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Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Comunicazione d’impresa e pubblica Tesi di Laurea in Processi decisionali e gestione della conoscenza An information guided spidering: a domain specific case study Relatore Candidata Prof. Roberto Cordeschi Rossella Preziosi matr. 0320400026 Correlatore Prof.Ernesto D’Avanzo Correlatore Prof. Tsvi Kuflik Anno accademico 2007‐2008

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Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

Corso di Laurea Specialistica in

Comunicazione d’impresa e pubblica

Tesi di Laurea





Relatore Candidata Prof. Roberto Cordeschi Rossella Preziosi

matr. 0320400026 Correlatore Prof.Ernesto D’Avanzo Correlatore Prof. Tsvi Kuflik


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Contents 1. Motivation, introduction: the problem, the research question, research

methods and tools ..................................................................................................3

1.1. Introduction...........................................................................................3

1.2. The research question............................................................................6

1.3 The research methods and tools............................................................6

2. Relevant literature survey on focused crawler................................................9

2.1 Search engines and web crawlers...........................................................9

2.2 Crawler infrastructure...........................................................................11

2.2.1 Inputs…………………………………………………….....12

2.2.2 Frontier……………………………………………………..13

2.2.3 History and Page Repository……………………………….13

2.2.4 Networking Layer ………………………………….............14

2.2.5 Parsing and Extraction Layer ……………………………...15

2.2.6 Representation Layer………………………………….........16

2.2.7 Intelligence Layer………………………………………......17

2.3 Crawling algorithms………………………………………………….18

2.3.1 Naive Best-First Crawler…………………………………...18

2.3.2 Breadth-First..........................................................................18

2.3.3 Best First................................................................................19

2.3.4 Fish Search and SharkSearch ……………………………...20

2.3.5 Focused Crawler ……………………………………….......21

2.3.6 Context Focused Crawler......................................................22

2.3.7 InfoSpiders.............................................................................24

2.3.8 PageRank and its usage to guide crawling..........…………. 28

2.4 Evaluation of Crawlers………………………….................................32

2.5 Algorithms application: Myspiders......................................................33

2.6 Algorithms application: BINGO!...................................................... ..35

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2.6.1 Crawler .................................................................................36

2.6.2 Document Analyzer ..............................................................37

2.6.3 Feature Selection...................................................................38

2.6.4 Classifier................................................................................39

2.6.5 Link Analysis.........................................................................40

2.6.6 Re-Training based on Archetypes ........................................40

2.7 Algorithms application: Arachnid.......................................................42

2.8 Algorithms application: SSSpider.......................................................44

2.9 OWL………………………………………………………………….46

2.9.1 DL…………………………………………………………..46

2.10 Protégé………………………………………………………………49

2.10.1 OWL Plugin……………………………………………….52

2.11 RacerPro…………………………………………………………….59

3. The energy domain case study........................................................................58

3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................58

3.2 Energy Security ontology description..................................................60

3.3 Experimental setup...............................................................................64

3.4 Experimental results.............................................................................75

3.5 Ontology population with Arachnid and Bingo...................................79

4. Discussion..........................................................................................................84



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Chapter 1

Motivation, introduction: the problem, the

research question, research methods and tools

1.1 Introduction The management of large amounts of information and knowledge is of ever

increasing importance today. With the ongoing ease of supplying information

online, especially in corporate intranets and knowledge bases, finding the right

information becomes an increasingly difficult task [Baeza and Castillo, 2006].

Today’s search tools perform rather poorly in the sense that information access is

mostly based on keyword searching or even mere browsing of topic areas. This

unfocused approach often leads to undesired results.

A Web search engine takes a user need, usually stated in the form of a few

keywords, and returns a list of Web pages that can be considered relevant for the

given keywords [Baeza and Castillo, 2007]. These Web pages are a short list of

usually few hundred items selected from a vast repository of thousands of millions

of pages.

The “easy” part of Web search is to find which documents in the Web are related

to a given query, because most queries are very broad, and there are thousands of

pages relevant to most basic concepts [Baeza and Castillo, 2006]. The hard part of

Web search is to rank those documents by relevance and select the, say, top 10, to

show the first result page to the user [Baeza and Castillo, 2006].

The enormous growth of the World Wide Web has made it important to develop

document discovery mechanisms based on intelligent techniques such as

“intelligent” crawling. In its classical sense a crawler is a program that retrieves

WebPages. This service is commonly used by search engines or Web caches to

build up their repositories. Crawling is the basic technique for building huge data


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The large volume of the Web implies that any Web crawler can only download a

fraction of the existent Web pages within a given time, so it needs to prioritize its

downloads. The high rate of change of the Web implies that by the time the

crawler is downloading the last pages from a site, it is very likely that new pages

have been added to the site, or that pages that have already been updated or even

deleted [Baeza and Castillo, 2006].

Crawling the Web, in a certain way, resembles watching the sky in a clear night:

what we see reflects the state of the stars at different times, as the light travels

different distances [Baeza and Castillo, 2006].

What a Web crawler gets is not a “snapshot” of the Web, because it does not

represents the Web at any given instant of time.: the last pages being crawled are

probably very accurately represented, but the first pages that were downloaded

have a high probability of have been changed [Baeza and Castillo, 2006].A

crawler requires a smart scheduling policy for downloading Web pages, it order to

ensure the accuracy of the information it gets, since web pages change over time.

This may become a harder problem in the future, as the amount of information on

the Web can potentially grow faster than the available bandwidth for Web


The behavior of a Web crawler is the outcome of a scheduling policy that is

mostly concerned with which pages to download and in which order (selection

policy) and how to re-visit pages. There are several types of Web crawlers. A

Web search engine concerned with only one country or one region is called a

“vertical search engine” and uses a crawler specifically designed for this purpose.

In the case of a vertical crawler or an intranet crawler the problem is easy as the

selection policy of pages is mostly related to selecting by a domain name [Baeza

and Castillo, 2006].

On the other end, on a global Web search engine, the selection policy deals mostly

with when to stop crawling, as the space of Web pages is infinite. In this regard, a

usual criteria is link depth, i.e., starting from the home page, follow links up to a

certain level. There is a third kind of selection policy that is used by topical

crawlers. In this case, the importance of a page for a crawler can be expressed as a

function of the similarity of a page to a given query. This is called “focused

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crawling” [Chakrabarti et al., 1999]. The main problem in focused crawling is that

in the context of a Web crawler, we would like to be able to predict the similarity

of the text of a given page to the query before actually downloading the page. The

performance of a focused crawling depends mostly on the richness of links in the

specific topic being searched, and a focused crawling usually relies on a general

Web search engine for providing starting points.

Focused crawling goes a step further than the classic approach. It is able to crawl

particular topical (focused) portions of the World Wide Web quickly. It is

therefore very attractive for scenarios where not the whole Web is of interest, but

only a certain domain. These can be specialized search engines or companies

trying to gain information in their field of activity. A focused crawling algorithm

loads a page and extracts the links. By rating the links based on keywords, the

crawler decides which page to retrieve next. Link by link the Web is traversed. In

order to perform focused crawling, domain knowledge is needed. Nowadays,

domain knowledge in variety of domains is represented in a form of ontology. An

ontology provides a common vocabulary of an area and defines, with different

levels of formality, the meaning of the terms and the relationships between them.

Ontology construction, in general, involves the selection of concepts to be

included in the ontology, the specification of concepts’ attributes and relations

between concepts and, finally, the population of the ontology with instances

filling their concepts’ properties.

Ontology building is a complex task and requires special attention in order to

build a useful and machine exploitable ontology. A general methodology for

building an ontology proposes a concrete number of stages towards its

development [Gruber, 1995]:

• Specification: the purpose of the ontology is specified in order to restrict the

various conceptual models that can be used for modelling (conceptualising) the


• Conceptualisation: terms that represent concepts, their attributes and relations

are enumerated in order to form the conceptual description of the ontology.

• Formalization: the conceptual description of the previous stage is transformed

into a formal model. Formal definition of concepts is performed through axioms

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that restrict the possible interpretations for the meaning of these concepts, as well

as through relations that organize the concepts such as is-a or part-of relations.

• Implementation: the formalized ontology is implemented using a knowledge

representation language.

• Maintenance: the implemented ontology is periodically corrected and updated.

This is a crucial stage for the exploitation of an ontology since ontologies used in

practical applications need to evolve taking into account the changes occurring in

the domain knowledge they represent, i.e. new instances or variants of existing

instances are introduced, new concepts may have to be added, etc.

In chapter 3 we describe the first approach to the knowledge of the energy

security domain with the sample use of the web and the first four steps previously

enumerated. According to Gruber [1995], the general design criteria for ontology

engineering are the following:

• Clarity: context-independent, unambiguous, precise definitions. This is directly

related to the conceptualisation stage where the conceptual model of the ontology

to be built is described (i.e. ontology concepts, their attributes and relations) and is

also related to the formalization stage since formal models provide the means to

define concepts using necessary and sufficient conditions.

• Coherence: the definitions given must be consistent. As Gruber notes, at the

least the formally defined part of the ontology should be logically consistent. The

formal part of the ontology can be checked for consistency using an inference

engine provided by the knowledge representation mechanism used in the

implementation stage.

• Extendibility: the ontology should enable the addition of new concepts (as well

as attributes and relations of existing concepts) without having to revise the

existing conceptual definitions. This criterion affects not only the

conceptualisation and formalization stages but also the implementation and the

maintenance stages.

• Minimal encoding bias: representational choices must not be made for the

benefit of implementation. This means that an ontology must be as independent as

possible from the application which will use the ontology. This will facilitate the

re-use of the ontology by other applications. A domain ontology captures an area

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of the domain generically, and serves as a reusable knowledge entity that can be

shared across this domain.

• Minimal ontological commitment: define only those knowledge units (concepts,

attributes and relations) that are necessary to support the intended knowledge

sharing activities. This criterion is again related to re-usability since the less

committed an ontology is, the more re-usable will become in new applications.

1.2 The research question Our work is in the area of focused document crawling and the general research

question is:

How can knowledge directed focus crawling be applied in the domain of Energy

Security for automatic search of domain related documents? How can an ontology

help the formulation of a query in a focused spider? How can we evaluate

focused-crawling techniques?

In chapter 2 we present a survey of focused web crawling algorithms and

particularly some algorithms of different interesting applications to retrieve

relevant documents for our Energy Security domain. We do not only use

keywords for the crawl, but rely on high-level background knowledge with

concepts and relations, which are compared with the texts of the searched page.

We develop an ontology structure for the purposes of the focused crawler and an

empirical evaluation which shows that crawling based on background knowledge

clearly outperforms standard focused-crawling techniques.

1.3 The research methods and tools In this work we present the design and implementation of knowledge directed

information search system applied to the domain of energy security. Energy

security is a key component of energy policy in many countries. Since all

economic activity requires the use of energy resources, the continuing availability

of energy at a price that protects economic growth is a major concern of

governments. For this reason we have chosen to build an ontology to support the

deep knowledge of the domain.

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Regarding the creation of the ontology, the five design criteria were described

below were satisfied. We satisfy the Clarity criterion with the use of Web

Ontology Language (OWL) that is a formal language for representing ontologies

in the Semantic Web [Dean et al, 2003]. OWL has features from several families

of representation languages, including primarily Description Logics (DL) and

shares many characteristics with RDF. DL provides high-level descriptions of the

world. We use an open-source platform, called Protégé that implements a rich set

of knowledge-modelling structures and actions that support the creation,

visualization, and manipulation of ontologies in OWL format. In sections 3.2 and

3.3 we describe the use of OWL-DL and of Protégé to build a first version of

energy security ontology. We satisfy the Coherence requirement by using

RacerPro that is a server for OWL inference services and we describe in section

2.11 the results of the Racer application on our ontology. Minimal encoding bias

is addressed by section 2.11. In chapter 3 we explain the Minimal ontological

commitment step: this concerns mainly the population of the ontology with new

instances filling their concepts’ attributes and its enrichment with typographic

variants of existing instances. The basic idea behind this step is that when we

want to model a domain for an application, it is enough to have at the beginning

an ontology containing only a small number of knowledge units as well as a

corpus of domain specific documents.

We use the different focused crawler described in chapter 2 to ontology

population. Moreover we present a mechanism to estimate the relevance of a


Although there was an important body of information retrieval algorithms and

techniques published before the invention of the World Wide Web, there are

unique characteristics of this new medium that made those techniques unsuitable

or insufficient for Web search. The vector space model is the standard technique

for ranking documents according to a query. Under this model, both a document

and a query are seen as a pair of vectors in a space with as many dimensions as

terms as the vocabulary. In a space defined in this way, the similarity of a query to

a document is given by a formula that transforms each vector using certain

weights and then calculates the cosine of the angle between the two weighted

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vectors. In a text-based information retrieval systems, documents are shown to the

user in decreasing order using this similarity measure.

A weighting scheme uses statistical properties from the text and the query to give

certain words more importance when doing the similarity calculation. The most

used scheme is the TF-IDF weighting scheme that uses the frequency of the terms

in both queries and documents to compute the similarity.

Our approach used to evaluate the results of query in different topical crawlers is

to assess the similarity between the retrieved page and a gold standard that

represents a relevant page. In a first approach our gold standard is represented by

documents in MySql database that are relevant because we have read them and

they have driven the ontology concepts formalization. In an other approach we

use general framework for crawler evaluation research defined by Menczer et al


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Chapter 2

Relevant literature survey on focused crawler

2.1 Search engines and web crawlers Searching the Web is a difficult task and a lot of machine learning work is being

applied to one part of this task, namely ranking indexed pages by their estimated

relevance with respect to user queries [Menczer et al, 2004]. This is a crucial task

because it heavily influences the perceived effectiveness of a search engine. Users

often look only at a few top hits, making the precision achieved by the ranking

algorithm of paramount importance[Menczer et al, 2004]. Early search engines

ranked pages principally based on their lexical similarity to the query[Menczer et

al, 2001]. The key strategy was to devise the best weighting algorithm to represent

Web pages and queries in a vector space, such that closeness in such a space

would be correlated with semantic relevance[Menczer and Pant, 2004]. More

recently the structure of hypertext links has been recognized as a powerful new

source of evidence for Web semantics. Many machine learning techniques have

been employed for link analysis, so that a page’s linkage to other pages, together

with its content, could be used to estimate its relevance [Kleinberg, 1998]. The

best known example of such link analysis is the PageRank algorithm successfully

employed by the Google search engine. Other machine learning techniques to

extract meaning from link topology have been based on identifying hub and

authority pages via eigenvalue analysis [Kleinberg, 1998] and on other graph-

theoretical approaches. While purely link-based methods have been found to be

effective in some cases, link analysis is most often combined with lexical

pre/post-filtering [Brin and Page, 1998]. However, all this research only addresses

half of the problem. No matter how sophisticated the ranking algorithm we build,

the results can only be as good as the pages indexed by the search engine—a page

cannot be retrieved if it has not been indexed. This brings us to the other aspect of

Web searching, namely crawling the Web in search of pages to be indexed.

