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    Euclidean geometry

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    A Greek mathematician performing a geometric construction with a compass, from The Schoolof Athens by Raphael.

    Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to the AlexandrianGreekmathematicianEuclid, whose Elements is the earliest known systematic discussion ofgeometry.

    [citation needed]Euclid's method consists in assuming a small set of intuitively appealing

    axioms, and deducing many otherpropositions (theorems) from these. Although many ofEuclid's results had been stated by earlier mathematicians,

    [1]Euclid was the first to show how

    these propositions could fit into a comprehensive deductive and logical system.[2]

    The Elementsbegins with plane geometry, still taught in secondary school as the first axiomatic system and the

    first examples offormal proof. It goes on to the solid geometry ofthree dimensions. Much of theElements states results of what are now called algebra and number theory, couched ingeometrical language.


    For over two thousand years, the adjective "Euclidean" was unnecessary because no other sort ofgeometry had been conceived. Euclid's axioms seemed so intuitively obvious that any theoremproved from them was deemed true in an absolute, often metaphysical, sense. Today, however,

    many otherself-consistentnon-Euclidean geometries are known, the first ones having beendiscovered in the early 19th century. An implication ofEinstein's theory ofgeneral relativity is

    that Euclidean space is a good approximation to the properties of physical space only where thegravitational field is not too strong.[4]

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    y 1 The Elementso 1.1 Axiomso 1.2 The parallel postulate

    y 2 Methods of proofy 3 System of measurement and arithmeticy 4 Notation and terminology

    o 4.1 Naming of points and figureso 4.2 Complementary and supplementary angleso 4.3 Modern versions of Euclid's notation

    y 5 Some important or well known resultso 5.1 The Bridge of Asseso 5.2 Congruence of triangleso 5.3 Sum of the angles of a triangleo 5.4 The Pythagorean theoremo 5.5 Thales' theoremo 5.6 Scaling of area and volume

    y 6 Applicationsy 7 As a description of the structure of spacey 8 Later work

    o 8.1 Archimedes and Apolloniuso 8.2 The 17th century: Descarteso 8.3 The 18th centuryo 8.4 The 19th century and non-Euclidean geometryo 8.5 The 20th century and general relativity

    y 9 Treatment of infinityo 9.1 Infinite objectso 9.2 Infinite processes

    y 10 Logical basiso 10.1 Classical logico 10.2 Modern standards of rigoro 10.3 Axiomatic formulationso 10.4 Constructive approaches and pedagogy

    y 11 See alsoo 11.1 Classical theorems

    y 12 Notesy 13 Referencesy 14 External links

    [edit] The Elements

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    Main article: Euclid's Elements

    The Elements are mainly a systematization of earlier knowledge of geometry. Its superiority overearlier treatments was rapidly recognized, with the result that there was little interest in

    preserving the earlier ones, and they are now nearly all lost.

    Books I-IV and VI discuss plane geometry. Many results about plane figures are proved, e.g.,Ifa triangle has two equal angles, then the sides subtended by the angles are equal. ThePythagorean theorem is proved.[5]

    Books V and VII-X deal with number theory, with numbers treated geometrically via their

    representation as line segments with various lengths. Notions such asprime numbers and rationaland irrational numbers are introduced. The infinitude of prime numbers is proved.

    Books XI-XIII concern solid geometry. A typical result is the 1:3 ratio between the volume of a

    cone and a cylinder with the same height and base.

    The parallel postulate: If two lines intersect a third in such a way that the sum of the inner angleson one side is less than two right angles, then the two lines inevitably must intersect each other

    on that side if extended far enough.

    [edit] Axioms

    Euclidean geometry is an axiomatic system, in which all theorems ("true statements") are derived

    from a small number of axioms.[6]

    Near the beginning of the first book of theElements, Euclidgives fivepostulates (axioms) for plane geometry, stated in terms of constructions (as translated

    by Thomas Heath):[7]

    "Let the following be postulated":

    1. "To draw a straight line from anypoint to any point."2. "To produce [extend] a finite straight line continuously in a straight line."3. "To describe a circle with any centre and distance [radius]."4. "That all right angles are equal to one another."5. Theparallel postulate: "That, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the

    interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if

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    produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which are the angles less than the two rightangles."

    Although Euclid's statement of the postulates only explicitly asserts the existence of the

    constructions, they are also taken to be unique.

    The Elements also include the following five "common notions":

    1. Things that equal the same thing also equal one another.2. If equals are added to equals, then the wholes are equal.3. If equals are subtracted from equals, then the remainders are equal.4. Things that coincide with one another equal one another.5. The whole is greater than the part.

    [edit] The parallel postulate

    Main article: Parallel postulate

    To the ancients, the parallel postulate seemed less obvious than the others. Euclid himself seems

    to have considered it as being qualitatively different from the others, as evidenced by theorganization of the Elements: the first 28 propositions he presents are those that can be provedwithout it.

    Many alternative axioms can be formulated that have the same logical consequences as the

    parallel postulate. For example Playfair's axiom states:

    Through a point not on a given straight line, at most one line can be drawn that never

    meets the given line.

    A proof from Euclid's elements that, given a line segment, an equilateral triangle exists thatincludes the segment as one of its sides. The proof is by construction: an equilateral triangle

    is made by drawing circles and centered on the points and , and taking one intersectionof the circles as the third vertex of the triangle.

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    [edit] Methods of proof

    Euclidean geometry is constructive. Postulates 1, 2, 3, and 5 assert the existence and uniquenessof certain geometric figures, and these assertions are of a constructive nature: that is, we are not

    only told that certain things exist, but are also given methods for creating them with no more

    than a compass and an unmarked straightedge.[8] In this sense, Euclidean geometry is moreconcrete than many modern axiomatic systems such as set theory, which often assert theexistence of objects without saying how to construct them, or even assert the existence of objects

    that cannot be constructed within the theory.[9]

    Strictly speaking, the lines on paper are models ofthe objects defined within the formal system, rather than instances of those objects. For example

    a Euclidean straight line has no width, but any real drawn line will. Although nonconstructivemethods are today considered by nearly all mathematicians to be just as sound as constructive

    ones, Euclid's constructive proofs often supplanted fallacious nonconstructive ones, e.g., some ofthe Pythagoreans' proofs involving irrational numbers, which usually required a statement such

    as "Find the greatest common measure of ..."[10]

    Euclid often usedproof by contradiction. Euclidean geometry also allows the method ofsuperposition, in which a figure is transferred to another point in space. For example, propositionI.4, side-angle-side congruence of triangles, is proved by moving one of the two triangles so that

    one of its sides coincides with the other triangle's equal side, and then proving that the othersides coincide as well. Some modern treatments add a sixth postulate, the rigidity of the triangle,

    which can be used as an alternative to superposition.[11]

    [edit] System of measurement and arithmetic

    Euclidean geometry has two fundamental types of measurements: angle and distance. The angle

    scale is absolute, and Euclid uses the right angle as his basic unit, so that, e.g., a 45

    -degree anglewould be referred to as half of a right angle. The distance scale is relative; one arbitrarily picks a

    line segment with a certain length as the unit, and other distances are expressed in relation to it.

