evening world. (new york, ny) 1892-09-19 [p 2]....t'"'heeoril m .lllilnlchi. b....

B fflRF ' 4 J'HE WORLD: MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1892. B '?''' K'fl' tmMinoplnlAnrrcardlngthccauseotdMtb, ' afar ,W riJWn1"te the Impression mat bo was reasou-- S ,'j', ' !v MT certain tbat Knox died irom a dtsuucie af- a-r. " iJ'Otttrtbinohcaera. Hj '?, He said tbat no quarantine bad been placed bB 'KHw'V.Mtbetblp.andibeiowasmtlfllkellbood of, HD 'fc'' 1 acb action, as It was believed that there, .ras HaWr y aW Af o danger ot Infection emanating iruin the HH '. . BaVC - 'K!w Interest In til New Kruiiawlck Case. MMr i ' !,,". Pmldent Wilson said thst be knew hotblng Hi" !'"it ettclalir about b cases of suppo-e- d cholera Kf,' M'U ' M Naw Brunswick and other Now Jersey Balaam. jr vV towns. K' V K? At lCo'clock It became known that nno of 'v ." V the Board ot Health's nbislclans bad gone LHif' - H(! wu to New Hrunsvvlck Iuhi night for tho BaawK if ? E purpose of Investigating tbo Carr caic. flsWrf mtr Tbat tbe Board vvbh very inucb Interested 4r ' in lua cats of carr as shown by tbo leaking aaaVwB ,'!Lv !' out of ihelacttbatu had taken possesion Lwavawavvl,'; K of lbs cnnal-bo- and bud placed a sanitary, HiTl'i'i K policeman on board. LarM TSe boat Is Jjon moored at Ibe foot of eBefci' Ml Taurtleth street. In tbo North Hirer, and will L 5r K' fcaneld tor several days. HaK'ffY flrJ President Wilson decided Just boforo noon LawK ':: rf to place tbe State ot Nevada undtr quaran. ' BaK i& '' tine, and this vt as done, n guira be ing placed W?''.-- 'HL'ffl on the ship similar to those on houses vv hei c Krjr tRS'' cbolera bas occurred. aaY'$w aw). Cases Requiring Investigation. LHe'T'f The number ot dlarrhoeal cises demanding BavfafE'vl Investigation was not so marked this morn- - aVHlv, iBliVv ng. although tbo Inspectors of the liureau of bbbyk'E' aK'Si'4 Contageous Diseases bad their hands lull D"r W-- t with tbat line of work, 'lo an aaEK aTfci,( ' Wontn reporter Dr. Koberts said that since l B. r K o'clock jesterdny morning at least tlfieeiii HafaThlK K eases baa been investigated, but nn chuleia Wmi:.'- - ''Wfl was discovered. It was reported, however, & tnattbero was a very suspicious looklngcisn Ir 'sK ' In East Fourth street, where a loan had died HLBkfc? iT In a state of collapso alter showing cholera HaaavY.? .K aymploms. HaKifVv iWLt Another man named bmltb died yester- - HawE'iis !' day on tbe second tloor of the tenement at HnW 't5 480 West Tblrtj-nr- -t street. 'lhH case was hK') 'W'j. reported to tbo Health Hoard by Dr. Itnuney, HH' ;W ot 317 West Twenty-Dlni- h street, who de- - HsV rB Ured tbat It looked vtrj much llko cholera. Hf? iWtf?l Qaarantlnr Noi In lie Itnlxril. bKS'' ' Vt-- Koberts was Indignant over tbe pub- - HbTswViV- - Ik llsbed statement that tbx quarantine In borne t ; of tbe bousos where suspected casos wore sTsTsTsTat'!! H?i' toand would bo raised V'P' ! M Quarantine will nut be raised on any BBaK'''iP'1 'aW ' bouse where a death from cholera bas 01- - H.)K'r curred, or oven where there bau boon sin- - K'! IK peeled cases," was Dr. ltoberu's tmplmllu f' iK remark. "At leait, there Khali be a kcvcii BTaTsTsVit '' days' quarantine In every bouse," bo added, '1 'BV "and then there will beseonmoro dtyH or e Hit watching. Tbe utmost caro and scrutiny Hk !w shall bo exercised wherever quarantine It KvB?? stabltBhed. hu far aal know tho tlino of r, isK'l quarantlnoln no bouse expires y and vU 5 flr t, will not for a week at least yet." W.L7 'affi.' Dr. ltooerts said tbat Ibe lour Immigrant HPff gtrls now Isolated In tbe heceptlnn Hoipltal Vf(! f.Bf'S were In good health, bo lar there bas been nmiy liaTKo no sign or sickness among tnoui. They will B v &WE4J be detained for a woeklongcr, howocr. H 'vi iKf,1 Marv Uonnerly'a Ailment Not t'hnlern, Hb - KaVu It was said tbls morning tbat Jlary Con- - BwW), nerty, tbo servant girl who was plated in tho IsW KsTKi' i Boating hospital, and wbu bas tuined out tu wrfvtinWra. ' De suffsrlngirom a disease other thuu cholera, afVFaK.'' Will be transferred to Btllevuo Hospital to- - WirTpaVu' day. Everslnco sbo was removed from the BlRan kotue at 8U-- J becoud avenue, a cholera sus-- flaViiiiMaW pact, she has been a source or much concern T)!1?! K-- 3 to tbe health ofnclals. Her ailment, It Is IKI'VSHS 'd bas proven to be a blood disease. '.: S 11$ BtreeUCIeanlng Commissioner llrennan was H9mk visitor at tbo Health Board Ibis morning. aKtf.K" Be came, be said, to shako bands with J'renU !lvM dent Wilson and Incidentally inquire If tbo Utter tbougbt be was aiding him ull ho could. tj.' 'Wi' Htreeui'lealllna Ilepnrtmenl' Work. 'rSStftyBm. The blf Commissioner went away smiling 'RV JRff over tbe assurance from President Wilson !"s"R'H'Bt' tbat tbe BtreeUCleanlng Department was Wn & V . doing Its duty in tbo present emergency. iHJ S There will be a meeting of thu Health Hoard :' Hr 'jRS, tbls afternoon. IfBsv 9A Tne twenty-flv-o physicians added to tbo 1 mfitV Bummer corps for service during tbo present ,Mgif Httj emergency, were sworn In tbls morning, and tW&y. mv reported for duty to Dr. Koberts. taWTif (Kc- llr. K4on C'onlradlrH Heporl. .'t-- f JBr Dr. Edsonwos much annoyed y over ' WtJ , V tbe publication of an article in a morning iBf.f m", paper, in which ne was quoted as glilng tbe ;iH,7 )K& Impression tbat In bis opinion Charles Mc- - aHRtrfl t Avoy, who ttleil Sept. 11 from Aslatlo cholera, i '.tlwl!,' acoomlnff to tbe biological examinations of Mi-lmf- Ors. Biggs and Tlunbam, was not the lctim ajtEi on bat disease. 'i"-- l V TsTsjS be urtlc.e formed an absorbing topic ot jKHr'WhJi, Tlnorous discussion by I'resldent Wilson aud mm'?,! Wt' lr. Bryanu Hjw1 'J'aMbi "r dson assured bis superiors tbat be did HHUL-HKiLvJ- iet for a moment question tun results nWc'JWscheo; by Drs. Blgga and Dunham, but, on HPaTaHaB3r!vv Cas contrary, was satisfied with I heir dc- - KKJnB-- w cisioo. lAWallfti 'Ibe matter was adjusted by a decision on T Hs Hi tie I'an ' 1)r-- lon to write a letter tn tbo UKp .Bf-X- i nrwspaper In question disclaiming the sentl- - ISwfjt. . KV mebis expressed In tbo article, fcK" ..f Qpeelng of Ibe matter Dr. Kdson said tn KfHC3 'lEt aa Kvsjiimu Wnuni reporter: "fcNou if I r'SBf, W&t ttoujat Dra. Biggs and Dunham had roacbed LpwKVr Iw wrony conclusions 1 would not be unprotes-hfC-- BC cnoujh to say so In a newspaper. BmlB.i ft'. Mc.Vvoy, I am sat lstled, Cled from cholera. I IKAit ceTer for a moment (iLeJtlonrd It." BaViaViv Word was received at tSo Health Board Wm. ;awiv tfl' tbe Acidcmy of Medicine would mert to- - MfmtlMWt night to coccldcr tta llcud's Invitation to IV'tVi II Its tor righting oa a cboU svH ''" c'ue;.demlc. HBt Wh JiyIAS PXOVLK TO 1,.NI TO.DAV. K$mt ft 'i'K ? AJerntri Ueports from (he Ships llrlil In IU IK- ,Ue '"""r ,Ut' 'JtM?5!H. frni to thk KVFjiiKd wont n. I r4sWiTfili tiCAKANTiNE, S. L, Sept. 10,-T- was 'IR''bI qUte a change of scene at both Upper and IpH. M-V- i Lower Quarantine tbls morning. Tbo fleet ot TR jmfS plague ships In tbe lower bay bad been de- - ;Ki Ms creased by the removal of tbo ltugla, after jHL'rM two weeks' rigid quarantine, to Upper yuar- - l fi anttne, and on board tbo MoraMa preparations K! were being made for going up to the city and "l'W Isntllng her passengers at Ellis Island. ;,- rlKv tk The ltugla will probably not go to bcr Kit fe 4' 0Dce ma(le feady to put to Bea. Tbls Is also - 1'H'i P lbe DrCrammo ,or the Normaunla. IK' It'1 The hucvla lno' HUlcU was detained at RH K? Lower Quarantine, althoigb she as not an Wi ' Infected ship, bad ttlo moM-- d rp to the tiprnr fSlB InV sutloii, where sbo will be held un 11 her iS Jtfl second cabin passengers hate nil bfn d slu- - !'E m, ' fected and the snij thorough!) mmlgatud. Fhh &!! bbecaiile no steerage iiasbeufcers. UH1 fr 'fbo other bblpsaiuppir ijuainntliin lit a ax sunrise tbls morning weie tbo irench liner i'tB ab LaBretagne, from Cherbourg hepu It), with xHB Vt "" cdbn and bo steerage passengeis; the ifijB Mftu Tblngvalla liner Nore. from Copenhagen ;.IB lf. Aug. jo, with & cabin and 'i0. meeraiie pas. 11 Bf senners: the Washington flty, a lirltlsh '' 'I ii tramp. Irom Hamburg Aug. ST. and the Cum- - 1 TftV br,t rrom Huella hep-- . 1. It 'Ri The Anenur litter Kurnessla, from eilasgow ', ft'mMs Bepu 8 wltn OHU cabin passenijers and no s ? ?1SW steerage, arrived at U "f. tMi morning. All tf-- l If on board are well, and the ship will probably If'1 l i'EJS. go up to theelty btroieotenlug. Among her , W!$ i .KC abln passengers ate l.W. hrnwn, I mted ' "& States Consul at Ulasgo, and l'l of. Jerome . 11 TfeN Allen. K1 ' (KM Tbo Cambria was passed at 7.15 At 7.00 i Rr i 'iaWiu KIMar Irom New Orleans arrlted and was Kl passed nve minutes later by Dr. HJiiborn. K 'JBeS- - Iberolsno slcknesi on the Norgeortbe1 '' t iBS, tVasbington city, but as the latter comes . aTf ' X .BlL t70"1 Hamburg, although she has no pussen- - fc'.J ..Mti gers,sbe will be held Indefinitely. BWii ffl&Wi'f. TheNorgewjll bo. held for several da s. al- - K'iT jWS)'' though she comes from uninfected ports, i he V ,' Noofo Is locludod under the Federal twontj- - K! aaHrL day regulation. S "laM,.' T'"' Heeoril m .lllilnlchi. B. 'aatiw Since Dr. Byron'R midnight report no news BaS ;a"sWlS' 1 bad been received from the loter bay up tu ti i HK mSH1 o'clock tbls morning. HH EwS;' Thero were three deal bs of child) en 3 r &tr-- ' Hj iBff day, one eaca on tbe Bohemia, hcandia and afaTK SV ) Wyoming. Only the death ou tbo iiohemU Is BTaTanaT ai.? believed to be Irom cholera, however, the ' bbBSSiaVV-'- ; others resulting iro.n measles, out bis basis. Ws;tv6 including the inlrty-sete- n patients uliore- - 'EWVh covered from the cbolera, tbe record of deaths , K'Hqfi' and slclcibla morning was as follows: Efl? r?V Blip. St ( IM rrt. du(A, fitrk rtiir ""if MorsiU.... U'i 1 VI 'J J 3 BTaTaTaTavH'lV V Venuanto a 11 la ii 41 ' hWls 4 6 U 14 31 X, wTamlu.. 0 1 lll BLIKV i SSbjaTaad JO J 0 M;t Sabaual,.. 11 1 U 41 63 l ToUll...... 16 3J 96 10J Iu7 stTaW M.uV, ;i Wyemlna; on Ibn Plague Hhlp I.Ut. HaK''' Dr. Byron's diagnosis ot tbe dlseasootone H aV.V"' c' tae fereson cbUdien as ouolera, brings tbe V' Wyoming back Into tbe list of plague shlpj. BTaTaTMaTariit hit Bar cabin passengers, although they refused a'aaTaVS 'A'.v I to go SaturSay, yesterday went willingly to bbHI W WsL Island. KflaW ',:. ik. To-da- y ber steerage passengers, with those BTaTaTaMi yi'Ut of tneocandla, will go toBoflman Island to BTaTaTaaTHl i'ax', tako tbe pities of those from tbo Normaunla Kv- JA ' Bugl. wbo were tionsferred to camp BTafaTaMaW (A.B Low, Sandy Hook, yosteidiy. y. also. bbbbHbV ' J&. sM Kuirta's cabin passengers will be releaMid BTaBTaTaTnW IJftJ'il Irosn the. Ner llatnpjhlruuiid wrnt directly to K '' iCl i..ucuy. 'a ,'. - r., bLbH ', liMX Bewsala'soabw-passenger- s will go to bTs'b'sTsTsTsTK. ' -- ??,, ;Kew4laBina4ilre, but sier steerafe people iH '.fiwlUr4aa on board the skip until room is LJt ' ttJSrTtlKsji on Hogtflaa. island by tbe Itt v MMrj(JINafMwauajLOW. 'morrow, but ber crow will not te allowed aboru leat o lor several da s. Hie trausrrr boat Mlilam Fletcher came up to quarantine this morning at it) o'clock for water, preparatory tu removing the Wyoming's and wcandlu s steerage passengers to Hoffman Island, which. Dr. Jenkins nald, would be dona Immediately upon bcr if turn. Jenkins on Ihr Nrvmtn'a Cmr. Dr. Jenkins was very much astonished when Informed ihls morning that a death had oc- curred among the crew of the btato of Ne, ado. suspected to bo from Asia! la cholera and tbat another member uf tbo crow wm sick. "I cannot believe,' bo said, "that tho death mentioned was dun tu cholera or that tl.oro was any Infection aboard tbo ship when she was tic ared Niliirdu). "Tho stntcot Netadu arrived on the night of the 14th, and was t no llrst to enme under tho l'nsldent's proclaim! Ion directing that nil foreign ships carrying Immigrant passeu-gor- s bn detained twenty days. 1 had resolved to hold the ship for tho period mentluiiod. unless directed to release tier by the leilcral authorities, wtnthor t.r not thiro were any suspicious circumstances connected with her voyage. Mho sailed fimn Ulnsgow, which Is not mi Inieited porl.hept. y, and was twvlic da)s at sea. 'lhcro was no nci.nc.ss ninon thu cu-- or passengers dur- ing tho voyage, but nevertheless thu steerage nnd baggage wi re fumigated en route and every precaution taken to prevent the break-lu- g nut ot any contagion. " On arrival here thn was again fumigated under tho direction of Dr. 'lallmndgc, who, with the assistance of Dr. tanborn, made a ciireiul examination ot every person aboard the ship. 'I bey were found without excep- tion to bo In good health. Ilrlrimnil on Ihn Cnllrelnr'n tlnlrr. " When the Steamship Company wj In- formed of the fact the oRlcrrs appealed to niu to release tbe ship, which I could nut do. 1 did. honever.glve them u clean hill of Imallh, which they piesenied to collector Hendricks with tho icbuU that an order was Issued hy bin,, wall tho sanction of tho treasury De- partment, for the releaui of tho Nevada. This was Herved upon mo and I al onto al- lotted thu shin to pass. " I am convinced that there was nn conta- gion or Indications of Inlrctlou aboard tho bbln when she loit Quarantine." " -- liouid you bavu released t bn ship ns enrlv as j on did had not Collector Hendricks's order been herved on you?" 'So. 1 would have hold her twenty days In cnutormlty to tho proclaim lion." Itegsrdlng tho cases of cholera reported from Kllzabeth and Now Brunswick, Dr. Jenkins said be could not account for Ihcm. Vrllovv I'ln on llnbemln Aaala. It was reporlod Irom Handy Hook at 11 o'clock that tho yellow flag Is up un the Bohemia. Dr. Kenyon, of tho Marino Hospital service at Washington, nrrlvcd at Quurantlno this forenoon and held n cunlcrcnco with lir. Jenkins. He declldcd to stale tbe object of lilltlsll. Dr. Tallmadgo and Snnborn say that thero are probalil) new cbs alioardtlio Bohemia or sbo would not ny the illow tlag. No re- ports from boner Quarantine bavu been re- ceived this morning. Tho National llnu steamship Canana, from London Sept. U, bus arrived at Upper Quar- antine. WAN IT CHOI.hHA ON THE Nl'.VADAf Knox's llenlh Deelnrrd In llnve llrnii Due lo Olhrr Cansea. It was reported ln several morning papers y that John Knox, forty-on- o jcars old, a fireman on thu Allan Ma to line stcambblp State of Nevada, who died at 7 o'clock last evening, bud shown alt tho symptoms of Asiatic cholera, and that tbo ship bad been quarantined. Capt. Maine, of tho Novada, toll an Kvin-in- o Worn n reporter this furenuou tbat Knux bad died from dlarrhma nud that thero was not at any time a belli f that bo had cholera. " Ho sailed irom (llasgnw Sept, ii." said tbe captain, "and we have nut been exposed to cholera. Knox wa a ratbir uollraio man, and bas been III for some lime. Wben be died 1 notified the health oDlcers, as I am required to do in cases of death while wu are ln poit. " Dr. ItolicriR, of tho Bureau of i ontaglous Diseases, visited tho ship last night, but did not oven suspect that Knux mlgnt htvadlol of cholera. "Wo came Into port last Wednesday, and bavlngexnlhltedaclotu bill of health wore not detained at Quarantine." TWO DKATIIH ON TI1K HCANDIA. Neither Wnn from Cholera-- A New Case rrom Ihr llnhemln, ffrvruL to th rvEHiitn wnntn.l QCiHiKTINE. S. I., hept. 11). 