f ' ' i:nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1926-05... · guests of mr. and mrs....

Announcing the Open ing GREENPORt FURNITURE CO. FURNITURE, BEDDING, RUGS INLAID AND FELT BASE LINOLEUM 128 Main Street Tel. 201 Greenport , L. I. We Deliver All Purchase* at Your Door AQUEBOGUE . The monthly meeting of the Wo- man ' s Missionary society was held cf the residence of Mrs. R. L. Wells on Thursday afternoon , with Mrs. Myron C. Young; as leader. Miss Mary I. Edwards was a guest at the home of her brother , Charles Kdward s, of Rockville Center , on Sun- day last. Quite a number from this place en- joyed the District Union C. E. meet- ing held at the Mattituck church on Sunday evening. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worm last Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs.- George.C. Young, in company with Mr. and Mrs. .David A. Young, oi Riverhead , were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Nichol at the siinimi- nome which they re- cently purchased at Barnegat , N. J. The Chinese play, -'The Betrothal of Mai Tsung, " which was scheduled for Friday evening :of this week, has been postponed owing to the C. E. rally ^ at Eastport on. that evening. Monday evening has now been set for the nlay, tin cast of which wis pub- lished , in last week' s issue. - Price of admission 35 cents. The" play will also be given in Riverhead on Tues- day evening, and at Sound - Avenue On Friday evening. No email amount of time and energy, is being expnded by Mrs. Northrop and her assistant , Mrs. R. J. Goodale, as well'as by those who have part in the " play, and it is hoped they will be rewarded by a good-sized audience.- - - - - Several officers of our Sunday school , nearly all the teachers , and ,a number of others , planned to attend the County Sunday school ^ cohvention at Northport on Wednesday. At the morning service Mast Sun- day, in recognition of_ . Mothers' Day, the church was beautifully decorated with carnations , roses and narcissus. Next Sunday there will_ be preach- ing by the pastor , Rev. " E. A. North- rot), whose sermon theme will be "The Secret of the Church' s Power. " In the evening at 7:30, gospel song serv- ice. " The monthly "missionary offer- —ing-will--be-—taken-at—the --Sunday school session. Junior Endeavor at 3 ' -o' clock. Topic, "David ,-Whose-Torch Helped His People to Become a. Na- tion." Leader, James Downs. _ Y. P. -S. C. E. at 6:45-p. jn. "How.to Use the Bible , " is the topic, - arid the as- signed leader is Mrs. Frank - H: Wells. IL is- expected : that a..gpo "d' _delega r - tian from this place wilUattend _ the annual spring, rally of llhe ': Suffolk County C. -E.- Union , to^ be^-held . at Eastport on Friday evening ' of this week. One of o " ur~ovm~C _ E. members, __ Milton ,.. Warner , " is_ among ^ th^jsgeak- ers at the oratorical" contest at " ' 5 o clock. . - - Mrs. Boswell Homan, with her . three little daughters, spent . Sunday with relatives in the city. - - }? *¦ - - _- _ At- the annual school meeting of District No. 8, -las t Tuesday ^ evening, Frank W. Young and Chauncey T. Reeve were reelected clerk and treas- urer respectively for one year , and lliram Corwin chosen, as trustee for a three-year term. In , No. 7 .Mrs. George II: Reeve and George . B " . Terry- were reelected treasurer and clerk , and Harrison Tyte elected trustee. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry ; Monsell - and family, of Greenport , " were*guests of their cousin , Mrs. William 11. Young, and family, on Sunday. The Men' s club held-its-last regu- lar meeting- of the season on Monday evening, when a fine clam chowder supper was served by the refresh- ment committee. Following;the " sup- per , community songs were, sung and an interesting address was given by the Rev. Edward N. Kirby, of James- port. "~7 CUTCHQGUE _ "' ' ' Mrs. P. R. Tuthill and Myra Tulhiii were elected delegates to * Attend the . - County.. Sunday . School convention at Northport yesterday. " " Joseph Regan , of Brooklyn , spent tlie week-end at tlie Diller home. On last r Tuesday the. annual school meeting was hold in District No. 12. -Theodore Beebe was . elected , trustee , Mrs. Edith P. Hortop, clerk, and Frank II. Case, treasurer 1 . ' Y- ' ~ ' ' Henry ICaelinjof Brooklyn , , has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. James ' Hand. t ' ' John Janse has purchased,a fine yacht; "The ., Wild'Duck , ' , ' on which he] will accommodate fishing parties this summer. - - - ¦ - -, - ." ¦ Have we talented young people in, Cutchogue ? Come and see . "Her Blessed Boy," which is lo be given in . J Parish ,'lall on Friday , evening, , . May ' ' 21 , at 8 o' clock" by the pupils of the upper grades of Cutchogue school. . The proceeds are to be used " to buy<riew ,j e " quip " menL - iui -vur. -- ' &Cj iGGi r__ *-.M~ .; S- sion SI5 cents. , _ / ¦ , - .Miss Irene Diller spent the week- end at her home here. _ Mr. and _ »lrs. wi __ iam Manning, of ""BrooiaytiT"itwit'Oiis , vfaak-cnd visiting frirjn. fii. _ and relatiyes- . here., t. _ _ t - Mr. and Mrs. James AT. ,Hand" spent several -days in ,. Brooklyn , 'Tast week visiting their daughter ,_ Miss Dorothy - Hand; who is attending ""S_ t. Joseph' s r College. ¦ r - r . . , + , _. Cyril McCaffery, - Who/ is employed " bv the Long Island" vailroaa;, is spend- in g some * time . at . the . nom' e . of his riarcr.ts. Mr. -in'1 Mrs, "Felix " Me- Caffery. ' Benjami n Farrell , credit manager for Abraham & Straus , is building a summer - home at Elec . t' sJ<eck .. . Eliot Moore spent the wjek-end at " QuawKsnest. " . " tj kj S r xtTiTj . * _ Get a gallon of Kn' ight*OiI'free " at - ~ - -tKe "T _*vcrland . Agency-on _feconic- - avec - rule ' " See ad' on '-pa^e-24:-^Advt' .^ , 38t2c " " ' Miss Elizabeth-McCaffery -had ' as " " her " guest over, the -week-end- Miss Kathryn McCaffesy, of Southold. - r Mr. and " - Mrjn Gavin , ofrBro ' oklyn. - _ - - : spent tHe -^-eek' -end-at- .thetr strmmer - . home on Nassau Point. - - - . * -.- - -- .„ :_;- " .. Mr.