f freeport news - nys historic...

f FREEPORT NEWS VOL. I. NO. 11 FREEPORT, LONG ISLAND, N. Y., FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1921 PRICE FIVE CENT1 OIL ENGINE AT POWER HOUSE TO CUT COSTS Km Diasel Engine Installed and Tepte-j—Pleatas Offioials en Insertion Tour. GENERATES ELECTRICITY AT HALF STEAM COST Ofllcials E::peet That Another Such Unit 'Vllf PJ Required Within tha rext Year. MUNICIPAL POWER HOUSE AS IT LOOKS SINCE ENLARGED The new oil engine which linn been In pfojWM "' installation and erection at tli > power luiiiHt! for in mths back "turned over" under her own power for the Hint time last Friday. Thin ••iivci »• will drive a (lyiiHinu to furiiUh additional current an<i coald be Mart- ed performing this service on very •hurt notice If it,wen- not for the fact : iii<: switchboard through r'llch nt new dynumo will deliver lta cur- rent hnM not arrived aa yet. The engine develop! ;j*tr» bortepow- i! •, inn. tlie dynamo to v/Kch It la dl- net connected develops 2SG kllowatta. ENTERTAINMENT FOR RELIEF IN IRELAND I* uses oil aa f m-i and-is. of an entirely ! different type thun imy oJ the other j l-rl ne inov jr« at the powe IHHIM ;, all j "the othera )>elng steam drlvitn. It la 3XTM)-'te I that It will be u matter u( rly a ti.' years until a' the steirn iglnes at -he pow.-r house wl'l be re- placed by oil englnea, and It soems to I ba a recognized fact among . io village ' Mi:cla>* thai U w"". be a matter of "lerhi'pK only another year intll the vlllugj vin hnvi' to athl. further ln- 3?i"iae UH power bourn- facilities, muk- Kj ttiother engine alu liar to this new cat a necessity. &30?ge I>. I'ngiie, eaatern Hales t-izat to: the BuHcu-Sulzer llr u, Dle- sjl JS. jjlne (Company, who sold the en- Klnu ,to the village, niiiJ Stnnl \v also II representative if the , Inspected " eiglne lant e? afternoon when It wi N "turned "v •," or at irted r niilnw. for Ihe sec- one! _re. Former "IIluxe President Clarence A. Hdwnrda, under whose ad- ministration tlie Ii i|M'n\i-iiii-nis at the power lioaie wna starfsd", wan pr»>n- . in u. itit: inapiMiu.il. Village Trustee lUiyiiHimi MUIIIT baa been giving closest "jwrxcpimi supervision to the work, of enlarging tho power houeu Mini insiuiiiim i|ie e igine. TlilH IHeMel oil engine. In expelled M. reduce tin) eoHt of current pvodocad liy ll to one-half of what the oM Is by use at steam. The e iglne con- MitnieM onc-tcutli of u gaUoB Of fuel per kilowatt hour and till! fuel oil ru leni.H per gallon, juaJdag the coat nboul liult' of Which stcunrgenenitlon Of power OOatt. i . K Siiniliioiiii baa bean the con- HtrUCtlOB I'MK'lieoi' who hi Committee of One Hundred Ar- ranges Lecture and Concert at Auditorium Friday. A committee of UN) men iiml IMt WO- wen wiiM Off BltXi hist Monday eve Ding HI n meeting In Hie liiiMeinenl of Holy Redeemer Chord! to perfect nr- rangwnenta tor an Illustrated teetun iiml concert In nlil of the destitute w men anil children of Ireland. The movement to alii the wiunen iiml clill (lien of Ireland Is wliolly nonpollllciil and iioiiHDcinriiin, UH the character oi i in- national coiiiinitiee, constating of the governors of iqoai of the states, men eminent. In llnance ami the peefe*- HioiiH and prominent in tne business life of the Country, shows. The Kree port conimlttee lit of the name type. The pictures to he abowfl on Friday ovening were IIIVMI In Ireliuid In re- rent months hy t>i« Itev. William (Jiiinn and are the firsts el of picture* of actual scenes of deviil^utloii .shown In the United suites. I<\ (julnii in an able unit entei lnlnliVi lecturer who <JM*lit* seven months \ Ireland gathering* the materlnl'for IBs lecutre I mid often under cii-euuiMli>ui es of dan- ger. A vocal and Instrumental concert of Irish music win be gtveij Iu connec- tion with the lecture. The committees in charge were or guul/.cd with I lie cleel ion of Kilwaril S. Keogh us chiilrnnin and .lumes Ii. Slewnrl as seerclury. A brief address of CUrreOI produced , " " *• " llllt< " nl1 PWW*"" Of tbS move ,sls between «i and 7 '."""I f °« UUU . "** W"™*; b » S ' t f ir ri i- /olh-rit , «ht>wiiiK itt* htMti eri'it'/^ mill stsrtUig the engine Inio to the coiitlnuill Increasing de- liillllil for electric tight and power In addition to the water pumping rc- ni'iiiminis, the village last year had lo Investigate the problem of adding new oipilpmcul to our plant. Alter considering the matter rerj thorough- ly from jill points of vluw for a period of some months, Including the possi- bilities of additional itanin engine ami boiler equipment Hhnllur to that nl- ready Iu o.it'rallon, ll was i|iiiclUy dlw- COveraO thai the Diesel engine from an economic ( standpoint would give ihe greatest posstoHltles noi unh In the. expense of npcral Ion, but also from u standpoint of feasibility of In- stallation In existing building uml op- erailon in conjunction with existing equipment The advisability of bunt* lug oil under |he boilers In i use u new sit onglne and holler were decided upon was carefully gone into, but the, experience obtained with this n few years ago showed It to be hiss cconnin- leal Oiun coal under our local condl- lions, ii win be remembered thai the N'llhige went lo conslderabb' expense In trying Ml this scheme a few years ago, but Dually returned tl ill. After It wus generally conceded Hint the I'iesel engine was the most desirable ami scon Icaj unit to in -lull to meet the increasing loud Hie authorities made a thorough Itnesti gution of ihe different types of Diesel engines us manufactured in this conn* Irv uml, placing Ihe mailer before Hie village, culled a general election on ihe question ol rating boasw l( " ' Hie purpose of purchasing additional pow cr plan) equipment The bonds ear lied easily, ami 111 Augiihl lust year OdDtraetl were placed tor PlSSSl en- gine, electric generator, switchboard and some