'I ho follow. Ing despatch, dated Swinburne Island 1.1)5 r. h. has been received by Dr. Jenkins from Dr. Byron: " Dr. Abbott Is just back from tbe ships. Ho brings two bodies from tbe Scandla, tbose of lleglna tlestoff. aged slxty-sl- who died ot heart failure, and ibrltllne Uclson, aged elgbt months, irom marasmus. There Is one new patient Irom steamship Bohemia, NcholenCbaiun, aged sixteen years. " With this exception oui patients are out of danger, and the Island will soon bo freo from cholera patient s." AM. QUIET AT HAIIVI.ON. Mouth rihorr Itealdrnta Itenllrr Ibe Fn. tlllty of Oppoalna llie Hinlr. orvruT, to Tna kviminiv wntiLn Basvlon, - I., Sept. lb F.vcrythlng Is quiet tbls morning along tbo south shore, frum Babylon to Sa) villa, 'iho general feel- ing prevails among tbo natives tbat, now tbo W) outing's pnsbengers have been quietly landed ou Klro Island, there u llttlo usu of opposing tbo si tie health authorities ex-- it jit thiough legal channels. Lawyer W. I'. Head, who bas been the frlmo mover In tho opposition to the use of Island station. Is Mill active, iokci her with hugeue 1 Ischel, his purl tier. In causing further complications, aud Mr. Head aata tbat tho Board uf Health ot Islip will meet to. night, but what action would bo taken Mr. ltend rroiessed not to know. 1 he fact that the notice I o quit within three dajs, served on Managui Wall list Saturday, expires ), It Is thuughl will Induce tho local health board to send hnerirf Darling and a posse aenss tho bay to enfurce tho order. Fnay in Induce nn Outbrenk. There Is evident an under current of among the clttimners, and It would tako very little to cnu-- o another outbreak hliould opportunlt offer to reenpturu Uru Islanl. The belter classes of South rtUnro residents ure now realising that no lasting bud results will lollott, provided tho island Is onl us d as a temporary refuge. crl Mired Wngstaff, who summers here, said to an Kw.m.vi Would reporter this morning: " Ihn newspapers are giving the public a wrong liupresslun concerning m altitude. I am not opposed In tho ot Fire Island as a temporary retugo for healthy pas. sc ugers from Infected ships, but 1 do not favjr inuutni' It a puruauent iiuarautluu station. "I very rrlustanlly signed the protest to iiov. Flower, stiuda) week, toiethcr with It. D. HUllman nnd (.tn.Ii.auo catlln I am satis, fled tbat the business Interests on the south Miore ot Long Island w 111 not surier, provided lire Island Is only used lemoorarllj,'' No Miknrn on I Ire Islnml. The telepbonu lHHweon Uabvlon mil lire Island Is now working adrnlrnbl). I ho report Irom the surf llot'l at ii :iu o'clock was that there vvai no Mokness there, and evert bodv was happy. August llnlmont Is here and has tendered the use of his Rtriim launch tn Hi. ulghi and and Manager Wulu 'ihls will render coin, inuiilcatlon between the tualuUnd and tho Island much moic rapid. At ti o'clock the soldiers nlleved Irom duty by thu arrival of tho last detachment from llrookljn. left Flro Island nnd took the 10.10 train for home. col. Austen went with tin in. rerenl).sovcn inea. uuder of capu liooige 1). Husjcll. of cumpanj C, arrived on tl o o..")0 train from Brouklyu, ana crosssd ovet to Flro Ulaud. They will repel any movoonthe part of tbo natives to regain mses.sinu of tbe Island atter Ibe notice to quli bas expired. Thero are now isj oniccrs and men on Flro lslaud. Sbcrirf Darling, of Mirtolk county, declared to a reporter this morning that he should act only upon orders from (lov. l lower, and should the resolutions adopted by the lsllp Board of Health. WHO I.F.T Cll tl'IN ASIIOItlff Tbe Kx.VInror Will Nol 1 xnnrrnle Jen- kins nor Tell Mow lie Lauded. A, great deal o comment bas peon caused by Ibe statement that Cbapln, of Brooklyn, wbo was a passenger on tbe Hamburg-America- n racket tteam-anl- p Fuertt Bismarck, which reached Quarantine at a o'clock Saturday an4aCsTal oaUwmpton, sjM I019WMW L'ib''. ' 'it) ii1 t ,. , i ,,. leavo the ship before the pissengers bad made and had turlr bag- gage examined by thu Customs authorities. 'lbs Fuirst lllsmaick, alter some delay, was granted a penult to land by tin) Health um-cc- r, and reached the Hobo.en pier Saturday evening. Itlssaldlhat Mr. Cliapln was not among the passongern when the landing was made, and that bo called at the Custom. House inaku his declaration and explain why he came nshoru without ap rinlt. It has lieen clnlmed that 111. Chapln was taken on biard the nnicers' tug and lamli'd utstntcn Island, (.iriylng part uf his bajrgago with Mm. Ihls Is denied by Dr. Jenkins, who sijs Mr. Chapln was taken on by tho Miure Inspec- tor s boat (lov. Hill. I rtcilved a letter from a Mr. Kelly, of lliookljn, several days ago," slid Dr. "nl.lng that Mayor l huplii bo lenultted to leave the Fiiersl ana I replied that bn would be treated ixaetly ns wi re Hie oil, cr passungerN. Any Htaleiiient tbat .Mr. ( n ipln was taken on In the Quur-ami- UU Is absolutely falK"." 'Inn ( usloiii.tlouse authorities claim that they arc Investigating tho urralr, ami thai, It It Is found that Mr. Chapln vlolalid the law tho captain nt tho l'uersl lllsiiiarck will bo llabloina lino or 1,01)0. An l.v simi w oki t report) r cillrd nt Mr. Cbapln's house In llruoklyn y and found lb it Mr. ch ipln's lainlly Is staj lug nt I.unut, Mass. Mr. Cbapln was atterwnrds found In tils office at in.' liroudtta). Ho refusid abso. lutely to explain how he came ashore ui who allowed him tu leave Iho Fucrst lllsuinic-A- . " I violated nn customs law, or any rule of tbo Quarantine nutlinrltt-s- , and thut is all I can tell you,' wore his exact words. " If Dr. Jenkins was no', responsible for g j ou come ashore win .ou not reliavoblm of suspicion by saving sot" "No; I will as) huinlua." "Will) on si wh'liiirll Is true that ton camo aihoro bunio tlm other pissongtrH?" l'l wilt not. on tho other slila tliey havo no Mich nonsemo as cpiar.intluo laws, la Paris a man can gowinrctci he wan' h to," ad led Mr. Chapln, with a tlngo of anger In his accent. Then you are not In favor of quarantine laws" I won't say another word," concluded Mr. Ch iilu. (yi'AHANTlNR, S. I., hopt. 11). Dr. JonHns suld to an i:v .mni Wuni nrcporur this fore-non- "Ihcre was no fivoiltlsm shown In Mr. Chapm whatever. Ho was not nil mid to leavo the ship until tho Vessel was form illy releaicd from Quaratiilne. 'Ihen. bj ptrmls-slo- n uf Collectnr llendilclis, ho was allotted to go up on thu revenue outter. It was per. ftcily proper und entirely rogular." AT T1I15 HANDI IIDOIt I'AI.'I. Dr. Ilamlllon Klrka tbr Turbiilrnl Mecoud .Hale ol tbr Kuain. irrvriAt to Tiir vtfnimo won? t. i Cmp Low, Bir,nv lloox, ScpU 11) lliu formal opening of camp Low and tbo deel ira. tlon of strict quaraullno wllbln Its lines bus, within loss than twenty-fou- r hours, turned a deserted beach into a small town, allvo with tho Mir and buslla ot l.O.'iil poo; le, spaaklug uenrly every language under tho ami. '1 he 700 detained persons who were landed heru yesterday from Hoffinnn Islind Include forty-llv- c Americans who weru cabin pasicn-ger- s, but were cjinpi-lle- tn return home In Iho steerage owing In the lack uf pinpei ne. eommodatloiM provided lor III- - Sumiiu r inli- ne by thu lluinliurg.Afmrlcan 1'uckelCuii. pauy. 'Iho camp was reinforced al 7.110 this morning by the arrival uf thu steam i Will- iam Metcber with ll'iil people irom iho lieir-mn- n Ulind detention hospital. Ihn new ar- rivals were very Inuignsnt al the llolliuuu Island authorities, who sent them away irom there nt 6.4fi o'clock without an) thing In enter drink. It was 10 o'clock before they cuuld bo led here. Dr. Ilntnlllun Kleka the ltuln' Jlnlr. '1 he sufferings of tbo women and children ns the) werodttalned In the broiling nun on thnvvharf heie vvero pltllul lo behold, tho children crying loudly fur water, whll .sec- ond linker I'orehlus, of the ltugla, who came down In charge of tho now arrivals, shouted aud ordered tbe poor people about. 'I hi, olllcer has been plnied by ihn Citiiipiuy In rniitrul ol the imtnlgrnnts miring inelr en. forced eunflueniini. Ills e, unmet here this morning, wbllo thu Immigrants were walling lulio register! d, unnojul the ininponiccrs to such un extent thai Hamlllnu rushed up to hlin and sellng him by the throat shook him until his eyes bulged out ot his hotd ttlihieiror. " If I sen vou Interlero with any one In Ihls ihundercd den. Ilamlllon, "III put )ou In lions" 'Ibti mate began to explain tbat ho was In chaigii of thu Immigrants, bin a vigorous kick from the I niiiiuuiiilaui-- s bout scut him Into n coiner, wbire ho miiitend curses on ever) thing and tbe (leneial In particular. Nome nfllin isenndln's 1'rniilr Mrnr. (len. Huinlltim was hlglil) Indignant on finding among this moiuing's arilvals tlilr-tecu- the .scandIVs passtugirs, who havo been on swlubiirne Island during tin Ir Ho loudl) dennuuied Dr. Jenkins foraeudlng these peuplohiro tn mix with people from Hoffman Inland, who have not dov c loped any slckmss. Investigation shotted that seven of these people were discharged troin Swinburne island Sept, 14, four nn tho follow Ing de) and one Fruity and )esterday respeeilvel). Assault us Leu. Hamilton found nut M'ls staloof affairs bo hud the scandla's peo In Isolsted. nr.il they will bo quartered by t lie In new bai rucks now being erected. .11 r. ehrlilt'a t'omplnlul. Jacob ,,clildl,of 'J.I7 'third avenue. New York, Isaiuoiig the Amerlcancltlciiscmiuiied here. He has two children with him, und tils wile is laid up In ( .imp sum ring frum llmess ncc.ial int d b) bnv lug lieen i omnelled m leep In a room on Hoffman IrIiuu, tno Hour uf wnlch was comtnuil) wet. During thu woman's dotcnl ion at llnrtiiian I shin sue fell through tho cut un wlihh Mie was I) Ing and gave prematuio birth to u i lit la. Mr. Scheldt alleges that the surgeon nn the island refused to attend her lot neurit an hour, unci then bont her a mustard plaster. Her condition is now verv Holarnocas-so- f sickness are n polled In tbe camp, but the heulth records will not continue as clean as in piesent unless same other method Ueninrctsi for the removal or refuse without wheeling It past lung lines uf tents occupied b) detained passengers. A Poller Sjslim I '.nblMied. Dr. Hamilton has announced as tlu result of the trouble here this morning that ho will establish a police system In camp and sit aside iwo rooms as cells lor tho ilelenilon of offenders. A rumor Is current heio thu tho tug 'lallsman, which Is being use! ns a despatch boat by the commandant, bus lieeu elr.ed and quarantined up the ha) by order of Health (inicer Jenkins, (.en. lliunll. ton has telegraphed for particulars, and if this Is true will send tbo revenue cutter (Hint to reenpture tbo tug ami tulnghtr here. She carries official sturos and mull, as well as tho stores fur the leporters, win will biunshurl rations If tho does uularrlvo to. ulght. A machinist and two firemen were found arming the detained pastcntcrs and weru hired to work In tbo camp steam laundr), which tt in be ready to go lutuopi ration to- morrow. (len. Hamilton wlrodloinmindant Krbcn.of the Natj-lur- tosend two steam launches forusohiroaa patrol boats along tbo camp waterfront. Tbe V'nlted .states steamship Nantucket has been ordered hero for guard dut) aud will arrive Wednesday A IMI'Fl'.ltllM I. l Ql AltANTINi:. Illallnrllon llelttren 'I'tt rrillr-Du- m nnd 1 wrrdlr-llr- e I uiiinH ( olilint-IH- . Statcn Islanders are asking questions about tbo distinctions made at ijuaranttnc I lit y say that lasi saturda) tho transter U.ii William Hetcbcr, nbhh uuder quarantine sel.ure has been transit rrlug tbe tick, the w ell and the dead nt the luvver statloi, came to tho upper Quaraullno dock and was moored thero from 10 a, u. until 6 r i. Not only tbls, but Capt. Muller, ot tbo I'lett her, ashore and mingled with the newspaper men and others. Dr. Jenkins was certainly atture uf Ihls, tho statcn Islanders hay, becauso Capt. Muller visited tbo Health Officer's house When the slorni-tossc- d Cenheus, driven from Ure IM ind, camo up to I'pinr Quaran. Hue for coal and water, having ou board tho stt'oiid cabin ptsseugersot tho .Normaunla, not one or the itiary pashengers was allowed t i put his foul nu snore lent he might pussl. blv xpread the dread Infection. ivt tUht burly policemen, who had been with the quiittiillned passengers lor fort) -- elgbt hours, umeslralnedly elaiiibered on the dock, walked ashore, aud even got a meal be. foro they relumed. 'Ibentiitcu Islanders are not alone In ask- ing questions about the difference letvveen tweedle-au-ui and tweedle-de- e. From lire Island It Is reported tbat people from shore can mix wltb tbe detained passengers com- paratively unrestrained. Dr. Volght, tt is etld, baa been so negligent MtOtaUtTtBtO MMBPttt (aPPttbtaa MT; 4.. ly, .. ., V '" " ' I," , fl ' "I ernl passengers who, by bribing baymtn, are to nave escaped. 'Hint iho Quarantine regulations should be so rigid wltn regard lo some nnd so , lux us to others Is therefore becoming a mat ttr of comment. MOItU TUOUI'H I'Oll I'IKE IHI.AND f Another Uelnrhmrnl af Ike Tblrleenlb (Irdrred on Doty, Another detachment of tho Thirteenth left for Ure Island nt 8 HO tbh morning. Capt. (Icorge 1). ltussoll, of com- pany C, was In command. 1 ho detachment numbeicil kcvcnt).nvo men. Capt. .1. 11. ltusM.ll, ot company F, aud I louts. H)crs and Jounlngs accompanied tho detachment. Capt. Cochran, of Company I, has been at 1 Ire Island for bcccrul clnjs with l."i(i men of the Thirteenth TUo attitude of the people ot lsllp led lo the call tor mom troops, and Col. Austen Issued a tall )estenlay after- - i,o in for luotiiin in leave- - vtitbhlm lor Baby- lon Inst night, only thhty-ilveine- u could bo lound. Ho took these and left orders lor the miiaindarilo follott this morning Adjutant (lj)tor and Quariermisiir Werner are at Hub) Inn with eol. Austen. Oitilunnccicrgt. Julius MoNovlh Is now lu charge of tho 'thirteenth's Armor). 'I he UnpresHlon among the men who remain behind Is tbat tbo nun who have been nt Iro island Ibe last week will be relieved by tho nctt -- comers y. I ii i: co.mii8sio.vs run nit". Allrsnltnn that Dr. Jenkins Una lunored Ihr Slain (uarnntlnr llonril. 'Iho following Interosllng stateinint was mudo by ah eminent lniv)cr ot this city: " The pasiongers of tbo steamship Wyom- ing did mil snow ibat Instead of b) openly rebelling against tbe order ot Dr. Jennings to hi- - transferred to Flro Island they could havo nt tiled tho transfer bt- - npfeallngngulnst the diclslon to the Quarantine commissioners " Iho Quurnnilno Iswb am llttlo under- stood. Kveu Ihn Commissioners themselves uio hoinowhat befogged as lo their roweis ana jurisdiction. Article 117, thapter 4N0 of tho law, approved by the Governor Ma) fi, lsii'i, si) a: Any sccrlcvtil by nnv rfeclnlo'i or dlree. IIimi if the Mfaltli Oftlcfrmay idpaI thTpirjm tn theursntlun I iiniinUriloua.R. who mIiaii ,mttt. tiitn a Hoard of Ap,Al. wlilch niaj alttini. rn.nria or I Illy ttm nruir of dlruott in upUHalsd from, anil whoHfl doll jn thnraon aball ba linal. 'I he law sa)s that the appeal must be made by serving a notlco on the Health onicir within twelve hours, and the Health onhir within twclvo hours niter receiving such notice shall make .1 return to the Presi- dent of Ihn Hoard, who shall Immediately rail a meeting of the Hoard, and the appeal shun bn decided within tweut).four hours. 'I ho npp al nets us a stay of the oi Iglnal oi der. Man) inquiries have been male as to what tho Qunruiiilno Commissioners are n ally doing lu thu present eincrgi ncy to guard Now .nrk Irom cholera, and how tar that authoiiiy extends. 'Ihctr urtlc-- has bei u dall) overrun by people anxious tu learn about tho det lined al Quarantine and the lenplo aboutd the ships, llie ( umiuls-sinne- rs could give but Utile Information, 'llio) would sit) they weiouxpecllng to hear frcm Qunruntl-ie- , but all their information came tu them thiough thu nettsp i ers. "It niiiti lo bu umlirsioud that the Com inlssioiiurs were nolhliig morn than Hie cus-lo- dl ins, t r J.uiltom, ol tho buildings on Swin- burne and Huffmaii lslanils. for which they drew each a sal it y of y,.")00 a ytar. 