    A line in Euclidean geometry is a model of the real number line. A line segment is a part of a linethat is bounded by two end points, and contains every point on the line between its end points.

    Addition is represented by a construction in which one line segment is copied onto the end ofanother line segment to extend its length, and similarly for subtraction.

    Measurements of area and volume are derived from distances. For example, a rectangle with awidth of 3 and a length of 4 has an area that represents the product, 12. Because this geometrical

    interpretation of multiplication was limited to three dimensions, there was no direct way ofinterpreting the product of four or more numbers, and Euclid avoided such products, although

    they are implied, e.g., in the proof of book IX, proposition 20.

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    An example of congruence. The two figures on the left are congruent, while the third is similartothem. The last figure is neither. Note that congruences alter some properties, such as location and

    orientation, but leave others unchanged, like distance and angles. The latter sort of properties arecalled invariants and studying them is the essence of geometry.

    Euclid refers to a pair of lines, or a pair of planar or solid figures, as "equal" () if theirlengths, areas, or volumes are equal, and similarly for angles. The stronger term "congruent"

    refers to the idea that an entire figure is the same size and shape as another figure. Alternatively,two figures are congruent if one can be moved on top of the other so that it matches up with it

    exactly. (Flipping it over is allowed.) Thus, for example, a 2x6 rectangle and a 3x4 rectangle areequal but not congruent, and the letter R is congruent to its mirror image. Figures that would be

    congruent except for their differing sizes are referred to as similar.

    [edit] Notation and terminology

    [edit] Naming of points and figures

    Points are customarily named using capital letters of the alphabet. Other figures, such as lines,

    triangles, or circles, are named by listing a sufficient number of points to pick them outunambiguously from the relevant figure, e.g., triangle ABC would typically be a triangle with

    vertices at points A, B, and C.

    [edit] Complementary and supplementary angles

    Angles whose sum is a right angle are called complementary, those whose sum is a straight angle

    are supplementary.

    [edit] Modern versions of Euclid's notation

    In modern terminology, angles would normally be measured in degrees orradians.

    Modern school textbooks often define separate figures called lines (infinite), rays (semi-infinite),and line segments (of finite length). Euclid, rather than discussing a ray as an object that extends

    to infinity in one direction, would normally use locutions such as "if the line is extended to asufficient length," although he occasionally referred to "infinite lines." A "line" in Euclid could

    be either straight or curved, and he used the more specific term "straight line" when necessary.

    [edit] Some important or well known results

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    yThe bridge of asses theorem states that A=B and C=D.

    yThe sum of angles A, B, and C is equal to 180 degrees.

    yPythagoras' theorem: The sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs (a and b) of aright triangle equals the area of the square on the hypotenuse (c).

    yThales' theorem: if AC is a diameter, then the angle at B is a right angle.

    [edit] The Bridge of Asses

    The Bridge of Asses (Pons Asinorum) states that in isosceles triangles the angles at the baseequal one another, and, if the equal straight lines are produced further, then the angles under

    the base equal one another.[12]

    Its name may be attributed to its frequent role as the first real testin the Elements of the intelligence of the reader and as a bridge to the harder propositions thatfollowed. It might also be so named because of the geometrical figure's resemblance to a steep

    bridge which could only be crossed by a surefooted donkey.[13]

    [edit] Congruence of triangles

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    Congruence of triangles is determined by specifying two sides and the angle between them(SAS), two angles and the side between them (ASA) or two angles and a corresponding adjacent

    side (AAS). Specifying two sides and an adjacent angle (SSA), however, can yield two distinctpossible triangles.

    Triangles are congruent if they have all three sides equal (SSS), two sides and the angle betweenthem equal (SAS), or two angles and a side equal (ASA) (Book I, propositions 4, 8, and 26).

    (Triangles with three equal angles are generally similar, but not necessarily congruent. Also,triangles with two equal sides and an adjacent angle are not necessarily equal.)

    [edit] Sum of the angles of a triangle

    The sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to straight angle (180 degrees).[14]

    [edit] The Pythagorean theorem

    The celebrated Pythagorean theorem (book I, proposition 47) states that in any right triangle, the

    area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to thesum of the areas of the squares whose sides are the two legs (the two sides that meet at a right


    [edit] Thales' theorem

    Thales' theorem, named afterThales of Miletus states that if A, B, and C are points on a circle

    where the line AC is a diameter of the circle, then the angle ABC is a right angle. Cantorsupposed that Thales proved his theorem by means of Euclid book I, prop 32 after the manner of

    Euclid book III, prop 31.[15]

    Tradition has it that Thales sacrificed an ox to celebrate thistheorem.


    [edit] Scaling of area and volume

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    In modern terminology, the area of a plane figure is proportional to the square of any of its linear

    dimensions, , and the volume of a solid to the cube, . Euclid proved these

    results in various special cases such as the area of a circle[17] and the volume of a parallelepipedal


    Euclid determined some, but not all, of the relevant constants of proportionality. E.g., itwas his successorArchimedes who proved that a sphere has 2/3 the volume of the

    circumscribing cylinder.[19]

    [edit] Applications

    This section requires expansion.

    Because of Euclidean geometry's fundamental status in mathematics, it would be impossible to

    give more than a representative sampling of applications here.

    yA surveyor uses a Level

    ySphere packing applies to a stack oforanges.

    yA parabolic mirror brings parallel rays of light to a focus.

    As suggested by the etymology of the word, one of the earliest reasons for interest in geometry

    was surveying,[20]

    and certain practical results from Euclidean geometry, such as the right-angleproperty of the 3-4-5 triangle, were used long before they were proved formally.


    fundamental types of measurements in Euclidean geometry are distances and angles, and both ofthese quantities can be measured directly by a surveyor. Historically, distances were often

    measured by chains such as Gunter's chain, and angles using graduated circles and, later, thetheodolite.

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    An application of Euclidean solid geometry is the determination of packing arrangements, suchas the problem of finding the most efficientpacking of spheres in n dimensions. This problem

    has applications in error detection and correction.

    Geometric optics uses Euclidean geometry to analyze the focusing of light by lenses and mirrors.

    yGeometry is used in art and architecture.

    yThe water tower consists of a cone, a cylinder, and a hemisphere. Its volume can becalculated using solid geometry.

    yGeometry can be used to design origami.

    Geometry is used extensively in architecture.

    Geometry can be used to design origami. Some classical construction problems of geometry areimpossible using compass and straightedge, but can be solved using origami.[22]

    [edit] As a description of the structure of space

    Euclid believed that his axioms were self-evident statements about physical reality. Euclid's

    proofs depend upon assumptions perhaps not obvious in Euclid's fundamental axioms,[23]

    inparticular that certain movements of figures do not change their geometrical properties such as

    the lengths of sides and interior angles, the so-called Euclidean motions, which includetranslations and rotations of figures.

