exploring agor-ecological intensificaiton though par

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  • 8/14/2019 Exploring Agor-Ecological Intensificaiton Though PAR


  • 8/14/2019 Exploring Agor-Ecological Intensificaiton Though PAR




    Agriculture dominates socio-economic and political life of 130 millions peoples in Bihar - spread to the

    vast scratches of river plains in the north to the Chhotanagpur plateau in the south. Low productivity of

    major cereal crops resulting into the chronic shortage of food and partial to complete starvation situation

    was addressed through large scale adoption of input driven green revolution in 1970s with astounding

    success. After two decades or so of adoption of green revolution , truth is out - that only a proportion of

    resource rich farmers were benefited; yields are torpid if not declining; diversity of crops are reducing;

    insect-pest and disease outbreaks has increased etc. etc.

    Given the challenges of ever increasing population and decreasing production base in the state, need for

    an alternative research-extension system is crucial for sustainable agriculture production in Bihar.

    Agro-ecological intensification based PAR /participatory action research), could be successfully used to

    address technological as well as farmers education challenges. This approach brings collaborative inquiryinto the farm problem for sustainable eco- agriculture intensification in order to innovate/adopt/adapt

    knowledge-intensive technologies that enhance scientifically sound decision making at the field level.

    Often, physical technology e.g. equipment and crop varieties or knowledge change in farmers are

    embedded in this approach (like IPM, ICM etc.).

    In support of the idea, several examples of this approach, those were funded by FAO / CGIAR will be

    provided and lessons learned from these experiences and their impact will be presented here. Followed to

    that a short summary and possible action points (including policy implications) will be enlisted in this


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    1. Introduction:

    1.1 Bio-physio-social condition of Bihar and production trends

    The state of Bihar was reorganized on the 15th November, 2000 with 38 districts of erstwhile

    undivided Bihar. The state has an area of 94,163 Square Km. and a population of 82.88 millions

    according to 2001 census (now 130 millions approximately). The population of the State constitutes 8.07

    percent of that of the country with about 3 percent of the area thereof. This adverse land-man ratio is

    reflected in the high density of population which is 880 per sq. km. The decadal rate of growth of

    population for 1991-2001 has been 28.43 percent which is the highest in the country. The literacy rate in

    the state has been 47.53 per cent according to 2001 census as against 38.50 percent in 1991 census 4. More

    than 80% of the total population is, directly or indirectly, dependent on agriculture. Almost two third of

    the area of the state consists of flood prone alluvial plain of the Kosi Gandak, Sone and other rivers while

    the rest one third is constituted by drought prone and Tal- diara areas. The state has achieved self-

    sufficiency in food grain productions (see Fig. 1 for recent production trends) but we still need to go

    ahead in improving the productivity in order to cater the future needs and to improve per capita income

    (Anno.2007). Bihar is among the least developed states of India and has a per capita income of $155 a

    year against India's average of $255. A total of 30.6% live below the poverty line against India's average

    of 22.15% (Annon., 2007a).

    Fig. 1. Recent agriculture production statistics of Bihar, Kharif 2007

    4 Information presented here are compiled form the Planning and Development Department of Bihar Government and is available at their website:

    Major Crops Grown

    Rice Wheat Maize Pulses

    A r e a

    ( L a k

    h H e c

    t a r e








    Major Crops Grown

    Rice Wheat Maize Pulses

    P r o d u c i

    t o n

    ( L a

    k h M e t r i c

    T o n n e s








  • 8/14/2019 Exploring Agor-Ecological Intensificaiton Though PAR



    1.2. Green revolution and its impact

    The large scale adoptions of Green Revolution technologies in Bihar and elsewhere in India in

    70s not only brought with it the bounty of wheat and rice but also probably saved millions from partial

    and/or complete starvation. The agricultural sorority in country rightly needs appreciation of its hard work

    and dedicated effort to reach out to those farmers who could afford the input-driven model for research

    and extension. But with the more grains and better economy for a part of peasantry, green revolution saw

    agro-chemicals e.g. fertilizers and pesticides aggressively introduced on a large scale throughout the India

    and much of developing world of Asia, and these introductions are not always based on informed needs

    of the community. On another side, the package of practice approach, where a suit of agronomic

    practices were introduced along with selected varieties of crops, and its massive impact on grain

    production astounded almost everyone. Furthermore, the creation of new research stations; agriculture

    university in collusion with the agri-industry become the new temple of hope for millions. The HYVs