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Web crawlers are programs that exploit the graph structure of the Web to move

from page to page [Menczer et al, 2004]. In its simplest form a crawler starts from

a seed page and then uses the external links within it to attend to other pages. The

process repeats with the new pages offering more external links to follow, until a

sufficient number of pages are identified or some higher level objective is

reached. Behind this simple description lies a host of issues related to network

connections, spider traps, canonicalizing URLs, parsing HTML pages, and the

ethics of dealing with remote Web servers.

Search engines use Web crawlers to maintain their index databases amortizing the

cost of crawling and indexing over the millions of queries received by them.

These crawlers are exhaustive in their approach, with comprehensiveness as their

major goal. In contrast, crawlers can be selective about the pages they fetch and

are then referred to as preferential or heuristic-based crawlers. These may be used

for building focused repositories, automating resource discovery, and facilitating

software agents.

Preferential crawlers built to retrieve pages within a certain topic are called

topical or focused crawlers. An aspect that is important to consider when studying

crawlers, especially topical crawlers, is the nature of the crawl task [Menczer et al,

2004]. Crawl characteristics such as queries and/or keywords provided as input

criteria to the crawler, user-profiles, and desired properties of the pages to be

fetched (similar pages, popular pages, authoritative pages etc.) can lead to

significant differences in crawler design and implementation.

Agents for topic driven searching (also known as topic driven crawlers and

focused crawlers) respond to the particular information needs expressed by topical

queries or interest profiles [Menczer et al, 2004]. These could be the needs of an

individual user or those of a community with shared interests. They support

decentralizing the retrieval process, which is a more scalable approach when

compared with centralized multipurpose search engines. An additional benefit is

that such agents can be driven by a rich context (topics, queries, user profiles)

with which to interpret pages and select the links to be visited.

The current work focuses on applying focused crawlers in a specific domain.

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Focused crawlers are agents that can selectively retrieve Web documents relevant

to a specific domain so we studied how we can download topic-specific content

from the Internet about our specific domain of energy security. We investigated

how to apply some algorithms employed by focused crawlers for a task of

ontology population.

In the following sections we describe a general crawler infrastructure and a

variety of crawling algorithms.

2.2 Crawler infrastructure Crawling can be viewed as a graph search problem [Menczer et al, 2004]. The

Web is seen as a large graph with pages at its nodes and hyperlinks as its edges. A

crawler starts at a few of the nodes (seeds) and then follows the edges to reach

other nodes. The process of fetching a page and extracting the links within it is

analogous to expanding a node in graph search. A topical crawler tries to follow

edges that are expected to lead to portions of the graph that are relevant to a topic.

Figure 2.1. Crawler infrastructure [Menczer et al, 2004]

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In a crawling loop a URL is picked from the frontier (a list of unvisited URLs),

the page corresponding to the URL is fetched from the Web, the fetched page is

processed through all the infrastructure layers (see Figure 2.1), and the unvisited

URLs from the page are added to the frontier. The networking layer is primarily

responsible for fetching and storing a page and making the process transparent to

the layers above it. The parsing and extraction layer parses the page and extracts

the needed data such as hyperlink URLs and their contexts (words, phrases

etc.).The extracted data is then represented in a formal notation (say a vector) by

the representation layer before being passed onto the intelligence layer that

associates priorities or scores with unvisited URLs in the page. In a general-

purpose crawler the topmost two layers (representation and intelligence layers)

may not be implemented. For example, the crawler may be an exhaustive crawler.

However, for a topical crawler, the unvisited URLs from the fetched page are

scored to reflect their potential value before being added to the frontier. Hence, a

topical crawler includes an implementation of the representation layer and the

intelligence layer. The score given to an unvisited URL estimates the benefit of

visiting the page corresponding to the URL. The crawling process may be

terminated when a certain number of pages have been crawled. If the crawler is

ready to crawl another page and the frontier is empty, the situation signals a dead-

end for the crawler. The crawler has no new pages to fetch and hence it stops.

2.2.1 Inputs

The inputs to the intelligence layer initiate a crawl. In the intelligence layer the

inputs may be used to suitably represent the desired information need, topic, or

theme for which the crawler needs to fetch Web pages. An input can be as simple

as a set of keywords or as complex as a taxonomy with representative Web pages.

A set of keywords can be converted into a vector of weights where each weight

represents the relative importance of the word. We’ll see in the sections dedicated

to each used spider as we construct query to activate it.

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2.2.2 Frontier

The frontier is the to-do list of a crawler that contains the URLs of unvisited

pages. In graph search terminology the frontier is an open list of unexpanded

(unvisited) nodes. Based on the available memory, one can decide on the

maximum size of the frontier. Due to the large amount of memory available on

PCs today, a frontier size of a 100,000 URLs or more is not exceptional.

The frontier may be implemented as a FIFO (first-in-first-out) queue in which

case we have a breadth-first crawler that can be used to exhaustively crawl the

Web. The URL to crawl next comes from the head of the queue and the new

URLs are added to the tail of the queue. If the frontier is implemented as a priority

queue we have a preferential crawler which is also known as a best-first crawler.

A frontier can be implemented as a priority queue using a dynamic array. The

array is always kept sorted by the estimated score of unvisited URLs. The

unvisited URLs that are scored the same are ordered in the frontier on a first-in


At each step, the best URL is picked from the head of the queue. Once the

corresponding page is fetched, the URLs are extracted from it and scored based on

some heuristic. They are then added to the frontier in such a manner that the order

of the priority queue is maintained. We can avoid duplicate URLs in the frontier

by keeping a separate hash-table of URLs for lookup. Once the frontier’s

maximum size (MAX) is exceeded, only the best MAX URLs are kept in the

frontier. If the crawler finds the frontier empty when it needs the next URL to

crawl, the crawling process comes to a halt. With a large value of MAX and

several seed URLs the frontier will rarely reach the empty state. At times, a

crawler may encounter a spider trap that leads it to a large number of different

URLs that refer to the same page. One way to alleviate this problem is by limiting

the number of pages that the crawler accesses from a given domain.

2.2.3 History and Page Repository

The crawl history is a time-stamped list of URLs that were fetched by the crawler.

In effect, it shows the path of the crawler through the Web starting from the seed

pages. A URL entry is made into the history only after fetching the corresponding

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page. This history may be used for post crawl analysis and evaluations. For

example, we can associate a value with each page on the crawl path and identify

significant events (such as the discovery of an excellent resource). While the

history may be stored occasionally to the disk, it is also maintained as an in-

memory data structure. This provides for a fast lookup to check whether a page

has been crawled or not. This check is important to avoid revisiting pages and also

to avoid adding the URLs of crawled pages to the limited size frontier.

Once a page is fetched, it may be stored/indexed for the master application (such

as a search engine).

2.2.4 Networking Layer

The networking layer is responsible for getting the next (best) URL from the

frontier and fetching it from the Web or the local page repository. Whether a page

is obtained from the Web or from the local repository is a detail that is hidden

from the higher layers. In order to fetch a Web page, the networking layer

contains an HTTP client which sends an HTTP request for a page and reads the

response. The client needs to have timeouts to make sure that a large amount of

time is not spent on slow servers or in reading large pages. Modern programming

languages such as Java and Perl provide very simple and often multiple

programmatic interfaces for fetching pages from the Web. However, one must be

careful when using high level interfaces where it may be harder to find lower level

problems. No discussion about crawling pages from the Web can be complete

without talking about the Robot Exclusion Protocol. This protocol provides a

mechanism for Web server administrators to communicate their file access

policies; more specifically to identify files that may not be accessed by a crawler.

This is done by keeping a file named robots.txt under the root directory of the

Web server. When a crawler wants to retrieve a page from a Web server, it must

first fetch the appropriate robots.txt file and make sure that the URL to be fetched

is not disallowed.

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2.2.5 Parsing and Extraction Layer

Once a page has been fetched, we need to parse its content to extract information

that will possibly guide the future path of the crawler. Parsing and extraction may

imply simple hyperlink/URL extraction or it may involve the more complex

process of tidying up the HTML content in order to analyze the HTML tag tree.

Parsing and extraction might also involve steps to convert the extracted URL to a

canonical form, remove stopwords from the page’s content and stem the

remaining words.

HTML Parsers are freely available for many different languages. These parsers

provide the functionality to easily identify HTML tags and associated attribute-

value pairs in a given HTML document. However, we do need to convert any

relative URLs to absolute URLs using the base URL of the page from which they

were extracted. Different URLs that correspond to the same Web page can be

mapped onto a single canonical form. This is important in order to avoid fetching

the same page more than once. Here are some of the steps used in typical URL

canonicalization procedures that our implementation follows:

convert the protocol and hostname to lowercase;

remove the ‘anchor’ or ‘reference’ part of the URL;

perform URL encoding for some commonly used characters such as ‘˜’;

use heuristics to recognize default Web pages. File names such as

index.html or index.htm may be removed from the URL with the

assumption that they are the default files. If that is true, they would be

retrieved by simply using the base URL;

remove ‘..’ and its parent directory from the URL path.

leave the port numbers in the URL unless it is port 80.

It is important to be consistent while applying canonicalization rules. It is possible

that two seemingly opposite rules work equally well (such as that for port

numbers) as long as they are applied consistently across URLs.

When parsing a Web page to extract content information or in order to score new

URLs suggested by the page, it is often helpful to remove commonly used words

or stopwords such as “it” and “can”. In addition, one may also stem the words

found in the page. The stemming process normalizes words by conflating

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morphologically similar words to a single root form or stem. For example,

“connect,” “connected” and “connection” are all reduced to “connect.”

Implementations of the commonly used Porter stemming algorithm are easily

available in many programming languages.

2.2.6 Representation Layer

The representation layer is responsible for converting the parsed pages and their

extracted details into abstract mathematical representations. These representations

will be used by the higher intelligence layer to appropriately score the unvisited

URLs. There are two main types of representations used:

1. Content Representation. The content of a link context may be represented as a

vector in an n-dimensional space, where each dimension corresponds to a term

(word, stem, or phrase) in a given vocabulary. Link context is a neighbourhood of

a hyperlink in a Web page that gives cues about the content of the destination

page (page that you reach by following the link). We note that, as an extreme

cases, an entire Web page may be considered as link context of all the hyperlinks

within it. The hierarchical structure of the Web pages created by the placement of

HTML tags within it may also be exploited for deriving link contexts. Each

component of the vector representing a link context is a term weight that signifies

the importance of the corresponding term in the link context.

A popular weighting scheme for text content is TF-IDF. There are many

variations within the TF-IDF representation, but it always consists of two parts -

term frequency (TF) and inverse document frequency (IDF). In according with

Lucchese [2003] intuitively, a term that occurs many times in a document is more

representative of that document than a term occurring just once. The weight of a

term should be proportional to its frequency in the document and this is TF. Some

terms occur very often in the whole collections while other ones occur seldomly

so the weight of a term should be inversely proportional to the number of

documents containing that term, that is IDF.

The TF part is a function of how often a term appears in a given link context,

while the IDF weighs down the terms that commonly appear across pages. The

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product of the two quantities gives tf*idf coefficient of a term, which can be used

as a component of the vector representing a given document.

These measures are very important in the section dedicated to evaluation of the

spider used to the task of ontology population.

2. Linkage or Graph Representation. The canonical URLs extracted from

Web pages may be used to build a representation of the Web as a graph. The

nodes in the graph are the pages and edges are the hyperlinks between the pages.

This graph may be used to find the pages that seem to be “well-connected” to

relevant pages. An unvisited URL that is pointed to by many relevant pages may

be given higher priority during a crawl. The graph may be represented as an

adjacency list, with the aim of listing the URLs of pages that have been

downloaded along with the URLs of pages they link to. This approach is largely

used in one of the focused crawler used in this thesis, that is BINGO!.

2.2.7 Intelligence Layer

This layer is the “brain” of a topical crawler and is responsible for using the

representations provided by the layer below to assign priorities to the unvisited

URLs in the frontier. The intelligence layer may use a variety of heuristics to

score the unvisited URLs and hence guide the crawler. We now list some of the

general techniques that may provide the intelligence. Often a combination of these

general techniques is used.

1. Classification. If the inputs are positive and negative examples (pages)

of a topic, a two category classifier can be trained using these examples. The

classifier can then be used to score downloaded pages based on their content. The

unvisited URLs extracted from the downloaded page are assigned the scores

based on contents of their parent page. Such a classifier-guided topical crawler

was first suggested by Chakrabarti et. al. [1999].

2. Cosine Similarity. If the input to the intelligence layer is a set of

keywords, then the cosine similarity between the keywords and a link context may

be used to score the corresponding URL. The cosine similarity is computed as:

Equation 1 sim(q, p) = (vq * vp ) / || vq ||* || vp ||

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where vq and vp are vector representation (such as TF-IDF weights) of keywords

(q) and link context (p) respectively, vq*vp is the dot product between the vectors,

and kvk is the Euclidean norm of a vector v. We’ll see this process in Infospiders’


3. Link/Graph Analysis. If a link based representation for a set of

downloaded pages, algorithms such as Kleinberg’s Hubs and Authorities

algorithm [Kleinberg, 1998] and Brin and Pages’s PageRank algorithm [Brin and

Page, 1998] to identify resourceful URLs that may be preferred by a crawler due

to their centrality to a topic. We’ll see this process in BINGO!.

2.3 Crawling algorithms The literature suggests different crawling algorithms and many of these

algorithms are variations of the best first scheme [Menczer et al, 2005]. The

difference is in the heuristics they use to score the unvisited URLs with some

algorithms adapting and tuning their parameters before or during the crawl.

2.3.1 Naive Best-First Crawler

This crawler represents a fetched Web page as a vector of words weighted by

occurrence frequency. The crawler then computes the cosine similarity of the page

to the query or description provided by the user, and scores the unvisited URLs on

the page by this similarity value. The URLs are then added to a frontier that is

maintained as a priority queue based on these scores. In the next iteration each

crawler thread picks the best URL in the frontier to crawl, and returns with new

unvisited URLs that are again inserted in the priority queue after being scored

based on the cosine similarity of the parent page.The cosine similarity between

the page p and a query q is computed by Equation 1.

