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Elite Exercise Performance Manual “The Astonishing Exercise Secrets Of The Leanest... Most Muscular... And Most Respected Trainers In The World...” By: Wade McNutt National Bodybuilding Champion & Matt Gallant Kinesiologist, Personal Trainer, Bsc. Sc. Phys. Act www.EliteExercisePerformance.com

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Page 1: Exercise Performance Manual - freakygrowth.comFreaky Foundation Training the goal is overall volume of overload, not one set max intensities. Weight Constants Weight Constants represents

Elite Exercise Performance Manual“The Astonishing Exercise Secrets Of

The Leanest... Most Muscular...And Most Respected Trainers In The World...”

By: Wade McNuttNational Bodybuilding Champion

& Matt Gallant

Kinesiologist, Personal Trainer, Bsc. Sc. Phys. Act


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Exercise Performance Manual - pg 1

One of the biggest mental roadblocks in developing the best physique possible is that people often confuse talent with knowledge. The genetically gifted always get away with training errors. If you watch many of the top athletes or even the best built people in your gym working out and you will find a huge variance in exercise performance.

It is my goal to give you the best exercise performance information possible so that you product the best results. The proper execution of each repetition is everything in performing exercises. People with genetic advantages that can get away with improper form however they would produce even better results if they incorporated these techniques.

Unfortunately, most trainees use mere leverage to move the weights. Although these individuals may move impressive weight totals they have lost sight of the goal of each exercise.

The exercise selected and the weights used are tools to stimulate your muscles. The goal of training is not to lift heavy weights, although this may or may not be the outcome. Therefore, the performance goal of each exercise should be to stimulate the muscles in the most effective manner possible.

Do not make the common mistake of confusing the amount of weight lifted with exercise effectiveness. Effectiveness of the exercises is determined by how many muscle fibres you have recruited. In order

for you to achieve objective, precise mental concentration is required.

This exercise description manual is a detailed description on the precise performance of exercises. This is not a complete list of exercises in general however it is relative to the routines that I have developed in my training systems.

These exercises are based on the research I and countless other top level trainers have perfected. I have discovered the information found in this book by biomechanical study, personal experience, and application of these principles on myself and my clients.

You may read somewhere that someone else executes these exercises in a different manner, however I suggest that you perform the exercises as suggested in this manual as you will produce the best results.

The illustration of the proper biomechanics behind each and every exercise contained in this book is the best way to achieve maximum muscle fibre recruitment.

It is of utmost importance that you constantly review and strive to continually improve your technical execution of each exercise. Start today by internalizing each and every rep to maximize your results.

Remember if you are doing one of these exercises differently, or you are not constantly striving to make each rep as challenging as possible then you cannot expect to achieve the best results possible.

Concepts in Exercise Performance

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Basic Guidelines & Warm-up MythsIt is a common myth in the fitness industry that you should warm up on a bike to prepare for your workouts. The best warm up involves physical rehearsal of the exercises that you are about to perform.

You must warm up the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles that are involved in the exercise. The only way to do this is by performing the actually exercise that you are about to perform.

An example of this would be to warm up for your squatting exercises perform the exercise for a few sets with progressively increasing weights. Do not confuse these warm up sets with working sets.

It is a myth that you should perform leg extensions to warm up your knees for squats.

Never grab a weight in your hand and start performing shoulder rotations.This may cause major tendon strain.

How to Perform a Proper Warm upFor example: Let’s say your workout suggests you perform squats for your first exercise for 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

First you progressively increase the weight and the intensity. It may take as many as 4 or 5 warm up sets to reach your working set weight.

Remember warm ups are just that never go all out until you reach your work sets. This means that you should perform all of your work sets

so that you should be reaching relative failure somewhere between 8 – 10 repetitions

Never jump to your work set. Gradually increase the weight. Your warm up weight increment should be gradual, don’t jump up one plate at a time.

Often time we read in magazines how someone likes to go from 1 plate, to 2 plates etc. You will do better to change this to a warm up routine as shown below:

Warm up# 1.......135lbs x 8 # 2 ......190lbs x 8 # 3 ......250lbs x 8 # 4 ......315lbs x 8

Work set # 1 .......365lbs x 8-10 # 2 ......365lbs x 8-10 # 3 ......365lbs x 8-10 # 4 ......365lbs x 8-10

Obviously, the heavier a working weight is the more warm ups you will require to perform to get to the working sets. Usually this can be achieved in 4 or 5 warm up sets. For lighter working sets you may only need 2-3 warm up sets.

Learn to “get a feel” for how many warm-ups you require on a given day and remember that this often time varies so nothing is written in stone.

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How Read and Execute Your Workout Routine

Here is an example of how your workout would appear in your training program:

Day 1 Legs

Week 1 day 1SquatsLeg PressSeated leg curlLeg extension



At the top of each page the muscle groups to be worked is listed.

The top left hand corner inside the box indicates what week your program is along with what day.

The right side of the program page is the work set rep range guideline.

The left side of the page is the exercise description.

The middle column of the page is the number of sets suggested to perform.

The exercises are always listed in the exact sequence they are to be performed in this is extremely important.

Perform all sets in reps in each exercise suggested before moving on to the next exercise listed (except when performing supersets, or giant sets).

Under each workout there is a written description of key points to remember for that day.

Below that you should see a section on Biofeedback: This section is for you to write in your biofeedback from the workout as well as the day in general. If you don’t want to mark on the page you can purchase a training manual from my website at www.wademcnutt.com.

Remember the Power Equation

Force X Distance = Power

It takes more power to move a weight from point A to point B in one second than it does to move that same weight through the same range in two seconds.

In the first and sometimes second exercise in any program, your goal is to explode in the concentric (positive lifting phase) portion of the movement, and resist the weight on the eccentric (negative lowering phase) phase of the movement.

Keep in mind that the weight does no have to move fast on the concentric phase of the movement but there should be an intention to move the load as fast as possible from a fully stretched position to a fully contracted position.

It is important to remember, it is not how fast the bar moves but rather how fast the muscle moving the bar contracts. This is especially important in body part training.

As you go through the rest of the exercises in your program, concentrate more on keeping constant tension in the muscles being used. You need to develop a feel for each and every

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muscle. Often times this is called the mind muscle connection.For example, when performing an isolation exercise like the pec dec, you wouldn’t explode on the concentric phase or you would lose the tension in the pectoralis muscles. For this exercise you would squeeze the weight up while keeping a steady pace that keeps continuous tension in the pectoral muscle. You will use less weight but the exercise effectiveness increases dramatically.

Exercise Performance Tips to Remember

A machine dictates the motion for your execution.

It’s not how much you lift but rather how you lift it.

Nobody else should touch the bar you are using. That means no forced reps, negatives, partner assisted lifting etc.

Always use a spotter.

Remember a spotter is there to take the weight from you when the bar reverses in motion not to assist you in lifting the weight.

You should not pause at any point in the rep except where indicated. (See extended sets and Drop sets and Muscle Rounds).

Never bounce the weight or throw the weight. The goal of each exercise is to use the targeted muscle to lift the weight.

Always perform your exercises using a full range of motion, of the muscle or muscles involved, not just the range the bar moves in.

Advanced Exercise Technique Descriptions

Range of Success Training Zone

The Range of success training zone refers to the level of intensity you should be delivering when performing weight constants. If you work at a level of intensity that is above your range of success you will not be able to complete the weight constants without decreasing the weight you are using for the specified number of sets. In Freaky Foundation Training the goal is overall volume of overload, not one set max intensities.

Weight Constants

Weight Constants represents a rep and set scheme to follow. If your program suggests that you perform an exercise for a weight constant it would be written as 11 x 11. Other examples would be: 9 x 9, 7 x7, 5 x 5 etc.

This means that you should pyramid up to a weight that will challenge you to perform X number of reps for X number of sets. In this case it is 11 sets of 11 reps however these ranges vary depending on the day.

