exhibit 24 - california state water resources control board · division of water rights water...


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Page 1: EXHIBIT 24 - California State Water Resources Control Board · Division of Water Rights Water Rights 2000. Water


Page 2: EXHIBIT 24 - California State Water Resources Control Board · Division of Water Rights Water Rights 2000. Water

. __ A-. , .. , •• Stal&'w~r Resourc8s Conlrollloard ' .

• . DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS ... . . . . 'P.O. Box;2000.SACRAMENTO, CA95812·2000 . 1001 !·STREET, .14th. FLOOR~ SACRAMENTO, CA 95814

'(916) 341·5300 FAX: (916) 341·5400



OWner of Record; . G SCOTT FAHBY 1 · :

; .

Application No.1 1\02.9977 G SCOTT FAHEY ·, 2787 STONY FORK-WAY BOISE, 10·83706

Paseword1 ·04190110011198 Pemit1 020784

Phone Numbera (208)345-5170

*If the information above ·is wro~~ or ·missing, please 'correct. Source Name. (Display up to the-' Urst: four SOUl'ces) .. ·county' NaJ.utt (li'lrat rOD)

UNSP (AKA COTTONWOOI' :!P~) Su~'l"'"'"'~ f,f.,-\"'5• ~._~Mark .. - Tuolumne .


Purpose _ (Display up to the first four uses)


Diverson Season (MM/DD - MM/DD)

l /1 - 12/31

H~ DD Appl: . . 062 CFS Max Storages AC-FT

~ !SUa.Wi ·-l ·' Qii~ co.·, ·--.- 80iii; In~-.. I ----~~

Storage Season (MM/DD - MM/DD)

0 / 0 .:o / 0


IMPORT ANTI EVERY permit fs fssued subjed to the condHion~ therein expressed. I have currently reviewed my permit: . YES ( v1 NO 1 ]. 1 am complying with the condiUons·under which my permit ·has been Issued: YES· TVJ 'NO ( J. Identify any noncompliance by permit term number under "Remarks" on reverse side. Thfs report Is Important In providing the record of use needed In establishing your water right. It should be filled out carefully and retum&d promptly to the above addres~. . ·



1. Has construcUon work commenced? YES [ v']· NO ( ']. Is construction complet~d? . YES ~~ ·No ( · ].

2. If Incomplete, describe briefly the wort( done, Including cost:-------...-------------:------

3. If not completed, give estimated date of completion:--------------------------

4. What percent of construction work rem~ns to be done? __ Explain:---------------------­


5. Has use of water commenced? YES (t/( NO [ ]. Check appropriate box(es) below and explain how water was used.

(a)[ lrrigatfon____________ (e) ( ) Munlclpai ___ ~~......,..==,..----APPiOJdmafa populauon

(b) l Stockwatering (f) · [ Recreational --"""':':'Nu-mbe"":"-r"'":of~a'"'='nlmal--=-s----- ----=Boa:--.:tln-g-:, fl:-:sh~ln-g,-w"'":at:-er-con"""':-"lra..,ct=-s"""po~rta~

(c) [ /) Industrial W\1)\en\c.f ,..,r,wrl w'la\e.c .\... :AIM (g) { Power generation---:-~~---~-. ~~c,,\ •• i~at~t.itt~l ttlf \a:;m;:~ Installed horsepower capacity

(d) [ ] Domestfc . (h) ( ./ ) Otheff'..;v,Wa!.,..,.Soo.,.u. Lie. '*' PJ.oogt. \.san Number of pelllons, area or garden, lawn. etc. .

6. Amount of water used each month under this panntt in gallons or acre-feet. (if not known, check months water was used.) Jan. . Feb. ..,.,. Apr. May Jun• July Aug. Sept. OC1. Nov, Dec, Tatll AMUII

,,,,2M - - r--.- C.\3,7.00 t1U,,4od ... - -- ,,u,,~ l,t2?,2SI l l,55t, c,.,o C:SU.c.. r- - - ... ~.~Ml 4.,,,,.o ''f.li,.~ 5'141~St> 7J,,e,o ,),,c.oo /'$0,~ .!'~~~~ 2.~!!! no,)eo \0~ .. ~~0 -·- 4;\~&~ i.c;oL~~·.:-~. :

...... -.. •'-"'' ... _ ..