    (high yielding varieties) have definitely, without question raised productivity many fold, however, the

    associated input of synthetic fertilizers and insecticides have without question led to a progressive

    deterioration of soil fertility, water quality and human and environmental health along with biodiversity

    (Whitten and Settle 1998). In addition, these changes in agricultural scene in Bihar and elsewhere in India

    brought benefits of specialization those are based on "economies of scale" where mechanization,

    specialized know-how and marketing (often through state or central trading corporation or private

    corporation e.g. Wheat and Rice procurement by FCI (Food corporation of India) or state trading

    corporations) are involved and on exploiting comparative advantages of the local production situation.

    The resulting change from a diverse farming to large scale monocultures simplification has a pronounced

    effect on field and farm-level diversity and environmental side effects (pollution and loss of

    environmental services). Environmental resources and indigenous knowledge have been disrupted and

    today, agricultural practices can hardly be defined as sustainable in the state. This situation compelled to

    introduce the term/ideas Agro-ecological intensification (Srivastava et al. 1996). Now the question

    arises - is it possible to intensify agriculture while enhancing biodiversity? The pursuit of sustainable eco-

    agriculture intensification require substantial increases in knowledge-intensive technologies that enhance

    scientifically sound decision making at the field level. This can be embedded in physical technology (for

    example, equipment and crop varieties) or in humans (for example, integrated pest management, ICM,

    SRI, INM etc.), but both are essential. However, the challenges of disseminating information on new

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    technologies or on efficient input use and management are enormous, especially in cases where extension

    programmes are ineffective or completely lacking. The earlier paradigm of science being developed at the

    international or perhaps national level and then disseminated to farmers using some extension tool as

    practiced under T & V system.

    A closer examination of T & V system will reveal that they act more as a virtual/real conduit for

    external inputs and hardly focus on internal resources such as knowledge, skill and ecological

    understanding needed for sustainable agro-ecological intensification. The new paradigm and both-and

    demands an active exchange of information among scientists and farmers. Therefore, participatory and

    group-based approaches, which focus on learning and empowerment, have been increasingly gaining in

    importance (e.g., Pannell 2006, Mishra et al., 2007) for realizing research for sustainable development.

    Even in the recent reports progressive decay and ineffectiveness of this extension is highlighted (see

    Anderson, 2007 more details).

    In this paper, we brief the ecological dimension of agriculture and present some case studies

    carried out under auspices of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and by

    other agencies like CGIAR (Consultative Group of International Agriculture Research) and Non-

    governmental organizations (NGOs) for Integrated Crop and Pest Management (IPM) for rice and

    vegetables in some South and SE Asian countries that holds much promises for inching towards

    Ecological Agricultural Intensification. We also discuss the relevance of participatory action research

    approach for sustainable eco- agricultural intensification in Bihar.

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    2.1. The ecological dimension of Agriculture

    The flow of energy (that involves biological and non-biological agents) drives the carbon,

    oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. Nutrients are pumped through the system by the action of

    photosynthesis and are again made available for recycling by the action of decomposers. Nutrients are

    constantly being removed or added; adding more natural substances or synthetic materials than the

    ecosystem is able to handle upsets bio-geochemical cycles.

    For example, the nitrogen cycle is characterized by fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by nitrogen-

    fixing plants, largely legumes (i.e. symbiotic bacteria living in association with leguminous), root-

    noduled non-leguminous plants, free-living aerobic bacteria, and blue-green algae. In agricultural

    ecosystems, the nodulated legumes of approximately 200 species are the pre-eminent nitrogen fixers. In

    non-agricultural systems, some 12 000 species are responsible for nitrogen fixation.

    Environmental services and microorganisms: that are vital to agriculture include:

    Soil forming and conditioning. A substantial amount of invertebrates (earthworms, millipedes, termites,

    mites, nematodes, etc.) play a role in the development of upper soil layers through decomposition of plant

    litter, making organic matter more readily available, and creating structural conditions that allow oxygen,

    food and water to circulate.

