evaluation 3

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Post on 12-May-2015




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3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Originally 12 questionnaires were handed out but only 9 were filled out. From the information we have received back, we have found that the storyline was successful as everyone said they understood and could link it with the lyrics.

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Ways in which we were told we could improve our music video were, to add in more characters, which we could not do as there is not time to re-film, although if we were to make another music video we could consider this to make our video more interesting to watch. Another person suggested using some more shots. I think we have a variety of shots in our video but we did not have many locations which somebody else said we could do to improve. As we did not film in lots of locations, the shots may have looked very similar. Another issue which was raised was the ending to our music video. As our ending ends in sirens and a black and white colourisation to the shot, we though the audience could interpret this in a variety of ways. We realise it is a very quick ending so could be defined more if we were to do this again.

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The shots were commented on as being good and there being a wide variety. The only comment somebody made that we could improve is we could have more shots of the full image of our character. There are many shots where part of the body is not in the shot. Our voyeurism shot we found most successful, as did our audience. I think this worked well as it looks effective and really reflects the characters emotion. Also, our audience feedback tells us our video was successful overall and met the conventions well.

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A weakness in our video I feel were the transitions, which someone commented on also. They said the use of blur transitions made the video look almost rushed. Although we are not entirely happy with the transitions, we experimented with others and felt there were no others that were suitable or looked any better.

A factor which I feel we did not think in to enough, was the costume to our character. As the character is getting bullied, I think we could have exaggerated the costume more as someone commented on their questionnaire that the character seems almost too ‘fashionable’ for our bully victim, although this could be argued against as bully victims may only be stereotypically ‘unfashionable.

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