f yl8 forft thdofd 1j b055itt hotell fj tt heret lurningi...

t t l 0YC = 11 ii 1 ct > c HWADMRCOUNTY NEWS V2l1iN f r COLUMBIA AUAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY DEOEMBER 9 1903 NUMBER 4 POST OF1IEDIREOTOBY J OSTMATER- IIiT i Axxp DUTY OSTASTER1- Iffico hours week days 7OOa m to 830 pm COURT DLIt1 O Yl8 CiuonirCoDRT Three sessions a year Third t 3idaylnjanuarytdrdutundaytnSlayu third Monday In September Jircuit Judge W VV Jones ommonwoalth sAttornuy NH W Aaron 8herl F W1IIner- U1rCildO1trs 1 JrtYf1 fJ JonurrCooBT Kirai ilonyTn each moat Judge T AUhrrell- vouuty AttorneyJsaGuenettJr- rIancrJKPCouaver U I Asso8or K W Unrton i rveyorR T McOaUree ctiool nptW D Jones erUneCrG MynLLat1 w u C ± day Oouwrlaeg L rv larc urt second tiro ID IJ Att rnuy Gordon Montgomry MEhl = GTFlower8b t CilUKOH DIRECTORY X PRESBYTERIAN BCUKBVILLB STUBIT Rev W C Clements pastor Services necund and fourth Bnndvi la each month SnnUityichool at 9 Qm ereiy r1 tabbath Prayer meeting every Wedneida night MBTJIODIBT- tJURKIIVILLB81nRBTReT F EIbffis Pat tor Service lind3Snnilsy8 thbs6b month tuntfaynchubl very Sabbath at 9 It in Prayer lIiI1urd2f nl1dn BAPTIST GnnBitBBOBoit HTBBBT Rev JP Scruggs- pyaOi First and third Sunday In each month- S iiMioyMObooi every SabbaUi 9 am Prayer mertiag Tuesday night i OHBIBT1AN- CAMFBBUBVIIZP Pin Eld W K AzblU Patter Services Second and Fourth Sundays tn Rich month BundayacLooi every Bab Out m 930 am Prayer meeting Wedtieid r HlKiit LODGES MASONIC COLOMBIA LODOB No 66 F and AMBegu lar sleeting In their hall over bank on Frl lay aighton or before the fall moon in each munch W A Coffey W M WD Jones Secretary COLUMBIA OUAPTCE R A M No 7 meets Friday night after full moon J B MCBBCLL HP W W BBADSBAW Secretary YETfflERI SURGEON I Fistula Poll evll splints SJII via 01 any surgical work linn at fair priwKi T amnxid re rike arf stark S rKKNHHAW J it mil front Colon b a n lft j pnliitci tt 0 NEAT t WITH OTTR COW- HOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS LouI5lVIJ Rttlfk SoienliHo Shoejng ot- lain rrtudyto do Black Smith ¬ tug fany kind from h rae t hop ugt t the repairingof the finest < vehH leA I vrjll nfake specialty of hoeing horses with diseased t tri hoofs and guarantee satisfaction My shop is located back of livery ask Barbee Robertson Give me our work r J W COF FEY lilmore Hotel w M WLLMOKE Prop Oradyvilje Kentucky > TH ERE Is np better place to stop 1A than at the aboved named hotel f tt r Good ampleroomiand a flratrclass table Rates very reasonable Feed stable attached O S GRADY I DENTIST o 1 SPECIAL attention Liven to Gold Filling CrowiroBndje I work frOFFICE over FlUwH A 55 Murrells store Colurahta Ky oJo Ai yo FROM GREEN OOONT WHITEWOODKY NOV 25 19QB a l f Editor of theN wt forft BOme writing a letter or pub lication in The News as we rarely ever hear anything from this neckofthe wood since my old and time honored friend Joseph H Chandler of OampbelUville tt idtitw1thi pen uiia retied to rc a t 4- pnvuth llfn tJ spend the emain dr ti his daY under his own vine t- a and figtrue in peace with thu world and all the jest of mankind I did not set out to wit a bio graphical sketch ofmy old and nighly esteemed friHud or anyone else in particular as feho space to be4nllusted totnis letter would fur ¬ bid nay thing of that character but we can not forego this oppo tunity and the pleasure that it affords UP of giving a taw words Iii commendation of him which I think hso justly merits In the first place Mr Chandler- is a man of brilliant mind and gi- gantIc ¬ intellect Ho is a natural horn I wont say politician but will raisn him a few notches and UHH tan words more fitting and say that he IS a statesman both by nature and education far ahead of the majority of the great com ¬ mon htjrd of mankindiand had it notbeen for some inscrutable in- exorable fate things over which to a certain extent nehad no con ¬ trol he might haytf ascended to the tbpinostironudsof the adder of political fame and the people his constituents might have shar ¬ ed in the benefits of hiBroounsel and influence In the halls ofVLeg islotion f either State or national Aside from His ttaturat gifts in things political he is blessed with that greatest of all the Chriatian graces chanty He is a man of big soul true heart wishing good for all his fellowmen As a Lews paper correspondent he has but Few equals and no superiors in this part of the country Every- thing that emanated from his pen was interesting witty and instruct ¬ ive and bore the brand of himI who knew his business Now 1 would say that my only regrdtts- that my pen is too feeble to d lull justice to the subject of this short sketch who as BtatHsman philiuithripiau andluewspaptir cor ¬ respondent Khould stand high in ti cstiumtion of all who ar fa v rd with lilt dcquaintaucK t1 hilt Ott thecUJj Ql Ol IIWH per c rr have UIJ = thor ittililud mgt of Girrat Whoc l rixjUjtjttea hill Arp lie wrote lor tbA At lat tti Contisotio nailother pa > ll1ll lkttMtttl rtrthd u ihirlclI bltut of mind and WitH tJ readywit aid humorist of the first ord tr HOw oftea when I w aid feel duspousient and out of sorts all brokeup with the blues j 0uld gjjt Qii gf Arps letters rjadnit all tnh gl omy feelniKS I would tit dispHllhrt like a fcg fr rn thH rays of the Bnnfdo think the world ia much better off for haying such men In one way they are benefactors to their race The human mind is BO constructed that it needs a 5 change Levity has its pla ait acts as a stimu- lant ¬ to both mind and body Yes Arp was a gifted man in his way and has left a vacuum that will be hard to ill But the melan cholly thought forces itself upon havingorossedover from which no traveler ever re- turns ¬ he is now exploring those untried regions that those on this side know nothing about Peace to his ashes I said in the outset that I had contemplated