exclusive interview with tej kohli for marbella plus tv


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Post on 02-Nov-2015




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Tej Kohli is a highly successful international businessman, entrepreneur and an ardent philanthropist with an innate talent for supporting and nurturing entrepreneurs with extraordinary ideas, to create pioneers of the future.Learn more about Tej Kohli here http://tejkohli.com/


  • tejkohli.com

    Exclusive Interview With Tej Kohli For Marbella Plus TV

    Today he has offices in Abu Dhabi, Buenos Aires, Delhi, Miami, San Jose and Vancouver with his

    global headquarters in London, strategically situated to straddle the time zones of East and


    Tej Kohli is a visionary

    technology entrepreneur,

    fintech specialist, global

    businessman and an

    ardent philanthropist

    who has recently added a

    magnificent Marbella

    villa to this property


    Tej Kohli operates on a global stage as do the businesses he invests in. His investments are

    made primarily in the technology, IT, payments, data analytics, e-commerce, alternative energy

    and medical innovations sectors; the sectors in which Mr Kohli built his wealth and business


    Mr Kohli is eliees i todas epoetial tehologies that hae the potetial to eoe a remarkable disruptor very few powerful technological advances have come out of major institutions they almost always start with one person having a visionary idea. He also believes that emerging markets hold the key to a vast wealth of talent and innovation.

    His strong work ethics and philosophy stems from the inspiration he got from his father, a

    respected Indian ecooist ad jouralist. Mr Kohlis father as a a ho eouraged his son to grasp every opportunity with both hands and to follow his ambitions wherever they took

    him in the world.

  • tejkohli.com

    Tej Kohli graduated from the prestigious Indian

    Institute of Technology in Kanpur where he

    studied electrical engineering. He then worked

    for a small Delhi company making tachometers it was there that he realised that advances in

    processes could revolutionise a business. From

    there he went onto develop e-commerce

    platforms, combining his passion for technology

    with a natural acumen for business. This led him

    to build a global business empire investing in

    technology-focused companies. Today he has

    offices in Abu Dhabi, Buenos Aires, Delhi, Miami,

    San Jose and Vancouver with his global

    headquarters in London, strategically situated to

    straddle the time zones of East and West.

    He is married to Wendy with whom he has

    two children. Family is also very important

    to Mr Kohli without a loving family, you have no one to share your success and

    future aspirations with.

    In 2002, Wendy and Tej Kohli founded the

    Tej Kohli Foundation to share their success

    with those who are less fortunate. The Tej

    Kohli Foundation is focused on making

    donations which have a measurable and

    sustainable impact mainly in India, Costa Rica and other developing countries.

  • tejkohli.com

    Founded entirely by Mr Kohli for many years, the Tej Kohli Foundation has been committed to

    providing free cornea transplants to millions of people suffering from corneal blindness. The

    availability of corneas is the primary restriction on the number of transplants the Foundation

    can donate. The Foundation has teamed up with leading authorities in this field and together

    they are dedicated to furthering the development of artificial cornea. Their shared vision is to

    make affordable artificial corneas available to everyone and ultimately eradicate corneal

    blindness in the world.

    Exclusive Interview With Tej Kohli For Marbella Plus TV