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  • 8/6/2019 Evolution vs Creation[1]


    Evolution v/s


  • 8/6/2019 Evolution vs Creation[1]


    If Darwinism is trueProminent Evolutionary Biologist & HistorianWilliam Provine of Cornell University said that if

    Darwinism is true then there are 5 inescapableconclusions:

    } Theres no evidence for God

    } Theres no life after death

    } Theres no absolute foundation for right and

    wrong} Theres no ultimate meaning for life

    } People dont really have free will

  • 8/6/2019 Evolution vs Creation[1]


    Images of Evolution

    }#1: Stanley Miller Experiment

    }#2: Darwins Tree of Life}#3: Ernst Haeckels Drawings of Embryos

    }#4: The Missing Link

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    #1: Stanley Miller Experiment} Stanley Miller in 1953 as a student at the University

    of Chicago tried to produce the building blocks of


    e artif

    icially.} By reproducing the atmosphere of the primitiveearth and then shooting electric sparks through itto stimulate lightining

    } Miller managed to produce a red goo containingamino acids

    } Conclusion: Living organisms could emerge bythemselves out of the primordial soup and thendevelop naturally over the eons into more andmore complex creatures.

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    #2: Darwins Tree of Life} Darwinism teaches that all life forms are related

    through descent from some unknown prototype

    that lived in the remote past} Claim of Macroevolution that natural selection

    acting on random variation can explain howprimitive cells morphed over long periods of timeinto every species of creatures, including humanbeings.

    } In other words, fish were transformed intoamphibians, amphibians into reptiles, and reptilesinto birds and mammals, with human having thesame ancestor as apes

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    #3: Ernst Haeckels Drawingsof Embryos

    } German biologist Ernst Haeckel providedmore evidence for all of life having the same

    ancient progenitor.} By juxtaposing drawings of an embryonic fish,

    salamander, tortoise, chick, hog, calf, rabbit,and human. Haeckel graphically establishedthat they all appear strikingly similar in theirearliest stages of development. It was only

    later that they became distinctly different} He established the common universal

    ancestry idea

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    #4: The Missing Link} The most famous fossil in the world the

    archaeopteryx a creature dating back 150

    million years. With wings, feathers, andwishbone of a bird, but with a lizard-like tailand claws on its wings, it was hailed as themissing link between reptiles and birds.

    } Indeed, the archaeopteryx, having been

    discovered in Germany immediately afterTheOrigin of Species was published, helpedenormously to establish the credibility ofDarwinism and to discredit sceptics

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    Oxford Evolutionist Dawkinssaid:

    The more you understand the significanceof evolution, the more you are pushedaway from an agnostic position towardsatheism

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    Questioning theObvious?

    } Are science and faith doomed to always be

    at war? Is there a way to view the relationship

    between the spiritual and the scientific?

    } Does the latest scientific evidence tend topoint toward or away from the existence of


    } Are those images of

    Evolution still valid in thelight of the most recent discoveries inscience?

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    Doubts about Darwinism} There were 100 of them biologists, chemists,

    zoologists, physicists, anthropologists, molecularand cell biologists, bio-engineers, organicchemists, geologists, astrophysicists and otherscientists

    } They are doctorates from prestigious universities asCambridge, Stanford, Cornell, Yale, Rutgers,Chicago, Princeton, Purdue, Duke, Michigan,Syracuse, Temple and Berkeley

    } The list goes on} And they wanted the world to know one thing:

    they are skeptical

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    Doubts about Darwinism} Spokespersons for the Public Broadcasting

    Systems seven part television series Evolutionasserted that all known scientific evidencesupports evolution as does virtually everyreputable scientist in the world

    } After that broadcast these scientists, professors,researchers published a two-page advertisementin a national magazine under the banner: AScientific Dissent From Darwinism. Their statement

    was direct and defiant saying Were skeptical ifclaims for the ability of random mutation andnatural selection to account for the complexity oflife.

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    Doubts about Darwinism} What made them say this? Were they religious fanatics? Narrow

    minded fundamentalists? No.} This group included respected, world class scientists like Nobel

    Nominee Henry F Schaefer, the third most cited chemist is the worldJames Tour of Rice Universitys Centerfor Nanoscale Science and

    Technology, and Fred Figworth, professor of cellular and molecularphysiology at Yale Graduate School

    } A detailed 151 page critique was given by them against the claimsof Evolution.

    } Icons of Evolution, a book published in 2000, takes a clear-headed,scientific look at the same visual images that we listed earlier theMillers experiment, Darwins tree of life, Haekels embyros, the

    archaeopteryx missing link etc.,. The subtitle of the book was Whymuch of what we teach about Evolution is Wrong} Lets take a look at them again in this new light:

  • 8/6/2019 Evolution vs Creation[1]


    #1: The Miller Experiment} Miller relied heavily on the atmospheric theories of his doctoral

    advisor Nobel laureate Harold Urey.} Jonathan Wells, is a doctorate in molecular and cell biology from

    Berkeley withfocus on vertebrate embryology and evolution. Hesays Well, nobody knows for sure what the early atmosphere was

    like, but the consensus is that the atmosphere was NOT at all likethe one Miller used. Miller chose hydrogen-rich mixture ofmethane, ammonia, and water vapor as per what scientiststhought back then

    } By mid-1970s, Belgian biochemist Marcel Florkin declared theconcept behind Millers atmospheric gases as obselete.

