evaluation of the effectiveness of inpatient …

EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INPATIENT STROKE EDUCATION FOR THE TRANSITION FROM HOSPITAL TO PRIMARY CARE OFFICES: AN EDUCATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT By Lenzi Kaub, BSN, RN University of Kansas School of Nursing Submitted to the School of Nursing and The Graduate Faculty of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice. Qiuhua Shen, PhD, APRN, RN ________________________________ Faculty Project Committee, Chair Carol Buller, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, GNP-C ________________________________ Faculty Project Committee, Member Shin Hye Park, PhD, RN _______________________________ Faculty Project Committee, Member April 20, 2020 ________________________________ Date Project Proposal Accepted

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Lenzi Kaub, BSN, RN

University of Kansas School of Nursing

Submitted to the School of Nursing and The Graduate Faculty of the University of Kansas in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Nursing Practice.

Qiuhua Shen, PhD, APRN, RN


Faculty Project Committee, Chair

Carol Buller, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, GNP-C


Faculty Project Committee, Member

Shin Hye Park, PhD, RN


Faculty Project Committee, Member

April 20, 2020


Date Project Proposal Accepted


The DNP Project committee for Lenzi Kaub certifies that this is the

approved version of the following DNP Project:




Qiuhua Shen, PhD, APRN, RN


Carol Buller, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, GNP-C


Shin Hye Park, PhD, RN


Date Approved:

12 October, 2020




Problem: Stroke is a significant health problem that affects 795,000 Americans per year. It is the

leading cause of disability in the United States. Transition of care to outpatient settings can be

very challenging for stroke survivors. Effective stroke education can help smooth the transition

and reduce the risk of recurrent stroke. Often times, stroke education is provided during hospital

stay; however, there is not a standard process to evaluate its effectiveness.

Project Aims: This quality improvement project conducted at a 300-bed community hospital in

suburban metropolitan area consisted of three aims: (1) implement an education needs

assessment amongst hospitalized stroke patients on the acute stroke unit prior to their transition

of care to the outpatient setting; (2) identify strengths, areas for improvement, and gaps in the

current inpatient stroke education process; (3) make recommendations on potential education

topics to inform the development of community-based stroke education classes.

Project Methods: The Post Stroke Education Assessment (PSEA) survey was used to conduct

the needs assessment during a two-month period. Eligible participants (n = 10) were first-time

stroke patients being discharged. The PSEA survey was completed by patients and/or their

caregivers prior to discharge. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.

Project Findings: Strengths for the inpatient stroke education included adequate education

frequency and on topics like what stroke is, action plans for reoccurrence of stroke, and

medications. Areas for improvement included delivery of education folder at admission,

diversifying education delivery methods, assessing patients’ readiness to learn, and enhancing

education topics on risk factors, residual deficits, prognosis, recovery, complications, warning

signs/symptoms, impact on psychological and emotional health/family, follow-up appointments

and local resources.



Conclusions: This project helped identified strengths, areas for improvement, and gaps in

inpatient stroked-related education. This information could be used to improve the timing,

delivery, and content areas of the education, which could eventually facilitate a smooth transition

of care into an outpatient setting.

Key Words: inpatient stroke education; caregiver; health literacy; transition of care; post-stroke




Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................................ 7

Background and Significance ......................................................................................................... 9

Types of Stroke ........................................................................................................................... 9

Prevalence and Impact of Stroke ............................................................................................... 10

Content of Education ................................................................................................................. 10

Delivery Methods of Education ................................................................................................ 13

Timing of Education.................................................................................................................. 13

Need for Standardized Stroke Education .................................................................................. 13

Barriers to Effective Education ................................................................................................. 14

Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................... 15

Project Aims.................................................................................................................................. 16

Project Questions .......................................................................................................................... 16

Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................................. 17

Conceptual Model ......................................................................................................................... 18

Project Methods ............................................................................................................................ 19

Design........................................................................................................................................ 19

Setting........................................................................................................................................ 19

Sample ....................................................................................................................................... 20

Data Collection .......................................................................................................................... 21

Evaluation.................................................................................................................................. 22

Human Subject Protection/Protected Health Information ......................................................... 23

Privacy, Data Storage, & Confidentiality ................................................................................. 23

Results ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Characteristics of Project Participants....................................................................................... 24

Post Stroke Education Assessment Survey Results .................................................................. 24

Additional Suggested Education Topics ................................................................................... 29

Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 29

Implications for Clinical Practice .............................................................................................. 33

Limitations ................................................................................................................................ 34

Potential for Sustainability ........................................................................................................ 35



Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 36

References ..................................................................................................................................... 37

Table 1: Characteristics of Project Participants (n = 10) ............................................................ 40

Table 2: Post-Stroke Education Assessment Survey Results ......................................................... 41

Table 3: Additional Education Topics Identified by Participants ................................................ 43

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 44

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................. 47




Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke is a medical emergency. It occurs when there

is disruption of blood supply within the brain, which can cause significant impairment of

cerebral functions without early interventions. It is the leading cause of disability and the fifth

cause of mortality in the United States (American Stroke Association [ASA], 2020).

Approximately 795,000 Americans suffer from a stroke each year, and more than 133,000

(16.7%) of these are fatal (ASA, 2020; Cameron, 2013). After intensive treatments, more than

80% are stroke survivors. They are then discharged from an acute care hospital into the

outpatient setting for rehabilitation or follow-up. Life after stroke can be challenging, especially

during the transition period from the hospital due to complicated medication regimens,

rehabilitation schedules, coping with physical disabilities and complications associated with

stroke, and recommended lifestyle modifications (Cameron, 2013). However, giving accurate,

individualized, and time appropriate education to post-stroke patients and/or their caregivers

prior to discharge from acute care hospitals can help to improve the transition of care to the

outpatient settings or in follow up in with their primary care providers (PCPs) (Cameron, 2013;

Danzl et al., 2016). Education topics which should be addressed for patients with chronic illness

include disease prevention, disease-specific education, and self-management. It is also

recommended that nurses use repetition and multiple teaching styles to increase education

retention of patients (Cameron 2013; Danzl et al., 2016). DeMarco, Nystrom, and Salvatore

(2011) state that patient education is a vital part of the continuum of care, and nurses are in the

ideal position to ensure education is inclusive, accurate, and understood.

The Framingham Study, a well-known 26-year study on heart disease, identified that

stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. After having one stroke, recurrence is common,



and most recurrent strokes are ischemic due to the high fatality rates in hemorrhagic strokes

(Sacco, Wolf, Kannel, & McNamara, 1982). During the Framingham Study, 394 strokes

occurred, 57% of which were ischemic. The rate of recurrent stroke was approximately 42% in

men and 28% in women (Sacco et al., 1982). When adjusting for the presence of other cardiac

risk factors prior to initial stroke, the recurrence rate decreases significantly. Comorbidities such

as hypertension and heart failure should be appropriately treated with both medications and

lifestyle modifications, which emphasizes a need for patient education. Patients should be

educated on their risk factors for stroke, management of those risk factors, and the kind and

amount of follow up that is required to help prevent reoccurrence of stroke as well as secondary

complications (Sacco et al., 1982).

