europa universalis mafia

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  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Europa Universalis Mafia: A Specialty Game for 21 Players

    Ok, so the idea was mostly based on the Europa Universalis series of Grand

    Strategy games, with one basic premise: a game FULL of specific niche roleinteractions. I wanted to explore the idea of players completing in-game quests

    tightly related to their roles, as well as getting stronger while doing so by

    choosing different paths on how to interact with other players roles based on

    how they perceive those players alignments.

    The setup was conceived based on Zindabads idea of fully randomization

    between Town and Mafia roles (14 town v. 4 scum). As such, 18 of the 21 roles

    can be played by either faction. The three that cannot are Neutrals: the Cult

    Leader, the Survivor and the Serial Killer.

    This games unique mechanics are:

    Role Related:

    Becoming a new Nation: most nations receive enhancements for their abilities

    when they become a new nation. This usually happens when they are the only

    nation from their respective culture group remaining in the game. Roles were

    more or less designed around those collective upgrades so the enhancementearned by becoming a greater nation could be useful regardless of which nation

    did it.

    Culture Group:As already explained, it mostly serves todefine the nations that

    share a collective ability, as the last nation of a particular culture group to be

    alive earns the skill. It has some other minor uses, though.

    Religion: Defines who the players may engage in Royal Marriages with, that is,

    only players of the same religion. Additionally, Religion itself (aside the RoyalMarriage mechanic) plays important roles in specific nations (mostly the Pagan

    culture group) and was of utmost priority in designing the Cult Leader role.

    Form of Government: This is where I thought I could have made a better job,

    but couldnt come up with good ideas. In the end, the form of government only

    really affects whether the player can or cannot enter in a Royal Marriage (only

    Monarchies can). The other relevant form of government is the Merchant

    Republic, which can form Trade Agreements, a different type of Royal Marriage

    because less nations have it, so they generally provide sustained, better

    benefits for both nations than Royal Marriages.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Game Related:

    Royal Marriages: Once per Day, a player may post Royal Marriage: [Player

    Name]. If the other player accepts it in-thread, they have the same religion and

    are monarchies, they get married until the next Day phase begins, when allmarriages are annulled. Married players cannot attempt harmful actions against

    each other while they are married (this is actually a little bonus, as the true

    benefits of engaging in Royal Marriages are in each role PM). Married players

    can choose to annul a wedding by posting MarriageAnnulment: [Player

    Name], but this must be approved by the Papal Controller in order to take


    Marriage persists through the Night, only being reset at Days dawn.

    This is where I thought about putting the ways to balance the mafia team in

    case the role randomization leaves them too weak or too strong. For example,

    every time a mafia player would successfully engage in a royal marriage, they

    could gain extra collective mafia abilities or something like it. I really like the

    idea of giving extra (small, certainly) benefits to scum engaging in RMs, but

    maybe it just wont make the cut.

    Trade Agreements: Pretty much the same as Royal Marriages. The differencebeing the benefits provided by nations involved in Trade Agreements are

    significantly stronger in general. Also, only 2 nations being the game as

    Merchant Republics (the only form of government allowing TAs to be made),

    and only other 2 can become Merchant Republics during the course of the


    Trade Agreements persists through the Night, only being reset at Days dawn.

    The Papal Controller: Another quite simple mechanic. At Night, all players may

    PM the mod to cast a vote on a player of their choice, other than themselves,

    for the title of Papal Controller:

    - Each vote from a Catholic nation adds a vote to voted player

    - Each vote from a non-Catholic nation subtracts a vote from the voted


    The player with most votes earns becomes the Papal Controller for the followingDay, granting him/her an extra vote and the power to annul marriages if

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    requested. Players, however, may choose to vote for a No-Control. If the

    number of No-Control votes is higher than 50% of total votes, no one will be

    elected Papal Controller.

    If the player controlling the Papal States dies, the mechanic is gone forever.

    At the dawn of each Day, the player who was elected Papal Controller has

    his/her name (forum name, not nation) announced in-thread.

    The Holy Roman Emperor: The players controlling Burgundy, Bohemia and

    The Habsburgs can be elected Holy Roman Emperor by the players controlling

    The Teutonic Order, Venice, Genoa, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and

    Holland. The 7 Electors can PM the mod to vote for their candidate during theNight, or may choose to vote for a No-Emperor. The Electors know which

    players can be voted for the title of HRE by name (but not his/her nation).

    The HRE title gives its current holder the ability to redirect killing abilities

    targeted at him to a player of his choice. As with the Papal Controller, the

    elected player has his/her name announced in-thread. The HRE mechanic is

    gone forever if either all three Candidates die or if all Electors are killed,

    whichever comes first.

