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Exact Macola® ERP


Business Unified™

Business software shouldbe designed for only onepurpose—to solve business problems. Exact Software designedMacola ERP from theground up as a next generation, ERP-II

solution that helps business owners andmanagers eliminate the top seven causes of business pain.

business pain:Product cost and profit data is inaccurate. It happens when a company runsits manufacturing businesses on accounting systems without BOM’s andlabor reporting and overhead calculations.

problem solved:Macola ERP is a full manufacturing application with complete costing andproduction scheduling that directly feeds accounting.

business pain:Managers are spending too much time looking for problems and opportunitiesin a myriad of reports. Companies without exception-managementcapabilities see this all the time.

problem solved:Macola ERP with Exact Event Manager™ lets the customer define any businessexception that trigger powerful action outcomes including database updating.

business pain:Customers are not being serviced consistently resulting in lost business. A business with no structured follow-through to customer requestsexperiences this pain on an almost daily basis.

problem solved:Customers have a portal in Macola that enables them to do more than place orders and view order status. The customer can interact with yourorganization with structured workflow.

business pain:Key data is duplicated throughout the organization, requiring twice themaintenance effort, resulting in wasted effort and wasted money.

problem solved:Macola ERP with Exact e-Synergy® operates as a single database—avoidingerrors and synchronization problems. You have total visibility and accuratetracking from materials purchase through finished product. Plus, it’s a complete knowledge management system, allowing you to create, post andstore documents and share information anywhere and anytime, even overthe Internet though secure portals.





meeting your business challenges

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business pain:Operating performance is poor or uneven. This is often caused by“management via email". Email is a “black hole” with no provision for structure or follow-through. Key tasks and issues constantly fall through the cracks, creating customer dissatisfaction.

problem solved:The Workflow capability in Macola ERP provides closed loop communication.People throughout your organization are clear on what needs to be done,and when. And managers can instantly verify the status of any task, andyour customers get the great service they expect.

business pain:IT Costs are high. That’s often the result of systems developed in-house or by outside consultants that require constant updating to stay compatible.Support wanes and the customer has to pay a fortune in consulting andsupport fees. Many inter-application custom interfaces are unreliable orprone to error.

problem solved:Many applications can be replaced by Macola ERP using our single database approach and the support requirements are reduced to oneorganization—the network of Exact technical experts. Exact offers stabilityacross the IT infrastructure and with the one database architecture, requires less support as there are fewer integration issues to address.

business pain:Poor visibility into financial elements of the organization.

problem solved:Macola ERP offers real-time views into financials, broken down into a logicalhierarchy of reporting. Most companies have subsidiaries operating on apatched-together mix of applications and reporting systems. Standardizingon Macola ERP enables companies to easily roll up disparate applicationsinto one cohesive database. n


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nterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP) solutionshave allowed businessesto operate much moreefficiently, but there has

been one major issue with thetechnology since it was introduced:it didn’t involve the entire enter-prise. Macola ERP with e-Synergyis an ERP-II solution for your entireenterprise, enabling you to controlthe ways you produce and distrib-ute products, manage your busi-ness, knowledge, workflow, docu-ment storage, financials, criticalevents, and marketing.

It’s advanced technology—scalable,configurable, and with strong corefunctionality, that delivers positivechanges to the organization, withshortened implementation times

and reduced IT resource require-ments. With Macola ERP, users havea choice of menus to customize theirinterface. Users can choose betweenpanels or explorer type menus. The choice is at the user level whichmeans that you are not bound bya single choice in look and feel.

Exact’s software features a lowtotal cost of ownership—perhapsthe lowest among providers ofsmall to midsize business solu-tions. Since it is modular in archi-tecture, the software grows as yourneeds grow. As a result, you elimi-nate expensive integration and cus-tomization. In fact, through the useof built-in Microsoft Visual Basic tools,which developers can use to custo-mize screens without changing sourcecode, you save time and money. n

E“Prior to installing Exact, NASI usedthree software products totaling 15applications—a barrier to integrated,efficient operations. There was littlecontrol over the flow of businessprocesses through the internal supplychain and minimal enterprise focuson reporting. Then we installedExact Macola, and the integrationbetween the financial, distributionand manufacturing data afforded us the opportunity to follow businesstransactions from beginning-to-endusing common terminology and applications, and ultimately generating reports with a commonperspective.