'Ihls vv as an insult to tho dUnlty of tun men, i uch uf whom Is wealthy, and one of whom is said toshape tbe utilities of staten Island They chufeil unue-- tho rollectlon nnd tried tu rt their authority, ihey fill aggrieved against Dr. Jeuklns. who totally ignored tlu in Hi all arrangements for delulned pas. suugeis. They were especially angr) ni not beiug consulted about tbo selection of Flro Island. "Article HI of the Quarantine law tn)s that thu Health nRI'-ei- - slnll boaid every luariintlnnble vessel and Insiieol the bill of hi nil li, manliest and health ot all persons nn iMiurd. nnu 'ahull leport the facts and his conclusions and espcclallv tho number of sick piisuns ou board and Ihelr diseases lo thu Qtinrutitlno Commlssloneis ' 'I he ul consiaeruhlo expense, bad a wire laid tn connect their onico, 71 Broad tt av, wiih .swlnhurno and llorrmun Islands and Quniniitlnc. and engaged two operators, to gi I Iminodlato Information. But thej only get orders mr muro provisions over the wires, while iniormallou still toa-o- s through tho nevtspupera." NU PI.AIIUi: IN llltOOKI.V.N. Ilrnllh Aiilliurlllra Ilnvr Hun Iloirn I. verv Itetiorlrd '.naprel." Health commissioner Crlftln, uf Brooklyn, denlid this morning thut thero tteroan) cases of cholera lu thu clt). Inspectors ha 1 been aent t ) tho bouses of several " and reported that all the cases weie cholera morbus. Mr. orinin has Invited the following tn meet him this afternoon to ennfor uu the question ot further precautions iigalnstthe lauding uf the clnlera : Drs. I). (1. Ilndklti, J. II. Kaymoud, (Icorge tt. Mi . I". (). 1! I'nvvler, It. C. Moffat, A. N. bell, I., llasbrouck and Harrison W nils. M II. 1, MAIL FOIt HA.tlBI'Kli. Iunrniiflnrd from n Fever'SiiApfi-lri- l rihlp. but Was Hrlrnaed IserciAi. to thr rvrsiso wonm.l Qt'AiiiMiM, S. 1., tepu 10. Among the ' passengers who will sill ou tbo luersl Bis- marck is tmsiav Sanders, who lives near Hamburg. Hu uirlved al Quarantine Aug. un tho steamship Iroquois from Charlestou, eu route fiom Augusta, i,a. 'Ihcre was fever on board the Iroquois, and altbougb Sanders was en-- I tlrely well, ho was quarantined on llorruuu Island and was kepi Iheie, with tbe hundreds of chobra suspects, until saturdav, when be was brought up to t pper Quarantine uu the tug Archibald W utls. Ho was not allotted tn leavo the tug, how. ever, and ate and slept on board until ' when Dr. Jenkins concluded he was lurmie-- and allowed him lo go up to ibe clt). .llnyor (.rant Nut (lolnc lo Fire Island.' '1 here vv as a rumor afloat tbls morning that (len. Purler and Mayor (Irant weru to visit I Ho Island Both (Ion. Porter and tho Mayor denied that they had any such Inten- tion. "I leavo lor Aloany tbls afternoon," said the (lent ral to an Kvknimi 'Worui leporter, "where 1 expect to remain for three da)s." SAV SI MP. MAN CIIOI.F.H .HOll III.M. Illlynbrili Itospllal Nurars, llnwrvrr, Quit the Service In Alnriii, irrrcui TotuiirwniiwiHts.i KiiAiirnt, N. .1., Sept. nt tin (11) llcsfltal here omclall) declare to- il i) that John Mule, who was tclleved la.st night to bed) lug wltb Asiatic cholera, bas only aver) severe attack of ch ler.v morbus. Clt) l'b) Milan O'llclll), who diagnosed tbo cao)csterit i) aud sent the man to tho bos. pltal, tat I to an Kv bsimi W oki n reporter trw daj thu he Is sitlvOcd bo was right lu bis Judgment ot Ibe case. 'Hie man Is still allre, and II is tbougbt now will He lived at Ull Court stieet and has teen a year tn tbocountr). President Whelan, ot tbe lie an! of Health, has just cent a telegram to Mr llnut. Presi- dent ot llio Mato Board, to come al onco to tllzubeih an l investigate for himself. A telegram has also been sent ty the Board ot Hr.Ui n to Dr. JaeobI, ot New lork, asking him to send lo tllr.abjlh an expert lu cholera symptoms. 'l ho nurses at tbo bosplt tl all left tbls morning ralbcr tbin run the rhk ot being quarantined. Several pailt-nt- s in the Insti- tution who were able to walk have cuo, it Is said, 1 ft. I Is This foung McPnorson? lrtciAi.TOTrvtxivi) woat.n.t Bath Hiacu, L. L.Bept. 10. The bodr of a boy about six ) cara of age was washed ashore at Bath Peach tbls morning. The description ot the bxiy corresponds with tbat of Alex-and- Mcpherson, Jr.. tbe story ot wbosa dis- appearance la tola in another column. Tbe coroner biro atUBttaAettyouag iicftttnoa'a parrot ,A ' r-3ta- fc znrzvtA IS IT TRUE CHOLERA ? New Brunawick Dootors Agree that Oarr Had the Plague. All the Canaller's Symptoms Indi- cated a Sporadic Case. Olllclal Precautions Allay the Alarm or thit Public. lrr?At to inr rvrsisn wor.n.l Nrtv UauhstvicK, N'. J cpt. 10. Members of tho medical profession and the local cealth aulliorltlesof this ilty are unanimous In the opinion tbat the disease to wnlch Capu Jamos Carr has lallcn a victim Is a genuine caee of Asiatic cholera. At the same time it Is belloved tbst there Is nol tho slightest dinger or further spread of the Infection here, and tbat tbo precautions which slread) been taken will effectu- ally stamp out tbe disease. '1 ho house where Carrdled bas been strictly quarantined and no one lj allowed to leavo or outer the building. A guard of armed police- men has been stationed near It by order ot the(nmmon Council, nnd they will remain nn dut) as long as there Is any danger irom that source. j '1 he doctors say that tne case Is one of a sporadic character, the eact origin ot which ltlsalwa)s very dltilcult lo trace. In tho present Instance, however, the fact tha. Can was brought Into contact with the pest fleet at Lower (quarantine affords a sufficient explanation of tho manner ln vvblch bo might navo becoino tutectcd. nirr was captain of the scow Harry Cahlll, which loy at the MxteentU stieet dump during the latter part ul August and early In tho piesent month. During tbls tlmo Carr was employed In taking coal down to tbo pest ships lu thu loner barbor. Carr s wife and child wero with him on tbe boat inostot tho time. A few days ago tbls child was taken sick with a dlarrbccal com- plaint, und the em Ire family went dow n to New llriinstvlck to the borne of carr's brother.ln. law. Juhn Cnnuoll). Carr was taken sick attc-- r bis icturu to Ihu house Saturday night. Ho hid been on a spree for several da)s. No phy It Ian was called ln till yesterday morn-Ih- h. when Dr. A. . N. Unldtvln, wbo hap- pened to be pni-ln- was asked ny ( onnolly to como lu unci luok at.hH brother-in-la- 'llio doctor found cnrrln a stato of col- lapse, his holy being cold, bis lace blue and bis hands shrivelled. He had neen vomiting and purging violently. Allot thes are char- acteristic )mttutnsof true Asiatic cbolera, und the doctor at once diagnose I the case as such und repoited It immediately to tbe health uiitborltles. e arr died at T.tIO r. m., and as soon as the news spread about tbo town the Inhabitants, u.tpeclall) thoMi In the locnllt) where Con- nolly lived, became very much excited. '1 he authorities wanted to quarantine carr's relatives lu the old small-po- x hospital in Commercial avenue, but tbe people havo strongly protested against this and havo threatened to burn tbe structure. It Is situ-ale- d lu a thickly populated portion of the town. 'Die authorities havo taken possession of the building, and It is said tbat the members ot Carr's family will be removed there y. Carr's body was burled late last night, Ir was wrapped in a blanket soaked with some liimcrful antiseptic. 'Ihe police refuse to tell where It was burleiL Dr. rtalcr, thu Ilrnllh offlcor of staten Island, bus been heru and has procured some specimens of tbe excreta from Carr's body for mlscroscoplcnl examination. He came here at the request of baultary Supu Kason, nt New ork. 1 he poople here are reassured by tho actlv e pri cautions which havo been taken by the local health authorities In tbe matter, and their fears are now practically allayed. None oithnothi-- t members of Carr's famll) except tho bab) has shown any s)niptmnsof tho dis- ease, 'ihe child Is now Improving. ltesjluiioiiL were passed ut a special meet- ing ot the Common Counill called by Mayor anciief, appropriating money for use In tnto of an eiueigency, and forbidding rag picking on tho dump or tn reluso barrels, as , long us any clanger of an epidemic exists. 'Ihu pi lined rules issued by the New York! Hoard ot Health havo been extensively dts-- i til Dut id throughout the clt). It is said that carr's phy deal condition and hlsill-sipnte- d hnblls rendered him peculiarly Miscepllble to tnlccllon. lot seteral da)s proti ills to golnt-t- o New Brunswick bo had Deque tiled the si loons and dives along the Ittbarvts. One or lno quarantined vessels to vv hlcli he was etig iged In taking coal was tho W lelutid '1 heru bnv o been no cases ol cholera on tho Wit land thus far. and tho ship brought overonl) tablii passengers. 'l ho cadmnn strict punllc school, near tbe hotisu vt here Carr dlod, was closed to-d-ay by older of Supu George (). Ityan, of public schools, and It Is probable that pupllsot other scbouls living lu that vicinity will be pro. blolic-- Hum attending solong as there Is any dangei that tbey ma) spread the Infection. Dr. horter, ot Now ork, sent here by Dr. Kdson. would give no onielal opinion this morning regaralug the case, but concurred in the belU--f of local physicians that Carr dlea ot Asiatic cholera. lining to tbe Impossibility of getting In- formation from Carr's widow as lo Ms where- abouts l tore he was tak-e- 111, tno man's muvtiueiils cannot be dennticly traced. can was Intoxicated when bo went to bed Siturda) night and was taken with severe cramps, accompanied by vomiting and purg-- 1 lug, ui 4 o'clock Sunday morning. Dr. Henry 11. Unlaw In said this morning! that he tlrmly believed tho case was Asiatic cholei n, but bo was confident tbat tbe prompt action ot tbo Board of Health ana the city authorities will prevent Its spread. Mis. Carr, the dead man's vv idow, was re- ported to be suffering w Ith cbolera i) mptoms tbls moinlnp. Ihlrly illlzens from tbo Second Ward called upon Mayor in Cleef and Judge J. Kearnet Hlce tbls morning and protested against tbe health authorities using tho old hospital building on commercial are-nu- e tor possible path tits, and threatened to burn It It any atti nipt was made (o use It. 1 ho i hlef ot Police placed a strong guard about tbo building. a FUKNKS8IA CI.KsIt OF DIMEAbK. (statement by Physicians Wbo Are Pai- - aenarra on Tlmt Nleamsblp. 1st AsaocuTrp raxsa.1 8. 1., Sept. 10. Tbe following communication has been received from the blinmsnlp Furnessla, which arrived this fore. noon from Ulasgovt On Hoaan tbi i asraau. "apt. IS, 1S91. In toiiHlaaratlat. ot ttia rr.trkttva qaarautine in Naw ors Harbor wi. tba unUaralgoaU paaaangeta, wlio aal rd from (t a.cuw un ISa StblDit., take Vltaaur In atatlnE that wa nave this day niada a trry laratul and luapftctlon ot the atnp and hml parfaot c eaullnc. aud marsad aaullarj rrfitlattonat and furihrr, tia no.ltlTalj know that (hrraia noaioatia u! an kind whatever a'noiif the pa,.en(araor craw, nor hae there been tiunug thawjaa-t- . with tne airetlon uf eeaalcknea I In. eiamluatljn an not only to eorroboiata the ahin'a auraeoo'e report, hut to aluvy any alarm tlm may bay arleeu In tba pnlillo mlad lu recant t j roulailuuaor lufrcliaiia dueeaee on thte ve.i.l II. w CanrrNTaa. M. Ik. Patt Medical Direetor.Stataot New Vera, (1. A It, tt. 11 (.rsi-aa- , M. li- ft AllU.TKlINO lxr. M. 1 Haying had Intimate luiuwieitaeof thocoDdltionft ' ueTAliiiif during the voyage. I hereby aoqule.ee lu tbe (oirgoiug auiemeut l.rvi W. Bos, 1 L'onaul. Ulaagon INI N C K K K Ibat I. V aaaaCaam. ' Uould aava brrn fTHk dead laaa- - aa If Uhaa.Br bad not been for Ilood'a W J arllla. I bad a lMf 9 ba,l humar tbat would CTfe J" not jleld to any treat. gafk uient, and mi stomaih " verv aaaaaaaBfaafarn hanllv able togetaronu,l Chrlatlna Teaiple. lin I besraa taking Hikxl's BarssparUla. I began lo iinprove slowly until, af Mr I bad taken eome lOor 13 bottles, I considered Biaalf well once mors. HOOD'S AK8ArAetlL!.A did me ao lunch aVOOd Ibat It aeems ai af U tnuit do others good." Mas. TawrLg. avVjasroa-- . Me. HOOD'S FateMI an the baatajtaialliica? U aatlii atenn saiar W. TWO IN ONE FAMILY. Very Interesting History of Husband and Wife, Both Hive Had a Very Sad and Serlaas , Eiperience. ' Dut all Is Joy and Brightness In Their Home Now. J Neter to our knnlede bat the old iiUne ot a fl tlleer llnln to eterr cloud been ao wonderfully eiemplitied aa in the home of Mr. Jnmn Mechaa and nla aicellent wife .Marr. H The facts lu tliecaio are io remarkable that we K ihall ?lte the whole matter In the eiact worda 'Bfr' the perions Interealed. It f era thai Mr. Meehaa,V who rculdea at ft" Granite at., tlulncr, Maes, WUB thaflrit toheauddenlytakenelcl.. H " I was taken tick with liter disease and utcerjgB tlon ot tbe bowels," he ). " Mr heart was 'H affected I waa contlneil to mr ted three raontlH 'A consnltatln cf phjilciana was held an H T waa pronounced incurable. ! MIU JAMES MSFIMV. 1 " After that 1 stopped taking their reraediea aadf besan the uae of Dr. Greene's Nervnra blood aaoa nerve rrmedr. I " Previous to this 1 could not sleep, my nerves! were excitable ami srasmoillc, my stomach woulof not bear food, voinitlna almost constantly. Hoof alter bcgionloa; this reniedr 1 slept better, and ml stomach would brar light food. I "Icontlnued to gain until I could get out. now work all the time, and feel tbat Dr. Greene's Nervura btrol and nerve remedy aaved mr life." Itlaueedlesa to aar that his faithful wife Mary Meehan was profoundly thankful for the recovery of ner husband to health and strength through the wonderful curative virtue of this great medicine, but, even ln the midst of bet great Joy, ehe herself was proatrated by an alarm- ing attack of rhejraatiam. a " It le only just, and may lie of great service to the afflicted," atie eayr, "that I ahould atat pub- licly my serious trouble and how I wae cured. --. MH9 UART MIEIIAV. "I waa aorely afflicted with rhecmatiam for moi than all months, and it aeemed to affect my whol ayatem paina and atiffneee of muscles and Joints, to which was added the more acutelpaina of eciat lea. "It was with Ike greateat difficulty I could keep about my house 1 tried many remedlea wllb3Ut relief. Having in mind the grt benefit ray hun band received from the uie of l)r. Greene's Nervur blood ana nerve remedy I concluded to resort to It To my great joy tt waa completely euceeasful, arii mb by tbe nse of only three bottlee 1 waa entlrel. eured, and my health haa teen perfect alnce." There no mlatake about it. Dr. Greene'i Nervura blood aud nerve remedy ia a wouderfo ' medicine, and effecta aooia most remarkable ani' atirprlaing cures Every eoffrror from d aeaai should try It, for the chancea are that It wilt just bit the trouble and reatore the loog-arni- health. All druggists keep It for tl, and it la purely vege- table and harmleas to uae. It ia the preeenptton and dlacovery of the great specialist In curing nerroue anl chronic diaea.es, Dr. Greene, of 39 Weetlfthst., New York, who can in all cases be consulted free, either If you call or write htm a deeorlptlon of your disease CHICAGO'S SAILOR ROOSTER. Be Flcnta Bvarythlnir. Portloulrty His Own Mirrored Imais. Ou tbe flagship Chicago there Is a rooster which has been on board for about eight months, during which time he has delighted the crew aud won his laurels on several battletioJciB, says the Baltimore Herald. He was bought at Barbneloes on the way south last Wlulor. nnd was intended to be served for Christmas, but during tho bad weather one day he crowed t,o lustily and seemed such an un- daunted rooster that one of the officers interceded for him and bis life was spared. On the quarter deck are several Me ventilators, which are partly cov erod with polisbed brass, making reflectors. Dick (for so the rooster was named) soon passed these ventilators and saw his reflection. Hit first air of startled sur-Dri- was met by tho other rooslor with one which nutircly ociualled it nnd upon this Uiek ruffled his feathers and looked threateningly, only to be met, howover, by one quito as defiant. This vvus more than ho could stand, nnd after prancing around a little ne advanced to the attack, being promptly met by the other rooster. 