expo dalat partie4

 1881 - 1901  1955 - 1993 6.6 RÉFLEXIONS AUTOUR DU CENTENAIRE DE ĐÀ LT ET NOUVELLES PROJECTI ONS VERS LE X XI e  SIÈCLE  Mt v ài su y n ghĩ v100 năm Đà Lt nhng đề án mi ca Đà Lt to ng thế k 2 1  Reect ions a bou t t he centenary an d n ew pr oje cti ons for Đà Lt in th e 2 1 st  century Master-plan de Đà Lt, 1993 et 1994 [SXD] Kế hoch tng thca Đà Lt, 1993 và 1994 Master-plan of Đà Lt, 1993 and 1994

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Expo Dalat Partie4, cuoi cung thoi Phap


  • 1881 - 19011955 - 1993 6.6

    rfLexions Autour du CentenAire de Lt et nouveLLes projeCtions vers Le xxie siCLemt vi suy ngh v 100 nm Lt v nhng n mi ca Lt trong th k 21Reflections about the centenary and new projections for Lt in the 21st century

    Master-plan de Lt, 1993 et 1994 [SXD]K hoch tng th ca Lt, 1993 v 1994Master-plan of Lt, 1993 and 1994

  • Lt LAuBe du xxie sicLeUn projet visant le dveloppement des activits touristiques de la ville et de la province lhorizon 2010 a t dfini en 1996. la veille de lan 2000, Lt a accd au niveau de ville de second rang et cest finalement le 27 mai 2002 que le Premier ministre a approuv le plan dorientation de la ville de Lt (393 km2) et de la province du Lm ng pour les deux dcennies suivantes.

    - Lt doit devenir ville de premire catgorie

    - Ville de villgiature dote dun climat unique au Vietnam, Lt se fixe ledouble dfi de russir son dveloppement touristique estim plusieurs millions de visiteurs par an, tout en prservant ses caractristiques paysagres et lexceptionnalit de ses activits horticoles, floricoles et agricoles.

    Lt vo Bui Bnh minh cA th k 21Mt d n nhm pht trin cc hot ng du lch ca thnh ph v ca tnh cho n nm 2010 c a ra nm 1996. Ngay trc khi bc sang nm 2000, Lt tr thnh thnh ph cp hai v cui cng vo ngy 27 thng 5 nm 2002, Th tng Chnh ph ph duyt n quy hoch nh hng thnh ph Lt (393 km2) v tnh Lm ng cho hai thp k tip theo.

    - Lt phi tr thnh thnh ph cp mt.

    - L thnh ph ngh mt c kh hu c bit Vit Nam, Lt t xc nh cho mnh thch thc kp l pht trin thnh cng du lch ca thnh ph c tnh khong hng triu du khch mi nm, ng thi vn gn gi c nhng c trng cnh quan ca thnh ph v tnh cht c bit ca cc hot ng lm vn, trng hoa v nng nghip.

    lT The dAwn of The 21sT CenTurYA project aimed at developing municipal and provincial touristic activities in 2010 was defined in 1996. Just before the year 2000, Lt obtained the classification of second rank city and it was finally on 27th May 2002 that the Prime Minister approved the orientation plan of Lt (393 km2) and of the Lm ng province for the following two decades.

    - Lt must become a first category city.

    - As a resort city with a unique climate in Vietnam, Lt has fixed for itself the dual challenge of succeeding its touristic development (several million visitors per year) while preserving its remarkable characteristics of landscape and its exceptional horticultural, floricultural and agricultural activities.

    7.1 - 7.2

    Les projections du Grand Lt au XXIe sicleK hoch nh hng Lt m rng th k 21Projections for Greater Lt in the 21st century

    2000 - 2050

  • 1881 - 1901

    Rpartition de la densit par commune en 2010 [InSc-SIUP]Phn b mt theo x nm 2010Repartition of population density by commune in 2010

    Occupation du plateau aujourdhui [InSc-SIUP]S chim gi trn cao nguyn ngy nay

    Occupation of the plateau today

    diAgnostiC interurBAind bo lin thInterurban diagnostic

    Eclairage de serres [InSc-SIUP]Chiu sng nh knh

    Lighting in the greenhouses

    Laxe du patrimoine [InSc-SIUP]Trc di snHeritage axis

    Aurore [InSc-SIUP]Aurore [InSc-SIUP]Bnh minh [InSc-SIUP].