The intensity level should be between 80 and 90 percent of your capacity to ensure that all sets and reps are completed using the same weight.

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Extended Sets

When performing an extended set your goal is to reach the point of absolute failure. This is different then relative failure that you reach on most working sets.

To do this, you must rest when you experience a force decrement (this is the point where the rep you are working on is slower moving than the previous rep, even though you are attempting to generate the same power).

While pausing, breathe deeply emphasizing a strong exhale so you can re-oxygenate your body. Then continue to perform reps until you experience another force decrement. Then repeat. This type of training is extremely demanding and must only be implemented in specific situations.

Strip Sets

This is the highest form of performance intensity. A proper strip set should last between 3 to 5 minutes. To do this, you must pyramid warm up to a weight that allows you to perform only four reps or so…

After you fail at performing a fifth rep, pause at the bottom position. Now attempt to perform as many reps as possible in the extended set fashion. When you cannot perform another rep reduce the resistance to the next lightest weight.

Continue in this fashion without dropping the weight until you cannot perform another rep. At this point pause and drop the weight down to the next lightest weight. Now continue as previously mentioned with this weight.

Continue stripping the weight down in this fashion (about 7 or 8 strips) until you get to a weight that you can perform double digits for your reps total in a rest/pause fashion.

At this point when you reach failure the strip set is over.

Super Sets

This requires the athlete to perform two different exercises one right after the other then resting. Example: Triceps press downs combined with dumbbell preacher curls.

Tri Sets

This requires the athlete to perform three different exercises one after another, then resting.

Giant Sets

This requires the athlete to perform four or more different exercises one right after another, then resting.

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Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus:

Upper Leg Exercises

General Comments:

Once common pitfall many people fall into when it comes to building great quads; they train their ego, not their quads. The biggest mistake you can make with your leg training is to avoid a full range of motion, especially in the Squat exercise.

Most often I see people perform half squats (thighs come down parallel to the floor). This increases the differentiation of the load you are lifting which results in strength development at the top end of the exercise.

The result of this type of training is the tendon gets stronger only in this section of the movement. Expert trainers believe this contributes to injury since there isn’t equal adaptation across the entire length of the tendon.

Full range of motion means squatting down with the intention of going down until your butt hits you heels. During the movement you must keep your back straight.

Remember when using leg equipment always adjust the equipment to fit your body. Make sure it allows you to work the muscle over the full range of motion.

When you squat always descend first by bending the knees. Then you descend with the hips. If you find yourself bending your hips first and then bending your knees second,

chances are you have too much weight on the bar. To maximize the effectiveness of the exercise reduce the load.

Remember you who must control the weights; don’t let the weights control you.


Preparation:This movement is always performed ballistically; that is, one leg performs a rep, then the other and so forth. Do not use boxes, smith machines, or steps or anything else to lunge on or between, just floor to floor lunging. Start with a barbell placed across the upper traps as you would in a squat. If that is too much use hold a dumbbell in each hand. Step back giving your self plenty of room to lunge forward.

Execution:While keeping your head up step forward to a comfortable distance from your body and bring your opposite knee near the floor without actually touching the floor. At the bottom of the movement, lunge (not step) back into the upright (starting) position. Your knee should not go past the foot. Your upper thigh will create a 90 degree angle with your lower leg when the exercise is performed properly.

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Lunge: Start position

Lunge: End position

Leg Press

Preparation:Place feet comfortably in the middle of the platform. Toes should be pointed slightly outward. Keep your back against the bed. Tighten your butt. Tighten all your muscles before you begin the movement.

Execution:Descend until your ankles are as close to your butt as possible. If you cannot descend this deep it is because the weight is too heavy. Press the weight up and flex the thighs while keeping a slight bend in the knees at the top of the motion and then repeat.

Don’t cheat yourself by performing this exercise by only using the top 1/4 of the motion. Most people do this because they can move more weight this way however they are getting almost know benefit.

Remember to train your body parts, not your ego.

Leg Press: Start position

Leg Press: End position

Single Leg Press

Preparation:This exercise is similar to the standard leg press movement. Start by placing one foot slightly towards the midline of your body. It should be about three inches away from the exact centre of the platform your foot will be pressing. This is one of the few movements

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that you do not perform through the full range of motion.

Execution:Slowly, lower the weight (the platform) down to the point at which your upper thigh initially touches your chest area. Go no lower than this point. Then press the weight back to the start position with as a much speed as possible while still maintaining strict motion and form. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Single Leg Press: Start position

Single Leg Press: End position

Deadlight (From a Platform) Stiff Legged

Preparation:This exercise is performed on a platform. It is a myth that this exercise must be performed

with your knees locked. Locking your knees places far too much stress on the lower back and the hamstring insertion point. Place hands outside of hip width, use an overhand grip and stand up erect.

Execution:Bend the knees and the torso simultaneously while keeping the back flat. Do not round the back over. Push your butt back behind you. Keep the bar close to your body through the whole movement. Lower the bar down to your toes. At this point your back should be parallel to the floor. This is the same as the start position to the bent over row. Reverse the motion to an erect position.

Deadlight Stiff Legged: Start position

Deadlight Stiff Legged: End position

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Full Squat Barbell or Smith Machine

Preparation:Start by placing the bar across the traps. Place feet at a comfortable width apart, not too wide, and not too narrow. Point the elbows straight down. Note some people like to wrap a towel around the bar or use a pad to reduce the pressure on the traps.

Execution:Start by bending your leg at the knee joint. Then bend at the hip. Keep your head up looking forward not down and descend until you are as deep as you can go. When you reach the bottom of the movement, drive your body up to an erect position.

Do not lock your knees out fully at the top however you should flex the legs hard at the top position. Remember to concentrate on pushing from the heels.

*Note if you cannot touch your butt to your heels in a free-standing position (no weight) without your feet coming up off the floor than you should start by squatting using the Smith Machine instead of free weights.

You may also place either the 10 or 25 pound plates under your heels. Experiment with the settings to feel what is right for you.

Full Squat Barbell: Start position

Full Squat Barbell: Middle position

Full Squat Barbell: End position

Hack Squat

Preparation:Place feet apart approximately 10 inches apart. Place the feet in the middle of the platform not at the top or bottom of the platform. Place your shoulders under the pads or your hips against the pad (depends on type of hack squat).

Execution:Same as the full squat except keep your back against the bed. Start by bending your leg at the knee joint. Then bend at the hip. Keep your head up looking forward not down and descend until you are as deep as you can go.

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When you reach the bottom of the movement, drive your body up to an erect position.

Do not lock your knees out fully at the top however you should flex the legs hard at the top position. Remember to concentrate on pushing from the heels.

Hack Squat: Start position

Hack Squat: End position

Seated Leg Curl

Preparation:Sit on leg curls with back against padded back support. Place back of lower leg on top of padded lever. Grasp handles on for support.

Execution:Pull lever to back of thighs by flexing knees. Return lever until knees are straight. Keep your but and hips from moving during the entire movement to eliminate momentum. Contract the hamstrings hard at the top of movement and fight the flex during the lowering (eccentric phase) of the movement.

Seated Leg Curl: Start position

Seated Leg Curl: End position

Lying Leg Curls

Preparation:Lie prone on bench with knees just beyond edge of bench and lower legs under lever pads. Grasp handles. The pads should be just above the ankles and the fulcrum or pivot point should be at the knee joint.

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Execution:Raise lever pads to back of thighs by flexing knees. Lower lever pads until knees are straight. Be sure to flex your hamstrings hard at the top and lower the weight until the legs are straight without letting the weight touch the stack.

Keep torso on bench to reduce hyperextension of the lower back. Most machines are angled at the hip to position the hamstrings in a

more favorable mechanical position.