Like the Framingham Study in 1982, Omori et al. (2015) found that the two-year

recurrence rate for ischemic stroke in Japan was 21.3%. The significant risk factors associated

with the recurrence rate of stroke included hypertension, diabetes, and disability score at

discharge. It was emphasized that “adequate treatment and management of risk factors by

persistent health education for poststroke patients is urgently required to prevent recurrence and

subsequent disabilities and to maintain quality of life in these patients,” (Oromi et al., 2015,

p.NP339). Erdur et al. (2015) retroactively examined stroke patients on three stroke units in

acute care hospitals, who were receiving optimum care of their risk factors. While there were a

few incidences of recurrence, the rate of recurrence in this population was only 0.8% (Erdur et

al., 2015). This urges prompt identification of stroke etiology and rigorous secondary prevention

of risk factors, which can be partially achieved through adequate patient education and proper

follow-up care (Erdur et al., 2015).



Statement of the Problem

Stroke is a potentially fatal disease, but those that survive a stroke are at high risk for

recurrent stroke, secondary complications, and poor quality of life (ASA, 2020). Patients who

experience stroke are 5 to 15 times more likely to experience a second stroke than the general

population (Oromi et al., 2015). Stroke risk can be minimized with proper education to mitigate

modifiable risk factors, but this health information is complex and requires thorough and

repetitive education (Cameron, 2013; Danzl et al., 2016; Oromi et al., 2015). There are also

loosely defined best practices for which stroke education topics should be taught and the way

they should be taught.

There are several recurrent themes throughout the literature on the most important

education topics for this population. These include pathophysiology of CVAs, risk factors for

stroke, secondary complications, signs/symptoms of stroke, emergency medical services (EMS)

activation, emotional health following stroke, and follow-up care (ASA, 2020). The American

Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) is the leading body for establishing

best practice guidelines for the medical management of stroke. However, these guidelines lack

specifications on key components of management and prevention such as education practices.

The AHA/ASA guidelines recommend hospitals implement stroke education. However, there are

no specifics on what topics of education are to be taught (Powers et al., 2019, p. e399). It is

important to evaluate the delivery, implementation, and effectiveness of the patient education

and assess patients’ education needs. However, it is surprising that currently there is no a

standard approach to evaluate the quality of post-acute stroke care education or a consensus on

which outcomes should be used to assess its delivery (Bushnell et al., 2018).



The community partner for this project is a nationally recognized stroke center located in

Olathe, KS. It is a 300-bed community hospital in suburban metropolitan area. It received the

highest level of recognition available for three consecutive years by the AHA/ASA’s “Get With

the Guidelines.” This prestigious recognition demonstrates the hospital’s commitment to follow

the research-based guidelines and meet the standards on the time between a patient’s arrival and

treatment with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) (Olathe Health, n.d.). While the hospital being

assessed follows best practice research and timeliness of appropriate treatment, there is not a

formal evaluation process to assess the education given to stroke patients prior to discharge

(Olathe Health, n.d.). The AHA gives a IIa recommendation for continuous quality improvement

processes implemented by each major element of a stroke care system and the system as a whole

(Powers et al., 2019).

Currently, stroke patients admitted to the acute stroke unit are supposed to receive the

stroke education from nurses during their hospital stay on a regular basis. There are five

education topics of emphasis mandated by the Joint Commission (J. Braklow, personal

communication, March 13, 2020). The five topics are risk factors, warning signs, EMS

activation, physician follow up, and discharge medications. These five topics are the only

mandatory charting topics in the Cerner electronic health record each shift and upon discharge

for stroke patients. It is unknown if the current patient education practice is effective to help

patients’ transition of care to an outpatient setting. In addition, development of community-based

stroke education classes offered at this community hospital is under planning. It would be helpful

to assess patients’ education needs to guide development of curricular contents. Therefore, this

quality improvement project conducted an education needs assessment to evaluate current



inpatient stroke education practices and identify strengths and areas for improvement based on

the reported needs of patients to facilitate a smooth transition into the community setting.

Background and Significance

A literature search was conducted using CINAHL and PubMed databases. The American

Stroke Association website was also reviewed as it is the leading source of stroke research in the

United States. Search terms included “acute care stroke education,” “inpatient stroke education

requirements,” “transition coaching for stroke,” and “discharge education for stroke patients.”

Articles were included if they pertained to education for stroke patients while in the hospital or

being discharged from the hospital. Articles were excluded if they were about transient ischemic

attacks (TIAs) rather than strokes. Articles were also excluded if they evaluated community or

outpatient settings or if they were published more than 10 years prior to this search excluding

one well-known study that was conducted in 1982.

Types of Stroke

Stroke occurs when there is a sudden interruption of blood supply in the brain.

Depending on the characteristics of interruption, strokes can be categorized into three types,

including transient ischemic attack (TIA), ischemic stroke, or hemorrhagic stroke. Transient

ischemic attack occurs when cerebral blood flow is blocked temporarily. Patients experience

similar symptoms of a major stroke; however, they typically disappear after a few minutes or

hours without residual effects. It is a warning sign for future stroke with one third of patients

developing a major stroke within a year and 10-15% within three months (ASA, 2020).

Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain becomes occluded by

blood clots. It can be further differentiated into thrombotic or embolic strokes. Ischemic strokes

account for 87% of all strokes (ASA, 2020). Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a weakened blood



vessel ruptures in the brain and the leaking blood quickly increases intracranial pressure, causing

compression, swelling, and damage to brain tissue. Hemorrhagic strokes are usually more lethal

than ischemic strokes (ASA, 2020).

Prevalence and Impact of Stroke

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2020), one out of

every 20 deaths in the U.S. is due to a stroke, and someone in the U.S. has a stroke every 40

seconds. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and the leading cause of long-term disability

amongst Americans and is associated with high healthcare cost ($34 billion annually).

Depending on the locations of affected cerebral blood vessels and cerebral tissues, patients

having stroke may suddenly experience difficulty speaking, understanding, paralysis or

numbness of face, arm or leg, visual impairment, headache, and trouble with walking or balance.

Early and timely intervention and management could help restore cerebral blood supply, limit

cerebral damages, and facilitate recovery from stroke. However, if the cerebral damage is

irreversible, patients can experience physical limitation and/or disability. For example, stroke

reduces mobility in over half of its victims aged 65 or older (CDC, 2020). It is estimated that one

in three Americans has at least one of the major risk factors for stroke (hypertension,

hyperlipidemia, diabetes, obesity, or tobacco use), and proper management of these risk factors

can reduce the risk of stroke (ASA, 2020; CDC, 2020). In one survey by the CDC, only 38% of

respondents knew the warning signs of stroke and to call 911, implying that education on this

highly prevalent and highly devastating disease is lacking (CDC, 2020).

Content of Education

There are loosely defined stroke education topics mandated by accrediting bodies

(Nickles et al., 2013). The only specifications guiding stroke education in the acute care setting



are stroke performance measures which are monitored by all major stroke quality improvement

organizations in the United States (Nickles et al., 2013). These performance measures are

dictated by the Joint Commission and they require documentation stating patients/caregivers

were given education on five subcomponents - risk factors, warning signs, EMS activation,

physician follow up, and discharge medications (J. Braklow, personal communication, March 13,

2020). When compliance with these poorly defined educational guidelines was assessed, only

60% of patients registered in the Michigan Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry

received stroke education consistent with endorsed performance measures (Nickles et al., 2013).

