evening star.(washington, dc) 1906-10-06 [p 4].€¦ · iiart, supt., lanshurgh & bro., 4i!0...

STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to coil at Th* Star office, llth street and Pennsylvania avenue, leave your advertisement at any of the following' Branch Offlcea: NORTHWEST BRANCHES; Pentner'a T>ni* Store, Ulh and V »ta. Epplej'a Drnc Stire, l«tb anil Walllnf pi. Portman'a I'rnir Store Hth and R. I. ** . I.npton'a Drug .Store Vermont are. and 8 it Kins'. Drug Store. 15th anil I art. Holtrrlaur'a News Stand. 1705 Pa are. Herbal a Urn* Store. 2T.th and Pa. it». Crlanrella Hn>r Rtore. 7th ami T ata. Pfslal Trlerraph OflW, 112<! Conn. re. roafal Tele-raph Ofllre. 012 Penna. are. Poat.il Telefraph Office. fith and B ata. ro»tf»] Telegraph Office. Penn. R. R. Station. B Ivann. Song A Co.. Information Bore*®. Woodward ft f>othrop. Information Bnrea®. Interior Dept.. *tli ft F sts...Telegraph Office. Jenifer b'dsr.. 7th A I) at*.. Tolegraph Office. Commercial Rank bldjr.. Telegraph Office. Corridor C S. Cnnito). . _ Crier ft Crier.'* Pharmacy. 9th & N. ICcMrnberff'a Pepartment Store. 912-28 7tB »t.. P.nrenn of Information. _ The Ilntchln* Krnner Drnjj To.. 17th ft Qn*. Butler ft Field. Drajrgla'.a. 3d ft Indiana J-onla R Pnstelf. Pharmacist. 3100 11th at. Dnpont Pharmacy. Char S. Boaton. prop.. 20th and P Ms. GEORGETOWN: © PonnelPa Prng Store. 32d and M «ta. O'Bonneira Dmjr Store 32d and O »t«. Ada ma Expreaa Office. 1222 32d it. Pride'a Pharmacy. 28th and P »tt. NORTHEAST: . 4 Kencaly's Pharmacy. N. Capitol and I IlaJry'a Pharmacy. I11h and K. Capitol at*. Kltlhnm'a Pharmacy. 13th and H sts. Butler's Pharmacy. 4th and Stanton placf. QnTTTXTT a QT . Bradley's Drug Store. Stli and E at». O'Donnell's Drug Store. 3d and f'ennt. SOUTHWEST: Sullivan's Drug Store. 7th .And D its. Eleventh Street Wharf. O'Brien ft HmlL Cbaa. S. Walter. 901 4^ st. ANAC05TIA: C. G. Lolir. 25 Monroe at. ALEXANDRIA: A S. Doniphan. 727 King at. BRIGHTWOOD. D. C.: Wm. Tboniaa. Bright wood are. and I/ttf* fellow st. TENLEYTOWN. D. 0.1 Andrew Rurga. Druggist. WANTED.AGENTS. WANTKU-ACKXTS TO IIKPHKSBNT LEADING New York life Ins. co. In Washington. Address P. O. Box 24<15. with references. aell-tf WANTED.HELP. One c»-Dt n word for 15 words. * WANTKD- BI "TLKIttt, V«K<'ONI) MEN. IIOI SKDoen. tor fanitliea; mI^o coachmen. driver. LA- i»ir..N i..\» \»:inonr ave. VAMT;I~Kxv}fcltiKN <1 ET> SALESMAN FCTit real estate office; one with own team preferred. box 2-"', Star office. or0*ci.i(ni.w,3t WAN'FET~\lEN~ EVEUYWIiEKE~ r;0()T) f'A Y~ to litMtrU.ute circulars. adv. matter, tack sijrns, etc.; no ianTHMln^. NATIONAL ADV. BTUEAl', Chicago. WANTKI YOl N<f >7AN TOTI7KRK ANI) I'OL lect in real estate oifl'-e; mast furiiisli good refs. Box 221. Star office. wanted"-Itoyd for receiving ro>>m. bundle collectors and bundle wrappers. Apply to CASHIER, 3d floor, I'alais Royal. A. IJSNEK. ocft-4t WANTED- EXPERIENCED WHITE ELEVATOR conductor. Apply to W. M. llALDERSTON, Msi l'alals Royal. A. LISNEH. oc«-3t \VANTEI> A I'ATRNT OFFil'K I >R A FTSM A N*; salary. $15 jht wcok. AiMrt'is Box l£4i», Star Offl'O. Oi*t>-3t WANTED.YOUNG MAX jFOB INSIDK AM) OUTsld- salesman. MILLERS PAINT STORE. 307 9th St. 11.\v. WANTE1 >.CI) LO R EI> ROYS BETWEEN THE ap-i of 14 aiul 10; must n»nit' well recommended; permanent piwitions; good salary. Apply to S. IIART, Supt., Lanshurgh & Bro., 4I!0 itil st. octt-2t W A NT E!i 1M.I'M B ER~ LEAT >" W()RK ER A N D jol»l**r: steady work for a good man. Call at M. A RKI'TER, «H» D U.W. WA NTEI>.GENERAL OFFICE MAN. WITH knowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting; must write good hand ami come highly recommended; g.n»d chance for a competent and willing worker. Address Box 256, Star office. oc«-2t "YVA N T El) TKACHKR OK PHYSICS. MATH., German and French, several hours dally; stato 3ualitk-atl<n*. terms and hours available. Adress Box 2<M). Star office. if t vti'i t wj i^'ivr t i," i \ n-ti itl- ti t v n ii.i 1 r,i i -.ic,i i 1.r.i / »wi i r* -»r.\.1 j u « uivi\ In tp« eiving room and nssist porter; wage*, $20 month, and l*>ard. Apply immediately with references. office STONEL-KIGH COURT, Conn. ave. and L St. want ed-men to work ox awnings. Oil K St n.w. WANTEDOFFICE BOY WITH BICYCLE AND food references; $3.50 per week. 1311 G st. n.w., :.H>m 35. W'ANTED-BOY TO SOLICIT AND DELIVER orders for market store; $3.50 a week and board. Address T. A. T., Scar office. "\V A XT KI A N EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR TO secure underwriting of hunls on manufacturing establishment. Address. stating terms, reference and ftf.. BOX 2.11. Star ofltee. o**J-2t* YVANTKI>~T0'~FIRST--"CLAS8~P APER HAN«E RS; plenty of work. Apply immediately. JAMES B. 11 KM>ERS< >N P33 r st. ocO-Ot VA NTK I>.SA IJ-JSMAN WHO CAN SHOW GOOD record In any nigh-grade line; straight salary to right man; choice of territory; call, write. 11APGOODS, 1106 Pennsylvania bldg., Philadelphia. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN* AS OLERK IN A store and a I>oy to run errands and td make himself Kenerally uaefnl; boy with bicycle prefurxuil ll.lJ. at 41U 7M. n ir r\-*K > WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED STABLEMAN; mu.«t 1h» sober. Apply ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY. Tth and E sta. n.w. oc5 :it* WANTED.FOUR STOUT YOUNO MEN TO hflp In furniture store. Apply to 819 7th «t. n.w. oc5-2t* "WANTED.YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EX PERL eaice at liou.se painting; also boy for offio> work; steady work for the rijrh* one. 1306 14th. o?5-2t "WANTED. GOOD STRUCTURAL OR ARCHItectural draftsman; state references. Address Box 203. Star office. oc5-3t* WANTED-YOUNG MAN AS CHECKER IN HOtel raft*. Address CHECKER. Star office. oe5-2t WANTED AT ONCE. 10 FIRST-CLASS HOUSE painters. Apply 1004 Oth n.w. H. L. DULEY. «>(>.", 3| WANTED MAN TO MAKE HIMSELF GENEIlally useful. salary. $2."». Flat 24. The Iloanoke apartments, 1348 Euclid st. oc5-3t WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EX*nwlonee. in market P IT k'mwpi I. 2514 Pa. ave. oc5-2t WANT KD- SEVERAL HKLIAIILK* WIDE-AWAKE energetic men as collectors and solicitors; i>ositlon permanent; remuneration liberal. Applicants must possess ability an<I furnish the best of references. Address Box 218, Star office. oc5-4t ivAMKlt SI *:.NO<;UA 1*11 Kit. TYPEWRITER and general clerk in office. Address Box 217, IB oc.V3t* W \ NIKI > I X PER1ENCED UPHOLSTERERS. Apply between S and 10 a.:n. to H. G. JACOBS, with Woodward Ac Loth Top. oc4-eo,3t WANTED AUTOMOBILE IMMVERST REPAIR \ men. chauffeurs ami others all over the country; 60,000 machines built this year in the United States, aff'idldg gr«'at opportunities for our students; fi cents a day will qualify you for good wages in this growing field; employment secured for our graduates. For full particulars and one free lesson, including dictionary of motoring terms, address THIS CORIU&PO.VDENCE SCHOOL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, Suite <>>2. Flatiron build ng. New York. oc4,C,8 WAVTPn «vi r«\ipv nirmiTDirn at ovnp iv our men's furnishings dept. Only those having experience need apply, by letter or In person, to Manager. SAKS & COMPANY. oc4-3t WANTKl).A KARTENDKK; SOBER; NONE other need appty. Address Box 188, Star office, oe4 3t * ! WANTED SALESMAN.A YOUNG MAN OP OOOD HABITS. WITH EXPERIENCE IN THE CARPET AND FURNITURE BUSINESS. APPLY TO W. H. HOEKE. 8)1 PA. AVE. N.W. oc4-3t "WANTKl> ERRAND HOY WITH BICYCLE. APpl.r CHARLES SWETT. i>l:t F at. oc4-3t* WANTED IX I.AWYEKS OFFICE A YODNO man with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Aildresj T. & L-, Star office. oc4-3t* WANTED . IMMEDIATELY . EXPERIENCED DRIVERS FOR DEI.IVERY WAGONS; ALSO P.M KF.RS A.NI) AI>I>KKSSK!tS. FROM IS TO 21 YEARS Ol' AGE. AND lSKhiHT HOYS FROM 14 TO 17 YEARS OF USE FOR FLOOR SERVICE STOCK ROOMS. DELIVERY WAGONS, BINDLE WRAPPING, ETC. Al'PI.Y RETWF.KN S AND 10 A.M. TO P. C. J. TKEANOR. WITH WOODWARD ic LOTllROP. o.-4-tf WANTED.A JOB PRESSMAN. APPLY 714 12Tn n.w. oc4-3t* WANTED.TWO I Hi FIRST CLASS CABINET makers at once; good wastes: xteaily job; 8 bourn. WOODR1FF MFG. CO., 1!>10 F. at. n.w. oc4-3t« WANTED -HOY TO LEARN TRADE LOCK- snmnanu bemiaiiger. 14<rea st. n.w. oc4-3t WANTKD.A CIJ3AN. BRIGHT, WIDE AWAKK young mail 111 an ottlce where ability nnd strict attention to business will be recognised: jnisltlon eruianrut: some experience In typewriting prerred; small Kalar.v to start with. Address In own handwriting, stating age and business experience. If any. Box Ml, Star olllce. oel-7t WANTED.MEN TO THY OCR BUCHU QIN. FOB kidney and bladder (rouble; prescription of late m Dr. Warner of Baltimore. Sold only by THE JOHN WEDDERBUB.N COMPANY. 618 F at. sslft-tf Wanted.trustworthy man to manage branch office and distributing depot for large manufacturer; salary to atart with, $1,500 for first year, payable monthly, and extra commission* and expenses. Applicant must have good references and Jl,000 cash, capital secured. ExHlence unnecessary. Address MANl'FACBJSB. F. Q. Box Til, Chicago, I1L se2B sa.lt L WANTED.HELP. WANTED.JHWELRY SALBSMAN.ONLY BDBtler Dnd apply: capable of ftiinf t«nd aod able to control good trade; man able to make $30 |90 a week ta the kind we wut. Apply Manager. CASTELBERQ'S. 035 Pa. aie. mU30-f.a.mJfcw-tf DOMESTIC. WANTKD.A COLORED PORTER. BRODT'S. 411) ljth St. n.w. WANTKD.A FIRST-CLASS WI1ITK BUTLER; must hare good reference*. Apply 1T19 I at. n.w. oc-t-.1t WANTED.AX EXPERIENCED MAN KOR IXdoor work: must understand waiting; flrst-claia wages. Call 16^> y«lh at. oc4-3t WANTED.YOCNO COLORED MAN AS BI'T1»r ft.ll It laini lHrh mt n >v »c4-3t MAIiB QB rSKilJ. WANTED -COLLEGE WOMEN. KINDERGARTEN, conserv.it >: y and art graduates will teach pupils three venrs old up, also coach; terms at rate 25c. lesson; sut Is (action guaranteed; lower charges by month. Address SICCKSSFl'L, Star office. WANTED.TWO EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS TO handle snaps; two for woman's magazine. Apply Monday before 10. 342 13th at. northeast. ocfl-3t WANTED.YOl'NG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN for vocal club; splendid advantages; good voices. Address MISICIAN. Star office ~ W A NTED.COLORED BUTLER AND COOK; man and wife preferred. Apply at Mrs. II. C. TAYLOR'S, Conn. ave. and Bradley lane. Chevy Chaae. oe5-3t WANTED.DO YOU WANT A COMPETENT STTSnoeranlior or Imnkkppwr? Anolv STRAYER'S. bCsiResr COLLEGE.' lltb ind* P «». n.w.; 'plione Main 34-10. »e8-tf FEMALt. WANTED-STRICTLY FIRST CLASS DRAPERY BCwers, with references; steady work; good wages. Aildrcaa Hoi 204. Star office. WANTED.WHITE GIRL OF NEAT APPEARanee In dental office. Call between 9 and 10 a.in , l»r. D. B. WILBUR. 1329 F at. n.w. WANTED.COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN AS cliauiherninU and to assist hi car«k of two children; go»l waxes. Call lieforc 3 o'clock. 1733 Newton a'., cor. Mt. Pleasant St. oc6-2t*_ WANTEH 1.8TE NOGR A I'H BR A ND TYPBWR ITER; one wlt3i some bookkeeping awl general office experience preferred; highest references required. Adlrou Box 2S«, Star office. octt-2t* WANTED.A FIRST-CLASS SKIRT HAND:" Experienced; good pay. 1328 R at. n.w. ocli-3t* WANTED- \T ONCE.A FIRST-CLASS TAILORess. Apply 1422 L n.w. oc6-2t* WANTRD--ULKIXK3>~Y(>C.\G LADY TO ASSIST in diiijc store; inferences must bo fiist clasi. Apj ply Ghman's, G27 l\i. are. oc0-3t WANTED.EXI-B!IIKX( HI) CASHIER FOR REStar.rant. Box 228, Star dfflce. «c6-3t* WANTED-WOMAN FOR GBNKKAL~HOUSEwork in a small family; relerences required. Inquire Chevy Chase I*. O. W A NTEI J-^KXl'KKIF NOED W AI ST D R A PE RS nnd helpers; io:ig season. 2.*» Lafayette square. WANTED.Tfx PERI KNCKD~ FA NCY CO ATM A K ers and helpers. 2.*> Lafayette square. WANTED.MIDDLE-AGED LADY. POSSESSING sympathetic disposition and pleasing personality, for confidential josition with leading business firm. Address j»ox 253. Star o-Hce. W A VTIT I»_.VAT' Vfi T 1 nv C\ \ S111 RR M I * ST BE experienced; salary $5.0«». Address box 197, Star oftitv. <x5-3t* WANTED- BY DRESSMAKER, HELPERS AND apprentices. 1401 21st n.w. oc5-2t* WANTED-WAIST AN17~SK 1RT HANDS. IIEI«Pers ami apprentices, by drersmaker. 1440 N n.w. oc5-7t WANTED .AT ONCK. MILLINERY PREPARER^ f. L. BLOUT 71 > 7t!i sf. oc5-2l* WAXTKi).AT ONCK. THOROUGHLY RXPRHIenced rr.'wer of women's garments. JULIUS GAHFIXKLK & ro.. .yjt 13th st. oc5-3t WA NTED ~BXPBBIKNCBD TYPEWRITER (Smith Premier) for compiling a book; state salary expected. Address Box 199. Star office. Oc5-3t* W A NTED.W A 1ST HANDS; A LSD AN ERRAND girl. At 1S44 13til st. n.w. oc3-2f WA NT KD.COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER IN patent attorney's office. In replying, kindly give particulars as to experience. salary, etc. Box 202. Star oince. oc5-2t* WANTED.AN OFFICE ASSISTANT. WITH EX^ jperie-nee in typewriting; state experience and salary exp^'ted. Box 201, Star otflce. oe5-2t* WANTED BRIG HT. INTELLIQ ENT~YOU NO lady, under twenty, to travel with doctor's family; pleasant, profitable employment. Call 216 S. Oapitol. oc5-.1t* WANTED.LADY TEACHER OF GERMAN. NAtivA frtp nrlv>itf» cu'hool: state t(»rni« anrl refer- ences. A<fares9 PRIVATE SCHOOL. Star office. oc5-2t* WANTED.EXPERIENCED SKIRT HANDS. AT once; only experienced need apply. PASTERNAK, 12 M 14th at. oc5-2t* WANTED.FIRST-CLASPS SKIRT HANDS. AD<ir»'ss SKIRTS, Star office. oc?>-2t* WANTED-A SETTLED WHITE WOMAN TO take caro cf atore. 721 6th at. n.w. oc5-2t* WA N TED.IN PATENT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE^, young lady stenographer. Address, giving experience and salary expected, P. O. Box 174. oc4-3t WANTED.SEVERAL GIRLS IN OUR MANGLE department; those having experience preferred. VALE STEAM LAUNDRY, 437 N. Y. ave. n.w. oc4-3t WANTED.GIRLS FOR TOLMAN LAUNDRY^ 6th and C n.w. oc4-'U* WANTED KXPKKIKXUKU 1IK1 .1IMIS U.> skirts; also apprentices. Apply 1421 U st. n.w. oo4-3t WAXTED.HELP: SKIRT. WAIST AND HiT provers. 41. A. EAGEX. 1927 K st. n.w. oc2-14t WANTED.EXPERIENCED COAT, SUIT AND waist saleawoB.cn. Address Box 31, Star office. _se29-tf WAXTED.WOMEN TO TRY OUR BOCHD GIN. for kidney and bladder troubles; prescription of late Dr. Warner of Baltimore. Sold only by THE JOHN WEDDERBURN CO.. 818 F St. scia-tf WANTED EXPERIENCED WORKERS AND learners on paper boxes. GEO. P. KILLIAX CO., 452 Pa. ave. , sc21-tf WAXTED.LADIES TO BE THEIR OWN DREStP makers: limited classes taught by fashionable tslloreas; prompt registration advisable. XA- TIONAL SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC ARTS. 1T&0 M st. «cl6-lm DOMESTIC. W A NT KI >- CO MI' ETENT WHITE COOK. $50, for family; also took. $40. LADIES' EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave. WANTED.OTHER COOKS FOR FAMILIES. $.'(5. $»>. $23. $20, $18. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave. WANTED-WHITE KITCHEN MAIDS, $18, $2!>; private families; many plain cooks. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont are. WANTED.WHITE I'AltLOK MAID AND WAITress. $23; chambermaids, $20 each. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave. WANTED.CHAMBERMAIDS AND WAITRESSES for families. $13, $16. $18, $20. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont Hve. WANTED-WHITE nOVSEMAID. FOR TWO. J)5; housemaids. $16, $18, $20. LADIES' EXCHANGE. SOt Vermont ave. WANTED--WHITE Nl'BSE. $20; NURSE. $18; three other nurse places. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave. WANTED GENERAL HOlSEWOItKER, *23; general hnuseworkers, $20, $18, $10, $15. T.ADIE.S' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave. W A N TED-COLOR ED 300K. $30; COOK. $23; cookH, $20. $18, $16. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave. WANTED COLORED HOUSEMAID^ $20; housemaids. $18. $10, $16: waitress, $16. LADIES' EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave. WANTED-WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework 1b small family. Apply after 0. 