extras costume day 2

Extras Costume Day 2

Upload: amelia-eguchi-wale

Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Extras costume day 2



Day 2

Page 2: Extras costume day 2

Character: SebSeb is Rowan’s best friend within the film.

The viewer will be introduced to this

particular character within the party scene

shots; because of this, we had to really

consider representation through costume

in order to illustrate Seb’s persona. Due

to the people of which this character

associates with, we wanted to create the

impression that he is conscious of his

appearance, thus, his choice of smarter

wear – a shirt. We originally planned to

dress Connor within darker clothes in

order to represent the ‘bad boy’

stereotype of the character, however we

felt the colour red implied danger. We

unbuttoned the shirt to reveal the tight

white top underneath, allowing the

audience to view Connor’s bigger build;

through his size, we are representing Seb

as intimidating, adhering to his

stereotype. Although Seb is a ‘bad boy’

within the film due to his influence upon

Marnie which causes conflict and trouble,

we have chosen to subtly reflect his

stereotype to add interest for the viewer

and to raise questions.

Page 3: Extras costume day 2

Character: VioletAs Marnie and Violet are contrasting characters within the film, we ensured Amber wore an on-trend outfit; Marnie has little care within her own appearance whereas Violet does - this creates an emphasis on the difference in characters and establishes the rivalry between the two girls, conventional to the ‘coming of age’ genre. We dressed Amber within darker colours to represent Violet’s ‘mean girl’ stereotype; the black hues create connotations of mystery and reflect Violet’s ‘bad girl’ persona. The leather jacket also implies the idea of rebellion, stereotypical of teens. Underneath the jacket, Amber is wearing a plain top, jeans and a variety of jewellery. We feel that Violet’s costume will appeal to the young, fashionable audience we are targeting, due to her stylish, feminine wardrobe. As it is our intention for Violet to carry a polished appearance, we applied dark make-up to her eyes showing she has dressed up for the party – her eagerness to impress also reflects her promiscuous attitude. We also curled Amber’s hair slightly to further convey this.

Page 4: Extras costume day 2

Character: Additional ExtraAs we are depicting a party scene, it was

important to include extra people alongside

our original characters. We initially planned

to incorporate more extras, but due to lack

of availability this was not possible. We

decided to dress our extra, Elliot, within a

‘hoodie’; the ‘hoodie’ is stereotypically used

to represent youth associated with crime

and being a ‘thug’. We have used Elliot in

shots where he is shown to be drinking and

smoking; because of this, and the costume,

we are portraying the character to be a bad

influence. The male characters filmed on this

day wore different costumes, showing them

to be individuals, however, through

similarities they are clearly apart of the same

circle - for instance both Sam, Connor and

Elliot dressed in white tops. Through the

‘hoodie’ we are representing our extra as an

archetypal antagonist; as Marnie begins to

associate with Rowan’s friends, things start

to go wrong. This is conventional to ‘coming

of age’ films – the character transition is not

always for the good.