Page 3: EXHIBIT 24 - California State Water Resources Control Board · Division of Water Rights Water Rights 2000. Water

. • I ' ••-{' · I.;·• ·f ~· .;_ :~·.. I • . • - -~·j:

; . . ,• : _:~ ~\. :·· : ~\; ~~!·! :) ' I I ·~ ~

• · I . \ ·. , .· . : . I

• . · , I . . ' . .. ,• · . .- .USEOf:~ATER(c nt.) - ~ .. , . . ! .. . ... _. . : , • .. ... . . • .. . •. • .

7. Has usa of water, both amount and seasor-, been ~~ ·great as you .expect In any future year.unde; this pennl.t? YES l J NO [·~ · If 'No', explain under 'Remarks'. · . · · · · · .

8. Has location of the Intake, place of use, or type of use been changed? YES [ vf NO [ ]. _Explain undcn 'Remarks'. ,.. I

9, · Did the source go dry? YES · [ ] NO [ vf, If sQ, during what months?------------.-----~.....,.\ . . r.-. . ' ; . ~ ~. : . .. .

· . STORAGE PROJECTS ONL V . •·' ~· • I ' • ' ·: ·:.·

10. Did your reservoir spill this year? ·YES [ . l NO ( ). If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was th~ water level at maxlmun: storage? · Have you emptied the reseiVolr? YES [ 1 NO [ J. If not, how many feet below spillway vertically was It drawn down at end of season?· · __ · ·

PLEASE ANSWER ONLY THOSE QUESnONS BELOW WHICH ARE 'APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT. (Piee.se n~te thst tuture amendme~ts to claims below will not be accepted}

CONSERVATION or:: WATER· \ 11. Describe any water conServation· efforts you may have started: i

\ _____ .........;. ___________ ___,;. __ ...;._ ________ . \ 12.: If you want to claim credit under 'section 1011 of the Water Code for beneficial use of water unde~ this permit for water noi used due to I

a conservation effort, you must Identify 1he amount of water conserved ln the following space provld~. The amount applicable to any claim shall be limited 10 the amount shown for the year on this repprt. Future amendments \o this claim will not be accepted. ~ ·. (aflmg) ·

WATER QUALITY AND WASTEWATER RE.CLAMATIC)N .... ·, _;,,. ·_ : . .. . ; . .

13. Are you now or have you been using reclaimed water from a wastewater treatment f~lllty, desalination. facility, or water poiluted by wast~ to a degree which unreasonably affects such water for other benefits uses? YES I ] NO ( ]. . ·

14. If credit toward usa under this pe~lt through substttutlon of reclaimed water,:~de~i~~~~ water, or polluted water In lieu of appropriated water ls_clalmed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, pl~e show the amounts of·reclalmed wa~er used: · (arlmg)

CONJUNCnVE USE OF SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER 15. Are yo~ now using .groundwater in lieu of surface water? YES [ ) NO [ vi.· 16. If. credit toward use under this permit through substitution of groundwatrir In lieu of appr.oprlated water Is claimed under Section 1 011.5

of the Water COde, pl_ease show the amounts of groundwater used: (aflmg) .

REMARKS (Identify the Item you are explaining, additional pages may be attached.) ,; . . : '·~ . . ' .. .

• !~!:j~t.ftt~~zrr:=~:J:~ ,:M:::!~ +~;:,!;=~~:::;:::~ ~:~:::~~,~!:~~~~==.~~.i:'~~l=~t!=:~~~~:;~.~:'~: . b~ . 4\:'"~£4. 11~ r-, ~ow Y:ewt=x:¢. 4:" a~ s· !!¥:13,o.~r:~. r

t declare under penaltY of. perjury that the. Information In thl~ r~port Is true to· the best of ~y knowledge and ballet· . . .

. Dated: fq/2./o(OI r .1 '.--.,. . '

. tl'alctt . : ~

I t •' ~

i: :>:· . . ~1R8(·' ·


Page 4: EXHIBIT 24 - California State Water Resources Control Board · Division of Water Rights Water Rights 2000. Water

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.Appil.:laat.loh N~.~ A9i~977 · Pasa~~; .o~i•oil00.11190

. .. ~'.,~ita Phon'- ~t'1

020'78& . .. . {2-0&) 345-5170

. .. .~~'~.f. ·the .. .tnfo.R~tltiq~ 'abovt~ J.• ll(;op~g .o:t lll~••:lav,. p~e~sa c<t;i:•qt. • :·s.,ui:oe' ~·,:'~~~play u~ .t~; t:ffe 'l!'ir~ f'Oli::J aaur.oes.~. . . . Cou.at:y Na·ut~ (-Vi~st POD) . •