17 You st. n.w. oc6-2t* .WANTED.YOUNG. WHITE, EXPERIENCED waitress and chambermaid; place In tirst-class private family; ref. Address Box 220. Star office. oc6-2t*eSu WANTED.GIRL TO COOK AND WAIT ON table; go home nights. Address Box 219, Star otBoe. WANTED.WOMAN TO DO GENERAL HOUSEwork In small family. 1526 1' st. n.w. oc0-2t* WANTED -YOUNG WHITE GIRL Ail NURSE. AdpIt Immediately 1M4 Calvert st. oc6-2t WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO cook «nd do laundry work. Apply, with references. 1831 iM 9t. WANTED RESPECT A BUB COLORED WOMAN for general housework. 634 Mass. aTe. n.w. oc -2t* WANTEI>.SETTLED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; no washing, no chamberwork; good cook; go home nights. 1002 East Oapitol st. oc6-3t , WANTED.RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN. GOOD cook and general housework; no washing and ironing; stay nights; bring references. 1807 Biltmore St., Washington Heights. oc4-ftt WANTED.AT 1312 GIRARD ST. N.W., COLUMbia Heights. a g«x)d cook and laundress; three in family; good home for right party. oc6-3t WANTED.A GOOD COOK; MUST UNDERSTAND oyster cooking. Apply 1716 l*a. mve^n.w. WANTT2D.COOK TO* WASH AND IKON IN FAMily of three; stay nights; references. 1903 S. oc6-3t* WANTED.EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR GENeral housework, cook, wash and Iron; go home nights; family of four adults. 3122 Q st. n.w. od>-2t* WANTED.REU ABLE GIRL FOR GBNTBRAL housework; call immediately. 1749 Park road, near cars. WA^KD-G^)JD_WHITE GIRL FOR^WORK IN » tit, muiiintuu. Ajjyiy n.Hliail!a are. oc6-3t* WANTED.GOOD COOK TO WASH AND IKON. 1323 K at. u.w. WA NTHD.SBffiSS COLORED 4KOMAN TO rook for fnmlly of two; most sta/Nplictitl and have rrfercwe; good wages. 2000 # atrSet n.w. WANTED-A OOMPBTBNT WOMAN FOB PLAIN cooking la small family: good borne and wage* to proper party. 2928 Ha comb street, Cleveland Park. Taka Omtj Cbase cart. oc«-2t« WANTED-A OOlfPETKNT OOOK WILLING TO aaalat with laundry. Apply 2301 S atraet a.*, oc#-3t* * * WAHTED.HELP. nwiLi DOMESTIC. WANTED.A NEAT, RELJABIJC WOMAN AS cook and foundress; nnaat be a food cook; star nlgtota and bring reference*. Apply 1017 O stjret n.y. oc6-3t* WANTED.GENERAL HOUSEWORKER. OOLored; do wastitng; family all adulta; wages $14; one square from car. 815 Sew ton at.. Brook land. D. O. oc5-2t* WANTED.COOK AND GENERAL HOl'SEWORKer; stay nights; no washing; $15. Call 2330 Mass. are, u.w. oc5-2t wjvreh-fKinif at nvr* at tiir uitr. row, 1343 Clifton at., apartment 41; family of three. oc5-2t* WANTED.A WHITE GIRL TO WORK IN DINlng room (German preferred). Apply 120 B St. n.w. oc3-3t* WANTED.GERMAN WOMAN FOR HOUSEwork In small family: good wages. Call 27 0th at. n.e. oc5-2t* WANTED.A PLAIN COOK; MUST STAY NIGHTS and do laundry work. 1849 Calvert at. n.w. oc5-2t* WANTED-A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK; NO washing or Ironing; amall family. 143S Newton at. n.w. oc5-3t WANTED-COOKS, GENERAL HOUSEWORKers; city. Georgetown or suburban; good pay; atay or go home. 108S 32d at. oc3-3t WANTED.A FIRST-CLASS WHITE COOK; muni mve koou rt'iei nircn. ajjpijr in« i .v. u.n. _oc4-3t WANTED.COOK, ALSO CHAMBEUMAID AND waitress, at 1822 Blltmore (Baltimore) at. oc4-3t* WANTED^MIDDLE-AOED~ WOMAN' (WHITE preferred) to take care of > baby. Apply 1433 Kenton «t. n.w. oc4-3t* WANTEfl-AT 1455 HAKVARD ST.. COLUMBIA Heights, a respectable. competent woman to do chainberwork and sewing in family of four; best city references required; to go home nights. oc4-3t _ WANTED.A WHITE COOK; SMALL FAMILY; no washing. Apply at 172<J Conn, ave. oc4-tf WANTKD.WHITE CURL OR WOMAN FOR GENeral housework; good home. 1525 8th n.w. oo4-3t* WANTED-A SETTLED WOMAN TO DO GENeral housework iu a small family. Apply 1221 0 «t. n.w. se!7-tf WANTW.SirUATIONS. une cent a worci ror 10 worai. MALE. WANTED.BY TRAINED WHITE BUTLER, SITuation; otlifr butlers, housemen, coachmen. LADIES' EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave. WANTED.SITUATION, STUDENT; MORNINGS and evenings. Address 1013 You st. n.w. oc0-2t* WANTED.BY GOOD, HONEST COLORED BOY, to work mound the house or private family or drive from the country. 2262 9th n.w,. WANTED-PLACE BY AN EXPERIENCED coachmau; can give first-class reference. 21H0 13th st. n.w. oc5-2t* WANTED BY ~A MIDDLE AGED COLORED man, place as janitor of office, flat or school building; also have an experience of 15 years as driver in a clothing store; can give the very best of reference as to his sobriety, industry and honesty. Call or address 1126 3d st. n.w. oc5-2t* WANTED. BY UNDERTAKER AND EMI1ALMer. position with Washington firm. Address CTITIJ n V r* A Qtnfinn A \> ANTED.A YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO «ave position as night bellman In hotel or place In private family; can furnish reference If ite.'essary. Address 1222 II st. n.w. oc3-4t* DOMESTIC WANTED SITUATIONS FOR COMPETENT, recommended butler, delivery driver and male <ook. 1011 N. Y. ave. WANTED.1*11 ACE AS COOK. CHEF OR SECcnd cook. Call or address "ROSS," 1023 18th st. n.w. oc4-3t* WANTED.SITUATIONS BY TWO COLORED boys as hotiseworker. drive for doctor; any kind of work. 163." lltli st. FEMALE. WANTED BY COMPETENT DRESSMAKER, sewing in families, cutting, fitting and designing. Address W. B. I., Star office. WANTED.TO MAKE ATTRACTIVE STOLES and muffs out of worn furs; at home or out; ref. Box S. Rosslyn, Va. ? WANTED.A SMALL FAMILY OR LADY'S wash to take home. 2110 13th st. n.w. WANTED.POSITION BY A LADY OF CULTURE and refinement as private secretary to gentleman or lady; all or part of day; competent to manage personal, social or business correspondence alone; can also typewrite; refs. Address M. R.f Star office. ocG-'St WANTED.BY SETTLED WHITE WOMANri'Ositlon as nurse; infant preferred; has first-class ref. M. C. B.. Star office. oc6-2t* WANTED-BY GOOD COLORED LAUNDRESS, washing to bring home. 2119 9th Ft. 11. w. WANTED-WASHIMI TO DO AT IIOME! CALL or address 1130 22d st. n.w. WANTED-YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED BOOKkeeper and oasbier, desires position. Address Bo* 186, Stir office. ocl-3t* WANTED-A POSITION BY YOUNO LADY, EXperlenred stenographer and typewriter, with knowledge of bookkeeping. Address Box 190, Star office. OQ4-3U® WANTED DRESSMAKING, SEWING; CHIL^ dren's clothing a specialty.tastefully, daintily and strongly made. Address 618 7th st. s.w. ocl-6t* WANTED.SEALSKIN AND OTHER FUR GARinents to alter and repair. Miss CUNNINGHAM, E>pert Furrier. 1310 8th st. n.w. selO-30t * WANTED.SITUATIONS FOR HOUSEKEEPER, governess, working housekeeper, nursery governess. attendant. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vertnont ave. WANTED- BY CAPABLE LADY'S MAID. SITIIntlon; also three experienced chambermaids. LADIES' EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave. WANTED.SITUATION BY EFFICIENT LA UNdress. two seasons' reference; housecleaners. LADIES' EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave. WANTED.BY CAPABLE COOK, SEVEN TEARS last place, situation; nurses. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave. W ANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE COLORED girl. place as chambermaid or waitress. 1108 4tb st. n.w. oc6-2t* WANTED.BY ELDERLY LADY OF REFINEment, employment by the day; taking charge of office or as matron preferred. Address Box 222, Star office. ocG-2t*eSu WANTED.PLACE TO DO GENERAL HOUSEwork; stay nights. 309 W st. n.w. WANTED.BY AN EXCELLENT WOMAN, FAMlly wash; will bring home work first-class; good ref. 1013 10th st. n.w. WANTED.BY A FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID, place in private family. 1613 10th st. n.w. WANTED-BY COLORED WOMAN PLACE TO DO general housework In small private family. Call 1116 1st st. n.w., rooms N'o. 7-8. WANTED.POSITION AS MANAGING HOl.'SEteepcr. Address M. S. L., Star ogloe. oc6-3t* WANTED.A PLACE AS GENERAL HOUSEworker or chambermaid; stay nights. 5123 17th St. WANTED.BY NEAT COLORED GIRL, PLACE as plain cook, chambermaid or day's work out. 034 V st. n.w. WANTED.WASHING TO DO AT HOME. 1715 Seaton st. WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS, day's work; city references. 231(1 H st. n.w. WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED GIRL, place as light houseworker in small family. 1103 at at. n.w. WANTED.BY FIRST-CLASS WOMAN, CLEANlng apartment morning* and evenings, or day's work. Call or addri-ss 2123 10th n.w. WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED GIRL, day's work or chambermaid or light housework In flat; references. 1224 R st. n.w. WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED GIRL, general housework In small family. Address 1423 I' 8t. n.w. WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS, wasmng 10 uo mnuo or uui uj uny. im onepherd's court, between L and M. WANTED.BY RESPECTABLE COLORED GIRL, Slace as general houseworker in small family. 8 F* s.w. W AN TED.SITU ATI ONS.REOOM MJQX D ED COOK , housemaid, nurse and laundress. 1011 N. Y. aye. WANTED PLACE, BY RELIABLE WHITE nurse. to Infant or more children; with (list-class people. Address Box 261. Star office. WANTED.BY COLORED WOMEN, GENERAL housework, chamberwork, nursing or waitress. Inquire 1635 11th st. WANTED.BY A FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS. A rouch-drr wash to bring home. 2136 8th st. n.w_ WANTED.BY NEAT COLORED GIRL. PLACE to cook evenings in a flat. Address 1227% 10th n.w. oc5-2t WaNTU.D.BY A RESPECTABLE COLORED WOman, place as chambermaid or waitress. 1431 Pelrce place. oc5-2t WANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED COLORED girl, situation in doctor's office or dental parlor. Address Box 205, Star office. oco-2t* DOGS, PETS, ETC. Oct cent a wort each time foe 15 words 3 tlmsa. TRY LEE'S BIRD STORE. 1801 FIFTH N.W.. Hand-raised double and single yellow-bead Isle of Plnea and dwarf parrots, canaries, monkej*, thoroughbred fox terriers, mate and female. t fUu. Kl'Wl JUST BEOEITED: FINE MEXICAN DOUBLB yellow head, and Cabin: also Bee Bee Parrot*; also Canaries, Fox Terriers. Collies, Goldfishes, etc. SCHMID'S BIRO STOKE, 712 12tb St. n.w. seT-tf RIVERSIDE BOARDING KENNELS.DOGS AMD cats properly cared for In the country; water, shade, bsth, good food and large, safe runs. Inquire Scbmid's Bird Store or 14th 8t. Hospital for Animals, 'pbrsa North 1003. 2116 14th st. a.*. my23tf.4 ^ TYPEWRITERS. ZO»«4K RENT A WELLINGTON TYPBWRITI5R One month for $3.04 Three months far .6 00 Six months fas 9.00 (All rental* applj on pnrchaac.) au»-tf OFFICE. 609 lith at n.w» I WAHTED.MISCELLANEOUS. Om w«t » word .ch thus foe 15 wrii » M.. WANTffl>.PIANIST WISHES FEW PUPILS; BOropean conserr* tory method: 50c. lesson. 1HSTBPCTOB, Star office. oc«-9f WANTED.CASH PAID FOB FUKNITCKB, CABpets, office and atoro fixtures of all kinds. Pnrnltore stored, packed and ahlpped. Address BAL'M 912 Pa. are, n.w. 'Phone Main 1154. octf-tt WA.VTED-FURXffuUKTCARPETS, ETC. BPTlng contents of houses a specialty; liberal spot cash prices; mall orders clvea prompt attention. LEVY'S FURNITURE KXCHA.iufc, 410 10th St. n.w. octi-tf WANTED . TO BUT OLD t'EATBBB BEDS. When selling why apt drop postal to an old re- liaoie crmT H. MARKS. 807 Tth. opposite 81U', or 'phone Main 1003. oeO-tf WANTED.SET OF MECHANICAL DRAWING Instruments; good qnallty. Addfaw* "DRAFTSMAN." Star odlce. oc«-3t* WANTED-TO RENT TENNIS- COCBTO. GIVE location and tarma. FRIENDS* SCHOOL. 1S03 Eye at. oefl-3t WANTED.HIGHEST CASH PRICES "PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHES, LADIES' OH GENTLEMEN'S. ADDRESS POSTAL. I WILL CALL. Phone North 1735. W. RICE, 1332 7th at. n.w. oc5-10t* WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PKICES PAID FOR WORN GARMENTS, LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S .% I CHILDREN'S SHOES & HATS. ANY AMOUNT. ADDRESS POSTAL. I WILL CALL ANY HOUR. J. TARSHES, 1308 7TH N.W. 'Phone North 439. oc5-26f WANTED.PIANO.RESPONSIBLE PERSON WILL take heat care of upright piano, for light use. Address E. W. J., Star office. oc5-3t* WANTED.DIAMONDS, ONE TO FOUR KTS.; fliw per kt. up; old gold, silver and city pawn tickets bought; money to'loan alto. 'Phone M. 4878. ABRAHAMS. Bonded Broker. 433 9th n.w. oe5-d,eSu-4 WANTED- HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. WORN garments, Indies', gentlemen'*, children's shoes and hats, any amount. Address postal, I will call. A. KERKSKY, 1306 7th n.w. 'Phone N. 32(50 M. oc4-3Ut« WANTED.SIREN HORN, IN GOOD CONDITION and cheap. A. H. GREGORY, 416 5th st. n.w. oc4-3t* WANTED EASTERN FEATHER COMPANY, this month.60,000 lb*, old feathers; highest cask price. Also furniture, ladles' and gents' clothes. Send postal; will call at once. 21S 7th st. n.w. oc2-30t* WANTED.500 OUNCES GOLD AND SILVER -fur manufacturing purposes. Old Jeweiry, slWerware, diamonds, corals, cameos, mosaics bought for cash. C. F. Karr. Jeweler, 618 13tb, a bo re F. oe2-tf WANTED.500 STOVES AND RANGES AND ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. LONG & MATTINGLY, 9TH AND YOU N.W.; 'PHONF N. 708-M. se2B-90t,« WANTED.ANYTHING TO SELL BY PUBLIC auction; Include it In Saturday's sale at WESOHLBR'S. 920 Pa. ave. n.w. se24-30t WANTED.FURNITURE FOR CASH.SELLYOUR GOODS TO TI1E MAN THAT GIVES YOU THE MOST MONEY. HOPWOOD, 8TH AND K N.W. eels-DOt WANTED.SELL YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING to the man tbat pays you the moat money. Drop postal. I will call In my unlettered carriage. SAM BURKSTKIN. G03 D at. n.w. gelT-'Wt WANTED SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOOD aecond-hand UPRIGHT PIANOS. Call or address 1231 G at. ao27-tf WANTED.ALL KINDS CAST-OFF CLOTHING OF "any description, shoes, «:c.; will pay you full value for the same. LOUIS KESSLER. 1201 7th at. n.w. (Drop postal, will call.) iyll-00t,4 WANTED.OI.I> CARPETS WOVEN INTO riNB art rugs; only weaving concern here. WASHINGTON RUG CO., 931 Oth B.w. Phone M. 4325. apl9-tf-4 WANTED UPRIGHT PIANOS NOUGHT FuK cash. WORCH'S. 923 F. Squares and organs taken In exchange. mySl-tf WAflllvU IHUUEiM LASH 1'niLKS raiu rvn cast off clothes; ladies', geatlempn'a and children's; address postal; will call cry time. H. BUBNSTEIN, 1314 7 th it. n.w. 'Phone 4380 Y. se4-90t WAXTEP.IF YOU ARE GIVING UP H0U8Kkeeping and wish to sell pari or all of your furniture. send for the man who has the reputation of 20 years' fair dealing. MARCUS NOTES. <26 8th st. n.w.; 'phone Main 6171. fe3-tf WANTED.THE OLD AND PRESENT STOCKbolderg of the First Co-Operative Building AH>elation to know that subscription books are etlll open. From $2.50 to $5,000 taken on depoalt. Four per cent interest paid. This association hsi been established for a quarter of a century. Come to office. 1325 32d st. n.w.. for partlimlara. «et2-tf FOE RENT.OFFICES^ 4 llufT.lt.. 50c. 31. <1.00. I wk.. $2.33. lmo..»7.20. FOR RENTOFFICE OR DESK ROOM; ATTORNEY'S nwii'e mft wish i.oan s, titrst BUILDING. FOB RENT.THE ENTIR& SECOND FLOOR OP THE STAR ANNEX. 11TH ST. N.W. AND PA. AVE.; 5,000 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACE: LIGHT AND VENTILATION FROM FOUR SIDES; EXCELLENT ELEVATOR SERVICE; RENT INCLUDES ELECTRIC LIGHT, JANITOR SERVICE, ETC. STONE & FAIRFAX, oe6-3t 1342 New York avp. FOR RENT.FINE OFFICE ROOMS, 2D FLOOSi 1417 F St.; rerjr low rent. Several rooms 1229 Pa. are.; low rent. oc0-3t WALTER A. BRQWN, 624 14th at. FOR RENT.ESPECIALLY LIGHT. LARGE quarters for dentist or any business. 1340 New York ave. Best location in town; rent reason- able; $35 a month. oc0-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 N. Y. are. FOR RENT-MODERN OFFICE ROOMS, 730 AND 732 13th; modern buildings; hot-water heat; large communicating front rooms on 2d floors. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York aye., adjoining corner of 14th. ocC-3t FOR RENT.1316 NEW YORK AVE. Second-story front, 35 feet wide; 5 large windows, large room; wide, easy stairway; steam heat; $25. STONE A FAIRFAX. oc6-3t 1342 N. Y: av«., adjoining* cor. of 14tb. FOR RENT. Office rroms with steam heat, electric light, elevator si) vice, in the Davidson bide., 1413 G at. n.w.; $12.0.1 to $20. oc4-12t- L. S. FRISTOE. 