    For example, the amount of soil worked over by earthworms is tremendous: 4-36 tons of soil passes

    through alimentary tracts of the total earthworm population living on an acre in a year! Termites are the

    only larger soil inhabitants that are able to break down the cellulose of wood. Termites play a major role

    in tropical soils where there are also soil churners; they move as much as 5 000 tons of soil per acre in

    constructing their complex mounds (allowing better rain penetration in soil).

    Waste disposal. A succession of micro-organisms occurs in the detritus, involving namely bacteria and

    fungi as well as detritus-feeding invertebrates, until organic material is finally reduced to elemental

    nutrients. Ecosystems recycle, detoxify and purify themselves, provided that their carrying capacity is not

    exceeded by excessive amounts of waste and by the introduction of persistent (synthetic) contaminants.

    For example, the nutrient-filtering function of mangroves can be compared to that of oxidation ponds of

    conventional wastewater treatment plants.

    Pest control. Predation is not just the transfer of energy whereby one organism feeds on another organism

    but also complex interactions among predator-prey populations. If a portion of the prey is not available

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    because of environmental discontinuities (a typical case in agriculture), the self-regulating balance will be

    dampened. Inter-specific competition keeps more pests in check than we ever could by using pesticides.

    Biodiversity. An ecosystem stability (or instability) depends on the results of the competition between

    different species for food and space. Predation ameliorates the intensity of competition for space and

    increases species diversity. The nature of inter-specific competition and its effects on the species involved

    is one of the least known and most controversial areas of ecology.

    Beneficial associations. Symbiosis of plant roots with mycorrhizal fungi plays a most important role in

    temperate and tropical forests in absorbing nutrients, transferring energy and reducing pathogen

    invasions. Parasitism is used in the biological control of insects. Other symbiotic combinations include

    animal/fish/tree species (e.g. agro forestry, varietal diversification).

    Pollination. 220 000 out of 240 000 species of flowering plants are pollinated by insects.

    Carbon sequestration. The capacity of biomass in sequestrating carbon is receiving an increased attention

    with the aim of reducing (in the long term) climate change. Where no tillage is practiced, soil contributes

    to retaining carbon. As organic agriculture favors minimum tillage (for better retention of water, nutrients,

    and biodiversity), the carbon retention potential of soils is becoming an important issue.

    Habitat. Although by definition, habitats provide shelter and food, many ecosystems have functions often

    discounted. For example, hedgerows around a field provide habitat for over-wintering of beneficial


    2.2 Integrated Pest Management: Evolution of a concept

    The label Integrated Pest Management has enjoyed different definitions and meanings over the last four

    decades and has considerably evolved. FAO, through its Rome based Crop Protection Service (AGPP)

    and its Panel of International IPM Expert, played a leadership role in the evolution of the concept

    between 1960 and 1980. Within FAO the concept of IPM has evolved from a strictly crop protectionrelated concept to a much more holistic and ecological approach to crop production and protection. And

    the evolution of the concept hasnt stopped since. Through the more recent pioneering work of the FAO

    IPM Programmes in Asia and a range of international and local development organization partners, IPM

    has become synonymous with education and human resource development programs. These programs

    often had (and continue to have) farmer training in crop protection and reduction of chemical pesticides

    as entry points but have subsequently broadened to include overall crop production. The more recent term

    Integrated Production and Pest Management (IPPM), widely used in FAO IPM training programs,

    especially on the African continent, more appropriately describes the curriculum content of IPM training

    programs. And, equally important, the training curriculum also addresses social issues and community

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    development aspects. Thus, the IPM label has evolved from a strictly technical to a much more holistic

    approach to crop production, human resource- and rural development. The nature of this new meaning

    can be gauged for example by reference to material posted on the website ( www.communityipm.org ) and

    the recent 2002 FAO publication titled From Farmer Field Schools to Community IPM: Ten Years of

    IPM Training in Asia (FAO, 2002a) {adopted from (Ketelaar and Kumar, 2002)}

    2. Bringing science to society through Participatory Action Research Some relevant examplesfrom Asia

    Now, lets discuss some of the examples to pursuit the agro-ecological intensification and conservation

    agriculture through Participatory Action Research (PAR). We would like to present here 3 case studies

    from three different Asian countries, where we believe that sustainable productions were achieved using

    IPM/ICM concept.