Content education topics that patients frequently reported to be lacking included signs

and symptoms of stroke onset, managing depression and social isolation post-stroke, prevention

of secondary complications, and insurance/legal concerns such as living wills (Danzl et al.,

2016). Prevention of recurrent stroke and secondary complications can be highly complicated for

many patients especially when it comes to complex medication regimens. There is level 1

evidence to support the use of secondary preventative medications following stroke, but due to

ambiguous or absent discharge education, there is poor medication adherence in this population

(Andrew et al., 2018). Medication adherence is a critically important step to preventing

recurrence of stroke yet screening for and recognizing non-adherence is not yet an established

part of any process measure (Bushnell, Arnan, & Han, 2014). If patients took 75% or less of their

prescribed cardiac medications, the risk for stroke increases fourfold. Experiencing a non-fatal

stroke is a predictor for non-adherence with cardiovascular prevention medications (Bushnell et

al., 2014).

Bushnell et al. (2014) studied the transitional coaching for stroke (TRACS) program,

which was a quality improvement program to reduce 30-day readmission, maximize stroke



prevention, and improve patient outcomes. The TRACS program required coaches to meet with

patients one-on-one prior to discharge for transition coaching to discuss individualized risk

factors, medications, instructions for stroke awareness, action to take for onset of new symptoms,

and post-hospital follow up care (Bushnell et al., 2014). Similarly, Bushnell et al. (2018) created

the Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) care model for patients

transitioning from acute care to home. This program expands on the TRACS program. In the

COMPASS program, educational materials were designed to optimize what matters most to

patients, caregivers, and providers. Educational materials were also made consistent across the

continuum of care for all post-acute providers in the health system. Discharge education included

a local community services directory as well (Bushnell et al., 2018). This method of

individualizing patient care is consistent with other studies that suggest generic discharge

information does not prepare patients for the transition to home following a stroke (Andrew et

al., 2018).

Up to half of all patients admitted with stroke or TIA are discharged directly home after

acute hospital care (Andrew et al., 2018). Readmissions within 12 months are common, and

many survivors have unmet needs in this time period. Comprehensive, individualized discharge

planning has shown to improve long-term outcomes, yet only about half of patients receive this

kind of individualized education. The Prescriptions, Ready to re-enter community, Education,

Placement, Assurance of safety, Realistic expectations, Empowerment, Directed to appropriate

services (PREPARED) questionnaire, Longer-term Unmet Needs after Stroke (LUNS)

questionnaire, and open-ended questions by surveyors revealed many unmet needs in stroke

patients post discharge (Andrew et al., 2018). Commonly reported unmet needs included lack of



preparation for emotional changes, lifestyle modifications, follow-up appointments, community

services available, and prevention of recurrent strokes (Andrew et al., 2018).

Delivery Methods of Education

While the verbal delivery method of education was preferred by health care

professionals, it was reported as overwhelming to many patients. Visual delivery methods such

as videos proved to help some patients with retention, but this method was found to be

underutilized (Danzl et al., 2016). Written information was identified as helpful for the chronic

phase of stroke after patients were discharged from hospitals. This method allows patients to

reference information that may have bypassed them initially (Danzl et al., 2016). Overall,

patients expressed the need for a variety of education delivery methods to increase education

retention (Danzl et al., 2016). It is suggested that discharge information is given in large font at a

7th to 8th grade reading level with a one-page or less summary (Bushnell et al., 2014).

Timing of Education

It was also determined that the timing of education is vital. The immediate post-stroke

period is overwhelming, and education is often not well received by patients at this time. Patients

reported a need for repetition across the continuum of care from admission to the acute care

setting into the chronic phase at home (Cameron, 2013; Danzl et al., 2016). It is recommended

that education begin upon admission to the hospital and continue through rehabilitation and

chronic management within the community in order to prevent recurrent stroke and maximize

quality of life (Cameron, 2013).

Need for Standardized Stroke Education

While the ASA website has numerous education topics listed, there is a lack of consensus

on specific education requirements in the literature. The ASA website provides education on



modifiable risk factors such as blood pressure, tobacco use, diabetes, carotid artery disease,

peripheral artery disease, atrial fibrillation, sickle cell disease, high cholesterol, poor diet,

inactivity, and obesity (ASA, 2020). The ASA website also provides education on non-

modifiable risk factors including age, gender, race, heredity, and prior stroke, TIA, or myocardial

infarction. Other educational topics listed on the ASA website are stroke symptoms (e.g. face

drooping, arm weakness, and speech difficulty), EMS activation, and the difference between

ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes (ASA, 2020). They also include brief explanations of

treatment options such as tPA and other endovascular procedures. Examples of expected

timelines and a list of specialists involved for each step of the treatment continuum are provided

on their website (ASA, 2020). While all of this information is important, the transmission of

education from health care providers/agencies such as the ASA to patients relies on more than

just generic content. Every stroke is different; therefore, individual risk factors, preferred

education delivery methods, appropriate timing, and repetition of health education all play a vital

role (Cameron, 2013; Danzl et al., 2016).

Barriers to Effective Education

Due to the lack of stroke specific data available, a literature review of best practices for

education in acute care settings was adapted from literature on other chronic diseases (Cameron,

2013). Evidence suggests that each learner and/or their designee should be assessed for literacy

level, learning style preference, and potential educational barriers (Danzl et al., 2016). It is also

highly recommended that nurses and providers utilize repetition when educating stroke patients

and their families (Andrew, Busingye, Lannin, Kilkenny, & Cadilhac, 2018; Cameron, 2013;

Danzl et al., 2016). Danzl et al. (2016) looked at qualitative data in the form of surveys from

stroke patients who had discharged home from acute care hospitals. This data suggests that



oftentimes patients do not ask questions to providers because they do not know what to ask.

Therefore, it is recommended that healthcare providers have the responsibility to initiate

education opportunities on a frequent basis (Danzl et al., 2016). Three components - content,

timing, and delivery - were identified as major components for appropriate education for this

population (Danzl et al., 2016).

Definition of Terms

The following are the key terms used in this project. The theoretical definitions of these

terms are primarily from Merriam-Webster. Other sources utilized include the Department of

Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Acute care setting: Short-term and usually immediate medical care. For this project, the

acute care setting refers to the treatment setting where patients find themselves shortly after onset

of stroke symptoms in order to prevent further complications. This setting includes emergency

departments and inpatient hospital units often after treatment with tPA, other endovascular

procedures, or conservative medical management of stroke.

Outpatient setting: A clinic or associated facility where care is sought but not for an

overnight stay. For this project, the outpatient setting referred to the phase of care after patients

were discharged from the hospital into the community and receiving care intermittently by

primary care providers.

Caregiver: Someone who provides direct care to a child, the elderly, or the chronically

ill, who cannot care for themselves fully. For this project, caregiver referred to any family

member or designated adult who was involved in caring for a stroke survivor.



Health literacy: The degree to which an individual can obtain, process, and comprehend

the basic health information needed to make informed health decisions. For this project, health

literacy referred to a patient’s capacity to understand health information.

Transition of care: The movement of a patient from one setting to another. For this

project, transition of care referred to the transitioning of a patient from the inpatient, hospital

setting into the outpatient, community setting.