- and Mrs. - -Charies; : P. . YJuth'H spent a few days last week In Brook- lyn attending* the graduation exercises of their daughter, Miss Florence Tut- hill , who was graduated from the Methodist Episcopal Hospital , Brook- lyn. Miss Tuthill will now take up private nursing. Miss Marion 'Bennett , a teacher of Southampton High school , spent the week-end with Mrs. Gerald Beebe. Last Wednesday evening the Cut- chogue Epworth League were enter- tained at a social given by the Southold Christian Endeavor mem- bers. A good time was claimed by all who attended. The Junior League boys and girls of the Methodist church have formed clubs. Their first meeting and initia . Hon took place last Friday, after which they played baseball and re- freshments were served. Next week a hike is being planned. Pat Glenn , of New London , Conn., visited with his sister-iri-law , Mrs. E. J. Drum , this week-end. Margaret and Phyllis Dodd and Master Phili p Dodd spent the week- end with Miss Kathryn Fleet. On Monday evening the Epworth League held their monthly social and business meeting at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Niles. _ The entertainment was furnished by the fourth vice- ' p resident and refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Niles. . Wesley Mori-ell has been.sick for the past few days with tonsilitis. We wish him a speedy recovery. William Twomey spent the week- end with his sister, Mrs. James H. 1 Drum. Mothers Day was observed in all our churches last Sunday. In the Methodist the morning service was one of the most impressive services we have ever attended. A young mans class and also a class -of young ladies vvere hostesses ., of the day. They gave carnations to every mother who attended the service. The mothers were .. ushered in . . by the young men. Impressive music was sung by the choir , and one of the old solos, "Tell Mother I'll Be . .There, " was sung.by ;Mrs. Ral ph Tyler in a very pleasing manner. Also a -solo hy R.oland_Hortpn , .^Mother ' s . Prayers Have Followed Me - ' Rev. Stanley Niles preached a sermon which touch- ed the hearts . of all. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Tyler spent Sunday in Speonk with their daugh- ter Madeline. Miss Adelaide Sterling spent the weeteend . in Southold with her friend. Miss Martha Hawkins. __ The Epworth . League young people were invited to the parsonage . to be the guests, of Rev. , and Mrs. . Niles or Monday evening last. Every one re- ports "' a v firie time: """ The Cosmos Society will meet in the church parlors on Thursday of this week. Miss Marion Bennett was a week" end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ger'Jd Beebe. Mr. and Mrs. . George P. . Rackett speiit Sunday with " their sister, Mrs. F. G. Mul ford. Mr. . and Mrs. Grathwo 'hl Curran were, week-end guests of the ir moth- er , Mrs. Susarine Curran. ,. SHELTER ISLAND . Mrs. William Evans and son , Billy, have been spending the ' week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Walthsr. Mr. and , Mrs. W. R. , Cartwiight spent Sunday on the Island. . Raymond Case is at hoiiie after a winter in Florida. Raymond Cullum and Frank Mc. Cumber , Jr., moved a truckload , of furniture to East Hampton Saturday for Cullum ' s new " bungalow. Mrs. Benjamin Walther is visiting in Manhasset. - A good-sized delegation will attend the C-J3. rally at Eastport on Tues- day evening. - Mrs. Franklyn -Clark has been spending some time on the Island. Mrs. Moses Griffing. attended a re- union of her class of Oswego Normal last week. The reunion was field at the Waldorf-Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin King were oyer to see JVJrs. King ' s mother , Mrs. Case, on Sunday. , . Mr. and Mrs. Jack . Ross were week- end guests of Mrs. A rthur Maurey. The Junior C. E., held special ser- vices on the afternoon of Mother ' s Day. MarL Griffing visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Griffing, this week. .Mrs. C. H. Lucas had the Luncheon club at her house on Thursday after- noon in . celebration of her birthday. , Mx. Angell -was at the Heights last week, James W. Gerard was in town on Saturday looking after 'his business interests. Randolph Hudson made a brief vis- it to the Island recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Capon were in town -for the .wedding of Charles Capon last' Tuesday. , _, ,; - . Baseball -games - between- the S. --I. boys , and te;ams from Orient and East Marion played games on the Ideal ..... i v. .u- rr.^r» ^*. C.l>n. yi«rjr _ it'uim ,«.». .»*.- ._ ...... -. -.. ,~...., r day. Quite a crowd witnessed the game. The mothers of -the Junior C. E. members were entertained at the C. E. Mothers day service Sunday ut- Lerjiouit. - Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of New Haven have opened their bungalow on jrludson avenue. ,, .... / Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edwards , Jr., are; the parents of u baby girl born May 7. - - , " -Fertilize smalMruits' in. the spring before they blossom. For the farmer who wantsjto know what, to sow and ,. why,.the state college agriculture at Ithaca , . N.Y ^ 'has a bulletin " on experiments iii_erop _ rota- tion and fertilization, _ Ask for a copy of P 34 if you ' re interested. ' . CAPON—SMITH Miss Kathorine Smith , only daugh- ter of John Smith , and Charles A. Capon were quietly married at Our Lady of the Isle church on Tuesday morning. The bride was attractively gowned in gray crepe de chine . Miss Alice Ketcham was maid of honor and Eugene Smith , vt brother of the bride , wni hest man. The young couple left that day for an nmo tri p through Massachusetts. Mr. Capon is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Capon , of Shelter Island Heights. The bride will be missed in the Center postoffice where she has been such a capable assistant. The many friends of the young couple ex- tend congratulations. SHELTER ISLAND COMPLETES PLANS FOR MEMORIAL DAY The Chamber of Commerce of Shel- ter Island has arranged an impressive program as its annual tribute to the memory of its patriotic sons who have passed further along the sacred path. A parade is to form in line in front of Shelter Island Heights Fire De- partment building, to start at 1 p. m., led by an imposing band. It will con- sist of the following organizations: Shelter Hand 'Freights Fire Pep...l- ment , with apparatus; Civil War vet- erans, members of American Legion , Ladies' Community Club , members of Chamber of Commerce, Shelter Island school children. The parade is to march through the principal streets of Shelter Island and to disband in front of Soldiers' monu- ment at 2:30 p. m., where memorial services will be held , as per arranged program: -- Opening prayer by Rev. A. L. Shear , placing ul ' wreath on Soldiers ' monu- ment by J. J. Scannell , vocal duet by Mrs... Wells and Mrs . King, historical recitation , "Shelter Island' s . contri- bution to the defense of the American Flag, " Mrs. Alice . Clark ; patriotic airs, band ; recitation , Shelter Island-Union School pupil; developments of Shelter Island and viewing its future, Super- ... *. . . . . . ^u.^i.. ir.