    [24]Taken as a physical description of space, postulate 2 ( a

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    line) asserts that space does not have holes or boundaries (in other words, space is homogeneousand unbounded); postulate 4 (equality of right angles) says that space is isotropic and figures

    may be moved to any location while maintaining congruence; and postulate 5 (the parallelpostulate) that space is flat (has no intrinsic curvature).[25]

    As discussed in more detail below, Einstein's theory of relativity significantly modifies this view.

    The ambiguous character of the axioms as originally formulated by Euclid makes it possible for

    different commentators to disagree about some of their other implications for the structure ofspace, such as whether or not it is infinite

    [26](see below) and what its topology is. Modern, more

    rigorous reformulations of the system[27]

    typically aim for a cleaner separation of these issues.Interpreting Euclid's axioms in the spirit of this more modern approach, axioms 1-4 are

    consistent with either infinite or finite space (as in elliptic geometry), and all five axioms areconsistent with a variety of topologies (e.g., a plane, a cylinder, or a torus for two-dimensional

    Euclidean geometry).

    [edit] Later work

    [edit] Archimedes and Apollonius

    A sphere has 2/3 the volume and surface area of its circumscribing cylinder. A sphere andcylinder were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his request.

    Archimedes (ca. 287 BCE ca. 212 BCE), a colorful figure about whom many historical

    anecdotes are recorded, is remembered along with Euclid as one of the greatest of ancientmathematicians. Although the foundations of his work were put in place by Euclid, his work,

    unlike Euclid's, is believed to have been entirely original.[28] He proved equations for the

    volumes and areas of various figures in two and three dimensions, and enunciated the

    Archimedean property of finite numbers.

    Apollonius of Perga (ca. 262 BCEca. 190 BCE) is mainly known for his investigation of conicsections.

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    Ren Descartes. Portrait afterFrans Hals, 1648.

    [edit] The 17th century: Descartes

    Ren Descartes (15961650) developed analytic geometry, an alternative method for formalizinggeometry.

    [29]In this approach, a point is represented by its Cartesian (x,y) coordinates, a line is

    represented by its equation, and so on. In Euclid's original approach, the Pythagorean theorem

    follows from Euclid's axioms. In the Cartesian approach, the axioms are the axioms of algebra,and the equation expressing the Pythagorean theorem is then a definition of one of the terms in

    Euclid's axioms, which are now considered to be theorems. The equation

    defining the distance between two points P= (p, q) and Q=(r,s) is then known as the Euclideanmetric, and other metrics define non-Euclidean geometries.

    In terms of analytic geometry, the restriction of classical geometry to compass and straightedge

    constructions means a restriction to first- and second-order equations, e.g.,y = 2x + 1 (a line), orx

    2+y2 = 7 (a circle).

    Also in the 17th century, Girard Desargues, motivated by the theory ofperspective, introduced

    the concept of idealized points, lines, and planes at infinity. The result can be considered as a

    type of generalized geometry,projective geometry, but it can also be used to produce proofs inordinary Euclidean geometry in which the number of special cases is reduced.[30]

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    Squaring the circle: the areas of this square and this circle are equal. In 1882, it was proven thatthis figure cannot be constructed in a finite number of steps with an idealized compass and


    [edit] The 18th century

    Geometers of the 18th century struggled to define the boundaries of the Euclidean system. Manytried in vain to prove the fifth postulate from the first four. By 1763 at least 28 different proofs

    had been published, but all were found to be incorrect.[31]

    Leading up to this period, geometers also tried to determine what constructions could be

    accomplished in Euclidean geometry. For example, the problem oftrisecting an angle with acompass and straightedge is one that naturally occurs within the theory, since the axioms refer to

    constructive operations that can be carried out with those tools. However, centuries of efforts

    failed to find a solution to this problem, until Pierre Wantzel published a proof in 1837

    that sucha construction was impossible. Other constructions that were proved to be impossible includedoubling the cube and squaring the circle. In the case of doubling the cube, the impossibility of

    the construction originates from the fact that the compass and straightedge method involve first-and second-order equations, while doubling a cube requires the solution of a third-order


    Eulerdiscussed a generalization of Euclidean geometry called affine geometry, which retains thefifth postulate unmodified while weakening postulates three and four in a way that eliminates the

    notions of angle (whence right triangles become meaningless) and of equality of length of linesegments in general (whence circles become meaningless) while retaining the notions of

    parallelism as an equivalence relation between lines, and equality of length of parallel linesegments (so line segments continue to have a midpoint).

    [edit] The 19th century and non-Euclidean geometry

    In the early 19th century, Carnot and Mbius systematically developed the use of signed angles

    and line segments as a way of simplifying and unifying results.[32]

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    The century's most significant development in geometry occurred when, around 1830, JnosBolyai andNikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky separately published work on non-Euclidean

    geometry, in which the parallel postulate is not valid.[33]

    Since non-Euclidean geometry isprovably self-consistent, the parallel postulate cannot be proved from the other postulates.

    In the 19th century, it was also realized that Euclid's ten axioms and common notions do notsuffice to prove all of theorems stated in theElements. For example, Euclid assumed implicitlythat any line contains at least two points, but this assumption cannot be proved from the other

    axioms, and therefore needs to be an axiom itself. The very first geometric proof in the Elements,shown in the figure above, is that any line segment is part of a triangle; Euclid constructs this in

    the usual way, by drawing circles around both endpoints and taking their intersection as the thirdvertex. His axioms, however, do not guarantee that the circles actually intersect, because they do

    not assert the geometrical property of continuity, which in Cartesian terms is equivalent to thecompleteness property of the real numbers. Starting with Moritz Pasch in 1882, many improved

    axiomatic systems for geometry have been proposed, the best known being those ofHilbert,[34]

    George Birkhoff,

    [35]and Tarski.


    [edit] The 20th century and general relativity

    A disproof of Euclidean geometry as a description of physical space. In a 1919 test of the general

    theory of relativity, stars (marked with short horizontal lines) were photographed during a solareclipse. The rays of starlight were bent by the Sun's gravity on their way to the earth. This is

    interpreted as evidence in favor of Einstein's prediction that gravity would cause deviations fromEuclidean geometry.

    Einstein's theory ofgeneral relativity shows that the true geometry of spacetime is non-Euclidean


    For example, if a triangle is constructed out of three rays of light, then in generalthe interior angles do not add up to 180 degrees due to gravity. A relatively weak gravitational

    field, such as the Earth's or the sun's, is represented by a metric that is approximately, but notexactly, Euclidean. Until the 20th century, there was no technology capable of detecting the

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    deviations from Euclidean geometry, but Einstein predicted that such deviations would exist.They were later verified by observations such as the slight bending of starlight by the Sun during

    a solar eclipse in 1919, and non-Euclidean geometry is now, for example, an integral part of thesoftware that runs the GPS system.[38] It is possible to object to the non-Euclidean interpretation

    of general relativity on the grounds that light rays might be improper physical models of Euclid's

    lines, or that relativity could be rephrased so as to avoid the geometrical interpretations.However, one of the consequences of Einstein's theory is that there is no possible physical testthat can do any better than a beam of light as a model of a geometrical line. Thus, the only

    logical possibilities are to accept non-Euclidean geometry as physically real, or to reject theentire notion of physical tests of the axioms of geometry, which can then be imagined as a formal

    system without any intrinsic real-world meaning.