1413 O n.w. FOB RENT.OFFICE BOOMS. WITH STEAM heat, electric light and elevator, in the Pope bldf?.. 817 14th st. n.w.; $12.50 to $1T..'50. oc4-12t L. S. FRISTOB, 1413 O n.w. FOB BENT.THAT BACHELOR APARTMENT AT 1913 Penna. ave.; 3 rooms and bath; ateam heat; Is ideal for a doctor or dentist. Bent low. oc2-0t GEO. W. LINK1NS. H00 19th n.w. FOR RENT.A DOCTOR OR DENTIST CAN'T DO BftTTER than locate at 19th and H n.w.; tine dwelling, adapted for office and dwelling. Ask about it. GEO. W. LIN KINS, 800 l»th at. n.w. <1 UV4-UI : LOST AND FOUND. One cent a word each time for 15 words 3 times. LOST-WH1TE FEMALE FOX TERRIER, BROWN 8|K»t on keml anil back; tall bobbed. Reward if returned. 20i)Vj 13th st. B.w. LOST.WHITE FOX TERRIER IXHT BLACK markings en liead; answers name ftoc.; tag No. 4594; intsMng since September 24. (5 reward for return to 1532 T st. n.w. oc6-3t* LOST BULL TERRIER; MALE; BRINDLE.t with wh'te collar, chest and feet; clipped ears; docked tri'l. Reward. 637 A s.e. ocft-3t* LOST.SEPTEMBER 29, BLACK rfROSS~BELT pin tippM with gold; In Penn. station. Reward If returned 1720 Newton st. n.w. oc6-3t» LOST.LIST OF ADDRESSES AND SMALL memorandum book. Return to 1005 O St. n.w. and get reward. LOST.VICINITY OF 7TH AND F\ LADY'S black purse, containing in of money and four keys on red silk cord, ltetnrn to 2514 14th at. n.w. oc6-3t* LOST-CLASS PIN, W. H. S.. '99. OX FRONT, name of owner on back. Reward If returned to 007 4th 8t., apartment 11. LOST.RED COCKER SPANIEL BITOH; NAME, "Bllx." Return to E. M. WILSON, Central High School, and receive reward. ooG-St* LOST.A LADY'S GOLD WATCH WITH OWXer's name on back. Liberal reward If returned to 1117 I at. n.w. LOST.IN BOSTON HOUSE OR PALAIS ROYAL, Wednesday, long silver-handle silk umbrella, marked "B." .Reward If left' 1326 Columbia road. . oc6-3t* LOST.WHITE AND LEMON-COLORED SCOTCH collie: license tag 1G3. Return to 1303 F at. n.w. and receive reward. FOUND-BICYCLE, IN FRONT OF WHITE House. Owner can recover by describing and paying (or this ad. Apply C. P., 037 Q at. LOST.OCT. 2, SMALL SLEEVE BUTTON, WITH Initials M. O'C. lteward If returned to 71 New York ave. n.e. oc5-3t* LOST-RIMLESS GOLD-MOUNTED EYEGLASSES, having H. D. Feast atamped thereon. Reward if returned to No. 301. the Farragut. oc5-3t* LOST-SMALL MEDAU AWARDED TO MOIxLIE He!sa, Public Schools, Washington, D. C., 1870; on Lincoln Park car, Thursday, Sept. 27. Reward if returned to 04 C n.w. oc6-."tt* LOST.ON WEDNESDAY FORENOON, IN THE shopping district, a gentleman's gun-metal, open-face watch; Gait works, xvlth C. M. K. engraved on back. Reward. Address Box 210, Star office. oc5-3t* REWARD OF $10 PAID FO» INFORMATION leading to return of smal) J>rown coare; white spots on each side; strayed or stolen from Bryarly Hall. Conduit road. oc4-3t* LOST.BLACK SILK WATCH FOB, WITH locket; horses head; ruby In eye; on one side: on other side Initials "0. L. O." Reward it returned to 810 6th at. n.«. oc4-3t LOST.ON ANACOSTIA OAR, A PACKAGE CONtalnlng army revolver and a pair of eyeglasses. Reward If returned to 1206 P at. n.w. oc4-3t FOR HEIST.HALLS. FOR RENT.NEW HALL, FOR DANCING ONLY; latest Improvements; terms reasonable. For particulars address X. X. ZSubstation 22. ociUSt* FOR RENT "CONFEDERATE VETERANS' Hall," 1410 H st. n.w., first floor, for meetings, ihiuwa or other hlffh-claaa nnrttnaes: terms mod. erate. THOS. W. HUNUEBFOBD, 617 14th St. se28-30t FOR BENT-MCSIC HALL (CAPACITY 230)Ftae hall at 1502 14th it. n.w. for select concerts, entertainments, balls, dsnclog or mustc classes, lodge, society or social meetings, banquets, ete. SPECIAL LOW BATES (or morning or afternoon music classes. For terms sppl* to Mtt-Sm S. T. SMITH, 211 Colorado hldg. FOB REFT.ROOMS. O. cent wool tat 18 writ. FOK RENT.ONLY $25.00. " 1340 New York it*. ; 2 light, cbearfal noma; print* bath; botwater heat. STONE * FAIRFAX, 1843 New York an., adjoining cornet of 14th. oc9-3t J FUHM15HED. SECOND AND THIHD STOUY FRONT AND BACK rooms; near can; gentlemen. 1317 Que st. n.w. oc0.8.l»-3t« 1750 P ST. N.W.. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. nicely furnished room In private family. or<J-2t* A NICELY FURNISHra> 3D-STORY FRONT _room. 1534 You at. ocfl-zl* THREE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOU8Ekeeplng; 3d floor; water on same floor; $20 per month. Including heat and gaa; no children. OWNER, 1505 8th st. n.w. oc8-3t» THE MAGNOLIA. 1321 M ST. N.W. (APARTuient 4).Single, second-floor front; southern ex: posure; to gentleman; Bteam heat. oc«-2t 210 F N.W..CLEAN. COMFORTABLY FtTRnlshed single room; ateam heat; $7.00 per mo. Flat 3. oc«-3t ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM AND ONEUOODslzed back room, with private family of two. 654 Mass. ave. n.e. oo0-3t* 1439 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.. ONE N1CELY~ FUR*iilahed front room; southern exposure; steam heat. oc0-3t+ 63 K ST. N.E..3 FURNISHED ROOMS. Sl'ITaWe for light housekeeping; newly papered and painted. oc«-3t* ONE 8DXNY ROOM. WITH USE OF PRIVATE parlor and liatb; suitable for single lady or couple; an excellent opportunity, owing to hnslueas engagements of owner; references. Apply 336. the Portlier, Saturday after 7:30 or Sunday. 3 to 6. FOR RENT.1928 I ST~ N7W.-FUENISHKD rooms, single or en luMe; private family; telephone. oc6-7t 1225 N ST. N.W..CHOICE ROOM, 21) FLOOR; well furnished; near bath; convenient location. oc6,8,10« VERY PLEASANT, NICELY FURNISHED 2D floor for gentleman; large carpets; private family adults; flrsl-riUss location. 1532 O St. n.w. NICELY FURNISHED 2D-STORY ROOM. NEAR War Department; tiled bath; large closets; two large windows; reasonable rent. 700 20th n.w. oc6-2t* SECOND-STORY ALCOVE; OTHER ROOMS; steam heated; well futnlshed; 'phone; rfOjieJ adults. 1321 Que at. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR LADYT"ONE tn office preferred. Apartment 44, The De Soto, 1300 Mass. ave. o.w. oc0-2t FOR RENT.OXE OR TWO X1CH,Y FURNISHED rooms; steam heat; on line of cars. 17J8 U st.n.w. HALL ROOM, WITH CLOSET; ALSO OTHER rooms; furnished or unfurnished; in well-kept, attractive house. 1511 13th St., 2d house north Iowa circle. ocG-2t LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING . THREE DESIRABLE furnished rooms; entire door; hot and cold water. 207 G n.w. - oc0-2t* 1321 QUE ST. N.W.; LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED rooms; steam heated; use of parlor; 'phone. 1223 15TH &T. N.W., MCELY FURNISH ED. well-heated, well-kept, second-floor front room; bay window and alcove; private family. FOR RENT.ONE BAY-WINDOW FURNISHED room, on the second floor, in corner house; near tiled bath; hot-water heat and southern exposure; neor two different car lines; for single gentlemen or man and wife only. ltJ33 Newton st. n.w. (old Howard ave.) ocC-2t* FOR RENT.NEAR IOWA CIRCLE, 1202 Q ST? n.w., newly furnished room; steam heat; private family; telephone. oc6-2t FOR KENT. REAim FUL ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen; adjoining bath; no other roomers. 5U2. The Windsor. CHEERFUL ROOMS IN CORNER HOUSE NEAR Capitol ami Library; convenient to all car lines. 101 2d st. n.e. octt-2t* IN A BEAUTIFUL, MODERN AND WELL-KEPT private home; small family.mree most attractively furnished rooms; references exchanged. 1742 S st. oc6-2i* 12l>3 N ST. N.W..TWO NICE PARLORS ON first flpor; also nice n»om on second floor; steam heat and southern exposure. oc6-2t.eSu* TWO COMMUNICATING FURNISHER ROOMS; southern exposure; heat and gas. 411% G st. n.w. FUKNISHKL>.TWO NEWLY PAPERED, GLEAN rooms, nicely arranged for two gentlemen; every convenience; small private family. 1334 12th n.w. oc6-3t* FURNISHED ROOMS WITH A.M.I.; STEAM heated; rent from $9 up per month; situated on 13th st. near F. 'Address Box 262, Star office. oc6-3t* ^ FOR GENTLEMAN.1212 12TH N.W..OOtMFORTahle room in well-furnished private bouse: modern bath; $7. ocC-2t*_ 806 12TH N.W..LARGE ROOM FOR COUPLE; also room for gentlemen; porcelain bath. oc6-5t* NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WELL HEATED; Annr.nlanf Ko H rant rouannul.U 199ft 15lfh fit n.w. | IF YOU AUE LOOKING FOR NICK FURNISHED rooms, centrally located, with good people and in up-to-date places, call on GEilSON, DENT & CO., 611 7th at. nrw. We cater only for the best houses, and assure you the best accommodations. oc5-30t 150© QUE ST. N.W..1 WELL-FURNISHED ROOM and private bath; private family; with or wlthout board. oc5-2t SUNNY FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY near Capitol and Library; 'phone. 254 Delaware ave. n.e. oc5-St* FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. HANDSOMELY Fl-Rnished for housekeeping; outside rooms;.very rea- sonahie. 1SU6 ion st. n.w. oco-.lt* TWO LOVKLY ROOMS, NEW HOUSE, NEW FUBnishings; light housekeeping. 1715 1st st. o.w. oc5-3t* NEAR Dl'PONT CIRCLE. 4 1ST-FLOOR ROOMS, nicely furnished for housekeeping; $25 per month. 1013 19th st. oe.V2t* FOR RENT PRIVATE FAMILY WISHES TO rent iarge 3d-story front room, furnished, with or without board, suitable for two; also back room, unfurnished; bright rooms and large closets. 1414 Irving st., Mt. Pleasant. oc5-5t* MOST BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOMS; TEI.Ephone, steam heat and all conveniences. 1834 K st. n.w. oc5~It* PI-I> VIOIII.'I* DlllUIC ¥>T» T \r I Tf C > XHT V (in. r i «»wvs.«io, i ni t Ain r.i.iiiui, #i". breakfast If desired; references required. 1427 R. oc5-3t* "CARDOVA," 20TH AND FLA. AVE..LARGE furnished second-floor front room, with bath, in bachelor apartment, to gentleman; board if desired in house. Apartment 304. oc4-3t* FOR RENT.205 E ST. N.W.. ONE NICELY FURnished room, suitable for gentlemen; price reasonal>le. oc4-3t NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GttNTLEuicu; gas and electric lights; $7 to 19. with private family. 30!) 7th n.w. oc4-3t* NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, WELL heated; light housekeeping permitted. 2217 Washington circle. oc4-3t* LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING.THREE DESIRABLE furnished rooms; entire floor; hot and cold water; one or two couples. 207 G n.w. oc4-3t* TWO WELL-FURNSHED ROOMS; EV'ERYthing complete for light housekeeping; splendid location. 1207 Q n.w. W. F. MATTESON. oc4*tf FOR RENT.1702 Q ST. N.W., IN PRIVATE FAMily.Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite; tiled bath; telephone; every convenience. oc4-3t ONE OR MORE PRETTILY FURN[SHED; PARlor if desired; housekeeping; to refined adults; private family, 1123 6th st. n.w. oc4-3t* FOR RENT.LARGE. BRIGHT, STEAM-HEATED furnished room; excellent board across st. IT-VI U n.w. oc4-3t* PI.EASAXT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, WITH private bath; suitable for gentlemen. 600 Gth st. n.w. ' oc4-6t* FOR RENT.A LARGE SOUTH ROOM. NBWLY furnished; hot-water heat; tele-phone; breakfast If desired. 1218 Fairmont. oc3&6* DELIGHTFUL LOCATION, 1372 HARVARD ST. n.w., near 3 car lines.Large front room: also 2d-story room. oc2-Ut* EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE FRONT ROOM. SECond floor; bath on same floor; southern exposure; well kept private house; to refined gentleman. Rent, $15. 2017 G northwest. oc2-6t* THE PORTSMOUTH, 1735 N. H. AVE..A FURnisbed. room, nith separate entrance. In an apartment adjoining bath; gentlemen preferred. Address Bo* 110, Star office. ocl-tf TWO LARGE, ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS. 1345 L St. n.yr. se20-tt FOR RENT.A LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH southern exposure to refined gentleman. 1221 O St. n.w. sel7-tf FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. TWO LARGE, CHEERFUL' ROOMS; PRICfcS moderate; In family of adults. 7 Qulncy place n.e. oc6-2t» FOR RENT.IN MT. PLEASANT, TWO BOOMS, single or together; large closets, steam heat, nnrth And nnnth cinnfinrM 144K Von-tnn mt 1722 F ST..BRIGHT. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS OB entire floor; fine bath; refined, comfortable home; near War Dept., White House, etc.; $4 up per month. LARGE SECOND-FLOOR FRONT ROOM, WITH alcove; also communicating room. 1415 Newton «t. 620 3D N.W..LARGE ZD-STORY FRONT ROOM; three exposures; porcelain bath; nice neighborhood; ateam heat. oc(Wtt* LARGE FRONT ROOM; FIRST-CLASS ENVIROijments; reasonable to right party. Apartment 502, Plata. Washington circle. oc6-2t* BOR RENT.1 FURNISHED OR 2 OR 3 CNFURnlahed communicating rooms. 1439 S st. n.w. oc6-3t» looo uinanu ox..o r tn c. uvuaia; rui v A if, bath; (team beat and gai; l.h.k.; very reasonable. oe6-2t* NICE ROOM TO QUIET PERSON'; PRIVATE KAMiljr; all conveyances. 406 New Jersey ave. a.e. ocft-2t FOR RENT.LARGE AND SMALL FURNISHED or nnfornlshed rooms. 2027 I it. n.w. oc4-3t* 1415 K ST. N.W..TWO COMMUNICATING AN1» one single room; fnrnlsbed or nnfnrnlshed. oc4-3t 718 12TH ST. N.W.. 3 LARGE ADJOINING rooms; private use or business; also 3 samll room* MUt | FOR REFT.BOOMS. FURNISHED OH HmFPHITISHKP. ONI OR TWO ROOMS IN APARTMENT IN THE Wwtwer. Apply at Caff. ocS-Ct* ON FIRST FLOOR, FDRNISHF.D OR CNFORntshed room for light bousr kerytnr; n-asona'lj rent. 123 D at. n.w. oo2-to.th,»-3t' VNFl'RIflSHED. 416 3D N.W..TWO OR THREE OKFUBN1SHKD rooms on .cond floor, for l.h.k.; adults. ocg-3t* 1532 EYE ST\ N.W..2D-STORY FRONT; A large. ll<rht room, first floor; nice rooms. o<-6-3t° FOT7R ROOMS. 2D FLOOR; HEAT, OAS. BATH; l.h.k. 1010 23d at. n.w. oc«-3t» THREE ROOMS. BATH; ENTIRE 2D FLOOR; nuiet ronnle: 115: heat and ru. 118.50. 407 14th n.e. > ^ octfSt* THREE PLEASANT INKLRNISHED ROOMS and hath for housekeeping; reft, required and given. 212 4th at. n.e. oc*l-2t* THREE LARG.E ROOMS AND BATH; $15 50 PER month. 1700 lat at. n.w. oc0-3t* TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR l.h.k.; second floor. 1412 ttth at. n.w. ocO lit* FOR RENT.THREE UNFURNISHED OONNRCTing room*. with x>rl?ate tiled bath, in a corner house with southern exposure; hot-water heat, and near two different car lines; an Weal hache lor apartment, but would rent to man and wife for housekeeping. 1633 Newton at. n.w. (old Howard ave.). oct*» 2t* 3 ROOMS. 2D FLOOR. LIGHT AND GAS~FOR cocking. 234 N at. n.w. TWO OR THREE ROOMS AND RATH: UNFURnUhed; for ligtot housekeeping; 2d floor. 919 O at. oc0-3t* FOR RENT- TWO LARGE UNFUItNKHHED communicating rooms on aecond floor, with owner of honsrf*: rent reasonable 415 () st. n.w FOR RENT.4 L.UtOE NBWLY PAPERED rooms; 1st and 2d floors; housekeeping. 3'H> D st. n.e. oeG-2t FOR RENT.2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; 2D g<xir; beat, gas and hath. 524 21st n.w. 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; SUITABLE FOR L. h. k.; heat and gas; no children. 1404 3d n.w. ocfi-3t 1423 Q ST. N.W..2 LA ROE COMMUNICATING 2d-floor front, rooms; large closet; heat and gas; ladles only; 'phone In house. oc5-3t* 1615 8TH ST. N.W..THHEE UNFURNISHED rooms, second floor; heat, gas and bath; for light housekeeping; adults; owner. o 5-3t* FLAT FOR RENT; WITH HEAT AND GAS~ 63 New York are. n.e. o<r»-3t* vao DirYT_Tivn r t nnir nrw>v(s 2n r </!» 1 JL UV u.auuu water 021 same floor; newly painted and* papered; cooking gas: steam heat; $10; house occupied by owner. 2506 M at. n.w. oc5-3t 2 OR 3 PRETTY ROOMS, 3D FLOOR; S1S.00. 1211 9th n.w. oc5-2t* 4 ROOMS, HEAT. GAS, BATH. 2D FLOOR."OOM~ plete lor housekeeping. $15. 42 K n.e. oc5-3t* UNFURNISHEDROOMS~ON~~MARYLAND AVE. n.e. near Capitols all outside rooms; suitahle for llffht housekeeping. Address Box 207 Star office. oc6*2t* TT:NFURNISHED ROOMS. WIT H~ BATH, 11EAT light, on 3d tioor; telephone; half block from cars. 142 Ky. ave. s.e. oc5-2t0 FOR L.H.K.. 2 NICE ROOMS? BAY WINDOW and closet; ladies preferred; $10. 126 D n.e. oc5-3t* THREE SECOND-STORY ROOMS; UGI1T% HEAT ana use or oaiu; ugui nousent-eiuu#, auun». uo Q st. n.W. ©c5-3t* FOUR-OR FIVE OUTSIDE ROOMS~AND BATH] arranged for housekeeping; good closets; $13 and $17. 