'Ihen ensued a very emit. icnl encounter, for Dick struck ut this s. eutllator w 1th bill and spur, Retting more mid more mad every minute and ltiruiuli-i- n ' side. spl. King amusement to officers nud moa vt ho wero interested spectators, until finally, from sheer exhaustion, he was obliged to RiT0 up tho fight and retire, hnviu? only the satisfaction of finding that the other rooster retired likewise. This curious delusion lasted several weeks, aud it became a common thiuc to see Dick either sullenly glaring at that other one or actively engaged in trying to damage htm. The crow was Tory fond of him, nnd when thev vt out ashore for target practtco on an untuhnbited island Dick was al- lowed a run ou shore. At Enseunda. Argentine llepublic, the ships lav alongside the stoue docks of the Orond Canal nud Dick was soon ashore over the gnng plank. Ho was calmly picking up things when n dog came along, to which no promptly cave battle, He fought him in the advance and re. treat style, for thev did each othor no damage and confined themselves to short dashes, barking nud threats from the dog nnd dotermiuoet striking and spurring on the part of the rooster, Dick several times had tbose fights, and at one time held three dogs at bay. Ho is most unusually liuguacioui and attacks the ship's cats, nnd even a miserable goat which was brought on board at Bt. Thumns. . FROGS THAT ATTACK MEN. Adventures with tbs Croakers of tho Chick am auBra. People living on tho line of the Chlclia-matig- a llivcr are somewhat excited over a number of strange and enormous frogs that infest the neighborhood. These frogs for they greatly resemble frogs-w-ere brought to thie country from the Mississippi swamp in A. D. 1866. nud put in the Chickamauga River near this place. Tbey are said to be of enormous size when grown. These being very small when brought are cut now beginning to show what they can do. Ihey are doing some mischief now, says the Savannah Mori ina Acim, One has been catching chickens nnd is thought to havo been dnven to the mountains for rofuge during the high waters, and whilo on his way back to tho river, being very hungry, he caught a chickon to appease his hunger nntil he reached tho rlrer, wbero he could get fish, as they live principally upon fish. When driven aw ny by high tide and starved for a few days they will attack a person. Thev nre said to be good food for mnu, but have never been tried yet. ' as they aro very hard to rapture. The one that passed through would havo been enptuted, but the man had tu go to the house for his gun, and the frog made one leap and was out of a fair shot after de. vouring a number of chickens, Tbe Lafayette Mtuemtt reports that M. M. Burrows, Mr. Mauley ami his son William were out in tbo bottoms a few, davs later, and discovered something ly- -i ing near the river bank which tlioy thought to be n large bran sack filled with something thought it had probably floated from the mill above and on going up for inspection found it to be one of these frogs. They, seeing tbe danger they were in, immediately made an at- tempt to get away. Mr. Mauley, being an old man, directed bis course to an old empty cotton-hous- e which was near for rsluge. Just as hn was entering the house Ihe (rog seized his coattnil, leaving him almost breathless and nothing but the shoulders and sleeves of his coat. A fovv minutes lster Burrows came near the house where Mr. Mauley had taken refuge, andsoelng Iho frog tusselhng with tho fragments of tho coat said to himself: " Has the frog torn Mr. Manley to pieces and now in its mad career is tearing to pieces bis clothes ?" The next thought that enterrd his mind was, "Where wns Will? Had he been murdered by tho mad monster?" Mr. Manley has been sufering from the shock over since While some of the reports about these monster frogs may Ao exaggerated, thero is no doubt that they aro dangerous. Their enormous growth is a mystery. 1HVEHT0R OF MATCHES. Holder Didn't Think Enough of Them to Get a Patent. It is not generally known that it is to Isaac Holden, M. I'., that we owe the in. ventlou of tbe lucifcr match. The dis. covery was, be has told us himself, the result of a happy thought. " In tbe morning I used to get up at 4 o'clock in order to pursuo my studies, nnd I used at that time the Mint and ateel, in tho use of which I found Tery great in- convenience. Of course, I knew, as other chemists did, the explosive material that was necessary in order to produce instantaneous light, but it was very diffi- cult to obtain a light on wood by that ex- plosive material, aud the idea occuned to me to put sulphur under the explosive mixture. I did that and showed it in my uext lectnre on chemistry, a course of which I was delivering at a large acad- - cuiy. . "There was." said Mr, Holden, ac rording to the Ml Mall Uai'ttt, " n yonng man in tbe room whoso father was n chemist in London, and he immediately wrote to his father about it, and shortly afterwards Inciter matches were issued to tbo world. I believe that was tbe first occasion that we had the lucifer match. "I was urged to go and take out a patent immediately, but I thought it was so small a matter aud it cost me so little labor that 1 did not think it proper to go and get a patent, otherwise 1 have no doubt it would have been very orofltable." "JBorrK.siMel norrte, 10 it $ttr o humble, ttor no plact Itkt noma," FtotUM Jt"feM TU WeBUVa WOaUKI ''v iiiaJmr'- - ,.&M$i5!S3l VETERANS OWN IT e) (fonlfnuea from rint ragM design. Is the stand for Commander-in-Chi- ef Palmer and bis staff and invited guests. 1 bis Is lu front of tbe ar Department, and Is much larger tban tbe one Intended for tbe 'Ibe stand for the accommodation of tbe 600 school children who ai o to cheer the vet- erans on their march by singing tbe National hymns and many of tho old war-tim- e songs, has been built on tbe corner of Fifteenth street, opposite the Treasury grounds. Urnml Army I'lare. The feature of to-d- was tbo Inauguration dedication of Grand Army Place, as It Is called, which Is the vast ellipse known as tbe White Houso lot, south ot the grounds ot the Kxecutlve .Mansion. It Is one magnifi- cent lawn, comprising many acres of ground, covered wltb well-ke- green and unbroken by a single tree or bush. un tbls vasr field bas been laid nut a repro- duction of tbe closing campaign of iho war ot the Rebellion by nn arrangement of tints and stands. In tbe centre of tbo field, representing lllchmond, tbe cnpltnl ot tbe confederacy, Is a commodious grand stand, mtrrotindlng It are myriads of tenls set apart lor and repre- sentative uf tbo position o, Ibo various army corps that wound up tba war. '1 o i ho northeast of Hithmond lies the Army ot the 1 otomac, comprising the cavalry, 'd, litb, Oth, otu, till, L'd and 1st corps, aud ai til- ler). T ot he northwest lies t he Ai my of tbo Cum- berland, tbe cavalry of Ibe West, the Arm) ot WestMiginla (Ktn torus), ibe Army ot the Ohio (! in corps), Ibe 4th corps, the 14th, the Provisional corps, the t!Oth (made up of the llth and l'.'lh). and the colored troops. 1 he Army nt the J ami s, tbe Klghteenth, Tenth, 'Ivventy.Iourlh and Tvvcnt).flfth corps, the prisoners of war. .Medal ot Honor Men and MUclds's Division occupy tbo south-easter- n part of the Pcld. Tu the southwest of ltlcbmond lies tho Arm) of tbeTeunessee.T'birteentb, Hftecnth, Mxle-cur- &oventeentb and seventh ccrps, tbo Army ot the Mississippi, Nineteenth Corps, Army t f the Gull and the naval forces. live great tents known as (Irani, Sherman, Sheridan, Meado and Thomas tents the lour greai divisions, in these fonts ot which (Irant tent Is tbo largest will be held the reunions of the various corps. The novelty of the ground Is the placo set apart lor the rctinlun vt the naval and ma- rine veterans, on which has been erected a reproduction of the lamous frlgnto hear-sarg- e. whlen sunk the confederate crulsir Alaoann niter she bad mado ber unparalleled record as a tlestroyei ol commerce. Home lew of tbe minor appointments of tbe old vi ssel, such as batches and Iho 1 ke, are leit off purposely lu order to mako room tor sittings, promenades and dancing. Two breech-loadin- g guns point out of tho forward ports, wnlch will te used for saluting purposes nnd to - Are down tbe ensign at sundown. Tu"l)ay' Parade. Tho Inauguration ot Orand Army riace was preceded by a norad". Tbo pi occasion consisted of five brigades commanded by den. hugeno A. Carrusa, as follows: Troop ot Iho regular army, naval batteries and marines. District National (luatd, post-- s or the Department of the Poto- mac, o. A. R., and !ons of eterans. T he procession started at 10 o'clock from econa street, west of the Capitol, and ed up l'ennsvlvnnla avenue to a stand In Iront of the Treasur), where It was reviewed by Morton. The main bedy of the procession continued on Us way by heveiitcenth street Into (irnnd Army place.the cat airy contingent remaining behind to lortn an escort for tho Vlco-l'rcs- i- delll. Hocauseof the number and variety ot tbo organizations In line tbe parade was very attractive, and Pcnns)lvanU avenue on both sides was lined vv lib people. To prevent tho encroachments of tbe great crowd the sidewalks on the lino ot march were strongly Inclosed bv a steel wire rope carried by heavy tlmoer supports, so the broad expanse ot .asphalt was left almost without obsl ruction for the use of tbe troops. The parade of regulars and National Guardsmen marched into the prepared In closure about half an hour before noon, which was the time set for the etenlses to begin, and came to paradc-re- st at their appointed places in tbo reserved space. At 12 o'clock- - au artillery salute from the guns on tbo fac Blmlle oi ibe Kenrsarge. lu the rear of the stand, sounded, and at 10. is a bugler from tbe United Mates Marine llund sounded Ibe nssejibly. comrade Mctlro) called tboso present to order, llcv. I). Payne, ot Florida, Chaplain. or tne u. A.. 1)., offered pra) or and made a special plea for tho restoration to health nt Mrs. Harrison, tbo sick wlto of tho absent comrade whom the) bad expected to preside over the ceremonies. '1 ho " lied, U bite nnd lllue " was played by tho .Marino Hand, and then commissioner John . Douglass, of the District of Colum- bia, gave assent on behalf ot the District, to the change of tbe name of the placo from White Lot to Grand Army place. There was a ripple of applauss wben Palmer, tu the o. A. it., was Unreduced to the assemblage to deliver tbo Introductory address. Ho snnke briefly, and In closing read Presi- dent Harrison's message of regret. Ho also announced tbat tbe President was compelled wltb great regret to withdraw bis Invitation to thu eirana Army to a reception In tbe W bite House on tbo evening of Wednesday, when be bad expected to welcome eacbot tbem. but ibat tbe bouso and grounds would be open and give a sllect welcome to tbe vet- erans. Tbe procession was officially reviewed from tbe grand stand north rf the War Depart- ment built for tbe Commandei of the O. A. It-- Ou tbo statin were Vice. 1'resiaent Morton, Senators .Manderson, Palmer and Proctor, officially representing tbe Senate of tbe United Slates- - Senator Paddock, (Jen. Mc- cook, Secretary of the senate, ana fcergeant-nt-Ar- Valentine. Gen. Palmer, Commander-in-- Chief O. A. It. nnd staff; (len. bchofleld and staff. Admiral Greer, Cob U. II. Itustea arid Dr. Krln Gardner. Tbe reviewing party descended tbe p'at-tor- m after tbo last company bad passed and taking carriages were rscorted to (). A. If. Place, where (bo dedication ceremonleB were to be held. Dedlralloa ofCranil Armv Place. The formal dedication was presided over bv A Morion, as tho representative ot President Harrison, wbo was detained at Loon Lake and from whom commander Palmer received a telegram expressing sin- cere regrets tbat be was not able to attend. VETERANS OFF TO WASHINGTON. Grand Army Men Fill the South-Boun- d Trains y. Every train out ot New York that bas Its destination southward carried away tbls morning some part of tbe great metropolitan contingent to tbe twcnty-slit- h annual mus- ter of tbe Union Army at Washington. New York aud Jersey City, Brooklyn and Hoboken, Newark and Long Island City, Yon-kcr- a, Mount Vernon and Staten Island all furnished their proud quotas of strong young men to tbe army Id defense ot the Union, and y tbe remnant ot bent and grizzled old warriors wbo bave exchanged muskets for walking stairs are responding to tbe call to tbo twcnty-slxt- h annual Encampment of tbe Grand Army of tbe llepublic New York's seventeen posts will be repre- sented by more tban S.fiOO veterans. Tbe largest delegation was thatot Koltes Pott, KSu men. Lafayette Post sends 1R5 men. Fourteen Brooklyn posts will be repre- sented by largo delegations. Long Island City's two posts sent 100 men, and Lincoln, Sheridan, Wood and Tucker Posts, ot Newark, go almost entire. Noah U Farnbam Tost, No. 485, marched down Park How and II road nay to tbe Penn- sylvania Ferry at u.ao tbls morning ln gay uniform and wltb banners flymg. About one hundred and ten members ot tbe Post were In line, and as tbey marched along with a military band at tbe bead ot tbe col- umn playing lively airs, crowds collected on tho sidewalks to watcb tbem pass. T here will be more tban one hundred thou- sand veterans at tbe capital by sunset to- night, and tbey will take possession ot tbe city of Magniacent Distance and bold her for a whole week. Washington has raised $300,000, and tbls added to the aioo.ooo congressional appro- priation will be erent ln tbe celebration. owing to tbo illness of Mrs. Harrison tbe President will not parilcipate In tbe Kncamp-men- t, but there Is every Indication tbal tbls will be tbe most memorable Encampment ln tbe history of tbe organization. There will be a great camp lira In Judiciary Hquarn will oocnr tbe grand parade with fireworks la tbe evening. Wednesday win M devoted to business t TOWasMsTtO PoW tHlUM M M8nttta aj V.Vi ' 'i;.,!. ...,,.. :.-:- -,' - - 'tf tho Pension Building, and tbe rest of tbe week to slgnt-seeln- Brooklyn will tie well represented at tbs encampment. Among the posts tbat started yesterday was Man iflcld Post, No. 35, Capt. M. Short commanding. Mayor and Mrs.Bood) and Father bylvester Malone wero guests. These posts started Oermar. Metternlch, No. Eastern District, Iff strong. Devln Post, No. 148, with Henry Draper! command, l-- '5 strong. I Winchester Post, No. 107, So comraol under command of John J. corbett. I William Lloyd Garrison Post. No. Sf under command of Charles F. McFarland. I (l. K. Warren Post, No. uso. no strong. I U. H. Grant Post, No. :i7, lfio men, unl command of Thomas W. Topping. I Abel smith post, No. 43o, 00 strong, I Dinlel Simmons commanding. I George C. Strong Post, No. 531, 100 stnL John W. Haynor commander. f. Henry Ward neecner Post, No.JO'JO, wl)t -- . represented by as members. mi b? ibe following other posts will be rB? J seuied: Thatford, No. 3: Barbara Frtctar" No. 11; Frank Head, Net. 10; First I Island, No. 84; James II. Perry, Nil-Ja- mes II. Kerswlll, No. 141); L. M. llaml" No. 132; N. H. Ford, No. Kit; 8. F. Dul No. 187: T. S. Dakln, No. yoo; Cisblnil 231; F.rastus T. Trett, No, 358; (J ltlcard, No. ao-J- ; Charles It. lloane, Nofr F. II. Mlddleton, No. r00; Gen. ,1. II. Mill son, No. 014; Michael W. Wall, No. OSfilr TWO HOSTILE PREACHER! - Communion Refused to Orand and Farmers' Alliance Me' M 1ST ASSOCIATED fSMl.t Galena, I1L, Sept. 10. Itev. John . worth, pastor ot a Lutheran church be ,, refused John Bass tbo sacrament becaL J" belonged to tbo Grand Army, and u1lt. blm to withdraw from tbe order or stan mi pended from tbe church. led Ills son, wbo has a country parish, I r fused communion to members of the ' ' Army and the Farmers' Alliance. snt Tbey Bay that tbe organizations are ral and tbat a ban bss been proclaimed by art synod against such bodies. ny - .R. Kennedy Burle "'i Tbe funeral services over tbe body late William II. Kennedy, tbo wepJ'int undertaker nnd wore he Btable at St. Andrews's church, corner cll'iri street and City II all place, wbero ' high mass of requiem was ceaT ' ' Among those wbo attenaed were pJbiing, tlces Dlvver and Grady, Deputy c--T task way, coroner Messemer, ex.Or Nugent, uichaKl cook, Danlel toter ma X. Jrttzfwald. K r t -- ' I I ,'4