    } Two of the leading origin-of-life researchers, Klaus Dose and Sidney

    Fox, confirmed that Miller had used the wrong gas mixture.} In 1995 Science Magazine said that experts now dismiss Millers

    experiment because the early atmosphere looked nothing like theMiller-Urey Simulation

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    Wells says} Todays best hypothesis is that there was very

    little hydrogen in the atmosphere because it

    would have escaped into space.} Instead the atmosphere probably consisted

    of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapor.} Even if you replay the experiment with our

    latest understanding then this what you get:} No Amino Acids for sure

    } Organic Molecules yes but FormaldehydeCynaide which kills everything living - in shortembalming fluid

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    #2: Darwins Tree of Life} As an il lustration of the fossil record, the Tree of Life is a dismal

    failure} Darwin believed that over time, one species could produce

    several varieties, and if

    these varieties continued to diverge, theywould eventually become separate species

    } A key aspect of Darwins theory was that natural selection wouldact slowly by accumulating slight, successive, favorable variationsand that no great or sudden modifications were possible

    } This is not supported by the fossil records.} In fact Darwin knew the fossil record failed to support his tree.

    Darwin hoped that future fossil discoveries would vindicate histheory but that hasnt happened till today.

    } The fossil evidence shows the opposite the rapid appearance ofphylum-level differences in whats called the Cambrian Explosion

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    The Cambrian Explosion} The Cambrian was a geological period that is supposedly

    more than 540 million years ago and has been called theBiological Big Bang

    } It gave rise to the sudden appearance of most of the majoranimal phyla that are alive today as well as some that arenow extinct.

    } So here is what it says:} There were jellyfish, sponges, and worms prior to the Cambrian

    but no evidence to support Darwins theory of gradualdivergance

    } Then at the beginning of the Cambrian all of a sudden there

    are representatives of the anthropods (insects), echinoderms(starfish, sea urchins etc..), chordates (vertebrates includingmammals)

    } So in conclusion it uproots the Darwin Tree of Life concept

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    #3: Haeckels Embryos

    } The similarities in the early stages are


    } In the late 1860s his own colleaguesaccused him offraud

    } This is no secret to the experts

    } Further he used selective bias in thechoice of animals represented

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    #4: The Archaeopteryx MissingLink} Michael Denton says while the rocks have continually

    yielded new and exciting and even bizzare forms oflifewhat they have never yielded is any of Darwins

    myriads of transitional forms. Despite tremondous increasein geological activity in every corner of the globe anddiscovery of many strange and hitherto unknown forms, theinfinitude of connecting links has still not been discoveredand the fossil records is about as discontinuous as it waswhen Darwin was writing the Origin. The intermediates haveremained as elusive as ever and their absence remains, acentury later, one of the most striking characteristics of thefossil record

    } Secondly the Archaeopteryx is not part bird and part reptileas was originally claimed. Neither is it the ancestor ofmodern birds.

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    Two Possibilities

    } The Darwinism Hypothesis


    The Design Hypothesis

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    Darwinism Hypothesis leads tobelieve that

    }Nothing produces everything


    Non-life produces li


    } Randomness produces fine-tuning

    }Chaos produces information

    } Unconsciousness produces consciousness

    }Non-reason produces reason

  • 8/6/2019 Evolution vs Creation[1]


    The Design HypothesisThe design hypothesis most clearly accountedfor the evidence of science. While its not a

    simple argument, it definitely fits the evidence.} The evidence of Cosmology

    } The evidence of Physics

    } The evidence of Astronomy

    } The evidence of Biochemistry

    } The evidence of Biological Information

    } The evidence of Consciousness

  • 8/6/2019 Evolution vs Creation[1]


    The Evidence of Cosmology

    } The Kalam cosmological argument


    As described by William Lane Craig, theargument is simple yet elegant

    } It says:

    } Firstly, whatever begins to exist has a cause

    } Second, the universe had a beginning

    } Therefore, the universe has a cause

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    The Evidence of Physics} One of the most striking discoveries of modern science has

    been that the laws and constants of physics unexpectedlyconspire in an extraordinary way to make the universe

    habitable for life} For instance Physicist-Philosopher Robin Collins says,

    gravity is fine-tuned to one part in a hundred million billionbillion billion billion billion

    } One expert said that there are more than thirty physical orcosmological parameters that require precise calibration inorder to produce a universe that can sustain life

    } All the other theories of multiple universes etclacks anyevidential support and ultimately collapses upon therealization that these other worlds would owe theirexistence of a highly designed process

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    The Evidence of Astronomy} Similar to the fine-tuning of physics, Earths position in the

    universe and its intricately choreographed geological andchemical processes work together with exquisite efficiency

    to create a safe place for humans to live} Astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez and Science Philosopher

    Jay Wesley Richards said it would take a star with the highlyunusual properties of our sun the right mass, the right light,the right age, the right distance, the right orbit, the rightgalaxy, the right location to nurture living organisms on acircling planet.

    } Harvard educated Astrophysicist John A OKeefe of NASA,

    If the universe had not been made with the most exactingprecision we could never have come into existence