262*) K at. n.w. oc5-3t FOUR ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR, FOR HOUS&keeping. 909 8th n.w. oc5-2t SECOND FI>X;H.TW() I,AKiK COM MU NICAfing rooms, with alcoTC?: heat, gas and hath, for l.h.k. 17o7 Oth st. n.w. «>c4-4t* THREE ROOMS, SEOOND FLOOB; HEAT (IAS a-nd bath; for light housekeeping. No. lfiiJO Columbia st.. between 9th and 10th. I' and Q n.w. oe4 3t* FOR RENT TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms; second floor; heat, gas and bath; reasonable; no children. 132 D st. n.e. oc4-3t* TWO ROOMS-UNFUU N IS H KD-WJTH HEAT an'l fr;Js; 910, iigui mm euccriu:. i.«»u vtu u.w. Oc4-:if FOB RENT.THREE UNFURNISHED OOMMUnieatlng rnims; bath oil same floor; no children. 11!) Xfw York ave. n.w. oc4-3t* WANTED.ROOMS. One cent a word for 15 word*. WANTED.BY MAN AND WIFE-WITH ONF. child, two or three rooms completely furnished for l.h.k., about ten minutes' walk from navy yard; state price and location. Address Box 227, Star office. ocQ-2t* WANTED.OCT! 25. FRONT ROOM FACING south; state terms. J. II. M., Room 1G6. Patent OIHce. ocrt-2t« WAKTRD.THREE INFl'RNISIIED ROOMS AND private bath in n.w.; I.h.k.; heat and gjm; $25.00. Box 193. Star office. WANTED.BY TWO LADIES ROOMS. ADDRESS Box 255. Star office. oc6-2t* WANTED FURNISHED DININO ROOM IN apartment or rooming nouse. Address is. <J. A., Star office. WANTED.IF YOU WANT YOUR ROOMS RENTed bring them to OERSON. DENT & CO.. Gil 7th st. n.w., as we are the only real estate a eon t s in the city who rent out furnished rooms. o<-5-30t WANTED 100 ROOMS TO ACCOMMODATE Spanish-American War Veterans. FIELD'S RENTAL BUREAU, 502 Munsej bldg. oc5-3t* WANTED.ALL PERSONS DESIRING GENTEEL, high-clasa tenants for rooms call and leave address. 502 MUNSEY BUILDING. Great demand. oc2-7t* ROOMS AtfDBOARD. One cent a word for 15 words. 1501 R ST. N.W..TO A LADY, DESIRABLE 2Dstory bay-window room, in prirate family; excel3ent table: references exchanged. oc6-2t* 900 M.LARGE FRON» ROOM. FOR 2; 4 WTNdows, 2 closets; telephone; hot-water heat; also single room. oc6-2t* 1113 O ST..ROOMS, WITH GOOD HOME COOKing. In modern steam-heated house; southern exposure; references. oc6-s.Su.tu.3t* 1226 16TH ST. (SCOTT CIRCLE), TWO ADULTS can obtain delightful, handsomely furnished second-story room with two large closets ,and exceptional board; five squares from Treasury Department. oe6-2t* 1257 IRVING ST. N.W., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, front and back second-floor rooms; single or en suite, with board; southern exposure; steam heat; 'phone. 1700 T ST. NVW.. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED room with excellent board in new 3-story brick: a.m.i.; 'phone; private family; rea&|Kia9>le; near cars. « oc6-2t 1810 G ST. N.W., FUR. ROOMS WITH OR without board, near State, War and Navy Department^ oc6-2t* FOR RE-XT.1321 CORCORAN ST. N.W., YOUNG men can find rooms and good board, w-Ith home comforts, at reasonable price. oc6-3t* FURNISHEI> OlTlfNFURNISHBD~BOOM VlTH or without board In apartment with private fa ... I)')4tOO 17th at n ir A im\1p oc8-2t* ' ' FRONT BOOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY, FASHlonable neighborhood, ou car line, half block from Dupont Circle; 'phone; breakfast; (15-$25. 1418 Hopkins street. oc6-3t» FOR RENT.LARGE, NEWLY FURNISHED. SECond-story, bay-window front room; private family. 1930 15th st. 2!) GRANT PL..LARGE ROOMS. WITH BOARD for two, $45; excellent table board; transients accommodated. ocft-3t* FOR RENT.1204 K ST., SOUTH ROOM; THREE windows; first-class board; excellent location; terms inoderate. oc<$-3t* FOR RENT.SUNNY FRONT ROOM; PORCELAIN bath; telephone; table a specialty; reasonable; transients. 2017 II st. n.w. oc0-3t* FOR RENT.FINE ROOM AND BOARD, TWO young men; no other boarders; terms moderate. 138 Gth st. n.e. TIIE IROQUOIS, 1410 M ST.-6TH FLOOR; NEW house; rooms facing south; good baths; table board; transients taken. oo6-Ct* *y>.\ 1 ST ST K F. W&R fiDTTAr DAAIIO .. . . «». »' "*»»» ViU »iVU IK/WJIO with excellent table; private family; good home. oc6-2t* 1918 EYE.LARGE FRONT ROOM. SECOND floor; bath sqrne floor; well-kept house; refined surroandlngs. oc<i-7t* 1618 19TH N.W..FRONT ROOMS, TOGETHER or separate; good table board; reasonable rates; near Conn. ave. cars. oc5-3t* NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH board, for two gentlemen; £40; U st. bet. 18th and 19th sts.; private family; 'phone. Address Box 212, Star office. oc5-3t* ONE SQUARE WEST OF DUPONT CIRCLE, well-furnished rooms in refined home; table hoard if desired. 1410 Hopkins place. oc5-3t FINE SECOND-FLOOR FRONT ROOM, FUR nished; with excellent board. 937 H st. n.w. oc5-3t* v * ve.x11 deiaunruij nijwjun, nun piiu>ih.uu»i meals; $27; fine bome; 'phoiie. 1444 N n.w. oc5-2t 1416 K N.W..WELL-KURNISHED SINGLE AND double rooma; moderate rates; bath eacb floor; telephone. 004-41* 1213 Q ST. N.W..FINE ROOMS; EXCELLENT table; rery reasonable to couples. oc4-4t* 1716 H ST. NTW..LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS, in exclusive bouse; convenient to clubs and all car llnei; superior table board; table boarders. oc4-4t» ROOMS. HOME COOKINO. REASONABLE. 1S2S H St. oc4-7t* TWO XIOE ROOMS. WITH BOARD; FOUR GENtie men; large closets. Apply 2153 K at. n.w. oc3-7t ATTRACTIVE CORNER ROOll, ADJOINING bath; southeast exposure; Capital Traction cars pass dour; dainty table appointments. 33. The Ashley. 18th and V. oc2-eod,3t* THE RICARDO. 1613-21 17TH, DESIRABLE front rooms, with board; also ball rooms: modgrate prices. oc2-Tt* 986 K N.W..LARGE FURNISHED 2D-FLOOR trout room; southern exposure; also ball room; excellent table. oc2-5f FOR RE.VT-U00 S ST.. 'PHONE N. 1256-FRooms and board for gentlemen In private family; convenient to all car lines. ocl-7t 1108 F 8T. N.W..DELIGHTFUL ROOMS AND beard with pleasant southern family; (20 to $30 per moath; Aellent home table; piano aud lalepboae> eel-tf ROOKS AHD BOARD. ISM K ST. N.W. .FIRST-CLASS RI.VOU AND doable moms and board; eicelieut location; terina moderate. a»30-Tt LAKOK. SUNNY BOOMS. WITH BItST HO« comforts, at 1100 Vermont are. ae90-Tl* 1822 VERMONT AVI HKAUTIFUIT ROOMS; fine location; on* block from car line; old Virgin cooking; transient* and table hoarder* taken. 1.. ». C. I.IST. ac29 9t _ ELKtjANTI.Y KDBNISHBD ROOMS WITlf~iXcel table; conreulent to cara. 1204 N at. P.w. ar24 14t* STKCIAI,.FINK CHOICE RoTlM WITH 3 TWE5Ttr-f tocala dally; *20 for oue. »43 for two. ^NKW ItANDOU'll. 1804 a > w «cl-tf_ WANTED.ROOMS AND BOARDT One rent i word for 13 words. WANTKI>-UNFrRNI»HKn BOOM WITH HOARD for,two In11.w.; $4T». Box 104. Star ottW. WAXTKIT MAN"A^D WIKK, LAHiTv. I NKI!Ra nx)in. south fnmt, with board; slate prlfe. wh!rh must be moderate. Addr.vss IV |{ M , Star oftVe. WANTK1) BOAKI) AM) SOI Til ItllOM. CAPIt« Hill. 7:2m breakfast; ftth Bt VWt t«> K Capitol. Address B. A. S.. Star WANTED arc >M> STOUY PROMT ROOM AKD board for gentleman and wlf» and little fclrl »*er«»n v*»ars o d In n.w.; private family preferred. J. «. r.. Star <jB>. WANTED BY <; KM I.KM AN. WIFE AND ykak old child. rooms and board for winter, la suburbs In Maryland. Address, with fuU particu and terms. Box mi. Star offlce. <h'4 5t PTTSTTffl'CC ADBADTTTWTTTTt! VAAVMAUlliXUbtJ, Ow cent a word each time for 15 words 3 timet. l»IIOTOOKAI>II liALLKKY ANI) KQT U'M KM1 for sale; central location* price reasonable. Addreaa Hox 2*~l. Slur office. oH>-?U* GOOD 11 KOOM 11 < M sK N KAH K AND 12TJI n.w.; rent, $40; nermanent n*>mers In house. part furniture for sale; a snap. Address Tenants, Star office. « « «; :it# ORANGK (ilU)VKS; ft A<'ltKS; SOI THKKN^YfTforni $15 monthly; 7 years. Be Independent. Write WII.LIAM ilt'DSOK. Itlalto. c*l FOR 8ALK rilKAP-; MEAT. 0S K BRV AND provision st(»re. 1701 31th at. n.w. ocO-.'U* FOR SALE TKN SIH>KKS OF TI1K CAPITAL stock of lie Wonfcgni Hntet Aiffy. to ckn an eatate; no reasonable «»ffer refused. Tim stock Is a splendid Investment ami the asset* of the rwi»f are the m.>*t MU. A b*rnia to a quick purchaaer. WILLIAM H. LINK INS, Attorney. oc6-3t JUST VAPiTlftn r/uivtfD . «... .. . « VUil IV1V P I U IV TJ .A 1 I J»« C.l4»J« lug; well established hh n gr«vvi y ami provisi store; about 8 yearn' standing. Apply al WKSrOTT & WILCOX. IVnna. ave. or 3038 M at. n.w. ocrt-St* W A NTBP.AT ONCB, fMHI $1.#M Tt) *:i~000 to sell a 'w device of uniiKU.nl merit. universal use an<r great moneyed value; Invest men t ahaolut sal?, with large returns within 12 months. Address, stating where Interview can be ha I INVEST Star cfflee. o«-«» :if IOi AIUMHJ>-l8TiBUIHB) MJNCH K«H>M; daily receipts. $50.00; good PMMM br MV|. Price, $3,000. Address Box 252. Star offlee. oe6-3t + OKOCEKY MEN. ATTEND THK AIVTION SAMI of groceries, fixtures, horse and wagon. Ac.. on Monday, Oct 8, at 10 a.m., at 001 II st. n w. octt-2t LAR'JK vol XTUY STOKK AM» DWELLING \Nfc> hig i»ost <tfficp receipts; established trad*1 In fast- km.myiuk Btruon at it.it. station. 4 inllen from city; bai-as. Icehouses; 2 acres; l»eauriful grounds. Op |*>rt unity seldom offered, llo* 257. St:»r office. oeO-iit A PARTY VKKY I AMILIAK WIT!! T|7K~ AKT of manufacturing Ice would like to organ./.e a co. to build a hundred-tail ice machine lu tills -ity. Parties interested please write or call on M. SMITH, Wisconsin are., Tenlejrtown, I>. O. oc6-:U* I BAYS THE MOIT DMOUBLI OOKKMOROeery, with 4 living room!*, bath. cellar, hack and side yards, to be found in the city; excellent location; will sell building on easy terms; stork witl Invoice iboot $14500. Trade can lie Mtilf built up to $3.<KX) a mouth. Address OV.NliK, Box |tt. Star oflire. 5 :;t* F<Mi SALK-A BAKRBT; SIX BAftKRU I L >Uft a week. A g«>od place for a lunch room; cheap rer.t and in the outer of the city; sold .»n accou of family troubles. Address Box 208 Star office. oco-3t* GROCERY. NOTION ANT) CONFECTIONERY store, northwest; che«p rent: price. NEMT YOKK H1SINKSW ItKOKKIlS, Oil F. oi-3-3t GROCERY: DAILY SALES. $35; LONG ESTAH llslied; living roonw; will Invoice. NEW YORK BUSINESS liltOKERS. 611 F. oeS 3t 16-ROOM ROOMING IIOUSR; MONTHLY IS'" eonie $140 over rent; nleelr fnrnl^hed; nrl^, $1 ,'N*0. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. Oil F. Oc-SSt GROCERY; WORTH $*»>: ON A(X*)1NT OF sl.'knesa will ucrifloe $400. NEW YORK RI SlNESS BROKERS. Oil F. oc5 3t DINING ROOM; CHEAP RENT; MAKING money; bargain; $2£>. NEW YORK 111 SINESS BROKERS. Ull F. oL-f,-3t $126 FOR 1'EANLT BUTTER BUSINESS7"M)T till.irl> SUtl SLOCK. »> |KT USJ ffihuv LIIM <1 i~~.i Eyo n.e. ocS-3t** FOR SALE-FRUIT STAND AND CI UAH tore. 1417 32(1 n.w. oc5-3t* FOR 8ALE.HANDSOME GROCERY AND MARket store; public thoroughfare, rnith business; store rent, $15; store sud dwelling, $:10, goo< place to sell fruit during the evening. 214.! I'a. are. oc.VHt'.Ju BIO PROFIT FOR ANY RELIABLE PERSON who can Invest small capital. For pnrtirulan address C. A. B.. Star office. oc4-3t CORNER OROCEItY N.W., WITH 2 ADJOINING rooms; Interested in two. must give up one. Ad dress J. M. H lolly, 10th st. n.w. oc4-3t ROOMINU HOUSE.LOCATION UNSURPASSED steam beat and every known convenience; woult *w% at «1 <WVt 1 .... _ ....II v.uca|7 ai fj,wn/, wn iin trntiug t;iijr n 111 bbc rifice for $500. TAYLOR'S, 1328 New York are oc4-3t GROCERY.NOTHING BETTER IN CITY FOF price ask*d; inspect this business and submit ui your offer. TAYLOR'S, 1328 New York ave. oc4-3t i M . BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR. GUARANTEEL to clear $3,000 year; for the beat of reason* thii business must be sold; no reasonable offer re fused and plenty of time to pay for same. TAY LOR'S. 1328 New York are. oc4-8t $4,700 BUYS 8A LOON ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS owner wishes lo retire, hence the sacrifice. TAY LOR'S. 1328 New York ave. oc4-3t $2,000 BUYS SALOON ON PA. AVE.; CHEAI rent, long lease; actual value, $6,000. Don' miss this. TAYLOR'S, 1328 New York ave. oc4-3t DAIRY LUNCH POSITIVELY CLEARING weekly or no sale; investigate, then make offer TAYLOR S, 1328 New York ave. or I .it FOR SALE.A FEW SHARKS OF EAST WASH ington Savings Rank. Address W. K. O. Sta office. oci-3t* MY THIRD LAND SEEKERS' EXCURSION ~T< South Dakota leaves Washington October Stli For particulars see W. J. LA VARIE. loll) 14tl st. n.w. FOR SALE.DESIRABLE CORNER PROl ERT1 for hotel and reatsurant; 25 rooms; exceptioou opportunity; center of city of Baltimore. C. E CUNNINGHAM. 521 Equitable bid*.. Halto Ml oc2-7t I HAVE SIX GOOD LOTS IN VERY BB8T LO cation of northwest, and need several drlvln and work horsea. Will xnake exchange for al or part. Could also use »nue carts. What bav you to trade? Address Box 158. Star office. oc2-lgt 1,200 S. C. W. LEGHORN HENS FOR SALE, * each; 400 pullets, (2 each. E. F. TAYLOR Ash ton. Md. se29-sa,tu,th,6t* ORKLS. THE PERFUMED ROOT IS EI) IN MAK iug all face, tooth and perfumed powders; $2 000,000 worth Orris products sold yearly; grow !ng demand; wonderfully productive, hardy, h teresting flowering plant for field or g.trden marvelously prontanie, pro<iuc:n£ 91.UUO ud acr each year; ea«y of cultivation; quick result* $10 will start you; full instructions free how t grow it. Write to GRANITE IIILL FAR* Louisa. Vl. se8 22-oc6 20 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO EN LIS capital and services in educational institutioi money Invested insured from loss. Addr^j CORPORATION COLLEGE, 41 Wall St.. Ne York. >e27-29t WANTED.MEN AND WOMEN TO TRY OU1 Bucbu Gin. for kidney and bladder trouble; yrt scriptiou of late Dr. Warner of Baltimore. Sol only by Tbe Jobn Wedderburn Co., 618 V at. seltt-tf.4 niTPTnT A T rnTTnro I UX X1UXAJJ 11U1XUUkj. OFF1CK COMMISSIONERS OF THE DI! trict of Columbia. Washington. October 5, 1900. Ordered: That. Id the public interest and f«rr tl public safety, on tbe occasion of tbe Third At nual Encampment of the United Spanish War Vet< ran*. the cessation of the -movement of street *cai and other vehicles, except vehicles of the Polie Fire. Health and Water Departments and Ho pltal Ambulances on emergency service, is heret directed upon Pennsylvania avenue at th<- Pea< Monument, including 1st street north and sout at the Junction therewith, and from that poir along Pennsylvania avenue, from curb to curl to 15th street; 15rh street, from curb to curb, j Pennsylvania avenue; Pennsylvania avenue, fro: curb to curb, to 17th street, from 2:15 o'cloc p.m. to 3:15 o'clock p.m.. October 9. li*>6. < until the line of parade shall have passed ©r< the designated route. For tbe information of a concerned, the following section of the law roll tire to the maintenance of public order of tl District of Columbia is included herewith, and as follows: "It shall t»e unlawful for any pe son or persons within tbe District of Oolumbi to congregate and assemble in any street, avenu alley, road, or highway, or In or around any £u lie building or lnclosure, or any park or reserr tion. or at tbe entrance of any private buildli or toclosure. and engage in loud or boisterous tail Ing or other disorderly conduct, or to insult make rude or obscene gestures or comment observations on persons pausing ny or in rne^H bearing, or to crowd, abstract, or Incommode t^H free use of *07 suet street, avenue, alley. roa^H highway, or any of the foot pavements tnarao^H or, the free entrance Into any public or prlva^H building or lncloaure; that it shall not be lawf^H for any person or persons to swear. curse. make use of any profane language, or lnJece^H cr obscene words, or engage In disorderly eondu^H In any street, alley, road, highway, public par^H or lnclosure, public building, church, or sssembl^H room, or in any other public place, or In any pla^H wherefrom the same may be beard In any stre«^H avenue, alley, road, highway, public park or closure, or otber building, or in sny premises 'oth^H man inoae irwrf ine on rate u rummiiitu, der a penalty of not more than tweut t-Ht# lar» for each and every olfenae." HENRY B. H M A OK A lil.AXD. HBMll L. WEST, JOHN Bl^H " I

