evaluation q1

EVALUATION Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Post on 24-May-2015




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  • 1. EVALUATION Q1.In what ways does yourmedia product use, developor challenge forms andconventions of real media products?

2. MAIN TASK: FILM TRAILER 3. USE OF FORMS + CONVENTIONS I primarily focused on the forms and conventions of pre-existingfilm trailers which I had come across when studying film trailerslike Women in Black and The Possession because they allshare similar qualities which I wanted to include in my ownproduct. These forms and conventions included: Opening green screen and production logos. Film release date and credits. Film title. Footage to inform and entertain. Inter-titles. Average duration of 1-2 minutes. These are all forms and conventions that I aimed to include in myown horror film trailer. Similarly, forms and conventions of the horror film genre consistedof: Suspense and anticipation at selected times. Typical horror plot e.g. paranormal activity and murderers. Low angles and low-key lighting. Eerie music. Lack of dialogue. 4. EVIDENCE I created my own green screen, which played for a few seconds at the very beginning of the trailer. I copied the MPAA green screen, because it is recognisable to audiences which makes the trailer look more professional. Here I have used a typical convention of a production logo. I created my own fictional companies of Vertical and Timecode Pictures. I also kept the look in style of the horror genre, with low-key lighting to make it look gritty. I used inter-titles to break up the footage and to inform the audience in a different way. I also used the typical based on true events which creates suspense. 5. EVIDENCE A graveyard is a common location for any horror film and this shows how I carefully planned where to shoot, as well as developing conventions. I based my plot around a paranormal woman, like the film Woman in Black. These shots were purposely dark and aimed to build tension and suspense, like most horror trailers. The editing was also key and I developed the horror genre, by creating a static style shot which suits the style of the trailer well. 6. ANCILLARLY TEXT: POSTER 7. USE OF FORMS + CONVENTIONS The title is eye-catching with a unique horror-style font, whilst being the largest font on the page without taking too much emphasis away from the image. 8. USE OF FORMS + CONVENTIONS I developed the idea of creepy dolls, which I wanted to challenge by prying on the fears of the audience. This creates a unique but ominous poster, with the conventional bloody handprints. 9. USE OF FORMS + CONVENTIONS At the bottom, I placed the release date and credits, with the production company names credited separately. Here I have clearly used the forms and conventions of a film poster. 10. ANCILLARLY TEXT: MAGAZINE 11. USE OF FORMS + CONVENTIONS I used the typical convention of an eye- catching red logo. I didnt want to challenge this convention because I wanted my magazine to be recognisable. 12. USE OF FORMS + CONVENTIONS I placed short and informal informational around the main image, so it was bold but not distracting. Headers are also a common convention on film magazines which I have also included. 13. USE OF FORMS + CONVENTIONS I developed the convention of additional pictures by placing it in a film reel. This gives the poster some originality and it shows how I have tried to use my creativity. 14. OVERALL I have closely paid attention to the formsand conventions of pre-existing productsbecause I want to attract my demographicand create products which are in line withprofessional products. Across all three tasks, I have used,developed and even challenged some of theforms and conventions of a film trailer,magazine and poster.