eumind ppt - comparison of outcomes and conclusion on the main question

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Eumind ppt - Comparison of outcomes and conclusion on the main question



2. Local ShoppingOnline Shopping 3. Criteria Population Density of the area Shopping preferences Number of visits to the normal shops in a week Items purchased Do shopkeepers suffer due to popularization of online shoppingVibgyor High High Local 2-3Beatrix College High Local 1Food, groceries, clothes and shoesMostly food, some clothesNoNo 4. Answer to the main question? Do Shopkeepers feel threatened by online shoppingLocal shopkeeper Ravi Gada No. I am not threatened by online shopping. According to me, people would definitely prefer local shopping more as I believe people would like to touch, feel, smell and definitely try the object before they would buy it.Local shopkeeper Ram Verma I do not feel threatened by the online shopping web sites as I feel people like to touch and feel the things they buy and they might feel worried if they buy an expensive thing online. 5. CONCLUSION As per our survey: Indians do not prefer online shopping as they would like to touch, feel, smell and try the object before they buy it.The rate of cyber crime is high.For buying things online there is no proper interaction with the shopkeeper.People also might get cheated while shopping online.And of course they prefer bargaining for what they would want to buy. So we conclude that local shopkeepers in our area Goregaon (west), Mumbai are not threatened by online shopping. 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As a Eumind team we would like to extend our sincere thank you to our Principal - Mr.Shim Mathew , Coordinator - Ms Padmaja Kutty, Teacher - Ms. Harpriet Flora, Parents and Friends for extending their support which helped us in completing the project successfully. It was a wonderful experience working together. We found the topic interesting and enjoyed researching for the project. It also fostered in us a spirit of friendship and team work.