    Rpartition de la densit par quartier en 2010 (habitants/km2) [InSc-SIUP]Phn b mt theo t dn ph nm 2010 (ngi/km2)Repartition of population density by neighbourhood in 2010 (inhabitant/km2)

    Population par ple en 2050 [InSc-SIUP]Dn s theo cc nm 2050

    Population by pole in 2050


    Les projections du Grand Lt au XXIe sicleK hoch nh hng Lt m rng th k 21Projections for Greater Lt in the 21st century

    Entits paysagres Thcthcnhquan Landscape entitiesPlateau de Dalat Cao nguynLt Lt plateauRivires et lacs Sngsuivh Rivers and lakesBoisements Rng Wooded areasParcs et jardins Cngvinvvn Parks and gardensZones agricoles Khunngnghip Agricultural zone Cimetire Nghatrang Cemetery

    Tourisme Du lch Tourism

    Tourisme li aux lacs Du lchgnvih Tourism linked to lakes

    Tourisme li au patrimoine Du lchgnvi di sn Tourism linked to heritage

    Btiment patrimonial Cngtrnh di sn Heritage buildings

    Point dintrt touristique imhpdn du lch Point of touristic interest

    Vues et panoramas Quang cnh v tm nhn ton cnh Views and Panorama

    Cne de vue historique S hnh nn cho tm nhn ton cnh lch s Historical view cone

    Vue existante historique Tm nhn lch s hin c Existing historical view

    Vue existante Quang cnh hin c Existing view

    Infrastructures C s h tng InfrastructurePriphrique projet ng vnh ai c quy hoch Planned ring roadRseau routier Hthngngb Road networkPortion ferre en activit (circuit touristique de 7 km)

    Mt phn ca tuyn ng st cn hot ng (tour du lch 7 km)

    Part of the railway still in activity (touristic tour 7 km)

    Portion ferre dsaffecte Phn ng st c s dng vo vic khc Disused part of the railwayStation de bus Bn xe Bus stationMonorail projet K hoch lm ng mt ray Planned monorail

  • Masterplan de la ville de Lt et ses entours lhorizon 2020. Plan de projections du dveloppement spatial (selon la dcision N 409/QD-TTg du 27 mai 2002 promulgue par le Premier Ministre)Quynhoch chung thnh ph Lt v vng ph cn n nm 2020. S nh hng pht trin khng gian (theo Quyt nh s 409/Q-TTg ngy 27-5-2002 ca Th tng Chnh PhMaster plan of the city of Lt and its surroundings in 2020. Plan of spatial development projections. (In line with decision N 409/QD-TTg of 27th May 2002 promulgated by the Prime Minister) 7.2

    Terrain rsidentiel li au tourisme Touristic residential landTerrain agricole et de verdure Green and agriculture landTerrain aux bords des rivires Riverside landTerrain du parc de verdure Park landTerrain forestier Forest landTerrain en rserve Reserve landSurface deau Water areaAroport AirportTerrain pour dchets Rubbish collectionPrimtre du quartier Quarter plotRoute RoadChemin de fer RailwayMonorail MonorailFleuves et rivires Rivers

    Terrain central Central landTerrain public Public landTerrain rsidentiel Residential landTerrain rsidentiel densit faible Residential land (low density)Terrain rsidentiel (projets de bti) Residential land (building projects)Terrain rsidentiel densit rduite Residential land (restricted density)Terrain pour activits culturelles Land for cultural activitsEspace ducatif Land for EducationTerrain pour lhpital Land for HospitalTerrain de constructions religieuses Land for religious buildingsTerrain pour le cimetire CemeteryTerrain industriel Industrial landTerrain militaire Military landTerrain touristique (selon projets) Land for touristic projectsTerrain de prservation architecturale Land of preserved architecture

  • diAgnostic intrA-provinciAL

    Le Grand Lt sinscrit dans un nouveau primtre de 3.355 km2. Laprovince de Lm ng a mis en avant certains axes cls relatifs aux potentialits de ce territoire, tels que le dveloppement touristique, desples dexcellence dans le domaine de lducation et de la recherche, laproduction agricole et le dveloppement de nouvelles technologies.

    d Bo ni tnh

    Lt m rng tri rng trn mt phm vi mi c din tch 3.355 km2. Tnh Lm ng ch trng n mt s trc then cht lin quan n tim nng ca vng t ny, nh pht trin du lch, cc trung tm cht lng cao trong lnh vc gio dc v nghin cu, sn xut nng nghip v pht trin cng ngh mi.

    inTrAprovinCiAl diAgnosTiCs

    Greater Lt has a new perimeter that now covers a territory of 3355 km2. The province of Lm ng has put forward certain key projects relating to thepotentials of this territory, such as touristic development, poles of excellence in the domain of education and research, agricultural production and the development of new technologies.