writing c this J tter for some time which is trueBut p had a motive in deferriug the niatter pntil now My lasoh for BO doing was that I wantedto wait niatil af terthe election Although calo1lated being fully realized I thought thq time would be more propitious for the undertaking as my nerves would be more settled Bud my mind more calms and eer ne Well it snowed 1 Be here last night Old mother earth is wrap pedfrom head tO fivit liher white mantle E url thing in naturt KOfUia to be wbaappd4inn a deathly < t t f zr < stillness which is oppressive Even the birds have failed to come out and chant their sweet songs iu natural melody The tinkling of the cow bell in the adjacent pas ¬ ture is heard no more The morn ingbreeze fails to rustle through the tree topsail quiet the great political battle has been fought or l the smoke has cleared away an WH see victory perched away high on the banner of pure and undefil ed democracy Thank the Lord Yea the star of our hope as it shi athwart thrf great political hori ¬ zon is brighter aud seems to shine with greater effulgence than eve r before No I btthoughtmysel I will seize fthls opportunity ta collect a few trough scattering thoughts bat of the great multi ¬ tude that come rushing through my mind Imight PD arrange them in condensed form as to uiake then presentable to the Nora Well according to Creed Wil spustVersion of thc ee the weath- er ¬ has something to do with the elections Nearly every body about Columbia knows Creed and everywhere else Creed says that whet the sun conies up pretty and bright the democrats are sure to win on that day His rule cer ¬ tainly held good the last election gooddays follow All honor to the true brave and patriotic men who bore the heat and burden of that day and all through the whole cam ¬ paign As Henry Watterson would say the boys in the trench es did the work They have placed the banner of democracy in the hands of our young Governor That banner which has inscribed on its folds in great letters of goldiLibertY and equal rights for all men but exclusive privil ¬ eges to none and judging the fu ture by the past we may indulge in the lull assurance that he will never betray the trust imposed upon him nor let the emblem of liberty trail in the dust Now in this connection what Lan we say or Should we say in regard to the ease of our poor be- nighted brethren who in a weak momout lot the tempter likeEve of 01d11eadth m tutu the camp ut- thetiuemyswhue t eyes were blind nd by offering them the emolu- ments ¬ of cube Buuiethu gthe ma jority of thorn tailed to gut and like the prodigal th y were left to toed on the husks of oittofc repub- licanism Yes sold out lock Itt ft fan4 halts thpir political birthright gouu iir a ulnas of pot a g o und ii mighty small mess at that osa the least about it it has a Judass7sosrlotBtuydict Ar- nold ¬ flavor aboutiit j If there over was a time in the whole historJrKO1rKyjttuuky for ul the lovers of good guvorumeut to stand firm and tu snow an un fliiichingjifidolity to principle it was certainly m the Jat State elec- tron When we look buck u fow years aud see what a narrow es cape we made frmrevolution a general upheaval when the whole machinery ofour State govern ¬ ment was in the 1lIoudsuf that reckless crowd at Frankfort who gloated in human blood and prac ¬ ticed assassination for a pastime it should cause all true men to re ¬ double their exertions in order to prevent a repetition of such a doleful and dangerous state of af¬ fairs in the future Respectfully i tirIv AMDERBONi At Ottawa Ohio there has come to be an annual feast known atThe Crow Dinner Each year the Republican and Demo ¬ oratio leaders of Putman county make a bet on r sultb the losing side to give thQ wiuuera a dinner TJiis year the bet was on the State emngTBemck 100000 plurality the Republicans takiug the side reachtbj4fi jlieyitig tfiat tbey huda lUch in betting against the proposition Bub the Dunnmrnka lust and th a row fniier mis served toth winning side + i a T V IN i MEMORIUM Died of o inaumPtiiiat htrI late home Nvombr 27 1908 Bertha Ca lShe lire her dread 1 iuy ltidi3 l btii3la J i1 i a r r- ae D J < i JT 29 F journey of life lies along the dark valley of the shadow of death and there is no Pleas on its pilgrimage where its presence is not known Bertha left many streaming eyes and bleeding heartsfather mqther sisters brothers an friends Though it be Gods will not ours He giventh and he thd e family she was generous lurningi heret on earth so you can be prepared to meet her on the other shore where the faithful meet to part no more enf ¬ joying the rest prepared for the people OfVGod A FRIEND THE OTHER SIDE FrlCNds of tB late Judg George Price whi was killed on the struts of Edmonton jast week by R E Mc CJioditss say TUB TIMES arcouut of the killliii in to tar asit makes Judge Price the agressor floes him an lujus flee An eicwitDiiss bosh the quar relhuweu them in the court hous and the shooting on the streets gives us this staumeut In his speecb be furs the jar Judje Price said that if it had not been for the little McCann lesses there would never have been anything uf the fight between Carver and Ray At this McCandless inter rupted him and told Dim out to use his name again at the same time at ¬ tempting to strike Price with a chair Price turned to the Judge and said Judge will you have him put out or shall I shout hitnout Shoot youll never have a better time to do it replied McCandlehS at the same time putting his band behind him as hf to draw a weapon No I do not want tJ shoot you replied Price The Judge then f nd the Jamr to take McCandtaa out which he did McCandless walked down on the street and wasstandiugin front of the bdnk after the trial wbcu Judge Price came along Walking up to Price hei said You were going to shoot me out were you1J at the same time striking Price