evrgreen prepairingstudents v1.3

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  1. 1. Student Futures: A Story about Emerging Technology, Jobs and Students How The Future Works [email protected]
  2. 2. What do you think of when I say?
  3. 3. Robot
  4. 4. John Hart / AP
  5. 5. http://ae45ipb.wordpress.com/2009/12/31/masa-depan-pertanian-ada-di-tangan-robotikabisakah/
  6. 6. http://ae45ipb.wordpress.com/2009/12/31/masa-depan-pertanian-ada-di-tangan-robotikabisakah/
  7. 7. http://ilovesubstance.com/2007/transformers-movie-posters-optimus-prime-megatron/
  8. 8. http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,663371_10,00.html
  9. 9. http://www.cartoonscrapbook.com/03pics/jetsons09.jpg
  10. 10. http://www.examiner.com/classic-movies-in-anaheim/top-5-classic-sci-fi-films
  11. 11. http://robonaut.jsc.nasa.gov/iss/#issmission
  12. 12. http://robonaut.jsc.nasa.gov/iss/#issmission
  13. 13. http://robonaut.jsc.nasa.gov/iss/#issmission
  14. 14. http://robonaut.jsc.nasa.gov/iss/#issmission
  15. 15. http://robonaut.jsc.nasa.gov/iss/#issmission @AstroRobonaut
  16. 16. Software Computer ElectricalMechanical ROBOT Relationships = Systems
  17. 17. Your car is a robot. TSTC West TX, Sweetwater, 10.31.2006
  18. 18. http://www.calcars.org/photos.html
  19. 19. Tesla 256 MPGe
  20. 20. http://www.cat.com/
  21. 21. Silent Revolution
  22. 22. 1,000 MPG eq. Fuel Cell Car
  23. 23. Software Computer ElectricalMechanical Chemistry Relationships = Systems
  24. 24. The New Face of Innovation
  25. 25. Innovation Model
  26. 26. Source, DIAC, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), Pattern Languages for the 21st Century, Brazell and Monroe, 2003
  27. 27. Elementary spaceTEAMS San Antonio,TX Robot competition plus career and academic exploration and history of science and technology.
  28. 28. spaceTEAMS San Antonio,TX Middle School
  29. 29. US First-EISD Andrew Schuetze San Antonio,TX High School
  30. 30. Holmes High School and San Antonio Cyber Initiative
  31. 31. How CyberPatriot works Multi-round competition Qualifying rounds are virtual and teams compete simultaneously Teams download VMware images and attempt to secure them over a given period of time Teams connected to centralized scoring platform Teams graded against known solution sets Finals held in Orlando and Washington DC Cyber Patriot highschoolcdc.com
  32. 32. Arts Health STEMAcademics CTE STEM +ARTS
  33. 33. Free Tools
  34. 34. http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Education/KTurtle-2303.shtml KTurtle is a Logo programming language interpreter. The Logo programming language is very easy and thus it can be used by young children. Logo is ideal for teaching kids the basics of programming, mathematics and geometry. One of the reasons many children like Logo is because of the turtle, a programmable icon which can be moved around the screen with simple commands and can be programmed to draw objects.
  35. 35. Little Wizard (Windows, Linux) Little Wizards is a program that was specifically created with primary school children in mind. It focuses on teaching kids the basic elements of all programming languages, including: variables, expressions, conditions, logical blocks and loops. All of these elements is represented by an icon which allows the building of a program to be done using only a mouse http://littlewizard.sourceforge.net/downloads.html
  36. 36. scratch.mit.edu
  37. 37. http://www.sophos.com/lp/threatbeaters-dp/
  38. 38. Assignment
  39. 39. What do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? HAIKU 5, 7, 5
  40. 40. How is technology changing living, learning and working in the 21st century?
  41. 41. Haiku is a Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. (5) The moment two are (7) united they both vanish (5) A lotus blooms here. Murakami, Kijo. (1865-1938), Adapted by Brazell http://www.toyomasu.com/haiku/#time Bob Allen ideas
  42. 42. Haiku SLC (5) Keystrokes on canvas (7) Mixed paints in a petri dish (5) And murals of math
  43. 43. Haiku Abilene, TX (5) Technologys nice, (7) Enhances teaching, learning too, but (5) Human hands must type
  44. 44. Or, if you twitter #radicalplatypus @radicalplatypus
  45. 45. Haiku (5) Staying in the past (7) Isnt good for our future (5) Innovate today
  46. 46. If you draw, sing or have some other talentuse it! Compose a song, draw a school design
  47. 47. What do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? HAIKU 5, 7, 5
  48. 48. Vocation
  49. 49. Vocation - from the Latin verb vocare, to call. In the modern context it means a passion or an inclination for a type of work for which one is especially suited. Meaning-Purpose-Calling-Passion
  50. 50. What do you think of when I say?