additional smaller equip incut, Including some motor driven pumps Some time later all o\erlie:ul Brans was also purchased, and provi- sion was made for .elevating the roof of the tngtnt room The new unit is a standard Butch- Sul/er vertical four cylinder, four c> cle full IMesel engine of IHlTi actual horsepower iiipuiil.v and IH a I I im^t-il 10 drive ihe generator direct from the llnnleuvy and supported by .Mlllolie, .1. A Coveli.v, Itt-v. I'llLher .1. .1. (>'Toole uml others. All of the overhead expense* of the. made SUch ' m " v< '""' nl " ' " " ' *J 'i' 1 ' 1n OOBJBttlttee Instnlllpg '"' ltt '" 1 ' 1 '" Ireland have been under- written by n suhcnmmlllec headed tSJ Conner Justice Morgan J. oiirien, so thill tlie entire proceeds of Ihe lecture uml <-iit t> it ii in HI will g o t o t h e e s - senHni purpose or relief Village Pros ident 'Holier! I., Christie w us uiiani- moiisly Invited In preside ill Ihe tei lure ami enieii ninmeni. Addresses Will bS delivered by S. .1. DonlellVy and Stephen P, Pettlt The coiiuniltee Is us follows : Chairman, Robert Christie; trsas. iircr, Kdward S. Keogh; Uev. .lohn .!. Continued on Page i, CoL B VILLAGE ASSESSMENTS TO REMAIN NORMAL Will Not Be Increased Forty Per ' Cent as Was Done by Township. Memorial Library Ceremonies to be Held Saturday The breaking of Krouml for the Kn-cport Mcniorini Library sits at Merrlck KOH<I .mil Oceiin iivenm-. n'hloh wiin arheduhul for Inst Sat- urday nfternomi. hai ht-cn iMWt- nntWfl on account of the weather. The ceri'inony will lie held lit .°. ;H') NIIH Hat unlay nftpriioon, and the snine program lhal was mnodnaM for hint Sntnrday will \*- currlml out tills week. PIPE LINE PAVEMENT PLAN FAVORED HERE PetiiioiP to State Higay^ missionsr Ask Ds^ignatibn cf This Route. The lusk of nssewsiiik r properly In the vlllaKe Is about completed. The trustees, uetlliK us nssessors, decided, when MtartliiK the work, that they would make no horizontal Increase of to per cent III iixse.ssineiits, aa wns dune hy tfie town assessors on the last nssessinelit roll. Assessments will he priictlcally the •BOM us hist year, except Ihul In many InslanceH the assessors have corrected errors and have equalized I lie tl«ures where there seeind to be iinjiistillahle illfferences. The meiiihiirs o( the village hoanl met with representnthes of the State Tax ('OIIIIIIIKHIOII at Mineola on (Vednesdiiy nnd heard arguments In favor »t the Increased nssessment plan, inn nothing to Justify any change in the ulan they adopted. U U l SELF INSURANCE Proposed by Village Treasurer Smith to Trueteee. The proposition of having the vil- lage carry ITS own insurance instead Of paying 0U( fS.OOQ S year, was placed baton tbe village Board i>y village Treasurer S. I Union Smith. He pointed out Hint the village has had only two losses lo settle In the past twenty- live to thlrt) years, and that each \ifur the $3,000 guiea out of the village for Insiirnnce. while if Hie village should lay Hint nmoiinl aside each year It would soon he well protected n<mrn«rirt«M.- w i m w m m |- njrnmin laled In this way, he said, the interest uotild cover the amount which would now huve to he laid aside in this fund If started. \ The, trustees did not Cm or Hit- plan. •nil after considerable discussion 11 in ll I which lusiiriiin e agMII should lie given Hie workmen's coui|H'nsiilion isiirunce for village employees, it as awarded to ( larence A. Kdwards. i Hie ground thai he I ill-, served the village wlihiiui pay us village presi- dent ami (ubuld be given something In [Ignition ol III- servile-. A petition asking State Commis- sioner of Highways Gram to desig- nate, the l'ipe line, for Improvement with a concrete highway is being clr- ciihiled In Kreeport nnd other south side villages. The clrciilntlori of thin petition II move In opposition to the Mlneolu plan of having the Lakevlew Aveniie-Seuinnn avenue route lin- i a\'e of flie INCREASED FARE FORECASTED BY FIGKT ON BUSSES Long Island Traction Company Wants Them Placed Under Jurisdiction of P. S. C. WOULD FORCE JITNEYS OUT OF BUSINESS TreUey Company Will No. Apply for Higher Fare as Long ae Buesee Are Runninp in Competition. proved Instead of flie flpo lln) boule- vard. ' * Iu the petition the commissioner la asked to make .an investigation of the rumors that a gre:n many options have been secured on property that I ate"aipnglhelr ; route, "and a certificate The I/onif Island Traction Company wants the hussen brought uMer spction 26 of the transportation law, which means that the busses would be forced out of business. The Lon^ Island Traction Company wnnls n ten cent fare between points wliere five cents Is now charged but does not dnre secure this fare while the busses are In operation. The Long Island Traction Company Is losing money hut dues not know whether thp money in lost o.i the Free- rhirt-Hrooklyn hraneh or the Hemp- « iad-Jamalca branch. These were the outstanding points brought out at a meeting of the village trustees, when Arthur Peacock, repre- senting the Long Island Traction Com- pany, requested taat the Village of Freeport take steps to put tbe busses that operate between Freeport and llempsti'iiii under tlje section of the transportation law which would re- inlre them to sneure consents to oper- mild he benetitted by the Seaman Avenue-Lakevlew avenue • Improve- ment, nnd that those who are active In trying to bring ahum (he designa- tion of that royte are interested In this property. The leglmature gave Of necessity wh'ch means that per- mission to operate most be secured from the Public Service Commission. William T. Smith, headed a delega- tion from the Roosevelt Civic Assocla- tion, and strenuously opposed any nc- the Stato Highway Commissioner tne; t |, m |,pi,,K tllk( , n fnat woll | d force tne busses out of business. This territory ha» grown enormously, he said, but the I ruction company IUIR nover made any ; Improvement In Its service. The busses power In select ion Use his discretion In the >f either mine. ^~ (From the liioklyn Kagle). I'reeport. L. I., April 27.