    This mechanic was designed because I wanted to make three specifically more-

    than-the-average-powerful roles. But to do that (and considering the terrible,

    terrible scenario that it would be having all three being randomized as scum), I

    had to make them vulnerable to something: exposition. So, to achieve this, as

    well as making the names of the three Emperor Candidates public to the

    Electors, Ive also designed their abilities either by making in-thread commands

    necessary to use them instead of PMing the mod, or by disclosing their actions

    in-thread. It will become easier to understand after learning the Candidates


    Nevertheless, this way, by being more exposed than regular players, as electors

    know that those three players are the only ones that can be elected to

    something clearly very important, all it takes is one scum having an Elector role

    and voil: those three become a prime target for the scum NK.

    Now, the funny thing is that I expect the Emperor to be an ability magnet. So

    even if he draws all possible docs and watchers in the game, he will still be able

    redirect an attempted NK on him, ensuing chaos if he (or the other twoCandidates) chooses to not disclose what makes the HRE amazing (only the

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    Candidates will know what it does). Smart mafia should aim to kill players who

    currently arentthe Emperor, that or the Electors.

    Things need polishing here and there, but for now, the roles!

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Portugal.


    Culture Group: IberianReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Naval Sponsorship (Passive): As long as youre a Monarchy, youll be

    informed whenever youre targeted by helpful abilities. As long as you are a

    Merchant Republic, you can refresh one of your one-shot abilities by being into

    a Trade Agreement when the Day phase ends.

    Set Sail! (Night/Active): You send a caravels fleet westward, randomly

    unlocking one of the following abilities:

    - We have discovered The Azores! (Night/One-shot): Target another

    player. Protect the targeted player against all killing attempts tonight but

    also prevent that player from taking a Night action tonight.

    - We have discovered South America! (Night/One-shot): Self-target.

    Tonight, you cannot be targeted by any means.

    Uhh How did we arrive in India? (Passive): Over the course of the game,

    whenever youre targeted two times by helpful abilities from other players, youll

    be able to change your Form of Government to Merchant Republic.

    Mod notes: a limited Jailer/Commuter who also self-watches nice things, but

    can choose to lose that self-watch for extra ability uses. A strong Town role, but

    not much useful to scum outside Merchant Republic interactions. The very first

    role Ive designed.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Castile.

    You are one of the most powerful crowns in Europe. Sadly, your development is

    being hindered by the constant invasions from the Maghreb. As powerful as you

    may be, you are having trouble in resisting the combined forces of the powerfulsultanates from the south alone.

    Culture Group: Iberian

    Religion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Catholic Influence (Night/One-shot): Target another player. Tonight thatplayer becomes the Papal Controller, regardless of voting results.

    Oro y Plata (Night/Active): Target another player. Motivate the targeted player,

    allowing that player to use an extra ability or the same ability twice tonight (the

    Mafia nightkill cant be used twice).

    Expel the Moors! (Passive): At any point of the game, if you succeed at

    entering in a Royal Marriage with a nation belonging to the Iberian culture, youll

    unlock the following ability:

    - Iberia Reconquered! (Passive): Whenever a player uses an extra

    ability due to Oro y Plata, youll be informed about who was the target of

    that ability.

    Whenever The Kingdom of Aragon is destroyed, regardless of reason, you

    automatically become Spain, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    New World Order (Passive): Whenever you place the hammer vote on the

    lynch (the last vote required to lynch someone), that players role information

    will be revealed by the mod in the lynch scene.

    Mod notes: The Motivator. May become a situational Tracker by fulfilling the

    Moors quest. The Papal Governor skill is there to give the player an additional

    option in regards to what to do during Nights. A good role regardless of

    alignment, although this can be very good as scum if they also control Genoa orVenice to get extra shots on Catholic Influence.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Aragon.


    Culture Group: IberianReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Los Reyes Catlicos (Night/Active): Target another player. Tonight, that

    player gains an additional vote when voting for the Papal Controller.

    Spanish Fly (Passive): You are able to be in two Royal Marriages at the sametime.

    Greed and Honor (Passive): If you succeed at entering in a Royal Marriage

    with Castile, you will unlock the following ability:

    - Iberian Intimidation (Night/Active): Target another player. If the

    targeted player is Castile, that player will die tonight. You will earn a

    permanent extra vote. If you opt by not using Iberian Intimidation, you will

    instead earn:

    - Iberian Values (Passive): Increase both yours, and whoever you have a

    Royal Marriage with, lynch threshold by 1 as long as your vote is placed

    on no one.