    2.1 Case Study: Reduced Pesticide Applications by IPM Expert Farmers in Eggplant Production in Bangladesh

    Brinjal (eggplant) is widely grown in Bangladesh as it is one of the most preferred vegetables

    by local consumers. Brinjal receives the maximum amount and frequency of insecticides applications

    compared to all other vegetable crops in Bangladesh owing to the susceptibility of the crop to damage

    caused by a range of insect pests and diseases (see Table 1; please note that these problems are common

    here in Bihar too ). The abusive use of pesticides was confirmed by a baseline survey conducted by the

    Department of Agriculture Extension (DoAE) at the beginning of the Phase I of the FAO Regional

    vegetable IPM program in 1996-7. This survey showed that farmers apply insecticides up to 80 times per

    season with Fruit and Shoot Borer (FSB) ( Leucinodes orbonalis) as the main target. The evident overuse

    of pesticides in eggplants called for a major IPM training intervention in order to allow eggplant farmers

    to reduce use of pesticides. Two season-long Vegetable IPM Training of Trainers Courses were held inBangladesh throughout the life-time of the FAO Phase I Vegetable IPM Programme. These TOTs were

    followed by Farmers Field School (FFSs) and action research programs, with a special focus on allowing

    farmers to understand the ecology and management of FSB.

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    Table 1: Common Crop Protection Problems Associated with Eggplant Cultivation in Bangladesh

    Insect pests Diseases(Fugal and bacterial) Virus diseases Nematode

    Fruit and Shoot Borer

    ( Leucinodes orbonalis Guene)

    Bacterial wilt( Ralstonia

    solanacearum )

    Little leaf disease(Mycoplasma like


    Root Knotnematode

    ( Meloidogyne sp.)

    Thrips ( Thrips palmi Karny) Phomopsisrot (Phomopsis vexans ) tobacco rattle virus

    Red Spider mite ( Tetranychuscinnabarinus Boisduval) cucumber mosaic virus

    Green Jassids ( Empoasca sp.) tomato ringspot virusEpilachna beetle ( Epilachna

    vigintioctopunctata Fabricius)

    Through weekly Agro-ecosystem Analysis (AESA), FFS-farmers learnt about crop ecology, which

    allowed them to make informed decisions on crop management. Life cycles of important pest problems

    and their natural enemies were explored through on-site rearing and experimentation. Farmers studied the

    important concept of crop compensation through crop compensation studies. These studies allowed

    farmers to understand that healthy crops can compensate for FSB damage, especially during the

    vegetative growth stage. This new understanding enabled farmers to become confident that not all FSB

    damage results into crop loss. IPM farmers then significantly reduced insecticide applications for FSB

    early in the crop growth cycle.

    Fig. 2. Life cycle and various development stages of Fruit and Shoot Borer 5

    5 Source of these photographs: ( http://www.avrdc.org/LC/eggplant/rear_efsb/04life.html ). Accessed on 6 December 2007

    Female & Male FSB

    Young larvae

    Larvae inside Fruit


    Life Cycle (24-25 Days)

    Eggs (singly laid)

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    Management options that allowed farmers to further reduce the number of insecticide application for Fruit

    and Shoot Borer included: Thorough cleaning of seedlings before transplanting to remove eggs and other immature stages; Regular observation of the crop during the vegetative stage and removal of the FSB infested

    twigs; FSB management based on weekly crop ecosystem analysis; Improved crop hygiene by sweeping dead leaf and crop debris to remove the pupae of FSB; Keeping the field surface clean and remove crop residues; Removal and sanitation of the FSB infested fruits from the field at the time of harvesting.

    As a result of this new IPM knowledge acquired through participation in FFSs, IPM farmers were able to

    reduce the number of applications of insecticide from 60-80 sprays per season to 15 sprays per season.

    These results are confirmed by more recent impact analysis studies of IPM FFSs training programs

    implemented in collaboration with other partner organizations in Bangladesh (see table 2).