—People on I "ike Ii/ sjftgt $30,000 a jaaal which the south side are wondering why'he would/nave goy> to the trolleys If thi. politicians tire so Interested in terityg tiie Lakevtew-Senman nv«n route for linproy^ien by the Sti, nnd opposing f-VtOld'A I'" 1 ' li "-' 1 ' which WQjjlrt '^MsawWfV route f Brooklyn to StyffiiiirTiJlintV ^Hfe Senniiin nvenim and" l^ikevlew nvt route Rives only n narrow zig-zngg road from a point at a railroad Ing In Valley Streujn. The people on the. south side ui favor of havUlR the shirt mad the 100-foot boulevard. Into w h I c I the Pipe line Improvement will even tunlly develop. Thar they me up •I'd lo the l.nkeview avenue route / a goH f»ri>'« n< * <1 adequV t(1 sen-Ice. If we give thO husses, h nly weapon we mite service fro imy. Mr. f«ncnck representative, went *0<),000 In tl the I,on>; Inland ,'d, we give up the year, and ilrond Company, of Jiwhich It Is a s((bshlinry, ls not in a m j position to continue'operat'on nt a loss. Village Attorney Clinton M. Flint WILD CAT ATTACKS GIRL Three Year Old Child Severely Injured by Feline. Attacked by a wild cat that has been Infesting the saetton l'n which she lives, three year old Mlldren Steckle Of 281 .Miller avenue, was fimnd lyiriK on the ground nwir her liome IHI Monday. The child's llesh was severely torn through her clothing by the cat. The wounds wtn dressed by Dr. W. H. Hunde. Of- ficer Adam Tnlch was sent to the •K-lghborhiiod to kill the pat but no sign ol It could be found. Several people have been attacked by the cat recently. CEMETERYSITE SCHOOL MEETING NEXTJUESDAY 1 ials Opposition Heard to Propo- tlilQn to Rai.-e $55,000 ior Additional School Land. I'HREE BOARD MEM8ERS ARE TO BE ELECTED Pretid.nt S :herland and Mrs. Earon Candidates to Succeed Selves—El- vln Edwards Hot to Run. The annual meeting of the Frjeport School District will be held In the Grove Street School Tuesday evening of next week, May 3, at & o'clock. The principal matters to come before the meeting will be the adoption of the budget, the voting on the plan |Q ni'se $05,000 to cover the cost of securing and clearing for school purposes the site of the fold Freeport Cemetery and the erection of three members of the Board of Education. The members of the board whose terms expire an; David Sutherland, Jr., now president ; who is serving out thej of Dwight C. Baker, Earon. Edwards, There has been comparatively little opposition to the project of acquiring the old cemetery site for an extension of the (.'rounds ol the present (Jrnve lf> »'i.v line IK to lie dlacont tilled, It is Indicated by the fact that a proposi-1 woul<1 be thnt Ilne - Mr - Peacock re- tlon to have Itoekvllle 'entre oo-oper-' f 1 " 1 '' 1 fllllt '"' (I " ( ' S n °f bMHW whether ate In the Improvement of the section " r " <lf sll( ' 1 ' ls lll( th fi of the Lakevlew avenue route In that village was defeated hy the taxpayers. The. uoUtlca.l gXOJffl HUM m:il - in is accused 1 fiere of sei iiL'ainsi the Mini I'lpe line thp figures of the company hnd not been analyzed find flint out. A resolution was offprpd hy TrustPP propaftpndi route in the shape of reports that ii is opposed by [TraeHon•Oomnany, which have not ni- the residents of the imrtli siiH. of (lie | rpn<1j> f n k p n nflf ' nn °n placing bus lines \ " nl S t ! 26 f * county. Advocates of the Pipe lino route point mil that this vftll. not hold water because the I.nkevfew-Seaman incline route, which Is being boomed hy the politicians, Is also on the south h "*"''' s 8 request was sent to the trno- side of the county, nnd If the people of the north side are opposed to the 'ontlniled on Page 4,. Col. 4. NEW DIESEL OIL BURNING ENGINE INSTALLED AT VILLAGE POWER HOUSE TO CUT COSTS ked Mr. I'eacock lf.it Is not a fact! Street School, to which it is planned that it Is the Hempstead-Jnmalca' to nulld H " extension addition to meet branch wldch Is operated at a loss, nnd ! tlle "'"Kent need Of additional school room facilities. Those who have rela- tives burled in the cemetery are inter- ested in flie proposition, and some of thorn object to the 'removal of the bodies, but there Is i videnee of any organised opposition to the plan. The principal comment heard is the ipics- USfiLjU lcl . whither the plan a- mil llneij. of removing the Boules, p"ayTng for the sites, reinteriing the bodies nud nun Ing monuments to Hie new graves In Greenfield Cemetery, which must be purchased, can he accomplish ed for the amount specified, $65,000. The budget fof the coming .vcar amounts to $1{X>,:!!>4..'S.H, gross, and the amount to lit* raised by tuxes $1H),- 561.88, tilt) balance being taken cure of Christi ' ftnttioTtTtng' to call n meeting of all the villages sprved by the Long Tsland THO inder Section 26 of law. to tnke comer matter. At tlie previous transportation action In the meeting of the fion company to have a representative . he present nt the next meeting to take | u ' recelpts from varl<>118 «««* Tl »' •"• tl.c mttttor of hnvlnir tho *w*ch at "? clnl «"-*« the meeting ls publish Olive houlevnrd removed, because of! ^ page 2 ' the dangerous trnfrtc congestion which it entires. Mr. Ppncock oxplnlnpd that tlie '••Hiiimny has no moiipy to pay for removing or changing thp switch. Continual) on -, i\>i*. \ ami - j VILLAGE UNABLE TO CAMPAIGN AGAINST MOSQUITOES LAW AMENDED FOR HARMONY IN POLICE DEPT. Bill Now Before Governor Per- mits Incoming Village Adminis- tration to Make Appointments. CHANGES AFFECT CHIEF AND LIEUTENANTS Patrolmen Will Keep Portions t Re gardlesa of Change* In Personnel of Village Board: Au amendment to the state law, un- der whi'-h police forces in villages In counties of 3#0,000 and over can be or- ganized and placed under civil service ulatioui*, haw been passed by the siature under a bill Introduced by Assemblyman Thomas McWhtnney, which so changes the law that It has an important effect on the police forces In the Nassau county villages. T'.ie Freeport police force was put under an organized basis last year un- der the last village administration, bat* rules or regulations have been adopted for the force either by the last administration or the present one. The action taken by the last administration put all the members of the force under the same heading In the matter of per- manance of tbe appointments. Under the amendment passad by the and now before Governor Miller awaiting his signature the pa- trolmen and sergeants art> retained un- der the civil service regulations making the positions permanent.