    Whenever The Kingdom of Castile is destroyed, regardless of reason, you

    automatically become Spain, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    New World Order (Passive): Whenever you place the hammer vote on the

    lynch (the last vote required to lynch someone), that players role information

    will be revealed by the mod in the lynch scene.

    Mod notes: This is a role I feel that relies a lot on a skillful player piloting it if

    played by Town. Bad judgment calls here can heavily screw a game over.

    Stronger as scum, especially if Castile is town. I dont like how Spains ability

    interacts poorly with its junior nations, so feel free to help me here.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of England.


    Culture Group: BritishReligion: Protestant

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Wooden Wall (Passive): You cant be targeted at Night by non-Celtic players

    as long as you dont perform an action that Night.

    Knowing thy Enemy (Night/One-shot): You are informed the names andtargets of all Celtic nations taking actions tonight, but they will be notified that

    you (England) have seen them taking an action. (Each player will be individually

    notified, so they wont know whether other Celtic players did or didnt act.)

    Wheneverall Celtic nations are destroyed, you automatically become Great

    Britain, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Remember Remember (Night/One-shot): Target dead player. At the beginningof the next Day, the mod will reveal the role information of that player and all

    other dead players sharing his win condition in-thread.

    Mod notes: Another type of (limited) commuter, undoubtedly harder to play as

    scum. Can possibly track three players in the same Night without targeting any,

    but that comes with a cost. Great Britains ability is there to make roles public,

    as this will be a low-reveal game. Spains ability was actually introduced to add

    redundancy in case Great Britain isnt formed during the course of the game,but Im unhappy with New World Order as it is.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Scotland.


    Culture Group: Celtic/BritishReligion: Pagan/Protestant

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Sluaghs Ghairm (Night/Active): Target another player. One of the following

    will happen at random: track the targeted player, informing you the identities of

    whomever that player targets tonight; roleblock the targeted player, preventing

    him or her from taking a Night action tonight.

    Druidic Indiscretion (Passive): Whenever you target a player who doesnt

    share a culture group with you, that player is informed that you (Scotland) have

    targeted him.

    Beasts and Crosses (Passive): Successfully entering into a Royal Marriage

    for the first time makes you keep the religion of your consort and lose the other


    If your nation is fully Pagan, whenever you are the last Celtic nation standing,

    you will automaticallybecome Celtia, losing Druidic Indiscretion and gaining the


    The Old Ways (Passive): Once per game, you can choose one mode to be

    eliminated from one of your active ability. From now on, whenever you use that

    ability, the only possible results are the ones left on it (So if you choose to

    eliminate the Track portion of Scottish Raiders, it will become a full-timeroleblock, and vice-versa).

    If your nation is fully Protestant, whenever you are the last British nation

    standing, you will automatically become Great Britain, losing Druidic

    Indiscretion and gaining the following:

    Remember Remember (Night/One-shot): Target dead player. At the beginning

    of the next Day, the mod will reveal the role information of that player and all

    players sharing his win condition in-thread.

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    Mod Notes: A half-tracker, half-roleblocker that can choose to fully become

    either or go for dead peoples role info instead. Serves both alignments equally,

    although I imagine Town would always choose to become the Tracker and

    scum, the Roleblocker. Besides Scotland, there are three Protestant nations

    (England, Belgium and Luxembourg) and three Pagan (Ireland, Brittany and

    Holland), so the chances to become either are theoretically the same.

    Druidic Indiscretion was conceived to make the player avoid interacting with

    players outside the British Isles geographical role group until hes the sole

    remaining nation there, but in the end, I like the idea of having to be extra

    careful with whom youre targeting because there may be consequences.


  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Lordship of Ireland.


    Culture Group: CelticReligion: Pagan

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Four-Leaf Clover (Night/Active): Target another player. Investigate the

    targeted player, giving you of the following results at random: That player

    nations name; that players alignment; the summarized effect of one of the

    active abilities of that player.

    Emerald Leprechaun (Passive): The first time you successfully enter in a

    Royal Marriage with a Celtic Nation, you will be able to choose one mode to be

    eliminated from Four-Leaf Clover. From now on, whenever you use that ability,

    the only possible results are the ones left on it (Thus for example, if you choose

    to eliminate the namecop portion of Four-Leaf Clover, the other two options will

    each be left with 50% chance to trigger).

    Whenever you are the last Celtic nation standing, you will automatically

    become Celtia, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    The Old Ways (Passive): Once per game, you can choose one mode to be

    eliminated from one of your active abilities. From now on, whenever you use

    that ability, the only possible results are the ones left on it.

