evaluation question 6


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Page 2: Evaluation Question 6

HD Camcorder:

The camcorder was a key piece of technology needed in the production of our film. I

used a HD camcorder, which gave me clearer and brighter picture quality and sound.

The HD camera also had a range of settings regarding brightening the picture, or

changing the background, which allowed to test and adjust the options to suit our film. I

think the brighter and clearer image quality of the camcorder was particularly useful as

a generic convention of our genre, romantic comedy, is that the atmosphere at the

beginning of the film is bright and cheerful. We were able to create this as a result of the

HD camcorder.

The camcorder was also a really easy piece of technology to be able to use, which was

especially useful due to our amateur experience. The general tools needed were the

on/off and replay button which were easy enough utilise, however we fiddled about with

a number of settings and discovered techniques such as depth of field, which I learnt

allowed us to blur the background but keep the foreground in focus, which we used in

the close-up make-up shots. I also learned how to film panning shot, as well as improve

my framing of shots, and use of a range of camera shots and angles e.g. mid-shot,

close-up and pan shot. The camcorder is also small and compact which allowed us to

film shots in more confined space and move the device around more readily.

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Dell Inspiron 15

The Dell Inspiron played a key role in the creating of my opening

sequence. I saved all my work on it. Used my editing software , all the

clips were saved on it. How to use power point and stuff.

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BloggerWith this coursework task I found Blogger.com extremely useful to use; it has been the main

programme that I have used during it. I found it easy to keep track of my work using its online record

system which we have kept all of our media work on and I have used it to update and record all of the

work that I have done for this task and others so far it also allowed me to present my work in a clear

and consistent way. In this task I have used Blogger.com to blog the production, research and planning

and also post production. I found it easy to use and to sign up for it; and also to maintain anything that

needs doing or updating on my magazine; I think Blogger.com is an excellent source for recording work

with. The fact that you can embed videos and slideshows as well as add images to it; helped me a lot

with the project as it allowed me to narrate and show how I did things and also find different

technologies in order to do so.

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I used slideshare.net to upload and eventually embed my PowerPoint

presentations onto blogger.com. I find this an easy website to use as it

doesn’t require users to create a log in or account; though there is the

choice to; I used a guest account which allows you temporary access.

After uploading a PowerPoint onto the website you must convert it;

which is done automatically after it uploads and once that is done you

can collect the link to it and copy and paste that onto blogger.com. I

would definitely use this again as its simple and less complicated that I

thought it would be. This programme will allow me to make my

evaluation interactive.

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Sony Vegas Pro

Sony Creative Software’s Vegas Pro 9 is an innovative, Windows-only non-linear edit system (NLE) that has

really exploded in recent years on the market. Fully featured, the system also includes excellent built-in

tools for audio editing, graphics and titling, DVD and Blu-ray authoring, and more. Included with the latest

version of Vegas Pro 9 is 4K resolution (RED) compatibility and enhanced native XDCAM EX support.

Editors can work with unlimited video tracks for multitrack editing, and the program includes a great multi-

camera workflow. It also ships with over 190 customizable video filters and effects.

There is plenty of compatibility between other Sony Creative Software apps, including Sound Forge and the

ACID family of software