event 'an - kendrick heritage foundationjkhf.info/kendrick - 1971 - the gazette news/1971 jan....

Garden Club Has Busy %'eek; Study Course Prcflentcd To School » lllll. I THURSDAY, JUNK 3, 1971 NO. 22 ICENDRICK AND GENESEE LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO VOLUME 81 ll P Cl F 1914 '16 R unite Honor Teacher .arge, ...ai ~y Crowi Attencls ~, I '. " „;"i-',-',:.;.::-,'!:,''M...t';,"4,:, „'"".. » ~ IP;;-.-:":p,:.".- i ' - I An estimated 2,000 PeoPle throng- other neighboring conununiUes, I ed,,i gnt o ldd, '.-'- .. -, „:.g ' K,, ( Ift~"'> Ita attend the 11th Annual Locust' Denise Brammer, Queen of the Lo- Blossom Festivs1. Even the "weath- I cust Blossom Festfvg, and het Prfn ' h m I o J vT I g,'.': '=-..Ill ltf, ennan" smiled on this yearly ce}e-Icesses Nori Fxjj and Debbie Dam. bration becaxsxe the weather was. mareif led a parade of xoyafty fxom «t>;.,--4,.-::-,'co:-;:,j.'»';."!. ) „;;. j I Q - j~," . r=-$ e, otal II, ~~~; perfect s'nd the severe rain storms the neighboring towns of Gexxcus~ @.-;~g-, :".';.- then, held off for the entire day. Deary. f » I B k c Dw v Every event of the day reported From the many flat entxies ths good attendance and a successful Grand Prize went to "The CssUeop entry fxom Juliaetta. The goat, The day opened with the parade taking its cue fxom the Festival 't.-... 'g- ~jig."."=.".;i@;.':..'-c-~ +',".:-n' .. '.' -«l.. -,-:":.;:,,:-'- .''xs . ~ Lv 1 down Main Street lead by a police theme "Early America, hl Song" de- -„4> "'-"''- '-y.,'='"-" ',;;,. t, .' - "'-: —:.-:::a'" iN -'" car from the Latah County Sheriff's pfcted "In the Shade of th Okl Ap- ~ 'p„,: —,;;; „~ ."- ', ''pi"...,. ';:.. 'ffice, faHowed by the Honor Guaxd pie Tree." of V. F. W. members. W. L. fBI) 'n the non~mmercfaf division the McCreary, this year's Grand Mar- first place ment to the Kendrick shaG and Mrs, McCreary had the'Grange; second place to the Arahtf place ofhonorin the parade, followed Twfrfers of Oroffno, and thfxtd to Mrs. Armitage Presents Study Course Ill g] 'y 30 entrfes, plus numerous riding the Good Doexs +H Club. groups from the Kendrick area, and In the commercial division first; "color hie Locust Blossems" «cm that Jolene Stammer had won ftmt,fltdld ti,— the main consideration of the IVedn- in the State in the NLUansl Color- osday, May 25 meeting of the Hill fng Contest of "Smokey Ule Bear". RepAnnl lr C~ .~to ap y~~n~ and Valley Garden Club. Debbie Chrfstenson won 2nd and aa,v«LLSAA A% XL PL Bdt MA ~ A now storage cabinet, which Ern-,'Diane Sffflow a third with Randy, %'OII 'Atfexxded Dinner ast Hofnlgartner4ad constructed wasi Silffow and Douglas Chrfstcxxscn an in place at the Fire Hall and ready honorable mention, Pupils of Camcion School of 1914-I Nigh, Kelso, Wn.; Edith Nigh Sny- aaoLLOA a.aoaxa Aiaaat/AL for varnish. rogross rcport was made an 1916 honored theft teacher Mts der Spokane Etta Blum Giennr H ~r. High baal enjoy Bank ptanung wss completed lntd'ile slate MeoUllg to held iu Mos. I!lets debuts wagner during epeeist camemn; Alma pinks Bette, south- p „mrna B~ A ttw i A„, meal of bmhecued bceL bah»a a chmk of MBdd mectved. This fund. cew May Mst and June l and s.; ceremonies held al the Kendnck Soutbwlrk; tda Sllaow Wmdt, Ken- Purehaalng the llludy eellree fOr Berne Of Ule nlembete Vantlehed Park. Saturdny. May ge. TWCnty. drisk; fda Katftmg WOlff, Lelrletcn; Mama 'ust »atom lbs. Curving Of tile Kendrkk school system. Eight, the new eablnet and olhers finished eight lptests, former students snd Lee Schults, cre Schults. Paradise. poumb tJ~ B Jms J„s dinner a new Bag pole wss daft volumes of "people and Thetr Ea.iname tags fcr the convention tdl, lltell'ttsbands snd/or aevas. coming jcattfondn tmmcy Jeff KommM < tmm L w by District Jf v p w tauutsn:, vironmont" was presented to supt. l worked at the Brocko warehouse to ~ fram as far away as ctdffornhL, I Front Raw: (I to r) Hazel Nigh ' Do~thy Ly~, sh L~ msster Joe Foxiest of Koxxdrfc}c. Th Don Blakcley by Garden Club Prcsf- cover tables for the display snd I,joined their teacher at a spechd l Westby, Beaver Creek, Ore.; Char- Whitt~ Brenda Hffffmd, VfcbT I xnembers of the V. F. W.. ffxd dent Mrs. Rallln Armltago- @do, } table to enjoy renevL~ accfuafnt I latte Nigh Porter, Glenden Beach, H I ~ ~~ ~j~ Do I three.volley salute. Flower display work teams were I Chairmen for the flower sflolv st, ances and teifvfng the "good old Ore; Mxs. Meta Wegner; Mary Nigh aid B~+ I v ~ K+@+ Membexxx of Boy Scout Txoap IN9 formed far Locust Blossom Day., 4ho Lstah County Fair weto select- schoal da)~". Cl ~ Jeff a ~~ Ro - ~ninth ~of the'Axxxoxt MN. St Ioy Hoplor announ~ ~~. MN. Eddie Galloway u~l be Posing hom for a ~hd cl~ H~~ M~, ~t n ~d I em Da~,Julie D bald',Job H~- ~~shdeof Rhh fbqp D , chalnnsn vt1th Mrs. Stanley Hcpler, picture were; back row (I to r) Roy'abmsn, Southwick. ~ ~ 'rs. Kon Wf ikon and Mrs, Wfiffaxn Rlnl Riders Will HOM, Lublow hcr commftteo. ~ ~ ~ ~ son, Brad Mffiat4 Janet Motan, i ~~ a ~ ~ Here We II'nnual Suyins Gymkhana,l A io"eiy ~th«c! ™~m "'"!JOSCph WattS KenxirielC14tiVC TO Rat)re ~mrna P~-. ~mm ~-~ I~'.s ~ta ~t~ m: Wm 'I sent ln by Delaris Lyons. w bans end Horse sbocL on Juno 5fh and I Termed Happy Event Joseph w watts business man-l tive as fts chafxman for throe years. A.'s K"elyn A~xxxott, Mark Mus-' y: y. e Tbo flower display was termed a. age and bursar at the Unimrsity ofl Watts'ife, Arlone, is a4o an 'Ae Is)~h na wf1 ogn at ++ happy event st Ulc 11UL annual Loc. Idaho, announced last, week that he alumna of th«nfvctsfty, as is their B~ka Doug Ch~t ~ Doug, ment was Pxovfded by the Kex Il. m. f Nh) m p people OIL~cd tho guest book and,'uUan lvhcn he completes 31. years of 1955. and Linda, wha attended for there were thirty-tf leo artfsUc ar- i service August 31* years before going on io the H!III~ VI ~ H~~ Ik n Timer FIddlexs Coxxtest follo%nd. 'atts, who began his professional; University of Denver to complete her I aid nsx HONo sfovr vrfff begin «I 10:00 a. I horticulture snd house plants wiU1 ] career at the un'iverslty in If)40 after education. Another daughter, sue, K B KOII. cl enhagen, I races for tho children, plus ln, an Sundays IJune 5fh) 1 Wff}I lxll jlaI I a Special SOCUan of Banaaf On d IS j gXXLduaUng fram the SChaaf S CO}legs 'Sf tendS MOSCOVc High SChaOL J ~ff C ~ Ra Xh ~ J~ Sham and FIOWOt 'Diaplay COCftaSIanIS Xlfa Idfly hf I Play ' Of BuefneSS AdmfnfatraUans Said he U~ gt ' id t ' t "W DeabaICL John Hed)er Ruth Ann The "day CSXne tta ftS 'SCLCCerSS slab}os of Pllllnucn wffl sbocv and dcxn ) Thy . Plant and nclvolty safe u~ I oxcpects „IhoLmfversfty'sgkHttd of RIB- j ~ ~d th t h, .I 'utchosan .Juffo. JardaxL .Janet L'oh 'onchxsfon/ xxt. 9 90~ak~t"'wfth ONSltala TennaSSSO aICON 0 IIOOL ['a great SuCCOSS. Lcqth 5}50,00 taken I genie tO aCt On hfi tequceat at their'] ha >tf, ttS I, the k tlt„UO ~ man, GISOIO Iltagnuaan, Brad Hm 1danCOS fOr adultS and. 'teen agerS. Riding classes cL II be hold n Ufe - I I„ I June mooting fn Boise. ~ha™I <~ f d~f~~ so~q~ farci Janet Moran, Kathfoen Patket, t Bath the Lfons Club»and the Vet- id ~ ~~ ~ ~ b . Sbc door prizes were acvardtd, I A native og Kendrick„Watts gtadu- 'nd ~1th f ~Mme h made Robert Parks Stem Parks Dsn Orans of Foxeign Wats wish +vat Mh'~ ~ h o'ho uso af Ule no» Btacko ware. afo fr m Lmddc igh bool in hf a sound counselor fn the uni-; StciLers, Cindv Tavlor, Jsnis Whit- thank everyone who worked to make ,house was greatly appreciated. I 1936 b fare coming to the unfmmfty mrsfty's sdndnistr tion i fnger snd Bocky Coltrgot. this dav a ~ and also to High Sch~i Honor Roil f~. ~ ImVOffag ~yS are ~af SIT ttr 2 I af SCfenCO degXOO in buaineSS fcur "JOC'S SerLSCO ta the uniVereity A R lh Fau~ Qua~„p~, braUon. od by %sit Niblor for Off ueuad cow- To xx ess 'yoax latex; In August of 1940, hc be- and State of Idaho ca<I bo missed boy snd tho First Security Bank of Gon* 'an his samer tn me unimrshy hus - a geest detu. r am sum t speak for L, usf- noss office as an assistant accaunfant. - the enUre university community in Johann Dan P~ b u P~f l ; later becoming budget offtcer, assist- exPtessfng my gratitude to both Joo Fourth Quainter B Honor R Ih I S+eeP AIea Clem~~+ Eddie A ndo~ 'ffhaugh they hold off nt the arena. A lunch caunlor will be ] ager and bursar. In their new endeavors bomnd the, ~< >~~ A~~e Rick B~ja, Kendrick'-s Locust Blossom Festival, In the position af bursar the do- campus of the University of Idiho."'f„JOIeno Branlmor'Debbie Christ heslry rains swept acxoss the area sfgnatod business agent of the Board I e~~ Sfev~ Kf~e'r Delta H~ I from Sunday morning an untfil mid- of Rd'.gents Wal.ts served in a dual ~ ~ I„gio L mrn R~ Ron SII'- meek. 'Ihe tafxN ~ vc~ In I role for the University of Idaho. Be ~B ~ ~ ~ I flats Evs wffken Jan Doobafd Ada Ul'o ffefds, ospochdiy fn the new}y I Lms named bursar in 1967 at the tfmo '„ f ly@ Qo~~ghllo g Op I Harris ILtfko Price, Terry AUon, I worked sununer fallow. The added ; Financial vlcc Ptcsfdcnt Kenneth A, I p g I Delano Kffots sonfa Hofsfxxgtan, I avatar also svvoifod fho Potlatch Riv- Joint Work Session ,'ick retired. ! Torf Johns, Steve Kemptan, Louise I or and other strcmnxs and, much to Serving under presidents Bale, Buc- I f,ag B Dcspfic the foci ihni the LLIILh g I LT'llSS lyellf5ee I.ltlel Ch 1 tt So d, D nfs B - Pl tefy County Chambers of Commcrce wcM ]Watts hss boon Instrumental In estab- I I mer Nan F r, Lynd Huh < Kh, of the gcnoraf trout season hero fn moeung In 1<ondrfck Wodnvflffily ~ lfshtng current. business ploce'durcs GKNESEE alive girls, all members; Trout Marv 'I „Bn„vnDobbfo, this section of-Idaho. evening of fleet Lvook. 1vith a very; l':„.''-':-,'';--.-'„Chen,::". 'r In addlUon, ho ls crefffod LvfU1 do- of the Junior class of Gonosoo high i D ma~i/ Bo ky Kpchg~ Betty, John Loudko, wha nlaintlLins Min- gOOd turnout. the Id,endrftIC Cam» f'-"=.=","=':";, '.", 4:..:„-,.- /,.:v ( Slgnlng Snd ImplemenUng the fund- SehOai, cciff COmpeie fOr the UUe Of MiSS F@~„ t < Jud r H~ier JOVCe faII ffguteS in GenOLkse fOr the SOil nlunfty Lions Club and tho V. F. W,, (;:-'::.:::-:- t -'. '';-'~ '-':.,;;-";-":-.;-,',"-" i lng moulads used in financing tho 'Gonosoo for 1%1 sf a talent shaw lo be i Hofnlgfrtnot Bob L nd L'o Msg Consercratfan Service, xoparted the had a "work night'tchocfulod fn pro. I '. '"' -;;,;=-@Imajor buildings constructed on the held an Commumfy Dsv, J 12, f'd ~ d F total Mav rain f~ at 210 >~~ patatfon for the Locust Blossom I ',: --,';-', -.,-,'" ,TJ:,,"".'.":."'-.~"„::$ I Idaho campus fn tocont years, tho mulffMtpaso roaln af the higILI Spencer Gall Sptouf„Warren Aus- Thfis is omr ono-half inch moro than FostlvaL and follocVIXIg a delight- I ';. ":.,-;:., '' ", --+':,:;= ': '-;< Only Uds month Watts camplefod School. The LLVxuler lc@l be sofecfod by,'in. Kathfoen Bfdd'Iecomb, Bottv I the I'54 inches that, fell in the same ful meal served sruargasbord LIVlo I ( '-,',.: -': .- .~~'::,, ".„'- ' yoax-long tenn in office as prcsi-en Psxlof,af auf~4OLL> judges. and fho Btfxlgman Doug CIO>~n, Virgil period last L~, by the Ladles of tho }Kendrick I I -".: .:,-=';.",',';.' dont nf the Western AssacfaUctn of ]nocv queen '+'f1l bo ccolcxlod fn cetoxlmxl. Dvgott Lorraine Frankfnf Dale ~- Total rainfall to date in the <~ Gnlngo, wldch wss enjoyed by alf, I l College and University Business Of- ~ios at a dance in the evening at the Mike HamUton, Ed Hoisington, Nan- see area this 3~ fs 10.78 almost the "Lvarkors" for the evening "took , "tfccrs, The association is comprised. Firemen s I}AIL cv Hutchosan Loann Mo»r C)~this three inches less than the 13.63 for aff" for their jobs. ! Of mombcrILhfps from 168 fnstftLIUonal Th candid~ a~. Manfvn It um I OsbarxL Ron Ronjxoxv, LOAnn Rog the first firn months of 1910. Attar ltaVIng Ulc I'ltc Balf, fhe,:Witrx. Vcrkf I}all annaunO'S tf)O Onol fXOm. all tha VI»OStern StateS, CSILILdaI a~r da~fet Of Ic'tr acid'JcttS GIOL I Ore and Debra Wemn. Lions and V. F. W. members 1Vont I gccgamoxif Of hor davy@or. Jsnico! and ILIOXICO. Holding his mc'mbot I}sun) s~. Sh n H'~acI daugIL.,'emester A Honor Roll Stove >.0I inches af xxLfn durhlg Ihtay up to lvark fn proparaf lan fox'he FOL- 4c'nn„ io E4 Rfcffsxd F, xfuctconc saxi of ship through the university fat 18 Ior of Mr. a'ffd Mrs. Robert Hotxnau 'Eichnor, Pam HOLKoth, Stove Hoog- on File Rfdge- tfVai. SOme painted CtOSSWalk IfnOS,M. ~1, and s"IN CbarIOS F Xfudxxet ycare, he haS SerVOd aS SOCtetILty ta DaraffLV~ JOXIOS daughf'Ot af Mt. a~ fitrS land, LiSa Lyane, Ray Hcimgattncr, on Kendrick's Main street; soma Jr of Fahf cffuxcff virginia the group. vc~ vfco president, and Dan Jones Dobbfo Pruftt d~ughfot af Dobta Johnson, Don Parks and. Genesee Parade +ill marked at tnoving «nd cleaning tho Miss lfsff is 0 III gracfuafe of Gona later became Its proslidont In May of Mr find fliN Ityavno smftff and Nvh Doug Pratt. park tables; some frinunod ttoos; soa Ilfgh scflaal. Hor fiance, a 1988 19,0 Roach, daughter af }Ltr. and IttN. iyaynoi Semester B Honor Roll ~ Marty HOnOr Pionee some worked at setting up thb sorv- gtadusfo o™oscow "fgh school Is In addluan to his profcssfanal ser. Ro cb' 'foxncnhagen, Eddie Anderson, Nick t Thoro will be a special place af Ing lines In the park "cook house"; curronUy statfaffod 'U1 fho U S Navy vlcc, Watts has served the Moscow I honor fn the Gonesee Community some hauled benches and bleacher at I}rculscvfcks Maine community as a memberof the board j Day Parade on June 12 for people seato from lhe v. P. w. ltall snd " lt p 'f dlrecters of the chamber of corn. Re efVOS Banh QrjSt patch QWarCl ' m Ip Ail-ln-all it elm a busy evening f Conlmun}ty Day Hats for everyone and lt ives dark ~nnetS On Sale NO+ af sore lco to Ulo Ca111pflrc, If they wish, aII Gon~ persons when tho evening's work Lms done Girls program as a member of the aver the ago af 80 mats vs be lvfU1 a couplo more evening's to Gonesoo Hais for Ulo 13th an- boilrd of dltocioxs of Camp Nec- furnlshod special ttansporfaUcsL in COxno I mlal Gonosoo Communliy Day lvont lvahlu and district committee mark, the patsdo. In order I'or the proper an sala this week, ff. mm announced Ho «iso seaM «s a member oi'ho attangcmlonts ta be made, all pct- PleaSe Return PerSOnal today by Da» Kuohf. chairman of Moscow School ~ and LL~ a- sans over 80 and vc~ ta join the the proJect. This the nrst year parade, aro asked to contsc't either Property Tax Forms, that such items have boon offered Haxokl K}ass or Cfatonco Gffgo. Asks Assessor Taylor in conjuncUon with community Pies Needed Foi'e IE. Pkase do this as soon as possible. Day, Community Day Eugene Taylor, Latah County As- Thoro will bo doxby Ilats fot the Arndtago, Rick Benjamin, Jaleno sassor, said this wook Uxat many bon and. sun banobs for ladles, Brammer Debbie Chrfstenson, Delta - orsonal property owners ate do- The derbies wflf soil for 15c and tho lunch sfsnd commfftoo villi ag"I" bo Heath, Karen Ingle, Lamrn RoocL lnquont ln sanding in thait person- bonnofts for $ },00, soiling pfas an June }2III, and aro ask.f Ron Sffffolv, Eva Wflkon, Jan Deo- al property reports. This xopatUng Mons dorblos lvlil be on ssfo at ing dalisUans from iacai Poop}o. bald Ada Harris ILtfko Ptfco, Terry naw covers furniture and fixtures of the PssUmo and Conlor Bal, and one wha ccoukf cato to danata a Pio al'llen, Delono Effoxvc, Souls, Haisfng- businosso» and farming oqulpmont of both derbies and sun bonnets will t»o fo tfl ostafld may do so and bring tone Tort Johxls, Stove KcmptatL farmers as well as oU1er catorgorios be on sale at Sprlngol's Insurance, Ihm lo the dacvn staiN of lha Ffrofxfoxls if'ouisa Mo)m, Denfso Branlmor. specified on tho tcpart farm mailed Easer CanstrucUan, First Security hall Cammunffy day morning. 5tom- N I Noxi Fry, I ynda Hudson, Kim fram the Latah Couniy Assassox's Bank and the Electric Shop, bors af the Gonosoa Firemen 1%i OP- Tlout, Iltary Lau Brovrn, Debbie afffca in February of this year. Tho Ganef~i Commftfoo for Ula orate Iho «land again fhfs DammatoIL Bcckuy Eichnor Bot tv Failure to n part makes it nocas- June )2 celebration urged local poo- Fartlngtan, Frank Gxonoclaso, Judy sary fol Ulo assessor fo put on tha plo to Imy and lcoal the hais and SCS Plenle %ill HOnOr Hodlot, Joyce Hcfmgccrfncr, Bob roll a value based on the last yoat's bonnets, Russell F. Smith Lan@, Leo Magnusan, Lais eMOycr, assonslllont which in soma eases may usse ~ nil Narlann Sf}flow, Sandra Saudors, thILn I"o imflvlcklal cccfu Kendrick Kanvon Klub Nos Perco Soll and Water Can- Frances Spencer, Gail Spraul, War» ally hss fn value. sorvatfan Districts «ro siyonttatfng ron AusUn, Kathioon Blthiioeamb, Mombots af t,ho Kendrick Kanyan a path1cic picnic honoring Russell K. Betty Bxtngmsn, Doug Clayton, Vix- Garnet Winners IOub will moot Wondosday, Juno 9, Smith upon hfs rotftomont fram S>III n gil Dygort. Lorraine Frsnkinl, Daio at I:30 p. m. at the homo Mrs. M. C. ConsarcvLUan Service. The picnic lvill I Fry, Ii tike Hamilton, Kd Hofsfxlg- DiCk Benjamin Wan the JI-Star get- Halllday in Juilactta, Mre. Arthur ba held at, the Kendrick Park SILILIr- i GHNKSEFAken Icinzat, San Of Mt. FitSi. SOOLnfy Bank iS Sbacrn Praeanf- «ne not and I~ron Hoislngton placed Johns and Mrs. Harold Ftoomlxn lvfli day, Juno 5 at, 6;30 p, m, In case af and Mrs. TIod It'Jnxot fs silas receiving Ing Ulo First Socunty I~'sfdl Acvaxtd ta second winning the garnet earrings. be co-hostesses for the mootfnft. Bell Inclement weather ft vrfll be held at the FfNt socurffy Bank avid for being I Dean„while %m, phar, local Gcsxesoo fxowt LoAnn Rogers. Dobra woyon The Fltntsone Rock club wishes to eall for the afternoan wl}1 bcL aINB tho Kendrick Fire Ball. All old Frl ~ the aufci 'FA member af the 'First sccunfy bank mstucgcxr sbovts hh and thank everyone who participated In worod by naming your favorite color ends aro Invited. Caffoo will be fut- Gancxsoa fat luff-r I. apimovaL from, LOAnn Rogers an dDobra this Blossom FOLUva} avatit, rase and why you profer ft. nishod. Mt, Mortflf ss*~, Ag. agent fol'o)~.