«w. c«:4-l.. »/.... * "Ltsd, Kindly Ligh t, " Mrs " . F. A. Myers . an:! Miss Bowditch ; speech , "Memorial Day, " Hon. William F. Bur- roughs.; song, "Star Spangled Ban- ner, " - firing-squad -and -iiTaps." - ORIENT —I M I I ! ¦ ! ¦ I W ¦ ¦ » ¦ M.^« ¦ ¦ W The Girl Scouts will give an " enter- tainment in Mechanics ' Flail tomorrow (Friday)s evening. . . _ -Miss Martha Mattice and her uncle, Harry Mattice , " motored from New York and spent a short time recently with Miss Mattice ' s mother: . Claude Conklin wt-nt to Albany last week where he took the Civil Service exammatio^-f or. mounted police. Mr. , and Mrs. t Charles T. Glover and children , of , Riverhead , spent the week a . t the home of- Mr. Glover ' s mother , Mrs. . A. N. Luce. Mrs. Rackett , of East Marion , is . taking the place of Miss JEIelen G. Strong, one of the grade teachers , for the remainder of the term. Miss Strong was unable to finish her term because of the death ; of her father. . Prof. 0. E. Swanson conducted the services the M. El. church last Sun- day in the absence of the pastor . Rev. Mulford Simonson. One of the twin daughters who was recently born to Mr. and Mrs, Roy D. Wilcox, of Denver , Col., has died. ,. There will be a meeting of members of. the Congregational church and parish on the evening of May 24 (Monday) for the purpose of taking action on the resignation of the pastor , Rev. Dr. Robert J. Kent , and for considering the further suppl y of the pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. William Von Drathen , of Orient , announce the engagement of thfir daughter , Miss Johanna Von Drathen , to John Fraser , of Massa- pequa. ' It is . reported that Edward . Coffin has sold his - property on the bay throu gh the agency of C. A. Brooks , Df East Marion. Mrs. F-rcd York , of Stony Brook , is visiting her father , John B. Jones. , SOUND AVENUE At the recent, school meeting in this idistrict Bruno . McKay was elect- ed trustee for three years :.nd $7, 000 was appropriated in addition to the surplus remaining over from tho pre- vious year. Horace J. Wells was elected treasurer and library trustee , and Leslie T. Well s was elected clerk. The play, "The Betrothal of Mai Tsung," which is to be given in Aqup- bogue' and repeated in Riverhead , will also be repeated at Sound Avenue hall on Friday vening, May 21 , at 8 o' clock , under the auspices of our Missionary Society. Admission 35 cents. All are welcome. Tho offering to , the work" of tho American Board last Sunday morning amounted to $91.70. . Olin .Tuthill is aisi^ned _ to lead the Y. P. S. - C. E. ur.ior. service on Sunday evening. . The topic is "How To" Use the Bible." ^ •Cedrie Luce has been on jury duty thi s week. . a i.r? ,», \ , ±, - L7. -wr:i meek wivir Mrs. F. B. Wells on Wednesday, May 19. This Is a ' " red letter" meeting, the program on temperance and mis- sions being in charge of Mrs. W. H. Benjamin and Mrs. Leslie T. Wells. In addition to the regular program there will be a short memorial ser- vice and a social hour. Each lady is requested to bring 10 cents worth of refreshments. The strawberry festival under the auspices of the M. B. society will be held in Sound Avenue hall next Thurs- day, at f> p. m. Supper , 50 cents, im- mediately following supper there will be a treasure hunt. Capt. Kidd' . -i treasure has been definitely located . Clues will be furnished at 10 cents each. After the, treasure has been unearthed , an interesting and varied program will be presented. Admis- sion 'l' i cents. All are cordially in- vited. "" GREENPORT " In honor of Music week, Mrs. Ruth Langlois Hubbard has arranged a concert to be given Thursday night in the Methodist church" . Price of tickets 60 cents , which in no way equals the talent she has gathered to give an oratorio, custom songs, violin music and piano music. Real estate is changing hands daily. Taalw r & Company has rsold Steve ' s restaurant and hotel property to Ar- thur and Katherine Mayer. Ansel Young has purchased for re- sale Warren Young ' s plate on Fifth avenue. Get a gallon of Knight Oil free from G. F. Bennett , the oil man. - See ad on page 24.—Advt. 38t2c Nathan Bush has purchased the propei'ty.on. Railroad-avenue- north of the old Commercial Hotel for resale. George Wetmore has sold Mrs. Rose Racketl' s olace on Second street to Frank Kazminski , of Greenport. Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. George Flack , of Barrington , R. I., of the engager.c»it of their daugh- ter, Miss Avis Flack , to William A. Readio, of Pawtucket. Miss Merle Fiske has been elected vice-pres ident and chairman of the Sunday School conference. Miss Edi th L. Burns , who is super- intendent of the Braddock General Hospital , is meeting with great suc- cess, _the .BoaTd . having granted , her. permission to arrange for an addi- tion. Miss,Burns has introduced many helpful changes in the old part. . Exex- - eises _ were held last week for the lay- ing of the corner stone to the new ad- dition. . - . The Suffolk . Tinies conducted a .con- test , on "What . Does Greenport Need Mpst , " . -an _ d\many,. letters each jveek containing many . worthwhile sugges : tions, were^-received. . -The judges , Mrs. Joseph L " . ' ?Towr.send , " president of the Ladies' Village Improvement society; LawyerJi' ra.ikjMcCann , pres- ident " of "the Chamber " of Commerce, and Louis Jaeger , one of Greenpoi-t' s oldest merchants, finally agreed upon the letter written by A. Norman Davis , " of Shelter Island , although the decision was not- unanimous. _ Mr. Davis suggested a community house and director because it would benefit the community as a whole. The- Greenport W. C. T. TJ. met with Mrs. Clara, Pell, last . Thu rsday evening. The program , which was in keeping with Mothers ' Day, was in charge of Mrs. Griffing. The follow- ing selections were enjoyed by, the goodly number present: "How Moth- ers' Day Started , " Mrs. Chute ; "The ' Shrine at. Mother ' s Knee, " Mrs. Brewster Smith ; a story by Mrs. Burt; "What Mothers Do , " Mrs. E. J. Smith ; "A Mother ," Mrs. Prince, and "Teaching Obedience," Mrs. Chute. Mrs. Chute was elected delegate to the convention to be held at Hunting- ton , May 21. The next meeting of the Union will be held May 20, at tho home of Mrs. E. J. Smith. Refresh- ments and a social hour closed this enjoyable: evening. LAUREL _n ,_„_ ^ »^_ll~.M M M—- ¦ »¦ •' Miss Marguerite Donovan -and friend , of Hicksville, were Sunday I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cantlin. Miss Mary Rotund a spent the week- end at her home in Newark , N. J. Miss Sadie Mahor.ey has returned to her home here after spending some time with relatives in New Jersey. C. J. McNulty made a business * trip to the city