 0.73 0.91 67.39


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) UNIQ 2,798,794,328 8,655.65 0.22 1.80 4.20 1.72 2.88 447.81

UOBAPF 7,085,899 50.65 - 7.10 8.85 6.25 8.30 8.34

URBNPF 558,800 5.59 - 10.00 10.20 10.00 10.00 0.78

( ) UV 1,027,957,352 2,626.37 0.07 2.00 4.18 1.67 2.84 180.46

( ) WIN 2,200,860,562 2,549.51 0.06 1.04 1.58 0.86 1.19 448.85

Total 74 / Issues 124,470,306,473 377,268.12 9.39 114.51

105 / Issues 149,142,719,609 600,118.06 14.94 114.51

Total Property & Construction


- /Energy & Utilities

( ) AI 91,335,611 687.12 0.02 8.05 8.80 5.95 6.35 18.27

( ) AKR 1,529,423,267 3,530.49 0.09 2.24 2.62 1.96 2.26 193.56

( ) BAFS 146,252,909 1,565.08 0.04 10.10 11.60 9.30 11.20 30.00

( ) BANPU 381,990,348 113,684.15 2.83 176.00 480.00 165.00 400.00 140.57

( ) BCP 184,014,901 2,302.36 0.06 7.80 15.30 7.15 14.00 16.44

( ) EASTW 160,182,750 820.47 0.02 5.40 5.50 4.66 4.74 11.83

( ) EGCO 201,856,699 22,045.84 0.55 92.00 127.00 91.50 112.00 38.34

( ) GLOW 441,107,460 14,385.81 0.36 31.75 39.25 29.00 33.50 30.15

( ) IRPC 11,602,571,660 74,912.97 1.87 5.70 7.60 4.88 6.35 59.50

( ) LANNA 651,086,297 11,975.56 0.30 11.20 23.00 10.50 18.10 186.02

( ) MDX 1,504,514,772 6,642.49 0.17 2.00 9.15 2.00 4.00 316.34

( ) PICNI 7,596,416,761 2,381.85 0.06 0.34 0.39 0.23 0.25 257.03

. ( ) PTT 1,311,495,839 387,909.90 9.66 200.00 440.00 189.00 376.00 46.68

. ( ) PTTAR - - - - - - - -

. ( ) PTTEP 1,842,034,702 232,421.44 5.79 91.50 176.00 85.50 164.00 55.96

( ) RATCH 326,927,231 15,115.37 0.38 41.50 53.00 39.00 45.75 22.55

( ) RPC 166,888,456 673.49 0.02 3.90 4.56 3.40 4.12 31.70

( ) D RRC 5,120,793,930 113,049.27 2.81 15.90 27.00 13.80 22.30 178.65

( ) ( ) SCG 17,577,713 71.88 - 3.92 5.00 3.86 4.30 1.84

( ) SOLAR 1,287,291,881 4,273.70 0.11 4.14 4.64 2.50 2.92 429.10

- ( ) STRD 329,554 2.26 - 8.00 12.80 4.46 5.05 1.65

( ) SUSCO 988,040,875 445.34 0.01 0.40 0.56 0.36 0.40 83.03

( ) TOP 2,353,706,253 180,430.52 4.49 50.00 99.50 45.25 86.50 115.38

Total 22 / Issues 37,905,839,869 1,189,327.36 29.61

- /Mining

( ) PDI 125,562,808 4,963.52 0.12 38.50 44.50 29.00 37.50 55.56

( ) THL 3,548,943,319 8,813.25 0.22 4.80 4.88 1.19 1.28 468.85

Total 2 / Issues 3,674,506,127 13,776.77 0.34 395.39

Total Resources 24 / Issues 41,580,345,996 1,203,104.13 29.96 395.39

Total Resources

/ Services

- /Commerce

( ) BIGC 34,604,212 1,700.29 0.04 46.00 57.00 41.75 46.75 4.32

( ) BJC 53,421,486 1,895.06 0.05 42.00 76.50 6.45 6.90 20.44

( ) CPALL 2,244,184,620 20,055.41 0.50 6.10 12.50 5.50 10.90 50.35

( ) DE 4,722,196,268 3,861.01 0.10 0.69 1.12 0.55 1.06 894.36

( ) HMPRO 677,541,668 3,568.10 0.09 5.35 5.85 4.74 4.94 35.24


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) IT 88,628,170 650.19 0.02 9.45 9.45 6.15 6.60 26.63

( ) LOXLEY 3,930,939,731 8,732.49 0.22 1.76 2.96 1.39 2.32 196.58

( ) MAKRO 51,755,175 4,639.91 0.12 95.00 111.00 77.50 99.00 21.56

( ) MIDA 1,306,735,791 2,088.50 0.05 1.27 2.04 0.74 0.84 126.71

( ) MINOR 33,177,556 373.10 0.01 9.40 15.60 8.30 15.30 7.34

( ) ROBINS 272,083,940 2,906.66 0.07 10.80 12.10 9.65 11.10 24.50

( ) SINGER 134,309,087 264.07 0.01 2.06 2.40 1.53 1.66 49.74

( ) SPC 931,880 17.39 - 17.20 20.50 17.20 19.50 0.34

( ) SPI 19,275,312 421.43 0.01 22.20 22.40 17.00 20.90 3.90

Total 14 / Issues 13,569,784,896 51,173.61 1.27

- /Media & Publishing

( ) APRINT 9,178,297 123.22 - 12.20 14.50 11.80 13.80 4.59

( ) BEC 1,198,950,323 27,965.07 0.70 20.00 29.25 17.30 28.75 59.95

( ) CVD 35,798,811 666.79 0.02 14.50 21.20 13.20 19.00 110.27

( ) EPCO 2,040,510,652 1,450.78 0.04 0.49 2.46 0.48 2.02 139.04

( ) FE 99,209 7.44 - 77.50 82.00 70.00 75.00 1.32

( ) GMMM 12,024,361 102.76 - 7.45 10.80 7.40 10.20 6.00

( ) GRAMMY 68,511,900 525.41 0.01 7.10 11.90 6.05 9.85 13.98

( ) ITV 1,001,093,216 1,146.49 0.03 1.09 1.30 0.86 1.05 82.96

( ) LIVE 7,876,950,748 21,576.45 0.54 1.53 19.40 1.15 2.06 1,725.39

( ) MAJOR 669,666,187 11,359.64 0.28 15.10 20.10 12.90 19.00 77.47

( ) MATCH 37,123,559 61.69 - 1.64 2.30 1.21 1.30 17.86

( ) MATI 1,744,551 14.50 - 7.60 10.80 7.60 8.05 0.85

( ) MCOT 566,306,202 16,703.40 0.42 22.00 40.00 19.00 25.50 82.42

( ) MEDIAS 19,901,095 136.66 - 6.75 8.65 5.60 6.00 6.07

( ) NMG 15,630,187 147.74 - 8.30 11.00 7.30 7.30 9.49

( ) P-FCB 867,319 7.68 - 7.25 10.00 7.25 8.95 1.45

( ) POST 2,985,776 20.73 - 6.00 7.30 4.90 5.10 0.60

( ) PSAP 2,084,377,163 2,619.65 0.07 0.87 1.82 0.65 1.18 711.39

( ) RS 1,578,850,902 7,129.84 0.18 4.30 5.05 2.74 2.98 225.55

( ) SE-ED 60,851,438 484.90 0.01 7.05 9.50 6.45 9.50 17.90

( ) SMM 1,472,502,302 1,324.36 0.03 0.81 1.20 0.66 0.71 613.54

( ) SPORT 215,531,397 575.92 0.01 2.44 3.20 2.18 3.04 83.53

( ) TBSP 109,072 8.96 - 85.00 100.00 78.00 82.00 0.99

( ) TONHUA 213,110 0.78 - 3.50 4.02 3.02 3.60 0.89

( ) TRAF 3,377,637,977 5,732.39 0.14 0.42 17.00 0.42 17.00 1,834.08

( ) WORK 57,399,715 1,194.44 0.03 21.30 23.30 18.40 19.50 28.70

Total 26 / Issues 22,404,815,469 101,087.67 2.52

- /Health Care Services

( ) AHC 933,785 69.71 - 85.00 98.00 53.50 59.50 7.47

( ) BGH 276,533,139 10,845.21 0.27 34.00 46.50 30.50 33.50 23.16

( ) BH 169,559,157 7,376.32 0.18 36.00 52.00 33.25 40.50 23.29

( ) KDH 1,659,023 51.93 - 30.25 39.50 27.00 35.50 11.06

( ) KH 449,039,345 3,877.11 0.10 7.20 10.80 6.25 8.45 47.27

( ) LNH 7,343,000 263.12 0.01 37.50 49.50 27.50 31.75 55.84

( ) M-CHAI 408,818 15.07 - 40.00 49.25 30.00 32.00 2.56

( ) NEW 2,157,571 35.44 - 12.90 20.60 10.50 16.00 21.58


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) NTV 1,437,411 173.71 - 105.00 139.00 100.00 119.00 8.98

( ) ** PYT - - - - - - - -

( ) RAM 2,433,633 1,127.57 0.03 456.00 624.00 444.00 556.00 20.28

( ) SKR 46,967,407 482.77 0.01 9.80 11.50 8.95 10.50 46.97

( ) SVH 633,479 35.22 - 43.00 82.00 39.00 56.00 0.63

( ) VIBHA 92,249,538 284.50 0.01 3.06 3.30 2.90 3.02 15.19

Total 13 / Issues 1,051,355,306 24,637.68 0.61

- /Tourism & Leisure

( ) ASIA 18,498,793 890.23 0.02 4.60 65.50 4.60 46.25 57.81

( ) CAWOW 14,170,352 86.73 - 6.70 7.25 4.80 5.75 7.09

( ) CENTEL 142,944,420 790.60 0.02 6.25 6.45 4.96 5.60 10.59

( ) CSR 53,914 2.48 - 36.00 55.00 36.00 45.25 0.26

( ) DTC 8,110,989 359.68 0.01 43.75 48.50 35.00 38.00 9.54

( ) ERAWAN 521,605,108 2,014.53 0.05 3.62 4.54 2.84 4.04 26.51

( ) GRAND 254,090,333 1,433.52 0.04 4.30 5.45 3.50 4.30 20.31

( ) LRH 12,511,337 595.34 0.01 79.50 96.00 40.00 44.00 14.25

( ) MANRIN 670,923 15.77 - 21.50 27.50 20.20 22.00 3.05

- ( ) MME 1,659,972,804 4,911.11 0.12 2.96 3.46 1.91 2.22 677.64

( ) ( ) OHTL 515,126 240.44 0.01 390.00 536.00 378.00 504.00 3.22

( ) PA 37,588,866 190.88 - 5.60 5.75 4.26 4.66 11.25

( ) D RHC 592,507 37.63 - 51.50 69.00 47.00 55.00 1.32

( ) ( ) ROH 152,169 5.82 - 39.00 50.00 34.25 41.00 0.16

( ) SAFARI 120,463,630 211.56 0.01 2.54 3.02 1.01 2.40 60.23

- ( ) SHANG 428,243 22.40 - 44.00 56.00 40.00 51.00 0.33

Total 15 / Issues 2,792,369,514 11,808.72 0.29

- / Professional Services

( ) BWG 370,146,443 2,833.40 0.07 8.00 10.00 5.70 7.70 115.67

( ) GENCO 1,255,486,072 940.65 0.02 0.64 0.93 0.56 0.72 139.50

(1999) ( ) PRO 1,102,635,015 1,342.38 0.03 0.69 1.49 0.63 1.00 148.67

Total 3 / Issues 2,728,267,530 5,116.42 0.13

- /Transportation & Logistics

( ) AOT 412,097,626 23,950.45 0.60 56.00 68.00 47.00 57.50 28.85

( ) ASIMAR 2,170,167,545 2,720.46 0.07 0.84 1.83 0.74 1.12 924.22

( ) BECL 332,454,460 7,893.64 0.20 23.30 26.00 21.60 23.80 43.18

( ) BMCL 766,492,979 811.67 0.02 1.04 1.16 0.99 1.04 6.41

( ) BTC 1,247,972,550 1,552.91 0.04 0.90 1.66 0.81 0.88 190.57

( ) JUTHA 137,471,911 1,355.90 0.03 7.35 11.70 6.80 8.70 164.74

( ) KWC 59,348 2.50 - 40.00 68.00 30.50 36.00 0.99

( ) PSL 826,365,857 26,776.53 0.67 47.25 54.50 22.00 29.00 94.37

( ) RCL 278,503,550 8,034.32 0.20 20.20 39.00 18.60 29.75 42.01

( ) SST 3,781,733 18.14 - 5.10 5.20 4.00 4.46 3.13

( ) THAI 649,211,082 28,124.42 0.70 42.25 48.50 35.50 39.25 38.21

( ) TSTE 851,636 3.84 - 3.54 5.55 3.54 4.20 0.71

( ) TTA 2,332,477,983 106,640.92 2.66 24.40 70.00 23.50 47.25 362.36

( ) UST 476,964 6.42 - 13.70 15.10 12.50 13.80 1.23

Total 14 / Issues 9,158,385,224 207,892.13 5.18 47.38

/ Total Services 85 / Issues 51,704,977,939 401,716.23 10.00 47.38


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *



- /Information & Communication Technology

( ) ADVANC 918,470,694 80,535.79 2.01 75.50 105.00 66.00 97.00 31.07

( ) AIT 90,913,443 1,639.90 0.04 22.00 25.75 12.40 13.00 183.79

- ( ) BLISS 2,362,303,287 12,142.90 0.30 2.28 10.90 2.28 10.80 777.76

( ) CSL 169,325,915 701.56 0.02 3.48 4.68 3.02 3.94 27.04

( ) DTAC 534,995,227 22,340.52 0.56 42.50 49.50 35.75 39.25 22.82

( ) FORTH 434,521,817 3,457.93 0.09 7.50 8.75 6.10 7.65 90.53

( ) IEC 19,776,702,941 21,522.67 0.54 1.06 1.59 0.75 1.39 1,130.60

( ) INET 740,343,020 1,446.17 0.04 1.63 2.58 1.35 1.47 296.11

( ) JAS 5,266,623,770 2,569.25 0.06 0.42 0.62 0.37 0.40 63.30

( ) JTS 475,165,122 1,225.85 0.03 2.60 3.00 1.44 1.52 67.74

( ) MFEC 173,380,694 845.01 0.02 3.78 5.45 3.76 5.00 79.90

( ) MLINK 1,518,769,423 1,823.64 0.05 1.45 1.60 0.79 1.41 281.25

( ) MSC 6,813,136 33.71 - 3.90 6.10 3.72 4.04 1.89

( ) PT 1,203,829,738 4,774.58 0.12 1.14 6.35 1.12 2.48 848.10

( ) SAMART 1,000,247,077 8,275.83 0.21 8.85 9.40 7.00 8.15 102.44

( ) SAMTEL 61,339,523 519.28 0.01 8.90 9.25 7.25 8.10 10.22

( ) SATTEL 1,853,456,146 18,684.99 0.47 6.45 13.00 5.30 10.20 169.82

( ) SHIN 54,043,708 1,514.88 0.04 26.00 35.75 22.40 26.25 1.69

- ( ) SIM 107,742,722 2,034.46 0.05 18.20 20.00 17.30 18.20 25.06

( ) ( ) SIS 165,155,218 470.53 0.01 2.18 4.32 2.18 4.16 81.97

( ) SVOA 470,641,343 729.75 0.02 1.54 1.83 1.26 1.33 75.66

. . . ( ) TKS 459,129,250 1,536.58 0.04 3.08 4.50 2.60 4.50 185.08

( ) TRUE 6,424,861,553 44,855.41 1.12 5.70 9.75 4.48 5.80 168.96

( ) TT&T 7,886,605,326 9,826.77 0.24 0.93 1.70 0.70 0.91 243.23

( ) TWZ 97,597,703 1,519.76 0.04 17.50 19.50 12.50 14.20 40.67

( ) D UCOM 66,328,401 4,158.79 0.10 30.50 89.50 14.40 22.10 15.26

Total 25 / Issues 52,319,306,197 249,186.51 6.20

- /Electronic Components

- ( ) ( ) CCET 1,288,041,503 7,791.14 0.19 4.22 7.40 4.22 7.00 32.88

( ) ** CIRKIT - - - - - - - -

( ) ( ) DELTA 399,323,387 7,808.90 0.19 16.70 25.25 15.00 21.80 32.02

( ) DRACO 7,287,440 210.95 0.01 16.50 37.75 15.00 32.75 45.55

( ) EIC 460,848,121 2,111.38 0.05 11.40 16.20 2.94 4.82 136.25

( ) HANA 418,936,277 10,635.65 0.26 26.75 29.25 19.40 21.60 50.56

( ) KCE 735,846,937 2,595.64 0.06 3.50 4.24 2.36 3.62 193.39

( ) ( ) METCO 2,329,579 458.73 0.01 190.00 224.00 175.00 197.00 10.59

( ) MPT 1,404,625,954 3,244.21 0.08 2.02 2.86 1.63 2.58 67.37

( ) ( ) SPPT 336,534,659 1,546.34 0.04 4.14 5.00 3.92 4.36 134.61

( ) SVI 1,539,306,331 2,455.53 0.06 10.50 13.50 1.23 1.42 119.23

( ) TEAM 46,354,239 335.45 0.01 6.30 9.40 5.20 7.35 12.32

Total 11 / Issues 6,639,434,427 39,193.93 0.98 61.43

/ 36 / Issues 58,958,740,624 288,380.44 7.18 61.43

Total Technology


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


- / Non-Performing Group

( ) AMAC - - - - - - - -

( ) ( ) APC - - - - - - - -

( ) APX - - - - - - - -

( ) BRC - - - - - - - -

( ) BSI - - - - - - - -

( ) CIRKIT - - - - - - - -

( ) CPICO - - - - - - - -

- ( ) D-MARK - - - - - - - -

( ) DAIDO - - - - - - - -

( ) DTM - - - - - - - -

( ) LL - - - - - - - -

( ) MGR - - - - - - - -

( ) NFC - - - - - - - -

( ) NPK - - - - - - - -

( ) POMPUI - - - - - - - -

( ) PYT - - - - - - - -

( ) SMPC - - - - - - - -

( ) SRI - - - - - - - -

( ) TDT - - - - - - - -

( ) TPROP - - - - - - - -

( ) ( ) TUNTEX - - - - - - - -

( ) USC - - - - - - - -

Total 22 / Issues - - -

Total Common Stocks 291 / issues 445,205,877,574 3,710,706.90 92.39 96.12

/Prefered Stocks

( ) ACL-P1 167,948 0.78 - 3.32 6.20 3.04 5.30 0.03

( ) BH-P 5,500 0.25 - 42.00 49.50 42.00 44.50 0.30

( ) CSC-P 37 - - - - - - -

( ) JUTHA-P - - - - - - - -

( ) KTB-P - - - - - - - -

( ) SCB-P 2,730,470 199.14 - 56.50 94.50 49.50 84.50 0.18

( ) SGF-P1 - - - - - - - -

( ) TCAP-P - - - - - - - -

( ) TISCO-P 23,788,475 649.70 0.02 21.60 33.50 19.90 30.50 12.94

( ) . TMB-P1 - - - - - - - -

Total Preferred Stocks 10 / Issues 26,692,430 849.86 0.02 0.63

/Unit Trusts

AYFGCB 15,005 0.20 - 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 0.02

GBFF - - - - - - - -

INGFIF - - - - - - - -

MGE 5,000 0.06 - 11.80 11.80 11.20 11.20 -

RKGB 627,100 7.02 - 10.40 13.00 10.40 12.00 0.68

SCBSET 4 - - - - - - -

50 TDEX 1,057,139,005 6,634.85 0.17 5.89 6.92 5.70 6.35 120.09

1 VAYU1 68,311,700 637.25 0.02 8.81 9.92 8.58 9.72 0.98

Total Unit Trusts 8 / Issues 1,126,097,814 7,279.37 0.18 12.55


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


/ Warrant

( ) AIT-W1 56,521,506 332.97 0.01 5.10 8.20 4.26 4.60 942.03

( ) AMC-W1 2,622,651,343 4,855.58 0.12 1.35 2.60 0.62 1.28 6,559.63

( ) E AP-W1 232,380 0.61 - 2.80 3.24 2.30 3.10 10.09

( ) ( ) APC-W1 - - - - - - - -

( ) ( ) APC-W2 - - - - - - - -

( ) ASCON-W1 760,099,589 2,261.26 0.06 4.04 4.10 1.95 2.44 760.12

( ) E ASIAN-W1 2,202,200 0.44 - 0.66 1.50 0.01 0.02 11.14

( ) ASP-W1 6,910,766,267 14,227.15 0.35 1.30 2.78 1.11 2.24 1,456.49

( ) D AYAL-W1 2,297,289 3.32 - 1.70 1.70 1.37 1.48 3.59

( ) BAY-W1 5,201,590,541 53,391.14 1.33 6.25 17.20 4.78 14.00 1,030.81

( ) BCP-W1 2,303,841,332 8,890.31 0.22 2.00 5.45 1.61 4.44 3,336.47

( ) BLAND-W1 9,875,936,218 1,725.27 0.04 0.20 0.30 0.10 0.11 494.16

- ( ) BLISS-W1 2,102,710,067 3,267.66 0.08 1.14 6.80 0.98 6.75 3,047.41

( ) E BTC-W1 18,590,850 0.93 - 0.18 0.18 0.02 0.03 14.70

( ) BTC-W2 2,683,206,200 1,428.44 0.04 0.40 0.83 0.26 0.38 790.95

- ( ) ( ) CCET-W1 11,627,553,997 20,343.48 0.51 0.80 2.76 0.69 2.26 1,689.56

- ( ) ( ) CCET-W2 25,364,400 143.95 - 7.05 7.05 4.78 4.90 16.26

. ( ) E CK-W1 364,078,558 1,316.69 0.03 3.94 4.42 2.32 2.70 185.77

( ) CPICO-W1 - - - - - - - -

( ) CSP-W1 3,776,173,812 4,474.87 0.11 1.30 1.93 0.42 0.48 3,020.94

( ) CWT-W1 84,531,541 112.92 - 1.66 2.00 0.60 1.09 375.80

( ) ( ) DELTA-W2 1,253,756 20.48 - 16.40 32.00 16.40 22.30 192.71

( ) EASON-W1 520,333,672 888.70 0.02 1.72 2.00 1.17 1.25 520.33

( ) EASTW-W1 454,422,851 495.37 0.01 1.36 1.37 0.76 0.91 138.16

( ) EMC-W1 3,907,676,815 8,432.02 0.21 1.70 3.44 1.28 3.20 3,785.23

( ) E ERAWAN-W 856,947,807 770.72 0.02 1.00 1.26 0.60 0.80 175.69

( ) ESTAR-W1 247,919,893 47.43 - 0.19 0.25 0.15 0.16 35.41

( ) ESTAR-W2 1,181,934,924 117.96 - 0.11 0.13 0.07 0.09 94.30

( ) EWC-W1 538,663,487 1,735.74 0.04 2.38 3.96 1.78 2.76 2,156.92

( ) GBX-W1 5,159,866,683 5,758.19 0.14 1.21 1.48 0.68 0.92 1,453.50

( ) GEN-W1 2,932,507,980 1,297.48 0.03 0.38 0.62 0.26 0.46 1,230.27

( ) HEMRAJ-W 747,001,113 597.68 0.01 0.58 1.13 0.50 1.05 139.24

( ) IT-W1 275,965 1.61 - 7.40 7.95 4.44 5.00 9.58

( ) JAS-W 1,246,014,671 295.66 0.01 0.21 0.33 0.17 0.18 107.77

( ) JAS-W2 7,395,224,819 1,046.89 0.03 0.12 0.21 0.08 0.09 146.86

( ) KK-W2 19,561 0.44 - 20.00 27.25 20.00 22.00 4.52

( ) KK-W3 408,740 8.19 - 16.30 23.50 16.30 17.20 5.62

( ) KK-W4 97,954,082 1,100.79 0.03 9.20 14.30 8.30 10.50 87.62

( ) KMC-W1 2,462,964,508 681.35 0.02 0.31 0.36 0.13 0.17 296.19

( ) LEE-W1 440,418,810 146.28 - 0.34 0.44 0.22 0.23 179.76

( ) LH-W2 39,326,453 238.65 0.01 4.64 7.50 4.50 6.45 3.40

( ) E MAJOR-W1 10,211,403 15.07 - 2.60 2.62 0.77 0.79 11.92

( ) MATCH-W1 1,898,970,960 1,432.51 0.04 0.70 1.10 0.36 0.38 1,758.31

( ) MFEC-W1 110,873,011 295.48 0.01 2.40 3.08 2.16 2.64 204.38

( ) MIDA-W1 2,839,349,928 1,297.78 0.03 0.40 0.60 0.17 0.20 693.26

( ) MINOR-W1 9,709 1.04 - 91.00 144.00 91.00 135.00 0.37


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) MINT-W3 38,869,570 244.20 0.01 5.00 12.60 4.00 11.90 15.26

( ) E MODERN-W 4,066,820 4.50 - 2.00 2.50 0.02 0.09 52.51

( ) NEP-W1 7,740,683,760 5,592.13 0.14 3.40 5.00 0.22 0.24 1,018.25

( ) E NMG-W2 2,101,792,393 2,837.34 0.07 0.27 2.40 0.01 0.01 5,390.63

( ) NNCL-W1 7,495,517,700 13,485.08 0.34 2.62 2.92 1.25 1.49 2,046.49

( ) NSM-W1 4,518,944,610 372.13 0.01 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.07 139.74

( ) E PATKL-W1 863,776,310 777.83 0.02 1.50 1.54 0.01 0.01 1,629.77

( ) PF-W2 165 - - - - - - -

( ) 1 PICNI-W1 1,684,570 0.64 - 0.36 0.60 0.25 0.29 24.73

( ) E PRANDA-W 382,100 1.38 - 3.78 4.00 3.10 3.52 1.87

( ) QH-W4 11,586,263,338 8,418.83 0.21 0.25 1.04 0.19 0.89 1,001.88

( ) E RAIMON-W 1,067,350,669 211.61 0.01 0.50 0.54 0.03 0.03 142.44

( ) ROJANA-W 1,029,950 11.93 - 10.00 16.00 7.10 14.50 0.51

( ) E S&P-W1 217,036 2.59 - 10.50 13.40 10.50 12.10 4.78

( ) SAM-W1 821,591,987 1,313.88 0.03 2.24 2.32 1.23 1.47 386.77

( ) E SCSMG-W1 39,400 1.50 - 34.50 39.50 32.00 38.00 4.10

. . . ( ) SECC-W1 1,393,972,423 2,445.99 0.06 1.60 2.36 0.97 1.03 1,393.97

( ) SGF-W2 291,257,650 34.55 - 0.18 0.20 0.06 0.08 117.49

( ) E SHIN-W1 49,000 0.46 - 15.10 15.10 7.00 7.70 19.69

( ) SINGHA-W 60,769,676 63.48 - 1.20 1.21 0.89 0.94 54.26

( ) SKR-W1 56,592,952 172.60 - 2.98 3.28 2.02 2.70 141.60

( ) SPALI-W3 468,491,445 1,074.38 0.03 1.88 2.94 1.67 2.20 387.72

( ) E SPORT-W 3,239,200 4.49 - 1.35 1.81 0.90 1.47 29.45

( ) SPORT-W2 685,819,780 717.53 0.02 0.81 1.25 0.66 0.97 827.82

- ( ) E STEC-W 1,400 0.01 - 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 0.08

- ( ) STEC-W2 4,650,025,373 6,744.33 0.17 1.94 2.38 0.78 1.21 2,843.21

( ) STHAI-W1 609,193,658 317.44 0.01 0.66 0.73 0.32 0.34 347.62

( ) SVI-W2 11,631,823,172 9,214.89 0.23 2.82 5.05 0.40 0.68 3,978.36

( ) TASCO-W2 12,865,573 154.57 - 12.00 14.20 5.70 6.00 104.40

( ) TCC-W1 185,911,337 330.29 0.01 1.60 2.06 1.54 1.75 57.55

( ) TFD-W1 125,159,670 73.62 - 0.56 0.73 0.45 0.52 102.25

( ) THANI-W2 318,032,000 55.11 - 0.18 0.25 0.10 0.11 541.63

( ) THANI-W3 113,014,090 16.80 - 0.55 0.56 0.10 0.12 286.52

( ) THANI-W4 112,779,370 19.28 - 0.18 0.21 0.12 0.13 53.00

( ) E TICON-W1 600 0.05 - 84.00 84.00 84.00 84.00 2.88

( ) TICON-W2 6,822,600 66.01 - 8.60 12.60 6.90 12.20 30.58

. . . ( ) TKS-W1 1,864,566,777 2,950.67 0.07 1.16 2.16 1.04 1.66 3,007.39

( ) TLUXE-W1 44,370,700 59.32 - 1.51 1.65 0.67 0.90 72.51

( ) ( ) TSTH-W1 4,356,654,896 2,615.88 0.07 0.24 0.76 0.04 0.53 402.17

( ) ( ) TSTH-W2 3,139,563,605 639.57 0.02 0.10 0.27 0.09 0.16 206.45

( ) UV-W1 1,863,702,000 3,072.57 0.08 1.07 2.22 0.81 1.42 1,078.94

( ) VIBHA-W1 248,861,270 496.33 0.01 2.04 2.22 1.61 1.77 293.48

( ) E VNG-W1 522,851 1.81 - 3.00 4.30 2.08 3.04 16.09

( ) WIN-W 16,888,174 9.20 - 0.41 0.71 0.20 0.52 26.71

( ) ZMICO-W3 2,891,082,366 4,683.35 0.12 1.10 2.06 0.85 1.41 1,436.82

71 / Issues 152,903,143,677 212,810.61 5.30 512.59

Total Warrants


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


/Depository Receipts

BCP-DR1 134,641,054 1,569.29 0.04 8.95 15.40 8.70 14.00 25.89

1 / Issues 134,641,054 1,569.29 0.04 25.89

/ Total Depository Receipts

Grand Total 581 599,396,452,549 3,933,216.02 97.93 118.42

/Common Stocks

- /Medium-Sized Enterprise

( ) ACAP 20,374,722 127.83 - 6.00 7.80 4.14 6.00 20.32

( ) ADAM 1,308,177,719 4,943.16 0.12 2.20 7.80 1.87 7.35 640.34

( ) ( ) BGT 129,614,407 576.78 0.01 5.15 5.55 3.40 3.76 162.02

( ) BOL 7,056,629 53.23 - 6.50 12.00 5.50 12.00 9.41

( ) BROOK 1,258,365,019 1,189.71 0.03 0.86 1.13 0.58 0.62 173.68

( ) **** BROCK 692,729,322 1,499.15 0.04 5.40 6.75 0.95 1.04 241.07

( ) ( ) CHUO 6,335,664 64.94 - 11.00 13.00 5.70 8.40 56.32

. . ( ) CIG 169,808,951 739.84 0.02 2.70 6.20 2.00 4.62 95.67

( ) CMO 109,009,311 262.68 0.01 2.36 2.84 1.70 1.83 72.67

( ) CPR 544,303,408 976.64 0.02 1.30 2.22 1.06 1.65 273.52

( ) D1 1,567,415,988 1,405.06 0.03 1.56 1.63 0.63 0.70 797.69

( ) DEMCO 358,064,390 1,608.63 0.04 2.88 7.70 2.40 4.12 167.56

( ) DM 680,756 6.88 - 5.50 15.50 5.50 13.50 3.40

( ) ETG 200,516,507 1,060.41 0.03 5.25 5.70 3.50 4.98 174.36

( ) FOCUS 116,442,512 357.93 0.01 2.40 3.68 2.02 3.06 93.15

( ) GFM 3,628,249 26.43 - 6.80 8.65 6.25 8.65 2.42

( ) ILINK 124,709,242 1,027.75 0.03 9.40 11.30 6.15 7.10 137.74

( ) IRCP 24,863,690 341.73 0.01 14.40 14.90 10.90 12.40 38.40

( ) KASET 2,093,194,229 3,271.07 0.08 0.91 2.08 0.89 1.23 1,057.17

( ) L&E 6,920,048 78.60 - 16.70 18.80 7.60 8.00 19.43

. . ( ) LVT 542,440,735 849.01 0.02 1.21 2.36 1.21 2.10 256.15

( ) MACO 6,713,834 20.89 - 3.30 3.54 2.80 3.00 5.37

( ) MBAX 150,795,001 789.12 0.02 5.05 6.45 3.70 3.76 117.81

( ) MILL 587,459,763 3,161.02 0.08 4.90 6.45 4.14 4.98 146.86

( ) PD 492,632 4.17 - 7.25 8.85 6.20 8.85 1.23

( ) ( ) PICO 11,349,385 40.04 - 3.78 3.90 2.68 3.00 9.90

( ) PPM 261,343,945 1,313.76 0.03 4.40 6.80 3.46 3.50 163.34

124 ( ) PR124 5,729,315 30.13 - 5.30 5.80 3.36 3.98 12.73

( ) PYLON 97,092,420 216.29 0.01 2.00 2.52 1.69 1.76 64.73

( ) S2Y 4,790,819,840 10,015.56 0.25 1.25 5.35 1.16 2.14 3,679.07

( ) SALEE 676,747,017 2,612.11 0.07 2.26 5.75 2.24 5.20 297.63

( ) SIMAT 361,355,613 1,852.14 0.05 5.15 6.65 3.80 5.20 481.81

(1998) ( ) SLC 17,496,422 49.92 - 2.96 3.30 2.10 2.32 34.99

( ) STAR 370,645,668 636.29 0.02 1.64 1.91 1.49 1.54 272.53

( ) STEEL 65,336,508 177.14 - 2.94 3.44 1.98 2.02 130.67

( ) SWC 5,528,298 20.43 - 3.50 4.10 2.52 3.98 3.69

( ) TAPAC 359,582,808 702.44 0.02 1.56 2.40 1.16 1.34 390.85

( ) TIES 175,667,912 520.20 0.01 2.58 3.44 2.20 2.36 130.12

( ) TMW 3,314,550 53.92 - 15.50 18.00 13.80 14.00 8.31

/ mai


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Table 1.10 Securities trading for 2007 (by security)



Shares Mil.Baht Open High Low Close Turnover

% of Total Ratio (%)

Securities Name

( / )

Price (Baht/Share)Turnover *


( ) TNDT 647,060,081 4,966.84 0.12 4.16 12.60 4.14 7.85 647.06

( ) TNH 99,682,048 818.42 0.02 7.65 9.30 6.55 6.90 55.38

( ) TPAC 68,990,314 367.77 0.01 2.72 7.85 2.72 6.60 68.99

( ) TRC 1,475,241,385 6,137.81 0.15 3.28 6.00 2.50 6.00 604.94

( ) TRT 76,047,227 394.68 0.01 4.24 6.90 3.80 6.55 75.06

( ) ( ) UBIS 1,062,517,706 2,745.78 0.07 1.90 3.48 1.75 2.98 559.22

( ) UEC 170,299,528 3,259.88 0.08 13.00 47.00 7.85 8.70 77.38

( ) UKEM 649,483,535 1,283.57 0.03 2.24 2.34 1.46 1.48 393.63

( ) UMS 469,938,313 12,398.19 0.31 15.50 46.50 9.85 27.75 351.46

( ) YUASA 53,625,824 128.55 - 2.22 2.68 1.30 1.70 49.83

Total Common Stock 48 / Issues 21,312,279,068 73,685.36 1.83 336.06

/ Warrants

. . ( ) CIG-W1 1,114,090,317 2,603.52 0.06 1.60 4.38 1.31 2.66 1,351.35

( ) IRCP-W1 1,001,368 3.45 - 5.05 5.05 2.12 2.26 3.67

( ) L&E-W1 30,897,448 96.44 - 1.50 4.00 1.50 1.90 202.24

. . ( ) LVT-W1 870,631,967 755.83 0.02 0.57 1.63 0.46 1.21 829.47

( ) STAR-W 852,597,076 783.73 0.02 1.07 1.17 0.40 0.47 2,507.64

( ) UMS-W1 178,611,143 3,482.75 0.09 22.00 22.50 16.00 19.00 255.16

6 / Issues 3,047,829,319 7,725.73 0.19 1,399.48

Total Warrants

Grand Total 54 / Issues 25,613,390,417 82,948.81 2.07 382.90

D : / Delisted E : / Expired

* / Excluding transactions on Foreign Board *** / Moved to Construction Materials

** NPG /Moved to NPG **** SET /Moved to SET


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1.11 2550 :

Table 1.11 Turnover on foreign board in 2007 (by security)

/ Value


Shares Mil.Baht % of Total Open High Low Close

/Common Stocks

/Agro & Food Industry

- /Agribusiness

( ) CM-F 76,200 0.03 0.00 0.33 2.92 0.33 2.92

( ) CPF-F 18,707,200 90.91 0.04 4.90 5.45 4.00 4.60

( ) CPI-F 77,500 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

( ) LEE-F 193,500 0.62 0.00 3.56 3.56 3.20 3.20

( ) TAF-F 300 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

- /Food and Beverage

( ) MINT-F 2,454,112 36.53 0.01 11.60 14.30 11.50 14.30

( ) OISHI-F 150,000 2.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) PR-F 3,000 0.26 0.00 88.00 88.00 88.00 88.00

( ) ( ) TIPCO-F 116,000 0.92 0.00 7.10 8.00 7.10 8.00

( ) TUF-F 41,743,270 955.94 0.37 25.00 25.50 21.50 22.00

( ) TVO-F 32,000 0.44 0.00 15.00 15.00 13.50 13.50

/Consumer Products

- /Home & Office Products

( ) KYE-F 8,000 0.42 0.00 52.50 53.00 52.00 52.50

( ) OGC-F 174,100 8.27 0.00 47.50 47.50 47.50 47.50

- /Personal Products & Pharmaceuticals

( ) TOG-F 10,000 0.03 0.00 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30

- /Fashion

( ) PRANDA-F 115,000 1.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


- /Banking

( ) BAY-F 274,064,668 6,490.80 2.54 18.00 30.00 15.90 26.50

( ) BBL-F 861,232,799 100,774.36 39.42 109.00 140.00 96.00 120.00

( ) KBANK-F 804,558,815 59,618.80 23.32 59.00 94.00 52.00 87.50

( ) KK-F 22,843,177 656.61 0.26 28.00 35.50 25.75 30.50

( ) KTB-F 488,904,577 5,629.02 2.20 11.90 14.40 9.30 9.55

( ) SCB-F 1,904,800 137.65 0.05 52.50 238.00 52.50 86.00

( ) SCIB-F 51,605,710 884.89 0.35 16.30 22.90 14.40 15.00

( ) TISCO-F 39,499,100 1,012.08 0.40 21.10 34.25 18.70 29.50

( ) TMB-F 1,590,200 3.03 0.00 1.30 1.42 0.75 1.42

- /Finance and Securities

( ) ( ) AEONTS-F 38,000 1.83 0.00 47.00 49.00 47.00 47.00

( ) ASL-F 3,015,000 2.30 0.00 0.76 1.11 0.76 1.11

( ) ASP-F 50,000 0.19 0.00 3.52 4.20 3.52 4.20

( ) CNS-F 40,000 1.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) FNS-F 346,000 3.41 0.00 11.00 11.50 9.00 10.20

( / ) / Price (Baht/Share) / Turnover


Securities Name

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1.11 2550 :

Table 1.11 Turnover on foreign board in 2007 (by security)

/ Value


Shares Mil.Baht % of Total Open High Low Close

( / ) / Price (Baht/Share) / Turnover

Securities Name

( ) ( ) KGI-F 29,000 0.06 0.00 1.65 1.95 1.65 1.95

( ) KTC-F 30,000 0.76 0.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00

( ) MFC-F 8,000 0.11 0.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00

( ) PHATRA-F 1,414,100 53.80 0.02 43.50 46.00 33.25 33.25

( ) SCBL-F 20,000 0.34 0.00 17.20 17.20 17.20 17.20

( ) TCAP-F 2,092,000 30.10 0.01 12.20 18.50 11.10 13.90

( ) TK-F 10,000 0.04 0.00 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30

( ) TNITY-F 2,000 0.02 0.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00

( ) ZMICO-F 300,000 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

- /Insurance

( ) AYUD-F 5,000 0.08 0.00 16.40 17.60 16.40 17.60

( ) BKI-F 1,100 0.31 0.00 280.00 290.00 280.00 290.00

( ) THRE-F 80,000 0.24 0.00 5.30 5.30 1.60 1.60


- /Petrochemicals & Chemicals

( ) ( ) ATC-F 14,213,108 1,001.31 0.39 63.00 81.00 61.00 64.50

. ( ) PTTCH-F 326,000 31.05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) VNT-F 7,000 0.06 0.00 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.10

- /Packaging

( ) NEP-F 20,000 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20

( ) TPP-F 2,329,000 22.48 0.01 11.00 11.00 8.90 10.00

- /Automotive

( ) AH-F 2,131,900 30.37 0.01 14.80 15.20 13.40 13.50

( ) STANLY-F 48,300 6.86 0.00 145.00 145.00 139.00 139.00

- /Industrial Materials & Machinery

( ) CTW-F 3,500 0.03 0.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50

( ) GSTEEL-F 100 0.00 0.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

( ) SSI-F 1,000 0.00 0.00 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36

/Property & Construction

- /Construction Materials

( ) DCC-F 2,000 0.03 0.00 16.30 16.30 16.30 16.30

( ) SCC-F 155,770,980 39,496.27 15.45 246.00 294.00 222.00 234.00

( ) SCCC-F 228,500 60.91 0.02 250.00 290.00 250.00 264.00

( ) TPIPL-F 450,889 5.94 0.00 12.90 18.00 12.90 18.00

- /Property Development

( ) AMATA-F 921,600 10.58 0.00 12.00 17.10 10.00 16.80

( ) AP-F 30,078,400 163.99 0.06 4.56 7.25 3.46 5.95

( ) BLAND-F 1,052,000 0.93 0.00 0.82 1.05 0.76 0.90

. ( ) CK-F 815,000 8.42 0.00 9.30 10.60 9.30 10.60

( ) CPN-F 30,031,400 720.25 0.28 21.30 35.00 21.00 25.75

( ) GOLD-F 75,000 0.65 0.00 7.00 8.80 7.00 8.80


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1.11 2550 :

Table 1.11 Turnover on foreign board in 2007 (by security)

/ Value


Shares Mil.Baht % of Total Open High Low Close

( / ) / Price (Baht/Share) / Turnover

Securities Name

( ) HEMRAJ-F 804,000 0.74 0.00 1.18 1.34 1.18 1.34

( ) ITD-F 85,790,108 563.64 0.22 4.20 9.05 2.60 8.30

( ) LALIN-F 5,053,900 21.99 0.01 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32

( ) LH-F 1,139,576,893 8,592.59 3.36 6.50 9.50 5.45 8.95

. . . ( ) LPN-F 15,222,500 95.55 0.04 5.65 7.75 0.70 7.70

( ) MBK-F 44,000 2.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) N-PARK-F 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.21

( ) PRIN-F 300,000 1.08 0.00 3.52 3.68 3.52 3.68

( ) PS-F 2,363,000 19.03 0.01 7.50 7.85 7.50 7.65

( ) QH-F 105,543,700 190.33 0.07 1.22 2.26 1.10 2.14

( ) RAIMON-F 104,412,700 131.86 0.05 1.40 1.47 0.95 1.25

( ) SC-F 50,500 0.63 0.00 8.60 8.60 8.60 8.60

( ) SF-F 667,480 7.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) SIRI-F 36,568,700 131.61 0.05 3.12 4.14 3.12 3.48

( ) SPALI-F 50,000 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

- ( ) STEC-F 2,826,400 14.23 0.01 4.38 4.40 4.38 4.40

( ) TICON-F 4,276,800 72.26 0.03 17.20 21.20 16.60 21.20

( ) TYONG-F 7,200 0.01 0.00 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95


- /Energy & Utilities

( ) BANPU-F 33,965,745 9,702.77 3.80 178.00 484.00 165.00 412.00

( ) BCP-F 160,000 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) EGCO-F 17,622,833 1,996.35 0.78 95.00 150.00 93.00 115.00

( ) IRPC-F 228,400 1.52 0.00 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75

( ) LANNA-F 1,000 0.01 0.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50

. ( ) PTT-F 751,570 217.93 0.09 202.00 436.00 202.00 370.00

. ( ) PTTEP-F 818,000 84.85 0.03 93.50 132.00 93.50 132.00

( ) RATCH-F 494,700 21.88 0.01 47.50 47.50 46.25 46.25

( ) RPC-F 25,000 0.10 0.00 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20

( ) RRC-F 117,100 2.27 0.00 16.80 24.50 16.80 24.50

( ) TOP-F 1,738,910 135.22 0.05 48.25 85.50 48.25 85.50


- /Commerce

( ) BIGC-F 13,055,100 662.89 0.26 50.00 52.50 50.00 52.50

( ) CPALL-F 9,828,600 83.07 0.03 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90

( ) HMPRO-F 335,300 1.70 0.00 6.00 6.00 5.40 5.40

( ) MAKRO-F 1,734,100 160.08 0.06 87.00 93.00 87.00 92.00

( ) MINOR-F 75,000 0.81 0.00 10.60 11.00 10.60 11.00

( ) ROBINS-F 26,647,100 280.74 0.11 10.20 11.00 10.20 10.70

- /Media & Publishing

( ) BEC-F 1,653,300 38.97 0.02 23.40 23.40 23.40 23.40


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1.11 2550 :

Table 1.11 Turnover on foreign board in 2007 (by security)

/ Value


Shares Mil.Baht % of Total Open High Low Close

( / ) / Price (Baht/Share) / Turnover

Securities Name

( ) MAJOR-F 1,303,600 20.46 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) MCOT-F 380,600 11.61 0.00 34.75 34.75 33.00 33.00

( ) SE-ED-F 10,300 0.09 0.00 7.30 8.40 7.30 8.40

- /Health Care Services

( ) BGH-F 98,500 3.70 0.00 37.00 41.50 37.00 41.50

( ) BH-F 4,177,000 188.47 0.07 36.00 53.00 36.00 39.25

- /Tourism & Leisure

( ) CAWOW-F 140,000 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

( ) CENTEL-F 10,186,900 54.53 0.02 6.50 6.50 5.35 5.35

( ) LRH-F 200 0.01 0.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00

( ) RHC-F 16,900 1.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

- /Professional Services

( ) BWG-F 10,000 0.08 0.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00

- /Transportation & Logistics

( ) AOT-F 1,736,500 94.53 0.04 58.00 58.50 54.50 56.50

( ) BECL-F 1,497,000 34.86 0.01 23.10 23.20 23.10 23.20

( ) JUTHA-F 500 0.01 0.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00

( ) PSL-F 5,235,326 146.57 0.06 48.00 60.00 22.60 28.00

( ) RCL-F 22,500 0.68 0.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00

( ) THAI-F 1,314,600 58.19 0.02 46.00 46.50 36.00 37.00

( ) TTA-F 10,200,300 487.10 0.19 29.75 69.00 28.50 44.50


- /Information & Communication Technology

( ) ADVANC-F 153,225,720 12,596.54 4.93 76.00 105.00 66.50 97.00

( ) MLINK-F 30,000 0.18 0.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00

( ) SHIN-F 14,839,300 423.65 0.17 30.50 32.00 25.00 31.00

( ) TRUE-F 23,439,900 142.85 0.06 5.30 9.50 4.74 5.50

( ) UCOM-F 158,200 9.49 0.00 66.00 87.00 66.00 75.00

Total Common Stocks 4,696,893,390 255,475.63 99.93

/Prefered Stocks

( ) SCB-Q 633,800 46.13 0.02 57.00 82.50 57.00 67.00

( ) TISCO-Q 17,000 0.32 0.00 19.00 19.20 19.00 19.20

Total Prefered Stocks 650,800 46.45 0.02

Total Prefered Stocks 1,301,600 92.90 99.95


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64ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

1.11 2550 :

Table 1.11 Turnover on foreign board in 2007 (by security)

/ Value


Shares Mil.Baht % of Total Open High Low Close

( / ) / Price (Baht/Share) / Turnover

Securities Name

/Common Stocks

( ) BROOK-F 146,760,200 124.08 0.05 0.95 0.95 0.77 0.85

( ) FOCUS-F 1,650,000 5.40 0.00 3.20 3.50 3.20 3.50

( ) IRCP-F 40,000 0.56 0.00 14.00 14.20 14.00 14.20

. . ( ) LVT-F 30,000 0.06 0.00 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14

( ) MILL-F 408,000 2.30 0.00 5.40 6.30 5.40 6.25

( ) S2Y-F 178,307 0.54 0.00 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.88

Total 149,066,507 132.94 0.05

/ mai


Page 66: Fact Book 2007


ตลาดหลักทรัพยแหงประเทศไทย (SET)

และตลาดหลักทรัพย เอ็ม เอ ไอ (mai)

หมวด 2 หลักทรัพยจดทะเบียน (Listed securities)


Page 67: Fact Book 2007

66ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2 :

Section 2 : Listed securities

2.1 :

Table 2.1 Number and market value of listed securities (by security type)


Type of Securities . . . . . . . . . .


/ Common Stocks 1/ 489 489 490 491 492

/ Shares 449,653,242,971 450,925,764,872 455,237,636,128 458,420,906,474 462,978,745,277

( ) 1,314,187.06 1,312,551.89 1,313,157.20 1,324,947.17 1,328,704.47

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 4,780,957.65 4,956,602.64 4,920,686.73 5,115,260.19 5,417,876.50

Market Value (Mil.Baht)

/ Preferred Stocks 9 9 9 9 9

/ Shares 4,221,507,799 4,221,531,299 4,221,611,830 4,220,642,412 4,220,642,262

( ) 42,150.51 42,150.75 42,154.95 42,145.25 42,145.25

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 115,715.04 123,560.48 127,028.63 125,603.81 127,568.75

Market Value (Mil.Baht)

/ Unit Trusts 2/ 7 7 7 7 7

/ Shares 8,134,000,000 8,134,000,000 8,134,000,000 8,134,000,000 8,134,000,000

( ) 81,340.00 81,340.00 81,340.00 81,340.00 81,340.00

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 69,967.40 70,247.40 70,317.40 71,157.40 74,012.60

Market Value (Mil.Baht)

/ Warrants 81 80 78 76 76

/ Shares 29,670,018,942 29,531,999,488 29,257,401,297 28,632,309,774 30,374,802,403

( ) 3/ - - - - -

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 27,193.13 27,336.46 26,545.38 24,946.30 26,733.61

Market Value (Mil.Baht)

2/ 1 1 1 1 1

/Depository Receipts

/ Shares 520,056,055 520,056,055 520,056,055 520,056,055 520,056,055

( ) 3/ - - - - -

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 4,628.50 4,862.52 4,888.53 5,018.54 5,070.55

Market Value (Mil.Baht)

2550/ 2007

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


491 491 492 490 490 492 491

466,145,788,342 467,882,367,783 468,854,968,175 471,960,854,852 471,111,567,145 471,442,514,351 478,149,527,472

1,332,290.63 1,327,211.76 1,325,510.91 1,321,366.51 1,311,237.64 1,313,234.48 1,309,457.70

5,798,028.33 6,443,549.52 6,107,143.81 6,340,199.12 6,805,187.64 6,357,053.41 6,448,460.94

9 10 10 10 10 10 10

4,220,605,382 4,218,296,487 4,218,563,987 4,192,049,856 4,188,113,094 4,188,199,534 4,188,169,474

42,144.88 42,121.79 42,124.47 41,859.33 41,819.96 41,820.83 41,820.52

136,662.18 152,948.72 144,423.02 146,832.31 170,004.34 152,603.57 155,355.31

7 7 7 8 8 8 8

8,134,000,000 8,134,000,000 8,134,000,000 9,014,281,690 9,014,281,690 9,014,281,690 9,014,281,690

81,340.00 81,340.00 81,340.00 86,340.00 86,340.00 86,340.00 86,340.00

75,230.20 78,000.60 75,965.00 82,463.94 84,400.92 82,741.15 82,894.79

74 73 72 71 74 73 71

30,402,240,529 30,068,986,753 30,036,096,039 29,980,190,262 30,014,439,111 30,044,997,677 29,124,261,963

- - - - - - -

31,396.69 34,351.34 31,381.80 32,458.04 34,609.17 32,003.46 32,252.49

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

520,056,055 519,906,055 519,906,055 519,906,055 519,906,055 519,906,055 519,906,055

- - - - - - -

6,032.65 7,018.73 6,966.74 7,278.68 7,694.61 7,122.71 7,278.68

2550/ 2007

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68ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

(ตอ/Cont.) 2.1 :

Table 2.1 Number and market value of listed securities (by security type)


Type of Securities . . . . . . . . . .


2550/ 2007

/ Total

/ Listed Companies 476 476 477 478 478

/ Issues 587 586 585 584 585

/ Shares 492,198,825,767 493,333,351,714 497,370,705,310 499,927,914,715 506,228,245,997

( ) 1,437,677.57 1,436,042.64 1,436,652.15 1,448,432.42 1,452,189.72

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 4,998,461.72 5,182,609.50 5,149,466.67 5,341,986.24 5,651,262.01

Market Value (Mil.Baht) 1/

/ Including Property Fund

2/ / Not included in the calculation of the market capitalization of SET

3/ / No par value

/ mai

Type of Securities . . . . . . . . . .


