eu approach on climate change & health adaptation

EU Approach on Climate Change & Health Adaptation Marina Koussathana DG SANCO/C3 Unit Health Threats EIONET Workshop 30 th JUNE-1 st July 2010

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EU Approach on Climate Change & Health Adaptation. Marina Koussathana DG SANCO/C3 Unit Health Threats EIONET Workshop 30 th JUNE-1 st July 2010. Background on Climate Change & Health Adaptation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: EU Approach on   Climate Change  &   Health Adaptation

EU Approach on Climate Change

& Health Adaptation

EU Approach on Climate Change

& Health Adaptation

Marina KoussathanaDG SANCO/C3 Unit Health Threats

EIONET Workshop30th JUNE-1st July 2010

Page 2: EU Approach on   Climate Change  &   Health Adaptation

Background on Climate Change & Health Adaptation

Background on Climate Change & Health Adaptation

White Paper (WP): Adapting to climate change. Towards a European framework of action (2009)

Commission Staff Working Document "Human, Animal and Plant Health Impacts of Climate Change" (2009)

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Human HealthHuman Health

Plant HealthPlant Health

Animal HealthAnimal Health

Commission services:


European agenciesEuropean agencies


Task Force on Health

Adaptation on Climate Change


Taskforce on the implementation of the Commission Staff Working


Taskforce on the implementation of the Commission Staff Working





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Human Health impactsHuman Health impactsExtreme weather events (heat waves, cold weather, floods, droughts, wild fires)

Infectious diseases (Vector- Water- Food- Rodent- Air- Borne Diseases)

Cardio – respiratory diseases (Air quality, Air allergens)

Water-related issues (access, availability)

Ultraviolet radiation

Vulnerable groups

Mental diseases

Social impacts (Increased migration due to climate change)

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CSWD Priorities on public healthCSWD Priorities on public healthStrengthening the surveillance mechanisms

Development of guidance on surveillance of infectious diseases

Reinforcing the MS’s preparedness plans by incorporating the adaptation actions

Development extreme weather events health action plans

Strengthening public health policies

Modelling of health effects

Assessment of the effects of climate change on vulnerable social groups (elderly, children)

Identifying efficient health measures- Work on Health Inequality

Strengthening the collaboration of the various services and sectors

Co-operation between human, animal and plant health services

International collaboration, including cooperation with WHO

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Development of the Knowledge base

for capacity building

Development of the Knowledge base

for capacity building

ECDC Action Plan on Climate Change and Infectious Diseases

European Environment and Epidemiology Network (the 'E3 Network')

Handbook for National Vulnerability, Impact, and Adaptation Assessments

Infectious disease indicators for climate change

A risk assessment for the impact of climate change on food-, water- and vector-borne diseases

Risk maps (Aedes albopictus & Dengue)

Collaboration SANCO and JRC on developing of modelling tools

Modelling tools on climate change (Workshop Sept 2010)

Vulnerabilities maps (in collaboration with ECDC)

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Health Security CommitteeHealth Security CommitteeGeneric Preparedness Planning (GPP) section

Climate change

Dec 2009: Revised Technical guidance on preparedness

April 2010: GPP Section

mid October 2010: Expert workshop on security and health Aim: Build on best practices in the MS and reinforce cooperation between public health services, law enforcements agencies and security bodies in specific event

Adaptation into health policy area

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Current ProjectsEUROSUN: UV exposure in EuropeHIALINE: Health Impact of Airborne Allergen Information NetworkCEHAPIS: Climate, environment and health action plan and information systemCLIMATE TRAP: Climate change adaptation by Training, Assessment and Preparedness.

WP 2010 “Support the adaptation of the health sector to the consequences of climate change”

Adaptation into health policy area

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Parma declaration on Environment and Health

Parma declaration on Environment and Health

Protecting health and the environment from climate change

integrate health issues in all climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, policies and strategies at all levels and in all sectors

strengthen health, social welfare and environmental systems and services to improve their response to the impacts of climate change

develop and strengthen early warning surveillance and preparedness systems for extreme weather events and disease outbreaks

develop and implement educational and public awareness programmes

‘greening’ the health sector

encourage research and development

Adaptation into health policy area

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White paper on adaptation

“Step up existing animal disease surveillance and control systems”

White paper on adaptation

“Step up existing animal disease surveillance and control systems”

Development of a new Animal Disease Information System (ADIS) providing for better and more comparable epidemiological data to risk managers, enabling them to better identify, evaluate and respond to changing or emerging disease situations. Identification and evaluation of the different existing information systems have been identified and are evaluated to have a prototype system by 2011 with, if necessary a legislative proposal by 2011-12.

A task force on animal disease surveillance (TFADS) of epidemiological experts was set up to advise on improvements to current EU systems for animal disease surveillance including on bluetongue, West Nile Fever and avian influenza. The outcome of this work can be found on:

“Risk based surveillance” is considered highly effective, efficient and the preferred option to make surveillance more sensitive and save at the same time resources, however it must be well designed and correctly implemented. Climate change should be considered as an additional risk factor for (re)-emerging diseases and a key topic for surveillance purposes.

A task force has developed a policy paper on the establishment of EU vaccine/diagnostic banks for major animal diseases in emergency situations which recommended EU vaccine banks for five major diseases, namely foot and mouth disease, avian influenza, classical swine fever, African Horse Sickness and Bluetongue, as well as a diagnostic bank for African swine fever which is now further discussed with Chief Veterinary Officers. Actions embedded in the EU Animal Health Strategy 2007-2013Actions embedded in the EU Animal Health Strategy 2007-2013

Actions for Animal HealthActions for Animal Health

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Plant Health aspectsPlant Health aspectsAdaptation:

Changing crops and cropping practices following from climate change bring along new plant health challengesChanging climate favours the establishment and spread of new pests and diseases from other continentsNegative plant health impacts of globalisation are exacerbated by climate change

Mitigation:Establishment and spread of new forest pests can result in large-scale forest death, changing forests from a sink to a carbon source

New plant health strategy:Evaluation of existing regime (2009-2010)Development of new legislation + strategy to better address impacts of globalisation and climate change (CWP: 2012)

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Information Information SANCO Website:Public health:

Animal Health Website:

Plant Health Website:

Public Health Portal on climate change

EAHC Website

WHO Website for PARMA Declaration

ECDC Website