  51. 51. Computer
  52. 52. http://geeklit.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archive.html Nokia Research Center, Helsinki Finland in MIT Technology Review How many of you have a cell phone in your pocket?
  53. 53. In historic shift, smart phones, tablets to overtake PCs Computer World, Dec. 6, 2010 http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9199918/In_historic_shift_smartphones_tablets_to_overtake_PCs
  54. 54. Mixed Reality
  55. 55. Sea Land SpaceAir cyberSPACE How do we cultivate innovation and innovators?
  56. 56. Imagine the games we can play
  57. 57. Social Cognitive ImaginaryPhysical Cyberspace STEM +ARTS
  58. 58. Innovation Model
  59. 59. Engineering Math TechnologyScience ARTS How do we cultivate innovation and innovators?
  60. 60. Ocoee Demonstration Middle School
  61. 61. Orlando Tech High School Program
  62. 62. Orlando Tech High School Program
  63. 63. Orlando FIEA University Program
  64. 64. Free Tools
  65. 65. arcademicskillbuilders.com
  66. 66. iCivics (formerly Our Courts) is a web-based education project designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in our democracy. iCivics is the vision of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who is concerned that students are not getting the information and tools they need for civic participation, and that civics teachers need better materials and support. http://www.icivics.org/
  67. 67. numedeon,inc.2004 SPACE STATION
  68. 68. Whyville.net
  69. 69. Whyville Planeworks
  70. 70. Assignment
  71. 71. What do you want to be when you grow up? HAIKU 5, 7, 5 or 2, 4 , 6, 8, 2 If you are working with a student define passion in relation to a career pursuit
  72. 72. Haiku Abilene, TX (5) All the venues merge (7) CTE arts science (5) Our future opens
  73. 73. Haiku SLC (5) Soil, garden flowering (7) Chemistry, art, genetics (5) Future gardens grow
  74. 74. Haiku SLC (5) Arts, humanities (7) Math, science, technology (5) Working Together
  75. 75. If you draw, sing or have some other talentuse it! Compose a song, draw a school design
  76. 76. What do you want to be when you grow up? HAIKU 5, 7, 5 or 2, 4 , 6, 8, 2 If you are working with a student define passion in relation to a career pursuit
  77. 77. What do you think of when I say?
  78. 78. Video Game
  79. 79. Your body controls the computer
  80. 80. Thisisarobot
  81. 81. Or, is the computer controlling us? Who is controlling whom?
  82. 82. What happens when robot meets cyberspace?
  83. 83. Sea Land SpaceAir robotSPACE STEM +ARTS
  84. 84. In 1958, engineer Earl Bakken of Minneapolis, Minnesota, produced the first wearable external pacemaker http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2007/10/29/batterypacemaker/
  85. 85. A Pacemaker the Size of a Tic Tac - Medtronic is using microelectronics to make a pacemaker so small it can be injected. Technology Review http://www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/32436/? nlid=4177
  86. 86. Social Cognitive ImaginaryPhysical robotSPACE STEM +ARTS
  87. 87. Free Tools
  88. 88. http://www.squeakland.org/ http://www.squeak.org/ With Etoys, children can draw their own sketches then bring them to life by writing "scripts" that tell the sketches what to do. Children can then put sketches and text in digital books with multiple pages, allowing them to create interactive stories to share with the world.
  89. 89. http://www.koducup.us
  90. 90. ALICE.org
  91. 91. Assignment
  92. 92. Or, if you twitter #radicalplatypus @radicalplatypus
  93. 93. What do I want to learn about in school? HAIKU 5, 7, 5 or 2, 4, 6, 8, 2
  94. 94. Haiku - SLC Students and teachers Collaborate and invent Working as one team
  95. 95. Haiku - SLC (5) A techno elder (7) Opens new connections up (5) Becomes a newborn
  96. 96. If you draw, sing or have some other talentuse it! Compose a song, draw a school design
  97. 97. What do I want to learn about in school? HAIKU 5, 7, 5 or 2, 4, 6, 8, 2
  98. 98. Cinquain - SDPS, World (2) Love is (4) Commitment to (6) each other. Beauty is (8) adaptation to the world now (2) --forever. Bob Allen ideas
  99. 99. Cinquain (2) The first (4) person to walk (6) on the Martian surface (8) will be from Evergreen district (2) for sure. Bob Allen ideas
  100. 100. Student Futures: A Story about Emerging Technology, Jobs and Students How The Future Works [email protected]