exploring the new world of facebook ads

Where will i find them? What kinds of ads will I encounter? In September, 2013, Facebook embarked on some universal changes to their ad offerings in order to improve and simplify them. There’s now less variety to sort through, the units are more intuitive, and the images sizes grew significantly. While this new frontier in Facebook Advertising is certainly exciting, even the most intrepid explorers would do best to prepare well before setting out on their advertising adventure. Page Post and Page Like ads can appear in all three places, while other ad types only appear in one. What will I need to bring? Depending on the types of ad you choose, and where you decide to place them, you’ll need to have a range of image sizes and copy lengths. If you start out with the parameters below though, you’ll be in a great starting place! Page Post Ads: There are 4 types of Page Post Ads, listed below. These promote your business’ Facebook Page. Use When: You want viewers to engage with your content by liking, commenting, or sharing. Ad Type Text Characters Image Ratio Image Size Text Only Photo Video Link 90 90 90 90 N/A 4:3 16:9 1.19:1 N/A 1200x900 px 1200x675 px 1200x625 px Use When:You want to increase in-store (or online) purchases or visits from potential customers Offer Ads: These ads promote a current offer your business is running. Title Characters Text Characters Image Ratio Image Size 25 90 1.19:1 1200x625 px Use When: You want to make sure your event is well-attended Event Ads: These ads show an upcoming event that you want to promote. Title Characters Text Characters Image Ratio Image Size 25 90 8:3 1200x450 px Use When: You want to drive traffic to your website and increase conversions from engages consumers Domain Ads: This ad type appears in the right column and promotes a website instead of a page. Title Characters Text Characters Image Ratio Image Size 25 90 1.39:1 1200x864 px Other Types of Ads Businesses with a bigger Facebook ad budget might want to consider Facebook’s Premium Ads offering. These include different sizes of Homepage Ads, as well as super-prominent Logout Ads. Sponsored stories are message from friends about ways they’ve engaged with a business. Businesses can pay to promote these stories so there’s a better chance people see them. (Ref: Facebook). Sponsored Stories When a user takes some kind of action on a page, that page can then show text and/or visuals to their friends while letting them know that their friend has interacted with that page. Here are a few examples: - Page like sponsored story - Page post comment sponsored story - Event sponsored story - Check-in sponsored story Premium Ads Use When: You want to grow your fan base and increase awareness These ads can appear in all three placements and request a like from the viewer. Title Characters Text Characters Image Ratio Image Size 25 90 8:3 1200x450 px Page Like Ads: Use When: You want to raise awareness and get users to install your app This ad type appears in the mobile news feed and asks the user to install your app. Title Characters Text Characters Image Ratio Image Size N/A 130 5:3 1200x720 px Mobile App Install Ads: Use When: You want to grow engagement and increase installs These appear only in the right column and advertise an app. Title Characters Text Characters Image Ratio Image Size 25 90 1.39:1 1200x864 px App Ads: BROUGHT YO YOU BY Welcome to Planet pageModo Like Comment Share

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Post on 22-Jan-2015



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In September, 2013, Facebook embarked on some universal changes to their ad offerings in order to improve and simplify them. There’s now less variety to sort through, the units are more intuitive, and the images sizes grew significantly. While this new frontier in Facebook Advertising is certainly exciting, even the most intrepid explorers would do best to prepare well before setting out on their advertising adventure.


