expanded meaningful use

Expanded Meaningful Use Mandates, Excep4ons & A8esta4on Strategies Wednesday, August 6, 2014 Disclaimer: Nothing that we are sharing is intended as legally binding or prescrip7ve advice. This presenta7on is a synthesis of publically available informa7on and best prac7ces.

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Gain added clarity about your 2014 Meaningful Use attestation options to avoid Medicare payment adjustments, including timeline and impacts of recent CMS proposed rule changes. Preview the new interactive decision tool and understand compliance exemptions.


Page 1: Expanded Meaningful Use

Expanded  Meaningful  Use  Mandates,  Excep4ons  &  A8esta4on  Strategies  

Wednesday,  August  6,  2014  Disclaimer:  Nothing  that  we  are  sharing  is  intended  as  legally  binding  or  prescrip7ve  advice.  This  presenta7on  is  a  

synthesis  of  publically  available  informa7on  and  best  prac7ces.  

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•  Congress  mandated  payment  adjustments  to  Medicare  eligible  professionals  who  are  not  meaningful  users  under  the  EHR  Incen=ve  Program  

•  Payment  adjustments  will  be  applied  beginning  January  1,  2015  

•  May  be  exempt  when  able  to  show  that  demonstra=ng  MU  would  result  in  significant  hardship  

Expanded  MU  Mandates  

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Expanded  MU  Payment  Adjustments  

•  Cumula=ve  1%  annual  and  (depending  on  total  meaningful  users  under  program  aLer  2018)  max  cumula=ve  adjustment  can  reach  5%  

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Expanded  MU  Payment  Adjustments-­‐Medicare  Advantage  Organiza=ons  

•  Audits  to  be  conducted  2years  aLer  payment  year  

•  Adjustments  “about  six  months”  aLer  MAO  no=fied  of  results  •  Correc=ve  plans  must  be  complete  within  that  six  month  period  

•  CMS  surveyed  all  MAOs  that  received  incen=ve  payments  to  determine  if  able  to  meet  2014  EHR  soLware  requirements  &  concluded  they  should  allow  same  flexibility  offered  to  Fee-­‐for-­‐Service  providers  for  2014  

•  MAO  able  to  use  2011  edi=on  CEHRT  or  combina=on  2011  &  2014  during  2014  repor=ng  period  if  unable  to  fully  implement  2014  edi=on  due  availability  delay  issues  

•  Beginning  2015,  all  eligible  professionals  and  hospitals  will  be  required  to  report  using  the  2014  edi=on  CEHRT  

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PRIOR  TO  5/23/2014  PROPOSED  RULE  CHANGES  •  All  providers  mandated  to  upgrade/adopt  cert  EHR  2014  

•  All  providers  regardless  of  MU  stage  use  only  three-­‐month  (or  90-­‐day)  repor=ng  period  2014  

•  EPs  who  first  demonstrate  MU  in  2014  must  demonstrate  90-­‐day  repor=ng  period  to  avoid  2015  adjustments  

•  Repor=ng  period  must  occur  in  first  9mos  of  calendar  year  2014,  must  a_est  by  October  1,  2014  to  avoid  adjustments  

•  EPs  must  con=nue  to  demonstrate  MU  every  year  to  avoid  payment  adjustments  in  subsequent  years  

Expanded  MU  Mandates  

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•  If  finalized,  5/23/14  proposed  rule  change  would  allow  providers  to  meet  Stage  1  or  Stage  2  MU  with  EHRs  cer=fied  to  the  2011  or  2014  criteria  -­‐  or  a  combina=on  of  both  

•  Not  a  blanket  policy  for  all  providers,  proposals  only  apply  to  those  who  can  demonstrate  that  they  are  unable  to  fully  implement  2014  edi=on  EHRs  

•  Note  that  Stage  1  objec=ves  and  measures  are  referenced  two  ways:  2013  and  2014  

