exploration evolution of consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com 409 Exploration Evolution of Consciousness Satinder S. Malik * Abstract In this article, I explore the evolution of consciousness and the state of Samadhi. When a Yogi withdraws all senses, he doesn‟t smell, taste, see, hear or feel the touch and he knows nothing but the self (Atma), then the yogi is Samadhi and he is a liberated one. Thus, the Yogi so settled in Samadhi achieves a control over his sensors but also gains telepathy, wisdom of Sat and ability to see past present and future, he truly goes beyo nd the bandwidth of normal human being‟s senses and becomes an adept (Siddha). This is surest path for evolution of Consciousness. Keywords: Evolution, consciousness, Samadhi, Yogi, Atman, Siddha. There are approximately 7.8 billion people live on this earth in 2020 [11]. The population was 6.92 biilion in year 2010. Out of these people the religion wise distribution is given in following table [13]. The religiously unaffiliated number 1.1 billion, accounting for about one-in-six (16%) people worldwide [14]. The religiously unaffiliated include atheists, agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion in surveys. However, many of the religiously unaffiliated have some religious beliefs. * Correspondence author: Dr. Satinder S. Malik, Independent Researcher, India. E-mail: [email protected] Religion %age Population Remarks Christians 31% 2,173,180,00 0 50% are Catholic, 37% Protestant, 12% Orthodox, and 1% other Muslims 23% 1,598,510,00 0 87-90% are Sunnis, 10-13% Shia No Religion affiliation 16% 1,126,500,00 0 Agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion. One-in-five people (20%) in the United States are religiously unaffiliated. Hindus 15% 1,033,080,00 0 94% of which live in India Buddhists 7% 487,540,000 50% live in China Folk Religionists 6% 405,120,000 Faiths that are closely associated with a particular group of people, ethnicity or tribe Other Religions 1%): 58,110,000 Baha‟i faith, Taoism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Tenrikyo, Wicca, Zoroastrianism and many others. Jews 0.2% 13,850,000 Four-fifths of which live in two countries: United States (41%) and Israel (41%)

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Page 1: Exploration Evolution of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com



Evolution of Consciousness

Satinder S. Malik*


In this article, I explore the evolution of consciousness and the state of Samadhi. When a Yogi

withdraws all senses, he doesn‟t smell, taste, see, hear or feel the touch and he knows nothing but

the self (Atma), then the yogi is Samadhi and he is a liberated one. Thus, the Yogi so settled in

Samadhi achieves a control over his sensors but also gains telepathy, wisdom of Sat and ability

to see past present and future, he truly goes beyond the bandwidth of normal human being‟s

senses and becomes an adept (Siddha). This is surest path for evolution of Consciousness.

Keywords: Evolution, consciousness, Samadhi, Yogi, Atman, Siddha.

There are approximately 7.8 billion people live on this earth in 2020 [11]. The population was

6.92 biilion in year 2010. Out of these people the religion wise distribution is given in following

table [13]. The religiously unaffiliated number 1.1 billion, accounting for about one-in-six (16%)

people worldwide [14]. The religiously unaffiliated include atheists, agnostics and people who

do not identify with any particular religion in surveys. However, many of the religiously

unaffiliated have some religious beliefs.

*Correspondence author: Dr. Satinder S. Malik, Independent Researcher, India. E-mail: [email protected]

Religion %age Population Remarks

Christians 31% 2,173,180,00


50% are Catholic, 37% Protestant, 12%

Orthodox, and 1% other

Muslims 23% 1,598,510,00


87-90% are Sunnis, 10-13% Shia

No Religion


16% 1,126,500,00


Agnostics and people who do not identify

with any particular religion. One-in-five

people (20%) in the United States are

religiously unaffiliated.

Hindus 15% 1,033,080,00


94% of which live in India

Buddhists 7% 487,540,000 50% live in China



6% 405,120,000 Faiths that are closely associated with a

particular group of people, ethnicity or tribe



1%): 58,110,000 Baha‟i faith, Taoism, Jainism, Shintoism,

Sikhism, Tenrikyo, Wicca, Zoroastrianism

and many others.

