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Extragalactic Background Light Elisa Prandini dottorato 23° ciclo 30 Ottobre 2008

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Extragalactic Background Light

Elisa Prandinidottorato 23° ciclo

30 Ottobre 2008

- The EBL as Cosmic background

- Direct observations and limits

- Limits from EBL-TeV photons interaction

- Cosmological implications


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Extragalactic Backgrounds

EBL [COB+CIB] ~ 5% of CMB


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Extragalactic Background Light

Dole et al., 2006, A&A, 451, 417

Last scattering surface

Stellar light

Stellar light absorbed and re-emitted by dust

Contributions integrated and redshifted through the history of the Universe!

EBL [COB+CIB] ~ 5% of CMB


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Extragalactic Backgrounds: observations

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Our History

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EBL contains informations about:

• Structure formation and evolution– Stars– Galaxies

• Cosmological parameters • Energetic budget of the Universe

– Dust component importance

EBL: the integrated history of the Universe after recombination

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• Population III stars (M.L.Norman):

– Massive metal poor stars– All these stars died in an earlier stage

– From DM halos of M~105-6 M at z~30

Stars throughout the Universe

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From fluctuations to star formation

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• Super horizon fluctuations of the scalar field during inflation

--> density fluctuations

• Density fluctuations over the Jeans mass --> accretion

• Non collisional matter favoured after equivalence (no pressure force that inhibits the accretion)

• DM distributes in thin filaments and halos

• Barionic matter gravitationally attracted by DM

• Barionic matter undergoes stellar collapse (DM cannot undergo cooling)

• Population III stars (M.L.Norman):

– From DM halos of M~105-6 at Z~30 (from primordial fluctuations)

– Massive metal poor stars– All these stars died in an earlier


• Population II stars:

– Metal poor stars quite old

– In the spherical component of galaxies

• Population I stars (Sun)

– Metal rich young stars

– In the disk of the galaxies

Stars throughout the Universe

Prandini Elisa 9

Fig . 1 .— Co sm ic c o m o v in g SFR in un its o f so la r m a sse s pe r ye a r pe r c ub ic m e g a pa rse c a s a fun c tio n o f re d sh ift.We a ssum e th a t c o o lin g in prim o rd ia l g a s is d ue to a to m ic h yd ro g e n o n ly a n d th at th e sta r fo rm a tio n e ffic ie n c y is ¼ 1 0 % . (a) La te re io n iza tio n (zre io n 7 ). So lid lin e : To ta l c o m o v in g SFR. Do tte d lin e s: Co n trib utio n to th e to ta l SFR fro m Po pula tio n I / II a n d Po p. III fo r th e c a se o f w e a k c h e m ic a l fe e d b a c k . Dash e d lin e s: Co n trib utio n to th e to ta l SFR fro m Po pula tio n I / II a n d Po pula tio n III fo r th e c a se o f stro n g c h e m ic a l fe e d b a c k . (b ) Ea rly re io n izatio n (zre io n 1 7 ). We a d o pt th e sam e c o n v e n tio n fo r th e lin e s a s in pa n e l (a ). In a ll c a se s, Po pula tio n III sta r fo rm a tio n is re stric te d to h ig h re d sh ifts b ut e xte n d s o v e r a s ig n ific a n t ra n g e , z 1 0 – 1 5 .

Bromm & Loeb 2006, ApJ 642, 382

Dust in galaxies• Obscures light• Re-emits at higher

wavelength• It is believed that amount of

dust in galaxies changes with the age

• Composition of dust is difficult to know

• Evolution of dust is even more difficult to know

EBL main characteristics

• Extragalactic radiation

• Isotropy on large scale

• No distinctive spectral signature

• Consistent fluctuations (discrete sources)

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• find diffuse emission:– satellites– ground based

• source counts

• stacking method

• fluctuation analysis

EBL measurements

EBL density at z=0

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Foregrounds and Backgrounds

There are several contribution to the large errors related to EBL measurements...