    2000 - 2050

  • 1881 - 19012000 - 2050 7.3

    Carte de situation [InSc-SIUP]Bn nh vMap of the situation

    diAgnostiC intraprovinCiALd bo ni tnhIntraprovincial diagnostic

    Aurore [InSc-SIUP et CP Tam Thi]Rng ng Dawn

    Types de forts et hydrographie [InSc-SIUP]Cc loi hnh rng v mng thy vnTypes of forest and hydrography

    La rpartition par type de culture et par commune en 2010 [InSc-SIUP]Phn b theo loi cy trng v theo x nm 2010Repartition by crop type and by commune in 2010

    Centre de recherches et universitaires [InSc-SIUP]

    Trung tm nghin cu v i hc

    Research center and Universities

    Agriculture [InSc-SIUP]Nng nghipAgriculture

    Schma directeur [InSc-SIUP]S trung tmMasterplan

    Rng c bo v

    Rng c bo v mc cao

    Rng c bo v mc thp

    Rng cho mc tiu sn xut

    Khu khong cht

    Protected forest

    Highly protected forest

    Low protection forest

    Productive forest

    Mineral zone

    Khu nng nghipNgRauLaC phCc loi khcCy n quKhoai lang, sn, khoai mnCy cng nghipCc loi cy trng lu di khcChuHt tiu

    Agricultural zone MaizeVegetablesRiceCoffeeOthersFruit treesPotato, manioc, taro rootIndustrial cropsOther perennial cropsTeaBeanPepper

    Cc khu vc hot ngCc trung tm nghin cu v i hc

    Cc c kh nng cnh tranh nng nghipCc trung tm nghin cuKhu thc nghim nng nghip

    Trung tm trin lmCc trung tm ngh thutTrung tm thng mi

    Sn bayMng li giao thngGiao thng cng cng c ng ring bit

    Activities zones Centres of research and universities

    Agricultural competiveness pole Centres of researchAgricultural experimentation zone

    Exposition centreArt centres Commercial centre

    AirportTransport networkSpecific site public transport

    Commune de Da LatTP Lt Lt city393 km2

    Primtre dtudeKV nghin cuStudy area 3355 km2

    Province de Lm ngTnh Lm ngLm ng province 9773 km2

    Centre de recherches et universitaires Trung tm nghin cu v i hc Research Institute and UniversitiesPle de comptitivit agricole Trung tm c kh nng cnh tranh v nng nghip Agriculturecompetitivity poleCentre de recherches Trung tm nghin cu Research centresZone agricole exprimentale Khu th nghim nng nghip Experimental agriculture zone

    Aroport Sn bay AirportRseau de transport interprovincial Mng li giao thng lin tnh Interprovincial transport networkTransport en commun en site propre Giao thng cng cng a im c bit Specific site public transport

    Zone agricole Khu nng nghip Agriculture zoneAgriculture biologique Nng nghip sinh hc Organic agricultureZone urbaine Khu th Urban zonePle de comptitivit agricole Trung tm c kh nng cnh tranh v nng nghip Agriculture competitivity poleZone de th Khu trng ch Tea plantationEco muse Bo tng sinh thi Eco museumPle de culture de caf Trung tm trng c ph Coffee culture polePle de culture de th Trung tm trng ch Tea culture polePle de culture horticole Trung tm lm vn Horticulture polePle de culture marachre Trung tm trng rau Marketgardening

  • Lt 2050, projections thmAtiques et synthtiques

    Ces choix doivent rpondre aux attentes dun dveloppement durable du territoire en combinant qualit urbaine et paysagre, innovation et amlioration des conditions de vie des habitants actuels et futurs. 4 ples stratgiques complmentaires sont dfinis ainsi:1 : Lt prserve la richesse de ses paysages et de son patrimoine. Ellese dote de deux ples touristiques supplmentaires autour des lacs (ngKia, Tuyn Lm).2 : Une ville nouvelle au sud (Lin Ngha).3&4 : Deux co-cits lest et louest de la ville nouvelle.