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Page 1: Event 'an - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The... · Garden Club Has Busy %'eek; Study Course Prcflentcd To School »

Garden Club Has Busy %'eek;

Study Course Prcflentcd To School

» lllll.




Cl F 1914 '16 R unite Honor Teacher

.arge, ...ai ~y Crowi Attencls


'. " „;"i-',-',:.;.::-,'!:,''M...t';,"4,:, „'""..» ~ IP;;-.-:":p,:.".- i ' -I

An estimated 2,000 PeoPle throng- other neighboring conununiUes,Ied,,i gnt o ldd,'.-'- ..-, „:.g ' K,, ( Ift~"'> Ita attend the 11th Annual Locust' Denise Brammer, Queen of the Lo-

Blossom Festivs1. Even the "weath- I cust Blossom Festfvg, and het Prfn'


m I





g,'.': '=-..Ill ltf, ennan" smiled on this yearly ce}e-Icesses Nori Fxjj and Debbie Dam.bration becaxsxe the weather was. mareif led a parade of xoyafty fxom«t>;.,--4,.-::-,'co:-;:,j.'»';."!.) „;;. j I Q —-

j~," . r=-$ e, otal II, ~~~; perfect s'nd the severe rain storms the neighboring towns of Gexxcus~

@.-;~g-,:".';.- then, held off for the entire day. Deary.

f » I

Bk c Dw

v Every event of the day reported From the many flat entxies thsgood attendance and a successful Grand Prize went to "The CssUeop

entry fxom Juliaetta. The goat,The day opened with the parade taking its cue fxom the Festival't.-... 'g- ~jig."."=.".;i@;.':..'-c-~+',".:-n' ..'.' —-«l.. -,-:":.;:,,:-'- .''xs . ~ Lv 1 down Main Street lead by a police theme "Early America, hl Song" de--„4>"'-"''- '-y.,'='"-" ',;;,. t, .' - "'-: — —:.-:::a'" iN -'" car from the Latah County Sheriff's pfcted "In the Shade of th Okl Ap-~ 'p„,:—,;;; „~."-', ''pi"...,. ';:..'ffice, faHowed by the Honor Guaxd pie Tree."

of V. F. W. members. W. L. fBI) 'n the non~mmercfaf division theMcCreary, this year's Grand Mar- first place ment to the KendrickshaG and Mrs, McCreary had the'Grange; second place to the Arahtfplace ofhonorin the parade, followed Twfrfers of Oroffno, and thfxtd toMrs. Armitage Presents Study Course Ill g] 'y 30 entrfes, plus numerous riding the Good Doexs +H Club.groups from the Kendrick area, and In the commercial division first;"color hie Locust Blossems" «cm that Jolene Stammer had won ftmt,fltdld ti,—

the main consideration of the IVedn- in the State in the NLUansl Color-osday, May 25 meeting of the Hill fng Contest of "Smokey Ule Bear". RepAnnl lr C~ .~to ap y~~n~and Valley Garden Club. Debbie Chrfstenson won 2nd and aa,v«LLSAA A% XL PL Bdt MA ~

A now storage cabinet, which Ern-,'Diane Sffflow a third with Randy, %'OII 'Atfexxded Dinnerast Hofnlgartner4ad constructed wasi Silffow and Douglas Chrfstcxxscn anin place at the Fire Hall and ready honorable mention, Pupils of Camcion School of 1914-INigh, Kelso, Wn.; Edith Nigh Sny- aaoLLOA a.aoaxa Aiaaat/ALfor varnish. rogross rcport was made an 1916 honored theft teacher Mts der Spokane Etta Blum Giennr H ~r. High baal enjoyBank ptanung wss completed lntd'ile slate MeoUllg to b» held iu Mos. I!lets debuts wagner during epeeist camemn; Alma pinks Bette, south- p „mrna B~ A ttw i A„,meal of bmhecued bceL bah»aa chmk of MBdd mectved. This fund. cew May Mst and June l and s.;ceremonies held al the Kendnck Soutbwlrk; tda Sllaow Wmdt, Ken-

Purehaalng the llludy eellree fOr Berne Of Ule nlembete Vantlehed Park. Saturdny. May ge. TWCnty. drisk; fda Katftmg WOlff, Lelrletcn; Mama 'ust »atom lbs. Curving Oftile Kendrkk school system. Eight, the new eablnet and olhers finished eight lptests, former students snd Lee Schults, cre Schults. Paradise. poumb tJ~ B Jms J„s dinner a new Bag pole wss daftvolumes of "people and Thetr Ea.iname tags fcr the convention —tdl, lltell'ttsbands snd/or aevas. coming jcattfondntmmcy Jeff KommM < tmm L w by District Jf v p w tauutsn:,vironmont" was presented to supt. l worked at the Brocko warehouse to ~ fram as far away as ctdffornhL,

IFront Raw: (I to r) Hazel Nigh '

Do~thy Ly~, sh L~ msster Joe Foxiest of Koxxdrfc}c. ThDon Blakcley by Garden Club Prcsf- cover tables for the display snd I,joined their teacher at a spechd l Westby, Beaver Creek, Ore.; Char- Whitt~ Brenda Hffffmd, VfcbT I xnembers of the V. F. W.. ffxddent Mrs. Rallln Armltago- @do, } table to enjoy renevL~ accfuafnt I latte Nigh Porter, Glenden Beach, H I ~ ~~ ~j~ Do Ithree.volley salute.Flower display work teams were I Chairmen for the flower sflolv st, ances and teifvfng the "good old Ore; Mxs. Meta Wegner; Mary Nigh aid B~+ I v ~ K+@+ Membexxx of Boy Scout Txoap IN9formed far Locust Blossom Day., 4ho Lstah County Fair weto select- schoal da)~".

Cl ~ Jeff a ~~ Ro - ~ninth ~of the'AxxxoxtMN. St Ioy Hoplor announ~ ~~. MN. Eddie Galloway u~l be Posing hom for a ~hd cl~ H~~ M~, ~t n ~d I em Da~,Julie D bald',Job H~- ~~shdeof Rhh fbqp D, chalnnsn vt1th Mrs. Stanley Hcpler, picture were; back row (I to r) Roy'abmsn, Southwick.

~ ~ 'rs. Kon Wf ikon and Mrs, WfiffaxnRlnl Riders Will HOM, Lublow hcr commftteo. ~ ~ ~ ~ son, Brad Mffiat4 Janet Motan, i ~~ a ~~ Here We

II'nnualSuyins Gymkhana,l A io"eiy ~th«c! ™~m"'"!JOSCph WattS KenxirielC14tiVC TO Rat)re ~mrna P~-. ~mm ~-~ I~'.s ~ta~t~ m: Wm'I sent ln by Delaris Lyons. w

bans end Horse sbocL on Juno 5fh andITermed Happy Event Joseph w watts business man-l tive as fts chafxman for throe years. A.'s —K"elyn A~xxxott, Mark Mus-' y: y.


Tbo flower display was termed a. age and bursar at the Unimrsity ofl Watts'ife, Arlone, is a4o an'Ae Is)~h na wf1 ogn at + +happy event st Ulc 11UL annual Loc. Idaho, announced last, week that he alumna of th«nfvctsfty, as is their B~ka Doug Ch~t ~ Doug, ment was Pxovfded by the KexIl. m. f Nh) m

ppeople OIL~cd tho guest book and,'uUan lvhcn he completes 31. years of 1955. and Linda, wha attended forthere were thirty-tf leo artfsUc ar- i service August 31* ™ years before going on io the H!III~ VI ~ H~~ Ik n Timer FIddlexs Coxxtest follo%nd.

'atts,who began his professional; University of Denver to complete herI aidnsx HONo sfovr vrfff begin «I 10:00 a. I horticulture snd house plants wiU1 ] career at the un'iverslty in If)40 after education. Another daughter, sue, K B KOII. cl enhagen, I races for tho children, plusln, an Sundays IJune 5fh)

1 Wff}I lxll jlaII a Special SOCUan of Banaaf On d IS j gXXLduaUng fram the SChaaf S CO}legs 'Sf tendS MOSCOVc High SChaOL J ~ff C ~ Ra Xh ~ J~ Sham and FIOWOt 'Diaplay

COCftaSIanIS Xlfa Idfly hf I Play'

Of BuefneSS AdmfnfatraUans Said he U~ gt ' id t ' t "W DeabaICL John Hed)er Ruth Ann The "day CSXne tta ftS 'SCLCCerSSslab}os of Pllllnucn wffl sbocv and dcxn) Thy . Plant and nclvolty safe u~ I oxcpects „IhoLmfversfty'sgkHttd of RIB- j~ ~d th t h, .I 'utchosan .Juffo. JardaxL .Janet L'oh 'onchxsfon/ xxt. 9 90~ak~t"'wfthONSltala TennaSSSO aICON 0 IIOOL ['a great SuCCOSS. Lcqth 5}50,00 taken I genie tO aCt On hfi tequceat at their']

ha >tf, ttS I, the k tlt„UO ~ man, GISOIO Iltagnuaan, Brad Hm 1danCOS fOr adultS and. 'teen agerS.Riding classes cL II be hold n Ufe -


IJune mooting fn Boise. ~ha™I <~ f d~f~~ so~q~ farci Janet Moran, Kathfoen Patket, t Bath the Lfons Club»and the Vet-

id ~ ~~ ~~ b. Sbc door prizes were acvardtd, I A native og Kendrick„Watts gtadu- 'nd ~1th f ~Mme h made Robert Parks Stem Parks Dsn Orans of Foxeign Wats wish

+vat Mh'~ ~ h o'ho uso af Ule no» Btacko ware. afo fr m Lmddc igh bool inhf a sound counselor fn the uni-; StciLers, Cindv Tavlor, Jsnis Whit- thank everyone who worked to make

,house was greatly appreciated. I1936 b fare coming to the unfmmfty mrsfty's sdndnistr tion i fnger snd Bocky Coltrgot. this dav a ~ and also to

High Sch~i Honor Roilf~. ~ ImVOffag ~yS are ~af SIT ttr 2 I af SCfenCO degXOO in buaineSS fcur "JOC'S SerLSCO ta the uniVereity A R lh Fau~ Qua~„p~,braUon.od by %sit Niblor for Off ueuad cow- To xx ess 'yoax latex; In August of 1940, hc be- and State of Idaho ca<I bo missedboy snd tho First Security Bank of Gon*'an his samer tn me unimrshy hus - a geest detu. r am sum t speak for L,usf-

noss office as an assistant accaunfant. - the enUre university community in Johann Dan P~ b u P~f l

; later becoming budget offtcer, assist- exPtessfng my gratitude to both Joo Fourth Quainter B Honor R Ih —I S+eeP AIeaClem~~+ Eddie A ndo~ 'ffhaugh they hold off

nt the arena. A lunch caunlor will be ] ager and bursar. In their new endeavors bomnd the, ~< >~~ A~~e Rick B~ja, Kendrick'-s Locust Blossom Festival,In the position af bursar —the do- campus of the University of Idiho."'f„JOIeno Branlmor'Debbie Christ heslry rains swept acxoss the area

sfgnatod business agent of the BoardI e~~ Sfev~ Kf~e'r Delta H~ I

from Sunday morning an untfil mid-of Rd'.gents —Wal.ts served in a dual


~ I„gio L mrn R~ Ron SII'- meek. 'Ihe tafxN ~vc~ InI role for the University of Idaho. Be ~B ~ ~ ~ I flats Evs wffken Jan Doobafd Ada Ul'o ffefds, ospochdiy fn the new}y

ILms named bursar in 1967 at the tfmo '„f ly@ Qo~~ghllo g Op I Harris ILtfko Price, Terry AUon, I

worked sununer fallow. The added; Financial vlcc Ptcsfdcnt Kenneth A,

I p g I Delano Kffots sonfa Hofsfxxgtan, I avatar also svvoifod fho Potlatch Riv-Joint Work Session ,'ick retired.

