european nuclear society ja ajankohtainen ats:n

European Nuclear Society ja ajankohtainen ATS:n kansainvälinen toiminta Henri Ormus ATS:n kansainvälisten asioiden sihteeri 2.11.2018 The largest Nuclear Community in Europe 1

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European Nuclear Societyja ajankohtainen ATS:n kansainvälinen toiminta

Henri Ormus

ATS:n kansainvälisten asioiden sihteeri


The largest Nuclear Community in Europe



1.What is ENS

2.Who we are

3.What we do

4.What’s in focus for 2018 & 2019


Members societiesAustrian Nuclear Society Belgian Nuclear Society Bulgarian Nuclear Society

Croatian Nuclear Society Czech Nuclear Society Finnish Nuclear Society

French Nuclear Energy Society German Nuclear Society Hungarian Nuclear Society

Israel Nuclear Society Italian Nuclear Association Lithuanian Nuclear Energy Association

Netherlands Nuclear Society Slovak Nuclear Society The Nuclear Institute

Romanian Nuclear Energy Association Nuclear Society of Slovenia Polish Nuclear Society

Swedish Nuclear Society Swiss Nuclear Society Spanish Nuclear Society

21 Member Societies, 10.000 members

Supporting Scientific Excellence


Who we are?

President: Alastair Laird - UK Nuclear InstitutePast-President: Roger ScheneBoard of Directors:• Eileen Langegger – Austrian Nuclear Society• Henri Ormus – Finnish Nuclear Society• Petros Papadopoulos – Swiss Nuclear Society• Marko Cepin – Slovenian Nuclear Society• Valerie Faudon – French Nuclear Society• Helge Gottschling – German Nuclear Society

• Rafael Vargas – Spanish Nuclear Society• David de Novellis – Westinghouse, Corporate Member• Christian Legrain – Belgian Nuclear Society• Noel Camarcat – EDF, Corporate• Geert-Jan de Haas – Dutch Nuclear Society• Jiří Duspiva – Czech Nuclear Society

President & Board of Directors Operational staff

Secretary GeneralFernando Naredo

Operations DirectorKirsten Epskamp

External RelationsEmilia Janisz


Our Mission

Creating Community and Collaboration - Supporting Members Societies and Individuals through information exchange and collaboration initiatives

Supporting Professional Development & Networks - allowing people to exchange ideas, knowledge and experience at conferences and events

Nuclear Advocacy – Promoting civil nuclear science and technology in an open and unbiased way; with academic recognition.

Supporting Public Awareness - towards understanding the benefits of peaceful nuclear technologies and their applications.


What we do?

• Conferences• Newsletter• Webinars• Support ENS Young Generation• Support our Networks and partners• High Scientific Council • EU projects and partnership• Grants, competitions• Advocacy, Nuclear for Climate • Education, training and career platform• Other…


ENS Conferences

Capturing and Transmitting


Focus in 2018 & 2019

Conferences• Typically 1-3 conferences in each year. • 2018 two major conferences were organized:

• RRFM 2018 - European Research Reactor Conference, Munich.

• TopFuel 2018 – In Prague, September• For 2019 two major conferences are planned:

• RRFM 2019 will either be in Jordan • ENYGF2019 which will be managed in partnership with

the Belgian and Dutch nuclear Societies. • In addition we will seek to schedule a PIME and/or an ENC

event to be run in partnership with the French and UK nuclear societies.


Enhanced Communication• NEW WEBSITE

• ENS will get new website, contractwith the developer has been signed in October

• NEWSLETTER • ENS quarterly newsletter was

developed and first edition launchedJan 2018

• Social media presence• Review the success of current ENS

approaches and seek to make improvements through Linked-in, Twitter, Youtube etc.

LinkedIn YouTube

Twitter Facebook

Focus in 2018 & 2019


Support our Networks• Supporting and promoting our networks events, e.g.:

• The joint Dutch/Belgian led ENYGF conference (2019 Ghent, Belgium)• The WiN Global conference (2019 Madrid, Spain)

• ENS Webinars• ENS monthly webinars lanched in spring 2018

Focus in 2018 & 2019


Maintaining contribution to international nuclear competence / collaboration

• EC/ENEN Partnership• Take initiatives related to nuclear education, training and knowledge

management within European Nuclear Education Network

• EC JRC partnership• To actively support and participate in European Commission Joint

Research Centre projects, e.g.: SPRINT, ENEN+, ELINDER, ANNETTE

• IAEA Collaboration• ENS will continue to support the nuclear knowledge management. It

will act as an advisor to the IAEA Nuclear Knowledge Management Division.

• INSC• Take part of International Nuclear Societies Council work

Focus in 2018 & 2019


Sharing knowledge between generations

The ENS High Scientific Council


Advocacy - N4C

Climate Change Challenges

‘Nuclear energy is part of the solution for fighting climate change’


Muu ATS:n kansainvälinen yhteystyö

• YG FIN-RUS laitosvierailut• 2017 ATS YG Pietariin ja Sosnovy Bor ydinvoimalaitokselle• 2018 Venäjän YG vierailu OL3:lla

• FIN-SWE yhteystyö• Kokemusten jakaminen • Ruotsin Atomiteknisen Seuran OL3 vierailu(?)



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