.. ~P. t~KA ~~~eb .8·!'~) ~"61:-..\1"'e. ~~5.,5·v ~~~ty~llwb.., ·TUolumne · · · · " · DEADWOOD SPRIN~ '' . . . . ' . ~: . ' ' · . Tuolumne

.· P~rpo&• ·:o£ VfU:;i!fCi)Jt Seaaon (Dis¥-l.aY up to the first four uaee) • . (MM(DU - Mt-l/l>Dt

I:ildusb'l"isl: · · ·· · ·.· · 1 • .. 1· 'll - ~2/'31

H~ ~. ,.~l; : .. 66~ :·· drs ·· ' h .,. ~· • .J.~ at:~~:a~ei Ac-&-T . . . ;. . ··:. ·.• · . .... j.,. .. : .

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Bt9~Cl9e Sea•on (MM/PP - MM/DD)

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•, '. , _." '"" • ... •., '••f o.' • I :••

·IMPQBTAtm ·{iV~RY p•rmlUs,.lta~e.d &.UPJ.;i te~e QQndltki~·sthereiA &xpress$d: l ·h~ve c~!ently-revt~~ed· my p~nmt; ·. YE~ f v1· N6 ! J • . \·am· complying wttlt.tha ~dlt(QM:urn;iar whloh:my.par.mlt··~as 'befpn ff4&Uedt VES ['.¢"] NO [ J. lder.JtiJy any. nonoompllanca by permit tann· num~r undar' ~Remarks" on ·reveree :sli:J&. This r.eP,Q.rJ fs ftnpcirtant fn proViding Ute .reoor.d o~ "Use needed .In eetabflshlng your water rfght. ·It aho~l~ ~~~If~ out ur-ttfi.Jll3f arld.,r:e\url;'lect prc~p~v to. t~ ,apo~• ~EMf~~~~~ . . · lHE f'lllO~EOt t.tAs.ea,et'l A13ANCONEP.·ANP4.AEQU·~r·.REVQGAT{0,N o~· r.~:tJS 'itsRMJT~ V:~s .. I : .J. . . . . .. . . :· · .. ····: . . •. ·coNstiiucrrciNwoRK: · ·. ·· · ··· · :· · .. ·· . · ;··· ,. · . ~· ... · .. · ·. . ... ·' · · ... .' .. · · · .. . .. . ... . · J ..

1 •. ·H~~ ~atru~ianw~~·oomme~'f·. YES: [ ¥"( NOl t' 1 . .' Is oonetructton ~ompleted? V·Es· f .v'j·· NO'T J. ·~. lt1ncom~1et.;·d~b4btiift;.··1ha.wcirk·t~ana, lntlaalri;.tost' · · · ··

t 0 0 1 '\ 1 I t• , 0 ~ \ '" • I

.3. ·u not'~arnpfeted,$hre:·eaUm•ted..dat• of complefl9o: ..;...; _______ ......_ _____ ...-.:.......:....---------

. · _.4, .. Wtnlf ~teen.t~fJt~one~~~ot:~ \,WE~.~rnal.~a !~.~.~ d.9f· ~ ~~!~!~:."~-.i ------~-..---.-......._. ________ _ ·1:l&S.OF.WM"lSR·· : . · ·· ·:. :,\, ·, ·'' ... · :.· 1 • • 1 ••• • ;., • • ••••• • •• • J •

fS. ~as use of ~ater oommen.oed? YES ( vf NO [ ~· Oheol< .e.~ptopdate b~x(es) .below. mid' e~p!Srn. ~w water was usee~. ~, {~Ji. · l ··trfigatroh ,. ·· · · I • • •• • • • • • • • (eJ .r J.·MunU:rpal· · · · .. • · · · ·

•• • I •• •• • .. • : • • ~ • ~.. • .. •• • • JijpiD#iadi.P6ilurilf6b . ·, · {b)'l · J. StbcRwatettttr~:· · · · ·. · -.. .~. · .. ~t}.."f .: l Raoreatioollt· ·~ · · .. ·~ ·. ;" ··