    Table 2: FFS Impact Evaluation on Farmers Cultivating Brinjal in Bangladesh 6

    Parameters(mean of FFSsevaluated)

    Benchmark (beforetraining)



    % Difference(after training)

    Winter 2000/01 (49 FFSs): Sprays/farmer 14.46 2.23 12.81 -84.6Granularapplication per


    0.41 0.07 0.36 -83.4

    Pesticide cost(taka/ha)

    7,131 1,414 6,777 -80.2

    Yield (kg/ha) 16,737 19,370 16,887 +15.7Summer 2001 (46 FFSs): Sprays/farmer 16.27 3.31 14.62 -79.6Granularapplication perfarmer

    0.45 0.09 0.34 -80.1

    Pesticide cost(taka/ha)

    7,648 1,710 6,935 -77.7

    Yield (kg/ha) 22,129 23,875 19,768 +7.9

    Encouraged by these initial successes in pesticide reductions, IPM farmers formed farmers

    clubs. In the Jessore region of southern Bangladesh, one of the major objectives of these clubs was to

    further enhance the knowledge base of the farmers on wider aspects of eggplant cultivation, including

    proper seed bed management and better fertilizer and water management. The IPM Farmer Clubs also

    explored and evaluated novel options for FSB management. For example, insect-killing nematodes

    (Steinernema carpocapsae) were imported from Thailand for field experimentation purposes by the IPM

    Farmer Clubs. IPM farmers learned that these nematodes could kill the FSB larvae by locating the host

    6 Table taken from Lim & Ooi, 2002, adapted from DAE-DANIDA SPPS, 2001; Larsen, 2001. One FFS represents 25-30 men andwomen farmers, who have undergone season long training.

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    deep inside the eggplant branches and fruits. They also learnt that this species of the nematode would not

    work if local temperatures would exceed 35 C. Consequently, another more heat-tolerant strain, S.

    riobrave, was imported from Australia for experimentation purposes. Some enthusiastic IPM farmers also

    learnt that these nematodes could be mass-produced in the homestead. Some of these farmers started

    experimenting with rearing the nematodes albeit without much success owing to poor hygiene andcontamination of the culture. The promising and novel option of FSB control with entomopathogenic

    nematodes deserves further attention in action research programs that involve IPM farmers.

    The FAO Programme assisted other IPM FFSs programs (e.g. implemented by DANIDA-SPPS,

    CARE-Bangladesh and local NGO Proshika) in staff training to share the innovative brinjal IPM

    experiences. These FFSs programs continue to develop eggplant growers into IPM experts using the FFS-

    training approach. Clearly, IPM Expert farmers are able to considerably reduce use of pesticides, increase

    yield and make eggplant production more profitable (table 3).

    2.2 Case Study: Participatory Action Research on increasing water use efficiency in Rice usingprinciples of System of Rice Intensification (SRI and green mulch in NE Thailand 7

    Under a CPWF (Challenge Programme for Water and Food; www.waterandfood.org/ ) small

    grant to the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT; www.ait.ac.th ) from CGIARs ( www.cgair.org ) CPWF,

    a collaborative enquiry into the water productivity and weed problem issues of the transplanted rice under

    the ambient of SRI (System of rice intensification) were carried out with a group of farmers, NGO and

    GO personnel in Ban Chaeng, District, At Samart, Roi-Et, Thailand using. PAR. In addition to the action

    research, weekly FFSs were conducted for 18 weeks and each week, one or more topics related to water

    use in rice were discussed with participating farmers and non-formal education trainees. Two experiments

    were carried out during first season in Wet season 2006 and in experiment 1- where the two water

    regimes i.e. Just moist (JM) was compared with the farmers practice (flooding), no significant difference

    in crop yields were noticed and the JM produced similar rice yield per unit area with less supplementary

    irrigation. Similarly in experiment 2 where different legumes were intercropped as cover crop in order to

    suppress weed, SRI (see Stoop et al., 2002 for details) and Mung Bean combination was proved to be best

    among all other tested bean intercropping, thereby providing high foliage and ground cover as green

    mulch to the rice crop grown under SRI system of management. Similar experiments were repeated in the

    dry season 2007 with more or less similar trends of reduced water use and increased productivity of rice.

    7 More information can be requested from the authors, who were Principle Investigators of the project. Some of the reports of thisproject and a 5 minute VDO film of this project ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b31LgNMu-hg ) are available on the CornellsUniversity SRI homepage http://ciifad.cornell.edu/sri/countries/thailand/index.html .