Jews 0.2% 13,850,000 Four-fifths of which live in two countries:

United States (41%) and Israel (41%)

Page 2: Exploration Evolution of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


A total of approximately 84% population on planet earth believes in some form of supernatural

power or super consciousness. There are also local beliefs in paranormal activity, ghosts, magic,

sorcery etc some sort extra dimensional experiences which are unexplained by science and

rejected as imagination or some freak activity of mind due to mental stress.

While Hinduism is mentioned as a religion above, it is the name given to the people who live

beyond river Indus (Sindhu) and to the east of it. The accurate name of India is Bharat meaning

in pursuit of light. The most ancient name is JambuDwipa (Island with trees of Jambu) as

mentioned in scriptures. The supercontinent Pangea began to break up approximately around 200

Ma (million years ago) and India started a northward drift towards Asia. 80 Ma India was 6,400

km south of the Asian continent but moving towards it at a rate of between 9 and 16 cm per year

[12]. The Himalayan mountain range and Tibetan plateau have formed as a result of the collision

between the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate which began 50 million years ago and continues


It would be difficult to classify Hinduism as religion because it is a way of life or more

importantly a culture. The real name of what is inferred as Hinduism is „Sanatan Dharma‟.

Sanatan means „since the beginning‟. Therefore, there is no single propounder of the

SanatanDharma. Dharma is set of principles which are applied to thinking and action to cater to

environment & nature, animals, other humans, society and for evolution of consciousness. The

ancient wisdom flows from Brahma who is originator of Vedas (Vid is to know). These are the

manual for the humanity to live on theEarth. These were brought to earth by Rishis (higher

conscious forms) who were researchers doing research on how the designed human and animal

life is proceeding on earth and also experience of nature of human body and environment of

earth. More scripture about historical treatises (Purana), Upanishads, Vedanta, Brahmana,

Aranyakasetcdescribed various aspects and all were in verbal form. You could well imagine the

mental capacity of those people who could remember thousands of couplets in Sanskrit language.

Sanskrit is a language based on scientific principles and also rhythmic.It known as DevBhasha

(language of the Gods).

Page 3: Exploration Evolution of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


The world is spending billions for search of life in the universe. This knowledge has been

available to world‟s most ancient civilization from the beginning of human life. There have been

frequent contacts with what we call as „Alienlife‟ today. People have visited other planets along

with Gods. The space races have also been identified and named. The planet has been a ground

for competition between various alien life-forms. The aliens have also lived on earth settled,

ruled and married human and also had children.Other than them higher consciousness beings

have taken birth in human body shells and guided humans by setting examples on how to life of


Reality Versus Maya

Reality is the quality or state of being actual or true. We know that all animate and inanimate

beings are built of atoms and their various combinations. If you enlarge an atom so see its

nucleus of the size of tennis ball, the nearest electron would be nearly three kilometers away.

Therefore 99% of us are actually made up of what we call as space. It is difficult to perceive the

reality in this world which is under various layers of illusion or mystery.

The Sanskrit term for supreme consciousness is Prabrahamha (Beyond Universe). The same term

is used for Parameshvara (Ultimate God, Purush) who is Nirgun (Beyond the ambit of three

gunas of Sat, Rajas and Tamas), Nirakar (no shape) and ultimate truth. Universe is sprung out as

Sankalpa (resolution) of God. Ultimate God is represented in Sakar Brahma (Consciousness with

shape) as Trinity (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma). The idea of creation from Nothingness to

expanding spheroid (Brahmand) starts from integration of initial vibration Om (Aum) with time,

forming space and non-manifesting wavelet strings. These wavelet strings further integrate in

time and space using many combinations and permutations of conjunctions and disjunction

creating forces and the waves, rays, unstable elementary particles and quarks. The entire process

is formation of universe is autonomous barring some intelligent interference and follows

principles of Mahat (great principle or a principle which leads from small, un-manifested things

to great things). Mahat is the mathematics behind the magic numbers and wave geometry for

formation of space, energy and matter forms. As the formation of universe progresses from step

zero to one and further, at each step whatever new forms up, appears completely different than

the original ingredients. This is known as Maya (illusion). For example, hydrogen is a flammable

gas and oxygen is a gas which aids combustion and their combination is water which helps douse

fire. At the next level from elements to compound, the nature of matter has changed to a

completely differ set of characteristics. Thechanged characteristics completely different than

original is an illusion which is described in Vedas asmaya.

