evening star.(washington d.c.) 1854-12-21 [p ].stool cm ar. 1 lirermedicine, and washighly...

TFTF EVENTS STAR . UBLbHED EV'EilY AFTLRNOON, (DOTP* 8T?MT>4T,) At ths Sm- Buildvmrs, corner Pennsylmmnem avevrtf a.r i E'tvtnth street, H i IF i I, L A (' SI & HOPF. vVftil b»* (enred to rabscriberc ia th?- citie* »»' ^Vx-h ;i.av>t, C'-o*!|e«wa, Ales lUilria, R.ViiaiTf rniti Pr.ila- iHc-tM, r.! flX A VP A QUA.ITiiH rENTi*, pafa- » e wv.eX: * :«. < '?* Aa -J!*". To mail subscriben» th* u>.> pfict* i< T1!R££ D()LLARS AND t IFVV CENTS a y»*«r in advance, TWO DOL- I.ARS for SIX MONTHS, and ONE DOLLAR «t THKBE MONTHS. Oty-Siwoit copim oke r.Rjrr. AVOID ALL QUACKERY, And t\k« midicinks prepared by a REGULAR PHYiTCIAV ONLY. LI KB PRO- l^XQKu, A i'JKK F03 ALL TAIN, COUGHS. CoLTte, C >N*U>iPriO>f, CROUP, WHOOPING- C'JL'GII. LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEP3IA, IN- digestion sour stomach, scrofula. ai.l SKIN KMJPTION3, AND ALL FEMALE COM¬ PLAINTS'. 0':' J. 3. RO-JE'3 CELEBRATED FAMILY ME'JIJIKE? .\tm th . result of thirty years practice a PhiUd-lphir. Hi' preparations aie for each ujiriniuw r.ui hays b sn well tested Rod approved by nundreds of PhyslcUm?, and thousands of Pa- t If B til. A EEHSTVF ?Jxt "EACH DI8EA8E." Da. J8 EOSi-'s EXJ'KCTORAST OR COUGn 8TRCP. For the radical rur- of ootsnniptirn cold, h-'am- n*aa, asthm», bronchitis, spitting of th* blood, in- flimsiatioa of :h* luz^s or threat, and all pu'mon- ary diseases. This preparation net only curra ccn- s iiapti n, ift*ken is time, bat it fortifi-s the sys tem against futur. a'tacSs. As a Congh Medicine, it is the brst in t!.* World. It is now used and re¬ commend^ by physicians at home and abroad. In bottle", 25 cents 50c and $1. D*. Rom's WH'ioriwo Cocoh Strcp. This preparation i*.lwars gives immediate relief, prevents inflammation of the Lungs, and Dropsy in the chest, an l effects a cure in o few days.Price 50 cents CROCP 81RU?..This ramedy Is never known to ful, and had rfasvi thousands of children.Price 26 cents. Da. J. 8. Rosa's D?3iinic on Ijvib C:apocff». A aare care for Dyspepsia, Soar Stomach. Icdi- gastioa, ami Liver Comp'aint. This Compound used with Dr. Reee's Family Pills has rurrd thousands o? confirmed Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. It is a tonic. AlteratiVe. Stool cm ar. 1 Lirer Medicine, and was highly recommend-d by th» celebrated late Dr. Pay sick.60 jenti Dr. J. fl. Ross's Ajm-sruors *r Ra«'-roat> PiiLS. So called, be raii*e tn.»y i»o fch»nd cf all other pi'ls ia their good edict*: as r:i iicti^e Purgative, or Ca¬ thartic Medicine they have no e^ual; free from gnpin*, carrying off i»ll 'cr?<ionc sndbile froru the su>suach and bowels, ;he v aau bo ttken ct all sea sons, by both jexe«. c-f aii and without r?gard to weather or-xposur>*. If tvj.en with Dr. Rose'a Feves a- d Ague Ion: - M x»-ir% they will prevnt and cure the niO't s-u~>>orri cn^s of F^ver and Ague 0' Bilious Fererj.12% ar il 2c r'<t. fd. J. S. iv fi Gcirsr PiiLs- F»t Fali'.t g .if co- >' "irK FtiAie Wea'*n*fc3, Dibllitv, aad Relax at"* r . TJ.i " vlleea^e heretofore treated by i/andages, trus.-'e', and martial euppart, aUirh c.«n oniy prova p*;!tativ-,e, >ielis completely to the u«e of these ton!**, streti^thenlnj Golden P\1U -*0c. , .. FEMALE SP8CIFIC A jemely for Painful Menstruation, L-ucorrhae*or >>h«te.^.$1. Dr. J. 3. iVoui'3 Piis Ucrks will care Stiff Neck, Sore I treat, Pains in th» face, Bide, Baok or Limbs fr#m a Cold, CLoii'-, Cii- i-ra Morbas, Ac. It ^urea Sprains, Chilblatoe,Cramps < r Pain? in the Stom¬ ach or Rowels. Price l*vi, '<&> *nd 60 Us Poranns of ialiaata constitution* by nature, or tho?^ who hive be-n ma le no, by ihe uae of tfce quaes medicines, or any ther cause, should real Dr. J 3 Rose'- Meli^l Advi er to per ons in Sick ne-* or in ile^l'h, whi-'a boo-J can be had without eh-ir^e, of 7.. D. OILMAN, 0. SfOTT i. CJ-, W. U. GII.- MAN, J. W nai.iN, HMTiMbUN «s NAIRN, D. R. CLAKK, If. ii .cPHtKiiON, W- T. aVANS, KIDWfil-L & 1. \ WP.ESCK, J. B. MOORE, Waeh- initon; J. L. FTO »*eorretov?!!, -id by all i:ai Alesaniria, Virgiuie. crv 1.tr VAPT* IN OAKOT, AUTHOR OF TUii GitaiAT 3f-0X JU.-T DE- 1NJ rUBliiaHaD .-'PEAKS id U A UPTON'8 TINCTUP-B. GRKAT C'Ur.K OF R-^U/A^l ;M CONTRACTJCD CNDSJt TROPICAL climatus. iAAL.tia.2Llt, Md . June i. l?f*. Mr. Stockbricgz, Jfauntam £Iud. unri, BalUmore- Dear Sir : Bcin.3 on the point rf Iei7ic2 th-» atf, I avail myaelf of a few i-lie BJ&msotB to thank you Idndly for the medicine yon s«nt me, and *hich has restored me to the use of my limto. I beg you to send me four bottles more, tD carry on my voyage, fiisce I had the fortrce to use Dr. Lucnptou's Vege¬ table Tincture c:y ccoflotoe i 1 ctrong tha*.. in gratitude o the proprlstora cf sd-i medi -ine, I be^ | you to p.-tJ -at Tnv r»or.?~tn to ther!, and inlaw them to ma'^e :i nor? .-u.'f :'y kz.o.-'n «3 a >are Rh-umatic care. Iia>:ng cui:-i ca r^e on the 13tb ot April last, and jesj aic p?" '!.r»tad ou my Lad, euileisa in ail my 11 aba, you « .u apprstiate nearly as well is rsrv t the prompt f»ili3i' 1 received frori 1 Dr. Hainpton's iM»ctare, tj.i 1 a.m pc.dti?e had lc j not bean tor your aVrong ati fedb!9 r;:ozame^«i. tions I should still have Wen »c. L-eu. It is really a mty thl^ spcc.he should not be sp- proved by medial men, and liv.e all parent drnga it shoali sB'br the iuputatlou tha public generally gife to prt'pa.Ati .as. I uiy»elf, who waa al¬ ways oppc>ri to a pacanfced spec.'is, took this medi- cine wi'-h rela^auio, anl without oorJidence in it, aud it was only taroufh your disinterested, friendly re^mmer.latlc'^j, aul ciy critijal (dtutden that iu- teced Zu* to try this reilly b^neficiil Vegetable You nr>7 icfom: "Jwirs. Mortimer k Mowt-ay that they srv &t iioer<:y te n^ike uae of tuj name ixi tha support 11 tn« ^.cod effac'uJ of Dr. ilamptoa's Vegetable T.cetare, 2.* it has curc.d me in five weeks of a chronic ir.JtiftvrxrsUn g Rhtu~uilin%, contracted na ler frrj'x^Z dxMatei, and of uxn yiirt'periodical wu.'v,- ; 1 ht*e oniy U3e-1 whiea Iwttlej. and find that even \hn d$fonaed parte of my li&itds art fast retuiui:i;5 c iiie>r formic aaturai appearance. 1 have been iiiiier tue treaiLieat A suveral phy- sknatu in Lonloo aud Pari?*, without any appa/ent benetlt; also, wtiMe in New Ycrfe, having trii-d the Ihompaonian and ^I jiiio'pathio remedies, after h^v Ing t»en tcrm^at»«d vwit'i t-alfanic ba'teries, cold and aromatic batha, aad hundreds of internal and .xterual medicine', alt to nu effect, I am, so tar, cured by this llaaip on's Vege able Tincture only. Therefore, my sir, accept of the abearance of my atatilode. and believe ia* your w^il wisher. . Thomas Can or. RJV. V1P.NON E3ERIDGE, U. 8. N. Poktsmoutu, Va,Aug. 18,1851. Mr. J. X Boush.year sir: While I am, in gene¬ ral, opposed to patent medicines, candor compels me to state that 1 hare ^reat confidence in the virtuee ot Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. For several months past 1 hare ujed it in my family ; and in dyspepsia, loss of appetite, diuineas, aud general de¬ bility, with entire success. 80 far as my experience .sten is, therefore, I take pleasure in recommend lug it to the afflicted as a safe and ethcient remedy 1 am. reapectfuily, yours, VsasoN Bskricoi, Chaplain, United States Navy. HUME TESTIMONY. QJUM OF LIVER OOMVLAlNT OF TEN YEARS Waahisotck, May 17,1863. H&nrj. Mortimer A Mowbray : Gentlemen.Hav- Ing been aCiicted with Lire: Ccmplai'-.t of ten years .taudiug, I hereby, for the b nefit of the afflicted, take freat pleuiure in th<it a'uer Ubing a few botctas of your TircU-c 1 "foe -? !t had t: ¦y>mpiishsi a ti»re i uacl different medicines iroui :ias io UJie, b li&re never oeen able tu ajeoc.>it r .-. >y sp^cient yjod, and it Is a olessia^ .0 JtricLr.i husiaulty ti.u thatmsdicins; if iOand e .iiih posses^s :he Ti. 1 «u 0 jr pow or C. I pro- kcgi*-l uuraa^ 'i-f- Ti'^rir r.y curreithaa wrought mr cf .1 UuMal iKslts aai:h m-y ts experience 1 fc#K iie oca. Yoaia, tHiptfctli: i-, I. CuafAia Ei.T. Call *i.i ^st jsJtj.h?'t? ;"aL', h^iJ i>»s curra of Osvc Erori ;' «a, H uur. : > s~i, ^V. uro^ua, Dyzptv- na/iV:^"vyj. .iii* Gfr. Wia&nest. Asafexuak cr f*?r uelieate eLiidrea xe fceiisre It un- equaled. . , by MOP.TIMZR ft MOWBRAY, 110 Haiti- acre street, i/altimore, ani 3u4 Uroad.ray, New Fork; CUA2. 8T0TT A CO., Vr'IMKR, J. ii. 1'OORK, D. B.CLARiiC. CLAKKK A BOWLING, W. ELLI¬ OTT, at J H McPHEltSON. Wasfin^ten; a!".o,hy R. S. V. CIStiSL, Georgetown: ar.d C. C. BSRl'.V, Aietandria, and by Dr Jl« erorywhere. aug >1.tr ^iUlRr8 MaLETOORL»ER. gTEV£N ;|r *ns' 55 Hotel, i* pr<«p ired to make Shirts t* ja and warranto th«m in all case- to tit. Gen's troubled wich bid fitting Shires u, a 'ue suitexi at HTKVENS'S Saletrooai. dee 6 Browns' Hotel. I*IV J. a OIBUS, Dentist, hai remoTed bis office from 1 street D thf hoa« ct Or Arthur, Pa. a7enue, Dfctw. 12th an 1 10.h streets. oet 14.3m* R. H. G1LLET, Counsellor at Law, 09 e aad residence in Franklin How, corner c.' K IB'1 Thirtoeath street. r.»» !®-<jly CHARLES WALTERS Intelligence aad General Agency Office, Jfo. 66- Stvn'h tin*'., oypotitt t ie CmXre Jfiricet. deo a.dim* DR. THEOD. I1ANSMAN, REMOVED TO gri. 1 uirth, tstveen AMk an-l S»verU\ sit. vaU. no. 450. dec 2.dim* VOL. IV. WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1854. NO. 615. UNDERTAKERS. Ac. CABINET MAKES & UNDERTAKER "TIHK undersigned would respectfully inform his « frlandi, sc^v rintanw, and the public generally that hs still con tine ?a to execute all orders In hu lint of bu^.'uess is tba best dancer and at the short »6t POtlcie. BSi'AlRIMQ neatly and promptly executed FL'SKOALE attended to it - -a the shortest notli*>, ana ia the wet wanner. &>die*prtstrzirt in tfu rnoxt perfed mart ».«?, awn i~i f'it fur.aeit "Muter. ..oankful for p=it faror?, h? would cr8pt-tfcl'y jolialt, and will .. il-^ror to merit a centinunEcw tie cam a. ANTHONY BUCHLY. Pa. at®., a. side, bjtween 9th and 10th »t*. EeaMe-^r ^fr. Martin's, No. 896. D rtreet, tfclrd house eaet 7th etrest. rear 17.ly COFFIN WAREROOM, Ac. r.yi J- WILLIAM PLANT A CO., UN- 1«IIB ¦¦!¦¦ I I In i.residence 418 Sev- infh street, between Q and H strtets. Inerment* procured in any ground or oemetery. Coffins, Cape, Shroud.*, Carriages, Hearre, and every article for interments of the best quality furnished at short uotic", on the most rwonable term*, and at all "f>ar-t of the ni>;ht. Having the exclusive right of Jruaip s Patent Corpie Preserver, we guarantee to teop th? dead for any length of time. cc 11.tf UNDERTAKER. j WJUL.D r ?sr;ectfnlly ret am my thanks to the I dtivai of Washington aud its vicinity for thtir .t't patrora^e, acd say tiiit owin^ to the fivqaent v:L»"hi the Undertaking branch of lay business, I iet« beeu iuleiel to discontinue th? manufacture *i FurnUoee, and turn my attention fully to the GN2KKTA XJLX'3. I have spared no pains to cot? -very thins tfcnt Is requisite to my business, and 1 ua therefore fully prepared to meet any order aiter t i'v moments notio-i. and I assure those who may »>vr« me h a* 11 tb^t I will spare no pains te carry out '!.