Lying Leg Curl: Start position

Lying Leg Curl: End position

Leg Extensions

Preparation:Sit on the leg extension machine with your back against padded back support. Place front of lower leg under padded lever. Position your knee joint at the lever fulcrum. Grasp handles to sides for support.

Execution:Move lever forward by extending knees until leg are straight flexing the legs hard. Return lever to original position by bending knees without letting the weight touch the rack.

Leg Extensions: Start position

Leg Extensions: End position

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Single leg curls

Preparation:Perform this on the standing leg curl. If one is not available use a lying leg curl machine or use a cable attachment while lying prone on a bench. Place pad just above the ankle and keep your body against the pad at all times.

Execution:Contract the lever arm until the back of your leg touches your glutes. Control the weight on the lowering phase of the movement. Select a weight where you are not using any momentum.

Single Leg Curls: Start position

Single Leg Curls: End position

Calves Exercises

General Comments:

Based on my research and that of other top trainers as well as my experience training athletes, I have found that since the calve muscles all share the same origin and insertion points, there is no special techniques for maximizing calve growth.

Most people do have slight variances in foot positioning. Slightly pigeon toed seems to work the best for most. I suggest that you experiment with foot placements to see what feels the best for you.

Since the calves are extremely dense in mitochondria they tend to respond best by performing high reps executed at a slow rate, (that means slow up and slow down during calve exercises.)

Be sure to use the full range of motion. Most people use to much weight and thereby cut down their results.

Standing Calve Raise

Preparation:Place your shoulders under the pads. Stand and position toes and balls of feet on lower portion of platform with arches and heels extending off. Grasp the support handles for balance.

Execution:Raise heels by extending ankles as high as possible. Lower heels by bending ankles until

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calves are stretched. Keep knees straight throughout exercise or bend knees slightly only during stretch. Flex the calves hard at the top of the movement.

Standing Calve Raise: Start position

Standing Calve Raise: End position

Seated Calf Raises

Preparation:Sit on seat and place toes on lower portion of platform with heels extending off. Position lower thighs under the lever pad. Grasp handles or place hands on lever pad. Lift lever slightly by pushing heels up. Release support lever.

Execution:Lower heels by bending ankles until calves are stretched. Raise heels by extending ankles as high as possible. Repeat.

Seated Calf Raises: Start position

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Seated Calf Raises: End position

Donkey Calve Raises

Preparation:Position you back under the pads of the machine or have a training partner sit on you back while you are bent over. Place the balls of your feet on the platform with your hands resting on the elbow rest.Execution:Raise and lower your body while keeping your legs locked. Flex hard at the top and lower to a full stretch at the bottom.

Donkey Calve Raises: Start position

Donkey Calve Raises: End position

Chest Exercises

General Comments:

Remember this statement “Above the eyes for presses and fly’s!” What this statement means is at top end of chest movements; the bar or dumbbell should be thrust in the direction that places the dumbbell or barbell above the eyes at the completion of the movement.

When you perform any prone (flat) movement (example: flat bench press) your feet should be up on a bench. This flattens the back on the bench during the flat movements thus a greater percentage of the load shifts to the chest muscles.

There are variations of all of the exercises described below due to the availability of different machines. If your gym has a slightly different model of machine, substitute

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the exercise machine for the one in your program.

For example, the Hammer Strength flat bench press instead of a Cybex flat bench. The variation is executed in the same manner as the movement it is taken for.

Be sure that the angles for incline exercises range from 25 - 40 degrees; they should not extend above this level.

Remember that you should be concentrating on flexing and squeezing the pecs on every single rep as opposed to just pushing weights up. This mental adjustment makes all the difference in the world so don’t underestimate it.

Flat Barbell Bench Press

Preparation:Lay flat on the bench. Grip the bar at a distance that is just slightly inside or outside of shoulder width depending on your own comfort zone. Place feet flat on top of the bench.

Execution:Take the bar down to mid chest level, press to starting position which should be above your eyes. Do not bounce the weight off your chest or twist your body in any way.

Flat Barbell Bench Press: Start position

Flat Barbell Bench Press: End position

Incline Barbell Press

Preparation:Lay flat on the bench. Grip the bar at a distance that is just slightly inside or outside of shoulder width depending on your own comfort zone. Place feet flat on top of a box or raised platform.

Execution:Take the bar down to the upper chest/collar bone area. Press up to a three quarter lockout. Do not lockout at the top of the movement or pause at the top unless your program says “weight constant” or if your reps are above four and you feel you must re-oxygenate in order to continue. Keep the bar from touching your

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chest at the bottom end of the movement. This means that you will keep the bar about 1 inch form the collar bone.

Incline Barbell Press: Start position

Incline Barbell Press: End position

Incline Machine press (hammer or other)

Preparation:Sit or lie back on the machine and adjust the seat so that the handles are in line with the upper pecs. Grip the bar at a distance that is just slightly inside or outside of shoulder width depending on your own comfort zone. Execution: Take the handles down to the upper chest/collar bone area. Press up to a three quarter lockout. Do not lockout at the top of the

movement or pause at the top unless your program says “weight constant” or if your reps are above four and you feel you must re-oxygenate in order to continue.

Incline Machine Press: Start position

Incline Machine Press: End position

Incline Dumbbell Press

Preparation:Grab the dumbbells at the centre of the handles. Lift them to a locked-out position as you lay back on the bench.

Execution:Bring the dumbbells down to the sides of your chest while keeping your elbows wide. Press the dumbbells to a lockout position. At the top of the motion they should come as close

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to each other as possible without actually touching. At the start and the finish of the motion the dumbbells should be above your eyes. Also at the bottom of the movement your forearms should be perpendicular to the ground.

Incline Dumbbell Press: Start position

Incline Dumbbell Press: End position

Flat Dumbbell Flyes

Preparation:This is a combination of two movements. It is a pressing and a fly motion rolled into one. Start by placing your feet flat on the bench. Position your palms so that they are facing each other.

Execution:While keeping your baby fingers parallel to each other, descend with the load until your fists are parallel to your shoulders. This means that the first half of the movement is like hugging a tree. Once you reach ¾ of the way up you start to bring the dumbbells together. Press upwards at the end flexing the chest and reach for the ceiling without touching the dumbbells together. The movement should be performed in a continuous fluid movement.

Flat Dumbbell Flyes: Start position

Flat Dumbbell Flyes: End position

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Pec Dec Flyes/Machine

General guidelines:Since there are wide variety of pec decs machines it is important for you to remember that the motion should be at a steady, smooth pace, no jerking, and no pauses. Be sure to keep your forearms against the pads at all times. Always adjust the seat so that your elbows are at the mid chest line.

Pec Dec Flyes: Start position

Pec Dec Flyes: End position

Cable Crossovers

Preparation:With a cable handle in each hand, step back away from the machine one pace. Place one foot behind you. Keep your arms locked in a slightly bent position.

Execution:Bring the cables down in front of your thighs without bending your arms. Do not cross them over as this takes stress off the pectoralis major. Bring your baby fingers together at the bottom of the movement and reverse the motion. Do not pause at the top or bottom of the exercise, but aim for a peak contraction as the cable handles come together, that is, flex hard at this point in the movement.

Cable Crossovers: Start position

Cable Crossovers: End position

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Seated Machine Press (Hammer or Other)

Preparation:There are a wide variety of machines available just make sure you adjust the seat of the machine so that the handles are your mid chest line. Remember the machine dictates the plane of motion.

Execution:Perform this exercise exactly like the flat bench exercise. The difference is that you are using a machine positioned in an upright position. Take the bar to mid chest level, press to starting position which. Do not bounce the weight off your chest or the stop pads and do not twist your body in any way.

Seated Machine Press: Start position

Seated Machine Press: End position

Seated Flyes/ Machine

Preparation:Place feet up on the bench. This machine is similar to a pec-deck. Keep your arms locked in a straight position. Keep your elbows parallel to the floor. Keep the arms higher than nipple level. This exercise is performed on the rear delt machine.