  • 1. In September, 2013, Facebook embarked on some universal changes to their ad offerings in order to improve and simplify them. Theres now less variety to sort through, the units are more intuitive, and the images sizes grew signicantly. While this new frontier in Facebook Advertising is certainly exciting, even the most intrepid explorers would do best to prepare well before setting out on their advertising adventure.Where will i find them?What will I need to bring?Page Post and Page Like ads can appear in all three places, while other ad types only appear in one.Depending on the types of ad you choose, and where you decide to place them, youll need to have a range of image sizes and copy lengths. If you start out with the parameters below though, youll be in a great starting place!What kinds of ads will I encounter? Page Post Ads: Th ere are 4 ty pe s o f Pa g e Po s t A d s, l i s te d be l ow. T h es e p ro m ote yo u r b u s i n e s s Fa c e bo ok Pa ge . Ad TypeText CharactersImage RatioImage SizeText Only90N/AN/APhoto904:31200x900 pxVideo9016:91200x675 pxLink901.19:11200x625 pxU s e Wh en : Yo u wa n t v i ewers to e ng ag e w i th yo ur c o nte n t by l i kin g , c o m m e n ti n g , o r s h ar i ng .Offer Ads: T h es e ad s p ro m ote a c u rr e nt offe r you r b u s i n es s is run ning . Title Characters Text Characters 25Image Size1.19:190Image Ratio1200x625 pxU s e Wh e n : Yo u wa nt to i nc re as e in - s to re ( or on l ine ) p u rc h a s es or v i s i ts fro m po te ntia l c u st om ersEvent Ads: Th es e ad s s how a n u pc om in g even t th at yo u wan t to pr omo te. Title Characters Text Characters 25Image Size8:390Image Ratio1200x450 pxU s e Wh en : Yo u wa n t to m a ke s u re you r event is we l l - a tten d e dPage Like Ads: Th es e ad s c an ap p e a r i n a l l th re e p lac e men t s a n d re qu e s t a l ike fro m t he vi ewer. Title Characters Text Characters 25Image Size8:390Image Ratio1200x450 pxU s e Wh e n: Yo u wa n t to g row yo u r fa n ba s e a n d i n c re a s e awa ren e s sMobile App Install Ads: T h is a d ty p e a pp e a rs i n th e m o b i l e n ew s f ee d a n d a s ks the u s er to i n st all yo ur a pp . Title Characters Text Characters N/AImage Size5:3130Image Ratio1200x720 pxU s e Wh e n: Yo u wa n t to ra i s e awa re n e s s a n d g e t u s ers to i n s ta ll you r a ppApp Ads: Th es e a pp e ar o n ly in th e ri gh t c o l umn and a d ver tis e a n app. Title Characters Text Characters 25Image Size1.39:190Image Ratio1200x864 pxU s e Wh e n: Yo u wa n t to g row e n g a g e ment and i n c re a s e i n s ta ll sDomain Ads: Th is a d ty p e a pp e a rs i n th e ri g ht colu mn a n d p rom o tes a we b s i te in s t ead of a p ag e. Title Characters Text Characters 25Image Size1.39:190Image Ratio1200x864 pxU s e Wh en : Yo u wa n t to d ri ve tra f c to you r we b s ite a n d in c re a s e c on ve rs io ns fro m enga ges c o ns u m e rsOther Types of Ads Sponsored StoriesPremium AdsSp onsore d stories are mes s age fro m friends ab out ways theyve engage d w i th a b usiness. B us ines s es c an pay to p ro m o te th ese st or ies s o theres a better c h a n c e people see t hem. (R ef: Fac ebook ).B u s i n e s s e s w i th a b igg e r Fa c e b oo k a d b ud g et mi g h t wa n t to c o n s i d e r Fa c e book s Pr emi um A d s o ffe ri n g . T h e s e in c l ud e d i ffe ren t s iz e s o f Home pa g e A ds , a s we ll a s s u pe r- promi n e nt Lo go u t A d s .W hen a user takes s ome ki nd of acti o n o n a page, t hat page c an then s how text an d/or visuals to thei r fri ends whil e le t ting th em k now that thei r fri end h a s in t eract ed w ith that page.Here are a few ex am p l e s: -Page like s pons ored s tory Page post c omment s pons ored s to ry Event sponsored s tory Check-in sponsored s toryWelcome to Planetp ageMod o LikeCommentBROUGHT YO YOU BYShare