Project Aims

This quality improvement project conducted at a 300-bed community hospital in

suburban metropolitan area consisted of three aims: (1) implementing an education needs

assessment amongst hospitalized stroke patients on the acute stroke unit prior to their transition

of care to the outpatient setting; (2) identifying strengths, areas for improvement, and gaps in the

current inpatient stroke education; and (3) making recommendations on potential education

topics/handouts to inform the development of community-based stroke education classes aiming

to enhance and facilitate a smooth transition from inpatient to outpatient care.

Project Questions

1. Did the current stroke education requirements for nurses at the community hospital provide

adequate information to stroke patients regarding content, delivery, and timing prior to

discharging into the community?

2. What were the strengths, areas for improvement, and gaps in the current inpatient stroke

education provided when compared to common themes in the literature review of important

stroke education topics and self-reported unmet education needs of patients?



3. What education topics/handouts were most important for inpatient stroke patients discharging

into the community and which topics should be reemphasized in future community-based stroke

education classes?

Theoretical Framework

For this quality improvement project, the Adult Learning Theory (ALT) was applied.

Malcolm Knowles developed the ALT with the idea that “adults” are those who have the self-

concept of being in charge of their own life, being responsible for their own decisions, and living

with the consequences of those decisions (Knowles, n.d.). This theory is appropriate for the

project at hand because adult stroke patients are educated by health care professionals on ways to

optimize quality of life and prevent recurrence. When adequate education is provided, adults are

enabled to make their own health decisions (Knowles, n.d.).

The first concept in the ALT emphasizes that adults tend to put their effort into learning

when learning benefits them directly; therefore, discharge education should be given in a manner

that stresses the importance to the individual patient (Knowles, n.d.). This further argues that

generic discharge education is not helpful when compared to individualized education (Andrew

et al., 2018). The second concept is that adult learners have a need to be self-directed. Therefore,

rather than telling patients what to do, we as providers, should empower them to be involved in

their own health care decisions. Assessment of what is important to each patient can play a role

in the effectiveness of education (Andrew et al., 2018). Another important point in Knowles’

theory is that adults become ready to learn when they perceive a need to learn (Knowles, n.d.).

This correlates with the finding that timing is a key factor in the success of health education

(Cameron, 2013; Danzl et al., 2016). Finally, the ALT suggests that adults are motivated to learn

by a variety of factors including both extrinsic and intrinsic (Knowles, n.d.). In conclusion,



patients should be motivated to learn by not only emphasizing the prevention of stroke or the

hopes of discharging home rather than a skilled nursing facility but by intrinsic factors such as

maintaining independence and control over their own health (Danzl et al., 2016).

The impact of stroke on patients’ health including cognition varies depending on stroke

types, locations, time passed before treatment, treatment modality, and co-existing comorbidities.

Therefore, cognitive deficits following stroke should be considered when applying the ALT to

this vulnerable population. In some cases, patients with minor stroke would be able to make their

own health decisions, but in other cases, they may turn to a trusted friend, family member, or

caregiver to help make their health decisions. This is especially true in the acute phase of stroke

when symptoms are at their worst.

Conceptual Model

The conceptual model used for this project was the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model.

The PDSA model is used to guide quality improvement projects to implement a change using

four steps (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], 2015). Step one was the

planning stage in which the Project Director developed project aims and steps needed to

accomplish those aims. The do stage was the implementation stage of the project in which the

Project Director conducted the education needs assessment among eligible stroke patients. Next,

was the study stage where the Project Director examined survey results and analyzed data to

determine strengths and areas for improvement of the current inpatient stroke education process.

Finally, the act stage was where the Project Director presented findings of the project to hospital

stakeholders to inform their current processes and curriculum for future community-based stroke

classes (AHRQ, 2015).



Project Methods


This project was a quality improvement project that aimed to conduct an education needs

assessment among inpatient stroke patients, identify strengths, areas for improvement, and gaps

in the current education process, and make recommendations on potential education topics for

the development of community-based stroke education classes. This project met the criteria for a

quality improvement project because it analyzed a system’s performance and searches for ways

to improve the quality of care provided (Bonnel & Smith, 2018). The Post Stroke Education

Assessment (PSEA) survey developed by the Project Director was used to conduct the education

needs assessment (Appendix A). The survey was administered to eligible patients or their

caregivers prior to discharge into the community setting.


This quality improvement project was conducted at a 300-bed community hospital

located in Olathe, KS. In 2019, this hospital took care of 223 patients with a diagnosis of

ischemic stroke (n = 184), subarachnoid hemorrhage (n = 8), intracerebral hemorrhage (n = 14),

or transient ischemic attack (n = 17) (K. Super, personal communication, March 18, 2020). Of

these, 111 patients were discharged home, two to home with hospice, 14 to hospice in health care

facilities, 29 to other acute care facilities, 48 to skilled nursing facilities, nine to inpatient

rehabilitation facilities, one to long term care hospital, three to intermediate care facilities, five

expired, and one left against medical advice (K. Super, personal communication, March 18,

2020). Stroke patients emergently enter the selected health system through the 29-bed

Emergency Room. After being assessed, the patient may be transferred to either the Critical Care

Unit (CCU) or the 24-bed acute stroke unit. Patients are transferred to the CCU only if they

receive t-PA treatment, which requires close monitoring for 24 hours. All the registered nurses



(RNs) on the acute stroke unit are required to maintain National Institute of Health Stroke Scale

certification to care for this unique patient population. Stroke patients and/or their caregivers are

supposed to receive stroke education from RNs regularly during their hospital stay.

Unfortunately, there is not a formal process to assess patient’s understanding of education

provided in preparation for the transition to outpatient care.

Olathe is located in Johnson County, Kansas. The population of Olathe is 139,605 (U.S.

Census Bureau, 2018). The population is 75.7% white, 6.1% African American, 11.3% Hispanic,

and 6.9% other races. The average household income in 2018 was $85,318 and the poverty rate

was 6.4% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018). There are three other major hospitals in Johnson County

including Overland Park Regional, Saint Luke’s South, and Advent Health Lenexa. The nearest

Comprehensive Stroke Centers, which unlike the community hospital being assessed, offer

advanced endovascular procedures are University of Kansas Health System, Research Medical

Center, and St. Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City.


Participants for this project were drawn from a convenience sample of patients with

stroke who were being discharged from the acute stroke unit. Eligible participants included

patients: (1) who suffered ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes for the first time; and (2) who were

discharged to a lower level of care including home, home with home health or other outpatient

services, or to short-term rehabilitation facilities. Patients were excluded if they: (1) had a

diagnosis of transient ischemic attack; (2) had a recurrent stroke; or (3) were being discharged to

higher levels of care (such as a Comprehensive Stroke Center), same level of care (such as

another acute care hospital), or to hospice. Eligibility of patients was identified by trained acute



stroke unit staff RNs and the Project Director prior to patient’s discharge. Based on the hospital’s

2019 discharge data on stroke patients, the expected sample size for this project was 15 patients.

Data Collection

The Post Stroke Education Assessment (PSEA) Survey was used to conduct the

education needs assessment over a period of eight weeks from June to July 2020. The PSEA

survey was developed by the Project Director and based on the current literature of pertinent

topics related to stroke patient education. The PSEA survey was reviewed by the DNP project

committee and revisions were made to improve the readability and structure of the survey. In

addition, the face validity of the PSEA survey was assessed and confirmed by an experienced

acute care nurse practitioner at the hospital. This survey consisted of 10 questions and took

approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete. Question #1 assessed if the patient received a stroke

education folder, which is mandated in the hospital’s policy for the care of stroke patients (Toms,

2011). Question #2 assessed delivery methods of education. Question #3 assessed timing of

education. Question #4 assessed frequency of education. Question #5 assessed the level of

education received on 13 pertinent education topics identified from the literature review.

