exploring mobile: considerations and opportunities

Plymouth e-Learning Conference 2011 Exploring Mobile: Considerations and Opportunities Doug Belshaw, JISC infoNet Zak Mensah, JISC Digital Media

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A presentation by Doug Belshaw and Zak Mensah of JISC Advance for the Plymouth e-Learning Conference 2011 (#PELC11)


Page 1: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Plymouth e-Learning Conference 2011

Exploring Mobile:Considerationsand OpportunitiesDoug Belshaw, JISC infoNetZak Mensah, JISC Digital Media

Page 2: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Overview of session

1. What is 'mobile learning'?

2. Uses of mobile learning

3. Institutional strategy

4. Future trends

Page 3: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Overview of session


Page 4: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

What is mobile learning?

"This session aims to equip educators and leaders to engage students through the

use of mobile learning"

Page 5: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

What is mobile learning?

CC BY milos milosevic


Page 6: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Definitions of mobile learning?


Page 7: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Definitions of mobile learning?

“A society which is mobile, which is full of channels for the distribution of a change occurring

anywhere, must see to it that its members are educated to personal initiative and adaptability. Otherwise, they will be overwhelmed by the changes in which they are

caught and whose significance or connections they do not



Page 8: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Definitions of mobile learning?

“A society which is mobile, which is full of channels for the distribution of a change occurring

anywhere, must see to it that its members are educated to personal initiative and adaptability. Otherwise, they will be overwhelmed by the changes in which they are caught and whose significance or connections they do

not perceive.”

John Dewey (1916)

Page 9: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Definitions of mobile learning?

"Early definitions... which focused predominantly on the attributes of mobile

technology, have given way to more sophisticated conceptualisations suggesting that mobility is the central

issue (Winters, 2006). This denotes not just physical mobility but... having access to people and digital

learning resources, regardless of place and time."

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (2010)

Page 10: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Definitions of mobile learning?

Winters (2006) - dominant perspectives:

1. Technocentric2. Relationship to e-learning3. Augmenting formal education4. Learner-centred

Page 11: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Definitions of mobile learning?

"The exploitation of ubiquitous handheld technologies, together with

wireless and mobile phone networks, to facilitate, support, enhance and extend the

reach of teaching and learning."


Page 12: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Definitions of mobile learning?


Mobile learning is about:

adaptability (context)access (resources)extension (reach)

*not* just about these!

Page 13: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

What do you use mobile devices for?

CC BY-NC-SA Alian Bachellier

Page 14: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

My uses

CommunicationEmail, Phone, SMS, Twitter

CreatingCreating digital images,Recording voice memos

LearningRSS feeds, Audio,Music, Podcasts

(huffduffer), Web browsing

Page 15: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities


Context is king

mobile web design, Moll 2007

Page 16: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Context is king

OpportunitiesUser devicesAnytime, anywhere

Constraints SizeAvailabilityRange of devices

Location ClassroomSocialOut of class

Additional reference www.slideshare.net/sharplem/disruptive-mobile-learning-bett-2008

Page 17: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

3 things

Audio, video and e-books

Page 18: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Huffduffer to share audio with multiple devices

Page 19: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

Record once, read many

Page 20: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities


SearchAccess anywhereAccess anytimeAccess everyone

PDF / ePubStanza for viewingApps e.g. kindle

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Library is king 625 hotspots 8000+ connected to wireless per week Devices, uses and attitudes



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Page 25: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

What is your institution doing with mobile?CC BY Johan Larsson

Page 26: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

How could institutions approach mobile?

"Students respond to requests to shut off their phones with a sense of panic,

a feeling that they will be cut off from their world of personal relationships. This feeling, taken to its extreme, has been dubbed "nomophobia," the fear of being forced

to shut off a phone, or the obsessive worry of losing a phone. There is even a support Web site for

nomophobics." (Woodill 2011, p.150)

Page 27: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

How could institutions approach mobile?

Page 28: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

How could institutions approach mobile?


Page 29: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

How could institutions approach mobile?

Koole's FRAME model(2010)

Page 30: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

How could institutions approach mobile?

"Relationships between tutors, learners and IT staff need to be further developed so that

productive debates can be had over issues such as security, curriculum planning and delivery, resource development, establishing authenticity of work and

fitness for purpose of IT infrastructure." (MoLeNET, 2010 p.8)

Page 31: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

How could institutions approach mobile?

Page 32: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

How could institutions approach mobile?

"The main barriers to developing these new modes of mobile learning are not

technical but social. We have little understanding of context and learning outside the classroom, and even less about how this can be supported

through new mobile technologies." (Sharples 2010, p.4)

Page 33: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

What do you see as future trends?

CC BY Johan Larsson

Page 34: Exploring Mobile: Considerations and opportunities

What do you see as future trends?

"People expect to be able to work, learn, and

study whenever and wherever they want to."


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Some future trends


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Some future trends

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Want more?


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“The information era in which we currently live is changing the culture of education”.Retta Guy, 2009