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    The results for both seasons of experiments are shown in fig 1- 4. The results clearly show that higher

    water productivity and rice yield obtained under SRI + green mulch (e.g. Mung bean) management

    performed better than any existing farmers practice. Yield and water use efficiency advantages of SRI

    management compared to farmers practice have been reported repeatedly ( Koma, 2002, Satynarayana et

    al., 2006 ) from various countries in South and SE Asia.

    Fig. 1 (left). Rice Yield per rai at Just Moist (JM) condition. 14 days old seedling performed better over 30 days oldseedling under similar water and other management conditions. Bars sharing same small case letters are notsignificant F = 12.33; df = 1, 5 ;P

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    Fig. 4 (left). Rice Yield per rai at flooding condition. 12 days old seedling performed better over 30 days old seedlingunder similar water and other management conditions. Bars sharing same small case letters are not significant (F =45.12, df = 1, 9, P

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    Apart from the direct results obtained and their adoption at farmers household and possibly at

    their neighborhoods, the skills, developed during season-long FFS training provided opportunity to them

    to do adaptive research to test and refine technology and/or management practices under prevailing

    condition and added to the ideals of sustainable agriculture in general and water use efficiency in

    particular. In present study, bringing SRI practice through FFS approach in a collaborative trial was an

    attempt to understand underlying philosophies of linking Science and societies by engaging farmers,

    researcher and other stakeholders to scientific research and development.

    In this trial, the farmers group learnt ecosystem principles using Agro-ecosystem Analysis

    (AESA) - a useful training design, that focuses on field observation and data collection of plant and its

    micro-environment, analysis of data and its preparation for display and finally summary and group

    presentation, at different growth stage of crop.

    The success of such collaboration also encourages for paradigm shift needed for applied research

    in small farms of Asia where there is still wide gap between potential farm yield and actual farm yield and

    where farmers have greater control over their internal resources to manipulate them for realizing higher

    yield (Mishra et al. 2006).

    2.3. Integrated Production and Pest Management of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus and its Vector

    Bemisia tabaci a case study form the North Philippines

    Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), which is vectored by Bemisia tabaci (whitefly) is a

    serious limiting factor for tomato production worldwide. Farmers growing commercial tomato for

    Northern Food Company in the Philippines were losing yield and income up to the extent of 80% due to

    this problem since past 4-5 years. In response to their request, FAO Vegetable IPM programme began an

    intensive training course to train farmers and trainers on this aspect. Followed to that; an action research

    was initiated involving the Northern Food Company, tomato farmers, IPM trainers, local and FAO

    scientists and others to find ways and means to reduce the virus and vector problem.

    Following two tier non-chmical based management strategy were planned:

    1. Minimizing virus acquisition in nursery (by introducing low-cost covered nursery)

    2. Delaying virus infection in field crop using mulches and mineral oil combination

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    Fig.7. IPPM training to the trainers and farmers, Dec. 2006, Ilocos Norte, the Philippines

    Fig. 8. Weekly cumulative Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Infected tomato plants expressing disease symptoms in potstudies, where seedlings are either grown inside protected Nursery or in Open Field (control) (F = 11.35; df = 1,5; P =


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    Abbreviations used:OM = Mineral oilNOM = No Mineral Oil (Control)ML 0 = NO Mulch (Control)ML 1 = Mulch type 1ML 2 = Mulch type 2ML 3 = Mulch type 3

    Fig.9 . A. The field photo of the experiments. B. the layout, C . Percent reflection of UV light by one of the reflectivemulch.

    a. Yield

    OM ML0 ML3 ML0

    ML2 ML1 ML2

    ML1 ML0 ML3

    ML3 ML2 ML1

    NO M ML0 ML2 ML0

    ML2 ML3 ML1

    ML1 ML0 ML3

    ML3 ML1 ML2

    1 m

    50 cm

    50 cm

    Treatments (WMO = no mineral oil; MO = Mineral Oil)WH = White Mulch ; YE = Yellow Mulch ; SL = Silver Mulch

    None = either no mulch or no mineral oil


    F r u i

    t Y i e l d ( T o n s /

    h a )






    Wavelength, nm (nano meter)