Question #6 assessed gaps in the current stroke education process. While surveys were

anonymous, questions #7 - #9 collected basic demographic data including age, race/ethnicity,

and gender. Finally, question #10 assessed the relationship of the respondent to the patient.

Eligible patients and/or their designated caregivers were asked to fill out the PSEAs prior

to discharge from the acute stroke unit. Instructions were included explaining how to complete

the survey. Staff RNs were trained on the process of handing out, explaining, and collecting

surveys. Surveys were then collected by trained staff after patients and/or their caregivers filled

them out. Surveys were placed in a labeled folder kept on the acute stroke unit after patient



discharge. Completed surveys were removed weekly by the Project Director. The Project

Director then transcribed data from surveys into a personal, password protected laptop utilizing

Microsoft Excel software on a weekly basis. The data collection phase began after obtaining

institutional review board (IRB) approval and the training of staff was complete. After the final

day of data collection, extra copies of surveys and the survey collection folder were removed

from the unit. The de-identified paper copies of the surveys were kept by the Project Director in

a locked file cabinet.


Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of the project participants

including age, race/ethnicity, and gender. The Post Stroke Education Assessment yielded both

qualitative and quantitative data. For quantitative data, mean and standard deviation were

reported for continuous variables and frequency and percentages were reported for categorical

variables. Descriptive qualitative analyses were performed on responses to the open-ended

question on the PSEA (question #6).

Strengths were identified by correct or affirmative answers on questions #1 and #3.

Question #2 showed strengths if more than one delivery method was circled. Answering question

#4 as “once per shift/twice per day” or “at every opportunity” also helped to identify

strengths. Question #5 parts a-m showed strengths if the patient/caregiver scored the item a 2 or

3. Areas for improvement were identified by incorrect or negative answers on questions #1 and

#3. Question #2 showed area for improvement if only one delivery method was circled.

Answering question #4 as “once on admission,” “once on discharge,” or “once per day” also

helped to identify the need for improvement. Question #5 parts a-m helped identify educational



deficits/needs if the patient/caregiver scored the item a 0 or 1. Question #6 identified gaps in the

current stroke education process.

Human Subject Protection/Protected Health Information

As a student at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC), the Project Director

was required to obtain CITI Human Subject Protection Certification. The project proposal was

submitted to the IRB at the University of Kansas Medical Center for determination of quality

improvement status. The project was initiated in June 2020 after IRB approval was received on

May 28, 2020. All surveys administered in this project were on a voluntary basis and informed

consent was not sought as this was part of quality improvement process of standard healthcare

provided at the community hospital. Participation in this education needs assessment had

minimal risk to patients. The Quality Review and Research Committee (QRRC) at the

community hospital deferred IRB approval to KU; however, a letter of support (Appendix B) for

this project was sought from our community partner.

Privacy, Data Storage, & Confidentiality

Patient privacy was protected by keeping surveys anonymous. Data were collected on

paper and transcribed by the Project Director into an electronic spreadsheet. Completed surveys

were each given a number written in the upper right corner as data were transcribed to determine

which paper copy corresponded with which line of data in the electronic spreadsheet. The paper

copies of surveys were collected by trained staff and placed in a folder on the acute stroke unit,

which was emptied each week by the Project Director. The Project Director entered the data into

a personal, password protected laptop each week. All paper copies of the surveys were kept in a

locked file cabinet. De-identified electronic data were kept and shared with hospital stakeholders

involved in creating the community stroke education classes. No personal health information was



collected on the surveys, which greatly minimized the risk of any confidentiality breaches. Once

again surveys were conducted on a voluntary basis that identified up front what kind of data were

asked of patients.


Characteristics of Project Participants

The project was initiated on June 8, 2020. A total of 10 stroke survivors were recruited

during the 8-week project implementation period. The characteristics of the project participants

were summarized in Table 1. As expected, the majority of the participants were 70 years old or

older (n = 7, 70%). There were 30% participants who were either in their 50s (n = 1, 10%), 40s

(n = 1, 10%), or 30s (n = 1, 10%). More than half of the participants were male (n = 6, 60%).

There was a lack of diversity in the project participants with all of the participants being

Caucasians (n = 10, 100%).

Post Stroke Education Assessment Survey Results

The PSEA survey was used to conduct the educational needs assessment among the

stroke survivors who were being discharged from the acute stroke unit. Among the 10 PSEA

surveys, seven (70%) were completed by the participants themselves and three were completed

by either participants’ spouse (n = 2, 20%) or other family members (n = 1, 10%). The results of

the PSEA survey were displayed in Table 2.

Received Stroke Education Folder Upon Admission

Of the ten surveys collected, only 50% of participants (n = 5) indicated that they did

receive a stroke education folder on admission to the hospital. The other half of participants (n =

5) responded that they did not receive a stroke education folder. This is concerning as the stroke

education folder is expected to be given to the stroke patients upon admission. However, it was



unknown whether the survey responders (patients themselves or caregivers) were not aware of

the stroke education folder even if it was delivered or nursing staff actually forgot to deliver it.

This is worth for further investigation and is an area for improvement in raising patients’

awareness of the educational materials.

Education Delivery Methods

In the PSEA survey, participants were asked about the education delivery methods used

by the healthcare team to educate them about stroke-related topics. Verbal education was the

most commonly used delivery method that was reported by 90% of participants (n = 9), followed

by written education materials (n = 5, 50%). No patients reported the use of videos in their stroke

education. Four out of ten respondents (40%) reported the use of more than one education

delivery method (i.e. combination of verbal and written).

Readiness for Stroke Education

When asked if the hospital staff members assessed the patient’s readiness to learn prior to

providing education, 50% of patients stated no (n = 5) and 50% of patients stated yes (n = 5).

The mixed results suggested variations among health care providers in their assessment of

patients’ readiness for stroke education. This clearly indicates an area for improvement to

emphasize the importance of assessing patient’s readiness for receiving stroke education. This

would help increase the effectiveness and retention of stroke education.

Frequency in Stroke Education

When asked how often patients received stroke education during their hospital stay, the

majority of participants (n = 8, 80%) reported receiving it at least once per day, including 20%

receiving it once per shift/twice per day (n = 2) and 20% receiving it at every opportunity (n =

2). Only 20% of participants stated that they received the education on admission only.



Level of Education on Various Stroke-Related Topics

In the PSEA survey, the participants were asked to evaluate the level of education they

received using a four-point Likert scale on 13 various stroke-related topics, including what is a

stroke, causes/risk factors, residual deficits, prognosis, recovery, complications, warning

signs/symptoms, impact on psychological/emotional health and family, reoccurrence, follow-up

appointment, medications, and local resources. An “0” indicates “no education/I didn’t know that

this topic should be a concern”; “1” indicating “little education/still having concerns about this

topic”; “2” indicating “moderate education/understanding this topic pretty well”; and “3”

indicating “sufficient education/feeling confident in managing this aspect of my health”. The

results of education level on these 13 stroke-related topics are presented below.