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Page 1: Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1906-10-06 [p 4].€¦ · IIART, Supt., Lanshurgh & Bro., 4I!0 itil st. octt-2t WANTE!i 1M.I'MBER~ LEAT>" W()RKER AND jol»l**r: steady work for a good

STAR BRANCH OFFICES.If not convenient to coil at Th*

Star office, llth street and Pennsylvaniaavenue, leave your advertisementat any of the following'Branch Offlcea:

NORTHWEST BRANCHES;Pentner'a T>ni* Store, Ulh and V »ta.Epplej'a Drnc Stire, l«tb anil Walllnf pi.Portman'a I'rnir Store Hth and R. I. ** .

I.npton'a Drug .Store Vermont are. and 8 itKins'. Drug Store. 15th anil I art.Holtrrlaur'a News Stand. 1705 Pa are.Herbal a Urn* Store. 2T.th and Pa. it».Crlanrella Hn>r Rtore. 7th ami T ata.Pfslal Trlerraph OflW, 112<! Conn. re.roafal Tele-raph Ofllre. 012 Penna. are.Poat.il Telefraph Office. fith and B ata.ro»tf»] Telegraph Office. Penn. R. R. Station.B Ivann. Song A Co.. Information Bore*®.Woodward ft f>othrop. Information Bnrea®.Interior Dept.. *tli ft F sts...Telegraph Office.Jenifer b'dsr.. 7th A I) at*.. Tolegraph Office.Commercial Rank bldjr.. Telegraph Office.Corridor C S. Cnnito). . _Crier ft Crier.'* Pharmacy. 9th & N. ICcMrnberff'aPepartment Store. 912-28 7tB

»t.. P.nrenn of Information. _The Ilntchln* Krnner Drnjj To.. 17th ft Qn*.Butler ft Field. Drajrgla'.a. 3d ft IndianaJ-onla R Pnstelf. Pharmacist. 3100 11th at.Dnpont Pharmacy. Char S. Boaton. prop..20th and P Ms.

GEORGETOWN:© PonnelPa Prng Store. 32d and M «ta.O'Bonneira Dmjr Store 32d and O »t«.Adama Expreaa Office. 1222 32d it.Pride'a Pharmacy. 28th and P »tt.


Kencaly's Pharmacy. N. Capitol and IIlaJry'a Pharmacy. I11h and K. Capitol at*.Kltlhnm'a Pharmacy. 13th and H sts.Butler's Pharmacy. 4th and Stanton placf.


Bradley's Drug Store. Stli and E at».O'Donnell's Drug Store. 3d and f'ennt.

SOUTHWEST:Sullivan's Drug Store. 7th .And D its.Eleventh Street Wharf. O'Brien ft HmlLCbaa. S. Walter. 901 4^ st.

ANAC05TIA:C. G. Lolir. 25 Monroe at.

ALEXANDRIA:A S. Doniphan. 727 King at.

BRIGHTWOOD. D. C.:Wm. Tboniaa. Bright wood are. and I/ttf*fellow st.

TENLEYTOWN. D. 0.1Andrew Rurga. Druggist.

WANTED.AGENTS.WANTKU-ACKXTS TO IIKPHKSBNT LEADINGNew York life Ins. co. In Washington. AddressP. O. Box 24<15. with references. aell-tf

WANTED.HELP.One c»-Dt n word for 15 words.


WANTKD- BI "TLKIttt, V«K<'ONI) MEN. IIOI SKDoen.tor fanitliea; mI^o coachmen. driver. LA-i»ir..N i..\» \»:inonr ave.

VAMT;I~Kxv}fcltiKN <1ET> SALESMAN FCTitreal estate office; one with own team preferred.box 2-"', Star office. or0*ci.i(ni.w,3t

WAN'FET~\lEN~ EVEUYWIiEKE~ r;0()T) f'A Y~to litMtrU.ute circulars. adv. matter, tack sijrns,etc.; no ianTHMln^. NATIONAL ADV. BTUEAl',Chicago.

WANTKI YOl N<f >7AN TOTI7KRK ANI) I'OLlect in real estate oifl'-e; mast furiiisli good refs.Box 221. Star office.

wanted"-Itoyd for receiving ro>>m. bundle collectorsand bundle wrappers. Apply toCASHIER, 3d floor, I'alais Royal. A.IJSNEK. ocft-4t

WANTED- EXPERIENCED WHITE ELEVATORconductor. Apply to W. M. llALDERSTON,Msi l'alals Royal. A. LISNEH. oc«-3t

\VANTEI> A I'ATRNT OFFil'K I>RAFTSM A N*;salary. $15 jht wcok. AiMrt'is Box l£4i», StarOffl'O. Oi*t>-3t


WANTE1>.CI)LOREI> ROYS BETWEEN THEap-i of 14 aiul 10; must n»nit' well recommended;permanent piwitions; good salary. Apply to S.IIART, Supt., Lanshurgh & Bro., 4I!0 itil st.octt-2tWANT E!i 1M.I'M BER~ LEAT >" W()RKER AND

jol»l**r: steady work for a good man. Call at M.A RKI'TER, «H» D U.W.

WANTEI>.GENERAL OFFICE MAN. WITHknowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting;must write good hand ami come highly recommended;g.n»d chance for a competent and willingworker. Address Box 256, Star office.oc«-2t

"YVANTEl) TKACHKR OK PHYSICS. MATH.,German and French, several hours dally; stato

3ualitk-atl<n*. terms and hours available. AdressBox 2<M). Star office.if t vti'i t wj i^'ivr t i," i \ n-ti itl- ti t vn ii.i 1 r,i i -.ic,i i 1.r.i / »wi i r* -»r.\.1 j u « uivi\

In tp« eiving room and nssist porter; wage*, $20month, and l*>ard. Apply immediately with references.office STONEL-KIGH COURT, Conn. ave.and L St.

wanted-men to work ox awnings. OilK St n.w.


food references; $3.50 per week. 1311 G st. n.w.,:.H>m 35.

W'ANTED-BOY TO SOLICIT AND DELIVERorders for market store; $3.50 a week and board.Address T. A. T., Scar office.

"\VAXTKI A N EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR TOsecure underwriting of hunls on manufacturingestablishment. Address. stating terms, referenceand ftf.. BOX 2.11. Star ofltee. o**J-2t*

YVANTKI>~T0'~FIRST--"CLAS8~PAPER HAN«ERS;plenty of work. Apply immediately. JAMES B.11 KM>ERS< >N P33 r st. ocO-OtVANTKI>.SA IJ-JSMAN WHO CAN SHOW GOODrecord In any nigh-grade line; straight salary toright man; choice of territory; call, write. 11APGOODS,1106 Pennsylvania bldg., Philadelphia.

WANTED-A YOUNG MAN* AS OLERK IN Astore and a I>oy to run errands and td makehimself Kenerally uaefnl; boy with bicycle prefurxuilll.lJ. at 41U 7M. c» n ir r\-*K >


WANTED.FOUR STOUT YOUNO MEN TOhflp In furniture store. Apply to 819 7th «t.


eaice at liou.se painting; also boy for offio> work;steady work for the rijrh* one. 1306 14th. o?5-2t"WANTED.GOOD STRUCTURAL OR ARCHItecturaldraftsman; state references. AddressBox 203. Star office. oc5-3t*

WANTED-YOUNG MAN AS CHECKER IN HOtelraft*. Address CHECKER. Star office. oe5-2tWANTED AT ONCE. 10 FIRST-CLASS HOUSEpainters. Apply 1004 Oth n.w. H. L. DULEY.«>(>.", 3|

WANTED MAN TO MAKE HIMSELF GENEIlallyuseful. salary. $2."». Flat 24. The Iloanokeapartments, 1348 Euclid st. oc5-3t

WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EX*nwlonee.in market P IT k'mwpi I.2514 Pa. ave. oc5-2t

WANT KD- SEVERAL HKLIAIILK* WIDE-AWAKEenergetic men as collectors and solicitors; i>ositlonpermanent; remuneration liberal. Applicantsmust possess ability an<I furnish the best of references.Address Box 218, Star office. oc5-4t

ivAMKlt SI *:.NO<;UA 1*11 Kit. TYPEWRITERand general clerk in office. Address Box 217,IB oc.V3t*W \ NIK I > I X PER1ENCED UPHOLSTERERS.Apply between S and 10 a.:n. to H. G. JACOBS,with Woodward Ac LothTop. oc4-eo,3t

WANTED AUTOMOBILE IMMVERST REPAIR\ men. chauffeurs ami others all over the country;60,000 machines built this year in the United

States, aff'idldg gr«'at opportunities for our students;fi cents a day will qualify you for goodwages in this growing field; employment securedfor our graduates. For full particulars and onefree lesson, including dictionary of motoringterms, address THIS CORIU&PO.VDENCESCHOOL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING,Suite <>>2. Flatiron build ng. New York. oc4,C,8

WAVTPn «vi r«\ipv nirmiTDirn at ovnp iv

our men's furnishings dept. Only those havingexperience need apply, by letter or In person, toManager. SAKS & COMPANY. oc4-3t

WANTKl).A KARTENDKK; SOBER; NONEother need appty. Address Box 188, Star office,oe4 3t * !


"WANTKl> ERRAND HOY WITH BICYCLE. APpl.rCHARLES SWETT. i>l:t F at. oc4-3t*WANTED IX I.AWYEKS OFFICE A YODNOman with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting.Aildresj T. & L-, Star office. oc4-3t*


WANTED.A JOB PRESSMAN. APPLY 714 12Tnn.w. oc4-3t*

WANTED.TWO I Hi FIRST CLASS CABINETmakers at once; good wastes: xteaily job; 8 bourn.WOODR1FF MFG. CO., 1!>10 F. at. n.w. oc4-3t«

WANTED -HOY TO LEARN TRADE LOCK-snmnanu bemiaiiger. 14<rea st. n.w. oc4-3t

WANTKD.A CIJ3AN. BRIGHT, WIDE AWAKKyoung mail 111 an ottlce where ability nnd strictattention to business will be recognised: jnisltlon

eruianrut: some experience In typewriting prerred;small Kalar.v to start with. Address Inown handwriting, stating age and business experience.If any. Box Ml, Star olllce. oel-7tWANTED.MEN TO THY OCR BUCHU QIN. FOBkidney and bladder (rouble; prescription of late

m Dr. Warner of Baltimore. Sold only by THEJOHN WEDDERBUB.N COMPANY. 618 F at.sslft-tf

Wanted.trustworthy man to managebranch office and distributing depot for largemanufacturer; salary to atart with, $1,500 forfirst year, payable monthly, and extra commission*and expenses. Applicant must have goodreferences and Jl,000 cash, capital secured. ExHlenceunnecessary. Address MANl'FACBJSB.F. Q. Box Til, Chicago, I1L se2B sa.lt



WANTED.JHWELRY SALBSMAN.ONLY BDBtlerDnd apply: capable of ftiinf t«nd aod ableto control good trade; man able to make $30 t»|90 a week ta the kind we wut. Apply Manager.CASTELBERQ'S. 035 Pa. aie.mU30-f.a.mJfcw-tf


411) ljth St. n.w.

WANTKD.A FIRST-CLASS WI1ITK BUTLER;must hare good reference*. Apply 1T19 I at. n.w.oc-t-.1tWANTED.AX EXPERIENCED MAN KOR IXdoorwork: must understand waiting; flrst-claiawages. Call 16^> y«lh at. oc4-3t

WANTED.YOCNO COLORED MAN AS BI'T1»rft.ll It laini lHrh mt n >v »c4-3t


conserv.it >: y and art graduates will teach pupilsthree venrs old up, also coach; terms at rate 25c.lesson; sut Is(action guaranteed; lower charges bymonth. Address SICCKSSFl'L, Star office.

WANTED.TWO EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS TOhandle snaps; two for woman's magazine. ApplyMonday before 10. 342 13th at. northeast.ocfl-3t

WANTED.YOl'NG LADIES AND GENTLEMENfor vocal club; splendid advantages; good voices.Address MISICIAN. Star office


WANTED.COLORED BUTLER AND COOK;man and wife preferred. Apply at Mrs. II. C.TAYLOR'S, Conn. ave. and Bradley lane. Chevy

Chaae. oe5-3tWANTED.DO YOU WANT A COMPETENT STTSnoeranlioror Imnkkppwr? Anolv STRAYER'S.bCsiResr COLLEGE.' lltb ind* P «». n.w.;'plione Main 34-10. »e8-tf

FEMALt.WANTED-STRICTLY FIRST CLASS DRAPERYBCwers, with references; steady work; goodwages. Aildrcaa Hoi 204. Star office.

WANTED.WHITE GIRL OF NEAT APPEARaneeIn dental office. Call between 9 and 10 a.in ,

l»r. D. B. WILBUR. 1329 F at. n.w.

WANTED.COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN AScliauiherninU and to assist hi car«k of two children;go»l waxes. Call lieforc 3 o'clock. 1733Newton a'., cor. Mt. Pleasant St. oc6-2t*_

WANTEH1.8TENOGR AI'HBR AND TYPBWRITER;one wlt3i some bookkeeping awl general office experiencepreferred; highest references required.Adlrou Box 2S«, Star office. octt-2t*

WANTED.A FIRST-CLASS SKIRT HAND:" Experienced;good pay. 1328 R at. n.w. ocli-3t*WANTED- \T ONCE.A FIRST-CLASS TAILORess.Apply 1422 L n.w. oc6-2t*WANTRD--ULKIXK3>~Y(>C.\G LADY TO ASSIST

in diiijc store; inferences must bo fiist clasi. Apjply Ghman's, G27 l\i. are. oc0-3tWANTED.EXI-B!IIKX( HI) CASHIER FOR REStar.rant.Box 228, Star dfflce. «c6-3t*WANTED-WOMAN FOR GBNKKAL~HOUSEworkin a small family; relerences required. InquireChevy Chase I*. O.

W A NTEIJ-^KXl'KKIFNOED WAI ST DRAPERSnnd helpers; io:ig season. 2.*» Lafayette square.

WANTED.Tfx PERI KNCKD~ FANCY COATMAKersand helpers. 2.*> Lafayette square.

WANTED.MIDDLE-AGED LADY. POSSESSINGsympathetic disposition and pleasing personality,for confidential josition with leading businessfirm. Address j»ox 253. Star o-Hce.W A VTIT I»_.VAT' Vfi T 1 nv C\ \ S111RR M I *ST BEexperienced; salary $5.0«». Address box 197,Star oftitv. <x5-3t*

WANTED- BY DRESSMAKER, HELPERS ANDapprentices. 1401 21st n.w. oc5-2t*

WANTED-WAIST AN17~SK 1RT HANDS. IIEI«Persami apprentices, by drersmaker. 1440 Nn.w. oc5-7t


WAXTKi).AT ONCK. THOROUGHLY RXPRHIencedrr.'wer of women's garments. JULIUSGAHFIXKLK & ro.. .yjt 13th st. oc5-3tWA NTED ~BXPBBIKNCBD TYPEWRITER(Smith Premier) for compiling a book; state salaryexpected. Address Box 199. Star office.Oc5-3t*WA NTED.WA 1ST HANDS; ALSD AN ERRAND

girl. At 1S44 13til st. n.w. oc3-2fWANTKD.COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER INpatent attorney's office. In replying, kindly giveparticulars as to experience. salary, etc. Box202. Star oince. oc5-2t*

WANTED.AN OFFICE ASSISTANT. WITH EX^jperie-nee in typewriting; state experience and salaryexp^'ted. Box 201, Star otflce. oe5-2t*

WANTED BRIGHT. INTELLIQENT~YOUNOlady, under twenty, to travel with doctor's family;pleasant, profitable employment. Call 216S. Oapitol. oc5-.1t*

WANTED.LADY TEACHER OF GERMAN. NAtivAfrtp nrlv>itf» cu'hool: state t(»rni« anrl refer-ences. A<fares9 PRIVATE SCHOOL. Star office.oc5-2t*

WANTED.EXPERIENCED SKIRT HANDS. ATonce; only experienced need apply. PASTERNAK,12 M 14th at. oc5-2t*

WANTED.FIRST-CLASPS SKIRT HANDS. AD<ir»'ssSKIRTS, Star office. oc?>-2t*WANTED-A SETTLED WHITE WOMAN TOtake caro cf atore. 721 6th at. n.w. oc5-2t*WANTED.IN PATENT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE^,young lady stenographer. Address, giving experienceand salary expected, P. O. Box 174.oc4-3t

WANTED.SEVERAL GIRLS IN OUR MANGLEdepartment; those having experience preferred.VALE STEAM LAUNDRY, 437 N. Y. ave. n.w.oc4-3t



skirts; also apprentices. Apply 1421 U st. n.w.oo4-3t

WAXTED.HELP: SKIRT. WAIST AND HiTprovers. 41. A. EAGEX. 1927 K st. n.w. oc2-14t

WANTED.EXPERIENCED COAT, SUIT ANDwaist saleawoB.cn. Address Box 31, Star office.


for kidney and bladder troubles; prescription oflate Dr. Warner of Baltimore. Sold only byTHE JOHN WEDDERBURN CO.. 818 F St.scia-tf

WANTED EXPERIENCED WORKERS ANDlearners on paper boxes. GEO. P. KILLIAX CO.,452 Pa. ave. ,sc21-tf

WAXTED.LADIES TO BE THEIR OWN DREStPmakers: limited classes taught by fashionabletslloreas; prompt registration advisable. XA-TIONAL SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC ARTS. 1T&0

M st. «cl6-lmDOMESTIC.

WANTKI>-COMI'ETENT WHITE COOK. $50,for family; also took. $40. LADIES' EXCHANGE.807 Vermont ave.

WANTED.OTHER COOKS FOR FAMILIES. $.'(5.$»>. $23. $20, $18. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807Vermont ave.

WANTED-WHITE KITCHEN MAIDS, $18, $2!>;private families; many plain cooks. LADIES'EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont are.

WANTED.WHITE I'AltLOK MAID AND WAITress.$23; chambermaids, $20 each. LADIES'EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave.

WANTED.CHAMBERMAIDS AND WAITRESSESfor families. $13, $16. $18, $20. LADIES' EXCHANGE,807 Vermont Hve.

WANTED-WHITE nOVSEMAID. FOR TWO.J)5; housemaids. $16, $18, $20. LADIES' EXCHANGE.SOt Vermont ave.