2.3.2 Breadth-First

A Breadth-First crawler is the simplest strategy for crawling. It uses the frontier as

a FIFO queue, crawling links in the order in which they are encountered. Note that

when the frontier is full, the crawler can add only one link from a crawled page.

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The Breadth-First crawler is illustrated in Figure 2.2 and the algorithm is shown

in Figure 2.3. Breadth-First is used here as a baseline crawler; since it does not

use any knowledge about the topic, we expect its performance to provide a lower

bound for any of the more sophisticated algorithms.

2.3.3 Best-First

The basic idea is that given a frontier of links, the best link according to some

estimation criterion is selected for crawling. Different Best-First strategies of

increasing complexity and (potentially) effectiveness could be designed on the

bases of increasingly sophisticated

link estimation criteria. In “naive” implementation, the link selection process is

guided by simply computing the lexical similarity between the topic’s keywords

and the source page for the link. Thus the similarity between a page p and the

topic keywords is used to estimate the relevance of the pages pointed by p. The

URL with the best estimate is then selected for crawling. Cosine similarity is used

by the crawler and the links with minimum similarity score are removed from the

frontier if necessary in order to not exceed the limit size MAX BUFFER. Figure

2.4 illustrates a Best-First crawler, while Figure 2.5 offers a simplified

pseudocode of the Best-First-Search (BFS) algorithm.

Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3

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2.3.4 Fish Search and SharkSearch

Menczer et al [2004] describe FishSearch as one of the earliest topical crawling

algorithms: it uses a similarity measure like the one used in the naive best-first

crawler for estimating the relevance of an unvisited URL. Fish search also has a

notion of depth-bound that prevents it from exploring paths that lead to a

sequence irrelevant pages. SharkSearch, while adopting the concepts of

FishSearch, has a more refined notion of potential scores for the links in the crawl

frontier. The anchor text, text surrounding the links or link-context, and scores

inherited from ancestors influence the potential scores of links. The ancestors of a

URL are the pages that appeared on the crawl path to the URL. SharkSearch, like

its predecessor FishSearch, maintains a depth bound. That is, if the crawler finds

unimportant pages on a crawl path up to a certain depth or distance it stops

crawling further along that path. To be able to track all the information, each URL

in the frontier is associated with a depth and a potential score. The depth bound

(d) is provided by the user while the potential score of an unvisited URL is

computed as:

score(url) = γ · inherited (url) + (1 − γ ) · neighborhood(url)

where γ < 1 is a parameter, the neighbourhood score signifies the contextual

evidence found on the page that contains the hyperlink URL, and the inherited

score is obtained from the scores of the ancestors of the URL. More precisely, the

inherited score is computed as:

inherited (url) = δ · sim (q, p) if sim (q, p) > 0

Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5

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inherite d(url) = δ · inherited(p) otherwise

where δ < 1 is again a parameter, q is the query, and p is the page from which the

URL was extracted.

The neighbourhood score uses the anchor text and the text in the “vicinity” of the

anchor in an attempt to refine the overall score of the URL by allowing for

differentiation between links found within the same page. For that purpose, the

SharkSearch crawler assigns an anchor score and a context score to each URL.

The anchor score is simply the similarity of the anchor text of the hyperlink

containing the URL to the query q, i.e. sim(q, anchor text). The context score on

the other hand broadens the context of the link to include some nearby words. The

resulting augmented context, aug_context, is used for computing the context score

as follows:

context (url) = 1 if anchor(url) > 0

context (url)= sim (q, aug_context) otherwise

Finally we derive the neighbourhood score from the anchor score and the context

score as:

neighbourhood(url) = ß· anchor(url) + (1 − ß) · context(url)

where ß < 1 is another parameter. We note that the implementation of

SharkSearch would need to preset four parameters d, γ, δ, and ß.

2.3.5 Focused Crawler

The basic idea of the focused crawler is to classify crawled pages with categories

in a topic taxonomy [Chakrabarti et al, 1999]. To begin, the crawler requires a

topic taxonomy such as Yahoo. In addition, the user provides example URLs of

interest. The example URLs get automatically classified onto various categories

of the taxonomy. Through an interactive process, the user can correct the

automatic classification, add new categories to the taxonomy and mark some of

the categories as “good” (i.e., of interest to the user). The crawler uses the

example URLs to build a Bayesian classifier that can find the probability (Pr(c|p))

that a crawled page p belongs to a category c in the taxonomy.

A relevance score is associated with each crawled page that is computed as:

R(p)= ∑ Pr (c|p)

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When the crawler is in a “soft” focused mode, it uses the relevance score of the

crawled page to score the unvisited URLs extracted from it. The scored URLs are

then added to the frontier. Then in a manner similar to the naive best-first crawler,

the “soft” focused crawler picks the best URL to crawl next. In the “hard” focused

mode, for a crawled page p, the classifier first finds the leaf node c* (in the

taxonomy) with maximum probability of including p. If any of the parents (in the

taxonomy) of c* are marked as “good” by the user, then the URLs from the

crawled page p are extracted and added to the frontier. Another interesting

element of the focused crawler is the use of a distiller. The distiller applies a

modified version of Kleinberg’s algorithm [Kleinberg, 1998] to find topical hubs.

These hubs are pages that provide links to many authoritative sources on the topic.

The distiller is activated at various times during the crawl and top ranking hubs

are added to the frontier.

2.3.6 Context Focused Crawler

Context focused crawlers use Bayesian classifiers to guide their crawl. However,

unlike the focused crawler described above, these classifiers are trained to

estimate the link distance between a crawled page and the relevant pages.

Diligenti et al. [2000], assume that looking for papers on “numerical analysis” it

means first to go to the home pages of math or computer science departments and

then move to faculty pages which may then lead to the relevant papers. A math

department Web site may not have the words “numerical analysis” on its home

page. A crawler such as the naive best-first crawler would put such a page on low

priority and may never visit it. However, if the crawler could estimate that a

relevant paper on “numerical analysis” is probably two links away, we would

have a way of giving the home page of the math department higher priority than

for example the home page of a law school. The context focused crawler is trained

using a context graph of L layers corresponding to each seed page. Seeds are the

pages from where a crawler begins its crawl. As we see in the figure 2.6 the seed

page forms the layer 0 of the graph. The pages corresponding to the in-links to the

seed page are in layer 1. The in-links to the layer 1 pages make up the layer 2

pages and so on. Once the context graphs for all of the seeds are obtained, the

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pages from the same layer from each graph are combined into a single layer. This

gives a new set of layers of what is called a merged context graph. This is

followed by a feature selection stage where the seed pages (or possibly even layer

1 pages) are concatenated into a single large document. Using the TF-IDF scoring

scheme, the top few terms are identified from this document to represent the

vocabulary (feature space) that will be used for classification. A set of Naive

Bayes classifiers are built, one for each layer in the merged context graph. All the

pages in a layer are used to compute Pr (t | cl), the probability of occurrence of a

term t given the class cl corresponding to layer l. A prior probability, Pr(cl) = 1/L,

is assigned to each class where L is the number of layers. The posterior

probability of a given page p belonging to a class cl can then be computed Pr (cl |

p) using the Bayes rule. Such probabilities are computed for each class. The class

with highest probability is treated as the winning class (layer). However, if the

probability for the winning class is still less than a threshold, the crawled page is

classified into the “other” class. This “other” class represents pages that do not

have a good fit with any of the classes of the context graph. If the probability of

the winning class does exceed the threshold, the page is classified into the

winning class. The set of classifiers corresponding to the context graph provides

us with a mechanism to estimate the link distance of a crawled page from relevant

pages. If the mechanism works, the math department home page will get classified

into layer 2 while the law school home page will get classified to “others.” The

crawler maintains a queue for each class, containing the pages that are crawled

and classified into that class. Each queue is sorted by the probability scores (Pr (cl

| p)). When the crawler needs a URL to crawl, it picks the top page in the non-

empty queue with smallest l. So it will tend to pick pages that seem to be closer to

the relevant pages first. The out-links from such pages will get explored before the

out-links of pages that seem to be far away from the relevant portions of the Web.

Diligenti et al. [2000], evaluated their context focused crawler over 2 topics and

less than 10, 000 pages were crawled on an average for each topic. Again it

remains difficult to reach conclusions regarding the potential value in using such

contexts for building topical crawlers, given the small number of topics tested.

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Figure 2.6. A context graph of L layers [Diligenti et al,2000]

2.3.7 InfoSpiders

InfoSpiders search online for information relevant to the user, by making

autonomous decisions about what links to follow [Menczer and Monge, 1999]. In

InfoSpiders, an adaptive population of agents search for pages relevant to the

topic. Each agent is essentially following the crawling loop while using an

adaptive query list and a neural net to decide which links to follow. The algorithm

provides an exclusive frontier for each agent. In a multi-threaded implementation

of InfoSpiders (MySpiders, that we see in the following section) each agent

corresponds to a thread of execution.

The user initially provides a list of keywords (query) and a list of starting points,

in the form of a bookmark file. This list could typically be obtained by consulting

a search engine. First, the population is initialised by pre-fetching the starting

documents. Each agent is “positioned” at one of these documents and given a

random behaviour (depending on the representation of agents) and an initial

reservoir of energy. The user also provides a maximum number of pages that the

population of agents are allowed to visit, collectively. This would depend on how

long the user is willing to wait, or how much bandwidth she is willing to

consume. Finally, the user may specify whether and how often she is willing to

provide the population with relevance feedback, to help focus or shift the search

toward relevant areas by “replenishing” the resources in those areas.

In the innermost loop (as we see in following code lines, figure 2.7), an agent

“senses” its local neighbourhood by analysing the text of the document where it is

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currently situated. This way, the relevance of all neighbouring documents - those

pointed to by the hyperlinks in the current document - is estimated. Based on

these link relevance estimates, the agent “moves” by choosing and following one

of the links from the current document.

Figure 2.7. Some code lines of an agent’s loop [Menczer and Monge, 1999]

The agent's energy is then updated. Energy is needed in order to survive and

move, i.e., continue to visit documents on behalf of the user. Agents are rewarded

with energy if the visited documents appear to be relevant.

After a document has been visited, its similarity to the query is used as a learning

signal to update the weights of the neural net. Further, the agent computes a

fitness value to update its energy level. Since the energy dynamics of an agent

determine its reproductive rate, determining an appropriate fitness function to map

the quality and cost of visited pages into energy is crucial for the success of the

InfoSpiders(query, starting_urls, MAX_PAGES, REL_FBK_FLAG) {

for agent (1..INIT_POP) {

initialize(agent, query);

situate(agent, starting_urls);

agent.energy := THETA / 2;


while (pop_size > 0 and visited < MAX_PAGES) {

for each agent {


agent.doc := fetch_new_document(agent);

agent.energy += benefit(agent.doc) - cost(agent.doc);

apply_Q_learning(agent, benefit(agent.doc));

if (agent.energy >= THETA) {

offspring := mutate(recombine(clone(agent)));

offspring.energy := agent.energy / 2;

agent.energy -= offspring.energy;



elseif (agent.energy <= 0) death(agent);


if (REL_FBK_FLAG) process_relevance_feedback(input);



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system. Users will only use tools that are both effective and efficient. For this

reason there are two components in fitness functions: a benefit based on the

similarity to the query, and a cost to account for the network resources used to

download pages.

The benefit() function is used by an agent to estimate the relevance of documents.

In the absence of relevance feedback, this function return a non- zero value only if

the document had not been previously visited by any agent, and according to a

standard measure of similarity between the query and the document. The

“marking” of visited pages models the consumption of finite information

resources and is implemented via a cache, which also speeds up the process by

minimizing duplicate transfers of documents. Agents are charged energy for the

network load incurred by transferring documents.

fitness(p) = sim (p, query) – (ct* ( t(p) / tmax)

where sim() is the cosine similarity function, t(p) is the real time in which the page

is downloaded, tmax is the timeout parameter for the socket connection.

The cost() function should depend on used resources, for example transfer latency

or document size. For simplicity we assume a constant cost for accessing any new

document, and a smaller constant cost for accessing the cache; this way stationary

behaviours, such as going back and forth between a pair of documents, are

naturally discouraged. Instantaneous changes of energy are used as reinforcement

signals. This way agents adapt during their lifetime by Q-learning [Menczer and

Belew, 1998]. This adaptive process allows an agent to modify its behaviour

based on prior experience, by learning to predict the best links to follow.Local

selection means that an agent is selected for reproduction based on a comparison

between its current energy level and a constant that is independent of the other

agents in the population. Similarly, an agent is killed when it runs out of energy.

At reproduction, agents may be recombined by the use of one of two types of

crossover. Offspring are also mutated, providing the variation necessary for

adapting agents by way of evolution. Energy is conserved at all reproduction

events. The output of the algorithm is a flux of links to documents, ranked

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according to estimated relevance. The algorithm stops when the population goes

extinct for lack of relevant information resources, visits MAX PAGES documents,

or is terminated by the user.

Figure 2.8 illustrates the architecture of each InfoSpiders agent. The agent

interacts with the information environment, that consists of the actual networked

collection (the Web) plus data kept on local disks (e.g., relevance feedback data

and cache files). The user interacts with the environment by accessing data on the

local client (current status of a search) and on the Web (viewing a document

suggested by agents) and by making relevance assessments that are saved locally

on the client and will be accessed by agents as they subsequently report to the

user/client. There is no direct interaction between the user and the agents after the

initial submission of the query and starting points. The InfoSpiders prototype runs

on UNIX and MacOS platforms. The Web is based on the W3C library. Agents

employ standard information retrieval tools such as parsing, a filter for noise

words (stop words) and a stemmer based on Porter's algorithm. They store an

efficient representation of visited documents in the shared cache on the client

machine. Each document is represented by a list of links and stemmed keywords.

If the cache reaches its size limit, the LRU (least recently used) replacement

strategy is used.

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Figure 2.8. The architecture of each InfoSpiders agent [ Menczer and Monge,


2.3.8 PageRank and its usage to guide crawling

PageRank was proposed by Brin and Page [1998] as a possible model of user

surfing behaviour. The PageRank of a page represents the probability that a

random surfer (one who follows links randomly from page to page) will be on that

page at any given time. A page’s score depends recursively upon the scores of the

pages that point to it.