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Page 1: Evening World. (New York, NY) 1892-09-19 [p 2]....T'"'Heeoril m .lllilnlchi. B. 'aatiw Since Dr. Byron'R midnight report no news BaSHK;a"sWlS' 1 bad been received from the loter bay


B '?''' K'fl' tmMinoplnlAnrrcardlngthccauseotdMtb, '

afar ,W riJWn1"te the Impression mat bo was reasou-- S

,'j', ' !v MT certain tbat Knox died irom a dtsuucieaf-a-r.

" iJ'Otttrtbinohcaera.Hj '?, He said tbat no quarantine bad been placed

bB 'KHw'V.Mtbetblp.andibeiowasmtlfllkellbood of,HD 'fc'' 1 acb action, as It was believed that there, .rasHaWr y aW Af o danger ot Infection emanating iruin theHH '. .BaVC - 'K!w Interest In til New Kruiiawlck Case.MMr i ' !,,". Pmldent Wilson said thst be knew hotblng

Hi" !'"it ettclalir about b cases of suppo-e- d choleraKf,' M'U ' M Naw Brunswick and other Now Jersey

Balaam. jr vV towns.K' V K? At lCo'clock It became known that nno of'v ." V the Board ot Health's nbislclans bad gone

LHif' - H(! wu to New Hrunsvvlck Iuhi night for thoBaawK if? E purpose of Investigating tbo Carr caic.flsWrf mtr Tbat tbe Board vvbh very inucb Interested4r ' in lua cats of carr as shown by tbo leaking

aaaVwB ,'!Lv !' out of ihelacttbatu had taken possesionLwavawavvl,'; K of lbs cnnal-bo- and bud placed a sanitary,

HiTl'i'i K policeman on board.LarM TSe boat Is Jjon moored at Ibe foot of

eBefci' Ml Taurtleth street. In tbo North Hirer, and willL 5r K' fcaneld tor several days.HaK'ffY flrJ President Wilson decided Just boforo noonLawK ':: rf to place tbe State ot Nevada undtr quaran. '

BaK i& '' tine, and this vt as done, n guira be ing placedW?''.-- 'HL'ffl on the ship similar to those on houses vv hei c

Krjr tRS'' cbolera bas occurred.aaY'$w aw). Cases Requiring Investigation.LHe'T'f The number ot dlarrhoeal cises demandingBavfafE'vl Investigation was not so marked this morn- -aVHlv, iBliVv ng. although tbo Inspectors of the liureau ofbbbyk'E' aK'Si'4 Contageous Diseases bad their hands lullD"r W--t with tbat line of work, 'lo anaaEK aTfci,( ' Wontn reporter Dr. Koberts said that since l

B. r K o'clock jesterdny morning at least tlfieeiiiHafaThlK K eases baa been investigated, but nn chuleiaWmi:.'- - ''Wfl was discovered. It was reported, however,

& tnattbero was a very suspicious looklngcisnIr 'sK ' In East Fourth street, where a loan had died

HLBkfc? iT In a state of collapso alter showing choleraHaaavY.? .K aymploms.HaKifVv iWLt Another man named bmltb died yester--HawE'iis !' day on tbe second tloor of the tenement at

HnW 't5 480 West Tblrtj-nr- -t street. 'lhH case washK') 'W'j. reported to tbo Health Hoard by Dr. Itnuney,HH' ;W ot 317 West Twenty-Dlni- h street, who de--

HsV rB Ured tbat It looked vtrj much llko cholera.

Hf? iWtf?l Qaarantlnr Noi In lie Itnlxril.bKS'' ' Vt-- Koberts was Indignant over tbe pub--

HbTswViV- - Ik llsbed statement that tbx quarantine In bornet ; of tbe bousos where suspected casos woresTsTsTsTat'!! H?i' toand would bo raised

V'P' ! M Quarantine will nut be raised on anyBBaK'''iP'1 'aW ' bouse where a death from cholera bas 01- -H.)K'r curred, or oven where there bau boon sin- -

K'! IK peeled cases," was Dr. ltoberu's tmplmlluf' iK remark. "At leait, there Khali be a kcvcii

BTaTsTsVit '' days' quarantine In every bouse," bo added,'1 'BV "and then there will beseonmoro dtyH ore Hit watching. Tbe utmost caro and scrutinyHk !w shall bo exercised wherever quarantine It

KvB?? stabltBhed. hu far aal know tho tlino ofr, isK'l quarantlnoln no bouse expires y andvU 5 flr t, will not for a week at least yet."

W.L7 'affi.' Dr. ltooerts said tbat Ibe lour ImmigrantHPff gtrls now Isolated In tbe heceptlnn HoipltalVf(! f.Bf'S were In good health, bo lar there bas beennmiy liaTKo no sign or sickness among tnoui. They willB v &WE4J be detained for a woeklongcr, howocr.

H 'vi iKf,1 Marv Uonnerly'a Ailment Not t'hnlern,Hb - KaVu It was said tbls morning tbat Jlary Con- -BwW), nerty, tbo servant girl who was plated in thoIsW KsTKi' i Boating hospital, and wbu bas tuined out tu

wrfvtinWra. ' De suffsrlngirom a disease other thuu cholera,afVFaK.'' Will be transferred to Btllevuo Hospital to- -WirTpaVu' day. Everslnco sbo was removed from theBlRan kotue at 8U-- J becoud avenue, a cholera sus--

flaViiiiMaW pact, she has been a source or much concernT)!1?! K--3 to tbe health ofnclals. Her ailment, It Is

IKI'VSHS 'd bas proven to be a blood disease.'.: S 11$ BtreeUCIeanlng Commissioner llrennan was

H9mk visitor at tbo Health Board Ibis morning.aKtf.K" Be came, be said, to shako bands with J'renU!lvM dent Wilson and Incidentally inquire If tbo

Utter tbougbt be was aiding him ull ho could.tj.''Wi' Htreeui'lealllna Ilepnrtmenl' Work.'rSStftyBm. The blf Commissioner went away smiling'RV JRff over tbe assurance from President Wilson!"s"R'H'Bt' tbat tbe BtreeUCleanlng Department wasWn & V . doing Its duty in tbo present emergency.iHJ S There will be a meeting of thu Health Hoard

:' Hr 'jRS, tbls afternoon.IfBsv 9A Tne twenty-flv-o physicians added to tbo

1 mfitV Bummer corps for service during tbo present,Mgif Httj emergency, were sworn In tbls morning, andtW&y. mv reported for duty to Dr. Koberts.

taWTif (Kc- llr. K4on C'onlradlrH Heporl..'t--f JBr Dr. Edsonwos much annoyed y over

' WtJ ,V tbe publication of an article in a morningiBf.f m", paper, in which ne was quoted as glilng tbe;iH,7 )K& Impression tbat In bis opinion Charles Mc- -aHRtrfl t Avoy, who ttleil Sept. 11 from Aslatlo cholera, i'.tlwl!,' acoomlnff to tbe biological examinations of

Mi-lmf- Ors. Biggs and Tlunbam, was not the lctimajtEi on bat disease.'i"--l V TsTsjS be urtlc.e formed an absorbing topic otjKHr'WhJi, Tlnorous discussion by I'resldent Wilson audmm'?,! Wt' lr. Bryanu

Hjw1 'J'aMbi "r dson assured bis superiors tbat be didHHUL-HKiLvJ-

iet for a moment question tun resultsnWc'JWscheo; by Drs. Blgga and Dunham, but, on

HPaTaHaB3r!vv Cas contrary, was satisfied with I heir dc--KKJnB-- w cisioo.lAWallfti 'Ibe matter was adjusted by a decision on

T Hs Hi tie I'an ' 1)r-- lon to write a letter tn tboUKp .Bf-X- i nrwspaper In question disclaiming the sentl- -ISwfjt. .KV mebis expressed In tbo article,fcK" ..f Qpeelng of Ibe matter Dr. Kdson said tnKfHC3 'lEt aa Kvsjiimu Wnuni reporter: "fcNou if I

r'SBf, W&t ttoujat Dra. Biggs and Dunham had roacbedLpwKVr Iw wrony conclusions 1 would not be unprotes-hfC--

BC cnoujh to say so In a newspaper.BmlB.i ft'. Mc.Vvoy, I am sat lstled, Cled from cholera. IIKAit ceTer for a moment (iLeJtlonrd It."BaViaViv Word was received at tSo Health Board

Wm. ;awiv tfl' tbe Acidcmy of Medicine would mert to--MfmtlMWt night to coccldcr tta llcud's Invitation toIV'tVi II Its tor righting oa a cboUsvH ''" c'ue;.demlc.

HBt Wh JiyIAS PXOVLK TO 1,.NI TO.DAV.K$mt ft'i'K ? AJerntri Ueports from (he Ships llrlil In

IU IK- ,Ue '"""r ,Ut''JtM?5!H. frni to thk KVFjiiKd wont n. I

r4sWiTfili tiCAKANTiNE, S. L, Sept. 10,-T- was

'IR''bI qUte a change of scene at both Upper andIpH. M-V-

i Lower Quarantine tbls morning. Tbo fleet otTR jmfS plague ships In tbe lower bay bad been de- -;Ki Ms creased by the removal of tbo ltugla, after

jHL'rM two weeks' rigid quarantine, to Upper yuar- -l fi anttne, and on board tbo MoraMa preparationsK! were being made for going up to the city and

"l'W Isntllng her passengers at Ellis Island.;,-

rlKv tk The ltugla will probably not go to bcr

Kit fe 4' 0Dce ma(le feady to put to Bea. Tbls Is also- 1'H'i P lbe DrCrammo ,or the Normaunla.

IK' It'1 The hucvla lno' HUlcU was detained at

RH K? Lower Quarantine, althoigb she as not anWi ' Infected ship, bad ttlo moM--d rp to the tiprnr

fSlB InV sutloii, where sbo will be held un 11 heriS Jtfl second cabin passengers hate nil bfn d slu- -!'E m, ' fected and the snij thorough!) mmlgatud.

Fhh &!! bbecaiile no steerage iiasbeufcers.UH1 fr 'fbo other bblpsaiuppir ijuainntliin lita ax sunrise tbls morning weie tbo irench lineri'tB ab LaBretagne, from Cherbourg hepu It), with

xHB Vt "" cdbn and bo steerage passengeis; theifijB Mftu Tblngvalla liner Nore. from Copenhagen;.IB lf. Aug. jo, with & cabin and 'i0. meeraiie pas.11 Bf senners: the Washington flty, a lirltlsh'' 'I ii tramp. Irom Hamburg Aug. ST. and the Cum- -

1 TftV br,t rrom Huella hep-- . 1.It 'Ri The Anenur litter Kurnessla, from eilasgow', ft'mMs Bepu 8 wltn OHU cabin passenijers and nos ? ?1SW steerage, arrived at U "f. tMi morning. All

tf-- l If on board are well, and the ship will probablyIf'1 l i'EJS. go up to theelty btroieotenlug. Among her ,

W!$ i .KC abln passengers ate l.W. hrnwn, I mted' "& States Consul at Ulasgo, and l'l of. Jerome .

11 TfeN Allen.K1 ' (KM Tbo Cambria was passed at 7.15 At 7.00 i

Rr i 'iaWiu KIMar Irom New Orleans arrlted and wasKl passed nve minutes later by Dr. HJiiborn.K 'JBeS- - Iberolsno slcknesi on the Norgeortbe1

'' t iBS, tVasbington city, but as the latter comes .aTf ' X .BlL t70"1 Hamburg, although she has no pussen- -fc'.J ..Mti gers,sbe will be held Indefinitely.BWii ffl&Wi'f. TheNorgewjll bo. held for several da s. al- -K'iT jWS)'' though she comes from uninfected ports, i he

V ,' Noofo Is locludod under the Federal twontj- -K! aaHrL day regulation.

S "laM,.' T'"' Heeoril m .lllilnlchi.B. 'aatiw Since Dr. Byron'R midnight report no news

BaS ;a"sWlS' 1 bad been received from the loter bay up tu ti i

HK mSH1 o'clock tbls morning.HH EwS;' Thero were three deal bs of child) en 3 r &tr-- 'Hj iBff day, one eaca on tbe Bohemia, hcandia andafaTK SV ) Wyoming. Only the death ou tbo iiohemU IsBTaTanaT ai.? believed to be Irom cholera, however, the '

bbBSSiaVV-'- ; others resulting iro.n measles, out bis basis.Ws;tv6 including the inlrty-sete- n patients uliore- -

'EWVh covered from the cbolera, tbe record of deaths ,

K'Hqfi' and slclcibla morning was as follows:

Efl? r?V Blip. St ( IM rrt. du(A, fitrk rtiir""if MorsiU.... U'i 1 VI 'J J 3BTaTaTaTavH'lV V Venuanto a 11 la ii 41' hWls 4 6 U 14 31X, wTamlu.. 0 1 lllBLIKV i

SSbjaTaad JO J 0M;t Sabaual,.. 11 1 U 41 63

l ToUll...... 16 3J 96 10J Iu7

stTaW M.uV, ;i Wyemlna; on Ibn Plague Hhlp I.Ut.HaK''' Dr. Byron's diagnosis ot tbe dlseasootoneH aV.V"' c' tae fereson cbUdien as ouolera, brings tbe

V' Wyoming back Into tbe list of plague shlpj.BTaTaTMaTariit hit Bar cabin passengers, although they refuseda'aaTaVS 'A'.v I to go SaturSay, yesterday went willingly tobbHI W WsL Island.

KflaW ',:. ik. To-da- y ber steerage passengers, with thoseBTaTaTaMi yi'Ut of tneocandla, will go toBoflman Island toBTaTaTaaTHl i'ax', tako tbe pities of those from tbo Normaunla

Kv- JA ' Bugl. wbo were tionsferred to campBTafaTaMaW (A.B Low, Sandy Hook, yosteidiy. y. also.bbbbHbV ' J&. sM Kuirta's cabin passengers will be releaMidBTaBTaTaTnW IJftJ'il Irosn the. Ner llatnpjhlruuiid wrnt directly toK '' iCl i..ucuy. 'a ,'. - r.,bLbH ', liMX Bewsala'soabw-passenger- s will go tobTs'b'sTsTsTsTK. ' -- ??,, ;Kew4laBina4ilre, but sier steerafe peopleiH '.fiwlUr4aa on board the skip until room is

LJt ' ttJSrTtlKsji on Hogtflaa. island by tbeItt v MMrj(JINafMwauajLOW.

'morrow, but ber crow will not te allowedaboru leat o lor several da s.

Hie trausrrr boat Mlilam Fletcher cameup to quarantine this morning at it) o'clockfor water, preparatory tu removing theWyoming's and wcandlu s steerage passengersto Hoffman Island, which. Dr. Jenkins nald,would be dona Immediately upon bcr if turn.

Jenkins on Ihr Nrvmtn'a Cmr.Dr. Jenkins was very much astonished when

Informed ihls morning that a death had oc-

curred among the crew of the btato of Ne,ado. suspected to bo from Asia! la cholera

and tbat another member uf tbo crow wmsick.

"I cannot believe,' bo said, "that thodeath mentioned was dun tu cholera or thattl.oro was any Infection aboard tbo ship whenshe was tic ared Niliirdu).

"Tho stntcot Netadu arrived on the nightof the 14th, and was t no llrst to enme undertho l'nsldent's proclaim! Ion directing thatnil foreign ships carrying Immigrant passeu-gor- s

bn detained twenty days. 1 had resolvedto hold the ship for tho period mentluiiod.unless directed to release tier by the leilcralauthorities, wtnthor t.r not thiro were anysuspicious circumstances connected with hervoyage. Mho sailed fimn Ulnsgow, which Isnot mi Inieited porl.hept. y, and was

twvlic da)s at sea. 'lhcro was nonci.nc.ss ninon thu cu-- or passengers dur-ing tho voyage, but nevertheless thu steeragennd baggage wi re fumigated en route andevery precaution taken to prevent the break-lu- g

nut ot any contagion." On arrival here thn was again fumigated

under tho direction of Dr. 'lallmndgc, who,with the assistance of Dr. tanborn, made aciireiul examination ot every person aboardthe ship. 'I bey were found without excep-tion to bo In good health.

Ilrlrimnil on Ihn Cnllrelnr'n tlnlrr." When the Steamship Company wj In-

formed of the fact the oRlcrrs appealed to niuto release tbe ship, which I could nut do. 1

did. honever.glve them u clean hill of Imallh,which they piesenied to collector Hendrickswith tho icbuU that an order was Issued hybin,, wall tho sanction of tho treasury De-partment, for the releaui of tho Nevada.This was Herved upon mo and I al onto al-

lotted thu shin to pass." I am convinced that there was nn conta-

gion or Indications of Inlrctlou aboard thobbln when she loit Quarantine."

" -- liouid you bavu released t bn ship ns enrlvas j on did had not Collector Hendricks'sorder been herved on you?"

'So. 1 would have hold her twenty daysIn cnutormlty to tho proclaimlion."

Itegsrdlng tho cases of cholera reportedfrom Kllzabeth and Now Brunswick, Dr.Jenkins said be could not account for Ihcm.

Vrllovv I'ln on llnbemln Aaala.It was reporlod Irom Handy Hook at 11

o'clock that tho yellow flag Is up un theBohemia.

Dr. Kenyon, of tho Marino Hospital serviceat Washington, nrrlvcd at Quurantlno thisforenoon and held n cunlcrcnco with lir.Jenkins. He declldcd to stale tbe object oflilltlsll.

Dr. Tallmadgo and Snnborn say that theroare probalil) new cbs alioardtlio Bohemiaor sbo would not ny the illow tlag. No re-

ports from boner Quarantine bavu been re-ceived this morning.

Tho National llnu steamship Canana, fromLondon Sept. U, bus arrived at Upper Quar-antine.


Knox's llenlh Deelnrrd In llnvellrnii Due lo Olhrr Cansea.

It was reported ln several morning papersy that John Knox, forty-on- o jcars old, a

fireman on thu Allan Ma to line stcambblpState of Nevada, who died at 7 o'clock lastevening, bud shown alt tho symptoms ofAsiatic cholera, and that tbo ship bad beenquarantined.

