evaluation q5

How did you attract/address your audience? Zareen Malik

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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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How did you attract/address your audience?

Zareen Malik

Page 2: Evaluation q5

Front CoverImage: most people would find the cover girl pretty and cute, or would like her unique image and style and would aspire to have a unique style like her. The direct eye contact make the image look more powerful with her expression and allows it to stand out and be more memorable and remarkable.Masthead: is very bold and bright – stands out to the audience. It’s block and sans serif and is of a big size. It is shadowed by a white replica of the text to place more emphasis on it allowing it be much more eye catchingColours: I have stuck to a basic colour scheme of black and white to make the magazine look more professional and striking while these colours always seem to work well with this genre.I used these colours because the artist is also wearing black so the colours work really well together and in this case clashing the white on top of the black is very effectiveCoverline: simple and attracts the reader by it being about The Beatles who are legends in the industry and whom fans revereFooter: this attracts attention because it’s clear and bold and tells the reader of some of the various features within the magazine that interests them such as information about upcoming concerts and festivals.

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Contents Page

Images: these can be used to attract a male audience because they are all very pretty, and also breaks the stereotype of an indie genre dominated by male artistsThe image of Steph sat on the floor is effective because it’s different to the other photos and is used to make her seem cute, shy and uniqueNumbers: are in red and stand out against the rest of the text and is used effectively to catch the eye of the reader, making it easier for them to find the features they are looking forText: this is descriptive of the contents of the magazine and is informative to the reader. Also it is organised into sections to give it more structure and this helps to attract the reader because it’s easier to read and they can easily find the information they are looking for and locate it wherever it is in the magazineEditors message: this is an extra piece which in insightful and can also be used to inform the reader of what can be expected in the magazine. It also provides some personality and character to the whole mood by providing the narrative voice of the editor

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Double page spreadImage: Like the front cover image will appeal to the audience because she is very pretty and cute and some girls may want to be like her and have her style and individuality. The straight expression and looking straight into the camera is used to create a much more striking effect.Headline and subheading: this is used to attract the audience by standing out and immediately catches their attention by including an interesting pull quote from the text giving them a little bit of information about her characterLayout: this helps to attract the reader because it’s structured well and easy to read, everything is simple but effective and not crowded.

‘Exclusive’ banner: this is used to attract the audience in that it highlights the exclusivity of the interview which assures the reader that everything is original and exclusive to this magazine which is another way to promote the magazine.Text: this attracts the reader in that it tells the reader more about the artist and a few little bits and pieces about her as a person and some things the audience may not have known before which is good because they always like finding out new things and some of the gossip in there aswell.