!Torf Johns, Steve Kemptan, Louise I or and other strcmnxs and, much to

Serving under presidents Bale, Buc- I f,ag B

Dcspfic the foci ihni the LLIILh g I LT'llSS lyellf5ee I.ltlel Ch 1 tt So d, D nfs B - Pl tefyCounty Chambers of Commcrce wcM ]Watts hss boon Instrumental In estab- I

I mer Nan F r, Lynd Huh < Kh, of the gcnoraf trout season hero fnmoeung In 1<ondrfck Wodnvflffily


lfshtng current. business ploce'durcs GKNESEE alive girls, all members; Trout Marv 'I „Bn„vnDobbfo, this section of-Idaho.evening of fleet Lvook. 1vith a very; l':„.''-':-,'';--.-'„Chen,::". 'r In addlUon, ho ls crefffod LvfU1 do- of the Junior class of Gonosoo high

i D ma~i/ Bo ky Kpchg~ Betty, John Loudko, wha nlaintlLins Min-gOOd turnout. the Id,endrftIC Cam» f'-"=.=","=':";, '.", 4:..:„-,.- /,.:v ( Slgnlng Snd ImplemenUng the fund- SehOai, cciff COmpeie fOr the UUe Of MiSS F@~„t < Jud r H~ier JOVCe faII ffguteS in GenOLkse fOr the SOilnlunfty Lions Club and tho V. F. W,, (;:-'::.:::-:-t -'. '';-'~ '-':.,;;-";-":-.;-,',"-" i lng moulads used in financing tho 'Gonosoo for 1%1 sf a talent shaw lo be i Hofnlgfrtnot Bob L nd L'o Msg Consercratfan Service, xoparted thehad a "work night'tchocfulod fn pro.

I'. '"' -;;,;=-@Imajor buildings constructed on the held an Commumfy Dsv, J 12, f'd ~ d F total Mav rain f~ at 210 >~~

patatfon for the Locust BlossomI',: --,';-', -.,-,'",TJ:,,"".'.":."'-.~"„::$

IIdaho campus fn tocont years, tho mulffMtpaso roaln af the higILI Spencer Gall Sptouf„Warren Aus- Thfis is omr ono-half inch moro than

FostlvaL and follocVIXIg a delight-I

';. ":.,-;:.,''",--+':,:;= ': '-;< Only Uds month Watts camplefod School. The LLVxuler lc@l be sofecfod by,'in. Kathfoen Bfdd'Iecomb, Bottv Ithe I'54 inches that, fell in the same

ful meal served sruargasbord LIVloI (

'-,',.: -': .- .~~'::,,".„'- '

yoax-long tenn in office as prcsi-en Psxlof,af auf~4OLL> judges. and fho Btfxlgman Doug CIO>~n, Virgil period last L~,by the Ladles of tho }Kendrick

I I-".: .:,-=';.",',';.' dont nf the Western AssacfaUctn of ]nocv queen '+'f1l bo ccolcxlod fn cetoxlmxl. Dvgott Lorraine Frankfnf Dale ~- Total rainfall to date in the <~

Gnlngo, wldch wss enjoyed by alf,I

l College and University Business Of- ~ios at a dance in the evening at the Mike HamUton, Ed Hoisington, Nan- see area this 3~ fs 10.78 —almostthe "Lvarkors" for the evening "took

,"tfccrs, The association is comprised. Firemen s I}AIL cv Hutchosan Loann Mo»r C)~this three inches less than the 13.63 foraff" for their jobs. !Of mombcrILhfps from 168 fnstftLIUonalTh candid~ a~. Manfvn It um I OsbarxL Ron Ronjxoxv, LOAnn Rog the first firn months of 1910.Attar ltaVIng Ulc I'ltc Balf, fhe,:Witrx. Vcrkf I}all annaunO'S tf)O Onol fXOm. all tha VI»OStern StateS, CSILILdaI a~r da~fet Of Ic'tr acid'JcttS GIOL I Ore and Debra Wemn.Lions and V. F. W. members 1Vont

Igccgamoxif Of hor davy@or. Jsnico! and ILIOXICO. Holding his mc'mbot I}sun) s~. Sh n H'~acI daugIL.,'emester A Honor Roll —Stove >.0I inches af xxLfn durhlg Ihtay upto lvark fn proparaf lan fox'he FOL- 4c'nn„ io E4 Rfcffsxd F, xfuctconc saxi of ship through the university fat 18 Ior of Mr. a'ffd Mrs. Robert Hotxnau 'Eichnor, Pam HOLKoth, Stove Hoog- on File Rfdge-

tfVai. SOme painted CtOSSWalk IfnOS,M. ~1, and s"IN CbarIOS F Xfudxxet ycare, he haS SerVOd aS SOCtetILty ta DaraffLV~ JOXIOS daughf'Ot af Mt. a~ fitrS land, LiSa Lyane, Ray Hcimgattncr,on Kendrick's Main street; soma Jr of Fahf cffuxcff virginia the group. vc~ vfco president, and Dan Jones Dobbfo Pruftt d~ughfot af Dobta Johnson, Don Parks and. Genesee Parade +illmarked at tnoving «nd cleaning tho Miss lfsff is 0 III gracfuafe of Gona later became Its proslidont In May of Mr find fliN Ityavno smftff and Nvh Doug Pratt.park tables; some frinunod ttoos; soa Ilfgh scflaal. Hor fiance, a 1988 19,0 Roach, daughter af }Ltr. and IttN. iyaynoi Semester B Honor Roll ~ Marty HOnOr Pioneesome worked at setting up thb sorv- gtadusfo o™oscow"fgh school Is In addluan to his profcssfanal ser. Ro cb' 'foxncnhagen, Eddie Anderson, Nick t Thoro will be a special place afIng lines In the park "cook house"; curronUy statfaffod 'U1 fho U S Navy vlcc, Watts has served the Moscow I honor fn the Gonesee Communitysome hauled benches and bleacher at I}rculscvfcks Maine community as a memberof the board j Day Parade on June 12 for peopleseato from lhe v. P. w. ltall snd " lt p 'f dlrecters of the chamber of corn. Re efVOS Banh QrjSt patch QWarCl

' m Ip

Ail-ln-all it elm a busy eveningfConlmun}ty Day Hats

for everyone —and lt ives dark ~nnetS On Sale NO+ af sore lco to Ulo Ca111pflrc, If they wish, aII Gon~ personswhen tho evening's work Lms done Girls program as a member of the aver the ago af 80 mats vs be—lvfU1 a couplo more evening's to Gonesoo —Hais for Ulo 13th an- boilrd of dltocioxs of Camp Nec- furnlshod special ttansporfaUcsL inCOxno I mlal Gonosoo Communliy Day lvont lvahlu and district committee mark, the patsdo. In order I'or the proper

an sala this week, ff. mm announced Ho «iso seaM «s a member oi'ho attangcmlonts ta be made, all pct-PleaSe Return PerSOnal today by Da» Kuohf. chairman of Moscow School ~ and LL~ a- sans over 80 and vc~ ta join the

the proJect. This f» the nrst year parade, aro asked to contsc't eitherProperty Tax Forms, that such items have boon offered Haxokl K}ass or Cfatonco Gffgo.Asks Assessor Taylor in conjuncUon with community Pies Needed Foi'e IE. Pkase do this as soon as possible.

Day, Community DayEugene Taylor, Latah County As- Thoro will bo doxby Ilats fot the Arndtago, Rick Benjamin, Jalenosassor, said this wook Uxat many bon and. sun banobs for ladles, Brammer Debbie Chrfstenson, Delta- orsonal property owners ate do- The derbies wflf soil for 15c and tho lunch sfsnd commfftoo villi ag"I" bo Heath, Karen Ingle, Lamrn RoocLlnquont ln sanding in thait person- bonnofts for $},00, soiling pfas an June }2III, and aro ask.f Ron Sffffolv, Eva Wflkon, Jan Deo-al property reports. This xopatUng Mons dorblos lvlil be on ssfo at ing dalisUans from iacai Poop}o. bald Ada Harris ILtfko Ptfco, Terrynaw covers furniture and fixtures of the PssUmo and Conlor Bal, and one wha ccoukf cato to danata a Pioal'llen, Delono Effoxvc, Souls, Haisfng-businosso» and farming oqulpmont of both derbies and sun bonnets will t»o fo tfl ostafld may do so and bringtone Tort Johxls, Stove KcmptatLfarmers as well as oU1er catorgorios be on sale at Sprlngol's Insurance, Ihm lo the dacvn staiN of lha Ffrofxfoxls if'ouisa Mo)m, Denfso Branlmor.specified on tho tcpart farm mailed Easer CanstrucUan, First Security hall Cammunffy day morning. 5tom-


Noxi Fry, I ynda Hudson, Kimfram the Latah Couniy Assassox's Bank and the Electric Shop, bors af the Gonosoa Firemen 1%i OP- Tlout, Iltary Lau Brovrn, Debbieafffca in February of this year. Tho Ganef~i Commftfoo for Ula orate Iho «land again fhfs DammatoIL Bcckuy Eichnor BottvFailure to n part makes it nocas- June )2 celebration urged local poo-™ Fartlngtan, Frank Gxonoclaso, Judysary fol Ulo assessor fo put on tha plo to Imy and lcoal the hais and SCS Plenle %ill HOnOr Hodlot, Joyce Hcfmgccrfncr, Bobroll a value based on the last yoat's bonnets, Russell F. Smith Lan@, Leo Magnusan, Lais eMOycr,assonslllont which in soma eases may usse ~ nil

Narlann Sf}flow, Sandra Saudors,thILn I"o imflvlcklal cccfu Kendrick Kanvon Klub Nos Perco Soll and Water Can- Frances Spencer, Gail Spraul, War»ally hss fn value. sorvatfan Districts «ro siyonttatfng ron AusUn, Kathioon Blthiioeamb,Mombots af t,ho Kendrick Kanyan a path1cic picnic honoring Russell K. Betty Bxtngmsn, Doug Clayton, Vix-

Garnet Winners IOub will moot Wondosday, Juno 9, Smith upon hfs rotftomont fram S>III n gil Dygort. Lorraine Frsnkinl, Daioat I:30 p. m. at the homo Mrs. M. C. ConsarcvLUan Service. The picnic lvill I Fry, Ii tike Hamilton, Kd Hofsfxlg-

DiCk Benjamin Wan the JI-Star get- Halllday in Juilactta, Mre. Arthur ba held at, the Kendrick Park SILILIr- i GHNKSEFAken Icinzat, San Of Mt. FitSi. SOOLnfy Bank iS Sbacrn Praeanf- «nenot and I~ron Hoislngton placed Johns and Mrs. Harold Ftoomlxn lvfli day, Juno 5 at, 6;30 p, m, In case af and Mrs. TIod It'Jnxot fs silas receiving Ing Ulo First Socunty I~'sfdl Acvaxtd tasecond winning the garnet earrings. be co-hostesses for the mootfnft. Bell Inclement weather ft vrfll be held at the FfNt socurffy Bank avid for being I Dean„while %m, phar, local Gcsxesoo fxowt LoAnn Rogers. Dobra woyonThe Fltntsone Rock club wishes to eall for the afternoan wl}1 bcL aINB tho Kendrick Fire Ball. All old Frl ~ the aufci 'FA member af the 'First sccunfy bank mstucgcxr sbovts hh andthank everyone who participated In worod by naming your favorite color ends aro Invited. Caffoo will be fut- Gancxsoa fat luff-r I. apimovaL from, LOAnn Rogers an dDobrathis Blossom FOLUva} avatit, rase and why you profer ft. nishod. Mt, Mortflf ss*~, Ag. agent fol'o)~.

Page 2: Event 'an - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The... · Garden Club Has Busy %'eek; Study Course Prcflentcd To School »

"":V.:.V -'.4".'.A .F,'>'9'<'I -!-'F'll 't f

i, ) El', fi,3),


Phones1lialn Office 4 285 264fFeed Mill

Seed Plant 285 3f'7fstandard .ou g5 3204 Lumber. Yard

: .Qeneusee,'dahoWAIKIIOIISK OIL

NEW HOURS FOR O'CNKSEE UNlONEast and West Knud Feed iwills

Open Mondiy - Friday —7:30 to S".30Saturday —7:30-'o noon

Lumber YardOpen Monday to Saturday —7:30 to 5:30



i Mr and AIrs. John Merrjck and daugh- V Il 'udy I.IIIeltall Named BE PLEABANT

t;enesee,. Locals l"-" -""""-"":"'."'-'"l'"'nesee Pgi

Tracy Boyd celebrated her 12th birth- Judith Anii Linehan, daughter of Atr. QPInoaches, niotorl"ts are hvarnetjiM. and Mrs, David Baumgartner and and Mrs, Whitted svere Thursday visit- "

j day anniversary with a slumber party and Mi's. Rapliuel Lir,.han, is uning Plan tlieir tinting%~ and not to ovler-Ann from Cottonwood mere weekend ors of Mr, and Mrsi Jack Whitted in Highest Honors: No Grade Beloiv A IFriday evening for ten girl friends, and other Western Michigan University "tu-,xtentl then+el«e. lt, le Pointed outhouseguests of David's parents, Mr, and Reubens. On Sunday they called on D:bbie Dennler,, Lojs Jensen, Nancy pn Saturday evening, Mrs, irene Berger dents who have won recognitiori its th«t thostt who try o htet an en-

~ David mas Fern Lunders in Lewiston. Johnson BHI Sphincter Ann Poe D~ and Mr, arid AIrs, Roy Storey and Bruin scholars by being named to Ole univt"r dur«nt.tt red.gtrtj over tlie hothlay faceamong the graduates'of the U. of I. re-i Brent Holben spent the week with his Diehl, AIariiyn Baumgartner, Cind pf Lpwiston were dinner guests. Sunda sity's Dean's List for the ment winter the risk of extrem«atjgue, vrhlch

arents, Mr. and Afrs.eMmarion Holben Rathbun, Laurie Anderson, Nikki Wood. <«r»oon caHers of Mr. Qnd Airs, Tom semester. 'reduces «t«t»esbt lengthen«ea«toniM. and Mrs. Delbeit Edelman of jefpre gping to Kimberly Idahp tp

'Boyd were Mr. Qnd Mrs. Clifford Haines To win the honor, students must have ttnit,, tintl greatly jnnreaaeg'hp dan-

Moscow arrived Thursday to visit Oz work this summer at the Snake River Honors: At least 3 A', no grade !from Lewiston and Mr. and Mrs. Glen taken at least 14 hours of class pork and ger or n traffic accidentzie'anikkeberg and family, Delbert Agricultural Research Center. below B I Baumgartner. Evening, visitors were mantained a grade point of 3.5 out o a A welt-planned Ajeinorjat Dayleft Tuesday for Challis, Idaho to do'

t H de f m S I,~e was a Donna Bish, Leroy Zenner, Myrna'Air. and Mrs. Dick Scharnhorst, Robert Poskible 4,0 (QII A'>. Itdurndy will bo olla which Providesfidd work thirds his™ster'sdegree.!S da 'o of hi broker-in-laiv and Hermann, Sheri Herman, Jerry Myers,'and Bruce and Mr, and Mrs. Marvin pit'ntv pf time at your deatinatton.Kathy will sPend the sunmer here.

i sister M md AIrs Lloyd Ivihon Billie Robson, Margaret Helbhng, Omt Aloser. Nof ice Mat'liters rht", distance to tl',P destliiation

n were weekend visitors of Mror, and! ~'nd A~s John Eg and and ..~y Jeamie Petersoll, Dorothy Jones, BruceI


L d,, GENESEE—The Marin 'i'iH hoki 'i n t tak n plve than pne"fourt4 of!from St. John were weekend visitors Nichpls, Mark Becker, Cathy Bennett,.day ""~ g I ~ 'ork session on Thursday, June Ip,at thur tinw thmay fr0ni Iiomp, saytgMrs. Olive Pederson returned home, ' ' Rpn Teigen. i8 L whtoi> vhited Monday afternoon i 5 P. m, at the Genesee Motors u <Ing tl,„.,t.A. A.