-»!r to th«ir entfre sabsfection. JAM S3 F. HARVEY, No 410, 7th St., between G and H. ' i?. 31.C»J2? ittccded to at all hour* of the eight rusr 3.ly v DENTISTRY. i vR. MUN80N respectfully cal s public attention i 7 to hi? new, patent, and GREATLY IMPROVED method of setting Artificial Ieeth. with Continuous Qua.th* very PERFECTION OFT «'KAIiT. Thisstyle of Teeth has the follow advantages over ail others ?is: CKKVT STRENGTH, CLEANLINESS, COM¬ FORT, and BEAUTY, vieing with Nature in the e resptcts, r.nd pome o'hers excelling. Public insjxsc tion ic respectfully EoUoited. Please call and see specimens. CAUTION.No other Dentidt in the District of Columbia h°9 a right to make this style of Teeth. N. B . Teuth constitutionally healthy, plugged a*:d warranted for iife. oBIm anl L3Ul<s at No. 298 E street, noar the ccr* ner of Pennsylvania avenue and 14th alr<-et. n".v lv--tf PROF. SCHOXENBRRQ, TBACHBR AND TRANSLATOR 07 Hodcrii Language* and Literature) KG. 257 riNSSYLYASlA AVIM'l. oct 23.if ^*£$3* THE E1AGLE GAS-FITTING AND SHBAPlumbing Establishment, Hnfi ON THE OOR ER OF SiXTH 8THE-T AND Peau-ylvania Av-nue, ar> now reoititir Xh4 fiuer.tassortaentofCHANUKUEIt'and QA8 FIX- TlfREi evrr off^r»l 10 th:' citizens of Washington, sad at the ^aie tim^ "sh-ap^r thnn the chpap»st" Ail *he.t uewe.*ury is t^i?! .* e c?U to be oonvicced oi thi i faet. Th * superiT facilities of th;s house tnajiei thrrn to S9 1 ihsir go^ii aaft do work at a 1 leei rate than any of th* ¦ etsu'^rs f this city. rhan^fe.! fcr the vry liberal patronage of the itiaeuj? of '.Vaihingtoa and vicinity, t^e proprietor issurec them t' at with the adi^tl^B ol a number of the bost gjJ fltt":'s aal p'.umb^rs of Pbllade-'phia iiil New York to his present l%rpe f^rce, he will ba ible to do a 1 woik in both tranche* in the mo tt su¬ perior style, atd, a2 before statf^i, cheeper than the b-sap^aL JS ). UKfcSiS. <vtii5 .dtlst-Jan. JUST RECEIVED, p«r Khoout! Paulina, 1WO HUNDRED A..D NINE TONE WKNHAM LAKE ICE. L. J. Mf DDL ETON, Office so s*de F, next t" corner 12th st, Depot corner 26:h and E tte. west, nov 14 (Nat. Int, Union, a^d Hen inel.) J. K. II A ItT W ELL, AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. '1'HE underpinned will o^a'inue the AUCTION 1 AND C0MMIS3I0N bU^NEdd, in the store formerly occupied by D. B. Campbell A C No 5h9 PonasylTania avenue, where h^ wd: k-epeous.'autly on har-d a large a- eortr ent of House Furniture ol every description. Parlor, B-»dri^ia ard Cooking Stoves, f>r coal and wood, C ojkery, Tin »nl Plated Ware, titd numeroos other a. i c'.ee wanted by house¬ keepers, all of which will be told exc*edingly low tor .-ash or f hort approved credit. Consignments joucited, upon which a liber il ad¬ vent* will be nisde. JOS. It. HAKTWELL. nov .2ui A CHANCE FOR PRINTERS. THBEE PRESSES AND A FONT Of E9UB- OSOI8 TYPE FOB SALE. "ITirALLACII A II >PE offer for sale, st the office YV £txtii7i0 Star, one MACHINE PRtS9,«-»>-We of printing 1,000 imp eheions per hour, doable Bediuui sheet, both hid£8 at oxck, re- gisterincin th? moat perfect manner. One MEDI¬ UM SMITH PUESS, In :*ocd order, and cue FOOLS¬ CAP RAUA6U PRESS. The.'e pre^res will be 6oId lev. All*-', eee font of SOU^OEOIS TY^*E, weigh¬ ing ab^ut 3b9 pounds, but little used, for sale 00 re«8f>n»bU teriDH. un» 3 -tiif Private Medical Treaties OR TU£ PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW Oi' MARRIAGB, BT SI. B. LA CROIX, 01. D,t ALBANY, N Y. 250 Pagts and 130 Fire Plain and Colorea Litho¬ graphs and Plates. *t»- Price only 35 Cents. "i« A^b'ut ties of postage to all parts of the Union~C( CHEAPEST BOOK EVER PURLISHED,and containing nearly d ub'e the quantity of rtaiing matter in that of the FIFTY CENTS OR DOLLAR PUBLICATIONS. It treats on the PHYSIOLO¬ GY OF MARRIAGE, and the Secret i> firmitiesand disorder cf youth and maturity, re¬ sulting frum excei k-'H, which destroy the physical and men tal powers, with observations on marr:agr>, its duties and disqualifications, and their temrdies; with lithograph", illustrating the anatomy a~d physiology, and dLwases of the repro- dnctive organB of both sexes, their structure, uses and functions. A popular and comprehensive trea¬ tise on iho duties an<l c^sualtirs of eiugle and mar¬ ried life.happy and iruitful {.llianc^s, mode cf se¬ curing them- infelicitous and infertile ones.their ob7iation and removal.important hints to tbo-e <*6ntemplating matrimony, that will c vrrcome cb jections to it; none, hewever, should take this im¬ portant s ep wichout first consulting its pagts. cs mmentaries on the diseases and medical treatment ot feca-ties from infancy to old a<e, each case graph¬ ically illustrated by beautiful lithogtaph'c plates. ntxvcas debility, it? causes and care, by a process at once so simple, fe anl eff.-ctual that failure is impossible.rules for daily manag-ment. an ersay on 8p rmatorrhu*a with practical observations cn a .ifer, and m Te sucreseful mode of treatment.pre- cnuticnary hints on the evils resul Jng from empiri¬ cal practiee.nn essay on all «iifeases arising Irom iudis re'.i:>n, with pinin and simple rules by vhich ai! persons can care themselves without mercury. remeliee for those f elf Infiicte'l miseries and dfcap pointed hopea eo unforiunately prevalent in the young. It ii a truthful adviser to the married and thow contemplating marriage. Its pern al is par¬ ticularly recommended to per£Ous entertaining se cret doubts of th^ir physical conditien, and who are eonscious of having h.urded the health, happiness and privileges to which <*very humnn being is en¬ titled to. Price 2Sc«nta per cojiy, or five oipies for ono dol¬ lar. Mailed free 0! posts5-* to any part of the Uai- '.ed States. N P..These who prefer may consult Dr LaCfoix upon any of the diseases upon which bit book treats either er-rneliy or by maii. M- dioine aant to a&y part f tiis Union according ti uir?oc ooe, ^af«l> pack -d and carefnlly secured f om all obuervati.p. Address Dr. M. II. L& OttO!X,!\o 31 Maidsn Lene or Post Offlie Box 579, Albany N. V. Office open daily Irom 9 a ia to 9 p m, and on Snnday from $ uutil 6 pm. .A- Office Removed from No 66 Beaver Et., to 31 Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y. dec 7 BA&L3, &c. We Are With You Again, Kind Friends, SECOND GRAND BALL OF TQB AMERICUS CLUB, ¦ IV AID OF THEIB L1BBARV, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, Pec. 27th, AT TEMPERANCE HALL. THE AMERICUS CLUB have the extreme pleas- oie of announcing to their friends and their follow citiiena generally, that they will irivea grand BALL on WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 527tb. at TEMPERANCE HALL* in aid of their Library, havin ^assurance that they cannot fail to long as th»y bare each a noble pr ject in band. The Club pledge tbemsslvee, individually, that no pains or expense will be spared to make all who may honor them with their presence pus a pleasant and agreeable time. gcott's celebrated Ootillon Musis has been en¬ gaged for the ccoasicn. The Supper and Refreshment department ba* been placed in tha hands of an experienced caterer. Tisknts ONB LOLLAR. admitting a gentleman and ladies; to be had of any member of the Club and at the door on the eveniag of the ball. No hats or caps will be allowed in the rocm ex- flBDt those woin by th« different Clubs. FLO">R MANAGER3. E Q Evat,s, DP Darden, E B Barrett. MANAGERS. 3 P Robertson, T Johnson, W H Bailey, 3 E Culverwell, J W Ilouck, W Thomus, F A Rearden, W E Morgan, M Blrkhead, C Matlock, W H Johnson, G Eealin, R Johnson, J G Kabineon, jr J Ea»*i. W H Dice, E F Qneen. dec 16,19.21,23,30,17.0t BALL AND SUPPER TYPflGRAPflfcIf TOEIETY THE COLUMBIA TXPOGRAPBIOAL SOCIETY re«p'ctfully inform their friends and the public that th»ir Fortieth Annual Celebration will take p!ac-at JACKSON HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 10, 1859. Ticket", TWO DOLLARS.admitting a Gen leman and Laiies.to ba ha i < f the Executive Committee. The furnishing and arangement of the Supper will be under the immediate superintendence ot Mr. THOIIA# ECKHABDT. EXECUTIVB COMMITTED Wm. M. Belt, J T IIalieck, 0e">roe Catojj, Wm. L. Joses, Wm. R. 'tcUAN, H*r'.\ Bo*ks. 0. P. Brows, C. J. Canfiild. d c 14-e.6t THE THIRD ANNUAL GRAND BALL OF THE M0ITG0K1Y SUMS WILL BE GIVEN ON 9IOND\Y EVENING, Jam. 8th, 1859. AT JACKSON HALL. r|lHE MONTGOMERY GUARDS respectfully in- X torm their friend*, civil and Military of Wash- ;ngton and Georgetown tbat tha' they will give their third Annual Gr*nd Ball at JACKsCH HALL ii MONDAY EVENING, January 8, 1855. Trie Montgomery Guards pledge themselves tint no rains c-r expense shall be spared to make this »qnal to any of the seaaeu. superior Cotillon Mwaii Uenga-tdfor the oc a sion Refreshments will be supp itd by a.i able and ex« perienced cat3r<.r. No hats to be worn'u tbe Ball Sojm except by the Military. Gentlemfn wi«hin^ lavitatior.s for lad ea will pVuse leave 'heir nances and addre* at Lt. Feenr'.*, Penn avenue. lic'?etgQNE DOLLAR.to b«j bad at the Restau¬ rant of .'aim's Donnelly, PeuusylvHnia nv-nue, Lt. Teeny's, Win. Grcafon s, Mi<*r.a»l Bra iy'-1, and at ihe principal hot*l?. Cbmmittee of Arrangrv*'nfi. Cant Key. L< K«l iy, DrDuhamel, Lt Fe-:ny, SurgMo;re, .Sgt Motulry, Lt Kellehsr, Hgt Burk. Qr Mr Maher. Cbnimutee on part of the Military. Col W Hik?y, Ger Jen'-?, LtColRelly, M*j K*yworth, Qr Mr M"Ctillom, M«.j 1-acor, Adj L J Midlleton, Caps J B Ttte CaptCerrir.'gt>n, Capt Tow-rs, Capt Tail, C.pt Fchwarznun, Capt Byrr e, Capt Brigbt, Cap' Ko B4, Capt Siith, Capt Jamison, (.'apt Lasstlle, Capt hhekells, On the part of the. CitUent. John W Maury, * ichd Wuliacb, J< nah D noov»r, Ktvi rly Tncker, F MoNerhany, JroT Towers, W W Se&ton, J no C. Rive J. Floor Kancgtrt. Lieut Reily, Si£t McKnlry. dee 19.d'Jnr.8 NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX-PAY ER3. Collector's Office, D cember 6, 1854. NOTICE IS HKltKBF GIVEN that the. list of delinquent property is in c ur*e ot preparation and will bs eomp'.erei and published on or about the Is* January, 1855 All persons interested km earnestly requited to come forward and (by pay¬ ing) relieve trie undersigned from th) unpl<-asAnt du y of enlorcing the collection, and th.m*eives from the onerous additional expen?e attending an advertisement. R J. ROCHE, Collector, dec fl-dtlhtJan NEW JEWELRY. HO. HOOD has just opened a new and splendid a asm rtmeat of fii<« Brae* ets, hdkf t ine, Eir and Finger King*. Lockets, Chains, Collar A Sleeve Buttons, Silver Cups aod Maze, and a great vuriety of other fine Jewelr. of the latest stylss, for the holidays, all of which he will sell at from 15 to 25 Scent below the usuil price asked, at other es- lisbments. Please ca 1 at 418 Pennsylvania ave¬ nue, between 4^ and Sixth stre«tn. dec 12.tf H . S E M K E N , J E WELER, Pa. avenue, between 9;h and 10th streets. OFFERS FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL ASSORT¬ MENT OF .BEST S1L VER- FLA TED WA RE. Complete Coffee and Tea Seta on white metal, en¬ tirely new styles, a variety of rfchlv chaaed Cake and Bread Basket*, Castors, Wai'ers, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Salt and Fruit Standb' Urns, Kettles, etc., etc Doubleand tbripple plated table, d-»aert, and tea Spoons and Fork* in silver Patterns. All the goods warranted as represented and sold low. due 8.lt/a> 1 WM. HAUNSOHILD, PAPER HANGER & UPHOLSTERER AMERICAN and French Paper Hangings and Upholster Goods. Pennsylvania avenue, betw. Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, Washington, D 0. Wm. Ilaunschild bogs leave to inform his friends and the public that he his on hand a large etook of French Gilt and American Transparence Also, Hair, Moss, Cotton and Shuck Mattress?, which be will dispose of at tbe lowest prict-a. Oct 10.3m NEW STORE, NEW STOREr Louitij.no, avenue, oppotit<t the Bank of Washington MR. THOMaS DaLEAMY respec.fully invito* the attention oi the publio to examine his ttock of GOODS, whL*h he ha? opened on Lousi>c.fi avenue between Sixth and Seventh street,opposiU the Bank ot Wa^biugton, consisting of all aefcrip- uoos of Teas, Ao , Imperial, Gunpowder, and Black Te i; Win s and Liquors, of all torts, which he can cell at the lowest pricas f >r cash or approved paper. Besides a*l the necessaries for Grocery Ltfsicwss, viz: Brooms, Buckets, Cod »r Tuba, Matehea, tc. Please call and dee for yourselves. nov 23.y-n SUPERIOR IIARP3. WE have thi3 received a very superior toned HARP, from the celebrated Parisian maauj factar«» Dotaory, who received the highest pre¬ mium fur Harps at the great exhibition in L. ndon, ISM. Pereons desirous of purchasing, by giving us a call have the opportunity to obtain one of the above unrivalled instxCm^nts. H1LBU8 k HITZ, Music Depot, our. Pa. avenue, 11th and D sts. dec 16. NOTICE TO THE CITIZBKS OF WASHINGTON. 1>HE HOARD GF ASSESSORS do hereby give no- Mce that they will meet daily at th«ir room in the City Hall, from 10 o'clock a. m. until 2 p.m., from\be fifteenth to the thirty-first day of Decern ber instant, inclusive, Sundays and Christmas ax cept»-d, for the pu:p?M ot correcting any errors that may be pointed oui in 'he list of fersons subject to a jchocl tax for the year enjing on the thirty-first day of the pr-aent month (December) and of adding thereto tbe name* of any persons subiect 'o the said school tax v?hi?h may have been omitted there Jr->m. The Board would p&rli'alarly call the attention of all to the feet tbat no person c±n vote next year at any electio . in this city whose name has not been returned as u* jeet to a school tax for this year. Every'free white male citiien of tbia city, ot the age of twenty one tears and upwards, would therefore do w*ll to see whether his n*me be on ttie 6aid list, and if omitted, 11 give notice to the Board of Assessors that it may be returned for this yar. T. F HARKNKSS, J. W. BARKER, J M DOWNING, K. B OWENS, J. HEPBURN, J. RUS8ELT, P. HEPBURN, d'C 16.dtSlst Board of Assessors. FAMILY GROCERY. Northwftt cori.tr of Thirteenth and E strte'4. T^HE subseriber hav ng taken the above-named staud, recently ycu pied by Mrs. K. A T *"K ? j ^Tftl C jj /j intends keeping a g neral®^3®' '.~ ^ supplv of FAMILY GROCERIES, of the very test quality, which will be di'pof«dot at the lowest pos¬ sible tate3 for cash, or on shor: credit to punctual customer*. He solicits a continuance of the custom of tha for¬ mer pations ot the house, and begs to invite the at¬ tention end inspection of his numerous friends and acquaintances to th . quality of his goods, and the arrangements made to fecure the liberal patronage of the public. A JACKSON. " dec 12.lm MR9 F HERMAN. E. FI-HSR. MRS. HERMAN & CO., FRENCH STEAM SCOURERS, No. 651 N< rlh EiUaw itreti, near Lexington, BALTIMORE, MP , Will thoroughly clean all kind? of Lidios and Children's Dressts, made of Silk, Velvet, or Wool; Gentlemen's Goats, Pants and Ve^ts, without shrink¬ ing or taking off the natural glof u. The utmost punctuality warranted. White Crape Shawls done up equal to new. All orders left at WM. P. EHKDD'S F-msy Gocds and Millinery, 50J8 Eleventh St., Washington d^c 13.2w VETERAN TUNER. r|"*HE undersigned informs the musical public tbat JL he is row prepared to tune Pianofortes, Organs and Melodeons *ith dispato h. F«rty years experi¬ ence in the bu-4n««« nffo.ds him quiiifications <or actus at?ne-B which fiw can atta:n, having so fsr given entire satbraction to all c^rr ct mft'eiats and ihe exclusive tuner of Pianos at the President'a Mansion a4 the time *f M*<li on. Or era left»t HILBUS A H'TZ' Music Dep.t, or Mr. Wm. Zintzinger's Music Sts:e, will inset with prompt attention; but if It ft at oth«r establishments do not reach him atd fall into tbe hands of mLior ' tuners. JACOB IITL'US, H st., between 17th and 18th, s uth side. I dec 12.tf J£. B HALL, N. I>. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, LATE of Fhuaaelphla, I'm., graduate in Alopaihy ' and HomcEop&tny, having had ext. nsive ex- > parlance in the various departments ot ihe proles- ! don, offer? hhn erf ices to ths citizens of Washington i wo vicinity. *" Offlct No. 439 Thirteenth street, between Q and [I t-treelri. Offlcs hours until 9 a. ti, from 3 to 4 p. j ard 7 to 8 o m. . References: Wm. A. Gar Joe*, *4. D-; Dean c.I the | ilomcB'-pathic College Pa., and the profesticn gtn- j sr-.il °»p W- ?.ir j CHRISTMAS gifts. ; 18H \LT< OPE* on tbe Pith or 13tL of December the first lar^e lavoi^e of new style of Diamond ; und oilier Jewelry, Fancy Silv«: ware, Car .I ltecoiv- j f-rf, Work Woxes, Vase^, Fi<ures, Table and Mantel i Jiaaraents, Fans Carl Ca es, Pnrte Monvaies, i Dre»den th na Ornaments, and a vari tj of Nice | Nacka, suitable for Holiday Gilts Tbe Good* will ' be arranged for inspection on thel4th ins ant. The puVli- are invited to call. Pvlitenefs and civility will ce extended to all, whether purchasers or not. H. SKMKBN, Jeweler, Formerly Warrine; A fc'emVen, Pa. avenue, between 9'h ani lOtbit dec 8.dti4th STEAM CRACKER BAKEKY! C itrcet, between 4yx and 64h streets. JpHE above estab'ishmeut Is e'iil in successful X operation. Improved machinery, driven by steam, enables the subscriber to fill all orders prompt iy anl to furnish work equal in quality vo any es tablishuent in tbe country. On hand and ready for delivery a large stock ot fresh Soda, Butter, Water, rnd Su^ar CH ACKRP.S, Pic Nics, Wine, Biscuit, and Groun i CR ACKKRS- Believing that a strictly cath business is best tor buyer and seller. 1 have determined to try the ex¬ periment. Goods delivered frea of exponfe at ary joint in Washington or Georgetown. Terms eai-h on de¬ livery. THOS. IT. HAVENNER. dec 8.2w 'KANS-A I.LEGHANY BANK AND 8ELDE.S 1 Withers A Co.'b Notes purchased at the highest rates. Unc^rrent Money. Land Warrants, and Virginia Scilp bought and sold. Dr»fca on all the jrinc¦ i»*»l cities co'd to suit pur chasers. Persons a a distance Fen Jlrg me Trans-Allrghany notes or Land Wairants, may rely upon receiving the bett rate», and remittances made by drnl; nn any city in the Union. I HAMILTON G. FANT, Banker, dec 9. 3m No 432 Fcnna avenue NOTICE. rplME 13 MONEY..I have just r.«ceivfd a ?r*at 1 ssortm^nt of Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry. Clocks from $1 50 to $15; Gold Watches from $'ib to $175; Silver Watchea fjom $8 to $10; all of which will be warrant-^^^"" ed to give sasisra^tiou. Having ^n experienced hand to put all our clocks in order before calling them, those in vrant of a gocd Clock will find it to their advantage to buy from ur. Also, on hand Clock Trimmings of every descrip tion, Buch as Balls, Keys, Cords, Hands, Weights, Ac, Ac. , Our asaortmentof Geld Jewelry i9 lar^e, and will be sold on better terms than fimilar goods can be bought in Waahington Also, Silver Butter anl Fruit Knives, Cake Bar- kits, Albata Ware and many other good* for Christ¬ mas preseuts. At the Clock, Watch and Jewelry Store of J. HOBINtiON, dec 7.lm 349 opposite Browns' Hotel. I EVENING GLASSES IN LANGUAGES.PROF. SCHONENBE RG will commence reviewing elates in Languages on Monday, 30th October, at his residence, 267 Pennsylvania avenue. oct 23.tf I PURE SILVERWARE. H A V just opened a magnificent iipfo. tmf nt ol jl. STERLING 8ILVKRWARE, embracing : Com¬ plete Coffee and Tea Sets, Fit hers, Gcbleta, Cups, iipoons, Forks, Ac Also, a lot of Fancy Silverware new styles, 6U"h as c»ke, fish and butter Knives ; Oyster and Soup Ladler; Sugar and Cream 8joonp; Sugar Tongs; Bait SUnds; Napkin Kings, Ac My eilver is warranted.Stirling and Coin. H. SiSMKEN, Jeweller: Fa ave., batw. 9th and 10th sts. dec 8.dtJanl MUSIC FOB BALLS, PAETIES, &c L. F. W. WEBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS E13 FRIENDS and former patrons that he continues to attend BALLS, PARTIBS, Ac., wiih his we:l organise 1 BAND of soientiflo Musicians He will introduce all the new and fashionable Music An acoompllshed Piani-t fnrn:shed if desired. Orders left at Hubus A Hits' Music Depot, Gautier's, or Miller's Confectionery Store#, or at my residence, ne*r Gen Henderson's, Uiary Yard, will meet with prompt attention. nov 28.2m RIVETED HOSE. fpHB^beSt Southern and Western tannei le.ther X is selected and being male by ma hinery, ard is botn superior and chea er thaa to made at any o'hsr factory in tha United Status. Also, manufactures Sucrlen H te, Fire and Navy Backets, Hose Pipes, and all articles used by lire Companies. Two seoond-tand Suction Engines for sale low. WM. DUKKHART, No. 10 Water street, bet. Calvert and South, dec 16.7t* Baltimore, Ml. COIHBSPojdejce ! WondernJ ^ahZ-% .rdt??r* Seeru strated, $-e. sl*rititaJixm Dtmon C . .. f BA"iif0R«. Dec 20.p. M oomC^hu^rj^90^!0' ,tS con- galvantzed into life here. Last SunH a gentleman named Cunning f y' Washington city, held forth u, . " gation of persons upon the subi^? rt spiritualism. He had quite a rSSwe r±^fTS°me °f whorn (Dr. fc'nodgra^s .socially) were among the faithful.0 He undertook to explain the subtle mystery and got up to thedoubly-refined, seventh degree of invisible existence, beyond the confines of mortality. This is called the seventh heaven, and superlative of exqui¬ site joy. The lecturer produced a variety Hn,« fl" .! drawin«s> ^presenting va- InT u ' rtoweiR and P^nts, known and unknown, which he asserted had been executed by himself, whilst a me- drum, and under supernatural influence. These drawings, too, were accomplished savtS a Pn whlch