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Post on 24-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Evaluation
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The conventions of a magazine are:A large central imageA mastheadA tagline Buzzwords Other smaller imagesBold coloursBold fontContinuity

I used all of the above conventions. I used all of these because I feel these are what makes a magazine so popular . I made sure that each convention was appropriate to my target audience. I chose not to challenge these conventions as I felt that even just missing one out would reduce its potential popularity. I developed the tagline by having it above the masthead and by having it directly linked the masthead. I did this because I felt it worked well with the masthead and it’s a feature that is quite unique.

I chose to call my magazine ReTuNeD because for a start its directly linked with music. Also the way in which I laid it out in that it alternates between upper case and lower case gives the masthead a more bold look and it gives the impression that the magazine has “attitude” which is what I try and convey.I chose the tagline “UnTuNeD? GeT…” because it links with the masthead and it asks the audience a question which hopefully encourage them to find out the answer by buying the magazine so to speak

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My magazine is on R&B , so it represents young adults who are into R&B. It shows them as passionate about there music and R&B singers tend to get a lot of negative stereotyping, so I intended on showing them as completely the opposite to these stereotypes.

An assumption make with RnB is that it is predominantly Black people that are involved with it, so in my magazine I used images of White people to show that this is not the case and that RnB can be enjoyed by all racial groups.

An example of the variety of images I used

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Possible distributors of my magazine are:FrontlineIPC MediaVibe Media Group

Frontline is a good distributor for my magazine because they have dealings with many successful magazine companies, for example Q magazine. IPC Media is another good distributor for my magazine because again they have dealings with successful magazine companies, for example NME . I acknowledge these do not solely distribute R&B magazines but they do cover all genres of music. Vibe Media Group distributes solely R&B magazines and distribute the very successful Vibe Magazine. This distributor also targets an audience related to R&B.

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The target audience for my magazine is males and females aged between 14-25, who enjoy R&B music. I have chosen to target my magazine at both males and females because R&B is enjoyed both males and females and I would prefer to have a magazine that targets both sexes. I have chosen to target my magazine at 14-25 year olds because I feel this is the age where R&B music is mostly consumed, so this will be the age group that holds particular interest in the magazine. The social classes that my magazine is aimed at is social class C2 and D. Class C2 is skilled working class and class D is working class. As my magazine is aimed at a younger audience some of my audience may not be in a class but those who are will only be in the lower classes due to the jobs that are available to them. Also R&B is associated to lower classes due to poor jobs and living conditions. However I want this magazine to be open to everyone.

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I attracted my target audience by including articles and features that I felt would be of most interest to them. For example I chose to do interviews with the latest R&B stars. I used images to attract my audience, however I feel I should have included images of female people as all of my images were of males,

I have not included any features that would address my audience. I could have possibly addressed my audience by writing an editors note.

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I have learned that magazine industries use Desktop Publishers to produce and layout their magazines. They use these because it makes it easier to place text, images and graphics accurately . I also used a Desktop publisher to produce my magazine and it helped me layout and produce my magazine with a high level of accuracy and with relative ease. Obviously magazine industries print their magazines on glossy magazine paper whereas I was only able to produce mine on normal A4 paper.

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From the preliminary task I feel I have learned a lot. Most of all I have learned that the conventions of a magazine are absolutely critical in the success of a magazine. Also I have learned that keeping your target audience in mind the while producing the magazine is also very important. Also I learned that it is easier to target a niche market as I could be more precise and detailed on one subject. The layout of the magazine is also very crucial as this will help attract the audience and give the magazine continuity.

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These are a few of the images I used in my magazine.

This image I used on my front cover. I used to highlight one of the features that would be in the magazine..

This image I used on my contents page. Again I used this to highlight one of the features that would be in the magazine. Also like the other image I used on my contents page audiences can relate to it and it shows the person in a typical pose that can be related to R&B and the attitude that it has and how I try and convey that. I used this image in my

double page spread article. As my interview was on a RnB star it was appropriate to have an photo of him.