executive administrative professional skills overview

The Executive Administrative Professional Online Training Camp Introduction, Questions, and Invitation Essential management skills for administrative excellence At Home or in Your Office: Tuesdays, Nov. 13 - Dec. 4, 2012 1-4pm ET More info: www.speakstrong.com/admins ©Meryl Runion Rose, [email protected] 719-684-2633

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See if any of these questions apply to you. This is a preview for the Administrative Professional Online Training Camp. I'll be touching on these point in a free webinar on Wednesday October 17th at 11:15 MDT. (That's 1:15 Eastern Time.) You can register for that at www.speakstrong.com/webinars


Page 1: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

The Executive Administrative Professional Online Training Camp Introduction, Questions, and Invitation

Essential management skills for administrative excellenceAt Home or in Your Office: Tuesdays, Nov. 13 - Dec. 4, 2012 1-4pm ET

More info: www.speakstrong.com/admins

©Meryl Runion Rose, [email protected] 719-684-2633

Page 2: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Are you bigger than people can see?

Sometimes people miss the importance of what you do and your role on the team. That can make you feel small, but sometimes it’s because you’re bigger than many people can see.

Discover (or remember) how big you really are.

Learn how to signal and communicate how big you actually are.



The Executive Administrative Professional Online Training Camp

Page 3: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Is your vision invisible?

It’s hard to hit a target you can’t see. Your reviews give you targets that may only reflect outer and limited measures of true administrative excellence. That’s why you need to know what excellence looks like for you.

Regain your inspiration and focus by defining a magnetic vision that will draw you forward toward career success.

Get others on board to help you achieve your vision.



Page 4: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Are you constantly putting out fires instead of focusing on bigger priorities?

Firefighters do more than fight fires, and so should you. Discover how actual firefighters prioritize, strategize and adapt to achieve what matters most.

Learn how you can adapt their best practices to your office both to hold the line and proactively keep ahead of the flames.

Did I mention fire prevention? We’ll be all over that at the Executive Admin Online Boot Camp.



Page 5: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Do your days seem mechanical?

You’re not an interchangeable part in some machine. Sure, there are some job standards that anyone in your position would be expected to meet. And there are tasks that leave little room for creativity.

That doesn’t mean your job needs to be mechanical. We’ll talk about three things you can do to bring your job and yourself to life so you go home at the end of the day feeling like YOU showed up, not some robotron.



Page 6: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Does Execuphobia undermine your effectiveness?

Whether it’s you or it’s team members who hold back from communicating authentically, Execuphobia can threaten success.

Learn how executives think, what they want and what they fear. Get on their team by fearing for them instead of being afraid of them. That lets you support them in ways that help them succeed. It also guides your interactions with team members who haven’t yet found the way to share their best selves with your executive.



Page 7: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Do the tasks no one else wants fall to you?

Get the clarity you need about your true priorities, and what is and isn’t your job.

Learn to set clear boundaries while still sounding like “a team player”. Establish your place on the team by your own design, not default.

While we’re exploring all that, we’ll explore how to talk about your profession and professionalism in ways that win respect.



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Do you have responsibility without authority?

People may not look you in the eye and say “try to make me” when you ask for things you need, but sometimes it feels like they do. Leverage three hidden sources of power to get things done, whether you have authority or not.

We’ll learn 6 PowerPhrases that are specifically designed for people with lots of responsibility and little authority.



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Is this ever you?

You are a professional and can expect to be treated as one. Do you know what that means? Are your boundaries clear? How do you establish boundaries that optimize your situation? It’s very different for different admins.

Lose language that suggests you’re “just an admin”.

Learn language that doesn’t just tell people what you’re not… it tells them what you ARE.



Page 10: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Does multi-tasking leave you fragmented?

Sometimes multi-tasking can feel very inefficient. That’s why you need a “Personal Kanban System” to promote a dynamic workflow through serial tasking.

Your Personal Kanban System may seem counter-intuitive, but it’s your key to getting more done.



Page 11: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Is there never time to do it right the first time (but always time to do it over)?

Sometimes you need to slow down to speed up. And other times, you need to establish systems that mistake-proof what happens when you’re in a hurry.

Get it right the first time, even when rushed, by mistake-proofing your office. You’ll reduce errors and time-consuming do-overs.



Page 12: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Do you update your boss on the run?

If updating your boss means walking really fast, you need to know how to get to the point FAST and summarize complex ideas in simple (but not simplistic) ways.

When you really require more focused attention, you need phrases that will stop your boss in his or her tracks and listen.



Page 13: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Does clutter complicate your day?

Keep it


Most of us spend 15 minutes a day just looking for things we lost. Use the Lean Office principles to ‘5S’ your communication to streamline and simplify.

Sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain your office – whether you work in a lean organization or not.

Then there’s visual communication, pull and flow, and a plethora of other Lean Office tools that will help you effectively move through your day with grace and ease.



Page 14: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Did you answer:

Preview webinar – register at www.speakstrong.com/admins

Online training – go to the above address or learn more and register here.

Then join us for the preview webinar and/or the online training.

Yes!to any of the questions?


17th, 2012 at 11:15 am MDT

Page 15: Executive Administrative Professional Skills Overview

Join us!

Take your skills and your joy up a notch

It’s all coming together in a four-part online intensive :At Home or in Your Office: Tuesdays, Nov. 13 - Dec. 4, 2012

1-4pm ET

I’m the author of ten books on effective communication skill. That includes Perfect Phrases for Office Professionals.

I’ve presented at over 1000 events.

I practice Conversational Leadership to draw the best out of everyone who attends.

I look forward to sharing these skills with you.

©Meryl Runion Rose, [email protected] 719-684-2633

Say what you mean

Mean what you say

Withoutbeing mean

when you say it

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The Synergy Center

We’d love to have you.More info: www.speakstrong.com/admins