    Lt 2050, nhng nh hng pht trin chuyn vtng hp

    Nhng la chn ny phi p ng cc nhu cu ca pht trin bn vng lnh th bng vic lng ghp cht lng th v cnh quan, i mi v ci thin iu kin sng cho ngi dn hin ti v tng lai. T , bn cc chin lc b sung cng c xc nh nh sau:1: Lt bo tn s phong ph, a dng v cnh quan v di sn ca thnh ph. Thnh ph c ph thm hai trung tm du lch xung quanh h (ng Kia v Tuyn Lm).2: Mt thnh ph mi pha Nam (Lin Ngha).3&4: Hai th sinh thi pha ng v Ty ca thnh ph mi.

    lT 2050, ThemATiC And sYnTheTiC proJeCTions

    These choices must meet the expectations of the sustainable development of the territory by combining a quality of city and landscape, innovation, and an improvement in the living conditions of the present and future inhabitants.Four complementary strategic poles have been defined:1: The city of Lt characterised by its landscapes and heritage will develop two touristic clusters around the ng Kia and Tuyn Lm lakes.2: A new city to the south (Lin Ngha).3&4: Two eco-cities to the east and west of the new city.

    7.4 - 7.5

    2000 - 2050

  • 1881 - 19012000 - 2050 7.4

    Lt 2050, projeCtions sYnthtiQues Lt 2050, nhng nh hng pht trin tng hp Lt 2050, synthetic projections

    Projection de laxe patrimonial [InSc-SIUP]nh hng t chc trc di snProjectionof the heritage axis

    Principe du master-plan [InSc-SIUP]Nguyn tc ca quy hoch tng th

    Principle of the masterplanAurore [InSc-SIUP]Aurore [InSc-SIUP]Bnh minh [InSc-SIUP].

    Eco-cit [InSc-SIUP] th sinh thiEco-city

    Aquarelle du lac [InSc-SIUP]Tranh mu nc v cnh h

    Aquarelle of lake

    Projection du lac [InSc-SIUP]nh hng quy hoch hProjection of the lake

    Espaces / parcelles protgs caractre patrimonialEspaces urbains restructurer ou urbaniser Espaces verts existants Espaces verts protgs

    Nhng khng gian c bo vNhng khng gian th cn t chc liNhng khng gian xanh hin cNhng khng gian xanh c bo v

    Protected spacesUrban spaces to be restructuredExisting green spaces Protected green spaces

  • 1881 - 19012000 - 2050 7.5

    Lt 2050 : [InSc-SIUP] Lt 2050 : [InSc-SIUP] Lt 2050 : [InSc-SIUP].

    Aquarelle du tlphrique [InSc-SIUP]Tranh mu nc cp treoCable car aquarelle

    Vue sur le Lang Bian [InSc-SIUP]Tm nhn ton cnh Lang Bian

    View of Lang Bia

    Lt 2050 [InSc-SIUP] Lt nm 2050

    Lt 2050, projeCtions sYnthtiQues Lt 2050, nhng nh hng pht trin tng hp Lt 2050, synthetic projections

    Zone agricole Khunngnghip Agricultural zone

    Espace agriculture biologique Khnggiannngnghipsinhhc Biological agricultural space

    Zone parc urbain Khucngvinth Urban park zone

    Espace naturel protg Khnggianthinnhincbov Protected natural area

    Espace bois prserver et/ou reboiser Khng gian rng cn bo tn v/hoc phc hi Wooded area to be preserved and/or be reforested

    Site naturel protg au titre du patrimoine Thng cnh thin nhin c bo tn nh di sn Protected natural site

    Zone ludique Khuvuichi Play area

    Zone dquipements sportifs Khudngcththao Sporting equipment area

    Zone de production de th Khusnxutch Tea production zone

    Zone urbaine rnover Khuthcnimi Urban zone to be renovated

    Zone urbaine dense Khuthmtln Densely populated urban zone

    Zone urbaine peu dense Khuthmtthp Sparsely populated urban zone

    Habitat rural existant Nh nng thn hin c Rural habitat

    Zone patrimoniale protger Khu di sncnbotn Heritage zone to be preserved

    Zone dactivits Khuhotng Activities zone

    Zone de resorts Khunghdng Resorts zone

    Zone touristique Khu du lch Touristic zone

    Centre universitaire ou de recherche Trung tmihchocnghincu University or research centre

    Zone agricole hightech (ple de comptitivit) Khu nng nghip cng ngh cao (trung tm c kh nng cnh tranh) High Tech agricultural zone

