:f13iograpbies. - cork past and present · charles blackwood, ... hollywood, belfast; son of the...

I I I 25 2 (torR anb co. C:orR Murphy.- J MURPHY, J.P., D.L., Ann Mount , co. Cork; son of the late James Murphy, D.L., of Ringmalion, Cork; born at Midleton, July loth, 1842; educated at Ratcliffe College, Leicester, and St. Edward's College, Liverpool. Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Cork; Director of the Cork Distilleries, Ltd., and one of the Dir ectors of the ?II unster and Leinster Bank. Recreations: hunting, coaching, and yachting; was owner of the ste am yacht "Kabyle," and was Master of the United Hunt for ten years; coaching a favourite recreation, and has coached in all parts of England . Married, April, 1873, Harriet, daughter of John Barry, Rose Hill, Ballinacurran, and has issue one son, John Oswald, of the London Stock Exchange; and one daughter, Winifred, married Fitzjames Murphy, of Vostisberg, Cork. Clubs: County, Cork, Royal Cork Yacht, Middleton, Royal Munster Yacht; The Wellington, London; and Royal Victoria Yacht, Ryde. Rev. J. H. Murphy, D.O. Mr. J. J. Murphy. Murphy.-REV. JOH N HOWA RD MURPHY, M.A ., D.D., I, Belgrave Plac e, Cork; son of the lat e Rev. James Gracey Murphy, D.D., LL.D., Professor of H e brew at Ass embly's College, Belfast; born at Belfast, in 1851 ; educated at the Royal Academical Institution , Belfast, and Queen's College, Belfast; B.A., 1875; M.A., 1876, Queen's University; D.D., IgOI, Pr es byt erian Theological Faculty; Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, IgIO. Ordained, I879, to Cavan Presbyterian Church; installed, I8go, Trinity Pres by- te rian Church, Cork, where he has since ministered . Married, March 14th, 1882, Abby Kennedy Purss, daught er of Charles Bla ckwood, of Belfast, and has issue one daughter, Marian Kirkpatrick, B.A" Junior Moderator, Trinity College, Dublin, and one son, John Howard Blackwood. Murphy. - JAMES JOSEPH MURPHY, KilbroganHill, Bandon; e ldest son of Michael Jos eph Murphy, of Lough Neill Hous e, Crookstown': born at Lough Neill House, June, 1876 ; educated privat ely, and at th e Christian Brothers' School, Cork. Aft er leav ing school he entered th e employment of one of the most successf ul business men in th e south of Ir eland, J oseph Brennan, Brewers' Agent and Secretary to the "Vest Cork Bottling Company, Ltd., whose represe ntative he has been for over eighteen years. Recreations (in ,the past) : football, Rugby, and Gaelic. Married, in July, Ig06, Agnes, third daught er of the late Michael Hanly, of Castletownbere- haven, of one of the oldest families in the district, and has issue Eileen, born June, Ig07; Una, born January, I gog ; and Kathleen, born May, IgIO.

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Page 1: :f13iograpbies. - Cork Past and Present · Charles Blackwood, ... Hollywood, Belfast; son of the late Garrett Nagle, of Clogher House, ... Adam Richar~ Newman, of Newbrrry :

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Murphy.- J om~ MURPHY, J.P., D.L., Ann Mount, co. Cork; son of the lat e James Murphy, D.L., of Ringmalion, Cork; born at Midleton, July loth, 1842; educated at Ratcliffe College, Leicester, and St. Edward's College, Liverpool. Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Cork; Director of the Cork Distilleries, Ltd., and one of the Directors of the ?II unster and Leinster Bank. Recreations: hunting, coaching, and yachting; was owner of the steam yacht "Kabyle," and was Master of the United Hunt for ten years; coaching a favourite recreation, and has coached in all parts of England . Married, Apri l, 1873, H arriet , daughter of J ohn Barry, Rose Hill, Ballinacurran, and has issue one son, John Oswald, of the London Stock Exchange; and one daughter, Winifred, married Fitzjames Murphy, of Vostisberg, Cork. Clubs: County, Cork, Royal Cork Yacht, Middleton, Royal Munster Yacht; The Wellington, London; and Royal Victoria Yacht, Ryde.

Rev. J. H. Murphy, D.O.

Mr. J. J. Murphy.

Murphy.-REV. JOHN HOWARD MURPHY, M.A., D.D., I, Belgrave Place, Cork; son of the lat e Rev. James Gracey Murphy, D.D., LL.D., Professor of H ebrew at Assembly's College, Belfast; born at Belfast, in 1851 ; educated at the Royal Academical Institution , Belfast, and Queen's College, Belfast; B.A., 1875; M.A., 1876, Queen's University; D.D., IgOI, Presbyterian Theological Faculty; Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, IgIO. Ordained, I879, to Cavan Presbyterian Church; installed, I8go, Trinity Presby­t erian Church, Cork, where he has since ministered. Married, March 14th, 1882, Abby Kennedy Purss, daughter of Charles Blackwood, of Belfast, and has issue one daughter, Marian Kirkpatrick, B.A" Junior Moderator, Trinity College, Dublin, and one son, John Howard Blackwood.