M '8Mr Md Ms Harry zgland Sr ' 'onfamly Mr and Ms R D.stout wor ~ ss 'ills your n

Friday after spending three months vis Mrs. Wm. Theissen returned home~

the Anderson home, . to finish setting up games aei curicess Other reconmltvn(lations trmtude;iting Mr. and'Mrs. E. A. Stevens jn day from Gritman hosp'.tal after on«»ie Mention: at least a "B"


the An erson ome.

Mesa, Arizona and Mr. and tMr. Reno undergoing major surgery last week. Average and no grade below C ! Maria Dope}l returned homeManicapeHi in San Francisco. Mrs Her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Isaksen of Carl Bakken, Dick Green, Kathy U. Of I, for summer vacation „„,h. <


Stevens and Mrs, ManicaPeHi are sisters Cheney sPent the weekend visiting her Broemelin, Janice Ml, Paulette Jo- Mr. and Mrs, Don Morken and Sonyn f r Cof Mrs. Pederson.,mother and Joe, returning honR on bann, Bruce Scharnhorst, Mike Myers, of BeHevue and AIr. and AIrs. David, A famil t I ck dinner h:i. b en (en.AIrs. Marie Tuschoff and family from Aionday. iRiee Pf SeatOe SP nt R Week nd With tativcly plniined fpr Jung h7"bt 12 noon

't d

.~ t f ti!

Clarkston ivere Sunday dhmer guests 'r. and Mrs. Ray Trautman and Mrs. M'ke dbe g'a Dennler, Emma Wea-! Don's parents, Air. and Airs. E A'. at Benchviohv Park, Ciarkston,of Mrs. Thelma Hoorman.. Clifford Hermann and AIyrna attended ver, Steve E(hvards, Jim Grjeser, Paul!i>lorken, The Rice's returned home on'~ '>OU@ GA>II,. >FptRTMENT

Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. WiHis, high school graduation exercises 1Ved-Ch I W~ard Jeff Boyd Jim EvaQs


ni()rQing The QtteQded a dog ~w Summer Reading Club ! By Itpbtrrt j. Salter. Actjrzg director~

' ' I, Kraut, Mark Aleqrvyn, Karla Spence, iAIonday and Don and family TuesdayNoser and famHy on Sunday were iMrs. Inesday evening in Spokane. Their nep- " .'.~, ' '.'" ' y


I idaho I"isti Qnd GialIRLucHle Moser and Mr. and Mrs. Robert! hew, Pat Raymond was one of the I;rad Ron Nichoh, Kejlh. Wahl; A I e Eghed,! in SPokane and Lewiston ivhHge hem,; GENESFE —Mrs. Aiariun Ilojben,; tlttAIK IIIRD HARV@gSf 'i nate» e; t Ra

'on Hopkins, Djctt Evans, Mike Thaves, Saturday dinner guests of the Morkens'

PQHman. Djn-tua es. hey also vjsj ed y's sister'indy Tegl~d, Ron ttefoser, C +g Qnd tbei» guest we~ Bpb Mprken, John Genesce librarian, invites ail niea ch.'I-, Idaho's sniaH game Ixlrveet fpr 'be

birthda annive . Thursda .ner was jn honor of their son, Gregory's.'Mrs. Rosaha Fhnt, eeturning home on B"

h Ai~;«t*. G e~'HI'ay . St t and f~ d AI, a d M Edipren ln grades 1 througj>" to jp>n t e 1979 h*JSOii hhownt increasee fnr 8prneLinda Alusgrave, Nyla Roacit Debbie Aiorken and Nanette. Mr and AIrs Aijssion Possible Summer lleno iu u ~ sIRcies un

> (I blemorjaI day visitors pf Mr, and

Snrith, Teresa Baumgartner, Jim He - E. A. Morke returned Wednesday foI.Iwhjch begins June 7tli Qt thc G@."~ cqtmpKelly of Sunnyside, AVash. were weekend Mrs. D. F. Scharnhorst were Mr, and "', ' " ..'Community Library. tu" erni avmmzes frp«n 19IH-18'houseguests of Mn. Ed a Magee and. Mrs. Raleigh Hampton of Ciarkston Air. mann„Ron Herm, Don .oumberry, lowing a triP to Vanco ver, B. C„Park-Mr and Mrs John Luedke Mrs Ma !and Mrs Louis Scharnhorst and iMrs'.Doug Aiosel't David Stout, ™ Becker, land, Seattle, Belkvue and Tacoma.

Edhorst, Teresa Ison, and Mre Harry Egiand, Sr. ate dinner ~ w; I'hb, baunt hnrV@ht tptnie ebpmpdVash, v re Sunday dinner guests( d'Ir, and Mrs. Oscar Hosejd of Troy,'n the uedke home. The Magees left! mere Monday dinner guests of AIr. and

jfor their home Monday morning. Mrs. Raphael Linehan. 'm. With Mrs. Harr E'lund. Sr A rc'bp~rted tittai ww 47O,NN ~easante i:-sOng the cemeteries, a fam- Highest Honors: Into Grade below A ~. Eg ~" and Mr. Odenbprg ' ' ' *

iiy dinner was held Smdav at the Joh: 8th G d Several from the Valley attended the, good turn out is desired. c,'udj.4 487,top rpp ters Qrxl Nv5t88hcn'.

F. ssDlpk» SCHARNHORST Ii Hickman home. Present ivere Mr. and 'im Baumgartner', Keith Davis, J ff Locust Blossom festival in Kendrick on i ItttI Gsk'NF s'ptl~'htS

I!Mrs. Dave Hickman from Palouse, Afr. Diehl, Chery> AIayer, Cherj'p'ser, "«ay ., i ltgOtiee Rim Riders, Bi„"";tasty stvwtpns and ptbir rt~la.MOBIL OIL PRODUCTS I,and Mrs, Ormand Hickman of Ciarks-! Mr. Qnd tMr. Vtc DnllRlson wei'e Sun"

I GENESEII Thh meeti.,g for Junt.'Mobjlgns Mobjloti I i ton, and AIr. and Mrs. Erwin Flomer of I Diane Becker Tedi Haxton Karer

-Furnace, Stove, Diesel Fuel I!Lehriston. Jack Platt from Pierce was Iverson.Tires Batteries, Accessories I ' iAIonday caller. iHOQ~ atie~3A andnog d

) A no-host dinner mas held at the Done~

below B at the church mth Mrs. Harry Eglnnd, horse show. Swe you theres .4,bn W"ti";"hdpy, Aity B, IXI, Idaho'ePhone AT 54111 - or - AT 54761

I Springer home on Memorial Day. Pres- 8th Grade hostess. There wiH 'be a B~ible study,'ntwere i>Irs. Kate Baumgartner, Mr.! !AIike Becker, Sheldon Hampton, i S, 0. Ca. Cluband AIrs. Geo. Bema'and of Woodburn,!Wayne Jensen, Louann AIader, BiH GLhqE'yFF' The S. O. G. club u'i"re., r. an iIrs. Lev . essersndth,,Myers, Loren AIorscheck,.. Commiity Qhuleh meet Monday, June 7th for u one p'cj0ck <ra o;e J;«k Aiv~tdni„Ppcntelb>,iAIr. and Airs. Jack iMagee, Tim and! Ttb Gradeluncheon in the home pf Airs, Don Joiti,ears M '"''" "''""""' ""!""'': ''""" """' '.: 'r '-'r1: -

and KeHy and AIr. Qnd. Mrs. Wade GreenweH, AIitzi Jensen, Joe Anderson, service mHI begin at jts new time of'g',bh ay i'n -..(™

tive fptr'arilrighoggtgat ~~ Supper guests, on AIemorial Day of Honorable mention: at least a 8 average Also starting next meek a Junior I love the lilac time when blooms Qre»„qj 'ca jib b ~ GNeal Kizpon mere Robert and Douglas, and no grade below C, mejte and marki e are of the Viola Scharnhprst an

8th Grade be no Sunday school, but the <hHd~n i when bees return to pollinate the rose; Ki4tb, dhandptdtct, D'.qtrtae I„Paul C.lola Scharnhorst and Mrs. Georgia Diane Dennier, Chuck Leachman, Dan will hear a story domtytturs after the IVhen blowout homing bhinds, no longer K -.-In u~ ..the Knutson from Ciarkston. !Musgrave, Ralph Stout, Debby Peterson, opening exercise in church h shared'agrant ! " I C- Roc'f-Ages storie. Satjsfrtp- .Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brazier attended'Roberta Sarbacher, Don Slead, Leanne iqith them.'he Locust Blossom Festival in Ken- Teigen. Recognition Sunday for the seniors i

Idrick Saturday. Dinner guests on Mem- 7th Grade wiH be on June 6th. There is a coffee In HIac time I find Qo note of sadness'OE;zzAzmzrUS,. orial Day were their son. Roger and Ed Egland, Lori Hermann hour Planned after the service jn the Just lovely things Qnd happinessMiss SheHey Smith from Moscow. Glen FeHowship hall. sublime;visited his mother, AIrs. Fred. Brazier QeaII Up QampaigliN w


Anaua! Congmgattontd nleeting on hh heart goes singing on throughJuly 11th at 7:00 p. m. gates of gt~dness; '~''«ggg a'ytvn wgaz~ sawNursing Home in Moscow, GENESEp Ecology has become the Vacation Bible School, June 21-25 And heaven smiles on me in I.INCAIr. and AIrs. John Brown, Moscow and main concern fpr many.people hiciuding CIIURCH PICNIC. Frkhy, June 25th. TIAIE. —Bert Gamb'e ~g|weata J Ia tg W4kr

the George FQHett farilily from LewistollI the FHA and FFA of Genesee. Ac-

G f i ALdd F H~~

tcprdjngly, they are holding a dean up FOI'XhlbitlOII Hal I ShOW, Th«p~ is 4U < I

ivbo hadrfour sons. He gathered them~ Mrs. Gordon Rosenau, Frieda d'oin! birds. animals, trees, and flowers. Dptaro~ b ~ ~id, "Au reht, wl'd if m Al~a. Wah. Were ivy: d hare having a conte~. Th'HA NH GKKSEE-It%% be applaud I your'p~ and'k p it ~a~el. P

one.oi you young uns pushed tbe oui tgmste oi bdaugbermm ~ht d b tty to collect more gttm than the Fpa. ~'anyone having antiques, arts. bobbies or vent tercet fires-Keep idaho Grmn! I ktfvprtrleihgh~e hto Cw Cr~k-" No one sad. Sda~or~ and f~'n ~urday Each g up I gl~~ to work.f~1 craft togeth ~~M' WHH

Unued, "Years!evening; OR Scharnhor~ f~ dte 5 P. m. At the end pf Ods time OR Phar, Mrs. E. A. Morken, pr Airs. Le-I F~~~~ ts an

ngn vmotgu'ymbtagton ntt rtown ma 'uests worn dinner @~+( i hb d [ ones utth the most inter eothuded wins. goy Haltw turd gel tham on dtsptsy! perature or the body, irequentiy!

far tfntj I', trete when h js faORr asked Mrs- Martin St t d h IThe losers will treat the others to a for Community Day, June 12th, broug ht on by infection,

.urge, gd you cdgpp down the Airs. Glen HaH of Boise and Airs. Dale +++0 n..n..e. n.m n.a n mmmw mmmmm Am m ~.AGenesee wjH be Htter free fpr a wn a wy mtw ~ ww wmmwmmmm w w w e'' Fmwwmw mmmw mmm ~ mw'wwwYYTTYTT+YTYYVYTYY v w w w ww w ww

did, Father.'is pa rewarded him. ni the Carl Scharnhorst home.gi

:"Now' reperjt, my 'rtuestion, which one Mrs. Marie Vestal, AIr. Qnd Mrs'of you pushed the out@ouse'ato Cpm Merle Roberts, and Mr. and Mrs, EI-Creek?" and other tools for dean-up, and severalday d inner guests of Mrs

. Em Sjdr PickuPs will be needed. In addition,'js youngest son stepped f~ard andI rpd The dinny h red the MrtM

old sacks would be useful in gathermg

the okl farmer took him over his knee! A surprise birthday p"~. mas b Id'Plan on meting in fhet of Genesee «I

y evening in the DpnSas hgh ~ool at 1 00 P™.

hffle. bog looke@ at his .father 'dnne honoring Dpn s (~?I b~y.g tern-fm d eyes and.said, "You Among those attendmg were Mr. Qnd FOOd Sale~~~,'g W<~~ got F tMrs. Kenneth- Aherm, Mr. and Mrs. GHHbIESEI~TIR girls of Genesee high wGeorge Bertrand, Mrs. Kate Baumgart school are having a food sale June 11th >ner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Borgen, Khn from 8 to 12 a. m They hope that it,'>

The farmer said, "Yup, but hs father and Pat, tMr. and Mrs. Lew Messer-iwiH helP the ladies before Communitywasri't sitting b'i the 'tree when jtt sniith, Doughs Springer, and Mr. and Days. You can have a free weekend '.Ihappened." Mrs. Wade Hampton. to enjoy yourself by buying your week

The Leonard Singhose family spent end dessert beforehand. They wiH gof tbjs Story Buy Hail in the last two weeks on a camping trip have pies, cakes, cupcakes, cinnamon

pr ypu might be up tb creek to Colorado. While in Denver they stay rolls, cookies, and popcorn balls. They .aed with Judys aunt and uncle, Ret Brig >i'll be out in front of the Food Thrift ,'pGen, and Mrs. W, M. Rodgers. On Store. The proceeds miH help Sheri,",their way home. they camped in Tettpn,Herman and Debbie Smith go to the ~p

When yon Think of INSURANCE and YeHpmstone National. parks. (National Convention of FHA in Kansas +(or Investments) ThInk pf Dpnl, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, and two City, Missouri. 4t

Representatjv pf' CMMren of Seattle and John Stokes of +

MURPHEY-FAVRE INC. ~nds w~ meekend houseguests'pf~ Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Jones. COAIAIUNITY DAY

Mss Inga Dinsen of Spokane spent I'H ride away when the dawn is 4Franklin Life Insurance,Company Saturday mjth the phu Greenweii family breaking, ++


T Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Woodruff, pf Climbing the slope to the upland trail; fpivtitg8tv jit8tttv81188

'«at, wash. were weehend guests ot out through the pass when the birds areHarvey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene w'aking;

AGENCY Woodruff, and her parents in Cjarkstpn. I'l hit the road for that wheatland +Joining the Woodruffs and their guests +toffice Pb.-AT 6-3131-Ree AT 6-2171 at dinner on Sunday mere Mrs. ElsieGrieser, Lars Liberg, and Dei Grieser There's where I'H find the bluebirdsand family from Lewiston. mating; qp

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hermann, Calling me back with a tender urge; I+iMyrna and Jim attended commence. Back where the friends I love are '4

n s



ment exercises at-the U. of I. on Sun-,", g ~

day. 'ary Hermann was among theraduates." FoHevjn graduation the;;

RIfLED FORMSWIIKAT, per bushel, --------------- SI.3$,;~~„"g„,~~M,."~~MP~"-„,„,',FRKII'SAIILKY, per lee, ----------- 340.N.