I,rofessed artists say they could not possibly have been done, independent of the aid of an invisi- 1 P°^ier' asserts that, natural¬ ly, he does not possess the slightest fac¬ ulty for drawing, and before being a spmtualist, never did and never could portray the likeness of anything in the earth, under it, or in the blue heavens. These pictures, some fifty in number were executed by him with spiritual aid-' some with a few rapid strokes of the pen-' cil, and all without the slightest effort. He must, certainly, have fallen in with the spirits of some of the old masters The drawings were unusually fine and admirably executed. I will not stop to discuss the merits of this singular hallu oination, but must require more subcran¬ ial evidence than the speaker presented to believe his pretended gallery of spirit paintings had not the touch of physical brush and genius in them. * Whilst spiritual rappers pursue their investigations, we have at present among us an antidote to them-Mr. Burley, an itinerant lecturer, who professes to ex¬ plain the whole delusion upon natural principles. lie says he can satisfactorily account for all, philosophically. Being liberal, however he invites opponents to hear, see, and produce their mystic re¬ sults. I attended one of his levees last night, at the Maryland Institute. Un¬ fortunately his lecture was over when I arrived. The pith of it was, however, a proposition to show that rappings, table- tippings, <fcc., were the simple effect of animal electricity or magnetism,affecting the imagination and not matter. When entered the hall I found some hal dozen circles, composed of real believers in spiritualism, surrounding as many tables. There were ladies and gentle¬ men, about equally divided.some doc¬ tors, other preachers, and the residue persons of various professions and occu¬ pations. All was silent as midnight^ not a word spoken. Here sat an elderly lady with spectacles on nose, looking serious and knowing. A gentleman by her side was equally intent. A circle was formed, and the inanimate pine table absorbed all attention. This was the case with each little group. It was the first thing of the kind I had seen, and, I must s&y, the most silly in appearance. I stood an astonished spectator, and phi¬ losophised upon the credulity of my fellow-man. What! can it be possible that these persons are saue and sinceie * Do they believe that a disembodied spirit will condescend to manifest itself to a gazing, idle crowd of tangible substances through an old dirty table or tripod ? VVul it make that unconscious board play fantastic tricks to please mountebanks, hallucinate simple old women or turn the brain of an unlettered multitude7 Can it be true that tables arc the con¬ necting link between mortality and im¬ mortality ? Oh credulity, thou subju¬ gator of weak humanity ! My philoso¬ phy, or stoicism, if you chose to call it such, is derived from observation.that of being a mere '. Looker on in Vienna." I approached a circle which appeared to be most in earnest. Here sat an anxious old .ady, who formed a connection in the chain with her believing companions. She wa3 intent upon the spirits, and ever and anon she would question.*« Will the spirits rap i Will the spirit tip the table f Does the spirit hear my voice ? Has the spirit any objection to appear ing f Is there any one near by who is objectionable to the spirt ? Here a slight rap was heard, signifying, in the spirit language, " Yes." 41 Who is the person ?" " m°n t teH'" was the rep!y* 41 Y\ hy not ? 44 Well, because I don't." 44 Will the spirit please inform us who the objectionable person is ?" 441 can't answer until spectators re¬ tire some distance from the circle." Here all who had no immediate con¬ nection with the operators withdrew a few paces, and the question was again put, 44 Will the spirit please tell who the person is that interferes with its action on the table?" Rap! rap! rap! which was interpreted to mean 44 Yes." - u Then who is it ?" ''Suy'in m,ust *7' is Ben Bolt!" Why does the spirit object to him?" 44 Because he is an unbeliever ; and he will, if we give him an opportunity, turn our philosophical experiments into ridi- cule. fV^LJha»spist,4dl us at which tide of the table Ben Bolt is located ?" 44 The spirit has no power or authority to indulge m personalities, and, as Shak speare says 4 comparisons are odorous, it will refrain from them." 44 If he becomes merely a passive ol> server, will the spirit tip the table?" Kap . rap ! rap ! This signified at THE WEEKLY 8TAR. Tfckuwftwi fiatty and ".i tnnil a.tati l«f a grmm variety * tatmrmmtmi rattteg to fbaiti la any mhm h pakttM m Saaarday. 8ti|lc copfi pv »«i>. - * -. * 1 metro. Flw ..«.. .. ...!( S il Ten do . o »w Twenty do ISM W" Ca«b, ivvaBi&blt » imin. 9&- Single copies (in wrappers) cm be procured ¦ the counter, immediately after the w*ite o( tba paper. Price.ma* ctirrt. Po»TMA§T«t» wbo act aa afenta wili be a*c»e a commission of twenty per cent. affirmative, and " Ben" conformed in¬ wardly to the request. A rich soene soon followed. The question was now put: 14 Will the spirit respond to ques¬ tions !" It replied in the euphonious pkrase, " Jim along Josey," which was interpreted lo mean, "with all my heart." Here a variety of interrogatories were propounded and answered by an interm¬ inable series of raps, some of which were wide ef the mark, and othersremarkably near it. Finally the spirit became wea¬ ried or stubborn. It telused to rap, but signified a willingness to 44 rock the ta¬ ble, Lucy," provided other spirils were allowed to assist. Assent was given, and no less than twenty-seven additional spirits came to its aid. liere was a scene sufficient to convince the most sceptical. The table tossed to and fro. It kicked up like a wild horse, reared and pitched. At one time some of the faithful thought tuey hoard it squeal. It was more rest¬ less than the hyena or "fretful porcu¬ pine." Even those mediums who had put it in motion ceuld not effect a subju¬ gation. Its poor legs ware twisted and shivered. Alarm and consternation spread through the audience. Twenty- seven, able, disembodied spirits had ap¬ plied their united power to the inanimate, four-legged critter and it wouldn't stand still. John Gilpin's horse, or the man with the cork leg, were not a circum¬ stance. One of the spiritualists seated himself on the end. It kicked up and threw him sprawling on the floor. An¬ other and another got on, including the elderly lady with the spectacles, ani a couple of young, blooming damsels, (also believers J but the table was still incor¬ rigible. It swung into mid air with all those who electrified or spiritualized it aboard, and the last I saw was table, knockers, rappers, &c., going up Balti¬ more street. Distance lent enchantment to the scene, until all were obscured in a dreamy vision. Bkn Boi.t. THE NEW BOUNTY LAND BILL. In the Senate, on the 12th instant, Mr. Brodhead, agreeably to notice, asked and obtained leave to bring in the following bill, which was read and passed to a sec¬ ond leading, and ordered to be printed: A Bill, in addition to certain acu granting bounty land to certain officers aad soldiers who have been engagod ia the military ser¬ vice of the country. it cnacted, fa., That each of the sur viving commissioned and non-commis¬ sioned officers, musicians, and privates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rangers, or militia, who were regularly mustered into the service of the United states, and ivery officer commissioned and non-com¬ missioned, seaman, ordinary seamau, marine, elerk, and landsman, in the uavy, except those who have received priie money in any of the wars in which our country has been engaged since seventeen hundred and ninety, and each of the sur¬ vivors of the militia, or volunteers, or State troops of iny State or Territory, called into military service, and regular¬ ly mustered therein, and whose services have been paid by the United States sub¬ sequent to the eighteenth day of June eighteen hundred and twelve, shall be entitled to receive a certificate or war¬ rant from the Department of the Intenor Tor one hundred and sixty acres of land, or where any of those who have so served shall hava received a certificate or war¬ rant, he shall be entitled to a certificate or warrant for such quantity of land as will make, in the whole, with what he may have heretofore received, one hun¬ dred and sixty acres to each such person having served as aforesaid. Sec. 2. And be it further cnacted, That in case of the death of any person who, if living would be entitled to a certificate or wairant as aforesaid under this act, leaving a widow, or, if no widow, a minor child or children, such widow, or if no widow, such minor child or children, shall be en¬ titled to receive a certificate or warrant for the same quantity of land that such deceased person would be entitled to receive under the provisions of this act if now living: Provided, That a subse¬ quent marriage shall not impair the right of any such widow to such warrant if she be a widow at the time of making her application, and at the date of such warrant. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in no case shall any such certificate or warrant be issued for any service less than twenty-eight days, or where the person shall actually have been engaged in battle, nor unless the party claiming such certificate or warrant shall estab¬ lish his right thereto by record evidence of said service, or by two credible wit¬ nesses. Sec. 4. And U it further enacted, That said certificates or warrants may be as¬ signed, transferred, and located by the warrantees, or their heirs at-law, accord¬ ing to the provisions of existing laws regulating the assignment, transfer, and location of bounty-land warrants. The Crimea .A German writer gives this description of the Crimea : 44 The Crimea is one of the finest and most picturesque countries of the world. It soil, particularly in the southern parts of the peninsula, where vegetation is truly tropical, is of an extraordinary fer¬ tility. The valleys, watered by number¬ less brooks and rivers, are excellently cultivated, abounding in productive com fields and vineyards. Of the latter, those near Sudak and Koos give the best grapes. Apricots, peaches, cherries, plums, almonds, pomegranites, tigs, pear6, apples, and melons are grown in gardens, whilst the open land yields con¬ siderable quantities of cereals, millet, tobacco, honey, wax and silk. The breeding of horned cattle, horses and sheep is of some importance; the latter yield the favorite small, grey, early skins known as Crimean lambskins. In the northern parts of the peninsula, on the other hand, both wood and water are scarce, and the soil is generally poor, brackish, and unfit for cultivation,"

