exploring json with jq

Slide the First 1 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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Page 1: Exploring JSON With jq

Slide the First1 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 2: Exploring JSON With jq

Mythical Creatures

2 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 3: Exploring JSON With jq


3 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 4: Exploring JSON With jq


4 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 5: Exploring JSON With jq


5 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 6: Exploring JSON With jq

APIDocs6 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 7: Exploring JSON With jq

Exploring JSONWith jq

Aijaz Ansari@_aijaz_

7 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 8: Exploring JSON With jq

What is JSON?JavaScript Object Notation

[ { "name": "Alice", "age": 20}, { "name": "Bob", "age": 30}]

8 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 9: Exploring JSON With jq

Reading JSON returned by remote servers@interface AAAJSONResponseSerializer : AFJSONResponseSerializer@end

@implementation AAAJSONResponseSerializer

- (id)responseObjectForResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response data:(NSData *)data error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error {

#ifdef DEBUG NSHTTPURLResponse * httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *) response; NSString *body = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; DDLogInfo(@"RESPONSE BODY: %@", response.URL, body); DDLogInfo(@"RESPONSE: (%ld) %@ ", httpResponse.statusCode, response.URL);#endif // ...}


9 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 10: Exploring JSON With jq

JSON Looks Like This[{"name":"Aang","sex":"M","born":-12,"died":153,"bending":["Air","Water","Earth","Fire","Energy"],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Air Temple","ethnicity":"Air Nomad"},"spouse":"Katara","children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Bumi"},{"sex":"F","name":"Kya"},{"sex":"M","name":"Tenzin"}]},{"name":"Katara","sex":"F","born":85,"died":null,"bending":["Water","Blood"],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Water Tribe","ethnicity":"Water Tribe"},"spouse":"Aang","children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Bumi"},{"sex":"F","name":"Kya"},{"sex":"M","name":"Tenzin"}]},{"name":"Sokka","sex":"M","born":84,"died":164,"bending":[],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Water Tribe","ethnicity":"Water Tribe"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Toph Beifong","sex":"F","born":88,"died":null,"bending":["Earth","Metal"],"identity":{"nationality":"Gaoling, Earth Kingdom","ethnicity":"Earth Kingdom"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"F","name":"Lin Beifong"},{"sex":"F","name":"Suyin Beifong"}]},{"name":"Iroh","sex":"M","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Fire","Energy"],"identity":{"nationality":"Fire Nation Capital, Fire Nation","ethnicity":"Fire Nation"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Lu Ten"}]},{"name":"Zuko","sex":"M","born":83,"died":null,"bending":["Fire","Energy"],"identity":{"nationality":"Fire Nation Capital, Fire Nation","ethnicity":"Fire Nation"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"F","name":"Izumi"}]},{"name":"Kya","sex":"F","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Water"],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Water Tribe","ethnicity":"Water Tribe, Air Nomad"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Bumi","sex":"M","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Air"],"identity":{"nationality":"United Republic","ethnicity":"Water Tribe, Air Nomad"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Tenzin","sex":"M","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Air"],"identity":{"nationality":"Republic City, United Republic","ethnicity":"Water Tribe, Air Nomad"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"F","name":"Jinora"},{"sex":"F","name":"Ikki"},{"sex":"M","name":"Meelo"},{"sex":"M","name":"Rohan"}]},{"name":"Lin Beifong","sex":"F","born":120,"died":null,"bending":["Earth","Metal"],"identity":{"nationality":"Republic City, United Republic","ethnicity":"Earth Kingdom"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Suyin Beifong","sex":"F","born":126,"died":null,"bending":["Earth","Metal"],"identity":{"nationality":"Republic City, United Republic","ethnicity":"Earth Kingdom"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Bataar Jr."},{"sex":"F","name":"Opal"},{"sex":"M","name":"Wei"},{"sex":"M","name":"Wing"},{"sex":"M","name":"Huan"}]}]

10 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 11: Exploring JSON With jq

jqLightweight & Flexible Command-Line

JSON Processor.https://stedolan.github.io/jq/

11 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 12: Exploring JSON With jq

Pretty Printing$ echo '[{"a": 1},{"b": 2}]' | jq .[ { "a": 1 }, { "b": 2 }]$

If you remember only one thing about jq, let it be this, the '.' filter.