Execution:Bring arms back to a fully stretched position, using the pectoral muscles and squeeze the load up to the starting position. This should be performed so that the concentric (positive) portion of the movement is performed as slow as the eccentric (negative) portion.

Seated Flyes: Start position

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Seated Flyes: End position

Back Exercises

Bent Over Barbell Rows

Preparation:Place hands just inside of shoulder width. Reverse grip is optional. Stand on a platform or bench.

Execution:Descend into the lift by bending your knees and torso so that the bar comes down to your toes, and your butt is sticking straight back or slightly arched backwards like a bow. Your bodyweight should be distributed directly over the weight. You should bend down to approximately a 90 degree angle. Contract the muscles of the back pulling the bar up until it touches your chest and lower the weight under control. Do not use any momentum to heave the weight up and forget about the almost upright position of 70 degrees which seems to be in vogue in gyms these days. While you can lift more weight in this position it is by far a less effective exercise for

back development. Once again remember to train the muscles not the ego.

Bent Over Barbell Rows: Start position

Bent Over Barbell Rows: End position

T-Bar Row

Preparations:Place hands at a close grip on the t-bar or if using a barbell clasp hands together around the bar. Keep your back flat and head pointing at 45 degrees.

Execution:Same as bent over barbell row. If you don’t have the t-bar machine in your gym you can place the Olympic barbell with one end in the corner. Load the weights on the other end of the bar and row the weight to the chest. Descend into the lift by bending your knees

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and torso so that the bar comes down to your toes, and your butt is sticking straight back or slightly arched backwards like a bow.

Your bodyweight should be distributed directly over the weight. You should bend down to approximately a 90 degree angle. Row the weight to the chest and lower under control.

T-Bar Row: Start position

T-Bar Row: End position

One Arm Dumbbell Row

Preparation:This example is for your right side for the left side just reverse the positions. Place your left

knee firmly on the bench and rest your left hand flat on the bench. Grip the dumbbell in your right hand and allow your arm to hang straight down from your body.

Execution:As you reach down, also reach under the bench. Keep your back square as you pull. Pull the dumbbell to your chest not your hip. Do not rotate your body. The arc that the dumbbell travels in is directly vertical. Do not stop in the bottom position of the rep. Keep the dumbbell moving through the entire range of motion until you reach failure. Remember to row the weight not throw the weight!

One Arm Dumbell Row: Start position

One Arm Dumbell Row: End position

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Seated Cable Rows

One important note* Many people don’t stretch the lats because they unlock their arms. This places stress on the brachioradialis, and the unlocking of the arms prevents full stretch of the lat muscles. So always keep a slight bend in the elbows on your back movements.Preparation:Use the cable with the V-bar attachment. Place the feet firmly against the foot platform. Keep a slight bend in your knees and your arms at all times. Sit erect.

Execution:Lean forward as far as possible, while simultaneously reaching forward with your arms and shoulder girdle. Keep your head up at all times and never place your chin on your chest. Always visualize yourself pulling with your elbows for proper execution, not your arms. As you begin to row, arc your chest up. Make sure the cable travels parallel to the floor, not on an angle. After the point of peak contraction (when the handle touches chest) begin to control the eccentric (lowering) phase of the motion in order to insure maximum stretch on the back muscles.

Seated Cable Rows: Start position

Seated Cable Rows: End position

Supported Seated Rows (Various Machines)

This is the same movement as the seated row except you are in a machine with your feet flat on the floor or on the foot platform. Be sure to keep your chest planted firmly against the pad in front of you. Once again, let the machine direct the plane of motion. Do not use momentum or your arms to move the weight. Concentrate on pinching the shoulder blades together to emphasize the contraction of the back muscles.

Supported Bent Rows

Preparation:Place your chest on the pad in the prone position on the bent row machine and grasp the handles with a shoulder width grip.

Execution:Pull the bar until it touches the support bar under the chest and lower the weight under control. Maintain a slight bend in the arms at the stretch position.

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Supported Bent Rows: Start position

Supported Bent Rows: End position

Seated Low Rows (hammer or other machines)

Preparation:Place your chest against the pad and keep it there through out the entire movement.

Execution:Reach forward and grasp the handles. Pull the arms back until the elbows are behind the body and contract the back muscles hard. Lower the weight to the stretched position.

Seated Low Rows: Start position

Seated Low Rows: End position

Pulldown Exercises (Parallel Grip, Close Grip, Pulldowns to Front/Rear, Reverse Grip)

General Comments:All of these movements are to be done with a straight back. Never look up at the bar when executing the exercise, especially when positioned at the beginning of the rep.

When you pull the bar down to your body, arch your chest. Do not lean back! If the exercise calls for the bar to be pulled to the front of the body (example: reverse grip pulldowns) the bar should be pulled into the chest.

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As you reverse the motion start the stretching of your lats right at the point of contraction, not mid way through.

As you release the bar from your body reach up as high as possible.

At the fully stretched out position, the weight of the bar should actually pull you off the bench slightly.

Note when in the fully stretched position, never completely straighten your arms. Always keep a slight bend to your arms in order to keep the stress off your brachioradialis, and in turn insure maximum tension on the back muscles.

Pulldown to Front

Preparation:Grasp cable bar with a shoulder width grip. Sit with thighs under supports.

Execution: Pull down cable bar to upper chest at the collar bone. Return until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Be sure not to sling the weights.

Pulldown to Front: Start position

Pulldown to Front: End position

Seated High Row (hammer and reverse grip pulldown)

Preparation:Sit on seat and position chest against pad. Grasp lever handles with an overhand grip. Place your upper legs securely under the leg pad to eliminate body movement.

Execution:Pull lever back until elbows are behind back and shoulders are pulled back. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched forward. Chest pad should be adjusted to allow the shoulders to stretch forward. The seat or grip should be adjusted to allow wrists to follow elbows.

Seated High Row: Start position

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Seated High Row: End position

Behind Neck Pulldown (pulldowns behind)

Preparation:Grasp cable bar with a palms facing grip. Sit with thighs under supports. Use the bar that has the palms facing each other.

Execution:Pull the cable downwards behind the neck while keeping your chest out. If you are hunching over the weight is too heavy. Return the weight back up until the shoulders and arms are fully extended. Concentrate on pinching the shoulder blades together at the bottom of the movement and flex the back muscles hard.

Behind Neck Pulldown: Start position

Behind Neck Pulldown: End position

Straight Arm Pulldowns

Preparation:Using the overhead pulley attach a straight bar to the cable. Step back from the machine and bend over slightly keeping the knees slightly bent.

Execution:Keeping the back arched and your arms straight pull the bar down using the lats in an arc down until the bar touches the body. Reverse the motion until the arms are in the start position. Make sure that the pulley is high enough to allow a full range of motion.

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Straight Arm Pulldowns: Start position

Straight Arm Pulldowns: End position

Machine Pullover

Preparation:Adjust the seat so that the pivot point or fulcrum is at the shoulder joint. Fasten the seatbelt if the machine has one to keep the body from moving.

Execution:Keeping your upper arms against the pads and your hands on the bar extend your arms into the stretched position. Pull the bar using your lats until it touches your midsection and then lower the weight under control to the

start position.

Machine Pullover: Start position

Machine Pullover: End position

Dumbbell Pullover

Preparation:Using a dumbbell, anchor your hips below the side of the bench you are using. Keep you elbows in a bent position at all times.

Execution:Descend to the floor. Draw a semi-circle with your arms. Keep your arms fixed in the bent position. Bring the dumbbell 1/4 of an inch from your chest as you pull up from the bottom position. Keep your hips below the bench at all times. Be sure not let them come up during any part of the exercise.