^but the posi- tion of chief and lieutenant have been exempted from this regulation. The theory under which this amend- ment has been drafted and passed through the legislature is that It is for the best Interest of a village to have at the head of the police department offi- cials who will be In harmony with the village administration. As the Mil reads It affords to tlie patrolmen for all tl their goodj>ehavlor, but chiefs ui'irupftul'i! fyott* from tlon. # rt ftmd ,'furnisV-'- £rr r> l. - pointing to the head positions I police department men who are lu har- mony with the admlnlstratton. This puts villages In the sauievnteKory with cities, In the charters/flf which provi- sion ls mnde for the appointment of the officers of the police department by the mayor of the city. Those who are supporting the hill de- clare that It makes certain the protec- tion of the Jobs of the patrolmen, about which protection there was some ques- tion under the law as It previously itood and that It gives an incoming ad- ntinlKtnitlon an opportunity to work ^thmrt Its-httmJs fxHH^-Mwl-b-y a.U«ud if a department who would not he In Ikajinony with It. .Members of the village hoard who ' oppose the bill made tholr strongest- omment on the fact that the power of ipjioimment and remornl is placed In he hands of the village president and not in the hands of the hoard of trus- tees. There seems to be no question hut Hint as soon us the governor signs.the illl there will be certain activity here uid that In the forcing to the forefront f persoiuilltlfH nnd opposing conten- tions the general purport of the bill > win be lost sight of. PDflVC CT : Iur Former Village President Hanse U n U l t O l i LIHL Wants to Have Oil Placed in All Cisspools. Paving Requirement Comes Un- der Railroad Law—To Con- fer With Supervisor. The petition at Inllas Blndrtm wal- ing iiuif the rtUagti of Creeport strike I'i'i ui Hi,, fninclil.se It granted for the operation Of Ihe drove street nolley line, the provision requiring thai As l . 1 " 11 ' 1 '• panj pave the space, be- l\»een the Hacks Illld .1 dislUllce oil both sides, was Mceived by tbe rtUags tt d y and referred b.\ them I he village counsel, who will lake the mat- ui up with Supervisor smiiii. repre seining the county. Trustee Maxson declared that he does m>l believe the county has the right to niter the franchise as the vil lage granted it tad are the onu ones who can modify it. Village Attorney •"lint agreed Hint such Is the case, bin Hun even If the clausi) l.s luken from tile franchise the stale railroad hiw requires the -.nine tliliin, ami that is w hat tin I |i<HI lYursall Hie members of tlie board agreed timt they can be considered u* going IHI record in favor of relieving Hi* trolley company of ihw paving bur den county is wrOTktBg under (he declaration of Trustee Kllniinatlnj: dkMqOitOOa In the vil llgo by plaotBg oil III nil cesspools and disini'ectiiiK ail outhouses t<> eliminate breeding places for Hies wns proposed to the Village trustees by lorincr Vil- lage President Jamua Hanse lie declared that the meadows were free of inos<|ultiM'S us the result of Ihe •Sorts which have been mad*' to rid tlieiu of their bleeding places, hut that thousands of breading places are mam tallied 111 tho vlllune. \ cry few pco pie Ihe on the meadows, he said, while quite a few people live In the village), 'Ihe proposition s«emed to ineel w III favor on Ihe purl of some of Ihe mem hers of the hoanl, and it Is prolmhl Hint some steps may be liiken ill th iH'Xt meeting of tlie board to carry ou FREEPORT CLUB TO STAGE RIG SHOW Vaudeville Program Will Be Given This Year Instead of Minstrel. the SI ions President Chrimie BUgfaaeMl that the i rude mi halm need at the powerhouse lie u-ed fi purpose and Hint two additional The l'"reeport Club will mil vl\e a minstrel show this year, bin u win present an unusual vaudeville bill, which will lie preseiiled III the HUlll- i• uiuin on H'rhiay evening of next week, May tl, uml on the tallowing evening the annual sprim.- dance will take place The eliteiiiilliinelit committee ot the ciuh announces that it is snarl i f no aojgsMsH or trouble in getting together a star HKKieKiilion on the proyrain Tor the show and promises | show thill will be gaai out of all proport|i>n to the price of admission luel Among the feutures (hut the nnu ulttM sinmiuots win poatthreij ap- Itliipeur urc BUI] IlineM, RoSS Wash Inspectors be appointed to do the wurk|barn, Minay (ieer. (rvln« IVSHUB, Involved. TkS two water wiiKons own ed by the village could also h, This fuel oil costs 7 cunu a gallon, uml using one uullon at each- one of Ihe U,(H>0 h o u s e s iu tin- vlllHge would Hike the poal ol oil for one upplicii lion iipproxlmuliiy U M ' llr coal of labor would be lu addition lt> this. Ihe (tne Man HeMie : i'uhor \ <'l.ilri;, two Elegfleld ben ulies ilii- interim tloimlly know ii "Yuiiua" .liipuuene uci ; "Maurice," the illeat inuglcluu one of Legerdem.iin - ihe (iouniins Paintl Mary Company In ittltieH. Jr., ami Kuailine acrobatic dunces \