/ Common Stocks 43 43 43 43 44

/ Shares 5,631,592,119 5,695,648,150 5,695,648,150 6,709,314,765 6,937,647,976

( ) 6,629.99 6,694.05 6,694.05 6,837.71 7,139.38

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 21,266.19 22,404.50 22,165.94 24,214.98 25,400.74

Market Value (Mil.Baht)

/ Warrants 2 2 2 2 2

/ Shares 132,241,736 132,241,736 132,241,736 132,241,736 132,241,591

( )1/ - - - - -

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 187.84 196.23 135.16 138.52 130.76

Market Value (Mil.Baht)

/ Total Listed Companies 43 43 43 43 44

/ Total Issues 45 45 45 45 46

/ Shares 5,763,833,855 5,827,889,886 5,827,889,886 6,841,556,501 7,069,889,567

( ) 6,629.99 6,694.05 6,694.05 6,837.71 7,139.38

Nominal Value (Mil.Baht)

( ) 21,454.03 22,600.73 22,301.10 24,353.50 25,531.50

Market Value (Mil.Baht) 1/

/ No par value

2550/ 2007

Page 70: Fact Book 2007


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2550/ 2007

477 476 477 475 474 476 475

582 582 582 580 583 584 581

509,422,690,308 510,823,557,078 511,763,534,256 515,667,282,715 514,848,307,095 515,209,899,307 520,996,146,654

1,455,775.51 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1,449,565.84 1,439,397.60 1,441,395.31 1,437,618.22

6,047,350.05 6,715,868.91 6,365,880.37 6,609,232.09 7,101,896.68 6,631,524.30 6,726,242.21

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


44 44 44 45 45 46 48

6,298,194,028 6,308,194,028 6,743,628,636 6,843,628,636 6,896,575,789 7,811,075,789 7,992,649,293

6,499.92 6,509.92 6,945.36 7,045.36 7,098.31 7,583.81 7,765.38

26,118.84 29,787.99 29,880.43 31,924.50 35,668.49 35,824.58 36,486.28

4 4 4 4 5 2 6

248,741,569 248,741,569 248,741,569 248,741,569 263,869,098 333,868,592 333,868,592

- - - - - - -

364.19 345.25 398.49 411.51 559.99 2,031.78 1,782.70

44 44 44 45 45 46 48

48 48 48 49 50 48 54

6,546,935,597 6,556,935,597 6,992,370,205 7,092,370,205 7,160,444,887 8,144,944,381 8,326,517,885

6,499.92 6,509.92 6,945.36 7,045.36 7,098.31 7,583.81 7,765.38

26,483.03 30,133.24 30,278.92 32,336.01 36,228.48 37,856.36 38,268.98

2550/ 2007

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70ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


/Common Stocks

/ Total Agro & Food Industry

( ) ASIAN 7/5/1994 1.00 1.42 361,820,468 361,820,468 513,785,064.56

( ) CFRESH 7/2/1993 1.00 1.82 428,975,000 428,975,000.00 780,734,500.00

( ) CHOTI 2/27/1992 10.00 83.00 7,500,000 75,000,000.00 622,500,000.00

( ) CM 1/25/1993 1.00 2.96 346,496,592 346,496,592.00 1,025,629,912.32

( ) CPF 12/21/1987 1.00 4.60 7,519,937,826 7,519,937,826.00 34,591,713,999.60

( ) CPI 5/16/1994 1.00 3.66 280,289,020 280,289,020.00 1,025,857,813.20

( ) GFPT 3/27/1992 10.00 12.30 125,382,100 1,253,821,000.00 1,542,199,830.00

( ) LEE 1/26/1990 1.00 3.26 734,999,995 734,999,995.00 2,396,099,983.70

( ) PPC 6/15/1990 10.00 13.00 30,000,000 300,000,000.00 390,000,000.00

( ) PRG 9/16/1993 10.00 28.25 60,000,000 600,000,000.00 1,695,000,000.00

( ) RANCH 2/1/1993 10.00 31.00 86,220,800 862,208,000.00 2,672,844,800.00

( ) SH 1/10/1992 1.00 3.00 2,780,000,000 2,780,000,000.00 8,340,000,000.00

( ) SSF 9/29/1989 1.00 2.20 269,999,000 269,999,000.00 593,997,800.00

( ) STA 8/22/1991 5.00 12.70 200,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 2,540,000,000.00

( ) TAF 9/13/1991 10.00 118.00 42,400,000 424,000,000.00 5,003,200,000.00

( ) TLUXE 9/13/1994 1.00 2.08 340,250,520 340,250,520.00 707,721,081.60

( ) TRS 1/12/1993 10.00 4.04 20,000,000 200,000,000.00 80,800,000.00

( ) ( ) TRUBB 7/30/1991 10.00 15.90 27,263,106 272,631,060.00 433,483,385.40

( ) UPOIC 4/30/1991 10.00 64.00 32,405,000 324,050,000.00 2,073,920,000.00

( ) UVAN 11/25/2003 5.00 52.00 94,000,000 470,000,000.00 4,888,000,000.00

/ Total 20 / Issues 13,787,939,427 18,844,478,481.00 71,917,488,170.38

- (Food and Beverage)

( ) ABICO 4/27/1990 1.00 1.00 235,000,000 235,000,000.00 140,000,000.00

( ) APURE 3/31/1993 0.70 2.54 280,072,719 196,050,899.96 711,384,706.26

( ) F&D 8/3/1994 10.00 6.50 12,500,000 125,000,000.00 81,250,000.00

( ) HTC 12/22/1988 1.00 2.94 166,015,000 166,015,000.00 488,084,100.00

( ) KSL 3/7/2005 1.00 12.90 1,550,000,000 1,550,000,000.00 19,995,000,000.00

( ) ( ) LST 6/20/1996 1.00 2.40 820,000,000 820,000,000.00 1,968,000,000.00

( ) MALEE 3/13/1992 10.00 8.00 70,000,000 700,000,000.00 560,000,000.00

( ) MINT 10/14/1988 1.00 18.20 2,958,216,453 2,958,216,453.00 53,839,539,444.60

( ) OISHI 8/25/2004 2.00 26.50 187,500,000 375,000,000.00 4,968,750,000.00

( ) PB 12/25/2002 10.00 71.50 45,000,000 450,000,000.00 3,217,500,000.00

( ) PR 12/25/1987 10.00 104.00 12,000,000 120,000,000.00 1,248,000,000.00

( ) S&P 5/8/1989 5.00 31.00 104,686,273 523,431,365.00 3,245,274,463.00

( ) SAICO 5/17/1989 1.00 2.00 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 400,000,000.00

( ) SAUCE 1/20/1995 10.00 120.00 36,000,000 360,000,000.00 4,320,000,000.00

( ) SFP 7/17/1985 10.00 90.00 21,000,000 210,000,000.00 1,890,000,000.00

. ( ) SORKON 4/27/1993 10.00 13.80 8,085,000 80,850,000.00 111,573,000.00

( ) SSC 6/16/1975 1.00 18.40 265,492,533 265,492,533.00 4,885,062,607.20

( ) ( ) TC 1/12/1990 10.00 13.00 33,000,000 330,000,000.00 429,000,000.00

( ) TF 12/7/1978 10.00 504.00 18,000,000 180,000,000.00 9,072,000,000.00

( ) ( ) TIPCO 9/25/1989 1.00 7.20 482,579,640 482,579,640.00 3,474,573,408.00

( ) TUF 11/22/1994 1.00 22.50 878,794,950 878,794,950.00 19,772,886,375.00

( ) TVO 11/14/1990 1.00 13.50 624,509,369 624,509,369.00 8,430,876,481.50

( ) TWFP 12/6/1989 10.00 79.50 9,506,055 95,060,550.00 755,731,372.50

( ) UFM 12/29/1978 10.00 19.00 40,000,000 400,000,000.00 760,000,000.00

/ Total 24 / Issues 9,057,957,992 12,326,000,759.96 144,764,485,958.06

/ Total Agro & Food Industry 44 / Issues 22,845,897,419 31,170,479,240.96 216,681,974,128.44


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

Page 72: Fact Book 2007


2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

/ Consumer Products

- (Home & Office Products)

( ) ( ) CEI 3/23/1993 1.00 2.56 188,300,000 188,300,000.00 482,048,000.00

( ) DISTAR 1/17/1995 1.00 0.46 403,255,708 403,255,708.00 185,497,625.68

. . . ( ) DTCI 3/27/1992 10.00 7.50 10,000,000 100,000,000.00 75,000,000.00

( ) FANCY 8/22/1994 1.00 1.96 470,000,000 470,000,000.00 921,200,000.00

( ) IFEC 5/5/1988 10.00 7.70 40,779,281 407,792,810.00 314,000,463.70

( ) KYE 5/11/1994 10.00 39.25 22,000,000 220,000,000.00 863,500,000.00

( ) MODERN 3/11/1992 10.00 40.00 84,035,372 840,353,720.00 3,361,414,880.00

( ) OGC 8/19/1993 10.00 51.50 21,330,715 213,307,150.00 1,098,531,822.50

( ) ROCK 7/26/1994 10.00 14.00 10,000,000 100,000,000.00 140,000,000.00

( ) SIAM 3/27/1992 1.00 4.22 593,125,849 593,125,849.00 2,502,991,082.78

( ) SITHAI 10/2/1991 10.00 7.50 285,714,286 2,857,142,860.00 2,142,857,145.00

( ) SUN 5/15/1991 10.00 5.00 10,133,550 101,335,500.00 50,667,750.00

/ Total 12 / Issues 2,138,674,761 6,494,613,597.00 12,137,708,769.66

- (Personal Products & Pharmaceuticals)

( ) ( ) DSGT 8/9/2006 1.00 6.50 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 1,950,000,000.00

( ) ( ) JCT 9/24/1990 10.00 45.00 13,500,000 135,000,000.00 607,500,000.00

( ) OCC 8/7/1987 1.00 9.00 60,000,000 60,000,000.00 540,000,000.00

( ) S & J 9/6/1988 1.00 12.70 102,819,750 102,819,750.00 1,305,810,825.00

( ) STHAI 8/1/2002 1.00 1.79 410,630,533 410,630,533.00 735,028,654.07

( ) TOG 5/16/2006 1.00 3.88 400,000,000 400,000,000.00 1,552,000,000.00

/ Total 6 / Issues 1,286,950,283 1,408,450,283.00 6,690,339,479.07

- (Fashion)

( ) AFC 9/22/1975 10.00 4.34 45,574,266 455,742,660.00 197,792,314.44

( ) BATA 3/10/1976 10.00 6.20 32,610,552 326,105,520.00 202,185,422.40

( ) BNC 12/21/1978 10.00 2.64 13,170,000 131,700,000.00 34,768,800.00

( ) BTNC 10/6/1987 10.00 10.50 12,000,000 120,000,000.00 126,000,000.00

( ) CPH 3/11/1992 10.00 6.75 40,000,000 400,000,000.00 270,000,000.00

. . . ( ) CPL 12/19/1994 10.00 13.50 26,399,995 263,999,950.00 356,399,932.50

( ) HT 7/29/1991 10.00 194.00 10,000,000 100,000,000.00 1,940,000,000.00

. . . ( ) ICC 12/21/1978 1.00 40.50 290,633,730 290,633,730.00 11,770,666,065.00

( ) ( ) LTX 3/17/1989 10.00 27.75 51,840,000 518,400,000.00 1,438,560,000.00

( ) ( ) NC 9/26/1977 10.00 4.48 14,951,000 149,510,000.00 66,980,480.00

( ) PAF 5/19/1988 5.00 1.79 540,000,000 2,700,000,000.00 966,600,000.00

( ) PG 9/29/1988 1.00 15.50 96,000,000 96,000,000.00 1,488,000,000.00

( ) PRANDA 7/6/1990 1.00 9.05 395,748,590 395,748,590.00 3,581,524,739.50

( ) SAWANG 7/4/1991 10.00 10.40 24,000,000 240,000,000.00 249,600,000.00

( ) SUC 6/16/1975 10.00 18.20 300,000,000 3,000,000,000.00 5,460,000,000.00

( ) TNL 7/21/1987 1.00 19.00 120,000,000 120,000,000.00 2,280,000,000.00

( ) TPCORP 7/21/1987 1.00 13.80 108,000,000 108,000,000.00 1,490,400,000.00

( ) TR 9/21/1984 1.00 76.00 201,600,000 201,600,000.00 15,321,600,000.00

( ) TTI 12/21/1987 10.00 25.00 50,000,000 500,000,000.00 1,250,000,000.00

( ) TTL 9/22/1989 10.00 25.00 15,000,000 150,000,000.00 375,000,000.00

( ) TTTM 10/26/1981 10.00 50.50 6,000,000 60,000,000.00 303,000,000.00

( ) UF 5/11/1988 10.00 5.00 20,000,000 200,000,000.00 100,000,000.00

( ) UPF 4/21/1978 10.00 27.25 7,500,000 75,000,000.00 204,375,000.00

( ) UT 11/20/1980 10.00 5.45 45,000,000 450,000,000.00 245,250,000.00

( ) WACOAL 12/23/1983 1.00 34.50 120,000,000 120,000,000.00 4,140,000,000.00

/ Total 25 / Issues 2,586,028,133 11,172,440,450.00 53,858,702,753.84

/Total Consumer Products 43 / Issues 6,011,653,177 19,075,504,330.00 72,686,751,002.57


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

/ Financials

- (Banking)

( ) ACL 11/22/1978 10.00 4.78 1,087,178,532 10,871,785,320.00 5,196,713,382.96

( ) BAY 9/26/1977 10.00 26.25 5,747,746,840 57,477,468,400.00 150,878,354,550.00

( ) BBL 4/25/1975 10.00 118.00 1,908,842,894 19,088,428,940.00 225,243,461,492.00

( ) BT 11/22/1978 3.75 1.36 2,224,900,194 8,343,375,727.50 3,025,864,263.84

( ) KBANK 2/9/1976 10.00 87.00 2,388,202,317 23,882,023,170.00 207,773,601,579.00

( ) KK 8/26/1988 10.00 28.25 521,687,004 5,216,870,040.00 14,737,657,863.00

( ) KTB 8/2/1989 5.15 10.10 11,179,749,000 57,575,708,416.18 112,915,464,900.00

( ) SCB 2/6/1976 10.00 86.50 1,899,785,023 18,997,850,230.00 164,331,404,489.50

( ) SCIB 8/16/1988 10.00 14.80 2,112,810,676 21,128,106,760.00 31,269,598,004.80

( ) TBANK 6/10/1992 10.00 13.00 1,734,619,292 17,346,192,920.00 22,550,050,796.00

( ) TISCO 7/1/1996 10.00 30.00 544,617,120 5,446,171,200.00 16,338,513,600.00

( ) TMB 12/23/1983 10.00 1.46 16,536,741,279 165,367,412,790.00 24,143,642,267.34

/ Total 13 / Issues 47,886,880,171 410,741,393,913.68 978,404,327,188.44

- (Finance and Securities)

( ) ( ) AEONTS 12/11/2001 1.00 44.50 250,000,000 250,000,000.00 11,125,000,000.00

( ) ASK 8/25/2005 5.00 5.00 230,000,000 1,150,000,000.00 1,150,000,000.00

( ) ASL 7/4/1991 1.00 0.91 4,195,895,720 4,195,895,720.00 3,818,265,105.20

( ) ASP 12/16/1988 1.00 3.76 2,026,905,400 2,026,905,400.00 7,621,164,304.00

( ) BFIT 11/28/1984 5.00 6.80 200,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 1,360,000,000.00

( ) BLS 2/28/2005 2.00 26.50 180,000,000 360,000,000.00 4,770,000,000.00

( ) BSEC 11/22/2006 1.00 3.96 800,000,000 800,000,000.00 3,168,000,000.00

( ) CNS 4/26/1988 10.00 35.75 71,682,300 716,823,000.00 2,562,642,225.00

( ) ECL 3/22/2004 1.00 0.52 410,000,000 410,000,000.00 213,200,000.00

( ) FNS 9/25/2002 5.00 8.80 125,010,100 625,050,500.00 1,100,088,880.00

( ) GBX 10/5/2004 1.00 1.50 1,070,476,000 1,070,476,000.00 1,605,714,000.00

( ) GL 10/13/2004 5.00 14.50 45,000,000 225,000,000.00 652,500,000.00

( ) KCAR 12/1/2005 1.00 6.15 250,000,000 250,000,000.00 1,537,500,000.00

( ) ( ) KEST 12/3/2003 5.00 25.50 556,361,700 2,781,808,500.00 14,187,223,350.00

( ) ( ) KGI 12/15/1989 1.00 2.78 1,991,763,130 1,991,763,130.00 5,537,101,501.40

( ) KTC 10/28/2002 10.00 31.00 257,570,076 2,575,700,760.00 7,984,672,356.00

( ) MFC 6/5/1991 1.00 13.90 120,000,000 120,000,000.00 1,668,000,000.00

( ) ML 8/19/2004 1.00 1.90 397,000,000 397,000,000.00 754,300,000.00

( ) NVL 12/25/2001 1.00 0.55 750,000,000 750,000,000.00 412,500,000.00

( ) PE 7/12/1991 10.00 1.15 800,000,000 8,000,000,000.00 920,000,000.00

( ) PHATRA 5/31/2005 5.00 34.25 213,500,000 1,067,500,000.00 7,312,375,000.00

( ) PL 8/15/1996 1.00 3.28 447,369,569 447,369,569.00 1,467,372,186.32

( ) SCAN 8/19/1996 10.00 4.82 60,000,000 600,000,000.00 289,200,000.00

( ) SGF 2/10/1988 1.00 0.26 591,375,745 591,375,745.00 153,757,693.70

( ) SICCO 12/9/1988 5.00 3.36 597,423,062 2,987,115,310.00 2,007,341,488.32

( ) SSEC 9/17/2002 1.00 1.39 637,215,030 637,215,030.00 885,728,891.70

( ) SYRUS 10/27/2004 2.00 3.82 237,557,000 475,114,000.00 907,467,740.00

( ) TCAP 4/29/1975 10.00 14.60 1,333,134,667 13,331,346,670.00 19,463,766,138.20

( ) THANI 12/19/2002 1.00 0.82 666,524,480 666,524,480.00 546,550,073.60

( ) TK 10/2/2003 1.00 4.30 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 2,150,000,000.00

( ) TNITY 12/18/2002 5.00 7.10 175,552,000 877,760,000.00 1,246,419,200.00

( ) ( ) UOBKH 11/22/2005 1.00 5.10 325,000,000 325,000,000.00 1,657,500,000.00

( ) US 8/8/2001 5.00 5.65 168,816,704 844,083,520.00 953,814,377.60

( ) ZMICO 3/17/1995 1.00 3.38 833,704,064 833,704,064.00 2,817,919,736.32

/ Total 34 / Issues 21,514,836,747 53,880,531,398.00 114,007,084,247.36


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

- (Insurance)

( ) AYUD 8/24/1987 1.00 21.30 250,000,000 250,000,000.00 5,325,000,000.00

( ) BKI 12/7/1978 10.00 274.00 50,700,000 507,000,000.00 13,891,800,000.00

( ) BUI 12/22/1988 10.00 10.30 20,000,000 200,000,000.00 206,000,000.00

( ) CHARAN 2/1/1993 10.00 66.50 6,000,000 60,000,000.00 399,000,000.00

( ) DVS 11/29/1990 10.00 178.00 12,000,000 120,000,000.00 2,136,000,000.00

( ) INSURE 3/1/1991 10.00 65.00 10,000,000 100,000,000.00 650,000,000.00

( ) NKI 8/24/1990 10.00 70.00 30,000,000 300,000,000.00 2,100,000,000.00

( ) NSI 3/28/1995 10.00 13.50 13,900,000 139,000,000.00 187,650,000.00

( ) PHA 8/9/1979 10.00 169.00 20,000,000 200,000,000.00 3,380,000,000.00

( ) SAFE 3/21/1977 10.00 49.00 35,527,960 355,279,600.00 1,740,870,040.00

( ) SCNYL 5/4/1988 10.00 180.00 66,500,000 665,000,000.00 11,970,000,000.00

( ) SCSMG 9/25/1986 5.00 41.00 90,890,431 454,452,155.00 3,726,507,671.00

( ) SMK 6/7/1991 10.00 56.50 20,000,000 200,000,000.00 1,130,000,000.00

( ) THRE 2/26/1993 1.00 6.10 1,187,354,940 1,187,354,940.00 7,242,865,134.00

( ) TIC 8/17/1976 10.00 17.20 19,000,000 190,000,000.00 326,800,000.00

( ) TIP 7/24/1996 1.00 17.70 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 5,310,000,000.00

( ) TSI 3/1/1991 10.00 10.50 31,039,408 310,394,080.00 325,913,784.00

( ) TVI 12/4/1992 1.00 2.72 151,500,000 151,500,000.00 412,080,000.00

/ Total 18 / Issues 2,314,412,739 5,689,980,775.00 60,460,486,629.00

/ Total Financials 64 / Issues 71,716,129,657 470,311,906,086.68 1,152,871,898,064.80

/ Industrials

- (Petrochemicals & Chemicals)

( ) GC 12/6/2005 1.00 3.72 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 744,000,000.00

( ) IRP 8/2/2005 1.00 10.80 1,382,197,870 1,382,197,870.00 14,927,736,996.00

( ) PATO 9/19/1995 10.00 39.50 14,000,000 140,000,000.00 553,000,000.00

. ( ) PTTCH 12/8/2005 10.00 124.00 1,495,871,600 14,958,716,000.00 185,488,078,400.00

( ) TCB 8/24/1990 1.00 30.00 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 9,000,000,000.00

( ) TCCC 10/8/1991 3.00 8.70 584,714,068 1,754,142,204.00 5,087,012,391.60

( ) TPA 12/28/1994 10.00 64.50 12,150,000 121,500,000.00 783,675,000.00

( ) TPC 4/27/1984 1.00 19.90 875,000,000 875,000,000.00 17,412,500,000.00

( ) UP 12/30/1977 10.00 17.90 25,000,000 250,000,000.00 447,500,000.00

( ) VNT 2/23/1995 6.00 7.85 1,185,193,444 7,111,160,664.00 9,303,768,535.40

( ) WG 4/11/1979 10.00 45.00 17,850,000 178,500,000.00 803,250,000.00

( ) YCI 11/19/1990 10.00 5.40 7,000,000 70,000,000.00 37,800,000.00

/ Total 14 / Issues 6,098,976,982 27,341,216,738.00 244,588,321,323.00

- (Packaging)

. . ( ) AJ 12/7/1990 1.00 2.72 359,500,450 359,500,450.00 977,841,224.00

( ) ALUCON 11/10/1989 10.00 95.00 28,800,000 288,000,000.00 2,736,000,000.00

( ) CSC 12/30/1977 10.00 14.50 52,000,000 520,000,000.00 754,000,000.00

( ) NEP 7/16/1987 1.00 0.47 1,357,792,170 1,357,792,170.00 638,162,319.90

( ) ( ) NIPPON 6/16/1994 10.00 24.30 12,200,000 122,000,000.00 296,460,000.00

( ) ( ) PTL 12/15/2004 1.00 6.05 800,000,000 800,000,000.00 4,840,000,000.00

. ( ) SPACK 3/30/2004 1.00 3.16 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 948,000,000.00

( ) TCOAT 6/14/1994 10.00 13.90 10,500,000 105,000,000.00 145,950,000.00

( ) TFI 12/29/1989 1.00 0.99 1,065,000,000 1,065,000,000.00 1,054,350,000.00

( ) THIP 12/1/1994 10.00 26.75 8,000,000 80,000,000.00 214,000,000.00

( ) TMD 11/10/1989 10.00 48.25 15,000,000 150,000,000.00 723,750,000.00

. . . ( ) TOPP 5/2/1991 10.00 41.00 6,000,000 60,000,000.00 246,000,000.00

( ) TPP 11/6/1990 10.00 7.60 37,500,000 375,000,000.00 285,000,000.00

/ Total 13 / Issues 4,052,292,620 5,582,292,620.00 13,859,513,543.90


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

- (Paper & Printing Materials)

( ) AA 2/8/1995 10.00 38.25 532,383,108 5,323,831,080.00 20,363,653,881.00

( ) TCP 4/5/1996 10.00 14.60 358,253,721 3,582,537,210.00 5,230,504,326.60

( ) UTP 12/16/2004 5.00 3.52 130,000,000 650,000,000.00 457,600,000.00

/ Total 3 / Issues 1,020,636,829 9,556,368,290.00 26,051,758,207.60

- (Automotive)

( ) AH 10/17/2002 1.00 11.00 240,000,000 240,000,000.00 2,640,000,000.00

( ) BAT-3K 2/10/1995 10.00 68.00 20,000,000 200,000,000.00 1,360,000,000.00

( ) CWT 4/29/1991 5.00 2.72 45,900,000 229,500,000.00 124,848,000.00

( ) EASON 10/27/2005 1.00 2.30 201,201,438 201,201,438.00 462,763,307.40

( ) ( ) GYT 6/30/1978 10.00 360.00 7,400,000 74,000,000.00 2,664,000,000.00

( ) ( ) HFT 12/15/2003 10.00 9.00 65,843,430 658,434,300.00 592,590,870.00

( ) IHL 12/22/2005 1.00 9.50 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 2,850,000,000.00

( ) ( ) IRC 8/25/1994 1.00 12.10 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 2,420,000,000.00

( ) SAT 1/31/2005 1.00 14.80 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 4,440,000,000.00

. . . ( ) SECC 5/18/2006 1.00 2.72 409,593,550 409,593,550.00 1,114,094,456.00

( ) SMC 1/6/1989 10.00 1.24 235,556,388 2,355,563,880.00 292,089,921.12

( ) SPG 1/9/1998 10.00 55.00 34,500,000 345,000,000.00 1,897,500,000.00

. . ( ) SPSU 3/12/1996 5.00 6.80 158,000,000 790,000,000.00 1,074,400,000.00

( ) STANLY 5/10/1991 5.00 154.00 76,625,000 383,125,000.00 11,800,250,000.00

. ( ) TKT 9/30/2004 1.00 1.41 214,000,000 214,000,000.00 301,740,000.00

( ) TNPC 2/27/1992 5.00 5.50 49,512,187 247,560,935.00 272,317,028.50

( ) TRU 11/21/1994 1.00 2.70 501,589,497 501,589,497.00 1,354,291,641.90

( ) TSC 6/23/2005 1.00 7.45 259,800,000 259,800,000.00 1,935,510,000.00

( ) YNP 1/13/2005 5.00 3.82 320,000,000 1,600,000,000.00 1,222,400,000.00

/ Total 19 / Issues 3,639,521,490 9,509,368,600.00 38,818,795,224.92

- (Industrial Materials & Machinery)

( ) AMC 8/13/2004 1.00 2.22 479,937,265 479,937,265.00 1,065,460,728.30

( ) CITY 2/23/2006 1.00 2.36 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 708,000,000.00

( ) CSP 12/22/2005 1.00 1.74 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 870,000,000.00

( ) CTW 9/26/1975 5.00 7.45 397,906,284 1,989,531,420.00 2,964,401,815.80

( ) ( ) FMT 2/6/1997 10.00 24.00 48,000,000 480,000,000.00 1,152,000,000.00

( ) GSTEEL 1/25/2006 1.00 0.73 11,100,000,000 11,100,000,000.00 8,103,000,000.00

( ) INOX 12/14/2004 1.00 1.23 8,000,000,000 8,000,000,000.00 9,840,000,000.00

( ) KKC 3/1/1991 1.00 2.22 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 1,110,000,000.00

( ) NSM 7/2/1996 1.12 0.24 25,674,719,878 28,755,686,385.79 6,161,932,770.72

( ) PATKL 3/31/1992 1.00 1.64 238,486,001 238,486,001.00 391,117,041.64

( ) PERM 7/14/2005 1.00 0.99 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 495,000,000.00

( ) SMIT 5/18/2005 1.00 2.08 530,000,000 530,000,000.00 1,102,400,000.00

( ) SNC 10/21/2004 1.00 13.00 301,403,239 301,403,239.00 3,918,242,107.00

( ) SSI 9/8/1994 1.00 0.81 13,101,280,000 13,101,280,000.00 10,612,036,800.00

( ) SSSC 1/15/1996 10.00 29.75 47,999,991 479,999,910.00 1,427,999,732.25

. . . ( ) TCJ 11/14/1995 10.00 5.25 55,750,000 557,500,000.00 292,687,500.00

- ( ) TGPRO 1/19/1995 1.00 0.79 341,334,364 341,334,364.00 269,654,147.56

( ) TMT 2/18/2005 1.00 3.74 425,000,000 425,000,000.00 1,589,500,000.00

( ) TUCC 12/8/2005 1.00 10.70 253,000,000 253,000,000.00 2,707,100,000.00

( ) ( ) TYCN 12/11/2003 10.00 6.20 628,500,000 6,285,000,000.00 3,896,700,000.00

( ) VARO 7/30/1991 5.00 6.00 86,248,604 431,243,020.00 517,491,624.00

/ Total 21 / Issues 63,509,565,626 75,549,401,604.79 59,194,724,267.27

/ Total Industrials 68 / Issues 78,320,993,547 127,538,647,852.79 382,513,112,566.69


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

/ Property & Construction

- (Construction Materials)

( ) BSBM 2/1/2005 1.00 1.20 1,132,500,000 1,132,500,000.00 1,359,000,000.00

( ) CCP 12/16/2003 1.00 1.39 310,000,000 310,000,000.00 430,900,000.00

( ) DCC 1/3/1992 1.00 15.50 408,000,000 408,000,000.00 6,324,000,000.00

( ) DCON 9/21/2004 1.00 2.40 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 480,000,000.00

( ) DRT 11/29/2005 1.00 2.90 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 2,900,000,000.00

( ) EWC 5/10/1991 5.00 8.20 100,000,000 500,000,000.00 820,000,000.00

( ) GEN 3/29/1991 1.00 1.42 476,812,500 476,812,500.00 677,073,750.00

( ) KWH 2/8/1996 1.00 1.32 299,938,000 299,938,000.00 395,918,160.00

. . . ( ) MCS 7/15/2005 1.00 3.88 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 1,940,000,000.00

( ) PAP 11/8/2004 5.00 6.90 132,000,000 660,000,000.00 910,800,000.00

( ) Q-CON 1/6/2004 1.00 1.69 400,000,000 400,000,000.00 676,000,000.00

( ) RCI 9/28/1989 1.00 1.24 314,285,710 314,285,710.00 389,714,280.40

( ) RICH 8/31/2006 1.00 11.40 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 5,700,000,000.00

( ) SAM 9/15/2004 1.00 1.97 850,000,000 850,000,000.00 1,674,500,000.00

( ) SCC 4/25/1975 1.00 232.00 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000.00 278,400,000,000.00

( ) SCCC 4/15/1977 10.00 258.00 237,500,000 2,375,000,000.00 61,275,000,000.00

( ) SCP 6/20/1991 10.00 7.00 30,000,000 300,000,000.00 210,000,000.00

( ) SINGHA 12/19/2003 1.00 2.42 448,000,000 448,000,000.00 1,084,160,000.00

( ) STPI 5/14/1996 1.00 8.85 250,000,000 250,000,000.00 2,212,500,000.00

( ) SUPER 4/19/2005 1.00 0.87 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 261,000,000.00

( ) TASCO 3/1/1991 10.00 26.50 152,543,726 1,525,437,260.00 4,042,408,739.00

( ) TCC 4/29/1991 1.00 2.20 726,889,908 726,889,908.00 1,599,157,797.60

( ) TCMC 6/30/1978 10.00 6.50 68,447,448 684,474,480.00 444,908,412.00

- ( ) TGCI 11/17/1980 1.00 0.79 789,864,900 789,864,900.00 623,993,271.00

( ) TIW 1/25/1993 10.00 57.00 6,000,000 60,000,000.00 342,000,000.00

( ) TPIPL 11/20/1990 10.00 7.45 2,019,000,000 20,190,000,000.00 15,041,550,000.00

( ) ( ) TSTH 11/29/2002 1.00 1.82 7,828,369,431 7,828,369,431.00 14,247,632,364.42

( ) TWP 10/24/1989 10.00 17.40 27,000,000 270,000,000.00 469,800,000.00

( ) TYM 8/9/2007 1.00 4.32 400,000,000 400,000,000.00 1,728,000,000.00

( ) UMI 10/6/1989 1.00 0.80 478,002,740 478,002,740.00 382,402,192.00

( ) VNG 9/14/1995 1.00 4.08 1,303,753,716 1,303,753,716.00 5,319,315,161.28

/ Total 31 / Issues 22,888,908,079 46,681,328,645.00 412,361,734,127.70

/ Property Development

- (Property Development)

( ) A 4/1/2004 1.00 3.50 758,000,000 758,000,000.00 2,653,000,000.00

( ) AMATA 7/14/1997 1.00 17.70 1,067,000,000 1,067,000,000.00 18,885,900,000.00

( ) AP 9/30/1992 1.00 6.40 2,326,307,468 2,326,307,468.00 14,888,367,795.20

( ) ASCON 12/21/2005 1.00 6.10 300,012,500 300,012,500.00 1,830,076,250.00

BKKCP 11/19/2003 10.00 8.70 100,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 870,000,000.00

( ) BLAND 2/5/1992 1.00 0.76 17,791,158,351 17,791,158,351.00 13,521,280,346.76

( ) BROCK 11/28/2006 1.00 1.04 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 1,040,000,000.00

( ) CI 12/16/2002 5.00 3.70 120,000,000 600,000,000.00 444,000,000.00

. ( ) CK 8/3/1995 1.00 8.45 1,446,012,169 1,446,012,169.00 12,218,802,828.05

( ) ( ) CNT 3/1/1991 1.00 2.14 401,161,682 401,161,682.00 858,485,999.48

( ) CPN 3/1/1995 1.00 25.00 2,178,816,000 2,178,816,000.00 54,470,400,000.00

CPN CPNRF 8/23/2005 10.00 9.05 1,091,500,000 10,915,000,000.00 9,878,075,000.00

( ) EMC 5/15/1996 1.00 4.40 483,084,403 483,084,403.00 2,125,571,373.20

( ) ESTAR 2/15/1994 1.00 0.35 4,429,197,749 4,429,197,749.00 1,550,219,212.15

( ) EVER 2/23/1994 1.00 1.83 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 549,000,000.00


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

FUTUREPF 12/7/2006 10.00 9.75 473,316,100 4,733,161,000.00 4,614,831,975.00

( ) GOLD 3/29/1994 10.00 7.60 630,082,069 6,300,820,690.00 4,788,623,724.40

GOLDPF 5/22/2007 10.00 9.80 206,000,000 2,060,000,000.00 2,018,800,000.00

( ) HEMRAJ 7/10/1992 0.40 1.42 9,313,775,096 3,725,510,093.91 13,225,560,636.32

( ) ITD 8/9/1994 1.00 8.25 4,193,678,180 4,193,678,180.00 34,597,844,985.00

JCP 1/5/2007 10.00 - 62,000,000 620,000,000.00 620,000,000.00

. . ( ) KC 10/5/1994 1.00 0.90 875,000,000 875,000,000.00 787,500,000.00

( ) KMC 5/10/1991 2.30 0.84 841,752,084 1,936,029,753.06 707,071,750.56

- ( ) KTECH 9/1/2004 1.00 1.16 463,722,685 463,722,685.00 537,918,314.60

( ) KTP 1/11/1993 10.00 2.44 220,000,000 2,200,000,000.00 536,800,000.00

( ) LALIN 11/28/2002 1.00 3.28 825,000,000 825,000,000.00 2,706,000,000.00

( ) LH 2/17/1989 1.00 7.50 8,673,061,416 8,673,061,416.00 65,047,960,620.00

. . . ( ) LPN 12/23/1994 1.00 7.80 1,475,698,768 1,475,698,768.00 11,510,450,390.40

( ) MBK 4/24/1996 10.00 70.00 188,629,100 1,886,291,000.00 13,204,037,000.00

( ) METRO 10/26/2005 1.00 11.00 459,115,000 459,115,000.00 5,050,265,000.00

MIPF 3/8/2005 10.00 10.20 190,000,000 1,900,000,000.00 1,938,000,000.00

( ) MJD 11/27/2007 1.00 4.54 700,000,000 700,000,000.00 3,178,000,000.00

MJLF 7/18/2007 10.00 9.70 230,000,000 2,300,000,000.00 2,231,000,000.00

( ) MK 3/26/1990 1.00 2.32 866,684,157 866,684,157.00 2,010,707,244.24

- MNIT 8/11/2005 10.00 10.40 138,000,000 1,380,000,000.00 1,435,200,000.00

( ) N-PARK 2/16/1993 1.00 0.20 8,057,456,000 8,057,456,000.00 1,611,491,200.00

. . ( ) NCH 3/29/2004 1.00 2.86 1,185,985,052 1,185,985,052.00 3,391,917,248.72

( ) NNCL 5/18/2004 1.00 2.20 1,126,821,820 1,126,821,820.00 2,479,008,004.00

( ) NOBLE 6/12/1997 3.00 4.20 456,471,175 1,369,413,525.00 1,917,178,935.00

( ) NWR 9/27/1995 1.00 0.66 2,484,641,988 2,484,641,988.00 1,639,863,712.08

( ) ( ) PAE 2/13/1996 1.00 1.75 574,500,000 574,500,000.00 1,005,375,000.00

( ) PF 6/1/1993 6.00 3.98 787,491,194 4,724,947,164.00 3,134,214,952.12

( ) PLE 12/12/2002 1.00 5.45 546,148,856 546,148,856.00 2,976,511,265.20

- ( ) POWER 3/11/1992 10.00 2.14 210,000,000 2,100,000,000.00 449,400,000.00

( ) PREB 12/2/2005 1.00 1.16 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 232,000,000.00

( ) PRECHA 4/18/1996 10.00 2.00 134,400,000 1,344,000,000.00 268,800,000.00

( ) PRIN 11/7/2005 1.00 3.20 1,005,000,000 1,005,000,000.00 3,216,000,000.00

( ) PS 12/6/2005 1.00 8.40 2,180,178,200 2,180,178,200.00 18,313,496,880.00

( ) QH 9/11/1991 1.00 2.12 7,303,722,603 7,303,722,603.00 15,483,891,918.36

QHPF 12/12/2006 10.00 9.00 797,000,000 7,970,000,000.00 7,173,000,000.00

( ) RAIMON 9/10/1993 1.00 0.94 2,740,181,671 2,740,181,671.00 2,575,770,770.74

( ) RASA 4/12/2007 5.00 5.00 80,000,000 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00

( ) ROJANA 12/13/1995 1.00 17.30 763,594,644 763,594,644.00 13,210,187,341.20

( ) SAMCO 6/2/1993 1.00 2.30 450,000,000 450,000,000.00 1,035,000,000.00

( ) SC 11/13/2003 10.00 13.40 321,000,000 3,210,000,000.00 4,301,400,000.00

( ) SEAFCO 9/3/2004 1.00 5.50 215,000,000 215,000,000.00 1,182,500,000.00

( ) SF 12/17/2002 1.00 12.00 508,941,438 508,941,438.00 6,107,297,256.00

( ) SIRI 7/19/1996 4.28 3.60 1,473,628,692 6,307,131,110.94 5,305,063,291.20

SIRIPF 9/26/2005 10.00 10.20 86,500,000 865,000,000.00 882,300,000.00

( ) SPALI 11/17/1993 1.00 3.70 1,598,722,268 1,598,722,268.00 5,915,272,391.60

SPF 11/24/2006 10.00 8.85 950,000,000 9,500,000,000.00 8,407,500,000.00

- ( ) STEC 8/31/1992 1.00 5.50 1,186,208,619 1,186,208,619.00 6,524,147,404.50

( ) SYNTEC 7/8/1993 1.00 0.86 1,600,000,000 1,600,000,000.00 1,376,000,000.00

( ) TFD 5/15/1991 1.00 1.02 637,598,035 637,598,035.00 650,349,995.70

TFUND 5/12/2005 10.00 10.80 565,000,000 5,650,000,000.00 6,102,000,000.00

( ) TICON 6/13/2002 1.00 20.70 650,750,227 650,750,227.00 13,470,529,698.90

1 TIF1 6/29/2005 10.00 10.00 90,000,000 900,000,000.00 900,000,000.00


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

TU-PF 12/6/2006 10.00 10.10 104,229,800 1,042,298,000.00 1,052,720,980.00

( ) TYONG 3/1/1991 1.00 0.91 5,813,333,333 5,813,333,333.00 5,290,133,333.03

( ) UNIQ 3/30/2007 1.00 2.88 625,000,000 625,000,000.00 1,800,000,000.00

UOBAPF 10/29/2003 10.00 8.30 85,000,000 850,000,000.00 705,500,000.00

URBNPF 10/18/2007 10.00 10.00 72,000,000 720,000,000.00 720,000,000.00

( ) UV 12/9/1988 1.00 2.84 762,268,274 762,268,274.00 2,164,841,898.16

( ) WIN 6/11/1990 1.00 1.19 490,328,076 490,328,076.00 583,490,410.44

/ Total 74 / Issues 113,736,866,942 182,228,693,968.92 460,483,904,332.31

/ Total Property & Construction 105 / Issues 136,625,775,021 228,910,022,613.92 872,845,638,460.01

/ Resources

- (Energy & Utilities)

( ) AI 38239 1.00 6.35 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 3,175,000,000.00

( ) AKR 38936 1.00 2.26 790,173,640 790,173,640.00 1,785,792,426.40

( ) BAFS 37350 1.00 11.20 509,997,325 509,997,325.00 5,711,970,040.00

( ) BANPU 32675 10.00 400.00 271,747,855 2,717,478,550.00 108,699,142,000.00

( ) BCP 34548 1.00 14.00 1,119,132,050 1,119,132,050.00 15,667,848,700.00

( ) EASTW 35639 1.00 4.74 1,663,725,149 1,663,725,149.00 7,886,057,206.26

( ) EGCO 34715 10.00 112.00 526,465,000 5,264,650,000.00 58,964,080,000.00

( ) GLOW 38463 10.00 33.50 1,462,865,035 14,628,650,350.00 49,005,978,672.50

( ) IRPC 34775 1.00 6.35 19,500,000,000 19,500,000,000.00 123,825,000,000.00

( ) LANNA 34527 1.00 18.10 350,000,000 350,000,000.00 6,335,000,000.00

( ) MDX 33676 10.00 4.00 475,593,142 4,755,931,420.00 1,902,372,568.00

( ) PICNI 34016 1.00 0.25 2,955,483,179 2,955,483,179.00 738,870,794.75

. ( ) PTT 37231 10.00 376.00 2,816,975,625 28,169,756,250.00 1,059,182,835,000.00

. ( ) PTTAR 39444 10.00 - 2,963,628,522 29,636,285,220.00 127,613,844,157.32

. ( ) PTTEP 34130 1.00 164.00 3,297,420,300 3,297,420,300.00 540,776,929,200.00

( ) RATCH 36832 10.00 45.75 1,450,000,000 14,500,000,000.00 66,337,500,000.00

( ) RPC 37949 1.00 4.12 529,870,229 529,870,229.00 2,183,065,343.48

( ) ( ) SCG 37993 1.00 4.30 955,000,000 955,000,000.00 4,106,500,000.00

( ) SOLAR 38441 1.00 2.92 300,000,000 300,000,000.00 876,000,000.00

- ( ) STRD 29045 10.00 5.05 20,000,000 200,000,000.00 101,000,000.00

( ) SUSCO 8/31/1990 1.00 0.40 1,190,000,000 1,190,000,000.00 476,000,000.00

( ) TOP 10/26/2004 10.00 86.50 2,040,027,873 20,400,278,730.00 176,462,411,014.50

/ Total 22 / Issues 45,688,104,924 153,933,832,392.00 2,361,813,197,123.21

- (Mining)

( ) PDI 7/21/1987 10.00 37.50 226,000,000 2,260,000,000.00 8,475,000,000.00

( ) THL 6/2/1981 1.00 1.28 756,939,463 756,939,463.00 968,882,512.64

/ Total 2 / Issues 982,939,463 3,016,939,463.00 9,443,882,512.64

/ Total Resources 24 / Issues 46,671,044,387 156,950,771,855.00 2,371,257,079,635.85

/ Services

- (Commerce)

( ) BIGC 1/3/1992 10.00 46.75 801,386,574 8,013,865,740.00 37,464,822,334.50

( ) BJC 4/25/1975 1.00 6.90 1,588,125,000 1,588,125,000.00 10,958,062,500.00

( ) CPALL 10/14/2003 1.00 10.90 4,470,224,988 4,470,224,988.00 48,725,452,369.20

( ) DE 9/17/2004 1.00 1.06 528,000,000 528,000,000.00 559,680,000.00

( ) HMPRO 10/30/2001 1.00 4.94 1,924,920,422 1,924,920,422.00 9,509,106,884.68

( ) IT 6/2/2003 1.00 6.60 333,158,834 333,158,834.00 2,198,848,304.40

( ) LOXLEY 1/25/1994 1.00 2.32 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000.00 4,640,000,000.00

( ) MAKRO 8/11/1994 10.00 99.00 240,000,000 2,400,000,000.00 23,760,000,000.00

( ) MIDA 7/17/2003 1.00 0.84 1,034,757,830 1,034,757,830.00 869,196,577.20


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

( ) MINOR 1/6/1989 1.00 15.30 454,382,230 454,382,230.00 6,952,048,119.00

( ) ROBINS 1/3/1992 3.55 11.10 1,110,661,133 3,942,846,969.19 12,328,338,576.30

( ) SINGER 6/28/1984 1.00 1.66 270,000,000 270,000,000.00 448,200,000.00

( ) SPC 6/30/1978 1.00 19.50 275,875,320 275,875,320.00 5,379,568,740.00

( ) SPI 12/30/1977 1.00 20.90 494,034,300 494,034,300.00 10,325,316,870.00

/ Total 14 / Issues 15,525,526,631 27,730,191,633.19 174,118,641,275.28

- (Media & Publishing)

( ) APRINT 1/3/1992 1.00 13.80 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 2,760,000,000.00

( ) BEC 7/18/1996 1.00 28.75 2,000,000,000 2,000,000,000.00 57,500,000,000.00

( ) CVD 7/5/1994 10.00 19.00 32,400,000 324,000,000.00 615,600,000.00

( ) EPCO 4/22/1993 1.00 2.02 515,410,201 515,410,201.00 1,041,128,606.02

( ) FE 7/21/1987 10.00 75.00 7,500,000 75,000,000.00 562,500,000.00

( ) GMMM 11/22/2002 1.00 10.20 200,255,500 200,255,500.00 2,042,606,100.00

( ) GRAMMY 2/17/1995 1.00 9.85 490,000,000 490,000,000.00 4,826,500,000.00

( ) ITV 3/13/2002 5.00 1.05 1,206,697,400 6,033,487,000.00 1,267,032,270.00

( ) LIVE 2/23/1995 0.10 2.06 4,600,000,000 460,000,006.85 9,476,000,000.00

( ) MAJOR 5/23/2002 1.00 19.00 879,932,619 879,932,619.00 16,718,719,761.00

( ) MATCH 3/11/2003 1.00 1.30 207,815,057 207,815,057.00 270,159,574.10

( ) MATI 12/15/1989 1.00 8.05 205,000,000 205,000,000.00 1,650,250,000.00

( ) MCOT 11/17/2004 5.00 25.50 687,099,210 3,435,496,050.00 17,521,029,855.00

( ) MEDIAS 2/8/1996 4.00 6.00 328,073,896 1,312,295,584.00 1,968,443,376.00

( ) NMG 6/9/1988 10.00 7.30 164,774,030 1,647,740,300.00 1,202,850,419.00

( ) P-FCB 7/30/1991 1.00 8.95 60,000,000 60,000,000.00 537,000,000.00

( ) POST 12/25/1984 1.00 5.10 500,000,000 500,000,000.00 2,550,000,000.00

( ) PSAP 11/5/2004 1.00 1.18 292,999,500 292,999,500.00 345,739,410.00

( ) RS 5/22/2003 1.00 2.98 700,000,000 700,000,000.00 2,086,000,000.00

( ) SE-ED 8/22/1991 1.00 9.50 323,765,330 323,765,330.00 3,075,770,635.00

( ) SMM 3/22/2005 1.00 0.71 240,000,000 240,000,000.00 170,400,000.00

( ) SPORT 3/13/1996 1.00 3.04 269,458,790 269,458,790.00 819,154,721.60

( ) TBSP 3/13/1996 10.00 82.00 11,000,000 110,000,000.00 902,000,000.00

( ) TONHUA 5/29/1991 5.00 3.60 24,000,000 120,000,000.00 86,400,000.00

( ) TRAF 6/5/2002 1.00 17.00 120,000,000 120,000,000.00 2,040,000,000.00

( ) WORK 9/29/2004 1.00 19.50 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 3,900,000,000.00

/ Total 26 / Issues 14,466,181,533 20,922,655,937.85 135,935,284,727.72

- (Health Care Services)

( ) AHC 1/10/1992 10.00 59.50 12,500,000 125,000,000.00 743,750,000.00

( ) BGH 10/2/1991 1.00 33.50 1,214,130,812 1,214,130,812.00 40,673,382,202.00

( ) BH 12/15/1989 1.00 40.50 728,202,772 728,202,772.00 29,492,212,266.00

( ) KDH 10/17/1989 10.00 35.50 15,000,000 150,000,000.00 532,500,000.00

( ) KH 11/10/2004 1.00 8.45 950,000,000 950,000,000.00 8,027,500,000.00

( ) LNH 10/17/1994 10.00 31.75 18,000,000 180,000,000.00 571,500,000.00

( ) M-CHAI 7/24/1996 10.00 32.00 16,000,000 160,000,000.00 512,000,000.00

( ) NEW 8/23/1996 10.00 16.00 10,000,000 100,000,000.00 160,000,000.00

( ) NTV 8/16/1994 10.00 119.00 16,000,000 160,000,000.00 1,904,000,000.00

( ) RAM 9/13/1991 10.00 556.00 12,000,000 120,000,000.00 6,672,000,000.00

( ) SKR 1/4/1988 10.00 10.50 100,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 1,050,000,000.00

( ) SVH 6/15/1990 10.00 56.00 100,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 5,600,000,000.00

( ) VIBHA 3/26/1992 1.00 3.02 613,275,232 613,275,232.00 1,852,091,200.64

/ Total 13 / Issues 3,805,108,816 6,500,608,816.00 97,790,935,668.64


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

- (Tourism & Leisure)

( ) ASIA 9/29/1989 10.00 46.25 32,000,000 320,000,000.00 1,480,000,000.00

( ) CAWOW 11/8/2005 1.00 5.75 200,000,000 200,000,000.00 1,150,000,000.00

( ) CENTEL 1/10/1990 1.00 5.60 1,350,000,000 1,350,000,000.00 7,560,000,000.00

( ) CSR 9/7/1989 10.00 45.25 20,500,000 205,000,000.00 927,625,000.00

( ) DTC 4/29/1975 10.00 38.00 85,000,000 850,000,000.00 3,230,000,000.00

( ) ERAWAN 8/26/1988 1.00 4.04 2,214,574,625 2,214,574,625.00 8,946,881,485.00

( ) GRAND 2/10/2004 1.00 4.30 1,251,200,000 1,251,200,000.00 5,380,160,000.00

( ) LRH 11/25/1993 10.00 44.00 166,682,701 1,666,827,010.00 7,334,038,844.00

( ) MANRIN 9/13/1991 10.00 22.00 22,000,000 220,000,000.00 484,000,000.00

- ( ) MME 12/8/2005 1.00 2.22 245,000,000 245,000,000.00 543,900,000.00

( ) ( ) OHTL 6/21/1988 10.00 504.00 16,000,000 160,000,000.00 8,064,000,000.00

( ) PA 9/29/1989 10.00 4.66 334,000,000 3,340,000,000.00 1,556,440,000.00

( ) ( ) ROH 7/21/1989 10.00 41.00 93,750,000 937,500,000.00 3,843,750,000.00

( ) SAFARI 2/16/1995 5.00 2.40 200,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 480,000,000.00

- ( ) SHANG 9/13/1990 10.00 51.00 130,000,000 1,300,000,000.00 6,630,000,000.00

/ Total 16 / Issues 6,360,707,326 15,260,101,635.00 57,610,795,329.00

- (Professional Services)

( ) BWG 11/14/2007 1.00 7.70 320,000,000 320,000,000.00 2,464,000,000.00

( ) GENCO 9/28/2000 1.00 0.72 900,000,000 900,000,000.00 648,000,000.00

(1999) ( ) PRO 7/23/2004 1.00 1.00 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00

/ Total 3 / Issues 2,220,000,000 2,220,000,000.00 4,112,000,000.00

- (Transportation & Logistics)

( ) AOT 3/11/2004 10.00 57.50 1,428,570,000 14,285,700,000.00 82,142,775,000.00

( ) ASIMAR 1/17/1996 1.00 1.12 234,810,100 234,810,100.00 262,987,312.00

( ) BECL 8/31/1995 10.00 23.80 770,000,000 7,700,000,000.00 18,326,000,000.00

( ) BMCL 9/21/2006 1.00 1.04 11,950,000,000 11,950,000,000.00 12,428,000,000.00

( ) BTC 7/10/2003 1.00 0.88 660,211,226 660,211,226.00 580,985,878.88

( ) JUTHA 12/29/1989 3.00 8.70 83,450,000 250,350,000.00 726,015,000.00

( ) KWC 11/20/1980 10.00 36.00 6,000,000 60,000,000.00 216,000,000.00

( ) PSL 9/16/1993 1.00 29.00 1,039,520,600 1,039,520,600.00 30,146,097,400.00

( ) RCL 12/9/1988 1.00 29.75 663,000,000 663,000,000.00 19,724,250,000.00

( ) SST 8/7/1987 1.00 4.46 121,000,000 121,000,000.00 539,660,000.00

( ) THAI 7/19/1991 10.00 39.25 1,698,900,950 16,989,009,500.00 66,681,862,287.50

( ) TSTE 7/13/1990 1.00 4.20 120,000,000 120,000,000.00 504,000,000.00

( ) TTA 9/25/1995 1.00 47.25 643,684,422 643,684,422.00 30,414,088,939.50

( ) UST 7/8/1988 10.00 13.80 38,771,812 387,718,120.00 535,051,005.60

/ Total 14 / Issues 19,457,919,110 55,105,003,968.00 263,227,772,823.48

/ Total Professional Services 87 / Issues 61,835,443,416 127,738,561,990.04 732,795,429,824.12

/ Technology

- (Information & Communication Technology)

( ) ADVANC 11/5/1991 1.00 97.00 2,958,123,252 2,958,123,252.00 286,937,955,444.00

( ) AIT 7/30/2003 5.00 13.00 60,000,000 300,000,000.00 780,000,000.00

- ( ) BLISS 12/13/2004 1.00 10.80 315,000,000 315,000,000.00 3,402,000,000.00

( ) CSL 4/8/2004 1.00 3.94 626,899,344 626,899,344.00 2,469,983,415.36

( ) DTAC 6/22/2007 2.00 39.25 2,367,811,000 4,735,622,000.00 92,936,581,750.00

( ) FORTH 9/8/2006 1.00 7.65 480,000,000 480,000,000.00 3,672,000,000.00

( ) IEC 2/5/1992 1.00 1.39 1,749,229,000 1,749,229,000.00 2,431,428,310.00

( ) INET 11/14/2001 1.00 1.47 250,020,799 250,020,799.00 367,530,574.53

( ) JAS 7/7/1994 1.00 0.40 8,319,907,163 8,319,907,163.00 3,327,962,865.20

( ) JTS 9/18/2006 1.00 1.52 702,000,000 702,000,000.00 1,067,040,000.00


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

( ) MFEC 10/8/2003 1.00 5.00 217,000,000 217,000,000.00 1,085,000,000.00

( ) MLINK 4/3/2002 1.00 1.41 540,000,000 540,000,000.00 761,400,000.00

( ) MSC 5/9/1996 1.00 4.04 360,000,000 360,000,000.00 1,454,400,000.00

( ) PT 5/3/1991 1.00 2.48 141,944,471 141,944,471.00 352,022,288.08

( ) SAMART 12/23/1993 1.00 8.15 976,503,910 976,503,910.00 7,958,506,866.50

( ) SAMTEL 7/26/1996 1.00 8.10 600,000,000 600,000,000.00 4,860,000,000.00

( ) SATTEL 1/18/1994 5.00 10.20 1,092,218,894 5,461,094,470.00 11,140,632,718.80

( ) SHIN 8/31/1990 1.00 26.25 3,196,857,425 3,196,857,425.00 83,917,507,406.25

- ( ) SIM 12/9/2003 1.00 18.20 430,000,000 430,000,000.00 7,826,000,000.00

( ) ( ) SIS 6/21/2004 1.00 4.16 201,481,300 201,481,300.00 838,162,208.00

( ) SVOA 9/16/1993 1.00 1.33 622,040,000 622,040,000.00 827,313,200.00

. . . ( ) TKS 11/18/2003 1.00 4.50 248,073,200 248,073,200.00 1,116,329,400.00

( ) TRUE 12/22/1993 10.00 5.80 3,803,843,384 38,038,433,840.00 22,062,291,627.20

( ) TT&T 5/31/1994 10.00 0.91 3,242,484,261 32,424,842,610.00 2,950,660,677.51

( ) TWZ 11/18/2005 1.00 14.20 240,000,000 240,000,000.00 3,408,000,000.00

/ Total 25 / Issues 33,741,437,403 104,135,072,784.00 547,950,708,751.43

- (Electronic Components)

- ( ) ( ) CCET 1/3/2001 1.00 7.00 3,919,208,416 3,919,208,416.00 27,434,458,912.00

( ) ( ) DELTA 7/24/1995 1.00 21.80 1,247,378,396 1,247,378,396.00 27,192,849,032.80

( ) DRACO 11/16/1994 10.00 32.75 16,000,000 160,000,000.00 524,000,000.00

( ) EIC 12/22/2003 1.00 4.82 400,000,000 400,000,000.00 1,928,000,000.00

( ) HANA 2/1/1993 1.00 21.60 830,405,960 830,405,960.00 17,936,768,736.00

( ) KCE 8/30/1988 1.00 3.62 462,497,269 462,497,269.00 1,674,240,113.78

( ) ( ) METCO 8/10/1992 10.00 197.00 22,000,000 220,000,000.00 4,334,000,000.00

( ) MPT 6/8/1995 1.80 2.58 2,084,861,788 3,752,751,118.99 5,378,943,413.04

( ) ( ) SPPT 2/17/2005 1.00 4.36 250,000,000 250,000,000.00 1,090,000,000.00

( ) SVI 9/18/1989 1.00 1.42 1,478,508,320 1,478,508,320.00 2,099,481,814.40

( ) TEAM 11/6/2001 1.00 7.35 452,910,122 452,910,122.00 3,328,889,396.70

/ Total 11 / Issues 11,163,770,271 13,173,659,601.99 92,921,631,418.72

/Total Technology 37 / Issues 44,905,207,674 117,308,732,385.99 640,872,340,170.15

/ Non-Performing Group

( ) AMAC 2/8/1996 1.00 1.30 206,315,801 206,315,801.00 31,200,000.00

( ) ( ) APC 1/15/1996 1.00 0.60 222,453,175 222,453,175.00 133,471,905.00

( ) APX 11/20/1990 10.00 2.80 1,071,794,872 10,717,948,720.00 462,000,000.00

( ) BRC 12/30/1983 10.00 2.48 163,457,165 1,634,571,650.00 345,381,391.20

( ) BSI 7/30/1991 10.00 1.30 160,000,000 1,600,000,000.00 208,000,000.00

( ) CIRKIT 7/5/1996 10.00 1.84 50,009,637 500,096,370.00 92,017,732.08

( ) CPICO 3/13/1996 10.00 2.00 60,060 600,600.00 120,000,000.00

- ( ) D-MARK 8/30/1994 10.00 2.10 16,650,000 166,500,000.00 31,500,000.00

( ) DAIDO 7/30/2002 5.00 4.00 51,999,279 259,996,395.00 207,997,116.00

( ) DTM 12/30/1983 2.50 1.06 1,085,494,711 2,713,736,777.50 1,150,624,393.66

( ) LL 8/16/1990 1.00 2.78 615,000,000 615,000,000.00 145,519,592.06

( ) MGR 1/10/1990 1.00 0.40 129,354,620 129,354,620.00 9,000,000.00

( ) NFC 8/26/1996 1.00 1.36 2,486,619,720 2,486,619,720.00 1,786,967,755.44

( ) NPK 10/14/1988 10.00 1.20 10,000,000 100,000,000.00 12,000,000.00

( ) POMPUI 6/8/1995 10.00 2.16 37,619,999 376,199,990.00 81,259,197.84

( ) PYT 11/29/1993 1.00 1.50 1,732,047,520 1,732,047,520.00 135,000,000.00

( ) SMPC 12/3/1991 10.00 1.85 24,000,000 240,000,000.00 44,400,000.00

( ) SRI 3/18/1993 10.00 0.52 29,996,513 299,965,130.00 15,598,186.76

( ) TDT 8/10/1992 1.00 0.50 532,603,858 532,603,858.00 199,302,500.00

( ) TPROP 4/16/1990 10.00 0.70 235,370,206 2,353,702,060.00 56,630,000.00


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2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