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Dumbbell Pullover: Start position

Dumbbell Pullover: End position


Preparation:Using the Olympic bar stand as close to the bar as possible in a full squat position. Place the hands outside the hips. Flatten your back and look forward through the entire movement.

Execution:Drive upwards with the legs until the bar travels past the knees. Once the bar travels past the knees pull the body into the erect position using the back muscles. Contract the back muscles hard at the top and lower the bar under control to the knees, at that point

maintain the back flat and bend the knees to

return to the start position.

Deadlifts: Start position

Deadlifts: End position

Power Deadlift

Preparation:Usually this exercise is only included in advanced level programs. The performance is exactly the same as a regular deadlift except that instead of starting form the floor you start from a rack. The bar should be just below the knees or halfway up on the shins. Start by gripping the bar just outside of hip width. Place feet apart at approximately shoulder width. You may use straps in this exercise.

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Execution:As you bend down throw your body weight forward. Keep the bar close to your body at all times. Stand up to an erect position. Do not pause at the top or the bottom of the movement, and let the knees bend naturally as you descend.

Power Deadlift: Start position

Power Deadlift: End position

Shoulder Exercises

General Comments

Most common gym myth that people don’t realize - shrugs are a complete waste of time.

Individuals with large trapezius muscles (traps) did not build them from doing shrugs. They

built their traps performing other exercises not shrugs. Often times these individuals don’t even realize this. Shrugs do not develop traps because the traps have a transverse origin and insertion point so raising the clavicle upwards has no effect on the entire muscle belly.

All shoulder movements when performed correctly should involve a shrugging motion, but this is different than shrugs the way people think of them.

Barbell Shoulder Press (Military Press)

Preparation:Using a barbell, grip the bar slightly outside of shoulder width. Be sure to plant your feet firmly on the floor. Keep your back planted firmly against the back support. Can be performed standing as well.

Execution:Take the bar down to the base of the chest. Press up to a point which is approximately three inches above your head. Do not press the weight higher than this point because the further up you go the more the load is shifted more towards the triceps muscles.

Do not go past this point on this particular exercise unless performing an extended set or unless instructed. Of course, all movements on Freaky Foundation Training Programs are performed to a full lock-out position.

Remember never pause during this exercise (or any other exercise for that matter).

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Barbell Shoulder Press: Start position

Barbell Shoulder Press: End position

Smith Machine Shoulder Press (Standing or seated)

Preparation:Grip the bar slightly outside of shoulder width. Be sure to plant your feet firmly on the floor. Keep your back planted firmly against the back support.

Execution:Take the bar down to the base of the chest. Press up to a point which is approximately three inches above your head.

Do not press the weight higher than this point because the further up you go the more

the load is shifted more towards the triceps muscles.

Do not go past this point on this particular exercise unless performing an extended set or unless instructed. Of course, all movements on Freaky Foundation Training Programs are performed to a full lock-out position.

Remember never pause during this exercise (or any other exercise for that matter).

Smith Machine Shoulder Press: Start position

Smith Machine Shoulder Press: End position

Seated Machine Shoulder Press (Any)

Preparation: Adjust seat so that the handles are in line with the top of the shoulders. Place your hands so

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that your elbows are under the movement arms.

Execution:Press the bar overhead until you reach lockout the lockout position. Follow the plane of motion dictated by the machine. Be sure not to let your elbows point behind you and don’t let the weight hit the stack or the stop pads at the bottom of the movement.

Seated Machine Shoulder Press: Start position

Seated Machine Shoulder Press: End position

Front Alternate Dumbbell Raise

Preparation:In a standing position, lean your body slightly forward. Do not bend over. There is a difference between leaning and bending forward. Start with your dumbbells held at

your sides to behind your thighs in order to maximize the range of motion. It is important not to rest the dumbbells against the thighs at any time.

Execution:Keep you arms locked completely straight, not bent. Raise your arms (one at a time) up to eye level. As you raise the dumbbell you should reach forward as far as possible without allowing your body to leave its ground position. When the dumbbell reaches a position which is parallel to the floor, begin to shrug your shoulder up towards your ear as the dumbbell continues to travel to the top of the movement.

Keep in mind that the raising and the shrugging should happen simultaneously. You should make this all one motion during the execution of the raise.

Concentrate only on the working arm as you lower the weight slowly. Start the other arm only at the full completion of the first arms rep. No pausing.

Front Alternate Dumbell Raise: Start position

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Front Alternate Dumbbell Raise: End position

Side Lateral Raises (Side Laterals)

Preparation:This exercise is performed seated or standing using dumbbells. Begin with a slight forward lean, not a bend. Let the dumbbells hang at your sides. Don’t let them touch your sides or the bench at the bottom of the movement.

Execution:Fix your arms in a locked straight position. They should not bend. Raise your arms out to the sides and as you do so try to reach out to your sides as far as possible, as your arms reach a parallel position with the floor.

Begin to shrug your shoulders towards your ears. Remember that this shrugging and reaching and raising motions should all occur at the same time.

Both arms should raise to the sides at the same time, not one at a time. Let the dumbbells travel to eye level before lowering under strict control back to the starting position.

Do not pause at the bottom during this movement unless you are performing an extended set. As the dumbbells descend back to the start position, bend forward in order to

increase the stretch and tension on the delts but never stop at any point.

Side Lateral Raises: Start position

Side Lateral Raises: End position

Bent Over Lateral (Bent Laterals)

Preparation:Begin in a standing position. Bend over in the same position as you would when performing bent over rows. Keep your back flat and parallel to the floor. Let your arms hang straight down. Lock your arms completely straight. Execution:As you raise your dumbbells out to the sides, make sure that you stay in a bent position. Once the dumbbells reach a position which is parallel to the floor begin shrugging with your

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shoulders towards your ears and attempt to crunch the shoulder blades together without bending the elbows.

Done correctly this should produce a crunching effect. Remember; do not let your arms bend at all. Reverse the motion making sure to lower the weight under strict control.

Bent Over Lateral: Start position

Bent Over Lateral: End position

Bent Over Cable Laterals

Note * the cable version and one arm cable bent lateral version are completed in exactly the same manner.

Preparation:Begin in a standing position. Bend over in the same position as you would when performing bent over rows. Keep your back flat and parallel to the floor. Let your arms hang straight down. Lock your arms completely straight.

Execution:As you raise your cables out to the sides, make sure that you stay in a bent position. Once the cables reach a position which is parallel to the floor begin shrugging with your shoulders towards your ears and attempt to crunch the shoulder blades together without bending the elbows.

Bent Over Cable Laterals: Start position

Bent Over Cable Laterals: End position

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Overhead Cable Rear Delt

Preparation:Using the upper pulleys on a cable crossover apparatus, begin with a criss-cross grip (left hand grabs right cable handle and vice versa). With the cable handles in your hands, stand a foot behind the stack. Your arms should be locked straight, not bent, and above your forehead.

Execution:Pull the cables back until your arms are parallel to your chest. Be sure to keep your arms straight. In this position you should be contracting your rear deltoids and upper trapezius muscles as much as possible in order to squeeze the weight back. As you reverse the motion you should be “reaching” forward into the cables. Be sure to do this reaching motion while still controlling the speed on the eccentric phase. Always move the weight in a slow controlled manner.

Overhead Cable Rear Delt: Start position

Overhead Cable Rear Delt: End position

Rear Delt Machine

Preparation:Face the machine with your arms parallel to the floor. Keep your feet planted flat on the floor. Your chest should be against the pad at all times.

Execution:Pull your arms back keeping the arms straight. In this position you should be contracting your rear deltoids and upper trapezius muscles as much as possible in order to squeeze the weight back. As you reverse the motion you should be “reaching” forward into the cables. Be sure to do this reaching motion while still controlling the speed on the eccentric phase. Always move the weight in a slow controlled manner.