a bmw which turned him haIrI way round Both wen pulled tb IrI pistols and the shunting began ulrnos simultaneously Friends of Price chum McCandleas fired first and sayI t alas as an evidence of this Price waaht in rue hack Feei g over the Killing iu so bitter tin facs tire bard m get at and in order to do justice to both sides in the afiMr we publish the above which Was obratrlsd from a gentleman vho saw tre quarrel in the courthouse andI was within ten feet of the two men when hf Jnlling occurred Glasuow 1i mew KENTUCKY SCRIPTURE 3lan oorn In the mountains of Ken tuck r fc of ruts days and full of virus HefinhPth liddleth cusstth and thhtI than the days of his life II He sfiunucth water as a mad dog and drlnkoth touch bad wnlsky Wen he dasiroth to raise h111t pianteth a neighbor an ID ho reaP ith- twnnyfotd He nseth even from tht cradle to beak the Hualpof h is Irand sires onemy and brlngeth home in tits carcHss rbcamunitiou of his neighbors wife cumins uncles fdtherlu law who avnged the deed Yea verily his life is uncertain and lie knows not at what moment he may be jerked hence He uoeth forth on a journey half shot and comes back on a shutter shot He rlsetb in the night to let the cat outand it tiketh nine doctors three days to pick the buckshot out of him Ho goeth forth in joy and gladness and cometh back In scraps and frag meets + I A cyclone bloweth him Into the bosom of his neighbors wits and her husband bloweth him into Abrams bosom before he has time to explain hHH emptieth a demijohn into him elf and a shotgun into bis enemy and his enemy rtfton Beth in wait for hlui oh election day nnd lot the coroner ploweth up A forty acre MId to bury the remains of that man 4iWoe woe is Kentucky for her eyes are red withbil whiskey and her soil 1s stained with blood of Innocnt moon ¬ shiners II Kentucky oh Kuntucky how I love thy ciasslashadeswhereftt the fairy hfiiures of bright eyed Southern ma ids Where the birds are sweetly singing miff the flowers newly born where the Corn Is full of kernels and the Colonels lull of florin Tiger and Crescent i a C N GENERAL NEWS The Czar of Russia has been ex ¬ communicated from the Greek Catho ¬ lic cnurch An attempt was made to assassinate ofd England John L Sullivans famous SeOOOO diamond belt has been sold at auction tor 82BOO The open air treatment for tuber ¬ culosis is said to have proved success- ful ¬ in New York- APhililpsburg N J woman gave birth to a child whichhad two perfect ¬ ly formed necks and heads The child r did not live longt While trying to save his twoyear old sister whose clothes bad caught tire eightyearold Ernest Pettit was fatally burned at Ash vl1leN C Max Eeiraff a grocer of Oklahoma Lily OJjla shot and killed his eight year oa daughter fatally wounded nis wife and committed suicide The fl ig of the uew Republic of Panama is exactly square and divided into four parts The first upper square to the left is blue the first lower > quire to thu Itfis white with a blue star in ils center the second upper square in white with a red star iu its center and the second lower square is red A T Anderson a Cincinnati prop ¬ erty owner attempted to eject a ten uis liitiiily by bhaitlLg and chopping IUKCS ihrungh the hour and turning tit nose on the occupints of a lower Hit When he had wounded his ten ¬ ant a nub gathered and he was com ¬ pelled to hide out to avoid personal violenceWearing her mothers clothes Mary Ltuise Banquets of Baltimore aged 14 years eloped with Paul Albert Knight aged 19 and jut after the pair nail been married the girls father found them chased them several blocks and they took his daughter flume He says he intends to have the marriage annulled The young bride declares she loves Knight and says she will never consent to being separ- ated ¬ from him Ou Friday Chicago detectives as ¬ listed by railroad men farmers and laborers captured Peter JSeidermeyer Harvey Yandineand Emil Doeskl near Liverpool led after an exciting chase Before being captured the three youngI outlaws killed T S Sovea a railroad brakeman fatally wounded Joseph Driscoll a detective ia the head and arm All three of the outlays wereI slightly wounded before they gave up the tight and surrendered They are wanted for a Series of murdeas and robberies They are said to have k1l1I ed eight men AtSedalia Mo last Sunday Frank Dutton shut aud killed Emil Meyers Iu August last Dutton daughter committed suicide leaving a note cbdrgtbg Emil Meyers withher betray ¬ al The father was not at home aDdI did out return until Saturday night Sunday morning he interviewed two women who knew of Meyers relations vita hit daughter went to the church ol the minister who preached her uasral sermon went home to dinner then walked to Meyers home called blur out aud told him he wanted to his ide of the story of the girls death Mej ens made a threat and Duntonslnt him three times The sympathy Is with Dunton TEWARDED WITH A PARDON Alexander Robertson a scion of the aristocratic Kentucky family of the same name was pardoned and releas ed from the Utah State prison last Monday as a reward for an ctor heroism which he performed during the recent outbreak at the pen in which two convicts escaped and two were killed Robertson was serving a fiveyear term for embezzling 60000 from the WellsFargo Bank When he was irrested for the crime he was a City Councilman talked of for Mayor and was spokesman in the Council of the city administration When the convicts it the prison att- empted to escage last month Robert- son was the prisoner who rang the alarm bell He risked his life to do this as three desperate convicts were ready to brain him when he touchnd the alarm button and owing to his bravery three condemned murderers who were ready to break for liberty were penned in their cells Robertson had three more years to serve but the Pardon Board unanimously