everyday english conversation at the travel agent

Everyday English Conversations – At The Travel Agent Presented By

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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This part 17 of the series on Everyday English Conversations. This is about talking to a travel agent. There are many practice vocabulary and phrases to learn. It has many dialogues to listen too also.


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Interesting FactsTravelThe word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another. It can be a verb, a noun or an adjective :Verb : Paul travels a lot in his job.Noun : Travel nowadays is faster than before.Adjective : There is a travel agency beside the bank.TripThe word trip is used to talk about a short journey somewhere for a purpose, business or pleasure.For our wedding anniversary, we went on a trip to Venice.My boss is often away on business trips.During our holiday we took a boat trip to the islands.


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Here are some English terms related to travel.pricefareticket officemapsinglereturntickettravel agentbrochureto bookto cancel a bookingto travelto leaveto departto arrivebookingreservationjourneyholidaybusiness tripdelaycancellationdelayedcancelled

Finding accommodationwe're looking for accommodationwe need somewhere to staydo you have a list of ...?hotelsB&Bs (abbreviation of bed and breakfasts)youth hostelscampsiteswhat sort of accommodation are you looking for?can you book accommodation for me?

Getting arounddo you have a map of the ...?citytownwhere's the ...?city centreart gallerymuseummain shopping areamarketrailway stationwhat's the best way of getting around the city?where can I hire a car?

JourneyA journey is the distance covered when travelling from one place to another.'Journey' can refer to a long distance or a short regular one. The journey was long and tiring. It took us 5 hours to get there.Did you have a good journey? Yes, it was quite pleasant.How long is your journey to work? Just about 20 minutes.TourA tour is a journey during which several places are visited, especially on a holiday.'Tour' can be a noun or a verb. Noun : We went on a tour of Italy.Verb : We toured the north of India.VoyageA voyage is a long journey by sea or in space. Before the 20th century, long sea voyages were common.A spacecraft will take you on a voyage through space.

Vocabulary & Phrases

TermsFinding accommodationGetting aroundEvents and activitiesId like to book a hotel in Paris, please.Do you accept cards?What are the rates for 1 person?I need to book three tickets in economy class for Tokyo on the 28th of May.How much is the fare?Hello, I need to cancel my flight to Tokyo.I booked it yesterday. Itll be under Emma Brown, number Z21455.

Interesting factsDialoguesVocabulary & Phrasescould you tell us what's on at the ...?cinematheatreconcert hallopera housecan I book tickets here?do you have any brochures on ...?local attractionscan you recommend a good restaurant?

A: I need help planning my vacation.B: Sure, where would you like to go?A: I haven't decided where to go yet.B: Do you enjoy warm or cold climates?A: I am thinking that I might enjoy a tropical climate.B: I have some brochures here that you might like to look at.A: These look great!B: Do you know how much you want to spend on this vacation?A: I have about a thousand dollars to spend on this trip.B: Well, take these brochures, and get back to me when you want to make your reservations.

Planning a Vacation 1A: Could you help me with vacation plans?B: Do you know where you will be traveling?A: I am open to suggestions at this point.B: Are you wanting to travel to a tropical climate, or would you like to go somewhere with a cooler climate?A: I would like to travel to a cooler destination.B: I can give you some brochures that could give you some ideas.A: I will look at them right now.B: How much money is in your budget for this trip?A: I think that I can spend about two hundred dollars a day.B: Take your time choosing a destination and, when you've narrowed it down, I'll be happy to help you make a reservation.

Planning a Vacation 2A: I was wondering if you would be able to help me with vacation plans.B: Have you chosen your destination?A: I don't know where I want to go yet.B: Do you enjoy warm weather, or are you looking forward to a cooler vacation?A: A nice temperate climate would be best for me.B: Why don't you take a look at these brochures that might help you make up your mind?A: This place looks nice.B: Have you thought about what you would like to spend on this vacation?A: I just got a bonus and can spend about three thousand dollars total.B: I'll be happy to help you make a reservation whenever you decide upon a destination.

Planning a Vacation 3Dave: Hi, Id like to check on a flight.Travel Agent: Sure. What is your destination?Dave: London, England.Travel Agent: And is this one-way or round trip?Dave: Round trip.Travel Agent: When would you like to depart?Dave: January 12th, returning on January 26th.Travel Agent: Okay, one moment please. . . . Do you have an airline preference?Dave: No. Any airline will be fine. Im not picky.Travel Agent: And what class would you like? Economy, business class, or first class?Dave: Economy, please.Travel Agent: Okay, well theres a flight on the morning of the 12th, returning on the afternoon of the 26th. The cheapest we have is $1,400.Dave: Ouch! I was hoping to find something cheaper. My dates are flexible do you think you can find a cheaper flight on different dates?Travel Agent: Let me check. Just a moment. . . . Theres a flight on the 10th, returning on the 25th, for $968.Dave: Thats much better!Travel Agent: But you have to change planes twice once in New York, and again in Holland. And theres a 6-hour layover in Holland.Dave: Hmmm. . . Is that the best you can do? Travel Agent: Im afraid so. If youd like, I can reserve a seat now, and you dont need to pay right away.Dave: That would be great.Travel Agent: I just need your full name and passport number.Dave: Here you are. (Hands the travel agent his passport.)Travel Agent: Okay, one moment. . . . Alright! Its reserved. If you decide you want to purchase the ticket, you need to confirm before the end of the month.Dave: Great! Youve been very helpful. Thanks!Travel Agent: Thats my job! Take care.

Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?clerk:Northwind Airways, good morning. May I help you?Mary Jones:Yes, do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon?clerk:One moment, please... Yes. Theres a flight at 16:45 and one at 18:00.Mary Jones:Thats fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? Ill be staying three weeks.clerk:Economy, business class or first class ticket?Mary Jones:Economy, please.clerk:That would be 346.Mary Jones:OK. Could I make a reservation?clerk:Certainly. Which flight would you like?Mary Jones:The 16:45, please. clerk:Could I have your name, please?Mary Jones:My name is Mary Jones, thats M-A-R-Y J-O-N-E-S.clerk:How would you like to pay, Ms. Jones?Mary Jones:Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?clerk:Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.Mary Jones:I see.clerk:Now you have been booked, Ms. Jones. The flight leaves at 16:45, and your arrival in Sydney will be at 9:25 a.m., local time. The flight number is NWA 476.Mary Jones:Thank you.

Id like to reconfirm my flightReservations clerk:Northwind Airlines. Can I help you?Daniel Adams:Hello. Id like to reconfirm my flight, please.Reservations clerk:May I have your name and flight number, please?Daniel Adams:My name is Daniel Adams and my flight number is 374.Reservations clerk:When are you leaving?Daniel Adams:On May 11th.Reservations clerk:And your destination?Daniel Adams:Buenos Aires.Reservations clerk:Hold the line, please. (...) All right. Your seat is confirmed, Mr. Adams. Youll be arriving in Buenos Aires at 4 oclock p.m. local time.Daniel Adams:Thank you. Can I pick up my ticket when I check in?Reservations clerk:Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.

Booking a Ticket.Mike:Hello, I need to schedule my trip to Paris for next week?Henrietta:When would you like to travel?Mike:I have to reach Paris by the 24th.Henrietta:Is this a round trip? Will you need a return ticket, too?Mike:Yes. Check that for 31st in the evening.Henrietta:Yes, theres a nonstop flight to Paris from Kennedy airport on 24th at 6AM. On 31st you may board flight 309 which is also nonstop at 4:30PM.Mike:Okay, fine. I think that can work for me.Henrietta:Would you like to book the tickets then?Mike:Whats the cost?Henrietta:Itll be $2750.Mike:Do you accept cards?Henrietta:Yes, we do.

Booking a Hotel.Mike:Id like to book a hotel in Paris, please.Henrietta:Sure, we can help you find a great place.Mike:Well, I need a budget hotel thats near the marketplaces.Henrietta:Certainly, just give me a sec...Okay, heres one. Its the Belladonna on Locke Avenue.Mike:What are the rates for 1 person?Henrietta:It costs $150 per night. The room is big and has one queen size bed.Mike:Okay, book that for 3 nights then, from 24th to 26th of this month.Henrietta:Certainly Sir, is there anything else I could help you with?Mike:Thats all for now, thank you!

Enquiring for a Lower Fare.Jack:How may I help you?Emma:I need to book three tickets in economy class for Tokyo on the 28th of May.Jack:Okay...Yes, heres a flight on ANA from San Francisco to Tokyo. Would you like the return tickets, too?Emma:No, just one way. How much is the fare?Jack:It would be $5570 for the three tickets.Emma:Are there any other cheaper flights?Jack:This is the cheapest for that day. However, if you book for the 1st of June, youll have to pay only $4800 for three tickets on JAL.Emma:I see. Let me talk to my husband and call you back.

Cancelling a Booking.Emma:Hello, I need to cancel my flight to Tokyo.Jack:Okay. Do you know the date and the reservation number?Emma:I booked it yesterday. Itll be under Emma Brown, number Z21455.Jack:Alright, heres it. Its flight 1200 to Tokyo on June 2nd, right? Seat numbers 88A and 88B...Emma:Yeah, yeah. Thats the one.Jack:Would you like to cancel both of them?Emma:Yes.Jack:You will get back only 85% of the fare.Emma:I understand.Jack:Alright. Would you like to schedule another flight?Emma:No, but I will be back to you soon.Jack:Thank you Mrs. Watson, let me cancel your ticket.

Thank you!I hope this will help you, a little.Any questions, comments, advice, and / or wishes you can email me at [email protected]