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Page 1: Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1854-12-21 [p ].Stool cm ar. 1 LirerMedicine, and washighly recommend-dbyth»celebrated late Dr.Paysick.60jenti Dr.J. fl. Ross's Ajm-sruors*r Ra«'-roat>


(DOTP* 8T?MT>4T,)At ths Sm- Buildvmrs, corner Pennsylmmnem

avevrtf a.r i E'tvtnth street,H i IF i I, L A (' SI & HOPF.

vVftil b»* (enred to rabscriberc ia th?- citie* »»' ^Vx-h;i.av>t, C'-o*!|e«wa, Ales lUilria, R.ViiaiTf rniti Pr.ila-iHc-tM, r.! flX AVP A QUA.ITiiH rENTi*, pafa-» e wv.eX: * :«. < '?* Aa -J!*". To mail subscriben» th*u>.> pfict* i< T1!R££ D()LLARS AND

t IFVV CENTS a y»*«r in advance, TWO DOL-I.ARS for SIX MONTHS, and ONE DOLLAR«t THKBE MONTHS. Oty-Siwoit copim oker.Rjrr.

AVOID ALL QUACKERY,And t\k« midicinks prepared by a

REGULAR PHYiTCIAV ONLY. LIKB PRO-l^XQKu, A i'JKK F03 ALL TAIN, COUGHS.CoLTte, C >N*U>iPriO>f, CROUP, WHOOPING-C'JL'GII. LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEP3IA, IN-digestion sour stomach, scrofula. ai.lSKIN KMJPTION3, AND ALL FEMALE COM¬PLAINTS'.0':' J. 3. RO-JE'3 CELEBRATED FAMILYME'JIJIKE? .\tm th . result of thirty years practicea PhiUd-lphir. Hi' preparations aie for eachujiriniuw r.ui hays b sn well tested Rod approvedby nundreds of PhyslcUm?, and thousands of Pa-


For the radical rur- of ootsnniptirn cold, h-'am-n*aa, asthm», bronchitis, spitting of th* blood, in-flimsiatioa of :h* luz^s or threat, and all pu'mon-ary diseases. This preparation net only curra ccn-s iiapti n, ift*ken is time, bat it fortifi-s the system against futur. a'tacSs. As a Congh Medicine,it is the brst in t!.* World. It is now used and re¬commend^ by physicians at home and abroad. Inbottle", 25 cents 50c and $1.

D*. Rom's WH'ioriwo Cocoh Strcp.This preparation i*.lwars gives immediate relief,

prevents inflammation of the Lungs, and Dropsyin the chest, an l effects a cure in o few days.Price50 centsCROCP 81RU?..This ramedy Is never known

to ful, and had rfasvi thousands of children.Price26 cents.

Da. J. 8. Rosa's D?3iinic on Ijvib C:apocff».A aare care for Dyspepsia, Soar Stomach. Icdi-

gastioa, ami Liver Comp'aint. This Compound usedwith Dr. Reee's Family Pills has rurrd thousandso? confirmed Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. It isa tonic. AlteratiVe. Stool cm ar. 1 Lirer Medicine,and was highly recommend-d by th» celebrated lateDr. Paysick.60 jentiDr. J. fl. Ross's Ajm-sruors *r Ra«'-roat> PiiLS.So called, be raii*e tn.»y i»o fch»nd cf all other pi'ls

ia their good edict*: as r:i iicti^e Purgative, or Ca¬thartic Medicine they have no e^ual; free fromgnpin*, carrying off i»ll 'cr?<ionc sndbile froru thesu>suach and bowels, ;he v aau bo ttken ct all seasons, by both jexe«. c-f aii and without r?gardto weather or-xposur>*. If tvj.en with Dr. Rose'aFeves a- d Ague Ion: - M x»-ir% they will prevntand cure the niO't s-u~>>orri cn^s of F^ver and Ague0' Bilious Fererj.12% ar il 2c r'<t.

fd. J. S. iv fi Gcirsr PiiLs-F»t Fali'.t g .if co- >' "irK FtiAie Wea'*n*fc3,

Dibllitv, aad Relax at"* r . TJ.i " vlleea^e heretoforetreated by i/andages, trus.-'e', and martial euppart,aUirh c.«n oniy prova p*;!tativ-,e, >ielis completelyto the u«e of these ton!**, streti^thenlnj GoldenP\1U -*0c.

, . .FEMALE SP8CIFIC A jemely for PainfulMenstruation, L-ucorrhae*or >>h«te.^.$1.

Dr. J. 3. iVoui'3 Piis Ucrks will care Stiff Neck,Sore I treat, Pains in th» face, Bide, Baok or Limbsfr#m a Cold, CLoii'-, Cii- i-ra Morbas, Ac. It ^ureaSprains, Chilblatoe,Cramps < r Pain? in the Stom¬ach or Rowels. Price l*vi, '<&> *nd 60 Us

Poranns ofialiaata constitution* by nature,or tho?^ who hive be-n ma le no, by ihe uae of tfcequaes medicines, or any ther cause, should realDr. J 3 Rose'- Meli^l Advi er to per ons in Sickne-* or in ile^l'h, whi-'a boo-J can be had withouteh-ir^e, of

7.. D. OILMAN, 0. SfOTT i. CJ-, W. U. GII.-MAN, J. W nai.iN, HMTiMbUN «s NAIRN, D.R. CLAKK, If. ii .cPHtKiiON, W- T. aVANS,KIDWfil-L & 1. \ WP.ESCK, J. B. MOORE, Waeh-initon; J. L. FTO »*eorretov?!!, -id by alli:ai r« i» Alesaniria, Virgiuie.crv 1.tr



CNDSJt TROPICAL climatus.iAAL.tia.2Llt, Md . June i. l?f*.

Mr. Stockbricgz, Jfauntam £Iud. unri,BalUmore-Dear Sir : Bcin.3 on the point rf Iei7ic2 th-» atf,I avail myaelf of a few i-lie BJ&msotB to thank you

Idndly for the medicine yon s«nt me, and *hich hasrestored me to the use of my limto. I beg you tosend me four bottles more, tD carry on my voyage,fiisce I had the fortrce to use Dr. Lucnptou's Vege¬table Tincture c:y ccoflotoe i1 ctrong tha*.. ingratitude o the proprlstora cf sd-i medi -ine, I be^ |you to p.-tJ -at Tnv r»or.?~tn to ther!, and inlawthem to ma'^e :i nor? .-u.'f :'y kz.o.-'n «3 a >areRh-umatic care. Iia>:ng cui:-i ca r^e on the 13tbot April last, and jesj aic p?" '!.r»tad ou my Lad,euileisa in ail my 11 aba, you « .u apprstiate nearlyas well is rsrv t the prompt f»ili3i' 1 received frori 1Dr. Hainpton's iM»ctare, tj.i 1 a.m pc.dti?e had lc jnot bean tor your aVrong ati fedb!9 r;:ozame^«i.tions I should still have Wen »c. L-eu.

It is really a mty thl^ spcc.he should not be sp-proved by medial men, and liv.e all parent drnga itshoali sB'br the iuputatlou tha public generallygife to prt'pa.Ati .as. I uiy»elf, who waa al¬ways oppc>ri to a pacanfced spec.'is, took this medi-cine wi'-h rela^auio, anl without oorJidence in it,aud it was only taroufh your disinterested, friendlyre^mmer.latlc'^j, aul ciy critijal (dtutden that iu-teced Zu* to try this reilly b^neficiil VegetableYou nr>7 icfom: "Jwirs. Mortimer k Mowt-ay

that they srv &t iioer<:y te n^ike uae of tuj name ixitha support 11 tn« ^.cod effac'uJ of Dr. ilamptoa'sVegetable T.cetare, 2.* it has curc.d me in five weeksof a chronic ir.JtiftvrxrsUn g Rhtu~uilin%, contractedna ler frrj'x^Z dxMatei, and of uxn yiirt'periodicalwu.'v,- ; 1 ht*e oniy U3e-1 whiea Iwttlej. and find

that even \hn d$fonaed parte of my li&itds art fastretuiui:i;5 c iiie>r formic aaturai appearance.

1 have been iiiiier tue treaiLieat A suveral phy-sknatu in Lonloo aud Pari?*, without any appa/entbenetlt; also, wtiMe in New Ycrfe, having trii-d theIhompaonian and ^I jiiio'pathio remedies, after h^vIng t»en tcrm^at»«d vwit'i t-alfanic ba'teries, coldand aromatic batha, aad hundreds of internal and.xterual medicine', alt to nu effect, I am, so tar,cured by this llaaip on's Vege able Tincture only.Therefore, my sir, accept of the abearance ofmy atatilode. and believe ia* your w^il wisher.

. Thomas Canor.RJV. V1P.NON E3ERIDGE, U. 8. N.

Poktsmoutu, Va,Aug. 18,1851.Mr. J. X Boush.year sir: While I am, in gene¬

ral, opposed to patent medicines, candor compels meto state that 1 hare ^reat confidence in the virtueeot Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. For severalmonths past 1 hare ujed it in my family ; and indyspepsia, loss of appetite, diuineas, aud general de¬bility, with entire success. 80 far as my experience.sten is, therefore, I take pleasure in recommendlug it to the afflicted as a safe and ethcient remedy1 am. reapectfuily, yours,

VsasoN Bskricoi,Chaplain, United States Navy.


Waahisotck, May 17,1863.H&nrj. Mortimer A Mowbray : Gentlemen.Hav-

Ing been aCiicted with Lire: Ccmplai'-.t of ten years.taudiug, I hereby, for the b nefit of the afflicted,take freat pleuiure in th<it a'uer Ubinga few botctas of your TircU-c 1 "foe -? !t had t:

¦y>mpiishsi a ti»re i uacl differentmedicines iroui :ias io UJie, b li&re never oeenable tu ajeoc.>it r .-. >y sp^cient yjod, and it Is aolessia^ .0 JtricLr.i husiaulty ti.u thatmsdicins; ifiOand e .iiih posses^s :he Ti. 1 «u 0jr pow or C. I pro-kcgi*-l uuraa^ 'i-f- Ti'^rir r.y curreithaa wrought

mrcf .1 UuMal iKsltsaai:h m-y ts experience 1 fc#K iie oca. Yoaia,tHiptfctli:i-, I. CuafAia Ei.T.

Call *i.i ^st jsJtj.h?'t? ;"aL', h^iJ i>»s curra ofOsvc Erori ;' «a, H uur. : > s~i, ^V. uro^ua, Dyzptv-na/iV:^"vyj. .iii* Gfr. Wia&nest. Asafexuak

cr f*?r uelieate eLiidrea xe fceiisre It un-equaled.

. ,by MOP.TIMZR ft MOWBRAY, 110 Haiti-acre street, i/altimore, ani 3u4 Uroad.ray, NewFork; CUA2. 8T0TT A CO., Vr'IMKR, J. ii. 1'OORK,D. B.CLARiiC. CLAKKK A BOWLING, W. ELLI¬OTT, atJ H McPHEltSON. Wasfin^ten; a!".o,hy R.S. V. CIStiSL, Georgetown: ar.d C. C. BSRl'.V,Aietandria, and by Dr Jl« erorywhere.aug >1.tr

^iUlRr8 MaLETOORL»ER.gTEV£N ;|r *ns'55 Hotel, i* pr<«p ired to make Shirts t* jaand warranto th«m in all case- to tit.Gen's troubled wich bid fitting Shires u, a 'ue

suitexi at HTKVENS'S Saletrooai.dee 6Browns' Hotel.