decided to liberate him and Monday be loft ttie I prison a free matt f r < BOOK TRUST ARGUMENT The argument is now being advanc ¬ ed that the fight before the coming legislature simply a contest between rival book concerns and is a matter in which the general public is nowise interested and by which it can in no state of case be benefitted The ad ¬ vocates of a uniform school texthonk bill have beard this plea before It has been used in every state whero the book trust has been routed and is one of the principal stock in trade utter- ances of the school book trust gang Its utter falsity can be seen at a glance The inevitable outcome of the pass- age of a law such as the Chinn scho 0 book bill or tha Hlckmau bill is al- cheapnlDg of school books 25 to CO per cent all over the State There is not a school supply company in existence exerting itself or fighting other com panie for such results as this Any such application as law would be reg- arded wlth borrow by any well regu- lated ¬ trustand as organizations of thrift school book companies stand at the head of the class If the fight for cheaper and better school books and a system of state uniformity is merely a struggle be tween rival book trust it would be in ¬ teresting to know in the interest of what company Governor Goebel was acting when he declared in his opening speech of his campaign for governor iiI am in favor the passage of such a law as was contemplated by what is known as the Chinn school book law at the last session of the legislature That law provides for the fixing of a maximum of school books used by the children of the common schools of the state The maximum fixed in that law was 331 per cent less than the av- erage ¬ prices now charged under the domination of the book trust and yet it is 10 per cent higher than the av- erage ¬ maximum charged for the same books under a law similar to the Chin school book law now in force in In- diana ¬ Under the present state of af- fairs ¬ the book trust requires a written contract from every school book deal- er ¬ that be will not sell a book even to the poorest child in this common ¬ wealth at less than the list price fur- nished ¬ by the trust He reduction of 331 per cent in the price of school books will make the saving of a dollar a year to each child it will amount to mere than halt a million dollars a year to the parents of the state The Chlnn school book bill was defeated by a sol ¬ id republican vote and by some demo- crats ¬ who deserted us in the Senate Iu favor of what company did Govern- or Gobel make this declaration What school book company was the democratic state convention of 1899 subsidized by when It adopted a straight clear cut declaration against the school book trust as a plank in its state platform What school book company con ¬ trolled the democrats of the legislature ot 1902 when they again atttmpted the passage of an anti school trust law and were again defeated by a solid re publican vote combined with a few democratsWhat book trust was behind Governor Beckkarn when he sent in his famous special message to the last legislature calling attention to the enormities of the book trust and urg ¬ fog the members of the legislature to do their duty What book trust is behind Governor Beckham and the democratic party now in their earnest call upon the coming legislature to redeem its para tys pledges and pass a school book law or the democratic party is lost What school book trust is behind the parents and children of the state clam- oring for tne enactment of a law that will save them from a halt million to a million dollars annually s Any assertion that the fight for a uniform text book law is a mere strug ¬ gle between book interest is a libel up ¬ onUs face an insult to every demo- crat in Kentucky and carries with It the Implication that from state con ¬ vention to legislature democracy has deliberately sold her children Its moth ¬ errand its fathers to the tender mer clesot the book trust God forbid that any political party hats sunk so low as thatl Glasgow Times A statement going the rounds Of the papers that Hon John G Carlisle who is private attorney of Plcrpout Morgan has made thirty million ± of dollars through investments since be connected hlmselt with tbe IreCtiDn filet T > i JtWttr tbii oItlIat- btt y i r c B055ITT HOTEll i 1J Railroad Street Within Fifty Yards of the Depot 0 11 9Newly and neatly furnished Cleat beds Special accommodations for commercial men Rates reasonable Trade of Adair and spectrallysoliciteda 4 M 75DSTONE J I have an Excellent MAD triedIn of Ibites can cite ou to many of the asses Write or call an me 1 fj CAMP KNOX K- YJULWOR J A TH w + C M WISEMAN SON + s JEWELERS and OPTICIANS Dealers In Diamonds and Precious Stouts 0 Special attention given to work and all orders of goods in our line 132 West Market between 1st and 2nd Opoalto Music Hill LQUISVEIiLE KENTUCKY E BIG FOUR is The Best Line to- INDIANAPOLIS I PEORIA CHICAGO And all points in Indinana Michigan CLEVELAND BUFFALO NEW YORK BOSTON r And all Points East Information cheerfully fur ¬ nished on application at City Ticket Office Big Four Route No 259 4th or write to i IAve S J Gates Agt Passgr Departf ment Louisville fryJ 3 S3i p J H STONE f- lr 1 AltornsyAtLaw JAMESTOWN KENTUCKY o Will practice in the courts in this and ad joining counties 0 Special attention given collections t BELLS HOTEL Lebanon Ky r frank BeHFrwietoB t 0 This hotel is located opposite the L S N Depot and is a splendid place at which to stop Good meals excellent attention and the rates very reasona ¬ ble Trade ot Adair and adjoining ount ies solicited PEOPLEe O- FADAIR COUNTY Can save mone by j ailing a postal for the I wlisted w r t Pitchers Castorla17 rVrS Best Liniment 2fjY 7ll o Pairachamp i i i u iiso i uf Every hlbg it but tiMil DITYNALl PiH i t L dr1 f K 1kt1 t 3 1 F <