Qg 3-'p'ei )yii ..............QI,'gg'ewjstpn, a idv SOIIope', Spokane'ndMrs. Pearl Carter;- of Boise. Jdjnjng I»tbQ Scholars and their guests for Sundayidjrnier were" Mr. and Mre. Homer

dd'~choplerand'hip and Mr. and Mrs,,",


iNr. and Mre, -Leds Mayer and Mary d'~

were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and,", t I v

Mrs. Bob Gray. Mrs. Hope MciNeil!,hof Kamiah spent Sunday with the Grays, dI .I 18 4RZe e-, e~v3and tMr. and Mrs. R. E. Nordby were",, i % VTQAionday guests.

luff iFCPMonday supper guests of Mrs. Mi'riam,

er'andednirgwere Mrs. Verla Hall and''=~CtllhtPF Janice, Mrs, Emma Hoduffer, Mrs.


prOdtiC;tS Edna Magee, Mrs. W, W. Burr, and; d>

Mrs. George Anderson. Cards were I,I played after dinner i e mmmmmmmm&m&mm.Xmmmmm mnsm&m&mmmmm&mm+mm&m.m.m~mmmmmmm<mm.wmmmm~mmmmmmmwmw'w wmmmm'wmwmmmwmmmmmmm w w ~mw++~dttthdsttpg

w'w wm m mme~

Page 3: Event 'an - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The... · Garden Club Has Busy %'eek; Study Course Prcflentcd To School »


For SIIrlnl FeNllygs—USE-



KEWeRICX, %9AMPhile 889WNA Ihuafsjensuh gg~~



Im a PORK FOI4AlK...:,: I

You can get it-, assUx8d. fol' Ye8xs-in First Security Bank61/2" suborn''mated notes. AND 'SAVE!

4nimfil 'delivery By /Monday Preferred, lf 'Posgfbfe

THtO QAdrM'TE - Ã8%8, 'XSUMXIAT, JUNE 3, Qlvi

NOtIVN C48SMlC4 k4l TO gggp g@ Og Ttrgge Mayer +~ ~@~@~ g.... I;, — .;I, „,,„-- ~ 'EWltAL TRO8T SEASON if there is no addfttonat ratat. Pttther-HCM IN Cr@ne888 5fal'Ill 87 E ''ENED MAT Ott . I njcn are resstnded "tlust. '~"utnd

.;,'tlteep ~~>~ tn this 'ssjaa uri ~*,Gnjrzst:~ Mttrcs jrr@, to71, ttt Igg~ ~~ ,'ntil AugruIst- l, Qroftnoip feeders sufda setthif ol white Idaipeh Etl usual, Rw ~~—.~ ttodtoaot ~ieattoa Eduwitor Quarts creek hare hera eteidwd with

: The tjcst fishing is usually available arc stilt closed. Ptshermcn atm 'Scimain limited to the lower tributaries such

I@ +'I 'Aersdey evening, ttifr. and ~, Don fbi- Mos'@ tijou. Mttrys ~c r.tueban asststett by Mr, aust Mfa Nets the large rivers witt be dctsycd untt] Mltny Of the trlh~ of,tptae IdCje

iidtandc served a ~ turtsey ~ condtttotuj are morc suitable for the hsa %Uvcr state .Still ~,lani"'ctesir.~s Nant" ujth S,'SS a farteutett fear Mng Lande'uthe left fishermen, The high maintain lake. MOst'side 'reads are shteekedl Wt@ew that sse +otICR at hlar tsiidtltttIf 'st, Friday for service, areas are stilt inaccessible, There. Snow i dehorn', .distance from ~

John Tierney, taught 4 years st. arc stccthcsd spawning tn many trt-j Highway Ijt.I

dug a ~~k~ ~~ Fcrdttuujd r~ sit thta close of the 'utiijrics and fshertrien arc xcctutrcd I

.ilare ~h psst term to accept {se~ of bead. to release them.,, 'of the ctcjtrwatcr has bcc'n'lants'8

E de

>@u fc@ -ott" a coach and principal st Cattoawosd SS. S nM of the I tt 1 t Iwith 'rainbows. Most of the iuualiitr

Fotty frjends snd retativcs of ~ ~ton D r C cek ~ 8'd t streams should bc good tn 'hedivas an old fastusujd nose Marten Snjtth, of Mr. and Mrs '

ra ~@ g oir ~ C~ Fork of the Ctcarwater Rtver.

I \ e

er 4ewae I 9 J~1'ere ls a h M ~'of "~ y~a Ne w~d ~ the R y*Ijutn trttONS aaa 4aat ~ ~,~ ~~ - dhstdwtdwa ol tjwsaea llallu wha!. stook Eowh ar tsweohh ~ h~ prude preside pood llehket tor aluh.i~' a ~~~ ~~y @ the rains of this weekend have made

SA, ~~ 4 a,--- = i t v~ i f vm ~ e~% a ~ p~c ~ ~gh.~ wtas WPaniitt snd ~ ~ I y@gg AGO ~ No~ ~"k of the ~water Smrxx& AREA'WiasissisSc PLATO ON SOBS amer w~

>toasaut tta @ Mary'< ~ im t fdt tbe teaching staff X the at g 0


jt I:.', ~ 548, Qjnh, of 6eotttaas and ~!csee pubuc school fo the ear Itot4f, tngton, Beaver and Reeds should bs Sixteen area workers warts placed, Untuttttasn Pntujad Supt ~8 ~ .g>+ 0 Vithi'„,ftahabte. ROWCVer,'ftaheraNNn Can CX- On glje4urng,thCWeek by4he3itiCC-

Mttl, 5111%c4r of QNOuae and ~-I ~ ~~~™~p~ ipect a r~ eucccss in the tri- cowofftccROf the Vcpartanent+-IOm-@xnan ~ of Cotton cut salsa. 4l fl~ lt t~j F~~ gg ")butaries to the %orth Perk -because ytoymcnt. Tjtrcnty near jobs were zts-'re aunts of, the brQC. ~'~ onty a few snaalt stcethesd remain cetvcd and at the close of the week

tdCEttdtth MOEjjdtdE 00OEth SEAT led jtre, jhu jtreltedhaht Jr. et htahe Eha tptth~ ~>>>, ~ 'itu the drataade. steat Ot the adult there Were 20 OPeidade arethhta .

MOREL FUEL Q~>.. 1|CO@4 LlrBRICAÃTtP Fatkt WSS fn Cfaarge Of tha gueat beak 'n,~~~y'a'rite cLSS m tbe 5th j Steelhead haVe been taken at SWOr- ThOSe OPeninga inClude PPSttiOnS ferdtradc of Genoese public scbool passed I shak Dam for the fbi hatcdmry housekeepers, babysttters, staattrass-

Vtt'e Ivttt Order dtLaty 'Iponlsd Ãteans Destsajd ~ g ~„E„~~~,~tua I the past two yeais that inorssatly es, cooks, ecrctary, nurse, carpentser,its at jhe g Se'hnnt SpaWn fn the NOith .POrktr„stnoe I )anitero and manta etphptee manOB110.%%RRS @A~EEsar& "tto perceaat Of 'the trout caughtr .Vae ntunbcr of persons RrtuetVtng

gotten back yeur 0 -~--Nf Check ~. G ~ ~~ ~ ~,~~ ln the 'Norfh Fork have consisted unemptoyinent. tmaaasusse beneftts,-NOTICE —Efkeefbre ~Bamediately %e Wtjl Be of pxveatta steethtuad, this witt be ra deopped to '$8 'froin the previous ..

CMSED EAC@ 8ATUR9kY A$TERNN}NKunyton HsroM OI3ft, ct rance Aber-<these can w replaced by jatocktng Phase be cmful wjth 6ze fn or sear -,

%'eGive8486ieen84 ~moekg8 08 — T e~ .,G ~ Huaca, ~ t t fh -~~-~droop ~-5 thm4 fftlht@ini'-'arnbttsch,

Josey'aN5t, 'r tntrodactton of 'uaw species. Roadse @8 wonds, lt is a~ etasfer to preveaL

if yaM by'hi 1$Na ef~$, ferne

'loil gf 'OI

II-{HL: PORATSC ~ bed Sean.a aaty ee!ji

RRosta - wANN

ilL ~ tjp jhahth IsswohwEthk Il IjIthg ~ -IlakolntItreruattt ~~~,-litho ~

'te jtti ehuh eath paced " ttsjtjaiIE, .tjjgrtj'cdhtt Sttnespwjtlh 8djpjjli'ehjj '-':-'": "-"'-:.'

miltt ~ ewer ~~~ qt Se+ Bt@Ihng —Plea'sant Surmundingsx.~ cx~ ~'san- i ~ ~


E jetteet thhastw jtedar hd",i'S6ttta SN 84578 Intl@0ttoÃ,4)~;l'JFJlwf'IOAtA. lknchste 'Ctll60tta'lit


I,il, . I, lrl'„ll, '...,, ', Fav sajQs. Rurih1adutt under Ittfht de ~i supplies:of Ii

Natjce'~4tallls —%esuli:W ~'Otd wheat. htswevter. are tirgda and; tctonttnued to -be a wstsdaentng -inftu- V4Nl04$ p

in the ..market sttnatton.

aaldatlli'Sutp WEES ot—Kajhdljpldtah aadtao'winter white at dye. eke)P 'pe and Heihn-

The pest eradication contest con-ducted by the Mture Farmjars of jKendrick unit came to a close

last,'Fridayafternoon at 4 o'clock. Itlgh,point man was Don Danunarett hebelong closely followed by'Felix Bottand Vvacncy Ksy, Jr.

The following number of pasta'

were accounted fbr —456 magptes,49 ground hogs, 1,157 ground ajtutr-

1 P reh, 1 chicken hawk, 8 cciyotes, 1rattlcsnakjaa, 51 Engttih sparrovrs, 4.porcupines. 35 rats, 9 gophcra, 33mice and 2 skunks.

Mrs. G. E Havens and daughtersMary and VVtnntc witt teave for Src-merton, Vrashtngton next week,where they will join Mr. Havens,who has been employed tn that cityfdr ahoy a i&Rr.

--ll''„r OygioMnpltj For )atr

Proayltetive TeacherstiThe R8ueatton Profcsstojja Devetoyee ment, Act is agtltn sponsoring a ply

gram fol prospective teachers toI ~ I+,, 'I a'tj~t-

attend cotta, Applicants whtj haveabout 85 semester hours of college gg IkMiggg+Iat —=-- - >stEL;,: ~~.is~alt 0: jtt,ii scl .training and would like to attendieither the University of Idaho

or'dewts-ClarkState College are e-

CALL OR STOP SY.TODAYaeinester of intensive college train-ing. During the second semester, theapytteint 1vlll receive a parttat sal-

by the y'~g""'."The'olly~~ aum'-. Y Th@ ~~Its ~~~ s Omer is available to complete the yro-

Custom SlaughteringAsk for ojfcring circutcrr. local school superintendent or write

-I:IOIK I'K 5484)I.ttjdcn, &1vtston, Malio SS501. FOR


ts life, do 'jtour part to savelt.


.'irsl: Sescuril:y. )Isxl. <,

Me+bet Picot Sccufity CoryofatioNSyitemof Bftftxs t

RESOURCES OVER ONE aILLION DOI.I.ARS,,Woiajatlr ttatjttraf &it Httliataastuttl FltA~



hol syltotu'f1'nnr Stamlard Mnn

Oejnetlecj Union%tarehouso Cc,

Can Solve Teal'roblemOonetteo —tt tt5-5'051

Otsnltatd btl Cssjpaayat Catltamta, ~

All meat cut to apeeiNeationa,

~yyeci 4 quick rhegon.



Page 4: Event 'an - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The... · Garden Club Has Busy %'eek; Study Course Prcflentcd To School »


Availability Cf CartaiB Pastiai(los loj fi ~~-——

Mtale~enen!~ gI—r'lWRoIN1114(%fii%45%%8

. llSIIMlce:$ FIRE




R. E. Magnunon AgencyPhone 2894271 Kendrick, Idoho

Nll)8 Wlt 1

enfee 1eijjterGeneneee UnionVlravehouse Co.

-can solve your problem.(ieeojeoee 2854501

~nl Oil Ceaeyanyef California


Auto!~. ass ~~atua vtann



j l

~ 'Aig

PaintingBody Repair

Truck k Tractor Cushion




Make sure you'l have money vrhen you need lt...vrith a sensible savings plan to suit your individual

needL A Savings Account; arith our bank offers in-

terest,'ompounded regularly, that @rill help your

bankroll grom faster. Come in and let us help yout

start your money rolling now.

'. S"..'L.'I( A "..'Y.iYTROY - - - - - IDAHO




Ra, Q, Bmekas reehpphph Jehnt Ten+i~ VV', A, Bdhehdwaaa

C..Arthur Jiohnoon,'ovv(RP ~~ Q iet~~eA ~Patvtcif J. Nunan, Marge Bvoeko, Vlvlal as~

ntePPhe ~

Te tu


BroNMnhnod, vaie 8K Nta~i ieiidhg het~~ nnertt5rr85OR rl} Of(aron ~ e ~', 'Sound. 188:-'frrnurarÃ8" adhv~

e ..'(Cheik=eurr" RHir. nrnti 8nnb).ÃQrtanlga eleavnSce

S. Morrroy'tej;r ed'r4. RttphdeeAdeait


5. Caah tovs'attic ~-'-ah lnavrance.for wiasasa

- 7. Fmr81ORicg hadst8. Dfs86ility income pet~L helrance for ebBdnen(PANO at onely $9 poa'ork's')

10. Students, Ages 1$ So RO,SIONC-only B40.00 per yt.

Robert- E; Kaufman12119.E. 22nd WA 4<938

Spokane, Washington. Serving this area now 9 years

Lowiiton, Idaho

g""' If *

I,, Itt,, 8'0j nim ~ am 8 1 l

lr 811anile[

S.xorI; s..'unera. I .>a pe. MAXWELL NOIISK COFFEE, —--.------.------ S lb. Iia 51%

TRIPLE T CRKAIERY BUTTER,---------------------- lb. BBa

JELLO —Aooorfeei Flavors, -------—- --------------- Box 'ICa

ICE CRKAN- '/e Gallon, Aooorieei flavors, ----------------- 55)KRAFT'8 NACAIIOIII encl CIIKKSE Dinner, ------—- 5 Phgo. B(AN


PORK CIIOPS, Lean inel Teneier,---------- —--.--------- lb. BBa

SLAB BACON, Neair encl flavorfnl, -- ...---......-.........—.....Ih, eNlf,

PCRK LlvKR, ----------—-----.------------------- "-- lb. saaPORK STEAK, -------------------------------------- lb. 554SNO BOY POTATOES, ------—------—---------- 10 lb. hag BBa

SNO BOY CUCIIIBKRS --—-------------------------. 2 for alaSNO BOY RADISIIKS encl GREE 5 ONIONS, --- -- 2 banshee IBII



Ammonium Nitrate Ammonium Suifate

SaIs Dates Jliis 3, 4 amiI I0-45-0 Baggy Gypsum


A Complete Stock To Fill Your NeedsI os:tears;—

Nenes Coehin'. FariBara hriRg GrOWing SeaSOnWith the arrival of the 1971 grow-

ing season, and in the light of theare Environment Protection Agency (E SOME EIJ( DEEg HUNTS

Mrs Ethel PA.) announcement of new actions SBORTEtt; SOME LONGER

g M~ s ~ p'~i~ so leg~lug some pe t y'

freeaor.availability. DDT, 2,4,5-T, aldrin, Die- nouncing that elk deer hunting sea-

Fe du the management units Can they were in1 egg

ldrin and mirex will be available sons wBIbe shorterthisyearin 988mefor all registered uses uring e

3/4 cup sugar3 cu diced rhubarb

upcoming growing season.The EPA. statement was released be longer than they were last year.

4 tablespoons butter by Administrator WiNam D. Ruc-1/3 cuy packed brNvn sugar kelshaus on March 18. In brief, it an- ~ „earthm 1970 ~ ~„2/3 cup Hour nounced the following: longer.