I*IV J. a OIBUS, Dentist, hairemoTed bis office from 1 street D thfhoa« ct Or Arthur, Pa. a7enue, Dfctw.12th an 1 10.h streets.

oet 14.3m*

R. H. G1LLET,Counsellor at Law,09 e aad residence in Franklin How, corner c.' K

IB'1 Thirtoeath street. r.»» !®-<jlyCHARLES WALTERS

Intelligence aad General Agency Office,Jfo. 66- Stvn'h tin*'., oypotitt t ie CmXre Jfiricet.deo a.dim*


gri. 1uirth, tstveen AMk an-l S»verU\ sit. vaU.no. 450.

dec 2.dim*


CABINET MAKES & UNDERTAKER"TIHK undersigned would respectfully inform his« frlandi, sc^v rintanw, and the public generallythat hs still con tine ?a to execute all orders In hu

lint of bu^.'uess is tba best dancer and at the short»6t POtlcie.BSi'AlRIMQ neatly and promptly executedFL'SKOALE attended to it -

-athe shortest notli*>, ana ia the wetwanner. &>die*prtstrzirt in tfu rnoxt perfed mart».«?, awn i~i f'it fur.aeit "Muter.

..oankful for p=it faror?, h? would cr8pt-tfcl'yjolialt, and will .. il-^ror to merit a centinunEcwtie cam a. ANTHONY BUCHLY.

Pa. at®., a. side, bjtween 9th and 10th »t*.EeaMe-^r ^fr. Martin's, No. 896. D rtreet, tfclrd

house eaet o« 7th etrest. rear 17.ly

COFFIN WAREROOM, Ac.r.yi J- WILLIAM PLANT A CO., UN-1«IIB ¦¦!¦¦ I I In i.residence 418 Sev-infh street, between Q and H strtets. Inerment*procured in any ground or oemetery. Coffins, Cape,Shroud.*, Carriages, Hearre, and every article forinterments of the best quality furnished at shortuotic", on the most rwonable term*, and at all"f>ar-t of the ni>;ht. Having the exclusive right ofJruaip s Patent Corpie Preserver, we guarantee toteop th? dead for any length of time. cc 11.tf

UNDERTAKER.j WJUL.D r ?sr;ectfnlly retam my thanks to theI dtivai of Washington aud its vicinity for thtir.t't patrora^e, acd say tiiit owin^ to the fivqaentv:L»"hi the Undertaking branch of lay business, Iiet« beeu iuleiel to discontinue th? manufacture*i FurnUoee, and turn my attention fully to theGN2KKTA XJLX'3. I have spared no pains to cot?-very thins tfcnt Is requisite to my business, and 1ua therefore fully prepared to meet any order aitert i'v moments notio-i. and I assure those who may»>vr« me h a* 11 tb^t I will spare no pains te carry out'!.-»!r to th«ir entfre sabsfection.

JAM S3 F. HARVEY,No 410, 7th St., between G and H.

' i?. 31.C»J2? ittccded to at all hour* of the eightrusr 3.ly v

DENTISTRY.i vR. MUN80N respectfully cal s public attentioni 7 to hi? new, patent, and GREATLYIMPROVED method of setting ArtificialIeeth. with Continuous Qua.th* veryPERFECTION OFT «'KAIiT. Thisstyleof Teeth has the follow advantages over ail others?is: CKKVT STRENGTH, CLEANLINESS, COM¬FORT, and BEAUTY, vieing with Nature in the eresptcts, r.nd pome o'hers excelling. Public insjxsction ic respectfully EoUoited. Please call and seespecimens.CAUTION.No other Dentidt in the District of

Columbia h°9 a right to make this style of Teeth.N. B . Teuth constitutionally healthy, pluggeda*:d warranted for iife.oBIm anl L3Ul<s at No. 298 E street, noar the ccr*

ner of Pennsylvania avenue and 14th alr<-et.n".v lv--tf


Hodcrii Language* and Literature)KG. 257 riNSSYLYASlA AVIM'l.

oct 23.if


SHBAPlumbing Establishment,HnfiON THE OOR ER OF SiXTH 8THE-T AND

Peau-ylvania Av-nue, ar> now reoititir Xh4fiuer.tassortaentofCHANUKUEIt'and QA8 FIX-TlfREi evrr off^r»l 10 th:' citizens of Washington,sad at the ^aie tim^ "sh-ap^r thnn the chpap»st"Ail *he.t i« uewe.*ury is t^i?! .* e c?U to be oonviccedoi thi i faet. Th * superiT facilities of th;s housetnajiei thrrn to S9 1 ihsir go^ii aaft do work at a 1

leei rate than any of th* ¦ etsu'^rs f this city.rhan^fe.! fcr the vry liberal patronage of theitiaeuj? of '.Vaihingtoa and vicinity, t^e proprietorissurec them t' at with the adi^tl^B ol a number ofthe bost gjJ fltt":'s aal p'.umb^rs of Pbllade-'phiaiiil New York to his present l%rpe f^rce, he will baible to do a 1 woik in both tranche* in the mo tt su¬perior style, atd, a2 before statf^i, cheeper than theb-sap^aL JS ). UKfcSiS.<vtii5 .dtlst-Jan.



Office so s*de F, next t" corner 12th st,Depot corner 26:h and E tte. west,

nov 14 (Nat. Int, Union, a^d Hen inel.)J. K. II A ItTWELL,

AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE.'1'HE underpinned will o^a'inue the AUCTION1 AND C0MMIS3I0N bU^NEdd, in the store

formerly occupied by D. B. Campbell A C No 5h9PonasylTania avenue, where h^ wd: k-epeous.'autlyon har-d a large a- eortr ent of House Furniture olevery description. Parlor, B-»dri^ia ard CookingStoves, f>r coal and wood, C ojkery, Tin »nl PlatedWare, titd numeroos other a. i c'.ee wanted by house¬keepers, all of which will be told exc*edingly lowtor .-ash or f hort approved credit.Consignments joucited, upon which a liber il ad¬

vent* will be nisde. JOS. It. HAKTWELL.nov .2ui


OSOI8 TYPE FOB SALE."ITirALLACII A II >PE offer for sale, st the officeYV £txtii7i0 Star, one MACHINEPRtS9,«-»>-We of printing 1,000 imp eheions perhour, doable Bediuui sheet, both hid£8 at oxck, re-gisterincin th? moat perfect manner. One MEDI¬UM SMITH PUESS, In :*ocd order, and cue FOOLS¬CAP RAUA6U PRESS. The.'e pre^res will be 6oIdlev. All*-', eee font of SOU^OEOIS TY^*E, weigh¬ing ab^ut 3b9 pounds, but little used, for sale 00re«8f>n»bU teriDH. un» 3 -tiif

Private Medical TreatiesOR TU£



250 Pagts and 130 Fire Plain and Colorea Litho¬graphs and Plates.

*t»- Price only 35 Cents. "i«A^b'ut ties of postage to all parts of the Union~C(

CHEAPEST BOOK EVERPURLISHED,and containingnearly d ub'e the quantity ofrtaiing matter in that of theFIFTY CENTS OR DOLLAR

PUBLICATIONS.It treats on the PHYSIOLO¬GY OF MARRIAGE, and theSecret i> firmitiesand disordercf youth and maturity, re¬sulting frum excei k-'H, whichdestroy the physical and mental powers, with observations

on marr:agr>, its duties and disqualifications, andtheir temrdies; with lithograph", illustrating theanatomy a~d physiology, and dLwases of the repro-dnctive organB of both sexes, their structure, usesand functions. A popular and comprehensive trea¬tise on iho duties an<l c^sualtirs of eiugle and mar¬ried life.happy and iruitful {.llianc^s, mode cf se¬

curing them- infelicitous and infertile ones.theirob7iation and removal.important hints to tbo-e<*6ntemplating matrimony, that will c vrrcome cbjections to it; none, hewever, should take this im¬portant s ep wichout first consulting its pagts.cs mmentaries on the diseases and medical treatmentot feca-ties from infancy to old a<e, each case graph¬ically illustrated by beautiful lithogtaph'c plates.ntxvcas debility, it? causes and care, by a processat once so simple, *» fe anl eff.-ctual that failure isimpossible.rules for daily manag-ment.an ersayon 8p rmatorrhu*a with practical observations cn a.ifer, and m Te sucreseful mode of treatment.pre-cnuticnary hints on the evils resul Jng from empiri¬cal practiee.nn essay on all «iifeases arising Iromiudis re'.i:>n, with pinin and simple rules by vhichai! persons can care themselves without mercury.remeliee for those f elf Infiicte'l miseries and dfcappointed hopea eo unforiunately prevalent in theyoung. It ii a truthful adviser to the married andthow contemplating marriage. Its pern al is par¬ticularly recommended to per£Ous entertaining secret doubts of th^ir physical conditien, and who areeonscious of having h.urded the health, happinessand privileges to which <*very humnn being is en¬titled to.

Price 2Sc«nta per cojiy, or five oipies for ono dol¬lar. Mailed free 0! posts5-* to any part of the Uai-'.ed States.N P..These who prefer may consult Dr LaCfoix

upon any of the diseases upon which bit book treatseither er-rneliy or by maii. M- dioine aant to a&ypart f tiis Union according ti uir?oc ooe, ^af«l>pack -d and carefnlly secured f om all obuervati.p.Address Dr. M. II. L& OttO!X,!\o 31 Maidsn Lene

or Post Offlie Box 579, Albany N. V.Office open daily Irom 9 a ia to 9 p m, and on

Snnday from $ uutil 6 pm..A- Office Removed from No 66 Beaver Et.,to 31 Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y.dec 7

BA&L3, &c.We Are With You Again, Kind Friends,SECOND GRAND BALL




THE AMERICUS CLUB have the extreme pleas-oie of announcing to their friends and their

follow citiiena generally, that they will irivea grandBALL on WEDNESDAY EVENING,December 527tb. at

TEMPERANCE HALL*in aid of their Library, havin^assurance that theycannot fail to long as th»y bare each a noble pr jectin band.The Club pledge tbemsslvee, individually, that

no pains or expense will be spared to make all whomay honor them with their presence pus a pleasantand agreeable time.

gcott's celebrated Ootillon Musis has been en¬gaged for the ccoasicn.The Supper and Refreshment department ba*

been placed in tha hands of an experienced caterer.Tisknts ONB LOLLAR.admitting a gentleman

and ladies; to be had of any member of the Cluband at the door on the eveniag of the ball.No hats or caps will be allowed in the rocm ex-

flBDt those woin by th« different Clubs.FLO">R MANAGER3.

E Q Evat,s, DP Darden, E B Barrett.MANAGERS.

3 P Robertson, T Johnson, W H Bailey,3 E Culverwell, J W Ilouck, W Thomus,F A Rearden, W E Morgan, M Blrkhead,C Matlock, W H Johnson, G Eealin,R Johnson, J G Kabineon, jr J Ea»*i.W H Dice, E F Qneen.dec 16,19.21,23,30,17.0tBALL AND SUPPER


re«p'ctfully inform their friends and the publicthat th»ir Fortieth Annual Celebration will takep!ac-at JACKSON HALL, on WEDNESDAYEVENING, January 10, 1859.Ticket", TWO DOLLARS.admitting a Gen lemanand Laiies.to ba ha i < f the Executive Committee.The furnishing and arangement of the Supperwill be under the immediate superintendence ot Mr.THOIIA# ECKHABDT.