Leading from small to big in various permutations and combinations can still be understood, how

something whatever small and un-manifested came out of nothingness is great mystery

(mahamaya). Creation of first vibration from Shunya is known as Mahamaya. No one has been

able to decipher as to what is Mahamaya. It is the source code of the first re-iterating equation.

The initial vibration was manifested with three gunas (Sat, Rajas and Tamas). At the moment Sat

can be understood as knowledge and purity, rajas as control and tamas as binding forces.

Therefore, Sat (also known as truth) is the intelligence riding in every corner of space, wavelets

and particles and their future heavier and larger outcomes.

Page 4: Exploration Evolution of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


Let‟s consider this world at reality level one. The physical world is unreal because the truth of

body is atoms, truth of atoms is particles, truth of particles is quarks, truth of quarks is waves and

truth of waves and even if do not go any deeper in reality the entire thing can be explained very

well be mathematical equations which helps unravel the reality from the clutches of maya. The

mathematics is Sat (truth) and humans and to some extent animals can perceive it because of

inherent consciousness.

In the Lemurian and Atlantean periods,Asuras, Danavas and Daityas were experts in maya (they

themselves had origins in space) and had built exceeding great civilizations, palaces which were

full of gems and gold.Vimanaswere at their disposal. They were intoxicated with ego and

considered no one equal to them. Indus valley civilization is some of their doing when their

powers had decayed and still these were the best designed cities in the world.

Maya has the capability to deceive us away from reality. Technology also impacts reality and

fools our senses and the mind. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad reflects on theory of dreams,

positing that human beings see dreams entirely unto themselves because the mind draws in itself,

the powers of sensory organs, which it releases in the waking state. It then asserts that this

empirical fact about dreams suggests that human mind has the power to perceive the world as it

is, as well as fabricate the world as it wants to perceive it. Mind is a means, prone to flaws. The

struggle man faces, is in his attempt to realize the "true reality behind perceived reality". The

world at reality level one is also perceived differently by different humans. Therefore, as many

numbers of worlds exist as there are preceptors. Perception of the world by a scientist, a rich

man, a poor man, a person living in big city or small place would be different. Why maya is

dangerous in spite of giving humans beautiful, tasteful, musical, sensuous experiences and

dreams is an enquiry every educated person must seek.

Psychology as Nature of Subtle Body

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting

behaviour in a given context. In India, psychology was never a subject because nature of human

psyche was not only well known but also well controlled.

The human perception is generated by five senses and interpreted by mind. The subtle body in

man has the cognitive complex consisting of Chitta (Consciousness), Buddhi (intellect),

Ahankara (ego/ identity) and Man (mind). We are aware that there are chiefly five main senses in

the human body which help build perception; these are sight, sound, smell, touch and taste.

These five senses give their inputs to mind and mind stores this information in memory. Mind

acts like pre programmed or hard wired firmware responsible for management of the body.The

mind is connected to the senses through the information superhighways of naadis which are as

much as 300,000 but mainly considered 72000 as important and 10 of them are chief because

then connect mind with nine portals (openings) of human body. These are a pair each of eyes,

ears and nose, a mouth, a genital and an anus. Intellect accesses all the information from memory

simultaneously or later for drawing inferences and make decisions.Chitta is source code for

deploying software for generating intelligence (buddhi). It is like arithmetic & logic unit (ALU)

to the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer.

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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


इन्द्रियाणाम्, हि, चरताम्, यत्, मनः, अनु, हिधीयते, तत्, अस्य, िरहत, प्रज्ञाम्, िायुः,

नािम्, इि, अम्भहि।।2.67।। Geeta (Chapter 2 verse 67) mentions when the mind follows the senses experiencing their

interests, his understanding is taken over by them like an unanchored sailboat which gets drifted

due to the wind blowing from any side.Like the wind is a natural force, senses are also hardwired

to sense the inputs and send them to mind, mind is the interpreter and it can dwell longer in areas

which of more interest. Sensors also have local muscle memory but it is the mind needs to be

kept on leash by the intellect.

Priority of needs

As far as the priority of needs, wants and desires of human body are concerned, these can be

inferredlocation of the chakras. Strength and balancing of chakras is important for wellbeing and

health of mind and body. Meditation of chakras can ensure natural healing.