• Technical difficulties: absolute luminosity measurement (zero problem)

• Theoretical difficulties: strong foregrounds

– Light from stars in our galaxy– Zodiacal light– Diffuse light from IPD and ISD– λ>400 µm: CMB

observed Zodiacal light

Bright galactic sources

Interstellar medium

Faint galactic sources

COBE data (Hauser & Dwek, 2001)

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Foregrounds and Backgrounds

There are several contribution to the large errors related to EBL measurements

• Technical difficulties: absolute luminosity measurement (zero problem)

• Theoretical difficulties: strong foregrounds

– Light from stars in our galaxy– Zodiacal light– Diffuse light from IPD and ISD– λ>400 µm: CMB

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• Direct measurements are difficult

• Lower limits from source counts and stacking

• Upper limits from fluctuation analyses and direct

UV-optical NIR MIR FIR

EBL status of the measurements

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From the actual limits on integrated EBL energy density can be argued that:

• The EBL energy density is a small fraction of CMB energy density: well below the critical density

• Dominant sources of EBL photons are dusty (2nd peak)

• Star formation rate in the past was higher than at present time

• The EBL energy comes mainly from hydrogen fusion in stars (and only a small fraction from AGN)

more implications: from the analysis of EBL evolution


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EBL evolutionInitial mass function, stellar popul spectra,

star formation rate, emissivity,

galaxy types

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Many models, lots of variables...limits from TeV Physics

Gamma-EBL interactions

• measure of ebl energy density!• Measure of cosmological parameters and distances!

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Optical Depth and GRH

−+→ eeEBLHE γγThen the γ-ray flux is suppressed while travelling from the emission point to the detection point.

The e-fold reduction ( τ(E,z) = 1) is the Gamma Ray Horizon (GRH).

( )z,Ee τ−⋅Φ=Φ 0

-rays traversing cosmological distances are expected to be absorbed through their interactions with the EBL by:

Where the Opacity τ(E,z) is:

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( ) ( )( )














q zndxdxzddtzdzE


γ γσεετ

Optical Depth

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( ) ( )( )














q zndxdxzddtzdzE


γ γσεετ

EBL EBL densitydensity Cross Cross

section section

( )( )[ ] 2/12

0 )2(1)1(







Franceschini et al. 2008:


The optical depth evolution

Franceschini et al. 2008

The Gamma ray Horizon

Franceschini et al. 2008

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Extragalactic TeV emission

Fermi AGN sources simulation (E: 30MeV-300GeV)

EBL absorption effect!

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• 24 sources: AGN• Redshift < 0.6


• Observed spectra after absorption at different redshift

• From some hp on emitted spectrum



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• Observed spectra after absorption at different redshift

• From some hp on emitted spectrum



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EBL allowed region from observations and TeV constraints

UV-optical NIR MIR FIR

N e w ly e x c lude d re g io n

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• Upper limits using VHE spectra + assumptions about AGN physics

• Recent constraints are already very tight

• HESS II, MAGIC II and Fermi will remove these uncertainties

• References: – Aharonian et al, Nature 440– Mazin&Raue, AA 471– Aharonian et al., AA 475– Albert et al., Science 320

EBL allowed region from observations and TeV constraints

UV-optical NIR MIR FIR

N e w ly e x c lude d re g io n

Prandini Elisa 27 Extragalactic Background Light

• Upper limits using VHE spectra + assumptions about AGN physics

• Recent constraints are already very tight

• HESS II, MAGIC II and Fermi will remove these uncertainties

• References: – Aharonian et al, Nature 440– Mazin&Raue, AA 471– Aharonian et al., AA 475– Albert et al., Science 320

EBL allowed region from observations and TeV constraints

UV-optical NIR MIR FIR

N e w ly e x c lude d re g io n

S till a llo w e d E B L re g io n

• Upper limits using VHE spectra + assumptions about AGN physics

• Recent constraints are already very tight

• HESS II, MAGIC II and Fermi will remove these uncertainties

• References: – Aharonian et al, Nature 440– Mazin&Raue, AA 471– Aharonian et al., AA 475– Albert et al., Science 320


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Cosmological distancesDistance ladder: SNIa

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Cosmological distancesDistance ladder: SNIa

If one knows Intrinsic AGN

spectrum EBL density

• determine distance to the sources using the EBL signature in the measured spectra• Can cover range fromz=0.004 to z ~ 2

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Blanch & Martinez 2004

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GRH as a function of redshift: A POSSIBLE DISTANCE ESTIMATOR!

Independent from SNIa No standard candle required Up to redhift 2 (AGNs)

-- Parameters:


Cosmological densities EBL density (z)

Cosmological distances


• EBL is the second cosmic background

• It contains informations about the history of the Universe after recombination (star and galaxies evolutions)

• Constraining EBL means constraining the actual models of star formation, evolution and dust contribution to the Universe

• Direct measurement are very difficult due to strong foregrounds

• GeV-TeV observation of extragalactic objects are becoming more and more important for EBL evolution determination

• The Universe seems more transparent to gamma rays than previously known

• Gamma observations can also be used for measuring cosmological distances and parameters (independently and complementary to supernovae Ia method)

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