1, That EPA found no imminentard requiring susp

Into greased 8-1nch Ilklng deh. registered uses of DDT SIld 2,4,5"T, Idaho ONober 9 and south of the Sal-Cenrebine butter, bnrwn sugart and 2/3 2. That EPA was issuing notices mon River and in eastern Idaho, Octo-

cup Hour with fork. Sprinkle o"er rhu of cancenation of registered uses of ber 23. Closing dates wiB be set at 8, .

barb. Bake at 3M degrees for 40 min- aidrfn and, dieldrin. special meeting h» August when nesting'teseuntII rhubarb is tender. 3. That EPA. was issuing notices of 8nd brood succee of the spring and

YieMs 6 servings. cancenatfon of registered uses of sumIner montle hss been determined.The commission also endorsed federal,

4. That EPA was submitting to ad- legLslation creating a Hells Canyon-I1/2 cup sugar

ministrative reviesv a list of other Snake National River that would pre-[1 teaspoon cinnamonorganichlorine insecticides and pestl- Vent the constructon of additional dame1 tbbl. buttercides containing mercury, arsenic, end obliterate this unique type of river',

IA cup sho~or lead. recreation, IQ 8ekBtion, it ordered that ,',

Farmers should he aware that the no big (Ice animaLs shaB be kBled bg1 teaspoon soda

upon appeal of the registrants, a full ment without prior 8pproval fmm the;,1 cup dairy sour creamreview of the risks and benefits of colnmission. It also rejected a propos-2 cuys smted Qourthe registered uses of the pestfcfdes 81 to exclude certain southwestelvr Idaho15 cuyn cut up rhubarbinvolved. This review will determine big„garne units from the regulations1 teaspoon vanIB8

th t any of the useh con- which 8Bow the Qse of dogs to hunt% cuy. cbopyed nutsiMix sugru; cinnamon and sugar. Set stitute a hazard to the public or the

8side. Cream shotttening 8nd blown environment that would require finalsugar. Stir in egg. Blend weB. Coin- cancellation of such uses.bine soda arid sour crearlL Add ahr The procedures for reviewing allmately with Qour. Stir in rhuherh and information with resyect to thesevanilla. Turn hto ipessed 9x13-hech registered uses is likely to take sev-pan dptinitio with mnasmen mhthnu eral months. The pestictdes wdi re-

to 40 minutes. YieMs 12 to 13 servings. in pmcess,RHUBERRY FIIR%m3L JAM I the mea time, it is the po licy

5 cuys cut up rhubarb of both USDA. and EPA that use of.Phone 2884087 8 cuyv, sugar these materials be limited to situs- Your Staledard Mani+ .8sxv. Package stravvberly geiatm tions of real need, thus reducing the Oenesee Union

Mix rlnebatb and sugar he large sauce possibility of inadvertent overuse. Warehouse Co.Place over .Iow heat. ~ Farlners 811d ranchers 8re urged can eotve your pmbleveL,stirring untB sugar desoives .Bnng to first identfy those pests which Genesee 285-8201mixture to a boiL BoB. 10 minutes. must be contmlled in order to pro-RIRnave froln heat- Sbr m strawbelvy tact crops, livestock, range and pas-

sto ~ CII Cg++g

tteaatm, Continue stbT(ng untri gehtm ture. Then„users can select fmmat Californiafs 4ssotvtod. Skim. then pour into glans among the registered avaQahle peeti-

Cover bghtb'ook Store. m cides for carrymg out control mea-(lvAAer. Makes 41'ups sures. Extension Service specialists

r,'ndState pesticide regulatory- offt;4 cups cut uy rhubarb . cfai can pmvlde advice on pesticide; =================-===============-,1 No. 2can~ ~ l VASSAR - RAWLS2 tablespoons iemon luce hazards posed by the overuse of i

DDT, farmers should use this inaect- ',

icMe only against pePrt infest, ationa',* that seriously threaten a cmp.


states have restricted or d-Hephreh- ,'i ~N4448f. eetpr445glto nnx. Bring mixtmve to a full mS- e -,, ~ 488 cope

Isg boil over high heat. BQR bard 1 8minute. Sbrvvng coretantly. Remove(rom heat at once, stir in pectin. Skimand stir by tune ctf 5 lte 14Hiie

141 8th SLth target thjee uld hn-Seal at once.

S Rttttttdett p n spats the duahtp ot att. water snd.a m~t'hdwrh .: . 'n, snd could prove


and moat effecive means of con-,',1/4 cuy Hour trol. In many cotton growing areas,',1/4 (easpoon siR for examyle, DDT contmhe the bo~-,'fOI QferYJ/aorl1/4 teaspoon nutmeg worm more safetly and


for S.inch doobie crust pie than any other insecticide. But, be- i','

Chinbine IIQaearb", egg, lemon .rind cause of potential envimnment con-i,'nd

juice. Mix dry in. Stir hto rhu- tdhp rptphtfon, USDA rs testing alterna- .'-'=======-----------balb mixture. Let stand whfie ple- tive control techniques. These in-partng pastry. Spoon fDNng into pas- elude biological contml, integratedtry lmed pan. FIt on'op. crust. Sht control (use of more than one techni-to let steam escape. Bake at 450 de- que), and control with insecticidesgrees, 10 minutes. ReduCe temp. to other than DDT.350 d'~ f 10'~ . Rehc -

245 T2,4,5-T is a very effective helbi

I ing about 50- minutes. cide which (s widely used for con-trolling brush on rangelands and un-desiiable broadleaf trees in forestryprograms. This chemical should be'sed hl such fashion that no residueswill result in food or feed. Milk cowsshould not be grazed on treated i

areas for a few weeks after treat-ment, and meat animals should notbe permitted to graze freshly treat-ed areas for a few days prior toslaughter.

Aldrln and DieldrinRegarding aldrin and dieldrin,

EPAs. announced intention to cancelregistered uses of these insecticides

PHONE 8824534 'ill set in motion a careful evaiua-tio procedure. Aldrin is 8 principalmeans i'r controlling soil insects incorn fields. Deldrin, as well as chlor-

, dane, is widely used for controlling,

termites. These'hemicals will re-main available as permitted by statelaw and regulation during the period,of evaluation.

ORTHO)in the southeastern United Statesfor controlling the fire ant, Althoughmfrex has not been determined to bean imminent hazard to the public,

nment. EPA, therefore, has initiatedan administrativ'e review of thischemical. For purposes of conductingthe review, USDA will provide EPAwith all data available on mirex andwill also furnish EPA with the De-partments views on the scientific andpolicy issues involved.

Only on the basis of an orderly/AS yjth 6% SNIfII'nd exhaustive examination of the

data available on a11 of these chemi-n cals. Can meaningful decisions beIdeal fOr Sprmg Barley . made concerning restrictions of

their use.

APPLE BLOSSOMSOft when May winds toss the dear'M

27-12-0 Urea orchard r

Tenderly again. across the years;Comes the rapture of the APPLZ

BLOSSOMS,Storming through my life's December-


Kendrick Phone 289~1GEO. F. BIICKE ftr SONS, INC.

Apple blossoms IQ their wiId stampedingTake me back to dear lovedays of old,%hen in loversland we strolled togetherSweetheart when our tales of love we


Years have roIIcd away but still un-fading

Is the day you said you loved me so;Md that tender pink and white

cascading;O( the APPLE BLOSSOMS long sgo,

-Bert Gamble

pi p )r-THRnFT STORE

sr~01e&>atA ad Id

Page 5: Event 'an - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The... · Garden Club Has Busy %'eek; Study Course Prcflentcd To School »

I'I|II I>i>

II Ilia I=:(I~I I mgsge—

I g litap1st~I.Uggosssgkb)ccdgggg or


2.A lung p nr t]gld(egging igg

tbc breast ore]acsallerc.

8.A sore that docs ggot heLL

4.Change in bngjgclcsfb]gsdder habits.

$.Hoaramess nr coggg)L

5.Iggdigcstion or d)ScultyigossvaUo win 8.

7.Cbsusy;,in size or co)or nfa somt>r mole.

II your ssgystgr Itgsgg l(pgggtgr g]ggsgs

Steo Pttgygkgs go gde J(PSSC


Calm Society

I'l.C 5

"The Paint Chosen hy the

leading decorator

InagaxlneS s a s

Smnset, Heise S. Garden,

Setter IIoIIIes S. Garden...


or Exterior

LATEX.28ala.lar j,ji ~ '..-,0+4'IAAF<

Low sheen vskite house paint I~sw~,„.'~~4or pastel vali fmjsh. Custom

color bases avatiable.

f heaa8 )LATgf fijf.g1(N.

tI('E PAIIff

csi. Ial (RI@ei)o cst. s)al



Little League Alia(are f i OXpnbiishsd every yysdnssdey atter. '1'e pjag i(L Cseaeaee guue Sg ~eeaa nnaPPenmgg >U " 8 . t Stars(I Area Ilao '

snd amtrt ttt d t e tine. tnrtc

rgnon tdated Thursday) at Kendrick, r rr i ~ gg g Se ega Medalen and Nancy Vassar, Lewis-

" ~ - kn Ken6nck Area Ui fast Week Iantt AetlNtles ton were Saturday dinner guests. Nr.Subaerjptjnn $8,50 per year gue All Stars WA) p)uy againa), s.he MRS. LLOVD CRAIG and Nrs, Oscar Ncdalcn Mr. and,

Second Cjass Ppstage Pajd ArGegleaee Ii ttle League ba!i i earn Nra. Krvin Mabbott Mrs, George Baugh, LeRoy Kuyken-

Kendrick, Idaho 83537 during Community Day CelebrationI

dali and family, sli of Orofino and

strictly Independent in politics, at Geneaee Jusie 12. 'j'he gill»e ja Mr. and Mrs. philsp Kidder of St )4am)saon-pssL Nuptl 1 Mrs, Pubert Draper and Mr. andi De»nfis Green, hfoacow were Satur«

Mrs* Ray Lohman -... News Editor scheduled for 4:00 at the Gergesee John )Vss (snd d'i utitt a Lp I Nvs. Ervin Draper and Gayie attcn- day afternoon visitors, Clarence

C]gsgsa)fled A()verges)ngKidder were Saturday evening ca)]«Friday evening the weddj»g «ded gradustjon for Roger Deobald Thornton waa a Sunday morningera of Mr. assd hti i» Johsi Wj)ann and Karla Sampso» and Gary Pca w~ ar, Moscow Friday evening. visitor. Boyd Thornton, Boise, was

words to the line. Minimum aoc, aper ne, Fgure five «veragc A special practice session has been Mm. Ada Cain. Phc Wj]anna SPent. held in the College Church of the Mr and Mra. Jess Thornton, Nr, a Sunday overnite visitor. Ted Fey

d .,et fog Thursday, Junc 3 by coach Sunday and Monday in S)sokane at Najsrene at Nampa, Idaho. and Mrs. Ls, Verne Wj])jama, the 1st- was a Monday morning caller, Mr.Ken»y Brown, Boys are to meet. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jor- Those from, here who attended in-

I ter of Kcnncwick; Nr. and Nra. A]- * and Nrs. Verne Wjjjh(ms were NOA-

e ~eg ~ 'he Kendrick ball field at 6:00 p, m dan and daughters. eluded Mr. and Nra, William Iub- an Medalen and Teresa a»d Eric, I day dinner guests. Nr. and Nrss.

Selected t play on this spcciai Frida a d Saturday g eat of'" ' '"" " ""L'0 lorofino: Nancy Walker. L ~t n, Kcjth Th mt n ~ fa i)y, peck

team are Jerry Hamilton, Dou Iwh-y " "

dJjm and Cheater, Nr, ~ Mm.. Mrs, Ray Thornton and daughter, were Monday afternoon visitors.

Mrs, Adolph Berm]er earn are erry sm ton, Doug Iwh- Nr, and Mra, Clarence Ajei 'gsl(jer Ho)brook of Lew)sto», snd Mr. s»tj I N„'nd Nrs. Wi)j)a Thornton and Loran Hoffmsn and co]]age room-

Phone 2'16-3740 man, Bobby Cjes»e»hagen, Lee Deo- s»d sons waa hia s»oils«r, Mra. Clara Nrs. I.yle Pes, Stevie, Patricia and, famj]y Lewjston and Nr. and Nra.t mates, were Friday supper guests of'oyd Thornton snd family held pot- of Nrs, Elsie Hoffman. hfrs, Efflc

Mr. and Mra. To»1 peAnler atten- Ja 0'n Meyer, Jeff'L hl»sn, Nil(el and hfrs, Cjssence Alexaildel asld

ded the graduation of John I ve»aogg, „',- Steve were Inner gaea o r. an 0 - ue Aner (. uCoul )1'ight, Scott. Manful], 'l*ony Sny- Ste . dj»ata of Mr. a»d Pot-luck Di»ner S(4gedu)ed I luck dinner in the Le)and Church Powell was a Saturday overnighti basement. 0». Sunday., guest.

a cousin ar, Pomeroy Fridssy even- ert C ip I rrej), David Williagiia, Mrs, Wayne Darby of hfoacow. The monthly pot-luck dinner ofI

Ted Powers, Tim Ii".ichner, k)are»i»g, hfanfu)], and I y)e peobald. hfr. and hfrs, Max Da»is»are)) and will be held Monday, June 7 at 6,30 . family of L banon, Mr. and Nm P g ~ N ~


sons of Walla hVa])'1 Lvere gita Of Mr. a»d Nrs. Mmidng Omtott wi]) iCalvin Whjteha]] and famj]y, Wc»a imL were S Mrday eying v&tors

higt Pare»ja, .'L ~ and >'«a Ed Dam provide entertsinme»t of the ve»-1»(Lsd)l while they were i» town to

I i»g by showing pictures of their;

Lvjt]g her for a week. " - ~ enjoy the Loc"..at B)ossoA1 Featjv-.~ scenic trips Iurday and Sunday guests of Mr. and 'arfl Of Thaliks

ijies and a(te»d iiie reunion nf the o„tfjf Hospita] I

hfra, Lloyd craig. others joining the I wo„M jjke to tha»k a]I those

ted Mr. anti hfga, Delbert Mulkey at, IQIEITIPtM Joiiiia agsd fa»i])y of Lesrrjatcin w«rc Saturday after snendj»g a 1veek in ' - . Sc~] reunion which wa heId in

St, 1)aries Wednesday. gssyan aaija.~v ai;sroguests i» the Ed. Da»»are)'t. Joseph's Hospital Lewiaton, and Mel n F - the Kendrick park on Locust Blngs-

wherc he waa receiving treatment "... som Day such a p]eaaant affa)r.—Sunday dinner )ngea(s of:tfr. and

"Airs. To»i Den»jar Lvere Mr. a»d Myra.Week-cnd guests jn the ho»'te of Mra. Robert, Draper was Monday

George Giese and hfra. ICU»i )s,i»ier ..., ... Etta asid Vi ~t'ygert were hf+. ',-....,'inner guest, of Mr. s»d Mra. FeyFssggsj]y Ga j]L(dri»g~ - it

"vet Thor»to„About 70 re)ativr a and close friends

Igsry 1»h»1(l» sAd IhVA]td"]egp —ironing my ho»Le, )jttu::"."- ' '" '- ' 'th, )„t„W,.)»'] y Ic, dri 1,, C ajg.

girh Of LCLV .Lpn, Mr. aAd hire, Wa]- WOrk by the hOur. Ph. 276.3788 'a»COU: r, . ' "'loathe:.ed at the home of hfr and hfra 'r. a»d Mra, Bill DCOba]d, Bar-

ter Degs»jeg. Agsd Mr„a»d hfgig, („-Cprge ——-——"-- --*

- Ije»ry»yja a»d >~WC»a 0 SO"th ! g ...,.,hara, Bill V;ere Sunday eVening din-IJoh» Jaaeslian ]sat Tu(',idav f'']]ow

F, De»n)ur. WA'hfdf'ED —leW!1 Sn(»vi»g 'Aid ytlg'd Wink Jt»»(sd tlieg» fp" digl»eg'"»dayi . >, f „1 '' ', »er gueata Of hfra. RObert Draper.

Larry Larmeo» acid) ~»L I,grrv Jr IWork, Chuck )seaeiig'SL'g», 285.2133, . MS, arid Mgi. Jame' r~(r and

Oij > i Mr. a»d hfra, Rpy Noggan, LCVSna gg@of De»vvr, Cl.jism s»td hica. Nt,i] ]iiigit.


'*""-""' -' '-'" " 'I„.jj„r,,) 1 F k]mv;„ t„„y,t 0 ..fr. s»d Nra. Donald Morgan

V V . ' '. - ~ ~ ~th" I<. B r"tt hog»e i,, "...<„,.V.ere Sunday afternoon visitors of I e~

av. i ~' r w . 0 morn 1 and d'lughtesa of Moscow and Mra., '

~ ~ 'aa a Sunday mo Bmg 'Aaj(jay Co Thugadjsv vt'ith their:..Ia ter, -. d. 83 n~:k C g I.. Cr asitj aiat sr-i»-law, N" a»d Mr". De.'ra. Lucile Hoffma», Fnoger Morgan

Mr ssld hira Wa)ter jje»»jec via)-, " ...I"':,,,, ',: 'i spe»t hfe»iorisl Day 1» Avon fo a, r rma nao» an r

ted her brocher Hegb g)chwsgsv. 01 St. WAÃI'Ek): Su»smer batgyaijjjssg jo)s iss I'," ''"" „,

Ico»,mu»icy gatheri»g:.'rter were Friday afternoon,

J aePh IIOajsjjl(] 1» Ia Vj»tngl I C (lily. ynur hOme. RSSPerSCACCV. Cail .. 'i F.ce„t v,a,tore I» ttie horn of, Visitors Of hfr. and hfra, Andy DreP .

