excellent home remedies

III. Some of Outstanding Traditional Practices / Innovation for Preventing Outbreak of Disease in Human 1. He rbal Tr eatment f or Diabetes by Mr. Innas imut hu Mr.Innasimuthu (80) studied upto 5 th  std. For the past 50 y ears he has been treating people suffe ring from chronic diabet es. His herbal formula is found to be ve ry effective and many patie nts from outsi de inclu di ng forei gn countri es vis iti ng his place. o undergo herb al treatment. He claims that many tho usands of peo ple have been cure d through his tr eatmen t. He too! interest in various siddha treatments. He studied the principle of siddha system and there by familiar "ith #$aa dis#(%ulse). &ccording to him the re are ' nadis are there. In the night time the #$aadis# (%ulse) meant for lin!ing the brain "ill alone !ept open "hile others (vein eye ear heart) "ill be closed. In addition to iabetes he is treating cold body pain etc. Diabetes *hen blood circulation is not proper to brain bac! bone intestine there "ill not be appetite there by affects the inner lining of intestine region. +ecause of no appetite there "ill be less absorption of food. he body " ill loose its converting sugar into energy.

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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