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Rear Delt Machine: Start position

Rear Delt Machine: End position

Seated Dumbbell Press

Preparation:Place your feet flat on the floor and your lower back firmly against the back rest. Do not allow your hips to move forward out of this position.

Execution:Press the dumbbells to the middle of your head not straight up and down. Reverse the motion controlling the weight on the way down. Do not pause and do not let the weight rest on your body at any time. Never let the dumbbells touch each other at the top of the movement. Make sure that the elbows

are directly under the dumbbells throughout the movement.

Seated Dumbbell Press: Start position

Seated Dumbbell Press: End position

Alternate Dumbbell Press

* Note * this exercise is the same as the dumbbell press except only one dumbbell is pressed at one time. Once a rep is completed for one side the other side is performed.

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Preparation:Place your feet flat on the floor and your lower back firmly against the back rest. Do not allow your hips to move forward out of this position.

Execution:Press one dumbbell to the middle of your head not straight up and down. Reverse the motion controlling the weight on the way down. Do not pause and do not let the weight rest on your body at any time. Then press the other dumbbell up in the same fashion. Do not rest the dumbbells on the shoulders.

Alternate Dumbbell Press: Start position

Alterate Dumbbell Press: End position

Upright Barbell Row

Preparation:Grip a barbell just inside of shoulder width or where it is comfortable without giving you pain in your wrists. Start with a slightly forward lean to increase the stretch placed on the trapezius muscles.Execution:Pull the weight up upwards. Be sure to keep your elbows higher than your hands at all times as you are pulling the weight up. Lower the weight under control and do not use any swaying motion while raising or lowering the weights.

Upright Barbell Row: Start position

Upright Barbell Row: End position

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Wide Grip Upright Rows

Preparation:Using a barbell place your hands well outside shoulder width.

Execution: Pull the weight upwards keeping the elbows higher than the hands and lower the weight under control. Avoid bending the wrists.

Wide Grip Upright Row: Start position

Wide Grip Upright Row: End position

One Arm Cable Side Laterals

Preparation:Using a low pulley cable attach a handle to the cable. Reaching across in front of the

body grasp the cable standing in a slightly bent forward position.

Execution:Raise the cable up to the side until shoulder high and then shrug the weight until the hand is parallel the eyes. Keep your arm straight and lower slowly under control in front of the body. Reverse the motion at the bottom without touching the body.

One Arm Cable Side Laterals: Start position

One Arm Cable Side Laterals: End position

One Arm Bent Over Cable Laterals

Preparation:Bend over at the waist until your torso is at 90 degrees. Using the low pulley cable attachment and attach a handle to it.

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Execution:Bring the arm up until it is parallel to the floor. Keep the arm straight and crunch the shoulder at the top just like the bent over laterals. Lower the cable under control fighting the flex.

One Arm Bent Over Cable Laterals: Start position

One Arm Bent Over Cable Laterals: End position

Two Arm Cable Front Raise

Preparation:Using the low pulley attach a straight bar to the cable and face away from the low pulley. The cable should be between your legs. Stand close to the pulley.

Execution:Keep the arms straight as you raise the bar in a semi-circular arc until the bar is at eye level. Lower the weight under control and reverse the motion just before the bar touches your thighs.

Two Arm Cable Front Raise: Start position

Two Arm Cable Front Raise: End position

Triceps Exercises

General Comments

Be sure to perform peak contractions on all triceps exercises that means you lock out on every rep.

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Concentrate on getting a full stretch on all exercises for triceps to maximize development.

Triceps Pushdowns/Press downs

Preparation:It is a common myth that you must keep your elbows in when performing this exercise. Using a V bar or straight bar. Start the exercise with the bar at chest level. Bend you knees slightly to relieve lower back strain. Face the cable directly at all times.

Execution:Push downwards toward the floor. As you get closer to lockout pretend you are pushing the bar into the floor. The rep stops when a full lockout and peak contraction are done. Reverse the motion keeping continuous tension in the triceps by “fighting the flex”. Do not let the elbows to drift in front of you or upwards during any part of the movement.

Triceps Pushdowns: Start position

Triceps Pushdowns: End position

Rope Pushdowns/Pressdowns

Preparation:It is a common myth that you must keep your elbows in when performing this exercise. Using the rope handles. Start the exercise with the hands at chest level. Bend you knees slightly to relieve lower back strain. Face the cable directly at all times.

Execution:Push downwards toward the floor. As you get closer to lockout pretend you are pushing the bar into the floor and twist the hands outward slightly. The rep stops when a full lockout and peak contraction are done. Reverse the motion keeping continuous tension in the triceps by “fighting the flex”. Do not let the elbows to drift in front of you or upwards during any part of the movement.

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Rope Pushdowns: Start position

Rope Pushdowns: End position

Lying Triceps Extension

Preparation:It is a common myth that you must keep your elbows in when performing this exercise. Using a flat bench, lie down with your feet rested firmly against the bench. Let your head lie of the bench to increase the range of motion. Keep your elbows fixed once the movement has begun.

Execution:Start by placing the weight at straight arms above your eyes. Bring the bar down above the eyes. Reverse the motion keeping your upper body as still as possible, only bending the arms at the elbow joint. The arms should

be pointed slightly backwards at the top of the movement in the fully locked out position. (Exercise can be performed on a bench with the low pulley apparatus).

Lying Triceps Extension: Start position

Lying Triceps Extension: End position

One Arm Dumbbell Extension

Preparation:This exercise is performed on a straight backed bench for support. Start by holding a dumbbell overhead and slightly out to the side in a fully locked out position.

Execution:Descend to the midline of the head. Keep bending the arm until it is in a fully stretched position. Reverse the motion. Do not pause

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at the top or the bottom of this movement, but make sure to lockout and flex the triceps as you do so.

One Arm Dumbbell Extension: Start position

One Arm Dumbbell Extension: End position

One Arm Rope Extension

Preparation:This exercise is performed on a straight backed bench for support or can be performed standing away from the low pulley. Start by holding the cable overhead and slightly out to the side in a fully locked out position.

Execution:Descend to the midline of the head. Keep bending the arm until it is in a fully stretched position. Reverse the motion. Do not pause

at the top or the bottom of this movement, but make sure to lockout and flex the triceps

as you do so.

One Arm Rope Extension: Start position

One Arm Rope Extension: End position

Overhead Rope Extension

Preparation:Using an overhead cable apparatus attach a rope handle to the machine.Step forward with the handles in your hands. The weight stack should be behind you at this point. Bend at the waist to increase the range of motion and the stretch placed on the triceps muscles. Bend your knees slightly.

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Execution:Extend the weight until you arms are fully locked out. Reverse the motion and be sure to resist the weight on the eccentric (descending) phase of the movement without allowing the body to move out of the set up position. Do not pause at any point during the set.

Overhead Rope Extension: Start position

Overhead Rope Extension: End position

One Arm Reverse Grip Pushdown/Pressdown

Preparation:Grip the handle with a palms up grip. If you are starting with the right hand you should be standing to the left of the cable so that the

cable can travel in a straight plane without your body position interfering with the path. Execution:As you extend the weight down fully contract the triceps and fully lockout your arm. As you reverse. “fight the flex”.

One Arm Reverse Grip Pushdown: Start position

One Arm Reverse Grip Pushdown End position

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One Arm Pushdown/Pressdown

Preparation:Grip the handle with a palms down. If you are starting with the right hand you should be standing to the left of the cable so that the cable can travel in a straight plane without your body position interfering with the path.

Execution:As you extend the weight down fully contract the triceps and fully lockout your arm. As you reverse. “fight the flex”. Do not let the elbow drift forward or backward during the movement.

One Arm Pushdown: Start position

One Arm Pushdown: End position

Overhead One Arm Reverse Grip Cable Extension

This is exactly the same as the overhead rope extension exercise except you are using a reverse grip on a pulley handle and you are training one arm’s triceps at a time with a reverse grip.