Fear (Immediate Survival). Survival is first priority of any organism. For the purpose of

survival of the organism, a protective sense of fear has been programmed. This is characterized

by Muladhar Chakra located on the base of perineum. If this Chakra is not balanced then a

person would be extremely security conscious. In extreme cases, due to exposure to a fearful

situation loss of bowl control is because of this reason. Fight or flight syndrome is also a

characteristic of this.

Procreation (Survival of the Species). Below the navel, there is small congregation of

nerves known as Kanda, it controls procreation. The entire system is designed for ensuring

survival of the species. The pleasure in procreational activity is due to a large number of sensors

located on genital of both male and female. This is a clever mechanism and acts as incentive for

ensuring survival of the species. It also helps in selection of better genes.

The liking for particular partners is also driven by the genetics driven agenda. A woman would

like to select a partner who could give her most talented offspring. A man would like to select a

woman who could be most charming, lovable and could provide better nourishment to his future

offspring. Various other types of unions such LGBT are not for pro-creational cause and

therefore considered as vikaras (faults) due to unbalanced chakra.

Energy (Hunger, Survival). In the navel center is Manipur Chakra taking care of digestion and

ensuring calorific values from food for energy generation and body maintenance. From here,

most of the physical strength is generated. Hunger is an indication for requirement of food and

pleasure of taste is a motivation for eating food as well as mechanism for identifying suitable


Love and Friendship. Man is a social animal. The society would be incomplete without

sense of love and friendship; these are the necessary ingredients of loving and caring social units

such as family, clan and higher social systems. Man has advantage of power of expression

through speech and hence able to evolve language for communicating. These higher centers are

not so developed in Animals.

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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


Speech and Expression. No other life form has such ability of speech as it is

endowed in humans. As humans decide to say something, air passes throughairway passage

following constrictions in throat and mouth, it is modulated by tongue and instantly a stream

sound energy starts flowing. Vishuddhi Chakra controlability of expression by speech and vocal


Cognition. Agya chakra controls learning, intelligence, memory and intuition.

Consciousness. Sahsrara Chakra control union with universal consciousness. Higher Chakras

enable intelligence and intuition, connect with dimension of consciousness.

Causes of suffering

The universal experience of suffering compels an enquiry for its removal and ultimately leads to

realisation of the truth (about Soul). The suffering appears to be applicable to all rich and poor,

strong and weak, old and young irrespective of caste, creed, sex or race. The mind attaches to

what it considers as a comfort causing experience and tends to stay away from sorrow and

painful experiences. Maharishi Patanjali described working of mind in PatanjaliYogsutras. He

also describes the factors which cause inflictions on mind.


Avidya – ignorance, Asmita – egoism, Raga – attachment, Dvesha – aversion (Hatred, Jealousy),

Abhiniveshah - clinging to life, Kleshaah - causes of suffering.

A lack of insight (avidya) is the source of most obstacles and can be latent, incipient, full-fledged

or overwhelming [13]. Avidya (ignorance) is of two types „Sanskara‟ born and sense born.

Sanskara born is due to past life learnings& actions and sense borne is due to inputs of the

sensors in human body. Therefore, it is first and foremost duty of a human being to remove








Procreation, Survival of the Species

Physical Strength

Love, Friendship, Emotional strength

Speech, Expression

Intellect, Perception

Intuition, Consciousness

Mooladhara Fear, Survival, Anger

Page 7: Exploration Evolution of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


avidya by seeking knowledge and drawing inferences to gain vidya by reasoning and logical

thought process.

All human beingsexist based on same principles. Small differences may exist, however, these are

miniscule and can hardly be considered as ground for feeling different. It is thinking and action

what makes human superior or inferior. Ego is a process of identity and differentiation and it is

an important trait. If a person can stay grounded despite success, doesn‟t take credit of his

success and doesn‟t take oneself too seriously, he can keep his ego in check.Ego can inflate very

fast in gratifying conditions. False ego is generated when one starts associating himself with

body and environment which needs to be avoided.

Association with objects which are ephemeral, temporary and notunder one‟s control would

cause inflictions on mind during their separation. The presumption that happiness depends on

external circumstances is referred to as desire (raga). The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad states that

all love is for the sake of one's Self. A child loves his mother for his own sake and not for the

sake of mother.