last week. Miss Alma Fanning visited her friend. Mrs. Charles Blasl , in River- head , last Friday night. ' Miss Jutiteha Meeso entertained a company from Brooklyn over the week-end. Mr. and Mix Robert Carey and children , of Bridgehampton , spent Sunday with her mother , Mrs. Annie Magoey. Miss Hattic Fanning spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Everett S. Overton, in East Quogue. Mr. and Mrs. George Booker enter- tained a large party of friends at their home last Saturday evening. A Columbia University professor soys that the twentieth century man is " ethically upset. " Now you " know what is the matter with you. A beer war has been started in Vienna because the price has been raised from ten to eleven cents a quart—which ought to make the boot- legcrs in America laugh out loud. A quebogue, Jamesport , Mattituck and other East End Villages i 1— i i i—: ' Riyferhead Electric Co. __ . . . - Benjamin Builuing . ... . __ _ _ _ , Tel. 533 - Main St., Riverhead WIRIN G in A11 Its Branches Estimates Furnished _ -. ~ " ELEC T R I C SI G'RS ; ^ Y O UNG MAN WANTED There ' * a good opening in a retail «tcre here for a live , young ' itfan between 18 and 25. He must be willing to-give - his entire attention to the bu»i- , , ness ao he can. learn it. The positicn will lead to respon- sibilities as soon as he ca ' n as- '! sume 'hem. It will pay if fair - - salary to start with. TheJuture . _ ' .is 'brig ht for the right kind of a man. If you think you can tin fk. Kill write ADVER- TISER , Box ' 756, RiveYhca 'd , ' N. Y. ! OAS f or Cooking. Heating, Lighting Enjoy the comfort and con- j venience of city gas wherever 9 you live by installing a S TIRRILL GAS MACHINE j Inexpensive, Safe . Dependable ! I Easily installed and-operated I by merely turning on the gas. Writeforfizil particulars WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY for ambitious men or women in each county | as ' selling agents "for _ _ ._ . I Tirrlli Gas Midline Lighting Co. Establtshad 186X 50 CHURCH ST. - NEW YORK Tel . 387 Greenport . SUSAN E. -ARMSTRONG Ladies ' and Children ' s SPECIALTY SHOP 38 Front St. Greenport, N. Y. ' Spring Time-Table ' [ BRIDGEPORT & PORT JEFFER- " SON STEAMBOAT CO. In effect April 12, 1926 Steamer PARK CITY Will Run as . Follows : MONDAY , WEDNESDAY arid FRIDAY Leave Port JelTerscn 9:15 A. MT.; return- ing. Leave Britft'cport 3:00 P. 5f. Single Tnre 75; cents. Hound Trip Ticket SI 25. G )od any time during the season. Children between 5 and 12 years , half fare- Special Bxciirsion Tickets—Good to re- turn same day only, from Port - Jefferson e\ery Friday. Fare, 75 cent*. Automobile Transportation For further information address GEO. M* TOOKER, Gen'l Manager , Bridgeport. Conn., Port JeiTeraon, M\ Y. Time-Table subject to toianse without notice. Wiring Lamps M. _ F. KEARY Electrical Contractor 211 E. Front Si., Greenport , N. Y. Telephone 11-W Fixtures Motors . i Let the Water Do the Running Drop in and get * free demonstra- tion on the D VYTCN ~ Electric Water System. It is one of the beat (none better). $35.00 and up for a complete system, Wa are at your service. Give lis a call. H. W. HORTON & CO. ¦ J Plumbers WEST MAIN S T.. MATTITUCK . N. T. Pho.e 37-R Hem*y P. tuthill licensed . Funeral Director and Embalmer ¦ I Automobile Equipment Telephone 27- . ' Mattituck Eimtop Sanitarium MATTITUCK, N. Y. Tol. 185 1 Eimtop is beautifully situated on New ( Suffolk Avenue, overlooking Marratooka 1 Lake ; Ynu will rec-iM- tlie 1'i-st of care ana ¦ -good food, -*-attractively served. - _- _ - Cheerful -ind .hontplikn rarroundinss. Good physicians nearby, for it a call. VISITORS WELCOME Mrs. Gladys G. Cox, R. N. 1 ' Grndnate of NaRsairHnsptUl, Mln-fcla, *' - ¦ nd-Lyimr-In IloipJtal, New YoKlt . City. " . / y ' "¦¦ - ¦ ' ' ^^^^^• **___:___:_:_____.* i Your Telephone Service ! Cbvef' s the Nation ^T'OUR ~te\e,j>\\oj\p service is directly fur- " ~ ~ ~' " ~~ X nishedby the New York Telephone Com- pii njr . but instead of Being limited to the area * -- - our company serves , it covers the nation. This service results from our association with . _ 24 other telephone companies in what isi known as the Bell System. Each of these . companies serves a certain part of the'Country and its system is connected witti alL the others by means cf long distance " lines. Thus a nationwide service is provided. The long distance lines are operated by the American Telephone and Telegraph C<j n\- pany. the central organization of the System. This company also does the research and de- velopment work for all of the 25 associated companies , thus avoiding duplication of ex- _ *>___ _- pense and effort , and giving each company* * - ~ the newest improvements in equipmen t and methods with greatest economy. This plan of operation has been follo wed. since - tEe eari y days of the " tclephone , arid has been - ---- - the means of developing telephone service . -*--.--_ ...;"i . ¦ - . . . ci _.____ _it___. _._.*., ,. _ _ icxirougnouc' viiu onitv** u,a,v. .._«».> .»..•-.. _* , , ,. . _ ,— standard for the world. New York Telephone Company < ¦ - -- - . -.- - - 18?6 *$a$^- 1926 " - , -. - - .__ —- . 1"^ Bell System sir . vice detielojbrnent in ihefirst 30 - ---3- years of the telephone is a gauge of the organ ' - ~ ~ ^J " isWtionV'JburjDose now and in the future. .j . 1 . ;_ 1 ^ ^ ?"'* ! **' ''** ! * ! ' E*= ___________ = ___________ ______ = _______ ____jj Why not send your Wash to a Good Laundry next week? SERVICE and QUALITY the BEST M0H AWKIN LAU NDRY Tel. 54 Mattituck CUTCHOGUE ' TJ*_ . " ' ' * - - f " " ' ' I:" We Off er DANISH GROWN CAULIFLOWER SEED H. S. Snowball , Early Dwarf Erfurt (Haag Strain) grown for and imported by us , same strain we have handled for a number of years. And a liriiited amount of Holland Erfurt tested by lil us for two years with excellent results. "Our H. S" Cauliflower Strain was . considered _____ .^ . ^iS _pf . thp " . early varieties in the Cauliflower Triaf Contest arranged by trie Danish Seed Growers' Asso- ciation arid completed November 24th, 1925. Price of all Cauliflower Seed , $1.50 per ounce. - . Our regular Danish grown Mammoth Rock Red" :- __: Cabbage Seed , 45c per ounce, ||l Brussels Sprout Seed , either Orient grown or a " _ I selected strain , grown near Mattituck , at $1.00 per . - ' - "' ounce: | | Seed will be treated with hot water unless other- - " - wise requested by our customers . - Seed . may be _ obtained from our Directors and at' the Office of the Long Island Cauliflower Ass' n , Room 4, Benjamin Building, Riverhead , N. Y. L. 1; CAULIFLOWER ASS'N ' ; Riverhead - New York I.. . ^ ' .. .. ¦ : -