Overhead One Arm Reverse Grip Cable Extension: Start position

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Overhead One Arm Reverse Grip Cable Extension:

End position

Close Grip Bench Press

Preparation:Like any other flat bench movement your feet should be up on the bench you are using. Grip the bar with your hands approximately 10-12 inches apart. As you descend, flare your elbows out wide to activate the triceps to the greatest amount.

Execution:Bring the bar down the same as you would when performing a regular barbell bench press except do not touch the chest. The bar should stop approximately 2 - 3 inches above the chest. Reverse the motion. Remember to fully lock the arms out at the completion of each.

Close Grip Bench Press: Start position

Close Grip Bench Press: End position

Seated Dumbbell Extension (French Press)

Preparation:This exercise is not recommended if you have elbow problems. It is performed seated on an upright bench with your feet flat on the floor, and your back pressed tightly against the back support of the bench. Start by wrapping your thumbs around the top half of the dumbbell so that the inner plate is lying flat against the palms of your hands. Your hands are forming a triangle shape with the dumbbell positioned in a straight vertical position over your head. Lock your elbows.

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Execution:Bend your arms and bring the dumbbell down behind your head as far as possible without allowing your elbows to move backwards. Reverse the motion to a fully locked out position.

Seated Dumbbell Extension: Start position

Seated Dumbbell Extension: End position

Low Pulley Rope Extension

Preparation:This is the same as French press except you are kneeling on the floor facing away from a low pulley machine using a rope attachment and a cable obviously, instead of a dumbbell. This is better than the above movement should you have any potential elbow problems.

Execution:Bend your arms and bring the rope handles down behind your head as far as possible without allowing your elbows to move backwards. Reverse the motion to a fully locked out position. (This exercise can be performed seated on a machine as well.

Low Pulley Rope Extension: Start position

Low Pulley Rope Extension: End position

Bench Dips

Preparation:Position yourself between two benches so that you heals are resting on one bench and your hands are behind your body on the other bench.

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Execution:Lower your body by bending the arms. Before you touch the floor reverse the movement until you straighten your arms completely and flex the triceps. You should not do this movement if you have shoulder problems.

Bench Dips: Start position

Bench Dips: End position


Preparation:Place your hands just outside of shoulder width on the dipping station bars and lock out the arms.

Execution:Lower you body as low as you can and the reverse the motion. Flex the triceps hard at the top of the motion.

* Note this exercise works the entire chest, deltoid, triceps region. To emphasize chest lean the body forward and bend the legs to create a half moon. To emphasize the triceps you would keep the body upright and lean back at the top of the movement.

Dips: Start position

Dips: End position

Biceps Exercises

General Comments:

Fight the Flex - This is a term that is used to describe the lowering (eccentric) motion of an exercise. On isolation exercises lower the weight while still keeping tension in the targeted muscle group, instead of just dropping the weight.

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It is important to ensure that all bicep exercises incorporate this action. That is not to say to lower the weight slowly; it simply means to keep the flexed tension in the muscle as you lower the weight.

Incline Alternate Curls

Preparation:Using an incline of at least 80 degrees start the movement with your arms hanging straight down at your side.

Execution:Curl the dumbbells one at a time. Don’t start curling with the opposite side until the rep is completely finished. (All the way up and all the way down.) As you curl the dumbbell up, bring your elbow slightly forward. Do not supinate during this exercise; it is a waste of effort since brachioradialis development can be achieved more efficiently by performing other exercises. Therefore, in the bottom position of the movement your baby fingers should be against the thigh with the palm facing forward. Keep the little fingers higher than the thumb throughout the movement.

Incline Alternate Curls: Start position

Incline Alternate Curls: End position

Incline Dumbbell Curls

Preparation:Using an incline of at least 80 degrees start the movement with your arms hanging straight down at your side.

Execution:Curl the dumbbells at the same time as you curl the dumbbells up; bring your elbow slightly

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forward. Do not supinate during this exercise; it is a waste of effort since brachioradialis development can be achieved more efficiently by performing other exercises. Therefore, in the bottom position of the movement your baby fingers should be against the thigh with the palm facing forward. Keep the little fingers higher than the thumbs throughout the movement.

Incline Dumbbell Curl: Start position

Incline Dumbbell Curls: End position

Barbell Preacher Curls

Preparation:Using either a straight or cambered bar plant your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Adjust the height of the seat in order to be able to lock your chest firmly against the pad.

Execution:Start by descending with the bar down to a fully stretched position but don’t hyperextend the elbow. Contract the weight up do not just lift it. Do not pause during any portion of the movement. Be sure to “fight the flex” on the eccentric (negative) phase of the exercise.

Barbbell Preacher Curls: Start position

Barbell Preacher Curls: End position

One Arm Preacher Curls

Preparation:Place one knee on the pad you would normally sit on. With the same side of your body, place your hand on the pad where your chest normally presses against.

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Execution:Using the opposite side arm, curl the dumbbell up in the same fashion that you would when performing regular barbell preacher curls. Do not allow the bicep to go “soft” at the top of the movement. Contract the bicep hard at the top of the movement and do not hyperextend the arm at the bottom.

One Arm Preacher Curls: Start position

One Arm Preacher Curls: End position

One Arm Dumbbell Concentration Curls

Preparation:Sitting on the edge of a bench hold a dumbbell in the hand of your choice. Spread your feet out in front of you. Bend at the waist and let your arm hang down in front of you. Be sure not to let your elbow rest against your leg.

Execution:Flex the dumbbell up. Fight the flex on the way down. Do not pause at any point of the movement. Curl the weight up toward the shoulder you are working on without bending the wrist. The dumbbell should travel straight up and down, not on an arc to the left or right of this plane.

One Arm Dumbbell Concentration Curls: Start position

One Arm Dumbbell Concentration Curls:

End position

Cable Curls

Preparation:Using a low pulley apparatus face the machine you are using. Stand away from the machine with your arms in front of you not at your side.

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Execution:Flex the weight up to your chin. Fight the flex on the eccentric phase. As with all bicep exercises do not pause at the top or bottom of the motion. Keep the elbows in front of you throughout the movement.

Cable Curls: Start position

Cable Curls: End position

Machine Preacher Curls (Any)

Preparation:There are many variations of this machine some using sing either a straight or cambered bar. In all cases plant your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Adjust the height of the seat in order to be able to lock your chest firmly against the pad. Make sure that you put your elbow in line with the fulcrum or pivot point of the machine.

Execution:Start by descending with the bar down to a fully stretched position but don’t hyperextend the elbow and don’t let the weight touch the stack or the stop pads. Contract the weight up do not just lift it. Do not pause during any portion of the movement. Be sure to “fight the flex” on the eccentric (negative) phase of the exercise.

Machine Preacher Curls: Start position

Machine Preacher Curls: End position

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Standing Barbell Curls

Preparation:Grabbing a barbell at shoulder width grip bend slightly forward. Rest the bar against your thighs. You do not have to hold the elbows pinned to the sides. Execution:Curl the bar up towards your chin and as you do so bring the elbows forward slightly, again no pausing at any point during the reps. Fight the flex on the lowering (eccentric) phase of the movement. Make sure you straighten the arms at the bottom of the movement.

Standing Barbell Curls: Start position

Standing Barbell Curls: End position

Hammer Curls

Preparation:This exercise is so named because it looks as though the person performing the exercise is hammering something! It is exercise is performed by holding two dumbbells with your palms facing the thighs on each side. Start the movement with your thumbs pointing down and your body bent slightly forward.

Execution:The exercise is usually performed in an alternating fashion. Curl the weight up toward the same shoulder you are working. This is a great exercise for developing the brachioradialis or the outside of the arm. Bring your thumbs up on the way up to the top of the movement and then reverse. Don’t pause at the top or bottom of the movement. If you are alternating complete the rep for one arm before starting the other side.