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Source pages distribute their PageRank across all of their outlinks. Formally

(Equation 2):

where p is the page being scored, in(p) is the set of pages pointing to p, out(d) is

the set of links out of d, and the constant γ < 1 is a damping factor that represents

the probability that the random surfer requests another random page. As originally

proposed PageRank was intended to be used in combination with content-based

criteria to rank retrieved sets of documents. This is in fact how PageRank is used

in the Google search engine. More recently PageRank has been used to guide

crawlers and to assess page quality. Menczer et al. 2001 [Menczer et al, 2001]

evaluated a crawler based on PageRank They used an efficient algorithm to

calculate PageRank. Even so, as one can see from Equation 2, PageRank requires

a recursive calculation until convergence, thus its computation can be a very

resource-intensive process. In the ideal situation it would recalculate PageRanks

every time a URL needs to be selected from the frontier. Instead, to improve

Figure 2.9

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efficiency, it needs to recompute PageRanks only at regular intervals. The

PageRank crawler can be seen as a variant of Best-First, with a different link

evaluation function (see Equation 2). The algorithm is illustrated in Figure 8. The

sim() function returns the cosine similarity between a topic’s keywords and a page

as measured according to Equation 1, and the PageRank is computed according to

Equation 2. Note that the PageRank algorithm has to maintain a data structure of

visited pages in addition to the frontier, in order to compute PageRank.

2.4 Evaluation of Crawlers A crawler (especially a topical crawler) may be evaluated on its ability to retrieve

“good” pages. There are some of the methods that have been used to measure

page importance:

1. Keywords in document: A page is considered relevant if it contains

some or all of the keywords in the query. Also, the frequency with which the

keywords appear on the page may be considered.

2. Similarity to a query: Often a user specifies an information need as a

short query. In some cases a longer description of the need may be available.

Similarity between the short or long description and each crawled page may be

used to judge the page's relevance.

3. Similarity to seed pages: The pages corresponding to the seed URLs, are

used to measure the relevance of each page that is crawled . The seed pages are

combined together into a single document and the cosine similarity of this

document and a crawled page is used as the page's relevance score.

4. Classifier score: A classifier may be trained to identify the pages that

are relevant to the information need or task. The training is done using the seed

(or pre-specified relevant) pages as positive examples. The trained classifier will

then provide boolean or continuous relevance scores to each of the crawled pages.

5. Retrieval system rank: N different crawlers are started from the same

seeds and allowed to run till each crawler gathers P pages. All of the N * P pages

collected from the crawlers are ranked against the initiating query or description

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using a retrieval system such as SMART. The rank provided by the retrieval

system for a page is used as its relevance score.

6. Link-based popularity: One may use algorithms, such as PageRank, that

provide popularity estimates of each of the crawled pages. A simpler method

would be to use just the number of in-links to the crawled page to derive similar

information. Many variations of link-based methods using topical weights are

choices for measuring topical popularity of pages.

Given one of these measures of page importance we can summarize the

performance of the crawler with metrics that are analogous to the information

retrieval (IR) measures of precision and recall. Precision is the fraction of

retrieved (crawled) pages that are relevant, while recall is the fraction of relevant

pages that are retrieved (crawled). In a usual IR task the notion of a relevant set

for recall is restricted to a given collection or database. Considering the Web to be

one large collection, the relevant set is generally unknown for most Web IR tasks.

Hence, explicit recall is hard to measure. Many authors provide precision-like

measures that are easier to compute in order to evaluate the crawlers [Menczer

and Pant, 2004]:

a) Acquisition rate: In case we have boolean relevance scores we could

measure the explicit rate at which “good” pages are found. Therefore, if 50

relevant pages are found in the first 500 pages crawled, then we have an

acquisition rate or harvest rate of 10% at 500 pages.

b) Average relevance: If the relevance scores are continuous they can be

averaged over the crawled pages. This is a more general form of harvest rate. The

scores may be provided through simple cosine similarity or a trained classifier.

Such averages may be computed over the progress of the crawl (first 100 pages,

first 200 pages and so on). Sometimes running averages are calculated over a

window of a few pages (e.g. last 50 pages from a current crawl point).

The measures analogous to recall are hard to compute for the Web, authors

[Menczer and Pant, 2004] resort to indirect indicators for estimating recall. Some

such indicators are:

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a) Target recall : A set of known relevant URLs are split into two disjoint

sets targets and seeds. The crawler is started from the seeds pages and the recall of

the targets is measured. The target recall is computed as:

target recall = | Pt \ Pc | / | Pt |

where Pt is the set of target pages, and Pc is the set of crawled pages. The recall of

the target set is used

as an estimate of the recall of relevant pages.

The figure 2.10 shows a schematic justification of the measure.

b) Robustness: The seed URLs are split into two disjoint sets. Each set is

used to initiate an instance of the same crawler. The overlap in the pages crawled

starting from the two disjoint sets is measured. A large overlap is interpreted as

robustness of the crawler in covering relevant portions of the Web.

2.5 Algorithms application: MySpiders

MySpiders is a Java applet that implements the InfoSpiders and the Naïve best-

first algorithms. The applet is available online

(http://myspiders.informatics.indiana.edu/). Multi-threaded crawlers are started

when a user submits a query. Results are displayed

dynamically as the crawler finds “good” pages. The user may browse the results

while the crawling continues in the background. In line with the autonomous

multi-agent nature of the InfoSpiders algorithm each thread has a separate

frontier. This applies to the naive best-first algorithm as well. Hence, each thread

Figure 2.10

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is more independent with non-contentious access to its frontier. The applet allows

the user to specify the crawling algorithm and the maximum number of pages to

fetch. In order to initiate the crawl, the system uses the Google Web API to obtain

a few seeds pages.

The crawler threads are started from each of the seeds and the crawling continues

until the required number of pages is fetched or the frontier is empty.

The implementation allows the user to change the crawling algorithm from

InfoSpiders to Best-First, a crawler that has proved to be a valid alternative under

certain circumstances. The shared cache is essential for the working of the

multithreaded MySpiders system. Another shared object is the naming mechanism

that provides a unique name to each spider. A results table is a shared object that

maintains details about the pages that the spiders want to add to the results.

Finally, a shared log object is used to maintain a system wide mechanism for

logging major events. The shared objects other than the cache can be easily

replaced by non-shared ones (as would be required for a distributed

implementation), but have been kept for efficiency. Access to all shared objects is


The utilities include an entire gamut of functions that provide facilities for

retrieving documents from the Web, HTML and XML parsing, stemming,

measuring similarity and other tools used by most Web crawlers. In addition to

the current location, the agent stores a back-link so that it can move to the

previous page and escape (some) dead-ends. It also maintains a backup of inputs

used by the neural network’s learning algorithm. All the back-end storage is done

in XML. This aids system portability and helps in storing and parsing hierarchical

data. An example is the spider hierarchy shown in Figure 2.12.

2.6 Algorithms application: BINGO!

The BINGO! (http://www.mpiinf.mpg.de/departments/d5/software/bingo/downlo

ads.htm) system implements an approach to focused crawling that aims to

overcome the limitations of the initial training data. BINGO! identifies, among

the crawled and positively classified documents of a topic, characteristic

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“archetypes” and uses them for periodically re-training the classifier; this way

the crawler is dynamically adapted based on the most significant documents seen

so far [Sizov et al, 2002]. Two kinds of archetypes are considered: good

authorities as determined by employing Kleinberg’s link analysis algorithm, and

documents that have been automatically classified with high confidence using a

linear SVM classifier [Sizov et al, 2002].

The BINGO! system consists of six main components:

• the crawler itself,

• an HTML document analyzer that produces a feature vector for each


• the SVM classifier with its training data,

• the feature selection as a "noise-reduction" filter for the classifier,

• the link analysis module for determining topic-specific authorities and

hubs, and

• the training module for the classifier that is invoked for periodic re-


Figure 2.13. Bingo! Architecture [Sizov et al, 2002]

BINGO! is implemented as a collection of Java servlets that run under the control

of a Web application server. All intermediate data, such as "raw documents" that

the crawler fetches or feature vectors (vectors of term weights), and also the final

ontology index are stored in a database using Oracle8i. This way the various

components and their execution threads are largely decoupled with regard to

timing and performance. For example, the classifier is not affected by temporary

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delays in the crawler's threads as long as its input queue, a table in the database, is

sufficiently filled.

2.6.1 Crawler

The initial seed for the crawler are the URLs of the documents that are referenced

from the various folders of the user's bookmark file; these URLs are placed in the

URL queue. The crawler then processes the links in the URL queue using multiple

threads. It downloads new HTML documents and stores them in the local

database which serves as a buffer for the subsequent stages of the analysis and

classification pipeline. Once a crawled document has been classified, the BINGO!

engine extracts all links from such a document and adds them to the URL queue

for further crawling. BINGO! has several strategies for the prioritization of URLs

to be visited; the simplest one of them would be depth-first traversal with a limit

on the number and depth of URLs fetched from the same site.

Links from rejected documents (i.e., documents that did not pass the classification

test for a given topic) are considered for further crawling, too; however, it is

possible to restrict the depth of additionally traversed links from such documents

to a value of two. The rationale behind this threshold is that one often has to

"tunnel" through topic-unspecific welcome or table-of-content pages before again

reaching a thematically relevant document. When a document is reached that

passes the classification test, the limit for the allowed crawling depth along this

path is dropped.

The BINGO! crawler has no global limits on crawling depth. Rather it uses the

filling degrees of the ontology's various topics as a stopping criterion. When a

topic holds a certain number of successfully classified documents (say 200),

BINGO! suspends crawling. At this point, link analysis and re-training are

performed for all topics, and then crawling is resumed. 2.6.2 Document Analyzer

Once a document has been fetched, it is stored in the database for further

processing: an HTML document is parsed and analyzed to identify its outgoing

hyperlinks, which are then added to the crawler's URL queue, and to produce a

bag of words that occur in the document along with their frequencies. Very

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common and thus insignificant words, so-called stop words such as articles ("the",

"a", "an"), pronouns ("we", "you", etc.), and "universal" verbs and the auxiliary

verbs ("be", "have", "take", "may", etc.) along with their flexions, are eliminated

from the bag.

Each of the remaining words is reduced to its word stem using the Porter

algorithm, thus mapping words with the same stem to the same feature. We refer

to the resulting list of word stem frequencies in the document, normalized by

dividing all values by the maximum frequency in the document, as the document's

feature vector or vector of term frequencies (tf values). As an option, we can

replace the tf values by tf*idf values where idf is the so-called inverse document

frequency of a term, the inverse of the number of documents that contain the term.

To avoid that idf values dominate the tf*idf product we use log10(idf) instead of

idf for dampening. As idf values are a global measure and change with the

progress of the crawl, they are re-computed lazily whenever a certain number of

new documents have been crawled.

2.6.3 Feature Selection

The feature selection algorithm provides the BINGO! engine with the most

characteristic features for a given topic; these are exactly the features that are used

by the classifier for testing new documents [Sizov et al, 2002].. A good feature for

this purpose discriminates competing topics from each other, i.e., topics that have

the same parent in the ontology tree. Therefore, feature selection has to be topic-

specific; it is invoked for every topic in the tree individually. Sizov et al al [2002]

consider for example an ontology with topics mathematics, agriculture, and arts,

where mathematics has subcategories algebra and stochastics. Obviously, the

term "theorem" is very characteristic for math documents and thus an excellent

discriminator between mathematics, agriculture, and arts. However, it is of no use

at all to discriminate algebra versus stochastics. A term such as "field", on the

other hand, is a good indicator for the topic algebra when the only competing

topic is stochastics; however, it is useless for a classifier that tests mathematics

versus agriculture.

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It is used also the Mutual Information (MI) measure for topic-specific feature

selection. This technique, which is a specialized case of the notions of cross-

entropy or Kullback-Leibler divergence [Sizov et al, 2002], is known as one of the

most effective methods. Feature selection is a very important building block for a

focused crawler.

2.6.4 Classifier

Document classification consists of a training phase for building a mathematical

decision model based on intellectually preclassified documents, and a decision

phase for classifying new, previously unseen, documents fetched by the crawler.

In the training phase, BINGO! builds a topic-specific classifier for each node of

the ontology tree. Initially, the bookmarked documents of the topic serve as

training data; these are periodically augmented by "archetypes" of the topic as the

crawl proceeds. For non-leaf nodes of the ontology tree the training data is the

union of the training data of all subtopics and the topic itself.

In the decision phase, BINGO! tests a new document against all topics in a top-

down manner. Starting with the root, which corresponds to the union of the user's

topics of interest, we invoke the classifiers for all topics with the same parent; we

refer to these as "competing" topics as the document will eventually be placed in

at most one of them. Each of the topic-specific classifiers returns a yes-or-no

decision and also a measure of confidence for this decision. We assign the

document to the tree node with the highest confidence in a positive decision. For

example, if we used a Bayesian classifier, this would be the tree node with the

highest likelihood that the document was "generated" from this topic given the

features of the topic's training data. If none of the topics with the same parent

returns yes, we place the document into a special tree node "others" under the

same parent.

BINGO! uses support vector machines (SVM) as topic-specific classifiers. This

method has been shown to be both efficient and very effective for text

classification in general.

Sizov et al [2002] assert to use the linear form of SVM (i.e., with trivial kernel

function) where training amounts to finding a hyperplane in the m-dimensional

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feature vector space that separates a set of positive training examples for topic

from a set of negative examples (of all competing topics with the same parent)

with maximum margin.

BINGO! use an existing open-source SVM implementation that is part of the

BioJava package. The system also allows the user to interactively inspect and

possibly overwrite the classifier's decisions. So even if the classifier rejects a

document for a given topic, the user may intellectual assign it to this topic (and

may analogously drop documents that were accepted by the classifier); these

documents are then treated as if they were among the initial bookmarks (i.e.,

intellectually classified data with hundred percent confidence). This kind of

interactive user control is optional; BINGO! can also run in fully automated

mode, then relying on SVM classification only.

2.6.5 Link Analysis

The link structure between documents in each topic is an additional source of

information about how well they capture the topic. We apply Kleinberg's link

analysis method, coined HITS, to each topic of the ontology. This method aims to

identify a set of authorities, which should be Web pages with most significant

and/or comprehensive information on the topic, and a set of hubs, which should

be the best link collections with pointer to good authorities.

The algorithm considers a small part of the hyperlink-induced Web graph in the

order of a few hundred or a few thousand documents. The node set of the graph is

constructed in two steps:

1. we include all documents that have been positively classified into the topic

under consideration, which form the "base set" in Kleinberg's terminology,


2. we add all successors of these documents (i.e., documents that can be

reached along one outgoing edge) and a reasonably sized subset of

predecessors (i.e., documents that have a direct hyperlink to a document in

the base set).