WANTED--WHITE Nl'BSE. $20; NURSE. $18;three other nurse places. LADIES' EXCHANGE,807 Vermont ave.

WANTED GENERAL HOlSEWOItKER, *23;general hnuseworkers, $20, $18, $10, $15. T.ADIE.S'EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont ave.

WANTED-COLORED 300K. $30; COOK. $23;cookH, $20. $18, $16. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807Vermont ave.

WANTED COLORED HOUSEMAID^ $20;housemaids. $18. $10, $16: waitress, $16. LADIES'EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave.

WANTED-WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERALhousework 1b small family. Apply after 0. 17You st. n.w. oc6-2t*

.WANTED.YOUNG. WHITE, EXPERIENCEDwaitress and chambermaid; place In tirst-classprivate family; ref. Address Box 220. Staroffice. oc6-2t*eSu

WANTED.GIRL TO COOK AND WAIT ONtable; go home nights. Address Box 219, StarotBoe.WANTED.WOMAN TO DO GENERAL HOUSEworkIn small family. 1526 1' st. n.w. oc0-2t*WANTED -YOUNG WHITE GIRL Ail NURSE.AdpIt Immediately 1M4 Calvert st. oc6-2t

WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN TOcook «nd do laundry work. Apply, with references.1831 iM 9t.WANTED RESPECTABUB COLORED WOMANfor general housework. 634 Mass. aTe. n.w.oc -2t*

WANTEI>.SETTLED WOMAN FOR GENERALhousework; no washing, no chamberwork; goodcook; go home nights. 1002 East Oapitol st.oc6-3t ,

WANTED.RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN. GOODcook and general housework; no washing andironing; stay nights; bring references. 1807Biltmore St., Washington Heights. oc4-ftt

WANTED.AT 1312 GIRARD ST. N.W., COLUMbiaHeights. a g«x)d cook and laundress; three infamily; good home for right party. oc6-3t

WANTED.A GOOD COOK; MUST UNDERSTANDoyster cooking. Apply 1716 l*a. mve^n.w.

WANTT2D.COOK TO*WASH AND IKON IN FAMilyof three; stay nights; references. 1903 S.oc6-3t*

WANTED.EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR GENeralhousework, cook, wash and Iron; go homenights; family of four adults. 3122 Q st. n.w.od>-2t*WANTED.REUABLE GIRL FOR GBNTBRALhousework; call immediately. 1749 Park road, nearcars.

WA^KD-G^)JD_WHITE GIRL FOR^WORK IN» tit, muiiintuu. Ajjyiy n.Hliail!a are.oc6-3t*


WANTHD.SBffiSS COLORED 4KOMAN TOrook for fnmlly of two; most sta/Nplictitl andhave rrfercwe; good wages. 2000 # atrSet n.w.

WANTED-A OOMPBTBNT WOMAN FOB PLAINcooking la small family: good borne and wage*to proper party. 2928 Hacomb street, ClevelandPark. Taka Omtj Cbase cart. oc«-2t«

WANTED-A OOlfPETKNT OOOK WILLING TOaaalat with laundry. Apply 2301 S atraet a.*,oc#-3t*




WANTED.A NEAT, RELJABIJC WOMAN AScook and foundress; nnaat be a food cook; starnlgtota and bring reference*. Apply 1017 O stjret

n.y. oc6-3t*WANTED.GENERAL HOUSEWORKER. OOLored;do wastitng; family all adulta; wages $14;one square from car. 815 Sewton at.. Brook

land.D. O. oc5-2t*WANTED.COOK AND GENERAL HOl'SEWORKer;stay nights; no washing; $15. Call 2330Mass. are, u.w. oc5-2t

wjvreh-fKinif at nvr* at tiir uitr.row, 1343 Clifton at., apartment 41; family of

three. oc5-2t*WANTED.A WHITE GIRL TO WORK IN DINlngroom (German preferred). Apply 120 B St.

n.w. oc3-3t*WANTED.GERMAN WOMAN FOR HOUSEworkIn small family: good wages. Call 27 0th

at. n.e. oc5-2t*WANTED.A PLAIN COOK; MUST STAY NIGHTSand do laundry work. 1849 Calvert at. n.w.oc5-2t*WANTED-A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK; NOwashing or Ironing; amall family. 143S Newtonat. n.w. oc5-3t

WANTED-COOKS, GENERAL HOUSEWORKers;city. Georgetown or suburban; good pay;atay or go home. 108S 32d at. oc3-3t

WANTED.A FIRST-CLASS WHITE COOK;muni mve koou rt'iei nircn. ajjpijr in« i .v. u.n.

_oc4-3tWANTED.COOK, ALSO CHAMBEUMAID ANDwaitress, at 1822 Blltmore (Baltimore) at. oc4-3t*

WANTED^MIDDLE-AOED~ WOMAN' (WHITEpreferred) to take care of > baby. Apply 1433Kenton «t. n.w. oc4-3t*

WANTEfl-AT 1455 HAKVARD ST.. COLUMBIAHeights, a respectable. competent woman to dochainberwork and sewing in family of four; bestcity references required; to go home nights.oc4-3t


WANTED.A WHITE COOK; SMALL FAMILY;no washing. Apply at 172<J Conn, ave. oc4-tf

WANTKD.WHITE CURL OR WOMAN FOR GENeralhousework; good home. 1525 8th n.w.oo4-3t*WANTED-A SETTLED WOMAN TO DO GENeralhousework iu a small family. Apply 1221 0

«t. n.w. se!7-tf

WANTW.SirUATIONS.une cent a worci ror 10 worai.

MALE.WANTED.BY TRAINED WHITE BUTLER, SITuation;otlifr butlers, housemen, coachmen. LADIES'EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave.

WANTED.SITUATION, STUDENT; MORNINGSand evenings. Address 1013 You st. n.w.oc0-2t*WANTED.BY GOOD, HONEST COLORED BOY,to work mound the house or private family ordrive from the country. 2262 9th n.w,.WANTED-PLACE BY AN EXPERIENCEDcoachmau; can give first-class reference. 21H013th st. n.w. oc5-2t*

WANTED BY ~A MIDDLE AGED COLOREDman, place as janitor of office, flat or schoolbuilding; also have an experience of 15 years asdriver in a clothing store; can give the very bestof reference as to his sobriety, industry andhonesty. Call or address 1126 3d st. n.w. oc5-2t*

WANTED. BY UNDERTAKER AND EMI1ALMer.position with Washington firm. AddressCTITIJ n V r* A Qtnfinn A

\> ANTED.A YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO«ave position as night bellman In hotel or placeIn private family; can furnish reference If ite.'essary.Address 1222 II st. n.w. oc3-4t*

DOMESTICWANTED SITUATIONS FOR COMPETENT,recommended butler, delivery driver and male<ook. 1011 N. Y. ave.

WANTED.1*11ACE AS COOK. CHEF OR SECcndcook. Call or address "ROSS," 1023 18thst. n.w. oc4-3t*WANTED.SITUATIONS BY TWO COLOREDboys as hotiseworker. drive for doctor; any kindof work. 163." lltli st.

FEMALE.WANTED BY COMPETENT DRESSMAKER,sewing in families, cutting, fitting and designing.Address W. B. I., Star office.

WANTED.TO MAKE ATTRACTIVE STOLESand muffs out of worn furs; at home or out; ref.Box S. Rosslyn, Va. ?

WANTED.A SMALL FAMILY OR LADY'Swash to take home. 2110 13th st. n.w.

WANTED.POSITION BY A LADY OF CULTUREand refinement as private secretary to gentlemanor lady; all or part of day; competent to managepersonal, social or business correspondence alone;can also typewrite; refs. Address M. R.f Staroffice. ocG-'StWANTED.BY SETTLED WHITE WOMANri'Ositlonas nurse; infant preferred; has first-class

ref. M. C. B.. Star office. oc6-2t*WANTED-BY GOOD COLORED LAUNDRESS,washing to bring home. 2119 9th Ft. 11. w.

WANTED-WASHIMI TO DO AT IIOME! CALLor address 1130 22d st. n.w.

WANTED-YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED BOOKkeeperand oasbier, desires position. AddressBo* 186, Stir office. ocl-3t*

WANTED-A POSITION BY YOUNO LADY, EXperlenredstenographer and typewriter, withknowledge of bookkeeping. Address Box 190,Star office. OQ4-3U®

WANTED DRESSMAKING, SEWING; CHIL^dren's clothing a specialty.tastefully, daintilyand strongly made. Address 618 7th st. s.w.ocl-6t*WANTED.SEALSKIN AND OTHER FUR GARinentsto alter and repair. Miss CUNNINGHAM,E>pert Furrier. 1310 8th st. n.w. selO-30t


WANTED.SITUATIONS FOR HOUSEKEEPER,governess, working housekeeper, nursery governess.attendant. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 807 Vertnontave.

WANTED- BY CAPABLE LADY'S MAID. SITIIntlon;also three experienced chambermaids. LADIES'EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave.

WANTED.SITUATION BY EFFICIENT LAUNdress.two seasons' reference; housecleaners.LADIES' EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont ave.

WANTED.BY CAPABLE COOK, SEVEN TEARSlast place, situation; nurses. LADIES' EXCHANGE,807 Vermont ave.

WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE COLOREDgirl. place as chambermaid or waitress. 1108 4tbst. n.w. oc6-2t*

WANTED.BY ELDERLY LADY OF REFINEment,employment by the day; taking charge ofoffice or as matron preferred. Address Box 222,Star office. ocG-2t*eSu

WANTED.PLACE TO DO GENERAL HOUSEwork;stay nights. 309 W st. n.w.

WANTED.BY AN EXCELLENT WOMAN, FAMllywash; will bring home work first-class; goodref. 1013 10th st. n.w.

WANTED.BY A FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID,place in private family. 1613 10th st. n.w.

WANTED-BY COLORED WOMAN PLACE TO DOgeneral housework In small private family. Call1116 1st st. n.w., rooms N'o. 7-8.

WANTED.POSITION AS MANAGING HOl.'SEteepcr.Address M. S. L., Star ogloe. oc6-3t*

WANTED.A PLACE AS GENERAL HOUSEworkeror chambermaid; stay nights. 5123 17thSt.

WANTED.BY NEAT COLORED GIRL, PLACEas plain cook, chambermaid or day's work out.034 V st. n.w.


WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS,day's work; city references. 231(1 H st. n.w.

WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED GIRL,place as light houseworker in small family. 1103at at. n.w.

WANTED.BY FIRST-CLASS WOMAN, CLEANlngapartment morning* and evenings, or day'swork. Call or addri-ss 2123 10th n.w.

WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED GIRL,day's work or chambermaid or light housework Inflat; references. 1224 R st. n.w.

WANTED.BY RELIABLE COLORED GIRL,general housework In small family. Address1423 I' 8t. n.w.

WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS,wasmng 10 uo mnuo or uui uj uny. im onepherd'scourt, between L and M.

WANTED.BY RESPECTABLE COLORED GIRL,Slace as general houseworker in small family.8 F* s.w.


housemaid, nurse and laundress. 1011 N. Y. aye.

WANTED PLACE, BY RELIABLE WHITEnurse. to Infant or more children; with (list-classpeople. Address Box 261. Star office.

WANTED.BY COLORED WOMEN, GENERALhousework, chamberwork, nursing or waitress.Inquire 1635 11th st.

WANTED.BY A FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS. Arouch-drr wash to bring home. 2136 8th st. n.w_

WANTED.BY NEAT COLORED GIRL. PLACEto cook evenings in a flat. Address 1227% 10thn.w. oc5-2t

WaNTU.D.BY A RESPECTABLE COLORED WOman,place as chambermaid or waitress. 1431Pelrce place. oc5-2t

WANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED COLOREDgirl, situation in doctor's office or dental parlor.Address Box 205, Star office. oco-2t*

DOGS, PETS, ETC.Oct cent a wort each time foe 15 words 3 tlmsa.TRY LEE'S BIRD STORE. 1801 FIFTH N.W..Hand-raised double and single yellow-bead Isleof Plnea and dwarf parrots, canaries, monkej*,thoroughbred fox terriers, mate and female.

t fUu.Kl'Wl

JUST BEOEITED: FINE MEXICAN DOUBLByellow head, and Cabin: also Bee Bee Parrot*;also Canaries, Fox Terriers. Collies, Goldfishes,etc. SCHMID'S BIRO STOKE, 712 12tb St. n.w.seT-tf

RIVERSIDE BOARDING KENNELS.DOGS AMDcats properly cared for In the country; water,shade, bsth, good food and large, safe runs. InquireScbmid's Bird Store or 14th 8t. Hospitalfor Animals, 'pbrsa North 1003. 2116 14th st. a.*.my23tf.4^


One month for $3.04Three months far .6 00Six months fas 9.00

(All rental* applj on pnrchaac.)au»-tf OFFICE. 609 lith at n.w» I

WAHTED.MISCELLANEOUS.Om w«t » word .ch thus foe 15 wrii » M..WANTffl>.PIANIST WISHES FEW PUPILS; BOropeanconserr* tory method: 50c. lesson. 1HSTBPCTOB,Star office. oc«-9fWANTED.CASH PAID FOB FUKNITCKB, CABpets,office and atoro fixtures of all kinds. Pnrnltorestored, packed and ahlpped. Address BAL'M912 Pa. are, n.w. 'Phone Main 1154. octf-ttWA.VTED-FURXffuUKTCARPETS, ETC. BPTlngcontents of houses a specialty; liberal spotcash prices; mall orders clvea prompt attention.LEVY'S FURNITURE KXCHA.iufc, 410 10th St.

n.w. octi-tfWANTED . TO BUT OLD t'EATBBB BEDS.When selling why apt drop postal to an old re-liaoie crmT H. MARKS. 807 Tth. opposite 81U',or 'phone Main 1003. oeO-tfWANTED.SET OF MECHANICAL DRAWINGInstruments; good qnallty. Addfaw* "DRAFTSMAN."Star odlce. oc«-3t*

WANTED-TO RENT TENNIS- COCBTO. GIVElocation and tarma. FRIENDS* SCHOOL. 1S03Eye at. oefl-3t


WANTED.PIANO.RESPONSIBLE PERSON WILLtake heat care of upright piano, for light use.Address E. W. J., Star office. oc5-3t*

WANTED.DIAMONDS, ONE TO FOUR KTS.;fliw per kt. up; old gold, silver and city pawntickets bought; money to'loan alto. 'Phone M.4878. ABRAHAMS. Bonded Broker. 433 9th n.w.oe5-d,eSu-4

WANTED- HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. WORNgarments, Indies', gentlemen'*, children's shoesand hats, any amount. Address postal, I will call.A. KERKSKY, 1306 7th n.w. 'Phone N. 32(50 M.oc4-3Ut«

WANTED.SIREN HORN, IN GOOD CONDITIONand cheap. A. H. GREGORY, 416 5th st. n.w.oc4-3t*

WANTED EASTERN FEATHER COMPANY,this month.60,000 lb*, old feathers; highest caskprice. Also furniture, ladles' and gents' clothes.Send postal; will call at once. 21S 7th st. n.w.oc2-30t*

WANTED.500 OUNCES GOLD AND SILVER-fur manufacturing purposes. Old Jeweiry, slWerware,diamonds, corals, cameos, mosaics boughtfor cash. C. F. Karr. Jeweler, 618 13tb, abore F.oe2-tf


N. 708-M. se2B-90t,«WANTED.ANYTHING TO SELL BY PUBLICauction; Include it In Saturday's sale at WESOHLBR'S.920 Pa. ave. n.w. se24-30t


WANTED.SELL YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHINGto the man tbat pays you the moat money. Droppostal. I will call In my unlettered carriage. SAMBURKSTKIN. G03 D at. n.w. gelT-'WtWANTED SPOT CASH PAID FOR GOODaecond-hand UPRIGHT PIANOS. Call or address1231 Gat. ao27-tf

WANTED.ALL KINDS CAST-OFF CLOTHING OF"any description, shoes, «:c.; will pay you fullvalue for the same. LOUIS KESSLER. 1201 7that. n.w. (Drop postal, will call.) iyll-00t,4

WANTED.OI.I> CARPETS WOVEN INTO riNBart rugs; only weaving concern here.

WASHINGTON RUG CO., 931 Oth B.w.Phone M. 4325. apl9-tf-4

WANTED UPRIGHT PIANOS NOUGHT FuKcash. WORCH'S. 923 F. Squares and organstaken In exchange. mySl-tf

WAflllvU IHUUEiM LASH 1'niLKS raiu rvncast off clothes; ladies', geatlempn'a and children's;address postal; will call cry time. H.BUBNSTEIN, 1314 7th it. n.w. 'Phone 4380 Y.se4-90tWAXTEP.IF YOU ARE GIVING UP H0U8Kkeepingand wish to sell pari or all of your furniture.send for the man who has the reputationof 20 years' fair dealing. MARCUS NOTES. <268th st. n.w.; 'phone Main 6171. fe3-tf

WANTED.THE OLD AND PRESENT STOCKboldergof the First Co-Operative Building AH>elationto know that subscription books are etlllopen. From $2.50 to $5,000 taken on depoalt.Four per cent interest paid. This association hsibeen established for a quarter of a century. Cometo office. 1325 32d st. n.w.. for partlimlara. «et2-tf

FOE RENT.OFFICES^4 llufT.lt.. 50c. 31. <1.00. I wk.. $2.33. lmo..»7.20.FOR RENTOFFICE OR DESK ROOM; ATTORNEY'S

nwii'e mft wish i.oan s, titrstBUILDING.


STONE & FAIRFAX,oe6-3t 1342 New York avp.

FOR RENT.FINE OFFICE ROOMS, 2D FLOOSi1417 F St.; rerjr low rent.Several rooms 1229 Pa. are.; low rent.

oc0-3t WALTER A. BRQWN, 624 14th at.FOR RENT.ESPECIALLY LIGHT. LARGEquarters for dentist or any business. 1340 NewYork ave. Best location in town; rent reason-able; $35 a month.oc0-3t STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 N. Y. are.

FOR RENT-MODERN OFFICE ROOMS, 730 AND732 13th; modern buildings; hot-water heat;large communicating front rooms on 2d floors.

STONE & FAIRFAX.1342 New York aye., adjoining corner of 14th.ocC-3t

FOR RENT.1316 NEW YORK AVE.Second-story front, 35 feetwide; 5 large windows,

large room; wide,easy stairway; steam heat; $25.

STONE A FAIRFAX.oc6-3t 1342 N. Y: av«., adjoining* cor. of 14tb.

FOR RENT.Office rroms with steam heat, electric light,

elevator si) vice, in the Davidson bide., 1413 G at.n.w.; $12.0.1 to $20.oc4-12t- L. S. FRISTOE. 1413 O n.w.

FOB RENT.OFFICE BOOMS. WITH STEAMheat, electric light and elevator, in the Popebldf?.. 817 14th st. n.w.; $12.50 to $1T..'50.oc4-12t L. S. FRISTOB, 1413 O n.w.

FOB BENT.THAT BACHELOR APARTMENT AT1913 Penna. ave.; 3 rooms and bath; ateam heat;Is ideal for a doctor or dentist. Bent low.oc2-0t GEO. W. LINK1NS. H00 19th n.w.

FOR RENT.A DOCTOR OR DENTIST CAN'T DOBftTTER than locate at 19th and H n.w.; tinedwelling, adapted for office and dwelling. Askabout it. GEO. W. LINKINS, 800 l»th at. n.w.