Hammer Curls: Start position

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Hammer Curls: End position

One Arm Cross Body Dumbbell Curls (Zottman Curls)

Preparation:Start the movement holding the dumbbell with the thumb down and your body bent slightly forward. Usually done one arm at a time.

Execution:This exercise is identical to the hammer curl except you curl the weight across the front of the body to the opposite shoulder to the arm you are currently working. For example, when you’re curling with your right arm you would bring the dumbbell towards your left shoulder.

One Arm Cross Body Dumbbell Curls: Start position

One Arm Cross Body Dumbbell Curls: End position

Abdominal Exercises

General Comments:

Squeeze the knees together on all abdominal exercises. This will help to eliminate muscle fibre recruitment from the illiopsoas muscles and the hip flexors.It is a common myth that training your abdominals will reduce your waistline. The fat that is around your waist is just stored chemical energy from not using up the energy you stored previously. Fat is a reserve fuel source for times when you don’t eat as much energy as you burn. Performing abdominal exercises will only work the muscle under the layer of

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fat you are carrying. Abdominal exercises are designed to strengthen the muscle in this area not to reduce your waist size.

It is especially important not to pause when performing abdominal exercises since the high concentration of red muscle fibres and mitochondria in this area allow the muscle to recover almost instantly when given the chance. Concentrate on making every rep as hard as possible instead of counting reps. Quality not quantity is paramount with abs training.

Rope Crunch

Preparation:Attach a rope to the high pulley on the cable crossover machine. Kneel on the floor facing the pulley several feet back form the weight stack.

Execution: Round your back on the way down, and as you contract the abs try both to flex the abs and scrape the hands across the floor as you reach full contraction. As you raise the weight let your head and chin look up toward the cable in order to unlock the abs for the next repetition. Control the weight all the time and concentrate on using only your abdominals during the movement.

Rope Crunch: Start position

Rope Crunch: End position

Lying Leg Raise

Preparation:Lie flat on your back on a mat.

Execution:Keep your knees in a slightly bent position. Bring them up until they touch your chest. Your butt should come slightly off the area you are lying on as you raise your legs.

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Lying Leg Raise: Start position

Lying Leg Raise: End position

Seated Leg Raise

Preparation: Sit on the edge of a bench. Hold onto the bench with your hands placed slightly behind you.

Execution:Keeping your legs locked in a slightly bent position. Start the exercise by bringing the feet just a bit off the floor and raise them up as high as possible. Your butt will come off the bench a bit on the way up. Descend slowly. This movement has a very short range of motion.

Seated Leg Raise: Start position

Seated Leg Raise: End position

Reverse Rotator Trunk Twists (Tic Toc’s)

Preparation:Lay your body flat on the floor. Reach with your arms out to your sides. You may attach the arms to a fixed object to help stabilize you body.

Execution:While lying on your back raise the legs to a perpendicular position to the floor. (That is 90 degrees) You should be forming an L shape. Squeeze your legs together while simultaneously lowering your legs over to

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the other side of your body until your feet touch the floor. Reverse this motion making sure your shoulders and back are flat on the floor at all times. Do not pause. The closer your legs come to your shoulders the more intense the movement. This is an extremely advanced exercise, and is an excellent intercostals developer.

Reverse Rotator Trunk Twists: Start position

Reverse Rotator Trunk Twists: End position

Hanging Leg Raise

Preparation:Hang form an overhead bar or abdominal arm hooks. Beginners might want to use a leg raise bench where you support your body with your arms on a bench.

Execution:Bring your legs up towards your chest while maintain a slight bend in the legs. This is the same as the lying leg raise exercise except you are hanging from a chin up bar. Do not let your body rock back and forth when performing this movement. The movement is to be performed slowly.

Hanging Leg Raise: Start position

Hanging Leg Raise: End position


Preparation:Lie flat on your back on a mat. You can place your feet flat on the floor or bring them up until they are 90 degrees.

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Execution: Placing your hands across your body or at the side of your head curl your torso forward contracting the abdominals. Role forward like you are rolling up a carpet. Contract the abs hard at the top and return to the start keeping tension on the abs at all times.

*Note* you may add a twisting motion by bringing the opposite elbow to the opposite knee at the top of the movement. This is called a twisting crunch and is an advanced movement.

Crunches: Start position

Crunches: End position

Reverse Crunches

Preparation:Lie flat on your back on a mat.

Execution:Bring your knees toward your chest raising your but off the floor at the top position. Bring your legs down and straighten them out without allowing your heels to touch at the bottom of the movement. Don’t swing the the legs up or use momentum.

Ab Roller

Preparation:Bring your hands in to the side of your head. Keep your knees together.

Roll your body up like a carpet. You must roll and unroll not just bend at the waist!

Machines like the Ab Roller are a good option as these devices put you in the correct “roll” motion, and help minimize neck muscle involvement.

Ab Roller: Start position

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Ab Roller: End position

Abdominal Machines

General note. There is such a wide variety of abdominal machines with great variance in effectiveness and quality it is hard to give a general explanation for performance. While performing exercise be sure to concentrate on the abdominals not the hip flexors.

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Abdominal Machines 56Ab Roller 55Alternate Dumbbell Press 34


Barbell Preacher Curls 47Barbell Shoulder Press 28Behind Neck Pulldown 25Bench Dips 44Bent Over Barbell Rows 20Bent Over Cable Laterals 32Bent Over Lateral 31


Cable Crossovers 18Cable Curls 48Close Grip Bench Press 43Crunches 54


Deadlifts 27Deadlight (From a Platform) Stiff Legged 8Dips 45Donkey Calve Raises 14Dumbbell Pullover 26


Extended Sets 5


Flat Barbell Bench Press 15Flat Dumbbell Flyes 17Front Alternate Dumbbell Raise 30Full Squat Barbell 9


Giant Sets 5


Hack Squat 9Hammer Curls 50Hanging Leg Raise 54


Incline Alternate Curls 46Incline Barbell Press 15Incline Dumbbell Curls 46Incline Dumbbell Press 16Incline Machine press 16


Leg Extensions 11Leg Press 7Low Pulley Rope Extension 44Lunges 6Lying Leg Curls 10Lying Leg Raise 52Lying Triceps Extension 39


Machine Preacher Curls 49Machine Pullover 26


One Arm Bent Over Cable Laterals 36One Arm Cable Side Laterals 36One Arm Cross Body Dumbbell Curls 51One Arm Dumbbell Concentration Curls 48One Arm Dumbbell Extension 39One Arm Dumbbell Row 21One Arm Preacher Curls 47One Arm Pushdown 42One Arm Reverse Grip Pushdown 41One Arm Rope Extension 40Overhead Cable Rear Delt 33Overhead Rope Extension 40


Pec Dec Flyes/Machine 18Power Deadlift 27Press downs 38Pulldown to Front 24


Rear Delt Machine 33Reverse Crunches 55Reverse Rotator Trunk Twists 53Rope Crunch 52Rope Pushdowns 38


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Seated Cable Rows 22Seated Calf Raises 13Seated Dumbbell Extension 43Seated Dumbbell Press 34Seated Flyes/ Machine 19Seated High Row 24Seated Leg Curl 10Seated Leg Raise 53Seated Low Rows 23Seated Machine Press 19Seated Machine Shoulder Press 29Side Lateral Raises 31Single leg curls 12Single Leg Press 7Smith Machine 9Smith Machine Shoulder Press 29Standing Barbell Curls 50Standing Calve Raise 12Straight Arm Pulldowns 25Strip Sets 5Super Sets 5Supported Bent Rows 22Supported Seated Rows 22


T-Bar Row 20Tic Toc’s 53Triceps Pushdowns 38Tri Sets 5Two Arm Cable Front Raise 37


Upright Barbell Row 35


Weight Constants 4Wide Grip Upright Rows 36


Zottman Curls 51