    Emprise lac Phm vi h Lake land hold

    Voies existantes ( recalibrer) Cc tuyn ng hin c (cn nng cp) Existing roads (to upgrade)

    Voies crer Cc tuyn ng cn xy dng Roads to be created

    Ligne chemin de fer valoriser Tuyn ng xe la cn c pht trin Railway line to be developed

    Autoroute ngcaotc Motorway

    Transport en site propre Giaothngcngringbit Specific site transport

    Tlphrique Cptreo Cable car

    Cimetires Nghatrang Cemetery

    Equipements spciaux Trangthitbcbit Special equipment

    Eco muse Botngsinhthi Eco-museum

    Cascades Thc Waterfalls

    Centre de conventions Trungtmhingh Convention centre

    Centres spcialiss Cctrungtmchuyn mn ha Specialised centres

    Centralit commerciale ( restructurer) Khu trung tm thng mi (cn ti cu trc) Commercial centrality (to restructure)

    Centre de quartier Trungtmkhuph Centre ofneighbourhood

    Espace agriculture biologique (1002 ha) Khng gian nng nghip sinh hc (1002 ha) Biological agricultural space (1002 ha)

    Zone parc urbain (558 ha) Khu cng vin th (558 ha) Urban park zone (558 ha)

    Espace bois prserver et/ou reboiser (1609 ha) Khng gian rng cn bo tn v/hoc phc hi (1609 ha) Wooded area to be preserved and/or be reforested(1609 ha)

    Site naturel protg au titre du patrimoine (1340 ha) Thng cnh thin nhin c bo tn nh di sn (1340 ha) Protected natural site (1340 ha)

    Zone ludique (97 ha) Khu vui chi (97 ha) Play area(97 ha)

    Zone dquipements sportifs (80 ha) Khu dng c th thao (80 ha) Sporting equipment area(80 ha)

    Zone urbaine rnover (81 ha) Khu th cn i mi (81 ha) Urban zone to be renovated(81 ha)

    Zone urbaine dense (641 ha) Khu th mt ln (641 ha) Densely populated urban zone (641 ha)

    Zone urbaine peu dense (842 ha) Khu th mt thp (842 ha) Sparsely populated urban zone(842 ha)

    Zone patrimoniale protger (425 ha) Khu di sn cn bo tn (425 ha) Heritage zone to be preserved(425 ha)

    Zone de resorts (323 ha) Khu ngh dng (323 ha) Resorts zone(323 ha)

    Zone touristique (95 ha) Khu du lch (95 ha) Touristic zone (95 ha)

    Zone militaire (0 ha) Khu qun s (0 ha) Military zone (0 ha)

    Emprise lac Phm vi h Lake land hold

    Centre universitaire ou de recherche (194 ha) Trung tm i hc hoc nghin cu (194 ha) University or research centre (194 ha)Voies existantes recalibrer Cc tuyn ng hin c (cn nng cp) Existing roads (to upgrade)Voies crer Cc tuyn ng cn xy dng Roads to be createdLigne chemin de fer valoriser Tuyn ng xe la cn c pht trin Railway line to be developedTlphrique Cp treo Cable carCimetires Ngha trang CemeteryEquipements spciaux Trang thit b c bit Special equipmentCascades Thc WaterfallsCentre de conventions Trung tm hi ngh Convention centre Centres spcialiss Cc trung tm chuyn mn ha Specialised centresCentralit commerciale ( restructurer) Khu trung tm thng mi (cn ti cu trc) Commercial centrality (to restructure)Centre de quartier Trung tm khu ph Centre of neighbourhood

    Lac Tuyn Lm et Lac Prenn H Tuyn Lm v h Prenn TuynLm and Prenn Lakes

    Espace agricole (5 ha) Khu nng nghip (5 ha) Agricultural zone (5 ha)

    Espace bois prserver et/ou reboiser (1591 ha) Khng gian rng cn bo tn v/hoc phc hi (1591 ha) Wooded area to be preserved(1591 ha)

    Espace naturel protg (31 ha) Khng gian thin nhin c bo v (31 ha) Protected natural area(31 ha)

    Zone ludique (21 ha) Khu vui chi (21 ha) Play area(21 ha)

    Zone parc urbain (40 ha) Khu cng vin th (40 ha) Urban park zone(40 ha)

    Zone de resorts (974 ha) Khu ngh dng (974 ha) Resorts zone(974 ha)