    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

    % r

    e f l e c t

    i o n o f

    U V l i g h t











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    b. Brix

    c. whitefly

    d. whiteflyon yellow stickytraps

    Fig.10 (a-c) some results form the action research


    N A T U R A L T O M A T O S O L U B L E S O L I D S

    , 0 B R I X








    Treatments (WMO = no mineral oil; MO = Mineral Oil)WH = White Mulch ; YE = Yellow Mulch ; SL = Silver Mulch

    None = either no mulch or no mineral oil


    ( + S E ) W h i t e f

    l y / Y e l

    l o w

    S t i c k y

    T r a p

    ( 3 M a r c

    h 2 0 0












    Average of 3 traps per treatment


    M e a n

    ( + S E ) W h i t e f l y / Y e l

    l o w

    S t i c k y T r a p








    35Average of 3 traps per treatment

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    Clearly the farmers were winner and owners of knowledge in this collaborative process. Their fruit yield

    increased, virus and vectors decreased and net income increased. Moreover, the success will depend on

    the constant evolution of partnership and collaborative technological innovation in this case.

    3. Discussion & Summary

    As stated above, the need to grow more crops per unit land with ecological sensitivity (judicious

    and prudent use of natural resources etc.) would be most critical aspect of agriculture in coming years.

    Changing social order and consumption pattern, new market economical realities, need of farm families

    in global-village environment, depleting natural resource base and increasing cost of production would

    need a matching and massive change in the existing paradigm of agriculture research and extension in

    Bihar and elsewhere in India. These changing environments necessitates change in the farmers

    knowledge and require development of partnership of new kind a win-win situation where scientists and

    farmers help to preserve natural resource and at the same time feeds the ever growing population.

    The significance of collaborative approach that links science and societies is increasingly being

    recognized for mitigating these challenges. Action Research programs and associated philosophy

    provides good base and opportunity to address these concerns in an integrated manner. Involving

    empowered farmers in such collaborative approach could help to explore all aspects of local farm

    problems, mindful of local agronomic conditions and taking care of ecosystem for sustainable production

    The lessons we can learn from the presented case studies above could have following policy implications:

    Farmers education process, which addresses, farmers education and empowerment, is only a first step in

    the direction of sustainable research-extension continuum. The ever-increasing demand of location-

    specific and need-based technology at the local level and environment-friendly technology at the global

    level requires collaborative approach making balance between technological and integrated social


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    The experiences presented above entails the viability of such approach for successful intervention at farm

    level without compromising local as well as global need. The model could be equally useful for other

    crops and commodities as well.

    The existing KVKs/ Regional Research institutions/Agriculture universities/college in the

    state could well provide interface for research and extension. This would not only insure

    better and timely location-specific extension services to the farmers but also act as

    complementary technology generation institution within communities.

    The human resource development angle in the form of empowered trainers and farmers

    could well be another positive outcome of such collaboration. In addition, these empowered

    farmers having solid understanding of natural resources environment could well become

    partners in formulating farmers friendly and environmental friendly policies.

    One of the aspects that help sustain learnt knowledge in farmers is the economic benefit.

    Action research as principle actively supports the idea that farmers should well link with

    markets, financial institution to produce high quality marketable produce and their products

    to derive benefit. On another fronts farmers cooperatives could be formed to produce high

    quality agri products for economic sustainability at larger scale. The green payment (a

    payment to farmers who adopt sustainable agriculture practices) might be another option to

    provide incentive to the farmers engaged in eco-friendly agriculture.

    Finally, there is a need of sensitization of research institute and scientists to the value of

    participatory action research.


    The authors are grateful to the many organizations especially Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnited Nations (FAO) and its Regional IPM programme for South and SE Asia, where the first authorspend his time since 1997, and to the CGIAR, which funded Thai rice project through CPWF mentionedin the paper. Also we would like to thank several colleagues notably Max Whitten, Ex Chief TechnicalAdvisor of FAO IPM; to Prof. Norman Upoff of Cornell University, US; to Jan Willem Ketelaar presentCTA of the FAO Regional vegetable program and to Prof. V. M. Salokhe of Asian Institute of Technology.

  • 8/14/2019 Exploring Agor-Ecological Intensificaiton Though PAR


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