examen de ingles

Corazon de Jesus School 12 th -17-14 Secondary First Name : …………………………… English test I/ Pronunciation: Choose the ord that has the underlined !art !ronounced di""erently "rom the 1# A. m a y B.s a y C.s aid D. pr ay 2. A. depend ed B. divid ed C. separat ed D. compris ed 3. A. s ymbol B.t y pe C. tr y D. st yle 4.A. cr o ss B.c o mic C.c otton D. enc o urage 5.A. clo th ing B.e th nic C.weth er D. th ose !.A. m a y B.c a n C. st ay D. s ay ".A. bo# es B. was es C. watc es D. go es $.A. val ue B. use C.m usic D. c urrency %.A. s i nce B.r i de C. dr i ve D. div i de &'.A. ca s ual B. s ale C. s leeveless D. s lit II/ $rammar and %oca&ulary: Find the one choice that &est com!letes the sent &.(e ……. wit )riends in an apartment in (uaco City since last wee*. A. live B. is living C. lived D. as lived 2.+arie Curie …….. te ,obel -ri e )or -ysics in &%'3. A. was awardedB. award C. as awarded D. awarded 3.(er clotes loo* very modern and ………. A. )asion B. )asioning C. )asioned D. )asionable 4./e aven0t *ept in touc wit eac oter ……. A. since si# monts B. )or si# monts C. si# years ago D. over si# monts 5./e are really ……… by te beauty o) +ary. A. impression B. impress C. impressive D. impressed !.(e doesn0t depend … ….. is parents. A. in B. on C. at D. )or &$ ".+atematics and 1iterature are …….. sub ects in ig scools. A. optional B. adding C. religious D. compulsory $. ey …………. go to ambo de +ora in summer. A. use B. used to C. are used D. are used to %. e wises tey ……… ere ne#t time. A. don0t come B. didn0t comeC. won0t come D. wouldn0t come &'. …… your ouse ………. ne#t year A. will6 be rebuilt B. was6 rebuilt C. is6 rebuilt D. as6 been rebuilt

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Song Da Secondary School

Corazon de Jesus School 12th-17-14

Secondary First

Name: English test I/ Pronunciation: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1.A. may

B. say

C. said

D. pray

2. A. depended

B. divided

C. separated

D. comprised 3. A. symbol

B. type

C. try

D. style

4.A. cross

B. comic

C. cotton

D. encourage

5.A. clothing

B. ethnic

C. whether

D. those

6.A. may

B. can

C. stay

D. say

7.A. boxes

B. washes

C. watches

D. goes

8.A. value

B. use

C. music

D. currency

9.A. since

B. ride

C. drive

D. divide 10.A. casual

B. sale

C. sleevelessD. slit

II/ Grammar and vocabulary: Find the one choice that best completes the sentence.

1.He . with friends in an apartment in Huacho City since last week.

A. live

B. is living

C. lived

D. has lived 2.Marie Curie .. the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.

A. was awardedB. award

C. has awardedD. awarded 3.Her clothes look very modern and .

A. fashion

B. fashioningC. fashioned

D. fashionable

4.We havent kept in touch with each other .

A. since six monthsB. for six months C. six years agoD. over six months 5.We are really by the beauty of Mary.

A. impression

B. impress

C. impressive

D. impressed 6.He doesnt depend .. his parents.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. for18

7.Mathematics and Literature are .. subjects in high schools.

A. optional

B. adding

C. religious

D. compulsory 8.They . go to Tambo de Mora in summer.

A. use

B. used to

C. are used

D. are used to

9.She wishes they here next time.

A. dont come

B. didnt come C. wont come D. wouldnt come 10. your house . next year?

A. will/ be rebuilt

B. was/ rebuiltC. is/ rebuilt

D. has/ been rebuiltPAGE