—Chris Holbert, Director of Information Technology, North American Scientific, Inc.

one solution across the enterprise

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Distribution Business Process Management


Event Management

Human Resources Management

Vendor/Customer Management

Business Analytics

Document Management

Inter/Intranet Portals

Macola ERP



“We installed Exact Macola, and the integration between the financial, distribution and manufacturingdata afforded us the opportunity to follow business transactions from beginning-to-end.”

—Chris Holbert, Director of Information Technology, North American Scientific, Inc.


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t’s a next generation ERP-II

solution for midsize enterprisesincluding integrated financial,distribution, manufacturing,human resources and supply

chain applications to help cus-tomers perform all their businessprocesses in a Microsoft SQL


Offering a scalable and flexibleenvironment that provides strategicvisibility into a company’s businessprocesses, Macola ERP allowsorganizations to operate moreeffectively and efficiently. Thissolution is easy to use, inexpen-sive, requires few resources andhas the ability to meet high growthand change requirements.

financialsThe Macola ERP accounting packageis the financial basis for a completeERP-II solution. It provides excep-tional financial management tools,security and reporting flexibility.Budgets can be generated or revisedon the fly, supporting extensive“what if” analyses. The health of theentire value chain, from supplier tobusiness partner to customer isquickly discernable through a varietyof embedded reports. With Macolayou can secure real-time visibilityinto corporate financial data withtransaction level drill-down capability.

product and inventorymanagementAll of your company information isnow accessible via the Internet.Macola helps dynamic organiza-tions electronically and centrallymanage their product and servicecatalogs, exposing that vitalinformation to your customersusing Macola’s embedded portaltechnology. You can obtain comprehensive inventory manage-ment functionality including the ability to take actions on individualitems or groups of items.



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Excel Add-inThe Excel Add-in provides a dynamiclink between Macola ERP andMicrosoft® Excel®. Available acrossthe entire Macola ERP suite, thislink allows you to generate yourown overviews in Microsoft Excelusing Macola ERP data. Afteradding transactions in Macola ERP

you just refresh your worksheet,giving you immediate, up-to-date,dynamic reporting. The ExcelAdd-in lets you build your ownreports using a wizard or standardformulas. These formulas letyou determine which informationyou want to retrieve, such as a customer's outstanding items. In doing so you can add your own variables, such as customernumber, financial year or date.

distributionThe Macola ERP Distribution pack-age meets the needs of a diversearray of businesses by providingsuperior inventory management,advanced sales order processing,strong procurement functions andpowerful bill of materials process-ing that is even coupled with a lightmanufacturing solution. Finally,there is strong data collection solution that supports affordableRadio Frequency (RFID) equipment.

manufacturing Macola ERP is an industry-leadingmanufacturing solution that providesexceptional tools for make-to-stock,make-to-order, assemble-to-orderand mixed mode manufacturingenvironments. The Macola ERP

Manufacturing package providesa closed-loop planning and execu-tion solution that is closely basedon the latest APICS methodologies.Its particular strengths are strongmaterials planning, easy-to-usescheduling, terrific shop floor control capabilities and flexiblecosting options that help measuremanufacturing performance at all phases down to the employee level.

business processmanagementExact Software’s Macola ERP isthe only solution designed for themid-market with native BusinessProcess Management (BPM)offering ERP-II capability. Workflow,CRM, HRM, project management,document management, knowl-edge management and e-financialsare the elements of this unparal-leled combination of applications.These applications provide toolsand visibility for virtually all of abusiness’s employees, not justthe accounting and inventoryrelated personnel. It improvescommunications and eliminatesredundant work.

exception managementKey exceptions can be defined,such as disruptions in normalcustomer buying patterns that, in turn, can generate a task to the salesperson to contact the customer. Imagine how these user-defined exceptions andactions can improve the bottomline! It’s like having an invisibleexecutive watching over your business 24 hours a day!

business analyticsMacola’s Business Analytics enablebusiness managers to make better decisions by allowing peoplethroughout the enterprise to shareinformation, identify trends, evaluateperformance, and create strategy.