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tl 0YC = 11 ii 1 ct>




Iffico hours week days 7OOa m to 830 pm

COURT DLIt1 O Yl8CiuonirCoDRT Three sessions a year Thirdt 3idaylnjanuarytdrdutundaytnSlayuthird Monday In SeptemberJircuit Judge W VV Jonesommonwoalth sAttornuy NH W Aaron8herl F W1IIner-U1rCildO1trs

1 JrtYf1fJJonurrCooBT Kirai ilonyTn each moatJudge T AUhrrell-vouuty AttorneyJsaGuenettJr-



Asso8or K W Unrton

i rveyorR T McOaUreectiool nptW D JoneserUneCrG MynLLat1 w u

C ± dayOouwrlaegL rv larc urt second tiro IDIJAtt rnuy Gordon Montgomry

MEhl =GTFlower8b t



BCUKBVILLB STUBIT Rev W C Clementspastor Services necund and fourth Bnndvila each month SnnUityichool at 9 Qm ereiy

r1 tabbath Prayer meeting every Wedneidanight


tJURKIIVILLB81nRBTReT F EIbffis Pattor Service lind3Snnilsy8 thbs6b monthtuntfaynchubl very Sabbath at 9 It in Prayer

lIiI1urd2f nl1dn


GnnBitBBOBoit HTBBBT Rev JP Scruggs-

pyaOi First and third Sunday In each month-S iiMioyMObooi every SabbaUi 9 am Prayermertiag Tuesday night



Patter Services Second and Fourth Sundays

tn Rich month BundayacLooi every Bab

Out m 930 am Prayer meeting Wedtieidr HlKiit



COLOMBIA LODOB No 66 F and AMBegular sleeting In their hall over bank on Frllay aighton or before the fall moon in eachmunch

W A Coffey W M

W D Jones Secretary

COLUMBIA OUAPTCE R A M No 7 meetsFriday night after full moon



I Fistula Poll evll splints SJII via 01

any surgical work linn at fair priwKiT amnxid re rike arf stark

S rKKNHHAWJit mil front Colon b a n lft j pnliitci tt

0 NEAT t





SoienliHo Shoejngot-

lain rrtudyto do Black Smith ¬

tug fany kind from h rae thop

ugt t the repairingof the finest<

vehH leA I vrjll nfake specialtyof hoeing horses with diseased

t trihoofs and guarantee satisfactionMy shop is located back of liveryask Barbee Robertson Give

me our workr


lilmore Hotelw M WLLMOKE Prop

Oradyvilje Kentucky>

TH ERE Is np better place to stop1A than at the aboved named hotel ftt r

Good ampleroomiand a flratrclasstable Rates very reasonable Feedstable attached


1 SPECIAL attention Liven toGold Filling CrowiroBndje

I workfrOFFICE over FlUwH

A55 Murrells store Colurahta Ky

oJo Aiyo


WHITEWOODKY NOV 25 19QBa l fEditor of theN wtforftBOme writing a letter or pub

lication in The News as we rarelyever hear anything from this

neckofthe wood since my oldand time honored friend JosephH Chandler of OampbelUvillett idtitw1thi pen uiia retied torc a t 4-

pnvuth llfn tJ spend the emaindr ti his daY under his own vine


and figtrue in peace with thuworld and all the jest of mankindI did not set out to wit a biographical sketch ofmy old andnighly esteemed friHud or anyoneelse in particular as feho space tobe4nllusted totnis letter would fur¬

bid nay thing of that characterbut we can not forego this oppotunity and the pleasure that itaffords UP of giving a taw wordsIii commendation of him which Ithink hso justly merits