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The predecessors are determined by asking a Web search engine that internally

maintains a large fraction of the full Web graph and can thus answer "link: <...>"

queries; the BINGO! system queries Google for this purpose. Unlike the set of

successors, the set of predecessors of the base set can be extremely large (namely,

when the base set already contains an excellent authority or hub that many

personal home pages link to); so we artificially limit the number of added

documents to 1000 by random selection.

Finally, the edge set for the entire set of nodes is constructed by fetching all

documents and analysing their hyperlinks. The actual link analysis computes an

authority score x and a hub score y for each document in the node set S, based on

the following mutual reinforcement relationship:

The intuition behind these mutually recursive definitions is that a good hub is a

page that points to many good authorities and a good authority is a page that is

pointed to by many good hubs. The recursion in the above formulas is resolved by

computing the x and y vectors in an iterative manner: we start with assigning

initial hub and authority scores uniformly, and then compute x(i) and y(i) from the

previous iteration's values x(i-1) and y(i-1); after each iteration the two vectors are

normalized such that they have length (i.e., L2 norm) one.

Since we are not really interested in computing the absolute values of authority

and hub scores of all documents in S but merely want to identify the top N

authorities and hubs (with N in the order of 100), we interpret the notion of

convergence in a somewhat loose manner and simply stop after a fixed number of

iterations (the current setup of BINGO! uses 30 iterations).

2.6.6 Re-Training based on Archetypes

Whenever the filling degree of one topic exceeds a pre-specified level for

example, when the topic is populated with a few hundred positively classified

documents, the re-training procedure is invoked. For the sake of simplicity, we

start re-training for all topics at this point, although we could invoke it for

individual topics only, too.

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To ensure that we have indeed made sufficient crawling progress for all topics, we

additionally require that all nodes of the ontology tree have to hold at least X

positively classified documents. If this latter condition is not met, we can give

higher crawling priority to this topic by prioritizing hyperlinks in the URL queue

that have been extracted or transitively reached from positive documents of the

given topic.

The purpose of the re-training procedure is to identify new training documents

that promise to be better than the original ones taken from the bookmark file. Here

better means more characteristic in the sense that the features of the new training

data capture the topic-specific terminology and concepts and are more

discriminative with regard to competing topics It is obvious that we should

consider asking the human user about suggestions for characteristic documents,

and we do indeed support such human interaction as an option. At the same time,

however, we should strive for providing automated support as well for scalability

and versatility. Our approach thus is to identify the most characteristic

"archetypes" among the documents that have been positively classified into a

given topic. We aim to find at least as many good archetypes as the topic initially

had bookmarks; hopefully we can identify an order of magnitude more training

documents of very high relevance.

BINGO! draws on the following two sources of potential archetypes:

1. The link analysis provides us with good authorities for the given topic. We

simply use the current set of positively classified documents as the input

for Kleinberg's HITS algorithm. The result of the analysis is a ranked list

of documents in descending order of authority scores; the top of these

documents are considered as archetypes. The HITS algorithm also

provides us with a ranked list of hubs, from which we take the top

candidates for the crawl frontier; these will be placed into the URL queue

of the crawler, together with the hubs for all other topics, when the re-

training procedure is completed.

2. We exploit the fact that the SVM classifier yields a measure of its

confidence about a positive classification, namely, the distance of the

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document's feature vector from the separating hyperplane. This way we

can sort the documents of a topic in descending order of confidence. We

then select the top documents as archetypes.

Once the archetypes of a topic have been selected, the classifier for that topic is

re-trained using the archetypes plus the original bookmarks as training data. This

step in turn requires invoking the feature selection first. So the effect of re-training

is twofold:

1. if the archetypes capture the terminology of the topic better than the

original bookmarks (which is our basic premise) then the feature selection

procedure can extract better, more discriminative, features for driving the

classifier, and

2. the accuracy of the classifier's test whether a new, previously unseen,

document belongs to a topic or not is improved using richer (e.g., longer

but concise) and more characteristic training documents for building its

decision model.

2.7 Algorithms application: Arachnid The ARACHNID algorithm is presented in Menczer and Belew [1998]. Arachnid

is a Java-based web spider framework. It includes a simple HTML parser object

that parses an input stream containing HTML content. Simple Web spiders can be

created by sub-classing Arachnid and adding a few lines of code called after each

page of a Web site is parsed.

The user initially provides URL of a document. The population is initialized by

pre-fetching the starting document. Each agent given a random behavior

(depending on the representation) and an initial reservoir of energy. In step (0)

each agent senses its local neighborhood by analyzing the text of the document

where it is currently situated. This way, the relevance of all neighboring

documents pointed to by the hyperlinks in the current document is estimated.

Based on these link relevance estimates, an agent “moves” by choosing and

following one of the links from the current document. In step (1) the agents

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energy is updated. Energy is needed in order to survive and continue to visit

documents on behalf of the user.

Agents are charged costs for the use of network resources incurred by transferring

documents. Agents are also rewarded with energy if they visited documents

appear to be relevant. That is the role of the r function which an agent uses to

estimate the relevance of documents. Steps (2) and (3) of the algorithm embody

the principle of conservation of resources. Agents visiting marked documents do

not get energy from them (unless by users feedback). This mechanism is

implemented via a cache, which also speeds up the process by minimizing

duplicate transfers of documents. Caching documents is a form of

communication, and thus a bottleneck for the parallelism of distributed

algorithms. However, since network communication is the most expensive

resource for the algorithm, the performance improvement warranted by the use of

a cache should outweigh any such degradation. Instantaneous changes of energy

can be used, in step (4) as reinforcement signals. This way agents can adapt

during their lifetime, if their representation allows for it. An agent can modify its

behavior based on prior experience, by learning to predict the best links to follow.

In step (5) an agent may be killed or be selected for reproduction. In the latter case

the offspring is situated at the same document location as the parent, and mutated

to provide evolution with the necessary variation. Evolutionary adaptation differs

from learning in two important respects. First, it does not change the reproducing

agents, but biases the population towards successful individuals. Second, since

selection is based on energy accumulated over many steps, evolution averages out

short-term energy fluctuations and can thus rely on better assessments of agent

behaviors. The output of the algorithm is the flux of documents visited by the


In follow chapter we describe the use of Arachnid for the purpose of this work

and some piece of java code that represent the way in which we implemented it.

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2.8 Algorithms application: SSSpider SSSpider™ (http://www.kryltech.com/spdownld.htm) is a personal second-

generation Intelligent World Wide Web (WWW) agent that automates the

retrieval and selection of useful information available from the Internet. SSSpider

selects data based on questions entered in any language. SSSpider can operate in

the background and when the search is complete, creates a report of its findings

which can be viewed using either a default or an internal built-in browser.

SSSpider performs full-text search in several following steps.

Step 1. We formulate a query through different options:

- The literal search method "All words in the same order match case"

makes distinction between capital (uppercase) and small (lowercase)

characters. See also: "All words in same order ignore case".

- The literal search method "Entire pattern match case" selects documents

which contain your phrase bodily (as you type it in) without any changes.

See also, "Entire pattern ignore case" described above.

- The literal search method "All words from the phrase match case" is

identical to the method "All words from the phrase ignore case" described

above except for the fact that it makes distinction between capital and

small characters.

- The literal search method "At least one word match case" is also similar

to "At least one word ignore case", but it treats capital and small letters as

absolutely different ones and does not match them to each other (even if

they represent the same sound in the language of your choice).

When we have entered one or a number of Search Phrases in the Query screen,

launch our queries by dragging the corresponding query icons and then dropping

them onto a desired Search Set. SSSpider starts processing our queries and sends a

simultaneous request to up to 20 search engines for them to find matches to query

number one.

Step 2. Once the search engines have provided a list of locations that could

contain information that match or are related to our Search Phrase, SSSpider then

begins to contact the sites. SSSpider uses the existing engines (such as Alta Vista,

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Google, Yahoo, etc.) to do the first level navigation within the Web and then

having received this list, "drills down" to actually look into each site to see what

more it can find. Since not all engines reflect the most recent changes to these

sites, it’s not possible for the search engines to provide us with matched

quotations extracted from the original documents, all we get is their titles and a

few key words. What SSSpider has been doing up to now is rather special, but the

following steps are unique to this application and where the technology starts to

take effect.

Step 3. SSSpider having contacted the list of search engines, downloads the

required number of documents mentioned in their reports directly from each

location. In doing so, SSSpider obtains the most current information. Sites that are

"down" are automatically bypassed, as are those that even though the Search

Engine indicated a match was possible, SSSpider still didn’t find anything that

was a close enough match. All this is being carried out automatically with nothing

required of us. If we have performed searches using the popular search engines,

we will quickly appreciate the time needed to manually search 20 sites using one

search engine not 20.

Step 4. SSSpider parses each document using an intelligent text search engine

embedded in the program. This text search engine matches text in each document

with the Search Phrase you launched and selects from the document a quotation or

an extract that includes matching text for the search phrase. These quotations are

then sorted by relevancy (best matches on top), and SSSpider then creates a report

of what it has found.

Step 5. The final step is for SSSpider to place the report into your library, and if

user preferences are set up to do so, your default Internet browser will be loaded

and the newly created query report will be displayed. SSSpider repeats the above

steps until all the queries we launched have been completed. In this way we can

launch multiple queries and as SSSpider works in the background continuing

writing that important letter, attend a meeting or take a well deserved coffee

break. The choice is yours, SSSpider can be set up to work as you want it to, limit

the time for the query to be processed, restrict the number of documents to be

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downloaded, create our own lists of search sites to visit; all these items are

defaults that are user definable.

2.9 OWL OWL [ Dean et al, 2003] is an ontology language for the Semantic Web,

developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Ontology Working

Group (http://www.w3.org/). OWL was primarily designed to represent

information about categories of objects and how objects are interrelated.

In the context of the Semantic Web, ontologies are expected to play an important

role in helping automated processes (so called “intelligent agents”) to access

information. In particular, ontologies are expected to be used to provide structured

vocabularies that explicate the relationships between different terms, allowing

intelligent agents (and humans) to interpret their meaning flexibly yet


Terms whose meanings are defined in ontologies can be used in semantic mark-up

that describes the content and functionality of web accessible resources [Tim

Berners –Lee, 1999]

The lack of proper layering between RDFS and the less expressive species of

OWL and the lack of proper layering between OWL DL and OWL Lite on the one

side and OWL Full on the other, raises doubts about interoperability between

ontologies written in these different languages.

Some of the most important influences on the design of OWL came from

Description Logics, from the frames paradigm, and from RDF. In particular, the

formal specification of the language was influenced by Description Logics, the

surface structure of the language was influenced by the frames paradigm, and the

RDF/XML exchange syntax was influenced by a requirement for upwards

compatibility with RDF.

2.9.1 DL

Description Logics are a family of class-based (concept-based) knowledge

representation formalisms. They are characterised by the use of various

constructors to build complex classes from simpler ones, an emphasis on the

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decidability of key reasoning problems, and by the provision of sound, complete

and (empirically) tractable reasoning services [Dean et al, 2003]. Description

Logics, and insights from Description Logic research, had a strong influence on

the design of OWL, particularly on the formalisation of the semantics, the choice

of language constructors, and the integration of datatypes and data values. In fact

OWL DL and OWL Lite can be viewed as expressive Description Logics, with an

ontology being equivalent to a Description Logic knowledge base.

A Description Logic knowledge base consists of two parts, namely the TBox and

the ABox. The TBox consists of a number of class and property axioms; the

ABox consists of a number of individual assertions.

Description Logics make the distinction between abstract and concrete properties,

based on whether the range of the property is in the abstract or the concrete

domain. OWL DL rejects this distinction by distinguishing object properties and

datatype properties, where an object property may only have a description as its

range and a datatype property may only have a datatype as its range; descriptions

and datatypes are disjoint.

There exist several implementations for reasoning with Description Logics which

implement different reasoning tasks in Description Logic languages (e.g. Racer

Pro that will be discussed in section 2.11) . Two important reasoning tasks in

Description Logics are subsumption checking and checking class membership.

Subsumption checking amounts to checking whether one class is a subclass of

another concept, i.e. checking whether one concept is more specific than another

concept. The class membership inference is used to check whether an individual is

a member of a specific class.


A key feature of Description Logics is that they are logics, i.e., formal languages

with well defined semantics. The standard technique for specifying the meaning

of a Description Logic is via a model theoretic semantics, whose purpose is to

explicate the relationship between the language syntax and the intended model of

the domain. A model consists of a domain and an interpretation function, where

the domain is a set of objects and the interpretation function is a mapping from

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individual, class and property names to elements of the domain, subsets of the

domain and binary relations on the domain, respectively.

A Description Logic knowledge base consists of a set of axioms asserting, e.g.,

that one class is a subclass of another, or that an individual is an instance of a

particular class. The meaning of these axioms is given by corresponding

constraints on models.

The meaning of a knowledge base derives from features and relationships that are

common to all possible models. If, for example, the interpretation of a class must

always be the empty set, then that class is said to be inconsistent, while if there are

no possible interpretations, the knowledge base itself is said to be inconsistent. If

the relationship specified by a given axiom must hold in all interpretations of a

knowledge base, then that axiom is said to be entailed by the knowledge base, and

if one knowledge base entails every axiom in another knowledge base, then the

first knowledge base is said to entail the second knowledge base.

OWL uses a Description Logic style model theory to formalise the meaning of the

language. This was recognised as an essential feature in all three languages, as it

allows ontologies, and information using vocabulary defined by ontologies, to be

shared and exchanged without disputes as to precise meaning. The need for this

kind of formality was reinforced by experience with early versions of the RDF

and RDFS specification, where a lack of formality soon led to arguments as to the

meaning of language constructs such as domain and range constraints [Lucchese,

2003]. Another advantage of formalising the meaning of the language in this way

is that automated reasoning techniques can be used to check the consistency of

classes and ontologies, and to check entailment relationships. This is crucial if the

full power of ontologies is to be exploited by intelligent agents, and the ability to

provide such reasoning support was a key design goal for OWL.

Computational Problems

One aspect of OWL that distinguishes it from RDF and RDFS is that it supports a

rich set of inferences. Inferences supported by OWL, however, are quite complex,

requiring, e.g., reasoning by cases and following chains of properties.