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Page 1: f ' ' I:nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1926-05... · guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Nichol at the siinimi- nome which they re-cently purchased at Barnegat, N. J. The Chinese

Announcing the Opening



128 Main Street Tel. 201 Greenport, L. I.We Deliver All Purchase* at Your Door


. The monthly meeting of the Wo-man's Missionary society was held cfthe residence of Mrs. R. L. Wells onThursday afternoon , with Mrs. MyronC. Young; as leader.

Miss Mary I. Edwards was a guestat the home of her brother, CharlesKdward s, of Rockville Center, on Sun-day last.

Quite a number from this place en-joyed the District Union C. E. meet-ing held at the Mattituck church onSunday evening.

A little son arrived at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Henry Worm last Fri-day.

Mr. and Mrs.- George.C. Young, incompany with Mr. and Mrs. .David A.Young, oi Riverhead , were week-endguests of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Nicholat the siinimi- nome which they re-cently purchased at Barnegat, N. J.

The Chinese play, -'The Betrothalof Mai Tsung," which was scheduledfor Friday evening :of this week, hasbeen postponed owing to the C. E.rally

^ at Eastport on. that evening.

Monday evening has now been set forthe nlay, tin cast of which wis pub-lished, in last week's issue. - Price ofadmission 35 cents. The" play willalso be given in Riverhead on Tues-day evening, and at Sound - AvenueOn Friday evening. No email amountof time and energy, is being expndedby Mrs. Northrop and her assistant,Mrs. R. J. Goodale, as well'as by thosewho have part in the" play, and it ishoped they will be rewarded by agood-sized audience.- - - — - -

Several officers of our Sundayschool, nearly all the teachers, and ,anumber of others, planned to attendthe County Sunday school^cohventionat Northport on Wednesday.

At the morning service Mast Sun-day, in recognition of_. Mothers' Day,the church was beautifully decoratedwith carnations, roses and narcissus.

Next Sunday there will_ be preach-ing by the pastor, Rev. "E. A. North-rot), whose sermon theme will be "TheSecret of the Church's Power." Inthe evening at 7:30, gospel song serv-ice. " The monthly "missionary offer-

—ing-will--be-—taken-at—the --Sundayschool session. Junior Endeavor at 3'-o'clock. Topic, "David ,-Whose-TorchHelped His People to Become a. Na-tion." Leader, James Downs. _ Y. P.

-S. C. E. at 6:45-p. jn. "How.to Usethe Bible," is the topic,- arid the as-signed leader is Mrs. Frank- H: Wells.

IL is- expected:that a..gpo"d'_delegar- tian from this place wilUattend _theannual spring, rally of llhe': SuffolkCounty C. -E.- Union , to^be^-held .atEastport on Friday evening 'of thisweek. One of o"ur~ovm~C_ E. members,__ Milton,..Warner," is_ among th jsgeak-ers at the oratorical" contest at" '5o clock. . - -

Mrs. Boswell Homan, with her .threelittle daughters, spent .Sunday withrelatives in the city.- - }?*¦- - _-_

At- the annual school meeting ofDistrict No. 8,-last Tuesday^ evening,Frank W. Young and Chauncey T.Reeve were reelected clerk and treas-urer respectively for one year, andlliram Corwin chosen, as trustee fora three-year term. In , No. 7 .Mrs.George II: Reeve and George.B". Terry-were reelected treasurer and clerk,and Harrison Tyte elected trustee.'

Mr. and Mrs. Harry ;Monsell - andfamily, of Greenport ," were*guests oftheir cousin, Mrs. William 11. Young,and family, on Sunday.

The Men's club held-its-last regu-lar meeting- of the season on Mondayevening, when a fine clam chowdersupper was served by the refresh-ment committee. Following;the "sup-per, community songs were, sung andan interesting address was given bythe Rev. Edward N. Kirby, of James-port.

"~7CUTCHQGUE _"'„ '

' Mrs. P. R. Tuthill and Myra Tulhiiiwere elected delegates to* Attend the

.- County..Sunday .School convention atNorthport yesterday. " "

Joseph Regan, of Brooklyn, spenttlie week-end at tlie Diller home.

On last rTuesday the. annual schoolmeeting was hold in District No. 12.

•-Theodore Beebe was.elected, trustee,Mrs. Edith P. Hortop, • clerk, andFrank II. Case, treasurer1.'Y-'~''Henry ICaelinjof Brooklyn,,has been

visiting his daughter, Mrs. James'Hand. t '' John Janse has purchased,a fineyacht; "The.,Wild'Duck,',' on which he]will accommodate fishing parties thissummer. - - - ¦- -,- ."¦ Have we talented young people in ,Cutchogue ? Come and see ."HerBlessed Boy," which is lo be given in

. J Parish ,'lall on Friday , evening, ,.May'' 21, at 8 o'clock" by the pupils of the

upper grades of Cutchogue school. .Theproceeds are to be used" to buy<riew

,j e"quip"menL - iui -vur.--'&Cj iGGi r__ *-.M~.;S-sion SI5 cents. ,_ / ¦, -

.Miss Irene Diller spent the week-end at her home here.

_ Mr. and _»lrs. wi__iam Manning, of""BrooiaytiT"itwit'Oiis ,vfaak-cnd visiting

frirj n.fii._and relatiyes-.here., t . _ _ t -Mr. and Mrs. James AT.,Hand" spent

several -days in,. Brooklyn ,'Tast weekvisiting their daughter,_ Miss Dorothy

- Hand; who is attending ""S_t. Joseph'sr College. ¦ r -r .., + , _.

Cyril McCaffery, - Who/ is employed" bv the Long Island" vailroaa;, is spend-

in g some* time .at .the . nom'e .of hisriarcr.ts. Mr. -in'1 Mrs, "Felix "Me-Caffery. „ '

Benjamin Farrell , credit managerfor Abraham & Straus, is building asummer - home at Elec.t'sJ<eck.. .

Eliot Moore spent the wj ek-end at" QuawKsnest. ". "tjkjSr xtTiTj .*_

Get a gallon of Kn'ight*OiI'free "at-~ - -tKe"T_*vcrland .Agency-on_feconic--avec

- rule' " See ad' on'-pa^e-24:-^Advt'., 38t2c

" " ' Miss Elizabeth-McCaffery -had 'as" " her "guest over, the -week-end- Miss

Kathryn McCaffesy, of Southold. - rMr. and"- Mrjn Gavin, ofrBro'oklyn.

-_ -- : spent tHe- -eek'-end-at-.thetr strmmer- . home on Nassau Point. --••-. *- .--- -.„

:_;- " ..Mr.- and Mrs. --Charies;:P. .YJuth'H

spent a few days last week In Brook-lyn attending* the graduation exercisesof their daughter, Miss Florence Tut-hill, who was graduated from theMethodist Episcopal Hospital, Brook-lyn. Miss Tuthill will now take upprivate nursing.

Miss Marion 'Bennett , a teacher ofSouthampton High school, spent theweek-end with Mrs. Gerald Beebe.