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TO CUT COSTSKm Diasel Engine Installed and

Tepte-j—Pleatas Offioialsen Insertion Tour.


Ofllcials E::peet That Another SuchUnit 'Vllf PJ Required Within

tha rext Year.


The new oil engine which linn beenIn pfojWM " ' installation and erectionat tli > power luiiiHt! for in mths back"turned over" under her own powerfor the Hint time last Friday. Thin••iivci »• will drive a (lyiiHinu to furiiUhadditional current an<i coald be Mart-ed performing this service on very•hurt notice If it,wen- not for the fact

: iii<: switchboard through r'llchn t new dynumo will deliver lta cur-rent hnM not arrived aa yet.

The engine develop! ;j*tr» bortepow-i! •, inn. tlie dynamo to v/Kch It la dl-n e t connected develops 2SG kllowatta.


I* uses oil aa f m-i and-is. of an entirely !different type thun imy oJ the other jl-rl ne inov jr« at the powe • IHHIM ;, all j

"the othera )>elng steam drlvitn. It la3XTM)-'te I that It will be u matter u(rly a ti.' years until a' the steirn

• iglnes at -he pow.-r house wl'l be re-placed by oil englnea, and It soems to

I ba a recognized fact among . io village' Mi:cla>* thai U w"". be a matter of

"lerhi'pK only another year intll thevlllugj v in hnvi' to athl. further ln-3?i"iae UH power bourn- facilities, muk-K j ttiother engine alu liar to this newc a t a necessity.

&30?ge I>. I'ngiie, eaatern Halest-izat to: the BuHcu-Sulzer llr u, Dle-sjl JS. jjlne (Company, who sold the en-Klnu ,to the village, niiiJ Stnnl \v

also II representative if the, Inspected " eiglne lant

e? afternoon when It wi N "turned"v • •," or at irted r niilnw. for Ihe sec-one! _re. Former "IIluxe PresidentClarence A. Hdwnrda, under whose ad-m i n i s t r a t i o n t l i e Ii i | M ' n \ i - i i i i - n i s a t t h epower lioaie wna starfsd", wan pr»>n-. in u. itit: inapiMiu.il. Village TrusteelUiyiiHimi MUIIIT baa been givingclosest "jwrxcpimi supervision to thework, of enlarging tho power houeuMini insiuiiiim i|ie e igine.

TlilH IHeMel oil engine. In expel led M.reduce tin) eoHt of current pvodocadliy ll to one-half of what the oM Isby use at steam. The e iglne con-MitnieM onc-tcutli of u gaUoB Of fuelper kilowatt hourand till! fuel oil rul e n i . H p e r g a l l o n , j u a J d a g t h e c o a tnboul liult' of Which stcunrgenenitlonOf power OOatt.

i . K Siiniliioiiii baa bean the con-HtrUCtlOB I'MK'lieoi' who hi

Committee of One Hundred Ar-ranges Lecture and Concert

at Auditorium Friday.

A committee of UN) men iiml IMt WO-wen wiiM Off BltXi hist Monday eveDing HI n meeting In Hie liiiMeinenl ofHoly Redeemer Chord! to perfect nr-rangwnenta tor an Illustrated teetuniiml concert In nlil of the destitute wmen anil children of Ireland. Themovement to alii the wiunen iiml clill(lien of Ireland Is wliolly nonpollllciiland iioiiHDcinriiin, UH the character oii in- national coiiiinitiee, constating ofthe governors of iqoai of the states,m e n e m i n e n t . In l l n a n c e a m i t h e peefe*-HioiiH and prominent in tne businesslife of the Country, shows. The Kreeport conimlttee lit of the name type.

The pictures to he abowfl on Fridayovening were IIIVMI In Ireliuid In re-rent months hy t>i« Itev. William(Jiiinn and are the firsts el of picture*of actual scenes of deviil^utloii .shownIn the United suites. I<\ (julniiin an able unit entei lnlnliVi lecturerwho <JM*lit* seven months \ Irelandgathering* the materlnl'for IBs lecutre

I mid often under cii-euuiMli>ui es of dan-ger. A vocal and Instrumental concertof Irish music win be gtveij Iu connec-tion with the lecture.

The committees in charge were orguul/.cd with I lie cleel ion of Kilwaril S.Keogh us chiilrnnin and .lumes Ii.Slewnrl as seerclury. A brief address

of CUrreOI produced , " " * • " l l l l t < " n l 1 PWW*"" Of tbS move,sls between «i and 7 '."""I f°« UUU. " * * W " ™ * ; b» S ' t

f ir ri i- /olh-rit , «ht>wiiiK itt* htMtieri ' i t ' /^ mill stsrtUig the engine

Inio to the coiitlnuill Increasing de-liillllil for electric tight and power Inaddition to the water pumping rc-n i ' i i i m i n i s , t h e v i l l a g e l a s t y e a r h a dlo Investigate the problem of addingnew oipilpmcul to our plant. Al te rconsidering the matter rerj thorough-ly from jill points of vluw for a periodof some months, Including the possi-bilities of additional itanin engine amiboiler equipment Hhnllur to that nl-ready Iu o.it'rallon, ll was i|iiiclUy dlw-COveraO thai the Diesel engine froman economic (standpoint would giveihe greatest posstoHltles noi unh Inthe. expense of npcral Ion, but alsofrom u standpoint of feasibility of In-stallation In existing building uml op-erailon in conjunction with existingequipment The advisability of bunt*lug oil under |he boilers In i use u newsit onglne and holler were decidedupon was carefully gone into, but the,experience obtained with this n fewyears ago showed It to be hiss cconnin-leal Oiun coal under our local condl-lions, ii win be remembered thai theN'llhige went lo conslderabb' expenseIn trying Ml this scheme a few yearsago, but Dually returned tl ill.