    Mod Notes: This role, together with Scotland and Brittany was partially inspiredby my role in Ataghan Mafia, but with the twist of being able, like Scotland and

    Brittany, to filter the randomness at the cost of flexibility. I figure the name part

    being arguably the worst result in a vacuum, with townies going for the

    alignment option and scum going for the rolecop one.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Duchy of Brittany.


    Culture Group: Celtic/FrenchReligion: Pagan/Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Saintly Faith (Night/Active): Target another player. One of the following will

    happen at random: protect the targeted player from the first kill attempted

    against him tonight; watch the targeted player, informing you the identities of

    whoever targets him tonight.

    Druidic Indiscretion (Passive): Whenever you target a player who doesnt

    share a culture group with you, that player is informed that you (Brittany) have

    targeted him.

    Beasts and Crosses (Passive): Successfully entering into a Royal Marriage

    for the first time makes you keep the religion of your consort and lose the other

    one. Before that happens, you cannot vote for the Papal Controller.

    If your nation is fully Pagan, whenever you are the last Celtic nation standing,

    you willautomaticallybecome Celtia, losing Druidic Indiscretion and gaining the


    The Old Ways (Passive): Once per game, you can choose one mode to be

    eliminated from one of your active abilities. From now on, whenever you use

    that ability, the only possible results are the ones left on it (Thus, if you choose

    to eliminate the Doctor portion of Saintly Faith, it will become a full-time Watch,

    and vice-versa).

    If your nation is fully Catholic, whenever you are the last French monarchical

    nation standing, you will automatically become France, losing Druidic

    Indiscretion and gaining the following:

    Le Jour de Gloire (Passive): Your active abilities are the first to resolve during

    Night phases. This effectively makes you immune to roleblocks.

    Mod Notes: The positive counterpart to Scotland, with either Doc or Watcher.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Frankish Kingdom.


    Culture Group: FrenchReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Cultural Assimilation (Passive): You absorb the first ability used against you

    every Night, being informed of its summarized effect. That ability will affect you

    normally. You can only have a single ability absorbed at any given time. At the

    end of the Night phase, you can choose to let go any ability currently absorbedby Cultural Assimilation. (Some abilities cannot be absorbed).

    Cultural Retaliation (Night/Active): Use the ability absorbed by Cultural

    Assimilation, respecting its target requirements. Using this ability empties

    Cultural Assimilation. You can only use this ability if you currently are in a Royal


    Whenever you are the last French monarchical nation standing, youautomatically become France, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Le Jour de Gloire (Passive): Your active abilities are the first to resolve during

    Night. This effectively makes you immune to roleblocks.

    Mod Notes: I love Copycats, although I can imagine how hard it is to correctly

    balance one. I dont think this role is overpowered, though, even taking Le Jour

    de Gloire into account. I hope the game doesnt prove me wrong.

    The italic note on Cultural Assimilation is mainly to prevent the absorption of

    Opus Dei, the Cult recruiting ability.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Duchy of Burgundy.


    Culture Group: French/GermanReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Double-Headed Eagle (Passive): You can be elected Holy Roman Emperor. If

    you are the Holy Roman Emperor, whenever you are targeted by a killing ability,

    you may redirect it into a player of your choice.

    Dijon Dynamics (Night/One-shot): Target another player. Investigate the

    targeted players alignment: if the investigation returns a town result, your action

    will be disclosed in-thread at the start of the following Day; if not, you become

    the Holy Roman Emperor regardless of the Elections result.

    Burgundian Boldness (Night/One-shot): Target another player. Kill the

    targeted player: If the targeted player is town, your action will be disclosed in-

    thread at the start of the following Day; if not, you become the Holy Roman

    Emperor regardless of the Elections result.

    Whenever you are the last French monarchical nation standing, you

    automatically become France, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Le Jour de Gloire (Passive): Your active abilities are the first to resolve during

    Night. This effectively makes you immune to roleblocks.

    Mod Notes: I pretty much think this is my favorite role. Town Burgundy and

    Scum Burgundy are completely different roles. As Town, vigging another Town

    may get you into deep trouble, while correctly copping non-scum means the

    player can claim his cop results because, as hell become the HRE, the mafia

    wont be able to kill him. As scum, you have to postulate whether its worth to

    get a townie confirmed in-thread to run a cop gambit, make an extra NK hoping

    to run a vig gambit, etc. Although the best result ever for scum probably is to

    cop a non-townie. Le Jour de Gloire interacts nicely here, making in-thread

    confirmations possible even if getting killed.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Bohemia.