EXECUTIVB COMMITTEDWm. M. Belt, J T IIalieck, 0e">roe Catojj,Wm. L. Joses, Wm. R. 'tcUAN, H*r'.\ Bo*ks.0. P. Brows, C. J. Canfiild.d c 14-e.6t



9IOND\Y EVENING, Jam. 8th, 1859.AT JACKSON HALL.r|lHE MONTGOMERY GUARDS respectfully in-X torm their friend*, civil and Military of Wash-;ngton and Georgetown tbat tha' they will givetheir third Annual Gr*nd Ball at JACKsCH HALLii MONDAY EVENING, January 8,1855.Trie Montgomery Guards pledge themselves tint

no rains c-r expense shall be spared to make this»qnal to any of the seaaeu.superior Cotillon Mwaii Uenga-tdfor the oc a

sionRefreshments will be supp itd by a.i able and ex«

perienced cat3r<.r.No hats to be worn'u tbe Ball Sojm except bythe Military.Gentlemfn wi«hin^ lavitatior.s for lad ea will

pVuse leave 'heir nances and addre* at Lt. Feenr'.*,Penn avenue.lic'?etgQNE DOLLAR.to b«j bad at the Restau¬

rant of .'aim's Donnelly, PeuusylvHnia nv-nue, Lt.Teeny's, Win. Grcafon s, Mi<*r.a»l Bra iy'-1, and at iheprincipal hot*l?.

Cbmmittee of Arrangrv*'nfi.Cant Key. L< K«l iy,DrDuhamel, Lt Fe-:ny,SurgMo;re, .Sgt Motulry,Lt Kellehsr, Hgt Burk.

Qr Mr Maher.Cbnimutee on part of the Military.Col W Hik?y, Ger Jen'-?,

LtColRelly, M*j K*yworth,Qr Mr M"Ctillom, M«.j 1-acor,Adj L J Midlleton, Caps J B TtteCaptCerrir.'gt>n, Capt Tow-rs,Capt Tail, C.pt Fchwarznun,Capt Byrr e, Capt Brigbt,Cap' Ko B4, Capt Siith,Capt Jamison, (.'apt Lasstlle,Capt hhekells,

On the part of the. CitUent.John W Maury, * ichd Wuliacb,J< nah D noov»r, Ktvi rly Tncker,F MoNerhany, JroT Towers,W W Se&ton, J no C. Rive J.

Floor Kancgtrt.Lieut Reily, Si£t McKnlry.

dee 19.d'Jnr.8

NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX-PAYER3.Collector's Office, D cember 6, 1854.

NOTICE IS HKltKBF GIVEN that the. list ofdelinquent property is in c ur*e ot preparationand will bs eomp'.erei and published on or about

the Is* January, 1855 All persons interested kmearnestly requited to come forward and (by pay¬ing) relieve trie undersigned from th) unpl<-asAntdu y of enlorcing the collection, and th.m*eivesfrom the onerous additional expen?e attending anadvertisement. R J. ROCHE, Collector,dec fl-dtlhtJan

NEW JEWELRY.HO. HOOD has just opened a new and splendid

a asm rtmeat of fii<« Brae* ets, hdkf t ine, Eirand Finger King*. Lockets, Chains, Collar A SleeveButtons, Silver Cups aod Maze, and a great vurietyof other fine Jewelr. of the latest stylss, for theholidays, all of which he will sell at from 15 to 25

Scent below the usuil price asked, at other es-lisbments. Please ca 1 at 418 Pennsylvania ave¬

nue, between 4^ and Sixth stre«tn.dec 12.tf


Pa. avenue, between 9;h and 10th streets.


Complete Coffee and Tea Seta on white metal, en¬tirely new styles, a variety of rfchlv chaaed Cakeand Bread Basket*, Castors, Wai'ers, Butter Dishes,Sugar Bowls, Salt and Fruit Standb' Urns, Kettles,etc., etcDoubleand tbripple plated table, d-»aert, and tea

Spoons and Fork* in silver Patterns. All the goodswarranted as represented and sold low.due 8.lt/a> 1


AMERICAN and French Paper Hangings andUpholster Goods. Pennsylvania avenue, betw.

Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, Washington,D 0.Wm. Ilaunschild bogs leave to inform his friends

and the public that he his on hand a large etook ofFrench Gilt and American Transparence

Also, Hair, Moss, Cotton and Shuck Mattress?,which be will dispose of at tbe lowest prict-a.

Oct 10.3m

NEW STORE, NEW STORErLouitij.no, avenue, oppotit<t the Bank of WashingtonMR. THOMaS DaLEAMY respec.fully invito*

the attention oi the publio to examine histtock of GOODS, whL*h he ha? opened on Lousi>c.fiavenue between Sixth and Seventh street,opposiUthe Bank ot Wa^biugton, consisting of all aefcrip-uoos of Teas, Ao , Imperial, Gunpowder, and BlackTe i; Win s and Liquors, of all torts, which he cancell at the lowest pricas f >r cash or approved paper.Besides a*l the necessaries for Grocery Ltfsicwss,viz: Brooms, Buckets, Cod »r Tuba, Matehea,tc. Please call and dee for yourselves.nov 23.y-n

SUPERIOR IIARP3.WE have thi3 received a very superior toned

HARP, from the celebrated Parisian maaujfactar«» Dotaory, who received the highest pre¬mium fur Harps at the great exhibition in L. ndon,ISM.Pereons desirous of purchasing, by giving us a

call have the opportunity to obtain one of the aboveunrivalled instxCm^nts. H1LBU8 k HITZ,

Music Depot, our. Pa. avenue, 11th and D sts.dec 16.


1>HE HOARD GF ASSESSORS do hereby give no-Mce that they will meet daily at th«ir room inthe City Hall, from 10 o'clock a. m. until 2 p.m.,from\be fifteenth to the thirty-first day of Decernber instant, inclusive, Sundays and Christmas axcept»-d, for the pu:p?M ot correcting any errors thatmay be pointed oui in 'he list of fersons subject toa jchocl tax for the year enjing on the thirty-firstday of the pr-aent month (December) and of addingthereto tbe name* of any persons subiect 'o thesaid school tax v?hi?h may have been omitted thereJr->m.The Board would p&rli'alarly call the attention

of all to the feet tbat no person c±n vote next yearat any electio . in this city whose name has notbeen returned as u*jeet to a school tax for thisyear. Every'free white male citiien of tbia city, otthe age of twenty one tears and upwards, wouldtherefore do w*ll to see whether his n*me be on ttie6aid list, and if omitted, 11 give notice to the Boardof Assessors that it may be returned for this yar.T. F HARKNKSS,


d'C 16.dtSlst Board of Assessors.FAMILY GROCERY.

Northwftt cori.tr of Thirteenth and E strte'4.T^HE subseriber hav ng taken the above-named

staud, recently ycupied by Mrs. K. A T *"K? j ^Tftl C jj /jintends keeping a g neral®^3®' '.~ ^

supplv of FAMILY GROCERIES, of the very testquality, which will be di'pof«dot at the lowest pos¬sible tate3 for cash, or on shor: credit to punctualcustomer*.He solicits a continuance of the custom of tha for¬mer pations ot the house, and begs to invite the at¬tention end inspection of his numerous friends andacquaintances to th . quality of his goods, and thearrangements made to fecure the liberal patronageof the public. A JACKSON. "

dec 12.lmMR9 F HERMAN. E. FI-HSR.MRS. HERMAN & CO.,FRENCH STEAM SCOURERS,No. 651 N< rlh EiUaw itreti, near Lexington,BALTIMORE, MP ,Will thoroughly clean all kind? of Lidios andChildren's Dressts, made of Silk, Velvet, or Wool;Gentlemen's Goats, Pants and Ve^ts, without shrink¬ing or taking off the natural glof u.The utmost punctuality warranted.White Crape Shawls done up equal to new.All orders left at WM. P. EHKDD'S F-msy Gocdsand Millinery, 50J8 Eleventh St., Washingtond^c 13.2w

VETERAN TUNER.r|"*HE undersigned informs the musical public tbatJL he is row prepared to tune Pianofortes, Organsand Melodeons *ith dispato h. F«rty years experi¬ence in the bu-4n««« nffo.ds him quiiifications <oractus at?ne-B which fiw can atta:n, having so fsrgiven entire satbraction to all c^rr ct mft'eiats andihe exclusive tuner of Pianos at the President'aMansion a4 the time *f M*<li on.Or era left»t HILBUS A H'TZ' Music Dep.t, orMr. Wm. Zintzinger's Music Sts:e, will inset withprompt attention; but if It ft at oth«r establishmentsdo not reach him atd fall into tbe hands of mLior '

tuners. JACOB IITL'US,H st., between 17th and 18th, s uth side. Idec 12.tfJ£. B HALL, N. I>.

HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN,LATE of Fhuaaelphla, I'm., graduate in Alopaihy '

and HomcEop&tny, having had ext. nsive ex- >parlance in the various departments ot ihe proles- !

don, offer? hhn erfices to ths citizens of Washington iwo vicinity. *"

Offlct No. 439 Thirteenth street, between Q and[I t-treelri. Offlcs hours until 9 a. ti, from 3 to 4 p. jard 7 to 8 o m..References: Wm. A. GarJoe*, *4. D-; Dean c.I the |ilomcB'-pathic College Pa., and the profesticn gtn- jsr-.il°»p W- ?.ir j

CHRISTMAS gifts. ;

18H \LT< OPE* on tbe Pith or 13tL of Decemberthe first lar^e lavoi^e of new style of Diamond ;und oilier Jewelry, Fancy Silv«: ware, Car .I ltecoiv- jf-rf, Work Woxes, Vase^, Fi<ures, Table and Mantel iJiaaraents, Fans Carl Ca es, Pnrte Monvaies, iDre»den th na Ornaments, and a vari tj of Nice |Nacka, suitable for Holiday Gilts Tbe Good* will '

be arranged for inspection on thel4th ins ant. ThepuVli- are invited to call. Pvlitenefs and civilitywill ce extended to all, whether purchasers or not.H. SKMKBN, Jeweler,Formerly Warrine; A fc'emVen,Pa. avenue, between 9'h ani lOtbit

dec 8.dti4th

STEAM CRACKER BAKEKY!C itrcet, between 4yx and 64h streets.

JpHE above estab'ishmeut Is e'iil in successfulX operation. Improved machinery, driven bysteam, enables the subscriber to fill all orders promptiy anl to furnish work equal in quality vo any establishuent in tbe country.On hand and ready for delivery a large stock otfresh Soda, Butter, Water, rnd Su^ar CH ACKRP.S,Pic Nics, Wine, Biscuit, and Groun i CR ACKKRS-Believing that a strictly cath business is best torbuyer and seller. 1 have determined to try the ex¬

periment.Goods delivered frea of exponfe at ary joint inWashington or Georgetown. Terms eai-h on de¬livery. THOS. IT. HAVENNER.dec 8.2w'KANS-A I.LEGHANY BANK AND 8ELDE.S1 Withers A Co.'b Notes purchased at the highestrates.Unc^rrent Money. Land Warrants, and VirginiaScilp bought and sold.Dr»fca on all the jrinc¦ i»*»l cities co'd to suit purchasers.Persons a a distance FenJlrg me Trans-Allrghanynotes or Land Wairants, may rely upon receivingthe bett rate», and remittances made by drnl; nn

any city in the Union. IHAMILTON G. FANT, Banker,dec 9.3m No 432 Fcnna avenue

NOTICE.rplME 13 MONEY..I have just r.«ceivfd a ?r*at1 ssortm^nt of Clocks. Watches, andJewelry. Clocks from $1 50 to $15; GoldWatches from $'ib to $175; Silver Watcheafjom $8 to $10; all of which will be warrant-^^^""ed to give sasisra^tiou. Having ^n experiencedhand to put all our clocks in order before callingthem, those in vrant of a gocd Clock will find it totheir advantage to buy from ur.

Also, on hand Clock Trimmings of every description, Buch as Balls, Keys, Cords, Hands, Weights,Ac, Ac.

,Our asaortmentof Geld Jewelry i9 lar^e, and willbe sold on better terms than fimilar goods can bebought in Waahington

Also, Silver Butter anl Fruit Knives, Cake Bar-kits, Albata Ware and many other good* for Christ¬mas preseuts.At the Clock, Watch and Jewelry Store of

J. HOBINtiON,dec 7.lm 349 opposite Browns' Hotel.


elates in Languages on Monday, 30th October, athis residence, 267 Pennsylvania avenue.

oct 23.tf


H A V just opened a magnificent iipfo. tmf nt oljl. STERLING 8ILVKRWARE, embracing : Com¬plete Coffee and Tea Sets, Fit hers, Gcbleta, Cups,iipoons, Forks, Ac

Also, a lot of Fancy Silverware new styles, 6U"has c»ke, fish and butter Knives ; Oyster and SoupLadler; Sugar and Cream 8joonp; Sugar Tongs; BaitSUnds; Napkin Kings, AcMy eilver is warranted.Stirling and Coin.