After It wus generally concededHint the I'iesel engine was the mostdesirable ami scon Icaj unit to in-lull to meet the increasing loud Hieauthorities made a thorough Itnestigution of ihe different types of Diesele n g i n e s u s m a n u f a c t u r e d in t h i s conn*Irv uml, placing Ihe mailer before Hievillage, culled a general election onihe question ol rating boasw l ( " ' Hiepurpose of purchasing additional powcr plan) equipment The bonds earlied easily, ami 111 Augiihl lust yearOdDtraetl were placed tor PlSSSl en-gine, electric generator, switchboardand some additional smaller equipincut, Including some motor drivenpumps Some time later all o\erlie:ulBrans was also purchased, and provi-sion was made for .elevating the roofof the tngtnt room

The new unit is a standard Butch-Sul/er vertical four cylinder, four c>cle full IMesel engine of IHlTi actualhorsepower iiipuiil.v and IH a I I im^t-il10 drive ihe generator direct from the

llnnleuvy and supported by.Mlllolie, .1. A Coveli .v, Itt-v. I ' l lLher .1..1. (> 'Too le u m l o t h e r s .

All of the overhead expense* of the.

made SUch ' m " v < ' " " ' n l " ' " " ' *J 'i'1'1 n OOBJBttltteeInstnlllpg ' " ' l t t ' " 1 ' 1 ' " Ireland have been under-

written by n suhcnmmlllec headed tSJConner Justice Morgan J. oiirien, sot h i l l t l i e e n t i r e p r o c e e d s o f I h e l e c t u r eu m l <-iit t> i t ii in H I w i l l g o t o t h e e s -

senHni purpose or relief Village Prosident 'Holier! I., Christie w us uiiani-moiisly Invited In preside ill Ihe teilure ami enieii ninmeni. AddressesWill bS delivered by S. .1. DonlellVyand Stephen P, Pettlt

The coiiuniltee Is us follows :C h a i r m a n , Robert C h r i s t i e ; t r s a s .

iircr, Kdward S. Keogh; Uev. .lohn .!.

Continued on Page i, CoL B


Will Not Be Increased Forty Per' Cent as Was Done by


Memorial LibraryCeremonies to be

Held SaturdayThe breaking of Krouml for the

Kn-cport Mcniorini Library sits atMerrlck KOH<I .mil Oceiin iivenm-.n'hloh wiin arheduhul for Inst Sat-urday nfternomi. hai ht-cn iMWt-nntWfl on account of the weather.The ceri'inony will lie held lit .°. ;H')NIIH Hat unlay nftpriioon, and thesnine program lhal was mnodnaMfor hint Sntnrday will \*- currlmlout tills week.


PetiiioiP to State H i g a y ^missionsr Ask Ds^ignatibn

cf This Route.

The lusk of nssewsiiikr properly In

the vlllaKe Is about completed. The

trustees, uetlliK us nssessors, decided,

when MtartliiK the work, that they

would make no horizontal Increase of

to per cent III iixse.ssineiits, aa wns

dune hy tfie town assessors on the last

nssessinelit roll.

Assessments will he priictlcally the•BOM us hist year, except Ihul Inmany InslanceH the assessors havecorrected errors and have equalizedI lie tl«ures where there seeind to beiinjiistillahle illfferences.

The meiiihiirs o( the village hoanlmet with representnthes of the StateTax ('OIIIIIIIKHIOII at M i n e o l a on(Vednesdiiy nnd heard arguments Infavor »t the Increased nssessmentplan, inn nothing to Justify any changein the ulan they adopted.

U U l


Proposed by Village Treasurer Smithto Trueteee.

The proposition of having the vil-lage carry ITS own insurance insteadOf paying 0U( fS.OOQ S year, was placedbaton tbe village Board i>y villageTreasurer S. I Union Smith. He pointedout Hint the village has had only twolosses lo settle In the past twenty-live to thlrt) years, and that each\ifur the $3,000 guiea out of the villagefor Insiirnnce. while if Hie villageshould lay Hint nmoiinl aside eachyear It would soon he well protectedn<mrn«rirt«M.- w i m w m m |- njrnminlaled In this way, he said, the interestuotild cover the amount which wouldnow huve to he laid aside in this fundIf started. \

The, t rustees did not Cm or Hit- plan.•nil after considerable discussion11 in ll I which lusiiriiin e agMII shouldlie given Hie workmen's coui|H'nsiilion

isiirunce for village employees, itas awarded to ( larence A. Kdwards.i Hie ground thai he I ill-, served the

village wlihiiui pay us village presi-dent ami (ubuld be given something In

[Ignition ol III- servile-.

A petition asking State Commis-sioner of Highways Gram to desig-nate, the l'ipe line, for Improvementwith a concrete highway is being clr-ciihiled In Kreeport nnd other southside villages. The clrciilntlori of thinpetition !« II move In opposition to theMlneolu plan of having the LakevlewAveniie-Seuinnn avenue route lin-i a\'e

of flie


Long Island Traction CompanyWants Them Placed Under

Jurisdiction of P. S. C.


TreUey Company Will No. Apply forHigher Fare as Long ae Buesee

Are Runninp in Competition.

proved Instead of flie flpo lln) boule-vard. ' *

Iu the petition the commissioner laasked to make .an investigation ofthe rumors that a gre:n many optionshave been secured on property that I ate"aipnglhelr ; route, "and a certificate

The I/onif Island Traction Companywants the hussen brought uMer spction26 of the transportation law, whichmeans that the busses would be forcedout of business.

The Lon^ Island Traction Companywnnls n ten cent fare between pointswliere five cents Is now charged butdoes not dnre secure this fare whilethe busses are In operation.

The Long Island Traction CompanyIs losing money hut dues not knowwhether thp money in lost o.i the Free-rhirt-Hrooklyn hraneh or the Hemp-« iad-Jamalca branch.

These were the outstanding pointsbrought out at a meeting of the villagetrustees, when Arthur Peacock, repre-senting the Long Island Traction Com-pany, requested taat the Village ofFreeport take steps to put tbe bussesthat operate between Freeport andllempsti'iiii under tlje section of thetransportation law which would re-inlre them to sneure consents to oper-

mild he benetitted by the SeamanAvenue-Lakevlew avenue • Improve-ment, nnd that those who are activeIn trying to bring ahum (he designa-tion of that royte are interested Inthis property. The leglmature gave

Of necessity wh'ch means that per-mission to operate most be securedfrom the Public Service Commission.