This feature is comprehensive andfully integrated with Macola ERP.Users can perform analysis toInventory, Sales, Manufacturing,Distribution, and Financial modulesand enjoy full on-line AnalyticProcessing (OLAP), graphing, andreporting functionality, includingoff-line analytical capabilities, with-out the need for data warehouse.With the Dashboard feature, usersget quick overviews and drill-to-detail access. Business Analyticsalso integrates and displays datafrom Exact Macola applicationsand other ODBC-compliant sources,including legacy systems andspread sheets. n

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acola ERP is easy toimplement and use,resulting in a lowcost of ownership.Faster execution,

elimination of important details“falling though the cracks,”reduced need for employee trainingand countless other benefitswill result in cumulative returns foryour company.

Your people can manage entireprocesses automatically withouta single piece of paper. They areprompted at each step in theprocess to keep the order moving if approved or contact the customerif rejected—without a single piece of paper! The benefit is that tasksno longer “fall through the cracks,”employees require less training andyour business moves faster withgreater accuracy.

Macola ERP is a business tool thatdrives more consistent and efficientexecution of business policies. The benefit is that revenues peremployee can grow while improvingcustomer service.

Macola ERP improves communica-tion within an organization as wellas with suppliers and customers.Its “communication” tools are vastlysuperior to email as it manages theresponses and resulting actionsthat are often intended with email.Unfortunately email provides nosuch tools. For example, a suppliercould request a materials require-ment forecast using a workflowtask via the web that routes itautomatically for approval and thentracked and managed through todelivery. Alternatively, the requestmight be rejected back to the sup-plier for a variety of reasons. Eitherway, such requests and duties aretracked through to completion.

speed and efficiencyMacola ERP allows an organization’sentire workforce—including its part-ners, customers and suppliers—tocollaborate. All informationbecomes securely available viayour intranet or the Internetwherever you are, removing anorganization’s departmentalbarriers. Access to information ismonitored by security ratings androles within the system, ensuringthat only the right stakeholdershave access to certain information.

Mbusiness benefits

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Continued on next page.

reduction in “paper shuffling” & searchingWith Macola ERP’s native documenthandling, all electronic files aremaintained in a central and organized place and are accessiblein a variety of ways where andwhen you need it. Macola ERP

makes the paperless office possi-ble by eliminating the need tomaintain paper files. Even signeddocuments can be stored andreproduced on demand. All of thisdata is protected with a powerfulsecurity model that is easy toimplement. These documentsallow everyone in the organizationto be connected.

worldwide integrationOrganizations with multiple loca-tions face unique challenges intoday’s marketplace. These chal-lenges range from tracking assetsto reporting financials. Macola ERP

allows you the option to rollupmulti-division and multi-companydata into a single view. In addition,you can support multi-countrypricing, special discounts, salescampaigns, and a powerful productconfiguration tool for mandatoryand optional component defini-tions. Because of the Web-baseddesign of Macola ERP’s businessprocess management module,every employee, regardless oflocation, will have access to thesame information.

application-specificpricingMacola ERP is modular, allowingyour investment to grow as yourenterprise grows. With Macola ERP,you only use what you need, whenyou need it.

account structureThe Macola ERP account structure is composed of the main accountnumber, the cost unit and the costcenter. The account number seg-ments are contained in separatetables and are completely inde-pendent of each other. The accountformat is 25 characters. The mainaccount number can be 9 charac-ters and the cost unit and costcenter segments can be up to8 characters each. In Macola ERP

entry screens you can do an inde-pendent search on each segmentof the account number to selectthe correct main account, cost unit,and cost center for the transaction.

“Exact’s ground-breaking technology has enabled our business to gain a competitive advantage in themarketplace, allowing more efficient employee performance which translates into corporate success.”—Neil Montgomery, CEO and President of Davis Controls, LTD.

Continued on next page.

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asset managementWith Macola ERP, registering andmanaging your assets is easy. A new asset can be registereddirectly while making an entryin your purchase journal. Thisensures that as soon as the assetis received, it is also registered.This can be done directly from thebooking entry screen, which is fastand easy to use. All asset move-ments are linked to financial trans-actions. After asset creation themonthly depreciation entries arecalculated automatically. MacolaERP supports unlimited deprecia-tion methods and comes with features such as revaluation, disposal and modification ofassets. Each asset has an assetcard listing historical transactionsfor easy traceability.

analysis by account(employee, customer, supplier, etc)From Macola ERP you can analyzeemployee payroll, customer salestransactions or supplier perform-ance with the use of account cards.Employee, customer and supplierdata is grouped to show basic,unlimited contact and addressinformation, financial informationand many user-defined fields inthese account cards. Related transactions, like sales, invoice and cash activity, can be accessedthrough the account cards.