    [edit] Treatment of infinity

    [edit] Infinite objects

    Euclid sometimes distinguished explicitly between "finite lines" (e.g., Postulate 2) and "infinitelines" (book I, proposition 12). However, he typically did not make such distinctions unless theywere necessary. The postulates do not explicitly refer to infinite lines, although for example

    some commentators interpret postulate 3, existence of a circle with any radius, as implying thatspace is infinite.[26]

    The notion ofinfinitesimally small quantities had previously been discussed extensively by the

    Eleatic School, but nobody had been able to put them on a firm logical basis, with paradoxessuch as Zeno's paradox occurring that had not been resolved to universal satisfaction. Euclid

    used the method of exhaustion rather than infinitesimals.[39]

    Later ancient commentators such as Proclus (410-485 CE) treated many questions about infinityas issues demanding proof and, e.g., Proclus claimed to prove the infinite divisibility of a line,based on a proof by contradiction in which he considered the cases of even and odd numbers of

    points constituting it.[40]

    At the turn of the 20th century, Giuseppe Veronese produced controversial work on non-Archimedean models of Euclidean geometry, in which the distance between two points may be

    infinite or infinitesimal, in theNewtonLeibniz sense.[41] Fifty years later, Abraham Robinsonprovided a rigorous logical foundation for Veronese's work.


    [edit] Infinite processes

    One reason that the ancients treated the parallel postulate as less certain than the others is that

    verifying it physically would require us to inspect two lines to check that they never intersected,even at some very distant point, and this inspection could potentially take an infinite amount of


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    The modern formulation ofproof by induction was not developed until the 17th century, butsome later commentators consider it to be implicit in some of Euclid's proofs, e.g., the proof of

    the infinitude of primes.[44]

    Supposed paradoxes involving infinite series, such as Zeno's paradox, predated Euclid. Euclid

    avoided such discussions, giving, for example, the expression for the partial sums of thegeometric series in IX.35 without commenting on the possibility of letting the number of termsbecome infinite.

    [edit] Logical basis

    This article needs attention from an expert on the subject. See the talk page for details.

    WikiProject Mathematics or the Mathematics Portal may be able to help recruit an expert.(December 2010)

    This section requires expansion.

    See also: Hilbert's axioms, Axiomatic system, and Real closed field

    [edit] Classical logic

    Euclid frequently used the method ofproof by contradiction, and therefore the traditional

    presentation of Euclidean geometry assumes classical logic, in which every proposition is eithertrue or false, i.e., for any proposition P, the proposition "P or not P" is automatically true.

    [edit] Modern standards of rigor

    Placing Euclidean geometry on a solid axiomatic basis was a preoccupation of mathematicians

    for centuries.[45]

    The role ofprimitive notions, or undefined concepts, was clearly put forward byAlessandro Padoa of the Peano delegation at the 1900 Paris conference:[45][46]

    ...when we begin to formulate the theory, we can imagine that the undefined symbols are

    completely devoid of meaningand that the unproved propositions are simply conditions imposedupon the undefined symbols.

    Then, thesystem of ideas that we have initially chosen is simply one interpretation of theundefined symbols; but..this interpretation can be ignored by the reader, who is free to replace it

    in his mind by another interpretation.. that satisfies the conditions...

    Logicalquestions thus become completely independent ofempiricalorpsychologicalquestions...

    The system of undefined symbols can then be regarded as the abstraction obtained from thespecialized theories that result when...the system of undefined symbols is successively replacedby each of the interpretations...

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    Padoa, Essai d'une thorie algbrique des nombre entiers, avec une Introduction logique une thorie dductive qulelconque

    That is, mathematics is context-independent knowledge within a hierarchical framework. As said

    by Bertrand Russell:[47]

    If our hypothesis is about anything, and not about some one or more particular things, then ourdeductions constitute mathematics. Thus, mathematics may be defined as the subject in which

    we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.Bertrand Russell,Mathematics and the metaphysicians

    Such foundational approaches range between foundationalism and formalism.

    [edit] Axiomatic formulations

    Geometry is the science of correct reasoning on incorrect figures.

    George Poly, How to Solve It, p. 208

    y Euclid's axioms: In his dissertation to Trinity College, Cambridge, Bertrand Russellsummarized the changing role of Euclid's geometry in the minds of philosophers up tothat time.[48] It was a conflict between certain knowledge, independent of experiment, and

    empiricism, requiring experimental input. This issue became clear as it was discoveredthat theparallel postulate was not necessarily valid and its applicability was an empirical

    matter, deciding whether the applicable geometry was Euclidean ornon-Euclidean.y Hilbert's axioms: Hilbert's axioms had the goal of identifying asimple and complete set

    ofindependentaxioms from which the most important geometric theorems could bededuced. The outstanding objectives were to make Euclidean geometry rigorous

    (avoiding hidden assumptions) and to make clear the ramifications of the parallelpostulate.

    y Birkhoff's axioms: Birkhoff proposed four postulates for Euclidean geometry that can beconfirmed experimentally with scale and protractor.[49][50][51] The notions ofangle anddistance become primitive concepts.[52]

    y Tarski's axioms:Tarski (19021983) and his students defined elementary Euclideangeometry as the geometry that can be expressed in first-order logic and does not dependon set theory for its logical basis,

    [53]in contrast to Hilbert's axioms which involve point


    Tarski proved his axiomatic formulation of elementary Euclidean geometry to beconsistent and complete in a certain sense: there is an algorithm which, for every

    proposition, can show it to be either true or false.[36]

    (This doesn't violate Gdel's

    theorem, because Euclidean geometry cannot describe a sufficient amount ofarithmeticfor the theorem to apply.[55]) This is equivalent to the decidability ofreal closed fields, ofwhich elementary Euclidean geometry is a model.

    [edit] Constructive approaches and pedagogy

    The process of abstract axiomatization as exemplified by Hilbert's axioms reduces geometry totheorem proving orpredicate logic. In contrast, the Greeks used construction postulates, and

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    emphasized problem solving.[56] For the Greeks, constructions are more primitive than existence

    propositions, and can be used to prove existence propositions, but not vice versa. To describeproblem solving adequately requires a richer system of logical concepts.

    [56]The contrast in

    approach may be summarized:[57]

    yAxiomatic proof: Proofs are deductive derivations of propositions from primitivepremises that are true in some sense. The aim is to justify the proposition.

    y Analytic proof: Proofs are non-deductive derivations of hypothesis from problems. Theaim is to find hypotheses capable of giving a solution to the problem. One can argue thatEuclid's axioms were arrived upon in this manner. In particular, it is thought that Euclid

    felt theparallel postulate was forced upon him, as indicated by his reluctance to make useof it,

    [58]and his arrival upon it by the method of contradiction.