In the first place Mr Chandler-is a man of brilliant mind and gi-


intellect Ho is a naturalhorn I wont say politician butwill raisn him a few notches andUHH tan words more fitting andsay that he IS a statesman both bynature and education far aheadof the majority of the great com ¬

mon htjrd of mankindiand had itnotbeen for some inscrutable in-

exorable fate things over whichto a certain extent nehad no con ¬

trol he might haytf ascended tothe tbpinostironudsof the adderof political fame and the peoplehis constituents might have shar ¬

ed in the benefits of hiBroounseland influence In the halls ofVLeg

islotion f either State or nationalAside from His ttaturat gifts inthings political he is blessed withthat greatest of all the Chriatiangraces chanty He is a man ofbig soul true heart wishing goodfor all his fellowmen As a Lewspaper correspondent he has butFew equals and no superiors inthis part of the country Every-thing that emanated from his penwas interesting witty and instruct ¬

ive and bore the brand of himIwho knew his business Now 1

would say that my only regrdtts-that my pen is too feeble to dlull justice to the subject of thisshort sketch who as BtatHsmanphiliuithripiau andluewspaptir cor ¬

respondent Khould stand high inti cstiumtion of all who ar fav rd with lilt dcquaintaucK

t1 hilt Ott thecUJj Ql Ol IIWHper c rr have UIJ=thor ittililud mgt of

Girrat Whoc l rixjUjtjtteahill Arp lie wrote lor tbA At

lat tti Contisotio nailother pa> ll1ll lkttMtttl rtrthdu ihirlclI bltut of mind and WitH tJreadywit aid humorist of the firstord tr HOw oftea when I w aidfeel duspousient and out of sortsall brokeup with the blues j

0uld gjjt Qii gf Arps lettersrjadnit all tnh gl omy feelniKS


would tit dispHllhrt like a fcg fr rnthH rays of the Bnnfdo thinkthe world ia much better off forhaying such men In one waythey are benefactors to their raceThe human mind is BO constructedthat it needs a 5 change Levityhas its pla ait acts as a stimu-lant


to both mind and body YesArp was a gifted man in his wayand has left a vacuum that willbe hard to ill But the melancholly thought forces itself upon

havingorossedoverfrom which no traveler ever re-


he is now exploring thoseuntried regions that those on thisside know nothing about Peaceto his ashes

I said in the outset that I hadcontemplated writing c this J tterfor some time which is trueButp had a motive in deferriug theniatter pntil now My lasoh forBO doing was that I wantedto waitniatil afterthe election Although

calo1latedbeing fully realized I thought thqtime would be more propitious forthe undertaking as my nerveswould be more settled Bud mymind more calms and eer ne

Well it snowed1 Be here last

night Old mother earth is wrappedfrom head tO fivit liher whitemantle E url thing in naturtKOfUia to be wbaappd4inn a deathly

< tt f zr<

stillness which is oppressiveEven the birds have failed to comeout and chant their sweet songs iunatural melody The tinkling ofthe cow bell in the adjacent pas ¬

ture is heard no more The morningbreeze fails to rustle throughthe tree topsail quiet the greatpolitical battle has been fought

or lthe smoke has cleared away anWH see victory perched away highon the banner of pure and undefiled democracy Thank the LordYea the star of our hope as it shiathwart thrf great political hori ¬

zon is brighter aud seems to shinewith greater effulgence than everbefore No I btthoughtmyselI will seize fthls opportunity tacollect a few trough scatteringthoughts bat of the great multi ¬

tude that come rushing throughmy mind Imight PD arrange themin condensed form as to uiakethen presentable to the Nora

Well according to Creed WilspustVersion of thc ee the weath-er


has something to do with theelections Nearly every bodyabout Columbia knows Creed andeverywhere else Creed says thatwhet the sun conies up pretty andbright the democrats are sure towin on that day His rule cer¬

tainly held good the last election

gooddaysfollow All honor to the truebrave and patriotic men who borethe heat and burden of that dayand all through the whole cam ¬

paign As Henry Wattersonwould say the boys in the trenches did the work They haveplaced the banner of democracy inthe hands of our young GovernorThat banner which has inscribedon its folds in great lettersof goldiLibertY and equal rightsfor all men but exclusive privil ¬

eges to none and judging the future by the past we may indulgein the lull assurance that he willnever betray the trust imposedupon him nor let the emblem ofliberty trail in the dust

Now in this connection whatLan we say or Should we say inregard to the ease of our poor be-

nighted brethren who in a weakmomout lot the tempter likeEveof 01d11eadth m tutu the camp ut-

thetiuemyswhue t eyes were blindnd by offering them the emolu-ments


of cube Buuiethu gthe majority of thorn tailed to gut andlike the prodigal th y were left totoed on the husks of oittofc repub-

licanism Yes sold out lockItt ft fan4 halts thpir politicalbirthright gouu iir a ulnas of potago und ii mighty small mess atthat osa the least about it ithas a Judass7sosrlotBtuydict Ar-


flavor aboutiit j

If there over was a time in thewhole historJrKO1rKyjttuuky for ulthe lovers of good guvorumeut tostand firm and tu snow an unfliiichingjifidolity to principle itwas certainly m the Jat State elec-tron When we look buck u fowyears aud see what a narrow escape we made frmrevolution ageneral upheaval when the wholemachinery ofour State govern ¬

ment was in the 1lIoudsuf thatreckless crowd at Frankfort whogloated in human blood and prac ¬

ticed assassination for a pastimeit should cause all true men to re¬

double their exertions in order toprevent a repetition of such adoleful and dangerous state of af¬fairs in the future



At Ottawa Ohio there hascome to be an annual feast knownatThe Crow Dinner Eachyear the Republican and Demo ¬

oratio leaders of Putman countymake a bet on r sultb the losingside to give thQ wiuuera a dinnerTJiis year the bet was on the StateemngTBemck 100000 pluralitythe Republicans takiug the side

reachtbj4fijlieyitig tfiat tbey huda lUch inbetting against the propositionBub the Dunnmrnka lust and th a

row fniier mis served tothwinning side

+ i a T V



Died of o inaumPtiiiat htrIlate home Nvombr 27 1908Bertha CalShe lire her dread


iuy ltidi3 l btii3la J i1 i

a r r-ae DJ <

i JT 29F

journey of life lies along the darkvalley of the shadow of death andthere is no Pleas on its pilgrimagewhere its presence is not known