( ) ( ) TUNTEX 9/15/1993 10.00 1.92 278,000,000 2,780,000,000.00 533,760,000.00

( ) USC 12/16/1985 10.00 1.72 78,536,038 785,360,380.00 135,081,985.36

/ Total 22 / Issues 9,217,383,174 30,453,072,766.50 5,936,711,755.40

/ Total Common Stocks 491 / Issues 478,149,527,472 1,309,457,699,121.88 6,448,460,935,608.03

/ Prefered Stocks

( ) ACL-P1 5/3/2000 10.00 5.30 503,274,413 5,032,744,130.00 2,667,513,706.90

( ) BH-P 12/15/1989 1.00 44.50 1,849,450 1,849,450.00 82,300,525.00

( ) CSC-P 7/3/2007 10.00 - 800,000 8,000,000.00 60,800,000.00

( ) JUTHA-P 12/29/1989 3.00 - 2,550,000 7,650,000.00 25,500,000.00

( ) KTB-P 8/2/1989 5.15 55.00 5,500,000 28,325,000.52 302,500,000.00

( ) SCB-P 5/14/1999 10.00 84.50 1,499,407,175 14,994,071,750.00 126,699,906,287.50

( ) SGF-P1 2/13/2001 1.00 - 20 20.00 200.00

( ) TCAP-P 8/22/1975 10.00 860.00 19,336 193,360.00 22,270,560.00

( ) TISCO-P 6/11/1999 10.00 30.50 182,771,880 1,827,718,800.00 5,574,542,340.00

( ) . TMB-P1 5/26/2000 10.00 - 1,991,997,200 19,919,972,000.00 19,919,972,000.00

/ Total Prefered Stocks 9 / Issues 4,188,169,474 41,820,524,510.52 155,355,305,619.40

/ Unit Trusts *

AYFGCB 5/28/2002 10.00 13.00 92,000,000 920,000,000.00 1,196,000,000.00

GBFF 6/7/2002 10.00 10.50 90,000,000 900,000,000.00 945,000,000.00

INGFIF 5/28/2002 10.00 12.00 180,000,000 1,800,000,000.00 1,104,000,000.00

MGE 6/14/2002 10.00 11.20 180,000,000 1,800,000,000.00 2,016,000,000.00

RKGB 6/13/2002 10.00 12.00 92,000,000 920,000,000.00 1,104,000,000.00

SCBSET 7/31/2001 10.00 5.80 500,000,000 5,000,000,000.00 2,900,000,000.00

50 TDEX 9/6/2007 5.68 6.35 880,281,690 4,999,999,848.09 5,589,788,731.50

1 VAYU1 2/27/2004 10.00 9.72 7,000,000,000 70,000,000,000.00 68,040,000,000.00

/ Total Unit Trusts 7 / Issues 9,014,281,690 86,339,999,848.09 82,894,788,731.50

/ Warrants

( ) AIT-W1 10/11/2007 - 4.60 5,999,972 - 27,599,871.20

( ) AMC-W1 5/3/2007 - 1.28 39,981,706 - 51,176,583.68

( ) ( ) APC-W1 10/6/2003 - 0.30 62,742,954 - 18,822,886.20

( ) ( ) APC-W2 10/6/2003 - 0.32 133,463,425 - 42,708,296.00

( ) ASCON-W1 8/21/2007 - 2.44 99,986,937 - 243,968,126.28

( ) ASP-W1 10/10/2005 - 2.24 474,441,336 - 1,062,748,592.64

( ) BAY-W1 9/8/2003 - 14.00 341,645,915 - 4,783,042,810.00

( ) BCP-W1 5/26/2006 - 4.44 69,032,486 - 306,504,237.84

( ) BLAND-W1 1/22/2007 - 0.11 1,998,534,653 - 219,838,811.83

- ( ) BLISS-W1 8/3/2005 - 6.75 68,999,982 - 465,749,878.50

( ) BTC-W2 3/16/2004 - 0.38 339,236,821 - 128,909,991.98

- ( ) ( ) CCET-W1 4/25/2006 - 2.26 686,454,462 - 1,551,387,084.12

- ( ) ( ) CCET-W2 10/11/2007 - 4.90 156,000,000 - 764,400,000.00

( ) CPICO-W1 8/9/2000 - 0.30 119,994,600 - 36,000,000.00

( ) CSP-W1 1/16/2007 - 0.48 124,999,992 - 59,999,996.16

( ) CWT-W1 2/9/2005 - 1.09 22,493,772 - 24,518,211.48

( ) ( ) DELTA-W2 12/28/2005 - 22.30 5,248 - 580,870.40

( ) EASON-W1 5/21/2007 - 1.25 99,999,988 - 124,999,985.00

( ) EMC-W1 10/21/2005 - 3.20 103,234,958 - 330,351,865.60

( ) ESTAR-W1 1/29/2002 - 0.16 700,193,820 - 112,031,011.20

( ) ESTAR-W2 1/30/2004 - 0.09 1,253,366,144 - 112,802,952.96

( ) EWC-W1 6/23/2005 - 2.76 24,973,711 - 68,927,442.36

( ) GBX-W1 9/12/2006 - 0.92 354,994,915 - 326,595,321.80

( ) GEN-W1 10/26/2005 - 0.46 238,362,035 - 109,646,536.10


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82ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

( ) HEMRAJ-W 12/15/1999 - 1.05 395,613,832 - 415,394,523.60

( ) IT-W1 6/2/2003 - 5.00 2,575,049 - 12,875,245.00

( ) JAS-W 8/24/1999 - 0.18 1,156,173,100 - 208,111,158.00

( ) JAS-W2 3/2/2004 - 0.09 5,035,417,950 - 453,187,615.50

( ) KK-W2 10/27/1998 - 22.00 422,951 - 9,304,922.00

( ) KK-W3 4/29/1999 - 17.20 4,725,062 - 81,271,066.40

( ) KK-W4 2/16/2001 - 10.50 111,329,209 - 1,168,956,694.50

( ) KMC-W1 6/14/2005 - 0.17 831,549,534 - 141,363,420.78

( ) LEE-W1 3/17/2004 - 0.23 244,999,995 - 56,349,998.85

( ) LH-W2 9/26/2001 - 6.45 1,082,366,336 - 6,981,262,867.20

( ) MATCH-W1 2/9/2004 - 0.38 107,999,888 - 41,039,957.44

( ) MFEC-W1 10/17/2007 - 2.64 54,248,988 - 143,217,328.32

( ) MIDA-W1 2/23/2006 - 0.20 409,565,249 - 81,913,049.80

( ) MINOR-W1 6/29/2000 - 135.00 2,621,037 - 353,839,995.00

( ) MINT-W3 4/25/2006 - 11.90 239,140,292 - 2,845,769,474.80

( ) NEP-W1 12/11/2002 - 0.24 1,437,624,580 - 345,029,899.20

( ) NNCL-W1 11/14/2005 - 1.49 325,769,120 - 485,395,988.80

( ) NSM-W1 11/18/2003 - 0.07 3,233,879,388 - 226,371,557.16

( ) PF-W2 12/4/2002 - 4.50 9,103,002 - 63,266,269.50

( ) PICNI-W1 12/24/2003 - 0.29 6,812,237 - 1,975,548.73

( ) QH-W4 9/25/2003 - 0.89 1,155,951,640 - 1,028,796,959.60

( ) ROJANA-W 2/10/2004 - 14.50 137,442,516 - 2,002,055,832.00

( ) SAM-W1 12/3/2007 - 1.47 212,424,988 - 312,264,732.36

. . . ( ) SECC-W1 6/1/2007 - 1.03 99,999,996 - 102,999,995.88

( ) SGF-W2 2/10/2006 - 0.08 247,908,960 - 19,832,716.80

( ) SINGHA-W 12/28/2007 - 0.94 111,998,657 - 105,278,737.58

( ) SKR-W1 9/10/2004 - 2.70 39,968,108 - 107,913,891.60

( ) SPALI-W3 9/21/2005 - 2.20 114,662,386 - 252,257,249.20

( ) SPORT-W2 7/6/2004 - 0.97 82,846,520 - 80,361,124.40

- ( ) STEC-W2 5/3/2005 - 1.21 163,548,461 - 197,893,637.81

( ) STHAI-W1 5/26/2006 - 0.34 175,246,928 - 59,583,955.52

( ) SVI-W2 12/27/2006 - 0.68 358,728,080 - 243,935,094.40

( ) TASCO-W2 10/18/2005 - 6.00 11,771,412 - 70,628,472.00

( ) TCC-W1 11/9/2007 - 1.75 323,016,210 - 565,278,367.50

( ) TFD-W1 4/18/2003 - 0.52 122,401,965 - 63,649,021.80

( ) THANI-W2 10/28/2003 - 0.11 58,717,190 - 6,458,890.90

( ) THANI-W3 10/28/2003 - 0.12 39,444,326 - 4,733,319.12

( ) THANI-W4 12/14/2006 - 0.13 212,784,848 - 27,662,030.24

( ) TICON-W2 3/15/2006 - 12.20 20,128,684 - 245,569,944.80

. . . ( ) TKS-W1 9/26/2005 - 1.66 61,999,540 - 102,919,236.40

( ) TLUXE-W1 3/6/2006 - 0.90 39,912,477 - 35,921,229.30

( ) ( ) TSTH-W1 12/18/2002 - 0.53 1,083,275,200 - 574,135,856.00

( ) ( ) TSTH-W2 12/18/2002 - 0.16 1,520,763,525 - 243,322,164.00

( ) UV-W1 3/7/2003 - 1.42 170,545,990 - 242,175,305.80

( ) VIBHA-W1 11/1/2002 - 1.77 80,357,918 - 142,233,514.86

( ) WIN-W 9/2/1998 - 0.52 63,220,000 - 32,874,400.00

( ) ZMICO-W3 5/25/2004 - 1.41 201,214,034 - 283,711,787.94

/ Total Warrants 71 / Issues 29,124,261,963 - 32,243,655,411.72


Page 84: Fact Book 2007


2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

/ Depository Receipts *

BCP-DR1 2/5/2004 - 14.00 519,906,055 - 6,914,750,531.50

/ 519,906,055 - 6,914,750,531.50

Total Depository Receipts 1 / Issues

/ Grand Total 581 / Issues 520,996,146,654 1,351,278,223,632 6,636,068,727,149.07

/ Common Stocks

(Medium-Sized Enterprise)

( ) ACAP 12/14/2005 1.00 6.00 125,000,000 125,000,000 750,000,000.00

( ) ADAM 11/17/2003 1.00 7.35 269,315,309 269,315,309 1,979,467,521.15

( ) ( ) BGT 12/11/2007 1.00 3.76 80,000,000 80,000,000 300,800,000.00

( ) BOL 4/21/2004 1.00 12.00 75,000,000 75,000,000 900,000,000.00

( ) BROOK 9/12/2001 0.50 0.62 724,535,563 362,267,782 449,212,049.06

( ) ( ) CHUO 1/31/2002 5.00 8.40 11,250,000 56,250,000 94,500,000.00

. . ( ) CIG 1/27/2005 1.00 4.62 250,650,000 250,650,000 1,158,003,000.00

( ) CMO 9/16/2004 1.00 1.83 150,000,000 150,000,000 274,500,000.00

( ) CPR 3/17/2005 1.00 1.65 199,000,000 199,000,000 328,350,000.00

( ) D1 5/7/1997 1.00 0.70 371,017,552 371,017,552 259,712,286.40

( ) DEMCO 12/14/2006 1.00 4.12 265,559,257 265,559,257 1,094,104,138.84

( ) DM 8/25/2004 5.00 13.50 20,000,000 100,000,000 270,000,000.00

( ) ETG 11/29/2006 1.00 4.98 115,000,000 115,000,000 572,700,000.00

( ) FOCUS 10/5/2004 1.00 3.06 125,000,000 125,000,000 382,500,000.00

( ) GFM 12/7/2004 1.00 8.65 150,000,000 150,000,000 1,297,500,000.00

( ) ILINK 8/20/2004 1.00 7.10 100,000,000 100,000,000 710,000,000.00

( ) IRCP 7/31/2003 2.00 12.40 64,744,500 129,489,000 802,831,800.00

( ) KASET 12/9/2005 1.00 1.23 198,000,000 198,000,000 243,540,000.00

( ) L&E 8/24/2004 5.00 8.00 45,833,066 229,165,330 366,664,528.00

. . ( ) LVT 7/14/2004 1.00 2.10 218,378,045 218,378,045.00 458,593,894.50

( ) MACO 9/29/2003 1.00 3.00 125,000,000 125,000,000.00 375,000,000.00

( ) MBAX 1/29/2007 1.00 3.76 128,000,000 128,000,000.00 481,280,000.00

( ) MILL 11/6/2007 1.00 4.98 400,000,000 400,000,000.00 1,992,000,000.00

( ) PD 12/1/2003 1.00 8.85 40,000,000 40,000,000.00 354,000,000.00

( ) ( ) PICO 4/20/2004 1.00 3.00 114,669,980 114,669,980.00 344,009,940.00

( ) PPM 11/11/2004 1.00 3.50 160,000,000 160,000,000.00 560,000,000.00

124 ( ) PR124 12/8/2005 1.00 3.98 45,000,000 45,000,000.00 179,100,000.00

( ) PYLON 12/23/2005 1.00 1.76 150,000,000 150,000,000.00 264,000,000.00

( ) S2Y 5/4/2005 1.00 2.14 391,366,118 391,366,118.00 837,523,492.52

( ) SALEE 4/28/2005 1.00 5.20 239,817,038 239,817,038.00 1,247,048,597.60

( ) SIMAT 12/12/2007 1.00 5.20 75,000,000 75,000,000.00 390,000,000.00

(1998) ( ) SLC 10/8/2004 1.00 2.32 50,000,000 50,000,000.00 116,000,000.00

( ) STAR 9/15/2005 1.00 1.54 136,000,000 136,000,000.00 209,440,000.00

( ) STEEL 12/20/2005 1.00 2.02 50,000,000 50,000,000.00 101,000,000.00

( ) SWC 10/18/2004 1.00 3.98 150,000,000 150,000,000.00 597,000,000.00

( ) TAPAC 12/2/2004 1.00 1.34 92,000,000 92,000,000.00 123,280,000.00

( ) TIES 9/28/2006 1.00 2.36 135,000,000 135,000,000.00 318,600,000.00

( ) TMW 10/9/2003 5.00 14.00 39,900,000 199,500,000.00 558,600,000.00

( ) TNDT 9/28/2007 1.00 7.85 100,000,000 100,000,000.00 785,000,000.00

( ) TNH 12/16/2005 1.00 6.90 180,000,000 180,000,000.00 1,242,000,000.00

( ) TPAC 12/7/2005 1.00 6.60 100,000,000 100,000,000.00 660,000,000.00

( ) TRC 12/22/2005 1.00 6.00 256,666,615 256,666,615.00 1,539,999,690.00

( ) TRT 5/10/2006 2.00 6.55 101,321,250 202,642,500.00 663,654,187.50

/ mai


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84ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 :

Table 2.2 Capitalization of listed securities (by security)

( / )

Listing ( / ) Closing Prices

Date Share) (Baht/share) Shares Nominal Market


As of the end of December,2007

( ) Value (Baht) Securities Name

( ) ( ) UBIS 5/9/2007 1.00 2.98 190,000,000 190,000,000.00 566,200,000.00

( ) UEC 11/25/2005 0.25 8.70 572,000,000 143,000,000.00 4,976,400,000.00

( ) UKEM 11/27/2006 1.00 1.48 165,000,000 165,000,000.00 244,200,000.00

( ) UMS 7/16/2004 0.50 27.75 140,000,000 70,000,000.00 3,885,000,000.00

( ) YUASA 8/9/2002 1.00 1.70 107,625,000 107,625,000.00 182,962,500.00

/ Total 48 / Issues 7,992,649,293 7,765,379,525.50 36,486,277,625.57

/ Warrants

. . ( ) CIG-W1 6/27/2007 - 2.66 82,349,991 - 219,050,976.06

( ) IRCP-W1 4/5/2005 - 2.26 27,279,736 - 61,652,203.36

( ) L&E-W1 10/24/2007 - 1.90 15,277,529 - 29,027,305.10

. . ( ) LVT-W1 3/3/2006 - 1.21 104,961,855 - 127,003,844.55

( ) STAR-W 6/14/2007 - 0.47 33,999,987 - 15,979,993.89

( ) UMS-W1 11/13/2007 - 19.00 69,999,494 - 1,329,990,386.00

/ Total Warrants 6 / Issues 333,868,592 - 1,782,704,708.96

/ Grand Total 54 / Issues 8,326,517,885 7,765,379,525.50 38,268,982,334.53

# / mai 17 2544/ mai began trading on September 17, 2001

1/ / Based on the latest reviewed or audited financial statements

2/ / Shareholders' equity divided by the number of Common Stocks at the end of the period

3/ 12 / Market capitalization divided by latest 12 months moving net earnings

4/ / Market capitalization divided by equity

5/ / Latest 12-month dividend payments divided by market capitalization

5/ / Including Property Fund

* / Excluding from the calculation of the Market Capitalization of the SET


Page 86: Fact Book 2007


2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)


. ./Jan

3/01/2007 ( ) SE-ED 331,645,420 331.65 1,249,550 1.25 332,894,970 332.89

4/01/2007 ( ) LIVE 230,000,000 230.00 216,965,419 216.97 446,965,419 446.97

4/01/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 184,840,130 1,848.40 287,500 2.88 185,127,630 1,851.28

5/01/2007 ( ) BAY 2,940,812,475 29,408.12 1,854,117,001 18,541.17 4,794,929,476 47,949.29

8/01/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,953,546,816 2,953.55 333,286 0.33 2,953,880,102 2,953.88

8/01/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 548,087,100 2,740.44 14,400 0.07 548,101,500 2,740.51

9/01/2007 ( ) HANA 825,218,290 825.22 658,700 0.66 825,876,990 825.88

9/01/2007 ( ) SAMART 976,277,110 976.28 86,400 0.09 976,363,510 976.36

10/01/2007 ( ) TASCO 151,930,634 1,519.31 12,526 0.13 151,943,160 1,519.43

10/01/2007 -

( )

MME 242,500,000 242.50 2,500,000 2.50 245,000,000 245.00

11/01/2007 ( ) PRANDA 358,413,740 358.41 14,384,400 14.38 372,798,140 372.80


( )

AP 2,293,229,302 2,293.23 393,131 0.39 2,293,622,433 2,293.62

11/01/2007 ( ) BCP 1,119,096,351 1,119.10 15,000 0.02 1,119,111,351 1,119.11

11/01/2007 . ( ) CK 1,247,191,570 1,247.19 3,921,450 3.92 1,251,113,020 1,251.11

11/01/2007 ( ) TISCO 541,277,120 5,412.77 300,000 3.00 541,577,120 5,415.77

11/01/2007 ( ) SINGHA 320,000,000 320.00 113,286,775 113.29 433,286,775 433.29

11/01/2007 - MNIT 71,000,000 710.00 67,000,000 670.00 138,000,000 1,380.00

12/01/2007 ( ) MINT 2,894,584,081 2,894.58 13,119,624 13.12 2,907,703,705 2,907.70

12/01/2007 ( ) LH 8,476,271,216 8,476.27 5,167,508 5.17 8,481,438,724 8,481.44

12/01/2007 ( ) BTC 594,129,316 594.13 569,800 0.57 594,699,116 594.70

1/15/2007 ( ) MINOR 450,279,348 450.28 99,651 0.10 450,378,999 450.38

15/01/2007 ( ) KMC 480,810,334 4,231.13 350,459,312 3,084.04 831,269,646 7,315.17

15/01/2007 ( ) SPALI 1,565,248,238 1,565.25 5,223,557 5.22 1,570,471,795 1,570.47

15/01/2007 ( ) EMC 452,091,778 452.09 24,404,941 24.40 476,496,719 476.50


( )

EASTW 1,324,069,650 1,324.07 1,133,040 1.13 1,325,202,690 1,325.20

15/01/2007 ( ) PS 2,166,745,800 2,166.75 7,104,600 7.10 2,173,850,400 2,173.85

16/01/2007 ( ) SCB 1,893,599,877 18,936.00 1,132,071 11.32 1,894,731,948 18,947.32

16/01/2007 ( ) UV 530,455,899 530.46 2,485,900 2.49 532,941,799 532.94

16/01/2007 ( ) ASP 2,022,832,012 2,022.83 974,514 0.97 2,023,806,526 2,023.81

16/01/2007 ( ) KTC 257,324,379 2,573.24 21,644 0.22 257,346,023 2,573.46

17/01/2007 ( ) S&P 89,021,700 445.11 11,438,900 57.19 100,460,600 502.30

17/01/2007 ( ) SPORT 248,059,000 248.06 495,000 0.50 248,554,000 248.55

17/01/2007 ( ) NNCL 968,394,000 968.39 21,450,300 21.45 989,844,300 989.84

18/01/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,959,084,768 1,959.08 825,875 0.83 1,959,910,643 1,959.91

18/01/2007 ( ) ( ) TIPCO 480,698,300 480.70 1,881,340 1.88 482,579,640 482.58

18/01/2007 ( ) PF 782,555,715 4,695.33 4,856,279 29.14 787,411,994 4,724.47

18/01/2007 ( ) D1 330,000,000 330.00 5,000,000 5.00 335,000,000 335.00

18/01/2007 ( ) SYRUS 236,004,900 472.01 7,500 0.02 236,012,400 472.02

19/01/2007 ( ) KK 514,748,416 5,147.48 1,231,809 12.32 515,980,225 5,159.80

19/01/2007 ( ) TICON 645,411,928 645.41 729,088 0.73 646,141,016 646.14

22/01/2007 ( ) KBANK 2,382,147,733 23,821.48 4,460,392 44.60 2,386,608,125 23,866.08

22/01/2007 ( ) HANA 825,876,990 825.88 134,700 0.13 826,011,690 826.01

22/01/2007 ( ) VNG 1,302,824,189 1,302.82 111,266 0.11 1,302,935,455 1,302.94

23/01/2007 ( ) NSM 20,785,313,450 23,279.55 3,893,557,795 4,360.78 24,678,871,245 27,640.34

24/01/2007 ( ) MAJOR 787,185,105 787.19 10,806,338 10.81 797,991,443 797.99

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original

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86ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

(ตอ/Cont.) 2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original

26/01/2007 ( ) SCSMG 89,380,947 446.90 57,876 0.29 89,438,823 447.19

26/01/2007 ( ) THECO 722,233,108 722.23 67,000 0.07 722,300,108 722.30

45 6,644,533,158 27,272.75

Total Companies

. ./Feb

2/02/2007 ( ) SE-ED 332,894,970 332.89 9,639,920 9.64 342,534,890 342.53

2/02/2007 ( ) QH 7,241,998,664 7,242.00 320,462 0.32 7,242,319,126 7,242.32

2/02/2007 ( ) SCBL 214,982,172 2,149.82 352,815,330 3,528.15 567,797,502 5,677.98

2/02/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 184,827,630 1,848.28 23,500 0.24 184,851,130 1,848.51

6/02/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,953,880,102 2,953.88 397,039 0.40 2,954,277,141 2,954.28

6/02/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 548,101,500 2,740.51 28,700 0.14 548,130,200 2,740.65

7/02/2007 ( ) TEAM 301,312,800 301.31 148,800 0.15 301,461,600 301.46

8/02/2007 ( ) HANA 826,011,690 826.01 181,800 0.18 826,193,490 826.19

9/02/2007 ( ) ZMICO 833,558,465 833.56 31,800 0.03 833,590,265 833.59

9/02/2007 - ( ) BLISS 230,000,000 230.00 50,000,000 50.00 280,000,000 280.00

12/02/2007 ( ) MINT 2,907,703,705 2,907.70 12,861,230 12.86 2,920,564,935 2,920.56

12/02/2007 ( ) MINOR 450,378,999 450.38 717,500 0.72 451,096,499 451.10

12/02/2007 ( ) TLUXE 250,000,000 250.00 63,266,570 63.27 313,266,570 313.27

12/02/2007 ( ) LIVE 446,965,419 446.97 13,034,581 13.03 460,000,000 460.00

13/02/2007 ( ) LH 8,481,438,724 8,481.44 70,000 0.07 8,481,508,724 8,481.51

13/02/2007 ( ) ( ) DELTA 1,246,067,451 1,246.07 1,255,601 1.26 1,247,323,052 1,247.32

13/02/2007 ( ) SYRUS 236,012,400 472.02 104,400 0.21 236,116,800 472.23

14/02/2007 ( ) PRANDA 372,798,140 372.80 522,000 0.52 373,320,140 373.32

15/02/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,959,910,643 1,959.91 2,879,313 2.88 1,962,789,956 1,962.79

16/02/2007 . ( ) PTTEP 3,286,002,000 3,286.00 349,700 0.35 3,286,351,700 3,286.35

16/02/2007 ( ) MAJOR 797,991,443 797.99 77,147,876 77.15 875,139,319 875.14

19/02/2007 ( ) HANA 826,193,490 826.19 46,500 0.05 826,239,990 826.24

19/02/2007 ( ) D1 335,000,000 335.00 1,000,000 1.00 336,000,000 336.00


( )

S & J 101,814,500 101.81 142,500 0.14 101,957,000 101.96


( )

AP 2,293,622,433 2,293.62 2,735,479 2.74 2,296,357,912 2,296.36

28/02/2007 ( ) ( ) ATC 969,550,600 969.55 2,824,800 2.82 972,375,400 972.38

25 592,545,401 3,768.32

Total Companies

. ./Mar.

1/03/2007 ( ) HANA 826,239,990 826.24 191,800 0.19 826,431,790 826.43

7/03/2007 ( ) SHIN 3,196,301,710 3,196.30 11,277 0.01 3,196,312,987 3,196.31

7/03/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,954,277,141 2,954.28 314,901 0.31 2,954,592,042 2,954.59

7/03/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 184,851,130 1,848.51 55,000 0.55 184,906,130 1,849.06

7/03/2007 . ( ) PTT 2,804,925,625 28,049.26 187,200 1.87 2,805,112,825 28,051.13

7/03/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 548,130,200 2,740.65 3,225,400 16.13 551,355,600 2,756.78

8/03/2007 ( ) ROJANA 676,643,673 676.64 1,266,266 1.27 677,909,939 677.91

9/03/2007 ( ) ACL 1,060,526,642 10,605.27 66,319 0.66 1,060,592,961 10,605.93

12/03/2007 ( ) PRANDA 373,320,140 373.32 14,807,140 14.81 388,127,280 388.13

12/03/2007 ( ) HANA 826,431,790 826.43 330,300 0.33 826,762,090 826.76

13/03/2007 ( ) ZMICO 833,590,265 833.59 58,300 0.06 833,648,565 833.65

13/03/2007 ( ) BTC 594,699,116 594.70 65,512,110 65.51 660,211,226 660.21

14/03/2007 ( ) MINT 2,920,564,935 2,920.56 2,949,487 2.95 2,923,514,422 2,923.51

14/03/2007 ( ) MINOR 451,096,499 451.10 112,800 0.11 451,209,299 451.21

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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original

14/03/2007 ( ) GBX 1,065,000,000 1,065.00 3,197,000 3.20 1,068,197,000 1,068.20

14/03/2007 ( ) SYRUS 236,116,800 472.23 19,000 0.04 236,135,800 472.27

14/03/2007 - ( ) BLISS 280,000,000 280.00 35,000,000 35.00 315,000,000 315.00

15/03/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,962,789,956 1,962.79 319,729 0.32 1,963,109,685 1,963.11

15/03/2007 ( ) HMPRO 1,919,818,404 1,919.82 505,982 0.51 1,920,324,386 1,920.32

16/03/2007 ( ) KTC 257,346,023 2,573.46 14,830 0.15 257,360,853 2,573.61

19/03/2007 ( ) HANA 826,762,090 826.76 82,600 0.08 826,844,690 826.84

21/03/2007 ( ) MODERN 80,710,520 807.11 811,000 8.11 81,521,520 815.22

21/03/2007 - ( )

( )

CCET 3,915,599,964 3,915.60 780,200 0.78 3,916,380,164 3,916.38


( )

AP 2,296,357,912 2,296.36 2,280,426 2.28 2,298,638,338 2,298.64


( )

S & J 101,957,000 101.96 506,500 0.51 102,463,500 102.46

27/03/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 184,906,130 1,849.06 469,250 4.69 185,375,380 1,853.75

28/03/2007 . . ( ) CP7-11 4,446,962,650 4,446.96 10,427,803 10.43 4,457,390,453 4,457.39

29/03/2007 ( ) BH 727,825,372 727.83 377,400 0.38 728,202,772 728.20

29/03/2007 ( ) HANA 826,844,690 826.84 102,000 0.10 826,946,690 826.95

30/03/2007 ( ) HEMRAJ 9,036,927,495 9,036.93 126,992,700 126.99 9,163,920,195 9,163.92

26 270,974,720 298.33

Total Companies

. ./Apr.


( )

NEP 132,195,525 1,321.96 250,000 2.50 132,445,525 1,324.46

3/04/2007 ( ) TRAF 30,000,000 30.00 90,000,000 90.00 120,000,000 120.00

4/04/2007 (1999)

( )

PRO 600,000,000 600.00 400,000,000 400.00 1,000,000,000 1,000.00

5/04/2007 ( ) SHIN 3,196,312,987 3,196.31 112,823 0.11 3,196,425,810 3,196.43

5/04/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,954,592,042 2,954.59 871,756 0.87 2,955,463,798 2,955.46

9/04/2007 ( ) SPALI 1,570,471,795 1,570.47 27,030,215 27.03 1,597,502,010 1,597.50

9/04/2007 ( ) KTC 257,360,853 2,573.61 94,993 0.95 257,455,846 2,574.56

9/04/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 551,355,600 2,756.78 183,100 0.92 551,538,700 2,757.69

10/04/2007 ( ) HANA 826,946,690 826.95 178,000 0.18 827,124,690 827.12

10/04/2007 ( ) TICON 646,141,016 646.14 3,001,533 3.00 649,142,549 649.14

10/04/2007 ( ) NNCL 989,844,300 989.84 83,457,220 83.46 1,073,301,520 1,073.30

11/04/2007 ( ) SCB 1,894,731,948 18,947.32 969,418 9.69 1,895,701,366 18,957.01

11/04/2007 ( ) MINT 2,923,514,422 2,923.51 5,981,559 5.98 2,929,495,981 2,929.50

11/04/2007 ( ) MINOR 451,209,299 451.21 371,252 0.37 451,580,551 451.58

11/04/2007 ( ) LH 8,481,508,724 8,481.51 177,232,222 177.23 8,658,740,946 8,658.74

12/04/2007 ( ) SCSMG 89,438,823 447.19 457,453 2.29 89,896,276 449.48

12/04/2007 ( ) TASCO 151,943,160 1,519.43 10,460 0.10 151,953,620 1,519.54

12/04/2007 ( ) ZMICO 833,648,565 833.65 16,400 0.02 833,664,965 833.66

12/04/2007 ( ) NSM 24,678,871,245 27,640.34 995,848,633 1,115.35 25,674,719,878 28,755.69

17/04/2007 ( ) BAY 4,794,929,476 47,949.29 161,645,725 1,616.46 4,956,575,201 49,565.75

17/04/2007 . ( ) CK 1,251,113,020 1,251.11 194,899,149 194.90 1,446,012,169 1,446.01

17/04/2007 ( ) SPORT 248,554,000 248.55 2,705,700 2.71 251,259,700 251.26

18/04/2007 ( ) PRANDA 388,127,280 388.13 225,000 0.22 388,352,280 388.35

19/04/2007 ( ) UV 532,941,799 532.94 712,460 0.71 533,654,259 533.65

19/04/2007 ( ) VIBHA 602,825,582 602.83 6,779,600 6.78 609,605,182 609.61

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88ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

(ตอ/Cont.) 2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original

19/04/2007 ( ) HANA 827,124,690 827.12 50,000 0.05 827,174,690 827.17

19/04/2007 ( ) AMC 399,973,800 399.97 50,000,000 50.00 449,973,800 449.97

19/04/2007 ( ) SYRUS 236,135,800 472.27 188,500 0.38 236,324,300 472.65

20/04/2007 ( ) KBANK 2,386,608,125 23,866.08 1,004,336 10.04 2,387,612,461 23,876.12

20/04/2007 ( ) TRUE 3,802,160,890 38,021.61 3,000 0.03 3,802,163,890 38,021.64

20/04/2007 ( ) MAJOR 875,139,319 875.14 1,352,000 1.35 876,491,319 876.49

23/04/2007 ( ) KK 515,980,225 5,159.80 558,087 5.58 516,538,312 5,165.38

23/04/2007 ( ) S&P 100,460,600 502.30 4,225,673 21.13 104,686,273 523.43


( )

EASTW 1,325,202,690 1,325.20 394,920 0.39 1,325,597,610 1,325.60

27/04/2007 ( ) BT 1,493,450,000 14,934.50 731,450,194 7,314.50 2,224,900,194 22,249.00

27/04/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,963,109,685 1,963.11 313,500 0.31 1,963,423,185 1,963.42

27/04/2007 ( ) HANA 827,174,690 827.17 17,100 0.02 827,191,790 827.19

27/04/2007 ( ) VNG 1,302,935,455 1,302.94 136,933 0.14 1,303,072,388 1,303.07

27/04/2007 ( ) TEAM 301,461,600 301.46 150,730,800 150.73 452,192,400 452.19

30/04/2007 ( ) TCMC 55,555,556 555.56 12,891,892 128.92 68,447,448 684.47

30/04/2007 ( ) THAI 1,698,896,150 16,988.96 4,800 0.05 1,698,900,950 16,989.01

30/04/2007 -

( )

STEC 1,184,644,989 1,184.64 513,940 0.51 1,185,158,929 1,185.16

42 3,106,870,346 11,425.96

Total Companies

. ./May

2/05/2007 ( ) SE-ED 342,534,890 342.53 824,610 0.82 343,359,500 343.36

2/05/2007 ( ) BGH 1,181,037,800 1,181.04 52,561 0.05 1,181,090,361 1,181.09

3/05/2007 ( ) PSL 520,000,000 520.00 519,520,600 519.52 1,039,520,600 1,039.52

3/05/2007 ( ) AMC 449,973,800 449.97 29,963,465 29.96 479,937,265 479.94

4/05/2007 ( ) QH 7,242,319,126 7,242.32 5,888,520 5.89 7,248,207,646 7,248.21

4/05/2007 ( ) D1 336,000,000 336.00 15,017,552 15.02 351,017,552 351.02

8/05/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,955,463,798 2,955.46 95,890 0.10 2,955,559,688 2,955.56

8/05/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 551,538,700 2,757.69 109,200 0.55 551,647,900 2,758.24

8/05/2007 ( ) PRIN 670,000,000 670.00 335,000,000 335.00 1,005,000,000 1,005.00

10/05/2007 ( ) HANA 827,191,790 827.19 919,500 0.92 828,111,290 828.11

10/05/2007 ( ) TEAM 452,192,400 452.19 162,760 0.16 452,355,160 452.36

10/05/2007 ( ) METRO 450,000,000 450.00 3,800,000 3.80 453,800,000 453.80

11/05/2007 ( ) LH 8,658,740,946 8,658.74 10,000 0.01 8,658,750,946 8,658.75

11/05/2007 ( ) TYONG 5,333,333,333 5,333.33 400,000,000 400.00 5,733,333,333 5,733.33

14/05/2007 ( ) ZMICO 833,664,965 833.66 6,919 0.01 833,671,884 833.67

14/05/2007 ( ) SYRUS 236,324,300 472.65 104,200 0.21 236,428,500 472.86

14/05/2007 ( ) JTS 701,000,000 701.00 1,000,000 1.00 702,000,000 702.00

15/05/2007 ( ) SCSMG 89,896,276 449.48 6,407 0.03 89,902,683 449.51

15/05/2007 ( ) MINOR 451,580,551 451.58 26,400 0.03 451,606,951 451.61

15/05/2007 ( ) VARO 78,407,917 392.04 7,840,687 39.20 86,248,604 431.24

16/05/2007 ( ) MINT 2,929,495,981 2,929.50 4,439,551 4.44 2,933,935,532 2,933.94

16/05/2007 ( ) KTC 257,455,846 2,574.56 2,404 0.02 257,458,250 2,574.58

17/05/2007 ( ) PRANDA 388,352,280 388.35 7,396,310 7.40 395,748,590 395.75

17/05/2007 . ( ) PTTEP 3,286,351,700 3,286.35 157,000 0.16 3,286,508,700 3,286.51

17/05/2007 ( ) SEAFCO 211,518,000 211.52 2,002,000 2.00 213,520,000 213.52

18/05/2007 ( ) ASP 2,023,806,526 2,023.81 1,514,472 1.51 2,025,320,998 2,025.32

18/05/2007 ( )

( )

DELTA 1,247,323,052 1,247.32 757 0.00 1,247,323,809 1,247.32

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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original


( )

AIT 40,000,000 200.00 20,000,000 100.00 60,000,000 300.00

21/05/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,963,423,185 1,963.42 400,000 0.40 1,963,823,185 1,963.82

21/05/2007 ( ) HANA 828,111,290 828.11 41,800 0.04 828,153,090 828.15

22/05/2007 ( ) TYONG 5,733,333,333 5,733.33 80,000,000 80.00 5,813,333,333 5,813.33

22/05/2007 ( ) BAFS 424,998,370 425.00 84,998,955 85.00 509,997,325 510.00


( )

AP 2,298,638,338 2,298.64 1,313,912 1.31 2,299,952,250 2,299.95

25/05/2007 ( ) SHIN 3,196,425,810 3,196.43 286,782 0.29 3,196,712,592 3,196.71

25/05/2007 ( ) TRUE 3,802,163,890 38,021.64 239,032 2.39 3,802,402,922 38,024.03

28/05/2007 ( ) TCAP 1,333,134,457 13,331.34 150 0.00 1,333,134,607 13,331.35

29/05/2007 ( ) LNH 12,000,000 120.00 6,000,000 60.00 18,000,000 180.00

30/05/2007 ( ) ( ) ATC 972,375,400 972.38 59,900 0.06 972,435,300 972.44

36 1,529,202,296 1,697.30

Total Companies

. ./Jun.

1/06/2007 ( ) HANA 828,153,090 828.15 34,000 0.03 828,187,090 828.19

1/06/2008 ( ) TISCO-P 185,375,380 1,853.75 4,500 0.04 185,379,880 1,853.80

4/06/2007 . ( ) SORKON 7,700,000 77.00 385,000 3.85 8,085,000 80.85

4/06/2007 ( ) LOXLEY 1,998,078,970 1,998.08 1,921,030 1.92 2,000,000,000 2,000.00

5/06/2007 ( ) KKC 300,000,000 300.00 200,000,000 200.00 500,000,000 500.00

6/06/2007 ( ) ACL 1,060,592,961 10,605.93 41,380 0.41 1,060,634,341 10,606.34

6/06/2007 ( ) HTX 5,234,510 5.23 108,596,938 108.60 113,831,448 113.83

6/06/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,955,559,688 2,955.56 168,228 0.17 2,955,727,916 2,955.73

6/06/2007 - ( ) TGPRO 324,583,333 324.58 16,751,031 16.75 341,334,364 341.33

6/06/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 551,647,900 2,758.24 177,900 0.89 551,825,800 2,759.13

6/06/2007 ( ) CSL 625,000,000 625.00 577,803 0.58 625,577,803 625.58

7/06/2007 ( ) CM 314,997,360 315.00 31,499,232 31.50 346,496,592 346.50

7/06/2007 ( ) ROJANA 677,909,939 677.91 291,231 0.29 678,201,170 678.20

8/06/2007 . ( ) PTT 2,805,112,825 28,051.13 428,500 4.28 2,805,541,325 28,055.41

11/06/2007 ( ) HANA 828,187,090 828.19 161,300 0.16 828,348,390 828.35

11/06/2007 ( ) CPI 271,247,921 271.25 9,041,099 9.04 280,289,020 280.29

11/06/2007 ( ) IT 332,749,216 332.75 118,310 0.12 332,867,526 332.87

12/06/2007 ( ) KTC 257,458,250 2,574.58 23,646 0.24 257,481,896 2,574.82

12/06/2007 ( ) SYRUS 236,428,500 472.86 27,200 0.05 236,455,700 472.91

13/06/2007 ( ) MINT 2,933,935,532 2,933.94 6,099,315 6.10 2,940,034,847 2,940.03

13/06/2007 ( ) MINOR 451,606,951 451.61 95,900 0.10 451,702,851 451.70

13/06/2007 ( ) TPROP 200,900,000 2,009.00 34,470,206 344.70 235,370,206 2,353.70

13/06/2007 ( ) GBX 1,068,197,000 1,068.20 80,000 0.08 1,068,277,000 1,068.28

13/06/2007 1 TIF1 50,500,000 505.00 39,500,000 395.00 90,000,000 900.00

14/06/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,963,823,185 1,963.82 2,743,574 2.74 1,966,566,759 1,966.57

18/06/2007 ( ) HMPRO 1,920,324,386 1,920.32 4,259,711 4.26 1,924,584,097 1,924.58

19/06/2007 .

( )

S & J 102,463,500 102.46 42,000 0.04 102,505,500 102.51

19/06/2007 ( ) HANA 828,348,390 828.35 39,000 0.04 828,387,390 828.39

19/06/2007 ( ) TICON 649,142,549 649.14 103,900 0.10 649,246,449 649.25

21/06/2007 ( ) MODERN 81,521,520 815.22 17,000 0.17 81,538,520 815.39

25/06/2007 - ( )

( )

CCET 3,916,380,164 3,916.38 1,755,774 1.76 3,918,135,938 3,918.14

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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original


( )

NEP 1,324,455,250 1,324.46 32,311,920 32.31 1,356,767,170 1,356.77

27/06/2007 ( ) BGH 1,181,090,361 1,181.09 1,576,859 1.58 1,182,667,220 1,182.67

28/06/2007 ( ) HANA 828,387,390 828.39 141,000 0.14 828,528,390 828.53

31 493,484,487 1,168.04

Total Companies

. . / July

2/07/2007 ( ) N-PARK 8,057,160,000 8,057.16 296,000 0.30 8,057,456,000 8,057.46

3/07/2007 ( ) KCE 314,930,000 314.93 147,567,269 147.57 462,497,269 462.50

3/07/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 185,379,880 1,853.80 14,500 0.14 185,394,380 1,853.94

4/07/2007 ( ) BAY 4,956,575,201 49,565.75 606,030,181 6,060.30 5,562,605,382 55,626.05

4/07/2007 ( ) BGH 1,182,667,220 1,182.67 1,051,239 1.05 1,183,718,459 1,183.72

4/07/2007 ( ) HEMRAJ 9,163,920,195 9,163.92 25,369,300 25.37 9,189,289,495 9,189.29

4/07/2007 -

( )

STEC 1,185,158,929 1,185.16 1,049,690 1.05 1,186,208,619 1,186.21

5/07/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,955,727,916 2,955.73 70,094 0.07 2,955,798,010 2,955.80

5/07/2007 ( ) SATTEL 1,091,069,253 5,455.35 947,605 4.74 1,092,016,858 5,460.08

5/07/2007 ( ) MIDA 1,029,394,435 1,029.39 5,363,395 5.36 1,034,757,830 1,034.76

5/07/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 551,825,800 2,759.13 105,300 0.53 551,931,100 2,759.66

5/07/2007 ( ) CSL 625,577,803 625.58 289,645 0.29 625,867,448 625.87

5/07/2007 ( ) ML 394,000,000 394.00 3,000,000 3.00 397,000,000 397.00

9/07/2007 ( ) SAMART 976,363,510 976.36 140,400 0.14 976,503,910 976.50

10/07/2007 ( ) SCB 1,895,701,366 18,957.01 2,083,395 20.83 1,897,784,761 18,977.85

10/07/2007 ( ) UV 533,654,259 533.65 3,876,540 3.88 537,530,799 537.53

10/07/2007 ( ) HANA 828,528,390 828.53 1,447,870 1.45 829,976,260 829.98

10/07/2007 ( ) SPALI 1,597,502,010 1,597.50 448,527 0.45 1,597,950,537 1,597.95

10/07/2007 ( ) TUF 874,055,950 874.06 4,739,000 4.74 878,794,950 878.79

10/07/2007 ( ) TISCO 541,577,120 5,415.77 1,040,000 10.40 542,617,120 5,426.17

10/07/2007 ( ) SYRUS 236,455,700 472.91 700,900 1.40 237,156,600 474.31

11/07/2007 ( ) MINT 2,940,034,847 2,940.03 6,097,895 6.10 2,946,132,742 2,946.13

11/07/2007 ( ) MINOR 451,702,851 451.70 190,779 0.19 451,893,630 451.89

11/07/2007 ( ) LH 8,658,750,946 8,658.75 7,329,910 7.33 8,666,080,856 8,666.08

11/07/2007 ( ) SVI 1,456,251,980 1,456.25 6,256,340 6.26 1,462,508,320 1,462.51

11/07/2007 ( ) TASCO 151,953,620 1,519.54 9,506 0.10 151,963,126 1,519.63

11/07/2007 ( ) BGH 1,183,718,459 1,183.72 6,307,438 6.31 1,190,025,897 1,190.03

11/07/2007 ( ) SPORT 251,259,700 251.26 12,688,729 12.69 263,948,429 263.95

12/07/2007 ( ) TCC 722,300,108 722.30 1,729,700 1.73 724,029,808 724.03

12/07/2007 ( ) TICON 649,246,449 649.25 1,427,598 1.43 650,674,047 650.67

12/07/2007 ( ) NNCL 1,073,301,520 1,073.30 53,520,300 53.52 1,126,821,820 1,126.82

12/07/2007 . . . SECC 400,000,000 400.00 8,141,175 8.14 408,141,175 408.14

13/07/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,966,566,759 1,966.57 3,838,171 3.84 1,970,404,930 1,970.40

13/07/2007 ( ) TLUXE 313,266,570 313.27 26,983,950 26.98 340,250,520 340.25


( )

EASTW 1,325,597,610 1,325.60 20,796,520 20.80 1,346,394,130 1,346.39

16/07/2007 ( ) ASP 2,025,320,998 2,025.32 6,750 0.01 2,025,327,748 2,025.33


( )

AP 2,299,952,250 2,299.95 24,000,000 24.00 2,323,952,250 2,323.95

19/07/2007 ( ) BGH 1,190,025,897 1,190.03 6,507,170 6.51 1,196,533,067 1,196.53

19/07/2007 ( ) HANA 829,976,260 829.98 36,500 0.04 830,012,760 830.01

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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original

19/07/2007 ( ) PF 787,411,994 4,724.47 79,200 0.48 787,491,194 4,724.95

19/07/2007 ( ) VNG 1,303,072,388 1,303.07 288,196 0.29 1,303,360,584 1,303.36

20/07/2007 ( ) KBANK 2,387,612,461 23,876.12 356,852 3.57 2,387,969,313 23,879.69

20/07/2007 ( ) KK 516,538,312 5,165.38 5,116,730 51.17 521,655,042 5,216.55

20/07/2007 ( ) UV 537,530,799 537.53 221,500,000 221.50 759,030,799 759.03

20/07/2007 ( ) EMC 476,496,719 476.50 6,324,185 6.32 482,820,904 482.82

23/07/2007 ( ) SCSMG 89,902,683 449.51 52,061 0.26 89,954,744 449.77

23/07/2007 ( ) TBANK 1,458,356,092 14,583.56 276,263,200 2,762.63 1,734,619,292 17,346.19

25/07/2007 ( ) TRUE 3,802,402,922 38,024.03 693,075 6.93 3,803,095,997 38,030.96

26/07/2007 ( ) QH 7,248,207,646 7,248.21 47,961,868 47.96 7,296,169,514 7,296.17

26/07/2007 ( ) BGH 1,196,533,067 1,196.53 1,314,049 1.31 1,197,847,116 1,197.85

26/07/2007 ( ) ASIAN 361,714,524 361.71 105,944 0.11 361,820,468 361.82

31/07/2007 ( ) HANA 830,012,760 830.01 39,300 0.04 830,052,060 830.05

51 1,551,593,941 9,581.61

Total Companies

. ./ Aug.

1/08/2007 ( ) TFI 710,000,000 710.00 355,000,000 355.00 1,065,000,000 1,065.00

2/08/2007 ( ) SVI 1,462,508,320 1,462.51 1,650,000 1.65 1,464,158,320 1,464.16

6/08/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,955,798,010 2,955.80 1,357,709 1.36 2,957,155,719 2,957.16

6/08/2007 ( ) LRH 84,670,143 846.70 82,012,558 820.13 166,682,701 1,666.83

6/08/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 184,354,380 1,843.54 155,750 1.56 184,510,130 1,845.10

6/8/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 551,931,100 2,759.66 772,300 3.86 552,703,400 2,763.52

6/08/2007 ( ) CSL 625,867,448 625.87 920,585 0.92 626,788,033 626.79

7/08/2007 ( ) BGH 1,197,847,116 1,197.85 5,256,196 5.26 1,203,103,312 1,203.10

7/08/2007 ( ) METRO 453,800,000 453.80 3,300,000 3.30 457,100,000 457.10

8/08/2007 ( ) SE-ED 343,359,500 343.36 129,860 0.13 343,489,360 343.49

8/08/2007 ( ) TEAM 452,355,160 452.36 376,140 0.38 452,731,300 452.73

9/08/2007 ( ) VIBHA 609,605,182 609.61 1,200,300 1.20 610,805,482 610.81

9/08/2007 ( ) HANA 830,052,060 830.05 24,100 0.02 830,076,160 830.08

10/08/2007 ( ) SYRUS 237,156,600 474.31 130,400 0.26 237,287,000 474.57

14/08/2007 ( ) MINT 2,946,132,742 2,946.13 5,882,433 5.88 2,952,015,175 2,952.02

14/08/2007 ( ) MINOR 451,893,630 451.89 1,679,500 1.68 453,573,130 453.57

14/08/2007 ( ) LH 8,666,080,856 8,666.08 320,000 0.32 8,666,400,856 8,666.40

14/08/2007 . ( ) PTTEP 3,286,508,700 3,286.51 9,526,800 9.53 3,296,035,500 3,296.04

14/08/2007 ( ) DELTA 1,247,323,809 1,247.32 32,082 0.03 1,247,355,891 1,247.36

16/08/2007 ( ) BGH 1,203,103,312 1,203.10 6,402,047 6.40 1,209,505,359 1,209.51

17/08/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,970,404,930 1,970.40 1,462,507 1.46 1,971,867,437 1,971.87

17/08/2007 ( ) PS 2,173,850,400 2,173.85 6,327,800 6.33 2,180,178,200 2,180.18

20/08/2007 ( ) HANA 830,076,160 830.08 186,600 0.19 830,262,760 830.26

23/08/2007 ( ) BGH 1,209,505,359 1,209.51 2,522,975 2.52 1,212,028,334 1,212.03


( )

AP 2,323,952,250 2,323.95 1,347,463 1.35 2,325,299,713 2,325.30

29/08/2007 ( ) ROJANA 678,201,170 678.20 84,756,137 84.76 762,957,307 762.96

29/08/2007 ( ) ( ) ATC 972,435,300 972.44 23,900 0.02 972,459,200 972.46

31/08/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 184,510,130 1,845.10 111,750 1.12 184,621,880 1,846.22

24 572,867,892 1,316.62

Total Companies

. ./Nov

1/11/2007 ( ) VIBHA 611,032,682 611.03 2,242,550 2.24 613,275,232 613.28

2/11/2007 ( ) QH 7,303,390,321 7,303.39 332,282 0.33 7,303,722,603 7,303.72

5/11/2007 ( ) SVI 1,464,158,320 1,464.16 14,350,000 14.35 1,478,508,320 1,478.51

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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original

6/11/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,957,311,429 2,957.31 716,100 0.72 2,958,027,529 2,958.03

6/11/2007 ( ) SATTEL 1,092,016,858 5,460.08 143,143 0.72 1,092,160,001 5,460.80

6/11/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 182,685,380 1,826.85 31,500 0.32 182,716,880 1,827.17

6/11/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 556,207,500 2,781.04 79,100 0.40 556,286,600 2,781.43

6/11/2007 ( ) CSL 626,844,952 626.84 42,917 0.04 626,887,869 626.89

7/11/2007 TFUND 380,000,000 3,800.00 185,000,000 1,850.00 565,000,000 5,650.00

7/11/2007 ( ) METRO 457,100,000 457.10 2,015,000 2.02 459,115,000 459.12

8/11/2007 ( ) HANA 830,393,260 830.39 6,200 0.01 830,399,460 830.40

8/11/2007 ( ) TEAM 452,731,300 452.73 178,822 0.18 452,910,122 452.91

9/11/2007 ( ) LH 8,672,661,416 8,672.66 400,000 0.40 8,673,061,416 8,673.06

12/11/2007 ( )

( )

DELTA 1,247,355,891 1,247.36 22,505 0.02 1,247,378,396 1,247.38

13/11/2007 ( ) TVO 499,613,033 499.61 124,896,336 124.90 624,509,369 624.51

14/11/2007 ( ) MINT 2,956,164,580 2,956.16 1,694,129 1.69 2,957,858,709 2,957.86

14/11/2007 ( ) MINOR 454,113,630 454.11 207,400 0.21 454,321,030 454.32

14/11/2007 ( ) SEAFCO 213,520,000 213.52 1,480,000 1.48 215,000,000 215.00

15/11/2007 ( ) ASP 2,025,345,248 2,025.35 1,560,152 1.56 2,026,905,400 2,026.91

16/11/2007 . ( ) PTTEP 3,296,035,500 3,296.04 1,384,800 1.38 3,297,420,300 3,297.42

16/11/2007 ( ) SYRUS 237,554,000 475.11 3,000 0.01 237,557,000 475.11

20/11/2007 ( ) TDT 528,605,000 528.60 3,998,858 4.00 532,603,858 532.60

20/11/2007 ( ) HANA 830,399,460 830.40 6,500 0.01 830,405,960 830.41


( )

AP 2,325,299,713 2,325.30 1,007,755 1.01 2,326,307,468 2,326.31

27/11/2007 ( ) TCAP 1,333,134,607 13,331.35 60 - 1,333,134,667 13,331.35

30/11/2007 ( ) TISCO-P 182,716,880 1,827.17 55,000 0.55 182,771,880 1,827.72

24 341,854,109 2,008.55

Total Companies

. ./Dec

4/12/2007 ( ) TRUE 3,803,202,858 38,032.03 357,058 3.57 3,803,559,916 38,035.60

6/12/2007 . ( ) PTT 2,815,654,925 28,156.55 1,320,700 13.21 2,816,975,625 28,169.76

7/12/2007 ( ) ACL 1,087,148,472 10,871.48 30,060 0.30 1,087,178,532 10,871.79

7/12/2007 ( ) SHIN 3,196,746,015 3,196.75 111,410 0.11 3,196,857,425 3,196.86

7/12/2007 ( ) ADVANC 2,958,027,529 2,958.03 95,723 0.10 2,958,123,252 2,958.12

7/12/2007 ( ) SATTEL 1,092,160,001 5,460.80 58,893 0.29 1,092,218,894 5,461.09

7/12/2007 ( ) ( ) KEST 556,286,600 2,781.43 75,100 0.38 556,361,700 2,781.81

7/12/2007 ( ) CSL 626,887,869 626.89 11,475 0.01 626,899,344 626.90

11/12/2007 ( ) IT 332,867,526 332.87 291,308 0.29 333,158,834 333.16

11/12/2007 ( ) RPC 526,260,433 526.26 3,609,796 3.61 529,870,229 529.87

11/12/2007 ( ) GBX 1,070,334,000 1,070.33 142,000 0.14 1,070,476,000 1,070.48

12/12/2007 ( ) SNC 201,403,239 201.40 100,000,000 100.00 301,403,239 301.40

13/12/2007 ( ) ROJANA 762,957,307 762.96 637,337 0.64 763,594,644 763.59

14/12/2007 ( ) SCSMG 89,978,079 449.89 912,352 4.56 90,890,431 454.45

17/12/2007 ( ) MINT 2,957,858,709 2,957.86 357,744 0.36 2,958,216,453 2,958.22

18/12/2007 ( ) LL 113,831,448 113.83 501,168,552 501.17 615,000,000 615.00

18/12/2007 ( ) HMPRO 1,924,892,522 1,924.89 27,900 0.03 1,924,920,422 1,924.92

19/12/2007 EASTW 1,374,761,660 1,374.76 288,963,489 288.96 1,663,725,149 1,663.73

20/12/2007 ( ) MINOR 454,321,030 454.32 61,200 0.06 454,382,230 454.38

26/12/2007 - ( ) CCET 3,919,146,384 3,919.15 62,032 0.06 3,919,208,416 3,919.21

27/12/2007 ( ) MODERN 82,205,704 822.06 1,829,668 18.30 84,035,372 840.35

27/12/2007 ( ) RAIMON 2,109,049,786 2,109.05 631,131,885 631.13 2,740,181,671 2,740.18

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2.3 2550

Table 2.3 Listing of companies’ newly-issued shares in 2007

No.of No.of No.of

Listing Shares ( ) Shares ( ) Shares ( )

Date Total Par Value Total Par Value Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht) (Mil. Baht)

Company Name

/ Newly Issued Shares / Total / Original

27/12/2007 ( ) TRUE 3,803,559,916 38,035.60 283,468 2.83 3,803,843,384 38,038.43

28/12/2007 ( ) ERAWAN 1,973,476,624 1,973.48 241,098,001 241.10 2,214,574,625 2,214.57

28/12/2007 .