    Andrei Nicholaevich Kolmogorov proposed a problem solving basis for geometry.[60][61]


    work was a precursor of a modern formulation in terms ofconstructive type theory.[62]

    Thisdevelopment has implications for pedagogy as well.[63]

    If proof simply follows conviction of truth rather than contributing to its construction and is onlyexperienced as a demonstration of something already known to be true, it is likely to remain

    meaningless and purposeless in the eyes of students.Celia Hoyles, The curricular shaping of students' approach to proof

    [edit] See also

    y Analytic geometryy Type theoryy Interactive geometry softwarey Non-Euclidean geometryy Ordered geometryy Incidence geometryy Metric geometryy Birkhoff's axiomsy Hilbert's axiomsy Parallel postulatey Schopenhauer's criticism of the proofs of the Parallel Postulatey Cartesian coordinate system

    [edit] Classical theorems

    y Ceva's theoremy Heron's formulay Nine-point circley Pythagorean theoremy Tartaglia's formulay Menelaus' theoremy Angle bisector theorem

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    y Butterfly theorem[edit] Notes

    1. ^ Eves, vol. 1., p. 192. ^ Eves (1963), vol. 1, p. 103. ^ Eves, p. 194. ^ Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler (1973), p. 475. ^ Euclid, book IX, proposition 206. ^ The assumptions of Euclid are discussed from a modern perspective in Harold E. Wolfe

    (2007).Introduction to Non-Euclidean Geometry. Mill Press. p. 9. ISBN1406718521.

    7. ^ tr. Heath, pp. 195-202.8. ^ Ball, p. 569. ^ Within Euclid's assumptions, it is quite easy to give a formula for area of triangles and

    squares. However, in a more general context like set theory, it is not as easy to prove that

    the area of a square is the sum of areas of its pieces, for example. See Lebesgue measureand Banach-Tarski paradox.

    10. Daniel Shanks (2002). Solved and UnsolvedProblems in Number Theory. AmericanMathematical Society.

    11. Coxeter, p. 512. Euclid, book I, proposition 5, tr. Heath, p. 25113. Ignoring the alleged difficulty of Book I, Proposition 5, Sir Thomas L. Heath mentions

    another interpretation. This rests on the resemblance of the figure's lower straight lines toa steeplyinclined bridge which could be crossed by an ass but not by a horse. "But there

    is another view (as I have learnt lately) which is more complimentary to the ass. It is that,the figure of the proposition being like that of a trestlebridge, with a ramp at each end

    which is more practicable the flatter the figure is drawn, the bridge is such that, while ahorse could not surmount the ramp, an ass could; in other words, the term is meant to

    refer to the surefootedness of the ass rather than to any want of intelligence on his part."(in "Excursis II," volume 1 of Heath's translation ofThe Thirteen Books of the Elements.)

    14. Euclid, book I, proposition 3215. Heath, p. 135, Extract of page 13516. Heath, p. 31817. Euclid, book XII, proposition 218. Euclid, book XI, proposition 3319. Ball, p. 6620. Ball, p. 521. Eves, vol. 1, p. 5; Mlodinow, p. 722. Origami Geometric Constructions, accessed 2009 Feb 2523. Richard J. Trudeau (2008). "Euclid's axioms". The Non-Euclidean Revolution.

    Birkhuser. pp. 39 'ff. ISBN0817647821.

    24. See, for example: Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Roberto Marcondes Cesar (2001). Shapeanalysis and classification: theory and practice. CRC Press. p. 314. ISBN0849334934. and Helmut Pottmann,

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    Johannes Wallner (2010). Computational Line Geometry. Springer. p. 60.ISBN3642040179. The

    group of motions underlie the metric notions of geometry. See Felix Klein (2004).Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint: Geometry (Reprint of 1939Macmillan Company ed.). Courier Dover. p. 167. ISBN0486434818. Roger Penrose (2007). The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the

    Universe. Vintage Books. p. 29. ISBN0679776311.

    thumbnail&resnum=1&ved=0CCcQ6wEwAA.26. ab Heath, p. 20027. e.g., Tarski (1951)28. Eves, p. 2729. Ball, pp. 268ff30. Eves (1963)31.

    Hofstadter 19


    9, p. 91.32. Eves (1963), p. 6433. Ball, p. 48534. * Howard Eves, 1997 (1958). Foundations andFundamentalConcepts of Mathematics.

    Dover.35. Birkhoff, G. D., 1932, "A Set of Postulates for Plane Geometry (Based on Scale and

    Protractors)," Annals of Mathematics 33.36. ab Tarski (1951)37. Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler (1973), p. 19138. Rizos, Chris. University of New South Wales. GPS Satellite Signals. 1999.39. Ball, p. 3140. Heath, p. 26841. Giuseppe Veronese, On Non-Archimedean Geometry, 1908. English translation in Real

    Numbers, Generalizations of the Reals, and Theories of Continua, ed. Philip Ehrlich,

    Kluwer, 1994.42. Robinson, Abraham (1966). Non-standard analysis.43. For the assertion that this was the historical reason for the ancients considering the

    parallel postulate less obvious than the others, see Nagel and Newman 1958, p. 9.

    44. Cajori (1918), p. 19745. ab A detailed discussion can be found in James T. Smith (2000). "Chapter 2:

    Foundations".Methods of geometry. Wiley. pp. 19ff. ISBN0471251836.

    46. Socit franaise de philosophie (1900).Revue de mtaphysique et de morale, Volume8. Hachette. p. 592.

    47. Bertrand Russell (2000). "Mathematics and the metaphysicians". In James RoyNewman. The world of mathematics. 3 (Reprint of Simon and Schuster 1956 ed.).Courier Dover Publications. p. 1577. ISBN0486411516.

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    48. Bertrand Russell (1897). "Introduction".An essay on the foundations of geometry.Cambridge University Press. George David Birkhoff, Ralph Beatley (1999). "Chapter 2: The five fundamental

    principles".Basic Geometry (3rd ed.). AMS Bookstore. pp. 38ff. ISBN0821821016.

    50. James T. Smith. "Chapter 3: Elementary Euclidean Geometry". Cited work. pp. 84ff.

    51. Edwin E. Moise (1990). Elementary geometry from an advanced standpoint(3rd ed.).Addison-Wesley. ISBN0201508672.

    52. John R. Silvester (2001). "1.4 Hilbert and Birkhoff". Geometry: ancient and modern.Oxford University Press. ISBN0198508255. Alfred Tarski (2007). "What is elementary geometry". In Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes

    & Alfred Tarski. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics - The AxiomaticMethod with Special Reference to Geometry andPhysics (Proceedings of InternationalSymposium at Berkeley 1957-58; Reprint ed.). Brouwer Press. p. 16. ISBN1406753556. "we regard as

    elementary that part of Euclidean geometry which can be formulated and establishedwithout the help of any set-theoretical devices"

    54. Keith Simmons (2009). "Tarski's logic". In Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods.Logic fromRussell to Church. Elsevier. p. 574. ISBN0444516204.