Deb) k)v»»)er vs)ted from Thurs- AT 5-2)33. Gas'<me f i"' ', F t., hi m Itavjd Pejer~n were hfr ~d ", Mr. and Nrs. hVca]ey Pike and

'ami)y of Lebanon, Oregon and Nr .i';.Anh]ED . O)d N.logs Hc,~c ~ leave a»d hjr asitj hjra Bob Prsj. sgtt(.» I,<j I Nrs. Floyd Lax~'rance of Deary; Mr.

0, h', ),,„, ar. Pwaje"a Lau»der Center, j<»tj.I

Claggtmc»cemeitj cecemn»iea at 1 "» U i ., rs.. v:re»ce 0» ...I'irthday cake honoring Ja»et Pike I


of I, Bob rk~ejved hia i.'e.;rt:e 1» thl".. David ].awrence and son Doyle F~d C ] t t h 1 f h d I ~ » 'IPicture at THE 1<ENDPICK P ttes-„t», Degiv,tje htv J a»d tlic,r i Mr. a»d Nra. Arlie Allen attended

'aturdayThen su»dav they ag(c»d- I FGR AUGUR FULLER PRGDUcTs —I su» it'r ~d'J'sc»>c „o~'fLewt L» ~d '',at coeur d'A]esge. Her gra»dson.


y gu '' ="" IIthe famsly reugiinsl sgt the G. A. R, p)eggse telephogLC Ale. hi)sic Nsgb- I

i „< t . 'oldo» Garner v:aa one of the grad- I ....b tt 2 6 3801 tf Doug Pratg, asid Jill She('»la» wer

Hall ln Ssndpoi»L ~- ~

-sjao i»aesst tuesday hfr and hfra. I liatea. Hc recoin(1 an aw'ard for I hf G ~ p tc d hf BS] I ~ %%4

hlr. and Mrs. Yak Helmgstt»er FOR--UNION Oo P~ucta 1 the B b Pmtt moved to Troy, I~o,!beg»go» the "Who'a hhho")jat. Joh son left W~csday for I-l,t-d daughters( visited hir. a»d „fra. K d~~ + Bj]) Rogers where 1 c wj]] bc teac]sing V

Bill Hei»igartner in Cisrksro».Mr. an(i hfra. Ws Ae We»er of Rev. and Mrs, Paul Hun berger,;

i dsy

Cai Cer] Schssrnjgsrst, AT 5akek for 'tevie assd A»n of Tracyton Wn I Nr. and Nra. Jack Sherman and!8«» of Ms'nd Mrs. k)o»s]d Ua)se O)I Pregk,cta R Ae a ~e ca)]I Lvcrc >~~La „Ihfr and *Nr John


chi]dren arrived Saturday from Fort I

DC»A jcr. 'T 544$, t Hunsberger over the weekend. A]) IJ nca Ca ~'o spend feve ys day evening ca)]er of hfra. Lloyd

Tucadsgy auP)ger guests of hfr s»d = . ———---——=.g attended Commencement at. the U. t vsajtjng hia parents. Mr. and Nra. C~

FOR SA.LE ' Crack&I Eggs. 25c I 0f I Sunday as John was asiiong I Bruce S]lermsgi and othe1 rc)ativcah)rts* a dozen- }"ur own cont(L)nera. t]ioae rwdcnng dcgma, I and friends.

ya]ter Dvnn]er. Mr., and Mra. Wayne Tucs, and Fri. Howard Wo]ff, Ph Guests of Mr. snd Mrs Paul Lind IMr. and Nra. Frances Roberts and

I <er we'0 evening calle~: 289.5653 52tc Memoire Day werc Mr, and Mra.,Nra, Helen Robert Parka of Chico land Ifra He~ J ~

Ms and Mrs Adolph Den» jer aAd - " — '- ' Wa]tcs EberhardL hf rs Gertrude ICa]jf., called at the Maude Doughar- ~ d

Deb) wdsdte(j hfs, and Nrs. John Chap- hVANTMi —Odd jo» for ansssugs«- ' d„.hj d M~ hei)ton E It] hol»e Saturday afternoon». Lair, hfra Alan hfedslen O ofj

SSLCA ln 4wjaton Slulday evl.ni»g. Lavtns S»olvi»g. garden work, ctc', kind, Don Hill a»d Kesy Eldrcd al] 'rs. Anna Pcaraon and Martin Fran 'eith Thornton, P k, ' ThFetrnesst and Lawrence Schwarz Don»is Brocke Ph. 289-555'j'

cif Iwvs&ton'r. and Mrs. Leon Itzjch of Lewis!On stopped for a short

I dav djnn t f M d M«nd Ernest Ieejmgssrtner of f.ggsucron - -

I ignd of h)osco»,. hfr. snd hfra, Rjc], 1 ajt. hir. Cnd Nra. he]son DePar-I Jess ThorntosL Mr. md hf

were Sunday supper ggsesta Of Mr. pLI,hfBIthrG H ti hfew Hog~~, ard 1)nd Karj 'snd Tammi of Em. tee s»d fami]1 nf Spokane via)jc< on I vincent were Thursday afternoonand hf~ thea)ter mnnjer. '

mode). Cosssp]c,c Service, State I mett and h)ra, auth Solon and Monday aftemmm Lnajtora. hfra Nej]je'ahnfort]sMr. and hjgsg. Gary Lohman. V)ckj ~J~ Vhjtora in Ac Ervin Mabbott a Friday afternoon cnajtor hfg. ~d I

sniy visite(j Sussday Lvs)h hf s.276 3 24 'Itfc t hfr essd Mra A]bert Wegner of ]Lorn .' hfrs LCVcrne Vhys

Gesrge " Dcnssj r ....,— --.=.--.=-.—— —,- I Wdsisld-hec were week-c»d gtieata of Jack Nsbbott snd daughters of Con-Ivbjck were Friday and S turdah]r. and Mrtd. Iwwre»cc Sicstl vjsd- IeOR SAI.F. 80 acres, Timber snd shfsg„- h)cje hhreg»er. Su»dav aj] vterc " hhaah'fr. and M~. Dak h~ Icrnlgbt guests. Mr. and Nrs. Wj]I-

te(] h)r, estd Ngs. Adolph Tucwissy p ture. on gravel r(lag. mail rt.. ldbuscr gueaja of Nr. and h!'ra. wayne )bott of craigmont. Mra. John Jen-Ievening, 'choot 'ua rt. 'gnd ]sower )jn(t Warmer of Camcston.

ceram M. ts. cent .min, noothst itI

Mr, snd ntm. aidan "«'r ond yon, enLcwjsston were Tuead]sy luncheon Ph g~g~669 5119p of S~k~e L,>~ Saturday and S„n,'oved a pot-luck dinner st Park in

'nmisot htr. and htm. Sense oiem, ='=.= =..=...dev reeiiom oi hte psmnj. ttr sad i thi afternoon in the home of ek.".a i sl g ~and family. hors. Nona Chase and FOR SAI E —Seer Garden Cu]tj- hf~y R ~, Fe~,

' 'eaeberg, hfr. and Mrs, David Shove,Nr. and hfrss, Harn!8 O!dere werc vatnr. Posvcr drjvcA, nssv motor. Guea~a in thc B n P C k hpm(s "and Mga RUth Shove Aovt of Lew

Thursday evening dinner guest» In P]ow attached $150. Also almost 'siam sa'srdav have bec» Nrs. Fred, jag». joj»ed them for dinner. *, gthe Giesc horne. I rjday visitors new mjn)B)kc $125. Phone 276 D~j]t and so» S tt of Douglas Wyo," I

tMr and Nrs. J- N. hfurray at- i

were hfr. and Mrs, Don Dennlcr, 3764. tf18c hir ~d ho~ Rick Goff and ~'n ,-tended the Ugdveraity of Idaho Corn-I

Bob Purdum. Lv]10 has been a Oth«caj],ra vscrc ',,mcn«ment E«rcjaes»»day»«r

guest )11 the Bruce Gjese ho(Lie Lvhlle FOR SAL~]96] C~V' T a'hfr ~ hfr Ralph White of San -'aughter, '.L)ra, Loi. Gran]und receiv-


visiting hla daughter. Debra Purdum, spi 2 sp. Stock ~cks ~ mj)~; J~ C+jjf Nr an4 hfrs Jphn Deo I cd her Master's Degree in Special i I8left Monday to return to his hog»c jn agc. $]500, Phone 289-4t)41 or'

family md Nr. and Mm I Education.Colorado. 5)r, Purdung received 0 Lvrjte F]p Ifo)t Ken(]r k . '«» d ht G ~


Nr. and hfrs. Delbert Torgegaon of~

gnedlcal rct)rcment after 16 yessra ~Cook and famjly of Ojygnp]a Lt ege Lcwjaton v'ere hfonday evening visit-witb the rcg(g]ar ArmY, during svhjch o

>>'+~D —CHURNING CREAM, day-tinge guests hfr. agid Nrs. Bcn Ions in the J. M. Murray home.

tbne jlc acrv d in Japasl, Kor a, (der- Le Os]On price at Kendrick Lech e B Cook and fangilv of Ontario Orc. I~

at Ksndrtok Table attppiy, Rend- ioiaed the famiiv at Gtfioni tor "I ~"'t tora«>;~>~ ~ ~e'if)th 7ilii.7f$7 iegl7"Fofea fj~ mean cmp)oy At and t,n'd tf Mr. and M'rs,"Alvin Ho;vcrto» and age «t the Juliaett Post Office,

Ai gokgg up )A smoke", bc cssre." ..——-————,I clsj]dicsg camped on the Lochaa Sat- Saturday s»or»ing, June 5&, 5 gj»- l

ajjg) cv)jh Are, KeeP idaho grec»! DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN RENT i „~,,and Su„dav Inta at 8:30. A grab bag arith locI

I —Rug shsmpoocrs, floor po]jshcra,~

htrh asgd hfra. Roy Iw»g and son I and 25c articles vt'jj be held inIIf, Step]era. )ayen thatChera, fertilizer «S]~keno W~~ W~k~»d guests Of i Conlu»et)On Lc4th the fOOd Sale.

II LS A Ohgigr M ga AO'Pdlahl ispgnadergg, hand true]w. scorer tape, hia»iother Nrs. pcarlc l~t»g, I hfcmorjs] Dsy dinner guests in the',

iis ~~'~' s'~~ ~'~

i pipe thrcaders, '.adders and many s h)r and hf~ C]a~Ac„HU»d ofihonsc of 'Nr, and hfrs. Osial Cppe;

IsthlvvER ii other items at AB~fs HA~- sct(stt]c spent, ihe wcekw»d herc


! Lverc AhfH-3 ~ cope Lvho is ata- I

Office jn Postnff)ce Sul)d)ng WARE CO„KC»drjck. tf-42c is)a sister Nrs hfarguc, Itc S;)Aowi

tinned at 'Alsjdbcy Island, Oak Har-I

Phone $89498] CO)b]SOLE SPINET. PIANO to be The Hunds are traveling 100 "motor, or, tVn., Mrs. Virginia Twcit andit

KEsNDRIGII, IDAIIO Picked LLP and so)d in this area. " "L G lc di Haddock, al) nf hfoacosv: Mr. s»d,

'chs)ness]ssyss; 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. po ] ' Debra at)ended Co»imc»ccmc»t cere- I Mra. Bob Nyc and family, Clarkaton; 'jj]sacrifice to rca naib)c sarjy.'ashor terms, Also Elec, Organ. - '

- ., I Nr. and htsm. James Gr(tsv a»d fam-Phonc q'rctj)t hfgr., 206-Chf3.9270, monies at, the U. of L Sun(iay L»om-

t i] Lc i h 1 h; d 1

or wc)to )vera gr: ponds pjanogt. g' 'riend ot Loa Angeles; Linda Nelv- i Take your choice of427 S)V 153rd, Seattle, Wn. 98166. Umw one of thc Cum Wudc gra - '

th6 k'f . " d h;-a, Bates. Ssj,ugday evening thc Crockera

II„.0'~~c» a«pjc»« „;,,„b,',Nq~ and fs»iav and Ron Tvvejt of over 1,000 custom-Blend Colors I f

I VVlA DU VD ITPU FOR, SALE —1962 Ford Faicon Sin. some of Pat's friends at Bcrrjgan 1<0»ddck. Mr. md him. Marion

i3XHX D1 kit.LfbXL hygn.; 6.cy]., stick shift, radio and Cabin on hfnacow Nt Hsugks of Spokane and Rex Tabor,

II he(stet, 2 a)sag% tires And 1vhcc]s hkr. 'Ad hf ra E]mo E]drjdgc htr %vere afternoon visitors.

ii (s»ow tire(). Good, dope»dich]0 and Nra. Cccl] Gsnsc]], Mr. and Mr.. hVeck"e»d gucaja pf Rcv snd hfs-I

"drive )n Lvorlc ng camp cag." 8300. Manning O»atntt, Mrs, gula hf]]]cr Ejto» Hi]liard were Nra. Hjj]lard's

I Door to BOO I 'Safety jssapcctc„j Usgtjj Dcc. '71.'and Ns'. and Mga. W, D, hfj]]er s»d 1'rothcr a»d lvife, George «Ad Paul-


ci 4'e en[able Ergscat A. stc)gers, Ju])(cotta, RL I Kcllv of Lcwiaton carnPc<l at Tho»LP-

1, Box 26 (Cherry]ane bridge). Ph. ( son hfcadohv over Ule ivcc)c-cnd.21-2nc I htr. and hfrs. Jerry Hoitatumann Sju]fsspjrse)on 'lune 6

I and family ot hfnscolv )vere «~ck-csitj The monthly community aingaplra-I'l h I Pie 9 DPAPR'REIC MSTRIBUTORS guests ot'hfr and hfrs hhyayg,c Har tio» Lvill bc ]ic]d Su»day, June 6 at~

'IVZ1LIXHI,l KPXLLJLIXL Heavy Duty, Itu]]y Guaranteed, Am- rjs „»dfamily 7.'00 p. »1. a). ttsc ChUrch nf the gas« i

Or)can-made under carriages and htr. And htra, Fd Banks and fas»j]v sss'cnc. Everyone is Lvc]come and >or-

IOPPICy) PIIONE 2))9.5988 parts tn fit, 0]] craw)cr trACtnra. VOLL Ot Pasco, WA., Warn LVCC]con(1 guests dlallv invited to attend,

c(111't aiforcl tn rebuj]d your Undel'f hfr and hfra J(ihn Dcnbs]dtu)ISIDINOK PHONE 889 5981 carriages whes1 YOU c(LA get direct fa»illy, i


wholesale pricos on nnwl Neet same wce](end ~ps)tora jn the Robert IBETA sIGSIA l.'HI

apcclflcatlona as origina] 0(IU)pment C)emcnlsagcn honic i»c]uded Mra. "GII]L Ol" TIO". 1EAIt"—-pgtrtgs )Atnrchangn. Laura Hyatt of Bur]cy, ih)r. and Mrs. hfra. Robert Trip]ctt (ncc hfar]cnc iDeafer Prlcos E]mor Scott and f(Lsuj]y, hfr and Tierney) received the "Gir] ot jhe,

To Al] Customers hfrs, Lawrence Wj]snn and fern)]y I car" trophy from thc Beta.Exruggllc: and Mr. And Mra, Harold Wj]aosg gsnd'hapter of Beta Sjgggsa Pld at


Rails, 86 Link, oa,...........5475.44 fangjty, aj) ot Spo)canc. Theo wcs~ Founders Day Banquet held at Orn-

~ a ~y7yg7~ Wy g 47fyI D-6 Rails, 39 Linlc, on, .......$828.47 joined Sunday by Nr. Arid Mra. Grant fino Apd] 29, 1971,

g J gag'g DA Rails, 31 Linlc, ca..........520929 C)emen)1(ggosj', hfr. and htra. Jnc Nrs. Ts'jp]ett ia a tour-ye(sr mcm-

IHD«5/6 Rails, 33 Ltnk, ea, .......229.71C)cmcnhagcn, .hfr. And Mra. Fred bcr of'he Piercc Be)a Zeta ChaPter.

TD 9 R]L]]st SS L)ggk, oa, ...,...$197.50 Ctcmcnhgggen and h]r. and hjra, Herb Shc hcnggg treaaus'cr for hvn years,

Custona Slaurhtering TD-6 Rts)]s, 39 Ljn]ct oa, ........-148 24 Guatatson for a din»or honoring Nra cs tension officer and haa served on

, I I %a' n O Qe'a ~ed D-4 ROller Shnlla, LTi 0» i --...$15)O4 Robert']C»10»hagCS1 nn her bjrt]1»gany Cpnlmjtteea. She 1V)ll be a Chag'-

il"sea" ~ a"s ''> TD-9 Ro)log Shells, w/bU, ca. $ 28,.5 tcr n)ember ot the Xj Alpha. Nu Ex-

an fI Q'ulCk FrOZen I,i)ce pr)cos on other a)sees—idlers cnip]ar Chapter Lv]sjc)g Lvas Aclv]y

~CI < B~f ~ apron)gets, a)gattsri rot)era, tnp and REPORT RARE ANlhIALSI

founded nn Nay 18.