· . . ... · . . . . · . ·· · · · · 'NumiiNSr anlmara 1 • . • ' · • iOidllg', '11111119· w.attrcbnliilm-t)lotts

.. ,. (c} ( -~ J: ·~~atrial \A/\4t.te1k:f ~'!..-tu w;aW .-, :¢blt· · (g). l J 'Power generaUcm· . . · ~.A 91'"i~iilft:ohtW'\:J:m;:., lllatalltd ltbraePf)wer C4P&DttV'

· .. {ll)' t I:.: l DontEiatlo· ~ :: · •· . · ·.: : · ·. · . •. · . 1 • ' • • • • (h~ ~ ¢ ']. ·'Olhef'R.iYi&\Ja.\v~N Lu, • %o94. ~ &,1Jt."{ .. ·. · .. ., , . ... .:. } Numbtr~l.p~. arnol:oard•n-Aawn,•tc', ·· · · · . f.

6~ 1\~0UJ'\~ otwa~r. u~.d-aa~:munth und(tr: thfe permit In giiH~ns :or acre: feet. (lf nbt'known·; obcldk·months:water·»'Jas·used.) • ;t' ;• • I t•• • .

• .~ · .'Ja.;·. , .. .,..,. ·.-. Ml~··: Aprn ·,~··.'ffr.': ·~ ·ifPJ't ~ .• ~~v ,: . ~· . ,st~ C:l~ .. f.4or, •..• f~M, T~·AIJt'l.uat . ·

f~~o.. ·. c~s1·~ .· : · : · .i • • • ,-3;_ t.t~~· . ·. : . {;~~~ :-r,1t~ifl · n ,.'5Sf'~~O· ~ "l\ont.l . .,o4,'9M ·~t..,;n~ '~r.s;c) s-ro.1 "IJ7,,,~ .,.,,6~h 15D;b6r/ M~ .. ,., .7.'a.t$ •• ,o;u~JOt~o· ·,q,i~~ - , . .:... 4J \t..;,St2J;o:.

\ , ) '

T ~' \s,'1~q,9CO&A£..


Page 5: EXHIBIT 24 - California State Water Resources Control Board · Division of Water Rights Water Rights 2000. Water

' · . . . . . . .. ~ . .

8E·'oFWAT.ER·(cont~) . .... ,; · ·' .• . ,. .. ·: 1. Has t:Jh of WAtl!tr; both •mount and seasan-, b8$n as great. at: you exp,ct In a.ny future year under this permit? : Y~S r . J

1t 11N9'!, explaln undefaRemarJcs•. . · · . B. ffas t~catlon of the Intake, .place. oJ U!lei.' Qr 1ype of u~ been·~~anged? YES { v'f. NO .f ]. Eiplaln under ~ Rem'arkS11

; • ••

NO. [vi

~· Dtd the souroeg? dry? ·Yes [ ) NO [ 'rl'f. ·ar 8bf during what months? -------..o~o-.:..----.~--------~. , TORAGB PROJicTS ONLY 1 o. DJd your '"'rvolr apUilhls y&ar? YES [ . 1 ·Nd I ]. If riot, 'hOW maAy feet ba1ow ~IIIWay vertically WQ ttie water levei "t.maxrtnum

ato1:8Qt? Have you emp1tld the re~ervolr? ·YES { J NO f ), If not, how many feet b'elow ~~~~~4'Y vertically was H drawn down at end of s~ason? · · · ·

U!A'SE ANSWER ONLY.1HOS~·QUESTION8 BELOW WHtCH ARE APPLIC.tUtLS TO VO.UR PROJECT. •tsaS. nqts ~hat tuture·ttmemlmenta fo cl•lms bBIDW will not b• ·~pted)

:ot~ssRVATtON otiWATER , 11. Daaaribe any watet eonafrvstfori ttfforta you may have tit«ttsd!.....---------------------

12 • .- ·If ~QU' want.tc;ctarrn -c"'dlt under Saolfon 1011 of the Water Code for benetlc;tal use of water under .thla permit for water not used due to a corns•rvatlon effort. you rnust Identify 1h• amount of wo.ter conserved In the followJng,apace provldact. The amount appltcahre to any claim shall be trmJted .to the amoynt .shown for the year on ·this I'Gpoit. i=irtt.ara amsndmants to lhJ& o1alm win not be accepted. • .. · · (af/rng) ·