    55. Franzn 2005, p. 25-26.56. ab Petri Menp (1999). "From backward reduction to configurational analysis". In

    Michael Otte, Marco Panza.Analysis and synthesis in mathematics: history andphilosophy. Springer. p. 210. ISBN0792345703.

    57. Carlo Cellucci (2008). "Why proof? What is proof?". In Rossella Lupacchini, GiovannaCorsi. Deduction, Computation, Experiment: Exploring theEffectiveness ofProof.Springer. p. 1. ISBN8847007836.

    58. Eric W. Weisstein (2003). "Euclid's postulates". CRCconcise encyclopedia ofmathematics (2nd ed.). CRC Press. p. 942. ISBN1584883472.

    59. Deborah J. Bennett (2004).Logic made easy: how to know when language deceivesyou. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 34. ISBN0393057488.

    60. AN Kolmogorov, AF Semenovich, RS Cherkasov (1982). Geometry: A textbook forgrades 6-8 of secondary school[Geometriya. Uchebnoe posobie dlya 6-8 klassov srednieshkoly] (3rd ed.). Moscow: "Prosveshchenie" Publishers. pp. 372376. A description ofthe approach, which was based upon geometric transformations, can be found in

    Teaching geometry in the USSRChernysheva, Firsov, and Teljakovskii

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    61. Viktor Vasilevich Prasolov, Vladimir Mikhalovich Tikhomirov (2001). Geometry.AMS Bookstore. p. 198. ISBN0821820389. Petri Menp (1998). "Analytic program derivation in type theory". In Giovanni

    Sambin, Jan M. Smith. Twenty-five years of constructive type theory: proceedings of a

    congress held in Venice, October 1995. Oxford University Press. p. 113.ISBN0198501277.

    63. Celia Hoyles (Feb. 1997). "The curricular shaping of students' approach to proof". Forthe Learning of Mathematics (FLM Publishing Association) 17 (1): 716. Retrieved 29/06/2010 09:39.

    [edit] References

    y Ball, W.W. Rouse (1960).A Short Account of theHistory of Mathematics (4th ed.[Reprint. Original publication: London: Macmillan & Co., 1908] ed.). New York: Dover

    Publications. pp. 5062. ISBN0-486-20630-0.y Coxeter, H.S.M. (1961).Introduction to Geometry. New York: Wiley.y Eves, Howard (1963).A Survey of Geometry. Allyn and Bacon.y Franzn, Torkel (2005). Gdel's Theorem: An Incomplete Guide to its Use and Abuse.

    AK Peters. ISBN1-56881-238-8.

    y Heath, Thomas L. (1956) (3 vols.). The Thirteen Books ofEuclid'sElements (2nd ed.[Facsimile. Original publication: Cambridge University Press, 1925] ed.). New York:

    Dover Publications. ISBN0-486-60088-2 (vol. 1), ISBN 0-486-60089-0 (vol. 2), ISBN 0-486-60090-4 (vol. 3). Heath's authoritative translation of Euclid's Elements plus his

    extensive historical research and detailed commentary throughout the text.y Hofstadter, Douglas R. (1979). Gdel,Escher, Bach: AnEternal Golden Braid. New

    York: Basic Books.y Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler (1973). Gravitation. W.H. Freeman.y Mlodinow (2001). Euclid's Window. The Free Press.y Nagel, E. and Newman, J.R. (1958). Gdel's Proof. New York University Press.y Alfred Tarski (1951)A Decision Method forElementary Algebra and Geometry. Univ. of

    California Press.

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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

    For other uses, see Geometry (disambiguation).

    An illustration ofDesargues' theorem, an important result in Euclidean andprojective geometry.

    Oxyrhynchus papyrus (P.Oxy. I 29) showing fragment ofEuclid's Elements

    Geometry (Ancient Greek: ;geo- "earth", -metri "measurement") is a branch ofmathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the

    properties of space. Geometry is one of the oldest mathematical sciences. Initially a body ofpractical knowledge concerning lengths, areas, and volumes, in the 3rd century BC geometry

    was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatmentEuclidean geometryset astandard for many centuries to follow. Archimedes developed ingenious techniques for

    calculating areas and volumes, in many ways anticipating modern integral calculus. The field ofastronomy, especially mapping the positions of the stars andplanets on the celestial sphere and

    describing the relationship between movements of celestial bodies, served as an important sourceof geometric problems during the next one and a half millennia. A mathematician who works in

    the field of geometry is called a geometer.

    The introduction ofcoordinates by Ren Descartes and the concurrent development ofalgebra

    marked a new stage for geometry, since geometric figures, such asplane curves, could now berepresented analytically, i.e., with functions and equations. This played a key role in the

    emergence ofinfinitesimal calculus in the 17th century. Furthermore, the theory ofperspective

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    showed that there is more to geometry than just the metric properties of figures: perspective isthe origin ofprojective geometry. The subject of geometry was further enriched by the study of

    intrinsic structure of geometric objects that originated with Eulerand Gauss and led to thecreation oftopology and differential geometry.

    In Euclid's time there was no clear distinction between physical space and geometrical space.Since the 19th-century discovery ofnon-Euclidean geometry, the concept ofspace hasundergone a radical transformation, and the question arose which geometrical space best fits

    physical space. With the rise of formal mathematics in the 20th century, also 'space' (and 'point','line', 'plane') lost its intuitive contents, so today we have to distinguish between physical space,

    geometrical spaces (in which 'space', 'point' etc. still have their intuitive meaning) and abstractspaces. Contemporary geometry considers manifolds, spaces that are considerably more abstract

    than the familiarEuclidean space, which they only approximately resemble at small scales.These spaces may be endowed with additional structure, allowing one to speak about length.

    Modern geometry has multiple strong bonds withphysics, exemplified by the ties betweenpseudo-Riemannian geometry and general relativity. One of the youngest physical theories,

    string theory, is also very geometric in flavour.

    While the visual nature of geometry makes it initially more accessible than other parts ofmathematics, such as algebra ornumber theory, geometric language is also used in contexts far

    removed from its traditional, Euclidean provenance (for example, in fractal geometry andalgebraic geometry).




    y 1 Overviewo 1.1 Practical geometryo 1.2 Axiomatic geometryo 1.3 Geometric constructionso 1.4 Numbers in geometryo 1.5 Geometry of positiono 1.6 Geometry beyond Euclido 1.7 Dimensiono 1.8 Symmetryo 1.9 Modern geometry

    y 2 History of geometryy 3 Contemporary geometry

    o 3.1 Euclidean geometryo 3.2 Differential geometryo 3.3 Topology and geometryo 3.4 Algebraic geometry

    y 4 See alsoo 4.1 Listso 4.2 Related topics

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    y 5 Referenceso 5.1 Noteso 5.2 Bibliography

    y 6 External links

    [edit] Overview

    Visualproofof the Pythagorean theorem for the (3, 4, 5) triangle as in the Chou Pei Suan Ching

    500200 BC.

    The recorded development of geometry spans more than two millennia. It is hardly surprising

    that perceptions of what constituted geometry evolved throughout the ages.