–  2013  designa=on  references  the  original  Stage  1  objec=ves  and  measures,  and  the  2014  reflects  those  changes  CMS  finalized  in  the  Stage  2  Final  Rule,  effec=ve  this  year  

Expanded  MU  Proposed  Changes  

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Expanded  MU  Strategy  

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Expanded  MU  Strategy  

CMS  Decision  Tool  h8ps://www.cms.gov/Regula4ons-­‐and-­‐Guidance/Legisla4on/


Note:  Beginning  in  2015,  all  eligible  providers  would  be  required  to  report  using  2014  Edi7on  CEHRT.    

If..  and..  


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•  Proposed  rule  would  formalize  =meline  to  extend  Stage  2  through  2016  -­‐  earliest  a  provider  would  par=cipate  in  Stage  3  of  MU  would  be  2017  

•  CMS  proposed  to  revert  CQM  repor=ng  requirements  for  providers  a_es=ng  with  2011  edi=on  EHR  –  EPs  would  report  on  6  selected  CQMs  as  they  did  in  previous  years  regardless  of  MU  stage  

•  Providers  with  2014  edi=on  would  s=ll  report  on  the  requirements  finalized  in  the  Stage  2  Final  Rule  

•  Providers  using  a  combina=on  of  2011  and  2014  Edi=on  CEHRTs  would  need  to  meet  the  CQM  requirements  depending  upon  their  Stage  of  MU  

Expanded  MU  Proposed  Changes  

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Expanded  MU  A_esta=on  

•  2014  Defini=on  of  Stage  1  EPs  must  meet:  –  13  required  core  objec=ves  –  5  menu  objec=ves  from  a  list  of  9  –  Total  of  18  objec=ves  

•  Those  using  2011  cert  EHR  or  a  combina=on  of  2011  and  2014  edi=ons  choosing  to  report  2013  Defini=on  Stage  1  core  &  menu  objec=ves  reference  CMS  2013  Defini=on  Stage  1  of  Meaningful  Use  webpage  

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Expanded  MU  A_esta=on  •  What  changed  for  Stage  1  in  2014:  

–  Pa4ent  Electronic  Access-­‐addi=on  of  new  core  objec=ve  to  provide  pa=ents  with  ability  to  view  online,  download,  and  transmit  health  informa=on    

–  Record  &  Chart  Changes  in  Vital  Signs-­‐increase  in  age  limit  for  recording  blood  pressure  in  pa=ents  to  age  3;  removal  of  age  limit  requirement  for  height  and  weight  (exclusion  for  eligible  professionals:  if  no  pa=ents  3  years  or  older  are  seen;  if  all  three  vital  signs  are  not  relevant  to  scope;  if  height  and  weight  not  relevant  to  scope;  or  if  blood  pressure  not  relevant  to  scope)  

–  Electronic  Copy  of  Health  Informa4on-­‐removal  of  electronic  copy  of  health  informa=on  core  objec=ve  for  Stage  1  for  all  providers    

–  Clinical  Quality  Measures-­‐removal  of  clinical  quality  measure  (CQM)  as  a  separate  core  objec=ve  for  Stage  1  for  all  providers    

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•  If  approved,  exemp=on  valid  for  1  payment  year  only  

•  New  applica=on  required  for  following  payment  year  

•  Cannot  be  exempted  in  a  any  case  more  than  5  years  

•  2015  EP  hardship  app  deadline  was  July  1,  2014  

•  2016  applica=on  to  be  published  “soon”  

Expanded  MU  Excep=ons  

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!Infrastructure:  must  demonstrate  that  they  are  in  an  area  without    sufficient  internet  access  or  face  insurmountable  barriers  to  obtaining  infrastructure  (e.g.,  lack    of  broadband)  !New  Eligible  Professionals:  insufficient  =me  to  become  meaningful  users,  can  apply  for  a  2-­‐year  limited  excep=on  to  payment  adjustments  (if  beginng  prac=ce  in  calendar  year  2015  would  receive  an  excep=on  to  the  penal=es  in  2015  and  2016,  but  would  have  to  begin  demonstra=ng  meaningful  use  in  calendar  year  2016  to  avoid  payment  adjustments  in  2017)  