Last Wednesday evening the Cut-chogue Epworth League were enter-tained at a social given by theSouthold Christian Endeavor mem-bers. A good time was claimed by allwho attended.

The Junior League boys and girlsof the Methodist church have formedclubs. Their first meeting and initia.Hon took place last Friday, afterwhich they played baseball and re-freshments were served. Next weeka hike is being planned.

Pat Glenn, of New London, Conn.,visited with his sister-iri-law, Mrs. E.J. Drum, this week-end.

Margaret and Phyllis Dodd andMaster Philip Dodd spent the week-end with Miss Kathryn Fleet.

On Monday evening the EpworthLeague held their monthly social andbusiness meeting at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Niles. _ The entertainmentwas furnished by the fourth vice-

' president and refreshments wereserved by Mr. and Mrs. Niles.. Wesley Mori-ell has been.sick for

the past few days with tonsilitis. Wewish him a speedy recovery.

William Twomey spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. James H.1 Drum.

Mothers Day was observed in allour churches last Sunday. In theMethodist the morning service wasone of the most impressive serviceswe have ever attended. A youngmans class and also a class -of youngladies vvere hostesses ., of the day.They gave carnations to everymother who attended the service. Themothers were ..ushered in. . by theyoung men. Impressive music wassung by the choir, and one of the oldsolos, "Tell Mother I'll Be. .There,"was sung.by ;Mrs. Ralph Tyler in avery pleasing manner. Also a -solo hyR.oland_Hortpn, . Mother 's . PrayersHave Followed Me -' Rev. StanleyNiles preached a sermon which touch-ed the hearts .of all.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Tyler spentSunday in Speonk with their daugh-ter Madeline.

Miss Adelaide Sterling spent theweeteend.in Southold with her friend.Miss Martha Hawkins.__ The Epworth .League young peoplewere invited to the parsonage .to bethe guests, of Rev., and Mrs. .Niles orMonday evening last. Every one re-ports"'a vfirie time: """

The Cosmos Society will meet inthe church parlors on Thursday ofthis week.

Miss Marion Bennett was a week"end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ger'JdBeebe.

Mr. and Mrs. . George P. . Rackettspeiit Sunday with" their sister, Mrs.F. G. Mulford.

Mr. . and Mrs. Grathwo'hl Curranwere, week-end guests of their moth-er, Mrs. Susarine Curran.

,. SHELTER ISLAND .Mrs. William Evans and son, Billy,

have been spending the' week-end withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminWalthsr.

Mr. and , Mrs. W. R., Cartwiightspent Sunday on the Island..

Raymond Case is at hoiiie after awinter in Florida.

Raymond Cullum and Frank Mc.Cumber, Jr., moved a truckload ,offurniture to East Hampton Saturdayfor Cullum 's new" bungalow.

Mrs. Benjamin Walther is visitingin Manhasset.- A good-sized delegation will attend

the C-J3. rally at Eastport on Tues-day evening.- Mrs. Franklyn -Clark has been

spending some time on the Island.Mrs. Moses Griffing. attended a re-

union of her class of Oswego Normallast week. The reunion was field atthe Waldorf-Astoria.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin King were oyerto see JVJrs. King's mother, Mrs. Case,on Sunday. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Ross were week-

end guests of Mrs. Arthur Maurey.The Junior C. E.,held special ser-

vices on the afternoon of Mother'sDay.

MarL Griffing visited his parents,Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Griffing, this week.

.Mrs. C. H. Lucas had the Luncheonclub at her house on Thursday after-noon in. celebration of her birthday.

,Mx. Angell -was at the Heights lastweek,

James W. Gerard was in town onSaturday looking after 'his businessinterests.

Randolph Hudson made a brief vis-it to the Island recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Capon werein town -for the .wedding of CharlesCapon last' Tuesday. , _,,;- .Baseball -games - between- the S.--I.boys, and te;ams from Orient and EastMarion played games on the Ideal. . . . . i v. .u- rr.^r» ^*. C.l>n.yi«rjr _ it'uim ,«.». .»*.- ._ ...... -. -.. ,~....,— rday. Quite a crowd witnessed the

game.The mothers of -the Junior C. E.

members were entertained at theC. E. Mothers day service Sunday ut-Lerjiouit.- Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of NewHaven have opened their bungalowon jrludson avenue. ,, ... ./Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edwards, Jr.,are; the parents of u baby girl bornMay 7. - -

,"-Fertilize smalMruits' in. the springbefore they blossom.

For the farmer who wantsjto knowwhat, to sow and,.why,.the state collegeb£ agriculture at Ithaca, .N . Y ^ 'has abulletin" on experiments iii_erop_ rota-tion and fertilization, _ Ask for a copyof P 34 if you're interested.' .

CAPON—SMITHMiss Kathorine Smith , only daugh-

ter of John Smith , and Charles A.Capon were quietly married at OurLady of the Isle church on Tuesdaymorning. The bride was attractivelygowned in gray crepe de chine. MissAlice Ketcham was maid of honor andEugene Smith , vt brother of the bride,wni hest man. The young couple leftthat day for an nmo tri p throughMassachusetts.

Mr. Capon is a son of Mr. and Mrs.William Capon, of Shelter IslandHeights. The bride will be missedin the Center postoffice where she hasbeen such a capable assistant. Themany friends of the young couple ex-tend congratulations.


The Chamber of Commerce of Shel-ter Island has arranged an impressiveprogram as its annual tribute to thememory of its patriotic sons who havepassed further along the sacred path.

A parade is to form in line in frontof Shelter Island Heights Fire De-partment building, to start at 1 p. m.,led by an imposing band. It will con-sist of the following organizations:Shelter Hand 'Freights Fire Pep...l-ment, with apparatus; Civil War vet-erans, members of American Legion,Ladies' Community Club, members ofChamber of Commerce, Shelter Islandschool children.

The parade is to march through theprincipal streets of Shelter Island andto disband in front of Soldiers' monu-ment at 2:30 p. m., where memorialservices will be held , as per arrangedprogram: --

Opening prayer by Rev. A. L. Shear,placing ul' wreath on Soldiers' monu-ment by J. J. Scannell , vocal duet byMrs... Wells and Mrs. King, historicalrecitation , "Shelter Island's . contri-bution to the defense of the AmericanFlag," Mrs. Alice .Clark; patriotic airs,band ; recitation , Shelter Island-UnionSchool pupil; developments of ShelterIsland and viewing its future, Super-...*...... ^u. i.. ir.«w. c«:4-l.. »/....*"Ltsd, Kindly Light," Mrs". F. A.Myers .an:! Miss Bowditch ; speech,"Memorial Day," Hon. William F. Bur-roughs.; song, "Star Spangled Ban-ner,"- firing-squad -and -iiTaps."-

ORIENT—I M II !¦ !¦ II W ¦¦ »¦ M. « ¦¦ W

The Girl Scouts will give an "enter-tainment in Mechanics' Flail tomorrow(Friday)s evening. . . _-Miss Martha Mattice and her uncle,

Harry Mattice, "motored from NewYork and spent a short time recentlywith Miss Mattice's mother: .