The notion that pain and suffering are caused by external circumstances is referred to as aversion


Abhinivesha can cause anxiety. Anxiety canarise spontaneously in particular conditions and can

even dominate individual existence. Suppose a cosmopolitan city dweller that is in thick of

action, office or work gossip, party animal and always looking for next excitement and addicted

to social media and Smartphone. If such a person is left in a remote village without phone or

electricity and no modern amenities, his favourite brands or entertainment around would become

unhappy. All the above causes of suffering need to be nipped in the bud.

There are some misconceptions that can arise due toVriitis. Vrittis are whirlpools of thoughts in

peaceful lake of human mind. Undisturbed mind is like a calm and peaceful lake. Inputs from

senses create waves of disturbance upon its surface. If the indulgence is repeated or prolonged

they develop in stronger waves also affecting the deep layers. When the strong waves persist

they become whirlpools or Vrittis affecting deeper intellect and also causing sanskara (long term

habit). Falling in love with an object or a person is a vritti. Similarly, depression is also a vritti.

Combined impact of Maya and Avidya due to incorrect application of modern scientific

knowledge in our Present Environment

Due to lack of understanding in causes of suffering and attachment to comforts, human beings

are pursuing accumulation of material resources to ensure lasting happiness which has largely

been elusive. World is busy consuming resources of the earth to in order to maximize the

physical comforts for the body. Some of the recent developments of science have lowered human

beings perception increase risks of degenerative vrittis on his mind. Some of these are due to

impact of current system of economics which is known as capitalism. It is a system which in fact

has become areligion as most people are unable to follow their religions.

Since many people in cities are busy working living away from families. Their identity becomes

what they project without being judged by the traditional value system. It is a kind of freedom

since they are not completely influenced by their old social system. The new system allows them

to take decisions which may not have been seen in good light by traditional system.

Page 8: Exploration Evolution of Consciousness

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


Modern food habits are shaped by the extraordinary science of addictive junk food [15]. Even if

you avoid the junk food, you will end up buying from a departmental store. That food too is

packages with intention of a longer shelf life. Food is being produced in farms with lots of

chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Large corporations are deciding what you eat. This is mainly

because of rise of industrialization and near collapse of agrarian system. Governments find

themselves in weaker position to control this due to corrupt officials, ignorance of public and

profit hungry capitalistic system.

Due to advent of recording which permitted preservation of effort of the artist is basically,

entertainment is suddenly available to all. Entertainment which found in sports, wildlife, social

gatherings etc has been shifted to theaters, bars and also invaded the family and personal space.

Just imagine that human need air, water, food, clothing and dwelling in that order. Out of these

air may be polluted but free and water is starting to cost. The man who produces food is the least

priority and main who is an entertainer, who is not even figuring out in the chain above, has

become the highest grosser.

The purpose of procreation is for the survival of the species. It is a gift and absolutely not a sin. It

does not need be an education, however, wrong usage of this system can cause harmful results

and that needs to be educated. Look at the animals and see how their life is regulated. Human life

was also regulated in same manner in when there was requirement of long hours of physical

work, healthy pastimes and a joint family system. The act of procreation is deceivingly well

marketed through movies, TV series and portrayed as a new found freedom which is facilitated

by harmful world of contraceptives. Availability of porn magazines and audio visual media

engage attention of the mind and cause vrittis. Sexual tools are being sold to singles in the name

of sexual health. Mental vritti is like a love affair, a depression which clings human to the act.

This causes addiction limiting the free mental space time and hence the mental capacity to

launch one in various higher intellectual pursuits.

A perfectly well thought out and well design system of human procreation has become a red

herring for human race. The Book of Genesis records circumcision as part of the Abrahamic

covenant with Yahweh [16]. The angel of Moses and Mohammed was Gabriel who dictated this

practice as means to reduce sexual urge in humans. He was well aware about the potential

dangers of uncontrolled addiction to this urge. In some cultures, it is still practiced in males as

well as females. Genital mutilation is an external fix for controlling human urge for sex. This

method has not as proven successful. This is because of the fact that sensor is just a tool, mind is

the master. This wisdom was well received by people following natural Dharma. In ancient India

life was divided in four ashrams. These were Brahmcharya, Grahstha, Vanprastha and Sanyas.