    Culture Group: GermanReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Double-Headed Eagle (Passive): You can be elected Holy Roman Emperor. If

    you are the Holy Roman Emperor, whenever you are targeted by a killing ability,

    you may redirect it into a player of your choice.

    Zugzwang (Day/One-shot): Once per game, during the Twilight phase

    (between a lynch and the Night), you may divert the lynch, from any player, to

    you by posting Royal Command: Your Name in-thread. This ability can only be

    used if, at any point of the game, you were elected the Holy Roman Emperor.

    (This ability doesnt target. Also, the effect of this ability doesnt count as a lynch

    kill for ability purposes)

    Czechmate (Day/One-shot): Once per game, during the Twilight phase

    (between a lynch and the Night), you may divert the lynch from any player to aplayer of your choice by posting Imperial Command: Player Name in-thread.

    This ability can only be used if you currently are the Holy Roman Emperor.

    (This ability doesnt target. Also, the effect of this ability doesnt count as a lynch

    kill for ability purposes)

    Bohemian Rhapsody (Passive): While the Habsburg Monarchy is alive, the

    first time you would be killed by any means other than the lynch, your death is

    delayed until the end of the next Day. You will be informed if this ability triggers.

    Whenever you are the last pure German nation standing, you automatically

    become Germany, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Blitzkrieg (Passive): If you are killed by any means other than the lynch, you

    can choose to kill a player before dying.

    Mod Notes: The Governor, with a twist. Bohemian Rhapsody helps faking anEclipse via Zugzwang, while CM + ZZ + Blitzkrieg can give some NASTY

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    results for scum, especially if they notice that Czechmate can also act as a

    second Zugzwang. To counter that, Ive put the HRE requirement on both skills

    at different levels so at least they can only be used if the player was/is highly

    regarded as Town.


  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Habsburg Monarchy.


    Culture Group: GermanReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    Double-Headed Eagle (Passive): You can be elected Holy Roman Emperor. If

    you are the Holy Roman Emperor, whenever you are targeted by a killing ability,

    you may redirect it into a player of your choice.

    Power of Choice (Day/One-shot): Once per game, if you would cast the

    hammer vote on a player, you may instead post the following command in-

    thread: Power Vote: [Player Name]. In addition to lynching that player, youll

    grant Town the option of lynching an additional player during the Twilight phase.

    If no clear majority is reached within Twilight, no extra lynch will occur.

    Choice of Power (Day/One-shot): Once per game, if you would cast the

    hammer vote on a player, you may instead post the following command in-

    thread: Choice Vote: [Player Name]. In addition to lynching that player, youllgrant Town the option of voting a player during Twilight. If a clear majority is

    reached this way, the voted player will switch roles with the lynched one.

    Alignments will not change.

    The Mighty Support of Liechtenstein (Passive): While the Kingdom of

    Bohemia is alive, the first time you would be killed by any means other than the

    lynch, your death is delayed until the end of the next Day. You will be informed if

    this ability triggers.

    Whenever you are the last pure German nation standing, you automatically

    become Germany, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Ability 1 (Passive): If you are killed by any means other than the lynch, you

    can choose to kill a player before dying.

    Mod Notes: This is a strongly townie role. While scum may benefit from it,especially from Choice of Power, its just stronger as Town.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Teutonic Order.


    Culture Group: GermanReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Theocracy


    Holy Roman Elector (Passive): Each Night you may vote one of the following

    players you wish to elect Holy Roman Emperor: [Player1], [Player2], [Player3].

    Searching for our Brothers (Night/Active): Target another player. Investigatewhether target player is Catholic or not.

    Crusaders Penance (Night/Active): Target another player: If the targeted

    player is Catholic, you protect that player against the first kill attempted on him

    or her tonight; if the targeted player is not Catholic, you kill that player and lose

    your ability to vote for the following Day. If this ability would cause you to kill a

    player after already having killed one in the previous Night, the kill is prevented

    and you die instead. Nothing can stop you from dying this way.

    Whenever you are the last pure German nation standing, you automatically

    become Germany, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Blitzkrieg (Passive): If you are killed by any means other than the lynch, you

    can choose to kill a player before dying.

    Mod Notes: A Religion-based Doc/Vig. The Vig penalties were conceived to

    prevent this role to become too powerful if scum, as well as to provide a way fora player to make himself a Bomb via Blitzkrieg if desired. This is the best

    possible first recruitment the Papal States may get.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Republic of Venice.