William T. Smith, headed a delega-tion from the Roosevelt Civic Assocla-tion, and strenuously opposed any nc-

the Stato Highway Commissioner t ne ; t | , m |,pi,,K t l l k ( , n f n a t w o l l | d f o r c e t n e

busses out of business. This territoryha» grown enormously, he said, but theI ruction company IUIR nover made any

; Improvement In Its service. The busses

power Inselect ion

Use his discretion In the>f either mine. ~̂

(From the liioklyn Kagle).I'reeport. L. I., April 27.—People on I "ike I i / sjftgt $30,000 a jaaal which

the south side are wondering why'he would/nave goy> to the trolleys If thi.politicians tire so Interested interityg tiie Lakevtew-Senman nv«nroute for linproy^ien by the Sti,nnd opposing f-VtOld'A I'"1' li"-'1'which WQjjlrt '^MsawWfV route fBrooklyn to StyffiiiirTiJlintV ^HfeSenniiin nvenim and" l^ikevlew nvtroute Rives only n narrow zig-znggroad from a point at a railroadIng In Valley Streujn.

The people on the. south side uifavor of havUlR the shirt madthe 100-foot boulevard. Into w h I c Ithe Pipe line Improvement will eventunlly develop. Thar they me up

•I'd lo the l.nkeview avenue route

/ a goHf»ri>'«n<*<1 adequVt(1 sen-Ice. If we give

thO husses, hnly weapon wemite service froimy.Mr. f«ncnck

representative,went *0<),000 In tlthe I,on>; Inland

,'d, we give up the

year, andilrond Company, of

Jiwhich It Is a s((bshlinry, ls not in am j position to continue'operat'on nt a loss.

Village Attorney Clinton M. Flint


Three Year Old Child Severely Injuredby Feline.

Attacked by a wild cat that has beenInfesting the saetton l'n which she lives,three year old Mlldren Steckle Of 281.Miller avenue, was fimnd lyiriK on theground nwir her liome IHI Monday. Thechild's llesh was severely torn throughher clothing by the cat. The woundswtn dressed by Dr. W. H. Hunde. Of-ficer Adam Tnlch was sent to the•K-lghborhiiod to kill the pat but no signol It could be found. Several peoplehave been attacked by the cat recently.


NEXTJUESDAY1 ials Opposition Heard to Propo-

tlilQn to Rai.-e $55,000 iorAdditional School Land.


Pretid.nt S :herland and Mrs. EaronCandidates to Succeed Selves—El-

vln Edwards Hot to Run.

The annual meeting of the FrjeportSchool District will be held In theGrove Street School Tuesday eveningof next week, May 3, at & o'clock. Theprincipal matters to come before themeeting will be the adoption of thebudget, the voting on the plan |Q ni'se$05,000 to cover the cost of securingand clearing for school purposes thesite of the fold Freeport Cemetery andthe erection of three members of theBoard of Education.

The members of the board whoseterms expire an; David Sutherland,Jr., now president ;who is serving out thejof Dwight C. Baker,Earon.


There has been comparatively littleopposition to the project of acquiringthe old cemetery site for an extensionof the (.'rounds ol the present (Jrnve

lf> »'i.v line IK to lie dlacont tilled, Itis Indicated by the fact that a proposi-1 w o u l < 1 b e t h n t I l n e - M r - Peacock re-tlon to have Itoekvllle 'entre oo-oper-' f1"1''1 f l l l l t ' " ' ( I" ( 'S n°f bMHW whethera te In the Improvement of the section " r "<lf s l l ( '1 ' l s l l l ( th fiof the Lakevlew avenue route In thatvillage was defeated hy the taxpayers .

The. uoUtlca.l gXOJffl HUM m:il -in is accused1

fiere of seiiiL'ainsi the


I'lpe line

thp figuresof the company hnd not been analyzed

• find flint out.A resolution was offprpd hy TrustPP

propaftpndiroute in the

shape of reports that ii is opposed by [TraeHon•Oomnany, which have not ni-the residents of the imrtli siiH. of (lie | r p n < 1 j > f n k p n n f l f ' n n °n placing bus lines

\ " n l S t ! 2 6 f *county. Advocates of the Pipe linoroute point mil that this vftll. not holdwater because the I.nkevfew-Seamanincline route, which Is being boomedhy the politicians, Is also on the south h " * " ' ' ' s 8 request was sent to the trno-side of the county, nnd If the peopleof the north side are opposed to the

• 'ontlniled on Page 4,. Col. 4.


ked Mr. I'eacock lf.it Is not a fact! Street School, to which it is plannedthat it Is the Hempstead-Jnmalca' t o n u l l d H " extension addition to meetbranch wldch Is operated at a loss, nnd ! t l l e "'"Kent need Of additional school

room facilities. Those who have rela-tives burled in the cemetery are inter-ested in flie proposition, and some ofthorn object to the 'removal of thebodies, but there Is i videnee of anyorganised opposition to the plan. Theprincipal comment heard is the ipics-USfiLjU lcl. whither the plan a- milllneij. of removing the Boules, p"ayTngfor the sites, reinteriing the bodiesnud nun Ing monuments to Hie newgraves In Greenfield Cemetery, whichmust be purchased, can he accomplished for the amount specified, $65,000.

The budget fof the coming .vcaramounts to $1{X>,:!!>4..'S.H, gross, and theamount to lit* raised by tuxes $1H),-561.88, tilt) balance being taken cure of

Christi' ftnttioTtTtng'to call n meeting of all the

villages sprved by the Long TslandT H O

inder Section 26 oflaw. to tnke comermatter.

At tlie previous

transportationaction In the

meeting of the

fion company to have a representative .he present nt the next meeting to take | u ' r e c e l p t s f r o m v a r l < > 1 1 8 « « « * T l » '•"• tl.c mttttor of hnvlnir tho *w*ch at " ? c l n l « " - * « t h e meeting ls publishOlive houlevnrd removed, because of! *° ^ p a g e 2 'the dangerous trnfrtc congestion whichit entires. Mr. Ppncock oxplnlnpd thattlie '••Hiiimny has no moiipy to pay forremoving or changing thp switch.

Continual) on -, i\>i*. \ ami -j




Bill Now Before Governor Per-mits Incoming Village Adminis-tration to Make Appointments.