Murphy. - JAMES JOSEPH MURPHY, KilbroganHill, Bandon; eldest son of Michael Joseph Murphy, of Lough Neill House, Crookstown': born at Lough Neill House, June, 1876 ; educated privately, and at the Christian Brothers' School, Cork. After leaving school he entered the employment of one of the most successful business men in the south of Ireland, J oseph Brennan, Brewers' Agent and Secretary to the "Vest Cork Bottling Company, Ltd., whose representative he has been for over eighteen years. Recreations (in ,the past) : football, Rugby, and Gaelic. Married, in July, Ig06, Agnes, third daughter of the late Michael Hanly, of Castletownbere­h aven, of one of the oldest families in the district, and has issue Eileen, born June, Ig07; Una, born January, I gog ;

and Kathleen, born May, IgIO.

Page 2: :f13iograpbies. - Cork Past and Present · Charles Blackwood, ... Hollywood, Belfast; son of the late Garrett Nagle, of Clogher House, ... Adam Richar~ Newman, of Newbrrry :

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Murphy. - NICHOLAS PHILIP MURPHY, Carrigmore, Cork; son of Nicholas Murphy, of Carrigmore; born April 13th, 1879, at Cork; educated at the Oratory School, Birmingham. One of the Directors of the Cork Distillery Company, Ltd. Recreations: hunting, and motoring; member of the United Hunt. Clubs: Cork, Royal Cork Yacht, Irish Automobile, and Stephen's Green, Dublin.

MurphY·- PHILIP FRAKCIS MURPHY, 36, Grand Parade, Cork; son of Patrick ~Iurphy, near Enniskilling, co. F ermanagh; born March 17th, 1867 ; educated at St. Patrick's Training College, Drumcondra, Dublin; obtained scholarships in Science and Art at South Kensington. Principal of the Munster Civil Service College for both sexes. Married, in 1894, Annie, daughter of Cornelius Maguire, of Carans and ::v!oneygar, and has issue three sons and two daughters.

Captain Adam Murray.

M u r ray .-CAPTAIN ADAM ~IcRRAY, Rock Lodge, Carrigrohane, co. Cork, and lat e of Dollarbeg, Dollar, Scotland; son of the late J ohn E. ::Vlurray, L.B., of Quartertown Park, ~lJallow; born at Listowel Castle; educated a t St. Columba's College, R athfarnham , Dublin, and Edinburgh Gniversity, and :'Ifilitary School, Aldershot. 'Entered the Army as Subaltern in the Highlanders (The Black Watch) , and aften\'ards exchanged a3Captain to the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders; retired after sixteen years' service; hunted formerly 'with the Fife Foxhounds and for many years in Ireland with the Duhallow and "Cnited Hunt packs; formerly well kno\vn as a steeple­chase rider. Married , April nth, 1899, ~laud Mary;.\Ioney, fourth daughter of the late Captain Francis Gee, Royal Irish Fusiliers and Leicestershire Regiment, of }Iount Pleasant, Youghal, and granddaughter of YIajor Gee, of the Dorsetshire R egiment , and has issue one son , Adam 'Yilliam ;'\athaniel Frank, born :YIarch 28th, 1900.

Nagle.- GARRETT THO;\IAS NAGLE, J.p., Clogher House, Doneraile, co. Cork, and Tudor House, Hollywood, Belfast; son of the lat e Garrett Nagle, of Clogher House, co . Cork; born F ebruary 5th, 1853 ; educated at Trinity College; B.A. Called to the Irish Bar; Justice of the Peace for co. Cork; R esident Magistrate for co. Antrim. ~1arried, December L~th, 1882, illarcella, daughter of J ohn H arold Barry, D.L., of Ballyvonare, co . Cork, and has issue two sons and three


Page 3: :f13iograpbies. - Cork Past and Present · Charles Blackwood, ... Hollywood, Belfast; son of the late Garrett Nagle, of Clogher House, ... Adam Richar~ Newman, of Newbrrry :

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Mr. V. C. Nash.

Mr. D. G. Neligan .

Major W. T. W. Newenham, J.P.

<torR al1~ co. <torR ",


Nash.- VESEY C. NASH, Beausite, Rushbrooke, and 12, P embroke Road, Dublin; son of the late .Henry Cornwall

Nash, of Brinny, descendant of the famous Shaan Dhorrig, of Brinny. Admitted a solicitor, r889; Registrar to the Right Hon. Mr. Justice Johnson, and Admiralty Marshal for Ireland; Freemason, and a member of St. Patrick's Lodge, No. 8, Cork. Club: Royal Munster Yacht.

