evulation question


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Post on 13-Jun-2015




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The genre of my trailer is Romance. Most films within this genre focus around a main subject with cross links into other genres such as sport. Which is what I have linked my trailer too. Sport.

During my research and planning I looked into several different trailers to help me discover the typical codes and conventions of a real life romance sport film.

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One film in particular that I looked at was ‘ Love and Basketball. Which although in may respects is not linked to the story line which my trailer is, it has some similar traits. It is about a boy and girl who both want to play in the NBA. They have a love hate relationship which lasts into high school. They both have very different attitudes and this separates them. As high school ends they come together as a couple. Within a year of them being together, there relationship takes a turn for the worse as Quincy’s father comes between them; Quincy is the male actor. I decided this film was a good idea to use as I believe that although it is a different story line, it is a good film to use as inspiration because something comes between the couple just like I does it my trailer. The father comes between the couple in love an basketball whereas in my film basketball comes between the couple.

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My idea follows the codes and conventions of a romance. It focuses on a relationship between a female and male. The male and female are deeply in love, and then something comes between them which sends a twist on the story as this links to a different genre and this is very similar to the film Love and Basketball.

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My film is set in the current time period, therefore regards to costume and styling it was pretty simple. I looked into the styles and conventions of the style of a basketball player, this was easy as the actor I had chosen for the male character to play the basketball player, played basketball on a regular basis and this meant that costume access was easy. Costumes are appropriate to the realistic setting and do not stand out to much, they suit the style of what is going on. Hair and makeup was also very basic as I didn’t want to draw attention away from the story.

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A convention of a teaser trailer is to ‘tease’ the audience before the film is released by giving them short clips, edited together to entice their attention and make them want to watch the film on it’s release date. The aim of the teaser trailer is not to give to much information away or contain any spoilers.

Within my own teaser trailer I have included short clips in which don’t give too much of the story away. They portray an outline of the events in the story, however they may leave the audience to find out what is going to happen next.

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With regards to transitions, within trailers the transitions between each short clip tend to vary depending on the topic of the film.

When analysis ‘Love and Basketball’, the transitions were sharp, sudden and fast paced.

I also analysed ‘Dear John’ trailer which was difficult as it was completely different to ‘Love and Basketball’ whereas the transitions in ‘Love and Basketball’ were fast paced. Whereas on the other hand ‘Dear John’ was quite slow paced and didn’t move on fastly as I believe it was trying to show the romance within the film.

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I used the convention with regards to fades between clips within my trailer by editing some clips to fade out to black in order to make it appear like it is disappearing. However I challenged this convention by also making my some of my clips flash in and out so it almost looked like there was a light flashing. Alongside this I used fast, quick pace transition times in order to make my trailer seem upbeat, like the trailer ‘Love and Basketball’. By doing this it reinforced the fact that the main character is rushing to try and make a decision about what he wanted to weather he wanted to choose ‘LOVE’ or ‘BASKETBALL’.

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SOUND When analysing trailers I began to realise that like the

transitions, the music varies depending on how dramatic the story is and what is going on. For example ‘Love and Basketball’ has a fast paced transition style yet Dear John is very slow and almost sad representing different things.

I followed media conventions as I didn’t want to challenge anything in this aspect of my digital productions. I used a slow/jazz song throughout the whole of my trailer as I wanted the whole trailer to portray the same thing. Which I personally believe that it did. Although things happened within the trailer for example on scene shows how 2 characters are completely in love the other scene shows how really the male actor doesn’t care about his love life all he cares about is basketball and this is portrayed as you can the actors facial expression when he is with his girlfriend compared to how he looks when he is playing basketball.

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A modern day convention of a trailer is to make it end on a cliff hanger. I used this convention within my trailer by leaving the final conclusion within my trailer a question to the audience. WHAT WILL HE CHOOSE?

LOVE OR BASKETBALL? This is done, to keep the suspense and

leaves the audience wanting to find out what happens next. The questions I think the audience should be asking them self are; what happens next? I wonder who he will choose?

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I used this convention in my trailer by keeping the ending a question to the audience. I wanted to make sure that the ending was not given away as I believe this defeated the object of a teaser trailer. The ending of my trailer sees the character playing basketball then a title screen leaving the audience with a rhetorical question.

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MOVIE POSTER Within my poster I have followed a lot of conventions

from many posters. Although most people in my media group used portrait canvas’ I believe the title is clear, the credits at the bottom of page and the image is bold.

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I researched movie posters and they all contain a very different layout: I chose a landscape image as I wanted to create my poster so that I didn't have to use an image which filled the whole page. I used the lens flare so that this would create a different type of background to a normal everyday poster.

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When I looked at existing movie posters the credits were often found at the bottom of the poster. As well as this they were on every single poster therefore I knew this was vital and I definitely should not miss this out. The credits within my poster are placed at the bottom of the page as that is where they are on most posters, therefore this was typical convention.

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The background of my movie poster contains the lens flare effect. Which is meant to look like the light has hit the camera in a particular way. I took this convention and challenged it by using it the whole way across the image. By doing this I believe it made the movie poster stand out and similar the whole way through.

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Like my poster I used a different common convention in this as I have used the masthead over the top of the photos head instead of putting the photo underneath.

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A convention which I have learnt is that most mastheads are placed underneath the main image slightly covered my the image. I didn’t use this convention within my magazine I used the masthead in front of the image instead of beneath it.

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CORPORATE COLOURS When researching in to magazines the one

thing which I realised was the use of colours. This was to represent the magazine company and make it recognisable to the audience. The colours I used were: this links to the theme in my poster as well as my magazine. This tells the audience that everything links and it is a recognisable company.