12 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 13: Exploring JSON With jq

Filters→ All jq programs are filters

→ A filter takes in input & produces output→ 1 is the simplest filter: return 1

→ . is the simplest useful filter: pretty print

13 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 14: Exploring JSON With jq

Object Value Filter$ echo '{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c":3}' | jq .c3$

14 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 15: Exploring JSON With jq

Arrays$ echo '["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]' | jq '.[2]'"c"$ echo '["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]' | jq '.[1:4]'[ "b", "c", "d"]$

15 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 16: Exploring JSON With jq

IteratorsRead [] as foreach

$ echo '["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]' | jq '.[]'"a""b""c""d""e"$

Read .[] as iterating with an identity filter16 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 17: Exploring JSON With jq

Addition$ echo '["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]' | jq '.[]+" hello"'"a hello""b hello""c hello""d hello""e hello"$

17 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 18: Exploring JSON With jq

Addition$ echo '["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]' | jq '"hey "+ .[]+" hello"'"hey a hello""hey b hello""hey c hello""hey d hello""hey e hello"$

18 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 19: Exploring JSON With jq

Addition$ echo '[1,2,3,4,5]' | jq '.[]+10'1112131415$

19 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 20: Exploring JSON With jq

Collecting Results Into an Array$ echo '[1,2]' | jq '.[]+10'1112$ echo '[1,2]' | jq '[.[]+10]'[ 11, 12]

20 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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Filters can be piped with |

21 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 22: Exploring JSON With jq

Creating Objects$ echo '[{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 10, "b": 20, "c": 30}]' | jq '.[]'{ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}{ "a": 10, "b": 20, "c": 30}$

22 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 23: Exploring JSON With jq

Creating Objects$ echo '[{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 10, "b": 20, "c": 30}]' | jq '.[]|{a,c}'{ "a": 1, "c": 3}{ "a": 10, "c": 30}$

If you remember only 2 things about jq, let this be the second: extracting just the keys you care about.

23 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 24: Exploring JSON With jq

Creating Objects$ echo '[{"fn": "Ann", "ln": "Smith"},{"fn": "Ted", "ln": "Jones"}]' \\ | jq '.[]|{"first": .fn, "last": .ln}'{ "first": "Ann", "last": "Smith"}{ "first": "Ted", "last": "Jones"}$

24 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 25: Exploring JSON With jq

Creating Objects$ echo '[{"fn": "Ann", "ln": "Smith"},{"fn": "Ted", "ln": "Jones"}]' \\| jq '.[]|{(.fn): .ln}'{ "Ann": "Smith"}{ "Ted": "Jones"}$

25 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 26: Exploring JSON With jq


$ echo '[{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 10, "b": 20, "c": 30}]' | jq '.[]|keys'[ "a", "b", "c"][ "a", "b", "c"]$

If you remember only 3 things about jq, let this be the third: examining keys.

26 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 27: Exploring JSON With jq


$ echo '[{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 10, "b": 20, "c": 30}]' | jq '.[]|length'33$

27 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 28: Exploring JSON With jq


$ echo '[1,2,3,4,5]' | jq 'map(.+10)'[ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

map(x) is equivalent to [.[] | x]28 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 29: Exploring JSON With jq

Addition$ echo '[1,2,3,4,5]' | jq '.[]+10'1112131415$

29 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 30: Exploring JSON With jq

Addition$ echo '[1,2,3,4,5]' | jq '[.[]+10]'[ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]$

30 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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$ echo '[1,2,3,4,5]' | jq 'map(.+10)'[ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

31 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 32: Exploring JSON With jq