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Taking all the representational desires for OWL together would have created a

formalism where key inference problems were undecidable. For example,

allowing relationships to be asserted between property chains (such as saying that

an uncle is precisely a parent’s brother) would make OWL entailment

undecidable. In addition, some aspects of RDF, such as the use of classes as

instances, interact with the rest of OWL to create computational difficulties,

taking OWL beyond the range of practical algorithms and implemented reasoning

systems. OWL has thus had to provide a solution for these computational issues

while still retaining upwards compatibility with RDF and RDFS.

2.10 Protégé Protégé (http://protege.stanford.edu) is an open-source tool for editing and

managing ontologies. It is the most widely used domain-independent, freely

available, platform-independent technology for developing and managing

terminologies, ontologies, and knowledge bases in a broad range of application

domains. Protégé is implemented in Java, and runs on a broad range of hardware

platforms, including Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Unix. Protégé’s core

functionality can be extended in many ways by creating plug-ins. There are over

90 Protégé plug-ins providing advanced capabilities such as reasoning and

inference support and visualization of large ontologies. Protégé adopts an object

way to represent concepts and links. Therefore, every concept stands for a class

with a clear definition of the concept it is representing. In addition to that

definition, particular attributes have to be added by the user. Those attributes are

called slots and constitute the links between concepts. Thus, when a concept A is

linked with another concept B, a slot is defined in the slot A which type is the

class representing concept B. The name of the slot describes the link itself and a

clear definition must be added. Additional features of slots exist as the cardinality

or the fact that the link is an inverse one. Finally, making an ontology in protégé

consists in making a class hierarchy which classes are linked.

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Protégé has been used as the primary development environment for many

ontologies in the life sciences and quickly become the most widely used tool in

the world for use with the Ontology Web Language (OWL).

The Protégé platform supports two main ways of modelling ontologies and we

chose to use the second approach.:

The Protégé-Frames editor enables users to build and populate ontologies

that are frame-based, in accordance with the Open Knowledge Base

Connectivity protocol (OKBC). In this model, an ontology consists of a set

of classes organized in a subsumption hierarchy to represent a domain's

salient concepts, a set of slots associated to classes to describe their

properties and relationships, and a set of instances of those classes -

individual exemplars of the concepts that hold specific values for their


The Protégé-OWL editor enables users to build ontologies for the

Semantic Web, in particular in the W3C's Web Ontology Language

(OWL). "An OWL ontology may include descriptions of classes,

properties and their instances. Given such an ontology, the OWL formal

semantics specifies how to derive its logical consequences, i.e. facts not

literally present in the ontology, but entailed by the semantics. These

entailments may be based on a single document or multiple distributed

documents that have been combined using defined OWL mechanisms"

(OWL Web Ontology Language Guide)

The basic Protégé infrastructure provides the following key features which makes

it particularly suitable to the needs of developing and using ontologies in a variety

of applications:

• An extensible knowledge model. The internal representational primitives in

Protégé can be redefined declaratively, permitting Protégé to have representations

appropriate for a variety of ontology languages. Protégé’s representational

primitives - the elements of its knowledge model - provide classes, instances of

these classes, slot representing attributes of classes and instances, and facets

expressing additional information about slots.

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• A customizable user interface. The standard Protégé user interface components

for displaying and acquiring data can be replaced with new components that fit

particular types of ontologies best (e.g., for OWL).

• Ability to import ontologies in different formats. There are several plug-ins

available for importing ontologies in different formats into Protégé, including

XML, RDF, and OWL.

• Support for data entry. Protégé provides facilities whereby the system can

automatically generate data entry forms for acquiring instances of the concepts

defined by the source ontology.

• Ontology authoring and management tools. The PROMPT tools are plug-ins to

protégé that allow developers to merge ontologies, to track changes in ontologies

over time, and to create views of ontologies. The Protégé internal knowledge

representation can be translated into the various representations used in the

different ontologies. Protégé has different back end storage mechanisms,

including relational database, XML, and flat file.

• An extensible architecture that enables integration with other applications.

Protégé can be connected directly to external programs in order to use its

ontologies in intelligent applications, such as reasoning and classification


• A Java Application Programming Interface (API). System developers can use

the Protégé API to access and programmatically manipulate Protégé ontologies.

Protégé can be run as a stand-alone application or through a Protégé client in

communication with a remote server. Jambalaya is a Protégé plug-in that provides

an extensible, flexible, and scalable visualization environment for exploring,

navigating, and understanding ontologies. Classes and instances are represented as

nodes in a graph; different types may be distinguished using different colour hues.

Directed edges (arcs) are used to show relationships between concepts and


Protégé can be a useful tool for managing and using ontologies. Its graphical user

interface components can help users visualize and browse large and complex

ontologies. Protégé can help them align and compare ontologies that overlap in

content as well as different versions of ontologies. The Protégé platform supports

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Web-based ontology viewing and collaboration and it provides different back-end

storage mechanisms.

2.10.1 OWL Plugin The OWL Plugin is a complex Protégé extension that can be used to edit OWL

files and databases. The OWL Plugin includes a collection of custom-tailored tabs

and widgets for OWL, and provides access to OWL-related services such as

classification, consistency checking, and ontology testing.

Editing OWL Ontologies

In this section we will walk through some of the forms and tabs for editing classes

and properties. A screenshot of the OWL classes tab is shown in Figure 2.14. The

main class hierarchy is shown on the left, and the details of the currently selected

class are shown in a form on the right. The upper section of the class form

displays class metadata such as names and annotations. Annotation properties are

ignored by OWL DL reasoners. Instead, they are very suitable to manage

metadata about a class, such as versioning information, comments, relationships

to other external resources, and labels in multiple languages.

Figure 2.14. OWL Classes

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Editing Class Descriptions

Traditional Protégé users are accustomed to an object-centred view to the

interface that has required some effort to adapt to OWL. In the Protégé

metamodel, classes are typically only related through simple superclass/subclass

relationships, and therefore a simple tree view was enough to edit classes. OWL

on the other hand not only distinguishes between necessary conditions

(superclasses) and necessary and sufficient conditions (equivalent classes), but

furthermore allows users to relate classes with arbitrary class expressions. The

OWL Plugin’s class editor addresses this complexity by means of a list of

conditions, which is organized into blocks of necessary & sufficient, necessary,

and inherited conditions (see figure 2.15). Each of the necessary & sufficient

blocks represents a single equivalent intersection class, and only those inherited

conditions are listed that have not been further restricted higher up in the


In addition to the list of conditions, there is also a custom-tailored widget for

entering disjoint classes, which has special support for typical design patterns

such as making all siblings disjoint. This rather object-centred design of the OWL

classes tab makes it possible to maintain the whole class definition on a single


Figure 2.15. Asserted conditions block

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Editing Properties

The class form provides a listing of all properties for which instances of the

selected class can take values. This includes those properties which have the class

in their domain, and those that don’t have any domain restrictions. The details of

the properties are edited by means of a separate form. Similar to the class form,

the upper part of the property form displays name and annotation properties. The

lower part contains widgets for the property’s domain, range, and characteristics

such as whether a property is transitive or symmetric.

Note that Protégé and OWL support user-defined metaclasses that extend the

standard system classes. For example, ontologies can define a subclass of

owl:Object-Property and then add other properties to it.

Reasoning based on Description Logics

The OWL Plugin provides direct access to DL reasoners such as Racer (we

describe this tool in section 2.11). The current user interface supports two types of

DL reasoning: Consistency checking and classification (subsumption).

Consistency checking (i.e., the test whether a class could have instances) can be

invoked either for all classes with a single mouse click, or for selected classes

only. Inconsistent classes are marked with a red bordered icon.

Classification (i.e., inferring a new subsumption tree from the asserted

definitions) can be invoked with the classify button on a one-shot basis. When the

classify button is pressed, the system determines the OWL species, because some

reasoners are unable to handle OWL Full ontologies. This is done using the

validation service from the Jena library. If the ontology is in OWL Full (e.g.,

because metaclasses are used) the system attempts to convert the ontology

temporarily into OWL DL. The OWL Plugin supports editing some features of

OWL Full (e.g., assigning ranges to annotation properties, and creating

metaclasses). These are easily detected and can be removed before the data are

sent to the classifier. Once the ontology has been converted into OWL DL, a full

consistency check is performed, because inconsistent classes cannot be classified


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Finally, the classification results are stored until the next invocation of the

classifier, and can be browsed separately. Classification can be invoked either for

the whole ontology, or for selected subtrees only. In the latter case, the transitive

closure of all accessible classes is sent to the classifier. This may return an

incomplete classification because it does not take incoming edges into account,

but in many cases it provides a reasonable approximation without having to

process the whole ontology. OWLfiles store only the subsumptions that have been

asserted by the user. However, experience has shown that, in order to edit and

correct their ontologies, users need to distinguish between what they have asserted

and what the classifier has inferred. Many users may find it more natural to

navigate the inferred hierarchy, because it displays the semantically correct

position of all the classes.

The OWL Plugin addresses this need by displaying both hierarchies and making

available extensive information on the inferences made during classification.

After classification the OWL Plugin displays an inferred classification hierarchy

beside the original asserted hierarchy. The classes that have changed their

superclasses are highlighted in blue, and moving the mouse over them explains

the changes. Furthermore, a complete list of all changes suggested by the

classifier is shown in the upper right area, similar to a list of compiler messages.

A click on an entry navigates to the affected class. Also, the conditions widget can

be switched between asserted and inferred conditions. All this allows the users to

analyse the changes quickly.

2.11 Racer Pro RacerPro stands for Renamed ABox and Concept Expression Reasoner

Professional. As the name suggests, the origins of RacerPro are within the area of

description logics. Since description logics provide the foundation of international

approaches to standardize ontology languages in the context of the so-called

semantic web, RacerPro can also be used as a system for managing semantic web

ontologies based on OWL, it can be used as a reasoning engine for ontology

editors such as Protégé.

An important aspect of this system is the ability to process OWL documents.

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Ontologies may be taken off the shelf or may be extended for domain-specific

purposes (domain-specific ontologies extend core ontologies). For doing this, a

reasoning system is required as part of the ontology editing system. RacerPro can

process OWL Lite as well as OWL DL documents (knowledge bases).

The following services are provided for OWL ontologies and RDF data


Check the consistency of an OWL ontology and a set of data descriptions.

Find implicit subclass relationships induced by the declaration in the


Find synonyms for resources (either classes or instance names).

Since extensional information from OWL documents (OWL instances and

their interrelationships) needs to be queried for client applications, an

OWL-QL query processing system is available as an open-source project

for RacerPro.

HTTP client for retrieving imported resources from the web. Multiple

resources can be imported into one ontology.

Incremental query answering for information retrieval tasks (retrieve the next n

results of a query). In addition, RacerPro supports the adaptive use of

computational resource: answers which require few computational resources are

delivered first, and user applications can decide whether computing all answers is

worth the effort.

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Figure 2.16. Connection ontology with RacerPro

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Chapter 3

The energy domain case study In order to construct a domain ontology, there is a need for domain knowledge. In

the area of Energy Security we had the assistance and guidance of a domain

expert, so this domain was selected for demonstrating the approach of knowledge

guided information search. Database lease note that he construction of the energy

security ontology was teamwork, involved several students. It is presented here as

a whole, in order to put the specific research work, focused crawling, in the larger


3.1 Introduction Energy security has risen to the top of the agenda among policy makers,

international organizations and business. A sustained growth in demand for

energy has led to serious concerns over the long-term availability of reliable and

affordable supplies. Conflict and geopolitical tensions in some of the regions that

are key sources of raw materials for energy production represent a short-term

supply risk, as well as obstacles for much-needed investment in the sector.

Transportation bottlenecks and other constraints in energy infrastructure represent

additional threats to a reliable and affordable supply of energy.

Large amounts of information and knowledge is of ever increasing importance in

field as this and search of the right information, especially in corporate intranets

and knowledge bases, becomes an increasingly difficult task [Menczer et al,


Over the coming decades, the world faces a daunting challenge in meeting the

energy needs of a growing and developing world population while mitigating the

impacts of global climate change. Until recently, energy security and climate

change were considered separate issues to be dealt with by different communities

of experts and policymakers. The two issues are now converging, challenging the

security and climate communities to develop a better understanding of how to deal

with both issues simultaneously. Energy security and climate change have broad

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economic, political, and societal consequences. A lack of energy security can

exacerbate geopolitical tensions and impede development. The impacts of climate

change and efforts to address the problem will have numerous security

implications, including water scarcity, crop decline, forced migration, and

changing conflict dynamics. The strict relationship underlying these two concepts

are more problematic and so there is the need to systematize the knowledge about

semantic information. There is a need to share meaning of terms in a these

domains and so, the need of a knowledge representation tool for domain

knowledge like an ontology appears. This is especially relevant since today’s

search tools perform rather poorly, in the sense that information access is mostly

based on keyword searching or even mere browsing of topic areas. This

unfocused approach often leads to undesired results. Focused search, based on

domain ontology may provide an important tool for policy makers that need

relevant information. This is true in general and specifically in the Energy

Security domain that was selected as a case study.

Building an ontology schema is tedious and effort-intensive task, especially to

find information source containing the information for the instances of the

concepts. This task results more difficult if we think at the insertion of instances

into the ontology from unstructured texts as web pages.

In order to initiate the generation of the Energy Security ontology, we started by a

search of general documents on Google. We collected roughly 100 documents.

Next we extracted manually from this first database the necessary information to

classify the concepts in the ontology to add instances for these concepts and create

relations among concepts and between concepts and instances. For example we

created the relationship between the class of “energy security” and classes like

“reliability of supply”, “affordability” and “friendliness to the environment”

because energy security should be viewed as comprised of three subconcepts. To

implement energy security ontology we used OWL. Specifically we adapt the

OWL DL sublanguage of OWL in order to take advantage of its consistency and

satisfiability checking the mechanisms and its reasoning and inference

capabilities. We also used the Owl Protégé’s plugin to support ontology editing in

OWL. The following sections describe the construction of the Energy Security

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ontology using these tools, how this ontology has guided us in the use of different

crawler specifically in the task of query formulation and the mechanism that we

used to estimate the relevance of each retrieved page.

3.2 Energy Security ontology description The first query on Google about “energy security” renders 27.300.000 links.

Figure 3.1 Connection of database with ontology.

We decided to search in the web some information to acquire knowledge to a first

approach to this domain. We used the results in Google of first 20 pages. We

extracted about 100 documents into a MySql database and analysed some of them

(we also used some internal links of the documents) to extract general knowledge

about the domain so we can formalize some concepts and instances in the

ontology. We connected our ontology, defined using Protégé, with the MySql

database as demonstrated by figure 3.1. We organize every document in a

database MySql (we created a connection with the database MySql as see in

figure 3.1.) in which every table corresponds at the namesake class and we used

four fields to represent the main information of each document: title, address,

keywords and topic at which it refers (that is a class in the ontology).