    Culture Group: ItalianReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Merchant Republic


    Holy Roman Elector (Passive): Each Night you may vote one of the following

    players you wish to elect Holy Roman Emperor: [Player1], [Player2], [Player3].

    This Business is Pure Trust (Night/Active): Target another player. Investigatethe targeted player, uncovering whether that player has any one-shot abilities or

    not. (Once-per-game abilities doesnt count as one-shot)

    Adriatic Trading (Night/Active): Target another player. If the targeted player

    has any one-shot abilities that have already been used, that player can reuse

    one of such abilities tonight. You will be notified if abilities are used this way.

    This ability can only be used on odd-numbered Nights.

    Acqua Alta (Passive): You can use Adriatic Trading on even-numbered Nightsas long as you are in a Trade Agreement that Night.

    Whenever you are the last pure Italian nation standing, you will automatically

    become Italy, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Family Business (Passive): You are notified about the name and effects of any

    ability youre targeted with.

    Mod Notes: A Supplier that can investigate which players can be resupplied,

    pretty straightforward. Opens up nice buddying gambits for scum if they

    deliberately opt to resupply townies with this. Family Business adds a bit more

    to the investigate purposes of this role, and was primarily the reason why Ive

    opted to flavorfully name most abilities relating to the nation/culture they


  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Republic of Genoa.


    Culture Group: ItalianReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Merchant Republic


    Holy Roman Elector (Passive): Each Night you may vote one of the following

    players you wish to elect Holy Roman Emperor: [Player1], [Player2], [Player3].

    This Business is Pure Trust (Night/Active): Target another player. Investigatethe targeted player, uncovering whether that player has any one-shot abilities or

    not. (Once-per-game abilities doesnt count as one-shot)

    Ligurian Waters (Night/Active): Target another player. If the targeted player

    has any one-shot abilities that have already been used, that player can reuse

    one of such abilities tonight. You will be notified if abilities are used this way.

    This ability can only be used on even-numbered Nights.

    Globalization (Passive): You can use Ligurian Waters on odd-numberedNights as long as you are in a Trade Agreement that Night.

    Whenever you are the last pure Italian nationstanding, you will automatically

    become Italy, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Family Business (Passive): You are notified about the name and effects of any

    ability youre targeted with.

    Mod Notes: Venices sister role. With 12 one-shot abilities in the game, I

    thought it would be fair having two of those roles, considering their limitations.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia


    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Sicily.


    Culture Group: ItalianReligion: Catholic

    Form of Government: Monarchy


    No Doge but a King (Night/Active): Target another player. Any actions the

    targeted player uses tonight will be forced to target you instead. If that player is

    a Merchant Republic, you can choose to redirect his or her ability to a player

    other than yourself and other than the targeted player.

    If you are the last pure Italian nation standing, you will automatically become

    Italy, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Family Business (Passive): You are notified about the name and effects of any

    ability youre targeted with.

    Mod Notes: A Redirect-to-self Redirector that can freely redirect Merchant

    Republics actions. Initially quite better as scum than as town, but this role gets

    fairly useful as town as well if it manages to unlock Family Business.

    Welcome Player! You are The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

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    Culture Group: Dutch

    Religion: ProtestantForm of Government: Monarchy


    Holy Roman Elector (Passive): Each Night you may vote one of the following

    players you wish to elect Holy Roman Emperor: [Player1], [Player2], [Player3].

    Noble Neighborhood (Passive): You and [PlayerX], the Kingdom of Belgium,

    are masons.You can communicate only during Day phases by using the following QT: [link]

    When using Shades of Oranje, you can opt to recruit the player into this same


    Tell Me Again How Does Size Matter (Night/One-shot): Target another

    player. Tonight, that player cant be roleblocked. Additionally, if [PlayerX] is alive,

    actions made by the targeted player also cant be redirected.

    Great Minds Think Alike (Passive): Whenever [PlayerX] dies, regardless of

    reason, you can choose to swap roles with him or her. This effect will be

    enhanced if you were in a Royal Marriage together at the moment of his death.

    Whenever you are the last Dutch nation standing, you will automatically

    become The Netherlands, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Shades of Oranje (Anytime/One-shot): Once per game, you may PM the modwith the name of a dead player you want to masonize. You'll be able to

    communicate via QT during Night phases. This doesnt count as a Night action.

    Mod Notes: One of the Masons. Id love if each went to a different team, but oh

    well. It will suck balls if both of them goes to scum, though, which is a big

    reason why we need ways to balance the teams depending on randomization.

    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Belgium.