What is Stroke. For the education topic “what a stroke is and how it affects the body”,

more than half of the participants (n = 6, 60%) felt that they received either moderate (n = 4,

40%) or sufficient level of education (n = 2, 20%). However, there were 40% participants who

reported receiving none (n = 3, 30%) or little education (n = 1, 10%) on this topic and they were

having concerns.

Causes and Risk Factors. Participants were asked to rate their level of education on

“what causes a stroke and what risk factors I had for stroke”. Only 40% of participants (n = 4)

reported that they received moderate (n = 2, 20%) or sufficient level of education (n = 2, 20%)

on the causes and risk factors for stroke. More than half of participants (n = 6, 60%) felt they

received inadequate education on this topic with 20% receiving none (n = 2) and 40% receiving

little education (n = 4).

Residual Deficits. When asked about the education topic on “what residual deficits I will

experience from my stroke”, only 40% of participants felt they received either moderate (n = 2,



20%) or sufficient education (n = 2, 20%) on this topic. More than half of participants (n = 6,

60%) had concerns on the residual deficits caused by stroke as they reported receiving none (n =

4, 40%) or litter education (n = 2, 20%) on this topic.

Prognosis. The responses to the survey question asking “what is my prognosis with and

without my prescribed treatments” indicated that 20% (n = 2) of participants received no

education, 40% (n = 4) received little education, 20% (n = 2) received moderate education, and

20% (n = 2) received sufficient education.

Recovery. For the education topic “what I can do to speed up my recovery and maintain

my current level of mobility,” 60% of participants reported receiving insufficient education with

20% (n = 2) receiving no education and 40% (n = 4) receiving little education. Only 40% of

participants reported sufficient education with 20% (n = 2) receiving moderate education and

20% (n = 2) feeling confident on this topic.

Complications. When asked about level of education on “what other complications I am

at risk for after my stroke”, 30% (n = 3) of participants reported receiving no education, 30% (n

= 3) received little education, 30% (n = 3) received moderate education, and only 10% (n = 1)

received sufficient education.

Warning Signs/Symptoms. For the education topic related to warning signs/ symptoms

of a stroke, the majority of respondents (n = 6, 60%) felt they received inadequate education with

20% (n = 2) receiving no education and 40% (n = 4) receiving little education. Only 20% of

respondents (n = 2) reported receiving moderate education and 20% (n = 2) reported receiving

sufficient education on this topic.

Impact on Psychological and Emotional Health. When asked about “how stroke will

affect my psychological and emotional health”, 80% of respondents (n = 8) reported receiving



inadequate education on this topic with 60% (n = 6) reporting no education and 20% (n = 2)

receiving little education. This certainly highlighted this topic as an area for improvement in the

education. Only 10% (n = 1) reported moderate education, and 10% (n = 1) felt receiving

sufficient education.

Impact on Family. When asked “how stroke will affect my family unit and role

expectations”, 40% (n = 4) of participants received no education, 20% (n = 2) of participants

received little education, 20% (n = 2) of participants received moderate education, and 20% (n =

2) of participants received sufficient education. This result could suggest that education

regarding long-term impact of stroke on family is needed.

Reoccurrence. Responses to the education topic “what I should do if I think I am having

another stroke” indicated that half of the participants felt they received inadequate education

with 10% (n = 1) receiving no education and 40% (n = 4) receiving little education. In contrast,

the other half of participants reported receiving adequate education with 10% (n = 1) receiving

moderate education and 40% (n = 4) receiving sufficient education that they felt confident in

managing this aspect of their health.

Follow-up Appointments. When asked about the education topic regarding “which

providers I should follow up with and how often”, 30% (n = 3) of participants reported receiving

no education and 30% (n = 3) receiving little education. This indicated that more than half of

participants had concerns about follow-up appointments. Only 20% (n = 2) of respondents felt

receiving moderate education, and 20% (n=2) receiving sufficient education.

Medications. With regarding “which medications to take and how often to take them”,

20% (n = 2) of respondents reported receiving no education, 30% (n = 3) of respondents reported



receiving little education, 30% (n = 3) of respondents reported receiving moderate education, and

20% (n = 2) of respondents reported receiving sufficient education.

Local Support Resources. Finally, when asked about the education topic on “what local

resources are available to help me”, more than half of the participants reported receiving

inadequate education with 30% (n = 3) receiving no education and 30% (n = 3) receiving little

education. Only 40% of participants felt receiving adequate education with 30% (n = 3)

receiving moderate education and 10% (n = 1) receiving sufficient education.

Additional Suggested Education Topics

An open-ended question was used to ask participants to identify additional stroke-related

education topics that they would like to learn. A total of four participants (40%) provided their

responses to this question (Table 3). Descriptive qualitative analysis was used to identify the

common themes of education topics that participants suggested. These included memory trouble

post stroke, depression post stroke, the typical progression back to normal, prevention of

recurrent stroke, and medication instructions. Two patients identified the topic of memory

trouble post stroke while all the other themes had only one respondent indicated it as an area for

improvement. The majority of respondents (60%) did not list any additional themes that required

further education.


This quality improvement project aimed to conduct an education needs assessment

among inpatient stroke patients to evaluate the effectiveness of current inpatient stroke education

and make recommendations for the development of community-based stroke education classes.

Overall, the findings from this education needs assessment revealed mixed results regarding the

effectiveness of the inpatient stroke education. Based on feedback received from 10 participants,



strengths, areas for improvement, and gaps in current inpatient stroke education were identified.

The strength of current inpatient stroke education included appropriate frequency of education.

It is encouraging that 80% (n = 8) of patients reported being educated at least one per day,

among which 20% (n = 2) being educated twice per day and 20% (n = 2) being educated at every

opportunity. As reported in the literature, stroke is a complex disease and requires repetitious

education for patients and families (Andrew, et al., 2018; Cameron, 2013; Danzl et al., 2016). It

is recommended for healthcare providers to continue this practice to ensure that patients and their

caregivers receive frequent education to reinforce the delivery of content. In addition, more than

half of participants were aware of what a stroke is and how it affects the body. This indicated

that patients were appropriately educated for the reason of their hospitalization and actually

experienced the immediate effects of stroke on their body.

Despite of a relatively small sample size, areas for improvement for the inpatient stroke

education were clearly identified, including delivery of stroke education folder, education

delivery methods, timing, and specific stroke-related education topics. Enhancing the delivery of

stroke education folder was the first area for improvement. As mandated by the hospital’s stroke

education policy, each stroke patient should be given a stroke education folder upon admission to

the hospital. These folders contain helpful education materials for patients and families. The

PSEA surveys revealed that only 50% (n = 5) of patients recalled being given a stroke education

folder upon admission. This indicated that half of the patients were either not aware of the

education folder if given or did not receive such a folder at all. It is concerning that these patients

failed to receive important written education on stroke. Strategies to enhance the delivery of the

education folder to patients and/or caregivers are needed.



Another area for improvement is the delivery method of education. The education needs

assessment survey found that only 40% (n = 4) of the respondents identified more than one

delivery method of education (i.e. verbal, written) was used. This shows that the majority of

patients (n = 6, 60%) were educated by using only one method, most of which was verbal

education. None of the respondents indicated that visual or video delivery methods were used in

their stroke education, thus making this medium vastly underutilized. Research has shown that

use of visual or video delivery methods is beneficial to not only provide patients with a variety of

teaching methods but also to decrease ambiguity and confusion when being spoken to by

multiple providers (Danzl et al., 2016). This is certainly an area to explore for the possibility to

incorporate visual or video delivery of education so that patients can view and review at their

own pace during hospitalization and at home after discharge.