LOST AND FOUND.One cent a word each time for 15 words 3 times.LOST-WH1TE FEMALE FOX TERRIER, BROWN

8|K»t on keml anil back; tall bobbed. Reward ifreturned. 20i)Vj 13th st. B.w.

LOST.WHITE FOX TERRIER IXHT BLACKmarkings en liead; answers name ftoc.; tag No.4594; intsMng since September 24. (5 reward forreturn to 1532 T st. n.w. oc6-3t*

LOST BULL TERRIER; MALE; BRINDLE.twith wh'te collar, chest and feet; clipped ears;docked tri'l. Reward. 637 A s.e. ocft-3t*

LOST.SEPTEMBER 29, BLACK rfROSS~BELTpin tippM with gold; In Penn. station. Reward Ifreturned t» 1720 Newton st. n.w. oc6-3t»

LOST.LIST OF ADDRESSES AND SMALLmemorandum book. Return to 1005 O St. n.w.and get reward.

LOST.VICINITY OF 7TH AND F\ LADY'Sblack purse, containing in of money and fourkeys on red silk cord, ltetnrn to 2514 14th at. n.w.oc6-3t*

LOST-CLASS PIN, W. H. S.. '99. OX FRONT,name of owner on back. Reward If returned to007 4th 8t., apartment 11.

LOST.RED COCKER SPANIEL BITOH; NAME,"Bllx." Return to E. M. WILSON, CentralHigh School, and receive reward. ooG-St*

LOST.A LADY'S GOLD WATCH WITH OWXer'sname on back. Liberal reward If returnedto 1117 I at. n.w.

LOST.IN BOSTON HOUSE OR PALAIS ROYAL,Wednesday, long silver-handle silk umbrella,marked "B." .Reward If left' 1326 Columbiaroad. . oc6-3t*

LOST.WHITE AND LEMON-COLORED SCOTCHcollie: license tag 1G3. Return to 1303 F at.n.w. and receive reward.

FOUND-BICYCLE, IN FRONT OF WHITEHouse. Owner can recover by describing andpaying (or this ad. Apply C. P., 037 Q at.

LOST.OCT. 2, SMALL SLEEVE BUTTON, WITHInitials M. O'C. lteward If returned to 71 NewYork ave. n.e. oc5-3t*

LOST-RIMLESS GOLD-MOUNTED EYEGLASSES,having H. D. Feast atamped thereon. Reward ifreturned to No. 301. the Farragut. oc5-3t*

LOST-SMALL MEDAU AWARDED TO MOIxLIEHe!sa, Public Schools, Washington, D. C., 1870;on Lincoln Park car, Thursday, Sept. 27. Rewardif returned to 04 C n.w. oc6-."tt*

LOST.ON WEDNESDAY FORENOON, IN THEshopping district, a gentleman's gun-metal,open-face watch; Gait works, xvlth C. M. K.engraved on back. Reward. Address Box 210,Star office. oc5-3t*

REWARD OF $10 PAID FO» INFORMATIONleading to return of smal) J>rown coare; whitespots on each side; strayed or stolen fromBryarly Hall. Conduit road. oc4-3t*

LOST.BLACK SILK WATCH FOB, WITHlocket; horses head; ruby In eye; on one side:on other side Initials "0. L. O." Reward itreturned to 810 6th at. n.«. oc4-3t

LOST.ON ANACOSTIA OAR, A PACKAGE CONtalnlngarmy revolver and a pair of eyeglasses.Reward If returned to 1206 P at. n.w. oc4-3t


latest Improvements; terms reasonable. Forparticulars address X. X. ZSubstation 22.ociUSt*

FOR RENT "CONFEDERATE VETERANS'Hall," 1410 H st. n.w., first floor, for meetings,ihiuwa or other hlffh-claaa nnrttnaes: terms mod.erate. THOS. W. HUNUEBFOBD, 617 14th St.se28-30t

FOR BENT-MCSIC HALL (CAPACITY 230)Ftaehall at 1502 14th it. n.w. for select concerts,entertainments, balls, dsnclog or mustcclasses, lodge, society or social meetings, banquets,ete. SPECIAL LOW BATES (or morningor afternoon music classes. For terms sppl* toMtt-Sm S. T. SMITH, 211 Colorado hldg.

FOB REFT.ROOMS.O. cent wool tat 18 writ.

FOK RENT.ONLY $25.00."

1340 New York it*. ; 2 light, cbearfal

noma; print* bath; botwater


1843 New York an., adjoining cornet of 14th.oc9-3t

J FUHM15HED.SECOND AND THIHD STOUY FRONT AND BACKrooms; near can; gentlemen. 1317 Que st. n.w.oc0.8.l»-3t«

1750 P ST. N.W.. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE.nicely furnished room In private family. or<J-2t*

A NICELY FURNISHra> 3D-STORY FRONT_room. 1534 You at. ocfl-zl*THREE ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOU8Ekeeplng;3d floor; water on same floor; $20 permonth. Including heat and gaa; no children.OWNER, 1505 8th st. n.w. oc8-3t»

THE MAGNOLIA. 1321 M ST. N.W. (APARTuient4).Single, second-floor front; southern ex:posure; to gentleman; Bteam heat. oc«-2t210 F N.W..CLEAN. COMFORTABLY FtTRnlshedsingle room; ateam heat; $7.00 per mo.Flat 3. oc«-3t

ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM AND ONEUOODslzedback room, with private family of two.654 Mass. ave. n.e. oo0-3t*

1439 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.. ONE N1CELY~ FUR*iilahedfront room; southern exposure; steamheat. oc0-3t+

63 K ST. N.E..3 FURNISHED ROOMS. Sl'ITaWefor light housekeeping; newly papered andpainted. oc«-3t*

ONE 8DXNY ROOM. WITH USE OF PRIVATEparlor and liatb; suitable for single lady or couple;an excellent opportunity, owing to hnslueasengagements of owner; references. Apply 336.the Portlier, Saturday after 7:30 or Sunday. 3to 6.

FOR RENT.1928 I ST~ N7W.-FUENISHKDrooms, single or en luMe; private family; telephone.oc6-7t

1225 N ST. N.W..CHOICE ROOM, 21) FLOOR;well furnished; near bath; convenient location.oc6,8,10«

VERY PLEASANT, NICELY FURNISHED 2Dfloor for gentleman; large carpets; private familyadults; flrsl-riUss location. 1532 O St. n.w.

NICELY FURNISHED 2D-STORY ROOM. NEARWar Department; tiled bath; large closets; twolarge windows; reasonable rent. 700 20th n.w.oc6-2t*

SECOND-STORY ALCOVE; OTHER ROOMS;steam heated; well futnlshed; 'phone; rfOjieJadults. 1321 Que at.

NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR LADYT"ONEtn office preferred. Apartment 44, The De Soto,1300 Mass. ave. o.w. oc0-2t

FOR RENT.OXE OR TWO X1CH,Y FURNISHEDrooms; steam heat; on line of cars. 17J8 U st.n.w.

HALL ROOM, WITH CLOSET; ALSO OTHERrooms; furnished or unfurnished; in well-kept,attractive house. 1511 13th St., 2d house northIowa circle. ocG-2t

LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING . THREE DESIRABLEfurnished rooms; entire door; hot and cold water.207 Gn.w. - oc0-2t*

1321 QUE ST. N.W.; LARGE, WELL-FURNISHEDrooms; steam heated; use of parlor; 'phone.

1223 15TH &T. N.W., MCELY FURNISHED.well-heated, well-kept, second-floor front room;bay window and alcove; private family.FOR RENT.ONE BAY-WINDOW FURNISHEDroom, on the second floor, in corner house; neartiled bath; hot-water heat and southern exposure;neor two different car lines; for singlegentlemen or man and wife only. ltJ33 Newtonst. n.w. (old Howard ave.) ocC-2t*

FOR RENT.NEAR IOWA CIRCLE, 1202 Q ST?n.w., newly furnished room; steam heat; privatefamily; telephone. oc6-2t

FOR KENT.REAimFUL ROOM FOR ONE ORtwo gentlemen; adjoining bath; no other roomers.5U2. The Windsor.

CHEERFUL ROOMS IN CORNER HOUSE NEARCapitol ami Library; convenient to all car lines.101 2d st. n.e. octt-2t*

IN A BEAUTIFUL, MODERN AND WELL-KEPTprivate home; small family.mree most attractivelyfurnished rooms; references exchanged.1742 Sst. oc6-2i*

12l>3 N ST. N.W..TWO NICE PARLORS ONfirst flpor; also nice n»om on second floor; steamheat and southern exposure. oc6-2t.eSu*

TWO COMMUNICATING FURNISHER ROOMS;southern exposure; heat and gas. 411% G st.n.w.

FUKNISHKL>.TWO NEWLY PAPERED, GLEANrooms, nicely arranged for two gentlemen; everyconvenience; small private family. 1334 12th n.w.oc6-3t*

FURNISHED ROOMS WITH A.M.I.; STEAMheated; rent from $9 up per month; situated on13th st. near F. 'Address Box 262, Star office.oc6-3t* ^

FOR GENTLEMAN.1212 12TH N.W..OOtMFORTahleroom in well-furnished private bouse: modernbath; $7. ocC-2t*_806 12TH N.W..LARGE ROOM FOR COUPLE;also room for gentlemen; porcelain bath. oc6-5t*

NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WELL HEATED;Annr.nlanf Ko H rant rouannul.U 199ft 15lfh fit

n.w. |IF YOU AUE LOOKING FOR NICK FURNISHEDrooms, centrally located, with good people andin up-to-date places, call on GEilSON, DENT &CO., 611 7th at. nrw. We cater only for the besthouses, and assure you the best accommodations.oc5-30t

150© QUE ST. N.W..1 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMand private bath; private family; with or wlthoutboard. oc5-2t

SUNNY FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILYnear Capitol and Library; 'phone. 254 Delawareave. n.e. oc5-St*

FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. HANDSOMELY Fl-Rnishedfor housekeeping; outside rooms;.very rea-sonahie. 1SU6 ion st. n.w. oco-.lt*

TWO LOVKLY ROOMS, NEW HOUSE, NEW FUBnishings;light housekeeping. 1715 1st st. o.w.oc5-3t*

NEAR Dl'PONT CIRCLE. 4 1ST-FLOOR ROOMS,nicely furnished for housekeeping; $25 per month.1013 19th st. oe.V2t*

FOR RENT PRIVATE FAMILY WISHES TOrent iarge 3d-story front room, furnished, with orwithout board, suitable for two; also back room,unfurnished; bright rooms and large closets. 1414Irving st., Mt. Pleasant. oc5-5t*

MOST BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOMS; TEI.Ephone,steam heat and all conveniences. 1834K st. n.w. oc5~It*

PI-I> VIOIII.'I* DlllUIC ¥>T» T \r I Tf C > XHT V (in.r i «»wvs.«io, i ni t Ain r.i.iiiui, #i".

breakfast If desired; references required. 1427R. oc5-3t*

"CARDOVA," 20TH AND FLA. AVE..LARGEfurnished second-floor front room, with bath,in bachelor apartment, to gentleman; board ifdesired in house. Apartment 304. oc4-3t*FOR RENT.205 E ST. N.W.. ONE NICELY FURnishedroom, suitable for gentlemen; price reasonal>le.oc4-3tNICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GttNTLEuicu;gas and electric lights; $7 to 19. with privatefamily. 30!) 7th n.w. oc4-3t*NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, WELLheated; light housekeeping permitted. 2217Washington circle. oc4-3t*

LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING.THREE DESIRABLEfurnished rooms; entire floor; hot and cold water;one or two couples. 207 G n.w. oc4-3t*TWO WELL-FURNSHED ROOMS; EV'ERYthingcomplete for light housekeeping; splendid

location. 1207 Q n.w. W. F. MATTESON.oc4*tf

FOR RENT.1702 Q ST. N.W., IN PRIVATE FAMily.Nicelyfurnished rooms, single or en suite;tiled bath; telephone; every convenience. oc4-3t

ONE OR MORE PRETTILY FURN[SHED; PARlorif desired; housekeeping; to refined adults;private family, 1123 6th st. n.w. oc4-3t*

FOR RENT.LARGE. BRIGHT, STEAM-HEATEDfurnished room; excellent board across st. IT-VI

U n.w. oc4-3t*PI.EASAXT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, WITHprivate bath; suitable for gentlemen. 600 Gthst. n.w. ' oc4-6t*

FOR RENT.A LARGE SOUTH ROOM. NBWLYfurnished; hot-water heat; tele-phone; breakfastIf desired. 1218 Fairmont. oc3&6*

DELIGHTFUL LOCATION, 1372 HARVARD ST.n.w., near 3 car lines.Large front room: also2d-story room. oc2-Ut*

EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE FRONT ROOM. SECondfloor; bath on same floor; southern exposure;well kept private house; to refined gentleman.Rent, $15. 2017 G northwest. oc2-6t*

THE PORTSMOUTH, 1735 N. H. AVE..A FURnisbed.room, nith separate entrance. In anapartment adjoining bath; gentlemen preferred.Address Bo* 110, Star office. ocl-tf


FOR RENT.A LARGE FRONT ROOM WITHsouthern exposure to refined gentleman. 1221 OSt. n.w. sel7-tfFURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED.

TWO LARGE, CHEERFUL' ROOMS; PRICfcSmoderate; In family of adults. 7 Qulncy place

n.e. oc6-2t»FOR RENT.IN MT. PLEASANT, TWO BOOMS,single or together; large closets, steam heat,nnrth And nnnth cinnfinrM 144K Von-tnn mt

1722 F ST..BRIGHT. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS OBentire floor; fine bath; refined, comfortable home;near War Dept., White House, etc.; $4 up permonth.LARGE SECOND-FLOOR FRONT ROOM, WITHalcove; also communicating room. 1415 Newton«t.

620 3D N.W..LARGE ZD-STORY FRONT ROOM;three exposures; porcelain bath; nice neighborhood;ateam heat. oc(Wtt*LARGE FRONT ROOM; FIRST-CLASS ENVIROijments;reasonable to right party. Apartment

502, Plata. Washington circle. oc6-2t*BOR RENT.1 FURNISHED OR 2 OR 3 CNFURnlahedcommunicating rooms. 1439 S st. n.w.oc6-3t»

looo uinanu ox..o r tn c. uvuaia; rui v A if,bath; (team beat and gai; l.h.k.; very reasonable.oe6-2t*

NICE ROOM TO QUIET PERSON'; PRIVATE KAMiljr;all conveyances. 406 New Jersey ave. a.e.ocft-2t

FOR RENT.LARGE AND SMALL FURNISHEDor nnfornlshed rooms. 2027 I it. n.w. oc4-3t*

1415 K ST. N.W..TWO COMMUNICATING AN1»one single room; fnrnlsbed or nnfnrnlshed.oc4-3t

718 12TH ST. N.W.. 3 LARGE ADJOININGrooms; private use or business; also 3 samllroom* MUt |



ON FIRST FLOOR, FDRNISHF.D OR CNFORntshedroom for light bousrkerytnr; n-asona'ljrent. 123 D at. n.w. oo2-to.th,»-3t'

VNFl'RIflSHED.416 3D N.W..TWO OR THREE OKFUBN1SHKDrooms on .cond floor, for l.h.k.; adults. ocg-3t*

1532 EYE ST\ N.W..2D-STORY FRONT; Alarge. ll<rht room, first floor; nice rooms. o<-6-3t°

FOT7R ROOMS. 2D FLOOR; HEAT, OAS. BATH;l.h.k. 1010 23d at. n.w. oc«-3t»

THREE ROOMS. BATH; ENTIRE 2D FLOOR;nuiet ronnle: 115: heat and ru. 118.50. 407 14th

n.e.> ^

octfSt*THREE PLEASANT INKLRNISHED ROOMSand hath for housekeeping; reft, required andgiven. 212 4th at. n.e. oc*l-2t*THREE LARG.E ROOMS AND BATH; $15 50 PERmonth. 1700 lat at. n.w. oc0-3t*

TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FORl.h.k.; second floor. 1412 ttth at. n.w. ocO lit*

FOR RENT.THREE UNFURNISHED OONNRCTingroom*. with x>rl?ate tiled bath, in a cornerhouse with southern exposure; hot-water heat,and near two different car lines; an Weal hachelor apartment, but would rent to man and wifefor housekeeping. 1633 Newton at. n.w. (oldHoward ave.). oct*» 2t*

3 ROOMS. 2D FLOOR. LIGHT AND GAS~FORcocking. 234 N at. n.w.

TWO OR THREE ROOMS AND RATH: UNFURnUhed;for ligtot housekeeping; 2d floor. 919 Oat. oc0-3t*

FOR RENT- TWO LARGE UNFUItNKHHEDcommunicating rooms on aecond floor, with ownerof honsrf*: rent reasonable 415 () st. n.w

FOR RENT.4 L.UtOE NBWLY PAPEREDrooms; 1st and 2d floors; housekeeping. 3'H> Dst. n.e. oeG-2t

FOR RENT.2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; 2Dg<xir; beat, gas and hath. 524 21st n.w.

3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; SUITABLE FOR L.h. k.; heat and gas; no children. 1404 3d n.w.ocfi-3t

1423 Q ST. N.W..2 LAROE COMMUNICATING2d-floor front, rooms; large closet; heat and gas;ladles only; 'phone In house. oc5-3t*

1615 8TH ST. N.W..THHEE UNFURNISHEDrooms, second floor; heat, gas and bath; forlight housekeeping; adults; owner. o 5-3t*

FLAT FOR RENT; WITH HEAT AND GAS~ 63New York are. n.e. o<r»-3t*

vao DirYT_Tivn r t nnir nrw>v(s 2nr </!» 1 JL UV u.auuu

water 021 same floor; newly painted and* papered;cooking gas: steam heat; $10; house occupiedby owner. 2506 M at. n.w. oc5-3t2 OR 3 PRETTY ROOMS, 3D FLOOR; S1S.00.1211 9th n.w. oc5-2t*

4 ROOMS, HEAT. GAS, BATH. 2D FLOOR."OOM~plete lor housekeeping. $15. 42 K n.e. oc5-3t*UNFURNISHEDROOMS~ON~~MARYLAND AVE.n.e. near Capitols all outside rooms; suitahlefor llffht housekeeping. Address Box 207 Staroffice. oc6*2t*

TT:NFURNISHED ROOMS. WITH~BATH, 11EATlight, on 3d tioor; telephone; half block from cars.142 Ky. ave. s.e. oc5-2t0

FOR L.H.K.. 2 NICE ROOMS? BAY WINDOWand closet; ladies preferred; $10. 126 D n.e.oc5-3t*

THREE SECOND-STORY ROOMS; UGI1T% HEATana use or oaiu; ugui nousent-eiuu#, auun». uo

Q st. n.W. ©c5-3t*FOUR-OR FIVE OUTSIDE ROOMS~AND BATH]arranged for housekeeping; good closets; $13 and$17. 262*) K at. n.w. oc5-3t

FOUR ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR, FOR HOUS&keeping.909 8th n.w. oc5-2t

SECOND FI>X;H.TW() I,AKiK COMMUNICAfingrooms, with alcoTC?: heat, gas and hath, forl.h.k. 17o7 Oth st. n.w. «>c4-4t*

THREE ROOMS, SEOOND FLOOB; HEAT (IASa-nd bath; for light housekeeping. No. lfiiJO Columbiast.. between 9th and 10th. I' and Q n.w.oe4 3t*

FOR RENT TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHEDrooms; second floor; heat, gas and bath; reasonable;no children. 132 D st. n.e. oc4-3t*

TWO ROOMS-UNFUUN ISHKD-WJTH HEATan'l fr;Js; 910, iigui mm euccriu:. i.«»u vtu u.w.