( )

S & J 102,543,000 102.54 276,750 0.28 102,819,750 102.82

23 1,772,913,901 1,811.49

Total Companies

/ mai

. ./Feb5/02/2007 ( ) RK 130,259,278 130.26 64,056,031 64.06 194,315,309 194.32

1 64,056,031 64.06

Total Companies

. ./Apr.

19/04/2007 ( ) SALEE 202,817,038 202.82 37,000,000 37.00 239,817,038 239.82

30/04/2007 ( ) TRC 150,000,000 150.00 106,666,615 106.67 256,666,615 256.67

2 143,666,615 143.67

Total Companies

. ./May

21/05/2007 ( ) ILINK 80,000,000 80.00 20,000,000 20.00 100,000,000 100.00

28/05/2007 . . ( ) LVT 210,038,000 210.04 145 0.00 210,038,145 210.04

28/05/2007 ( ) L&E 27,500,000 137.50 18,333,066 91.67 45,833,066 229.17

3 38,333,211 111.67

Total Companies

. ./Jun

27/06/2007 ( ) DEMCO 210,000,000 210.00 1,188,600 1.19 211,188,600 211.19

28/06/2007 . . ( ) LVT 210,038,145 210.04 8,339,900 8.34 218,378,045 218.38

2 9,528,500 9.53

Total Companies

. ./Jul.

18/07/2007 ( ) D1 351,017,552 351.02 10,000,000 10.00 361,017,552 361.02

1 10,000,000 10.00

Total Companies

. ./Aug.

6/08/2007 ( ) ADAM 194,315,309 194.32 75,000,000 75.00 269,315,309 269.32

7/08/2007 ( ) D1 361,017,552 361.02 10,000,000 10.00 371,017,552 371.02

17/08/2007 ( ) S2Y 40,931,510 40.93 350,434,608 350.43 391,366,118 391.37

3 435,434,608 435.43

Total Companies

. ./Nov.

22/11/2007 . . ( ) CIG 165,150,000.00 165.15 85,500,000 85.50 250,650,000.00 250.65

1 85,500,000 85.50

Total Companies

. ./Dec.

13/12/2007 ( ) ACAP 100,000,000 100.00 25,000,000 25.00 125,000,000 125.00

28/12/2007 ( ) DEMCO 263,985,753 263.99 1,573,504 1.57 265,559,257 265.56

2 26,573,504 26.57

Total Companies


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94ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.4 2550

Table 2.4 Newly-listed securities in 2007

28/12/2550 Value (Mil.Baht)

No. of ( / ) ( ) Number of

Lising Shares Par Value Closing Shares ( ) ( )

Date (Baht/ Price As of Subscription Subscription

Shares) 12/28/2007 At Par At Market Price Value

(Baht) (Baht) (Mil.Baht)

- / Common Stocks

JCP 05/01/2007 62,000,000 10.00 10.00 620.00 620.00 6,200,000 10.00 62.00

( ) UNIQ 30/03/2007 625,000,000 1.00 2.88 625.00 1,800.00 125,000,000 1.80 225.00

( ) RASA 12/04/2007 80,000,000 5.00 5.00 400.00 400.00 130,000,000 60.00 7,800.00

GOLDPF 22/05/2007 206,000,000 10.00 10.00 2,060.00 2,060.00 206,000,000 10.00 2,060

( ) DTAC 22/06/2007 2,372,080,630 2.00 39.25 4,744.16 93,104.16 82,000,000 40.00 3,280.00

MJLF 18/07/2007 230,000,000 10.00 9.70 2,300.00 2,231.00 - - -

( ) TYM 09/08/2007 400,000,000 1.00 4.32 400.00 1,728.00 100,000,000 3.00 300.00

URBNPF 10/18/2007 72,000,000 10.00 10.00 720.00 720.00 - - -

( ) BWG 11/14/2007 320,000,000 1.00 7.70 320.00 2,464.00 76,000,000 3.00 228.00

( ) MJD 11/27/2007 700,000,000 1.00 4.54 700.00 3,178.00 200,000,000 4.70 940.00

. ( ) * PTTAR 12/28/2007 2,963,628,522 10.00 10.00 29,636.29 29,636.29 - - -

/ Total Common Stocks 11 / Issues 8,030,709,152 42,525.45 137,941.45 925,200,000 12,773.00

- / Warrants

( ) CSP-W1 1/16/2007 124,999,992 - 0.48 - 60.00 - - -

( ) BLAND-W1 1/22/2007 1,998,534,653 - 0.11 - 219.84 - - -

( ) AMC-W1 5/3/2007 39,981,706 - 1.28 - 51.18 - - -

( ) EASON-W1 5/21/2007 99,999,988 - 1.25 - 125.00 - - -

. . . ( ) SECC-W1 01/06/2007 99,999,996 - 1.03 - 103.00 - - -

( ) ASCON-W1 8/21/2007 99,999,437 - 2.44 - 244.00 - - -

- ( ) ( )CCET-W2 10/11/2007 156,000,000 - 4.90 - 764.40 - - -

( ) AIT-W1 10/11/2007 5,999,972 - 4.60 - 27.60 - - -

( ) MFEC-W1 10/17/2007 54,248,988 - 2.64 - 143.22 - - -

( ) TCC-W1 11/9/2007 323,016,210 - 1.75 - 565.28 - - -

( ) SAM-W1 12/3/2007 212,424,988 - 1.47 - 312.26 - - -

( ) SINGHA-W 12/28/2007 111,998,657 - 0.94 - 105.28 - - -

/Total Warrants 12 / Issues 3,327,204,587 - 2,721.05

- / Unit Trusts

50 TDEX 9/6/2007 880,281,690 5.68 6.35 5,000.00 5,589.79 - - -

/Total Warrants 1 / Issues 880,281,690 5,000.00 5,589.79

- / Prefered Stocks

( ) CSC-P 03/07/2007 800,000 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 - - -

/Total Prefered Stocks 1 / Issues 800,000 8.00 8.00

/ mai

- / Common Stocks

( ) MBAX 29/01/2007 128,000,000 1.00 3.76 128.00 481.28 35,000,000 5.00 175.00

( ) ( ) UBIS 09/05/2007 190,000,000 1.00 2.98 190.00 566.20 41,000,000 1.75 71.75

( ) TNDT 28/09/2007 100,000,000 1.00 7.85 100.00 785.00 20,000,000 3.10 62.00

( ) MILL 06/11/2007 400,000,000 1.00 4.98 400.00 1,992.00 100,000,000 2.90 290.00

( ) ( ) BGT 11/12/2007 80,000,000 1.00 3.76 80.00 300.80 20,000,000 4.70 94.00

( ) SIMAT 12/12/2007 75,000,000 1.00 5.20 75.00 390.00 18,750,000 3.80 71.25

/ Total Common Stocks 6 / Issues 973,000,000 973.00 4,515.28 234,750,000.00 21.25 764.00

( )

Newly Issued Shares Offering (Common Stock Only)


Offering to Public

Securities Name

Page 96: Fact Book 2007


Number of Number of Number of Number of

Shares ( ) ( ) Shares ( ) ( ) Shares ( ) ( ) Shares ( )

Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription

Price Value Price Value Price Value Value

(Baht) (Mil.Baht) (Baht) (Mil.Baht) (Baht) (Mil.Baht) (Mil.Baht)

- - - - - - - - - 6,200,000 62.00

- - - 37,500,000 1.80 67.50 - - - 162,500,000 292.50

- - - - - - - - - 130,000,000 7,800.00

- - - - - - - - - 206,000,000 2,060.00

- - - 140,000,000 40.00 5,600.00 - - - 222,000,000 8,880.00

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - 100,000,000 300.00

- - - - - - - - - - -

4,000,000 3.00 12.00 - - - - - - 80,000,000 240.00

- - - - - - - - - 200,000,000 940.00

- - - - - - - - - - -

4,000,000 3.00 12.00 177,500,000 41.80 5,667.50 - - - 894,500,000 18,452.50

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - 35,000,000 175.00

4,000,000 1.40 5.60 - - - - - - 45,000,000 77.35

- - - - - - - - - 20,000,000 62.00

- - - - - - - - - 100,000,000 290.00

- - - - - - - - - 20,000,000 94.00

- - - - - - - - - 18,750,000 71.25

4,000,000 1.40 5.60 238,750,000 769.60

Offering to Directors & Employees


Greenshoe OptionOffering to Shareholders

Newly Issued Shares Offering (Common Stock Only)

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2.4 2550

Table 2.4 Newly-listed securities in 2007

28/12/2550 Value (Mil.Baht)

No. of ( / ) ( ) Number of

Lising Shares Par Value Closing Shares ( ) ( )

Date (Baht/ Price As of Subscription Subscription

Shares) 12/28/2007 At Par At Market Price Value

(Baht) (Baht) (Mil.Baht)

( )

Newly Issued Shares Offering (Common Stock Only)

Offering to Public

Securities Name

- / Warrants

( ) STAR-W 14/06/2007 33,999,987 - 0.47 - 15.98 - - -

. . ( ) CIG-W1 27/06/2007 82,499,991 - 2.66 - 219.45 - - -

( ) L&E-W1 10/24/2007 15,277,529 - 1.90 - 29.03 - - -

( ) UMS-W1 11/13/2007 69,999,494 - 19.00 - 1,329.99 - - -

/ Total Warrants 4 / Issues 201,777,001 - 1,594.45 - - -

: (Including Newly Issued Shares Offering (Common Stock Only)

(Including Greenshose Option)

* ( ) ( ) ( )

A newly-established firm from the merger between Aromatic (Thailand) Public Company Limited (ATC) and Rayong Refinery Public Company Limited (RRC)


Page 98: Fact Book 2007


Number of Number of Number of Number of

Shares ( ) ( ) Shares ( ) ( ) Shares ( ) ( ) Shares ( )

Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription Subscription

Price Value Price Value Price Value Value

(Baht) (Mil.Baht) (Baht) (Mil.Baht) (Baht) (Mil.Baht) (Mil.Baht)

Offering to Directors & Employees


Greenshoe OptionOffering to Shareholders

Newly Issued Shares Offering (Common Stock Only)

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -

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98ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.5 2550

Table 2.5 Delisting of securities in 2007

Company Securities Delisting Type of Securities Number of ( )

Symbol Date Shares Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht)


( ) MAJOR-W1 2/3/2007 507,659 -


( ) BTC-W1 01/03/2007 66,819,333 - Warrant

( ) AP-W1 13/03/2007 15,695 - Warrant

. ( ) CK-W1 31/0.3/2007 195,287,629 -


( ) S&P-W1 4/6/2007 313,328 - Warrant

( ) PRANDA-W 5/3/2007 4,236,410 - Warrant

( ) SHIN-W1 5/22/2007 6,416 -


( ) TICON-W1 6/5/2007 1,198 - Warrant

( ) AYAL 6/12/2007 235,000,000 2,575.00 Common Stocks

( ) AYAL-W1 6/12/2007 64,000,000 - Warrant

( ) AF 6/21/2007 100,000,000 500.00

Common Stocks

( ) ASIAN-W1 7/10/2007 19,715,397 - Warrant

( ) RHC 7/12/2007 45,000,000 450.00

Common Stocks

( ) SPORT-W 18/08/2007 6,336,571 - Warrant

( ) NMG-W2 23/08/2007 38,989,710 -


( ) SCBL 9/14/2007 567,797,502 5,677.98 Common Stocks

( ) UCOM 9/14/2007 434,668,207 4,346.68 Common Stocks

( ) PATKL-W1 9/24/2007 53,000,000 - Warrant

( ) ( ) SCBT 10/23/2007 1,138,681,702 443,534,262.60

Common Stocks ( ) SCSMG-W1 11/15/2007 863,060 -

Warrant ( ) EASTW-W1 11/29/2007 289,986,940 -


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2.5 2550

Table 2.5 Delisting of securities in 2007

Company Securities Delisting Type of Securities Number of ( )

Symbol Date Shares Total Par Value

(Mil. Baht)

( ) MODERN-W 12/1/2007 5,664,912 1.76 Warrant

( ) ERAWAN-W 12/18/2007 5,567,856 482.20 Warrant

( ) RAIMON-W 12/18/2007 141,329,094 - Warrant

( ) ( ) ATC 12/28/2007 972,459,200 9,626.21 Common Stocks

( ) RRC 12/28/2007 2,866,382,602 28,663.83 Common Stocks

( ) VNG-W1 12/29/2007 2,904,773 -


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100ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.6 2549 - 2550

Table 2.6 Monthly announcements of capital increases and capital mobilization for 2006 - 2007

/ New Paid-Up Capital 2/

( )

( ) Value (Mil.Baht)

Number of Number of At Par Value Number of Number of

Companies Shares (Mil.Baht) Companies Shares At Par At Subscription Price


2549 2006 70 27,380,979,094 93,498.59 126 34,007,632,855 106,085.01 135,712.86

2550 2007 72 71,995,963,948 336,864.04 114 37,023,447,115 295,455.06 88,044.37

. . Jan. 5 1,745,548,016 3,325.48 26 549,861,542 3,725.86 4,050.82

. . Feb. 17 2,315,962,971 3,489.80 25 228,744,842 251.28 1,370.04

. . Mar. 15 4,380,477,432 12,990.97 37 1,364,254,483 2,957.50 4,348.05

. . Apr. 5 8,718,212,499 17,189.69 28 1,174,253,815 8,115.82 4,060.17

. . May 4 1,844,600,064 11,614.10 27 764,788,939 1,148.51 1,515.29

. . Jun. 3 10,583,260,270 12,653.26 38 983,889,704 6,450.51 9,709.95

. . Jul. 3 3,368,589,750 3,368.59 28 1,056,729,351 4,338.33 6,917.15

. . Aug. 6 650,425,971 650.43 28 3,186,352,043 11,208.82 5,305.77

. . Sep. 5 468,687,283 674.28 35 390,490,450 2,141.97 4,119.96

. . Oct. 7 30,492,591,330 268,704.84 28 230,494,192 1,897.05 2,250.68

. . Nov. 3 126,752,000 166.75 25 805,125,168 841.37 2,001.69

. . Dec. 4 7,300,856,362 2,035.86 36 26,288,462,586 252,378.03 42,394.80

/ mai

2549 2006 5 234,629,639 219.63 3 331,546,687 247.20 300.15

2550 2007 10 1,798,832,173 6,069.99 10 693,276,493 690.76 1,478.59

. . Jan. - - - 1 64,056,031 64.06 108.90

. . Feb. 4 132,361,111 331.81 - - - -

. . Mar. 2 553,006,667 553.01 - - - -

. . Apr. - - - 1 37,000,000 37.00 94.72

. . May 1 209,657,655 209.66 2 20,000,145 20.00 100.00

. . Jun. 2 470,883,590 470.88 2 9,528,500 9.53 9.53

. . Jul. - - - 2 95,000,000 95.00 172.00

. . Aug. 1 113,923,150 113.92 1 350,434,608 350.43 350.43

. . Sep. - - - 1 150,000 0.15 0.45

. . Oct. 1 100,000,000 100.00 - - - -

. . Nov. - - - 2 110,500,000 110.50 598.23

. . Dec. 2 219,000,000 4,290.71 3 6,607,209 4.09 44.33

1/ (As of the date the company 's Board of Directors had the resolution )

2/ (As of the last subscription date)

/ Announced Capital Increase1/


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


/ Agro & Food Industry

- (Agribusiness)

( ) ASIAN 105,944 Warrant Holders 2.48 0.11 0.26

( ) TLUXE 60,664,570 Warrant Holders 1.50 60.66 91.00

2,602,000 ( ) 1.50 2.60 3.90

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,561,000 Warrant Holders 1.50 2.56 3.84

24,422,950 Warrant Holders 1.50 24.42 36.63

305,000 Warrant Holders 1.50 0.31 0.46

140,000 Warrant Holders 1.50 0.14 0.21

Total 2 Companies 90,801,464 90.80 136.30

- (Food and Beverage)

( ) MINT 323,859 Warrant Holders 6.00 0.32 1.94

5,657,700 ( ) 2.915 5.66 16.49

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

140,700 ( ) 10.44 0.14 1.47

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

889,200 ( ) 2.915 0.89 2.59

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

5,069,415 Warrant Holders 6.00 5.07 30.42

1,860,100 ( ) 2.915 1.86 5.42

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,802,595 Warrant Holders 6.00 2.80 16.82

281,400 ( ) 2.935 0.28 0.83

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

591,000 ( ) 10.44 0.59 6.17

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

562,800 ( ) 10.696 0.56 6.02

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,357,672 Warrant Holders 6.00 1.36 8.15

232,200 ( ) 10.696 0.23 2.48

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

716,500 ( ) 2.915 0.72 2.09

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

372,230 Warrant Holders 6.00 0.37 2.23

12,489,000 ( ) 2.915 12.49 36.41

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,081,887 Warrant Holders 6.00 2.08 12.49


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

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102ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

867,600 ( ) 2.915 0.87 2.53

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,318,551 Warrant Holders 6.00 2.32 13.91

2,121,000 ( ) 2.915 2.12 6.18

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

3,714,333 Warrant Holders 6.00 3.71 22.29

140,700 ( ) 2.935 0.14 0.41

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

208,200 ( ) 10.44 0.21 2.17

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,819,200 ( ) 2.915 1.82 5.30

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

271,133 Warrant Holders 6.00 0.27 1.63

211,100 ( ) 10.44 0.21 2.20

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

98,500 ( ) 10.696 0.10 1.05

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,262,300 ( ) 2.915 1.26 3.68

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

56,300 Warrant Holders 2.935 0.06 0.17

261,600 ( ) 2.915 0.26 0.76

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

39,844 ( ) 6.00 0.04 0.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

20,008,858 Warrant Holders 5.99 20.01 119.85

32,300 ( ) 2.93 0.03 0.09

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

63,400 ( ) 10.42 0.06 0.66

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

140,900 ( ) 10.68 0.14 1.50

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

348,100 ( ) 2.91 0.35 1.01

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) S&P 4,225,673 Warrant Holders 18.00 21.13 76.06

( ) SSC 318,216 Private Placement 1.00 0.32 0.32

( ) TUF 4,739,000 ( ) 15.71 4.74 74.45

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 4 Companies 78,695,066 95.60 488.49


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

/ Consumer Products

- (Home & Office Products)

( ) MODERN 811,000 ( ) 32.00 8.11 25.95

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

17,000 ( ) 32.00 0.17 0.54

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

537,659 Shareholders 40.00 5.38 21.51

129,525 ( ) 32.00 1.30 4.14

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

66,875 ( ) 32.00 0.67 2.14

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,762,793 Warrant Holders 40.00 17.63 70.51

Total 1 Companies 3,324,852 33.25 124.79

- (Personal Products & Pharmaceuticals)

( S & J 37,500 ( ) 4.00 0.04 0.15

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

142,500 ( ) 4.00 0.14 0.57

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

506,500 ( ) 4.00 0.51 2.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

42,000 ( ) 4.00 0.04 0.17

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

276,750 ( ) 4.00 0.28 1.11

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

214,500 ( ) 4.00 0.21 0.86

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 1 Companies 1,219,750 1.22 4.89

- (Fashion)

( ) PRANDA 522,000 Warrant Holders 2.80 0.52 1.46

14,807,140 Warrant Holders 2.80 14.81 41.46

225,000 Warrant Holders 2.80 0.23 0.63

7,396,310 Warrant Holders 2.80 7.40 20.71

( ) UF 40,000,000 Shareholders 10.00 400.00 400.00

Total 2 Companies 62,950,450 422.95 464.26

/ Financials

- (Banking)

( ) BAY 161,645,725 Warrant Holders 12.00 1,616.46 1,939.75

161,370,405 Warrant Holders 12.00 1,613.70 1,936.44

444,659,776 Private Placement 16.00 4,446.60 7,114.56


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104ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

164,340,224 Private Placement 16.00 1,643.40 2,629.44

20,801,234 Warrant Holders 12.00 208.01 249.61

14,789,616 Warrant Holders 12.00 147.90 177.48

( ) BT 556,225,048 Private Placement 4.17 5,562.25 2,319.46

87,612,573 Private Placement 4.17 876.13 365.34

87,612,573 Private Placement 4.17 876.13 365.34

( ) KBANK 1,004,336 ( ) 27.82 10.04 27.94

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

356,852 ( ) 27.82 3.57 9.93

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

233,004 ( ) 27.82 2.33 6.48

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

5,057,876 ( ) 27.82 50.58 140.71

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) KK 5,685 Warrant Holders 10.00 0.06 0.06

4,418,845 Warrant Holders 12.35 44.19 54.57

692,200 Warrant Holders 19.53 6.92 13.52

2,196 Warrant Holders 10.00 0.02 0.02

18,591 Warrant Holders 12.35 0.19 0.23

537,300 Warrant Holders 19.53 5.37 10.49

7,106 Warrant Holders 10.00 0.07 0.07

12,356 Warrant Holders 12.35 0.12 0.15

12,500 Warrant Holders 15.62 0.13 0.20

( ) TBANK 276,263,200 Private Placement 16.37 2,762.63 4,522.43

( ) TISCO-P 23,500 ( ) 21.88 0.24 0.51

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

55,000 ( ) 21.88 0.55 1.20

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

469,250 ( ) 21.88 4.69 10.27

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

4,500 ( ) 21.88 0.05 0.10

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

14,500 ( ) 21.88 0.15 0.32

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

155,750 ( ) 21.88 1.56 3.41

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

111,750 ( ) 21.88 1.12 2.45

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


Page 106: Fact Book 2007


2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

63,500 ( ) 21.88 0.64 1.39

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

55,000 ( ) 21.88 0.55 1.20

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

31,500 ( ) 21.88 0.32 0.69

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

3,500 ( ) 21.88 0.04 0.08

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) TMB 10,970,893,359 Private Placement 1.60 109,708.93 17,553.43

2,141,728,186 Private Placement 1.60 21,417.28 3,426.77

5,586,944,825 Private Placement 1.40 55,869.45 7,821.72

2,883,985,472 Shareholders 1.40 28,839.85 4,037.58

3,416,448,158 Private Placement 1.40 34,164.48 4,783.03

Total 7 Companies 26,988,666,971 269,886.67 59,528.36

- (Finance and Securities)

( ) ASP 6,750 Warrant Holders 2.00 0.01 0.01

1,514,472 ( ) 1.00 1.51 1.51

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

17,500 Warrant Holders 2.00 0.02 0.04

1,560,152 ( ) 1.00 1.56 1.56

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

38,750 Warrant Holders 2.00 0.04 0.08

( ) SCBL 352,815,330 Shareholders 10.00 3,528.15 3,528.15

( ) GBX 3,197,000 ( ) 1.00 3.20 3.20

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

80,000 ( ) 1.00 0.08 0.08

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,057,000 ( ) 1.00 2.06 2.06

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

142,000 ( ) 1.00 0.14 0.14

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) ( ) KEST 28,700 ( ) 7.00 0.14 0.20

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

183,100 ( ) 7.00 0.92 1.28

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

3,225,400 ( ) 7.00 16.13 22.58

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

109,200 ( ) 7.00 0.55 0.76

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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Page 108: Fact Book 2007


2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

27,200 ( ) 2.00 0.05 0.05

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

700,900 ( ) 2.00 1.40 1.40

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

130,400 ( ) 2.00 0.26 0.26

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

33,700 ( ) 2.00 0.07 0.07

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

233,300 ( ) 2.00 0.47 0.47

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

3,000 ( ) 2.00 0.01 0.01

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

64,500 ( ) 2.00 0.13 0.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) ZMICO 6,919 ( ) 1.00 0.01 0.01

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

16,400 ( ) 1.00 0.02 0.02

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

58,300 ( ) 1.00 0.06 0.06

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

31,800 ( ) 1.00 0.03 0.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

32,180 ( ) 1.00 0.03 0.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 8 Companies 374,724,106 3,586.96 3,603.69

- (Insurance)

( ) SCSMG 57,876 Shareholders 5.00 0.29 0.29

457,453 Warrant Holders 5.00 2.29 2.29

6,407 Warrant Holders 5.00 0.03 0.03

52,061 Warrant Holders 5.00 0.26 0.26

912,352 Warrant Holders 5.00 4.56 4.56

23,335 Warrant Holders 5.00 0.12 0.12

Total 1 Companies 1,509,484 7.55 7.55

/ Industrials

- (Petrochemicals & Chemicals)

( ) ( ) ATC 2,824,800 ( ) 10.00 2.82 28.25

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

59,900 ( ) 10.00 0.06 0.60

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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108ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

23,900 ( ) 10.00 0.02 0.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

. ( ) PTTCH 5,756,300 ( ) 66.50 57.56 382.79

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

700,000 ( ) 66.500 7.00 46.55

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 2 Companies 9,364,900 67.47 458.43

- (Packaging)

( ) NEP 250,000 ( ) 5.00 2.50 1.25

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

32,295,000 ( ) 0.50 32.30 16.15

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

16,920 Warrant Holders 0.50 0.02 0.01

1,025,000 ( ) 0.50 1.03 0.51

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) TFI 355,000,000 Shareholders 0.75 355.00 266.25

Total 2 Companies 388,586,920 390.84 284.17

- (Automotive)

( ) EASON 1,201,438 Warrant Holders 1.00 1.20 1.20

7,500 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.01 0.01

. . . ( ) SECC 8,141,175 ( ) 2.00 8.14 16.28

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,452,375 Warrant Holders 2.00 1.45 2.90

Total 2 Companies 10,802,488 10.80 20.40

- (Industrial Materials & Machinery)

( ) AMC 50,000,000 Public 3.30 50.00 165.00

29,963,465 Shareholders 3.30 29.96 98.88

( ) KKC 200,000,000 Shareholders 2.00 200.00 400.00

( ) PATKL 1 Warrant Holders 5.00 0.00 0.00

- ( ) TGPRO 16,751,031 Warrant Holders 0.19 16.75 3.18

( ) TCC 1,729,700 Warrant Holders 1.00 1.73 1.73

2,850,100 Shareholders 1.00 2.85 2.85

10,000 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.01 0.01

( ) SNC 100,000,000 Public 12.30 100.00 1,230.00

Total 6 Companies 401,304,297 401.30 1,901.65

/ Property & Construction

- (Construction Materials)

( ) SINGHA 15,739,960 Private Placement 2.50 15.74 39.35

14,713,225 Private Placement 2.50 14.71 36.78


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

( ) TCC 2,220,066 Warrant Holders 1.00 2.22 2.22

( ) TCMC 12,891,892 Shareholders 10.00 128.92 128.92

( ) TASCO 10,460 Warrant Holders 18.375 0.10 0.19

9,506 Warrant Holders 19.25 0.10 0.18

580,600 Warrant Holders 19.25 5.81 11.18

( ) VNG 288,196 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.29 0.29

136,933 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.14 0.14

393,132 Warrant Holders 1.000 0.39 0.39

2,085,411 Warrant Holders 1.000 2.09 2.09

Total 5 Companies 49,069,381 170.50 221.72

- (Property Development)

( ) AP 2,735,479 ( ) 3.596 2.74 9.84

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,280,426 Warrant Holders 1.00 2.28 2.28

1,313,912 ( ) 3.596 1.31 4.72

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

24,000,000 ( ) 3.60 24.00 86.40

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,347,463 ( ) 3.578 1.35 4.82

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,007,755 ( ) 3.578 1.01 3.61

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) ASCON 100,000,000 Shareholders 2.50 100.00 250.00

12,500 Warrant Holders 4.50 0.01 0.06

( ) BLAND 2,093,129,628 Shareholders 1.00 2,093.13 2,093.13

. ( ) CK 156,939,529 Warrant Holders 4.50 156.94 706.23

37,959,620 ( ) 4.50 37.96 170.82

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) EMC 24,404,941 ( ) 1.00 24.40 24.40

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

6,324,185 ( ) 1.00 6.32 6.32

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

263,499 ( ) 1.00 0.26 0.26

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) HEMRAJ 126,992,700 Warrant Holders 0.283 126.99 35.94

25,369,300 Warrant Holders 0.283 25.37 7.18

124,485,601 Warrant Holders 0.283 124.49 35.23

40,435,400 Warrant Holders 0.283 16.17 11.44


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

( ) KMC 596,500 ( ) 1.00 1.37 0.60

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) LH 70,000 ( ) 1.00 0.07 0.07

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

175,280,722 Warrant Holders 2.089 175.28 366.16

1,951,500 ( ) 1.00 1.95 1.95

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

10,000 ( ) 1.00 0.01 0.01

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

755,000 ( ) 1.00 0.76 0.76

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

6,574,910 ( ) 2.063 6.57 13.56

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

320,000 ( ) 1.00 0.32 0.32

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

3,587,560 Warrant Holders 2.039 3.59 7.32

2,673,000 Warrant Holders 1.00 2.67 2.67

400,000 ( ) 1.00 0.40 0.40

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

874,000 ( ) 1.00 0.87 0.87

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

9,018,484 Warrant Holders 2.04 9.02 18.39

( ) METRO 3,800,000 ( ) 2.975 3.80 11.31

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

3,300,000 ( ) 2.975 3.30 9.82

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,015,000 ( ) 2.975 2.02 7.40

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) NNCL 83,457,220 Warrant Holders 1.00 83.46 83.46

53,520,300 Warrant Holders 1.00 53.52 53.52

( ) N-PARK 296,000 Shareholders 0.55 0.30 0.16

( ) PF 193,826 Warrant Holders 0.01 1.16 0.00

( ) PS 6,327,800 ( ) 1.00 6.33 6.33

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) PRIN 335,000,000 Shareholders 1.50 335.00 502.50

( ) QH 30,062 Warrant Holders 1.196 0.03 0.04

290,400 ( ) 1.00 0.29 0.29

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

14,920 Warrant Holders 1.196 0.01 0.02


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

5,873,600 ( ) 1.00 5.87 5.87

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

47,311,091 ( ) 1.00 47.31 47.31

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

650,777 Warrant Holders 1.178 0.65 0.77

7,220,807 ( ) 1.00 7.22 7.22

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

332,282 Warrant Holders 1.17772 0.33 0.39

( ) RAIMON 678,915 Warrant Holders 0.963 0.68 0.65

631,131,885 Warrant Holders 0.963 631.13 607.78

( ) ROJANA 291,231 Warrant Holders 2.967 0.29 0.86

1,266,266 Warrant Holders 2.986 1.27 3.78

84,756,137 Warrant Holders 2.967 84.76 251.47

637,337 Warrant Holders 2.97000 0.64 1.89

( ) SEAFCO 2,002,000 ( ) 5.00 2.00 10.01

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,480,000 ( ) 5.00 1.48 5.99

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) SPALI 26,250,754 Warrant Holders 1.50 26.25 39.38

779,461 ( ) 2.28 0.78 1.78

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

363,865 Warrant Holders 1.50 0.36 0.55

84,662 ( ) 2.28 0.08 0.19

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

771,731 Warrant Holders 1.50 0.77 1.16

606,900 Warrant Holders 1.50 0.61 0.91

2,487,769 ( ) 2.28 2.49 5.67

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

- ( ) STEC 513,940 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.51 0.51

1,049,690 Warrant Holders 1.00 1.05 1.05

( ) TICON 1,564 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.00 0.00

2,999,969 Warrant Holders 8.79 3.00 26.37

103,900 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.10 0.10

1,427,598 Warrant Holders 8.661 1.43 12.36

76,180 Warrant Holders 8.661 0.08 0.66

668,601 Warrant Holders 8.660 0.67 5.79

1 TIF1 34,607,924 Shareholders 10.00 346.08 346.08

4,892,076 Private Placement 10.00 48.92 48.92


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

( ) TYONG 400,000,000 Private Placement 1.28 400.00 512.00

80,000,000 Private Placement 1.28 80.00 102.40

( ) UV 2,706,750 ( ) 1.00 2.71 2.71

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,169,790 ( ) 1.00 1.17 1.17

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

221,500,000 Private Placement 2.04 221.50 451.86

712,460 ( ) 1.00 0.71 0.71

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

640,000 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.64 0.64

2,597,475 Warrant Holders 2.406 2.60 6.25

451,300 ( ) 1.000 0.45 0.45

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

547,560 ( ) 1.000 0.55 0.55

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

TFUND 56,236,122 Shareholders 10.65 562.36 598.91

128,763,878 Public 10.65 1,287.64 1,371.34

Total 25 Companies 5,216,003,389 7,213.99 9,025.08

/ Resources

- (Energy & Utilities)

( ) EASTW 1,920 Warrant Holders 4.00 0.00 0.01

393,000 ( ) 1.00 0.39 0.39

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

20,696,020 Warrant Holders 4.00 20.70 82.78

100,500 ( ) 1.00 0.10 0.10

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

25,000 ( ) 1.00 0.03 0.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

28,342,530 Warrant Holders 4.00 28.34 113.37

288,712,089 Warrant Holders 4.00 288.71 1,154.85

251,400 ( ) 1.00 0.25 0.25

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) BCP 15,000 ( ) 18.00 0.02 0.27

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

20,000 Warrant Holders 18.00 0.02 0.36

. ( ) PTT 187,200 ( ) 183.00 1.87 34.26

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

7,648,200 ( ) 183.00 76.48 1,399.62

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

428,500 ( ) 183.00 4.29 78.42

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,465,400 ( ) 234.00 24.65 576.90

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,320,700 ( ) 183.00 13.21 241.69

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

412,500 ( ) 234.00 4.13 96.53

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

. ( ) PTTEP 47,500 Warrant Holders 55.60 0.05 2.64

36,700 Warrant Holders 23.40 0.04 0.86

20,000 Warrant Holders 22.20 0.02 0.44

52,800 Warrant Holders 36.60 0.05 1.93

2,872,600 ( ) 36.60 2.87 105.14

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,218,100 ( ) 23.40 2.22 51.90

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

2,764,600 ( ) 55.60 2.76 153.71

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,621,500 ( ) 91.20 1.62 147.88

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

50,000 ( ) 22.20 0.05 1.11

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

95,000 ( ) 23.40 0.10 2.22

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

91,400 ( ) 36.60 0.09 3.35

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

56,500 ( ) 22.20 0.06 1.25

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

106,800 ( ) 55.60 0.11 5.94

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

385,900 ( ) 55.60 0.39 21.46

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

520,600 ( ) 91.20 0.52 47.48

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

148,500 ( ) 23.40 0.15 3.47

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

329,800 ( ) 36.60 0.33 12.07

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

( ) RPC 3,609,796 ( ) 1.00 3.61 3.61

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 5 Companies 366,048,055 478.20 4,346.29

/ Services

- (Commerce)

( ) CPALL 10,427,803 ( ) 4.149 10.43 43.26

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

12,834,535 ( ) 4.113 12.83 52.79

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) D1 5,000,000 Private Placement 2.50 5.00 12.50

1,000,000 Private Placement 2.50 1.00 2.50

15,017,552 Shareholders 1.20 15.02 18.02

( ) HMPRO 505,982 ( ) 1.00 0.51 0.51

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

332,565 ( ) 1.00 0.33 0.33

Warrant Holders (Employees)

54,330 ( ) 1.00 0.05 0.05

Warrant Holders (Employees)

3,872,816 ( ) 1.00 3.87 3.87

Warrant Holders (Employees)

70,875 ( ) 1.00 0.07 0.07

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

237,550 ( ) 1.00 0.24 0.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

27,900 ( ) 1.00 0.03 0.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) IT 118,310 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.12 0.12

291,308 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.29 0.29

( ) LOXLEY 1,921,030 Private Placement 1.71 1.92 3.28

( ) MIDA 5,363,395 ( ) 1.00 5.36 5.36

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) MINOR 57,500 ( ) 1.00 0.06 0.06

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

480,000 ( ) 2.525 0.48 1.21

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

112,800 ( ) 2.525 0.11 0.28

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

180,000 ( ) 1.000 0.18 0.18

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

152,652 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.15 0.15

98,600 ( ) 1.00 0.10 0.10

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

120,000 ( ) 2.525 0.12 0.30

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

26,400 ( ) 2.525 0.03 0.07

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

43,100 ( ) 1.00 0.04 0.04

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

52,800 ( ) 2.525 0.05 0.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

31,700 ( ) 9.838 0.03 0.31

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

93,600 ( ) 2.525 0.09 0.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

65,479 Warrant Holders 1.00 0.07 0.07

546,000 ( ) 1.00 0.55 0.55

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,053,000 ( ) 2.525 1.05 2.66

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

24,400 ( ) 9.838 0.02 0.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

56,100 ( ) 11.125 0.06 0.62

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

177,400 ( ) 1.00 0.18 0.18

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

194,100 ( ) 2.516 0.19 0.49

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

24,500 ( ) 11.085 0.02 0.27

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

24,500 ( ) 9.802 0.02 0.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

120,000 ( ) 6.67 0.12 0.80

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,260,729 Warrant Holders 6.00 1.26 7.56

81,700 ( ) 2.92 0.08 0.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

211,000 ( ) 10.44 0.21 2.20

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

140,700 ( ) 10.696 0.14 1.50

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

134,000 ( ) 1.00 0.13 0.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

36,700 ( ) 9.802 0.04 0.36

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

36,700 ( ) 11.085 0.04 0.41

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

61,200 ( ) 1.00 0.06 0.06

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 7 Companies 62,773,311 62.77 164.90

- (Media & Publishing)

( ) LIVE 13,034,581 Private Placement 1.45 13.03 18.90

( ) MAJOR 77,147,876 Warrant Holders 12.589 77.15 971.21

10,806,338 Warrant Holders 12.589 10.81 136.04

1,352,000 ( ) 11.878 1.35 16.06

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

330,300 Warrant Holders 11.878 0.33 3.92

3,111,000 Warrant Holders 14.732 3.11 45.83

( ) NMG 1,034 Warrant Holders 14.00 0.01 0.01

( ) SE-ED 9,639,920 Warrant Holders 1.00 9.64 9.64

824,610 ( ) 1.00 0.82 0.82

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

129,860 ( ) 1.00 0.13 0.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

59,570 ( ) 1.00 0.06 0.06

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) TRAF 90,000,000 Shareholders 1.00 90.00 90.00

( ) SPORT 5,492,361 Warrant Holders 1.00 5.49 5.49

18,000 ( ) 1.50 0.02 0.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,205,700 Warrant Holders 1.00 1.21 1.21

1,500,000 ( ) 1.50 1.50 2.25

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

12,688,729 Warrant Holders 1.00 12.69 12.69

Total 6 Companies 227,341,879 227.35 1,314.30

- (Health Care Services)

( ) LNH 6,000,000 Shareholders 20.00 60.00 120.00

22,231,250 Private Placement 34.00 222.31 755.86


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

( ) VIBHA 1,200,300 ( ) 1.20 1.20 1.44

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

6,779,600 Warrant Holders 1.20 6.78 8.14

227,200 ( ) 1.20 0.23 0.27

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

227,200 Warrant Holders 1.20 0.23 0.27

2,242,550 ( ) 1.20 2.24 2.69

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

39,444 Warrant Holders 1.20 0.51 0.61

Total 2 Companies 38,947,544 293.50 889.29

- (Tourism & Leisure)

( ) ERAWAN 650,000 Private Placement 2.09 0.65 1.36

175,875 Private Placement 2.12 0.18 0.37

94,973 Private Placement 2.09 0.09 0.20

2,784,340 Private Placement 2.12 2.78 5.90

319,729 Private Placement 2.12 0.32 0.68

313,500 Private Placement 2.12 0.31 0.66

400,000 Private Placement 2.12 0.40 0.85

319,729 Private Placement 2.09 0.32 0.67

1,228,512 Private Placement 2.12 1.23 2.60

1,195,333 Private Placement 2.15 1.20 2.57

1,617,399 Private Placement 2.12 1.62 3.43

2,220,772 Private Placement 2.15 2.22 4.77

434,973 Private Placement 2.12 0.43 0.92

1,027,534 Private Placement 2.15 1.03 2.21

619,729 Private Placement 2.12 0.62 1.31

319,729 Private Placement 2.15 0.32 0.69

669,729 Private Placement 2.09 0.67 1.40

241,098,001 Warrant Holders 2.15 241.10 518.36

( ) LRH 82,012,558 Shareholders 10.00 820.13 820.13

- ( ) MME 5,000,000 ( ) 1.00 5.00 5.00

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 3 Companies 342,502,415 1,080.61 1,374.09

- (Professional Services)

(1999) ( ) PRO 70,000,000 Private Placement 1.00 70.00 70.00

230,000,000 Private Placement 1.00 230.00 230.00

100,000,000 Shareholders 1.00 100.00 100.00

Total 1 Companies 400,000,000 400.00 400.00


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

- (Transportation & Logistics)

( ) BTC 65,512,110 Warrant Holders 1.00 65.51 65.51

( ) THAI 2,000 Warrant Holders 15.00 0.02 0.03

2,800 Warrant Holders 15.00 0.03 0.04

Total 2 Companies 65,516,910 65.56 65.58

/ Technology

- (Information & Communication Technology)

( ) ADVANC 313,074 ( ) 44.62 0.31 13.97

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

83,965 ( ) 40.349 0.08 3.39

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

138,260 ( ) 44.62 0.14 6.17

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

176,641 ( ) 40.349 0.18 7.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

25,587 ( ) 44.62 0.03 1.14

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

846,169 ( ) 39.131 0.85 33.11

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

95,890 ( ) 39.131 0.10 3.75

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

137,904 ( ) 39.131 0.14 5.40

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

30,324 ( ) 83.844 0.03 2.54

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

28,822 ( ) 39.131 0.03 1.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

41,272 ( ) 83.844 0.04 3.46

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

188,010 ( ) 39.131 0.19 7.36

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

915,212 ( ) 83.844 0.92 76.74

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

254,487 ( ) 87.328 0.25 22.22

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

11,319 ( ) 38.322 0.01 0.43

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

83,840 ( ) 82.111 0.08 6.88

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

6,416 ( ) 85.523 0.01 0.55

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

29,430 ( ) 38.322 0.03 1.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

24,705 ( ) 82.111 0.02 2.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

4,170 ( ) 85.523 0.00 0.36

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

706,271 ( ) 82.111 0.71 57.99

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

5,659 ( ) 38.322 0.01 0.22

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

56,598 ( ) 38.322 0.06 2.17

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

39,125 ( ) 82.111 0.04 3.21

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

62,823 ( ) 38.32 0.06 2.41

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

136,715 ( ) 82.11 0.14 11.23

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

11,038 ( ) 96.63 0.01 1.07

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

7,913 ( ) 85.52 0.01 0.68

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

- ( ) BLISS 50,000,000 Private Placement 2.50 50.00 125.00

35,000,000 Private Placement 2.80 35.00 98.00

( ) CSL 577,803 ( ) 3.12 0.58 1.80

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

289,645 ( ) 3.12 0.29 0.90

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

920,585 ( ) 3.12 0.92 2.87

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

25,017 ( ) 3.12 0.03 0.08

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

31,902 ( ) 3.12 0.03 0.10

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

42,917 ( ) 3.12 0.04 0.90

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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120ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

11,475 ( ) 3.12 0.01 0.04

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) JTS 1,000,000 Private Placement 1.00 1.00 1.00

( ) SAMART 140,400 ( ) 1.50 0.14 0.21

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) SATTEL 947,605 ( ) 6.279 4.74 5.95

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

143,143 ( ) 6.279 0.72 0.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

58,893 ( ) 6.279 0.29 0.37

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) SHIN 11,277 Warrant Holders 19.081 0.01 0.22

112,823 ( ) 12.782 0.11 1.44

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

33,423 Warrant Holders 12.269 0.03 0.41

286,782 Warrant Holders 17.321 0.29 4.97

111,410 ( ) 12.296 0.11 1.37

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

173,800 ( ) 3.11 0.17 0.54

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) TRUE 239,032 ( ) 5.20 2.39 1.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

693,075 ( ) 5.20 6.93 3.60

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

78,786 ( ) 5.20 0.79 0.41

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

357,058 ( ) 5.20 3.57 1.86

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

283,468 ( ) 5.20 2.83 1.47

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

(2008) ( ) UTC 40,000,000 Shareholders 10.00 400.00 400.00

Total 9 Companies 136,031,958 515.50 932.73

- (Electronic Components)

- ( ) ( ) CCET 780,200 Warrant Holders 5.00 0.78 3.90

1,755,774 Warrant Holders 5.00 1.76 8.78

1,010,446 Warrant Holders 5.00 1.01 5.05

62,032 Warrant Holders 4.836 0.06 0.30

( ) ( ) DELTA 757 ( ) 1.00 0.00 0.00

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

32,082 ( ) 1.00 0.03 0.03

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,255,601 ( ) 1.00 1.26 1.26

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

22,505 ( ) 1.00 0.02 0.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) HANA 82,600 ( ) 20.73 0.08 1.71

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

102,000 ( ) 20.73 0.10 2.11

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

157,400 ( ) 1.00 0.16 0.16

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

20,600 ( ) 20.73 0.02 0.43

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

50,000 ( ) 20.73 0.05 1.04

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

17,100 ( ) 20.73 0.02 0.35

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

836,000 ( ) 1.00 0.84 0.84

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

83,500 ( ) 20.73 0.08 1.73

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

186,600 ( ) 20.73 0.19 3.87

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

32,500 ( ) 20.73 0.03 0.67

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

46,500 ( ) 20.73 0.05 0.96

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

191,800 ( ) 20.73 0.19 3.98

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

308,300 ( ) 1.00 0.31 0.31

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

22,000 ( ) 20.73 0.02 0.46

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

134,700 ( ) 20.73 0.13 2.79

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

177,800 ( ) 1.00 0.18 0.18

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

4,000 ( ) 20.73 0.00 0.08

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

20,000 ( ) 25.51 0.02 0.51

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

16,500 ( ) 20.73 0.02 0.34

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

39,300 ( ) 20.73 0.04 0.81

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

24,100 ( ) 20.73 0.02 0.50

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

39,000 ( ) 20.73 0.04 0.81

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

141,000 ( ) 20.73 0.14 2.92

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

20,000 ( ) 25.51 0.02 0.51

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,327,370 ( ) 1.00 1.33 1.33

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

100,500 ( ) 20.73 0.10 2.08

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

41,800 ( ) 20.73 0.04 0.87

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

34,000 ( ) 20.73 0.03 0.70

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

161,300 ( ) 1.00 0.16 0.16

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

17,500 ( ) 20.73 0.02 0.36

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

15,000 ( ) 20.73 0.02 0.31

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

6,200 ( ) 20.73 0.01 0.02

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

6,500 ( ) 20.73 0.01 0.13

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

28,000 ( ) 20.73 0.03 0.58

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

37,500 ( ) 20.73 0.04 0.78

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital raised by listed companies in 2007

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


( )

Company Name


Total Value (Mil. Baht)

( ) KCE 147,567,269 Shareholders 1.00 147.57 147.57

1,000,000 ( ) 2.24 1.80 2.24

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) SVI 1,650,000 ( ) 1.00 1.65 1.65

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

6,256,340 ( ) 0.695 6.26 4.35

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

14,350,000 ( ) 1.00 14.35 14.35

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) TEAM 162,760 ( ) 2.853 0.16 0.46

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

376,140 ( ) 2.853 0.38 1.07

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

148,800 ( ) 4.28 0.15 0.64

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

18,822 ( ) 5.67 0.02 0.11

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

160,000 ( ) 2.85 0.16 0.46

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

Total 6 Companies 181,138,498 181.95 227.73

- / Non-Performing Group

( ) APX 857,294,936 Private Placement 0.94 8,572.95 805.86

( ) BRC 24,190,475 Private Placement 17.00 241.90 411.24

( ) TPROP 31,683,488 Shareholders 4.00 316.83 126.73

2,786,718 Shareholders 4.00 27.87 11.15

( ) LL 501,168,552 Private Placement 1.00 501.17 501.17

105,000,000 Private Placement 1.90 105.00 199.50

( ) TDT 3,998,858 Shareholders 1.00 4.00 4.00

Total 5 Companies 1,526,123,027 9,769.72 2,059.65

114 37,023,447,115 295,455.06 88,044.37

Grand Total Companies


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital Mobilized by Listed Companies through Issuance of Securities in 2007

No. of At Par At Subscription


- Shareholders 7,016,437,911 38,908.69 14,512.81

- Private Placement 26,401,124,079 248,173.14 55,358.57

- Warrant Holders 2,888,187,780 6,188.22 10,450.15

- ( ) 434,673,756 743.12 4,952.21

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

- ( ) 4,259,711 4.26 4.26

Warrant Holders ( Employees)

- Public 278,763,878 1,437.64 2,766.34

( / )


No. of Price

Issued Shares (Baht/Share) At Par At Subscription


- (Medium-Sized Enterprise)

( ) ACAP 25,000,000 Private Placement 7.00 25.00 175.00

( ) ADAM 75,000,000 Private Placement 2.00 75.00 150.00

64,056,031 Shareholders 1.70 64.06 108.90

. . ( ) CIG 150,000 Warrant Holders 3.00 0.15 0.45

85,500,000 Public 4.95 85.50 423.23

5,605 Warrant Holders 2.86 0.01 0.02

( ) DEMCO 1,188,600 ( ) 1.00 1.19 1.19

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

1,573,504 ( ) 1.00 1.57 1.57

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

( ) D1 10,000,000 Private Placement 1.10 10.00 11.00

10,000,000 Private Placement 1.10 10.00 11.00

( ) ILINK 20,000,000 Shareholders 5.00 20.00 100.00

. . ( ) LVT 145 Warrant Holders 1.25 0.00 0.00

8,339,900 Private Placement 1.00 8.34 8.34

( ) SALEE 37,000,000 Private Placement 2.56 37.00 94.72

( ) S2Y 350,434,608 Shareholders 1.00 350.43 350.43

( ) UMS 5,028,100 Warrant Holders 8.50 2.51 42.74

10 693,276,493 690.76 1,478.58

Grand Total Companies

Total Value (Mil. Baht)


Company Name

/ mai

( )

Capital Mobilized from Each Type of Subscribers


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2.7 2550

Table 2.7 Capital Mobilized by Listed Companies through Issuance of Securities in 2007

No. of At Par At Subscription


- Shareholders 434,490,639 434.49 559.33

- Private Placement 165,339,900 165.34 450.06

- Warrant Holders 5,183,850 2.67 43.21

- ( ) 2,762,104 2.76 2.76

Warrant Holders (Directors & Employees)

- Public 85,500,000 85.50 423.23

Capital Mobilized from Each Type of Subscribers


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2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

/ Agro & Food Industry

- (Agribusiness)

( ) CM 346,497,096 314,997,360 31,499,736 31,499,736

( ) CPI 280,289,521 271,247,921 9,041,600 9,041,600

( ) SH 3,150,000,000 2,780,000,000 370,000,000 370,000,000

( ) TVO 624,516,293 499,613,033 124,903,260 124,903,260

4 535,444,596

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

- (Foods & Beverages)

( ) MINT 3,275,302,335 2,923,514,422 351,787,913 20,000,000

( ) APURE 560,145,438 280,072,719 280,072,719 280,072,719

. ( ) SORKON 8,085,000 7,700,000 385,000 385,000

3 300,457,719

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

/ Consumer Products

- (Fashion)

( ) HTX 114,999,993 5,234,510 109,765,483 109,765,483

( ) UF 60,000,000 20,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000

2 149,765,483

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

/ Financials

- (Banking)

( ) BT 6,674,700,582 2,224,900,194 4,449,800,388 4,449,800,388

4,449,800,388 2,224,900,194 2,224,900,194 2,224,900,194

( ) TBANK 2,134,619,292 1,458,356,092 676,263,200 676,263,200

( ) TMB 43,708,738,479 18,600,372,537 25,108,365,942 25,108,365,942

3 32,459,329,724

Capital Increase Announced by Companies


Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

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No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

314,997,360 Stockdividend 10:1 N.A. 26/04/2007 N.A.

271,247,921 Stockdividend 30:1 N.A. 02/04/2007 N.A.

370,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 3.40 N.A. N.A.

124,903,260 4 :1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Stockdividend

20,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

280,072,719 Shareholders 1:1 0.70 N.A. N.A.

385,000 Stockdividend 20:1 N.A. 30/04/2007 25/05/2007

8,596,938 Private Placement 10 :1 1.00 N.A. 23/03/2007

100,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 1.00 N.A. N.A.

40,000,000 Shareholders 1:2 10.00 19/11/2007 20- 25/12/2007

4,449,800,388 Shareholders 1:2 1.73 22/10/2007 N.A.

2,224,900,194 Shareholders 1:1 3.46 N.A. N.A.

400,000,000 Shareholders N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

6,300,433,630 Shareholders 1:0.49 1.40 02/11/2007 N.A.

2,141,728,186 Private Placement N.A. 1.40 N.A. N.A.

5,586,944,825 Private Placement N.A. 1.40 N.A. N.A.

10,970,893,359 Private Placement N.A. 1.40 N.A. N.A.

/ Shares Allotment


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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

- (Finance & Securities)

( ) BSEC 840,000,000 800,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000


( ) ZMICO 1,083,833,521 1,037,157,550 46,675,971 46,675,971

( ) GL 55,000,000 45,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000


3 96,675,971

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

/ Industrials

- (Industrial Materials & Machinery)

( ) SAM 1,062,500,000 850,000,000 212,500,000 212,500,000

( ) THECO 1,200,000,000 745,267,695 454,732,305 454,732,305

1,200,000,000 722,300,108 477,699,892 454,732,305

( ) VARO 100,000,000 78,407,917 21,592,083 21,592,083

( ) SNC 301,403,239 201,403,239 100,000,000 100,000,000

( ) TUCC 569,250,000 253,000,000 316,250,000 316,250,000


- (Packaging)

( ) TFI 1,065,000,000 710,000,000 355,000,000 355,000,000

6 1,914,806,693

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

/ Property & Construction

- (Construction Materials)

( ) TCMC 71,428,572 55,555,556 15,873,016 15,873,016

- ( ) TGCI 1,099,864,900 789,864,900 310,000,000 310,000,000

( ) STPI 333,500,000 250,000,000 83,500,000 83,500,000

( ) RICH 1,000,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000 500,000,000

4 909,373,016

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

Page 130: Fact Book 2007



No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

/ Shares Allotment


40,000,000 1:1 1.00 N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

46,675,971 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

9,000,000 5:1 12.80 04-08/02/2008 N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

212,500,000 Shareholders 4:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

331,230,087 2.25:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

123,502,218 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for future

454,732,305 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

78,407,917 Stockdividend 10:1 N.A. 30/04/2007 11/05/2007

100,000,000 Public Offering N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

189,750,000 Shareholders 2 :1.50 N.A. N.A. N.A.

126,500,000 Shareholders 2 : 1 2.50 N.A. N.A.

355,000,000 Shareholders 2 : 1 0.75 25/05/2007 04-10/07/2007

15,873,016 Shareholders 7:2 N.A. N.A. N.A.