Up to 25 years practice of Brahmacharya was encouraged which was mainly study, yoga, homa,

service of the teacher and a celibate life. Brahmcharis used the yogic kriya of holding the mind to

the bindu. Bindu is located beneath the cowlick that most people have at the back of their head.

Anatomically, it is located where the bones of the back and sides of the skull meet (the occiput

and the parietal). The direction of the stream of cosmic energy flowing into the Chakra can be

seen quite clearly at this point. Apart from danger of addiction caused by pornography, the main

danger is its ability to be passed as karma for the next birth also because vrittis dig deep in mind.

The thinking process affect individuals aura and that causes an effect similar to mutual induction

to other nearby human beings.

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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


Patanjali has also described a solution to overcome vrittis. ध्यानिेयाःतद्िृत्तयः॥११॥ Meditation on overcoming the vritti eliminates such misconceptions that arise from the vritti.

Objectives of Life

One has always wondered as to what are the objectives of human life. A term for this is known in

Sanskrit as Purusharth. Purushartha can be translated as the “purpose/ meaning of man (what

does he mean to do)” and also as "pursuit of Consciousness” becausePurushaalso means

"Consciousness," [6]. The objectives of human life are Dharma, Artha, Kam and Moksha.

Dharma is what one ought to think as a code of the conduct, a duty, set of morals& ethics by

which one should think and act to achieve the aim of Purushartha. Artha is accumulation of

required material resources to fulfill ones worldly obligations. Kama is satiation of one‟s desires

and Moksha is ultimate aim of spiritual liberation. The planning for life is by keeping the

objectives of the soul in mind and not the objective of the body. As we eat food to nourish our

body, exercise body to gain strength, study to build up mental faculties in the same manner we

need to contemplate on evolving consciousness which is the objective of the soul.

Nature of Soul

In Geeta (Chapter 15 Verse 16 above) it is also mentioned that Purush (Consciousness) is of two

types in universe, Kshar and Akhshar. Kshar (decay-able, changeable) is in every substance and

Akshar (Unchangeable, undecaying) is extremely well hidden (secret). The above fact is

indicative that everything in the universe is conscious. The Akshar is type of consciousness

which is pervading in living beings. It is everlasting continuous and continues to evolve.

Consciousness has three attributes of Sat, Rajas and Tamas. Higher manifested AksharPurusha

are Shiva (Progenitor of Initial vibration from Shivalinga), Vishnu (Time) and Brahma (Creator

of every local universe).

AksharPurush in man is known as Atma which is integrated in physical body using six stages

layering of subtle energies. It is coded in as akin to software. These layers are explained in

earlier paper with the title „Human body as Cradle of Consciousness‟.These layers are known as

Suksham, Karan, Mahakaran, Hansa (Ham Sa),Param-Hansa (Ham Sa), KaivalyaSharir (body).

It is also known as seat of the soul is pineal gland. Tibetan scriptures mentioned that in the day

time soul resides behind the eyes and in the night time in heart (or some also mention liver).

Maharishi Kanad reflects light on nature of soul in Visheshaka Sutra. He described the nature of

the Soul in the journey through time, the suffering Soul revolving on the wheel of births and

deaths and re-births under the Law of Karma.

Process of Evolution of Soul

Evolution of consciousness is by knowing self (soul) and then soul is able to interact with

dimension of consciousness which is sat. Thus by knowing Soul all is known. Sat (Knowledge)

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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


is already integrated in universe; a soul has to perceive it to receive it. By receiving the

knowledge, it is illuminated.

In AtmaUpanishadGargi says to Yagvalkya…that a man is sterile is he not able to does not

realise the Atma which is in his heart and the Atma is image of the Purusha (Ultimate God), self

illuminated, blissful and it is un-manifested. [8]

In the diagram above, two approaches to truth are shown. One approach is internal. In internal

approach, consciousness is evolved to seek the knowledge of the universe.Second approach is

external. External approach is by knowing the external matter using sense organs and scientific

apparatus which widens the spectrum of our sense inputs. For example, the scientists are looking

for a „God‟ particle using Large Hadron Collider. The enquiry into detailed nature of things is

also known as Sankhya. In Geeta, two ways have been described best to reach supreme

consciousness one is Yoga and other is Sankhya.Sankhya is also referred as Gyan yoga and is

followed via internal route. In my earlier papers titled „Nature of Dimensions‟ and „Role of

Consciousness in Origin of Universe‟sankhya is described and here in this paper Yoga is



Yoga means union, union of jeeva (soul) with purusha (dimension of consciousness). The yoga is

achieved by one simple step of ChittaVriitiNirodha (stopping of thought whirlpools). The state of

thoughtlessness can be achieved by a human being using various means. These include Samadhi,

Bhakti (devotion), Kirtan (Dance and Music), Mantra, temporarily due to certain hallucinogenic

drugs, certain medical condition, sleep withdreams and permanently at the time of the

death.Mantra Chanting of certain syllables is powerful enough to invoke vibrations in mind.