II'ott)ax]), seals, ctc, Ordog oar)y botoro Tr(LPs)cra nnd othnr pcrsos„„cv)gp g„Mrs, Triplett is a 1958 graduate

Half and Quar er prtcna incrcaana. into Idaho wl)dorneoa gsrcbna are Urged',Of Sj, Gertrudea ACademy at Cnt-

I Uand Machinery tn rcport obooryationo 0( rare flgrbctnj, toncvnod (L'Ad was a 1968 gradu(L )0

CuetOm ButCherIng 2-POA Ro)lors tng gi)A)nls such as Aa)jcr, rrjzg)v bchqr, nt Idaho siate University at ppca-

P 0 R r 4—10 fs ft. JD contor DHVO hvnadarai)vo]f And oo]er spec)con Tisc fisher )a jcllo. sho ia the daugh)er of hfra.

9U-D-6 1"Url», Excellent n fox-like A)art)A, dark brncvn or b)nck. hV)]]jsgsn Tierney of Gc»cacc,7UnD-6 Farm, Exec]tent iah in Coior. Idggt]O trgLP]sera orgy 'that Sho tcachcst Junior High m(1th 'overs ft )1ears like oil base, washable interior fini]jh usu-

fU-D-4 5 Roller, Is'argot 'tur tnsycra nrn c)nao)tvtssg tsobca)a Aa (L»c) physics) cducatm1 At pjegzq~

cleans up with water! Choice ally covers in one coat, )n

PORK.SY IIALFp %IIOLI 7U-D«4 5 Ito)jcr Igargn w/Ae)v donor b(LV ]i~i~,» middle ac]ino], rind ja the mother nf I of coiors. Custom color addi. colors. Custom co)ors hid cr,

i)'R PB)CI )I 89-5 Farm-&995.00 SERVICE I'FRSONNEI. PERhi)TS )LL» childrc», Julie 8, (Ugd Fred 6.

Aogiogosslss Should se In ioy Mogj.) Ii 2 12 ft, Model 8 Drills OLL Rubber Ic)(L]go res)don)a honte on tur)ou)jh can Hcr husband ia Gujdgc»cc counsc]nr

liege Pao)c gras ioaog Se Arogogjafed Ii 1—10 tt Node] B Drj]l on Bubb(gr. 'ncc)ve freo )germ)L% gno(t for thn dnya ggt 'Tj»1bcrjjiie Hig]1 Schon], ai ~a~6 NRISAIIIKIi P)owsi, Fort))bforgr.spjnggdeos aasxsr)g spec)tied in tf)e)r nrd(gra.for his»ting gsnd 86lINyfa'0 ..M/~

4 ajtuM.aaron'f: TIE Ooo Tjrny" II tooth(1, IIarrows, Discs, etc. fists)njg. hf)tjtarv peon]n Ancv)y ata. Fever ia one Lvay your body hggs

~v g. ~I

DENh]LRR 8UPPIdLY t)one(i'n idaho can purcfjaon gg rceidont 1 t 11 ynu th t 1't j fig] ting an ill- Kelldrlck IdahoPhotic TN 5 St)41 ti Pavo I'~;tutor, O)vnor ))en]jan w)0)out ivggjt)gsg the Usual aix ness, su)d it should never be lgnprnd

Call Jullactta 276-8771-Anytime montlto for rca)doggcy, gem)Ada j]gc Idaho Medica] Assoc.

Page 6: Event 'an - Kendrick Heritage Foundationjkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971 Jan. - June - The... · Garden Club Has Busy %'eek; Study Course Prcflentcd To School »

THE GAZETTE - NE9iS, THurBLAT, ~L%E 5, 19i1

Card of Thanks Many Toute "Castle"We wish to express our thanks and Approximately 400 people toured

the Castle during the Memorial Dayappreciation to our many friends and weekend, according to Nrs, Onal

Cope. Special guests at the Castlefamily for the many contributions were Nr, and Nrs. Eben Adams of

and offers to help dtlring our recent Moscow and thai, niece from Boa11 a1'e 1'elatives of A, A, Adan1s who

bereavement. —The Bill Riley Fam- built the house near the turn of thelly. 22-1pd century,






rgyf+pf pcs





y Through Saturday —9 a. Iu. to 1 p. m.

%'ednesday Evening —7 to 9 p. m.

JUNE IS THFs 5IONTIIS 01'IIIDESand check our shop for the special handmade gifts for

the New HomenuLker.

ALSO ASK ABOUT OUR CLUB DISCOUNTS ~ s~ ~~sKendrick Drug StoreBurglarized Again


For the second time in less thana month, Kendrick's Red Cross Phar-macy was the victim .of a night-timeburglary. Early in May thievesbroke into the Kendrick drug storeand stole a large quantity of danger-ous dl'ugs.

Either Thursday night or earlyFriday morning, thieves again broke.into the drug store and made offwith a smaller quantity of drugs.

-The burglars first tried to gainentrance to the store by breakingout the window in the front door.Being unsuccessful in this, they wentto the back door, broke out the win-dow and crawled through. Inside


the store they took drugs, a smallamount of cough syrup and somechange from the cash register.

California VisitorsMr. and Mrs. George Allen of Pep-

aluma, California, were here sev-eral days last week at the homeof Mrs. Fred Newman, to attend theCommencement - ceremonies at theUniversity of Idaho. Mr. Allen'sdaughter, Elizabeth, was one of thegraduates. Mrs. Fred Newman alsoattended the Commencement,

Elizabeth will leave Thursday forLakeville, Indiana, where she wi)lspend the summer with her grand-parents, Dr. and 'Mrs. Louis Howe.She w01 also be in Indianapolis atthe University of Indiana for severaldays. She will start graduate schoolthere in August.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman andDavid. spent Sunday evening withMrs. Newman 'and visited with. theAliens. Monday eviming Mrs. New-man hosted a dinner for the Allenfamily. Present were Mr. and Nrs.Allen, Liz, Bob,.Terry-and Jim, andCharlotte Souders. Mrs. Jim Perkinsof Kellogg an'd Susan Schwarz wereFriday visitors of Mrs. Fred New-man. I

Singer To Appear AtNaiarene Church

Gary Williams, famous TV andrecording star, will be back in Julia-etta for another service at theChurch of the Nazarene in Juliaetta,Sundhy, morning, June 6. He will befeatured during the Sunday Schoolhour at 9:45 and also the MorningWorship service at 11:00. Gary ap-peared at the church a year ago andwill be remembered by many in .thearea. There will be a pot-luck fel-lowship dinner in his honor at thechurch following the service. All arealso invited to share in this.

4-H Dog GraduationClass Held May 27

Members of the Good Doer's 4-HDog Care Club held their dog g1adu-ation 'eremonies last Thursday, Nay27, at the school tennis court, underthe supervision of leader Mrs. FloydWiniams.

First place trophy in:the noviceclass went to Lorl Brown with Dusty.

Graduation certificates were awar-ded to David Wmiams with'parkleand Ferris Cuddy with Muffin.

First place trophy for Puppy Classwent to Gina Paisley with AmosMoses, a St. Bernard.

In the Puppy Class, graduationcertificates wer'e awarded to Carol-ine Foreman with Peanuts, BrendaTaylor with Lap, Cheryl Gustafsonwith Puppet, Scott Manfull withButtons and Vicki Brocke arith Gigi.

The judge, Mrs. Sharon McCadamfrom Pullman was entertained fol-lowing the giaduation at the homeof Nr. and Nrs. Floyd Williams witha pancake supper.


Saturday Night SIleciaI



Ted and Jean Fey

SWING INTO SUINKR...With nn easy go care fnr Hair StyleStart the Summer with a cool, flew hair-style that takes the busy summer seasonin stride without a lot of work and bother.

Ms'I~ )/oekClF THE

Kendrick, IdahoTuesdays thru Saturdays9:00 to 5:00

~—MAREO'S —~Jullaetta, Idaho


ITALIAN - STYLE DINNERSSteak —Prawns —ChickenOII Saturday aIId SuIIday


0.R4 Ht. TIMERDiscourage prowlers! Set timeronce... it autonIatically turns

appliances, lights on-and-offevery day at the same times.Vlili control up to 1800 watts.



Xendrick, Idaho '89-4051

A Special Salute To All The Hard Workers

Who Made Our Locust Blossom Festival

The Great Success It Was! l

liow is a Cool Time

To Cet VoNI Car IN Top Shape-NESTI.ES QIIIK,

2 Ih. tin, --------—----------—---- BTP

NALLKY'S LUMBER JACK SYRllP,'le oz. hottle, ------—'------------—4$4


Ih. Pkg. -------------------------- 355

SURK JELL PECTIN,---- -. —..........-......--------3 trkgs. 45)


8 lh. hag, ------—---------------- 8$P

SOFLIN FACIAl TISSllEAssorted colors, ----—---- 4 hexes 81.$$

WESTERN SHORES BLEACH,Galton Jng, ----------—----—----- - ~34


COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE,Fresh and Belicions, -----------—lb. 48)

After a winter and sprIng of hard drivinl your

car or pickup probably needs some attention

before tartlnl the wear and tear of hot

summer drlvlni condltlons.,,",,'Sinai IS.STANSIY CORN, cream or ek,

3N cans, ----------------- 5 for 81.$8

QTANBBT PEAS, -3 sieve'N t

cans, ------—---------- 4 fer SI.ssss

OOI.BKN ORAIN COTTARK OIIKKSE,P'nt, --.............................—........—....38p

BNE RIBBON ICK CRKAlrI on/ ons gallon, ------—---------------—$8<

WEINKRS, All meat,

Stop ln this week and let us put your vehlele

ln shape for trouble free summer drlvlnl.


Quality Ohevrcn Prodnotob, -----—---------------------------I


Fresh and ripe, -"----—"----- 8 lbs. 8'I $$

:(encrie(, '..'a)..e Su) iy :kencrie~ Garage Co., me.%'I IkkWXI, BIOHI ~4$l3

)..ewett's l~roeery J ar <@"Your Friendly Store"

Phone 289-SNIJIM TROISPHOHE 2894921 Keeft|cII, It!Ieiae

Winners in Gymkhana, Swim Lessons Will BeginCycle Bases Announced i At Memorial Pool June 14

First place winners in the gymk- Swimming lessons at the Area Liv-hana and motercycle racing events lng 'War Memorial Pool in Kendrick,held dui<ng Kendrick's 11th Annual wul begin Juno 14 and end June 25Locust Blossom Festival on Satur- for the Troy and Elk River com-day we>v announced on Sunday, muntttes. Kendrick lessons have

Leading the gymkhana grand en- l been scheduled for July 5 through 16.try were the Kendrick Ridge Riders July 26 through August 6 are theroyalty, Pamela Byers, queen, and states which have been set aside fotprincesses Tan>i Hutton and Marlann Deary.Silflow, Fourteen riding clubs par- It is asked that those planning toticipated in the parade and gymk-! enroll in lessons pie.-register at thehans events. The prize for the pool office at least, one week be-largest number of riders went to i fore the lessons are scheduled toThe Vaqueros'oi Southwtck. I

begin.Texas Barrels —12 and 1mder,! Prices for lessons and swimining

Kathy Bevins; 13 to 15, Dannie Ned-C

will remain the same as last year,', lock; 16 to 20, Margie Medlock; wo- Season tickets may be purchased atmen 21 and over, Sandy Page; men! the pool office.21 and over, Del 14Iassey.

Ring Race —12'nd under, Dor-! KHS ClasS of ]95pothy Lyons; 13 to 15, Randy Fred-!rickson; 16 to 20, Debby Lovell;! Held ReuniOn May 30women 21 and over, Sharon Johnson;men 21 and over, Louis Tribble, The Class of 1950 held a reunion

K Race —1> and under Rick at the Leland Club House Sunday,

Fredrickson; 13 to 15, Terry Welch; May 30. Fourteen former clas mates

16'o 20, Karen Smith; women 21 and their famtHes enjoyed a Potluck

and over, Helen Tribble; men 21 and, dinner a d an afternoon of visiu g.Those attending were Nr. and Mrs.

pole Bending —12 and under Ed (Verna ~terbrook) ~ks and

Cindy Ba!ttey 13 to 15 Martha family of Pasco; Mr, and Mrs. H, L.Meyer; 16 to 20, Msargte Ned)ock," (Joretta Bolt) Holey a d family

women 21 and over,'elen Trtbbie.'f Amboy, Wn.™1'.and Mrs. John

men 21 and over, Clarence Aller.Winners in the motorcycle events I

were —100 c, c, class, Mike Rid-~

( gy Hadley) Porter: Mr. and

die; 125 c. c. class, Steve Spence Nrs. Wubur (Betty Parks) Heim-

250 c. c. class, Mike Sumpter; open gartner and family of Juliaetta; Mr.

class 'Dm Cof'fman all are of'',v a d Nrs Nmc Damma ell a d. Sons

iston. of Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. DaveGrim and family of Pierce; Mr. andNrs. Bob Ware and family of Yaki-

Foot Race Results ma; Nr. and Nrs. Ted Fey andAt Locust Festival Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Don Eichner

Boys, 6 and under —Kenneth Ar ! and family, Mr. and Mrs. Luthernett, Alvin Wilson, Link Sherman I Parks and fami)y, and Miss Her-

Girls 6 and under —Bronwyn~

mina Meyer of Kendrick,Nanfutt, Lisa Vallem, Angela Schroe i

Nrs. Werner Brammer accompan-del'.


ied by her husband was the onlyBoys, 7-9 —Bret Gertje, Richard, teacher in attendance.

Wolff, Tom Cox.Girls 7-9' Bonnie Lawrence.

~VaCatiOn Bible SChOOl

'Cindy Brunton, Holly Cook. Vacation Bible School for child-Boys 10-12 —Paul Hutcheson, ren from age four through grade

Denny Eggers, Don HilL 8 will be held at the Church of theGirls 10-12 —Tammey Nullius, Nazarene in Juliaetta, June 7 (Jayne Heath, Karen Foreman. through 11. Hours are from 9:00Boys 13-15 —Bob Benscoter, to 12:00 each morning. A variety of

Jeff Czmowski, Don Brocke. Interesting craft work is again plan-Gigls 13-15—Cindy Mullins, Honey 'ed, along with Bible studies, songs

Christensen, Ida WiLon and Bev and other features.Wilson. All chudren of the area are in-Sack Races: ! vited.

Boys 6 and under —Harold Wll-! t

son, Eddie Wilson, Kenneth Arnett. If the infection ts minor, andGitls 6 and under —Cee Cee quickly overcome. the fever wiu

Means, Sally Cox, Kathy Morley. probably pass quickly. A fever: thatBoys 7-9 —Bret Gertje, Ronald lingers indicates infection may sttu

Weaver, Tom Cox. be present.Girls 7-9 —Bonnie Lawrence,

Holly Cook, Ferris Cuddy.Boys 9-12 —Doug St)flow, Don CONWA Y'S

Hill, Lyle Deobald.Girls S-12 —Amy Lawrence, Tract RefrigeratiOn SerViCe

Mullins, Diane Silflow.Boys 13-15 —Nike Silflow, Bob 1

Benscoter, Steve Craig.Girls 13-15—Cindy Mullins, Caro-

lyn Foreman, Sally 1kiuscat.

Students Kith PerfectAttendance Recognized ~ %~K

Perfect Attendance in the Juliaetta Elementary School was as fol-

'ow:Second grade —Gary Des! CW ~GGertje, Richard Sllflow, Carl lvare, 'MOTORS —FANS 4) ISLOWERSTina Zaccanti. WATER HEATERS

Third Grade —Lori Courtright,PHIL JOHNS

right, Barbara Czmowskt, Bret PHOiiE 276-8142 JULIAKXTAGert je, David Heppner, Jill Hoogland, Chris Wallace, Daniel Zac- jcanti.

Fifth Grade —Catherine Bowers, ', fryle Deobald Brenda Groseclose > NIAXWILI 'S POOOLKS,Chery) Gustafson.

Sixth Grade —Russell Brammer, STUD SERVICE dRicky Gertje, Jayne Heath, John i >

May, Jason Meyer, Cynthia Wallace.! C $ I ALL BREEDThere were several students who' GROO'VIING

missed Perfect Attendance by one; C PUPPiIESday this last month, due to the flu.

KENDRICKGood Do'ers 4-H Club >


gi I L 289-5841,

A general business meeting of theGood Do'ers 4-H Club will be held, >

New Litter lvhetped eiay 81Thursday, June 3,, at 7:30 in the i

om-l c

ttapnnent of the Jieltaetta Com- i '6 ~~ '~'~D"k Ap"~"munity Church.