evaluation- lucy young

Evaluation During my experience of producing this film with my fellow peers I learned a lot, about the process of managing and organising the film production. The main things I learned is organisation is key, you must have all your pre- production done to know what you are going to do. Furthermore another thing I have learned from this is the process is to get reliable actors as when it came to shooting on the day certain actors were unable to turn up due to other commitments. Moreover I also learnt that everyone in the group needs to be familiar with the location as the location we went with only one of us knew the location well enough. In my group we had to deal with some problem- solving for an example, the camera broke after only filming a couple of shots which meant we were not able to film any other shots during that day, as a group we overcame this by discussing with are actors and choosing another day to film. Another problem we faced were the location, as only one person knew the location very well the other people didn’t know how to get there which meant after that day of filming at the original location which was choose it was then decide that we would film at a place which was possible for everyone to get to and from. In the shooting schedule we gave ourselves 4 days to film from the 4 th may to the 8 th may, which we thought would be realistic in case we needed to get some more pick up shots. These 4 days meant we would be able to get the filming to a high standard which we wanted. However we ended up filming the day before as the 4 th was no longer convenient for people. This meant we did not stick to the dates on the shooting schedule, on the other hand after the camera broke on the 3 rd we managed to go to the other location and film and get it all done on the 8 th may. The shooting schedule was detailed but could have more description. The storyboard could have been more detailed than it was, as the storyline didn’t make sense and come across clear to the audience. Furthermore the storyboard could have also mentioned the transitions which we might have used, the storyboard didn’t have enough to cover a 5 minute film, it only had enough for about 2 minutes which is not enough for a

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Post on 07-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Evaluation- Lucy Young

EvaluationDuring my experience of producing this film with my fellow peers I learned a lot, about the process of managing and organising the film production. The main things I learned is organisation is key, you must have all your pre- production done to know what you are going to do. Furthermore another thing I have learned from this is the process is to get reliable actors as when it came to shooting on the day certain actors were unable to turn up due to other commitments. Moreover I also learnt that everyone in the group needs to be familiar with the location as the location we went with only one of us knew the location well enough. In my group we had to deal with some problem- solving for an example, the camera broke after only filming a couple of shots which meant we were not able to film any other shots during that day, as a group we overcame this by discussing with are actors and choosing another day to film. Another problem we faced were the location, as only one person knew the location very well the other people didn’t know how to get there which meant after that day of filming at the original location which was choose it was then decide that we would film at a place which was possible for everyone to get to and from.

In the shooting schedule we gave ourselves 4 days to film from the 4th may to the 8th may, which we thought would be realistic in case we needed to get some more pick up shots. These 4 days meant we would be able to get the filming to a high standard which we wanted. However we ended up filming the day before as the 4th was no longer convenient for people. This meant we did not stick to the dates on the shooting schedule, on the other hand after the camera broke on the 3rd we managed to go to the other location and film and get it all done on the 8th may. The shooting schedule was detailed but could have more description. The storyboard could have been more detailed than it was, as the storyline didn’t make sense and come across clear to the audience. Furthermore the storyboard could have also mentioned the transitions which we might have used, the storyboard didn’t have enough to cover a 5 minute film, it only had enough for about 2 minutes which is not enough for a short film, which we will now know for the next production we do in the future. We also learnt that the genre we did was thriller and this genre needs more close ups to build up the tension.

The Shot list was a guideline of the order we wanted the shots to be in, which was to help us to keep to when out filming the production. However after changing the location many shots were missed out, which meant the film duration became shorter, this meant that when it came to editing the film was shorter and shots had to used more than once. The Shot list was meant to make the days of filming easier and to know what ones we were filming on certain days. Next time when doing the pre-production it would be better if we grouped them to make it easier. The location for the original place was suitable for what we need but when going on site we didn’t check if the wind would cause us a problem, for next time we must do a recording on our phones and see if the wind and background noises is too loud to film in that certain area. The lighting for the area we choose is very open as it is a park and the sun light covers the whole area, this was okay for the shots we were doing that need to be in daylight but not for the shots which are at night, not everyone was able to come out at that time which meant we filmed in the day and then when it came to

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editing we adjusted the lighting to the mood we need to suit it. In the locations were we was filming we didn’t need to ask for permission as it is for the public. However if we was to film at a place we need permission we would have to ask the councils film team for permission.

When choosing the actors we wanted them to be suitable for the characters and looks we wanted which we found, however we didn’t get time to rehearse over with them what we wanted them to say and do so when it came to filming they were unsure on what to do until the producer told them what to do and how they needed to act. In the future we will definitely rehearse before so the actors know what they are doing, also so they know what vision we want for our film and so we can get it done quicker. Everyone in the crew was given roles which was based on what suited them and who could deliver it best. I believe everyone took responsibility for their roles.

The person who had the role was to check that the camera was charged and was working however when it came to film we were able to do a couple of the shots before it broke. The camera was working fine before it shut down on us. In the future the person getting the camera should ask if there has been any problems with the camera previously and if it will be okay to film on. The call sheet was effective as it gave the actors and the crew what time and date we were going to film, it also gave everyone each other’s number to call in case someone got lost, need directions to the location or hadn’t turned up.

To conclude I think that the management of this production process was good. I believe we handled it very well and took on board our roles and responsibility, but for next time I wouldn’t give people the same roles, I would give them a different role so they could see what that role is like and what the responsibilities there are for it. Doing this will help people understand how hard or easy the role is and if they enjoy that job then they might peruse to do that job in the future. For next time when doing another production I would make the storyboard bigger so we had about 50 shots for at least 5 minutes and make sure we do keep to the Shot list as we missed out key shots which would have made our short film better. I would also in the future I would make sure that the actors have had at least two rehearsals, as I think it would help them get into character. Furthermore I would also make sure that all the pre-production is very detailed.