Capt. Maine, of tho Novada, toll an Kvin-in- o

Worn n reporter this furenuou tbat Knuxbad died from dlarrhma nud that thero wasnot at any time a belli f that bo had cholera.

" Ho sailed irom (llasgnw Sept, ii." said tbecaptain, "and we have nut been exposed tocholera. Knox wa a ratbir uollraio man,and bas been III for some lime. Wben bedied 1 notified the health oDlcers, as I am

required to do in cases of death whilewu are ln poit.

" Dr. ItolicriR, of tho Bureau of i ontaglousDiseases, visited tho ship last night, but didnot oven suspect that Knux mlgnt htvadlolof cholera.

"Wo came Into port last Wednesday, andbavlngexnlhltedaclotu bill of health worenot detained at Quarantine."


Neither Wnn from Cholera-- A New Caserrom Ihr llnhemln,

ffrvruL to th rvEHiitn wnntn.lQCiHiKTINE. S. I., hept. 11). 'I ho follow.

Ing despatch, dated Swinburne Island 1.1)5r. h. has been received by Dr. Jenkins fromDr. Byron:

" Dr. Abbott Is just back from tbe ships.Ho brings two bodies from tbe Scandla, tboseof lleglna tlestoff. aged slxty-sl- who diedot heart failure, and ibrltllne Uclson, agedelgbt months, irom marasmus.

There Is one new patient Irom steamshipBohemia, NcholenCbaiun, aged sixteen years.

" With this exception oui patients are outof danger, and the Island will soon bo freofrom cholera patient s."


Mouth rihorr Itealdrnta Itenllrr Ibe Fn.tlllty of Oppoalna llie Hinlr.

orvruT, to Tna kviminiv wntiLnBasvlon, - I., Sept. lb F.vcrythlng Is

quiet tbls morning along tbo south shore,frum Babylon to Sa) villa, 'iho general feel-ing prevails among tbo natives tbat, now tboW) outing's pnsbengers have been quietlylanded ou Klro Island, there u llttlo usuof opposing tbo si tie health authorities ex-- it

jit thiough legal channels.Lawyer W. I'. Head, who bas been the

frlmo mover In tho opposition to the use ofIsland station. Is Mill active, iokci her

with hugeue 1 Ischel, his purl tier. In causingfurther complications, aud Mr. Head aatatbat tho Board uf Health ot Islip will meet to.night, but what action would bo taken Mr.ltend rroiessed not to know.

1 he fact that the notice I o quit within threedajs, served on Managui Wall list Saturday,expires ), It Is thuughl will Induce tholocal health board to send hnerirf Darling anda posse aenss tho bay to enfurce tho order.

Fnay in Induce nn Outbrenk.There Is evident an under current of

among the clttimners, and It wouldtako very little to cnu-- o another outbreakhliould opportunlt offer to reenpturu UruIslanl. The belter classes of South rtUnroresidents ure now realising that no lastingbud results will lollott, provided tho island Isonl us d as a temporary refuge.

crl Mired Wngstaff, who summers here,said to an Kw.m.vi Would reporter thismorning:

" Ihn newspapers are giving the public awrong liupresslun concerning m altitude. Iam not opposed In tho ot FireIsland as a temporary retugo for healthy pas.sc ugers from Infected ships, but 1 do not favjrinuutni' It a puruauent iiuarautluu station.

"I very rrlustanlly signed the protest toiiov. Flower, stiuda) week, toiethcr with It.D. HUllman nnd (.tn.Ii.auo catlln I am satis,fled tbat the business Interests on the southMiore ot Long Island w 111 not surier, providedlire Island Is only used lemoorarllj,''

No Miknrn on I Ire Islnml.The telepbonu lHHweon Uabvlon mil lireIsland Is now working adrnlrnbl). I ho report

Irom the surf llot'l at ii :iu o'clock was thatthere vvai no Mokness there, and evert bodvwas happy.August llnlmont Is here and has tenderedthe use of his Rtriim launch tn Hi. ulghi andand Manager Wulu 'ihls will render coin,

inuiilcatlon between the tualuUnd and thoIsland much moic rapid.At ti o'clock the soldiers nlleved Irom duty

by thu arrival of tho last detachment fromllrookljn. left Flro Island nnd took the 10.10train for home. col. Austen went with tin in.rerenl).sovcn inea. uuder of capuliooige 1). Husjcll. of cumpanj C, arrived ontl o o..")0 train from Brouklyu, ana crosssdovet to Flro Ulaud.

They will repel any movoonthe part of tbonatives to regain mses.sinu of tbe Islandatter Ibe notice to quli bas expired. Theroare now isj oniccrs and men on Flro lslaud.

Sbcrirf Darling, of Mirtolk county, declaredto a reporter this morning that he should actonly upon orders from (lov. l lower, andshould the resolutions adopted bythe lsllp Board of Health.

WHO I.F.T Cll tl'IN ASIIOItlff

Tbe Kx.VInror Will Nol 1 xnnrrnle Jen-kins nor Tell Mow lie Lauded.

A, great deal o comment bas peon causedby Ibe statement that Cbapln, ofBrooklyn, wbo was a passenger ontbe Hamburg-America- n racket tteam-anl- p

Fuertt Bismarck, which reachedQuarantine at a o'clock Saturday

an4aCsTal oaUwmpton, sjM I019WMWL'ib''. ' 'it) ii1 t ,. , i ,,.

leavo the ship before the pissengers badmade and had turlr bag-gage examined by thu Customs authorities.

'lbs Fuirst lllsmaick, alter some delay, wasgranted a penult to land by tin) Health um-cc- r,

and reached the Hobo.en pier Saturdayevening.

Itlssaldlhat Mr. Cliapln was not amongthe passongern when the landing was made,and that bo called at the Custom. House

inaku his declaration and explainwhy he came nshoru without a p rinlt.

It has lieen clnlmed that 111. Chapln wastaken on biard the nnicers' tug andlamli'd utstntcn Island, (.iriylng part uf hisbajrgago with Mm.

Ihls Is denied by Dr. Jenkins, who sijs Mr.Chapln was taken on by tho Miure Inspec-tor s boat (lov. Hill.

I rtcilved a letter from a Mr. Kelly, oflliookljn, several days ago," slid Dr."nl.lng that Mayor l huplii bo lenulttedto leave the Fiiersl ana I

replied that bn would be treated ixaetly nswi re Hie oil, cr passungerN. Any Htaleiiienttbat .Mr. ( n ipln was taken on In the Quur-ami-

UU Is absolutely falK"."'Inn ( usloiii.tlouse authorities claim that

they arc Investigating tho urralr, ami thai, ItIt Is found that Mr. Chapln vlolalid the lawtho captain nt tho l'uersl lllsiiiarck will bollabloina lino or 1,01)0.

An l.v simi w oki t report) r cillrd nt Mr.Cbapln's house In llruoklyn y and foundlb it Mr. ch ipln's lainlly Is staj lug nt I.unut,Mass.

Mr. Cbapln was atterwnrds found In tilsoffice at in.' liroudtta). Ho refusid abso.lutely to explain how he came ashore ui whoallowed him tu leave Iho Fucrst lllsuinic-A- .

" I violated nn customs law, or any rule oftbo Quarantine nutlinrltt-s- , and thut is all Ican tell you,' wore his exact words.

" If Dr. Jenkins was no', responsible for g

j ou come ashore win .ou not reliavoblmof suspicion by saving sot"

"No; I will as) huinlua.""Will) on si wh'liiirll Is true that ton

camo aihoro bunio tlm other pissongtrH?"l'l wilt not. on tho other slila tliey havo

no Mich nonsemo as cpiar.intluo laws, laParis a man can gowinrctci he wan' h to,"ad led Mr. Chapln, with a tlngo of anger Inhis accent.

Then you are not In favor of quarantinelaws"

I won't say another word," concluded Mr.Ch iilu.

(yi'AHANTlNR, S. I., hopt. 11). Dr. JonHnssuld to an i:v .mni Wuni nrcporur this fore-non-

"Ihcre was no fivoiltlsm shown In Mr.Chapm whatever. Ho was not nil mid toleavo the ship until tho Vessel was form illyreleaicd from Quaratiilne. 'Ihen. bj ptrmls-slo- n

uf Collectnr llendilclis, ho was allottedto go up on thu revenue outter. It was per.ftcily proper und entirely rogular."


Dr. Ilamlllon Klrka tbr TurbiilrnlMecoud .Hale ol tbr Kuain.

irrvriAt to Tiir vtfnimo won? t. i

Cmp Low, Bir,nv lloox, ScpU 11) lliuformal opening of camp Low and tbo deel ira.tlon of strict quaraullno wllbln Its lines bus,within loss than twenty-fou- r hours, turned adeserted beach into a small town, allvo withtho Mir and buslla ot l.O.'iil poo; le, spaakluguenrly every language under tho ami. '1 he700 detained persons who were landed heruyesterday from Hoffinnn Islind Includeforty-llv- c Americans who weru cabin pasicn-ger- s,

but were cjinpi-lle- tn return home InIho steerage owing In the lack uf pinpei ne.eommodatloiM provided lor III- - Sumiiu r inli-ne by thu lluinliurg.Afmrlcan 1'uckelCuii.pauy.

'Iho camp was reinforced al 7.110 thismorning by the arrival uf thu steam i Will-iam Metcber with ll'iil people irom iho lieir-mn- n

Ulind detention hospital. Ihn new ar-rivals were very Inuignsnt al the llolliuuuIsland authorities, who sent them awayirom there nt 6.4fi o'clock without an) thingIn enter drink. It was 10 o'clock before theycuuld bo led here.Dr. Ilntnlllun Kleka the ltuln' Jlnlr.

'1 he sufferings of tbo women and childrenns the) werodttalned In the broiling nun onthnvvharf heie vvero pltllul lo behold, thochildren crying loudly fur water, whll .sec-ond linker I'orehlus, of the ltugla, who camedown In charge of tho now arrivals, shoutedaud ordered tbe poor people about. 'I hi,olllcer has been plnied by ihn Citiiipiuy Inrniitrul ol the imtnlgrnnts miring inelr en.forced eunflueniini. Ills e, unmet here thismorning, wbllo thu Immigrants were wallinglulio register! d, unnojul the ininponiccrsto such un extent thaiHamlllnu rushed up to hlin and sellng himby the throat shook him until his eyes bulgedout ot his hotd ttlihieiror.

" If I sen vou Interlero with any one In Ihlsihundercd den. Ilamlllon, "III put

)ou In lions"'Ibti mate began to explain tbat ho was In

chaigii of thu Immigrants, bin a vigorouskick from the I niiiiuuiiilaui-- s bout scut himInto n coiner, wbire ho miiitend curses onever) thing and tbe (leneial In particular.

Nome nfllin isenndln's 1'rniilr Mrnr.(len. Huinlltim was hlglil) Indignant on

finding among this moiuing's arilvals tlilr-tecu-

the .scandIVs passtugirs, who havobeen on swlubiirne Island during tin Ir

Ho loudl) dennuuied Dr. Jenkinsforaeudlng these peuplohiro tn mix withpeople from Hoffman Inland, who have notdov c loped any slckmss.

Investigation shotted that seven of thesepeople were discharged troin Swinburneisland Sept, 14, four nn tho follow Ing de) andone Fruity and )esterday respeeilvel).

Assault us Leu. Hamilton found nut M'lsstaloof affairs bo hud the scandla's peo InIsolsted. nr.il they will bo quartered by t lie

In new bai rucks now being erected..11 r. ehrlilt'a t'omplnlul.

Jacob ,,clildl,of 'J.I7 'third avenue. NewYork, Isaiuoiig the Amerlcancltlciiscmiuiiedhere. He has two children with him, und tilswile is laid up In ( .imp sum ring frum llmessncc.ial int d b) bnv lug lieen i omnelled m leepIn a room on Hoffman IrIiuu, tno Hour ufwnlch was comtnuil) wet. During thuwoman's dotcnl ion at llnrtiiian I shin sue fellthrough tho cut un wlihh Mie was I) Ing andgave prematuio birth to u i lit la.

Mr. Scheldt alleges that the surgeon nn theisland refused to attend her lot neurit anhour, unci then bont her a mustard plaster.Her condition is now verv

Holarnocas-so- f sickness are n polled Intbe camp, but the heulth records will notcontinue as clean as in piesent unless sameother method Ueninrctsi for the removal orrefuse without wheeling It past lung lines uftents occupied b) detained passengers.

A Poller Sjslim I '.nblMied.Dr. Hamilton has announced as tlu result

of the trouble here this morning that ho willestablish a police system In camp and sitaside iwo rooms as cells lor tho ilelenilon ofoffenders. A rumor Is current heio thu thotug 'lallsman, which Is being use! nsa despatch boat by the commandant, buslieeu elr.ed and quarantined up the ha) byorder of Health (inicer Jenkins, (.en. lliunll.ton has telegraphed for particulars, and ifthis Is true will send tbo revenue cutter(Hint to reenpture tbo tug ami tulnghtrhere. She carries official sturos and mull, aswell as tho stores fur the leporters, win willbiunshurl rations If tho does uularrlvo to.ulght.

A machinist and two firemen were foundarming the detained pastcntcrs and weruhired to work In tbo camp steam laundr),which tt in be ready to go lutuopi ration to-morrow.

(len. Hamilton wlrodloinmindant Krbcn.ofthe Natj-lur- tosend two steam launchesforusohiroaa patrol boats along tbo campwaterfront. Tbe V'nlted .states steamshipNantucket has been ordered hero for guarddut) aud will arrive Wednesday

A IMI'Fl'.ltllM I. l Ql AltANTINi:.

Illallnrllon llelttren 'I'tt rrillr-Du- m nnd1 wrrdlr-llr- e I uiiinH ( olilint-IH- .

Statcn Islanders are asking questions abouttbo distinctions made at ijuaranttnc I lit y

say that lasi saturda) tho transter U.iiWilliam Hetcbcr, nbhh uuder quarantinesel.ure has been transit rrlug tbe tick, thew ell and the dead nt the luvver statloi, cameto tho upper Quaraullno dock and wasmoored thero from 10 a, u. until 6 r i.

Not only tbls, but Capt. Muller, ot tboI'lett her, ashore and mingled with thenewspaper men and others. Dr. Jenkins wascertainly atture uf Ihls, tho statcn Islandershay, becauso Capt. Muller visited tbo HealthOfficer's house

When the slorni-tossc- d Cenheus, drivenfrom Ure IM ind, camo up to I'pinr Quaran.Hue for coal and water, having ou board thostt'oiid cabin ptsseugersot tho .Normaunla,not one or the itiary pashengers was allowedt i put his foul nu snore lent he might pussl.blv xpread the dread Infection.

ivt tUht burly policemen, who had beenwith the quiittiillned passengers lor fort) --

elgbt hours, umeslralnedly elaiiibered on thedock, walked ashore, aud even got a meal be.foro they relumed.

'Ibentiitcu Islanders are not alone In ask-ing questions about the difference letvveentweedle-au-ui and tweedle-de- e. From lireIsland It Is reported tbat people from shorecan mix wltb tbe detained passengers com-paratively unrestrained.

Dr. Volght, tt is etld, baa been so negligentMtOtaUtTtBtO MMBPttt (aPPttbtaa MT;4.. ly, .. ., V '" " ' I," , fl ' "I

ernl passengers who, by bribing baymtn, areto nave escaped.

'Hint iho Quarantine regulations should beso rigid wltn regard lo some nnd so

, lux us to others Is therefore becoming a matttr of comment.


Another Uelnrhmrnl af Ike Tblrleenlb(Irdrred on Doty,

Another detachment of tho Thirteenthleft for Ure Island nt 8 HO tbh

morning. Capt. (Icorge 1). ltussoll, of com-pany C, was In command. 1 ho detachmentnumbeicil kcvcnt).nvo men.

Capt. .1. 11. ltusM.ll, ot company F, audI louts. H)crs and Jounlngs accompanied thodetachment.

Capt. Cochran, of Company I, has been at1 Ire Island for bcccrul clnjs with l."i(i men ofthe Thirteenth TUo attitude of the peopleot lsllp led lo the call tor mom troops, andCol. Austen Issued a tall )estenlay after- -i,o in for luotiiin in leave-- vtitbhlm lor Baby-lon Inst night, only thhty-ilveine- u could bolound. Ho took these and left orders lor themiiaindarilo follott this morning Adjutant(lj)tor and Quariermisiir Werner are atHub) Inn with eol. Austen. Oitilunnccicrgt.Julius MoNovlh Is now lu charge of tho'thirteenth's Armor).

'I he UnpresHlon among the men who remainbehind Is tbat tbo nun who have been nt

Iro island Ibe last week will be relieved bytho nctt --comers y.

I ii i: co.mii8sio.vs run nit".Allrsnltnn that Dr. Jenkins Una lunored

Ihr Slain (uarnntlnr llonril.'Iho following Interosllng stateinint was

mudo by ah eminent lniv)cr ot thiscity:

" The pasiongers of tbo steamship Wyom-ing did mil snow ibat Instead of b) openlyrebelling against tbe order ot Dr. Jennings tohi- - transferred to Flro Island they could havont tiled tho transfer bt-- npfeallngngulnst thediclslon to the Quarantine commissioners

" Iho Quurnnilno Iswb am llttlo under-stood. Kveu Ihn Commissioners themselvesuio hoinowhat befogged as lo their roweisana jurisdiction. Article 117, thapter 4N0 oftho law, approved by the Governor Ma) fi,lsii'i, si) a:

Any sccrlcvtil by nnv rfeclnlo'i or dlree.IIimi if the Mfaltli Oftlcfrmay idpaI thTpirjm tntheursntlun I iiniinUriloua.R. who mIiaii ,mttt.tiitn a Hoard of Ap,Al. wlilch niaj alttini. rn.nriaor I Illy ttm nruir of dlruott in upUHalsd from,anil whoHfl doll jn thnraon aball ba linal.