Assessing patients’ readiness for stroke education is identified as another area for

improvement. According to the PSEA survey results, half of the participants reported that

healthcare providers did not assess their readiness to learn before delivering health-related

information. Multiple physical and psychological factors could affect patients’ readiness to learn,

especially among stroke patients whose physical and cognitive functions are directly impacted by

stroke itself. If the patient is not ready to learn, effectiveness of the education is likely reduced.

Therefore, it would be beneficial if healthcare providers assess patients’ readiness to learn before

delivering education.

The content of stroke education provided at the community hospital was assessed by

asking participants to rate their level of education on a total of 13 stroke-related topics. Topics

that were identified as strengths (at least 50% participants reporting adequate education) by the

surveys were “What a stroke is and how it affects the body,” “What I should do if I think I am



having another stroke,” and “Which medications to take and how to take them.” Among these,

“What a stroke is and how it affects the body.” was rated by most participants (n = 6, 60%) as

receiving moderate or sufficient education. Topics that were identified as areas for improvement

(less than 50% participants reporting adequate education) include risk factors for stroke, residual

deficits from stroke, prognosis with and without prescribed treatments, how to speed up recovery

or maintain mobility, secondary complications of stroke, warning signs/symptoms of stroke,

psychological and emotional impact of stroke, how stroke can affect family units and role

expectations, which providers to follow up with and how often after discharge, and what local

resources are available to stroke survivors. The lowest scored topic was “How stroke will affect

my psychological and emotional health” with 80% (n = 8) of participants reporting receiving no

or little education. These findings are consistent with the literature, which states that mental

health concerns are often under addressed amongst stroke survivors (Danzl et al., 2016). It is

important to enhance education on these specific stroke-related topics as the majority of them are

directly related to transition of care at home and outpatient setting.

One of the project aims was to make recommendations on potential education topics for

community-based stroke education classes. The project participants had the opportunity to share

additional education topics that they would like to learn more about on the PSEA survey. While

most of the respondents did not offer any suggestions, four gaps in our community partner’s

education process were identified. First, two respondents wanted to know more about memory

troubles post stroke. Second, one respondent wanted to be educated on depression following

their stroke. This was congruent with one of the identified areas for improvement regarding

impact of stroke on psychological and emotional health. Third, one respondent identified a lack

of understanding on the typical progression back to normal. Finally, one respondent wanted to



learn more about the prevention of recurrent strokes. These additional education topics could be

potentially added to the current education folder, daily education, or developed into the

community-based stroke education classes.

Implications for Clinical Practice

Plans have been made to disseminate project findings to hospital stakeholders, including

recommendations on areas for improvement in the inpatient stroke education process and

pertinent education handouts from American Stroke Association (ASA) to be added to the

current stroke education folder to enhance patient education. The ASA has a “Life After Stroke

Guide” for patients that provides information on what a stroke is, how a stroke is diagnosed,

physical changes after stroke, cognitive and communication changes after stroke, emotional and

personality changes after stroke, rehabilitation options after stroke, prevention of recurrent

stroke, signs and symptoms of stroke, and national resources for stroke survivors (ASA, 2020).

This guide addresses mostly all of the areas for improvement identified from the PSEA surveys

and would be a vital resource for patients to supplement their inpatient education with.

These project findings can be used to improve inpatient stroke education by guiding

hospital stakeholders on what areas of stroke education need to be improved. By evaluating what

information patients/caregivers are retaining and what information is not understood, nurses,

physicians, and other staff members can further direct their education. It is also important for the

transition of care from inpatient to outpatient that stroke education be consistent and repetitive in

order to maximize retention of information by patients. Adding an education checklist that tracks

patient progress and having the stroke education folders provided by the hospital follow the

patient from admission into the hospital out into the community setting (home, outpatient visits,

rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, etc.) would be beneficial as well. The



community-based stroke education classes that the community hospital is looking to create could

benefit greatly from having patients bring their stroke education folders and education checklists

in order to re-teach points that patients are still struggling with.

Specifically, doctorally-prepared nurses can utilize these findings in their clinical practice

by emphasizing that not only is education content vital but so is the delivery and timing of

education. DNP nurses can work in numerous settings that see a vast array of patient

populations. They also interact with people of all ages, races, socioeconomic backgrounds, and

education levels. While having a checklist of education topics to cover is a good start, it cannot

be the only means of educating patients. DNP nurses should assess what patients/caregivers have

already been taught, their current level of understanding of the most important topics, and what

aspects of health are most important to the patient. Being in an optimal position to teach, they

should use repetition and multiple teaching styles in order to increase retention amongst their

vulnerable patients.


There were several limitations for the project that are worth noting. The first limitation

was the small sample size (n = 10). This could have limited the scope of the education needs

assessment. The estimated sample size for the project was 15 participants, based on the 2019

discharge data on stroke patients. Unfortunately, this goal was not met due to many challenges

encountered during the project implementation, especially in the midst of the COVID-19

pandemic. First, the administration and collection of the PSEA survey mainly relied on the

nursing staff on the acute stroke unit. The Project Director provided appropriate training to staff

nurses during shift change on three consecutive days and email reminders were also sent at the

initiation of the project. Multiple attempts were made to engage the staff nurses in administrating



the PSEA surveys. The Project Director increased visits to the acute stroke unit from once per

week to twice per week and provided both email and verbal reminders to staff nurses throughout

the project. However, there appeared to be a lack of buy-in from the staff nurses in assisting in

distributing the PSEA survey. Second, visitor restriction policy due to COVID-19 precautions

could have impacted the completion of the PSEA survey by certain patients/caregivers. For

example, some patients may not be able to complete the survey by themselves without assistance

from family members. This could be due to cognitive defects or physical limitations caused by

stroke. Patients who tested positive for COVID-19 had to be excluded from the project. Many of

these factors contributed to the relative sample size for the project. New strategies to engage the

staff nurses in implementation would be needed for any future quality improvement projects.

Another limitation is associated with the nature of the surveys. The PSEA survey asked

participants to self-report their level of education on a variety of stroke-related topics, rather than

an actual synthesized evaluation of education learned. This type of assessment offered patients’

perspectives on their level of education, which is important. However, it is possible that if the

patients’/caregivers’ knowledge on specific topics (i.e. warning signs of stroke) was evaluated in

a different way, results could be different. In addition, if the PSEA surveys were given on

admission and the respondents would have more time to complete/reflect on the topics, the

answers may have been different as well.

Potential for Sustainability

This project idea came from the CCU APRN, physical therapy department heads, and

occupational therapy department heads who are planning to develop a stroke education class for

patients and families in the community. The Project Director, along with CCU APRN and DNP

Project Committee, decided to start this endeavor with an education needs assessment of the



current inpatient stroke education to identify potential teaching points for the community-based

stroke education classes. The education needs assessment provided valuable data on the topics

that stroke patients have a firm grasp on and the topics that need more emphasis. Potential for

sustainability of this project is high due to the future plans of developing a regular stroke

education class for community members. Because the education needs assessment determined

that there are changes that need to be implemented to the inpatient stroke education process, then

the PSEA survey can be adapted and re-administered as needed. The PSEA Survey could also be

administered to patients and/or caregivers prior to and immediately following the future stroke

education classes to evaluate the effectiveness of education in that setting.