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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


Meditation leading to Samadhi is a confirmed path for yoga. This path has been in practice since

the Prajapatis and Manus and other higher beings descended on earth. Early humans Rishis,

Daitya and Asuras have also been using this sure shot path. Performance Yagya (offerings to

Devtas) and meditation was the mainstay of Vedic culture. This path, therefore,is a gift straight

from the higher beings and not invented or conjured up by any human being.

Maharishi Patajali lays down foundation of Yoga in is Yoga Sutras. The path to Samadhi is eight

fold. It includes Yam, Niyam, Asan, Paranayam, Pratyahar, Dharna, Dhyan and Samadhi. Hatha

Yoga Tradition lays down six fold path to yoga without the first two stages of Yam and Niyam.

However, they emphasize on body purification prior to commencement of Yoga. Also, they ask

to follow Raj Yoga after Agya Chakra is realized and Sahsrara Chakra is to be achieved. Raj

Yoga is a form of yoga which was given to line of kings so that their consciousness is developed

so high that they can rule as per Raj Dharma (duties of the King). Without such high level of

consciousness when human beings reach position of power, they become corrupt, arrogant, cling

to power and cause atrocities. Yoga builds up character of person who practices it. Practice of

Yoga is a complete lifestyle not one of the activities.

Yamas are codes of restraint, abstinences and self-regulations. These include Non-violence,

Truthfulness, No stealing, Brahmacharya (dwelling in universe and celibacy) and Non-

possessiveness.Niyamas are to do with self-discipline and spiritual observances that need to be

cultivated. These includePurity of body and mind, Feeling of contentment in all circumstances,

Self-discipline, Self study of the sacred scriptures and Isvarapranidhana(devotion to God).

Asanas arethe correct postures for exercises for the all parts of body, internal as well as external.

The Gorakṣa-shataka states that there are as many asanas as the species 8,400,000 and that 84 of

these are recommended. For meditation,siddhasana and padmasana are the best.

Pranayama is exercises of prana, the subtle energy in the body. It is often misunderstood as

exercise of the breath. Prana are considered as Vayu (air) by most practitioners. Prana is subtle

energy on which the information system of the body rides and information flow is maintained.

Prana is the science behind the concept of Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Chakra meditation,

Kriya Yoga and Raj yoga.

Pratyahara is withdrawal of the senses from external objects. Dharana is focused concentration.

Dhyana is meditation (absorption in the vast perception of God). Samadhi is experience of union

of the individual‟s soul with dimension of consciousness. These are to be studied in detail by


GorakshShatakamlays downhundred sutras in easy language for yogis by nath Yogi

ShriGorakhNath who is considered a part of Shiva himself. These sutras describe the nature of

Prana, naadis, human physiology a yogi must know and process of Samadhi.

Prana (breathing system and heart), Apana (below the diaphragm), Samana (digestive, parallal),

Udana(throat), Vyana(through the body), Naga (eructation), karma (blinking), krkara (sneezing),

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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


devadatta (yawning) and dhananjaya (pervading the entire body that does not leave even the dead


Naga etc are subtle energies which are discrete and Pranaetc are continuous and these are

pervading the thousands of channels in a person‟s body.

The prana is continuously flowing through Ida, Pingla and Sushumna, three channels of

information and energy flow. They are represented as Sun, Moon and Fire channels.Normally the

prana flows thru Ida and Pingla alternatively every 1.5 Muhurta (72 minutes), this helps regulate

the temperature of body as Ida is cold channel and pingla is hot channel. (30 Muhurta in a 24

Hrday, 1 Muhurta = 48 Minutes).

Sushumna is active only for short duration when both channels are equalized. How to equalize

both channels using the following Bandhas (stoppages). In yoga flow of air or its stoppage

controls Prana and Prana rises up the sushumna and energizes certain parts of the brain.