310,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

83,500,000 Shareholders 3:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

500,000,000 Shareholders 1:1 2.00 26/12/2007 17-21/03/2008

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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

- (Property Development)

( ) AREEYA 949,600,000 758,000,000 191,600,000 191,600,000

( ) ASCON 400,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000

( ) BLAND 27,829,788,993 17,698,028,723 10,131,760,270 10,131,760,270

( ) EVER 600,000,000 300,000,000 300,000,000 300,000,000

( ) KMC 3,523,919,645 1,713,919,645 1,810,000,000 1,810,000,000

- ( ) KTECH 669,944,925 469,944,925 200,000,000 200,000,000

( ) LH 10,354,268,670 9,654,268,670 700,000,000 700,000,000

( ) N-PARK 12,085,740,000 8,057,160,000 4,028,580,000 4,028,580,000

( ) PRIN 1,340,000,000 670,000,000 670,000,000 670,000,000

( ) PS 2,255,753,400 2,224,753,400 31,000,000 31,000,000

TFUND 610,000,000 380,000,000 230,000,000 230,000,000

1 TIF1 90,000,000 50,500,000 39,500,000 39,500,000

( ) TYONG 8,056,923,076 5,813,333,333 2,243,589,743 2,243,589,743

5,813,333,333 5,333,333,333 480,000,000 480,000,000

( ) UNIQ 781,250,000 625,000,000 156,250,000 156,250,000

( ) UV 944,528,490 723,028,490 221,500,000 221,500,000

( ) ITD 4,921,678,180 4,193,678,180 728,000,000 728,000,000

( ) ( ) PAE 981,106,362 574,500,000 406,606,362 406,606,362

17 22,768,386,375

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

Page 132: Fact Book 2007



No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

/ Shares Allotment


151,600,000 Shareholders 5:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

40,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

100,000,000 Shareholders 2:1 2.50 N.A. N.A.

100,000,000 1:01 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

2,854,187,041 Shareholders 5.50:1.00 1.00 N.A. N.A.

2,854,187,041 Shareholders 5.50:1.00 1.00 N.A. N.A.

7,277,573,229 Shareholders N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

300,000,000 Shareholders 1:1 1.00 03/04/2007 04-08/06/2007

1,500,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

310,000,000 Debentures Holders N.A. 1.30 N.A. N.A.

200,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

700,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

4,028,580,000 Shareholders 2:1 0.55 N.A. N.A.

335,000,000 Shareholders 2:1 1.50 02/04/2007 20-26/04/2007

335,000,000 Public offering N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

31,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

200,000,000 Shareholders N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

30,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

39,500,000 Shareholders 1:0.78 10.00 N.A. N.A.

2,243,589,743 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Convertible Debentures holders

480,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 1.28 N.A. N.A.

156,250,000 4:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

221,500,000 Private Placement N.A. 2.04 N.A. N.A.

728,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

51,705,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

100,537,500 N.A. 1.10 N.A. N.A.

254,363,862 1:1 1.32 N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

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132ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

(ตอ/Cont.) 2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

/ Resources

- (Energy & Utilities)

( ) BAFS 509,998,044 424,998,370 84,999,674 84,999,674

1 84,999,674

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

/ Services

- (Commerce)

( ) HMPRO 1,988,546,860 1,938,146,860 50,400,000 50,400,000

( ) SINGER 283,500,000 270,000,000 13,500,000 13,500,000

( ) LOXLEY 2,650,000,000 1,998,078,970 651,921,030 651,921,030

( ) DE 792,000,000 528,000,000 264,000,000 264,000,000

4 979,821,030

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

- (Media & Publishing)

( ) RS 900,000,000 700,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000

( ) SPORT 417,000,000 352,309,310 64,690,690 64,690,690

( ) TRAF 158,250,000 120,000,000 38,250,000 38,250,000

360,000,000 120,000,000 240,000,000 240,000,000

( ) WORK 210,800,000 200,000,000 10,800,000 10,800,000

4 553,740,690

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

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No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

/ Shares Allotment


424,998,370 Stockdividend 5:1 N.A. 26/04/2007 18/05/2007

50,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

400,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

13,500,000 N.A. 1.78 N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

1,921,030 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

650,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

264,000,000 Shareholders 2:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

175,000,000 Shareholders 4:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

25,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

44,910,000 6:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.


Reserved for SPORT-W3 to Existing Shareholders

13,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

2 /

Reserved for ESPO-W2 to Director and/or Employees

6,780,690 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.


Reserve for the Adjustment of SPORT-W2

19,125,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

19,125,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

240,000,000 Shareholders 1:2 1.79 21/12/2007 N.A.

10,800,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

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134ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

(ตอ/Cont.) 2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

- (Health Care Services)

( ) BGH 1,371,316,112 1,312,264,222 59,051,890 59,051,890

( ) LNH 40,843,333 18,000,000 22,843,333 22,843,333

21,000,000 12,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000

( ) NEW 10,500,000 10,000,000 500,000 500,000

3 91,395,223

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

- (Professional Services)

(1999) ( ) PRO 1,000,000,000 600,000,000 400,000,000 400,000,000

1 400,000,000

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

- (Tourism & Leisure)

- ( ) MME 375,000,000 250,000,000 125,000,000 125,000,000

( ) CAWOW 321,952,000 216,000,000 105,952,000 105,952,000

2 230,952,000

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

- (Transportation & Logistics)

( ) PSL 1,040,000,000 520,000,000 520,000,000 520,000,000

( ) TTA 868,684,422 643,684,422 225,000,000 225,000,000

2 745,000,000

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

Page 136: Fact Book 2007



No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

/ Shares Allotment


59,051,890 1:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

22,843,333 Private Placement 1:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

6,000,000 Shareholders 2:1 20.00 15/03/2007 02-09/04/2007

3,000,000 Private Placement

500,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

100,000,000 Shareholders 6:1 1.00 12/02/2007 N.A.

70,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 1.00 N.A. N.A.

230,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 1.00 N.A. N.A.

122,500,000 Shareholders 2:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

2,500,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

100,000,000 2:1 1.50 14-18/01/2008 21/12/2007

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

520,000,000 Stockdividend 1:1 N.A. 30/03/2007 N.A.

50,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

175,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Convertible Debentures

Page 137: Fact Book 2007

136ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

(ตอ/Cont.) 2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

/ Technology

- (Information & Communication Technology)

( ) AIT 69,000,000 40,000,000 29,000,000 29,000,000

( ) CSL 660,849,474 649,020,074 11,829,400 11,829,400

( ) MFEC 281,250,000 227,000,000 54,250,000 54,250,000

( ) TRUE 4,751,519,418 4,683,578,135 67,941,283 67,941,283

. . . ( ) TKS 360,000,000 248,073,200 111,926,800 42,000,000

- ( ) BLISS 6,650,000,000 315,000,000 6,335,000,000 5,850,000,000


6 6,055,020,683

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

- (Electronic Components)

- ( ) ( ) CCET 4,786,168,001 4,608,168,001 178,000,000 178,000,000

( ) TEAM 458,625,000 305,000,000 153,625,000 153,625,000

( ) ( ) SPPT 320,925,000 250,000,000 70,925,000 70,925,000

( ) KCE 500,000,000 317,930,000 182,070,000 182,070,000

4 584,620,000

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

Page 138: Fact Book 2007



No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

/ Shares Allotment


20,000,000 Stockdividend 2:01 N.A. 27/03/2007 N.A.

9,600,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

11,829,400 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

54,250,000 Shareholders 4:01 N.A. N.A. N.A.

29,941,283 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

38,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

42,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

690,000,000 1:1 0.80 N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

1,575,000,000 Shareholders 2:1 0.15 N.A. N.A.


Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

350,000,000 1:1 0.172 N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

1,371,666,666 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

178,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

301,461,600 Stockdividend 2:1 N.A. 09/03/2007 18/04/2007

147,836,600 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

62,500,000 Shareholders 4:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

8,425,000 Directors & Employees

157,465,000 Shareholders 2:1 1.00 03/04/2007 N.A.

Page 139: Fact Book 2007

138ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

- / Non-Performing Group

( ) LL 1,015,000,000 114,999,993 900,000,007 900,000,007

( ) TPROP 2,506,750,000 1,506,750,000 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000

251,125,000 200,900,000 50,225,000 150,675,000

( ) SUNTEC 1,300,000,000 214,499,936 1,085,500,064 1,085,500,064

3 3,136,175,071

Capital Increase Announced by Companies

72 71,995,963,948

Total Capital Increase Announced by Companies


Page 140: Fact Book 2007



No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

/ Shares Allotment


900,000,007 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

1,000,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 1.00 02/02/2007 N.A.

50,225,000 Shareholders 4:1 4.00 02/02/2007 12-16/03/2007

1,085,500,064 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Page 141: Fact Book 2007

140ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.8 2550

Table 2.8 Capital increase announcements and shared allotments by listed companies in 2007

( )


Authorized Paid-up Unpaid Capital Increase

Capital Capital Capital (Shares)

Company Name

( ) / Preceding Capital (Shares)

/ mai

- (Medium-Sized Enterprise)

( ) ACAP 200,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000

( ) ADAM 403,972,964 194,315,309 209,657,655 209,657,655

( ) BOL 78,750,000 75,000,000 3,750,000 3,750,000

. . ( ) CIG 350,000,000 247,500,000 102,500,000 102,500,000

( ) DEMCO 328,923,150 215,000,000 113,923,150 113,923,150

357,923,150 268,923,150 89,000,000 89,000,000

( ) ILINK 105,000,000 80,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000

( ) L&E 61,111,111 27,500,000 33,611,111 33,611,111

( ) S2Y 487,271,510 40,931,510 446,340,000 446,340,000

409,315,100 40,931,510 368,383,590 368,383,590

521,366,118 391,366,118 130,000,000 130,000,000

( ) TRC 256,666,667 150,000,000 106,666,667 106,666,667

( ) UMS 140,000,000 70,000,000 70,000,000 70,000,000

10 1,798,832,173

Grand Total Capital Increase Announced by Companies

N.A. = / Not yet determined


Page 142: Fact Book 2007



No. of Shares : ( / ) ( XS)

Ratio Subscription XR - Date Subscription

Old : New Price (Baht/Share) (or XS-Date) Period

/ Shares Allotment


100,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 7.00 N.A. N.A.

75,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 2.00 N.A. N.A.

134,657,655 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

3,750,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

85,500,000 Public N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

17,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

52,797,150 Shareholders 4:1 N.A. 1/10/2007 N.A.

60,000,000 Private Placement N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

1,126,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

88,600,000 Shareholders 3:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

400,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for Exercise of Warrants

20,000,000 Shareholders 4:01 5.00 11/04/-02/05/2007 2-9/5/2007

5,000,000 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

18,333,333 Stockdividend 3 :2 N.A. 23/03/2007 N.A.

15,277,778 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Reserved for exercise of warrants

446,340,000 Private Placement N.A. 1.00 N.A. N.A.

368,383,590 Shareholders 1.00:9.00 1.00 N.A. N.A.

130,000,000 Private Placement N.A. 1.83 N.A. N.A.

106,666,667 Private Placement N.A. 2.75 N.A. N.A.

70,000,000 Shareholders 2:1 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Page 143: Fact Book 2007

142ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date

/ Common Stocks

/ Agro & Food Industry

- / Agribusiness

( ) ASIAN (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) CFRESH 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 0.16 - 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

( ) CHOTI 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 3.60 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) CM 26/04/2007 02/05/2007 0.25 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

26/04/2007 02/05/2007 - 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) CPF 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.02 3 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 6 30/06/2007 -

( ) CPI 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 - 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 - 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) GFPT 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.30 12 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) LEE 30/10/2007 02/11/2007 0.12 6 30/06/2007 13/11/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.19 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) PPC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PRG 04/10/2007 09/10/2007 1.50 6 30/06/2007 28/11/2007

09/05/2007 14/05/2007 1.00 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) RANCH 25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.50 3 31/03/2007 14/06/2007

26/02/2007 01/03/2007 1.00 - 31/12/2006 05/04/2007

19/11/2007 22/11/2007 0.23 3 30/09/2007 04/12/2007

19/10/2007 25/10/2007 0.32 3 30/06/2007 06/11/2007

( ) SH (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SSF 04/05/2007 10/05/2007 0.16 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) STA 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.50 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) TAF 16/08/2007 21/08/2007 5.00 - 06/09/2007

27/03/2007 30/03/2007 6.00 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TLUXE 28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.10 6 30/06/2007 14/09/2007

27/03/2007 30/03/2007 0.18 6 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) TRS (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) TRUBB 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.00 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) UPOIC 23/08/2007 28/08/2007 2.00 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 2.00 6 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

20/11/2007 23/11/2007 1.00 3 30/09/2007 07/12/2007

( ) UVAN 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 1.50 6 30/06/2007 -

28/03/2007 02/04/2007 1.50 6 31/12/2006 -

23/11/2007 28/11/2007 1.00 3 30/09/2007 -

- / Food and Beverage

( ) APURE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) F&D (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) HTC 25/04/2007 30/04/2007 0.12 6 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) KSL 06/03/2007 09/03/2007 0.22 12 31/10/2006 27/03/2007

( ) ( ) LST 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) MALEE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) MINT 17/04/2007 20/04/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 10/05/2007

( ) OISHI 21/11/2007 26/11/2007 0.70 9 30/09/2007 04/12/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.52 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) PB 31/08/2007 05/09/2007 1.10 6 30/06/2007 21/09/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 2.10 6 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) PR 28/09/2007 03/10/2007 2.21 6 30/06/2007 17/10/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 4.19 6 31/12/2006 24/05/2007



Page 144: Fact Book 2007


(ตอ/Cont.) 2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) S&P 27/08/2007 30/08/2007 0.25 6 30/06/2007 14/09/2007

26/03/2007 29/03/2007 1.55 6 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) SAICO (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SAUCE 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 8.50 12 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

( ) SFP 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.30 12 31/12/2006 08/05/2007

. ( ) SORKON 30/04/2007 04/05/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

30/04/2007 04/05/2007 - 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) SSC 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) TC 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) TF 28/09/2007 03/10/2007 7.75 6 30/06/2007 16/10/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 10.78 6 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) ( ) TIPCO 30/11/2007 06/12/2007 0.80 9 30/09/2007 14/12/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.15 7 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TUF 04/09/2007 07/09/2007 0.55 6 30/06/2007 18/09/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.68 6 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) TVO 25/10/2007 30/10/2007 - 6 30/06/2007 -

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.45 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TVO 25/10/2007 30/10/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 14/11/2007

( ) TWFP 30/04/2007 04/05/2007 3.50 - 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) UFM (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006

/ Consumer Products

- / Home & Office Products

( ) ( ) CEI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/07/2007 -

( ) DISTAR (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

. . . ( ) DTCI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) FANCY (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) IFEC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) KYE 07/08/2007 10/08/2007 0.56 12 31/03/2007 24/08/2007

( ) MODERN 11/10/2007 16/10/2007 1.25 6 30/06/2007 24/10/2007

10/05/2007 15/05/2007 1.75 6 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) OGC 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 3.29 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) ROCK (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SIAM 05/11/2007 08/11/2007 0.11 12 30/06/2007 29/11/2007

( ) SITHAI 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.45 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) SUN (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- / Personal Products & Pharmaceuticals

( ) ( ) DSGT 20/11/2007 23/11/2007 0.14 6 30/06/2007 07/12/2007

17/04/2007 20/04/2007 0.13 5 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) ( ) JCT 24/08/2007 29/08/2007 2.00 6 30/06/2007 10/09/2007

23/03/2007 28/03/2007 2.50 12 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) OCC 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.55 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) S & J 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.65 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) STHAI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TOG 17/08/2007 22/08/2007 0.05 6 30/06/2007 05/09/2007

29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.11 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

- / Fashion

( ) AFC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 30/06/2007 -

( ) BATA (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) BNC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) BTNC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) CPH (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

. . . ( ) CPL 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.50 - 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

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144ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

(ตอ/Cont.) 2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) HT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

. . . ( ) ICC 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) ( ) LTX 28/12/2007 04/01/2008 1.25 6 30/09/2007 18/01/2008

02/07/2007 05/07/2007 1.25 6 31/03/2007 22/08/2007

( ) ( ) NC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PAF (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PG 27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.40 9 30/09/2007 12/12/2007

29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.90 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) PRANDA 13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.65 12 31/12/2006 23/04/2007

24/01/2007 29/01/2007 - - - 12/02/2007

( ) SAWANG 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) SUC 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 1.25 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

( ) TNL 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TPCORP 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.75 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TR 03/01/2008 08/01/2008 1.60 12 30/09/2007 14/02/2008

( ) TTI 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 2.50 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) TTTM 02/10/2007 05/10/2007 1.00 6 30/06/2007 19/10/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 1.00 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) UF (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) UPF 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 1.90 12 31/12/2006 25/04/2007

( ) UT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) WACOAL 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 1.30 12 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

/ Financials

- / Banking

( ) ACL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) BAY 16/03/2007 21/03/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 20/04/2007

( ) BBL 06/09/2007 11/09/2007 1.00 6 30/06/2007 27/09/2007

24/04/2007 27/04/2007 1.75 6 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

( ) BT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) KBANK 10/09/2007 13/09/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 27/09/2007

12/04/2007 19/04/2007 1.25 6 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) KK 22/08/2007 27/08/2007 1.00 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

26/03/2007 29/03/2007 1.20 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) KTB 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.51 12 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) SCB 11/04/2007 18/04/2007 2.00 12 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) ( ) SCBT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SCIB 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.30 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) TBANK 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 29/05/2007

( ) TISCO 27/03/2007 30/03/2007 2.00 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TMB (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- / Finance and Securities

( ) ( ) AEONTS 02/10/2007 05/10/2007 0.82 6 20/08/2007 12/10/2007

24/05/2007 29/05/2007 0.78 6 20/02/2007 28/06/2007

( ) ASK 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.35 12 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

( ) ASL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ASP 04/10/2007 09/10/2007 0.08 6 30/06/2007 17/10/2007

12/03/2007 15/03/2007 0.17 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) AYAL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) BFIT 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) BLS 26/04/2007 02/05/2007 0.80 12 31/12/2006 16/05/2007

( ) BSEC 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) CNS 21/11/2007 26/11/2007 1.20 12 31/08/2007 26/12/2007

Page 146: Fact Book 2007


(ตอ/Cont.) 2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) ECL (No Payment of Dividend) - 3 31/12/2006 -

( ) FNS (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) GBX (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) GL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) KCAR 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.44 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) ( ) KEST 20/08/2007 23/08/2007 0.20 6 30/06/2007 31/08/2007

22/02/2007 27/02/2007 0.62 6 31/12/2006 02/04/2007

( ) ( ) KGI 26/03/2007 29/03/2007 0.07 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) KTC 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) MFC 24/04/2007 27/04/2007 0.60 12 31/12/2006 10/05/2007

( ) ML (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) NVL 27/03/2007 30/03/2007 0.01 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) PHATRA 06/09/2007 11/09/2007 1.00 6 30/06/2007 25/09/2007

16/03/2007 21/03/2007 2.00 6 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) PL 03/01/2008 08/01/2008 0.35 12 30/09/2007 12/02/2008

( ) SCAN 15/11/2007 20/11/2007 - - 27/11/2007

21/09/2007 26/09/2007 0.75 6 30/06/2007 09/10/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SCBL 09/04/2007 12/04/2007 0.12 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

( ) SGF (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SICCO 26/04/2007 02/05/2007 0.35 12 31/12/2006 16/05/2007

( ) SSEC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SYRUS (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TCAP 15/10/2007 18/10/2007 0.30 6 30/06/2007 02/11/2007

10/05/2007 15/05/2007 0.50 6 31/12/2006 29/05/2007

( ) THANI 14/03/2007 19/03/2007 0.04 12 31/12/2006 20/04/2007

( ) TK 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.30 12 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

( ) TNITY 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) ( ) UOBKH 23/04/2007 26/04/2007 0.12 12 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

( ) US (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ZMICO 26/03/2007 29/03/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

- / Insurance

( ) AYUD 28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.65 6 30/06/2007 14/09/2007

13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.75 6 31/12/2006 12/04/2007

( ) BKI 30/05/2007 05/06/2007 2.75 3 31/03/2007 15/06/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 3.75 3 31/12/2006 26/04/2007

23/11/2007 28/11/2007 2.75 3 30/09/2007 14/12/2007

23/08/2007 28/08/2007 2.75 3 30/06/2007 13/09/2007

( ) BUI 06/03/2007 09/03/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 25/04/2007

( ) CHARAN 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 5.00 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

( ) DVS 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 6.00 12 31/12/2006 03/05/2007

( ) INSURE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) NKI 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 3.25 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) NSI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PHA 31/10/2007 05/11/2007 - - 09/11/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 8.50 12 31/12/2006 02/05/2007

( ) SAFE 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 2.70 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) SCNYL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SCSMG 12/04/2007 19/04/2007 2.70 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

( ) SMK 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 3.00 12 31/12/2006 10/05/2007

( ) THRE 12/09/2007 17/09/2007 0.18 6 30/06/2007 28/09/2007

16/03/2007 21/03/2007 0.18 6 31/12/2006 12/04/2007

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2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) TIC 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.75 12 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) TIP 07/09/2007 12/09/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 28/09/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 1.20 12 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) TSI 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.35 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TVI 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.07 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

20/04/2007 25/04/2007 0.07 6 31/12/2006 -

/ Industrials

- / Petrochemicals & Chemicals

( ) ( ) ATC 19/03/2007 22/03/2007 2.25 12 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) GC 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.14 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

09/03/2007 14/03/2007 0.15 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) IRP 26/03/2007 29/03/2007 0.17 12 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) PATO 19/03/2007 22/03/2007 3.75 12 31/12/2006 19/04/2007

. ( ) PTTCH 05/09/2007 10/09/2007 2.00 6 30/06/2007 19/09/2007

27/03/2007 30/03/2007 2.75 6 31/12/2006 26/04/2007

( ) TCB 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.70 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

( ) TCCC 13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.60 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TPA 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 7.00 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

( ) TPC 02/08/2007 07/08/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 22/08/2007

04/04/2007 10/04/2007 1.20 6 31/12/2006 25/04/2007

( ) UP 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 2.50 12 31/12/2006 25/04/2007

( ) VNT 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.12 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) WG 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 2.50 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) YCI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- / Packaging

. . ( ) AJ 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) ALUCON 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 4.25 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) CSC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) NEP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) NIPPON 27/04/2007 03/05/2007 1.20 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) ( ) PTL 01/08/2007 06/08/2007 0.17 12 31/03/2007 -

. ( ) SPACK 27/08/2007 30/08/2007 0.14 6 30/06/2007 13/09/2007

19/04/2007 24/04/2007 0.18 6 31/12/2006 03/05/2007

( ) TCOAT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TFI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) THIP 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) TMD 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 3.60 12 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

. . . ( ) TOPP 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 2.25 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TPP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- / Paper & Printing Materials

( ) AA (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TCP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) UTP 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

- / Automotive

( ) AF (No Payment of Dividend) - 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) AH 24/08/2007 29/08/2007 0.15 6 30/06/2007 11/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.20 6 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

( ) BAT-3K 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 2.50 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) CWT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) EASON 09/04/2007 12/04/2007 0.17 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) GYT (No Payment of Dividend) - 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) HFT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -


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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) IHL 09/03/2007 14/03/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 20/04/2007

( ) ( ) IRC 04/01/2008 09/01/2008 0.48 12 30/09/2007 28/02/2008

( ) SAT 03/09/2007 06/09/2007 0.30 6 30/06/2007 20/09/2007

29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.30 6 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

. . . ( ) SECC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SMC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SPG 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 2.50 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

. . ( ) SPSU (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) STANLY 13/06/2007 18/06/2007 4.85 12 31/03/2007 09/07/2007

. ( ) TKT 28/03/2007 02/04/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 16/05/2007

( ) TNPC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TRU (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TSC 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) YNP 02/05/2007 08/05/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

- / Industrial Materials & Machinery

( ) AMC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) CITY 30/11/2007 06/12/2007 0.14 12 31/07/2007 25/12/2007

( ) CSP 10/04/2007 17/04/2007 0.12 12 31/12/2006 23/04/2007

( ) CTW 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.70 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

( ) ( ) FMT 03/09/2007 06/09/2007 0.50 - 20/09/2007

28/03/2007 02/04/2007 0.50 - 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) GSTEEL 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.02 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

( ) INOX (No Payment of Dividend) - 3 31/12/2006 -

( ) KKC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PATKL 08/05/2007 11/05/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) PERM 14/03/2007 19/03/2007 0.03 12 31/12/2006 08/05/2007

( ) SMIT 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.12 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) SNC 10/08/2007 16/08/2007 0.30 6 30/06/2007 28/08/2007

12/03/2007 15/03/2007 0.25 6 31/12/2006 26/04/2007

( ) SSI 16/03/2007 21/03/2007 0.02 12 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) SSSC 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 4.20 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

. . . ( ) TCJ (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- ( ) TGPRO (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TMT 28/02/2007 06/03/2007 0.45 12 31/12/2006 10/04/2007

( ) TUCC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) TYCN (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) VARO 30/04/2007 04/05/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

30/04/2007 04/05/2007 - 12 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

/ Property & Construction

/ Construction Materials

( ) BSBM 17/08/2007 22/08/2007 0.06 6 30/06/2007 31/08/2007

08/03/2007 13/03/2007 0.10 6 31/12/2006 23/04/2007

( ) CCP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) DCC 10/05/2007 15/05/2007 0.28 3 31/03/2007 25/05/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.21 3 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

07/11/2007 12/11/2007 0.23 3 30/09/2007 23/11/2007

07/08/2007 10/08/2007 0.25 3 30/06/2007 24/08/2007

( ) DCON 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.05 6 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

( ) DRT 29/08/2007 03/09/2007 0.60 6 30/06/2007 -

07/03/2007 12/03/2007 0.60 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) EWC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) GEN (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

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2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) KWH 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.04 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

. . . ( ) MCS 24/08/2007 29/08/2007 0.10 6 30/06/2007 11/09/2007

26/03/2007 29/03/2007 0.20 6 31/12/2006 12/04/2007

( ) PAP 24/09/2007 27/09/2007 0.22 6 30/06/2007 10/10/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.55 6 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) Q-CON (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) RCI 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) RICH 05/04/2007 11/04/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 24/04/2007

( ) SAM (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SCC 03/08/2007 08/08/2007 7.50 6 30/06/2007 22/08/2007

09/04/2007 12/04/2007 7.50 6 31/12/2006 26/04/2007

( ) SCCC 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 6.50 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

19/02/2007 22/02/2007 7.50 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) SCP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SINGHA 27/08/2007 30/08/2007 0.02 6 30/06/2007 10/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.06 6 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) STPI 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) SUPER (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TASCO 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 1.15 12 31/12/2006 08/05/2007

( ) TCC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TCMC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- ( ) TGCI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TIW 06/06/2007 11/06/2007 4.71 12 31/03/2007 19/07/2007

( ) TPIPL 11/09/2007 14/09/2007 0.10 6 31/12/2006 28/09/2007

( ) ( ) TSTH 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 0.03 12 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 3 31/03/2007 -

( ) UMI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) VNG 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.25 12 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

- / Property Development

( ) A (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) AMATA 20/11/2007 23/11/2007 0.20 6 30/06/2007 -

( ) AMATA 11/05/2007 16/05/2007 0.20 6 31/12/2006 -

( ) AP 04/05/2007 10/05/2007 0.23 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) ASCON 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

BKKCP 25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.14 3 31/03/2007 14/06/2007

12/03/2007 15/03/2007 0.14 3 31/12/2006 28/03/2007

27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.12 3 30/09/2007 18/12/2007

28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.15 3 30/06/2007 14/09/2007

( ) BLAND (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/03/2007 -

( ) BROCK 14/03/2007 19/03/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 20/04/2007

( ) CI 04/05/2007 10/05/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

. ( ) CK 18/09/2007 21/09/2007 0.05 6 30/06/2007 02/10/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) CNT 02/05/2007 08/05/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

( ) CPN 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.31 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

CPN CPNRF 12/03/2007 15/03/2007 0.19 3 31/12/2006 30/03/2007

29/11/2007 04/12/2007 0.20 3 30/09/2007 14/12/2007

05/09/2007 10/09/2007 0.21 3 30/06/2007 18/09/2007

05/06/2007 08/06/2007 0.20 3 31/03/2007 18/06/2007

( ) EMC 23/08/2007 28/08/2007 0.05 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.04 12 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

( ) ESTAR (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -


Page 150: Fact Book 2007


(ตอ/Cont.) 2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) EVER (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

FUTUREPF 25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.24 3 31/03/2007 12/06/2007

23/02/2007 28/02/2007 0.10 2 31/12/2006 12/03/2007

27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.24 3 30/09/2007 12/12/2007

28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.25 3 30/06/2007 12/09/2007

( ) GOLD (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) HEMRAJ 07/01/2008 10/01/2008 0.03 6 30/06/2007 23/01/2008

05/04/2007 11/04/2007 0.04 6 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) ITD (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

. . ( ) KC 20/04/2007 25/04/2007 0.06 12 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) KMC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- ( ) KTECH (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) KTP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) LALIN 22/08/2007 27/08/2007 0.02 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

30/04/2007 04/05/2007 0.12 6 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) LH 24/08/2007 29/08/2007 0.12 6 30/06/2007 14/09/2007

03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.15 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

. . . ( ) LPN 15/08/2007 20/08/2007 0.10 6 30/06/2007 04/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.18 6 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) MBK 13/11/2007 16/11/2007 2.00 6 30/06/2007 30/11/2007

12/04/2007 19/04/2007 1.75 6 31/12/2006 03/05/2007

( ) METRO (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

MIPF 28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.40 6 30/06/2007 18/09/2007

12/03/2007 15/03/2007 0.51 6 31/12/2006 28/03/2007

MJLF 27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.22 4 30/09/2007 12/12/2007

( ) MK 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.14 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

- MNIT 16/08/2007 21/08/2007 0.17 3 30/06/2007 04/09/2007

04/05/2007 10/05/2007 0.20 4 31/03/2007 24/05/2007

07/11/2007 12/11/2007 0.17 3 30/09/2007 26/11/2007

( ) N-PARK (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

. . ( ) NCH (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) NNCL 30/08/2007 04/09/2007 0.10 6 30/06/2007 12/09/2007

02/05/2007 08/05/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) NOBLE 02/05/2007 08/05/2007 0.21 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) NWR (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) PAE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PF (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PLE 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

- ( ) POWER (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PREB (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PRECHA (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PRIN 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.27 12 31/12/2006 19/04/2007

( ) PS 16/03/2007 21/03/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) QH 24/04/2007 27/04/2007 0.09 12 31/12/2006 16/05/2007

QHPF 16/08/2007 21/08/2007 0.18 3 30/06/2007 04/09/2007

21/05/2007 24/05/2007 0.19 4 31/03/2007 06/06/2007

15/11/2007 20/11/2007 0.18 3 30/09/2007 03/12/2007

( ) RAIMON (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ROJANA 24/08/2007 29/08/2007 0.40 6 30/06/2007 14/09/2007

27/03/2007 30/03/2007 0.60 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) SAMCO 13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) SC 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.45 12 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

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150ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) SEAFCO 19/04/2007 24/04/2007 0.24 6 31/12/2006 10/05/2007

( ) SF 26/03/2007 29/03/2007 0.35 12 31/12/2006 19/04/2007

( ) SIRI 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.13 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

SIRIPF 25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.18 3 31/03/2007 12/06/2007

23/02/2007 28/02/2007 0.18 3 31/12/2006 12/03/2007

27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.18 3 30/09/2007 12/12/2007

SIRIPF 28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.18 3 30/06/2007 12/09/2007

( ) SPALI 21/09/2007 26/09/2007 0.12 6 30/06/2007 03/10/2007

09/04/2007 12/04/2007 0.12 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

SPF 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.20 3 30/06/2007 05/09/2007

15/05/2007 18/05/2007 0.31 5 31/03/2007 30/05/2007

15/11/2007 20/11/2007 0.22 3 30/09/2007 28/11/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 2 31/12/2006 -

- ( ) STEC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SYNTEC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TFD 30/04/2007 04/05/2007 0.07 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

TFUND 25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.20 3 31/03/2007 12/06/2007

23/02/2007 28/02/2007 0.22 3 31/12/2006 12/03/2007

27/09/2007 02/10/2007 0.20 3 30/09/2007 16/10/2007

28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.20 3 30/06/2007 12/09/2007

( ) TICON 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 1.20 12 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

1 TIF1 25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.20 3 31/03/2007 12/06/2007

23/02/2007 28/02/2007 0.22 3 31/12/2006 12/03/2007

27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.27 4 30/09/2007 12/12/2007

25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.15 2 31/05/2007 12/06/2007

TU-PF 27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.11 6 30/09/2007 12/12/2007

25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.12 6 31/03/2007 12/06/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 3 31/12/2006 -

( ) TYONG (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/03/2007 -

( ) UNIQ 10/04/2007 17/04/2007 0.03 - 31/12/2006 -

UOBAPF 30/08/2007 04/09/2007 0.25 6 30/06/2007 14/09/2007

16/03/2007 21/03/2007 0.23 6 31/12/2006 30/03/2007

( ) UV 27/03/2007 30/03/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 16/05/2007

( ) WIN (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

/ Resources

- / Energy & Utilities

( ) AI 20/08/2007 23/08/2007 0.20 - - 03/09/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) AKR 02/03/2007 08/03/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

( ) BAFS 26/04/2007 02/05/2007 0.22 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

26/04/2007 02/05/2007 - 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

20/08/2007 23/08/2007 0.20 6 30/06/2007 05/09/2007

( ) BANPU 07/09/2007 12/09/2007 3.75 - 28/09/2007

02/03/2007 08/03/2007 4.25 6 31/12/2006 18/04/2007

( ) BCP 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.17 - 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) EASTW 05/02/2008 08/02/2008 0.25 12 30/09/2007 22/02/2008

07/02/2007 12/02/2007 0.25 12 30/09/2006 26/02/2007

( ) EGCO 05/09/2007 10/09/2007 2.25 6 30/06/2007 21/09/2007

28/03/2007 02/04/2007 2.00 6 31/12/2006 08/05/2007

( ) GLOW 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.60 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

02/05/2007 08/05/2007 0.98 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) IRPC 31/08/2007 05/09/2007 0.10 6 30/06/2007 20/09/2007


Page 152: Fact Book 2007


(ตอ/Cont.) 2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


25/04/2007 30/04/2007 0.12 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) LANNA 25/10/2007 30/10/2007 0.30 6 30/06/2007 13/11/2007

28/03/2007 02/04/2007 0.22 6 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) MDX (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PICNI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

. ( ) PTT 17/09/2007 20/09/2007 5.00 6 30/06/2007 28/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 5.50 6 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

. ( ) PTTEP 14/08/2007 17/08/2007 1.61 6 30/06/2007 27/08/2007

01/03/2007 07/03/2007 1.50 6 31/12/2006 11/04/2007

( ) RATCH 30/08/2007 04/09/2007 1.00 6 30/06/2007 17/09/2007

30/04/2007 04/05/2007 1.10 6 31/12/2006 16/05/2007

( ) RPC 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.12 6 30/06/2007 04/09/2007

13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.10 6 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) RRC 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 09/05/2007

( ) ( ) SCG 09/02/2007 14/02/2007 0.30 12 31/12/2006 15/03/2007

( ) SOLAR (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- ( ) STRD (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SUSCO (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TOP 25/09/2007 28/09/2007 1.75 6 30/06/2007 11/10/2007

16/03/2007 21/03/2007 2.00 6 31/12/2006 03/05/2007

- / Mining

( ) PDI 02/05/2007 08/05/2007 5.20 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) THL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

/ Services

- / Commerce

( ) BIGC 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.56 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) BJC 20/08/2007 23/08/2007 1.50 6 30/06/2007 06/09/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 1.50 6 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) CPALL 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.25 12 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) DE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) HMPRO 12/03/2007 15/03/2007 0.12 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

( ) IT 20/11/2007 23/11/2007 0.24 9 30/09/2007 30/11/2007

02/03/2007 08/03/2007 0.36 12 31/12/2006 05/04/2007

( ) LOXLEY 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) MAKRO 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 2.25 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 4.00 6 31/12/2006 21/05/2007

20/11/2007 23/11/2007 1.00 9 30/09/2007 06/12/2007

( ) MIDA (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) MINOR 17/04/2007 20/04/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 10/05/2007

( ) ROBINS 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.32 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) SINGER (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SPC 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) SPI 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

- / Media & Publishing

( ) APRINT 04/05/2007 10/05/2007 0.80 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) BEC 16/08/2007 21/08/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 29/08/2007

( ) BEC 18/05/2007 23/05/2007 0.40 6 31/12/2006 30/05/2007

( ) CVD 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 1.21 12 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

( ) EPCO 06/12/2007 12/12/2007 0.12 6 30/06/2007 19/12/2007

19/04/2007 24/04/2007 0.06 9 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) FE 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 5.00 12 31/12/2006 29/05/2007

Page 153: Fact Book 2007

152ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) GMMM 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.20 6 30/06/2007 06/09/2007

28/03/2007 02/04/2007 0.20 6 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) GRAMMY 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.13 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

28/03/2007 02/04/2007 0.20 6 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) ITV (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) LIVE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) MAJOR 23/08/2007 28/08/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

07/03/2007 12/03/2007 0.43 6 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) MATCH (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) MATI 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.35 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) MCOT 23/08/2007 28/08/2007 0.55 6 30/06/2007 11/09/2007

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.80 6 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) MEDIAS 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.25 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

( ) NMG (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) P-FCB 02/05/2007 08/05/2007 0.60 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) POST 30/04/2007 04/05/2007 0.10 3 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 9 30/09/2007 -

( ) PSAP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) RS 27/03/2007 30/03/2007 0.15 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) SE-ED 21/05/2007 24/05/2007 0.10 3 31/03/2007 08/06/2007

23/11/2007 28/11/2007 0.10 3 30/09/2007 11/12/2007

21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.10 3 30/06/2007 06/09/2007

03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.30 3 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) SMM (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SPORT 06/09/2007 11/09/2007 0.05 6 30/06/2007 25/09/2007

27/03/2007 30/03/2007 0.10 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) TBSP 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 5.25 12 31/12/2006 20/04/2007

( ) TONHUA 09/04/2007 12/04/2007 0.06 12 31/12/2006 28/05/2007

( ) TRAF (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) WORK 24/08/2007 29/08/2007 0.55 6 30/06/2007 12/09/2007

13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.55 6 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

- / Health Care Services

( ) AHC 30/04/2007 04/05/2007 1.50 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) BGH 13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) BH 17/08/2007 22/08/2007 0.40 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.45 6 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) KDH 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.00 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) KH 23/08/2007 28/08/2007 0.10 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.15 6 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) LNH 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 2.00 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) M-CHAI 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 1.50 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) NEW 16/03/2007 21/03/2007 0.07 - 31/12/2006 08/05/2007

( ) NTV 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 5.40 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) RAM 02/10/2007 05/10/2007 6.00 6 30/06/2007 18/10/2007

04/04/2007 10/04/2007 6.00 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) SKR (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SVH (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) VIBHA 04/05/2007 10/05/2007 0.06 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

- / Tourism & Leisure

( ) ASIA (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) CAWOW 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.06 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) CENTEL 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.13 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007


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(ตอ/Cont.) 2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) CSR 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 2.20 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) DTC 17/08/2007 22/08/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 06/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.00 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) ERAWAN 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 23/05/2007

( ) GRAND (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) LRH 30/04/2007 04/05/2007 2.50 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) MANRIN 10/04/2007 17/04/2007 1.90 12 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

- ( ) MME 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 10/05/2007

( ) ( ) OHTL 09/11/2007 14/11/2007 7.00 6 30/06/2007 -

08/05/2007 11/05/2007 16.00 6 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) PA (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) RHC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) ROH 04/12/2007 11/12/2007 1.60 - 25/12/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 2.62 12 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

( ) SAFARI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- ( ) SHANG 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 2.00 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

- / Professional Services

( ) GENCO 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.01 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

(1999) ( ) PRO (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- / Transportation & Logistics

( ) AOT 28/12/2007 04/01/2008 0.40 12 30/09/2007 22/02/2008

( ) ASIMAR 29/03/2007 03/04/2007 0.05 12 31/12/2006 22/05/2007

( ) BECL 06/09/2007 11/09/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 26/09/2007

12/03/2007 15/03/2007 0.50 6 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) BMCL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) BTC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) JUTHA 10/05/2007 15/05/2007 0.75 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) KWC 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 1.75 12 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

( ) PSL 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 2.11 3 31/12/2006 02/05/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 - 3 31/12/2006 02/05/2007

27/11/2007 30/11/2007 0.50 3 30/09/2007 13/12/2007

29/08/2007 03/09/2007 0.50 3 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

22/05/2007 25/05/2007 0.50 3 31/03/2007 05/06/2007

( ) RCL 23/08/2007 28/08/2007 0.50 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.00 6 31/12/2006 16/05/2007

( ) SST 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.38 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) THAI 07/01/2008 10/01/2008 1.80 12 30/09/2007 25/01/2008

( ) TSTE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TTA 05/02/2008 08/02/2008 0.90 6 30/09/2007 25/02/2008

25/05/2007 30/05/2007 0.75 6 31/03/2007 14/06/2007

( ) UST 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.50 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

/ Technology

- / Information & Communication Technology

( ) ADVANC 24/08/2007 29/08/2007 3.00 6 30/06/2007 10/09/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 3.30 6 31/12/2006 10/05/2007

( ) AIT 27/03/2007 30/03/2007 1.25 6 31/12/2006 -

27/03/2007 30/03/2007 - 6 31/12/2006 -

- ( ) BLISS (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) CSL 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.20 6 30/06/2007 05/09/2007

28/03/2007 02/04/2007 0.14 6 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) FORTH 31/08/2007 05/09/2007 0.11 - - 14/09/2007

05/04/2007 11/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 24/04/2007

Page 155: Fact Book 2007

154ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


( ) IEC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) INET 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.02 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) JAS 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.02 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) JTS 30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.17 6 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) MFEC 03/05/2007 09/05/2007 0.35 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

( ) MLINK (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) MSC 09/03/2007 14/03/2007 0.33 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PT 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) SAMART 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.18 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.22 6 31/12/2006 17/05/2007

( ) SAMTEL 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.05 6 30/06/2007 04/09/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.17 6 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) SATTEL (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SHIN 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 1.00 6 31/12/2006 11/05/2007

(No Payment of Dividend) - 6 30/06/2007 -

- ( ) SIM 21/08/2007 24/08/2007 0.32 6 30/06/2007 04/09/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.32 6 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) ( ) SIS 07/03/2007 12/03/2007 0.14 12 31/12/2006 27/04/2007

( ) SVOA 07/03/2007 12/03/2007 0.10 12 31/12/2006 10/04/2007

. . . ( ) TKS 27/09/2007 02/10/2007 0.10 - - -

02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) TRUE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TT&T (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TWZ 13/03/2007 16/03/2007 0.30 12 31/12/2006 04/05/2007

( ) UCOM (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

- / Electronic Components

- ( ) ( ) CCET 28/08/2007 31/08/2007 0.20 6 30/06/2007 11/09/2007

07/03/2007 12/03/2007 0.20 6 31/12/2006 26/04/2007

( ) ( ) DELTA 06/03/2007 09/03/2007 1.30 12 31/12/2006 10/04/2007

( ) DRACO 04/04/2007 10/04/2007 0.75 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) EIC 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.20 12 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) HANA 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 1.00 3 31/12/2006 28/05/2007

( ) KCE (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) METCO 30/01/2008 04/02/2008 10.00 - 30/09/2007 -

( ) MPT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) SPPT 23/08/2007 28/08/2007 0.12 6 30/06/2007 03/09/2007

14/03/2007 19/03/2007 0.22 6 31/12/2006 02/05/2007

( ) SVI 02/04/2007 05/04/2007 0.60 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

( ) TEAM 09/03/2007 14/03/2007 0.40 12 31/12/2006 18/04/2007

09/03/2007 14/03/2007 - 12 31/12/2006 18/04/2007

- / Non-Performing Group

( ) AMAC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) ( ) APC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) APX (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 30/06/2007 -

( ) NFC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) NPK (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) POMPUI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) PYT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SMPC (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) SRI (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TDT (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TPROP (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -


Page 156: Fact Book 2007


2.9 2550Table 2.9 Dividend payment announcements in 2007

XD ( / ) ( )

XD Date Book Closing Dividend For the Ending Payment

Date (Baht/Share) Period Month Date


- / Unit Trusts

MGE 01/02/2007 06/02/2007 0.55 12 31/12/2006 19/02/2007

1 VAYU1 09/08/2007 15/08/2007 0.30 6 30/06/2007 29/08/2007

25/01/2007 30/01/2007 0.30 6 31/12/2006 13/02/2007

- / Depositary Receipt

BCP-DR1 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.17 - 31/12/2006 15/05/2007

- / Prefered Stocks

( ) BH-P 17/08/2007 22/08/2007 0.40 6 30/06/2007 07/09/2007

30/03/2007 04/04/2007 0.45 6 31/12/2006 24/05/2007

( ) JUTHA-P 10/05/2007 15/05/2007 0.75 12 31/12/2006 25/05/2007

10/05/2007 15/05/2007 10.44 6 31/12/2005 25/05/2007

( ) KTB-P 03/04/2007 09/04/2007 0.66 12 31/12/2006 14/05/2007

( ) SCB-P 11/04/2007 18/04/2007 2.00 12 31/12/2006 30/04/2007

( ) SGF-P1 (No Payment of Dividend) - 12 31/12/2006 -

( ) TCAP-P 15/10/2007 18/10/2007 0.30 6 30/06/2007 02/11/2007

10/05/2007 15/05/2007 0.50 6 31/12/2006 29/05/2007

( ) TISCO-P 27/03/2007 30/03/2007 3.00 12 31/12/2006 18/05/2007

1/ / As in the Board Meeting Resolution 's Report


Page 157: Fact Book 2007

156ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.11 2550

Table 2.11 Name changes of listed and member companies in 2007

Effective Date Code After Change Code

/ Listed Companies

22/02/2007 ( ) KPN ( ) AF

11/05/2007 ( ) EGCOMP ( ) EGCO

17/05/2007 ( ) RK ( ) ADAM

06/06/2007 ( ) AREEYA ( ) A

18/06/2007 ( ) THECO ( ) TCC

11/07/2007 ( ) HTX ( ) LL

20/08/2007 ( ) SUNTEC ( ) APX

15/10/2007 ( ) TWC ( ) USC

26/10/2007 . . ( ) CP7-11 ( ) CPALL

/ Member Companies

07/02/2007 ( ) KSEC ( ) KS

12/06/2007 PSS AIRA

07/12/2007 MERCHANT ( ) MERCHANT

25/12/2007 AIRA ( ) AIRA

2.10 2550

Table 2.10 Changes in par value of stocks in 2007

Changing Code No. of Shares ( / ) No. of Shares ( / )

Date Par Value Par Value

(Baht/Share) (Baht/Share)

16/02/2007 ( ) SAM 170,000,000 5.00 850,000,000 1.00

21/02/2007 ( ) KMC 831,269,646 8.80 831,269,646 2.30

19/03/2007 ( ) ASL 419,589,572 10.00 4,195,895,720 1.00

21/03/2007 ( ) LL 52,345,177 0.10 5,234,510 1.00

24/04/2007 ( ) BROCK 200,000,000 5.00 1,000,000,000 1.00

18/05/2007 ( ) SVI 145,625,198 10.00 1,456,251,980 1.00

21/05/2007 ( ) EIC 80,000,000 5.00 400,000,000 1.00

23/05/2007 ( ) NEP 132,445,525 10.00 1,324,455,250 1.00

16/07/2007 ( ) BT 2,224,900,194 10.00 2,224,900,194 3.75

25/07/2007 ( ) APURE 280,072,719 10.00 280,072,719 0.70

07/08/2007 ( ) NOBLE 456,471,175 5.00 456,471,175 3.00

16/08/2007 ( ) MPT 2,084,861,788 3.00 2,084,861,788 1.80

14/09/2007 ( ) DRT 200,000,000 5.00 1,000,000,000 1.00

19/09/2007 ( ) ROBINS 1,110,661,133 10.00 1,110,661,133 3.55

03/12/2007 ( ) HEMRAJ 9,313,775,096 1.00 9,313,775,096 0.40

11/12/2007 ( ) BJC 158,812,500 10.00 1,588,125,000 1.00

28/12/2007 ( ) IHL 60,000,000 5.00 300,000,000 1.00

28/12/2007 ( ) LIVE 460,000,000 1.00 4,600,000,000 0.10

20/04/2007 ( ) UMS 70,000,000 1.00 140,000,000 0.50

15/11/2007 ( ) UEC 143,000,000 1.00 572,000,000 0.25

/ mai


Company Name

After ChangingBefore Changing

Page 158: Fact Book 2007

ตลาดตราสารหน้ี (Bond Electronic Exchange : BEX)



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158ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2) (Bond Electronic Exchange : BEX)

2.1 2550

Table 2.1 Securities trading on BEX in 2007

Trade date Yield Yield Yield Yield

Prior (%) Open (%) (%) (%) High % Yield

Bid Offer

( ) 1/2546 2


THAI10OA 03/01/2007 - - 932.69 6.00 - - - - 932.69 6.0002

( ) 3/2549


SCC104A 12/01/2007 - - 1,023.17 5.30 - - 1023.17 5.2999 1,023.17 5.2999

( ) 2/2546


SCC07NA 19/01/2007 967.89 5.20 984.50 5.20 981 5.6686 - - 984.50 5.199

( ) 1/2548 1

. . 2551

THAI085A 29/01/2007 976.49 5.50 976.49 6.47 992.24 5.1497 - - 976.49 6.4687


( ) 1/2549 2

. . 2552

KK095A 06/02/2007 - - 1,040.27 4.95 - - 1040.27 4.9502 1,040.27 4.9502

( )

1/2548 2 2552

QH097A 06/02/2007 972.29 6.20 997.44 5.35 - - 997.44 5.3499 997.44 5.3499

( ) 2/2546


SCC07NA 09/02/2007 984.50 5.20 991.45 4.66 988 5.1618 991.45 4.6612 991.45 4.6612

( ) 1/2547


SCC084A 12/02/2007 990.10 5.40 998.18 4.90 - - - - 998.18 4.8994

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 12/02/2007 984.20 5.45 994.55 4.95 - - - - 994.55 4.9496

( ) 1/2547

2 . . 2552

CPF09NA 20/02/2007 999.78 5.75 1,024.83 5.10 1022.3 5.2 - - 1,024.83 5.1001

. ( ) 1/2547 1


CK07OA 26/02/2007 994.46 5.70 1,014.35 5.15 - - 1015.9 4.9 1,014.35 5.1514


( ) 1/2547


SCC084A 01/03/2007 998.18 4.90 1,002.91 4.70 - - 1002.91 4.7 1,002.91 4.7

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 01/03/2007 994.55 4.95 1,000.38 4.75 - - 1000.38 4.7498 1,000.38 4.7498

( ) 1/2547


SCC084A 02/03/2007 1,002.91 4.70 1,003.04 4.70 - - - - 1,003.04 4.6999

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 02/03/2007 1,000.38 4.75 1,000.51 4.75 - - 1001.29 4.7003 1,000.51 4.7498

. ( ) 1/2547 1


CK07OA 20/03/2007 1,014.35 5.15 1,018.87 4.90 - - - - 1,018.87 4.8998

( ) 1/2549 2

. . 2552

KK095A 28/03/2007 1,040.27 4.95 1,061.85 4.25 - - 1061.85 4.2498 1,061.85 4.2498


Securities Name

Price (Bath/Unit)

Page 160: Fact Book 2007


% /

Low % Yield Close % Yield Chg. % Yield %Chg. % Yield Avg. Volume Value No. of Trans. / Grand Total

(Shares) (Baht) Daily Trading Trading

932.69 6.0002 932.69 6.0002 932.69 N.A. N.A. N.A. 932.69 2,000.00 1,865,380.00 1,865,380.00

1,023.17 5.2999 1,023.17 5.2999 1023.17 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,023.17 200.00 204,634.00 204,634.00

984.50 5.199 984.50 5.199 16.61 -0.0011 1.72 -0.0002 984.50 4,000.00 3,938,000.00 3,938,000.00

976.49 6.4687 976.49 6.4687 - -0.9689 - -0.1762 976.49 1,500.00 1,464,735.00 1,464,735.00

7,700.00 7,472,749.00 7,472,749.00

1,040.27 4.9502 1,040.27 4.9502 1040.27 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,040.27 300.00 312,081.00

997.44 5.3499 997.44 5.3499 25.15 -0.8501 2.59 -0.1371 997.44 300.00 299,232.00 611,313.00

991.45 4.6612 991.45 4.6612 6.95 -0.5377 0.71 -0.1034 991.45 500.00 495,725.00 495,725.00

998.18 4.8994 998.18 4.8994 8.08 -0.5005 0.82 -0.0927 998.18 500.00 499,090.00

994.55 4.9496 994.55 4.9496 10.35 -0.5 1.05 -0.0917 994.55 500.00 497,275.00 996,365.00

1,024.83 5.1001 1,024.83 5.1001 25.05 -0.6499 2.51 -0.113 1,024.83 500.00 512,415.00 512,415.00

1,014.35 5.1514 1,014.35 5.1514 19.89 -0.5488 2 -0.0963 1,014.35 2,000.00 2,028,700.00 2,028,700.00

4,600.00 4,644,518.00 12,117,267.00

1,002.91 4.7 1,002.91 4.7 4.73 -0.1994 0.47 -0.0407 1,002.91 200.00 200,582.00

1,000.38 4.7498 1,000.38 4.7498 5.83 -0.1997 0.59 -0.0404 1,000.38 100.00 100,038.00 300,620.00

1,003.04 4.6999 1,003.04 4.6999 0.13 -0.0002 0.01 0 1,003.04 300.00 300,912.00

1,000.51 4.7498 1,000.51 4.7498 0.13 0 0.01 0 1,000.51 900.00 900,459.00 1,201,371.00

1,018.87 4.8998 1,018.87 4.8998 4.52 -0.2516 0.45 -0.0488 1,018.87 8,000.00 8,150,960.00 8,150,960.00

1,061.85 4.2498 1,061.85 4.2498 21.58 -0.7004 2.07 -0.1415 1,061.85 300.00 318,555.00 318,555.00

9,800.00 9,971,506.00 22,088,773.00

Total Turnover

Page 161: Fact Book 2007

160ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

ตอ/Cont.) 2.1 2550

Table 2.1 Securities trading on BEX in 2007

Trade date Yield Yield Yield Yield

Prior (%) Open (%) (%) (%) High % Yield

Bid Offer

Securities Name

Price (Bath/Unit)

( ) 1/2548 1

. . 2551

THAI085A 05/04/2007 976.49 6.47 1,011.88 4.19 - - 1011.88 4.185 1,011.88 4.185

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 20/04/2007 1,000.51 4.75 995.50 4.75 995.5 4.7499 1009.43 3.7998 995.50 4.7499

( )

1/2548 2 . . 2550

EFAI07OA 25/04/2007 1,001.39 5.55 1,008.59 3.82 - - - - 1,008.59 3.8209

( )

1/2549 1 . . 2552

AIS099A 26/04/2007 - - 1,048.38 4.00 1046 4.1042 - - 1,048.38 3.9998

. ( ) 1/2547 1


CK07OA 26/04/2007 1,018.87 4.90 1,004.68 4.00 - - - - 1,004.68 4.0009


( ) 2/2546


SCC07NA 04/05/2007 991.45 4.66 997.33 3.95 - - - - 997.33 3.9499

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 04/05/2007 - - 1,032.75 4.05 - - - - 1,032.75 4.0499

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 10/05/2007 995.50 4.75 1,011.44 3.80 - - 1011.44 3.8002 1,011.44 3.8002

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 11/05/2007 1,032.75 4.05 1,036.88 3.90 1036.88 3.8998 - - 1,036.88 3.8998

( ) 2/2546


SCC07NA 14/05/2007 997.33 3.95 998.75 3.80 998.09 3.9482 - - 998.75 3.8027

. ( ) 1/2547 1


CK07OA 15/05/2007 1,004.68 4.00 1,007.37 3.80 - - - - 1,007.37 3.8006

( ) 1/2547 2

. . 2554

THAI11OA 15/05/2007 - - 1,003.87 5.20 1003.98 5.1937 - - 1,003.99 5.1935

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 28/05/2007 1,036.88 3.90 1,041.94 3.75 - - - - 1,041.94 3.7496


( ) 2/2546


SCC07NA 07/06/2007 998.75 3.80 1,002.62 3.50 999.25 4.3748 - - 1,002.62 3.4978

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 07/06/2007 1,011.44 3.80 1,048.89 1.30 - - - - 1,048.89 1.3049

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 07/06/2007 1,041.94 3.75 1,046.58 3.60 1028.38 4.4177 - - 1,046.58 3.5998

( ) 2/2546


SCC07NA 11/06/2007 1,002.62 3.50 1,002.81 3.50 1002.81 3.4982 - - 1,002.81 3.4982

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 12/06/2007 1,046.58 3.60 1,046.89 3.60 1046.89 3.5997 - - 1,046.89 3.5997