Neligan. - DAVID G. NELIGAN, 22, Lansdowne Road, Dublin; third son of the late Major John R. Neligan, of Dingle, co. Kerry; educated at Belvedere and Castleknock Colleges, Dublin. Admitted a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland, lVIichaelmas Term, r897; Registrar of the Cork County Court (East Riding) and County Borough of Cork; Deputy Registrar of the Cork Local Ban,kruptcy

Court; lately a member of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland; a Commissioner for Oaths for the High Court of Justice; member of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association. Club: Cork.

Newenham.- MAJOR WILLIAM THOMAS WORTH NEWEN­HAM, J.P., Coolmore, Carrigaline, co. Cork; son of the Rev. Edward Henry Newenham, M.A., J.p., of Coolmore, and Lady Helena Adelaide Newenham, nee Moore, second daughter of the 3rd Earl Mount Cash ell ; born January roth, 1853. Major 3rd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers; Justice of the Peace for co. Cork. Married, January r7th, 1888, Lilian Maud, only daughter of Hatton Ronayne O'Kearny, of Lochier, Cork, ... and has issue two sons, Percy Worth, and William Eyre, and two daughters, Violet Maud, and May Lilian.


Page 4: :f13iograpbies. - Cork Past and Present · Charles Blackwood, ... Hollywood, Belfast; son of the late Garrett Nagle, of Clogher House, ... Adam Richar~ Newman, of Newbrrry :


Captain R. G. B. Newman.

Mr. S. H. Newsom.

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Newman.- CAPTAIN RICHARD GRIFFITH BRA.'JSTON NEWMAN , Newberry :'I1anor, :'Iifa!low, co. Cork; son of John Adam Richar~ Newman, of Newbrrry :'v1anor; born January I9th, 1876; educated at Charterhouse, and Sand hurst Military Academy. Entered the Army in 1896 in 7th Dragocm Guards; Captain, I900; served in South Africa, I899-I900 ;, afterwards in ~ a tal, Orange River, and Transvaal (Queen's :'v1edal and four clasps); A.D.C. to Inspector-Gen eral of Cavalry of Gl"f~at

Britain and Ireland, I90I-03 ; Adjutant North o,f Ireland Imperial Yeomanry, 1903-07; Assistant Military Secretary and A.D .C. to Governor in Malta, 1907-09; is C,,!-ptain North Irish Horse. :'I/farried, in 1903, Marjory, daughter of Harry Clegg, Plas Llanfair, Llanfair, Anglesey, created M.V.O. , 4th Class, I90r. Club: Cavalry.

Newsom. - SAMUEL HENRY NEWSOM, Tellingana, Cork; youngest son of Samuel and J ane Newsom, Cork, and Queens­to wn; born April 2nd, 1847; educated at Newtown School, Wa t erford, and \tv eston -su per- :'Iifa re. Vice-Chairman of Newsom and Sons, Ltd. , and Baker and Company (th : former est ablished in 1817, as John Newsom and Son, and incorporated in June, 1899), wholesale and ret ail t ea and coffee merchants; Director Cork Improved Dwellings Company, Lt:l., the Cash Bakery, Ltd, and the Cork Commercial Buildings Ltd.; appointed in I90I on the Council of the Cork Incorporated Chamber of Commerce and Shipping; Vice-President, 1905, President , 1906; Trustee of the South Charitable Infirmary and County H ospital since 1882, and Hon. Treasurer since 1891; t akes great interest in all that pertains to the South Infirmary, and devotes a good deal of time in its interes t; Trustee Cork Savings Bank; one of the original Secretaries

of the Cork Hospital Saturday (collection) movement; Hon. Treasurer Police Aided Children's Clothing Society; appointed H arbour Commissioner, I9IO; for over twenty years Presiding Clerk to the Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends, and now Clerk of Munster Quarterly Meeting of the same; in the autumn of 1907, went to America to represent Munster Province at the Conference of the Society of Friends h eld at I<ichmond, Indiana; in June, 1910, repre .':en ted Munster on a deputation from the Societ y of Friends to His Ylaj esty King George, to present an address on his accession. Married, April 23rd, I873 , Hulda, daughter of Samuel and Maria Bewley, of Sandford Grove, Dublin, and has issue t wo sons and two daughters.