$ echo '[1,2,3,4,5]' | jq 'reduce .[] as $i (0 ; . + $i)'15$

Somewhat equivalent to: $i = 0for var in .[] { $i = $var + $i}

32 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 33: Exploring JSON With jq

More Functions→ has("foo")→ in({"a": "b"})

→ echo '[1,2,3]' | jq 'map(.+2)' # [3,4,5]→ select(func) - like grep where func is true

→ ... and a whole lot more

33 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 34: Exploring JSON With jq

Detailed Examples With Real Data

34 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 35: Exploring JSON With jq

Sample JSON Body (sample.json)[{"name":"Aang","sex":"M","born":-12,"died":153,"bending":["Air","Water","Earth","Fire","Energy"],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Air Temple","ethnicity":"Air Nomad"},"spouse":"Katara","children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Bumi"},{"sex":"F","name":"Kya"},{"sex":"M","name":"Tenzin"}]},{"name":"Katara","sex":"F","born":85,"died":null,"bending":["Water","Blood"],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Water Tribe","ethnicity":"Water Tribe"},"spouse":"Aang","children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Bumi"},{"sex":"F","name":"Kya"},{"sex":"M","name":"Tenzin"}]},{"name":"Sokka","sex":"M","born":84,"died":164,"bending":[],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Water Tribe","ethnicity":"Water Tribe"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Toph Beifong","sex":"F","born":88,"died":null,"bending":["Earth","Metal"],"identity":{"nationality":"Gaoling, Earth Kingdom","ethnicity":"Earth Kingdom"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"F","name":"Lin Beifong"},{"sex":"F","name":"Suyin Beifong"}]},{"name":"Iroh","sex":"M","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Fire","Energy"],"identity":{"nationality":"Fire Nation Capital, Fire Nation","ethnicity":"Fire Nation"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Lu Ten"}]},{"name":"Zuko","sex":"M","born":83,"died":null,"bending":["Fire","Energy"],"identity":{"nationality":"Fire Nation Capital, Fire Nation","ethnicity":"Fire Nation"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"F","name":"Izumi"}]},{"name":"Kya","sex":"F","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Water"],"identity":{"nationality":"Southern Water Tribe","ethnicity":"Water Tribe, Air Nomad"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Bumi","sex":"M","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Air"],"identity":{"nationality":"United Republic","ethnicity":"Water Tribe, Air Nomad"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Tenzin","sex":"M","born":null,"died":null,"bending":["Air"],"identity":{"nationality":"Republic City, United Republic","ethnicity":"Water Tribe, Air Nomad"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"F","name":"Jinora"},{"sex":"F","name":"Ikki"},{"sex":"M","name":"Meelo"},{"sex":"M","name":"Rohan"}]},{"name":"Lin Beifong","sex":"F","born":120,"died":null,"bending":["Earth","Metal"],"identity":{"nationality":"Republic City, United Republic","ethnicity":"Earth Kingdom"},"spouse":null,"children":[]},{"name":"Suyin Beifong","sex":"F","born":126,"died":null,"bending":["Earth","Metal"],"identity":{"nationality":"Republic City, United Republic","ethnicity":"Earth Kingdom"},"spouse":null,"children":[{"sex":"M","name":"Bataar Jr."},{"sex":"F","name":"Opal"},{"sex":"M","name":"Wei"},{"sex":"M","name":"Wing"},{"sex":"M","name":"Huan"}]}]


35 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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Example data of characters from the 'Avatar' series.36 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 37: Exploring JSON With jq

# Pretty print the jq$ cat sample.json | jq '.' ... { "sex": "M", "name": "Huan" } ] }]$

# The ']' on the last line tells me this is an array# The '}' on the 2nd-last line tells me this is an array of objects

# From now on, for space reasons, # 'cat sample.json ' will be abbreviated to 'cj'

37 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 38: Exploring JSON With jq

# Just show me the first object$ cj | jq '.[0]'

38 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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# Show me an object with the name and # sex of the first object$ cj | jq '.[0]|{name, sex}'{ "name": "Aang", "sex": "M"}$

