evolutionary psychology


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Page 1: Evolutionary psychology



Page 2: Evolutionary psychology

Learning Outcome

B12- Examine one evolutionary

explanation of behavior.

Explain whether one evolutionary behavior

is valid.

Use research studies to defend this.

Page 3: Evolutionary psychology

Evolutionary Psychology A subfield of psychology that attempts to

explain human behavior by explaining

how behaviors can be explained through

adaptations throughout human evolution.

Linked to biological functions and


Page 4: Evolutionary psychology

Key Ideas of Evolution Natural Selection: Those individuals who

have characteristics which are better

suited to the environment will be more

likely to breed, and thus pass on their

genes and traits.

Genes help predict behavior.

Adaptations: the process where

organisms develop traits that make them

suitable to their environment over


Page 5: Evolutionary psychology

Example #1: Stress When faced with a tiger in the woods, a

caveman becomes stressed. This

response tells his body to shut down all

other brain and biological functions and

focus all attention on surviving. Those that

were able to display stress were more

likely to pass on their genes and thus

passing stress onto us all.

We react negatively to chronic stress

because it is our body telling us to be in

survival mode all the time.

Page 6: Evolutionary psychology

The Pair Bonding Hypothesis Helen Fisher: Explaining the Pair-Bonding


Humans who formed romantic bonds and reared their young together were more likely to survive, protect their babies/genes, and thus pass their genes along.

Humans developed biological functions that told them to focus their attention, feel attached, and to feel rewarded by their one mate.

Essential for females, suitable for males.

Page 7: Evolutionary psychology

Critiques of Evolutionary


Page 8: Evolutionary psychology

Critiques of Evolutionary

Theory Evolutionary theories often underestimate

the role of culture in shaping behavior.

Little is known about the behavior of early

Homo sapiens, so theories are largely


Not all theories can be empirically tested

and thus face confirmation bias – seeing

what you want to see and avoiding what

you don’t.