( ) 1/2549


SCC084B 13/06/2007 - - 1,026.77 3.52 - - - - 1,026.77 3.5192

Page 162: Fact Book 2007


% /

Low % Yield Close % Yield Chg. % Yield %Chg. % Yield Avg. Volume Value No. of Trans. / Grand Total

(Shares) (Baht) Daily Trading Trading

Total Turnover

1,011.88 4.185 1,011.88 4.185 35.39 -2.2837 3.62 -0.353 1,011.88 20,000.00 20,237,600.00 20,237,600.00

995.50 4.7499 995.50 4.7499 -5.01 -0.0002 -0.5 0 995.50 2,300.00 2,289,650.00 2,289,650.00

1,008.59 3.8209 1,008.59 3.8209 7.2 -1.7288 0.72 -0.3115 1,008.59 15,000.00 15,128,850.00 15,128,850.00

1,048.38 3.9998 1,048.38 3.9998 1048.38 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,048.38 2,000.00 2,096,760.00

1,004.68 4.0009 1,004.68 4.0009 -14.19 -0.8989 -1.39 -0.1834 1,004.68 100.00 100,468.00 2,197,228.00

39,400.00 39,853,328.00 61,942,101.00

997.33 3.9499 997.33 3.9499 5.88 -0.7113 0.59 -0.1526 997.33 2,000.00 1,994,660.00

1,032.75 4.0499 1,032.75 4.0499 1032.75 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,032.75 5,000.00 5,163,750.00 7,158,410.00

1,011.44 3.8002 1,011.44 3.8002 15.94 -0.9498 1.6 -0.2 1,011.44 100.00 101,144.00 101,144.00

1,036.88 3.8998 1,036.88 3.8998 4.13 -0.15 0.4 -0.037 1,036.88 5,500.00 5,702,840.00 5,702,840.00

998.75 3.8027 998.75 3.8027 1.42 -0.1472 0.14 -0.0373 998.75 1,500.00 1,498,125.00 1,498,125.00

1,007.37 3.8006 1,007.37 3.8006 2.69 -0.2003 0.27 -0.0501 1,007.37 200.00 201,474.00

1,003.87 5.1965 1,003.99 5.1935 1003.99 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,003.93 1,000.00 1,003,930.00 1,205,404.00

1,041.94 3.7496 1,041.94 3.7496 5.06 -0.1502 0.49 -0.0385 1,041.94 5,000.00 5,209,700.00 5,209,700.00

20,300.00 20,875,623.00 82,817,724.00

1,002.62 3.4978 1,002.62 3.4978 3.87 -0.3049 0.39 -0.0802 1,002.62 5,000.00 5,013,100.00

1,048.89 1.3049 1,048.89 1.3049 37.45 -2.4953 3.7 -0.6566 1,048.89 100.00 104,889.00

1,046.58 3.5998 1,046.58 3.5998 4.64 -0.1498 0.45 -0.0399 1,046.58 8,000.00 8,372,640.00 13,490,629.00

1,002.81 3.4982 1,002.81 3.4982 0.19 0.0004 0.02 0.0001 1,002.81 4,000.00 4,011,240.00 4,011,240.00

1,046.89 3.5997 1,046.89 3.5997 0.31 -0.0001 0.03 0 1,046.89 5,000.00 5,234,450.00 5,234,450.00

1,026.77 3.5192 1,026.77 3.5192 1026.77 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,026.77 2,000.00 2,053,540.00

Page 163: Fact Book 2007

162ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.1 2550

Table 2.1 Securities trading on BEX in 2007

Trade date Yield Yield Yield Yield

Prior (%) Open (%) (%) (%) High % Yield

Bid Offer

Securities Name

Price (Bath/Unit)

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 13/06/2007 1,046.89 3.60 1,048.11 3.55 1048.11 3.5498 - - 1,048.11 3.5498

( )

1/2549 1 . . 2552

AIS099A 15/06/2007 1,048.38 4.00 1,045.26 4.41 1045.26 4.4114 - - 1,045.26 4.4114

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 15/06/2007 1,048.11 3.55 1,035.86 3.53 - - - - 1,035.86 3.5295

( ) 1/2547

. . 2557

KTB14OA 18/06/2007 1,007.99 6.05 998.00 6.30 - - - - 998.00 6.3026

( ) 1/2549


SCC084B 25/06/2007 1,026.77 3.52 1,011.34 3.90 - - - - 1,011.34 3.8999

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 28/06/2007 1,035.86 3.53 1,034.43 3.65 1034.43 3.6503 - - 1,034.43 3.6503

( )

1/2549 1 . . 2552

AIS099A 29/06/2007 - - 1,055.68 - - - - - 1,055.68 -


( ) 2/2549 1

. . 2551

KK08NA 02/07/2007 - - 1,038.22 3.50 - - - - 1,038.22 3.5

( )

1/2549 1 . . 2552

AIS099A 03/07/2007 1,045.26 4.41 1,054.86 4.05 - - - - 1,054.86 4.0498

( ) 2/2549 1

. . 2551

KK08NA 03/07/2007 1,038.22 3.50 1,038.32 3.50 - - - - 1,038.32 3.4999

( ) 2/2549 2

. . 2552

KK09NA 03/07/2007 - - 1,043.71 4.30 - - 1061.84 3.5 1,043.71 4.3001

( )

1/2548 2 . . 2550

EFAI07OA 04/07/2007 1,008.59 3.82 1,003.53 3.56 - - - - 1,003.53 3.5601

( ) 1/2548 1

. . 2551

THAI085A 04/07/2007 1,011.88 4.19 1,005.73 3.80 1004.9 3.8995 - - 1,005.73 3.7998

( ) 1/2548 1

. . 2551

THAI085A 04/07/2007 - - 1,005.73 - - - - - 1,005.73 -

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 05/07/2007 1,048.89 1.30 1,081.61 - 1018.61 3.7001 1023.12 3.3498 1,081.61 -

. ( ) 1/2547 1


CK07OA 13/07/2007 1,007.37 3.80 1,014.49 3.50 - - - - 1,014.49 3.5006

( ) 1/2548 2


QH097A 16/07/2007 997.44 5.35 1,010.53 4.70 - - 1010.53 4.6999 1,010.53 4.6999

( ) 2/2547

. . 2551

SCC08NA 16/07/2007 1,081.61 N.A. 1,009.56 3.60 1008.3 3.7002 - - 1,009.56 3.6003

( ) 1/2548 2


QH097A 17/07/2007 1,010.53 4.70 1,010.66 4.70 - - 1011.61 4.6501 1,010.66 4.6999

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 19/07/2007 1,034.43 3.65 1,033.18 3.81 - - - - 1,033.18 3.8104


Page 164: Fact Book 2007


% /

Low % Yield Close % Yield Chg. % Yield %Chg. % Yield Avg. Volume Value No. of Trans. / Grand Total

(Shares) (Baht) Daily Trading Trading

Total Turnover

1,048.11 3.5498 1,048.11 3.5498 1.22 -0.0499 0.12 -0.0139 1,048.11 3,000.00 3,144,330.00 5,197,870.00

1,045.26 4.4114 1,045.26 4.4114 -3.12 0.4116 -0.3 0.1029 1,045.26 100.00 104,526.00

1,035.86 3.5295 1,035.86 3.5295 -12.25 -0.0203 -1.17 -0.0057 1,035.86 3,000.00 3,107,580.00 3,212,106.00

998.00 6.3026 998.00 6.3026 -9.99 0.2568 -0.99 0.0425 998.00 300.00 299,400.00 299,400.00

1,011.34 3.8999 1,011.34 3.8999 -15.43 0.3807 -1.5 0.1082 1,011.34 5,000.00 5,056,700.00 5,056,700.00

1,034.43 3.6503 1,034.43 3.6503 -1.43 0.1208 0.14 -0.0342 1,034.43 3,000.00 3,103,290.00 3,103,290.00

1,055.68 - 1,055.68 - 1055.68 - N/A N/A 1,055.68 10,000.00 10,556,800.00 10,556,800.00

48,500.00 50,162,485.00 132,980,209.00

1,038.22 3.5 1,038.22 3.5 1038.22 N/A N/A N/A 1,038.22 3,000.00 3,114,660.00 3,114,660.00

1,054.86 4.0498 1,054.86 4.0498 9.6 -0.3617 0.92 -0.082 1,054.86 6,000.00 6,329,160.00

1,038.32 3.4999 1,038.32 3.4999 0.1 -0.0001 0.01 0 1,038.32 2,000.00 2,076,640.00

1,043.71 4.3001 1,043.71 4.3001 1043.71 N/A N/A N/A 1,043.71 4,000.00 4,174,840.00 12,580,640.00

1,003.53 3.5601 1,003.53 3.5601 -5.06 -0.2608 -0.5 -0.0683 1,003.53 5,000.00 5,017,650.00

1,005.73 3.7998 1,005.73 3.7998 -6.15 -0.3852 -0.61 -0.0921 1,005.73 6,500.00 6,537,245.00

1,005.73 - 1,005.73 - 1005.73 N/A N/A N/A 1,005.73 70.00 70,401.10 11,625,296.10

1,081.61 - 1,081.61 - 32.72 N/A 3.12 N/A 1,081.61 100.00 108,161.00 108,161.00

1,014.49 3.5006 1,014.49 3.5006 7.12 -0.3001 0.71 -0.079 1,014.49 3,800.00 3,855,062.00 3,855,062.00

1,010.53 4.6999 1,010.53 4.6999 13.09 -0.65 1.31 -0.1215 1,010.53 6,700.00 6,770,551.00

1,009.56 3.6003 1,009.56 3.6003 -72.05 N.A. -6.66 N.A. 1,009.56 100.00 100,956.00 6,871,507.00

1,010.66 4.6999 1,010.66 4.6999 0.13 0 0.01 0 1,010.66 1,000.00 1,010,660.00 1,010,660.00

1,033.18 3.8104 1,033.18 3.8104 -1.25 0.1601 -0.12 0.0438 1,033.18 3,000.00 3,099,540.00 3,099,540.00

Page 165: Fact Book 2007

164ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.1 2550

Table 2.1 Securities trading on BEX in 2007

Trade date Yield Yield Yield Yield

Prior (%) Open (%) (%) (%) High % Yield

Bid Offer

Securities Name

Price (Bath/Unit)

. ( ) 1/2547 1


CK07OA 20/07/2007 1,014.49 3.50 1,015.05 3.55 - - - - 1,015.05 3.5497

( ) 2/2549 1

. . 2551

KK08NA 23/07/2007 1,038.32 3.50 1,039.03 3.60 - - - - 1,039.03 3.6003

( )

1/2548 2 2552

QH097A 23/07/2007 1,010.66 4.70 1,013.33 4.60 - - 1013.33 4.5998 1,013.33 4.5998

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 27/07/2007 1,033.18 3.81 1,034.99 3.77 - - - - 1,034.99 3.7653

4/2 /2549 BOT088A 31/07/2007 - - 1,019.72 3.40 - - - - 1,019.72 3.4003


( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 01/08/2007 1,034.99 3.77 1,035.42 3.76 1035.42 3.76 - - 1,035.42 3.76

( ) 1/2548 2


QH097A 03/08/2007 1,013.33 4.60 1,016.84 4.50 - - - - 1,016.84 4.5002

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 08/08/2007 1,035.42 3.76 1,037.42 3.70 1037.42 3.6998 - - 1,037.42 3.6998

( ) 1/2547 1

. . 2552

THAI09OA 14/08/2007 983.95 5.80 1,030.43 3.90 - - - - 1,030.43 3.9002

( )

1/2549 1 . . 2552

AIS099A 16/08/2007 1,054.86 4.05 1,062.19 3.95 - - 1062.19 3.9501 1,062.19 3.9501

( )

1/2548 2 2552

QH097A 16/08/2007 1,016.84 4.50 1,020.30 4.40 - - 1020.3 4.4 1,020.30 4.4

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 16/08/2007 1,037.42 3.70 1,038.46 3.70 - - - - 1,038.46 3.7002

( ) 4/2545

. . 2550

AIS07OA 17/08/2007 399.01 5.14 202.50 3.45 - - 202.51 3.4172 202.50 3.4472

( ) 1/2548 2


QH097A 17/08/2007 1,020.30 4.40 1,016.76 4.60 - - 1016.76 4.6001 1,016.76 4.6001

( ) 1/2548 2


QH097A 21/08/2007 1,016.76 4.60 1,017.02 4.60 - - - - 1,017.02 4.5998

4/2 /2549 BOT088A 24/08/2007 1,019.72 3.40 1,023.45 3.25 - - - - 1,023.45 3.2504

. . 2549


LB095C 29/08/2007 - - 1,048.14 3.40 - - - - 1,048.14 3.3998

( ) 1/2546 2


THAI10OA 29/08/2007 932.69 6.00 1,007.38 3.95 - - - - 1,007.38 3.9501


( ) 1/2549 2

. . 2552

KK095A 07/09/2007 1,061.85 4.25 1,054.11 4.03 - - - - 1,054.11 4.03

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 07/09/2007 1,038.46 3.70 1,036.77 3.90 1036.77 3.9 - - 1,036.77 3.9


Page 166: Fact Book 2007


% /

Low % Yield Close % Yield Chg. % Yield %Chg. % Yield Avg. Volume Value No. of Trans. / Grand Total

(Shares) (Baht) Daily Trading Trading

Total Turnover

1,015.05 3.5497 1,015.05 3.5497 0.56 0.0491 0.06 0.014 1,015.05 2,900.00 2,943,645.00 2,943,645.00

1,039.03 3.6003 1,039.03 3.6003 0.71 0.1005 0.07 0.0287 1,039.03 3,500.00 3,636,605.00

1,013.33 4.5998 1,013.33 4.5998 2.67 -0.1 0.26 -0.0213 1,013.33 5,000.00 5,066,650.00 8,703,255.00

1,034.99 3.7653 1,034.99 3.7653 1.81 -0.0451 0.18 -0.0118 1,034.99 2,000.00 2,069,980.00 2,069,980.00

1,019.72 3.4003 1,019.72 3.4003 1019.72 N/A N/A N/A 1,019.72 2,000.00 2,039,440.00 2,039,440.00

56,670.00 58,021,846.10 191,002,055.10

1,035.42 3.76 1,035.42 3.76 0.43 -0.0053 0.04 -0.0014 1,035.42 3,000.00 3,106,260.00 3,106,260.00

1,016.84 4.5002 1,016.84 4.5002 3.51 -0.0997 0.35 -0.0217 1,016.84 10,000.00 10,168,400.00 10,168,400.00

1,037.42 3.6998 1,037.42 3.6998 2 -0.0602 0.19 -0.016 1,037.42 3,000.00 3,112,260.00 3,112,260.00

1,030.43 3.9002 1,030.43 3.9002 46.48 -1.8998 4.72 -0.3276 1,030.43 800.00 824,344.00 824,344.00

1,062.19 3.9501 1,062.19 3.9501 7.33 -0.0997 0.69 -0.0246 1,062.19 1,200.00 1,274,628.00

1,020.30 4.4 1,020.30 4.4 3.46 -0.1002 0.34 -0.0223 1,020.30 100.00 102,030.00

1,038.46 3.7002 1,038.46 3.7002 1.04 0.0004 0.1 0.0001 1,038.46 2,000.00 2,076,920.00 3,453,578.00

202.50 3.4472 202.50 3.4472 -196.51 -1.6931 -49.25 -0.3294 202.50 5,000.00 1,012,500.00

1,016.76 4.6001 1,016.76 4.6001 -3.54 0.2 -0.35 0.0455 1,016.76 4,000.00 4,067,040.00 5,079,540.00

1,017.02 4.5998 1,017.02 4.5998 0.26 -0.0003 0.03 -0.0001 1,017.02 900.00 915,318.00 915,318.00

1,023.45 3.2504 1,023.45 3.2504 3.73 -0.1499 0.37 -0.0441 1,023.45 10,000.00 10,234,500.00 10,234,500.00

1,048.14 3.3998 1,048.14 3.3998 1048.14 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1,048.14 2,000.00 2,096,280.00

1,007.38 3.9501 1,007.38 3.9501 74.69 -2.0501 8.01 -0.3417 1,007.38 500.00 503,690.00 2,599,970.00

42,500.00 39,494,170.00 230,496,225.10

1,054.11 4.03 1,054.11 4.03 -7.74 -0.2198 -0.73 -0.0517 1,054.11 3,300.00 3,478,563.00

1,036.77 3.9 1,036.77 3.9 -1.69 0.1999 -0.16 0.054 1,036.77 2,000.00 2,073,540.00 5,552,103.00

Page 167: Fact Book 2007

166ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.1 2550

Table 2.1 Securities trading on BEX in 2007

Trade date Yield Yield Yield Yield

Prior (%) Open (%) (%) (%) High % Yield

Bid Offer

Securities Name

Price (Bath/Unit)

( ) 1/2550 2

. . 2555

TSCO125A 14/09/2007 - - 992.00 4.54 - - 992 4.5363 992.00 4.5363

( ) 3/2549


SCC104A 17/09/2007 1,023.17 5.30 1,043.52 4.10 1043.52 4.1003 - - 1,043.52 4.1003

( )

1/2549 1 . . 2552

AIS099A 19/09/2007 1,062.19 3.95 1,036.85 3.95 - - 1036.85 3.9501 1,036.85 3.9501

( )

1/2549 1 . . 2552

AIS099A 28/09/2007 1,036.85 3.95 1,036.57 4.03 - - - - 1,036.57 4.0301


( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 05/10/2007 1,036.77 3.90 1,027.60 3.85 1027.6 3.8504 - - 1,027.60 3.8504

( ) 2/2548

. . 2552

SCC09OA 08/10/2007 1,027.60 3.85 1,027.71 3.85 1027.71 3.8502 - - 1,027.71 3.8502

( ) 2/2549 2

. . 2552

KK09NA 29/10/2007 1,043.71 4.30 1,033.83 4.05 - - 1033.83 4.0501 1,033.83 4.0501


( ) 1/2548

. . 2552

SCC094A 06/11/2007 992.56 5.35 1,015.32 3.98 1015.32 3.9751 - - 1,015.32 3.9751

( ) 1/2546

. . 2551

MBK081A 08/11/2007 373.05 5.30 125.99 3.80 - - - - 125.99 3.8027

( ) 1/2550


SCC114A 09/11/2007 - - 1,051.27 4.33 1051.27 4.3252 - - 1,051.27 4.3252

( ) 1/2548

. . 2552

SCC094A 21/11/2007 1,015.32 3.98 1,016.97 3.98 1016.97 3.9752 - - 1,016.97 3.9752

( ) 1/2550


SCC114A 22/11/2007 1,051.27 4.33 1,050.50 4.40 1050.5 4.4002 - - 1,050.50 4.4002

( ) 1/2546

. . 2551

MBK081A 23/11/2007 125.99 3.80 126.22 3.61 - - - - 126.22 3.6129

( ) 1/2549 1

. . 2551

KK085A 27/11/2007 1,008.19 5.40 1,012.08 3.65 - - - - 1,012.08 3.6501

( ) 3/2549


SCC104A 29/11/2007 1,043.52 4.10 1,049.39 4.23 1049.39 4.2253 - - 1,049.39 4.2253


( ) 5

. . 2556

BAY13NA 18/12/2007 - - 897.56 6.85 - - - - 897.56 6.85


* www.BEX.or.th / for more information, please visit www.BEX.or.th


Page 168: Fact Book 2007


% /

Low % Yield Close % Yield Chg. % Yield %Chg. % Yield Avg. Volume Value No. of Trans. / Grand Total

(Shares) (Baht) Daily Trading Trading

Total Turnover

992.00 4.5363 992.00 4.5363 992 N.A. N.A. N.A. 992.00 1,000.00 992,000.00 992,000.00

1,043.52 4.1003 1,043.52 4.1003 20.35 -1.1996 1.99 -0.2263 1,043.52 1,000.00 1,043,520.00 1,043,520.00

1,036.85 3.9501 1,036.85 3.9501 -25.34 0 -2.39 0 1,036.85 100.00 103,685.00 103,685.00

1,036.57 4.0301 1,036.57 4.0301 -0.28 0.0799 -0.03 0.0202 1,036.57 11,700.00 12,127,869.00 12,127,869.00

19,100.00 19,819,177.00 250,315,402.10

1,027.60 3.8504 1,027.60 3.8504 -9.17 -0.0497 -0.88 -0.0127 1,027.60 2,000.00 2,055,200.00 2,055,200.00

1,027.71 3.8502 1,027.71 3.8502 0.11 -0.0001 0.01 0 1,027.71 2,000.00 2,055,420.00 2,055,420.00

1,033.83 4.0501 1,033.83 4.0501 -9.88 -0.25 -0.95 -0.0581 1,033.83 500.00 516,915.00 516,915.00

4,500.00 4,627,535.00 254,942,937.10

1,015.32 3.9751 1,015.32 3.9751 22.76 -1.3751 2.29 -0.257 1,015.32 300.00 304,596.00 304,596.00

125.99 3.8027 125.99 3.8027 -247.06 -1.4987 -66.23 -0.2827 125.99 5,100.00 642,549.00 642,549.00

1,051.27 4.3252 1,051.27 4.3252 1051.27 N/A N/A N/A 1,051.27 3,000.00 3,153,810.00 3,153,810.00

1,016.97 3.9752 1,016.97 3.9752 1.65 0.0001 0.16 0 1,016.97 300.00 305,091.00 305,091.00

1,050.50 4.4002 1,050.50 4.4002 -0.77 0.075 -0.07 0.0173 1,050.50 3,800.00 3,991,900.00 3,991,900.00

126.22 3.6129 126.22 3.6129 0.23 -0.1899 0.18 -0.0499 126.22 7,800.00 984,516.00 984,516.00

1,012.08 3.6501 1,012.08 3.6501 3.89 -1.7499 0.39 -0.3241 1,012.08 10,000.00 10,120,800.00 10,120,800.00

1,049.39 4.2253 1,049.39 4.2253 5.87 0.125 0.56 0.0305 1,049.39 1,200.00 1,259,268.00 1,259,268.00

31,500.00 20,762,530.00 275,705,467.10

897.56 6.85 897.56 6.85 897.56 N/A N/A N/A 897.56 3,000.00 2,692,680.00 2,692,680.00

31,500.00 20,762,530.00 275,705,467.10

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168ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)

/ Government Bond

. . 2548 8 BMTA08DA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/12/2008

. . 2548 5 BMTA08NA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 04/11/2008

. . 2547 1 BMTA09DA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 04/12/2009

. . 2548 4 BMTA09OA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/10/2009

. . 2549 1 BMTA10DA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 13/12/2010

. . 2548 6 BMTA10NA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 04/11/2010

. . 2548 1 BMTA10OA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/10/2010

. . 2549 3 BMTA111A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/01/2011

. . 2549 2 BMTA11DA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 13/12/2011

. . 2548 2 BMTA11OA 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/10/2011

. . 2549 4 BMTA122A 08/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/02/2012

. . 2545 1 BMTA128A 24/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/08/2012

. . 2550 1 BMTA12DA 13/12/2006 Straight/Unsecure 13/12/2012

. . 2550 3 BMTA131A 25/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 25/01/2013

. . 2550 5 BMTA133A 26/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/03/2013

. . 2550 6 BMTA136A 01/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 01/06/2013

. . 2550 10 BMTA136B 14/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 14/06/2013

. . 2551 3 BMTA13DA 17/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 17/12/2013

. . 2551 1 BMTA13OA 29/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 29/10/2013

. . 2550 8 BMTA146A 07/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 07/06/2014

. . 2550 2 BMTA14DA 13/12/2006 Straight/Unsecure 13/12/2014

. . 2550 4 BMTA152A 08/02/2007 Straight/Unsecure 08/02/2015

. . 2550 7 BMTA156A 01/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 01/06/2015

. . 2550 11 BMTA156B 14/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 14/06/2015

. . 2551 2 BMTA15OA 29/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 29/10/2015

. . 2550 9 BMTA166A 07/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 07/06/2016

1/2 /2549 BOT081A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 12/01/2008

2/2 /2549 BOT084A 04/04/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/04/2008

3/2 /2549 BOT086A 09/06/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/06/2008

4/2 /2549 BOT088A 08/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/08/2008

5/2 /2549 BOT08OA 10/10/2006 Straight/Unsecure 12/10/2008

1/2 /2550 BOT092A 30/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 01/02/2009

2/2 /2550 BOT095A 17/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 17/05/2009

3/2 /2550 BOT098A 16/08/2007 Straight/Unsecure 16/08/2009

4/2 /2550 BOT09NA 22/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 22/11/2009

1/FRB3 /50 BOT103A 13/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 13/03/2010

2/FRB3 /50 BOT106A 08/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 12/06/2010

Securities Name

Page 170: Fact Book 2007


( / ) ( )

Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

4.00 - Fixed 3.85 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 3.78 1,000 2,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.14 1,000 1,884

5.00 - Fixed 4.23 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.86 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.53 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.60 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.33 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 6.00 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 4.72 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.35 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.60 1,000 1,894

6.00 - Fixed 4.77 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.95 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.10 1,000 465

6.00 - Fixed 3.50 1,000 2,000

6.00 - Fixed 3.87 1,000 2,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.97 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.74 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.81 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.83 1,000 900

8.00 - Fixed 4.79 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 3.65 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.03 1,000 1,556

8.00 - Fixed 4.94 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 3.98 1,000 2,000

2.00 - Fixed 5.00 1,000 60,000

2.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 60,000

2.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 40,000

2.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 40,000

2.00 - Fixed 5.06 1,000 36,000

2.00 - Fixed 4.63 1,000 60,000

2.00 - Fixed 3.41 1,000 50,000

2.00 - Fixed 3.41 1,000 44,585

2.00 - Fixed 3.95 1,000 25,263

3.00 - Float BIBOR 6 M - 0.20% 1,000 20,000

3.00 - Float BIBOR 6 M - 0.20% 1,000 20,000

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170ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

3/FRB3 /50 BOT109A 21/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 25/09/2010

S118/15/50 CB08102A 18/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 02/01/2008

S119/14/50 CB08103A 18/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 03/01/2008

S120/14/50 CB08108A 25/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 08/01/2008

1/364/50 CB08110A 11/01/2007 Zero/Unsecure 10/01/2008

S121/14/50 CB08110B 25/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 10/01/2008

S122/13/50 CB08115A 28/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 15/01/2008

S123/14/50 CB08117A 28/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 17/01/2008

2/364/50 CB08207A 07/02/2007 Zero/Unsecure 07/02/2008

3/364/50 CB08306A 06/03/2007 Zero/Unsecure 06/03/2008

4/364/50 CB08403A 04/04/2007 Zero/Unsecure 03/04/2008

5/364/50 CB08508A 08/05/2007 Zero/Unsecure 08/05/2008

6/364/50 CB08605A 07/06/2007 Zero/Unsecure 05/06/2008

7/364/50 CB08703A 04/07/2007 Zero/Unsecure 03/07/2008

8/364/50 CB08807A 07/08/2007 Zero/Unsecure 07/08/2008

9/364/50 CB08911A 11/09/2007 Zero/Unsecure 11/09/2008

12/364/50 CB08D11A 11/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 11/12/2008

11/364/50 CB08N06A 09/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 06/11/2008

10/364/50 CB08O02A 05/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 02/10/2008

( ) 1/2548 EFAI08OA 01/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 13/10/2008

. . 2543 16 EGAT084A 12/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/04/2008

. . 2543 20 EGAT087A 12/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2008

. . 2542 6 EGAT088A 12/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/08/2008

. . 2543 24 EGAT088B 12/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/08/2008

. . 2545 2 EGAT08NA 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/11/2008

. . 2542 3 EGAT092A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/02/2009

. . 2544 2 EGAT094A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/04/2009

. . 2542 4 EGAT098A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/08/2009

. . 2547 3 EGAT099A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/09/2009

. . 2543 11 EGAT09NA 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/11/2009

. . 2545 3 EGAT09NB 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/11/2009

. . 2543 3 EGAT09OA 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/10/2009

. . 2543 7 EGAT09OB 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/10/2009

. . 2543 17 EGAT106A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/06/2010

. . 2543 21 EGAT107A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2010

. . 2544 3 EGAT114A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/04/2011

. . 2542 5 EGAT118A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/08/2011

. . 2543 25 EGAT118B 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/08/2011


Page 172: Fact Book 2007


( / ) ( )

Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

3.00 - Float BIBOR 6 M - 0.20% 1,000 25,000

15 - - - 1,000 40,000

14 - - - 1,000 30,000

14 - - - 1,000 40,000

364 - - - 1,000 60,000

14 - - - 1,000 30,000

13 - - - 1,000 40,000

14 - - - 1,000 30,000

364 - - - 1,000 70,000

364 - - - 1,000 50,000

364 - - - 1,000 60,000

364 - - - 1,000 60,000

364 - - - 1,000 60,000

364 - - - 1,000 37,906

364 - - - 1,000 51,146

364 - - - 1,000 50,000

364 - - - 1,000 27,745

364 - - - 1,000 60,000

364 - - - 1,000 60,000

3.00 AA- Fixed 5.87 1,000 8,800

8.00 - Fixed 6.89 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.54 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 7.74 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.69 1,000 1,500

7.00 - Fixed 5.40 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 7.09 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.15 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 7.97 1,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.08 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 8.04 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.58 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 8.13 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 8.10 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.42 1,000 2,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.90 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.60 1,000 1,000

12.00 - Fixed 8.04 1,000 2,000

11.00 - Fixed 6.50 1,000 1,500

Page 173: Fact Book 2007

172ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2543 12 EGAT11NA 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/11/2011

. . 2545 4 EGAT11NB 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/11/2011

. . 2543 8 EGAT11OA 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/10/2011

. . 2543 18 EGAT126A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/06/2012

. . 2543 22 EGAT127A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2012

. . 2547 4 EGAT129A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/09/2012

. . 2542 7 EGAT139A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 06/09/2013

. . 2543 26 EGAT148A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/08/2014

. . 2542 8 EGAT149A 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 06/09/2014

. . 2547 5 EGAT149B 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/09/2014

. . 2543 13 EGAT14NA 13/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/11/2014

. . 2550 1 EGAT151A 18/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 18/01/2015

. . 2548 1 EGAT155A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/05/2015

. . 2543 19 EGAT156A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/06/2015

. . 2543 23 EGAT157A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2015

. . 2543 27 EGAT168A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/08/2016

. . 2549 3 EGAT168B 31/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 31/08/2016

. . 2547 2 EGAT198A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/08/2019

. . 2548 2 EGAT205A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/05/2020

. . 2543 28 EGAT208A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/08/2020

. . 2549 1 EGAT218A 10/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/08/2021

. . 2549 2 EGAT218B 31/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 31/08/2021

. . 2543 5 ETA081A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/01/2008

. . 2542 5 ETA083A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/03/2008

. . 2543 10 ETA083B 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/03/2008

. . 2543 11 ETA083C 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 31/03/2008

. . 2547 8 ETA086A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/06/2008

. . 2545 16 ETA087A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2008

. . 2544 8 ETA08DA 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/12/2008

. . 2549 3 ETA08DB 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 06/12/2008

. . 2543 3 ETA08NA 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/11/2008

. . 2545 3 ETA08NB 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/11/2008

. . 2543 6 ETA091A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/01/2009

. . 2548 3 ETA091B 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/01/2009

. . 2543 12 ETA095A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 12/05/2009

. . 2545 10 ETA095B 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/05/2009

. . 2547 7 ETA096A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 03/06/2009

. . 2543 13 ETA097A 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 04/07/2009


Page 174: Fact Book 2007


( / ) ( )

Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

12.00 - Fixed 8.38 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.99 1,000 800

12.00 - Fixed 8.23 1,000 1,000

12.00 - Fixed 6.76 1,000 2,000

12.00 - Fixed 6.43 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.94 1,000 1,000

14.00 - Fixed 8.19 1,000 1,000

14.00 - Fixed 6.85 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 8.19 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.37 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 8.55 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.35 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.99 1,000 1,800

15.00 - Fixed 7.37 1,000 2,000

15.00 - Fixed 6.93 1,000 1,000

16.00 - Fixed 6.97 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.90 1,000 1,400

15.00 - Fixed 6.05 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 5.20 1,000 2,000

20.00 - Fixed 7.38 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 6.24 1,000 1,900

15.00 - Fixed 6.07 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 7.60 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 8.10 1,000 1,310

8.00 - Fixed 7.03 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 6.96 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 3.44 1,000 1,536

6.00 - Fixed 4.00 1,000 796

8.00 - Fixed 5.48 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.34 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 8.10 1,000 1,731

7.00 - Fixed 4.90 1,000 1,500

9.00 - Fixed 7.75 1,000 990

4.00 - Fixed 3.94 1,000 2,200

9.00 - Fixed 6.95 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 4.68 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.79 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.90 1,000 672

Page 175: Fact Book 2007

174ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2543 14 ETA097B 25/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2009

. . 2543 16 ETA099A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/09/2009

. . 2545 4 ETA09DA 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 06/12/2009

. . 2545 1 ETA09OA 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/10/2009

. . 2547 2 ETA101A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/01/2010

. . 2547 3 ETA102A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/02/2010

. . 2547 5 ETA103A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2010

. . 2545 9 ETA104A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/04/2010

. . 2545 11 ETA105A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/05/2010

. . 2545 13 ETA106A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/06/2010

. . 2545 15 ETA107A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2010

. . 2544 13 ETA109A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/09/2010

. . 2546 4 ETA109B 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/09/2010

. . 2548 1 ETA10DA 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/12/2010

. . 2549 2 ETA10DB 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/12/2010

. . 2545 2 ETA10OA 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/10/2010

. . 2547 1 ETA10OB 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/10/2010

. . 2549 4 ETA111A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/01/2011

. . 2544 12 ETA114A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/04/2011

. . 2548 2 ETA11DA 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/12/2011

. . 2545 8 ETA123A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/03/2012

. . 2546 3 ETA124A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/04/2012

. . 2545 12 ETA126A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/06/2012

. . 2545 14 ETA127A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/07/2012

. . 2546 1 ETA12OA 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/10/2012

. . 2546 2 ETA132A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 18/02/2013

. . 2549 6 ETA133A 23/03/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/03/2013

. . 2550 2 ETA133B 15/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2013

. . 2550 7 ETA139A 17/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 17/09/2013

. . 2549 5 ETA143A 23/03/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/03/2014

. . 2549 7 ETA144A 24/04/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/04/2014

. . 2549 9 ETA147A 26/07/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2014

. . 2550 3 ETA153A 26/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/03/2015

. . 2549 8 ETA154A 24/04/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/04/2015

. . 2548 4 ETA156A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/06/2015

. . 2550 1 ETA15NA 16/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/11/2015

. . 2551 1 ETA15NB 16/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 16/11/2015

. . 2550 5 ETA165A 25/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 25/05/2016


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

9.00 - Fixed 5.87 1,000 800

9.00 - Fixed 6.24 1,000 800

8.00 - Fixed 5.15 1,000 939

8.00 - Fixed 5.76 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 3.40 1,000 800

6.00 - Fixed 3.06 1,000 1,700

6.00 - Fixed 3.05 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.45 1,000 348

8.00 - Fixed 5.02 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.13 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.84 1,000 913

9.00 - Fixed 6.24 1,000 607

7.00 - Fixed 2.89 1,000 500

6.00 - Fixed 4.51 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.73 1,000 900

9.00 - Fixed 6.01 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.54 1,000 1,400

5.00 - Fixed 5.30 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.22 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 4.73 1,000 1,500

10.00 - Fixed 5.81 1,000 539

9.00 - Fixed 3.35 1,000 2,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.60 1,000 1,204

10.00 - Fixed 5.34 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.17 1,000 1,323

10.00 - Fixed 3.45 1,000 1,592

7.00 - Fixed 5.29 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.30 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.22 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.35 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.83 1,000 500

8.00 - Fixed 5.72 1,000 1,500

8.00 - Fixed 4.26 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.89 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.12 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.10 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.10 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 3.67 1,000 1,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2550 6 ETA166A 18/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 18/06/2016

. . 2550 4 ETA173A 26/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/03/2017

. . 2548 5 ETA176A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/06/2017

. . 2548 6 ETA206A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/06/2020

. . 2546 7 EXIM083A 09/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/03/2008

10 EXIM08OA 01/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 18/10/2008

. . 2547 9 EXIM095A 09/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/05/2009

11 EXIM10OA 01/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 18/10/2010

. . 2543 3 GHB081A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/01/2008

. . 2548 1 GHB081B 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 18/01/2008

. . 2548 2 GHB081C 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/01/2008

. . 2548 4 GHB082A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/02/2008

. . 2548 7 GHB083A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/03/2008

. . 2548 9 GHB083B 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/03/2008

. . 2548 10 GHB084A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/04/2008

. . 2548 12 GHB084B 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/04/2008

. . 2548 15 GHB085A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/05/2008

. . 2546 2 GHB089A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/09/2008

. . 2549 4 GHB08DA 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/12/2008

. . 2549 6 GHB08DB 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/12/2008

( ) . . 2549 3 GHB08NA 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/11/2008

. . 2544 1 GHB08OA 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/10/2008

( ) . . 2549 1 GHB08OB 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/10/2008

( ) . . 2549 2 GHB08OC 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 31/10/2008

. . 2547 2 GHB091A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/01/2009

. . 2548 5 GHB092A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/02/2009

. . 2547 4 GHB096A 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/06/2009

. . 2547 6 GHB096B 10/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/06/2009

. . 2547 8 GHB097A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/07/2009

. . 2548 25 GHB098A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/08/2009

. . 2548 27 GHB099A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/09/2009

. . 2548 29 GHB099B 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/09/2009

. . 2549 21 GHB099C 28/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/09/2009

. . 2549 1 GHB09NA 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/11/2009

. . 2549 2 GHB09NB 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/11/2009

. . 2548 3 GHB101A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/01/2010

. . 2549 8 GHB101B 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/01/2010

. . 2548 6 GHB102A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/02/2010


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

9.00 - Fixed 4.10 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.31 1,000 1,000

12.00 - Fixed 4.23 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 4.45 1,000 1,600

5.00 - Fixed 2.43 1,000 10,000

3.00 AA+ Fixed 5.10 1,000 6,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.00 1,000 3,000

5.00 AA+ Fixed 5.50 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 7.60 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.54 1,000 2,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.54 1,000 2,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.45 1,000 2,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.46 1,000 2,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.27 1,000 2,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.40 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.36 1,000 2,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.36 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 2.40 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.54 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.10 1,000 2,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.27 1,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 2.97 1,000 2,000

4.00 - Fixed 3.89 1,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.89 1,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.00 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.98 1,000 2,000

4.00 - Fixed 4.55 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 4.47 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 4.81 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.19 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 5.95 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 5.66 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.38 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 5.28 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.21 1,000 1,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2549 10 GHB102B 02/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/02/2010

. . 2549 14 GHB102C 23/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/02/2010

. . 2548 8 GHB103A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/03/2010

. . 2548 11 GHB104A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/04/2010

. . 2548 14 GHB105A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 12/05/2010

. . 2548 16 GHB105B 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/05/2010

. . 2548 18 GHB106A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/06/2010

. . 2548 21 GHB107A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/07/2010

. . 2548 23 GHB108A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/08/2010

. . 2549 5 GHB10DA 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/12/2010

. . 2549 7 GHB10DB 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/12/2010

. . 2549 3 GHB10NA 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/11/2010

. . 2548 26 GHB118A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/08/2011

. . 2548 28 GHB119A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/09/2011

. . 2548 30 GHB119B 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/09/2011

. . 2550 1 GHB11NA 23/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/11/2011

. . 2549 9 GHB121A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/01/2012

. . 2549 11 GHB122A 02/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/02/2012

. . 2549 12 GHB122B 16/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/02/2012

. . 2549 15 GHB122C 23/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/02/2012

. . 2549 17 GHB123A 09/03/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/03/2012

. . 2549 18 GHB123B 16/03/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/03/2012

. . 2548 19 GHB126A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/06/2012

. . 2548 24 GHB128A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/08/2012

. . 2549 20 GHB137A 05/07/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/07/2013

. . 2550 2 GHB13NA 23/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/11/2013

. . 2549 13 GHB142A 16/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/02/2014

. . 2549 16 GHB142B 23/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/02/2014

. . 2549 19 GHB143A 16/03/2006 Straight/Unsecure 16/03/2014

. . 2551 1 GHB14DA 20/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 20/12/2014

. . 2548 13 GHB155A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 06/05/2015

. . 2548 17 GHB156A 11/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/06/2015

. . 2548 20 GHB156B 12/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/06/2015

. . 2548 22 GHB157A 12/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/07/2015

. . 2551 2 GHB16DA 20/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 20/12/2016

. . 2550 3 GHB173A 22/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 22/03/2017

. . 2550 6 GHB173B 29/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 29/03/2017

. . 2550 4 GHB193A 22/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 22/03/2019


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

4.00 - Fixed 5.21 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 5.20 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.18 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.94 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.66 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.77 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.69 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 3.60 1,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.15 1,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.79 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.83 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.90 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.82 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.80 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.20 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.89 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.41 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 1,500

6.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.20 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.19 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.87 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 4.50 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 6.28 1,000 2,000

7.00 - Fixed 4.98 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.53 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.32 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 5.05 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.50 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.26 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.12 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.12 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.27 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.28 1,000 2,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.26 1,000 1,800

12.00 - Fixed 4.45 1,000 1,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2550 7 GHB193B 29/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 29/03/2019

. . 2550 5 GHB223A 22/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 22/03/2022

. . 2550 8 GHB223B 29/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 29/03/2022

. . 2549 GSB08OA 29/05/2006 Straight/Unsecure 12/10/2008

. . 2547 1 1 GSB09DA 31/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/12/2009

. . 2547 1 2 GSB12DB 31/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/12/2012

. .2544 5 LB082A 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 12/02/2008

. .2547 3 LB085A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 14/05/2008

. .2548 1 LB088A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/08/2008

. .2542 5 LB08DA 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/12/2008

. . 2549 2 LB095C 15/05/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/05/2009

. .2545 5 LB096A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 21/06/2009

. .2548 1 LB09NC 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/11/2009

. .2544 1 LB104A 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 09/04/2010

. .2547 4 LB108A 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 13/08/2010

. .2547 1 LB111A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/01/2011

. .2542 6/3 LB113A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/03/2011

. .2545 3 LB11NA 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 30/11/2011

. .2548 2 LB123A 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 11/03/2012

. .2546 1 LB12NA 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/11/2012

. .2550 8 LB133A 13/07/2007 Straight/Unsecure 13/03/2013

. .2549 1 LB137A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 13/07/2013

. .2547 1 LB13OA 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/10/2013

. .2542 6/4 LB143A 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 05/03/2014

. .2547 2 LB145A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 14/05/2014

. .2550 1 LB145B 15/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 12/05/2014

. .2548 LB14DA 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 03/12/2014

. .2543 2 LB157A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/07/2015

. .2549 2 LB167A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/07/2016

. .2545 3 LB171A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 18/01/2017

. .2550 2 LB175A 25/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/05/2017

. .2546 1 LB183A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/03/2018

. . 2551 2 LB183B 22/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 13/03/2018

. .2550 3 LB191A 15/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 12/01/2019


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

12.00 - Fixed 4.46 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 4.50 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 4.58 1,000 1,000

2.50 - Step Up Period#1: 4.50%; #2: 4.75%; 10,000 30,000

#3: 5.00%; #4: 5.50%; #5: 5.75%

5.00 - Step Up Yr 1: 2.00%; Yr 2: 3.00%; 10,000 14,076

Yr 3: 4.00%; Yr 4: 5.00%; Yr 5: 7.00%

8.00 - Step Up Yr 1: 2.00%; Yr 2: 3.00%; Yr 3: 4.00%; 10,000 6,074

Yr 4: 5.00%; Yr 5: 5.50%; Yr 6: 6.00%;

Yr 7: 6.50%; Yr 8: 7.50%

7.00 - Fixed 4.13 1,000 34,950

4.00 - Fixed 2.75 1,000 15,000

3.00 - Fixed 3.88 1,000 37,500

10.00 - Fixed 8.50 1,000 50,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 41,700

7.00 - Fixed 4.63 1,000 40,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.13 1,000 40,000

9.00 - Fixed 4.80 1,000 39,440

6.00 - Fixed 4.25 1,000 54,731

7.00 - Fixed 3.88 1,000 30,000

12.00 - Fixed 7.50 1,000 39,836

10.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 39,100

7.00 - Fixed 4.50 1,000 40,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.13 1,000 35,000

5.67 - Fixed 4.25 1,000 49,000

7.50 - Fixed 5.25 1,000 52,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.00 1,000 25,000

15.00 - Fixed 8.25 1,000 40,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.88 1,000 10,000

7.00 - Fixed 5.25 1,000 46,655

10.00 - Fixed 5.00 1,000 44,000

15.00 - Fixed 7.20 1,000 35,950

10.50 - Fixed 5.40 1,000 52,000

15.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 40,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.00 1,000 43,830

15.00 - Fixed 3.88 1,000 25,000

10.31 - Fixed 5.13 1,000 7,000

12.00 - Fixed 5.63 1,000 46,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. .2547 5 LB198A 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 13/08/2019

. .2548 3 LB19DA 01/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 03/12/2019

. .2549 5 LB213A 29/03/2006 Straight/Unsecure 31/03/2021

. .2544 2 LB214A 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/04/2021

. .2546 2 LB22NA 05/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/11/2022

. . 2551 4 LB233A 28/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 13/03/2023

. .2550 5 LB244A 09/04/2007 Straight/Unsecure 09/04/2024

. .2549 6 LB267A 05/07/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/07/2026

. . 2551 3 LB283A 30/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 13/03/2028

. . 2547 2 MEA083A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/03/2008

. . 2542 3 MEA088A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/08/2008

. . 2546 6 MEA088B 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/08/2008

. . 2547 5 MEA08OA 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/10/2008

. . 2546 4 MEA097A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 31/07/2009

. . 2542 2 MEA098A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/08/2009

. . 2547 6 MEA09OA 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/10/2009

. . 2547 3 MEA103A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/03/2010

. . 2543 1 MEA107A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/07/2010

. . 2543 2 MEA108A 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/08/2010

. . 2546 7 MEA108B 16/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/08/2010

. . 2546 8 MEA108C 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/08/2010

. . 2544 1 MEA117A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 12/07/2011

. . 2546 2 MEA117B 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/07/2011

. . 2548 1 MEA137A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2013

. . 2546 9 MEA138A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/08/2013

. . 2548 2 MEA147A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2014

. . 2548 3 MEA178A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/08/2017

. . 2549 1 MEA18OA 10/10/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/10/2018

. . 2550 4 MEA19OA 04/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 04/10/2019

. . 2548 4 MEA208A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/08/2020

. . 2549 2 MEA21OA 10/10/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/10/2021

. . 2550 1 MEA224A 26/04/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/04/2022

. . 2550 2 MEA225A 08/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 08/05/2022

. . 2550 3 MEA229A 27/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 27/09/2022

. . 2550 5 MEA22OA 04/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 04/10/2022

. . 2545 2 MRTA085A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/05/2008

. . 2545 4 MRTA098A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 21/08/2009

. . 2546 1 MRTA116A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/06/2011


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

15.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 54,800

15.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 37,900

15.00 - Fixed 5.85 1,000 29,000

20.00 - Fixed 6.40 1,000 40,000

20.00 - Fixed 5.13 1,000 26,000

15.22 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 6,000

17.00 - Fixed 4.50 1,000 31,000

20.00 - Fixed 6.15 1,000 49,000

20.30 - Fixed 5.67 1,000 6,000

4.00 - Fixed 2.48 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 7.71 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 1.87 1,000 1,000

4.00 - Fixed 3.83 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 2.26 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 7.90 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.28 1,000 900

6.00 - Fixed 3.70 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.79 1,000 1,200

10.00 - Fixed 6.33 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 2.55 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 2.79 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.43 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 2.56 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.80 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 3.50 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 4.95 1,000 1,300

12.00 - Fixed 5.70 1,000 1,000

12.00 - Fixed 5.61 1,000 1,000

12.00 - Fixed 5.30 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 5.90 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 5.73 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 4.68 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 4.65 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 5.30 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 5.41 1,000 1,500

6.00 - Fixed 4.49 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.98 1,000 2,000

8.00 - Fixed 2.24 1,000 1,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2546 2 MRTA136A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/06/2013

. . 2543 2 MWA088A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/08/2008

. . 2548 1 MWA088B 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/08/2008

. . 2548 4 MWA08OA 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/10/2008

. . 2544 2 MWA099A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/09/2009

. . 2544 1 MWA103A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2010

. . 2548 2 MWA108A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/08/2010

. . 2548 5 MWA10OA 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/10/2010

. . 2548 3 MWA128A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/08/2012

. . 2548 4 NHA089A 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/09/2008

. . 2548 2 NHA08NA 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/11/2008

. . 2544 2 NHA08OA 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/10/2008

. . 2546 1 NHA09OA 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/10/2009

. . 2545 1 NHA103A 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2010

. . 2546 2 NHA10OA 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/10/2010

. . 2544 4 NHA118A 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/08/2011

. . 2545 2 NHA123A 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2012

. . 2550 1 NHA12OA 26/10/06 Straight/Unsecure 26/10/2012

. . 2551 1 NHA12OB 17/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 17/10/2012

. . 2551 3 NHA13DA 03/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 03/12/2013

. . 2551 2 NHA15NA 15/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/11/2015

. . 2546 3 PEA084A 17/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/04/2008

. . 2544 2 PEA087A 18/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2008

. . 2546 8 PEA089A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/09/2008

. . 2547 2 PEA096A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/06/2009

. . 2544 3 PEA097A 18/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2009

. . 2549 8 PEA097B 27/07/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/07/2009

. . 2547 3 PEA098A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/08/2009

. . 2546 4 PEA104A 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/04/2010

. . 2543 1 PEA109A 18/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/09/2010

. . 2546 9 PEA109B 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/09/2010

. . 2546 11 PEA109C 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/09/2010

. . 2548 3 PEA114A 26/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 20/04/2011

. . 2548 5 PEA117A 26/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 15/07/2011

. . 2549 10 PEA118A 17/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/08/2011

. . 2544 4 PEA119A 18/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 06/09/2011

. . 2548 1 PEA11DA 26/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 23/12/2011

. . 2549 4 PEA11DB 26/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/12/2011


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

10.00 - Fixed 2.63 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 6.10 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 4.42 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.06 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 6.56 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 6.16 1,000 2,159

5.00 - Fixed 4.66 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.30 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 5.25 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 4.89 1,000 630

4.00 - Fixed 3.81 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 7.44 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.60 1,000 1,500

8.00 - Fixed 5.38 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 3.77 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 7.07 1,000 1,500

10.00 - Fixed 5.77 1,000 2,000

6.00 - Fixed 5.18 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.40 1,000 1,800

6.00 - Fixed 5.09 1,000 500

8.00 - Fixed 5.11 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 2.52 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 5.79 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 2.49 1,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.40 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 6.04 1,000 1,000

3.00 - Fixed 5.70 1,000 2,030

5.00 - Fixed 4.70 1,000 1,450

7.00 - Fixed 3.20 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.34 1,000 1,520

7.00 - Fixed 3.44 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.41 1,000 1,500

6.00 - Fixed 3.85 585 965

6.00 - Fixed 3.84 668 2,204

5.00 - Fixed 5.94 1,000 2,150

10.00 - Fixed 6.84 1,000 1,380

7.00 - Fixed 4.03 574 1,010

6.00 - Fixed 6.30 1,000 1,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2549 7 PEA127A 20/07/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/07/2012

. . 2550 7 PEA129A 06/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 06/09/2012

. . 2546 2 PEA133A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/03/2013

. . 2546 10 PEA139A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/09/2013

. . 2549 14 PEA149A 14/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 14/09/2014

. . 2548 2 PEA153A 27/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 31/03/2015

. . 2549 6 PEA156A 15/06/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/06/2015

. . 2549 11 PEA158A 17/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/08/2015

. . 2546 5 PEA159A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 03/09/2015

. . 2549 3 PEA15DA 27/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 27/12/2015

. . 2550 2 PEA165A 17/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 17/05/2016

. . 2549 9 PEA167A 27/07/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 27/07/2016

. . 2550 6 PEA168A 02/08/2007 Straight/Unsecure 02/08/2016

. . 2550 1 PEA172A 22/02/2007 Straight/Unsecure 22/02/2017

. . 2548 4 PEA176A 27/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 16/06/2017

. . 2549 2 PEA17DA 27/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 27/12/2017

. . 2548 6 PEA17NA 27/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 01/11/2017

. . 2549 1 PEA17OA 27/01/2006 Amortized/Unsecure 27/10/2017

. . 2549 12 PEA188A 17/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 17/08/2018

. . 2549 13 PEA189A 14/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 14/09/2018

. . 2550 5 PEA197A 19/07/2007 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2019

. . 2550 4 PEA206A 21/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 21/06/2020

. . 2549 5 PEA215A 25/05/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/05/2021

. . 2550 3 PEA225A 24/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 24/05/2022

. . 2542 10 PTT083A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/03/2008

. . 2543 3 PTT083B 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2008

. . 2544 12 PTT083C 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/03/2008

. . 2543 5 PTT086A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/06/2008

. . 2542 13 PTT087A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2008

. . 2543 10 PTT087B 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 04/07/2008

. . 2543 17 PTT087C 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/07/2008

. . 2544 5 PTT08NA 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/11/2008

. . 2542 3 PTT091A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/01/2009

. . 2544 8 PTT092A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/02/2009

. . 2542 6 PTT093A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/03/2009

. . 2542 11 PTT093B 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/03/2009

. . 2543 4 PTT093C 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2009

. . 2544 13 PTT093D 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/03/2009


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

6.00 - Fixed 6.07 1,000 1,800

5.00 - Fixed 4.37 1,000 1,550

10.00 - Fixed 3.89 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.07 1,000 1,500

8.00 - Fixed 5.80 1,000 2,450

10.00 - Fixed 4.64 875 875

9.00 - Fixed 5.99 1,000 1,800

9.00 - Fixed 6.04 1,000 1,280

12.00 - Fixed 4.05 1,000 1,400

10.00 - Fixed 6.79 800 1,600

9.00 - Fixed 4.03 1,000 900

10.00 - Fixed 6.10 900 2,250

9.00 - Fixed 4.88 1,000 1,500

10.00 - Fixed 4.97 1,000 1,000

12.00 - Fixed 4.36 950 950

12.00 - Fixed 6.79 834 1,668

12.00 - Fixed 5.70 1,000 1,800

12.00 - Fixed 6.84 1,000 1,860

12.00 - Fixed 6.19 1,000 1,590

12.00 - Fixed 5.93 1,000 1,800

12.00 - Fixed 5.12 1,000 1,000

13.00 - Fixed 5.15 1,000 1,000

15.00 - Fixed 6.53 1,000 1,860

15.00 - Fixed 4.35 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 8.10 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 8.20 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.49 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.70 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 7.39 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.72 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.50 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.40 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 8.75 1,000 1,600

8.00 - Fixed 3.70 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 7.05 1,000 800

10.00 - Fixed 8.17 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 8.20 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 3.84 1,000 1,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2544 16 PTT093E 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/03/2009

. . 2542 14 PTT097A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2009

. . 2544 6 PTT09NA 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/11/2009

. . 2544 9 PTT102A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/02/2010

. . 2544 14 PTT103A 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/03/2010

. . 2544 17 PTT103B 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/03/2010

. . 2544 20 PTT103C 19/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2010

. . 2543 6 PTT106A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/06/2010

. . 2544 22 PTT106B 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 14/06/2010

. . 2543 14 PTT107A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/07/2010

. . 2543 18 PTT107B 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/07/2010

. . 2544 7 PTT10NA 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/11/2010

. . 2544 10 PTT112A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/02/2011

. . 2544 15 PTT113A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/03/2011

. . 2544 18 PTT113B 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/03/2011

. . 2544 21 PTT113C 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2011

. . 2544 23 PTT116A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 14/06/2011

. . 2543 7 PTT126A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/06/2012

. . 2543 11 PTT127A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 04/07/2012

. . 2544 19 PTT133A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 08/03/2013

. . 2543 8 PTT146A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/06/2014

. . 2543 12 PTT157A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 04/07/2015

. . 2544 11 PTT162A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 22/02/2016

. . 2543 15 PTT167A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/07/2016

. . 2543 16 PTT207A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/07/2020

. . 2543 4 PWA089A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/09/2008

. . 2546 2 PWA08NA 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 21/11/2008

. . 2543 1 PWA094A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/04/2009

. . 2546 1 PWA09OA 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 21/10/2009

. . 2543 2 PWA108A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/08/2010

. . 2544 1 PWA112A 20/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/02/2011

. . 2544 2 PWA116A 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/06/2011

. . 2545 1 PWA11OA 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/10/2011

. . 2546 4 PWA129A 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 18/09/2012