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    Culture Group: Dutch

    Religion: ProtestantForm of Government: Monarchy


    Holy Roman Elector (Passive): Each Night you may vote one of the following

    players you wish to elect Holy Roman Emperor: [Player1], [Player2], [Player3].

    Noble Neighborhood (Passive): You and [PlayerY], the Grand Duchy of

    Luxembourg, are masons.You can communicate only during Day phases by using the following QT: [link]

    When using Shades of Oranje, you can opt to recruit the player into this same


    Our Homeland is Close at Rhand (Night/One-shot): Target another player.

    Tonight, the first action used on the targeted player will fail, helpful or harmless.

    Additionally, if [PlayerY] is alive, you will be informed if the failed ability was

    helpful of harmless.

    Great Minds Think Alike (Passive): Whenever [PlayerY] dies, regardless of

    reason, you can choose to swap roles with him or her. This effect will be

    enhanced if you were in a Royal Marriage together at the moment of his death.

    Whenever you are the last Dutch nation standing, you will automatically

    become The Netherlands, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Shades of Oranje (Anytime/One-shot): Once per game, you may PM the mod

    with the name of a dead player you want to masonize. You'll be able to

    communicate via QT during Night phases. This doesnt count as a Night action.

    Mod Notes: The other mason. I guess both abilities are ok, regardless of

    alignment. I like how Shades of Oranje, while meant to be a Mentoring ability,

    can certainly help on solving certain dichotomies, if it comes to it.

    Welcome Player! You are The Kingdom of Holland.

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    Culture Group: Dutch

    Religion: Catholic/PaganForm of Government: Monarchy


    Holy Roman Elector (Passive): Each Night you may vote one of the following

    players you wish to elect Holy Roman Emperor: [Player1], [Player2], [Player3].

    Heretic Heritage (Passive): For every time you vote,you may choose whether

    you vote for the Papal Controller as a Catholic or as a Pagan.

    Sharing the Low Values (Night/Active): Target another player. You will

    randomly grant the targeted player one of the following one-shot abilities to be

    used at his or her own leisure (after the targeted player uses it, the ability is

    gone from his pool of abilities):

    - Orange (Night/One-shot): Target two players. All abilities used on the

    first targeted player will be redirected to affect the second instead.

    - White (Night/One-shot): Target another player. Give the targeted player

    a cannonproof vest, protecting that player from the next killing ability that

    would be made against him.

    - Blue (Night/One-shot): Target another player. That player loses the

    ability to vote, to engage in Royal Marriages or Trade Agreements and to

    use abilities for the following Day.

    Venice of the North (Passive): Over the course of the game, if you manage toengage in Royal Marriages with three different players, youll be given the

    option to change your Form of Government to Merchant Republic, unlocking the

    following ability:

    - Expanding Horizons (Passive): Becoming a Merchant Republic makes

    you lose Sharing the Low Values and gain Orange, White and Blue.

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    Whenever you are the last Dutch nation standing, you will automatically

    become The Netherlands, retaining your abilities and gaining the following:

    Shades of Oranje (Anytime/One-shot): Once per game, you may PM the mod

    with the name of a dead player you want to masonize. You'll be able to

    communicate via QT during Night phases. This doesnt count as a Night action.

    Mod Notes: A random Merchant-JOAT who can opt to become a full JOAT

    himself, giving him more control on his abilities. The disclaimer on Sharing the

    Low Values is to prevent a granted, used skill to be refreshed by the Suppliers.

    Welcome Player! You are The Swiss Confederation. You are a Survivor.

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    Culture Group: German/French/Italian

    Religion: CatholicForm of Government: Administrative Republic


    Holy Roman Elector (Passive): Each Night you may vote one of the following

    players you wish to elect Holy Roman Emperor: Player1, Player2, Player3.

    Wir, Schweiz (Passive): For each German nation other than you standing, the

    lynch threshold required to lynch you is increased by one.

    Nous, Suisse (Passive): You start the game with three siegeproof vests, which

    protect you from killing attempts. Each time you would be killed or a French

    nation is destroyed, you lose a vest.

    Noi, Svizzera (Passive): You start the game with three big banks full of ducats,

    which protect you from non-killing harmful Night abilities. Each time you would

    be targeted by such abilities or an Italian nation is destroyed, you lose a bank.

    Alpine Diplomacy (Anytime/Active): You will be informed whenever a new

    nation is formed. When this happens, you may target a dead player. You

    investigate the targeted player, uncovering which abilities that player would earn

    by becoming a new nation.