V.ATE!R QUAliTY AND. WASTEWATER AEC.LAMATION. . . 1G. Are you now .or nave you been·ual~g J$c\almSd water from a wastawater·treatment fecfllty, desatrna11on faclllly, or water polluted by

. wasta to- a degree whlc~ unreasonably affeots such watet. for other t,lenefita· uses.'l YES (, ) NO [ ],

14. If credit ·toward Ulf' under~'' permit through aubslltutron ~~ reol$lined ·water. desaHnated ·water, or polluted water in II au Qf -approprlatad water ls claimed under Section 1010 of the Water Code, please show the amounfs ot reclaimed water uead: (aflmg)

~ONdUNCTIVI: USI! OF SURFACE WAl&R AND GROUNDWATER· 16. Ar• you n,pw usl~g groundwater In lfau Qf stu1ac:e water? . VESt J NO [ \1') 18. \f otedlt tOward us.e under. thla permit through subaUtutlon of groundWater in tleu of appropriated water Is claimed underSeolfon 101'1.5

-of the Wt1ter CQda, please show the ~mounts of .groundwater uaed; (aflmg) .

tEMA'A~S (Identify the lt~m you.areaxplal~fng, 'ddlttonfll·-pagas·may be attached.) . ' " .

decfare under penalty gf perjury tlUif the lnformatlOfl in th)a report is ·uu'a to. the bt:;'s1 of my k~owl8dge and baUel:

)ate¢ ~/2.e/ot .r · 1

't 101».1'


Page 6: EXHIBIT 24 - California State Water Resources Control Board · Division of Water Rights Water Rights 2000. Water

~d- 1tJ.ov 1,336,5001 1,329,750

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Page 7: EXHIBIT 24 - California State Water Resources Control Board · Division of Water Rights Water Rights 2000. Water


'VJnston H. Hickox . Secretmy for Bnvlronmemal


State Water Resources ControrBoard Division of Water Rights

1001 1 Street, 14~1 Floor • Sncromento, California 95814 • (916) 341-5348 Mnlllng Address: P.O. Bax 2000 • Sncromenlo, Cnlifomia • 95812-2000

FAX (916) 341-5400 • Web Site Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov Division ofWoter Rights: http://www.waterrights.ca.gov


Enclosed is your Progress Report by Permittee fonn tor 2000.

This year you may file your Report via computer onMline if you have access to the 'World Wide Web (WWW)~ Hyou .file your Report on-line. you do not haye to send in the enclosed Report form. To file your Report on-l.ine, go to the Division of Water Rights (Division) Web site at:


On the first page, select the first link) Annual Water Use Rep.,orts (Report of Licensee. Progress Report of Permittee. Supplemental Statement of Water Diversion_and Use. Annual Notice of Ground Water Extraction apd Diversion). Follow the instructions on the Water Right Reports· Program Web page. You need your Username and Password to log on to fill out your Report. Your Username is the water right application number printed on the enclosed Report fonn and your Password is printed immediately below the water right application number. You must enter your Username and Password exactly the sam~ as it is printed on the enclosed Rep01t form.

If you ~le your Report on-line, you have ten working days after the date you submit your Report . . on-line to am~d your Report. . ·

Gray Davis Governor

One of the requirements under which you received your permit was that, "Prom:ess [epgrts shall be submitted'promptly by permittee when requested·by the State Water Resources Colltr<>I·Board ·unti] .. ... license is issued." · · · · · · ·· · · · · ·

Please note that any cl'edit claim based on Conservation of Water (section 1011 of the Water Code), Water Quality and Wastewater Reciamation (section 1010), or Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and ·Groundwater (section 10 11.5) must be repo1ted. No future amendments to claims will be accepted.

lfyou~are not filing on-line, please complete the enclosed report form to the best of your knowledge and return it to this office: Thank you for your coopel'ation.

If you have any questions or need assistance with completing the fon'ri, please call (916) 341-5348 and a member of my staff will assist you.

~;J.f{NI~~ 1 David R. Berin~U Assistant Division Chief

.. Division of Water Rights


California Envir()nmental Protection Agency

"1Y1e energy challeJ~gefnclng CalifomfQ Is /'an/. Every Cnllfornian needs to take Immediate action to reduce Bnergy co/lrumption. For a list of stmpla wnys you can red11ce tfemn11d ami em your 8/lsrgy cost.t, sea o11r Web-site at !lllp:llwww.swrcb.cn.gov."