evaluation question 3

Upload: hassan-shahid

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audiences feedback?

The feedback that I collected from my audience was vital as it would allow me to greatly improve my next production. It has also allowed me to improve our overall production and distinctly, it also allows us to be aware of what entertained our target audience and what we needed to improve on.The feedback we gathered from our consumers were collected through the form of word of mouth and data from both our pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire.

Overall, the short film was put together using a focus group to answer questions based on the film and their opinions about it. It was to ensure that our target audience understood what the narrative of our production was, its genre and how it was supposed to be conveyed by the audience.

The feedback received aided us to narrow down and pinpoint our specific target audience (which was decided on, in relation to the genre, narrative and codes and conventions. Since I had attained the feedback that I wanted; the short film was a drama which meant it was intentional to make the audience feel sad and to sympathies with the character of Daniel it was also intentional for the audience to be upset, but I also hoped that they would enjoy the overall production despite other intentions.

Feedback was also received by views on Facebook and twitter. Viewers were able to watch our short film on our fan page on Facebook. This was a great way to allow access for our audience to not only watch Broken but also to subscribe to our frequent updates posted daily. Creating a Facebook and Twitter page was easy and didnt cost us any money. It allowed us to customize the layout of our pages and also who could access to our page. We were able to gather how many people were fans from the amount of likes the page had received. Overall we were satisfied with the numbers received at the early stages at it conveyed that there was an interest in the short film.

The pre/post-questionnaire were created on Microsoft word was ideal as it meant we could go out on the streets and quickly gain feedback from our audience and being more accurate.

Pre-Questionnaire and Post-Questionnaire:

Pre-Questionnaire and Post-Questionnaire Graphs:

Responses to each question in the pre-questionnaire:

We had a mixture of males and females from a variety of age groups. We provided different age ranges for our pre- spread out. Our target audience had a variety of tastes when it came to favorite genres but drama was the most chosen option. Also after reading the script, our audience could clearly identify that our short film was a drama. Most of our responses agreed that our narrative was coherent which is a good thing as evidently if it wasnt clear, our target audience wouldnt understand it and therefore have no interest in it. A majority of our responses said that they preferred a male lead, but the others said that a female lead would be more sensible as it would bring more emotion into it.

Responses to each question in the post-questionnaire:

Again, we had a mixture of males and females from a range of age groups, which can we been from the video attached. We provided different age ranges for our post-questionnaire and the responses we received were evenly spread out. Most of our participants understood that our genre was drama, but we had some chose the option of action and and romance. It was also stated that the credits and fonts used werent appropriate and could be improved. The majority of our participants thought that the directing was the strongest element of our work due to mise-en-scene and that editing was our weakest element. We also received feedback which stated that the locations used were appropriate. Most of our participants thought that the sound used in our short film was appropriate for the genre and that it suited our short film.

To conclude, I was extremely pleased with the feedback that we received as is it was mainly positive, in relation to the video attached, I was able to analyse my own production in response to those in the short video I had collated:


I was pleased with the outcome of my short film, as it was up to a excellent standard and exceeded our expectations.I felt that we couldve have added another flashback to the short film, to dwell more into Daniels past and show a different side to him adding enigma to our piece.

My favorite aspects were the directing and cinematography, as together they were are strongest aspects and created better verisimilitude.Another aspect that could have been better would be the sound effects as throughout the production the sound levels were different.

The production crew and actors also worked well together as we were efficient and disciplined I wouldve added more shots on Daniel on the train platform, to emphasize more on his suicide attempt.

The actor selection also went well as, the actors we chose brought their characters to life especially Jonathan who played Daniel.If we used a different font style, so that it more suited the genre of our short film and appealed to our audience.