
Jordan Wardle

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Post on 22-Jul-2015



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Jordan Wardle

» This unit was photography and I really enjoyed this. We had to research different areas that make up photography like macro abstract and others. I really took a liking to Macro photos as I like how it takes unimportant objects and shows them in more detail and makes them fascinating. Taking an image closer to the object makes the object more interesting. From all the research we did I chose to do Macro images in my exhibition along with Abstract. I really liked Abstract photos as it gives a different view to normal objects. So I also decided to use Abstract in my Exhibition.

» I got the inspiration for most of my images from Just walking around and finding areas that will look nice however some I got from the internet. For example, the Image where Matt has his mouth and eyes covered up, I got the inspiration from google images where I saw a character from Pans Labyrinth. Inspiration is really important as it gives ideas for images to take with your own twist. I believe that inspiration is really important as it helps decide ideas if you are stuck.

» The cameras I used were the Canon EOS 600D and 1100D. These cameras where good at taking abstract photos however they struggled with macro as I did not use and extra lenses.

» I then used Photoshop to edit these photos on a PC and make them look nicer for the exhibition.

» I edited most of my photos in different way to make them look nicer than the raw image.

» One of my images were a baseball that I made black and white on certain parts to add emphasis on some of the different sections.

» I used different tools to edit my photos like colour changes and mode changes however I learnt new ways of doing things, for instance I learnt how to select things by colouring in the section I want then clicking the keyboard shortcut “Q” to quick mask.

» The only photos I didn’t edit were the chain link fence as there was not much I could have done to make that look better.

With the eye image I wanted to achieve an edit were the coloured section of the eye was replaced with the stars in the sky. To achieve this I had to:1. Get the image you want to edit on screen! 2. Then go to the brush tool and press Q, then colour in the eye (part you want to edit). 3. Then after press Q again. (it should create a selection).4. Put the image you want to replace on top of the first layer. 5. Then delete the selected area on your new image!6. The finally change the mode of the sky image to “overlay”






˃ What are the strengths and weaknesses of your photographs?I reckon my strengths lie in abstract images. I believe that some of the images I came up with are very creative and I can capture this creativity relatively easily. However my macro mages might look nice now however it took a long time to focus the images correctly and make them look nice originally.

˃ Are you pleased with them?Yes, I am pleased with all my final photos except for the edited image of matt (eyes and mouth) which I believe could have been edited a bit more realistic. However the other images I am quite happy with especially “Stan’s eye” which looks really nice with the image in his pupil.

˃ Has it turned out the way you planned?Overall the images have turned out the way I wanted however it took a lot of time trying to get the image perfect. I planned for certain images to be taken (in my drawings, like a spiders web) however in the current weather it was extremely difficult to find any.

˃ How you improved as a photographer?I have improved in taking macro shot by far. At the beginning of this topic I didn’t know how to focus correctly close up or how to navigate through the camera settings properly but now I am more confident in doing so.

˃ What would you change or do differently if you did this project again?

The type of images I took. I would have focused more on abstract images as I have a larger interest in this field compared to macro which after a while got quite repetitive.

Edited Original

- Macro/abstractIn this photo I made the blue area around the pupil like space by merging it together. I really like this idea as it works really affectively . It really does look like there are stars in the eye.

This is one of my favourite photos as I really like how it turned out.

Edited Original

- macro

This baseball has been edited a lot, I have changed the colour of the shadows and light areas (mono chrome) and also I have cropped it to emphasise the ball and not the fence.

I like this photo as it is different to others and will stand out.

Edited Original

- Abstract

This photo has been changed very slightly, I made the lighting in the top left a bit more brighter as I liked how the sun would look on the branch.

Edited Original

- Abstract

This photo has been edited by changing the leaf to black and white and leaving everything else as it was. This makes it look nice as it shows the background easier.

- Abstract

I have edited matts eye on top of his hand and his mouth on top too. I had to merge the two images on top of each other. The mouth looks really nice on the hand but the eye could look better.

- Abstract

This photo has not been edited because I thought it looked good on its own. I tried to add filters and other effects but none seemed to work well. So I decided to leave it how it was which still looked nice.

What was your favourite photo? And why?- The eye photo because I like how you can see the brightness of colour in it

What photo looked the best after editing? And why?- I think that the photo of Matt covering eye and mouth looks insane, it’s so nicely edited and


What photo is the least good? And why?- -The leaf photo as it looks a little too simple (for Abstract)

What affects do you think I could add to the least good photo and why?- colour saturation as it would give it a more unique look

What was your favourite photo? And why?- The eye and mouth one because it is very abstract and edited well

What photo looked the best after editing? And why?- The rounder's ball as it looks great in black and white with the contrast up

What photo is the least good? And why?- The gate as isn't edited in the same style as the others

What affects do you think I could add to the least good photo and why?- Perhaps black and white and contrast the same as the rounder's ball

What was your favourite photo? And why?- The one with Matt covering eyes and mouth

What photo looked the best after editing? And why?- The eye as you can tell you took time with it and is fantastic

What photo is the least good? And why?- The gate as it’s a little bland

What affects do you think I could add to the least good photo and why?- Different colour to enhance interest

What was your favourite photo? And why?the eye as I like the editing and it is good quality

What photo looked the best after editing? And why? The rounder’s ball as it because it makes a common object look strange

What photo is the least good? And why?The tree because its colours are quite simple

What affects do you think I could add to the least good photo and why? Make it so the colours are different which means it is more interesting

What was your favourite photo? And why?- The eye photo because it’s a really good idea

What photo looked the best after editing? And why? - The leaf on the fence because it stands out

What photo is the least good? And why?- The one with the fence on its own because its quite boring

What affects do you think I could add to the least good photo and why? - Maybe edit a bit more, experiment with the editing more

What was your favourite photo? And why?Barbed wire because it only has one main focus and it was directed in the centre of the image. Also the background is blurred out well, but also gives a little more colour to the image, giving it a cagey tone.

What photo looked the best after editing? And why?The eye and mouth one, because it is creative and clever, a strong abstract photo. It also looks natural, because of how well it is edited.

What photo is the least good? And why?The eye could have been edited further because it is quite a plain image.

What affects do you think I could add to the least good photo and why?You could maybe change the colour of the rest of the face or maybe add an image within the eye to give it a more mysterious setting or almost tell a story within the image.

I have gotten 6 people to answer my question on all my photos and they have all had similar results. The majority said they liked the eye photo and the eye and mouth photo as they were both “edited well” and different. I liked these 2 photos the best also as I think they were the most interesting. The majority of people disliked the fence as it was quite simple, I too thought this was the lest interesting. I did not edit that picture because I could not think of anything to do with it. The feedback suggested that I change the colour of the image either contrast or monochrome. If I were to do this again I would do this.The rounder's ball and the mouth and eye picture looked the best after editing according to the feedback. I thought these looked nice after editing however the eye photo edited is my favourite.The exhibition was a general success as I caught nice photos and got to experiment with editing them which worked well. The layout of the final exhibition was slightly different to my planned one as I did not believe the other photos I got were as good quality as they should be.