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We created some horizontal links between the subclasses and between the

individuals of the hierarchy. To create the horizontal links we have used logical

properties with one or two arguments. Later we will show the classes which we

have selected to create our ontology.

In the second step we constructed a hierarchy of concept classes that represent the

energy domain in relation to energy security problems. We created a super-class

named Energy Domain in which there are 6 sub-classes (as seen in figure 3.2)

Country, Energy Security, Energy Sources, Infrastructures, Market,

Environmental consequences.

Figure 3.2. OWL Viz

At the third step we inserted detailed knowledge to concepts (classes), using

instances and relationships (properties).

The class Energy Security has two sub-classes: Risks and Solutions.

Energy security risks are different: someone report to energy market instabilities

caused by unforeseen changes in geopolitical or other external factors, or

compounded by fossil fuel resource concentration; other one are technical failures

such as power “outages” (blackouts and brownouts) caused by grid or generation

plant malfunction and there are also physical security threats such as terrorists,

sabotage, theft or piracy, as well as natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes,

volcanic eruptions, the effects of climate change etc.). So we have decided to

create six instances for Risks class as see in figure 6: MarketInstabilities,

NaturalDisasters, Piracy, Sabotage, TechnicalFailures and Terrorism.

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Instead for Solutions we collect different information from the analysed

documents that allow only to assert that the concept of solution is linked only to

the governments action to avoid problems about supplying of energy. Moreover

there are several kinds of government actions addressing energy security but they

aren’t arranged in a formal taxonomy. So we let open this argument for next step

of the work.

Figure 3.3. Class Browser and Instance Browser for “Risks” class

All forms of energy are stored in different ways. There are two groups of energy

sources, two classes respectively: Non Renewable and Renewable. Renewable and

non renewable energy sources can be used to produce secondary energy sources

like electricity.

We create a sub-class of Energy Sources, called Fossil Fuel which are considered

non renewable because they cannot be replenished (made again) in a short period

of time.

The instances of FossilFuel are Coal, Oil and Natural gas which are all considered

fossil fuels because they formed from the buried remains of plants and animals

that lived millions of years ago.

The five renewable sources used most often are: biomass, water, geothermal,

wind and solar and these are some of the instances.

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Figure 3.4. OWL Viz for Energy Sources class

Figure 3.5. Fossil Fuel and Renewable subclasses with relative instances

Another important class that results closely correlated to Energy Security is the

concept of Climate change. It refers to any significant change in measures of

climate (such as temperature, precipitation, or wind) lasting for an extended

period (decades or longer).

Every type of energy and every energy source must be transported in various

places. So it is necessary to represent the concept of Infrastructure. There are

different means of transport and many instances to add at this class: pipeline, oil

tanker, ship, train and there are other means to production of the energy source

like turbine for wind power.

Moreover energy is used for different sector and in every field there are various

information to represent. We identify four instances to describe the Market class:

industrial sector, residential and commercial sector and transportation.

We have inserted the Country class because the country energy politics (and the

country energy availability of the energy sources) are important aspects of the

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energy domain. Furthermore, in this manner, we can create horizontal links with

other classes of the ontology (e.g. Oil is mostly provided by the country X).

3.3 Experimental set up The first version of ontology about Energy Security domain, described above, is

composed by 16 classes, 4 properties and 40 instances. The ontology is partial but

the information contained is useful to our next step: we investigate how to take

advantage of this information and use it to guide a spidering process.

So, at this point of the work we need the use of web crawlers which have the task

of collecting web pages (as we described in Chapter 2) and the Information

Retrieval system which as the task of retrieving text documents that answer our


Our approach is using the knowledge formalized in the ontology to guide query

formulation and so we use focused crawlers which start with a query. The

crawlers we used were MySpiders with its relative algorithms and SSSpider.

Moreover we needed a mechanism to estimate the relevance of a page. A common

approach for this is to assess the similarity between the retrieved page and a gold

standard that represents a relevant page. In a first approach our gold standard is

represented by documents in MySql database that are relevant because we have

read them and they have driven the ontology concepts formalization. In other

approach we use general framework for crawler evaluation research defined by

Menczer et al 2004.

The output of a crawler l for a given topic can be written as a temporal sequence

Sl = {u1, u2, . . . , uM} where ui is the URL for the ith page crawled and M is the

maximum number of pages crawled. In order to measure the performance of the

crawler l we need a function f that maps the sequence Sl to a sequence Rl = {r1, r2,

. . . , rM} where ri is a scalar that represents the relevance of the ith page crawled.

Once we have a sequence Rl we may summarize the results at various points

during the crawl. However, evaluation of topical crawlers is a challenging

problem due to the unavailability of the complete relevance set for any topic or

query. Also, manual relevance judgment for each of the crawled pages (manually

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created function f ) is extremely costly in terms of man-hours when we have

millions of crawled pages spread over more than one hundred topics. Even if we

sample for manual evaluation, we will have to do so at various points during a

crawl to capture the temporal nature of crawl performance. So, we use the two

standard information retrieval (IR) measures recall and precision.

The recall of the system is the proportion of relevant material actually retrieved in

answer to a search request and the precision of the system is the proportion of

retrieved material that is actually relevant. Recall and precision measure is known

as the effectiveness of the retrieval system. In other words it is a measure of the

ability of the system to retrieve relevant documents while at the same time

holding back non-relevant one. It is assumed that the more effective the system

the more it will satisfy the user. It is also assumed that precision and recall are

sufficient for the measurement of effectiveness.

Before proceeding to the technical details relating to the measurement of

effectiveness it is as well to explain the concept of relevance in our study.

Relevance is a subjective notion. Different users may differ about the relevance or

non-relevance of particular documents to given questions. So in order to be able to

calculate recall as detailed below, the technical relevance of all documents in the

dataset must be assessed. In this study, a document is called technically relevant

for a given search term if it contains this term in the full-text and this check was

done by the teamwork of this work.

The work presented here aims to evaluate the quality of the obtained results from

different topical crawlers and thus to evaluate the validity and the usefulness of

spidering process. Recall and precision were estimated to measure the

performance of these applications.

Recall and precision are two accepted measurements to determine the utility of an

information retrieval system or search strategy. They are defined as:

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Despite the relevance evaluation from teamwork, it is necessary to know the total

number of the relevant documents in a database for each query in order to estimate

the recall. In the present study, a particular document in database was defined as

technically relevant if the words contained in the query could be found in its full-text


So when a query is done we revised the recall and the precision that are:

For our task, that is ontology population through information guided spidering,

another important step must be described. We decided, with the help of a domain

expert, Dr. Brenda Shaffer1 to use knowledge that guided the ontology building and

to focus our work on topic Energy Security.

So we have been guided by the deep meaning of energy security thanks to her words:

“Energy security should be viewed as comprised of three elements: reliability of

supply, affordability (supports economic growth) and friendliness to the environment.

Energy security is achieved by states through: diversification of sources (different

suppliers) and diversification of fuel sources. In addition, additional techniques

include: energy storage and strategic petroleum reserves; redundant energy

infrastructure and flexibility to shift fuels in delivering energy functions (such as

producing electricity, powering mass transportation)”.

We consider the concept of “security” in its broadest sense: it includes all actions

aimed at physical protection of energy and transport facilities and infrastructures but

1Dr. Brenda Shaffer : School Of Political Science, Asian Studies Department of University of Haifa

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it comprises too oil and other fossil fuel depletion (peak oil, etc), reliance on foreign

sources of energy, geopolitics (such as supporting dictatorships, rising terrorism,

“stability” of nations that supply energy) energy needs of poorer countries, and

demands from advancing developing countries such as China and India,

environmental issues, in particular climate change and renewable and other

alternative energy sources.

Another meaningful guideline of the domain expert is that “renewable energy

sources also have environmental consequences (albeit much lower than fossil fuel

use): impacts weather, bird flight patterns, large land use, and damage to views”

while we initially consider them only as alternative use to fossil fuels.

We defined queries using the operator AND among two or more terms. Table 3.1

shows all queries formulated in each crawler.

1 Energy Security

2 Energy infrastructures

3 Energy technology

4 Energy Security AND Affordability

5 Energy Security AND Reliability of supply

6 Energy Security AND Friendliness to environment

7 Energy Security AND Oil supply

8 Energy Security AND Natural gas supply

9 Energy Security AND Strategic petroleum reserves

10 Energy Security AND Energy functions

11 Energy Security AND Energy storage

12 Energy Security AND Different suppliers

13 Energy Security AND Different sources

14 Energy Security AND Geopolitical problems

15 Energy Security AND Renewables

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Table 3.1. List of queries

We used these queries in two applications described in chapter 2, MySpiders and


We note that SSSpider has one only way to run while we can select the algorithm to

use before to run MySpiders. One algorithm is Naïve best first which has a link

selection process that is guided by simply computing the lexical similarity between

the topic’s keyword and the source page for the link. The other is Infospiders which

proceeds with the activation of various agents, everyone of which has a list of

keywords (initialised with the query) and a neural net used to evaluate new links:

each input unit of this net receives a count of frequency with which the keyword

occurs in the vicinity of each link to be traversed, weighted to give more importance

to keywords near the link (and maximum in the anchor text).

After we done all queries in each crawler we evaluate the results with the documents

contained in the database. Precisely, with the help of the SQL syntax, we select

documents concerning the topic of the query, then Energy Security and we consider

for each query the documents that contain in the field keywords the words of the


Figure 3.6. Selection of documents for Energy Security topic

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Figure 3.9. Spider details windows

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In this figure 3.9 we can see an example of the behaviour of two infospider agents. In

each spider detail there is information about the status of the agent (we see always

dead, when compare “search over”, because we open the spider detail window when

the spider has finished to crawl), the term that adds at the query terms and the URL

that renders in the interface of the results.

Figure 3.9 . Results of the different queries to Energy Security concept in

MySpiders with Infospiders algorithm

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We used another approach to estimate retrieved pages, that was a general framework

for crawler evaluation research defined by Menczer et al 2004. Now the gold standard

is represented by target set of web sites. According to Menczer et al (2004) in order to

evaluate crawler algorithms, we need topics and some corresponding relevant targets.

One could theoretically generate topics and target sets using frequent queries from

search engines and user assessments. However this approach would make it very

expensive to obtain a large number of topics and target sets, and very cumbersome to

keep such a dataset up to date over time given the dynamic nature of the Web.

Fortunately this data is already available from Web directories updated by human

Figure 3.10 . Results of the different queries to Energy Security concept in SSSpider

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editors and we used the Open Directory Project (ODP) that is an “open resource”

(www.dmoz.org) and is maintained by a very large and diverse number of volunteer

editors. We collected topics driven by our ontology classes and so we searched to

identify ODP “leaves” pages that have no children category nodes.

A topic is represented by three types of information derived from the corresponding

leaf pages. First, the words in the ODP hierarchy form the topic’s keywords. Second,

the external links form the topic’s targets. Third, we concatenated the text

descriptions and anchor text of the target URLs (written by ODP human editors) to

form a topic’s description. The difference between a topic’s keywords and its

description is that we give the former to the crawlers, as models of (short) query-like

topics; and we use the latter, which is a much more detailed representation of the

topic, to judge the relevance of the crawled pages in our post-hoc analysis. Table 3.4

shows a few sample topics.


Energy efficiency

Energy program

DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable

Energy (EERE)-Information about

energy efficiency in buildings, industry,

power, and transportation sectors;

renewable energy technologies; and DOE

programs in these areas.

DOE Hydropower Program - Provides

information on hydroelectric technology

and tech transfer, state resource

assessment, environmental concerns, and

advanced hydropower turbines.

Energy Information Administration

(EIA)- A statistical agency of the U.S.

Department of Energy, provides policy-

independent data, forecasts [……….]














Fossil fuels The Fossil Fuel Foundation of Africa -

Organization constituted to further science



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Natural gas

and technology in the carbon and energy


International Association for the

Stability and Handling of Liquid Fuels

(IASH) - Promotes research and

experimentation [………..]




Table 3.4. Representation of three types of information of different topics.

We also explored different methods for summarizing crawler performance such as

plotting the mean similarity of retrieved pages to topic descriptions over time and

computing the average fraction of retrieved pages that were assessed as being

“relevant” by the classifiers. In particular we propose to assess both recall and

precision, using target and lexical criteria for page relevance.

We employ the performance metrics focusing on the effect of different machine

learning techniques on the performance of crawling algorithms over time. This view

is especially appropriate when studying issues such as greediness and adaptation,

whose effects are likely to vary in the course of the crawl. The dynamic measures

provide a temporal characterization of the crawl strategy, by considering the pages

fetched while the crawl is in progress.

The first metric is the simple precision level based on the target pages which we see

in the third column of table 3.3):

where S(i) is the set of pages crawled by crawler i and T is the target set. This

measure allows us to determine how well a crawler can locate a few highly relevant

pages. However, there may well be many other relevant pages that are not specified

in the target set. To assess a crawler’s capability to locate these other relevant pages,

we have to estimate the relevance of any crawled page. We do so using the lexical

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similarity between a page and the topic description. Recall that the crawlers do not

have any knowledge of topic descriptions, and that these descriptions are manually

compiled by human experts as they describe relevant sites. Therefore pages similar to

these descriptions have a good likelihood to be closely related to the topic.

The second metric is recall level that is like precision but it divides to S(i):

In figure 3.11 we can see how we use the directories of dmoz.org and also the

windows of a topic, description and target for Fossil Fuel concept.

Figure 3.11 . A view of dmoz.org directories for Fossil fuel query

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3.4 Experimental results Concerning the first gold standard after we have finished the various queries with the

different spiders we calculated the measure of precision and recall of the results as we

described in section 3.3. Precisely we used:

• the number of relevant and retrieved documents to measure the precision of

each crawler,

• the number of relevant documents in database and the number of relevant

documents retrieved by each crawler.