    Mod Notes: Originally Ive made Switzerland

    unlynchable/unkillable/untargetable by non-killing abilities as long as at least

    one player of the correspondent culture group was alive, but ultimately I thoughtthat would be a tad OP and nerfed it. I like the current iteration because the

    player will feel himself becoming more and more vulnerable as the game goes

    on (as war is raging throughout the whole Europe).Thoughts?

    Additionally, Alpine Diplomacy was conceived more to not make a player

    completely passive during the whole game. That way, at least he feels like hes

    making choices and contributing somehow to his own survival. Before that, I

    considered announcing the formation of new nations in-thread.

    Welcome Player! You are The Papal States. You are the Papal Cult Leader.

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    Culture Group: Latin

    Religion: CatholicForm of Government: Papacy


    Cathedra Petri (Passive): You have an extra vote when voting for the Papal


    The Inquisition (Night/Active): Target another player. Investigate the targeted

    players willingness to be recruited by Opus Dei. This ability can be used by anymember of the Papal Cult.

    Opus Dei (Night/Active): Target another player. You attempt to recruit the

    targeted player into the Papal Cult. Recruited players lose their original win

    condition and earn yours instead. Only Catholic members of the Town can be

    recruited. You and the recruited players can communicate only during Night

    phases using the following QT: [link]

    Mod Notes: The Cult Leader. Religion here plays a pivotal role in not making

    the Cult Leader broken. By being able to only recruit Catholic members of the

    Town, if the recruiting ability fails, he wont know if it failed because the targeted

    player wasnt a townie or wasnt a Catholic. The masons are purposefully

    Protestant to avoid the situation where one of them is recruited, making the

    other one an easy target.

    Furthermore, There are 12/13 (Brittany is hybrid) Catholic roles in the game not

    counting the Papal States nor Switzerland. That means the Papal States willhave between 8/9 and 12/13 options to recruit out of 20, depending on how the

    role randomization. So, a 40%~60% chance to blindly recruit a player, and

    thats not taking into account roleblocks, redirects, etc. I wouldnt expect more

    than 2 or 3 successful recruitments overall.

    Welcome Player! You are The Golden Horde. You are the Serial Killer.

  • 7/28/2019 Europa Universalis Mafia



    Culture Group: Nomadic

    Religion: ShamanistForm of Government: Khanate


    We Come From the East (Anytime/Active): Target another player. Investigate

    whether you can or cant kill the targeted player. Whenever this ability is used

    during Night phases, you can target an additional player with it. Each time a

    player dies, regardless of reason, the requirements necessary to define whether

    a player can or cant be killed by you may change: you will be updated on thestatus of every player youve investigated by the next time you use this ability.

    For the Horde! (Night/Active): Target another player. Attempt to kill that player

    tonight. That player will be killed only if certain requirements are fulfilled.

    Discretion Sometimes Can be Golden (Passive): For every three kills you

    successfully commit, you may choose to gain one of the following effects: the

    next kill you attempt will go through regardless of requirements and cannot be

    stopped by any means; or the next time you would be killed by any means otherthan the lynch during the course of the game, instead you are not.

    Mod notes: As the Golden Horde originally lied to the east of Europe, I took the

    chance to make a leashed, flavorful SK. The idea is that the Golden Horde is

    invading Europe coming from Asia. I wanted to make this information hidden to

    the player but subtly hint him that through his flavor/investigative skill results.

    This effectively makes the SK weaker earlier in the game in order to keep more

    players alive and contributing with the game.

    - He cant kill non-German/Italian players while all German or Italian

    players are alive. He takes one Night phase to occupy that part of Europe.

    - After moving into Central Europe, the list of next possible targets

    includes the French and Dutchmen but includes the previous players. Same

    rules from above apply.

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    - Finally, after reaching the Atlantic Coast, the Horde can proceed into

    the Iberian Peninsula and the British Isles, finally turning into a full SK, able to

    kill whoever he wants.

    Additionally, Ive considered making his passive proc every two kills instead ofthree. Would it make the role too unbalanced?

    All in all, while Im not that good in balancing games around, Id say:

    In a vacuum, the best possible scum team, in my opinion, would be the three

    Emperor Candidates and the Teutonic Order. Major lynch control, possibly two

    extra kills (even if one-shot) and the certainty of becoming the HRE unless the

    Electors opt for a No-Emperor.

    The worst possible scum team, in my opinion, would be both Masons (Belgium

    and Luxembourg), Aragon and Ireland. Too few scum-relevant abilities.

    As to how we start balancing this, aside from the aforementioned Royal

    Marriage/Trade Agreement bonus for scum, I have no idea.