Oc4-:ifFOB RENT.THREE UNFURNISHED OOMMUnieatlngrnims; bath oil same floor; no children.

11!) Xfw York ave. n.w. oc4-3t*

WANTED.ROOMS.One cent a word for 15 word*.

WANTED.BY MAN AND WIFE-WITH ONF.child, two or three rooms completely furnishedfor l.h.k., about ten minutes' walk from navyyard; state price and location. Address Box 227,Star office. ocQ-2t*

WANTED.OCT! 25. FRONT ROOM FACINGsouth; state terms. J. II. M., Room 1G6. Patent

OIHce. ocrt-2t«WAKTRD.THREE INFl'RNISIIED ROOMS ANDprivate bath in n.w.; I.h.k.; heat and gjm; $25.00.Box 193. Star office.

WANTED.BY TWO LADIES ROOMS. ADDRESSBox 255. Star office. oc6-2t*

WANTED FURNISHED DININO ROOM INapartment or rooming nouse. Address is. <J. A.,Star office.

WANTED.IF YOU WANT YOUR ROOMS RENTedbring them to OERSON. DENT & CO.. Gil7th st. n.w., as we are the only real estatea eon t s in the city who rent out furnished rooms.o<-5-30t

WANTED 100 ROOMS TO ACCOMMODATESpanish-American War Veterans. FIELD'SRENTAL BUREAU, 502 Munsej bldg. oc5-3t*

WANTED.ALL PERSONS DESIRING GENTEEL,high-clasa tenants for rooms call and leave address.502 MUNSEY BUILDING. Great demand.oc2-7t*

ROOMS AtfDBOARD.One cent a word for 15 words.

1501 R ST. N.W..TO A LADY, DESIRABLE 2Dstorybay-window room, in prirate family; excel3enttable: references exchanged. oc6-2t*900 M.LARGE FRON» ROOM. FOR 2; 4 WTNdows,2 closets; telephone; hot-water heat; alsosingle room. oc6-2t*

1113 O ST..ROOMS, WITH GOOD HOME COOKing.In modern steam-heated house; southern exposure;references. oc6-s.Su.tu.3t*1226 16TH ST. (SCOTT CIRCLE), TWO ADULTScan obtain delightful, handsomely furnishedsecond-story room with two large closets ,andexceptional board; five squares from TreasuryDepartment. oe6-2t*1257 IRVING ST. N.W., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,front and back second-floor rooms; single or ensuite, with board; southern exposure; steamheat; 'phone.

1700 T ST. NVW.. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHEDroom with excellent board in new 3-story brick:a.m.i.; 'phone; private family; rea&|Kia9>le;near cars. « oc6-2t

1810 G ST. N.W., FUR. ROOMS WITH ORwithout board, near State, War and Navy Department^oc6-2t*

FOR RE-XT.1321 CORCORAN ST. N.W., YOUNGmen can find rooms and good board, w-Ith homecomforts, at reasonable price. oc6-3t*

FURNISHEI> OlTlfNFURNISHBD~BOOM VlTHor without board In apartment with privatefa ...I)')4tOO 17th at n ir A im\1p

oc8-2t*' '

FRONT BOOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY, FASHlonableneighborhood, ou car line, half blockfrom Dupont Circle; 'phone; breakfast; (15-$25.1418 Hopkins street. oc6-3t»

FOR RENT.LARGE, NEWLY FURNISHED. SECond-story,bay-window front room; private family.1930 15th st.

2!) GRANT PL..LARGE ROOMS. WITH BOARDfor two, $45; excellent table board; transientsaccommodated. ocft-3t*

FOR RENT.1204 K ST., SOUTH ROOM; THREEwindows; first-class board; excellent location;terms inoderate. oc<$-3t*

FOR RENT.SUNNY FRONT ROOM; PORCELAINbath; telephone; table a specialty; reasonable;transients. 2017 II st. n.w. oc0-3t*

FOR RENT.FINE ROOM AND BOARD, TWOyoung men; no other boarders; terms moderate.138 Gth st. n.e.

TIIE IROQUOIS, 1410 M ST.-6TH FLOOR; NEWhouse; rooms facing south; good baths; tableboard; transients taken. oo6-Ct*

*y>.\ 1 ST ST K F. W&R fiDTTAr DAAIIO.. . . «». »' "*»»» ViU »iVU IK/WJIOwith excellent table; private family; good home.oc6-2t*

1918 EYE.LARGE FRONT ROOM. SECONDfloor; bath sqrne floor; well-kept house; refinedsurroandlngs. oc<i-7t*

1618 19TH N.W..FRONT ROOMS, TOGETHERor separate; good table board; reasonable rates;near Conn. ave. cars. oc5-3t*NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITHboard, for two gentlemen; £40; U st. bet. 18thand 19th sts.; private family; 'phone. AddressBox 212, Star office. oc5-3t*

ONE SQUARE WEST OF DUPONT CIRCLE,well-furnished rooms in refined home; table hoardif desired. 1410 Hopkins place. oc5-3t

FINE SECOND-FLOOR FRONT ROOM, FURnished; with excellent board. 937 H st. n.w.oc5-3t* v


ve.x11 deiaunruij nijwjun, nun piiu>ih.uu»imeals; $27; fine bome; 'phoiie. 1444 N n.w.oc5-2t

1416 K N.W..WELL-KURNISHED SINGLE ANDdouble rooma; moderate rates; bath eacb floor;telephone. 004-41*

1213 Q ST. N.W..FINE ROOMS; EXCELLENTtable; rery reasonable to couples. oc4-4t*

1716 H ST. NTW..LARGE AND SMALL ROOMS,in exclusive bouse; convenient to clubs and allcar llnei; superior table board; table boarders.oc4-4t»


TWO XIOE ROOMS. WITH BOARD; FOUR GENtiemen; large closets. Apply 2153 K at. n.w.

oc3-7tATTRACTIVE CORNER ROOll, ADJOININGbath; southeast exposure; Capital Traction cars

pass dour; dainty table appointments. 33. TheAshley. 18th and V. oc2-eod,3t*THE RICARDO. 1613-21 17TH, DESIRABLEfront rooms, with board; also ball rooms: modgrateprices. oc2-Tt*986 K N.W..LARGE FURNISHED 2D-FLOORtrout room; southern exposure; also ball room;excellent table. oc2-5f

FOR RE.VT-U00 S ST.. 'PHONE N. 1256-FRoomsand board for gentlemen In private family;convenient to all car lines. ocl-7t1108 F 8T. N.W..DELIGHTFUL ROOMS ANDbeard with pleasant southern family; (20 to $30per moath; Aellent home table; piano audlalepboae> eel-tf

ROOKS AHD BOARD.ISM K ST. N.W..FIRST-CLASS RI.VOU ANDdoable moms and board; eicelieut location;terina moderate. a»30-Tt

LAKOK. SUNNY BOOMS. WITH BItST HO«comforts, at 1100 Vermont are. ae90-Tl*

1822 VERMONT AVI HKAUTIFUIT ROOMS;fine location; on* block from car line; old Virginiacooking; transient* and table hoarder*taken. 1.. ». C. I.IST. ac29 9t


ELKtjANTI.Y KDBNISHBD ROOMS WITlf~iXcelleottable; conreulent to cara. 1204 N at.P.w. ar24 14t*

STKCIAI,.FINK CHOICE RoTlM WITH 3 TWE5Ttr-flre-centtocala dally; *20 for oue. »43 for two.^NKW ItANDOU'll. 1804 a > w «cl-tf_WANTED.ROOMS AND BOARDT

One rent i word for 13 words.WANTKI>-UNFrRNI»HKn BOOM WITH HOARDfor,two In11.w.; $4T». Box 104. Star ottW.WAXTKIT MAN"A^D WIKK, LAHiTv. I NKI!Rairbednx)in. south fnmt, with board; slate prlfe.wh!rh must be moderate. Addr.vss IV |{ M , StaroftVe.WANTK1) BOAKI) AM) SOI Til ItllOM. CAPIt«lHill. 7:2m breakfast; ftth Bt VWt t«> K Capitol.Address B. A. S.. StarWANTED arc >M> STOUY PROMT ROOM AKDboard for gentleman and wlf» and little fclrl

»*er«»n v*»ars o d In n.w.; private family preferred.J. «. r.. Star <jB>.WANTED BY <;KM I.KM AN. WIFE AND ykakold child. rooms and board for winter, lasuburbs In Maryland. Address, with fuU particularsand terms. Box mi. Star offlce. <h'4 5t


Ow cent a word each time for 15 words 3 timet.l»IIOTOOKAI>II liALLKKY ANI) KQT U'MKM1for sale; central location* price reasonable. AddreaaHox 2*~l. Slur office. oH>-?U*GOOD 11 KOOM 11 < M sK N KAH K AND 12TJIn.w.; rent, $40; nermanent n*>mers In house. partfurniture for sale; a snap. Address Tenants,Star office. « « «; :it#

ORANGK (ilU)VKS; ft A<'ltKS; SOI THKKN^YfTfornia;$15 monthly; 7 years. Be Independent.Write WII.LIAM ilt'DSOK. Itlalto. c*lFOR 8ALK rilKAP-; MEAT. 0SK BRV ANDprovision st(»re. 1701 31th at. n.w. ocO-.'U*FOR SALE TKN SIH>KKS OF TI1K CAPITALstock of lie Wonfcgni Hntet Aiffy. to cknan eatate; no reasonable «»ffer refused. Timstock Is a splendid Investment ami the asset*of the rwi»f are the m.>*t MU. A b*rniato a quick purchaaer. WILLIAM H. LINK INS,Attorney. oc6-3tJUST VAPiTlftn r/uivtfD . «..... . « VUil IV1V P I U IV TJ .A 1 I J»« C.l4»J«lug; well established hh n gr«vvi y ami provisionstore; about 8 yearn' standing. Apply alWKSrOTT & WILCOX. IVnna. ave. or3038 M at. n.w. ocrt-St*W A NTBP.AT ONCB, fMHI $1.#M Tt) *:i~000to sell a !» 'w device of uniiKU.nl merit. universaluse an<r great moneyed value; Investmen t ahaolutelysal?, with large returns within 12 months.Address, stating where Interview can be ha I INVESTOR,Star cfflee. o«-«» :if

IOi AIUMHJ>-l8TiBUIHB) MJNCH K«H>M;daily receipts. $50.00; good PMMM br MV|.Price, $3,000. Address Box 252. Star offlee.oe6-3t +

OKOCEKY MEN. ATTEND THK AIVTION SAMIof groceries, fixtures, horse and wagon. Ac.. onMonday, Oct 8, at 10 a.m., at 001 II st. n w.octt-2tLAR'JK vol XTUY STOKK AM» DWELLING \Nfc>hig i»ost <tfficp receipts; established trad*1 In fast-km.myiuk Btruon at it.it. station. 4 inllen fromcity; bai-as. Icehouses; 2 acres; l»eauriful grounds.Op|*>rtunity seldom offered, llo* 257. St:»r office.oeO-iit

A PARTY VKKY I AMILIAK WIT!! T|7K~ AKTof manufacturing Ice would like to organ./.e a co.to build a hundred-tail ice machine lu tills -ity.Parties interested please write or call on M.SMITH, Wisconsin are., Tenlejrtown, I>. O.oc6-:U*

I BAYS THE MOIT DMOUBLI OOKKMOROeery,with 4 living room!*, bath. cellar, hack andside yards, to be found in the city; excellentlocation; will sell building on easy terms; storkwitl Invoice iboot $14500. Trade can lie Mtilfbuilt up to $3.<KX) a mouth. Address OV.NliK,Box |tt. Star oflire. o« 5 :;t*

F<Mi SALK-A BAKRBT; SIX BAftKRU I L >Ufta week. A g«>od place for a lunch room; cheaprer.t and in the outer of the city; sold .»n accountof family troubles. Address Box 208 Staroffice. oco-3t*

GROCERY. NOTION ANT) CONFECTIONERYstore, northwest; che«p rent: price. NEMTYOKK H1SINKSW ItKOKKIlS, Oil F. oi-3-3t

GROCERY: DAILY SALES. $35; LONG ESTAHllslied; living roonw; will Invoice. NEW YORKBUSINESS liltOKERS. 611 F. oeS 3t

16-ROOM ROOMING IIOUSR; MONTHLY IS'"eonie $140 over rent; nleelr fnrnl^hed; nrl^,$1 ,'N*0. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS.


sl.'knesa will ucrifloe $400. NEW YORK RI SlNESSBROKERS. Oil F. oc5 3tDINING ROOM; CHEAP RENT; MAKINGmoney; bargain; $2£>. NEW YORK 111 SINESSBROKERS. Ull F. oL-f,-3t

$126 FOR 1'EANLT BUTTER BUSINESS7"M)Ttill.irl> SUtl SLOCK. »> |KT USJ ffihuv LIIM <1 i~~.iEyo n.e. ocS-3t**

FOR SALE-FRUIT STAND AND CIUAHtore. 1417 32(1 n.w. oc5-3t*

FOR 8ALE.HANDSOME GROCERY AND MARketstore; public thoroughfare, rnith business;store rent, $15; store sud dwelling, $:10, goo<place to sell fruit during the evening. 214.! I'a.

are. oc.VHt'.JuBIO PROFIT FOR ANY RELIABLE PERSONwho can Invest small capital. For pnrtirulanaddress C. A. B.. Star office. oc4-3t

CORNER OROCEItY N.W., WITH 2 ADJOININGrooms; Interested in two. must give up one. Address J. M. H lolly, 10th st. n.w. oc4-3t

ROOMINU HOUSE.LOCATION UNSURPASSEDsteam beat and every known convenience; woult

*w%at «1 <WVt 1 .... _ ....IIv.uca|7 ai fj,wn/, wn iin trntiug t;iijr n 111 bbc

rifice for $500. TAYLOR'S, 1328 New York areoc4-3t

GROCERY.NOTHING BETTER IN CITY FOFprice ask*d; inspect this business and submit uiyour offer. TAYLOR'S, 1328 New York ave.oc4-3t

i M .

BILLIARD AND POOL PARLOR. GUARANTEELto clear $3,000 year; for the beat of reason* thiibusiness must be sold; no reasonable offer refused and plenty of time to pay for same. TAYLOR'S. 1328 New York are. oc4-8t

$4,700 BUYS 8ALOON ESTABLISHED 30 YEARSowner wishes lo retire, hence the sacrifice. TAYLOR'S. 1328 New York ave. oc4-3t

$2,000 BUYS SALOON ON PA. AVE.; CHEAIrent, long lease; actual value, $6,000. Don'miss this. TAYLOR'S, 1328 New York ave.oc4-3t

DAIRY LUNCH POSITIVELY CLEARINGweekly or no sale; investigate, then make offerTAYLOR S, 1328 New York ave. or I .itFOR SALE.A FEW SHARKS OF EAST WASHington Savings Rank. Address W. K. O. Staoffice. oci-3t*

MY THIRD LAND SEEKERS' EXCURSION ~T<South Dakota leaves Washington October StliFor particulars see W. J. LA VARIE. loll) 14tlst. n.w.

FOR SALE.DESIRABLE CORNER PROl ERT1for hotel and reatsurant; 25 rooms; exceptioouopportunity; center of city of Baltimore. C. ECUNNINGHAM. 521 Equitable bid*.. Halto Mloc2-7t

I HAVE SIX GOOD LOTS IN VERY BB8T LOcation of northwest, and need several drlvlnand work horsea. Will xnake exchange for alor part. Could also use »nue carts. What bavyou to trade? Address Box 158. Star office.oc2-lgt

1,200 S. C. W. LEGHORN HENS FOR SALE, *each; 400 pullets, (2 each. E. F. TAYLORAsh ton. Md. se29-sa,tu,th,6t*

ORKLS. THE PERFUMED ROOT IS EI) IN MAKiug all face, tooth and perfumed powders; $2000,000 worth Orris products sold yearly; grow!ng demand; wonderfully productive, hardy, hteresting flowering plant for field or g.trdenmarvelously prontanie, pro<iuc:n£ 91.UUO ud acreach year; ea«y of cultivation; quick result*$10 will start you; full instructions free how tgrow it. Write to GRANITE IIILL FAR*Louisa. Vl. se8 22-oc6 20

EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO EN LIScapital and services in educational institutioimoney Invested insured from loss. Addr^jCORPORATION COLLEGE, 41 Wall St.. Ne

York. >e27-29t

WANTED.MEN AND WOMEN TO TRY OU1Bucbu Gin. for kidney and bladder trouble; yrtscriptiou of late Dr. Warner of Baltimore. Solonly by Tbe Jobn Wedderburn Co., 618 V at.seltt-tf.4

niTPTnT A T rnTTnro IUXX 1UXAJJ 11U1XUUkj.

OFF1CK COMMISSIONERS OF THE DI!trict of Columbia. Washington. October 5, 1900.Ordered: That. Id the public interest and f«rr tlpublic safety, on tbe occasion of tbe Third Atnual Encampment of the United Spanish War Vet<ran*. the cessation of the -movement of street *caiand other vehicles, except vehicles of the PolieFire. Health and Water Departments and Hopltal Ambulances on emergency service, is heretdirected upon Pennsylvania avenue at th<- Pea<Monument, including 1st street north and soutat the Junction therewith, and from that poiralong Pennsylvania avenue, from curb to curlto 15th street; 15rh street, from curb to curb, jPennsylvania avenue; Pennsylvania avenue, fro:curb to curb, to 17th street, from 2:15 o'clocp.m. to 3:15 o'clock p.m.. October 9. li*>6. <

until the line of parade shall have passed ©r<the designated route. For tbe information of aconcerned, the following section of the law rolltire to the maintenance of public order of tlDistrict of Columbia is included herewith, andas follows: "It shall t»e unlawful for any peson or persons within tbe District of Oolumbito congregate and assemble in any street, avenualley, road, or highway, or In or around any £ulie building or lnclosure, or any park or reserrtion. or at tbe entrance of any private buildlior toclosure. and engage in loud or boisterous tailIng or other disorderly conduct, or to insultmake rude or obscene gestures or commentobservations on persons pausing ny or in rne^Hbearing, or to crowd, abstract, or Incommode t^Hfree use of *07 suet street, avenue, alley. roa^Hhighway, or any of the foot pavements tnarao^Hor, the free entrance Into any public or prlva^Hbuilding or lncloaure; that it shall not be lawf^Hfor any person or persons to swear. curse.make use of any profane language, or lnJece^Hcr obscene words, or engage In disorderly eondu^HIn any street, alley, road, highway, public par^Hor lnclosure, public building, church, or sssembl^Hroom, or in any other public place, or In any pla^Hwherefrom the same may be beard In any stre«^Havenue, alley, road, highway, public park orclosure, or otber building, or in sny premises 'oth^Hman inoae irwrf ine onrate u rummiiitu,der a penalty of not more than tweut t-Ht#lar» for each and every olfenae." HENRY B. HM AOKA lil.AXD. HBMll L. WEST, JOHN Bl^H" I