We render the results of each query in table 3.2. Precisely the table shows in the first

column a specific query, in the second column the number of relevant documents in

the database for each query and in the other columns the number of relevant

documents retrieved by crawler concerning a specific query. QUERY DATABASE INFOSPIDERS BEST FIRST SSSPID


Energy infrastructures 4 3 2 2

Energy technology 5 4 4 2

Energy Security AND Affordability 4 2 3 1

Energy Security AND Reliability of supply 8 7 3 2

Energy Security AND Friendliness to environment 7 5 4 2

Energy Security AND Oil Supply 15 10 8 6

Energy Security AND Natural Gas supply 10 4 3 2

Energy Security AND Strategic petroleum reserves 6 4 3 2

Energy Security AND Energy functions 4 3 3 2

Energy Security AND Energy storage 4 3 2 1

Energy Security AND Different suppliers 5 2 1 0

Energy Security AND Different sources 15 5 4 2

Energy Security AND Geopolitical problems 12 10 8 5

Energy Security AND Renewables 15 7 6 6

Table 3.2. Relevant documents of database and relevant documents by each


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Moreover table 3.3 shows the number of documents retrieved by each crawler.


Energy infrastructures 5 4 10

Energy technology 5 7 10

Energy Security AND Affordability 3 5 10

Energy Security AND Reliability of supply 8 6 5

Energy Security AND Friendliness to environment 6 6 10

Energy Security AND Oil Supply 12 12 35

Energy Security AND Natural Gas supply 5 4 35

Energy Security AND Strategic petroleum reserves 5 4 5

Energy Security AND Energy functions 5 4 20

Energy Security AND Energy storage 4 3 5

Energy Security AND Different suppliers 3 2 5

Energy Security AND Different sources 7 6 5

Energy Security AND Geopolitical problems 18 15 35

Energy Security AND Renewables 9 8 20

Table 3.3. Documents retrieved by each crawler.

Now we shows the results of precision and recall through some graphics.

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Figure 3.11. Precision and recall for each query with Infospiders algorithm.

Figure 3.12. Precision and recall for each query with Best First algorithm.

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Figure 3.13. Precision and recall for each query with


In the experiments with second gold standard we decided to formulate few queries

that included broad knowledge because in ODP we can explore directory categorized

through general concepts. In fact we can see in the first column of table 3.4 the sense

of each keyword is less specific than concept represented.

In table 3.4 we render the results of the four queries that we use to check the

efficiency of three spiders. For each query done in a crawler we evaluate the presence

of retrieved website url in target set of ODP.

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Table 3.4. Measures of Precision and Recall. ENERGY SECURITY


INFOSPIDERS 0.45 0.70 INFOSPIDERS 0.50 0.70 BEST FIRST 0.40 0.65 BEST FIRST 0.35 0.60 SSSPIDER 0.30 0.50 SSSPIDER 0.25 0.50



INFOSPIDERS 0.60 0.75 INFOSPIDERS 0.40 0.60 BEST FIRST 0.50 0.65 BEST FIRST 0.40 0.50 SSSPIDER 0.45 0.30 SSSPIDER 0.50 0.40

3.5 Ontology population with Bingo! and Arachnid Up to this point we used focused crawler that start with a query. Now we can use

other type of focused crawlers having estimated the relevance of retrieved page. In

fact at this phase of the work it is needed to enrich the ontology with additional

classes and instances. So we turned to crawlers that start with an URL and render all

its inside links. We particularly used Arachnid (described in section 2.6) and BINGO!

(described in section 2.7).

We started by selecting some URLs of those documents (retrieved from MySpiders)

related to concept of Energy Security and Geopolitical Problems which were

questions suggested by our domain expert.

As we have seen in chapter 2 Arachnid is a Java-based web spider framework. It

includes asimple HTML parser object that parses an input stream containing HTML

content. Simple Web spiders can be created by sub-classing Arachnid and adding a

few lines of code called after each page of a Web site is parsed. So we insert in the

Test class a string that represent the URL to crawl (we see in figure 3.12 an example)

and run the program. We repeat this procedure for more 10 URLs.

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Figure 3.12. A piece of Java code in which we insert the name of the URL to


After few seconds we had as results a list of URLs that represent external links,

internal links and also not-HTML links like documents in pdf format.

Table 3.5. Results of a Test on a URL in Arachnid.Thread[Thread-0,5,main] started



External link: http://www.opec.org/home/contact/feedback.aspx in


External link: http://www.opec.org/library/Special in


External link: http://www.opec.org/home/Multimedia/liveStreaming.aspx in


Non-HTML link:

http://www.opec.org/library/Annual%20Statistical%20Bulletin/pdf/ASB2004.pdf type:


Non-HTML link:

http://www.opec.org/library/Annual%20Statistical%20Bulletin/zip/ASB2004.zip type:


Stress Test Finished

Traversed 26 pages

Found 0 bad pages

I/O errors in 3 pages

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Other useful tasks of Arachnid are represented by SiteMapGen class and GetGraphics

class. The following tables show the results of the implementation of code that uses

Arachnid to generate a site map for a Web site and a directory in which put all images

met in URLs crawled.

Table 3.6. Results of GetGraphics Get Graphics: Saved image from: http://www.opec.org/headers/library/images/spacer.gif

Saved image from: http://www.opec.org/headers/library/images/logo.gif

Saved image from: http://www.opec.org/headers/library/images/homeSl.gif

Saved image from: http://www.opec.org/headers/library/images/aboutusSl.gif

Saved image from:



[……] Finished

Table 3.7. Results of SiteMapGen <html><head><title>Site Map</title></head><body><ul>



Statistical Bulletin 2006</a></li>



Now we present the results of BINGO!, another focused crawler that starts its tasks

with an URL. This spider is easier to use than arachnid because it offers a simple user

interface. In fact there isn’t the need to implement java code but only to interact with

the program. The procedure in Bingo follow three steps:

• Insert the training documents;

• Run the crawler on inserted documents;

• Update the database with new retrieved documents.

In the example (figure 3.13) we insert three documents which are the results of

“energy security and reliability” query in MySpiders and send them to crawler. These

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papers are very relevant because they help us (as we see in follow chapter) to make

enrich the ontology particularly to add new class and new instances to Energy

Security class. So we decide to extract new URLs of documents linked to those.

Figure 3.13 Insert new training documents through its URL.

After few minutes we have as results about 3000 entries. We can see the title of

retrieved documents and open directly in the browser.

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Figure 3.14. Database Bingo after crawling on three URLs.

Moreover we can some other thinghs with each document: open in browser, show

source, show features amd show links. In figure 3.15 we see as we can have the

frequency of each term through a feature vector that is an n-dimensional vector of

numerical features that represent some object.

Figure 3.15. Computing feature vector for a document

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Chapter 4


The purpose of the experiments described in chapter 3 was to study how an ontology

help the formulation of a query in a focused spider and how can we evaluate focused-

crawling techniques used.

Our experiments on three algorithms of two focused crawler allowed us to understand

the efficiency of these intelligent agents with respect a simple human search. Initially,

by manually using a search engine, we have had a large quantity of documents but it

would take a long time to read it all and to analyze their relevance. For this reason we

decided to initiate new searches with topical crawlers taking an initial database of

relevant documents.

After several questions crawlers have continued calculating the various measures

previously submitted (recall and precision) so we have the way to understand what

algorithm performs better and to be used in a following step that is ontology


The analysis of the results showed that InfoSpiders agents is the most effective when

measured by recall and precision even if the algorithm Best First shows a slight

difference. The mechanisms behind these algorithms allow the excellent results had.

With regard to InfoSpiders note benefit function based on the similarity to the query,

and cost function to account for the network resources used to download pages.

Instead in Best First we note that the similarity between a page p and the topic

keywords is used to estimate the relevance of the pages pointed by p. The URL with

the best estimate is then selected for crawling.

Surely InfoSpiders is more efficient if we consider the documents database, but

certainly are both useful to search in the web relevant documents linked specific

topic. This is even more evident if we think that for the same query a normal search

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engine returns hundreds of links while crawlers retrieved ten links of specific

documents that for the most part concerning the topic requested. The third crawler,

SSSpider shows behavior less efficient compared to the database but documents

retrieved are mostly useful to discover new concepts related to the concepts of query


Now we present the last step of this work: ontology population using documents

retrieved from MySpiders. As we have seen it retrieves a mostly of relevant

documents of the database but the important thing is that can bring many other

relevant documents never considered. In fact we have focused much on these new

documents in order to extract new concepts and new relationships to be included in

the ontology.

As the first demonstration of the advantage of using focused crawlers can note that

we started from an ontology of 16 classes, 4 properties and 40 instances and after

analysis of documents reported by the crawlers have been able to enrich the ontology

bringing to 54 classes, 11 properties and 131 instances. Moreover we have to

consider that our focus was the concept of energy security as we suggested our expert

domain and so we have addressed most of the queries to the discovery of new

relationships and new instances related to this vast subject. What they lacked in the

first version of the ontology was the fact that it had no documents available to

respond to our real needs.

The knowledge contained in the ontology allowed us to guide query formulation and

the information formalized in each concept had the support of domain expert. In fact

we note that in the first version of ontology the concepts have few instances and few

subclasses. Only after we acquired new relevant documents through the use of

crawler we extended each concept. Moreover this significant acquisition of new

knowledge in retrieved documents guided the discovery of new concepts, new

instances and new relationships among concepts.

For example the concept of Energy security was extended with the introduction of 4

subclasses because it appeared evident in many documents its relationship with

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concepts like Scarce Resources Dependency, Reliability of Supply, Friendliness to the

environment amd Resources Affordability. These subclasses allowed to develop

significant relationships between the concepts of Energy Security and Geopolitical

problems. Precisely when we considered the concept Reliability of Supply we

formalized others sub concepts that represented the problem of cut off in supply in

various countries: cut off in supply for Georgia, cut off in supply for Belarus and cut

off in supply for Ukraine. These concepts linked to the concept of dispute among

countries contained in the class Geopolitical Problems represent significant

knowledge useful to understand important current problems.

Another meaningful example of how we enriched the ontology with retrieved

documents with the crawlers is represented by the extension of classes Risk and

Solution. These two concepts represented in the first version of ontology two

subclasses of Energy Security. When we analized different documents and we

acquired new knowledge about this topics we decided to create two classes separately

from Energy security. In fact we hadn’t clear this concepts in relation to the problems

of security in energy supplying and so with new information we created different

classes that represented better the concepts of Risk as technical failures, economic

problems (like peak oil) and geopolitical problems and Solution that is a concept that

different literature rendered as short term actions and long term actions.

Following we render some images that represent the evolution of the Energy Security

concept and the new concept of Geopolitical Problems.

Figure 4.1 show the increase in the number of the classes of the ontology and that

means how many new concepts and new relationships were introduced. This

development derives from the numerous information found with the work of

crawlers. In fact we were able to extend each class for more than one level of

subclasses because we have had several relevant and specific information for each

concept. This picture shows only links through is-a dependence even if it is

meaningful that each class is extended in other subclasses so that ever more detail the

concept that represents.

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Figure 4.1. OWL Viz: all concepts in ontology.

It is necessary to use other views because the previous figure does not make the idea

of present relations between classes and between classes and individuals. Therefore,

these tools employ schema visualization techniques that primarily focus on the

structure of the ontology, i.e. its concepts and their relationships. The users of these

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tools need to get an insight in the complexity of the ontology. For end users, instance

information is often more important than the structure of the ontology that is used to

describe these instances.

We use a tool of Protégé called Jambalaya that provides an extensible, flexible, and

scalable visualization environment for exploring, navigating, and understanding

ontologies. Classes and instances are represented as nodes in a graph. Directed edges

are used to show relationships between concepts and instances.

From this view (figure 4.2) emerges as the ontology is made up concepts very

interconnected with each other.

Figure 4.2. A domain/range view of the whole ontology through Jambalaya

This other view (figure 4.3) can show several properties that link different classes but

especially different individuals of various classes. The use of properties is meaningful

in the ontology construction because it allow to assert fundamental concepts.

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Figure 4.3. A radial layout of the whole ontology through Jambalaya

The figure 4.4 present a particular view that is related at the term search task.

The user can first enter an initial search term (Geopolitical problems in our example)

and can browse the hierarchy. The tool presents a visual representation of requested

term in a network of concepts. So we have the visualization of all relations of that

term with other concept or inside its class.

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Figure 4.4. A view of the search to Geopolitical Problems

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The goal of this thesis was to show that knowledge directed focus crawling can be

applied in the domain of Energy Security. More specifically, the research questions


How can knowledge directed focus crawling be applied in the domain of Energy

Security for automatic search of domain related documents?

How can an ontology help the formulation of a query in a focused spider?

How can we evaluate focused-crawling techniques?

We investigated how we can use information to guide spidering process to ontology

population. Information contained in an ontology allows more efficient discovery and

extraction of resources in the web. In fact using knowledge formalized in concepts,

instances and relationships among concepts we guided the discovery of meaningful

documents to enrich ontology. The documents retrieved in the web without the use of

crawler are a lot and their analysis request much time while a spidering process

guided by basic information results more efficient.

As we have discussed in this thesis, a lot of work has already been done on the

discovery of resources on the Web using different sorts of crawlers. Our goal was to

show that using different sorts of crawlers allows more efficient discovery and

extraction of documents in the Web for Energy security domain.

We have opted for a focused crawler as we want to discover and extract information

during the crawl. To find resources relevant to a given topic, we need to model the

domain of interest of this topic. In general, this is done using a simple keyword

description but what distinguishes us from others approaches is that we model the

domain of interest with a topic ontology instead of a keyword description. In our

approach, we have used an ontology to model this domain of interest. Guiding the

crawl is what distinguishes a focused crawler from a general-purpose crawler.

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The Web is growing exponentially, and crawling the whole Web is an infeasible task.

Topical crawling, or focused crawling, differs from standard exhaustive crawling in

the way that it narrows the search down to regions on the Web which are likely to

contain relevant pages. An exhaustive crawler just downloads the pages it visits,

index them, and follow the hyperlinks without further analysis of the page contents.

A focused crawler limits its search to regions of the web that are likely to lead to

pages of interest. It uses measures to determine the goodness of a page, and skips

further crawling of pages that seem to be fruitless.

The large size and the dynamic nature of the Web highlight the need for continuous

support and updating of Web based information retrieval systems.

Crawlers facilitate the process by following the hyperlinks in Web pages to

automatically download a partial snapshot of the Web. While some systems rely on

crawlers that exhaustively crawl the Web, others incorporate “focus” within their

crawlers to harvest application or topic specific collections.

In this paper we discussed a review of several topical crawling and later we used

different focused crawling with an approach that goes beyond existing focused

crawling. In fact we built an ontology as background for focusing the search in the

Web through these agents. We used this ontology to formulate various queries in

different focused spiders applications and so we acquired new documents. This new

information allowed us to enrich our ontology and to continue topical crawler use in a

more specific way .

The spiders used have been evaluated to understand what could be more useful to

ontology population task. We have provided a quality-based empirical evaluation

based on a standard model of precision and recall.

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