The yogi who knows the mudras (postures) such as Jalandhar Bandh (Throat lock),

UddiyanaBandh (Stomach pulled in), MoolaBandha (Rectum pulled up), Nabho Mudra

(Khechari Mudra) and Mahamudra, that one is authorized to proceed on path of liberation. The

Paran is energized and it flows upwards through sushumna from where it rises up to Pineal gland

which is also known as the third eye.

As the air moves in body, everything is active. As the breath stills everything stills. Therefore a

yogi must do pranayam to still the breath and hence mind. During the pranayam focusing is

different Chakras strengthens them and also gives different beneficial results.

Duration of Dharna is five naadis duration (one naadi is 24 minutes), and Dhayan (meditation) is

for 60 naadis(one day) and Samadi is for 12 days.

When the yogi withdraws all senses, he doesn‟t smell, taste, see, hear or feel the touch and he

knows nothing but the self (Atma), then the yogi is Samadhi and he is a liberated one.

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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com


Types of Samadhi

Science of Samadhi is highly developed and Samadhi mainly described as of two kinds, with and

without support of an object of meditation. These are known as Sampragyat Samadhi and

Asampragyat Samadhi [14].

In Sampragyat Samadhi or Savikalpasamadhi or Sabija Samadhi, meditation is dome with

support of an object. Sampragyatsamadhi is associated with deliberation, reflection, bliss, and I-

am-ness.Savitarka is deliberative and in this the intellect is concentrated upon a physical object

which is perceptible to our senses e.g. flame of a lamp, the tip of the nose or the image of a deity.

Awareness of word or object of meditation remains but disappears at certain stage, when the

deliberation ends, this changes to Nirvitarkasamadhi. Savichara is reflective and in this chitta is

concentrated upon a subtle object of meditation which is not perceptible to the senses, but arrived

at through an inference from the senses, mind, I-am-ness, chakras or prana flow. The stilling of

reflection is called nirvicharasamapatti. Sananda Samadhi, ananda, bliss: this state emphasizes

the still subtler state of bliss in meditation. In Sasmita, the intellect is concentrated upon the

sense or feeling of I-am-ness (asmita).

Asampragyat Samadhi, also called NirvikalpaSamadhiand or Nirbija Samadhi meditation

without an object, which leads to knowledge of purusha or super consciousness. Heinrich

Zimmer explains nirvikalpasamādhi as a merging of the mental activity (cittavṛtti) in the Self in

such a way that distinction of knower, knowing, and known is dissolved. As waves vanish in

water, and as foam vanishes into the sea same manner atma merges in Parma atma. Samadhi can

also give yogi various super powers. These super powers are the following eight classical siddhis

(Ashta Siddhi) [11]

(i) Aṇimā: reducing one's body to the size of an atom

(ii) Mahimā: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size

(iii) Laghimā: becoming almost weightless

(iv) Prāpti: ability to be anywhere at will

(v) Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires

(vi) Īśiṭva: supremacy over nature

(vii) Vaśiṭva: control of natural forces

Thus a Yogi so settled in Samadhi achieves a control over his sensors but also gains telepathy,

wisdom of Sat and ability to see past present and future, he truly goes beyond the bandwidth of

normal human being‟s senses and becomes an adept (Siddha). This is surest path for evolution of


Received April 23, 2020; Accepted April 27, 2020



[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_religious_groups

[3] https://www.pewforum.org/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-unaffiliated/


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Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| June 2020 | Volume 11 | Issue 4 | pp. 409-422 Malik, S. S., Evolution of Consciousness

ISSN: 2153-8212 Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

Published by QuantumDream, Inc. www.JCER.com





[8]Geeta by Swami Argarnandreferrred


[10]GorakshShatakam- Motilal Khaddar Shashtri (Master Ji)


[12] https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/Plate-Tectonics/Chap3-Plate-Margins/Convergent/Continental-Collision

[13] https://www.ashtangayoga.info/philosophy/source-texts-and-mantra/yoga-sutra/chapter-2/

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga_Sutras_of_Patanjali

[15] https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/magazine/the-extraordinary-science-of-junk-food.html

[16] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_circumcision

[17] https://www.chakras.net/energy-centers/bindu