39 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 40: Exploring JSON With jq

# Show me all the keys of each object$ cj | jq '.[]|keys'...[ "bending", "born", "children", "died", "identity", "name", "sex", "spouse"]$

40 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 41: Exploring JSON With jq

# Show me all the number of keys of each object$ cj | jq '.[]|length' # same as .[]|keys|length88888888888$

41 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 42: Exploring JSON With jq

# The name of each character$ cj | jq '.[].name'"Aang""Katara""Sokka""Toph Beifong""Iroh""Zuko""Kya""Bumi""Tenzin""Lin Beifong"

42 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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# The number of records$ cj | jq '[.[]]|length'11$

43 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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# All female characters$ cj | jq '.[]|select(.sex == "F")'

44 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 45: Exploring JSON With jq

# The names of all female characters# Take the resulting objects, put thmm in an array# Then iterate over that array, printing the name$ cj | jq '[.[]|select(.sex == "F")]|.[].name'"Katara""Toph Beifong""Kya""Lin Beifong""Suyin Beifong"$

45 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 46: Exploring JSON With jq

# The name of all members of the Fire Nation# You can drill down objects with multiple .s# e.g.: .identity.ethnicity$ cj | jq '[.[]|select(.identity.ethnicity == "Fire Nation")]|.[].name'"Iroh""Zuko"

46 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 47: Exploring JSON With jq

# The name and bending list of all characters who can bend Fire# Similar to previous example: iterate, select, construct a list, iterate on that list, # and extract the name and bending fields$ cj | jq -c '[.[]|select(.bending[]|select(contains("Fire")))]|.[]|{name, bending}'{"name":"Aang","bending":["Air","Water","Earth","Fire","Energy"]}{"name":"Iroh","bending":["Fire","Energy"]}{"name":"Zuko","bending":["Fire","Energy"]}$

47 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 48: Exploring JSON With jq

# Similar to previous, but make the name be the key of the object$ cj | jq -c '[.[]|select(.bending[]|select(contains("Fire")))]|.[]|{(.name): .bending}'{"Aang":["Air","Water","Earth","Fire","Energy"]}{"Iroh":["Fire","Energy"]}{"Zuko":["Fire","Energy"]}

48 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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# Names and firstborns of each character, as hashes in an array$ cj | jq '[.[]|{name, firstBorn: .children[0].name}]'

49 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 50: Exploring JSON With jq

# How many children does each person have?$ cj | jq '[.[]|.name, (.children|length)]'[ { "Aang": 3 }, { "Katara": 3 }, ... { "Suyin Beifong": 5 }]$

50 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 51: Exploring JSON With jq

# List of each person, along with the number of their children# Essentially, merging the array of objects from the previous example into 1 big object$ cj | jq '[.[]|[.name, (.children|length)]] | reduce .[] as $i ({}; . + { ($i[0]): $i[1]} )'{ "Aang": 3, "Katara": 3, "Sokka": 0, "Toph Beifong": 2, "Iroh": 1, "Zuko": 1, "Kya": 0, "Bumi": 0, "Tenzin": 4, "Lin Beifong": 0, "Suyin Beifong": 5}$

51 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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# Take the object matrix from two slides ago, and transpose it$ cj | jq '[.[]|[.name, (.children|length)]] | transpose'[ [ "Aang", "Katara", "Sokka", "Toph Beifong",... "Suyin Beifong" ], [ 3, 3, 0, 2,... 5 ]]$

52 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

Page 53: Exploring JSON With jq

Three Most Useful Filters'.' # Pretty print'.[]|{a, b}' # Extract just the a and b keys from each object'.[]|keys' # Display the keys of each object in the array

Honorable Mention'[.[]|select(C)]' # Return an array of only those objects where condition C is true

53 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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Resources→ jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/

→ jq manual: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/→ Sample JSON file: http://aijaz.net/2016/10/25/jq/

54 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016

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Thanks!55 — Aijaz Ansari at NSCoderChicago, 10/25/2016