Claude Conklin wt-nt to Albany lastweek where he took the Civil Serviceexammatio^-f or. mounted police.

Mr., and Mrs.t Charles T. Glover andchildren , of ,Riverhead , spent the weeka.t the home of- Mr. Glover's mother,Mrs.. A. N. Luce.

Mrs. Rackett, of East Marion , is.taking the place of Miss JEIelen G.Strong, one of the grade teachers, forthe remainder of the term. MissStrong was unable to finish her termbecause of the death ;of her father.. Prof. 0. E. Swanson conducted theservices a£ the M. El. church last Sun-day in the absence of the pastor. Rev.Mulford Simonson.

One of the twin daughters whowas recently born to Mr. and Mrs,Roy D. Wilcox, of Denver, Col., hasdied. ,.

There will be a meeting of membersof. the Congregational church andparish on the evening of May 24(Monday) for the purpose of takingaction on the resignation of thepastor, Rev. Dr. Robert J. Kent , andfor considering the further supply ofthe pulpit.

Mr. and Mrs. William Von Drathen ,of Orient, announce the engagementof thfir daughter, Miss Johanna VonDrathen, to John Fraser, of Massa-pequa. '

It is .reported that Edward . Coffinhas sold his - property on the baythrou gh the agency of C. A. Brooks,Df East Marion.

Mrs. F-rcd York, of Stony Brook , isvisiting her father , John B. Jones.

, SOUND AVENUE At the recent, school meeting in

this idistrict Bruno .McKay was elect-ed trustee for three years :.nd $7,000was appropriated in addition to thesurplus remaining over from tho pre-vious year. Horace J. Wells waselected treasurer and library trustee,and Leslie T. Wells was elected clerk.

The play, "The Betrothal of MaiTsung," which is to be given in Aqup-bogue'and repeated in Riverhead, willalso be repeated at Sound Avenuehall on Friday vening, May 21, at 8o'clock, under the auspices of ourMissionary Society. Admission 35cents. All are welcome.

Tho offering to , the work" of thoAmerican Board last Sunday morningamounted to $91.70. .

Olin .Tuthill is aisi^ned_ to leadthe Y. P. S.- C. E. ur.ior. service onSunday evening.. The topic is "HowTo" Use the Bible." ^

•Cedrie Luce has been on jury dutythis week.. a i.r? ,» , \ , ±, - L7. -wr:i meek wivir

Mrs. F. B. Wells on Wednesday, May19. This Is a' "red letter" meeting,the program on temperance and mis-sions being in charge of Mrs. W. H.

Benjamin and Mrs. Leslie T. Wells.In addition to the regular programthere will be a short memorial ser-vice and a social hour. Each lady isrequested to bring 10 cents worth ofrefreshments.

The strawberry festival under theauspices of the M. B. society will beheld in Sound Avenue hall next Thurs-day, at f> p. m. Supper, 50 cents, im-mediately following supper there willbe a treasure hunt. Capt. Kidd' .-itreasure has been definitely located.Clues will be furnished at 10 centseach. After the, treasure has beenunearthed , an interesting and variedprogram will be presented. Admis-sion 'l'i cents. All are cordially in-vited.

""GREENPORT"In honor of Music week, Mrs. Ruth

Langlois Hubbard has arranged aconcert to be given Thursday nightin the Methodist church". Price oftickets 60 cents, which in no wayequals the talent she has gathered togive an oratorio, custom songs, violinmusic and piano music.

Real estate is changing hands daily.Taalw r & Company has rsold Steve'srestaurant and hotel property to Ar-thur and Katherine Mayer.

Ansel Young has purchased for re-sale Warren Young's plate on Fifthavenue.

Get a gallon of Knight Oil freefrom G. F. Bennett, the oil man.- Seead on page 24.—Advt. 38t2c

Nathan Bush has purchased thepropei'ty.on. Railroad-avenue- north ofthe old Commercial Hotel for resale.

George Wetmore has sold Mrs. RoseRacketl's olace on Second street toFrank Kazminski , of Greenport.

Announcement is made by Mr. andMrs. George Flack, of Barrington , R.I., of the engager.c»it of their daugh-ter, Miss Avis Flack, to William A.Readio, of Pawtucket.

Miss Merle Fiske has been electedvice-president and chairman of theSunday School conference.

Miss Edi th L. Burns, who is super-intendent of the Braddock GeneralHospital, is meeting with great suc-cess, _the .BoaTd .having granted, her.permission to arrange for an addi-tion. Miss,Burns has introduced manyhelpful changes in the old part..Exex--eises_ were held last week for the lay-ing of the corner stone to the new ad-dition. . -.

The Suffolk .Tinies conducted a .con-test, on "What .Does Greenport NeedMpst,".-an_d\many,.letters each jveekcontaining many .worthwhile sugges:tions, were^-received. . -The judges,Mrs. Joseph L".'?Towr.send," presidentof the Ladies' Village Improvementsociety; LawyerJi'ra.ikjMcCann, pres-ident" of "the Chamber" of Commerce,and Louis Jaeger, one of Greenpoi-t'soldest merchants, finally agreed uponthe letter written by A. NormanDavis,"of Shelter Island, although thedecision was not- unanimous. _ Mr.Davis suggested a community houseand director because it would benefitthe community as a whole.

The- Greenport W. C. T. TJ. metwith Mrs. Clara,Pell, last .Thursdayevening. The program, which was inkeeping with Mothers' Day, was incharge of Mrs. Griffing. The follow-ing selections were enjoyed by, thegoodly number present: "How Moth-ers' Day Started," Mrs. Chute ; "The'Shrine at. Mother's Knee," Mrs.Brewster Smith ; a story by Mrs.Burt; "What Mothers Do," Mrs. E. J.Smith ; "A Mother," Mrs. Prince, and"Teaching Obedience," Mrs. Chute.Mrs. Chute was elected delegate tothe convention to be held at Hunting-ton , May 21. The next meeting ofthe Union will be held May 20, at thohome of Mrs. E. J. Smith. Refresh-ments and a social hour closed thisenjoyable: evening.

LAUREL _n „ ,_„_ » _ll~.M M

M—- ¦¦ »¦ •'

Miss Marguerite Donovan -andfriend , of Hicksville, were Sunday Iguests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cantlin.

Miss Mary Rotund a spent the week-end at her home in Newark , N. J.

Miss Sadie Mahor.ey has returnedto her home here after spending sometime with relatives in New Jersey.

C. J. McNulty made a business* tripto the city last week.

Miss Alma Fanning visited herfriend. Mrs. Charles Blasl , in River-head , last Friday night. '

Miss Jutiteha Meeso entertained acompany from Brooklyn over theweek-end.