contract managementThis key functionality allows usersto manage contracts, like annualmaintenance agreements.Contracts are scanned and elec-tronically attached to each accountcard in Macola ERP. By storing infor-mation on ONE database, users canspeed payments and ensure moreefficient relationship management.

flexibilityVBA offers a sophisticated set ofprogramming tools based on theMicrosoft Visual Basic Applicationsdevelopment system, which devel-opers can use to harness the power of packaged applications, withoutchanging source code. This helpsdevelopers save time and money,reduce risks, leverage their programming skills and deliver precisely what users need.

warehouse management systemPicking and shipping are the mostintricate and costly functions ofmany warehouse operations. WithMacola ERP’s WarehouseManagement System, users cancombine orders into bulk picks,manage picking priorities, assignelectronic picks to specific pickers,and track picking efficiencies,streamlining the entire fulfillmentprocess and managing it from asingle screen. Clients using WMShave dramatically reduced picking,

shipping and data entry errors,reducing customer complaints andcharge-backs, often receiving a fullreturn on investment within a fewmonths of installation.

feature/optionconfiguratorThe Feature/Option Configuratorapplication enables you to design a "modular" bill of material, which is a bill of material thatoffers you a choice of componentswhen configuring a parent item.This facilitates the customization of a product according to individualcustomer's specifications.

visual schedulingThe Visual Scheduler provides analternative method for viewing andmodifying the schedule for produc-tion orders, allowing you to changethe starting date, ending date, andlead-time for unreleased orders.

visual bill builderMacola ERP' Visual Bill of Resourceestablishes the link between a single inventory item and the components that comprise the finished goods. n

business benefits (continued)

www.exactamerica.com/macola | 1.800.468.0834, Ext. 26509

Exact’s product has a different way of thinking, a different wayof interacting with your core constituencies…When I saw what it could do, I was blown away by what a complete package it was.”

—Sharon Dill, CIO, PADI Americas

Once Exact was installed, we saw significant enhancements in our productivity. We have found the Material RequirementsPlanning (MRP) solution to be very effective. We also have implemented a few extensions to the product, with externalMicrosoft Access and Visual Basic applications, to improveefficiency and accuracy in manufacturing and shipping. This product has worked well for us.”

—Key Jobson, CIO, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

1.800.468.0834, Ext. 2650 | www.exactamerica.com/macola 10


For Zatarain’s, part of the reason for choosingExact boils down to price. The price differencebetween Exact and the next higher echelon ofEnterprise Managementproviders is significant. For our size company, Exact is the perfect fit.

—Bob Morgan, Information Systems Manager, Zatarain’s

xact Software’s solutionsprovide measurablereturn on investmentthrough low total costof ownership, increased

efficiency gains, ease of use andeffective management of businessprocesses. This ROI comes from theinnovation, speed and user-friend-liness of Exact’s software.

Exact’s solutions are built on efficiencyWith integrated electronic docu-ment and knowledge management,organizations will see a dramaticreduction in “paper shuffling.”Innovative workflow functionalitynative to its solutions allow usersto create custom workflow tabs.Also, users can create tasks forthemselves or other employees.These tasks are registered in the user’s workflow until the specified action is taken. You avoid missed paymentsand production overscheduling.

ease of use featuresdominate Exact’ssolutionsMenu selections are simple, taking a process-flow approach with fewer clicks to commonly usedapplications. Shared applicationsare grouped into views that areeasy to access with one click. Theproducts offer complete desktopintegration, allowing customers toutilize standard productivity tools,such as Microsoft Office, to accessdata for decision support.

effective managementof business processesmeans real top line growthThrough the electronic manage-ment of internal and externalbusiness processes, integratedworkflow functionality allowsorganizations to shorten their customer service cycles, streamlinebusiness processes and improveworkflow management. WithExact’s workflow functionality, you can model your businessprocesses electronically and give everyone in the organization a better understanding oforganizational processes. n

Macola ERP delivers ROI


www.exactamerica.com/macola | 1.800.468.0834, Ext. 265011

t Exact Software, webelieve in BusinessUnified™—being aleading provider ofsolutions that connect

the people, processes and knowl-edge essential to an efficient, competitive business. Exact’sintegrated solutions encompassexecutive control, accounting, manufacturing, distribution, onlinecommerce, CRM, HRM, documentmanagement, Web portals, workflow and more—empoweringcollaboration among employees,suppliers, and customers with real-time access to central Web-based corporate information andexchange. Exact Software solutionsprovide greater visibility across the organization, maximizing control,productivity and efficiency for theentire value chain. Exact Softwarewas founded in 1984 and we currently serve more than 100,000customers, in over 60 countries, in 26 languages.