!Unforeseen  Circumstances:  Examples  may  include  a  natural  disaster  or  other  unforeseeable  barrier    

Expanded  MU  Excep=ons  

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!Pa4ent  Interac4on:    

•  Lack  of  face-­‐to-­‐face  or  telemedicine  interac=on  with  pa=ent  •  Lack  of  follow-­‐up  need  with  pa=ents    

!Prac4ce  at  Mul4ple  Loca4ons:  Lack  of  control  over  availability  of  cert  EHR  for  more  than  50%  of  pa=ent  encounters  "

!2014  EHR  Vendor  Issues:  The  eligible  professional’s  EHR  vendor  was  unable  to  obtain  2014  cer=fica=on  or  the  eligible  professional  was  unable  to  implement  meaningful  use  due  to  2014  EHR  cer=fica=on  delays    

Expanded  MU  Excep=ons  

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•  A_esta=ons  must  be  completed  by  each  EP  reques=ng  Excep=on  

•  If  classified  in  the  Medicare  Provider  Enrollment,  Chain  and  Ownership  System  (PECOS)  as  having  one  of  the  following  5  specialty  codes  below  as  primary  area  of  prac=ce  no  exemp=on  form  is  needed  –  automa=cally  exempt  from  the  2015  payment  adjustment  based  on  the  data  in  PECOS  

Diagnos=c  Radiology  

Nuclear  Medicine  Interven=onal  Radiology  

Anesthesiology  Pathology  

Expanded  MU  Excep=ons  

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•  Regardless  of  whether  an  EP  “passes,”  “hardships,”  “skips,”  or  “fails”  their  “Stage  1,  Year  2”  performance  during  2014  they  will  be  required  to  move  up  to  the  next  stage  –  e.g.  PRIOR  TO  5/23/14  RULE  CHANGE  :“Stage  2,  Year  1”  in  2015  (with  a  full  year  repor=ng  period)  &  will  not  get  to  repeat  Stage  1  for  a  third  year  

•  Policy  applies  even  if  the  Medicare  EP  is  granted  a  “hardship  excep=on”  for  a  given  repor=ng  year,  it  skips,  or  it  fails  

Expanded  MU  A_esta=on  

Page 17: Expanded Meaningful Use

•  Timeline  for  proposed  rule  change  –  July  21  public  comment  closed  –  Unlike  a  direct  final  rule  process,  CMS  will  have  to  promulgate  &  announce  some  =me  prior  to  10/1/14  

•  Will  your  EPs  be  compliant  Oct-­‐Dec  2014?  

•  Is  your  EHR  cer=fied,  100%  ready?  •  Will  state  level  registry  website  be  ready  with  rule  change  op=ons  to  facilitate  a_esta=on?  

•  Will  you  have  systems  &  policies  for  pa=ent  portal/informa=on  exchange  in  place?  

Expanded  MU  A_esta=on  

Page 18: Expanded Meaningful Use

Expanded  MU  A_esta=on  

•  Organiza=ons  that  have  already  upgraded  to  2014  CEHRT,  are  conserva=vely  encouraged  to  con=nue  progress  with  building  systems  as  originally  planned  in  2014,  un=l  addi=onal  clarifica=on  from  CMS  through  Final  Rule  

•  Any  progress  made  can  only  help  accomplish  the  implementa=on  of  your  2014  compliant  EHR  for  the  2014  and  2015  repor=ng  periods  

Page 19: Expanded Meaningful Use


Thank  You!  

Contact  your  Quirk  Project  Specialist  for  Meaningful  Use  strategy  guidance