Bertha left many streamingeyes and bleeding heartsfathermqther sisters brothers anfriends Though it be Gods willnot ours He giventh and hethd e

family she was generous

lurningihereton earth so you can be prepared tomeet her on the other shore wherethe faithful meet to part no moreenf ¬

joying the rest prepared for thepeople OfVGod A FRIEND

THE OTHER SIDEFrlCNds of tB late Judg George

Price whi was killed on the struts of

Edmonton jast week by R E Mc

CJioditss say TUB TIMES arcouut of

the killliii in to tar asit makes JudgePrice the agressor floes him an lujusflee An eicwitDiiss bosh the quar

relhuweu them in the court housand the shooting on the streets givesus this staumeut In his speecb befurs the jar Judje Price said that ifit had not been for the little McCannlesses there would never have been

anything uf the fight between Carverand Ray At this McCandless interrupted him and told Dim out to use hisname again at the same time at ¬

tempting to strike Price with a chairPrice turned to the Judge and said

Judge will you have him put out orshall I shout hitnout Shoot youllnever have a better time to do itreplied McCandlehS at the same timeputting his band behind him ashf to draw a weapon No I do notwant tJ shoot you replied PriceThe Judge then f nd the Jamr to takeMcCandtaa out which he did

McCandless walked down on thestreet and wasstandiugin front of thebdnk after the trial wbcu Judge Pricecame along Walking up to Price heisaid You were going to shoot me outwere you1J at the same time strikingPrice a bmw which turned him haIrIway round Both wen pulled tb IrIpistols and the shunting began ulrnos

simultaneously Friends of Pricechum McCandleas fired first and sayIt alas as an evidence of this Pricewaaht in rue hack

Feei g over the Killing iu so bittertin facs tire bard m get at and in

order to do justice to both sides in theafiMr we publish the above whichWas obratrlsd from a gentleman vhosaw tre quarrel in the courthouse andIwas within ten feet of the two men

when hf Jnlling occurred Glasuow

1i mew

KENTUCKY SCRIPTURE3lan oorn In the mountains of Ken

tuck r fc of ruts days and full of virusHefinhPth liddleth cusstth and thhtIthan the days of his life

II He sfiunucth water as a mad dog anddrlnkoth touch bad wnlsky

Wen he dasiroth to raise h111tpianteth a neighbor an ID ho reaP ith-twnnyfotd He nseth even from thtcradle to beak the Hualpof h is Irandsires onemy and brlngeth home in tits

carcHss rbcamunitiou of his neighborswife cumins uncles fdtherlu lawwho avnged the deed

Yea verily his life is uncertainand lie knows not at what moment hemay be jerked hence

He uoeth forth on a journey halfshot and comes back on a shutter shot

He rlsetb in the night to let thecat outand it tiketh nine doctorsthree days to pick the buckshot out ofhim

Ho goeth forth in joy and gladnessand cometh back In scraps and fragmeets

+I A cyclone bloweth him Into the

bosom of his neighbors wits and herhusband bloweth him into Abramsbosom before he has time to explain

hHH emptieth a demijohn into himelf and a shotgun into bis enemy and

his enemy rtfton Beth in wait for hluioh election day nnd lot the coronerploweth up A forty acre MId to bury

the remains of that man

4iWoe woe is Kentucky for her eyes

are red withbil whiskey and her soil1s stained with blood of Innocnt moon ¬

shiners II

Kentucky oh Kuntucky how I lovethy ciasslashadeswhereftt the fairyhfiiures of bright eyed Southern ma idsWhere the birds are sweetly singingmiff the flowers newly born where the

Corn Is full of kernels and the Colonelslull of florin Tiger and Crescent






The Czar of Russia has been ex¬

communicated from the Greek Catho ¬

lic cnurch

An attempt was made to assassinateofdEngland

John L Sullivans famous SeOOOO

diamond belt has been sold at auctiontor 82BOO

The open air treatment for tuber ¬

culosis is said to have proved success-ful


in New York-

APhililpsburg N J woman gavebirth to a child whichhad two perfect ¬

ly formed necks and heads The childrdid not livelongtWhile trying to save his twoyearold sister whose clothes bad caughttire eightyearold Ernest Pettit wasfatally burned at Ash vl1leN C

Max Eeiraff a grocer of OklahomaLily OJjla shot and killed his eightyear oa daughter fatally wounded

nis wife and committed suicideThe fl ig of the uew Republic of

Panama is exactly square and dividedinto four parts The first uppersquare to the left is blue the firstlower > quire to thu Itfis white witha blue star in ils center the secondupper square in white with a red stariu its center and the second lowersquare is red

A T Anderson a Cincinnati prop ¬

erty owner attempted to eject a ten

uis liitiiily by bhaitlLg and choppingIUKCS ihrungh the hour and turning

tit nose on the occupints of a lowerHit When he had wounded his ten ¬

ant a nub gathered and he was com ¬

pelled to hide out to avoid personal

violenceWearingher mothers clothes Mary

Ltuise Banquets of Baltimore aged14 years eloped with Paul AlbertKnight aged 19 and jut after thepair nail been married the girls fatherfound them chased them severalblocks and they took his daughterflume He says he intends to have themarriage annulled The young bridedeclares she loves Knight and says

she will never consent to being separ-


from himOu Friday Chicago detectives as ¬

listed by railroad men farmers andlaborers captured Peter JSeidermeyerHarvey Yandineand Emil Doeskl nearLiverpool led after an exciting chaseBefore being captured the three youngIoutlaws killed T S Sovea a railroadbrakeman fatally wounded JosephDriscoll a detective ia the head andarm All three of the outlays wereIslightly wounded before they gave upthe tight and surrendered They arewanted for a Series of murdeas androbberies They are said to have k1l1Ied eight men