    [edit] Practical geometry

    Geometry originated as a practical science concerned with surveying, measurements, areas, andvolumes. Among the notable accomplishments one finds formulas forlengths, areas and

    volumes, such as Pythagorean theorem, circumference and area of a circle, area of a triangle,volume of a cylinder, sphere, and apyramid. A method of computing certain inaccessible

    distances or heights based on similarity of geometric figures is attributed to Thales. Developmentofastronomy led to emergence oftrigonometry and spherical trigonometry, together with the

    attendant computational techniques.

    [edit] Axiomatic geometry

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    An illustration of Euclid'sparallel postulate

    See also: Euclidean geometry

    Euclid took a more abstract approach in his Elements, one of the most influential books ever

    written. Euclid introduced certain axioms, orpostulates, expressing primary or self-evidentproperties of points, lines, and planes. He proceeded to rigorously deduce other properties bymathematical reasoning. The characteristic feature of Euclid's approach to geometry was its

    rigor, and it has come to be known as axiomatic orsynthetic geometry. At the start of the 19thcentury the discovery ofnon-Euclidean geometries by Gauss, Lobachevsky, Bolyai, and others

    led to a revival of interest, and in the 20th century David Hilbert employed axiomatic reasoningin an attempt to provide a modern foundation of geometry.

    [edit] Geometric constructions

    Main article: Compass and straightedge constructions

    Ancient scientists paid special attention to constructing geometric objects that had beendescribed in some other way. Classical instruments allowed in geometric constructions are those

    with compass and straightedge. However, some problems turned out to be difficult or impossibleto solve by these means alone, and ingenious constructions using parabolas and other curves, as

    well as mechanical devices, were found.

    [edit] Numbers in geometry

    The Pythagoreans discovered that the sides of a triangle could have incommensurable lengths.

    In ancient Greece the Pythagoreans considered the role of numbers in geometry. However, the

    discovery of incommensurable lengths, which contradicted their philosophical views, made them

    abandon (abstract) numbers in favor of (concrete) geometric quantities, such as length and areaof figures. Numbers were reintroduced into geometry in the form ofcoordinates by Descartes,

    who realized that the study of geometric shapes can be facilitated by their algebraicrepresentation. Analytic geometry applies methods of algebra to geometric questions, typically

    by relating geometric curves and algebraic equations. These ideas played a key role in the

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    development ofcalculus in the 17th century and led to discovery of many new properties ofplane curves. Modern algebraic geometry considers similar questions on a vastly more abstract


    [edit] Geometry of position

    Main articles: Projective geometry and Topology

    Even in ancient times, geometers considered questions of relative position or spatial relationship

    of geometric figures and shapes. Some examples are given by inscribed and circumscribed

    circles ofpolygons, lines intersecting and tangent to conic sections, the Pappus and Menelausconfigurations of points and lines. In the Middle Ages new and more complicated questions of

    this type were considered: What is the maximum number of spheres simultaneously touching agiven sphere of the same radius (kissing number problem)? What is the densestpacking of

    spheres of equal size in space (Kepler conjecture)? Most of these questions involved 'rigid'geometrical shapes, such as lines or spheres. Projective, convex and discrete geometry are three

    sub-disciplines within present day geometry that deal with these and related questions.

    Leonhard Euler, in studying problems like the Seven Bridges of Knigsberg, considered the most

    fundamental properties of geometric figures based solely on shape, independent of their metricproperties. Euler called this new branch of geometrygeometria situs (geometry of place), but itis now known as topology. Topology grew out of geometry, but turned into a large independentdiscipline. It does not differentiate between objects that can be continuously deformed into each

    other. The objects may nevertheless retain some geometry, as in the case ofhyperbolic knots.

    [edit] Geometry beyond Euclid

    Differential geometry uses tools from calculus to study problems in geometry.

    For nearly two thousand years since Euclid, while the range of geometrical questions asked andanswered inevitably expanded, basic understanding ofspace remained essentially the same.

    Immanuel Kant argued that there is only one, absolute, geometry, which is known to be true apriori by an inner faculty of mind: Euclidean geometry was synthetic a priori.[2] This dominantview was overturned by the revolutionary discovery ofnon-Euclidean geometry in the works ofGauss (who never published his theory), Bolyai, and Lobachevsky, who demonstrated that

    ordinary Euclidean space is only one possibility for development of geometry. A broad vision ofthe subject of geometry was then expressed by Riemann in his 1867 inauguration lecture ber

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    die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen (On the hypotheses on which geometryis based),[3] published only after his death. Riemann's new idea of space proved crucial inEinstein's general relativity theory and Riemannian geometry, which considers very generalspaces in which the notion of length is defined, is a mainstay of modern geometry.

    [edit] Dimension

    Where the traditional geometry allowed dimensions 1 (a line), 2 (aplane) and 3 (our ambient

    world conceived of as three-dimensional space), mathematicians have used higher dimensionsfor nearly two centuries. Dimension has gone through stages of being any natural numbern,possibly infinite with the introduction ofHilbert space, and any positive real number in fractalgeometry. Dimension theory is a technical area, initially within general topology, that discusses

    definitions; in common with most mathematical ideas, dimension is now defined rather than anintuition. Connected topological manifolds have a well-defined dimension; this is a theorem

    (invariance of domain) rather than anything a priori.

    The issue of dimension still matters to geometry, in the absence of complete answers to classicquestions. Dimensions 3 of space and 4 ofspace-time are special cases in geometric topology.

    Dimension 10 or 11 is a key number in string theory. Research may bring a satisfactory

    geometric reason for the significance of 10 and 11 dimensions.

    [edit] Symmetry

    A tiling of the hyperbolic plane

    The theme ofsymmetry in geometry is nearly as old as the science of geometry itself. The circle,regular polygons andplatonic solids held deep significance for many ancient philosophers and

    were investigated in detail by the time of Euclid. Symmetric patterns occur in nature and wereartistically rendered in a multitude of forms, including the bewildering graphics ofM. C. Escher.

    Nonetheless, it was not until the second half of 19th century that the unifying role of symmetryin foundations of geometry had been recognized. Felix Klein's Erlangen program proclaimed

    that, in a very precise sense, symmetry, expressed via the notion of a transformation group,determines what geometry is. Symmetry in classical Euclidean geometry is represented by

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    congruences and rigid motions, whereas inprojective geometry an analogous role is played bycollineations, geometric transformations that take straight lines into straight lines. However it

    was in the new geometries of Bolyai and Lobachevsky, Riemann, Clifford and Klein, andSophus Lie that Klein's idea to 'define a geometry via its symmetry group' proved most

    influential. Both discrete and continuous symmetries play prominent role in geometry, the former

    in topology and geometric group theory, the latter in Lie theory and Riemannian geometry.