'I he law sa)s that the appeal must bemade by serving a notlco on the Healthonicir within twelve hours, and the Healthonhir within twclvo hours niter receivingsuch notice shall make .1 return to the Presi-dent of Ihn Hoard, who shall Immediatelyrail a meeting of the Hoard, and the appealshun bn decided within tweut).four hours.'I ho npp al nets us a stay of the oi Iglnal oi der.

Man) inquiries have been male as towhat tho Qunruiiilno Commissioners aren ally doing lu thu present eincrgi ncy toguard Now .nrk Irom cholera, and how tarthat authoiiiy extends. 'Ihctr urtlc-- hasbei u dall) overrun by people anxious tu learnabout tho det lined al Quarantine andthe lenplo aboutd the ships, llie ( umiuls-sinne- rs

could give but Utile Information,'llio) would sit) they weiouxpecllng to hearfrcm Qunruntl-ie- , but all their informationcame tu them thiough thu nettsp i ers.

"It niiiti lo bu umlirsioud that the Cominlssioiiurs were nolhliig morn than Hie cus-lo- dl

ins, t r J.uiltom, ol tho buildings on Swin-burne and Huffmaii lslanils. for which theydrew each a sal it y of y,.")00 a ytar. 'Ihlsvv as an insult to tho dUnlty of tun men, i uchuf whom Is wealthy, and one of whom is saidtoshape tbe utilities of staten Island Theychufeil unue-- tho rollectlon nnd tried tu rt

their authority, ihey fill aggrievedagainst Dr. Jeuklns. who totally ignoredtlu in Hi all arrangements for delulned pas.suugeis. They were especially angr) ni notbeiug consulted about tbo selection of FlroIsland.

"Article HI of the Quarantine law tn)sthat thu Health nRI'-ei- - slnll boaid everyluariintlnnble vessel and Insiieol the bill of

hi nil li, manliest and health ot all persons nniMiurd. nnu 'ahull leport the facts and hisconclusions and espcclallv tho number ofsick piisuns ou board and Ihelr diseases lothu Qtinrutitlno Commlssloneis ' 'I he

ul consiaeruhlo expense, bad awire laid tn connect their onico, 71 Broad tt av,wiih .swlnhurno and llorrmun Islands andQuniniitlnc. and engaged two operators, togi I Iminodlato Information. But thej onlyget orders mr muro provisions over the wires,while iniormallou still toa-o- s through thonevtspupera."


Ilrnllh Aiilliurlllra Ilnvr Hun IloirnI. verv Itetiorlrd '.naprel."

Health commissioner Crlftln, uf Brooklyn,denlid this morning thut thero tteroan) casesof cholera lu thu clt). Inspectorsha 1 been aent t ) tho bouses of several "

and reported that all the cases weiecholera morbus.

Mr. orinin has Invited the followingtn meet him this afternoon to ennfor

uu the question ot further precautionsiigalnstthe lauding uf the clnlera : Drs. I).(1. Ilndklti, J. II. Kaymoud, (Icorge tt. Mi

. I". (). 1! I'nvvler, It. C. Moffat,A. N. bell, I., llasbrouck and Harrison W nils.

M II. 1, MAIL FOIt HA.tlBI'Kli.

Iunrniiflnrd from n Fever'SiiApfi-lri- lrihlp. but Was Hrlrnaed

IserciAi. to thr rvrsiso wonm.lQt'AiiiMiM, S. 1., tepu 10. Among the

' passengers who will sill ou tbo luersl Bis-

marck is tmsiav Sanders, wholives near Hamburg.

Hu uirlved al Quarantine Aug. un thosteamship Iroquois from Charlestou, eu routefiom Augusta, i,a. 'Ihcre was fever on boardthe Iroquois, and altbougb Sanders was en-- Itlrely well, ho was quarantined on llorruuuIsland and was kepi Iheie, with tbe hundredsof chobra suspects, until saturdav, when bewas brought up to t pper Quarantine uu thetug Archibald W utls.

Ho was not allotted tn leavo the tug, how.ever, and ate and slept on board until '

when Dr. Jenkins concluded he was lurmie--and allowed him lo go up to ibe clt).

.llnyor (.rant Nut (lolnc lo Fire Island.''1 here vv as a rumor afloat tbls morning that

(len. Purler and Mayor (Irant weru to visitI Ho Island Both (Ion. Porter and thoMayor denied that they had any such Inten-tion.

"I leavo lor Aloany tbls afternoon," saidthe (lent ral to an Kvknimi 'Worui leporter,"where 1 expect to remain for three da)s."


Illlynbrili Itospllal Nurars, llnwrvrr,Quit the Service In Alnriii,

irrrcui TotuiirwniiwiHts.iKiiAiirnt, N. .1., Sept. nt

tin (11) llcsfltal here omclall) declare to-il i) that John Mule, who was tclleved la.stnight to bed) lug wltb Asiatic cholera, basonly aver) severe attack of ch ler.v morbus.

Clt) l'b) Milan O'llclll), who diagnosed tbocao)csterit i) aud sent the man to tho bos.pltal, tat I to an Kv bsimi W oki n reporter trwdaj thu he Is sitlvOcd bo was right lu bisJudgment ot Ibe case.

'Hie man Is still allre, and II is tbougbtnow will He lived at Ull Courtstieet and has teen a year tn tbocountr).

President Whelan, ot tbe lie an! of Health,has just cent a telegram to Mr llnut. Presi-dent ot llio Mato Board, to come al onco totllzubeih an l investigate for himself.

A telegram has also been sent ty the Boardot Hr.Ui n to Dr. JaeobI, ot New lork, askinghim to send lo tllr.abjlh an expert lu cholerasymptoms.

'l ho nurses at tbo bosplt tl all left tblsmorning ralbcr tbin run the rhk ot beingquarantined. Several pailt-nt- s in the Insti-tution who were able to walk have cuo, it Issaid, 1 ft.

I Is This foung McPnorson?lrtciAi.TOTrvtxivi) woat.n.t

Bath Hiacu, L. L.Bept. 10. The bodr of aboy about six ) cara of age was washed ashoreat Bath Peach tbls morning. The descriptionot the bxiy corresponds with tbat of Alex-and-

Mcpherson, Jr.. tbe story ot wbosa dis-appearance la tola in another column. Tbecoroner biro atUBttaAettyouag iicftttnoa'aparrot ,A

' r-3ta-fc



New Brunawick Dootors Agreethat Oarr Had the Plague.

All the Canaller's Symptoms Indi-

cated a Sporadic Case.

Olllclal Precautions Allay the Alarmor thit Public.

lrr?At to inr rvrsisn wor.n.lNrtv UauhstvicK, N'. J cpt. 10. Members

of tho medical profession and the local cealthaulliorltlesof this ilty are unanimous In theopinion tbat the disease to wnlch Capu JamosCarr has lallcn a victim Is a genuine caee ofAsiatic cholera.

At the same time it Is belloved tbst there Isnol tho slightest dinger or further spread ofthe Infection here, and tbat tbo precautionswhich slread) been taken will effectu-ally stamp out tbe disease.

'1 ho house where Carrdled bas been strictlyquarantined and no one lj allowed to leavo orouter the building. A guard of armed police-men has been stationed near It by order otthe(nmmon Council, nnd they will remainnn dut) as long as there Is any danger iromthat source.

j '1 he doctors say that tne case Is one of asporadic character, the eact origin ot whichltlsalwa)s very dltilcult lo trace. In thopresent Instance, however, the fact tha.Can was brought Into contact with the pestfleet at Lower (quarantine affords a sufficientexplanation of tho manner ln vvblch bo mightnavo becoino tutectcd.

nirr was captain of the scow Harry Cahlll,which loy at the MxteentU stieet dumpduring the latter part ul August and early Intho piesent month. During tbls tlmo Carrwas employed In taking coal down to tbo pestships lu thu loner barbor.

Carr s wife and child wero with him on tbeboat inostot tho time. A few days ago tblschild was taken sick with a dlarrbccal com-

plaint, und the em Ire family went dow n to Newllriinstvlck to the borne of carr's brother.ln.law. Juhn Cnnuoll). Carr was taken sickattc--r bis icturu to Ihu house Saturday night.Ho hid been on a spree for several da)s. Nophy It Ian was called ln till yesterday morn-Ih- h.

when Dr. A. . N. Unldtvln, wbo hap-pened to be pni-ln- was asked ny ( onnollyto como lu unci luok at.hH brother-in-la-

'llio doctor found cnrrln a stato of col-lapse, his holy being cold, bis lace blue andbis hands shrivelled. He had neen vomitingand purging violently. Allot thes are char-acteristic )mttutnsof true Asiatic cbolera,und the doctor at once diagnose I the case assuch und repoited It immediately to tbehealth uiitborltles.

e arr died at T.tIO r. m., and as soon as thenews spread about tbo town the Inhabitants,u.tpeclall) thoMi In the locnllt) where Con-nolly lived, became very much excited.

'1 he authorities wanted to quarantine carr'srelatives lu the old small-po- x hospital inCommercial avenue, but tbe people havostrongly protested against this and havothreatened to burn tbe structure. It Is situ-ale- d

lu a thickly populated portion of thetown.

'Die authorities havo taken possession ofthe building, and It is said tbat the membersot Carr's family will be removed there y.

Carr's body was burled late last night, Ir waswrapped in a blanket soaked with someliimcrful antiseptic. 'Ihe police refuse to tellwhere It was burleiL

Dr. rtalcr, thu Ilrnllh offlcor of statenIsland, bus been heru and has procured somespecimens of tbe excreta from Carr's bodyfor mlscroscoplcnl examination. He camehere at the request of baultary Supu Kason,nt New ork.

1 he poople here are reassured by tho actlv epri cautions which havo been taken by thelocal health authorities In tbe matter, andtheir fears are now practically allayed. Noneoithnothi-- t members of Carr's famll) excepttho bab) has shown any s)niptmnsof tho dis-ease, 'ihe child Is now Improving.

ltesjluiioiiL were passed ut a special meet-ing ot the Common Counill called by Mayor

anciief, appropriating money for use Intnto of an eiueigency, and forbidding ragpicking on tho dump or tn reluso barrels, as ,long us any clanger of an epidemic exists.'Ihu pi lined rules issued by the New York!Hoard ot Health havo been extensively dts-- itil Dut id throughout the clt).

It is said that carr's phy deal condition andhlsill-sipnte- d hnblls rendered him peculiarlyMiscepllble to tnlccllon. lot seteral da)sproti ills to golnt-t-o New Brunswick bo hadDeque tiled the si loons and dives along the

Ittbarvts. One or lno quarantined vessels tovv hlcli he was etig iged In taking coal was thoW lelutid '1 heru bnv o been no cases ol choleraon tho Wit land thus far. and tho ship broughtoveronl) tablii passengers.

'l ho cadmnn strict punllc school, near tbehotisu vt here Carr dlod, was closed to-d-ay byolder of Supu George (). Ityan, of publicschools, and It Is probable that pupllsot otherscbouls living lu that vicinity will be pro.blolic-- Hum attending solong as there Is anydangei that tbey ma) spread the Infection.

Dr. horter, ot Now ork, sent here by Dr.Kdson. would give no onielal opinion thismorning regaralug the case, but concurred inthe belU--f of local physicians that Carr dlea otAsiatic cholera.

lining to tbe Impossibility of getting In-

formation from Carr's widow as lo Ms where-abouts l tore he was tak-e- 111, tno man'smuvtiueiils cannot be dennticly traced.

can was Intoxicated when bo went to bedSiturda) night and was taken with severecramps, accompanied by vomiting and purg-- 1lug, ui 4 o'clock Sunday morning.

Dr. Henry 11. Unlaw In said this morning!that he tlrmly believed tho case was Asiaticcholei n, but bo was confident tbat tbe promptaction ot tbo Board of Health ana the cityauthorities will prevent Its spread.

Mis. Carr, the dead man's vv idow, was re-ported to be suffering w Ith cbolera i) mptomstbls moinlnp.

Ihlrly illlzens from tbo Second Wardcalled upon Mayor in Cleef and Judge J.Kearnet Hlce tbls morning and protested

against tbe health authorities usingtho old hospital building on commercial are-nu- e

tor possible path tits, and threatened toburn It It any atti nipt was made (o use It.1 ho i hlef ot Police placed a strong guardabout tbo building.



(statement by Physicians Wbo Are Pai- -aenarra on Tlmt Nleamsblp.

1st AsaocuTrp raxsa.18. 1., Sept. 10. Tbe following

communication has been received from theblinmsnlp Furnessla, which arrived this fore.noon from Ulasgovt

On Hoaan tbi i asraau. "apt. IS, 1S91.In toiiHlaaratlat. ot ttia rr.trkttva qaarautine in

Naw ors Harbor wi. tba unUaralgoaU paaaangeta,wlio aal rd from (t a.cuw un ISa StblDit., takeVltaaur In atatlnE that wa nave this day niada atrry laratul and luapftctlon ot the atnpand hml parfaot c eaullnc. aud marsad aaullarjrrfitlattonat and furihrr, tia no.ltlTalj know that(hrraia noaioatia u! an kind whatever a'noiifthe pa,.en(araor craw, nor hae there been tiunugthawjaa-t- . with tne airetlon uf eeaalcknea

I In. eiamluatljn an not only to eorroboiata theahin'a auraeoo'e report, hut to aluvy any alarmtlm may bay arleeu In tba pnlillo mlad lu recantt j roulailuuaor lufrcliaiia dueeaee on thte ve.i.l

II. w CanrrNTaa. M. Ik.Patt Medical Direetor.Stataot New Vera, (1. A It,

tt. 11 (.rsi-aa- , M. li-ft AllU.TKlINO lxr. M. 1

Haying had Intimate luiuwieitaeof thocoDdltionft' ueTAliiiif during the voyage. I hereby aoqule.ee lu

tbe (oirgoiug auiemeut l.rvi W. Bos,1 L'onaul. Ulaagon


aaaaCaam. ' Uould aava brrnfTHk dead laaa-- aa IfUhaa.Br bad not been for Ilood'aW J arllla. I bad a

lMf 9 ba,l humar tbat wouldCTfe J" not jleld to any treat.

gafk uient, and mi stomaih" verv

aaaaaaaBfaafarn hanllv able togetaronu,lChrlatlna Teaiple. lin I besraa taking

Hikxl's BarssparUla. Ibegan lo iinprove slowly until, afMr I bad takeneome lOor 13 bottles, I considered Biaalf wellonce mors. HOOD'S AK8ArAetlL!.Adid me ao lunch aVOOd Ibat It aeems ai af U tnuitdo others good." Mas. TawrLg. avVjasroa-- . Me.

HOOD'S FateMI an the baatajtaialliica?U aatlii atennsaiar W.


Very Interesting History of

Husband and Wife,

Both Hive Had a Very Sad and Serlaas ,


'Dut all Is Joy and Brightness In

Their Home Now. J

Neter to our knnlede bat the old iiUne ot a fltlleer llnln to eterr cloud been ao wonderfully

eiemplitied aa in the home of Mr. Jnmn Mechaa

and nla aicellent wife .Marr. HThe facts lu tliecaio are io remarkable that we K

ihall ?lte the whole matter In the eiact worda 'Bfr'the perions Interealed. It fera thai Mr. Meehaa,Vwho rculdea at ft" Granite at., tlulncr, Maes, WUBthaflrit toheauddenlytakenelcl.. H

" I was taken tick with liter disease and utcerjgBtlon ot tbe bowels," he ). " Mr heart was 'Haffected I waa contlneil to mr ted three raontlH'A consnltatln cf phjilciana was held an H T

waa pronounced incurable. !


" After that 1 stopped taking their reraediea aadfbesan the uae of Dr. Greene's Nervnra blood aaoanerve rrmedr. I

" Previous to this 1 could not sleep, my nerves!were excitable ami srasmoillc, my stomach woulofnot bear food, voinitlna almost constantly. Hoofalter bcgionloa; this reniedr 1 slept better, and mlstomach would brar light food. I

"Icontlnued to gain until I could get out.now work all the time, and feel tbat Dr. Greene'sNervura btrol and nerve remedy aaved mr life."

Itlaueedlesa to aar that his faithful wife MaryMeehan was profoundly thankful for the

recovery of ner husband to health andstrength through the wonderful curative virtue ofthis great medicine, but, even ln the midst of betgreat Joy, ehe herself was proatrated by an alarm-ing attack of rhejraatiam. a

" It le only just, and may lie of great service tothe afflicted," atie eayr, "that I ahould atat pub-licly my serious trouble and how I wae cured. --.


"I waa aorely afflicted with rhecmatiam for moithan all months, and it aeemed to affect my wholayatem paina and atiffneee of muscles and Joints,to which was added the more acutelpaina of eciatlea.

"It was with Ike greateat difficulty I could keepabout my house 1 tried many remedlea wllb3Utrelief. Having in mind the grt benefit ray hunband received from the uie of l)r. Greene's Nervurblood ana nerve remedy I concluded to resort to ItTo my great joy tt waa completely euceeasful, arii mbby tbe nse of only three bottlee 1 waa entlrel.eured, and my health haa teen perfect alnce."

There no mlatake about it. Dr. Greene'iNervura blood aud nerve remedy ia a wouderfo 'medicine, and effecta aooia most remarkable ani'atirprlaing cures Every eoffrror from d aeaaishould try It, for the chancea are that It wilt justbit the trouble and reatore the loog-arni- health.All druggists keep It for tl, and it la purely vege-

table and harmleas to uae. It ia the preeenpttonand dlacovery of the great specialist In curingnerroue anl chronic diaea.es, Dr. Greene, of 39Weetlfthst., New York, who can in all cases beconsulted free, either If you call or write htm adeeorlptlon of your disease


Be Flcnta Bvarythlnir. PortloulrtyHis Own Mirrored Imais.