AtSedalia Mo last Sunday FrankDutton shut aud killed Emil Meyers

Iu August last Dutton daughtercommitted suicide leaving a notecbdrgtbg Emil Meyers withher betray ¬

al The father was not at home aDdIdid out return until Saturday nightSunday morning he interviewed twowomen who knew of Meyers relationsvita hit daughter went to the churchol the minister who preached heruasral sermon went home to dinnerthen walked to Meyers home calledblur out aud told him he wanted tohis ide of the story of the girls deathMej ens made a threat and Duntonslnthim three times The sympathy Is

with Dunton


Alexander Robertson a scion of thearistocratic Kentucky family of thesame name was pardoned and released from the Utah State prison lastMonday as a reward for an ctorheroism which he performed duringthe recent outbreak at the pen inwhich two convicts escaped and twowere killed Robertson was serving afiveyear term for embezzling 60000from the WellsFargo Bank

When he was irrested for the crimehe was a City Councilman talked of

for Mayor and was spokesman in theCouncil of the city administrationWhen the convicts it the prison att-

empted to escage last month Robert-son was the prisoner who rang thealarm bell He risked his life to do

this as three desperate convicts wereready to brain him when he touchndthe alarm button and owing to hisbravery three condemned murdererswho were ready to break for libertywere penned in their cells Robertsonhad three more years to serve but thePardon Board unanimously decided toliberate him and Monday be loft ttie


prison a free matt

fr <


The argument is now being advanc¬

ed that the fight before the coming

legislature simply a contest betweenrival book concerns and is a matter inwhich the general public is nowise

interested and by which it can in no

state of case be benefitted The ad¬

vocates of a uniform school texthonkbill have beard this plea before Ithas been used in every state whero thebook trust has been routed and is one

of the principal stock in trade utter-ances of the school book trust gangIts utter falsity can be seen at a glance

The inevitable outcome of the pass-

age of a law such as the Chinn scho 0

book bill or tha Hlckmau bill is al-

cheapnlDg of school books 25 to CO percent all over the State There is nota school supply company in existenceexerting itself or fighting other com

panie for such results as this Anysuch application as law would be reg-

arded wlth borrow by any well regu-


trustand as organizations of

thrift school book companies stand atthe head of the class

If the fight for cheaper and betterschool books and a system of stateuniformity is merely a struggle be

tween rival book trust it would be in ¬

teresting to know in the interest of

what company Governor Goebel was

acting when he declared in his openingspeech of his campaign for governoriiI am in favor the passage of such alaw as was contemplated by what isknown as the Chinn school book lawat the last session of the legislatureThat law provides for the fixing of amaximum of school books used by thechildren of the common schools of thestate The maximum fixed in thatlaw was 331 per cent less than the av-


prices now charged under thedomination of the book trust and yet

it is 10 per cent higher than the av-


maximum charged for the samebooks under a law similar to the Chinschool book law now in force in In-



Under the present state of af-



the book trust requires a writtencontract from every school book deal-


that be will not sell a book even tothe poorest child in this common ¬

wealth at less than the list price fur-


by the trust He reduction of

331 per cent in the price of school

books will make the saving of a dollara year to each child it will amount tomere than halt a million dollars a yearto the parents of the state The Chlnnschool book bill was defeated by a sol ¬

id republican vote and by some demo-



who deserted us in the SenateIu favor of what company did Govern-

or Gobel make this declaration

What school book company was thedemocratic state convention of 1899

subsidized by when It adopted astraight clear cut declaration againstthe school book trust as a plank in itsstate platform

What school book company con ¬

trolled the democrats of the legislatureot 1902 when they again atttmpted thepassage of an anti school trust law

and were again defeated by a solid republican vote combined with a few

democratsWhatbook trust was behind

Governor Beckkarn when he sent in

his famous special message to the lastlegislature calling attention to the

enormities of the book trust and urg¬

fog the members of the legislature to

do their duty

What book trust is behind GovernorBeckham and the democratic partynow in their earnest call upon thecoming legislature to redeem its para

tys pledges and pass a school book law

or the democratic party is lostWhat school book trust is behind the

parents and children of the state clam-

oring for tne enactment of a law thatwill save them from a halt million toa million dollars annuallys

Any assertion that the fight for auniform text book law is a mere strug ¬

gle between book interest is a libel up ¬

onUs face an insult to every demo-crat in Kentucky and carries with Itthe Implication that from state con ¬

vention to legislature democracy hasdeliberately sold her children Its moth ¬

errand its fathers to the tender merclesot the book trust God forbid

that any political party hats sunk so

low as thatl Glasgow Times

A statement going the rounds Of

the papers that Hon John G Carlislewho is private attorney of PlcrpoutMorgan has made thirty million ± of

dollars through investments since beconnected hlmselt with tbe IreCtiDnfilet T>i JtWttr tbii oItlIat-


ir c

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F <