Evaluation of the content, delivery, and timing of education given to hospitalized stroke

patients prior to their discharge into the community setting provided valuable information

regarding the effectiveness of inpatient stroke education. In the meantime, the project findings

will facilitate the development of a community-based stroke education class. In this quality

improvement project, the Post Stroke Education Assessment surveys were utilized to obtain the

perspectives from patients and/or their caregivers regarding the stroke-related education received

during hospitalization. The data from these surveys highlighted areas of strength as well as areas

in need of improvement by the hospital’s stroke care team. Utilizing the identified strengths,

weaknesses, and gaps can help this hospital and DNP prepared nurses in general provide high-

quality stroke education that aims to improve patient quality of life.




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Table 1

Characteristics of Project Participants (n = 10)

Demographic Variables n (%)

Age 18-39 years 1 (10%)

40-49 years 1 (10%)

50-59 years 1 (10%)

60-69 years 0 (0%)

70-79 years 4 (40%)

80-89 years 3 (30%)

90+ years 0 (0%)

Race/Ethnicity Caucasian/White 10 (100%)

African American 0 (0%)

Hispanic/Latino 0 (0%)

Asian 0 (0%)

American Indian/Pacific Islander 0 (0%)

Other 0 (0%)

Gender Male 6 (60%)

Female 4 (40%)

Other 0 (0%)



Table 2

Post-Stroke Education Assessment Survey Results

Questions Responses (n = 10)

1. Did you receive a stroke folder upon admission to the hospital?


5 (50%)


5 (50%)

2. What education delivery methods did the healthcare team (nurses, physicians, specialists) use to provide stroke- related health education?



9 (90%)



5 (50%)



0 (0%)



3. Did the healthcare team (nurses, physicians, specialists) ask if you were ready to learn before discussing health information?


5 (50%)


5 (50%)

4. How often did you receive stroke-related health education by the healthcare team (nurses, physicians, specialists)?

Once on


2 (20%)

Once per

day or less

4 (40%)

Once per

shift/ twice

per day

2 (20%)

At every


2 (20%)

Once on


0 (0%)

5. Level of education you have received on

the following education topics

0-No education/

I didn’t know

that this topic

should be a



education/ Still

having concerns

about this topic


education /


this topic pretty



education /


confident in

managing this

aspect of my


a. What a stroke is and how it affects the body

3 (30%) 1 (10%) 4 (40%) 2 (20%)

b. What causes a stroke and what risk factors I had for a stroke

2 (20%)

4 (40%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%)

c. What residual deficits I will experience from my stroke

4 (40%)

2 (20%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%)

d. What is my prognosis with and without my prescribed treatments

2 (20%) 4 (40%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%)

e. What I can do to speed up my recovery and maintain my current level of mobility

2 (20%) 4 (40%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%)

f. What other complications I am at risk for after my stroke

3 (30%) 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%)

g. The warning signs/symptoms of stroke 4 (40%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%)

h. How stroke will affect my psychological and emotional health

6 (60%) 2 (20%) 1 (10%) 1 (10%)

i. How stroke will affect my family unit and role expectations

4 (40%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%)

j. What I should do if I think I am having another stroke

1 (10%) 4 (40%) 1 (10%) 4 (40%)



k. Which providers I should follow up with and how often

3 (30%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%)

l. Which medications to take and how to take them

2 (20%) 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%)

m. What local resources are available to help me

3 (30%) 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%)



Table 3

Additional Education Topics Identified by Participants

Theme Identified

Number of Participants

Identifying Theme

None 6

Memory trouble post stroke 2

Depression post stroke 1

Typical progression back to normal 1

Prevention of recurrent stroke 1

Medication instructions 1



Appendix A

Post Stroke Education Assessment Survey

This survey is a part of a quality improvement project that aims to assess the stroke education process at Olathe Medical Center and identify areas for improvement. The findings of this project will be used to make recommendations on potential education topics for development of community-based stroke education classes. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. No identifying information will be collected. This survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Please return completed surveys to your nurse prior to discharge. If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please ask your nurse or Lenzi Kaub via email at [email protected]. We thank you for your time and participation.

1. Did you receive a stroke education folder upon admission to the hospital? Circle one. a. Yes b. No

2. What education delivery methods did the healthcare team (nurses, physicians, specialists)

use to provide stroke- related health education? Circle all that apply. a. Verbal education (they talked to me) b. Written education (they provided printed handouts) c. Visual/video education (they showed me videos) d. Other (please list) ________________________

3. Did the healthcare team (nurses, physicians, specialists) ask if you were ready to learn

before discussing health information? a. Yes b. No

4. How often did you receive stroke-related health education by the healthcare team (nurses, physicians, specialists)? Select one.

a. Once on admission to the hospital b. Once per day or less c. Once per shift/twice per day d. At every opportunity e. Once on discharge from the hospital

5. For each row (items a-m) please circle the level of education you have received according to the scale below (0-3). If any of the topics do not apply to you, please leave it blank. Please circle only one number per row. 0 – No education/I didn’t know that this topic should be a concern 1 – Little education/Still having concerns about this topic 2 – Moderate education/Understanding this topic pretty well 3 – Sufficient education/Feeling confident in managing this aspect of my health



Education Topics Ratings

a. What a stroke is and how it affects the body 0 1 2 3

b. What causes a stroke and what risk factors I had for a stroke 0 1 2 3

c. What residual deficits I will experience from my stroke 0 1 2 3

d. What is my prognosis with and without my prescribed treatments 0 1 2 3

e. What I can do to speed up my recovery and maintain my current level of mobility

0 1 2 3

f. What other complications I am at risk for after my stroke 0 1 2 3

g. The warning signs/symptoms of stroke 0 1 2 3

h. How stroke will affect my psychological and emotional health 0 1 2 3

i. How stroke will affect my family unit and role expectations 0 1 2 3

j. What I should do if I think I am having another stroke 0 1 2 3

k. Which providers I should follow up with and how often 0 1 2 3

l. Which medications to take and how to take them 0 1 2 3

m. What local resources are available to help me (examples: financial resources, transportation, respite care for caregivers, home health services, support groups, websites for additional education)

0 1 2 3

6. What education topics related to stroke would you like to learn more about? 7. What is your age (or age of patient if you are a caregiver)? Circle one. a. 18-39

b. 40-49 c. 50-59 d. 60-69

e. 70-79 f. 80-89

g. 90+

8. What is your race/ethnicity (or race/ethnicity of patient if you are a caregiver)? Circle all that apply.

a. Caucasian/White b. African American c. Hispanic/Latino

d. Asian e. American Indian/Pacific Islander f. Other race. Please specify_______



9. What is your gender (or gender of patient if you are a caregiver)? Circle one. a. Male

b. Female c. Other

10. Please identify your relationship to the patient.a. I am the patient b. Spouse of patient c. Child of patient d. Family member of patient e. Friend of patient f. Caregiver of patient g. Other (please list) ___________ Note: This tool was adapted by the Project Director based on a synthesis of evidence-based literature reviews all of which focused on stroke education (Andrew et al., 2018; ASA, 2020; Bushnell et al., 2014; Bushnell et al., 2018; Cameron, 2013; Danzl et al., 2016; Nickles et al., 2013).



Appendix B