. . 2546 3 PWA139A 23/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/09/2013

. . 2549 SB098A 15/08/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/08/2009

. . 2549 SB099B 17/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/09/2009

. . 2550 SB09DA 17/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/12/2009


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

8.00 - Fixed 4.64 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 7.88 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.79 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 3.87 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 3.85 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.05 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 6.03 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.94 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 6.45 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.98 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.79 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.07 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 3.90 1,000 2,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.42 1,000 2,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.34 1,000 2,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.05 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.60 1,000 1,000

12.00 - Fixed 6.45 1,000 1,500

12.00 - Fixed 6.52 1,000 1,500

12.00 - Fixed 5.57 1,000 1,000

14.00 - Fixed 7.00 1,000 1,500

15.00 - Fixed 7.11 1,000 1,500

15.00 - Fixed 5.07 1,000 1,000

16.00 - Fixed 7.24 1,000 1,000

20.00 - Fixed 7.83 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 7.57 1,000 1,500

6.00 - Fixed 2.68 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 7.05 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.57 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.44 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.05 1,000 850

10.00 - Fixed 6.55 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.96 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 3.84 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.08 1,000 1,800

3.00 - Fixed 5.70 10,000 445

3.00 - Fixed 5.60 10,000 500

3.00 - Fixed 5.30 10,000 500

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2550 SB09NA 15/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/11/2009

. . 2550 SB09OA 16/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/10/2009

. . 2548 2 SB109A 15/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/09/2010

. . 2549 2 SB10NA 15/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/11/2010

. . 2549 4 SB111A 16/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/01/2011

. . 2549 6 SB113A 15/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/03/2011

. . 2549 8 SB115A 15/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/05/2011

. . 2549 10 SB117A 16/07/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/07/2011

. . 2547 SB118A 26/08/2005 Straight/Unsecure 26/08/2011

. . 2547 2 SB119A 09/09/2005 Straight/Unsecure 09/09/2011

. . 2548 1 SB128A 31/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/08/2012

. . 2549 3 SB12DA 15/12/2006 Straight/Unsecure 15/12/2012

. . 2549 1 SB12OA 16/10/06 Straight/Unsecure 15/10/2012

. . 2549 5 SB132A 15/02/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/02/2013

. . 2549 7 SB134A 17/04/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/04/2013

. . 2549 9 SB136A 15/06/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/06/2013

. . 2547 SB148A 26/08/2005 Straight/Unsecure 26/08/2014

. . 2547 2 SB149A 09/09/2005 Straight/Unsecure 09/09/2014

. . 2546 SMCT08DA 12/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 03/12/2008

. . 2543 2 SRT081A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/01/2008

. . 2546 2 SRT084A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/04/2008

. . 2545 1 SRT087A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/07/2008

. . 2543 7 SRT089A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 19/09/2008

. . 2546 5 SRT096A 27/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/06/2009

. . 2543 4 SRT098A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/08/2009

. . 2543 8 SRT099A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 26/09/2009

. . 2545 3 SRT099B 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/09/2009

. . 2550 7 SRT099C 20/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 20/09/2009

. . 2546 1 SRT103A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 24/03/2010

. . 2547 1 SRT103B 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/03/2010

. . 2546 3 SRT104A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/04/2010

. . 2543 3 SRT108A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/08/2010

. . 2543 5 SRT108B 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 11/08/2010

. . 2545 2 SRT108C 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/08/2010

. . 2546 6 SRT118A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/08/2011

. . 2546 9 SRT118B 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 28/08/2011

. . 2549 5 SRT129A 21/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 21/09/2012

. . 2550 8 SRT129B 20/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 20/09/2012


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

3.00 - Fixed 5.50 10,000 500

3.00 - Fixed 5.50 10,000 500

5.00 - Fixed 5.25 10,000 5,000

5.00 - Fixed 6.25 10,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.50 10,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 5.55 10,000 2,000

5.00 - Fixed 6.15 10,000 728

5.00 - Fixed 6.15 10,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 5.10 10,000 26,697

7.00 - Fixed 5.10 10,000 9,367

7.00 - Fixed 5.40 10,000 5,000

7.00 - Fixed 6.30 10,000 2,000

7.00 - Fixed 6.40 10,000 2,000

7.00 - Fixed 5.70 10,000 2,000

7.00 - Fixed 6.40 10,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 6.20 10,000 726

10.00 - Fixed 5.90 10,000 43,303

10.00 - Fixed 5.90 10,000 10,820

5.00 - Fixed 4.30 1,000 610

8.00 - Fixed 7.77 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 2.22 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.05 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.88 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 2.19 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.99 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.97 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 3.88 1,000 1,000

2.00 - Fixed 3.43 1,000 1,200

7.00 - Fixed 2.73 1,000 413

6.00 - Fixed 3.09 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 2.84 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.86 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 6.24 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.88 1,000 820

8.00 - Fixed 2.68 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 2.89 1,000 700

6.00 - Fixed 5.30 1,000 1,000

5.00 - Fixed 4.08 1,000 1,000

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2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

. . 2546 4 SRT134A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 30/04/2013

. . 2550 2 SRT137A 19/07/2007 Straight/Unsecure 19/07/2013

. . 2546 7 SRT138A 30/01/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/08/2013

. . 2549 3 SRT138B 09/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/08/2013

. . 2550 3 SRT139A 06/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 06/09/2013

. . 2550 5 SRT139B 13/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 13/09/2013

. . 2549 1 SRT144A 05/04/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/04/2014

. . 2549 2 SRT145A 29/05/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/05/2014

. . 2549 6 SRT149A 21/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 21/09/2014

. . 2550 11 SRT14OA 11/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 11/10/2014

. . 2549 4 SRT158A 09/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 09/08/2015

. . 2549 8 SRT159A 29/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/09/2015

. . 2550 4 SRT159B 06/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 06/09/2015

. . 2550 6 SRT159C 13/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 13/09/2015

. . 2550 9 SRT159D 20/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 20/09/2015

. . 2549 7 SRT169A 21/09/2006 Straight/Unsecure 21/09/2016

. . 2550 10 SRT169B 27/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 27/09/2016

. . 2549 9 SRT16OA 10/10/2006 Straight/Unsecure 10/10/2016

. . 2550 12 SRT16OB 11/10/2007 Straight/Unsecure 11/10/2016

. . 2550 1 SRT174A 24/04/2007 Straight/Unsecure 24/04/2017

L40/182/50 TB08102A 04/07/2007 Zero/Unsecure 02/01/2008

L1/91/51 TB08102B 01/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 02/01/2008

10/27/51 TB08102C 06/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 02/01/2008

L41/182/50 TB08109A 09/07/2007 Zero/Unsecure 09/01/2008

L2/91/51 TB08109B 08/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 09/01/2008

11/28/51 TB08109C 07/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 09/01/2008

L42/182/50 TB08116A 16/07/2007 Zero/Unsecure 16/01/2008

L3/91/51 TB08116B 15/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 16/01/2008

12/28/51 TB08116C 17/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 16/01/2008

L43/182/50 TB08123A 23/07/2007 Zero/Unsecure 23/01/2008

L4/91/51 TB08123B 19/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 23/01/2008

13/28/51 TB08123C 21/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 23/01/2008

L44/182/50 TB08130A 31/07/2007 Zero/Unsecure 30/01/2008

L5/91/51 TB08130B 29/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 30/01/2008

14/28/51 TB08130C 02/01/2008 Zero/Unsecure 30/01/2008

L45/182/50 TB08206A 06/08/2007 Zero/Unsecure 06/02/2008

L6/91/51 TB08206B 07/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 06/02/2008

L46/182/50 TB08213A 10/08/2007 Zero/Unsecure 13/02/2008


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Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

10.00 - Fixed 3.51 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.41 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 3.00 1,000 706

7.00 - Fixed 5.62 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.35 1,000 1,000

6.00 - Fixed 4.40 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.55 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.64 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 5.37 1,000 1,000

7.00 - Fixed 4.63 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.69 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 5.64 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.62 1,000 1,227

8.00 - Fixed 4.72 1,000 1,000

8.00 - Fixed 4.65 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.46 1,000 1,000

9.00 - Fixed 4.70 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 5.30 1,000 1,565

9.00 - Fixed 4.89 1,000 1,000

10.00 - Fixed 4.25 1,000 836

182 - - - 1,000 4,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

27 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 4,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

28 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 5,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

28 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 5,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

28 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 4,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

28 - - - 1,000 4,000

182 - - - 1,000 4,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 4,000

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194ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

L7/91/51 TB08213B 12/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 13/02/2008

L47/182/50 TB08220A 20/08/2007 Zero/Unsecure 20/02/2008

L8/91/51 TB08220B 19/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 20/02/2008

L48/182/50 TB08227A 27/08/2007 Zero/Unsecure 27/02/2008

L9/91/51 TB08227B 26/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 27/02/2008

L49/182/50 TB08305A 03/09/2007 Zero/Unsecure 05/03/2008

L10/90/51 TB08305B 06/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 05/03/2008

L50/182/50 TB08312A 10/09/2007 Zero/Unsecure 12/03/2008

L11/91/51 TB08312B 07/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 12/03/2008

L51/182/50 TB08319A 17/09/2007 Zero/Unsecure 19/03/2008

L12/91/51 TB08319B 17/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 19/03/2008

L52/182/50 TB08326A 24/09/2007 Zero/Unsecure 26/03/2008

L13/91/51 TB08326B 21/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 26/03/2008

L1/182/51 TB08402A 01/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 02/04/2008

L14/91/51 TB08402B 02/01/2008 Zero/Unsecure 02/04/2008

L2/182/51 TB08409A 08/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 09/04/2008

L3/182/51 TB08416A 15/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 16/04/2008

L4/182/51 TB08423A 19/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 23/04/2008

L5/182/51 TB08430A 29/10/2007 Zero/Unsecure 30/04/2008

L6/182/51 TB08507A 07/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 07/05/2008

L7/182/51 TB08514A 12/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 14/05/2008

L8/182/51 TB08521A 19/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 21/05/2008

L9/182/51 TB08528A 26/11/2007 Zero/Unsecure 28/05/2008

L10/181/51 TB08604A 06/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 04/06/2008

L11/182/51 TB08611A 07/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 11/06/2008

L12/182/51 TB08618A 17/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 18/06/2008

L13/182/51 TB08625A 21/12/2007 Zero/Unsecure 25/06/2008

L14/182/51 TB08702A 02/01/2008 Zero/Unsecure 02/07/2008

/ Total 517 / Issues


Page 196: Fact Book 2007


( / ) ( )

Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 4,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 4,000

91 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 3,000

90 - - - 1,000 3,000

182 - - - 1,000 3,000

91 - - - 1,000 3,000

182 - - - 1,000 3,000

91 - - - 1,000 3,000

182 - - - 1,000 3,000

91 - - - 1,000 3,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

91 - - - 1,000 5,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

181 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 2,000

182 - - - 1,000 5,000


Page 197: Fact Book 2007

196ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

/ Debentures

( ) 1/2545 AIS093A 26/11/2003 Straight/Unsecure 21/03/2009

( ) 2/2545 AIS093B 26/11/2003 Amortized/Unsecure 21/03/2009

( ) 1/2549 AIS099A 20/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/09/2009

( ) 1/2549 AIS119A 20/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/09/2011

( ) 1/2549 AIS139A 20/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 07/09/2013

. ( ) 1/2546 PTAR086A 04/07/2005 Amortized/Secure 24/06/2008

. ( ) 1/2546 PTAR106A 04/07/2005 Amortized/Secure 24/06/2010

( ) 1/2550 BAY10OA 23/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/10/2010

( ) 1/2550 BAY11OA 23/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/10/2011

( ) BAY13NA 20/12/2004 Straight/Unsecure 05/11/2013

. ( ) 2/2548 CK08OA 28/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 13/10/2008

. ( ) 3/2548 CK08OB 28/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 28/10/2008

. ( ) 1/2547 CK09OA 28/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 18/10/2009

. ( ) 1/2547 CK09OB 28/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 18/10/2009

. ( ) 1/2548 CK102A 28/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 26/02/2010

. ( ) 1/2550 CK107A 11/09/2007 Straight/Unsecure 26/07/2010

( ) 1/2548 CPF086A 27/07/2005 Straight/Unsecure 16/06/2008

( ) 1/2549 CPF097A 09/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/07/2009

( ) 1/2547 CPF09NA 07/02/2005 Straight/Unsecure 17/11/2009

( ) 1/2548 CPF106A 27/07/2005 Straight/Unsecure 16/06/2010

( ) 1/2550 CPF10OA 15/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 19/10/2010

( ) 1/2549 CPF117A 09/08/2006 Straight/Unsecure 05/07/2011

( ) 1/2550 CPF12OA 15/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 19/10/2012

1/2548 DAD12NA 26/12/2005 Securitization/Unsecure 29/11/2012

1/2548 DAD15NA 26/12/2005 Securitization/Unsecure 29/11/2015

1/2548 DAD20NA 26/12/2005 Securitization/Unsecure 29/11/2020

1/2549 DAD20NB 7/11/06 Securitization/Unsecure 29/11/2020

1/2548 DAD25NA 26/12/2005 Securitization/Unsecure 29/11/2025

1/2549 DAD25NB 7/11/06 Securitization/Unsecure 29/11/2025

1/2550 DAD25NC 30/11/2007 Securitization/Unsecure 29/11/2025

( ) 3 KBNK13OA 25/12/2003 Straight/Unsecure 16/10/2013

( ) 1/2549 KK085A 15/06/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/05/2008

( ) 1/2546 KK087A 02/08/2005 Straight/Unsecure 17/07/2008

( ) 2/2549 KK08NA 15/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/11/2008


Page 198: Fact Book 2007


( / ) ( )

Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

7.00 AA Fixed 6.25 1,000 2,450

7.00 AA Float 6-mth fixed deposit of BBL, 500 2,250


3.00 AA Fixed 5.80 1,000 3,427

5.00 AA Fixed 5.90 1,000 4,000

7.00 AA Fixed 6.00 1,000 4,000

5.00 A- Fixed 3.15 111 889

7.00 A- Fixed 3.40 385 1,538

3.00 A+ Fixed 4.25 1,000 8,206

4.00 A+ Fixed 4.50 1,000 5,788

10.00 A- Step Up Yr 1-5: 4.00%, Yr6-10: 4.75% 1,000 12,000

3.00 BBB+ Fixed 6.25 1,000 610

3.00 BBB+ Fixed 6.50 1,000 1,090

5.00 BBB+ Fixed 5.45 1,000 120

5.00 BBB+ Float Avg. MLR(BBL,KTB, 1,000 880


4.62 BBB+ Fixed 5.20 1,000 1,100

3.00 BBB+ Fixed 5.25 1,000 2,000

3.00 A+ Fixed 4.25 1,000 2,000

3.00 A+ Fixed 6.30 1,000 1,200

5.00 A+ Fixed 5.50 1,000 3,500

5.00 A+ Fixed 5.00 1,000 2,000

3.00 A+ Fixed 4.25 1,000 3,500

5.00 A+ Fixed 6.90 1,000 3,800

5.00 A+ Fixed 4.90 1,000 2,500

7.00 AAA Fixed 6.70 1,000 1,500

10.00 AAA Fixed 7.35 1,000 2,000

15.00 AAA Fixed 7.50 1,000 1,800

14.00 AAA Fixed 6.05 1,000 2,200

20.00 AAA Fixed 7.99 1,000 5,000

19.00 AAA Fixed 6.50 1,000 6,000

18.00 AAA Fixed 6.05 1,000 5,500

10.00 AA- Step Up Year 1-5: Fixed at 3.75%, 1,000 12,000

Year 6-10: Fixed at 4.25%

2.00 A- Fixed 6.10 1,000 1,400

5.00 A- Fixed 2.40 1,000 3,000

2.00 A- Fixed 5.72 1,000 1,580

Page 199: Fact Book 2007

198ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

( ) 1/2549 KK095A 15/06/2006 Straight/Unsecure 29/05/2009

( ) 2/2549 KK09NA 15/11/2006 Straight/Unsecure 02/11/2009

( ) 1/2549 KTB06PA 11/01/2007 Straight/Unsecure 28/11/2016

( ) 1/2547 KTB14OA 09/11/2004 Straight/Unsecure 22/10/2014

( ) 1/2548 KTB155A 16/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 18/05/2015

1/2547 LH083A 14/06/2004 Straight/Unsecure 04/03/2008

( ) 1/2546 MBK081A 24/08/2004 Amortized/Unsecure 20/01/2008

( ) 1/2549 PF082A 20/03/2006 Straight/Secure 08/02/2008

. ( ) 1/2546 PTTC10NA 07/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/11/2010

. ( ) 4/2548 PTTC11DA 26/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 02/12/2011

. ( ) 5/2548 PTTC11DB 26/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 09/12/2011

. ( ) 2/2549 PTTC11OA 26/10/06 Straight/Unsecure 12/10/2011

. ( ) 1/2547 PTTC125A 07/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/05/2012

. ( ) 1/2546 PTTC13NA 07/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 27/11/2013

. ( ) 2/2550 PTTC14DA 28/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 14/12/2014

. ( ) 1/2550 PTTC153A 28/03/2007 Straight/Unsecure 20/03/2015

. ( ) 3/2548 PTTC15NA 26/12/2005 Straight/Unsecure 23/11/2015

. ( ) 1/2547 PTTC165A 07/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/05/2016

. ( ) 1/2549 PTTC165B 15/06/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/05/2016

. ( ) 2/2549 PTTC16OA 26/10/06 Straight/Unsecure 12/10/2016

. ( ) 2/2550 PTTC17DA 28/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 14/12/2017

. ( ) 2/2550 PTTC18DA 28/12/2007 Straight/Unsecure 14/12/2018

. ( ) 1/2547 PTTC195A 07/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 20/05/2019

. ( ) 2/2548 PTTC208A 07/02/2006 Straight/Unsecure 25/08/2020

. ( ) 1/2549 PTTC215A 15/06/2006 Straight/Unsecure 23/05/2021

( ) 1/2547 QH084A 26/08/2004 Straight/Unsecure 08/04/2008

( ) 1/2548 QH087A 23/08/2005 Straight/Unsecure 14/07/2008

( ) 1/2548 QH097A 23/08/2005 Straight/Unsecure 14/07/2009

( ) 2/2547 QH09DA 26/01/2005 Straight/Unsecure 03/12/2009

( ) 1/2548 QH107A 23/08/2005 Straight/Unsecure 14/07/2010

( ) 1/2550 QH10NA 23/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 15/11/2010

( ) 1/2547 SCC084A 21/05/2004 Straight/Unsecure 01/04/2008

( ) 1/2549 SCC084B 20/04/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/04/2008


Page 200: Fact Book 2007


( / ) ( )

Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

3.00 A- Fixed 6.25 1,000 600

3.00 A- Fixed 5.84 1,000 920

10.00 A+ Float Avg.6 mth fixed deposit of 5 1,000 1,440

largest banks+2.55% and

+3.55% after the first call date

10.00 AA Step Up Yr 1-5: 5.15%, Yr6-10: 6.7% 1,000 10,000

10.00 AA Step Up Yr 1-5: 4.6%; Yr 6-10: 6% 1,000 10,400

4.00 A Step Up Year1-3: 3.25%, Year4: 4.50% 1,000 1,000

5.00 A- Fixed 3.00 125 313

2.00 BBB Fixed 6.65 1,000 450

7.00 AA+ Fixed 4.50 1,000 3,300

6.00 AA+ Fixed 6.70 1,000 7,000

6.00 AA+ Fixed 6.70 1,000 4,000

5.00 AA+ Fixed 5.53 1,000 4,000

8.00 AA+ Step Up Year1-4: 4.25%, Year5-8: 5.75% 1,000 15,000

10.00 AA+ Step Up Year1-5: 4.50%, Year6-10: 5.75% 1,000 11,700

7.00 AA+ Step Up Year1-3: 5.00%, Year4-7: 5.95% 1,000 6,000

8.00 AA+ Fixed 4.86 1,000 6,000

10.00 AA+ Fixed 7.40 1,000 5,000

12.00 AA+ Step Up Year1-6: 5.00%, Year7-12: 5.95% 1,000 3,000

10.00 AA+ Fixed 6.17 1,000 2,970

10.00 AA+ Fixed 5.79 1,000 8,000

10.00 AA+ Fixed 5.87 1,000 1,500

11.00 AA+ Fixed 5.91 1,000 500

15.00 AA+ Fixed 5.90 1,000 1,000

15.00 AA+ Fixed 5.95 1,000 4,118

15.00 AA+ Fixed 6.53 1,000 1,030

4.00 BBB+ Float Year1-3: 4.25%, Year4: Avg.12 fixed 1,000 499

deposit of 4 largest banks+3.0 %

with minimum guarantee 4.75%

3.00 BBB+ Fixed 4.50 1,000 1,000

4.00 BBB+ Step Up Yr 1-3: 4.5%; Yr 4: 6% 1,000 1,000

5.00 BBB+ Float Yr 1-3: 5.10%, Yr4-5: avg. 1,000 1,000

MLR of 4 largest bank - 0.75%

5.00 BBB+ Step Up Yr 1-3: 4.5%; Yr 4: 6%; Yr 5: 6.75% 1,000 1,000

3.00 BBB+ Fixed 4.90 1,000 3,000

4.00 A+ Fixed 4.25 1,000 10,000

2.00 A+ Fixed 5.50 1,000 5,000

Page 201: Fact Book 2007

200ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2.2 28 2550

Table 2.2 Listed securities on BEX (as of December 28, 2007)

First Trade Day Bond Type Maturity Date (dd/mm/yy)Securities Name

( ) 2/2547 SCC08NA 02/12/2004 Straight/Unsecure 01/11/2008

( ) 1/2548 SCC094A 06/05/2005 Straight/Unsecure 01/04/2009

( ) 2/2549 SCC094B 20/04/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/04/2009

( ) 2/2548 SCC09OA 21/10/2005 Straight/Unsecure 01/10/2009

( ) 3/2549 SCC104A 20/04/2006 Straight/Unsecure 01/04/2010

( ) 4/2549 SCC10OA 17/10/06 Straight/Unsecure 01/10/2010

( ) 1/2550 SCC114A 10/04/2007 Straight/Unsecure 01/04/2011

( ) 2/2550 SCC11NA 07/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 01/11/2011

( ) 1/2550 SPLI099A 14/09/2007 Straight/Secure 10/09/2009

( ) 1/2546 TCAP083A 26/11/2003 Straight/Unsecure 31/03/2008

( ) 1/2546 TCAP103A 26/11/2003 Straight/Unsecure 31/03/2010

( ) 1/2548 THAI085A 09/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 12/05/2008

( ) 1/2546 THAI08OA 26/11/2003 Straight/Unsecure 08/10/2008

( ) 1/2547 THAI09OA 30/11/2004 Straight/Unsecure 20/10/2009

( ) 1/2550 THAI10NA 28/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 22/11/2010

( ) 1/2546 THAI10OA 26/11/2003 Straight/Unsecure 08/10/2010

( ) 1/2548 THAI115A 09/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 12/05/2011

( ) 1/2547 THAI11OA 30/11/2004 Straight/Unsecure 20/10/2011

( ) 1/2550 THAI12NA 28/11/2007 Straight/Unsecure 22/11/2012

( ) 1/2547 THAI14OA 30/11/2004 Straight/Unsecure 20/10/2014

( ) 1/2548 THAI155A 09/06/2005 Straight/Unsecure 12/05/2015

( ) TMB153A 18/04/2005 Straight/Unsecure 09/03/2015

( ) TRUE097A 30/08/2007 Straight/Secure 07/07/2009

( ) TRUE107A 30/08/2007 Straight/Secure 07/07/2010

( ) TRUE127A 30/08/2007 Straight/Secure 07/07/2012

( ) TSCO105A 28/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 24/05/2010

( ) TSCO125A 28/05/2007 Straight/Unsecure 24/05/2012

Unit Trust (Bond-related Fund)

ABFTH 27/04/2006 Bond Related-Funds

* www.BEX.or.th / for more information, please visit www.BEX.or.th

/ Total 1 / Issues

/ Total 94 / Issues


Page 202: Fact Book 2007


( / ) ( )

Issue Term (year/Day) Issue Rating Coupon Type Coupon rate(%) Current Par Outstanding Value (Mill. Baht)

4.00 A+ Fixed 4.50 1,000 10,000

4.00 A+ Fixed 4.75 1,000 10,000

3.00 A+ Fixed 5.75 1,000 5,000

4.00 A+ Fixed 5.25 1,000 10,000

4.00 A+ Fixed 6.00 1,000 10,000

4.00 A+ Fixed 6.25 1,000 5,000

4.00 A+ Fixed 5.75 1,000 15,000

4.00 A+ Fixed 4.50 1,000 10,000

2.00 A- Fixed 4.68 1,000 1,000

5.00 A- Fixed 2.95 1,000 1,000

7.00 A- Float Avg. MLR(BBL,KTB 1,000 4,000


3.00 AA- Fixed 3.82 1,000 6,000

5.00 AA- Fixed 3.00 1,000 5,500

5.00 AA- Fixed 4.65 1,000 7,500

3.00 AA- Fixed 4.51 1,000 3,000

7.00 AA- Fixed 3.70 1,000 4,500

6.00 AA- Fixed 4.67 1,000 6,000

7.00 AA- Fixed 5.20 1,000 4,500

5.00 AA- Fixed 5.04 1,000 4,500

10.00 AA- Fixed 5.80 1,000 3,000

10.00 AA- Fixed 5.19 1,000 3,000

10.00 A- Float Yr 1-5: 12 mth fixed deposit 1,000 8,000

of TMB + 2% or fixed at 4 %,

whichever is higher Yr6-10: 12 mth

fixed deposit of TMB + 2%

or fixed at 5 % whichever is higher

2.10 BBB Fixed 5.70 1,000 1,000

3.10 BBB Fixed 6.20 1,000 2,000

5.10 BBB Fixed 6.80 1,000 1,000

3.00 A Fixed 3.75 1,000 3,000

5.00 A Fixed 4.04 1,000 1,000


1,054 4,307

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ตลาดอนุพันธ (Thailand Futures Exchange : TFEX)



Page 205: Fact Book 2007

204ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

3 : (Thailand Futures Exchange: TFEX)

3.1 SET50 Index Futures 2550 :

Table 3.1 Monthly turnover of SET50 Index Futures in 2007 (summary)

( )

Month-end Open Interest

Amount Daily Average Amount Daily Average (Contracts)

January 61,433 2,925 27,662.81 1,317.28 7,772

February 41,790 2,090 19,866.98 993.35 7,432

March 45,040 2,145 21,109.12 1,005.20 5,996

April 33,743 1,875 16,429.17 912.73 8,590

May 51,075 2,554 26,080.88 1,304.04 10,479

June 115,680 5,509 62,505.45 2,976.45 9,095

July 142,028 6,763 85,845.61 4,087.89 14,785

August 175,217 7,964 98,291.36 4,467.79 14,621

September 147,901 7,395 87,825.36 4,391.27 13,430

October 132,474 6,022 86,838.28 3,947.19 17,543

November 155,198 7,054 97,317.60 4,423.53 18,404

December 126,659 7,451 76,513.39 4,500.79 13,609

Total 1,228,238 5,013 706,286.01 2,882.80


( ) ( )

Volume (Contracts) Value (Million Baht)

Page 206: Fact Book 2007


3.3 SET50 Index Futures SET50 Index Options 2550 :

Table 3.3 SET50 Index Futures and SET50 Index Options trading turnover in 2007 (by investors type)

( ) ( )

Volume (Contracts) Value (Million Baht) %

Local Investors 1,360,058 780,668.74 54.98%

Local Institutions 626,618 355,612.40 25.33%

Foreign Investors 487,092 276,355.96 19.69%

/ TOTAL 2,473,768 1,412,637.10 100.00%


3.2 SET50 Index Options 2550 :

Table 3.2 Monthly turnover of SET50 Index Options in 2007 (summary)

( )

Call Call Call Call Month-end Open Interest

Amount Put Daily Average Put Amount Put Daily Average Put (Contracts)

449 150 3.42 1.14 275

139 46 0.62 0.21 106

3,427 156 12.58 0.57 2,246

2,203 100 9.49 0.43 1,084

1,750 103 4.25 0.25 118

678 40 2.17 0.13 63

5,626 134 20.25 0.48

3,020 72 12.28 0.29

* SET50 Index Options 29 2550 / TFEX has started trading of SET50 Index Options on October 29, 2007

206 32.53

( )

Volume (Contracts)

( )

Value (Million Baht)
























Page 207: Fact Book 2007

206ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

3.4 10 2550

Table 3.4 Top ten most Active TFEX member companies in 2007

( ) ( )

Rank Member Companies Symbol Volume Value

(Contracts) (Million Baht) % of Total Volume

1 ( ) ( ) KGI 335,159 186,754.38 13.55%

2 TIPOL 331,676 191,400.90 13.41%

3 ( ) ( ) KEST 271,464 156,753.98 10.97%

4 ( ) ( ) PST 227,028 131,783.51 9.18%

5 ( ) BLS 175,502 99,558.10 7.09%

6 AYD 128,358 71,331.94 5.19%

7 ( ) PHATR 111,656 64,149.12 4.51%

8 ( ) UBS 94,866 54,434.62 3.83%

9 ( ) CNS 93,391 52,713.81 3.78%

10 ( ) CS 86,681 48,235.01 3.50%

1,855,781 1,057,115.38 75.01% / Total

Page 208: Fact Book 2007

ตลาดหลักทรัพยแหงประเทศไทย (SET)

ตลาดหลักทรัพย เอ็ม เอ ไอ (mai)

ตลาดตราสารหนี้ (BEX)

ตลาดอนุพันธ (TFEX)

ขอมูลสถิติสำคัญ (Statistical highlights)

Page 209: Fact Book 2007

208ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

2007 2006 2005

SET Index - close 858.10 679.84 713.73

- high 915.03 785.38 741.55

- low 616.75 622.14 638.31

SET50 Index (close) 1/ 630.73 473.27 502.85

SET100 Index (close) 2/ 135.47 1,033.38 1,092.64

Market dividend yield (%) 3.31 4.23 3.37

Market P/E ratio 12.63 8.10 9.40

Market P/BV 2.00 1.65 1.91

Capital mobilized by listed companies 3/ (million baht) 88,044.37 135,712.86 119,848.98

Total turnover - volume (million shares) 604,654.55 747,790.95 639,678.15

- value (million baht) 4,188,776.73 3,956,262.03 4,031,240.02

- transactions (deals) 27,673,295 28,513,652 27,922,274

Daily average turnover - volume (million shares) 2,467.98 3,077.33 2,610.93

- value (million baht) 17,097.05 16,280.91 16,454.04

- transactions (deals) 112,952 117,340 113,968

Turnover by type of securities

- common stocks (million baht) 3,965,896.23 3,780,796.46 3,811,371.62

- preferred stocks (million baht) 896.32 761.55 1,595.40

- depository receipts (million baht) 1,569.28 1,839.67 10,812.25

- unit trusts (million baht) 7,279.38 392.99 343.42

- warrants (million baht) 212,810.61 172,471.35 207,117.33

- derivative warrants (million baht) - - -

- transferable subscription rights (million baht) - - -

Newly listed companies 74/ 12 36

- subscription value5/ (million baht) 12,773.00 17,013.99 17,934.07

Delisted companies 7 4 9

Number of listed companies 475 476 468

Number of listed securities 581 584 576

- common stocks 6/ 491 488 476

- preferred stocks 10 9 9

- depository receipts 1 1 1

- unit trusts 8 7 8

- warrants 71 79 82

- derivative warrants - - -

- transferable subscription rights - - -

Total capitalization 7/

- par value (million baht) 1,351,278.22 1,328,459.15 1,326,154.86

- Market Value (million baht) 6,636,068.73 5,078,704.89 5,105,113.48

Number of brokers 39 39 39

2/ SET100 Index was launched on May 3, 2005. In calculating this index, securities prices from April 29, 2005

formed the base value. The base index starts at 1,000.00.3/

Total new capital raised during the period by equity issuance4/

A newly-established firm from the merger between Aromatic (Thailand) Pcl. (ATC) and Rayong Refinery Pcl. (RRC)5/

Including initial public offering (IPO) shares6/

Including property funds 7/

Excluded from calculation since 1999: depository receipts, unit trusts, derivative warrants, debentures and convertible debentures.


This enabled the SET50 and SET100 Indices to use same 1,000-point scale.

1/ SET50 Index’s base date is August 16, 1995. SET adjusted the base from a 100-point to a 1,000-point scale on May 3, 2005.

Market data - SET

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2007 2006 2005

mai Index - close 2/ 272.37 193.43 158.23

- high 306.64 206.02 214.00

- low 175.61 152.79 154.05

Capital mobilized by listed companies (million baht) 1,478.59 300.15 170.71

Total turnover - volume (million shares) 25,201.90 9,388.70 9,870.59

- value (million baht) 83,043.19 27,413.75 35,940.95

- transactions (deals) 1,958,172 728,843 743,625

Daily average turnover - volume (million shares) 102.86 38.64 40.29

- value (million baht) 338.95 112.81 146.70

- transactions (deals) 7,993 2,999 3,035

Newly listed companies 6 6 14

- subscription value 3/ (million baht) 764.00 812.58 1,414.38

Delisted companies - - 1

Number of listed companies 48 42 36

Number of listed securities 54 44 38

- common stocks 48 42 36

- warrants 6 2 2

Total capitalization 4/

- par value (million baht) 7,765.38 6,501.99 4,427.15

- market value (million baht) 38,268.98 21,809.50 14,314.20

1/ mai started trading on September 17, 2001.

2/ mai Index launched on September 3, 2002.

3/ Including initial public offering (IPO) shares

4/ Excluded from calculation since 1999: depository receipts, unit trusts, derivative warrants,

debentures and convertible debentures

Market data - mai 1/


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2007 2006 2005

Total volume (contracts) 1,236,884 198,737 -

SET50 Index Futures 1,228,238 198,737 -

SET50 Index Options 8,646 - -

Daily average volume (contracts) 5,219 1,204 -

SET50 Index Futures 5,013 1,204 -

SET50 Index Options 206 - -

Total value (million baht) 706,318.55 97,898.96 -

SET50 Index Futures 706,286.01 97,898.96 -

SET50 Index Options 32.54 - -

Daily average value (million baht) 2,883.57 593.33 -

SET50 Index Futures 2,882.80 593.33 -

SET50 Index Options 0.77 - -

Month-end open interest (contracts) 13,790 7,601 -

SET50 Index Futures 13,609 7,601 -

SET50 Index Options 181 - -

1/ TFEX started trading on April 28, 2006 with SET50 Index Futures as its first product.

TFEX started trading of SET50 Index Options on October 29, 2007.

Market data - TFEX 1/


2007 2006 2005

Total turnover - volume (shares) 287,570 277,370 334,200

- value (million baht) 278.40 256.10 335.24

Newly listed issues

government bonds 2/ 355 716 19

corporate bonds 22 26 37

unit trusts (bond-related funds)3/ - 1 -

Number of issues redeemed

government bonds 350 240 -

corporate Bonds 15 12 3

Number of listed issues

government bonds 517 490 19

corporate bonds 94 87 73

unit trusts (bond-related funds) 1 1 -

Total outstanding value (million baht)

government bonds 3,442,432.99 2,799,384.65 488,777.90

corporate bonds 387,068.33 337,179.07 281,686.23

unit trusts (bond-related funds) 4,307.17 5,401.39 -

1/ BEX started trading on November 26, 2003.

2/ Governments bond started trading on June 1, 2005.

3/ Unit trusts (bond-related funds) started trading on April 27, 2006.


Market data - BEX 1/

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รายชื่อบริษัทจดทะเบียน (Register of listed companies)

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Listed Companies

A บริษัทอารียา พรอพเพอรตี้ จำกัด (มหาชน) AREEYA PROPERTY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AA บริษัทแอดวานซ อะโกร จำกัด (มหาชน) ADVANCE AGRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ABICO บริษัท เอบิโก โฮลดิ้งส จำกัด (มหาชน) ABICO HOLDINGS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ACAP บริษัท เอแคป แอดไวเซอรี่ จำกัด (มหาชน) ACAP ADVISORY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ACL ธนาคารสินเอเซีย จำกัด (มหาชน) ACL BANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ADAM บริษัท อาดามัส อินคอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) ADAMAS INCORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ADVANC บริษัทแอดวานซ อินโฟร เซอรวิส จำกัด (มหาชน) ADVANCED INFO SERVICE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AEONTS บริษัทอิออน ธนสินทรัพย (ไทยแลนด) จำกัด (มหาชน) AEON THANA SINSAP (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AFC บริษัทเอเซียไฟเบอร จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIA FIBER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AH บริษัทอาปโก ไฮเทค จำกัด (มหาชน) AAPICO HITECH PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AHC บริษัทโรงพยาบาลเอกชล จำกัด (มหาชน) AIKCHOL HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AI บริษัท เอเชียน อินซูเลเตอร จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIAN INSULATORS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AIT บริษัทแอ็ดวานซอินฟอรเมชั่นเทคโนโลยี จำกัด (มหาชน) ADVANCED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC CO.,LTD.

AJ บริษัทเอ.เจ. พลาสท จำกัด (มหาชน) A.J. PLAST PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AKR บริษัท เอกรัฐวิศวกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) EKARAT ENGINEERING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


AMAC ผูบริหารแผนบริษัท อะโกร อินดัสเตรียล แมชชีนเนอรี่ จำกัด (มหาชน) AGRO INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AMATA บริษัทอมตะ คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) AMATA CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

AMC บริษัท เอเซีย เมทัล จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIA METAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


AP บริษัทเอเซ่ียนพร็อพเพอรตี้ ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIAN PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

APC บริษัท แอ็ดวานซเพนท แอนด เคมิเคิล (ไทยแลนด) จำกัด(มหาชน) ADVANCE PAINT & CHEMICAL (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

APRINT บริษัทอมรินทรพร้ินติ้ง แอนด พับลิชชิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) AMARIN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

APURE บริษัทอกริเพียว โฮลดิ้งส จำกัด (มหาชน) AGRIPURE HOLDINGS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

APX บริษัท เอเพ็กซ ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) APEX DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ASCON บริษัท แอสคอน คอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) ASCON CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ASIA บริษัทเอเชียโฮเต็ล จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIA HOTEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


ASIMAR บริษัทเอเชียน มารีน เซอรวิสส จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIAN MARINE SERVICES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ASK บริษัท เอเซียเสริมกิจลีสซิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIA SERMKIJ LEASING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ASL บริษัทหลักทรัพยแอดคินซัน จำกัด (มหาชน) ADKINSON SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ASP บริษัทหลักทรัพย เอเซีย พลัส จำกัด (มหาชน) ASIA PLUS SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

รายชื่อบริษัทจดทะเบียน (Register of listed companies)

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Listed Companies

AYFGCB โครงการกองทุนเปด อยุธยา โกลบอล คอนเวอรติเบิล บอนด AYF GLOBAL CONVERTIBLE BOND FUND

AYUD บริษัทศรีอยุธยาประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) THE AYUDHYA INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BAFS บริษัท บริการเช้ือเพลิงการบินกรุงเทพ จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK AVIATION FUEL SERVICES PCL.

BANPU บริษัทบานปู จำกัด (มหาชน) BANPU PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BAT-3K บริษัทไทยสโตเรจ แบตเตอรี่ จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI STORAGE BATTERY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BATA บริษัทรองเทาบาจาแหงประเทศไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) BATA SHOE OF THAILAND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BAY ธนาคารกรุงศรีอยุธยา จำกัด (มหาชน) BANK OF AYUDHYA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED



BEC บริษัทบีอีซี เวิลด จำกัด (มหาชน) BEC WORLD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


BFIT บริษัทเงินทุนกรุงเทพธนาทร จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK FIRST INVESTMENT & TRUST PUBLIC CO.,LTD.


BGT บริษัท บอดี้ โกลฟ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) BODY GLOVE (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BH บริษัทโรงพยาบาลบำรุงราษฎร จำกัด (มหาชน) BUMRUNGRAD HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BIGC บริษัทบิ๊กซี ซูเปอรเซ็นเตอร จำกัด (มหาชน) BIG C SUPERCENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BJC บริษัทเบอรลี่ ยุคเกอร จำกัด (มหาชน) BERLI JUCKER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BKI บริษัทกรุงเทพประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BKKCP กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยบางกอก BANGKOK COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FUND

BLAND บริษัทบางกอกแลนด จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK LAND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BLISS บริษัท บลิส-เทล จำกัด (มหาชน) BLISS-TEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BLS บริษัทหลักทรัพย บัวหลวง จำกัด (มหาชน) BUALUANG SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BMCL บริษัท รถไฟฟากรุงเทพ จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK METRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BNC บริษัทบางกอกไนลอน จำกัด (มหาชน) THE BANGKOK NYLON PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BOL บริษัท บิซิเนส ออนไลน จำกัด (มหาชน) BUSINESS ONLINE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BRC ผูทำแผนฟนฟูกิจการของบริษัทบางกอกรับเบอร จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK RUBBER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BROCK บริษัท บานร็อคการเดน จำกัด (มหาชน) BAAN ROCK GARDEN PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BROOK บริษัทบรูคเคอร กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) THE BROOKER GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BSBM บริษัท บางสะพานบารมิล จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGSAPHAN BARMILL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BSEC บริษัทหลักทรัพย บีฟท จำกัด (มหาชน) BFIT SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BSI บริษัท กรุงเทพผลิตเหล็ก จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK STEEL INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BT ธนาคารไทยธนาคาร จำกัด (มหาชน) BANKTHAI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BTC บริษัทบางปะกง เทอรมินอล จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGPAKONG TERMINAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BTNC บริษัทบูติคนิวซิตี้ จำกัด (มหาชน) BOUTIQUE NEWCITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

BUI บริษัทบางกอกสหประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK UNION INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

BWG บริษัท เบตเตอร เวิลด กรีน จำกัด (มหาชน) BETTER WORLD GREEN PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CAWOW บริษัท บริษัท แคลิฟอรเนีย วาว เอ็กซพีเรียนซ จำกัด (มหาชน) CALIFORNIA WOW XPERIENCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CCET บริษัทแคล-คอมพ อีเล็คโทรนิคส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) CAL-COMP ELECTRONICS (THAILAND) PUBLIC CO., LTD.

CCP บริษัทผลิตภัณฑคอนกรีตชลบุรี จำกัด (มหาชน) CHONBURI CONCRETE PRODUCT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CEI บริษัทคอมพาสส อีสต อินดัสตรี้ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) COMPASS EAST INDUSTRY (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CENTEL บริษัทโรงแรมเซ็นทรัลพลาซา จำกัด (มหาชน) CENTRAL PLAZA HOTEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CFRESH บริษัท ซีเฟรชอินดัสตรี จำกัด (มหาชน) SEAFRESH INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


CHOTI บริษัทหองเย็นโชติวัฒนหาดใหญ จำกัด (มหาชน) KIANG HUAT SEA GULL TRADING FROZEN FOOD PUBLIC CO., LTD.

CHUO บริษัทชูโอ เซ็นโก (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) CHUO SENKO (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CI บริษัทชาญอิสสระ ดีเวล็อปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) CHARN ISSARA DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CIG บริษัท ซี.ไอ.กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) C.I.GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CIRKIT บริษัทเซอรคิทอีเล็คโทรนิคสอินดัสตรีส จำกัด (มหาชน) CIRCUIT ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CITY บริษัท ซิตี้ สตีล จำกัด (มหาชน) CITY STEEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CK บริษัท ช.การชาง จำกัด (มหาชน) CH. KARNCHANG PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CM บริษัทเชียงใหมโฟรเซนฟูดส จำกัด(มหาชน) CHIANGMAI FROZEN FOODS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CMO บริษัท ซีเอ็ม ออรกาไนเซอร จำกัด (มหาชน) CM ORGANIZER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


CNT บริษัทคริสเตียนีและนีลเส็น (ไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) CHRISTIANI & NIELSEN (THAI) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPALL บริษัท ซีพี ออลล จำกัด (มหาชน) CP ALL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPF บริษัทเจริญโภคภัณฑอาหาร จำกัด (มหาชน) CHAROEN POKPHAND FOODS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPH บริษัทคาสเซอรพีค โฮลดิ้งส จำกัด (มหาชน) CASTLE PEAK HOLDINGS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPI บริษัทชุมพรอุตสาหกรรมน้ำมันปาลม จำกัด (มหาชน) CHUMPORN PALM OIL INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPICO บริษัทเซ็นทรัลอุตสาหกรรมกระดาษ จำกัด (มหาชน) CENTRAL PAPER INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPL บริษัท ซี.พี.แอล.กรุพ จำกัด (มหาชน) C.P.L. GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPN บริษัทเซ็นทรัลพัฒนา จำกัด (มหาชน) CENTRAL PATTANA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CPNRF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพย CPN รีเทลโกรท CPN RETAIL GROWTH PROPERTY FUND

CPR บริษัท ซีพีอาร โกมุ อินดัสเตรียล จำกัด จำกัด (มหาชน) CPR GOMU INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


CSL บริษัท ซีเอส ล็อกซอินโฟ จำกัด (มหาชน) CS LOXINFO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CSP บริษัท ซีเอสพี สตีลเซ็นเตอร จำกัด (มหาชน) CSP STEEL CENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


CTW บริษัทจรุงไทยไวรแอนดเคเบ้ิล จำกัด (มหาชน) CHAROONG THAI WIRE & CABLE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

Page 216: Fact Book 2007





Listed Companies

CVD บริษัทซีวีดี เอนเตอรเทนเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) CVD ENTERTAINMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

CWT บริษัทชัยวัฒนา แทนเนอรี่ กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) CHAI WATANA TANNERY GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

D1 บริษัท ดรากอน วัน จำกัด (มหาชน) DRAGON ONE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DAIDO บริษัทไดโดมอน กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) DAIDOMON GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DCC บริษัทไดนาสตี้เซรามิค จำกัด (มหาชน) DYNASTY CERAMIC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DCON บริษัท ดีคอนโปรดักส จำกัด (มหาชน) DCON PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DE บริษัท ดี อี แคปปตอล จำกัด (มหาชน) DE CAPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DELTA บริษัทเดลตา อีเลคโทรนิคส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) DELTA ELECTRONICS (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DEMCO บริษัท เด็มโก จำกัด (มหาชน) DEMCO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DISTAR บริษัทไดสตาร อิเลคทริก คอรเปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) DISTAR ELECTRIC CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DM บริษัท ธนมิตร แฟคตอริ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) DHANAMITR FACTORING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

D-MARK บริษัทพันธุสุกรไทย-เดนมารค จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI-DENMARK SWINE BREEDER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DRACO บริษัทดราโก พีซีบี จำกัด (มหาชน) DRACO PCB PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DRT บริษัท กระเบ้ืองหลังคาตราเพชร จำกัด (มหาชน) DIAMOND ROOFING TILES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DSGT บริษัท ดีเอสจี อินเตอรเนช่ันแนล (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) DSG INTERNATIONAL (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DTAC บริษัท โทเท่ิล แอ็คเซ็ส คอมมูนิเคช่ัน จำกัด (มหาชน) TOTAL ACCESS COMMUNICATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DTC บริษัทดุสิตธานี จำกัด (มหาชน) DUSIT THANI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DTCI บริษัทดี.ที.ซี.อินดัสตรี่ส จำกัด (มหาชน) D.T.C. INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DTM บริษัทดาตาแมท จำกัด (มหาชน) DATAMAT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

DVS บริษัทเทเวศประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) THE DEVES INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

EASON บริษัทอีซึ่น เพนท จำกัด(มหาชน) EASON PAINT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

EASTW บริษัทจัดการและพัฒนาทรัพยากรน้ำภาคตะวันออก จำกัด (มหาชน) EASTERN WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT PLC.

ECL บริษัทตะวันออกพาณิชยลีสซิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) EASTERN COMMERCIAL LEASING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


EIC บริษัท อุตสาหกรรม อีเล็คโทรนิคส จำกัด (มหาชน) ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

EMC บริษัทอีเอ็มซี จำกัด (มหาชน) EMC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

EPCO บริษัทโรงพิมพตะวันออก จำกัด (มหาชน) EASTERN PRINTING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ERAWAN บริษัท ดิ เอราวัณ กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) THE ERAWAN GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ESTAR บริษัทอีสเทอรน สตาร เรียล เอสเตท จำกัด (มหาชน) EASTERN STAR REAL ESTATE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ETG บริษัท อีเทอรนิตี้ แกรนด โลจิสติคส จำกัด (มหาชน) ETERNITY GRAND LOGISTICS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

EVER ผูบริหารแผนฟนฟูของบริษัท เอเวอรแลนด จำกัด (มหาชน) EVERLAND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

EWC บริษัทอีสเทิรนไวร จำกัด (มหาชน) EASTERN WIRE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

F&D บริษัทฟูดแอนดดริ๊งส จำกัด (มหาชน) FOOD AND DRINKS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

FANCY บริษัทแฟนซีวูด อินดัสตรีส จำกัด (มหาชน) FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

FE บริษัทฟารอีสท ดีดีบี จำกัด (มหาชน) FAR EAST DDB PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

FMT บริษัทฟูรูกาวา เม็ททัล (ไทยแลนด) จำกัด (มหาชน) FURUKAWA METAL (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

FNS บริษัท ฟนันซา จำกัด (มหาชน) FINANSA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

FOCUS บริษัท โฟคัส เอ็นจิเนียร่ิง แอนด คอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) FOCUS ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

FORTH บริษัท ฟอรท คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) FORTH CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

FUTUREPF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพย ฟวเจอรพารค FUTURE PARK PROPERTY FUND

GBFF โครงการกองทุนเปดโกลบอล บาลานซ ฟนด ออฟ ฟนด GLOBAL BALANCED FUND OF FUNDS

GBX บริษัท โกลเบล็ก โฮลดิ้ง แมนเนจเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) GLOBLEX HOLDING MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GC บริษัท โกลบอล คอนเน็คชั่นส จำกัด (มหาชน) GLOBAL CONNECTIONS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GEN บริษัทเจนเนอรัล เอนจิเนียร่ิง จำกัด(มหาชน) GENERAL ENGINEERING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GENCO บริษัทบริหารและพัฒนาเพ่ือการอนุรักษสิ่งแวดลอม จำกัด (มหาชน) GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PUBLIC CO., LTD.

GFM บริษัท โกลดไฟน แมนูแฟคเจอเรอส จำกัด (มหาชน) GOLDFINE MANUFACTURERS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GFPT บริษัทจีเอฟพีที จำกัด (มหาชน) GFPT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GL บริษัทกรุปลีส จำกัด (มหาชน) GROUP LEASE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GLOW บริษัท โกลว พลังงาน จำกัด (มหาชน) GLOW ENERGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GMMM บริษัทจีเอ็มเอ็ม มีเดีย จำกัด (มหาชน) GMM MEDIA PUBLC COMPANY LIMITED

GOLD บริษัทแผนดินทอง พร็อพเพอรตี้ ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) GOLDEN LAND PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GOLDPF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพย โกลด GOLD PROPERTY FUND

GRAMMY บริษัทจีเอ็มเอ็ม แกรมมี่ จำกัด (มหาชน) GMM GRAMMY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GRAND บริษัท แกรนด แอสเสท ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) GRANDE ASSET DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GSTEEL บริษัท จี สตีล จำกัด (มหาชน) G STEEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

GYT บริษัทกูดเยียร (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) GOODYEAR (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

HANA บริษัทฮานา ไมโครอิเล็คโทรนิคส จำกัด (มหาชน) HANA MICROELECTRONICS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


HFT บริษัทฮั้วฟง รับเบอร (ไทยแลนด) จำกัด (มหาชน) HWA FONG RUBBER (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

HMPRO บริษัทโฮม โปรดักส เซ็นเตอร จำกัด (มหาชน) HOME PRODUCT CENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

HT บริษัทวาไทยอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) HUA THAI MANUFACTURING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

HTC บริษัทหาดทิพย จำกัด (มหาชน) HAAD THIP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ICC บริษัทไอ.ซี.ซี. อินเตอรเนช่ันแนล จำกัด (มหาชน) I.C.C. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

IEC บริษัทอินเตอรแนช่ันเนิลเอนจีเนียริง จำกัด (มหาชน) THE INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

IFEC บริษัทอินเตอรฟารอีสท วิศวการ จำกัด (มหาชน) INTER FAR EAST ENGINEERING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

IHL บริษัท อินเตอรไฮด จำกัด (มหาชน) INTERHIDES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ILINK บริษัท อินเตอรลิ้งค คอมมิวนิเคช่ัน จำกัด (มหาชน) INTERLINK COMMUNICATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

INET บริษัทอินเทอรเน็ตประเทศไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) INTERNET THAILAND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

INGFIF โครงการกองทุนเปดไอเอ็นจี ไทย ตราสารหนี้เอเซีย ING THAI ASIAN USD BOND FUND

INOX บริษัท ไทยนอคซ สเตนเลส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAINOX STAINLESS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


IRC บริษัทอิโนเว รับเบอร (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) INOUE RUBBER (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

IRCP บริษัท อินเตอรเนช่ันแนล รีเสริช คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CORPORATION PUBLIC CO., LTD.

IRP บริษัทอินโดรามา โพลีเมอรส จำกัด (มหาชน) INDORAMA POLYMERS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

IRPC บริษัท ไออารพีซี จำกัด (มหาชน) IRPC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

IT บริษัท ไอที ซิตี้ จำกัด (มหาชน) IT CITY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ITD บริษัทอิตาเลียนไทย ดีเวลอปเมนต จำกัด (มหาชน) ITALIAN-THAI DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

ITV บริษัทไอทีวี จำกัด (มหาชน) ITV PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

JAS บริษัทจัสมิน อินเตอรเนช่ันแนล จำกัด (มหาชน) JASMINE INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

JCP กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพย เจซี JC PROPERTY FUND

JCT บริษัทแจกเจียอุตสาหกรรม (ไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) JACK CHIA INDUSTRIES (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

JTS บริษัท จัสมิน เทเลคอม ซิสเต็มส จำกัด (มหาชน) JASMINE TELECOM SYSTEMS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


KASET บริษัท ไทยฮา จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI HA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


KC บริษัท เค.ซี. พร็อพเพอรตี้ จำกัด(มหาชน) K.C. PROPERTY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KCAR บริษัท กรุงไทยคารเรนท แอนด ลีส จำกัด (มหาชน) KRUNGTHAI CAR RENT AND LEASE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KCE บริษัท เคซีอี อีเลคโทรนิคส จำกัด (มหาชน) KCE ELECTRONICS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KDH บริษัทโรงพยาบาลกรุงธน จำกัด (มหาชน) KRUNGDHON HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KEST บริษัทหลักทรัพย กิมเอ็ง (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) KIM ENG SECURITIES (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KGI บริษัทหลักทรัพยเคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) KGI SECURITIES (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KH บริษัท บางกอก เชน ฮอสปทอล จำกัด (มหาชน) BANGKOK CHAIN HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KK ธนาคารเกียรตินาคิน จำกัด (มหาชน) KIATNAKIN BANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KKC บริษัทกุลธรเคอรบี้ จำกัด (มหาชน) KULTHORN KIRBY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED




KTC บริษัท บัตรกรุงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) KRUNGTHAI CARD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KTECH บริษัทเค-เทค คอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) K-TECH CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

KTP บริษัทเคปเปล ไทย พร็อพเพอรตี้ จำกัด (มหาชน) KEPPEL THAI PROPERTIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


KWH บริษัทวิค แอนด ฮุคลันด จำกัด (มหาชน) WIIK & HOEGLUND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

KYE บริษัทกันยงอีเลคทริก จำกัด (มหาชน) KANG YONG ELECTRIC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

L&E บริษัท ไลทติ้ง แอนด อีควิปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) LIGHTING & EQUIPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LALIN บริษัทลลิล พร็อพเพอรตี้. จำกัด (มหาชน) LALIN PROPERTY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LANNA บริษัทลานนา รีซอรสเซส จำกัด (มหาชน) THE LANNA RESOURCES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LEE บริษัทลีพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ จำกัด (มหาชน) LEE FEED MILL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LH บริษัทแลนดแอนดเฮาส จำกัด (มหาชน) LAND AND HOUSES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LIVE บริษัท ไลฟ อินคอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด(มหาชน) LIVE INCORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LL บริษัท ลิฟว่ิงแลนด แคปปตอล จำกัด (มหาชน) LIVING LAND CAPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LNH บริษัทเชียงใหมธุรกิจการแพทย จำกัด (มหาชน) CHIANG MAI MEDICAL SERVICES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LOXLEY บริษัทล็อกซเลย จำกัด (มหาชน) LOXLEY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LPN บริษัทแอล.พี.เอ็น. ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) L.P.N. DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LRH บริษัทลากูนา รีสอรท แอนด โฮเท็ล จำกัด (มหาชน) LAGUNA RESORTS & HOTELS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LST บริษัทล่ำสูง (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) LAM SOON (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LTX บริษัทลัคกี้เท็คซ (ไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) LUCKYTEX (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

LVT บริษัท แอล.วี.เทคโนโลยี จำกัด (มหาชน) L.V. TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MACO บริษัท มาสเตอร แอด จำกัด (มหาชน) MASTER AD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MAJOR บริษัทเมเจอร ซีนีเพล็กซ กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) MAJOR CINEPLEX GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MAKRO บริษัทสยามแม็คโคร จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM MAKRO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MALEE บริษัทมาลีสามพราน จำกัด (มหาชน) MALEE SAMPRAN PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


MATCH บรษิัทแม็ทชิ่ง สตูดิโอ จำกัด (มหาชน) MATCHING STUDIO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


MBAX บริษัท มัลติแบกซ จำกัด (มหาชน) MULTIBAX PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MBK บริษัทเอ็ม บี เค จำกัด (มหาชน) MBK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

M-CHAI บริษัทโรงพยาบาลมหาชัย จำกัด (มหาชน) MAHACHAI HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MCOT บริษัท อสมท จำกัด (มหาชน) MCOT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MCS บริษัท เอ็ม.ซี.เอส.สตีล จำกัด (มหาชน) M.C.S.STEEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MDX ผูทำแผนของบริษัทเอ็ม ดี เอ็กซ จำกัด (มหาชน) M.D.X. PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MEDIAS บริษัทมีเดีย ออฟ มีเดียส จำกัด (มหาชน) MEDIA OF MEDIAS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

METCO บริษัทมูราโมโต อีเล็คตรอน (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) MURAMOTO ELECTRON (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

METRO บริษัทเมโทรสตาร พร็อพเพอรตี้ จำกัด (มหาชน) METROSTAR PROPERTY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MFC บริษัทหลักทรัพยจัดการกองทุน เอ็มเอฟซี จำกัด (มหาชน) MFC ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MFEC บริษัท เอ็ม เอฟ อี ซี จำกัด (มหาชน) MFEC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MGE โครงการกองทุนเปดเอ็มเอฟซี โกลบอล อีควิตี้ ฟนด MFC GLOBAL EQUITY FUND

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Listed Companies

MGR บริษัทแมเนเจอร มีเดีย กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) MANAGER MEDIA GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MIDA บริษัทไมดา แอสเซ็ท จำกัด (มหาชน) MIDA ASSETS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MILL บริษัท มิลลคอนสตีลอินดัสทรีส จำกัด (มหาชน) MILL CON STEEL INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MINOR บริษัทไมเนอร คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) MINOR CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MINT บริษัทไมเนอร อินเตอรเนช่ันแนล จำกัด (มหาชน) MINOR INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MIPF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยมิลเลียนแนร MILLIONAIRE PROPERTY FUND

MJD บริษัท เมเจอร ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MJLF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพย เมเจอร ซีนีเพล็กซ ไลฟสไตส MAJOR CINEPLEX LIFESTYLE PROPERTY FUND


ML บริษัท ไมดา ลิสซิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) MIDA LEASING PUBLIC CO., LTD.