Mr. and Mix Robert Carey andchildren , of Bridgehampton , spentSunday with her mother, Mrs. AnnieMagoey.

Miss Hattic Fanning spent theweek-end with Mr. and Mrs. EverettS. Overton, in East Quogue.

Mr. and Mrs. George Booker enter-tained a large party of friends attheir home last Saturday evening.

A Columbia University professorsoys that the twentieth century manis "ethically upset." Now you" knowwhat is the matter with you.

A beer war has been started inVienna because the price has beenraised from ten to eleven cents aquart—which ought to make the boot-legcrs in America laugh out loud.

Aquebogue, Jamesport, Mattituck and other East End Villagesi

1— i i i—: • '

Riyferhead Electric Co.__ . . . - Benjamin Builuing . . . . . __ _ __

, Tel. 533 - Main St., Riverhead

WIRIN G in A11 Its BranchesEstimates Furnished _ -. ~ " E L E C T R I C SI G'RS ; ^


There'* a good opening in aretail «tcre here for a live,young' itfan between 18 and25. He must be willing to-give -his entire attention to the bu»i- , ,ness ao he can. learn it. Thepositicn will lead to respon-sibilities as soon as he ca'n as- '!sume 'hem. It will pay if fair

- - salary to start with. TheJuture . _'.is'bright for the right kind ofa man. If you think you cantin fk. Kill write ADVER-TISER , Box '756, RiveYhca'd, '

N. Y.

! OAS f orCooking. Heating, Lighting

Enjoy the comfort and con- jvenience of city gas wherever 9you live by installing a S

TIRRILL GAS MACHINE jInexpensive, Safe. Dependable ! I

Easily installed and-operated Iby merely turning on the gas.

Wri te for f i z i l particularsWONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY

for ambitious men or women in each county |as'selling agents "for _ _ ._ . ITirrlli Gas Midline Lighting Co.

Establtshad 186X50 CHURCH ST. - NEW YORK

Tel. 387 Greenport

. SUSAN E.-ARMSTRONGLadies' and Children's

SPECIALTY SHOP38 Front St. Greenport, N. Y.


In effect April 12, 1926Steamer PARK CITY

Will Run as . Follows :MONDAY, WEDNESDAY

arid FRIDAYLeave Port JelTerscn 9:15 A. MT.; return-

ing. Leave Britft'cport 3:00 P. 5f.Single Tnre 75; cents. Hound Trip Ticket

SI 25. G )od any time during the season.Children between 5 and 12 years, half fare-

Special Bxciirsion Tickets—Good to re-turn same day only, from Port - Jeffersone\ery Friday. Fare, 75 cent*.

Automobile TransportationFor further information address GEO.

M* TOOKER, Gen'l Manager, Bridgeport.Conn., Port JeiTeraon, M\ Y.

Time-Table subject to toianse withoutnotice.

Wiring LampsM. _ F. KEARY

Electrical Contractor211 E. Front Si., Greenport, N. Y.

Telephone 11-WFixtures Motors


i Let the WaterDo the Running

Drop in and get * free demonstra-tion on the D VYTCN ~ ElectricWater System. It is one of the beat(none better). $35.00 and up fora complete system,

Wa are at your service.Give lis a call.

H. W. HORTON & CO.¦J P l u m b e r s


Hem*y P. tuthill• licensed. Funeral Director

and Embalmer¦

I Automobile EquipmentTelephone 27-.' Mattituck

Eimtop SanitariumMATTITUCK, N. Y.

Tol. 185 1Eimtop is beautifully situated on New (

Suffolk Avenue, overlooking Marratooka1 Lake ;

Ynu will rec-iM- tlie 1'i-st of care ana¦ -good food,-*-attractively served.- _-_ -Cheerful -ind .hontplikn rarroundinss.Good physicians nearby, for it a call.


Mrs. Gladys G. Cox, R. N.1 ' Grndnate of NaRsairHnsptUl, Mln-fcla,

*'- ¦nd-Lyimr-In IloipJtal, New YoKlt .City.".

/ y '

"¦— ¦-¦ ' ' ^^ • **___:___:_:_____.*


Your Telephone Service !

Cbvef's the Nation^T'OUR ~te\e,j>\\oj\p service is directly fur- " ~ ~ ~'"~~X nishedbythe New York Telephone Com-

piinjr. but instead of Beinglimited to the area * - - -our company serves, it covers the nation.

This service results from our association with . _24 other telephone companies in what isiknown as the Bell System.

Each of these .companies serves a certain partof the'Country and its system is connectedwitti alL the others by means cf long distance "lines. Thus a nationwide service is provided.

The long distance lines are operated by theAmerican Telephone and Telegraph C<j n\-pany. the central organization of the System.This company also does the research and de-velopment work for all of the 25 associatedcompanies, thus avoiding duplication of ex- _ *>_ _ _ _-pense and effort , and giving each company* * - ~

the newest improvements in equipmen t andmethods with greatest economy.

This plan of operation has been followed.since -

tEe eariy days of the"tclephone, arid has been - - - - - -—

the means of developing telephone service.-* - - . --_ ...;"i _« .¦- . . . ci_. _ _ _ _ _it___. _._.*., ,. _ _icxirougnouc' viiu onitv** u,a,v. .._«».> .»..•-.. _* , , ,. . _ ,—

standard for the world.

New York Telephone Company

<¦- - - - . -.--- 18?6 *$a$ - 1926 " -, -. --.__ —-.1"

Bell System sir.vice detielojbrnent in ihefirst30 ----3-years of the telephone is a gauge of the organ' - ~ ~^J

" isWtionV'JburjDose now and in the future. .j .1. ;_1

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Why not send your Wash to aGood Laundry next week?



' TJ*_ ." ' ' * - -

f ""' ' I :"We Off erDANISH GROWN

CAULIFLOWER SEEDH. S. Snowball , Early Dwarf Erfurt (Haag

Strain) grown for and imported by us, same strainwe have handled for a number of years.

And a liriiited amount of Holland Erfurt tested bylil us for two years with excellent results.

"Our H. S" Cauliflower Strain was . considered _____. . iS _pf .thp".early varieties in the Cauliflower TriafContest arranged by trie Danish Seed Growers' Asso-ciation arid completed November 24th, 1925.

Price of all Cauliflower Seed, $1.50 per ounce.- . Our regular Danish grown Mammoth Rock Red" :-__ :

Cabbage Seed, 45c per ounce,||l Brussels Sprout Seed, either Orient grown or a " _I selected strain, grown near Mattituck, at $1.00 per • .-' -


|| Seed will be treated with hot water unless other- - " -wise requested by our customers. -

Seed .may be_ obtained from our Directors and at'the Office of the Long Island Cauliflower Ass'n, Room4, Benjamin Building, Riverhead, N. Y.

L. 1; CAULIFLOWER ASS'N ' ;Riverhead - New York

I . . . '.. .. ¦: -