Nicholson. - WILLIAM KICHOLSO~, Killiorapf,Lodge, Queenstown J uriction; eldest son .of the late William Nicholson, of Donacloney House, co . Down; born August 30th, 1859 ; educa ted at

. Repton, Derbyshire, and Trinity College, Dublin , where h e took his B.A. in 1881; and at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, I88I-82 .; entered the Army as a Subaltern in the 20th Hussars ; left the service in 1886; :VIaster of the United Hunt, in 1895 till I906 . Married Mary Josephine, daughter of the lat e vVilliam J. Murphy, of Richmond, Corle


Page 5: :f13iograpbies. - Cork Past and Present · Charles Blackwood, ... Hollywood, Belfast; son of the late Garrett Nagle, of Clogher House, ... Adam Richar~ Newman, of Newbrrry :

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Mr. A. H. Nicholls.

Captain W. H. Nichols, J.P.

Mr. C. A. Nolan, J .P.

<tork all~ CO. <tork

Nicholls. - ARTHGR H EN RY ~ICHOLLS , The Park, Queens­town ; son of the late Edward Nicholls, of Brampton .J,fanor , Chesterfield; born a t Bra mpton Manor, Chesterfield, }Iarch 20th, 1863; educated a t Staveley and Chesterfield Grammar Schoo ls. E ntered the service of the Cunard Company in 1880, and after pass ing through v ariou s departments t ravelled fo r nine years in the passenger interest, and was appointed Agent a t Queenstown, August , 1908. Married, September, 188-+ , J essie, d aughter of J ohn W aldo Pring, !'II.D. , of Bangor , ::-": orth \Vales, and has issue one son and one daugh ter.

Nichols. - CAPTAIN \V ALTER H ARRY NICHOLS, J.P., Kil­brack H ouse, Doneraile ; son of the late Charles Nich ols, of New Zealand; born at Dunedin, New Zealand, in 1872; educated at Tonbridge, Christ 's College, New Zealand, and J esus College, Cambridge ; B .A. J oined the King's R oy al Rifle Corps ; served in South Africa ; Queen 's Medal ; was mentioned in Dispatches and obtained the rank of H on. Captain ; Justice of the P eace for co. Corle Clubs: New Oxford and Cambridge, P all :.vIall, S. W.; County Club, Cork.

Nolan.- CHARLES ALFRED NOLAN, J.p. , Mentone, Sun­day' s Well , Cork; son of Joseph J. E. Nolan, BoxfQrd House, co. Roscommon; born August , 1860 ; educated at the College of the Immaculat e Conception , Summer Hill, Athlone. Proprietor of C. Nolan a nd Sons, Cork ; obtained his com­mercial training in Manchester , where he commenced business with a partner who still carries on that branch; Justice of the Peace for the city of Corle Married , September 29th, 1896, Kate, daughter of the late James Scannell, and h as issue four sons and two daughters.


Page 6: :f13iograpbies. - Cork Past and Present · Charles Blackwood, ... Hollywood, Belfast; son of the late Garrett Nagle, of Clogher House, ... Adam Richar~ Newman, of Newbrrry :

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.. Mr. James Nunan.

Mr. James J. O' Brien.

Dr. Thomas O'Brien.


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Nunan.- J A\IES NU~AN , 23, Bank Place. :'I1allow, co. Cork; son of :'I1ichael Nunan, of Mallow; born July 23rd , 1865 ; educated at French Co llege, Blackrock, Dublin , and Trinity College, Dublin; B .A., 1887. Admitted a so licitor, 1891, and has practised in Mall ow since that date; member of Mallow Rural District Council. and Urban District Council. Married, February, 1905, H annah, daugh tf'r of the late J (lha Murphy, of Glantane, co . Cork .

O'Brien. - J AMES J. O'BRIEN, Park Villas, Cork; son of the late William S. O'Brien, of Charlemont Terrace, Cork; born September 4th, 1864; educated at Ratcliffe College, Leicester, St. Charles College, London, and St. Stanilaus J esuit College, Tullamore. Director of O'Brien Brothers, Ltd. , woollen manufacturers, Douglas , co. Cork. ~\Iarried, October · 16th, 1894, K ellie, daughter of ~Vlaurice M.cMahon, Park Vill as, Cork, and has issue one daughter and four sons, :\1ary, born 1895; \iVilliam, born 1898; James, born 1902; Maurice , born 1905; and Brian, born 1910.

O' Brien. - THOMAs O'BRIEN, Ard·na-Greine, Mitchelstown, co . Cork; son of the late Denis O'Brien, of Corragnorn ; born September nth, 1863; educat ed at Christi an Bro thers, Mitchelstown, St. Colman 's College, F ermoy, and Ledwick School of Medicine, Dublin, and Mater Misericordice H ospital, Dublin; L.R. c.P.I., and L.}lI., L.R. C.S.I., and L.M.,

1889. H as practised since 1889 in :\1itchelstown; Dispensary Medical Officer and :\ledical Attendant to the Royal Irish Constabulary, and to the Post Office; Civil Surgeon in ch arge of Troops. :\larried, October , 1891, Mary, daughter of John Ge rmaine, of Graney House, Baltinglass, co . Wicklow, and has issue five children.