You will find us in virtually allmid-size environments, improvingorganizational efficiency and collaboration by allowing users tocontrol costs, increase customersatisfaction, improve overallservice and reach out to globalcustomers and suppliers.

Macola ERP with e-Synergy givesyou the capability to run your business 24/7/365, from anywherein the world. Its Internet-based systems help you turn your business on a dime.

Exact is a worldwide organizationwith a global network of businesspartners. Each provides dedicatedlocal support and implementationservices, and is backed by central-ized service teams at our regionaloffices. Exact’s service organizationhas been built to deliver qualityexpertise and speed of response toensure continued satisfaction andreliable performance. Our broadinternational presence allows us tomeet the needs of many organiza-tions, from smaller domestic com-panies to large multinational organ-izations seeking to implement asingle, flexible, powerful solution.

Exact partners with Microsoft,Crystal Decisions, Citrix, Preactor,BirdDog e-commerce, Bel-Tek,WiSys, CompuSoft, Lasata Software,V-Technologies, and more technology leaders to create a stable yet flexible, scalable set of products. This assures thatthe Exact business system youimplement will continue to growas your business grows.

Exact Software—global reach, local touch


1.800.468.0834, Ext. 2650 | www.exactamerica.com/macola 12

more than just software

Exact FormsExact Forms’ product offering isdesigned to suit your specificneeds, including:

n Stock, standard and custom product lines to meet your budget needs.

n 27 standard color options in the custom product line, allowing you to match your company’s image.

n Enhanced security optionsdesigned to protect your negotiable documents from fraud.

n Customization options thatallow you to modify the form to match your system output.

Exact Forms is the only formsvendor officially approved for usewith Exact Software’s Macola products. Because Exact Forms areguaranteed 100% compatible, youcan rest easy in your decision topurchase from us.

user groupsExact encourages user groupsthroughout the world. User groupsoffer a way to share common expe-riences and exchange ideas withother Exact users. Feedback fromthese user groups provides thebasis for product updates andhelps shape product direction.Members of our user groups get afirst look at product enhancementsand upgrades. To find out more, go to www.emug.org.

For more information about our professional servicesgroup, please contact ourSales team at 800-468-0834.

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Exact Software North Americawww.exactamerica.com/macola

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ArgentinaAustralia AustriaBelgiumCanadaCayman IslandsChileChinaColombiaCubaCzech RepublicDenmarkFranceGermany

Hong KongHungaryIndonesiaIrelandItalyJapanKuwaitLuxemburgMalaysiaMexicoMoroccoNetherlands AntillesPalestinePeru

PhilippinesPolandPortugalRomaniaRussian FederationSaudi ArabiaSingaporeSlovak RepublicSouth AfricaSpainSurinamSwitzerlandThailandThe Netherlands

Trinidad & TobagoUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited States ofVietnam

Exact Software North America delivers solutions and services through a national network of business partnersand regional offices. This comprehensive collection of expertise assures that Exact customers receive exceptionalcare, delivered how and when they want it—before, during, and after implementation. We are dedicated to providing each customer continued satisfaction and reliable performance.

Exact Software North America—Business Partners

Exact Software North America’s business partners are highly-trained, experienced resellers who truly do addvalue for customers. Training and certification testing provides a consistent, objective standard by which Exact Business Partners are evaluated on their technical expertise. To be authorized to sell many of Exact'smodules or successfully manage an implementation, there are certain certifications that partners must achieve.

To view a current list of Exact Software Business Partners and how to contact them, please visit: www.exactusergroups.com/partners

Exact Software North America—Corporate and Regional Offices

Exact has established offices throughout the United States and Canada. These offices are staffed with expertpersonnel in the areas of product development, sales, customer care and a variety of services.

To view a current list of Exact Software Corporate and Regional Offices and how to contact them, please visit: www.exactamerica.com/exact/contactus.html

Worldwide Locations


Exact Software Business PartnerThe Attivo Group, Inc.2052 Newport Blvd., Ste. 6-245, Costa Mesa, CA 92627Phone: 949-642-9200; Fax: [email protected]