    A different type of symmetry is the principle of duality inprojective geometry (see Duality

    (projective geometry)) among other fields. This is a meta-phenomenon which can roughly bedescribed as follows: in any theorem, exchangepointwithplane,join with meet, lies in withcontains, and you will get an equally true theorem. A similar and closely related form of dualityexists between a vector space and its dual space.

    [edit] Modern geometry

    Modern geometry is the title of a popular textbook by Dubrovin,Novikov and Fomenko first

    published in 1979 (in Russian). At close to 1000 pages, the book has one major thread: geometricstructures of various types on manifolds and their applications in contemporary theoretical

    physics. A quarter century after its publication, differential geometry, algebraic geometry,symplectic geometry and Lie theory presented in the book remain among the most visible areas

    of modern geometry, with multiple connections with other parts of mathematics and physics.

    [edit] History of geometry

    Main article: History of geometry

    Woman teaching geometry. Illustration at the beginning of a medieval translation ofEuclid'sElements, (c.1310)

    The earliest recorded beginnings of geometry can be traced to ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and

    the Indus Valley from around 3000 BCE. Early geometry was a collection of empiricallydiscovered principles concerning lengths, angles, areas, and volumes, which were developed to

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    meet some practical need in surveying, construction, astronomy, and various crafts. The earliestknown texts on geometry are the EgyptianRhindPapyrus andMoscowPapyrus, the Babylonianclay tablets, and the IndianShulba Sutras, while the Chinese had the work ofMozi, Zhang Heng,and theNine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, edited by Liu Hui. South of Egypt the ancientNubians established a system of geometry including early versions of sun clocks.


    Until relatively recently (i.e. the last 200 years), the teaching and development of geometry inEurope and the Islamic world was based on Greek geometry.

    [6][7]Euclid'sElements (c. 300 BCE)

    was one of the most important early texts on geometry, in which he presented geometry in anideal axiomatic form, which came to be known as Euclidean geometry. The treatise is not, as is

    sometimes thought, a compendium of all that Hellenistic mathematicians knew about geometryat that time; rather, it is an elementary introduction to it;

    [8]Euclid himself wrote eight more

    advanced books on geometry. We know from other references that Euclids was not the firstelementary geometry textbook, but the others fell into disuse and were lost.

    [citation needed]

    In the Middle Ages, mathematics in medieval Islam contributed to the development of geometry,

    especially algebraic geometry

    [9][10][unreliable source?]

    and geometric algebra.


    Al-Mahani (b.85

    3)conceived the idea of reducing geometrical problems such as duplicating the cube to problems in

    algebra.[10]Thbit ibn Qurra (known as Thebit in Latin) (836901) dealt with arithmeticaloperations applied to ratios of geometrical quantities, and contributed to the development of

    analytic geometry.[12]

    Omar Khayym (10481131) found geometric solutions to cubicequations, and his extensive studies of theparallel postulate contributed to the development of

    non-Euclidian geometry.[13][unreliable source?]

    The theorems ofIbn al-Haytham (Alhazen), OmarKhayyam andNasir al-Din al-Tusi on quadrilaterals, including the Lambert quadrilateral and

    Saccheri quadrilateral, were the first theorems on elliptical geometry and hyperbolic geometry,and along with their alternative postulates, such as Playfair's axiom, these works had a

    considerable influence on the development of non-Euclidean geometry among later Europeangeometers, including Witelo, Levi ben Gerson, Alfonso, John Wallis, and Giovanni Girolamo


    In the early 17th century, there were two important developments in geometry. The first, and

    most important, was the creation of analytic geometry, or geometry with coordinates andequations, by Ren Descartes (15961650) and Pierre de Fermat (16011665). This was a

    necessary precursor to the development ofcalculus and a precise quantitative science ofphysics.The second geometric development of this period was the systematic study ofprojective

    geometry by Girard Desargues (15911661). Projective geometry is the study of geometrywithout measurement, just the study of how points align with each other.

    Two developments in geometry in the 19th century changed the way it had been studied

    previously. These were the discovery ofnon-Euclidean geometries by Lobachevsky, Bolyai andGauss and of the formulation ofsymmetry as the central consideration in the Erlangen

    Programme ofFelix Klein (which generalized the Euclidean and non Euclidean geometries).Two of the master geometers of the time were Bernhard Riemann, working primarily with tools

    from mathematical analysis, and introducing the Riemann surface, and Henri Poincar, thefounder ofalgebraic topology and the geometric theory ofdynamical systems. As a consequence

    of these major changes in the conception of geometry, the concept of "space" became something

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    rich and varied, and the natural background for theories as different as complex analysis andclassical mechanics.

    [edit] Contemporary geometry

    [edit] Euclidean geometry

    The 421polytope, orthogonally projected into the E8Lie groupCoxeter plane

    Euclidean geometry has become closely connected with computational geometry, computer

    graphics, convex geometry, discrete geometry, and some areas ofcombinatorics. Momentumwas given to further work on Euclidean geometry and the Euclidean groups by crystallography

    and the work ofH. S. M. Coxeter, and can be seen in theories ofCoxeter groups and polytopes.Geometric group theory is an expanding area of the theory of more general discrete groups,

    drawing on geometric models and algebraic techniques.

    [edit] Differential geometry

    Differential geometry has been of increasing importance to mathematical physics due to

    Einstein's general relativity postulation that the universe is curved. Contemporary differentialgeometry is intrinsic, meaning that the spaces it considers are smooth manifolds whosegeometric structure is governed by a Riemannian metric, which determines how distances are

    measured near each point, and not a priori parts of some ambient flat Euclidean space.

    [edit] Topology and geometry

    A thickening of the trefoil knot

    The field oftopology, which saw massive development in the 20th century, is in a technical

    sense a type oftransformation geometry, in which transformations are homeomorphisms. This

    has often been expressed in the form of the dictum 'topology is rubber-sheet geometry'.Contemporary geometric topology and differential topology, and particular subfields such as

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    Morse theory, would be counted by most mathematicians as part of geometry. Algebraictopology and general topology have gone their own ways.

    [edit] Algebraic geometry

    Quintic CalabiYau threefold

    The field ofalgebraic geometry is the modern incarnation of the Cartesian geometry ofco-

    ordinates. From late 195

    0s through mid-197

    0s it had undergone major foundationaldevelopment, largely due to work ofJean-Pierre Serre and Alexander Grothendieck. This led tothe introduction ofschemes and greater emphasis on topological methods, including various

    cohomology theories. One of seven Millennium Prize problems, the Hodge conjecture, is aquestion in algebraic geometry.

    The study of low dimensional algebraic varieties, algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and

    algebraic varieties of dimension 3 ("algebraic threefolds"), has been far advanced. Grbner basistheory and real algebraic geometry are among more applied subfields of modern algebraicgeometry. Arithmetic geometry is an active field combining algebraic geometry and number

    theory. Other directions of research involve moduli spaces and complex geometry. Algebro-geometric methods are commonly applied in string andbrane theory.

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