Patrolmen Will Keep Portions t Regardlesa of Change* In Personnel

of Village Board:

Au amendment to the state law, un-der whi'-h police forces in villages Incounties of 3#0,000 and over can be or-ganized and placed under civil service

ulatioui*, haw been passed by thesiature under a bill Introduced by

Assemblyman Thomas McWhtnney,which so changes the law that It has animportant effect on the police forces Inthe Nassau county villages.

T'.ie Freeport police force was putunder an organized basis last year un-der the last village administration, bat*

rules or regulations have beenadopted for the force either by the lastadministration or the present one. Theaction taken by the last administrationput all the members of the force underthe same heading In the matter of per-manance of tbe appointments.

Under the amendment passad by theand now before Governor

Miller awaiting his signature the pa-trolmen and sergeants art> retained un-der the civil service regulations makingthe positions permanent.^but the posi-tion of chief and lieutenant have beenexempted from this regulation.

The theory under which this amend-ment has been drafted and passedthrough the legislature is that It is forthe best Interest of a village to have atthe head of the police department offi-cials who will be In harmony with thevillage administration.

As the Mil reads It affordsto tlie patrolmen for all tltheir goodj>ehavlor, butchiefs ui'irupftul'i! fyott* fromtlon. # r t ftmd ,'furnisV-'-

£rr r> l. -

pointing to the head positions Ipolice department men who are lu har-mony with the admlnlstratton. Thisputs villages In the sauievnteKory withcities, In the charters/flf which provi-sion ls mnde for the appointment ofthe officers of the police department bythe mayor of the city.

Those who are supporting the hill de-clare that It makes certain the protec-tion of the Jobs of the patrolmen, aboutwhich protection there was some ques-tion under the law as It previouslyitood and that It gives an incoming ad-ntinlKtnitlon an opportunity to work^thmrt Its-httmJs fxHH -̂Mwl-b-y a.U«udif a department who would not he InIkajinony with It.

.Members of the village hoard who 'oppose the bill made tholr strongest-omment on the fact that the power ofipjioimment and remornl is placed Inhe hands of the village president and

not in the hands of the hoard of trus-tees.

There seems to be no question hutHint as soon us the governor signs.theilll there will be certain activity hereuid that In the forcing to the forefrontf persoiuilltlfH nnd opposing conten-

tions the general purport of the bill >win be lost sight of.

PDflVC CT : I u r Former Village President HanseU n U l t O l i L I H L Wants to Have Oil Placed

in All Cisspools.

Paving Requirement Comes Un-der Railroad Law—To Con-

fer With Supervisor.

The petition at Inllas Blndrtm wal-ing iiuif the rtUagti of Creeport strikeI'i'i ui Hi,, fninclil.se It granted for theoperation Of Ihe drove street nolleyline, the provision requiring thai A sl.1"11'1 '• panj pave the space, be-l \»een t h e H a c k s Illld .1 d i s l U l l c e oilboth sides, was Mceived by tbe rtUagst t d

yand r e f e r r e d b.\ t h e m I he

village counsel, who will lake the mat-ui up with Supervisor smiiii. represeining the county.

Trustee Maxson declared that hedoes m>l believe the county has theright to niter the franchise as the village granted it tad are the onu oneswho can modify it. Village Attorney•"lint agreed Hint such Is the case, binHun even If the clausi) l.s luken fromtile franchise the stale railroad hiwrequires the -.nine tliliin, ami that isw hat tin

I |i<HIlYursall Hie members of tlie boardagreed timt they can be considered u*going IHI record in favor of relievingHi* trolley company of ihw paving burden

county is wrOTktBg under(he declaration of Trustee

Kllniinatlnj: dkMqOitOOa In the villlgo by plaotBg oil III nil cesspools anddisini'ectiiiK ail outhouses t<> eliminatebreeding places for Hies wns proposedto the Village t rus tees by lorincr Vil-lage President Jamua Hanse

lie declared that the meadows werefree of inos<|ultiM'S us the result of Ihe•Sorts which have been mad*' to ridtlieiu of their bleeding places, hut thatthousands of breading places are mamtallied 111 tho vlllune. \ cry few pcopie Ihe on the meadows, he said, whilequite a few people live In the village),

' Ihe proposition s«emed to ineel w IIIfavor on Ihe purl of some of Ihe memhers of the hoanl , and it Is prolmhlHint some steps may be liiken ill thiH'Xt meeting of tlie board to carry ou


Vaudeville Program Will Be GivenThis Year Instead of


the SI ionsPresident Chrimie BUgfaaeMl

that the i rude mi halm needat the powerhouse lie u-ed fipurpose and Hint two additional

T h e l ' " r e e p o r t C l u b w i l l m i l v l \ e a

m i n s t r e l s h o w t h i s y e a r , b i n u w i npresent an unusual vaudeville bill,w h i c h w i l l l i e p r e s e i i l e d III t h e H U l l l -i• uiuin on H'rhiay evening of nextweek, May tl, uml on the tallowinge v e n i n g t h e a n n u a l sprim.- dance wi l ltake place

The eliteiiiilliinelit committee ot theciuh announces that it is snarl i f noaojgsMsH or trouble in getting togethera star HKKieKiilion on the proyrainTor the show and promises | showthill will be gaai out of all proport|i>nto the price of admission

luel Among the feutures (hut the nnuu l t t M s i n m i u o t s w i n poatthreij ap-

Itli ipeur urc BUI] IlineM, RoSS WashInspectors be appointed to do the wurk|barn, M i n a y (ieer. (rvln« IVSHUB,Involved. TkS two water wiiKons owned by the village could also h,This fuel oil costs 7 c u n u a gallon,uml using one uullon at each- one ofIhe U,(H>0 houses iu tin- vlllHge would

Hike the poal ol oil for one uppliciilion iipproxlmuliiy U M ' l l r coal oflabor would be lu addition lt> this.

Ihe (tne Man HeMie : i 'uhor \ <'l.ilri;,two Elegfleld ben ulies ilii- interimtloimlly know ii "Yuiiua" .liipuuene

uci; "Maurice," the illeatinuglcluu one of Legerdem.iin -ihe (iouniins PaintlMary Company In


Jr., ami Kuailineacrobatic dunces