H. SiSMKEN,Jeweller: Fa ave., batw. 9th and 10th sts.

dec 8.dtJanl


RESPECTFULLY INFORMS E13 FRIENDS andformer patrons that he continues to attend

BALLS, PARTIBS, Ac., wiih his we:l organise 1BAND of soientiflo MusiciansHe will introduce all the new and fashionable

MusicAn acoompllshed Piani-t fnrn:shed if desired.

Orders left at Hubus A Hits' Music Depot,Gautier's, or Miller's Confectionery Store#, or at myresidence, ne*r Gen Henderson's, Uiary Yard, willmeet with prompt attention. nov 28.2m

RIVETED HOSE.fpHB^beSt Southern and Western tannei le.therX is selected and being male by ma hinery, ardis botn superior and chea er thaa to made at anyo'hsr factory in tha United Status.

Also, manufactures Sucrlen H te, Fire and NavyBackets, Hose Pipes, and all articles used by lireCompanies.Two seoond-tand Suction Engines for sale low.

WM. DUKKHART,No. 10 Water street, bet. Calvert and South,dec16.7t* Baltimore, Ml.

COIHBSPojdejce! WondernJ ^ahZ-% .rdt??r* Seeru

strated, $-e. sl*rititaJixm Dtmon

C . .. fBA"iif0R«. Dec 20.p. M

oomC^hu^rj^90^!0' ,tS con-

galvantzed into life here. Last SunHa gentleman named Cunning f

y'Washington city, held forth u, .


gation of persons upon the subi^? rtspiritualism. He had quite a rSSwer±^fTS°me °f whorn (Dr. fc'nodgra^s.socially) were among the faithful.0 Heundertook to explain the subtle mysteryand got up to thedoubly-refined, seventhdegree of invisible existence, beyond theconfines of mortality. This is called theseventh heaven, and superlative of exqui¬site joy. The lecturer produced a varietyHn,« fl" .! drawin«s> ^presenting va-

InT u' rtoweiR and P^nts, known

and unknown, which he asserted hadbeen executed by himself, whilst a me-drum, and under supernatural influence.These drawings, too, were accomplishedsavtS a Pn whlch I,rofessed artistssay they could not possibly have beendone, independent of the aid of an invisi-1 P°^ier' asserts that, natural¬ly, he does not possess the slightest fac¬ulty for drawing, and before being aspmtualist, never did and never couldportray the likeness of anything in theearth, under it, or in the blue heavens.These pictures, some fifty in numberwere executed by him with spiritual aid-'some with a few rapid strokes of the pen-'cil, and all without the slightest effort.He must, certainly, have fallen in withthe spirits of some of the old mastersThe drawings were unusually fine andadmirably executed. I will not stop todiscuss the merits of this singular halluoination, but must require more subcran¬ial evidence than the speaker presentedto believe his pretended gallery of spiritpaintings had not the touch of physicalbrush and genius in them. *

Whilst spiritual rappers pursue theirinvestigations, we have at present amongus an antidote to them-Mr. Burley, anitinerant lecturer, who professes to ex¬plain the whole delusion upon naturalprinciples. lie says he can satisfactorilyaccount for all, philosophically. Beingliberal, however he invites opponents tohear, see, and produce their mystic re¬sults. I attended one of his levees lastnight, at the Maryland Institute. Un¬fortunately his lecture was over when Iarrived. The pith of it was, however, aproposition to show that rappings, table-tippings, <fcc., were the simple effect ofanimal electricity or magnetism,affectingthe imagination and not matter. When

entered the hall I found some haldozen circles, composed of real believersin spiritualism, surrounding as manytables. There were ladies and gentle¬men, about equally divided.some doc¬tors, other preachers, and the residuepersons of various professions and occu¬pations. All was silent as midnight^not a word spoken. Here sat an elderlylady with spectacles on nose, lookingserious and knowing. A gentleman byher side was equally intent. A circlewas formed, and the inanimate pine tableabsorbed all attention. This was thecase with each little group. It was thefirst thing of the kind I had seen, and, Imust s&y, the most silly in appearance.I stood an astonished spectator, and phi¬losophised upon the credulity of myfellow-man. What! can it be possiblethat these persons are saue and sinceie *Do they believe that a disembodied spiritwill condescend to manifest itself to agazing, idle crowd of tangible substancesthrough an old dirty table or tripod ?VVul it make that unconscious board playfantastic tricks to please mountebanks,hallucinate simple old women or turnthe brain of an unlettered multitude7Can it be true that tables arc the con¬necting link between mortality and im¬mortality ? Oh credulity, thou subju¬gator of weak humanity ! My philoso¬phy, or stoicism, if you chose to call itsuch, is derived from observation.thatof being a mere

'. Looker on in Vienna."I approached a circle which appeared tobe most in earnest. Here sat an anxiousold .ady, who formed a connection inthe chain with her believing companions.She wa3 intent upon the spirits, and everand anon she would question.*« Willthe spirits rap i Will the spirit tip thetable f Does the spirit hear my voice ?Has the spirit any objection to appearing f Is there any one near by who isobjectionable to the spirt ? Here a slightrap was heard, signifying, in the spiritlanguage, " Yes."

41 Who is the person ?"" m°n t teH'" was the rep!y*41 Y\ hy not ?44 Well, because I don't."44 Will the spirit please inform us who

the objectionable person is ?"441 can't answer until spectators re¬

tire some distance from the circle."Here all who had no immediate con¬

nection with the operators withdrew afew paces, and the question was againput, 44 Will the spirit please tell who theperson is that interferes with its actionon the table?"

Rap! rap! rap! which was interpretedto mean 44 Yes." -

u Then who is it ?"''Suy'in m,ust *7' is Ben Bolt!"Why does the spirit object to him?"

44 Because he is an unbeliever ; and hewill, if we give him an opportunity, turnour philosophical experiments into ridi-cule.

fV^LJha»spist,4dl us at which tideof the table Ben Bolt is located ?"

44 The spirit has no power or authorityto indulge m personalities, and, as Shakspeare says 4 comparisons are odorous,it will refrain from them."

44 If he becomes merely a passive ol>server, will the spirit tip the table?"Kap . rap ! rap ! This signified at

THE WEEKLY 8TAR.Tfckuwftwi fiatty and ".i tnnil a.tati

l«f a grmm variety * tatmrmmtmi ratttegto fbaiti la any mhm h pakttM m Saaarday.8ti|lc copfi pv »«i>. - * -. * 1

metro.Flw ..«.. .. ...!( S ilTen do . o »w

Twenty do ISMW" Ca«b, ivvaBi&blt » imin.9&- Single copies (in wrappers) cm be procured

¦ the counter, immediately after the w*ite o( tbapaper. Price.ma* ctirrt.Po»TMA§T«t» wbo act aa afenta wili be a*c»e

a commission oftwenty per cent.

affirmative, and " Ben" conformed in¬wardly to the request. A rich soenesoon followed. The question was nowput: 14 Will the spirit respond to ques¬tions !" It replied in the euphoniouspkrase, " Jim along Josey," which wasinterpreted lo mean, "with all my heart."Here a variety of interrogatories werepropounded and answered by an interm¬inable series of raps, some of which werewide ef the mark, and othersremarkablynear it. Finally the spirit became wea¬ried or stubborn. It telused to rap, butsignified a willingness to 44 rock the ta¬ble, Lucy," provided other spirils wereallowed to assist. Assent was given,and no less than twenty-seven additionalspirits came to its aid. liere was a scenesufficient to convince the most sceptical.The table tossed to and fro. It kickedup like a wild horse, reared and pitched.At one time some of the faithful thoughttuey hoard it squeal. It was more rest¬less than the hyena or "fretful porcu¬pine." Even those mediums who hadput it in motion ceuld not effect a subju¬gation. Its poor legs ware twisted andshivered. Alarm and consternationspread through the audience. Twenty-seven, able, disembodied spirits had ap¬plied their united power to the inanimate,four-legged critter and it wouldn't standstill. John Gilpin's horse, or the manwith the cork leg, were not a circum¬stance. One of the spiritualists seatedhimself on the end. It kicked up andthrew him sprawling on the floor. An¬other and another got on, including theelderly lady with the spectacles, ani acouple of young, blooming damsels, (alsobelieversJ but the table was still incor¬rigible. It swung into mid air with allthose who electrified or spiritualized itaboard, and the last I saw was table,knockers, rappers, &c., going up Balti¬more street. Distance lent enchantmentto the scene, until all were obscured ina dreamy vision. Bkn Boi.t.

THE NEW BOUNTY LAND BILL.In the Senate, on the 12th instant, Mr.

Brodhead, agreeably to notice, asked andobtained leave to bring in the followingbill, which was read and passed to a sec¬ond leading, and ordered to be printed:A Bill, in addition to certain acu grantingbounty land to certain officers aad soldierswho have been engagod ia the military ser¬vice of the country.

it cnacted, fa., That each of the surviving commissioned and non-commis¬sioned officers, musicians, and privates,whether of regulars, volunteers, rangers,or militia, who were regularly musteredinto the service of the United states, andivery officer commissioned and non-com¬missioned, seaman, ordinary seamau,marine, elerk, and landsman, in the uavy,except those who have received priiemoney in any of the wars in which ourcountry has been engaged since seventeenhundred and ninety, and each of the sur¬vivors of the militia, or volunteers, orState troops of iny State or Territory,called into military service, and regular¬ly mustered therein, and whose serviceshave been paid by the United States sub¬sequent to the eighteenth day of Juneeighteen hundred and twelve, shall beentitled to receive a certificate or war¬rant from the Department of the IntenorTor one hundred and sixty acres of land,or where any of those who have so servedshall hava received a certificate or war¬rant, he shall be entitled to a certificateor warrant for such quantity of land aswill make, in the whole, with what hemay have heretofore received, one hun¬dred and sixty acres to each such personhaving served as aforesaid.

Sec. 2. And be it further cnacted, Thatin case of the death of any person who, ifliving would be entitled to a certificate orwairant as aforesaid under this act, leavinga widow, or, if no widow, a minor childor children, such widow, or if no widow,such minor child or children, shall be en¬titled to receive a certificate or warrantfor the same quantity of land that suchdeceased person would be entitled toreceive under the provisions of this actif now living: Provided, That a subse¬quent marriage shall not impair the rightof any such widow to such warrant ifshe be a widow at the time of makingher application, and at the date of suchwarrant.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Thatin no case shall any such certificate orwarrant be issued for any service lessthan twenty-eight days, or where theperson shall actually have been engagedin battle, nor unless the party claimingsuch certificate or warrant shall estab¬lish his right thereto by record evidenceof said service, or by two credible wit¬nesses.

Sec. 4. And U it further enacted, Thatsaid certificates or warrants may be as¬signed, transferred, and located by thewarrantees, or their heirs at-law, accord¬ing to the provisions of existing lawsregulating the assignment, transfer, andlocation of bounty-land warrants.

The Crimea .A German writer givesthis description of the Crimea :44 The Crimea is one of the finest and

most picturesque countries of the world.It soil, particularly in the southern partsof the peninsula, where vegetation istruly tropical, is of an extraordinary fer¬tility. The valleys, watered by number¬less brooks and rivers, are excellentlycultivated, abounding in productive comfields and vineyards. Of the latter, thosenear Sudak and Koos give the bestgrapes. Apricots, peaches, cherries,plums, almonds, pomegranites, tigs,pear6, apples, and melons are grown ingardens, whilst the open land yields con¬siderable quantities of cereals, millet,tobacco, honey, wax and silk. Thebreeding of horned cattle, horses andsheep is of some importance; the latteryield the favorite small, grey, early skinsknown as Crimean lambskins. In thenorthern parts of the peninsula, on theother hand, both wood and water arescarce, and the soil is generally poor,brackish, and unfit for cultivation,"