Ou tbe flagship Chicago there Is arooster which has been on board forabout eight months, during which timehe has delighted the crew aud won hislaurels on several battletioJciB, says theBaltimore Herald.

He was bought at Barbneloes on theway south last Wlulor. nnd

was intended to be served for Christmas,but during tho bad weather one day hecrowed t,o lustily and seemed such an un-daunted rooster that one of the officersinterceded for him and bis life was spared.

On the quarter deck are several Meventilators, which are partly cov erod withpolisbed brass, making reflectors. Dick(for so the rooster was named) soonpassed these ventilators and saw hisreflection. Hit first air of startled sur-Dri-

was met by tho other rooslor withone which nutircly ociualled it nnd uponthis Uiek ruffled his feathers and lookedthreateningly, only to be met, howover,by one quito as defiant.

This vvus more than ho could stand, nndafter prancing around a little ne advancedto the attack, being promptly met by theother rooster. 'Ihen ensued a very emit.icnl encounter, for Dick struck ut thiss. eutllator w 1th bill and spur, Retting moremid more mad every minute and ltiruiuli-i- n

' side. spl. King amusement to officersnud moa vt ho wero interested spectators,until finally, from sheer exhaustion, hewas obliged to RiT0 up tho fight andretire, hnviu? only the satisfaction offinding that the other rooster retiredlikewise.

This curious delusion lasted severalweeks, aud it became a common thiuc tosee Dick either sullenly glaring at thatother one or actively engaged in trying todamage htm.

The crow was Tory fond of him, nndwhen thev vt out ashore for target practtcoon an untuhnbited island Dick was al-lowed a run ou shore.

At Enseunda. Argentine llepublic, theships lav alongside the stoue docks of theOrond Canal nud Dick was soon ashoreover the gnng plank. Ho was calmlypicking up things when n dog came along,to which no promptly cave battle,

He fought him in the advance and re.treat style, for thev did each othor nodamage and confined themselves to shortdashes, barking nud threats from the dognnd dotermiuoet striking and spurring onthe part of the rooster,

Dick several times had tbose fights, andat one time held three dogs at bay. Hois most unusually liuguacioui and attacksthe ship's cats, nnd even a miserable goatwhich was brought on board at Bt.Thumns.



Adventures with tbs Croakers oftho Chick am auBra.

People living on tho line of the Chlclia-matig- a

llivcr are somewhat excited over anumber of strange and enormous frogsthat infest the neighborhood. Thesefrogs for they greatly resemble frogs-w-ere

brought to thie country from theMississippi swamp in A. D. 1866. nud putin the Chickamauga River near thisplace.

Tbey are said to be of enormous sizewhen grown. These being very smallwhen brought are cut now beginning toshow what they can do.

Ihey are doing some mischief now,says the Savannah Mori ina Acim, Onehas been catching chickens nnd is thoughtto havo been dnven to the mountains forrofuge during the high waters, and whiloon his way back to tho river, being veryhungry, he caught a chickon to appeasehis hunger nntil he reached tho rlrer,wbero he could get fish, as they liveprincipally upon fish.

When driven aw ny by high tide andstarved for a few days they will attack aperson. Thev nre said to be good foodfor mnu, but have never been tried yet. '

as they aro very hard to rapture. Theone that passed through would havo beenenptuted, but the man had tu go to thehouse for his gun, and the frog made oneleap and was out of a fair shot after de.vouring a number of chickens,

Tbe Lafayette Mtuemtt reports that M.M. Burrows, Mr. Mauley ami his sonWilliam were out in tbo bottoms a few,davs later, and discovered something ly- -i

ing near the river bank which tlioythought to be n large bran sack filled withsomething thought it had probablyfloated from the mill above and on goingup for inspection found it to be one ofthese frogs. They, seeing tbe dangerthey were in, immediately made an at-tempt to get away.

Mr. Mauley, being an old man, directedbis course to an old empty cotton-hous- e

which was near for rsluge. Just as hnwas entering the house Ihe (rog seizedhis coattnil, leaving him almost breathlessand nothing but the shoulders and sleevesof his coat.

A fovv minutes lster Burrows came nearthe house where Mr. Mauley had takenrefuge, andsoelng Iho frog tusselhng withtho fragments of tho coat said to himself:" Has the frog torn Mr. Manley to piecesand now in its mad career is tearing topieces bis clothes ?"

The next thought that enterrd hismind was, "Where wns Will? Had hebeen murdered by tho mad monster?"Mr. Manley has been sufering from theshock over since

While some of the reports about thesemonster frogs may Ao exaggerated, therois no doubt that they aro dangerous.Their enormous growth is a mystery.


Holder Didn't Think Enough of Themto Get a Patent.

It is not generally known that it is toIsaac Holden, M. I'., that we owe the in.ventlou of tbe lucifcr match. The dis.covery was, be has told us himself, theresult of a happy thought.

" In tbe morning I used to get up at 4

o'clock in order to pursuo my studies, nndI used at that time the Mint and ateel, intho use of which I found Tery great in-

convenience. Of course, I knew, asother chemists did, the explosive materialthat was necessary in order to produceinstantaneous light, but it was very diffi-cult to obtain a light on wood by that ex-

plosive material, aud the idea occuned tome to put sulphur under the explosivemixture. I did that and showed it in myuext lectnre on chemistry, a course ofwhich I was delivering at a large acad--cuiy. .

"There was." said Mr, Holden, acrording to the Ml Mall Uai'ttt, " n yonngman in tbe room whoso father was nchemist in London, and he immediatelywrote to his father about it, and shortlyafterwards Inciter matches were issued totbo world. I believe that was tbe firstoccasion that we had the lucifer match.

"I was urged to go and take out a patentimmediately, but I thought it was sosmall a matter aud it cost me so littlelabor that 1 did not think it proper to goand get a patent, otherwise 1 have nodoubt it would have been very orofltable."

"JBorrK.siMel norrte,10 it $ttr o humble,ttor no plact Itkt noma,"


''v iiiaJmr'- - ,.&M$i5!S3l


(fonlfnuea from rint ragM

design. Is the stand for Commander-in-Chi- ef

Palmer and bis staff and invited guests. 1 bisIs lu front of tbe ar Department, and Ismuch larger tban tbe one Intended for tbe

'Ibe stand for the accommodation of tbe600 school children who ai o to cheer the vet-

erans on their march by singing tbe Nationalhymns and many of tho old war-tim- e songs,has been built on tbe corner of Fifteenthstreet, opposite the Treasury grounds.

Urnml Army I'lare.The feature of to-d- was tbo Inauguration

dedication of Grand Army Place, as It Iscalled, which Is the vast ellipse known astbe White Houso lot, south ot the grounds otthe Kxecutlve .Mansion. It Is one magnifi-cent lawn, comprising many acres of ground,covered wltb well-ke- green and unbrokenby a single tree or bush.

un tbls vasr field bas been laid nut a repro-duction of tbe closing campaign of iho warot the Rebellion by nn arrangement of tintsand stands.

In tbe centre of tbo field, representinglllchmond, tbe cnpltnl ot tbe confederacy, Isa commodious grand stand, mtrrotindlng Itare myriads of tenls set apart lor and repre-sentative uf tbo position o, Ibo various armycorps that wound up tba war.

'1 o i ho northeast of Hithmond lies the Armyot the 1 otomac, comprising the cavalry, 'd,

litb, Oth, otu, till, L'd and 1st corps, aud ai til-ler).

T o t he northwest lies t he Ai my of tbo Cum-berland, tbe cavalry of Ibe West, the Arm) otWestMiginla (Ktn torus), ibe Army ot theOhio (! in corps), Ibe 4th corps, the 14th, theProvisional corps, the t!Oth (made up of thellth and l'.'lh). and the colored troops.

1 he Army nt the J ami s, tbe Klghteenth,Tenth, 'Ivventy.Iourlh and Tvvcnt).flfthcorps, the prisoners of war. .Medal ot HonorMen and MUclds's Division occupy tbo south-easter- n

part of the Pcld.Tu the southwest of ltlcbmond lies tho

Arm) of tbeTeunessee.T'birteentb, Hftecnth,Mxle-cur- &oventeentb and seventh ccrps,tbo Army ot the Mississippi, NineteenthCorps, Army t f the Gull and the naval forces.

live great tents known as (Irani, Sherman,Sheridan, Meado and Thomas tentsthe lour greai divisions, in these fonts otwhich (Irant tent Is tbo largest will be heldthe reunions of the various corps.

The novelty of the ground Is the placo setapart lor the rctinlun vt the naval and ma-

rine veterans, on which has been erected areproduction of the lamous frlgnto hear-sarg- e.

whlen sunk the confederate crulsirAlaoann niter she bad mado ber unparalleledrecord as a tlestroyei ol commerce.

Home lew of tbe minor appointments of tbeold vi ssel, such as batches and Iho 1 ke, areleit off purposely lu order to mako room torsittings, promenades and dancing.

Two breech-loadin- g guns point out of thoforward ports, wnlch will te used for salutingpurposes nnd to - Are down tbe ensign atsundown.

Tu"l)ay' Parade.Tho Inauguration ot Orand Army riace was

preceded by a norad".Tbo pi occasion consisted of five brigades

commanded by den. hugeno A. Carrusa, asfollows: Troop ot Iho regular army, navalbatteries and marines. District National(luatd, post--s or the Department of the Poto-mac, o. A. R., and !ons of eterans.

T he procession started at 10 o'clock fromecona street, west of the Capitol, and ed

up l'ennsvlvnnla avenue to a stand InIront of the Treasur), where It was reviewedby Morton.

The main bedy of the procession continuedon Us way by heveiitcenth street Into (irnndArmy place.the cat airy contingent remainingbehind to lortn an escort for tho Vlco-l'rcs- i-

delll.Hocauseof the number and variety ot tbo

organizations In line tbe parade was veryattractive, and Pcnns)lvanU avenue on bothsides was lined vv lib people.

To prevent tho encroachments of tbe greatcrowd the sidewalks on the lino ot marchwere strongly Inclosed bv a steel wire ropecarried by heavy tlmoer supports, so thebroad expanse ot .asphalt was left almostwithout obsl ruction for the use of tbe troops.

The parade of regulars and NationalGuardsmen marched into the prepared Inclosure about half an hour before noon, whichwas the time set for the etenlses to begin,and came to paradc-re- st at their appointedplaces in tbo reserved space.

At 12 o'clock-- au artillery salute from theguns on tbo fac Blmlle oi ibe Kenrsarge. luthe rear of the stand, sounded, and at 10. is abugler from tbe United Mates Marine llundsounded Ibe nssejibly.

comrade Mctlro) called tboso present toorder, llcv. I). Payne, ot Florida, Chaplain.

or tne u. A.. 1)., offered pra) or andmade a special plea for tho restoration tohealth nt Mrs. Harrison, tbo sick wlto of thoabsent comrade whom the) bad expected topreside over the ceremonies.

'1 ho " lied, U bite nnd lllue " was played bytho .Marino Hand, and then commissionerJohn . Douglass, of the District of Colum-bia, gave assent on behalf ot the District, tothe change of tbe name of the placo fromWhite Lot to Grand Army place.

There was a ripple of applauss wbenPalmer, tu the o. A. it., was

Unreduced to the assemblage to deliver tboIntroductory address.

Ho snnke briefly, and In closing read Presi-dent Harrison's message of regret. Ho alsoannounced tbat tbe President was compelledwltb great regret to withdraw bis Invitationto thu eirana Army to a reception In tbeW bite House on tbo evening of Wednesday,when be bad expected to welcome eacbottbem. but ibat tbe bouso and grounds wouldbe open and give a sllect welcome to tbe vet-erans.

Tbe procession was officially reviewed fromtbe grand stand north rf the War Depart-ment built for tbe Commandei of theO. A. It-- Ou tbo statin were Vice. 1'resiaentMorton, Senators .Manderson, Palmer andProctor, officially representing tbe Senate oftbe United Slates- - Senator Paddock, (Jen. Mc-

cook, Secretary of the senate, ana fcergeant-nt-Ar-

Valentine. Gen. Palmer, Commander-in--

Chief O. A. It. nnd staff; (len. bchofleldand staff. Admiral Greer, Cob U. II. Itusteaarid Dr. Krln Gardner.

Tbe reviewing party descended tbe p'at-tor- m

after tbo last company bad passed andtaking carriages were rscorted to (). A. If.Place, where (bo dedication ceremonleB wereto be held.

Dedlralloa ofCranil Armv Place.The formal dedication was presided over bv

A Morion, as tho representativeot President Harrison, wbo was detained atLoon Lake and from whom commanderPalmer received a telegram expressing sin-cere regrets tbat be was not able to attend.


Grand Army Men Fill the South-Boun- d

Trains y.

Every train out ot New York that bas Itsdestination southward carried away tblsmorning some part of tbe great metropolitancontingent to tbe twcnty-slit- h annual mus-

ter of tbe Union Army at Washington.New York aud Jersey City, Brooklyn and

Hoboken, Newark and Long Island City, Yon-kcr- a,

Mount Vernon and Staten Island allfurnished their proud quotas of strong youngmen to tbe army Id defense ot the Union, and

y tbe remnant ot bent and grizzled oldwarriors wbo bave exchanged muskets forwalking stairs are responding to tbe call totbo twcnty-slxt- h annual Encampment of tbeGrand Army of tbe llepublic

New York's seventeen posts will be repre-

sented by more tban S.fiOO veterans. Tbelargest delegation was thatot Koltes Pott,KSu men. Lafayette Post sends 1R5 men.

Fourteen Brooklyn posts will be repre-sented by largo delegations. Long IslandCity's two posts sent 100 men, and Lincoln,Sheridan, Wood and Tucker Posts, ot Newark,go almost entire.

Noah U Farnbam Tost, No. 485, marcheddown Park How and II road nay to tbe Penn-sylvania Ferry at u.ao tbls morning ln gayuniform and wltb banners flymg.

About one hundred and ten members ot tbePost were In line, and as tbey marched alongwith a military band at tbe bead ot tbe col-umn playing lively airs, crowds collected ontho sidewalks to watcb tbem pass.

T here will be more tban one hundred thou-sand veterans at tbe capital by sunset to-night, and tbey will take possession ot tbecity of Magniacent Distance and bold her fora whole week.

Washington has raised $300,000, and tblsadded to the aioo.ooo congressional appro-priation will be erent ln tbe celebration.

owing to tbo illness of Mrs. Harrison tbePresident will not parilcipate In tbe Kncamp-men- t,

but there Is every Indication tbal tblswill be tbe most memorable Encampment lntbe history of tbe organization.

There will be a great camp lira In JudiciaryHquarn will oocnr tbegrand parade with fireworks la tbe evening.Wednesday win M devoted to business tTOWasMsTtO PoW tHlUM M M8nttta aj

V.Vi ' 'i;.,!. ...,,.. :.-:- -,' - - 'tf

tho Pension Building, and tbe rest of tbeweek to slgnt-seeln-

Brooklyn will tie well represented at tbsencampment. Among the posts tbat startedyesterday was Man iflcld Post, No. 35, Capt.M. Short commanding. Mayor and Mrs.Bood)and Father bylvester Malone wero guests.

These posts started Oermar.Metternlch, No. Eastern District, Iffstrong.

Devln Post, No. 148, with Henry Draper!command, l-- '5 strong. I

Winchester Post, No. 107, So comraolunder command of John J. corbett. I

William Lloyd Garrison Post. No. Sfunder command of Charles F. McFarland. I(l. K. Warren Post, No. uso. no strong. IU. H. Grant Post, No. :i7, lfio men, unl

command of Thomas W. Topping. IAbel smith post, No. 43o, 00 strong, I

Dinlel Simmons commanding. IGeorge C. Strong Post, No. 531, 100 stnLJohn W. Haynor commander. f.

Henry Ward neecner Post, No.JO'JO, wl)t -- .represented by as members. mi b?ibe following other posts will be rB? Jseuied: Thatford, No. 3: Barbara Frtctar"No. 11; Frank Head, Net. 10; First IIsland, No. 84; James II. Perry, Nil-Ja- mes

II. Kerswlll, No. 141); L. M. llaml"No. 132; N. H. Ford, No. Kit; 8. F. DulNo. 187: T. S. Dakln, No. yoo; Cisblnil231; F.rastus T. Trett, No, 358; (Jltlcard, No. ao-J- ; Charles It. lloane, NofrF. II. Mlddleton, No. r00; Gen. ,1. II. Millson, No. 014; Michael W. Wall, No. OSfilr

TWO HOSTILE PREACHER! -Communion Refused to Orand

and Farmers' Alliance Me' M1ST ASSOCIATED fSMl.t

Galena, I1L, Sept. 10. Itev. John .

worth, pastor ot a Lutheran church be ,,refused John Bass tbo sacrament becaL J"belonged to tbo Grand Army, and u1lt.blm to withdraw from tbe order or stan mipended from tbe church. led

Ills son, wbo has a country parish, I rfused communion to members of the ' 'Army and the Farmers' Alliance. snt

Tbey Bay that tbe organizations are raland tbat a ban bss been proclaimed by artsynod against such bodies. ny

- .R.

Kennedy Burle "'iTbe funeral services over tbe body

late William II. Kennedy, tbo wepJ'intundertaker nnd wore he Btableat St. Andrews's church, corner cll'iristreet and City II all place, wbero 'high mass of requiem was ceaT ' 'Among those wbo attenaed were pJbiing,tlces Dlvver and Grady, Deputy c--T taskway, coroner Messemer, ex.OrNugent, uichaKl cook, Danleltoter ma X. Jrttzfwald. K

r t -- ' I I ,'4