expression of happiness

Expression of Happiness Created by : Cristian Angga Jumawan dan Dian Hidayat

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Expression of HappinessCreated by : Cristian Angga Jumawan dan Dian Hidayat
  • 2. Expression of Happiness
  • 3. Expression of Happiness
  • 4. Expression of Happiness
  • 5. I cant sayIm happy how pleased Great!Im / delighted I Terrific!(very)pleased / am about it Fantastic!(really) delighted I am so glad(about). to hear that Its the most beautiful I love it What a I like it very place Ive wonderful much ever seen. day
  • 6. Im happy to hear thatHahahaha.Im (very)pleased / (really)delighted (about) it.
  • 7. I cant say how pleased / delighted I am about it I am so glad to hear that
  • 8. Great! Terrific!Fantastic!
  • 9. Its the mostbeautiful placeIve ever seen.
  • 10. What awonderful day
  • 11. I love itI like it very much
  • 13. Id love too You are right Responses I think so I do, too
  • 14. Id love too
  • 15. I do, too
  • 16. Angga : Dian, I want to give you a good information Dian : Whats that? Angga : You are admitted in Harvard University Dian : Are you sure? I am very happy. I feel like in the seventh sky. Swim with acrobatic whale. Angga : I am happy too
  • 17. Hilal : Hi, Najmi! Havent seen you for a long time. How is it going? Najmi : Oh, hi Hilal.. Its great, thanks. How is everything with you? Hilal : Well, Im fine. As a matter of fact, I was promoted as a manager. Najmi : Wow, thats really great. Im glad to hear that. Im sure you will have a good career. Hilal : Thank you. And how about you? Ive heard you are a secretary now. Najmi : Yes, youre right. Thats what I want since I was young. Najmi : Have you ever heard that Icha and Doni are getting married? Hilal : Oh, really? What a surprise. Im very pleased to hear that. When is the wedding? Najmi : Next week. Will you come to their wedding party. Hilal : Of course. How about you? Najmi : Ill go there with my husband. Well, if you want we can go there together. Hilal : All right. Pick me up at 1.
  • 18. Showing Attention Showing Attention Expression that used for giving act of directing ones thought For Example: You look fantastic You are different today You look brilliant
  • 19. Expressing of getting ones attention (Hilal is watching radio in the living room. Najmi comes.) Najmi : Pardon me, Hilal. Hilal :Yes? What happened? Najmi : Can you turn the radio down? I want to phone Deny. Hilal : No problem. Najmi : Thank you very much. (Telephoning her friends, Najmi walks into the dining room where her mother and father are eating.) Mother : Do you want to have more, dad? Father : No, I am full. Najmi : Im sorry for interrupting you, but I want to tell important news. Mother : What is it, dear? Najmi : Mom, dad. Deny will propose me next week. I hope you will agree. Father & mother : Oh, thats very good news. Of course, we dont mind of that.
  • 20. Asking for attention Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you . May I have your attention, please? Excuse me, . Sorry to trouble you. Sorry to bother you. Look at me! Look what Ive got here. Look here. Look! Hey! Attention, please! Excuse me! Showing attention I see. - Tell me more about it. Oh, yes. - Really? Mmm... - Oh, my God! What happens next? A ha... - And then what? How interesting! - Whats next? I know what you mean. - Is that all? Oh, oh! - Indeed? Well, well, well - Oh, no!
  • 21. I see. - Tell me more about it.Excuse me, .May I have yourattention, please?
  • 22. Sorry to botheryou.Sorry to trouble Oh, oh! - Indeed?you. Well, well, well -Excuse me, I Oh, no!wonder if I couldtrouble you .
  • 23. Oh, yes. - Really?I know what youmean. - Is that all? Hey! Attention, pleas e! Excuse me! Look at me!
  • 24. Wow, A ha... - And then what?Look what Ive got here.
  • 25. Look!
  • 26. Howinteresting! - Whats next?
  • 27. Look at me! Look here. Look!A ha... - Andthen what?
  • 28. Mmm... - Oh, my God!What happens next?
  • 29. Dian : Hello Angga! How are you? Angga : Im fine thank you. And you? Dian : Im fine too.You know Ngga? Yesterday, I joined breakdance competition. It was so fantastic. I met so many beautiful girls in there. I also met some old friends. I won the competition and I want to save that. And bla. Hello? Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you . Angga : Oh, yes. - Really? Sorry, I guess I have to go now, because my father have already waited. Thanks Dian Dian: ok Bye