MLINK บริษัทเอ็ม ลิ้งค เอเชีย คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) M-LINK ASIA CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MME บริษัท ไมดา-เมดดาลิสท เอ็นเธอรเทนเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) MIDA-MEDALIST ENTERTAINMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MNIT กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยเอ็มเอฟซี-นิชดาธานี MFC-NICHADA THANI PROPERTY FUND

MODERN บริษัทโมเดอรนฟอรมกรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) MODERNFORM GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MPT บริษัท แมกเนคอมพ พรีซิชั่น เทคโนโลยี จำกัด (มหาชน) MAGNECOMP PRECISION TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

MSC บริษัทเมโทรซิสเต็มสคอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) METRO SYSTEMS CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NC บริษัทนิวซิตี้ (กรุงเทพฯ) จำกัด (มหาชน) NEWCITY (BANGKOK) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NCH บริษัท เอ็น. ซี. เฮาสซิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) N. C. HOUSING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NEP บริษัทเอ็นอีพี อสังหาริมทรัพยและอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) NEP REALTY AND INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NEW บริษัทวัฒนาการแพทย จำกัด (มหาชน) WATTANA KARNPAET PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NFC ผูบริหารแผนบริษัทปุยเอ็นเอฟซี จำกัด (มหาชน) NFC FERTILIZER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NIPPON บริษัทนิปปอนแพ็ค (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) NIPPON PACK (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


NMG บริษัทเนช่ัน มัลติมีเดีย กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) NATION MULTIMEDIA GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


NOBLE บริษัทโนเบิล ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) NOBLE DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

N-PARK บริษัทแนเชอรัล พารค จำกัด (มหาชน) NATURAL PARK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NPK บริษัทนิวพลัสนิตติ้ง จำกัด (มหาชน) NEW PLUS KNITTING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NSI บริษัทนำสินประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) NAM SENG INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


NTV บริษัทโรงพยาบาลนนทเวช จำกัด (มหาชน) NONTHAVEJ HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NVL บริษัทนวลิสซิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) NAVA LEASING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

NWR บริษัท เนาวรัตนพัฒนาการ จำกัด (มหาชน) NAWARAT PATANAKARN PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

OCC บริษัท โอ ซี ซี จำกัด (มหาชน) O.C.C. PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

OGC บริษัทโอเชียนกลาส จำกัด (มหาชน) OCEAN GLASS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

OHTL บริษัทโรงแรมโอเรียนเต็ล (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) THE ORIENTAL HOTEL (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

OISHI บริษัทโออิชิ กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) OISHI GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PA บริษัทแปซิฟค แอสเซ็ทส จำกัด (มหาชน) PACIFIC ASSETS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PAE บริษัทพีเออี (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) PAE (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PAF บริษัทแพนเอเซียฟุตแวร จำกัด (มหาชน) PAN ASIA FOOTWEAR PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PAP บริษัท แปซิฟกไพพ จำกัด (มหาชน) PACIFIC PIPE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PATKL บริษัทพัฒนกล จำกัด (มหาชน) PATKOL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PATO บริษัทพาโตเคมีอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) PATO CHEMICAL INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PB บริษัทเพรซิเดนท เบเกอร่ี จำกัด (มหาชน) PRESIDENT BAKERY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PD บริษัท แพค เดลตา จำกัด (มหาชน) PACK DELTA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PDI บริษัทผาแดงอินดัสทรี จำกัด (มหาชน) PADAENG INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PE ผูบริหารแผนของบริษัทพรีเมียรเอ็นเตอรไพรซ จำกัด (มหาชน) PREMIER ENTERPRISE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PERM บริษัท เพ่ิมสินสตีลเวิคส จำกัด (มหาชน) PERMSIN STEEL WORKS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PF บริษัทพร็อพเพอรตี้ เพอรเฟค จำกัด (มหาชน) PROPERTY PERFECT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

P-FCB บริษัทประกิต โฮลดิ้ง จำกัด (มหาชน) PRAKIT HOLDINGS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PG บริษัทประชาอาภรณ จำกัด (มหาชน) PEOPLE’S GARMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PHA บริษัทภัทรประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) PHATRA INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


PICNI บริษัทปคนิค คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) PICNIC CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PICO บริษัท ปโก (ไทยแลนด) จำกัด (มหาชน) PICO THAILAND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PL บริษัทภัทรลิสซิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) PHATRA LEASING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PLE บริษัทเพาเวอรไลน เอนจิเนียร่ิง จำกัด (มหาชน) POWER LINE ENGINEERING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

POMPUI บริษัทผลิตภัณฑอาหารกวางไพศาล จำกัด (มหาชน) KUANG PEI SAN FOOD PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

POST บริษัทโพสต พับลิชชิง จำกัด (มหาชน) THE POST PUBLISHING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

POWER บริษัท เพาเวอร-พี จำกัด (มหาชน) POWER-P PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PPC บริษัทแพ็คฟูดส จำกัด (มหาชน) PAKFOOD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PPM บริษัท พรพรหมเม็ททอล จำกัด (มหาชน) PORN PROM METAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PR บริษัทเพรซิเดนทไรซโปรดักส จำกัด (มหาชน) PRESIDENT RICE PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PR124 บริษทั 124 คอมมิวนิเคช่ันส จำกัด (มหาชน) 124 COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PRANDA บริษัทแพรนดา จิวเวลร่ี จำกัด (มหาชน) PRANDA JEWELRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PREB บริษัท พรีบิลท จำกัด (มหาชน) PRE-BUILT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


PRG บริษัทปทุมไรซมิล แอนด แกรนารี จำกัด (มหาชน) PATUM RICE MILL AND GRANARY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMTED

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Listed Companies

PRIN บริษัท ปริญสิริ จำกัด (มหาชน) PRINSIRI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PRO บริษัท โปรเฟสชั่นแนล เวสต เทคโนโลยี (1999) จำกัด (มหาชน) PROFESSIONAL WASTE TECHNOLOGY (1999) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PS บริษัท พฤกษา เรียลเอสเตท จำกัด (มหาชน) PREUKSA REAL ESTATE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PSAP บริษัท ปองทรัพย จำกัด (มหาชน) PONGSAAP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PSL บริษัทพรีเชียส ชิพปง จำกัด (มหาชน) PRECIOUS SHIPPING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PT ผูบริหารแผนของบริษัท พรีเมียร เทคโนโลยี่ จำกัด (มหาชน) PREMIER TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PTL บริษัทโพลีเพล็กซ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) POLYPLEX (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PTT บริษัท ปตท. จำกัด (มหาชน) PTT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PTTAR บริษัท ปตท.อะโรเมติกสและการกล่ัน จำกัด (มหาชน) PTT AROMATICS AND REFINING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PTTCH บริษัท ปตท. เคมิคอล จำกัด (มหาชน) PTT CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PTTEP บริษัทปตท.สำรวจและผลิตปโตรเลียม จำกัด (มหาชน) PTT EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION PUBLIC COMPANY

PYLON บริษัท ไพลอน จำกัด (มหาชน) PYLON PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

PYT บริษัทประสิทธิ์พัฒนา จำกัด (มหาชน) PRASIT PATANA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

Q-CON บริษัท ควอลิตี้คอนสตรัคชั่นโปรดัคส จำกัด (มหาชน) QUALITY CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

QH บริษัทควอลิตี้เฮาส จำกัด (มหาชน) QUALITY HOUSES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

QHPF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยควอลิตี้ เฮาส QUALITY HOUSES PROPERTY FUND


RAM บริษัทโรงพยาบาลรามคำแหง จำกัด (มหาชน) RAMKHAMHAENG HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


RASA บริษัท รสา พร็อพเพอรตี้ ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) RASA PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


RCI บริษัทโรแยล ซีรามิค อุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) THE ROYAL CERAMIC INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


RICH บริษัท ริช เอเชีย สตีล จำกัด (มหาชน) RICH ASIA STEEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

RKGB โครงการกองทุนเปดรวงขาว โกลบัล บาลานช THE RUANG KHAO GLOBAL BALANCED FUND



ROH บริษัทโรงแรมรอยัลออคิด (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) ROYAL ORCHID HOTEL (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


RPC บริษัท ระยองเพียวริฟายเออร จำกัด (มหาชน) RAYONG PURIFIER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

RS บริษัท อารเอส จำกัด (มหาชน) RS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

S&J บริษัทเอส แอนด เจ อินเตอรเนช่ันแนล เอนเตอรไพรส จำกัด (มหาชน) S & J INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

S&P บริษัทเอส แอนด พี ซินดิเคท จำกัด (มหาชน) S & P SYNDICATE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

S2Y บริษัท สยามทูยู จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM2YOU PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

SAFARI บริษัทซาฟารีเวิลด จำกัด (มหาชน) SAFARI WORLD PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SAICO บรษิทัสยามอตุสาหกรรมการเกษตร สบัปะรดและอืน่ๆ จำกัด (มหาชน) THE SIAM AGRO INDUSTRY PINEAPPLE AND OTHERS PUBLIC CO., LTD.

SALEE บริษัท สาล่ีอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) SALEE INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SAM บริษัท สามชัย สตีล อินดัสทรี จำกัด (มหาชน) SAMCHAI STEEL INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SAMART บริษัทสามารถคอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) SAMART CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED



SAT บริษัทสมบูรณ แอดวานซ เทคโนโลยี จำกัด (มหาชน) SOMBOON ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SAUCE บริษัทไทยเทพรสผลิตภัณฑอาหาร จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI THEPAROS FOOD PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SAWANG บริษัทสวางเอ็กซปอรต จำกัด (มหาชน) SAWANG EXPORT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SC บริษัท เอสซี แอสเสท คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) SC ASSET CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SCAN บริษัทสแกนดิเนเวียลีสซิ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) SCANDINAVIAN LEASING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SCBSET โครงการกองทุนรวม ไทยพาณิชย เซ็ท อินเด็กซ ฟนด SCB SET INDEX FUND

SCC บริษัทปูนซิเมนตไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) THE SIAM CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SCCC บริษัทปูนซีเมนตนครหลวง จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM CITY CEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SCG บริษัท สหโคเจน (ชลบุรี) จำกัด (มหาชน) SAHACOGEN (CHONBURI) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SCIB ธนาคารนครหลวงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM CITY BANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SCNYL บริษัทไทยพาณิชยนิวยอรคไลฟ ประกันชีวิต จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM COMMERCIAL NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE PLC.CO.,LTD.




SECC บริษัท เอส.อี.ซี.ออโตเซลล แอนด เซอรวิส จำกัด (มหาชน) S.E.C. AUTO SALES AND SERVICES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SE-ED บริษัทซีเอ็ดยูเคช่ัน จำกัด (มหาชน) SE-EDUCATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SF บริษัท สยามฟวเจอรดีเวลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SGF บริษัทสยามเจเนอรัลแฟคตอริ่ง จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM GENERAL FACTORING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SH บริษัทซีฮอรส จำกัด (มหาชน) SEA HORSE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SHANG บริษัทแชงกรี-ลา โฮเต็ล จำกัด (มหาชน) SHANGRI-LA HOTEL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SHIN บริษัทชิน คอรปอเรชั่นส จำกัด (มหาชน) SHIN CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SIAM บริษัทสยามสตีลอินเตอรเนช่ันแนล จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM STEEL INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SICCO บริษัทเงินทุนสินอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) THE SIAM INDUSTRIAL CREDIT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

SIM บริษัท สามารถ ไอ-โมบาย จำกัด (มหาชน) SAMART I-MOBILE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SIMAT บริษัท ไซแมท เทคโนโลยี จำกัด (มหาชน) SIMAT TECHNOLOGIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SINGER บริษัทซิงเกอร ประเทศไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) SINGER THAILAND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SIRI บริษัทแสนสิริ จำกัด (มหาชน) SANSIRI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SIRIPF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยบานแสนสิริ BAAN SANSIRI PROPERTY FUND

SIS บริษัท เอสไอเอส ดิสทริบิวช่ัน (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) SIS DISTRIBUTION (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SITHAI บริษัทศรีไทยซุปเปอรแวร จำกัด (มหาชน) SRITHAI SUPERWARE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SKR บริษัทศิครินทร จำกัด (มหาชน) SIKARIN PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SLC บริษัท โซลูชั่น คอนเนอร (1998) จำกัด (มหาชน) SOLUTION CORNER (1998) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SMC บริษัทเอสเอ็มซี มอเตอรส จำกัด (มหาชน) SMC MOTORS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SMIT บริษัทสหมิตรเครื่องกล จำกัด (มหาชน) SAHAMIT MACHINERY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SMK บริษัทสินมั่นคงประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) SYN MUN KONG INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SMM บริษัท สยามอินเตอรมัลติมีเดีย จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM INTER MULTIMEDIA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SNC บริษัท เอส เอ็น ซี ฟอรเมอร จำกัด (มหาชน) SNC FORMER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SOLAR บริษัทโซลารตรอน จำกัด (มหาชน) SOLARTRON PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SORKON บริษัทอุตสาหกรรมอาหาร ส.ขอนแกน จำกัด (มหาชน) S.KHONKAEN FOOD INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SPACK บริษัทเอส. แพ็ค แอนด พร้ินท จำกัด (มหาชน) S. PACK & PRINT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SPALI บริษัทศุภาลัย จำกัด (มหาชน) SUPALAI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SPF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยสนามบินสมุย SAMUI AIRPORT PROPERTY FUND

SPG บริษัทสยามภัณฑกรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) THE SIAM PAN GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SPI บริษัทสหพัฒนาอินเตอรโฮลดิ้ง จำกัด (มหาชน) SAHA PATHANA INTER-HOLDING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SPORT บริษัทสยามสปอรต ซินดิเคท จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM SPORT SYNDICATE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SPPT บริษัท ซิงเก้ิล พอยท พารท (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) SINGLE POINT PARTS (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SPSU บริษัทเอส.พี.ซูซูกิ จำกัด (มหาชน) S.P. SUZUKI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SRI บริษัทศรีไทย ฟูดแอนดเบฟเวอรเรจ จำกัด (มหาชน) SRITHAI FOOD & BEVERAGE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SSC บริษัทเสริมสุข จำกัด (มหาชน) SERM SUK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SSEC บริษัทหลักทรัพยซิกโก จำกัด (มหาชน) SICCO SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SSF บริษัทสุรพลฟูดส จำกัด (มหาชน) SURAPON FOODS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SSI บริษัทสหวิริยาสตีลอินดัสตรี จำกัด (มหาชน) SAHAVIRIYA STEEL INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SSSC บริษัทศูนยบริการเหล็กสยาม จำกัด (มหาชน) SIAM STEEL SERVICE CENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SST บริษัททรัพยศรีไทยคลังสินคา จำกัด (มหาชน) SUB SRI THAI WAREHOUSE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

STA บริษัทศรีตรังแอโกรอินดัสทรี จำกัด (มหาชน) SRI TRANG AGRO-INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


STAR บริษัท สตาร ซานิทารีแวร จำกัด (มหาชน) STAR SANITARYWARE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

STEC บริษัทซิโน-ไทย เอ็นจีเนียร่ิง แอนด คอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) SINO-THAI ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC CO.,LTD.

STEEL บริษัท สตีล อินเตอรเทค จำกัด (มหาชน) STEEL INTERTECH PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

STHAI บริษัทซันไทยอุตสาหกรรมถุงมือยาง จำกัด (มหาชน) SHUN THAI RUBBER GLOVES INDUSTRY PUBLIC CO., LTD

STPI บริษัทเอสทีพี แอนด ไอ จำกัด (มหาชน) STP&I PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

STRD บริษัทซิโน-ไทย รีซอรเซส ดีเวลลอปเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) SINO-THAI RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC CO., LTD.

SUC บริษัทสหยูเน่ียน จำกัด (มหาชน) SAHA-UNION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SUN บริษัทซันวูดอินดัสทรีส จำกัด (มหาชน) SUN WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SUPER บริษัท ซุปเปอรบลอก จำกัด (มหาชน) SUPERBLOCK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


SVH บริษัทสมิติเวช จำกัด (มหาชน) SAMITIVEJ PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SVI บริษัทเอสวีไอ จำกัด (มหาชน) SVI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SVOA บริษัทเอสวีโอเอ จำกัด (มหาชน) SVOA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SWC บริษัท เชอรวูด เคมิคอล จำกัด (มหาชน) SHERWOOD CHEMICALS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SYNTEC บริษัทซินเท็คคอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) SYNTEC CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

SYRUS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ไซรัส จำกัด (มหาชน) SYRUS SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TAF บริษัทไทย อกริ ฟูดส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI AGRI FOODS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TAPAC บริษัท ทาพาโก จำกัด (มหาชน) TAPACO PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TASCO บริษัททิปโกแอสฟลท จำกัด (มหาชน) TIPCO ASPHALT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


TBSP บริษัทไทยบริติช ซีเคียวริตี้ พร้ินติ้ง จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI BRITISH SECURITY PRINTING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED



TCB บริษัทไทยคารบอนแบล็ค จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI CARBON BLACK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TCC บริษัท ไทย แคปปตอล คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI CAPITAL CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


TCJ บริษัทที.ซี.เจ.เอเซีย จำกัด (มหาชน) T.C.J. ASIA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


TCOAT บริษัทอุตสาหกรรมผาเคลือบพลาสติกไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI COATING INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TCP บริษัทไทยเคนเปเปอร จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI CANE PAPER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TDEX โครงการกองทุนเปด ไทยเด็กซ เซ็ท 50 อีทีเอฟ THAIDEX SET50 EXCHANGE TRADED FUND

TDT บริษัท ไทยเกรียง กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI DURABLE GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

TEAM บริษัท ทีมพรีซิชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) TEAM PRECISION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TF บริษัทไทยเพรซิเดนทฟูดส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI PRESIDENT FOODS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TFD บริษัทไทยพัฒนาโรงงานอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI FACTORY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TFI บริษัทไทยฟลมอินดัสตรี่ จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI FILM INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TFUND กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยไทคอน TICON PROPERTY FUND

TGCI บริษัทไทย-เยอรมัน เซรามิค อินดัสทรี่ จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI-GERMAN CERAMIC INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TGPRO ผูบริหารแผนของบริษัทไทย-เยอรมัน โปรดักส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI-GERMAN PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED



THIP บริษัททานตะวันอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) THANTAWAN INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

THL บริษัททุงคาฮาเบอร จำกัด (มหาชน) TONGKAH HARBOUR PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

THRE บริษัทไทยรับประกันภัยตอ จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI REINSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TIC บริษัท ไทยประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) THE THAI INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TICON บริษัทไทคอน อินดัสเทรียล คอนเน็คชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) TICON INDUSTRIAL CONNECTION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TIES บริษัท ไทยบริการอุตสาหกรรมและวิศวกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING SERVICE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TIF1 กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพยไทยอินดัสเตรียล 1 THAI INDUSTRIAL FUND 1

TIP บริษัททิพยประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) DHIPAYA INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TIPCO บริษัททิปโกฟูดส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด(มหาชน) TIPCO FOODS (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


TIW บริษัทไทยแลนดไอออนเวิคส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAILAND IRON WORKS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TK บริษัทฐิติกร จำกัด (มหาชน) THITIKORN PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TKS บริษัท ที.เค.เอส. เทคโนโลยี จำกัด (มหาชน) T.K.S. TECHNOLOGIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TKT บริษัทที.กรุงไทยอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) T.KRUNGTHAI INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TLUXE บริษัทไทยลักซ เอ็นเตอรไพรส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAILUXE ENTERPRISES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TMB ธนาคารทหารไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) TMB BANK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


TMT บริษัท คาเหล็กไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI METAL TRADE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TMW บริษัท ไทยมิตซูวา จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI MITSUWA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


TNH บริษัท โรงพยาบาลไทยนครินทร จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI NAKARIN HOSPITAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TNITY บริษัททรีนีตี้ วัฒนา จำกัด (มหาชน) TRINITY WATTHANA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TNL บริษัทธนูลักษณ จำกัด (มหาชน) THANULUX PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TNPC บริษัทไทยนามพลาสติกส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI NAM PLASTIC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TOG บริษัท ไทยออพติคอล กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI OPTICAL GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

TONHUA บริษัทตงฮั้ว คอมมูนิเคช่ันส จำกัด (มหาชน) TONG HUA COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TOP บริษัท ไทยออยล จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI OIL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TOPP บริษัทไทย โอ.พี.พี. จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI O.P.P. PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TPA บริษัทไทยโพลีอะคริลิค จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI POLY ACRYLIC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TPAC บริษัท พลาสติค และหีบหอไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI PLASPAC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TPC บริษัทไทยพลาสติกและเคมีภัณฑ จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI PLASTIC AND CHEMICALS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TPCORP บริษัทเท็กซไทลเพรสทีจ จำกัด (มหาชน) TEXTILE PRESTIGE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TPIPL บริษัททีพีไอ โพลีน จำกัด (มหาชน) TPI POLENE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TPP บริษัทไทยบรรจุภัณฑและการพิมพ จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI PACKAGING & PRINTING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TPROP บริษัท ไทย พร็อพเพอรตี้ จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI PROPERTY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TR บริษัทไทยเรยอน จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI RAYON PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TRAF บริษัททราฟฟกคอรนเนอรโฮลดิ้งส จำกัด (มหาชน) TRAFFIC CORNER HOLDINGS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TRC บริษัท ทีอารซี คอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) TRC CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TRS บริษัทตรังผลิตภัณฑอาหารทะเล จำกัด (มหาชน) TRANG SEAFOOD PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TRT บริษัท ถิรไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) TIRATHAI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TRU บริษัทไทยรุงยูเนียนคาร จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI RUNG UNION CAR PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TRUBB บริษัทไทยรับเบอรลาเท็คซคอรปอเรชั่น (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI RUBBER LATEX CORPORATION (THAILAND) PUBLIC CO.,LTD.

TRUE บริษัท ทรู คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด(มหาชน) TRUE CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TSC บริษัทไทยสตีลเคเบิล จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI STEEL CABLE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TSI บริษัทไทยเศรษฐกิจประกันภัย จำกัด (มหาชน) THE THAI SETAKIJ INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TSTE บริษัทไทยชูการ เทอรมิเน้ิล จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI SUGAR TERMINAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TSTH บริษัท ทาทา สตีล (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) TATA STEEL (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TT&T บริษัท ทีทีแอนดที จำกัด (มหาชน) TT&T PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TTA บริษัทโทรีเซนไทย เอเยนตซีส จำกัด (มหาชน) THORESEN THAI AGENCIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


TTL บริษัททีทีแอล อุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) TTL INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TTTM บริษัทไทยโทเรเท็กซไทลมิลลส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI TORAY TEXTILE MILLS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TUCC บริษัท ไทยยูนีคคอยลเซ็นเตอร จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI UNIQUE COIL CENTER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TUF บริษัทไทยยูเนียน โฟรเซน โปรดักส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI UNION FROZEN PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TUNTEX บริษัททุนเท็กซ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) TUNTEX (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TU-PF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพย ที ยู โดม เรสซิเดนทเชียล คอมเพล็กซ T.U.DOME RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX PROPERTY FUND

TVI บริษัทประกันภัยไทยวิวัฒน จำกัด (มหาชน) THAIVIVAT INSURANCE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TVO บริษัทน้ำมันพืชไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI VEGETABLE OIL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TWFP บริษัทไทยวาฟูดโปรดักส จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI WAH FOOD PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

Page 228: Fact Book 2007





Listed Companies

TWP บริษัทไทยไวรโพรดัคท จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI WIRE PRODUCTS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TWZ บริษัท ทีดับบลิวแซด คอรปอเรชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) TWZ CORPORATION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

TYCN บริษัทไทยคูน เวิลดไวด กรุป (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) TYCOONS WORLDWIDE GROUP (THAILAND) PUBLIC CO.,LTD.

TYM บริษัท ไทยงวนเมทัล จำกัด (มหาชน) THAI YUAN METAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


UBIS บริษัทยูบิส (เอเชีย) จำกัด (มหาชน) UBIS (ASIA) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UEC บริษัท ยูนิมิต เอนจิเนียร่ิง จำกัด (มหาชน) UNIMIT ENGINEERING PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UFM บริษัทยูไนเต็ดฟลาวมิลล จำกัด (มหาชน) UNITED FLOUR MILL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UKEM บริษัท ยูเน่ียนปโตรเคมีคอล จำกัด (มหาชน) UNION PETROCHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UMI บริษัทสหโมเสคอุตสาหกรรม จำกัด (มหาชน) THE UNION MOSAIC INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UMS บริษัท ยูนิค ไมนิ่ง เซอรวิสเซส จำกัด (มหาชน) UNIQUE MINING SERVICES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UNIQ บริษัท ยูนิค เอ็นจิเนียร่ิง แอนด คอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด (มหาชน) UNIQUE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UOBAPF กองทุนรวมอสังหาริมทรัพย ยูโอบี อะพารทเมนท หนึ่ง UOB APARTMENT PROPERTY FUND I

UOBKH บริษัทหลักทรัพย ยูโอบี เคยเฮียน (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) UOB KAY HIAN SECURITIES (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UP บริษัทยูเน่ียนพลาสติก จำกัด (มหาชน) UNION PLASTIC PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UPF บริษัทยูเน่ียนไพโอเนียร จำกัด (มหาชน) UNION PIONEER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UPOIC บริษัทสหอุตสาหกรรมน้ำมันปาลม จำกัด (มหาชน) UNITED PALM OIL INDUSTRY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

URBNPF กองทุนรวมสิทธิการเชาอสังหาริมทรัพยเออรบานา URBANA PROPERTY FUND (LEASE HOLD)

US บริษัทหลักทรัพยยูไนเต็ด จำกัด (มหาชน) UNITED SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

USC บริษัท ยูนิเวอรแซล สตารช จำกัด (มหาชน) UNIVERSAL STARCH PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UST บริษัทยูไนเต็ด แสตนดารด เทอรมินัล จำกัด (มหาชน) UNITED STANDARD TERMINAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UT บริษัทยูเน่ียนอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอ จำกัด (มหาชน) UNION TEXTILE INDUSTRIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UTC บริษัท ยูเน่ียนเทคโนโลยี่ (2008) จำกัด (มหาชน) UNION TECHNOLOGY (2008) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UTP บริษัท ยูไนเต็ด เปเปอร จำกัด (มหาชน) UNITED PAPER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UV บริษัทยูนิ เวนเจอร จำกัด (มหาชน) UNIVENTURES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

UVAN บริษัทยูนิวานิชน้ำมันปาลม จำกัด (มหาชน) UNIVANICH PALM OIL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


VAYU1 กองทุนรวมวายุภักษ หนึ่ง ประเภท ก. VAYUPAK FUND 1 TYPE A


VNG บริษัทวนชัย กรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) VANACHAI GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

VNT บริษัทวีนิไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) VINYTHAI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


WG บริษัทไวทกรุป จำกัด (มหาชน) WHITE GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

WIN บริษัท วินโคสท อินดัสเทรียล พารค จำกัด(มหาชน) WYNCOAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Listed Companies

WORK บริษัท เวิรคพอยท เอ็นเทอรเทนเมนท จำกัด (มหาชน) WORKPOINT ENTERTAINMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

YCI บริษัทยงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) YONG THAI PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

YNP บริษัทยานภัณฑ จำกัด (มหาชน) YARNAPUND PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

YUASA บริษัทยัวซาแบตเตอรี่ ประเทศไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) YUASA BATTERY (THAILAND) PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED


ขอมูล ณ วันท่ี 11 มกราคม 2551

As of January 11, 2008

Page 230: Fact Book 2007

รายชื่อบริษัทสมาชิก (Register member companies)

ตลาดหลักทรัพยแหงประเทศไทย (SET)

ตลาดอนุพันธ (TFEX)

Page 231: Fact Book 2007

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หมายเลข ชื่อยอ ชื่อบริษัท โทรศัพท โทรสาร เว็บไซต

1* BLS บริษัทหลักทรัพย บัวหลวง จำกัด (มหาชน) 191 อาคารสีลมคอมเพล็กซ ชั้น 29 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2231-3777 0-2231-3797 http://www.bualuang.co.th

2* TSC บริษัทหลักทรัพย ทิสโก จำกัด 48/8 อาคารทิสโก ทาวเวอร ชั้น4 ถนนสาทรเหนือ เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2633-6999 0-2633-6900 http://www.tiscosec.com

3 ASL บริษัทหลักทรัพย แอดคินซัน จำกัด (มหาชน) 132 อาคารสินธร ทาวเวอร 1 ชั้น 2 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2205-7000 0-22057171 http://www.adkinsononline.com

4* DBSV บริษัทหลักทรัพย ดีบีเอส วิคเคอรส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 989 อาคารสยาม ทาวเวอร ชั้น 9,14-15 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2657-7000 0-2657-7777 http://www.dbsvitrade.com

5* SICSEC บริษัทหลักทรัพย ซิกโก จำกัด (มหาชน) 130-132 อาคารสินธร ทาวเวอร 2 ชัน้ 1,2,6 และอาคารสนิธร ทาวเวอร 3 ชั้น 12 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2627-3100 0-2263-2043 http://www.ssec-online.com

6 PHATRA บริษัทหลักทรัพย ภัทร จำกัด (มหาชน) 252/6 อาคารสำนักงานเมืองไทย-ภัทร 1 ชั้น 6,8-11ถนนรัชดาภิเษก แขวงหวยขวาง เขตหวยขวาง กรุงเทพฯ 10310

0-2693-2000 0-2693-2388 http://www.phatrasecurities.com

7* BTSEC บริษัทหลักทรัพย บีที จำกัด 44 อาคารไทยธนาคาร ชั้น 24-26 ซอยหลังสวน ถนนเพลินจิต แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2657-9000 0-2657-9333 http://www.btsecurities.com

8* ASP บริษัทหลักทรัพย เอเซีย พลัส จำกัด (มหาชน) 175 อาคารสาธรซิตี้ ทาวเวอร ชั้น 3/1 ถนนสาทรใต แขวงทุงมหาเมฆ เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2285-1666 0-2285-1777

0-2285-1901 http://www.asiaplus.co.th

9 CS บริษัทหลักทรัพย เครดิต สวิส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 990 อาคารอับดุลราฮิม เพลส ชั้น 27 หองเลขที่ 2701 ถนนพระราม 4 แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2614-6000 0-2614-6362 http://www.credit-suisse.com

10 APEX บริษัทหลักทรัพย เอเพกซ จำกัด 132 อาคารสินธร ทาวเวอร 1 ชั้น 2 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร 10330

0-2256-7888 0-2689-6234 http://www.apexsec.com

11 KS บริษัทหลักทรัพย กสิกรไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) 400/22 อาคารธนาคารกสิกรไทย ชั้น 19 ถนนพหลโยธิน แขวงสามเสนใน เขตพญาไท กรุงเทพฯ 10400

02696-0000 0-2696-0099 http://www.kasikornsecurities.com

12 SCIBS บริษัทหลักทรัพย นครหลวงไทย จำกัด 999/9 ชั้น 9 อาคารดิออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 9 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2624-8888 0-2207-2888

0-2624-8899 http://www.scis.co.th

13* KGI บริษัทหลักทรัพย เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) 323 อาคารยูไนเต็ดเซ็นเตอร ชั้น 23 ถนนสีลม แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2231-1111 0-2231-1505 http://www.kgieworld.co.th

14* CNS บริษัทหลักทรัพย พัฒนสิน จำกัด (มหาชน) 21/3 อาคารไทยวา ทาวเวอร ชั้น 1 ถนนสาทรใต แขวงทุงมหาเมฆ เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2285-0060 0-2285-0620 http://www.cns.co.th

Page 232: Fact Book 2007


หมายเลข ชื่อยอ ชื่อบริษัท โทรศัพท โทรสาร เว็บไซต

15 ACLS บริษัทหลักทรัพย สินเอเซีย จำกัด 999/9 อาคารดิออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 18 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2658-9000 0-2658-9292 http://www.acls.co.th

16* TNS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ธนชาต จำกัด (มหาชน) 444 อาคารเอ็มบีเค ทาวเวอร ชั้น 14,18,19 ถนนพญาไท แขวงวังใหม เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2217-9595 0-2217-9642 http://www.TNSitrade.com

18 KTBS บริษัทหลักทรัพย เคทีบี จำกัด 999/9 อาคารดิออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 16 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2264-5888 0-2264-5891 http://www.ktbstoday.com

19 KKS บริษัทหลักทรัพย เกียรตินาคิน จำกัด 500 อาคารอัมรินทร ทาวเวอร ชั้น 7 ถนนเพลินจิต แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2680-2222 0-2680-2233 http://www.kks.co.th


บริษัทหลักทรัพย เมอรชั่น พารทเนอร จำกัด 87/2 อาคารซีอารซี ทาวเวอร ออลซีซั่นเพลส ชั้น 40 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2263-5999 0-2251-3755 http://www.merchant.co.th

22* TRINITY บริษัทหลักทรัพย ทรีนีตี้ จำกัด 179/109-110 อาคารบางกอกซิตี้ ทาวเวอร ชั้น 25 ถนนสาทรใต แขวงทุงมหาเมฆ เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2670-9100 0-2286-9000 http://www.trinitythai.com

23* SCBS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ไทยพาณิชย จำกัด 130-132 อาคารสินธร ทาวเวอร 3 ชั้น 2,24-26 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2686-2000 0-2263-3811 http://www.scbsec.com

24 SYRUS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ไซรัส จำกัด (มหาชน) 25 อาคารอัลมาลิงค ชั้น 9,12,14,15,17 และ18 ซอยชิดลม ถนนเพลินจิต แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพ ฯ10330

0-2646-9999 0-2646-9889 http://www.syrus.co.th

25 GLOBLEX บริษัทหลักทรัพย โกลเบล็ก จำกัด 87/2 อาคารซีอารซี ออลซีซั่นส เพลส ชั้น 12 ยูนิตที่ 1-7 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2672-5999 0-2672-5888 http://www.GloblexSecurities.com

26 UOBKHST บรษิทัหลักทรัพย ยโูอบ ีเคยเฮยีน (ประเทศไทย) จำกดั (มหาชน) 130-132 อาคารสินธร ทาวเวอร 1 ชั้น 3 และทาวเวอร 3 ชั้น 15 และ 19 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2659-8000 0-2263-2306 http://www.uobkayhian.co.th

27 BFITSEC บริษัทหลักทรัพย บีฟท จำกัด (มหาชน) 191 อาคารสีลมคอมเพล็กซ ชั้น 14 หองเอ,ชั้น 16 หองบี-ซี,1-4 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2200-2000 0-2632-0191 http://www.bfitsec.com

28 TMBMACQ บริษัทหลักทรัพย ทีเอ็มบี แมคควอรี(ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 393 อาคารไทยทนุ ชั้น 2-3 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2694-7999 0-2694-7878 http://www.tmbmacquarie.co.th

29 AYS บริษัทหลักทรัพย กรุงศรีอยุธยา จำกัด (มหาชน) 999/9 อาคารดิออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 12 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2659-7000 0-2646-1100 http://www.ays.co.th

30 IVG บริษัทหลักทรัพย ไอ วี โกลบอล จำกัด (มหาชน) 540 อาคารเมอรคิวร่ี ชั้น 17-18 ถนนเพลินจิต แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2658-5800 0-2658-5799 http://www.ivs.co.th

Page 233: Fact Book 2007

232ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

หมายเลข ชื่อยอ ชื่อบริษัท โทรศัพท โทรสาร เว็บไซต

32 FES บริษัทหลักทรัพย ฟารอีสท จำกัด 87/2 อาคารซีอารซี ทาวเวอร ออลซีซั่นส เพลส ชั้น 18,38,39 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2648-1111 0-2648-1000 http://www.fes.co.th

33 FINANSA บริษัทหลักทรัพย ฟนันซา จำกัด 48/45 ชั้น 20 อาคารทิสโกทาวเวอร ถนนสาทรเหนือ แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2697-3800 0-2638-0301 http://www.finansaonline.com

34 PST บริษัทหลักทรัพย ฟลลิป (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) 849 อาคารวรวัฒน ชั้น 15 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2268-0999 0-2635-1615 http://www.phillip.co.th

38* US บริษัทหลักทรัพย ยูไนเต็ด จำกัด (มหาชน) 1550 อาคารธนภูมิ ชั้น 4-6 ถนนเพชรบุรีตัดใหม แขวงมักกะสัน เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพฯ 10400

0-2207-0038 0-2207-0505 http://www.unitedsec.com

41 JPM บริษัทหลักทรัพย เจพีมอรแกน (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 20 อาคารบุปผจิต ชั้น 3 ถนนสาทรเหนือ แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2684-2600 0-2684-2610 http://www.jpmorgan.com

42* KIMENG บริษัทหลักทรัพย กิมเอ็ง (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) 999/9 อาคารดิออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 20-21 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2658-6300 0-2658-6301 http://www.kimeng.co.th

43 CIMB-GK บริษัทหลักทรัพย ซีไอเอ็มบี-จีเค (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด ยูนิต 3502 ชั้น 35 อาคารคิวเฮาสลุมพินี 1 ถนนสาทรใต แขวงทุงมหาเมฆ เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2687-0888 0-2677-7538 http://www.cimb.com.my

45 CLSA บริษัทหลักทรัพย ซี แอล เอส เอ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 87 อาคารเอ็มไทย ทาวเวอร ชั้น 16 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2257-4600 0-2253-0534 http://www.clsa.com

47 ZMICO บริษัทหลักทรัพย ซีมิโก จำกัด (มหาชน) 287 อาคารลิเบอรตี้สแควร ชั้น 8-9,15-17,20-21 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2695-5000 0-2631-1709 http://www.seamico.com

48 AIRA บริษัทหลักทรัพย ไอรา จำกัด (มหาชน) 2/4 อาคารนายเลิศ ทาวเวอร ชั้น 2,8 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2684-8888 0-2650-0250 http://www.aira.co.th

49 UBS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ยูบีเอส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 93/1 อาคารดีทแฮลม วิทยุ ทาวเวอร เอ ชั้น 2 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2651-5700 0-2651-5730 http://www.ubs.com

* บริษัทสมาชิกท่ีสามารถซ้ือขายตราสารหนี้ในตลาดตราสารหนี้ (BEX) ได ขอมูล ณ 20 ธันวาคม 2550

Page 234: Fact Book 2007


No. Symbol Company Name Tel Fax Website


(66) 2231-3777 (66) 2231-3797 www.bualuang.co.th


(66) 2663-6999 (66) 2633-6900 www.tiscosec.com


(66) 2205-7000 (66) 2205-7171 www.adkinsononline.com


(66) 2657-7000 (66) 2657-7777 www.dbsvitrade.com


(66) 2627-3100 (66) 2263-2043 www.ssec-online.com


(66) 2693-2000, 305-9000

(66) 2693-2388 www.phatrasecurities.com


(66) 2657-9000 (66) 2657-9333 www.btsecurities.com


(66) 2285-1666, 285-1777

(66) 2285-1901 www.asiaplus.co.th


(66) 2614-6000 (66) 2614-6362 www.credit_suisse.com


(66) 2256-7888 (66) 2689-6234 www.apexsec.com


(66) 2696-0000 (66) 2696-0099 www.kasikornsecurities.com


(66) 2207-2888, 624-8888

(66) 2624-8899 www.scis.co.th


(66) 2231-1111 (66) 2231-1505 www.kgieworld.co.th


(66) 2285-0060, 677-3333

(66) 2285-0620, 285-0505, 285-0535


Register of SET member companies

Page 235: Fact Book 2007

234ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

No. Symbol Company Name Tel Fax Website


(66) 2658-9000 (66) 2658-9292 www.acls.co.th


(66) 2217-9595 (66) 2217-9642 www.TNSitrade.com


(66) 2264-5888 (66) 2264-5891 www.ktbstoday.com


(66) 2680-2222 (66) 2680-2233 www.kks.co.th



(66) 2263-5999 (66) 2251-3755 www.merchant.co.th


(66) 2670-9100 (66) 2286-9000 www.trinitythai.com


(66) 2686-2000 (66) 2263-3811 www.scbsec.com


(66) 2646-9999 (66) 2646-9889 www.syrus.co.th


(66) 2672-5999 (66) 2672-5888 www.GloblexSecurities.com


(66) 2659-8000 (66) 2263-2306 www.uobkayhian.co.th


(66) 2200-2000 (66) 2632-0191 www.bfitsec.com


(66) 2694-7999 (66) 2694-7878 www.tmbmacquarie.co.th


(66) 2659-7000 (66) 2646-1100 www.ays.co.th

Page 236: Fact Book 2007


No. Symbol Company Name Tel Fax Website


(66) 2658-5800 (66) 2658-5779 www.ivs.co.th


(66) 2648-1111 (66) 2648-1000 www.fes.co.th


(66) 2697-3800 (66) 2638-0301 www.finansa.com/securities/sec.html


(66) 2268-0999, 635-1700

(66) 2635-1615 www.phillip.co.th


(66) 2207-0038 (66) 2207-0505 www.unitedsec.com


(66) 2684-2600 (66) 2684-2610 www.jpmorgan.com


(66) 2658-6300 (66) 2658-6301 www.kimeng.co.th


(66) 2687-0888 (66) 2677-7538 www.cimb.com.my


(66) 2257-4600 (66) 2253-0534 www.clsa.com


(66) 2695-5000 (66) 2631-1709 www.seamico.com


(66) 2684-8888 (66) 2650-0250 www.aira.co.th

49 UBS UBS SECURITIES (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED 93/1 Diethelm Witthayu Tower A, 2nd Floor Wireless Road, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330

(66) 2651-5700 (66) 2651-5730 www.ubswarburg.com

* Member companies that could trade bex on the bourse. As of December 20, 2007

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236ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

ลำดับที่ ตัวยอ ชื่อบริษัท โทรศัพท โทรสาร เว็บไซต

1 ACLS บริษัทหลักทรัพย สินเอเซีย จำกัด 999/9 อาคารสำนักงาน ดิ ออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น18 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2658-9000 0-2658-9292 http://www.acls.co.th

2 ASP บริษัทหลักทรัพย เอเชีย พลัส จำกัด (มหาชน) 175 อาคารสาทรซิตี้ ทาวเวอร ชั้น 3 ถนนสาธรใต เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2285-1666 0-2285-1901 http://www.asiaplus.co.th

3 AYD บริษัท อยุธยา ดิริฟวทีฟส จำกัด 999/9 อาคารสำนักงาน ดิ ออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 11 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2689-4444 0-2646-1103 http://www.ayd.co.th

4 BLS บริษัทหลักทรัพย บัวหลวง จำกัด (มหาชน) 191 อาคารสีลมคอมเพล็กซ ชั้น 29 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2231-3777 0-2266-6971 http://www.bualuang.co.th


บริษัทหลักทรัพย บีที จำกัด 44 อาคารไทยธนาคาร ชั้น 24-26 ซอยหลังสวน ถนนเพลินจิต แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2657-9000 0-2657-9111 http://www.btsecurities.com


บริษัทหลักทรัพย ซี แอล เอส เอ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 87 อาคารเอ็ม. ไทย ทาวเวอร ออล ซีซันส เพลส ชั้น 16 ถนนวิทยุ ลุมพินี ปทมุวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2257-4600 0-2631-1709 http://www.clsa.com

7 CNS บริษัทหลักทรัพย พัฒนสิน จำกัด (มหาชน) 21/3 อาคารไทยวา ทาวเวอร ชั้น 1 ถนนสาทรใต แขวงทุงมหาเมฆ เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2285-0060 0-2658-9292 http://www.cns.co.th

8 CS บริษัทหลักทรัพย เครดิต สวิส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 990 อาคารอับดุลราฮิมเพลส ชั้น 27 หอง 2701 ถนนพระราม 4 แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2614-6000 0-2614-6362 http://www.csfb.com

9 DBSV บริษัทหลักทรัพย ดีบีเอส วิคเคอรส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 989 อาคารสยามทาวเวอร ชั้น 14 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2657-7000 0-2657-7665 http://www.th-dbsvickers.com

10 JPM บริษัทหลักทรัพย เจพีมอรแกน (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 20 อาคารบุปผจิต ถนนสาทรเหนือ สีลม บางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2684-2600 0-2658-6301 http://www.jpmorgan.com

11 KEST บริษัทหลักทรัพย กิมเอ็ง (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) 999/9 อาคารสำนักงาน ดิ ออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 20 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2658-6300 0-2254-4058 http://www.kimeng.co.th

12 KGI บริษัทหลักทรัพย เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) 323 อาคารยูไนเต็ดเซ็นเตอร ชั้น 9, 23-25, 45 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2231-1111 0-2267-8309 http://www.kgieworld.co.th

13 KKS บริษัทหลักทรัพย เกียรตินาคิน จำกัด 500 อาคารอัมรินทรทาวเวอร ชั้น 7-8 ถนนเพลินจิต แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2680-2222 0-2286-9000 http://www.kks.co.th

รายชื่อบริษัทสมาชิกตลาดอนพุนัธ (ประเทศไทย) จำกดั

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ลำดับที่ ตัวยอ ชื่อบริษัท โทรศัพท โทรสาร เว็บไซต


บริษัทหลักทรัพย เมอรชั่น พารทเนอร จำกัด 87/2 อาคาร ซี อาร ซี ออลซีซั่นส เพลส ชั้น 40 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2263-5910 0-2251-3755 http://www.merchant.co.th


บริษัทหลักทรัพย ภัทร จำกัด (มหาชน) ชั้น 6, 8-11 อาคารสำนักงานเมืองไทย-ภัทร 1 252/6 ถนนรัชดาภิเษก แขวงหวยขวาง เขตหวยขวาง กรุงเทพฯ 10310

0-2305-9000 0-2305-9535 http://www.phatrasecurities.com

16 PST บริษัทหลักทรัพย ฟลลิป (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด (มหาชน) 849 อาคารวรวัฒน ชั้น 15 ถนนสีลม แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2635-1700 0-2635-1615 http://www.phillip.co.th

17 SCBS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ไทยพาณิชย จำกัด 130-132 อาคารสินธรทาวเวอร 3 ชั้น 25 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2686-2000 0-2646-9889 http://www.scbs.com

18 SCIBS บริษัทหลักทรัพย นครหลวงไทย จำกัด 999/9 อาคารสำนักงาน ดิ ออฟฟศเศส แอท เซ็นทรัลเวิลด ชั้น 9 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงปทุมวัน เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2624-8888 0-2624-8955 http://www.scis.co.th

19 SSEC บริษัทหลักทรัพย ซิกโก จำกัด (มหาชน) 130-132 อาคารสินธรทาวเวอร 2 ชั้น 1-2, 6 และอาคารสินธรทาวเวอร 3 ชัน้ 12 ถนนวทิยุ แขวงลุมพนิ ีเขตปทมุวนั กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2627-3100 0-2693-2631 http://www.ssec-online.com

20 TIPOL บริษัท ทรีนีตี้ โพลาริส ฟวเจอรส จำกัด 179/109-110 อาคารบางกอกซิตี้ทาวเวอร ชั้น 25 ถนนสาทรใต แขวงทุงมหาเมฆ เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2670-9100 0-2263-3811 http://www.trinitythai.com

21 TNS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ธนชาต จำกัด (มหาชน) 444 อาคารเอ็มบีเค ทาวเวอร ชั้น 14, 18 และ 19 ถนนพญาไท แขวงวังใหม เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2217-9595 0-2217-9642 http://www.thanachartsec.com

22 TSC บริษัทหลักทรัพย ทิสโก จำกัด 48/8 อาคารทิสโก ทาวเวอร ชั้น 4 ถนนสาทรเหนือ แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2633-6999 0-2633-6900 http://www.tiscosec.co.th

23 UBS บริษัทหลักทรัพย ยูบีเอส (ประเทศไทย) จำกัด 93/1 อาคารจีพีเอฟวิทยุ ทาวเวอร เอ ชั้น 2 ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330

0-2651-5700 0-2651-5730 http://www.ubs.com


บริษัท ยูโอบี บุลเลียน แอนด ฟวเชอร (ไทย) จำกัด 191 ชั้น 7 สำนักงานใหญ ธนาคารยูโอบี ถนนสาทรใต แขวงยานนาวา เขตสาทร กรุงเทพฯ 10120

0-2213-2611 0-2213-2614 -


บริษัทหลักทรัพย ซีมิโก จำกัด (มหาชน) 287 อาคารลิเบอรตี้สแควร ชั้น 8-9,15-17, 20-21 ถนนสีลม เขตบางรัก กรุงเทพฯ 10500

0-2695-5000 0-2631-1709 http://www.seamico.co.th

ขอมูล ณ วันท่ี 4 มกราคม 2551

Page 239: Fact Book 2007

238ขอมูลสถิติประจำป 2550

Register of TFEX member companies

No. Symbol Company Name Tel Fax Website

1 ACLS ACL Securities Co., Ltd. 999/9, The Offices at Centralworld, 18th Fl., Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 658 9000 (662) 658 9292 http://www.acls.co.th

2 ASP Asia Plus Securities Public Company Limited 175, Sathorn City Tower, 3 Fl., South Sathorn Road, Thungmahamaek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120

(662) 285 1666 (662) 285 1901 http://www.asiaplus.co.th

3 AYD Ayudhya Derivatives Co., Ltd. 999/9, The Offices at Centralworld, 11 Fl., Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 689 4444 (662) 646 1103 http://www.ayd.co.th

4 BLS Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited 191, Silom Complex Tower, 29 Fl., Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

(662) 231 3777 (662) 266 6971 http://www.bualuang.co.th

5 BTSEC BT Securities Co., Ltd. 44, Bank Thai Tower Soi Laungsuan, Ploenchit RoadLumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 657 9000 (662) 657 9111 http://www.btsecurities.com

6 CLSAT CLSA Securities (Thailand) Limited 87, M-Thai Tower, All Season Place, 16 Fl., Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 257 4600 (662) 631 1709 http://www.clsa.com

7 CNS Capital Nomura Securities Public Company Limited 21/3, Thai Wah Tower, 1 Fl., South Sathorn Road, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120

(662) 285 0060 (662) 658 9292 http://www.cns.co.th

8 CS Credit Suisse Securities (Thailand) Limited 990, Abdulrahim Place, 27 Fl., Room 2701, Rama 4 Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

(662) 614 6000 (662) 614 6362 http://www.csfb.com

9 DBSV DBS Vickers Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 989, Siam Tower, 14 Fl., Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 657 7000 (662) 657 7665 http://www.th-dbsvickers.com

10 JPM JPMorgan Securities (Thailand) Limited 20, Bupachit, North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10120

(662) 684 2600 (662) 658 6301 http://www.jpmorgan.com

11 KEST Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited 999/9, The Offices at Centralworld, 20 Fl., Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 658 6300 (662) 254 4058 http://www.kimeng.co.th

12 KGI KGI Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited 323, United Center Tower, Floor 9, 23-25, 45, Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

(662) 231 1111 (662) 267 8309 http://www.kgieworld.co.th

13 KKS Kiatnakin Securities Co., Ltd. 500 Amarin Tower, 7-8 Floor, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 680 2222 (662) 286 9000 http://www.kks.co.th

14 MPSEC Merchant Partners Securities Ltd. 87/2, CRC All Seasons Place, 40 Floor, Wireless Road, Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 263 5910 (662) 251 3755 http://www.merchant.co.th

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No. Symbol Company Name Tel Fax Website

15 PHATR Phatra Securities Public Company Limited 252/66, Muang Thai-Phatra Office Tower 1, 6, 8-11 Fl., Ratchadapisek Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310

(662) 305 9000 (662) 305 9535 http://www.phatrasecurities.com

16 PST Phillip Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited 849, Woravat Building,15 Fl., Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

(662) 635 1700 (662) 635 1615 http://www.phillip.co.th

17 SCBS SCB Securities Co., Ltd. 130-132, Sinthorn Tower 3, 28 Fl., Wireless Raod, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 686 2000 (662) 646 9889 http://www.scbs.com

18 SCIBS Siam City Securities Co., Ltd. 999/9 , The Offices at Central World, 9 Floor, Rama 1, Pathumwan, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 624 8888 (662) 624 8955 http://www.scis.co.th

19 SSEC SICCO Securities Public Company Limited 130-132, Sindthorn Tower 2, 1-2, 6 Fl., and 12 Floor, Sindthorn Tower3, Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 627 3100 (662) 693 2631 http://www.ssec-online.com

20 TIPOL Trinity Polaris Futures Co., Ltd. 179/109-110, Bangkok City Tower, 25 Fl., South Sathorn Road, Thungmahamaek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120

(662) 670 9100 (662) 263 3811 http://www.trinitythai.com

21 TNS Thanachart Securities Public Company Limited 444, MBK Tower,14,18-19 Fl., Phayathai Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 217 9595 (662) 217 9642 http://www.thanachartsec.com

22 TSC TISCO Securities Co., Ltd. 48/8, TISCO Tower, 4 Fl., North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

(662) 633 6999 (662) 633 6900 http://www.tiscosec.co.th

23 UBS UBS Securities (Thailand) Limited 93/1, Diethelm Tower A, 2 Fl., Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

(662) 651 5700 (662) 651 5730 http://www.ubs.com

24 UOBFT UOB Bullion & Futures (Thai) Co., Ltd. 191 7th Floor, UOB Head Office Building, South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120

(662) 213 2611 (662) 213 2614 -

25 ZMICO Seamico Securities Public Company Limited 287, Liberty Square Building, 8-9,15-17,20-21 Fl., Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

(662) 695 5000 (662) 631 1709 http://www.seamico.co.th

As of January 4, 2008

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